Attorneys for Plaintiff , LLC





ALASDAIR J. McMULLAN, pursuant to 28 U.S.c. § 1746, declares as follows:

1. I am Executive Vice-President of Legal Affairs for EMI Music North America

("EM!"), where I have been employed since 1995. I supervise litigation for EMI and its affiliates, including Plaintiff Capitol Records, LLC (formerly Capitol Records, Inc.)

("Capitol"). I make this declaration in support of Capitol's motion for a preliminary injunction.

I have knowledge of the facts set forth herein based on my personal knowledge as well as review of EMI's and Capitol's books and records and other documents referenced herein. If called upon to do so, I could and would testify competently to the matters stated herein.

Capitol's Business and Ownership of Copyrights

2. Capitol is a well known record company engaged in producing, manufacturing, distributing, selling, licensing and facilitating the distribution and sale of sound recordings.

3. Capitol is the copyright owner or owner of exclusive rights (by way of agreement) with respect to an extensive and diverse catalog of sound recordings first fixed after February IS,

1972 (the "Copyrighted Recordings"), including those of such famous recording artists as

Coldplay, Norah Jones, and Lily Allen, to name just some. Under the Copyright Act,

Capitol enjoys the exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute to the public and publicly perform (by digital means) the Copyrighted Sound Recordings, and to authorize or license others to do so.

4. Among Capitol's Copyrighted Recordings which are registered with the U.S.

Copyright Office and which have been infringed by Defendant ReDigi, Inc. ("ReDigi") are those identified in the non-exhaustive, illustrative list attached hereto as Exhibit I. The certificates of registrations for the recordings listed in Exhibit I are also attached as part of the same exhibit.

They identify as copyright claimant either (i) Capitol or a "division" of Capitol; (ii) Capitol

Records, Inc. or a division of Capitol Records, Inc. (the name under which Capitol was known until it was converted into an LLC and changed to its present name on April I, 2008); (iii) a fictitious name or d/b/a under which Capitol conducts business, such as Blue Note Records or

EMI Records Nashville; (iv) a foreign affiliate of Capitol, such as EMI Records Ltd. or Jaydone

Ltd., which has granted Capitol an exclusive license to its sound recordings in the United States; or (v) Virgin Records America, Inc., an entity which merged into Capitol on August IS, 2011.

5. Capitol also owns copyrights in original cover artwork and images with which the

Copyrighted Recordings have been sold and marketed (the "Copyrighted Artwork"). For ease of reference, examples where the certificates of copyright registration for the Copyrighted

Recordings listed in Exhibit 1 specifically include registration of the Copyrighted Artwork have been designated as such in the column entitled "ArtworklPhotographs."

6. Additionally, Capitol has entered into various agreements by which it obtained the common law copyrights in sound recordings embodying performances initially "fixed" prior to

-2- February 15, 1972 (the "Pre-I 972 Recordings"). These perfonnances are protected under state law rather than federal copyright law. Pursuant to agreements and New York common law,

Capitol possesses the exclusive rights to manufacture, reproduce, distribute, sell and perfonn the

Pre-I 972 Recordings. Among the Pre-I 972 Recordings owned by Capitol are "What A Little

Moonlight Can Do" by Peggy Lee and "The Christmas (Merry Christmas To You)" by Nat

King Cole, both of which have been infringed by ReDigi.

7. In addition to manufacturing, distributing, and licensing sound recordings in CDs, cassettes and other tangible media, Capitol also distributes the Copyrighted Recordings and the

Pre-I 972 Recordings as digital audio files, which are marketed and distributed online.

Legitimate avenues for the digital distribution of music exist through authorized services, such as

Apple's iTunes and Amazon's MP3 Music Service, which provide these sound recordings for consumers pursuant to agreements that the services negotiated with Capitol.

8. Capitol has invested significant money, time, effort and creative talent to discover and develop recording artists, and to create, manufacture, advertise, promote, sell and license the

Copyrighted Recordings and the Pre-I 972 Recordings. Capitol, its recording artists and others in the music industry are compensated for their efforts largely from the sale and distribution of their sound recordings to the public, and from other exploitation of such sound recordings.

Defendant and its mega\ Business

9. ReDigi owns and operates the ReDigi website and service located at Recently launched, ReDigi describes itself as "the world's first and only online marketplace for used digital music" and claims that its service allows users to "buy used digital music from others at a fraction of the price currently available on iTunes." Relevant excerpts from the ReDigi website are attached hereto as Exhibit 2.

-3- 10. As ReDigi's marketing materials make clear, the foundation upon which ReDigi's

"marketplace" is built is the unauthorized reproduction, distribution and performance of third party sound recordings, including the Copyrighted Recordings and the Pre-l 972 Recordings. For example, ReDigi' s pre-launch press release reveals how the entire service operates by making and distributing multiple unauthorized copies of such recordings. According to the press release, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 3, after downloading ReDigi's proprietary "Music

Manager" software, users designate the they wish to sell from their desktop computers.

"Eligible" tracks are then allegedly removed from the user's computer and "synced" devices,

"stored in the ReDigi cloud and offered for sale on ReDigi's website."

11. The track "stored" in and offered to consumers from ReDigi's "cloud" is of course an unauthorized copy of the user's original file, as no material object could be transferred to the ReDigi "cloud." Rather, the user's original file is duplicated and then stored by ReDigi.

ReDigi's claim that it instantaneously deletes the original file from the user's computer is not only impossible to verify, but also irrelevant; whatever the destiny of the original file, a copy of that file is what is transferred to and resides in ReDigi's storage medium.

12. A second infringing copy is made when a ReDigi transaction is consummated.

The press release continues, "When the song is purchased, the track and license will be instantly transferred to its new owner." The so-called sale, in other words, is accomplished by creation and transfer of another copy of what was once the original user's file. Again, no material object

-like a CD or painting - passes from one user to another. Rather, copies are made and distributed, all without Capitol's permission or control.

13. The tutorial video on ReDigi's website homepage (a copy of which is submitted as Exhibit 4) describes essentially the same unlawful process. The video encourages users to

-4- download the "ReDigi Desktop Client," open a ReDigi account and begin selling "used" digital files. After the user then confirms tracks to be sold, "ReDigi will upload your songs for sale and clean all of those unwanted files off your computer" (emphasis added). Uploading, by its very nature, can only be accomplished by making an unauthorized copy of the original user's track.

The user does not "sell" that original track but merely agrees to its deletion after it has been copied and the copy transferred, by "upload," to the ReDigi service.

14. The video continues that interested purchasers can designate songs they wish to buy from any computer, after which those songs are "safely stored in the ReDigi Cloud." Users are urged, "you'll be able to buy a song from any computer, and download it later to your computer" (emphasis added). Both storage and downloading again presuppose the making of copies of the file that resided on the original user's computer.

15. According to the tutorial video, ReDigi also engages in other infringing acts. In promoting the ease of shopping on ReDigi, the tutorial tells users, "To listen to a 30 second clip of a song, drag it to your playbox or click the song. We'll store it in your memory bank, so you know which songs you listened to." ReDigi thus makes an unauthorized public performance (via digital audio transmission) of Capitol's recordings and then even apparently makes yet another copy to "store" in users' "memory banks."

16. Additionally, throughout its website, ReDigi displays numerous unauthorized copies of the Copyrighted Artwork Capitol owns and markets in connection with its sound recordings. In seeking to boost the infringing activity and encourage the unlawful copying and distribution of Capitol's sound recordings by displaying the Copyrighted Artwork, ReDigi further violates Capitol's rights of reproduction and display.

17. ReDigi offers its users various incentives to encourage them to participate in the

-5- unauthorized reproduction and distribution of Capitol's sound recordings. For example, the video tutorial explains that for each song uploaded, a user earns "ReDigi coupons" which can be used to buy additional songs for a "discounted price." Likewise, when those uploaded songs sell, the original user earns ReDigi "credits" that can be applied to the purchase of new songs.

Further encouraging infringement, ReDigi offers contests and incentives urging users to avail themselves of the service. The homepage promises, "Store or Sell at Least 10 MP3s on the

ReDigi Cloud and be Entered to Win" prizes ranging from a Fiat sports car to headphones.

Moreover, by simply storing those 10 songs for purposes of later resale, the user is encouraged,

"Get 5 FREE songs just for storing 10 songs on ReDigi."

18. ReDigi apparently hopes to build a large user-base and corresponding profits by encouraging users to store and sell their digital files. According to a ReDigi spokeswoman quoted in a November 14,2011 New York Times article, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit

5, ReDigi sells tracks for 79 cents, and eams a fee of"5 to 15 percent." ReDigi's business model is thus to build a customer base and eam profits by infringing copyrighted sound recordings.

19. No doubt anticipating that companies like ours would challenge its conduct,

ReDigi has made various public comments protesting that its service is lawful, but none justify its conduct. For example, ReDigi promises that its "Verification Engine" analyzes each file to ensure that it was "legally downloaded" by the user in the first instance and thus "eligible for sale." Given the widespread piracy of sound recordings on the Internet - an issue with which we have been struggling for more than a decade - it is questionable whether ReDigi can effectively determine whether files were lawfully obtained in the first instance.

20. Moreover, many such files, even iflawfully obtained, are restricted from resale, duplication or redistribution by our distributors and vendors. For example, - a

-6- common source and likely the origin of many ReDigi uploads - expressly prohibits users from redistribution, transfer, or sale of recordings downloaded via its MP3 Music Service. A copy of

"Amazon MP3 Music Service: Terms of Use" is attached hereto as Exhibit 6. Thus, whenever

ReDigi urges users of this popular vendor to upload their content for resale, ReDigi is encouraging those users to breach their agreements and infringe copyrights.

21. ReDigi's website also boasts that after a file is "verified" for eligibility, ReDigi ensures that the original user will not "willfully use/possess any copies of the sold item," presumably by deleting the original source file from the user's computer and synchronized devices. But even ReDigi's founder has acknowledged publicly in the above-referenced New

York Times article (Exhibit 5) that there is no way to ensure that all users are not violating copyright law, perhaps by retaining copies of the files they upload to ReDigi' s service on other devices or media that ReDigi' s software cannot reach. Our experience in the record industry certainly raises grave concerns that infringers are resourceful when it comes to using our recordings without payment or authorization. And regardless, even if the source file is deleted, multiple infringing copies of that file must be made for the ReDigi service to function.

22. Finally, ReDigi protests that its service is protected by the "First Sale Doctrine" of

U.S. Copyright law. As set forth in the accompanying brief, ReDigi has simply done violence to this doctrine by misapplying it to copied digital files. Indeed, much of our concern stems from

ReDigi's attempts to misinform the consuming public about what copyright law allows and to foster the mistaken beliefthat digital files can be copied without permission, as set forth below.

23. ReDigi's aggressive promotion of its service has resulted in infringement of many of Capitol's best-selling, most valuable sound recordings. For instance, many of BiIIboard's

"top 100" songs listed as available from ReDigi are owned by Capitol. More generally,

-7- inspection of ReDigi's website reveals that it is currently offering for "sale" countless recordings owned or controlled by Capitol, including the representative list of Copyrighted Recordings shown in Exhibit 1.

24. The Recording Industry Association of America ("RIAA"), a trade association whose members, including Capitol, create, manufacture and distribute sound recordings in the

United States, notified ReDigi in November 2011 that its service violated Plaintiffs and other

RIAA members' copyrights and demanded that ReDigi cease and desist from any further infringement. A copy ofthe RIAA's demand letter is attached hereto as Exhibit 7. ReDigi has to date refused to halt its infringing conduct.

The Irreparable Harm Being Suffered by Capitol

25. ReDigi' s service and the way it is promoted impose a significant threat of irreparable harm to Capitol, its business and legal interests, its reputation and goodwill, and its ability to control its intellectual property in the future. These harms, while potentially economically devastating, are also impossible to measure in money damages.

26. ReDigi's service is a moving target of infringement. According to ReDigi's website, each track is sold on a "first listed, first sold basis." Accordingly, there is constant turnover of copied files. And if, as claimed, ReDigi erases source files from user computers once uploaded to the ReDigi "cloud," and also presumably erases the "cloud" copy once a second user "buys" that track, the chain of infringing copies itself is in constant flux. It thus becomes tremendously difficult to constantly monitor ReDigi's inventory of files to keep tabs on which files are being uploaded and/or downloaded, which include infringing copies and displays of artwork, which also include unauthorized sound clips that are publicly performed, and what the total scope of infringement is. This sequence of infringing events needs to be stopped now

-8- for Capitol even to have a fair chance at understanding the scope of the problem.

27. More importantly, ReDigi is deliberately deceiving the public into believing that its conduct is legal and approved by record companies like Capitol, and is creating marketplace confusion among consumers about what is and is not lawful behavior. At the bottom of every page on the site, ReDigi boasts:

ReDigi is the world's first and only online marketplace for used digital music. Its genius lies in its ability to facilitate the transfer of a digital music file from one user to another without copying or file sharing. This gives digital music a resale value for the first time ever, and consumers the freedom to buy and sell the music they rightfully own. ReDigi also gives back to artists and labels through generous payments with every track sold (and resold).

This message is false and harmful to Capitol in a number of ways.

28. It suggests that ReDigi has technologically created an exception to the Copyright law that permits wholesale copying of digital music files, in violation of Capitol's copyright rights and user agreements with distributors like Amazon, who provided those files to users with carefully stated restrictions. The statement that no "copying" is involved is belied by ReDigi's own description of the uploading, downloading and storage it provides. The suggestion that files are "transferred" without being "copied" is a distinction of ReDigi's own imagination. ReDigi is simply trying to redefine what the act of "copying" is to serve its own business goals and confuse consumers about what they can and cannot do with a digital music file.

29. Moreover, ReDigi's promise that it "gives back" to artists and "labels" is false.

Capitol has not received a single dime from the many "used" copies of its copyrighted recordings that have been peddled via the ReDigi service. But ReDigi falsely reassures consumers that it is somehow looking out for the best interests of labels like Capitol.

30. Elsewhere, ReDigi's website is also at pains to redefine the Copyright law and

-9- mislead average consumers into believing that ReDigi has somehow created a new kind of legitimate secondary market for digital files. The ReDigi homepage defensively proclaims the service to be "THE LEGAL ALTERNA TIVE." Clicking on that link leads to a highly confusing mini-treatise on the "First Sale Doctrine," wherein ReDigi boasts that it "makes a significant contribution to copyright compliance well beyond any method previously available in any secondary music market." Clearly, rights holders, such as Capitol and the many record companies represented by the RIAA, do not agree.

31. Without authorization, ReDigi has made available hundreds of Capitol's recordings at reduced prices. As digital reproductions, those recordings suffer no degradation in sound quality - as might a used CD - and thus supplant Capitol's market for legitimate digital distributions through authorized distributors, like Amazon or iTunes. The process is

uncontrolled, in a constant state of turnover, and falsely presented to the public as a new legitimate frontier that benefits parties like Capitol.

32. This combination of constant turnover and confusion of the public about

legitimate conduct imposes irreparable harm on Capitol, and completely undermines our ability to manage and control our intellectual property in a sensible way in accordance with both the benefits and limitations of existing law. If ReDigi wants to redefine what Copyright law allows in the digital environment, it may petition Congress, but it cannot act unilaterally in a way that jeopardizes our ability to manage our greatest asset.



