
First Publications

.Sirach and the BiblicalCanon. Translation of aSpanish original: Ben Sirayel canon de las Escrituras: Greg  () – =in: Nuria Calduch-Benages,Pan de sensatez y agua de sabiduría. Estudios sobre el libro de (ABE. Artículos selectos ), Estella: Verbo Divino, , –. .Sirach and Inspiration. Translation of an Italianoriginal: Il Siracide, un librodeuteroca- nonicomoltoparticolare, in: Peter Dubovský—Jean-Pierre Sonnet (eds.), Ogni Scrittura è ispirata. Nuoveprospettive sull’ispirazionebiblica (Lectio ), CiniselloBalsamo(Milano): GBPress—Edizioni San Paolo, , –. .Trial Motif in the Book of Ben Sira, withSpecial Referenceto,–,in: Pancratius C. Beentjes (ed.), The Book of Ben SirainModern Research.Proceedings of the First Inter- national Ben SiraConference – July  Soesterberg, Netherlands(BZAW ), Berlin—New York: WalterdeGruyter, , –. .Fearofthe Powerful or Respect forAuthority?,in: Renate Egger-Wenzel—Ingrid Krammer (eds.), Der Einzelne und seine Gemeinschaft bei Ben Sira. Festschrift Prof.Friedrich V. Reiterer (BZAW ), Berlin—New York: Walter de Gruyter, , –. . “CutHer Away from Your Flesh”.Divorce in Ben Sira, in: Géza G. Xeravits—József Zsengellér (eds.), Studies in the Book of Ben Sira. Papersofthe ThirdInternational Conferenceonthe , Shime‘on Centre, Pápa, Hungary, – May,  (JSJSup ), Leiden: Brill, , –. .Animal Imageryinthe Hebrew Text of Ben Sirach, in: Jean-Sébastien Rey—Jan Joosten (eds.), The Texts and Versionsofthe Book of Ben Sira. Transmission and Interpretation (JSJSup ), Leiden: Brill, , –. .The AbsenceofNamed Women from Ben Sira’sPraiseofthe Ancestors, in: Jeremy Corley— Harm van Grol (eds.), Rewriting Biblical History.EssaysonChronicles and Ben Sirain Honor of Pancratius C. Beentjes (DCLS ), Berlin: WalterdeGruyter, , –. .Polygamy in Ben Sira?,in: Angelo Passaro (ed.), Family and Kinship in the Deuteroca- nonical and Cognate Literature(DCLY /), Berlin—Boston: WalterdeGruyter, , –. .Good and Bad Wives in the Book of Ben Sira: AHarmless Classification?,in: Christl M. Maier—Nuria Calduch-Benages (eds.), The Writings and Later Books(The and Women. / .), Atlanta, GA: Society of BiblicalLiterature, , –. .Garment Imageryinthe Book of Ben Sira, in: Markus Witte—Sven Behnke (eds.), The Metaphorical Use of LanguageinDeuterocanonical and CognateLiterature (DCLY /), Berlin—Munich—Boston: Walter de Gruyter, , –. .The Exodus Traditions in the Book of Ben Sira, in: Judith Gärtner—Barbara Schmitz (eds.), Exodus. Rezeptionen in deuterokanonischer undfrühjüdischer Literatur (DCLS ), Berlin: WalterdeGruyter, , –. .Amid Trials: Ben Sira , and James ,,in: Jeremy Corley—Vincent Skemp (eds.), Inter- textual Studies in Ben Siraand Tobit. Essays in Honor of Alexander A. Di Lella, O.F.M. (CBQMS ), Washington DC: The Catholic Biblical Association of America, , – .

https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110492316-002 XII FirstPublications

.AWordplay on the Term mûsar (Sir ,), in: Renate Egger-Wenzel—Karin Schöpfling— Johannes Friedrich Diehl (eds.), Weisheit als Lebensgrundlage. Festschrift fürFriedrich V. Reiterer zum .Geburtstag(DCLS ), Berlin—Boston: Walter de Gruyter, , –. .Poetic Imageryinthe Book of Ben Sira: ACaseStudy of Sir ,–,in: James K. Aitken— Renate Egger-Wenzel—Stefan C. Reif (eds.), Discovering, Deciphering and Dissenting. Ben SiraManuscripts after  Years(DCLY ), Berlin: WalterdeGruyter, , –. .Emotions in the Prayer of Sirach ,–,,in: Stefan C. Reif—Renate Egger-Wenzel (eds.), AncientJewishPrayersand Emotions. Emotions Associatedwith Jewish Prayer in and around the Second Temple Period (DCLS ), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, , – . .Ben Sira ,—APivotal Verse, in: Nuria Calduch-Benages (ed.), Wisdom forLife. Essays Offered to Honor Prof.Maurice Gilbert, SJ on the OccasionofHis Eightieth Birthday (BZAW ), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, , –. .Ben Sira ,—Decoding aMetaphor,in: Andrea Taschl-Erber—Irmtraud Fischer (eds.), Vermittelte Gegenwart. Konzeptionen der Gottespräsenz vonder Zeit des Zweiten Tempels bis Anfang des .Jahrhunderts n.Chr. (WUNT ), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, , –. .Dreams and Folly in Sir (),–,in: Irmtraud Fischer—Ursula Rapp—Johannes Schiller (eds.), Auf den Spuren der schriftgelehrten Weisen.Festschrift fürJohannes Marböck (BZAW ), Berlin—New York: Walter de Gruyter, , –. .The Hymn to the Creation (Sir ,–,): APolemic Text?,in: Angelo Passaro— Giuseppe Bellia (eds.), The Wisdom of Ben Sira. Studies on Tradition, Redaction, and Theology (DCLS ), Berlin—New York: Walter de Gruyter, , –. .God Creator of All(Sir ,–), in: Renate Egger-Wenzel (ed.), Ben Sira’sGod. Pro- ceedings of the InternationalBen SiraConference, Durham—Ushaw College  (BZAW ), Berlin—New York: WalterdeGruyter, , –.