EXPERIMENTS in BIRD MIGRATION Crows During the Experiments. To
VOL. 18, 1932 ZOOLOG Y: W. ROWAN 639 "The Histological Basis of Adaptive Shades and Colors in the Flounder Paralichthys Albiguttus," Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., Washington, 35, 1915-16, 5-28 (1917). Matthews, S. A., "Observations on Pigment Migration within the Fish Melanophore," J. Exp. Zool., 58, 471-486 (1931). Spaeth, R. A., "The Mechanism of the Contraction in the Melanophores of Fishes," Anat. Anz., Bd. 44, S. 520-524 (1913); "Evidence Proving the Melanophore to Be a Disguised Type of Smooth Muscle Cell," J. Exp. Zool., 20, 193-215 (1916). 1 The use of the terms "expansion" and "contraction" in this paper is solely one of convenience, and for the sake of simplicity. It is not intended that they should be con- strued to imply an ameboid movement of the cell processes. 2 In Fundulus, 9 to 50 microns in diameter; average diameter 25 microns. EXPERIMENTS IN BIRD MIGRATION III. The Effects of Artificial Light, Castration and Certain Extracts on the Autumn Movements of the American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) By WILLIAM RowAN DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Communicated September 24, 1932 The experiments of which this paper gives an account are a continuation of those previously described."23 The present undertaking was made possible through grants from the U. S. National Research Council, the Elizabeth Thompson Fund and the Government Grant Committee of the Royal Society, London. The writer is also greatly indebted to Mr. H. B. Conover, who gave him further assistance. In addition he wishes to express his thanks to Professors Earle B. Phelps, of Columbia University, and E.
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