-J-fl- EXHIBIT 1 Title Artist Sound Artwork/ Recording Photographs Attack 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x Was It A Dream? 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x A Beautiful Lie 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x (Bury Me) 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x The Fantasy 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x Savior 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x R-Evolve 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x The Story 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x A Modern Myth 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x Hunter 30 Seconds To Mars A Beautiful Lie SR 377-457 x Dedication Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Flowin' Prose Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Unite! Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Just A Test Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Body Movin' Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Song For the Man Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Song For Junior Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x The Move Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Sneakin' Out The Hospital Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Three Me's And One OJ Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x The Grasshopper Unit (Keep Movin') Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Electrify Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Putting Shame In Your Game Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Picture This Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Dr. Lee, PhD Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Instant Death Beastie Boys Hello Nasty SR 277-731 x Shazam Beastie Boys SR 360-352 Ch-Check It Out Beastie Boys To The 5 BorouBhs SR 360-352 ------Title Artist Album Sound Artwork/ Recording Photographs 3 The Hard Way Beastie Boys To The 5 Boroughs SR 360-352 Oh, Word? Beastie Boys To The 5 Boroughs SR 360-352 The Brouhaha Beastie Boys To The 5 Boroughs SR 360-352 Against The Wind Bob Seger & Th e Harley-Davidson Cycles (Road SR 17-910 Silver Bullet Band Songs) x God Put A Smile Upon Your Face A Rush Of Blood To The Head SR 322-958 x Clocks Coldplay A Rush Of Blood To The Head SR 322-958 x The Scientist Coldplay A Rush Of Blood To The Head SR 322-958 x Don't Panic Coldplay Parachutes SR 328-762 Yellow Coldplay Parachutes SR 328-762 Trouble Cold play Parachutes SR 328-762 Shiver Coldplay Parachutes SR 328-762 Spies Cold play Parachutes SR 328-762 High Speed Coldplay Parachutes SR 328-762 Parachutes Coldplay Parachutes SR 328-762 We Never Change Cold play Parachutes SR 328-762 Sparks Coldplay Parachutes SR 328-762 Everything's Not Lost Cold play Parachutes SR 328-762 Coldplay Viva La Vida Or Death And All His SR 652-909 Friends x Speed Of Sound Cold play X&Y SR 573-811 Coldplay X&Y SR 376-828 x Drink In My Hand Eric Church Chief SR 681-019 x Katy Perry SR 638-214 x Thinking Of You Katy Perry One OfThe Boys SR 638-214 x Mannequin Katy Perry One OfThe Boys SR 638-214 x Katy Perry One OfThe Boys SR 638-213 SR 638-214 x Self I nfl icted Katy Perry One Of The Boys ------


1286791.2 Title Artist Album Sound Artwork/ RecordinK Photographs I'm Still Breathing Katy Perry One Of The Boys SR 638-214 x One OfThe Boys Katy Perry One Of The Boys SR 638-214 x Katy Perry One Of The Boys SR 638-212 Hot 'N Cold Katy Perry One of The Boys SR 638-214 x If You Can Afford Me Katy Perry One OfThe Boys SR 638-214 x Teenage Dream Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-267 Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x ft. Snoop Dogg Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-264 x Peacock Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x The One That Got Away Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x Who Am I Living For? Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x Hummingbird Heartbeat Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x Firework Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x Katy Perry Teenage Dream SR 662-268 x Keith Urban Love, Pain & the whole crazy SRu 630-851 I Told You So thing Just A Kiss Lady Antebellum Just A Kiss SR 679-267 Long Gone Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x Love Don't Live Here Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-388 Lookin' For A Good Time Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x All We'd Ever Need Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x Love's Lookin' Good On You Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x Home Is Where The Heart Is Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x Things People Say Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x Slow Down Sister Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x One Day You Will Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum SR 656-386 x Need You Now ~dy Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-543 x ------


1286791.2 Title Artist Album Sound Artwork/ Recording Photographs When You Got A Good Thing lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-543 x Stars Tonight lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-546 Our Kind Of love lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-546 American Honey lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-544 Perfect Day lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-543 x love This Pain lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-542 If I Knew Then lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-543 x Something 'Bout A Woman lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-543 x Ready To love Again lady Antebellum Need You Now SR 644-547 lDN Lily Allen Alright, Still SR 392-060 Smile Lily Allen Alright, Still SR 392-059 Knock 'Em Out Lily Allen Alright, Still SR 392-060 Everything's Just Wonderful Lily Allen Alright, Still SR 392-058 Friday Night Lily Allen Alright, Still SR 392-058 Alfie Lily Allen Alright, Still SR 392-058 Take What You Take Lily Allen Alright, Still SR 392-058 Turn Me On Norah Jones Come Away With Me SR 320-120 x

Windows Are Rolled Down Amos lee Windows Are Rolled Down SR 671-434 i Draw MeA Map Dierks Bentley Up On The Ridge SR 663-139 x Suddenly I See KT Tunstall Eye To The Telescope SR 388-462 I Black Horse And A Cherry Tree KT Tunstall Eye To The Telescope SR 388-462 Under The Weather KT Tunstall Eye To The Telescope SR 388-462 , Super Duper love Joss Stone The Soul Sessions SR 343-788 x Fellin love With A Boy Joss Stone The Soul Sessions SR 343-788 x Baby Baby Baby Joss Stone Introducing J SR 642-089 More (2004 Digital Remaster) Bobby Darin The legendary Bobb~ Darin SR 367-404 x I ------'-~-~


1286791.2 Certificate of Registration

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- - ~ _. - Help : Search ; Histor~r i Titles ' Start Ov~r

Public Catalog

Copyright Catalog (I 978 to present) Search Request: Left Anchored Copyright Number = SR0000277731 Search Results: Displaying I of I entries

Hello nasty / Beastie Boys.

Type of Work: Sound Recording Registration Number 1 Date: SR000027773I 11998-08-25 Title: Hello nasty 1 Beastie Boys. Imprint: c1998. Publisber Number: Capitol Records COP 724383771622 Description: Compact disc. Copyright Claimant: '" on recording & artwork; Capitol Records, Inc. (employer for hire) Date of Creation: 1998 Date of Publication: 1998-07-02 Copyright Note: C.O. correspondence. Contents: Super disco breakin' -- The move -- Remote control -- Song for the men -- Just a test-­ Body movin' .- Intergalactic -- Sneakin' out the hospital -- Putting shame in your game-­ Flowin' prose -- And me -- Three MC's and one OJ -- The grasshopper unit (keep movin') - - Song for junior -- I don't know -- The negotiation limerick file -. Electrify -- Picture this - - Unite -- Dedication -- Dr. Lee, PhD -- Instant death. Other Title: The move The grasshopper unit (keep movin') The negotiation limerick file Names: Beastie Boys Capitol Records. [nco

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Copyright Catalog (1978 to present) Search Request: Left Anchored Copyright Number = sruOOO536345 Search Results: Displaying I of I entries

To the 5 burroughs / Beastie Boys.

Type of Work: Sound Recording Registration Number 1 Date: SRu000536345 12004·06·09 Title: To the 5 burroughs 1 Beastie Boys. Description: Compact disc. Notes: Collection. Explicit version. Copyright Claimant: ., Capitol Records, Inc., & Beastie Boys (employers for hire) Date of Creation: 2004 Previous Registration: Some sound recordings preexisting. Basis of Claim: New Matter: some sound recordings. Names: Capitol Records, Inc. Beastie Boys

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Against The Wind as recorded by IChoclo WhIChi Bob Seger And The Silver Bullet Band t!h"w.kIl DMU:SkaJ.Drlfnllllc ""oIov"._ .10>0I1

~TiiiAiiiEiiiF.iiiii~~~C~ap~i~to~I~Recards. Inc.

1 D"mldled In ...

ml40 for lin'"? Ves...... No. ..•..

3 ~~~~~~~~ffi~~"~~~·~~~~~~~Y~K~'~"~"~No~.. ~ .. ~. __ _

Qlizen or ~ Domldle~ in .....

YEAR IN WIIIC" CREIIFlON OF TIllS WORK WAS COMPlETE!), DilTEAND NATION OFFlRST PllBUCATION: ""•.... ;Jr~l:H::~an-.. ~? ,.. J.~"Q ...... ® ~th'u (~ rtDrl Y." .....3,~.Il~ ",,'," ...... $.~ ...... (Nlm. aI CounIrr1 ( Ihb WoaI ONL V Ifthb ""'DrM b. b4!m puhttsMd.) NAMEIS) AND ADDRESS(ES) OF COPYRIGHT etAIMANTIS), Capitol Records. Inc. 1750 North Vine Slre.1 HoPywood, California 90028

lHANSFEIl: (If the copyrlght dolment(II nlllTWld here In !lpace 4 k diH9I'eni !rom the author(s) IllImed In space 2. 91V8 ill brief statemenl of hO ..... lhe clalmanll!} oblalncd ownamlpof Ihe copyright.)

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DEPOSJT ACCOVNTc (If the registration fee Is 10 be charged 10 a CORRESPONDENCEI: (Give: nillrne ltnd addr&!!: 10 which cone­ De~1 Accounl es{abfll~ed In 1M Copyrighl Offlce, gllIe nllma and JPOndencc oboutthls ilppbcauon IihouJd be Rnt.) numberol AacQunl,) N.m« ..... ~~.r!*' ..f:I'!~I1Y...... Feeancr Cwi.o&pOiMl·_00 .....r. •••.•~i.t.~!. ~~~~~~.S, .,~ ...... ' .... . Add,~ .. " !!~~ .~ot~~. yi~~. Slre~r...... , ... .

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CalnflCATION: * tlhe under;fgned.herebycet1lfyrheillal1llhli': tCheckoneJ [J Imhor ColhtrcoWlgfll<:lllrnotil Cownlftof udusfIIlrlQhlCsl j(lIoulhOriudGlienlof: .. ' .~p'i.t~~ . ~~~~~~~~ .. ~r:t~: .... ,. " .... ,..... ' .. ,_ ..... ~oIaLtl"11W'OIOh1tClOPYJlgNcio~.lIro"""'oI~~rIQ"'I'11 ® a1lh'Womld""'I'dman:::2~=::.~::~~~e;~~~¥~~I:~~~ ...... T""edQ,p .. ,"dn .... '... r:;~rCl'". H~n

MAIL ...... : ~~p'i'9' .~'\'~

.17 u.s.c. 5 506fe): FALSE REPRESENTATION-Af1Y PlJKlft ..... ho knowlns[v mllitn /I fllls,e rf.pIV'Vr"lI1I11C1111 0' 1I11l1[eril[ 'Belin [he olIppl~lu" for c.o"~hr rql5It6d.on -onhd fot' by Jil'C'lIOIl409. ortrJ 4IIy\llJ'lllel)S(Bllmen[ flJlld [f1 COlltlrl:[igf1 wilh the applocalbn.lhaJl bv r;ned nOI mOlllhllf1 $2.500. loB. GOYEftNMEPlrPflIN11NG OPPJCE\ lan-2ElI-cmJ14 Apr. 1978-50,000 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION FORMSR ~ COPY,,", This Certificate issued under the seal 01 the Copyright For a Sound RewnHng ~ Q-$>;. Office In accordance with UtI. 17. Unlilld States Ced •• UNITBl STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE ,;;. 0 .ttests that reglstraUon has baan made for Ills work identilied REGIST'RATION NU!rtBER t:: ~ below.The Informal/on on this certificate has been made a ;;: n part 01 tho Copyright Olfica reeords. SR 322 -958 \(/b~l?yOFCO~(l fn,A"1u:M (9.dua mE~!!!!lrl OFFICI~. • :gSTER OF COPYRIGHTS PI q O-z.., \... .P, ••••--- United States of AmeTiaa IbIOI oay YUl ~,\fIOl\!l! 00 NOT WRm! ABOVE THIS UNO, "' YOU NooD MORE 8PACO, USE A8EPARATE COHUHUAT1ON SHEeT. '"~~Aotll_-'CII" 'U _~ .u:II~...... W:"'~_""'I.'" ...,: __ Tl11.EOPTlnSWORX". 1, A RUSH OF BLOOD TO TIlE llEAD .. ncorded byCOLDPLAY (40504) PlUMOus. ALTERNATIVl!, ORtoN'l1!l


V ..r.I~"·S.·.~_.:.,...,.~~·_\P., .. ,'\'.· __ IIW~~L."._~· .. ··:r..fl;OW~~W~~... ·,~.l:_ n''''f",'I_-r--,~''''''''''_:n~.~__ MORE ON BACK... • ODmp"h- ,IIIIFPlk.tII. SI'_ (Clll'llb'lJ ""1 OD tr. ..wr •• ,Id, of 11'11. PIli'. DO NOT WRnI! I$tE • SIItdltllllld IRIIn.ctIonI.. • SIGn till Conn 11 .... a. P.1I"101..!1L peooIII _.i_""' ___ .:o. .... -..;_...... ~~ •• 'r:·d""~\ .... ·~l#1M_ EXAMlflEO BY J""¥ FORM SR CHeCl


DO NOTWRrrE ABOVl! nus LINE-If YOU NEED MORE SPACE. USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. ~~c;.. A _=,*_--= _ .• _/III.t:!;r,,~~~~-·1.·;nlJtl:... ~;;II" PR£VJOUS RECISTRAnON HlII rcgjsh"Btfon ror thls ..... or.. Qt lOt M earlier \'Culon or Ihtl'WOl'.k. already been mlde In Che Copyrighl Offic:c-7 a YCI fiNo lfyour;uawt'l'u"Y~.. wbyb.lI04htr.lJatJanbdnB:5OUshO (Chcd.DPJ)JOprilllCba~" .. C This work WII prt\i~ rcgislerm tnunpabllshad ronn .n4,1"IOW has ba!n. pubibbod rcrlhc(il'al lime. b. a Tbi'.I$ lhe nt$l ;appUc:atlon ""bmlrli;'d b)' lhl:I audtoras toP)'rlghtc1a.lll1lU1l ·5 t. a Thls b IC'hlnied vcrsfon of Ihcwon.. as shGwn by JPi'co Ii 0Il1:h1l apopUCillIoft. lTyour IInSWa' Is "Yes.. - gl.Io'a:PrtYlow e.gsltr&l~ Nwnbc:c'" ')fal ofJled,.srI&lIOlt Y

... 6 "' .....- M.torW ~ Lo Thill We"'; GIft. bdd.senenllb.teml!nlorthtl'nl4lf1allhlthubmn .deled to tNswark,lUId la w71khUlpyrljhI 1sdaJma1. 'Y --­ b

______...... _____ •__ .,;, ... ~'...,.~ .... ":'P1~."""'JIIII'"'M'II\4. P>tIJI!I$Ift J. rtn.lPflallI~'._~;1aIOI

a Capitol Rerords DA075493

CORRESPONDENCE CI~ name and IIddl'l:S.1 towttkh~ lIboullhb:."plbllon.shc:ruJd beserv.. ~/Addtas'/ApliCllYlSw.lI:rzlP'" Dawn Clark c/o Capitol Records: l. 17~O N. Vine S~cf I) Hollywood, CA 90028

MI'COWIlOd~laoIlphonornamb«" (323) 871-5095 F.. """"'t- (323)461-3865 """t­ ~~~"80'~M"UA~OD"SO"""""Ra""~"""""""""~ao...... ~...... ~-HODOj~~PRWH~"OP"~."=""". CER11PlCATlON· I, the- Ul'ldeefBncd, htnJbylleltlfydwlJ am h CheckotllyoneY

QIlUthor UowrvroJ UEMlveTfBtd~) 11'."""""",_,., Capi~I_.Ql.XCLUSIVEUS':-~CI!NSEE) 8 NUl. 01 aul'a' Of vu.r I:qI)'IIgt.iI: d:IImri, PI' nnet' of~ ~'(II, .. of the work kJamJJlcd In Ihb appllcMlOI).n1l t"( lbe. :JfBtemtfltl.ll\llIe- Iby~ In this ~ are ~ 10 ~ bIC ~ my kIIcrwIecIse- "Ii c;:c:::waw:rt' WI = " A .,~~I\"'O'~_ ..~ ..... :,·c~.~ 1)tp:d err p1l1led nNrI8l1C"14""'. Y rrlhlsIlppl..katloI'lFv(Sa.btcofpublle8donln spre.tI:5.dD nOl algn mdlUbmllU bcAlrcthallktl:. _ .. / DawnCiBIk . """ ~ a ~zt;:~------

Certificate wlllbtt Dawn Clark do Capitol Recon:ls. JDe. mailed In "'ndow ;';;;;-bef~Apt·... ---- .-- ...----- ..•... ----_. VI1velopg tolhrll 1750 N. Vi"" StxW addn::ss ~.--- CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION FORMSR For. 8o&md Raconiklo This Certificate Issued under tho seal of the Copyright UN/TEII STATES COPffIIGHT OffiCE Office In accordance wHh tilla 17, UnHad States Code, altasts thai Alglstratlon has been made brth. wcrl< identified below.The If)formalion on this certificate has been made a SR328·762 part of the Copyright Office records. 1IIIInlllllill I~Nl'Q.

OFFICIAL SEAL ~~United SI81es 01 America DO NOTWRII"E MOVE THIS UNE.1f YOU NEED MORE6PACI1, USE II SEPARATE CONnNUATION SHEET. ~~~."'~\lo,,,,,,~;,""Jc,!,,.,:,,,,,,," .....,... . TJTLE oP"tHrs WORK T 1 PARACIIUTF.8 •• as =0_ by Cotdplay (30162) PREVIOus. AL TERNATIVI1, OilCO&8NO.I$'ITLES (ClRCL£ ONI!) .. DonU'anic; Shiver, spies; Spazk.; Yellow; Trouble; P.... hut .. ; High Spoccl; W. Never Change; Everything's Not Lost

• OR, ,~.' ',.,' ',' ,,' DA'r£$OFBIRnl AND DEATI. EMI RF.coRDS, LTD. Yeat Born" Ycr Died T

NAWRE 0' AUTHORSHIP Brit'DydcseribC! ndurc 01 RQINiolmltro by Ihls: lUIhot' In which COP~I Is ([alnlC'd .... NOTE SOUND RECORDINGS UlIC!lIr Iflo b. NAME OPAurHOR " DATlS OF BJRTH AND DEAnf ," ... IIlh""'ol I Y~arBo11l" YearDIed ... ~O;-.r!·'l:.IU .) r"''''\~~I~~(~!a ------~~~~~~~~~~---W;u.lbblconll''ibuUon,oIW wark. AUTIIOR'S NI\'l10NI\LlTY OR DOM.CJlE WAS nns AUTIIOR'S CONTRIBUTION l"O Ih:Cl!IPI~'" "work.n.adl:rorhl~ ,.,. ..ofCbUl\lrt TilE WORK tlhlW'ft9(kllliwl (IItO'Ulllruc· OYC'I. OR{Cltl~nor ..__ • ______AllouynJO\n1 QYt$ tI No ~~-===is ~~~'!i~~bon)" UNo Ucm,k;OC'dlnlt..-.- _ PKudonyrncus1 a YC'$ U No hslfl.ldbal. .. on. lh;1_" NAWREOP AumORSlliP Brknydc::iiCTfb," naluR' ornQIC"t111 Cf<'I,td by 1,.1. oIIlJlhOl in "'blch~pyrlAhl i.scbJOItd .... 'or hire: d\lct ·Yo.· Inlhe .pace pro,ldld. g:; .... NAMB OF AIITI/OR'" DATES OP'B1RTJI ANDDEATJI 1110 'm.olOYflt (. Bonl Y Year DIed '" lorolher . __-.,.. ______""""'==~====""'"======"...-- =nl~:rWO'1i Wu. fhlsa;lnlrlbullon tollH-wCltk;l AUTHOR'S NA l"JONAUTY OR DOMIUUi: WAS.==='""======,...- TillS AUnrOR'S CONTRIBtJTJON"rO ".'PfIopalllll, "wofkJ1m~rorhlrt'"1 NSlllClofQuW)o TJltWORK """Wlnl'ftlo~ :'~~."';~:J DY" OR{CQlunor~_____ .. _ .. __ ... _. Anoll)'ll'ow.? UY("$ U No ~!'r'::=b l1li,.,0 III' 0 No DonoI~lIcd In" ___ P..:-udcnYnlOus1 0 y"" tI No nWdbl:l. ~:~:n~atn NA1\fRE OJ" AUTIIORSHIP BrJcony d~ DatUI\' or tlutcnll crcill:d by 11111 avlhor In wl,'th (Op)11ghtll dlln!Cd ... "'''tlll blltr_. -.... '.-, DAoTEAND NATION OF FIRST PUBUCI\TION (lfUIlS PARTICULAR WORK

MORE ON SACK... • CoIIIPJo!.e .lllIppl6C",blo IIp6Ce, r""'"",1 5-9J 011 Iho r"werwtl ,Id_ ,,111M pilla. DO NOTWR/Ili HERE • SR.dttellDdi"llln.dioM. • B\grIlhororm ALIino&. P.... loI __ _ • .. .EJ(AIw'IlNEO BY FORM SR



~~,!'~~o:'~!.!!!~"'~~ ~HI_S UNe.IFYOU NEED MORE SPACE. use ASEPA~TE COHmwA~H SHE':1...... , ...... :.~ PREVlOUS RECISTRATION Hasrrghtmckltl til' I1lIlll work. Of F9r lin ruUcor vmlon atllllJ.won. almdy b:cn nlade- Inlhe: Copyright. om",,? o Ya IiNo U)'OUranswcr h "'Yt:5." why Is anIKiK'r 1081&10.110110 IIc'llIgcoustu7lChcekapproprlldl"boq" •• 0 1lIiswotir. wasptC'Ml.lsty R'~ In unp4.lbll~ rOfitl and 1'1011'1 h., b~n ptlbUshC'd rorrht' IIn~. b. Q ThlSb the nnllppUcallonsubntltltd by thIS .... ll'Iorumpyr'lahi elllnl,m:. c. (] Thllb iI chaRged vcrlt'on ofwworil.1S :shown byspaoe Son chis ,ppllcaliolL.

a Tr.;Ick 8 previously publish~ ...... - ,w.. t*6v Macn1al AIlck4'o'l'bb Wark CiTea b~.~ .... It:lMftlClrlhe n...ctlJlltIat hasbN:11 addnl kllbIl w~ Bndlnwhkhoop)'I'shllscb.lmtd. 'I' h ,n other soand rooordings

___ "'1. 'W' ~.~~.~....."" :,...... ', ... ' ...... ~ ••••• .." • .,.., • ~ • ", ,- •.••.•• DUOSlT ACCOUNt' Ihhrn:gbu8I.lon rc-r 1$ Lo tit ~'8cd loa Dcpcdu A~l'lr&tabiIIMd 11\ ltoe- COP)'l'Il\ht omCl:", ~Iw n.ftW'lnd ftunlbcr or Ac:cvunL n.n... A~CQUIlI Nurnbet-'I' a C.pilol R.ecords DA075493

CORRESPONDENCE CIW IWIIt' .ll1Id.J;dd'NtoI0WJ!lch ~di-nw alIoul dllillJlpllcUion ::IMuld tIC' U'I:I.I, Nlnll:·/AddrnuApI/Clly/Sl.IC'I7.IP '" Dawn CJlrkdo Capitol Rccon:b 17:mN, VineSt:ru1 J) Hollywood, CA 90028

ArMcocleM:l~"lIphon.=r"'mbet" (323) 871~S0!1S Filii nl&ll\botr" (323) 46l~386S EMJil'" ',' ~, ': ,- CERTIfiCATION" "llrundmlBncd,bcJc1)y~rury'halll1m Ilw:o CJK'C1I. only tme .. O.ulhOl' C ocMrtlOP>'f18bCdaln\am

ahhc w«k fdmtlflrd inti'll! .pp\1alllon andl"lhc: s(llcmDnIS m.d~ by IIIt'Jn 1h.1'.pplic.MtOl" IIrt' CllC"l'i:'d! boI: orin)' knowlfdgt'.

,."..""..,·.. ~,...."!'~·!d··~~d;;~.·i·rO"I1 ~~~ik.uo~ ~~c •• 0IiIC' oI'publlailan Tn 'pillt(' ~ do notslfnand lubn~I.IC ~rDrC' 1M' dBCt'. Down Clark . D"~ #pJ a ~'~~L------

CerlH1Cf1te H_Y "'dbo Dawn Clark c/o Capitol R.ecords, Inc. malted In "'MOW NLnlbDl/SmllIApi. • • nmvpe to thl5 1750 N. Vine $tree. ~~;;=..:=------.ddreu Ci)'/StllIiZlP'I' ... -- Los An ere .. CA 90028 Certificate of Registration

This CertiJicatc issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 170 United States Code. attests that registration has been m,de for the work identified below. The information on this certificere has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. Reglstradon NlImber SR652-909 Effective date or registration: ~~gh="OfAmeriU Jun. 23. 2008

Title ------Title o1Work: "Viva La Vida or Death And All Hi. Friends" rocordecI by Coldplay (#270242) CooleD" niles: Llf. In Technicolorl Cemeteries Of'London/ Lost!l42J Lov.ra In Japan! ReIgn OfLov. (hidden trackjlYes/ Chines. Sleep Chant (hidden track) I Viva La Vidal Viol.t Hilll StrawbClt)' Swing/Death And-All H-is-Friends! Th. ~iS! (hidden track) Completion/Publication ------­ Vear of Completion: 2008 Dale oUst PubUcatiODl Jun. 11.2008 Nallon or lstPDbUcallon: United Kingdom Au~or ------• A.lbor: EMI Records Ltd. A.thor Created: Some SoUD

Work made (or hire: Yes DomicUed in: United Kingdom AnonymoQs: No PseudoDymo ..: No Copyright daimant Copyright C1a1manl: EMI R.cords lid. CIa EMI M",ic North America ISO Fifth Ave. II tb Floor. New York. NY. 10011 Limitation of copyright claim Material .JOI.ded from thb "aim: This work contains a preexisting Sound Recording. "" . - - Prevfoo!ily registered: Yes Previous regbtratio. and year: SRu-870-1 SO 2008 B.... of ••rrent registration. This is the first published edition ofa work prevo registered as unpublished. New materiallDcloded in daiJn: Some Sound Recordings (all others). Some Artwork, Photograph.


Page I of 2 Nome, Marie! Bc:lsnger Date, June 18, 2008

Page 2 of 2 " :C~rtftigateQf-Registra.ti()n . . . '. ':'.:'~ -.. >'. -"'-. -."~ ,'';' -",." - ~:-. ",il'hiS ~~isSiiedWl~~ tt,ii~ o( th~~oipyrii# : " Qf1i'4' inaCcOj!larice with!itle 170 yn/tedStaiesQide, , , ".ttfstsihjlt~egistra.tioD ~aSbOmniacief9rth

, '·.~~Co~;ght~un~States'6f Am~rica '

ov.. 'c\ No

4 a ':>U'.,um ::."!"l.. - ...... b

Certificate of Registration

This Certificate issued under the se,l of the Copyright Office In accordance with title'l, United States Code, t2~_~tI attests tha[ registration has been made for the work _NlJ_ identified below. The information on this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office records. SR 376-828

L...... ,,1 a...,. ta:a;8 rRII.11ON - ~::h~esOfAmeriC' r 1'7 05 "" DO NOTWRlleAlIOW 1II1II UNe. FYOII NI!I!D IIORUPACE, lISE A8UARA1I! catlllNIIAl10N- SHEET. 11I'I.B O'THlSWOIIK 11' 1 "XAY".-.Ied by Coldplay ("4186l) PRIIVIOIJS, AL'\1!RNA'IlVLii1i<@l'#ii!lIinus ICIRCLB 0!I&I1I' 8qllllRO... WIIsIIt WiIloSlw!awB. Pi!< v... TaIIc. X&Y. SpcedafSoultd. A M_ Low. lbe_PIuI.

NA'l'UllEOPAImIORSIIIP __...... " ...... _I>ydm_ID __...... 1I' Some b.dReC:o.dmp (all otbm), Same Artwork. CompIladau ofPholOgtllplWArlwod< DAIllSOl'IIIIIlHANDDM1JI YarBom'" Y_DIed .,

MORE C)H SAcK,. . CCInIpft'- .llIJIpI~~' In~ "UJ DII.h,..,.,...~ ~1hbI NOt- • 801 dItaIId~ '8Qn htnnlllN a. '\, R -, i CQfIRESPQImeHCI j ,DV"

1, ,\


, ' a Wodr.foDoIpatotaSoomI'noalstiDgWDlb(l.e.,SoIllld~.·Spenliop (aD G1baa). SollIe Allwork, CdmpiWi'''; o(PltatognphslMwort

DA0S4~ 7 c::ottRli$PONDJiNQ ClnJl:ll"atIad Dhiaea.,Ndl,(IQq I_HOmIpIIcII,EMl ___

150 l'iI\b.A~ UtUI... b Now York, NY loon '""... .- (212)18608103 8

1WtdQlprtrad.... II:Id ... 11b.II~atN.:c:aI'.".at6.,b~1£bIll ..IiII:-*alLli=lbacdlCil. l00aibDHCe:alpbclJ' ~ :mac30,2005

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\ Certificate of Registration

This Certificate issued under tbe seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title '7, United St.tes Cod., attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information 00 this certificate has been made a part ofthe Copyright Office records. Reglstrallon Number SR 681-019 Effecttve date of regbtratloD: ReSiSter of Copyrights. United States of America July 28, 2011

Title ------Title of Work; "Chief" recorded by Erio Church (#942662) CODtents TltI.. : Creepin' I Drlnk In My Hand I Keep On I Like Jesus Does I HUDgOVer & Hard Up I Homeboy I Country Musio Jesus I Jack Daniels' SprinS'f<:en I I'm GOllin' Stoned I Over When If. Over Completion/Publication ------­ Year Or Completion: 2011 Date ortst PablkatlOD: July 22, 2011 Nation of 1st PabUcatioo: United Stales

A~r ------• Anthor: EM! Records Nashville ADthor Created: sound recording. Some Sound Recordinl!'. Photographs

Work made ror hire: Yes Domiciled la: United States Copyright claimant CopyrlgJtt Clalmaut: EM! Records Nashville c/o EM! Musio North Ameri.... 1SO Sth Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY; 10011, United States Umitatlon of copyright claim Material excluded from tIW daim: sound recording. Work oootains preexisting sound recording "Homeboy" Ne .. materialladnded Ia claim: All other new ,ound recordings. photographs Certification . Name: YvoMe Pem:akov DBt.: July 27,2011

Page I of I Reg!stradoD #: SR0000681019 Senic. RequesU: 1-639896331

EMI Music North America Yvonno Penzakov ISO Fifth Avenue #835 New YOlk, NY 10011 Certificate of Registration

This Certificate Issued t1IIder the seal of !he Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Crulr, attesta that registration has been made (or the work identified below. The informatlon on this certificate has boo" made 8 part of tbe Copyright Olliee records. lIegbtraIIon NUlIIber SR638-214 Effective date of ~~h~"OfAm~ca RgI5tralIOD: JUIlC 23, 2008

Title ------l1IIe orWork: 'One Of The Boys' t«:OIdedby Ka1y Peny(#042492) Conlents nd.. , 0.. Of The BoysI I KisseclAOirl/Waking Up In VegaslThinkiDg Of YOU/ MsnnequinI Ur So Grrj/ Hoi N Cold! IfYou CaD Aftbtd Mel Lost! Self IntIictOOll'm Still Breathfng/ Finge!prinls Completionl Publication ------­ YearorComp\eCion: 2008 Date oUst MUtation: JlDle 17, 2008 Nadon of Ill. PubUcadon' United Stales Author ------• Author: Capitol Music Group, • division of Capitol RecoJds, LLC Aulbor Created: Some Sowd Recordiugs. Compilation ofPhorolJl1lPh>lArtwOlk

Workmadeforh!ft: Yes Domiciled In: Unib:d SIB"'" Anonymous: No PseudonymoUB: No Copyright claimant copyright ClaImant: Capitol Records,llC Clo EM! Music North America, ISO Fiflh AVe., 11th floor, New York, NY, 10011 Limitation of copyright claim Material acluckd from Ibh

Pnvlously registered: No

New molorial included In claim: Some Sowd Recordings (all others), Compilatiou ofPhologIlIphsI ArtwOIk


Pogo lof 2 Name: Marie! Belanger Dahl: June 18. 2008

P.~e 20r 2 RegimatioD #: SRQOOO638214

Sen1~ Request #: 1·83976648

EM! Music North America Mariel Belanger 150 Fifth Ave., IItb Floor NewYotk, NY 10011 Certmcateof Registration

This. Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office In accordance With tille '7, United Stales Code, aliests ihatreiistf,.tioD~been ,nade fui the ivQrk :identified bflow::rhe Information on this certificate has . 'b~eliri1~de a part ~fth~ Copyright Office records. ~lIonNumber .'1n,~ .. lu1I,c?~ SR638-213 Elfedive date or ~::.s;?lf Copyrights, United States of America registration: June 23, 2008

litle -----...... ~...... ------~------. TItle orWork: "UrSo Gly" amd "Losf' I

AutllOr '.-..- .....:...... , ...... - ...... - ...... ~....., ...... ~.. - ..- .. -~...... -~...... -,- .. ,...... - ...... - -, AlIthor: .. Capitol Music Group, a divisicn of Capitol RecotdS, LLC Autbor Crested: Sound Recordings

WorkDWIeCorblre: Yes Domiciled in: United SIBIes Anonymous: No Pseudonytll1los: No Copyright claimant Copyrlglfl CIaImaDt: Capitol Reconls, LLC Clo EMlMusic North America, 150 Fifth Ave., 11th Floor, NewYOIk, NY, 10011 limitation of copyright claim .. Pm10usly registered: No --certificatTorl Name: Marie! BeIaoger Date: . June IS, 2008


Page I of! Reglstratioo #: SR0000638213

Senlce Request #: 1-83976669

EMI Music North America Mariel Belanger 150 rtftbAve., 11th Floor NewYork, NY 10011 Certificate of Registration

Thls Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance wltb title 17, United Stat£s Code, attests that regisfralion has been made for the work jdentlfiedbelow: The information on this certifiCate has . b~en m,;de a pfu 'of the Copyright Office reco~dS. RegIstration NIIIIIber "·"··'l'HJa-.·· ." '. -1Jilh.~~ . SR638-212 Effective date of ~Regis! .•. f CoPyrigh~,; United States of Ame.rica Rglstration: June 23, 2008

TItle ----~-----...... ------TItle of Work: "l KissedA GirI"re:xmkd by Katy Pony Completionl Publication ...... __. ------­ YearofColnptetlon: . 2008 Date of 1st l'abIkatIoli:May 6, 2008 Nation of 1st Publication: United States ; " . Author • AuthOr: Capfu.iMusic~, a diVi~miof6.pik,1 Reconls, u.c AlItbor CrOated:Sound Rec

Work made for hire: Yes Domlclled In: United staies AnonymoUs: . No . Pseudonymous: No Copyright claimant Copyright ClBimant: Capitol Reconb, u.c CloEMIMusicNOttbAmcrica, 150 Fifth Ave, II tbFloor,NewYorlc,NY, 10011 Limitation of copyright claim , PreViomly registered: No

Certification' NiIme: . MirieHlelanger Date: June 18, 2008

------p-agel oIl . RegIstra1Ioo #: SROIlOO638212

Senice Request #: 1-83976682

EM! Music North America Mariel Belanger ISO FifthAve IlthFioor NewYOIk, NY 10011 Certificate of Registration

ThIs Certi1i~e issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in aicoidailie With tid';-'7. United states Coile.­ attests that reIPstr3tion baS been m~dC for-the wail< i~entlfi¥. beJow, 1'h!! iilfonnaqQ!, 0! certiti~ate bas be"nmade a l'artoftlie Copyright0.1Iice recOMS. .-, .itelioJatio;, N;;"'be.­ -SR662~267 . modi"e date of /11~A-~~ . Ngiitratlo..: Acting Register of Copyrights. ofAmeriCa UniiedS~ies September 29, 2010

" -:

TIde of Work: "Teenage oream" reco.;iOd by !{iity petry Contento TIdes: T~g-'· IJreaoi -- . - Completion/Publication - ...... ------...... ------­ Year of Completion: 2010 Date of lst PubU""tlon: July 23,.2010 Nlitlon.oC lst pUbUeation: United States Author • Author: Capitol~. ~LC Author Created: soun,J:reoordlng

Work made for hire: Yes .DoiDldled in: United States .. Copyrightclail11ant. ------.,--,;-...... , ... , --,;------. Copyrlgbt ClaImant: CapitOl Re<:ords LLC -c/o EMr M~lc North ADierlca; ISO Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, \0011, united Stales :. . .

, Certification

Name: Yvonne Penzakov Date:. September 28, 20 \0 .

-Page \-of I Certificate of Registration

This Certi6calei... ed under the , ..I of the Copyright Oflice In 8Crds. Regislndioa Namber SR662-268 Effective dote or /11a4~~ A· ~....J:i registration: Actiog Register of Copyright>, UnJtcd States of America September 29, 201 0

Tftle------1i1Ie of Work: "neDage Dream' recorded by l

Work made for hire: Ye. Doml.Oed In: United States Copyright claimant Copyrigbt Claimsnll Capitol Records LLC aoEM! Music NortbAmerica, ISO FillhAvenue, New York, NY, lDOII. United States Limitation of copyright claim Material esd.ded from Ibis claim: Work contains some precxistiJJg artwork (Cover painting by Will Cotton), some preexisting sound recordings ("Clllifomia.Gurlsfcal...Snaop Doss" and "Teenage Dream")

New mBterlallncludod in.1aim: All other new "GUIld recordiDgs, compilation of all other new artworlclphotographs


Page I of 2 Name: Yvonne POII2lIkov Date: Septembcr28,2010

Pago 2of2 Certmpite of Registration

This. Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright .Office in accordance With title 17, United St.,.. Code, :~tS:that iegutlation haS been made for the. work . ;ldeq!ili¥be1Ol,,:The Information on this certi1\cate ~ .been made a part oftlie COpyiigh(Office records. Reglstratlo,; NUmber "SR662~264 Effectivo date of ~~A.1m~ rOgIstriotlon: Acting Register of Copyrights, United States of America September 29, 2010

':·~,;,--""",~-+--",;·-'.,;,;' +':'-:'+' -+-"-;'~'...... ;;;...... -..;...; ...... ------.ntie.. ~ .-+...... c' " •.. 'i-'" 'nile ofWork:'C;a!ii#ia~s~ RCorded by Katy Peny Contents Tiues: .Calli"orDlaGurIS fea( SnOop DoggIHOt N Cold (Yelle Remix) . ". "", ',. ", ~. '. . Coinpletion/PlllJli~~cin .;....-...... --,..;".-,..;".---,..;".------­ .. y.arorCo;DplotlOu: 2010 Dalo oftst PnbUcation: May 7, 2010 Nation oftsl Publieatlon: United States Author • Author: Capitol Rocords LLC AothorCrealed: .Sound Recordings, Compilation of Photographs/Artwork

Work maile for hire: . Yes

Domi~ed ill: Unite4 States CopyrightClahnan,t: ---...... ------­ CopyrlglitClalmanl: Capitol Records LLC c/o EM! Music North America, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, IOOll, United States LlmitatlqnofcOpyng"tdaim -;-.------­ Mal~ exdodedfr:um Wsdaim: . Work. contaiJlspreexisting sound recording (" (Yelle Remix)" """';;005 ~tnido'; a~d year: SRu93S~049': 2010 ... New matetlalindoded1n daim: -CompilB1ion,A11 other fiev{"Sotlhd teoordiogs, CompilatiOn of photographs/artwork

Certification Name: Yvonne Penzakov Dalo: September 28; 2010

l'ageL~Qf_),--_ ROgistradonfl: .. SRoOoo66:n~·

Service Request 1#:1486816061

EMI Music North America Yvonne Penzakov 150 Fifth Avenue #835 New York, NY loon weD v oyage Kecora view I Page 1 of 1

Public Catalog

Copyright Catalog (I 978 to present) Search Request: Left Anchored Copyright Number = SRu000935049 Search Results: Displaying I of I entries


California Gurls : feaL Snoop Dogg.

Type of Work: Sound Recording Registration Number I Date: SRu000935049 12010·05-10 Application Title: "California Gurls" recorded by Katy Perry. Title: California Gurls : feat Snoop Dogg. Description: Compact disk (CD) Copyright Claimant: Capitol Records, LLC. Address: clo EM! Music North America, 150 Fifth Ave., II th Floor, New York, NY, 10011. Date of Creation: 2010 Authorship on Application: Capitol Records, LLC, employer for hire; Domicile: United States. Authorship: Sound recording. Names: Capitol Records. LLC

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Contact Us I Request Copies I Get a Search Estimate I Frequently Asked Ouestions (FAOs) about Copyright Copyright Office Home Page I Library of Congress Home Page _ Cod___ 1/18/2012 Certificate ofRegistratioh

This Certificate issued under the oeal of the Copyright FQRMSRFarl __ •. Office in accordance with title 17. United States Code, UNITED STfJ9 COPYIOOHT OFI'ICI: attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The infonnation on this certificate bas been made a part of the Copyright Office records. ~::!~~OfMnetica

USE" - -

Love PSI. and !he Wbole CmzyTh1Dg reconled by Ke!1iI Ulbau

PRlMOIlS A1.1I!RNA'IJVB OItCO!'l1WnS"IlTI.IIStaRCLIIONI!I" Onee , •• Ldbllmo I Sbmc: I I Told You So II Cant Slop 1.0""'8 Yon IWo.'Lct You DaM! IFaster Cor I $IDp1d Boy I Usod to thoP.,.! RoI .. 1bo Bam laod Modo WOIDIIIlTU ComiJuaI Bmzl:>dylaollllbJlrtTiut TJ!I1C NAMBOf AlIIHOR.. DAnsorBIiIrH AND DIlA11I a CapltolR

YEAIIIN WHICH CRIIATION Of11llS DATEANDNATlON OfI'lRSrI'UllLlCATlON Of11llSPAIIT"IC"UUR WORK WORKWASCOMPLmlD a .%006 =~ b li:i.t.U'".=o- .... ~-----,;".----.-- 3 _ . :cv• ... ea...... ~ "':ttIDI 4

• 'P.

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'-', ,," ,' .. ". FOR COIIRESI'ONIl9IE COPI'lIIOI/T av. " OffICE USE ONlY

o Ya' IS No U',.aur1lllS)ftf1s YtII ..myb~~beiD&:sDUBhQtcbetk~~.- . • a 'J'hb. wvrk ...... pm'kIUSIy ~ In W1IIbWecl bmmtl .., hII bea'I publ!!b.cI ror'ltwllnt tIlnI b Q Thb b the ftnt ~ .UbrnlU:ed by t.Ita lu.tbor III CDp)'It&tItcWmml conus IS. c:fwnacdvenlon oftbt. vtedt albClwa bylplar8 on au:. app!kIttn Uyour~b YtII sM: ~~Nambet... Yellor~,.

a Sound RcooI1lln3 ( Oocc I •• Lila••• ') 6

MaIBW AdIkd kt Thb Wad:. etw • brII:f pnenJ IW:tI'!'llet ollhl mMaIallhHlIu txen ~ 10 '*IWtk mel lnWhk:b ~ It dlim!:d 'Y b SouDd ltccooIu>p (811 otb ....)

a I!MI MUSIC North Amcnca DA0S4283 7

CORRESPONDENCE Ctva == and ~ Ia whldI ..... ' upcaadulCC Ihour. thb applIL::mIaQ ~ IN Dalt NITTItfAddrelJl Ap(lQtItsauJii1''' Olr1nopbcr WlKh EMI MIISI;' Nonb Arnenea 150 Flflb Ave IItb Floor b Now Yorl<, NY 10011

__.. __ ...... ~ (212)786 812S Fa ..... ~ (212) 786 8103 c..a .... chnsforher wlaclt@emIC8e com

Oowacrol~IISIYOtf&ht"J d.1IIhorIa:d "PI 01 Capltol Records Inc HIIDOaI ...... woa,w~~cr ...fI--..~".

ora WOI"k./dtrttIW tnthb ~and tbIIClhe.lfatanerN n.dcby A'III1n1hb ~ ... COfLtGmlhc~ornvkn0vriec9: o.piIatId _ Mlidar8'" Utbb ~st-.d'" ofp.!~ In~ 3 dunollllp"" ~ 1&Wan: dtoddlilll ClIn.lophcr IVlacb n...~ O<:!ol>er 20 2006

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'- ,,' ";, , , -'" / '- "'- ',' Certificate of Registration

This Certificate issued under the ,eaI of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United Statu Code, attests that registration has been made fot the: work identified below. The information on this certificate has been made~ part of the Copyright Office recordso Reg!stratlo. Namber SR679-267 Effeclive date oC reglstretloD: °Reglster of Copyrights, United Stales of America June 22, 2011

Title ------Title oCWork: "Just A Kiss" recorded by Lady Antebellwn Coateats Titl.. : Just A Kiss completion/Publication ------Year oCComplelioa: 2011 Date onst PubU •• t10D: May 3, 2011 NatioD DC lst Publio.IioD: United States Author • Author: Capitol Records NashviDe AUlhor C ....ted: sound recording

Work mad. ror hire: Y.. DomfcUed In: United States Copyright claimant CoppIght C1.imBUI: Capitol Records Nashville clo EM! Music North America, 150 5th Avenue, 81b Floor, New York, NY, 10011, United Slales Certification Name: Yvonne Penzakov Dale: June 14,2011

Page I of 1 RegistratioD II: SROOOO679267 Service Request II: 1-620824751

EM! Music NorthAmerica Yvonne Penzalc:ov 1SO Fifth Avenue #835 New York, NY 10011 Certificate of Registration

This Certi1icate Issued under the seal of the Cop)'right Office in accordance wHh UtIe '7, United Stat£s Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The inConnation 00 this certificate has been made a part of the Copyright Office record .. ReglstratioD Number SR656-386 Ell'ectlve date of regiJlnllloD: ~~gh~e'OfAmeria April 28, 2008

Title ------TIde orwork: "Lady Antcbellum" reeorded by LadYAnlebellum (#320662) CoDtools TIlles: Love Don't Uvc IkreI Lookin For A Good Time! AU We'd Ever Need! Long Gonol I Run To You! Lovo's Lookln Good On Youl Homo Is Where the H_ Is/ Things People ~I Slow Down Sister! Cant Take My Eyes OIfYouI On • . DoyYouWiIl Completion/Publication ------­ Year of Complelloo: 2008 Dateofl.tPubU."lIoD: April 14, 2008 Nallon 011.1 PubUcadoD: United States Author • Author: Capitol ReoordsNashvill .. a division of Capitol ROCOIds, LLC ADlhorCreaIed: Some Sound Recordings, Compilation ofPbOlOgraphs

Work made for bIR: Yes DomleUed In: United States

Anonyma." No PseUdonymous: No Copyright claimant Cop)'righl Clalman!: Capitol Records, LLC Clo IlMI Music NortbAmerica, ISO Fi1Ih Ave., 11th Floor, New York, NY, 10011 Limitation of copyright daim Material e.clDded from Ihb claim: This work contains some prcc>eisting materials (Sound Reoording (track I - "Love.DDD't.LiVeHere")...nd PhO!Ognlpbs)

Prevfously registered: No

New maleriallncluded In clahn: Some Sound ReCOJdings (tracks 2 - II), Compilation of Photographs


Page 1 of 2 Na"",: Marie! a.hmger Date: April 14. 200S

Page 20f 2 Ct!rtificate9f~Rt!gistration .' ,- , . -,,-- '.-.-' . ',!fhis Certificate issued under the seal of the CopyriSht '·.ciffid:ina~rd;"'ce Wlthtitlel;iUnitet/S/QleS Code) .

""~"'.,. ,,' '. :::<~#~-~~~~~~~~?f~;~~'~~¢~~iAf~e:'~9f~ ~.:'.'" '...... "; ';. ::. _ . ,The !Dfonnaiionon thiseertificii!e lias . • __ ~': .•; .. ,," _;.: /Y"_ .' :._·_,.C·-I,,"~'_" " . .;C _:., .. ': _ :" .-:- - -- ._ .. ;; .• - .. ". ~'., ,__ ,.-. ;', '. ,been !ilad~ ... part oft)ieG,ipynglit effie•. r~cOids._, ...... ···W~~~'1~\1DI-b,

. :: .. .Title., .... ., . . .' :,;~~~~ ~t;~~~:"LoveoOn't Liye~eie"f~rded'bYLluly AnIeb.Uliin CQ~PI~~J!j~11:~~~?2~(" ..•...... '." ..... '.'. '...... ,..... '.

·.Dateoft.t,Plliill.~tioD: . October2,2001 !lialion oflst Publication: United States Autht,r" c...... ,.,...... ,.' . .• - ,': ,AU~9r. Ca~i~l' itec~-'N~~lli~' a division" of Capitol Records, LLC ' .... : _i ,,-..;/ .',::~ '. Aulhot Creat~: '. SolDld Recording

. Wor,kiwid~forrili:e: Yes . ~.hlclled In: United States .AilonYlll"lis: . No Psendonymous: No co'·' htClilimaill:;..·.·.."...~,....-...... --;....------­ . . PYi:'SI C;~pyrightQa;JI!";'t: Capiiol Records,LLC C/o EM! MilsicNorth America, 150 Fiftb.Ave., 11th Floor, New York. NY, lOOn Limitation of copyrightclaim PreviouslY regIot~red: No

-Certification ~ - .....------~ Nam.:Mariel Belanger Date: April 14, 2008

. Pagelof I RegistradoD #: SR0000656388

Service Request II: 1-68062451

EM! Music North America Moriel Belanger 150 Fifth Ave., 11th FL New York, NY 10011 Certificate of Registration

i-O'.TAT~'<'O This Certificate wued under the .... of the Cepyright Office In accordance with title 17. United Sldtes Code, ~' ;0 ~- -.- - -,.' ~ ,tIl:slS that reglsttalion has been made for the work : " . a IdenUfied below. Th. informaUon on this certificate has ~=;. . -, -,' _ ';t been made a part of the Copytlght Office records. RogIs\rJIlloD Number o 0 '",,'~ 1>"" #J'4t SR644-543 •.1'01870·1= Efl'ective dale of rq:lsIratIon: ~~gh~OfAm'rlca FelJIumy22,2010

litle -----~------11tIe of\\\)ric: "Need You Now" te<:ttded by Lady AmebcUmn (1/977022) CoateDls 11l1es: Need You Now! Our Klnd OfLcM:I American Honey/ Hello Worldl Perfect DaylLove Tbi> PaioI When Yoo Got AGood 'IlIl!W SIaIlI Tol1igbrllfl KnewTheDlSomedLiDg 'BoutA WOIllIIIIIReady1b LoveAgain Completion! Publication ----~------­ Year ofCompletlOD: 2010 Dale of lot PabU""tIoD: JantIIIIY 26,2010 NalloD of lBt PubUeatloD: UnitM Stat ..

Author ======--~~~=------• Autbor: Capitol R

Walt( made fur bin: Yes DomIciled In: United Stales Copyright claimant Col'yrSgbt CIBlmsuh Capitol R=zds, u.c. dba c/o EM! Music Nor1ItAmerioa ISOF'IfIbAYC, New YOIk,NY,l0011, UoitcdStates

Limitation of copyright claim Malerial ..dudod from this claim: sound nlCXlrding. Worlc CoalBiDs Some Preexisliug Materials (Sound Re Pal .." "OurKiud orLov.," "ReadyTo Lov .." ·Stars Tohight")

New material iI1duded In daIm: sound recotdiog, All Other Sound Rcoordings. Compilation ofPho~

Certification Name: SuzamleArrabito Date: February 18,2010

Page j of 2 P~e2of2 Certificate ofRegistration

This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17. United States Code, att~ts.th3.t ~egistI:'3-tion has been maqe for:: the:w~rk ' fdentified below: The information on this certifiCate has been m~de a part of the Copyright OffiCe records. RegIstration Number SR6#;S46 Effective date of r'

Title ------1itIe of Work: "Our Kind Of Love" and "Stars Tonight" ie<:oIded by Lady Antebellum Completionl Puillication .------,...,...... ;.....".....-..,....------. Year of Completion: 2010

.Date of lstPubllcalion: J801l8I)' 19, 2010 Nalion of btPubllcation: United Stales Author • Author: Capitol Records Nashville, • division of Capitol ReconIs, tiC Author Created: sound recordiog

Work made for hire: Yes Domiciled ill: United States Copyright claimant Copyright Claimant: Capitol R=rm, u.c, dba c/o EM) Music North America 150 F"UthAve, New York, NY, lOon, United States

Certification Name: Suzanne Ambito Date: February \8,2010

Page \ of! Certificate of Registration

This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Offi.ce In accordan.ce with tiUe '7, United States Cede, a~~ts -th~t reg~tiation haS been made fOI. the work identified beloW. The Information on tlJis .certificate has -been m~de a part of the Copyright Office recOlils_ lUgIstration NuDibec SR644,544- -~h"~@~ Effective date or reglstfatiOD: ~e;;::;;J,f Copyrights, United States of America Feimmy 22,2010

Title ------111Ie orWOrk: "American Honey" re

Work made for hire: Yes Domiciled in: United States Copyright claimant - Copyright Oaimant: Capitol Reconls, LLC, dba c/o EM! Music North America 150 FUlhAve, NewYmk, NY, 10011, United States

Certification Name: SU23IIIle Anahito Date: February 18, 2010

Page lof I Certificate of Registration

This Certificate issued under the seal of thec:::opyright Office in aCcordance with title 17, United States Code, attests. that registi~on haS been made for,"the_ work ide;;tified below.'The iIlfomiation on this celtiJieate has been made a part of the Copyright Ollice records. Registration Number SR644-542 ~".,b:[email protected] Effective date of registration: ~:;:IiJ,f Copyrights. United States of America Febru8ly 22, 2010

Title --~-...... ~------. .TItIe of Work: "Love This Pain" recorded by Lady Antebellum Completionl Publication ------­ Year of Completion: 2010 Date of 1st PubUca1ion: January 5,2010 Nation of 1st Publication: United S1Btes Author • Autbor: Capitol Records Nashville, • divisioo of Capitol Reoords, LLC Author Created: sound recotding

Work made for hire: Yes Domiciled 10: United Slates Copyright claimant Copyright

Certification Name: SuzanneArrabito Dale: February 18,2010

Page loft Certificate of Registration

This Certificate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17, United States Code, attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has . been made a part of the Copyright Office records. RegIstration Namber SR644-547 Effective date of registration: k~.,- Februmy22, 2010

Title ---...... -- ____-- ____------1ttIe of Work: "Ready To Love' recorded by lady Antebellum O:>mpletionl Publication ...... ------­ YearofColDpletion: 2010 Date of Is(Pnblicatlon: Jaouary 12, 2010 Nation of 1st Publleatlon: United Stales Author • Author: Capitol Records Nashville, • division of Capitol.Recmds, LLC Author Created: sound recoroing

Wod made for hire: Yes Domiciled in: United Stales O:>pyright claimant Copyright CIalmant: Capitol Records, ILC, dba c/o EM! Music North America ISO Fifth Ave, New York, NY, 10011, United States

Certifical ion Name: Suzanne Ambito Date: FebruaJy 18,2010

PageTOf I ; ..

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. ' 'y CEFtTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION FORMSR ThlB Cerllflcat. issued und.r Ihe ..., 01 the Copyright Far a Sound RtcClf'dlng IJMll:o STATSS COPYRIGtfT OFFICE Office In acoo.rdanee with tille 17. United Stat •• Code, B1IBs1s .hat rGglsl ... uon hasbeen made larrh. woricldenliliBd R' below.The information on this C6rtlfJcate has been made a SR 328-120 part at Ill. Copyright OffIce ""'''rdB. 1IIIIilllllll.,


OFFICIAL SEAL AUG 13 21102 ~,~United S1818& ofAmerica "" 00 NOTWRITEABOVEtHl. UNE.1f YOU N£EP MIlR!! SPACE. use ASEPARATE C

~~~'iIr.!Ift'''''~i_~.)G!UL ___ .I<~ .. 1IilI. • ,3I:oUt~~4LJ"J hW;:N!d'~-~I~'''''''~oQ' "AM' OMurnOIl" DAns OFBIR1H AND DMm :;\ BUlB NOTE RBCORDS. div. ore.pito) Recordscmp. fOl"hire N.1ones YNtBom. YCAr'Oied .,.

NATURiOF Au;tHOII.SHlP BrienydrKribt. ~I"rc nf II\J.ltr!;daV\lcd bydlls nlhor In ..... hich copyright "cI~hl'll1l. " sound reccrdmg.s. liner lIolts, artworlc NOTE DATiiS Of BIRtH AND DEATH Y4!a.r6omY YearOi~d"

~"":l..iJI!.c."14'.:""~~"!fllllSlL'Q,"C:II.G.:.~'D'arT..;:r:IO"tuI'I'~ 'I;l'-a~~~~,.,....a' COPYRICIff CLAlMANT(S) l\twrIe~nd ;KJdr~ mUltI be! rjYm room itrll<' tl~11fN1I1 b Ihe: ~m¢.:u ,he "UI~ r)rI.," In,pact Z. T BLUE NOTe lUlCORDS. cia Capitol Records. Inc. 1750 Nar1h Vine St, ..., Hollywood. Calirorni. 90028

.,'!""'~~~~~:M.!~~.o!I!A,!f:~~~lIl.9uIr"""~~I·~:"i\, MORE O!i B~CK~ . C:ornpllll., "1I~trt. .p_. (0II1JIboa,1 !I.e, 0fI1h1l'.. lIda alth!. PIlG •. ·s..~~~s. "59'Iu..rem"'1'WI8. ',' f


DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. IF YOU IlI'ED MORE SPACE, USE A SEPARATE COKllNUAll0H SHEET. ~'.e;:o.o;:..",."~...,..,, .'L£b~""\:..~~~~..a:;'N'~~IN.~a.tI~o.::.o1Jr.:.'l'-...t".. ot.:" 'Jo.'.o.L.'i ,,~,.. PREVIOUS REGlst.R.AnON Hasl~aion rt.r Ibis war1l. or forM p,lic,wtaionof ~is wolk. ~l't.adybt-en ",,"co in IhtoCoj;IJoghl orrace? ~ ':J Yt:I 56 No U}'O'l:lrU1:Jwotl.~",,"whyb ..adwr re£f,sIR.Uonbrdr!&soupUIOttdc apP'r"\'ri.lebo.)y J'b. •• ~ This work wu p~ R'&iI~rtd In IIflpvbllwd rotrn.MId MW R&.b~njnlblished IOIIhr .'ralllln('. \:;;lJ' b.a Thil ill 1M I'mtappliul}oasubmklrd Irt 1I:.15.~lhorN cop)I'lshtdlllnl~nt. Co 0 l\b;IJII<:nomSt:d: ... by5pact'60t1Ih1'upplIeaIiUll. Yealot Rt;iIlntlon •

~_4="JIL"""'" ~""'~:a5: DERIV.\nvs: WO.RI( ORCOr.o'JLAnON Prft:lllJtill3 Identify -'Il)'~ ... od!:or worN IIW thll wark!l b~1Cd VllClfiruorpor:llKo ,. 6

~krfd Ad'dtd tu ni, W",. CI~. hrlel. BmeRll ('flltmcri. oItb\tnu.I\'I"'.t th., hqbffl,ldda:r ICl rN.(W'Pf'I::&nd In wkkh eopyrithtlJ dJim.!d'. Y b

!",,!,,,~~,,!,~~~~~~ __~_~~_~_,,!,~_ ~m=.'''''_'''''''''~m=~G~""~'/:I_~r"'~·.. .-:':I::;~~.)I:II DBPoSfi ACCOVNT 11 tlw.."diOnhtth 10 'be c:fIIIst'd lo.DtpotJtActO\U'Itblol'b/ldrcd.. _...... _...... In ~caPJ'tlPI Olaoe. tj!l~rLlml!';lnd nlWTlbwol Aa:uWII. 1r.7 NItric" AC'fOI1n1 NltDibtr..,

.l Capitol Record. DA024902

cORRlfSPONDBNCE GIJI: MaX' and "cldl$ &I wAldl conu~cr!CIC'.'tI«rt eIW ~ppliotlilll'l dwulfi br -'f1'1. ~I Adrlras// Y Capilol ReooRls, Inc.; AItn: !lev McCord I. 175D North Vine Sine! ~') HQllywood, Califomia 90028 N...... ,coallr4~.~r&IIf'IboI" 323-871-S493 F'~PJ~I 323-461-3865 p"," .P ..... !JI:lI.=~'t'... =... =...... ,", ... _ ...... _~·c...... =u~__ 1IIIUII:~tAIIU.~ • .aIIII",!aV'·~'-IIo"':·J;·.l~"U.-u. Jr: ~ ..".,...,-·\,'")r.t"'QI"IIJI;.Q.$"r..uI C6HTlFJCATJOW (,thellD4mf&l\ed,.hud))'~Iha'lvnlht Cbc!ct. only QM ... a"'loIlhot Qcwnerofel!du:1...e,ri.gJ.J(s) 8 Q4'IMrl:Op)'righl ci:limlnl flIAullIClri'ad .lIt 0( Cllpitol Records, l(1c. N_d-"'off.lofoa'~~OIOo111OloIM'If..sntrl~)A d lite "''arlo: (c&:!IttUit'\'l /tI rMr 1fI"llc'Illon and Itwl tJw:.lftl'ClTlMlJ made: by mrJnlltl, .pplintblllrt'ctI~ loch" tocA:~r lrIy1;no~c:dg~. ~~~"'QojIl!ll»iVVolQ" .. H. ~~II'2.\a'J."'PItrIIto<·",~~''''''~A~.~:¥: 'D.~ :I~~v.e-"'li .•. a ~""'l:."":Il'III'~ Typc.cJ OT prin'.d ~I MId date"" n thbappliclltionzl"'". daltoofPllbliflliDn In iplt"I! 3. do ml ~~ .. Iw::I'librailll \otfo,OINoI dabi'. Beverly McCord

XI ... n.~"...... "Ck£.. . -.. ------~------

C'IIrtlfjc:ate wlUbe McConl• c/o Capitol Records, Inc. mallldin ~CI'''"L~ 3 ~,~,:~,.T" '! ll'~ ~ .. ~." I';.CP.M:'~ 9 wIndow IInve\ope to Ihl& 1750 "'ft". lNn. Stro


• ThIs Continualion Sheet is used In cc.'jl,ll'\C'llCClwith FormsCA. PA, SE. SR. TX.;lnc VA, only. IIIJlIIRWIIIII IrdCClla which basiorormyou Bfe crJnlinulngln the space in the upper rlght-hat)d comer. • If at at P05sibkJ.lry to ftl Ute Inforrnalon ceHlld follnto Ihe SpBt:e5 provided on nUt basr~ form. • "you Cloncl. h~'i8enough space rorallU1e fnroonationyou 06ed to giveonIt\e ballcrorm. use fAlpAuF§SE3SEqs~:TX;1XulvjvAUJ lhia ConlinuaUon Stu!et and &Obr1lIl1t'flil:h lhlt ~sIc fOOTl- EfFeCTIVE OF • Ifywsu!mlillhis CcInIinuallon Sheet, ct;l (do not tape: or staple) i\ to lhe: basitrorm and lold lhe DATE "REGISTRATION "'" _\her bofole ~ \hem. • Space Aof lhls shults 1ntinded to 1d1,ntH'y the ba51c: applkatlolL SpaG' B ia IilIl::'OnlinualiDII of Spao. 2 on the basic applfcaUon. SPice B 15 not appft~bh~ to Short FQI'h)J. Spae. C (on tha rnerH 8h:faoflhla8Met) Is forlha contblUBtlopofSpates 1.... or60n Ibe bas&: appJJcatJortOl trKthf' t:OntfhU3Hon of Space1 OIIsnyCJflhelhtwSbDffForml PA, TX. orVA. Pag...3 01 -#-_ DO HoT WRrrE ABOVE 11f'S UN'E:. FOR COPYfaGHT OFFlCE USE ONLY

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JIIAMB or AutHOR ". DA1'ESOFBIRnt AND OEA.TH Year Hom'" Ynr Died" d~~~~~~ ______~~~~~~~~ Wa,,1hb conhibullon to 1he work AUTHOlt'S NA.TIONAUTY OR DOMICILE WAS nils Aurn:OR'S CONllllm.I110N 10 .a~workmldelarhlre·~ N..,.DfCw""Y TlfEWOIllC B tfz01 ~11110P$? a Yn 0 No !::s~au: ConnnuaUon a Yes OR( a Q( ~ ------rsrudon)llMw? a Yd Q No :'~dOUIIed. dSp~2 ~a~N~o __.- ______~Do~~:I:dl~'d~~~~~:::::::::::::: ______~ ____ ~ ______~::==~ __ NA1tlR! OF AtrniORSHIP Brien)' de::lcriben"lu~ or the mllterill cleated. by the- author in wMch copyright" cJ.,inlni. 'Y

PATES OF BJJtnt AND OSA1lI VHf Bom'Y Y"'-,r Died"


Wa!'. Ihb conlributiOn 10 Ihe wotl:. AutHOR'S NAnONALlT'tOR OOMICILE WAS THIS AUTHOP.'S CONTRIBUTJONTO i\~workl1\llcft! (Dr hire"? tUratclC«!1\VY TH6 WORK

a YC!5 OR{Ciliun of" ONa Domicifrd in"

NAME OF AUtHOR ". PATES OF 81Rrn ANDDEATR Y"~1r &,trJ" Yco;tll)joo" f~~-.-~~ ______

Wa, Ih~(Mlribulion 10 the \vt'JIi( AU'nt:OR'S NATIONALtn' OR DOMfOlE WAS THIS AlJTKOR'S CONTRIBlmON TO OI"I'L'Ork made for hircO PWrIo ofCOvf'l(ry me WORK Anonymou... ? Yes OR{CUl2a1 of • ------­ o Pst!udon~·mpIl51 ON. Domklll!d in ..

NAllJR'B Of AUTflOllSHIP Briefl)' d~rlbe nuture of the mo\lerilll CfE'.!Itni by tht! iluther in which copyrigflt is claimed . .,

Ur.r rIll! rtIIrl"U side a!rhis rJJerl If.1j(I1i J'f'«I rm'Irt: sptlcc for rfIIllinll11riOli 015~r:rccs J. 4. or 6 Qffl~ IHlsic fl1fnllJr for "'~ willinm11ioll of Spattl orr att~ of file Shorr rOlnlS ('-1. rx. or VA... ., '. .

COt>m'NUA nON OF (Check wlUcb): 08"..«6 Nightingal.; Thel.nng Day Is Over; The Nearness Of You c Continuation orcnner SpeclHi

Ctrtlfk:.ate I-y --l wlUtll1' . Bev McCord dQ Capilol Rccorda:. Inc, mallcldln D wlrtdow N\J~~T envolOflft to1hls 17S0N.rlh Vine Slre

U.s. ~ 1'MI"oI OIfa: :z«IO..461.lll'2ClOO' Certificate of Registration

This CertUicate Issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title '7> UnftN SIllies Co." attests that registration has been made for the wad< Identified below. Theluformation on this certificate has RegIItndioD been made a part of the Copyright Ollice record.. Number SR671-434 Effective date of ~~.A.~-Xi registration: Acting Register of Copyrights, United States of America FcbIUary 22, 2011

r~e------Tide orWork: ''Wmdows Are Rolled Down" ~ded by Amos Lee COlle.Ilto nd.. : Wmdows Are Rolled Down Completion/Publication ------­ Year or CompletloD: 2010 Da.. of lSi P"blleatloD: November 22, 2010 Natioll or Ise Publication: United States Author • Anlbor. BI.. Note Records Aulbor Created, soUl1d l

Work made for hire: Ye, DonalcUed In, UDlted States Copyright claimant Copyrigbt ClalmaDt: Blue Note Records cto EM! Music North America, I SO Sth Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY, 10011, United States Certification

Name: ¥VOCDC Penzakov Date: FcbIUary 9, 2011

Page 1 of 1 Registration II: SROOOO671434 Senlce Request II: 1-557149066

EM! Music North America Yvonne Penzakov 150 Fi1th AVentle #835 New York, NY 10011 Certificate of Registration

This Certificate issued under the seal of the Co(¥ight Office In accordan« wilh title 17, United Star .. Cod" attests lhat registr.rtion has been made (or thl: work identified bdow. The Informallon on this cerUncale has been made a part of the CO(¥.ght Office record>. Registration Number SR663-139 I11~A.fip~ £adv. dale Acting Register o(Copyrlghts, United Stales of America or reglstradon: September 29, 2010

Title ------nil. o( Work: "Up On Th. Ridge" recorded by Die:ks BeOIIley (#8541 02) ConleDlo Tltl.. : Up On The Ridge; Fallin' For You; Senor (Tales orVankoe Power) (fealUring Chris Thilc and The Ptmch Brothers); ROvin' Oambler (with The Punch Brothers); Draw MeA Map; Bad Angel (featuring Mimu!a Lambert & Jamey Johnson); Fiddlin' Around; You',e Dead To Me; Pride (In The Name OCI.ove) (featlning Del MoCoury and The Punch Brothers); Love Grows Wild; Bottle To The Bottom (featuring Kris Kristoffmon); Down In The Mine Completion/Publication orCompledon: 2010'ubU.BtIon: JUDe 8, 2010 Nation or lsi PabU.adDD' United Slates Author • AUlbor: Capitol Reeord> Nashvm. Author Creoted: sound recording. Sound recordings, Compilation ofPbolograpbslArtwOlk, Textual Material (liner notes) Work made for hire: Yes DoDlidled In: United Slates Copyright daimant Cop)TIgbt ClaJmaul: Capitol Records NashviUe c/o EMIMusic North America, ISO Fifth AVeJ1ue, NewYor!<, NY, 10011, Uniled States Limitation of copyright claim . MJ.terl.1 excluded from Ibis claim: sound recording, Work contains • preexisting sound recording <"Up On Th. Ridge")

New mal.riallndaded In claim: sound I«Qtding, All other Dew sound r«ordiDi!", compilation of photographs/artwork, textual material (IiDer notes)


Pege lof 2 Name: Yvonne Penzakov Date: September 24, 2010

Page 2 of 2 . Certificate of Registration 'FORM'SR; .r:_il~dR~~n. 'iiE

'--;, ---1 ';D~ '- . _.: . Mr::rIQ'I.' . _ 'Os v.1i'

lTIU! OPnuswORX" : . . . .. 'Eye!O $I TeI....,p.~ .....,de.! byK1 'I'tuistaIl (.sirJi92)

PREVIOUS.AL~.ORCONlEMSmus(CJRClEO~'" . . Other Sia. orTb~ World. AooIIIe< PI ... To P.U.I:J.~ .. Th. WeaJh.,. BIacIc Hora. ~ The: CbcnY T~: Minia"two .' ~ &iI: Umted lCingdlldl.. ·pU,pd?"rnm@ CVts d No ......


"",,,,,,,,,,' Reco<:d, .


MORE ON BACK.,. • CoItIplUI aA IppllWlo IfIoIIC" (nllTlltltl1 "~Oft Un"""'lM 'I~ •. ol lilli Pili. ·Bovdlbhd~ "!. EXAMiHEDBY fORM SR CHECJ<£OBY


DO NOTWIUTE ABOVE THIS UNE.IF YOU NEED MORE 8PJ\C~ USE" SEl'ARA'II! COIITINIIAlION SIIEeT. p..REVlOUSlWJ1STQAnONHU~fotlUsWDrll,.orforBDai1ItI'~Ordd.sWO:dt.~bea1mideJnd.cGP'JI'fafItOfftlz7 a y~ a' Na U)'DLltlWWUb'"'Ya,~wfl1111:nOth1r~lionbdaaDl8ln?(Cbl!dt 1pprq>fWt!lG4Y L 0 ThlsWDd!.waprrvlauslynptestdtnunpubllslll!ll tOtII:I.nd IIQIII' hasbti!rl P'JW!hedfor!he I'lrsttlma. .. a Thbb""IIn< ...... _dbyllW_-_Shl_ 5 Co Q TbblSa~WI1Icnoltt.wwk.asftcnlmb1spct6onlhb~ J)'o","III1tM:I'IS''Ym.'' &JvIrPlmowr ~NIImber" yworRqbtndan Y

a 6 -­...... -

a EM! Music No<1h Amcric~ DA0S4283 7

CORRESPONDENCE GIw ftBIIWln .~to which comsp;ndl:nu about ~ ~CI1:dtcuk1 be RI\L Namf/Adltrcss/ Apr/C1ty~5Du/"1H" 0IriBfnphcr Wllell. EM! Mb90 North America ISO Fifill Ave., I lib flOCII' b New YOII<. NY IDOIl

.... ""' ..... ___...... ~ (l12)186-81ZS ...... ~(212)7S6-81OJ M' ErNtfilo ehriVgpber.wlecll@cml"2·CGm

O""",,"udtzdo.Wwlf&ht{l) . 8 d'lNthDrizldagmtof Jaydooc Ltd. trading liS Rc1mtlessRecords HlllreotelllDaCl'twawVttdllhwll. ~ -.d"""" tItNOO '" fIllh.workJclcntltkd In ~ applkalklnand Iba:r. the ,1aW1'CI'ItJ midi fly IN: In Ihb apP'GlItkrllle allftCllo,thc baI. Dr IJI)' ~

;;:~ nII'De II'Id d_o ¥lFth!I a]lplkadon sha. date. orpublk::Rfon In spta! 3, dOIlQr ~Ign ind ~hInJt., bel'QI1 thai (lier.. Chtislopher Wlach . Do .... Febl1/3ry 28, 2006

CertIflooio wlUbo malradln ~MI Mmic Nottli A..mmca ATIN: o,ristopmWlach wIndow lISIWoJOpe 10 1hI. IlIh Floor addl'8&!l Certific;ate of Registration .' . This Q;rlificare"issued undet. the ,ea1 of the COpYright Offic;:e'in ac;cordanct: with tltte 17, United States Code) . .~ttes" that registia!:ion hjlS. b.eo made for tl,. work ·.~If . ideotlli~d below. The infonnatlim on th)...,eni6ilatc ha.I' . ." '. been made a I'.art .oftb~CopYilght O./li.. reqMS". 'fn,A;'~~ .' .

.~~c~~~'" Un;tedState, ~i ~merica NOV 1-2 2m3

~.u:rEINA.~OP! tMiiNidllLlStClICU OMOY .

NA~~AlTP,IO~ Bno

--.'/EAb/WHICHClU!ATIOI'I01''iIIlS -: .DA'IIIANDNA'I'IONOP PIllS1'ftJ8licATICNoP'nDSPAll'l'!CIJIAIl.WORK . - WOJUtWASCOMPUm!D··· .• . '. " ". '. .' . . . . b· .,;;;.,.,"''''''''''''". _.·Sq!I!;ml!or. ..,. ·16. -. ~ . . .. a .'... 2003'.,. .'.' •. ""'_:_ ...... _ ••- ••..... :at .... ~ ... ~ UOIW·SWC· AIDer!!;, " "'1.!Ikh 3 ...'• . .' .v.:I11'.....• '. ',- . ",... __ ! '.'. .. ',' . . . . .

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PRBVlOUSJlIIG1Sl1!"ATIONI/a~r;.du... "· " ...._""""'" ...... u.dy...... ""~0IIb7 .. DV" ·.hl. ·U;"'_D"Y.. ·~~-..,...... a""lOOiohOtaak~lIoiI" LO tItII~wis~~II'I~ronn_acw"'bel:illp.iblbt-e:lb-a.~ b a noi;i!. ...ippllaoOO\ ...... >Y.""' ...... ~domiux . '.!l ~.. ~.~~;,~~ ~_lrt.. 8~ulas~ '11~.-.. ... -... ~~~Naa.bir .. ' Y"oI~ .. . . .- .' ~~----~~~~~~--~. • ~gQ·~~~~~~._tW.QbI_~ __~M .... 'D~U~aB., a.w-oik~~~w~(o •• ~)

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DA0S4283 7 . CORJDISKINDINeB CMI ..·..,aaddn:DCI:i ..... w; : . ~H~·EMI~·N_ 'b. isO·P!ftIii\.... uIl!FlOQr .':, '. ":" ". '. :~Y""'iNlClqoll:. .,;'" ,', ; ...~:;._~""'" ~ (212)'186,8125' .... ~,. (212).786 - 8103· .. ';"'~i"""";-kn@ffiici;p...,; .'.

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'l)';..t.oi'·~~4iiddile-':lfddt~ ~."aI'~mlpD,J iioldlllllimd __ ~bt1oaIlbltdlrl .. , }~ii~ .• :. ' .. :' ...... :.'. . . ~ Oaobor31.2003 ~FORM~/CON CONTINUATION SHEET UNITeD STAlES COI'\'RIGHJ' OFfICE FOR APPLICATION FORMS

• "". ConIIIUdoft _ .. uoed., __rorm. CA. PA 8£,SR,lX IIICIVA, on" _ -._10m 1'1\1118 O>\'Ifod ... hI_1Im • ItIeCall!l-..>~I'I\IGoIlOl""'" __ """"III ...... "-.Wllhlllo for oIIlhoool."'a __.... youMOd fDlJI'Ionlhll __ .... J • 1f,..._IIIIIQrI__ dlp(dollOlr.paoroloplo)~"'IhII __ondfokllhll 1M! 1OgOhI<_...-,g_ • ~Aortllll_,,_ ... rdo!llffrillo_opjI_n NOV122rm _a,.._otsrr-2""lIIobur.. ppII ,b, I ~ar ....1IIiIIbc:aIoIo ..._c (on1loo ...... _oI.. III1iOoOIlIbr ...... '1fI '_'''l1i0i;001,''' orion tIot_.~or,...IIio_lII!Ionol~1-- ...... aI ... III ... __ PA, 1lt, .rVA

IDSNI'DIICAnONOfCONtlNUAUON__Ioriloe __""'" SHB8l' 11lIIiMd •• ~ofihea.ppbabon!oJ aJP1t1.8N:~lIan anthc1waa3c • lIJlJ! (eovolhe ..... _ ""!'uiloo 1oadooog"1\tI... liIwoWaok' .. Spoao 1.' iho __ ) "'Ib SauJ SeasiOllB" =mIcd by 1018 Stoao (1#422342)

A • NAME(5)AND~OFCOPYRIGBI'CAIMANJlS) (Gneiloenoooneand_oI.t_.... "'PJ"i&IoI""'"""up ...... Spoao' 01 do. !Iuo,""'orSpooo2 01l1li)' 01 a..9.. "U". ... P..,1X, ,..VA) ClpttDI ReearcIo,lioo Clo EM! Miu",NotdoAlotenta, ISO f1lfth A.. ,11111 Floor, New Yorl', NY 10011

_op"UtJt'oa. DATBSOF8Dm1ANDDliAnt YcarBarnY Yrar~


DAl'EB OFBmTH AND DliAtH Year 'BomY YUr Daed.'t'

U"tA"...... o{rm..II«t ifJOV _"" .... 'l'<'ZF""''''''''''ofSp0a8 I, 4,,, 6 ""'_to"'''"F"" ~hanrtfSptla 1lmmIYoftlr4ShrJrt FOnmPJ'I, rx."" VA CON111WATlO!IOI! ,Owdowladl) CSpuo' Con!f:lltl T!IIas CoIIIImIrd c PorThe Lave Of You I'1It!II &2

D ...._.. ~. - ...... =:,- ...=~_-:.-;r- - ( Certi:fiqlte of Registration

This CertIficate issued under the seal of the Copyright Office in accordance with title 17. United States Code, For.___FORMSR I!!IIrJiI attests that registration has been made for the work identified below. The information on this certificate has UNITED In"AlESCOPi'RJGIfT Office been made a part Df the Copyright Office records. ~::h~~eSOfAmerica L ... 00 NClTWIIITE _11118 UNI!.IFVOU NEED IIORE 8PACe. USE" BEl'AllATE COIIIlllllAliON IIIIIIT, .... 1.,~~ •••·4.:.? ..... ~== ", t .....G.'4'~~:.v-~·A'=t ::mJI-= iMJ '''''D''' 'Z'nm ,,' nn.B(JP'I1IISWORK"f' -'1 SIoae" II1II B-S1doa.....w


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Ow 7 5 -~____ ATIN _HCIqIIooD ...._II ...... M a ... -..... ISO FdI! A". I III! I'Ioar - --New YodI: NY 18011 EXHIBIT 2 ReDigi Used Digital Music Store Page 1 of3

,,[,,::, . f LOllln Wllh Sign Up Login 'a .")~Re THE LEGAL··. '-..... ~ Bctro. ALTERNATIVE Find Music By Artisl .. Q. . <

(;.) Downlo.'ld Rc-O'(!i

Welcome to the Online Marketplace for Used Digital Music A SELL songs you don't listen to. BUY previously listened to songs at used prices. ••

~ Create Your ReDigi Account

or Icarn more about how Re-Digi works

Upload 10 Songs and be automatically entered to win a New 2012 Fiat 500

Like 47k Follow (ficedh:;lDIsic -: 95.6K followers:

Don't want to sell your songs?' Members can store music in the ReDigi Cloud!

see contest detCllls

TP Ell ReDigi • Buy Music Sell Music IiIII ReDigiMusic Buy New and Used Hits al Great Prices Download our Secure Software to Sell Your MP3s

\. L .1 ... ", P\IlIIITnIIFII fRI 111712012 ReDigi Used Digital Music Store Page 2 of3

Which Spring 2012 album are you Jai. .. Lil' Darl. .. most excited for? @NickiMlnaj's Asa Vann; MO"'tto sophomore album, or veterans ASA D Waner GOrtler & Vanni MOl

~ San Franci. .. ~'r' ._'...... "-. Riders On The Storm (LP Versi. .. Out with the old, and in with the _.J.. Hope for the H .. The Doors new. Start off 2012 with a brand Greatest HilS 11996] Brett Dennen D new car by tossing your old MP3's at ~ SO.79 x x ~. @ReDigiMuSic II ]6 days aSlo . reply' relweet . favorite

A View To A K ... The holidays are over but we are Donald Tr... II.;.:. Donald Trump-" Duran Duran not done giving. Redeem your New .. _--. Greetest L I Mac Miller D Years gift from ReDigi of 5 free ~ 50_79 x x II songs instantly. 19 days "go· reply· retweet . favo"te . , ':;:: Loa ... .SUMMERT... P.N.O.NJ Herbie Mann Join the conversation Yiruma D Americal8rasil ~ $0,79 x x ma Find us on F ace book Summer Nig ... Creep ... Unstoppable rI Kenny Rankin ReD;g; Inside a Rascal Flails D Like ~ $0.79 x x II

47,563 people like ReDigi.

"ReDigi Over 13,000 fOllowers "', for one, have severa' "ReDlgi will forever change 'Website of the Day" 'ReDlgi Is to digital music and the site has not even GBs of music that f as eBay Is to goods." the way digital music ..... would gladly res elf" Is bought and sold.· ,~'2a launched yet" THE WALL STREET JOURNAL CNBC YAEIOor Bill!.o.rd.lDiz TechCrunch

Silcmap Manage About ReDigi Follow Us

Ho~ My Account FAQ Faccbook Buy Music Buy Credits Contact Twitlc( 5011 Music SeMings Sl;!nd Feedback My Mus;c Prontp DMCA Contact Terms ArlisULabol Contact https:llwww.redigi.comlhome.htrnl 1117/2012 ReDigi Used Digital Music Store Page 3 of3

Aboul ReDigi

FAQ COI'II.D.CI'" Send Fcedbllck DMCA Contaet AnlsllLatJ.e1 Contact

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What is ReDigi

ReDigi is the world's first and only online marketplace for used digital music. Its genius is in 115 ability 10. hettllatl! tho transfer of a digHOlI music file from 01'10 uscr to. ,,"other without copying or Ille sharing. This gillll' digital music a rosalo yalue for the first lime ever, I and consumers tho. froedom to. buy and sell the music they rlghllully own. ReDig; o.lSo. glYes bock Ie ani,ls and labels through generous payments with avery track sold (and resold). Copyright '!:> 2011 ReDigi Ine. POlcnt Pending. All Riohts Reservod.[ 1117120[2 ReDigi Used Digital Music Store Page 1 of 1

f lOllln with Fat~bDOk /"'i)~Re' THE LEGAL·. ~ Bot' ALTERNATIVE Find Music By Anis! eo., c

ReDigi™ ... The Legal Alternative

Still want to learn more, read on.

SitemBp Manage About ReDigi'" Follow Us What is ReDig;

Home My Account FAQ Fllcebook RoDig; Is the world's first (lnd only online markolplacc for used digital Buy Music Buy Credits Contnct Twitter music. Its g~nius is in Its ability 10 facilitate (he transfer of a digital Sell Music Settings Send Feedback mUSiC filo from one user to another without copying or file sh..ring. This I My Music Profile DMCA Contoct gives digital music II resaiD value for the first lime ever, and consumers Terms Artistll;Jbel Contact the freedom to buy and soli tho music they rightfully own. ReDig; also gives back to artists and labots through generous payments with every track sold (lind resold).

Copyright ~ Z011 ReOigi tnc. Potent Pending. ALI Rights Reserved.

https:llwww.redigi.comllegal.html 111712012 ReDigi Used Digital Music Store Page 10f2

f Login .... Ith facebollk ; I ' THE LEGAL, '''''~Rc..,) e ' " Bcto ALTEmJATIVE Find Music By Anist o

ReDigi™ ... The Legal Alternative

YES. ReDigi is LEGAL. ReDigi has structured its marketplace to honor and observe the rights of copyright owners, not to avoid or undermine them. As some have expressed concern, due to lack. of understanding. it's worthwhile explaining our position.

Way back in 1908, the Supreme Court of the United States established the ~Firsl Sale Doctrine." In summary, it says that the copyright holder gets his or her royalties during the first sale, and does not have claims on it when it is resold. Quoting Wikipedia:

"The doctrine allows the purchaser to transfer (i.e .. sell. lend or give away) a particular lawfully made copy of the copyrighted work without permission once it has been obtained. This means that the copyright holder's rights to control the change of ownership of a particular copy ends once ownership of that copy has passed to someone else. as long as the copy itself is not an infringing copy."

I So, first. it is important that a user who desires to sell a song in the ReDigi Marketplace legally owns the downloaded copy of the song the user wishes to sell. Users cannot sell something that they do not own. It is obvious that you cannot sell the apartment you are renting, cannot sell the car you are leasing and cannot sell the book you are borrowing from the library. Many sites let users choose either to "Buy" or "Rent,'· for example, a movie. It is OK for users to sell the purchased movie, but not the rented one. Putting this in the context of ReOigi's marketplace. ReDigi first enables a seller to verify that the seller owns a non-infringing copy by running it through the ReDigi technical verification process, and determining its eligibility for resale on ReDigi. ReDigi then helps the user ensure that once an item is sold, the seller will not willfully usefpossess any copies of the sold item in violation of the rights of the copyright owners. (There may be reasons other than copyright violation why a file may not be eligible for resale, so a determination of ineligibility does not necessarily mean that a file is illegitimate or pirated.) In this manner. ReDigi helps provide the knowledge and tools for its users to understand and comply with copyrights. And if a copy of a previously sold file reappears on a seller's computer or synced device, and the seller fails to delete it after notice from ReDig!. the seller's account with ReDigi may be suspended or terminated.

Finally, it is worthwhile pointing out the difference between file sharing services and ReDigi. If you own a music file, thai file is copied into the computer's memory whenever you listen to it. This copying is legal. Making copies for your own use is also generally permissible. Making unauthorized copies of music files and handing them out or making them available to anyone who wants them is not legal.

ReDigi does nol share files and does not make it easy to share files. ReDigi will not allow its users to sell music files if it discovers copies of those music files are already offered for sale by another user. ReDigi does not snitch, but it makes it difficult for users to infringe copyright law in this manner. Unlike other music services, ReDigi itself does not sell from a master clone or share files. For example, if ten people offer the same song for sale, then there are ten different. uniquely identifiable music files in the ReDig; system, each properly logged into inventory. assigned a specific inventory identification number and sold on a first listed, first sold basis.

Used bookstores are very popular, and at least since 1908, no one questions their legality nor checks that the seller did not first photocopy a book before the sale. There is also a market for the sale of used music CDs. despite the fact that there is no practical protection against first ripping the songs before selling Ihe CO. With the introduction of the ReDigi music file organizer, we believe that ReDigi makes a significant contribution to copyright compliance well beyond any method previously available in any secondary music market.

It is always ReDigi's aim to help its users appreciate the vatue of legal digital music.

Sitemap Manage About ReDigi'" Follow Us What Is ReOigi

Home My Account FAQ FaCDboDk ReDigl is the world'S lirSl ilnd only online marketploce for used digital https:llwww.redigi.comllegal.html 111712012 ReDigi Used Digital Music Store Page 2 of2

Suy Music Buy Credits Contact Twiuor music. lis gonius is in lis ;ability to facilitate the Iraosfer of i\ digital Sen Music Sottings Send Feedback music file from one user to another without copying or file sharing. This My Music Prolile OMCA Conti\ct gives digit"t music u resalo value for the first time ever, ani:! consumers Terms Artist/Label Contact the freedom to buy and sell the music they rlghHully own. RoDi

https://www.redigi.comllegal.html 111712012 ReDigi Contest Description Page 1 of 1

f LO!lln Wllh Faccbook THE LEGAL~ i."';"Re·~~I) . . Bel, ALTERNATIVE Find Music By Ar1ist o

ReDigi Phase 2 Contest Details To kick off phase 2 - Inventory Building, ReDigi is featuring the store 10 songs on ReDigi and win contest.

How do I enter I You are automatically entered into the contest after you: - Sign up or sign in to ReDigi - Download the ReDigi Music Manager - Store 10 songs onto your ReDigi Cloud space (every1ime you store 10 songs your name is entered into grand & weekly prize drawing).

What do Iwin

Instant Prize FREE Get 5 FREE songs just for storing 10 songs on ReDigi 5SONGS Tip: You will get 5 FREE songs only for the first 10 songs you store on ReDigi Grand Prize Every1ime you store 10 songs your name will be entered into the grand prize drawing that will be held once 1 million songs have been stored on ReDigi

Tip: The more times you store 10 songs the better chance you will have in winning the Fiat 500! Example: If you store 100 songs you will increase your chances of winning by 101

Rules and Regulations

Click here to view the contest rules and regulations 1117/2012 EXHIBIT 3 filJ ~c"~ I'i;,; ~~g'",'- "",""-r' >_ 1 TM

ReDigiTM, The World's First Online Marketplace For Used Digital Music Set to Launch October 11th, 2011

October 6, 2011-- Boston, MA -- ReDigi™ ( the world's first online marketplace for used digital music, will open its full beta release on October II, 20 II. ReDigi is transforming the music industry by allowing users to sell their legally acquired digital music files, and buy used digital music from others at a fraction of the price currently available on iTunes.

ReDigi is a completely FREE service, meaning no subscription fees, no initiation fees or paid upgrades. Users even get free private cloud storage so they can buy, sell or simply listen to their music anytime, anywhere.

Music fans around the country, including more than 120,000 social network followers, have been anxiously awaiting ReDgi's release. CEO John Ossenmacher explains, "ReDigi's technology signifies an important transition in the digital space, beyond the scope of what anyone thought was possible. By allowing consumers to sell their used digital music, we are giving digital goods a resale value for the first time ever and opening a new realm of what is possible in the digital age."

ReDigi's mission goes far beyond just giving digital goods resale value; it also actively supports the music community. In the past, artists and labels were left out of the loop and went uncompensated if their were resold online or at second-hand stores. ReDigi is changing this paradigm and giving artists and labels a significant portion of all proceeds from the sale and each subsequent resale of their music.

In this way, ReDigi is making strides to help revive the music community, which has struggled to find its footing since transitioning to a digital platform. "We are excited about the innovative programs that we have created to support artists and labels," said Ossenmacher. "As we move forward, social responsibility will remain one of our highest

priorities. II

ReDigi's Technology

A team of top programmers, including former MIT faculty and graduates, built ReDigi from the ground up. Part of its genius is in its revolutionary technology that transfers an eligible digital music file from one user to another without allowing mUltiple copies to exist at the same time. This is a massive breakthrough in the digital era, and gives users the ability to buy and sell used digital music direct from one fan to another.

ReDigi's forensic Verification Engine analyzes each music file uploaded for sale into the ReDigi marketplace to verify that it is eligible for resale, accepting only previously, legally downloaded tracks (excludes songs ripped from CD's). Once a track is deemed eligible, the ReDigi Music Manager----the platform that allows users to access the full range of ReDigi's offerings (compatible with both PC and Mac)--automatically removes the music file from the original owner's computer and synced devices. This process is even superior to the secondary sale of a CD in that it ensures that there are never two owners or copies of a single digital music file.

How To Use ReDigi

ReDigi is user-friendly and intuitive making it simple to buy and sell digital music with the click of a button. When a user signs up for their free account they will be given instant access to the marketplace where they can buy music and store it for free in their ReDigi cloud space. Users can buy music from any computer or mobile device and download it onto their own computer later.

To buy music, users can search over 11 million songs already in ReDigi's catalog. Searches can be done by song, artist, album or by browsing mUltiple charts to discover new gems.

Once a desired song is chosen, the user is given the option to buy the used (previously owned) or new (not previously owned) version of the track. If the used version of the song is out-of-stock, an order can be placed for the next available copy. Those who don't want to wait can immediately buy it new from ReDigi.

To sell music, users must first download the free ReDigi Music Manager. From there, users simply drag the songs they wish to sell from the Music Manager or their preferred computer library (iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc) and drop them onto the ReDigi icon located on their desktop.

Tracks that are eligible for resale will be removed from the seller's computer and all synced devices, stored in the ReDigi cloud, and offered for sale on ReDigi's website. When the song is purchased, the track and license will be instantly transferred to its new owner. The ReDigi Music Manager makes it easy for users to keep track of all their sales.

Resale eligibility is determined through ReDigi's forensic Verification Engine. Only legally acquired digital music files being sold by the authentic license holder are eligible for resale.

"It is a bit like CSI: ReDigi," said CTO, Larry Rudolph. "In addition to the obvious, there are many subtle clues that determine resale eligibility of each track. We are extremely cautious and our technology is incredibly thorough in determining the eligibility of a music file. " Songs that were ripped from a CD, vinyl record, tape, or some other physical medium are not accepted. "Ineligible tracks are simply returned to the user's library, no questions asked." adds Rudolph.

ReDigi Credits and Coupons

ReDigi credits can be used to buy music through its community marketplace. Every time a user sells a song through ReDigi, he or she will be given credits, which can then be used to purchase new favorites. Users can also buy ReDigi credits using a credit card or PayPal account.

ReDigi instant rebate coupons provide instant gratification and are rewarded to users each time they upload a song. Coupons will be automatically applied to the next used purchase made on ReDigi, for even deeper discounts on each song.

"ReDigi is a great alternative for kids ages 13 and older who want to build their music libraries without asking their parents for money," Ossenmacher added. "Instead, they can accumulate credits and coupons by turning in old songs, and rebuild their music libraries completely on their own."

ReDigi is changing not only the digital landscape but also the fundamental way in which people buy--and now sell--digital music. To become part of the ReDigi revolution, visit

Media Contact Jaclyn Inglis ReDigi [email protected] 718.541.0402


About ReDigi

ReDigi '" is the world's first and only online marketplace for used digital music. Its genius is in its ability to facilitate the transfer of a digital music file from one user to another without copying or file sharing. This gives digital music a resale value for the first time ever, and consumers the freedom to buy and sell the music they rightfully own. ReDigi also gives back to artists and labels through generous payments with every track sold (and resold). ReDigi is creating a new paradigm, which is changing not only the digital landscape, but also the way people think about and buy digital music. EXHIBIT 4 Disc Containing ReDigi Video Tutorial

(actual disc filed with Court) EXHIBIT 5 Reselling of Music Files Is Contested - Page I of 4

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Site to Resell Music Files Has Critics Log in 10 see whal your friends Log In With Facebook are sharing on nytimfOS,com By BEN SISARIO Privacy Policy I Vvllat's This? Publ,-,Imd- NrJvcmbm 1~. 2011

Music fans looking to clear out some clutter can always try to sell their RECOMMEND What's Popular Now Ii old CDs. But can someone resell an old digital music file of "Thriller" TWITTER George Lucas Is that's languishing on a computer? ,,,I, D,,, S'Y' LlNKEDIN She Has Type 2 P Ready to Roll the Diabetes Credits COMMENTS (19) Enlarge This Imalle A legitimate secondhand marketplace for digital music has never been tried SIGN IN TO E· MA" successfully, in part because few people think of reselling anything that PRINT is not physical. But last month a new company, ReDigi, opened a system REPRINTS that it calls a legal and secure way for SHARE

Larry Rudolph,laft, and Sieve 8mder, people to get rid of unwanted music members of ReOigi's development files and buy others at a discount. leam, at Ihe company's offiCI; m Cambridge, Mass The service has already dravm concern Enlarge This Image_,t from music executives and legal scholars, who say it is operating in a gray area of the law. Last Thursday the Recording Industry Association of America, which represents the major record companies, sent ReDigi a cease~and-desist letter, accusing it of Get the TimesLimited E-Mail copyright infringement. I I Sign Up " '.''~: .... Privacy Policy ReDigi's Web Slle e~plains ho..... 10 sell and buy used digital musIc Illes The John Ossenmacher, ReDigi's chief executive, contends that 5eNiee says thalli complies With the service complies with copyright law, and that its copynght law technology offers safeguards to allay the indushy's

concerns that people might profit from pirated music. MOST [.MAILED RECOMMENDED FOR YOU "ReDigi is a marketplace that gives users tools to be in compliance with copyright law," he said. "Before I put a file 1. 'Spider-Man' Producers Sue Taymor for Breach up for sale ReDigi says you will need to delete them, and if

not it won't take them." 2. BITS Court Sanctions Man Who Claims to Own When a user wants to upload a song for sale, ReDigi Facebook Stake analyzes its metadata - a kind of digital fingerprint - to 3· A Political Coming of Age for lheTcch verify that it came from an official store like iTunes or Industry Amazon. (It does not accept files ripped from a CD, or

others whose provenance it considers suspect.) Log in 10 discover more anides based on what you've read. A desktop program then deletes any copies left on a user's computer, and can detect if that user tries to add copies

Readers' Comments

Readers shared their thoughts on this article. Read All Comments (19)"

http://www.nytimes.coml20 II 111115Ibusiness/mediaireselling-of-music-files-is-contested .... 1118/2012 Reselling of Music Files Is Contested - Page 2 of4

J~i HII'.o" for ThO r,'M York T;"",·, later. John Ossenmacher, ll'1e chiel exeCll1ive or ReDig!. Songs on the seIVice, which is based in Cambridge, Mass., cost 79 cents, as much as 50 cents less than the price of new tracks at iTunes. ReDigi users also get coupons worth 20 cents for each song upload for sale, effectively reducing the cost of a track to 59 cents. ReDigi's fee ranges from 5 to 15 percent, a spokeswoman said. The company also plans to open a similar market for e-books, Mr. Ossenmacher said.

Lawyers and executives in music and technology call ReDigi a novel system, but with a number of legal and practical issues that put it at odds with the music industry. Download The Collection iPad App Also on ReDigi says it is legal under the first-sale doctrine, the idea that once someone buys a Download Election 2012 iPhone App Download The Scoop iPhone App copyrighted item like a CD or book, that buyer is free to resell it. But legal scholars say that the law is unclear when it comes to digital goods because transferring a digital file from one party to another usually involves making a copy of it, ADVERTISEMENTS something generally not allowed under copyright law.

"The real challenge for the first-sale doctrine in the digital environment," said Mark A. Lemley, a professor at Stanford Law School, "is that courts have generally said that if you've gone beyond using your copy, and made a new copy, then you're outside the scope

! of the doctrine."

Jason M. Schultz, an assistant professor of law at the University of California, Berkeley, said there were aspects to the first-sale law that may apply to digital goods, but have been largely untested in the courts. Ads by Google what's this? "When you own something you get to customize it, modify it, move it around - the things that we do all the time with physical property," Professor Schultz said. "That needs to be Ask a Copyright Lawver applied to digital music here in order to get it off your hard drive, to their service and to the A Lawyer WIll Answer You Now! next person," A Queslion is Answered Every 9 Sec. The recording industry association's letter to ReDigi, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, says that the company violates copyright by making copies of files, and by providing go-second samples of songs without licenses. A spokeswoman for ReDigi said on Friday that the company had not received the letter.

Mr. Ossenmacher, who has a background in technology and marketing, with several patents for fluorescent lighting and experience in social networking, said that his company has developed a process it calls an "atomic transaction" that can transfer files between users without copying.

That and other claims have been disputed by music and technology specialists, including Steve Scherf, a founder of CD DB, a system now known as Gracenote, that is widely used by iTunes and other programs to analyze and identify the music on people's computers.

"I have some serious doubts about their technOlogies," Mr. Scherf said in an interview. "There are things in it which as far as I can tell are just hype."

Mr. Ossenmacher said that ReDigi could tell if a user tried to put a file on their computer after already uploading it for resale. The service can also detect if a song on a connected iE9.d is another such copy, and would suspend a user's account if the files were not removed. But he conceded that the service is not foolproof.

"If someone willfully wants to violate copyright law," he said, "then there may be ways that they can ultimately beat the system."

ReDigi's system is not the first attempt at a secondhand digital marketplace. Three years!2011/11 I 15lbusiness/medialreselling-of-music-files-is-contested .... 1118/2012 Reselling of Music Files Is Contested - Page 3 of4

ago a company called Bopaboo announced plans for a similar service, but it was unable to get licenses from record companies, and the project was abandoned.

Mr. Ossenmacher said that ReDigi has offered to pay labels and artists a "gratuity" as a good-will gesture, even though the first-sale rule would make that unnecessary.

The company's business plan calls for it to take a fraction of every sale on the seIVice. But like many start-up companies in digital music, to turn a profit ReDigi will need to attract large numbers of users.

"If nothing in ReDigi sells," he said, "we're dead."

A 'Iersion or thiS article appeared In pfm\ 011 November 15. 2011, on page BIOI the New York edItIon With the headline S,!ij 10 Rilsell MUSIC Files Has Crim;s





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Via E-Mail and Overnight Mail

John Ossenmacher ReDigi, Inc. Cambridge Innovation Ctr, 14th Floor 1 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02142 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Ossenmacher:

I write on behalf ofthe members of the Recording Industry Association of America ("RIAA"): Universal Music, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Entertainment and EMI Music North America ("RIAA Members"). As you are aware, these companies own or control the copyrights for the vast majority of recorded music released in the United States. It has come to the attention of our Members that ReDigi, Inc. ("ReDigi") is making unauthorized use of certain of these recordings along with related intellectual property.

As we understand it, ReDigi's proprietary software allows a user to select a sound recording he or she possesses and to designate that recording for "sale." The software then duplicates the user's copy of the track, places a watermark on that copy, stores it on ReDigi's servers and purportedly deletes the original file from the user's hard drive or mobile device. Then ReDigi offers for sale the copy it has made to other users of its service.

Leaving aside our concerns regarding whether and how ReDigi can confirm that its users actually lawfully posses the sound recording that is being offered for sale (which is significant given the amount of infringing content on the Internet), there can be no doubt that ReDigi's conduct constitutes willful copyright infringement. As you are no doubt aware, the United States Copyright Act reserves to the owner of the copyright the exclusive right to reproduce the copyrighted work, prepare derivative works from the original, and distribute copies of the work and derivative works. 17 u.s.c. § 106(1)-(3). If ReDigi wants to engage in any ofthose acts, it must first get a license to do so, which it has not done. John Ossenmacher November 10, 2011 Page Two

Moreover, ReDigi cannot claim that its conduct is protected by § 109(a) of the Copyright Act under the "first sale doctrine." That provision permits the owner of"a particular copy or phonorecord lawfully made under this title" to sell that particular copy. It does not permit the owner to make another copy, sell the second copy and destroy the original. 1 Thus, even if ReDigi's software and system works as described by ReDigi (i.e. that it deletes the original copy before it makes the sale), ReDlgi would still be liable for copyright infringement.

Aside from unlawfully copying and distributing our Members' copyrighted content, ReDigi's streaming service (which allows its users to playa 30 second sample of a sound recording before purchasing it) also constitutes willful copyright infringement. The Copyright Act also reserves to the owners of sound recordings the right to perform their works through means of a digital audio transmission. 17 U.s.c. § 106(6). ReDigi does not have a license from any of our Members to stream music over the Internet.

Accordingly, on behalf of our Members and their artists, we hereby demand that ReDigi immediately cease and desist its infringing activities, including the reproduction, distribution, and streaming of our Members' sound recordings. In addition, ReDigi must quarantine any copies on its servers of our Member's sound recordings so that those recordings are not exploited in any manner. If you are unable to filter out our Members' content, we demand that you cease further distribution of the ReDigi software and terminate the connection between ReDigi servers and any individuals who have already downloaded the ReDigi software. We further demand that you remove from your website all references to the names and likenesses of artists signed to RIM Members. Finally, we demand that you provide an accounting of all sales achieved and revenue generated from sales of our Members' sound recordings through the ReDigi software so that we can discuss a resolution of our Members' claims. In this regard, I note that the statutory damages for willful copyright infringement can be as high as $150,000 per work infringed.

1 See Mirage Editions, Inc. v. Albuquerque A.R. T. Co., 856 F.2d 1341, 1344 (9'h Cir. 1988) ("the right to transfer [under the first sale doctrine] applies only to the particular copy of the book which appellant has purchased and nothing else); United States v. Sachs, 801 F.2d 839, 843 (6"' Cir. 1986) ("the first sale doctrine only permits the sale of a particular lawfully made copy, not its reproduction") (citing cases); Gener-Villar v. Adeom Group, Inc. 530 F. 5upp. 2d 392, 404-05 (D. P.R. 2007) (defendant may sell computer disc containing digital copies of photographs but cannot reproduce photographs without paying the copyright holder) .. The u.s. Copyright Office has expressly rejected the suggestion that Section 109(a) of the Copyright Act be amended to permit "transmission 01 a work that was subsequently deleted from the sender's computer." u.S. Copyright Office, Library 01 Cong., DMCA Section 104 Report (2001), available at http://www.copyright.eov/reports/studies/dmca/dmcastudy.html. See generally K. Kuplerschmid, "Lost in Cyberspace: The Demise olthe Digital First Sale Doctrine," 16 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. Law 825 (1998) (transmitting a copy and destroying the original not covered by first sale doctrine). John Ossenmacher November 10, 2011 Page Three

After our Members' claims are resolved, we expect that you will destroy the quarantined sound recordings. However, you should not destroy those sound recordings until there is a final resolution as that data will be relevant evidence in the event litigation becomes necessary.

I look forward to your prompt response to this letter.

Nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver of our Members' rights and remedies, all of which are expressly reserved.

Sincerely, 1~ML~ Jennifer L. Pariser SVP, Litigation MANDEL DECLARATION COWAN, LIEBOWITZ & LATMAN, P.C. 1133 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS NEW YORK., NY 10036-6799 (212) 790-9200

Attorneys for Plaintiff CAPITOL RECORDS, LLC





RICHARD S. MANDEL, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, declares as follows:

I. I am a shareholder in the fIrm of Cowan, Leibowitz & Latman, P.C., which represents Plaintiff Capitol Records, LLC in this matter ("Plaintiff' or "Capitol"). I submit this declaration in support of Plaintiff's application by order to show cause for an expedited hearing on its motion for a preliminary injunction.

2. As set forth in the annexed Memorandum for a Preliminary Injunction and

Declaration of Alasdair McMullan, Capitol is suffering daily infringement of numerous of its copyrighted sound recordings and associated artwork via an online "marketplace" for digital files made available by defendant ReDigi, Inc. As Mr. McMullan explains, the infringement is widespread, impossible to monitor or measure in scope, and causing irreparable harm to

Capitol's intellectual property and the market it has spent years developing for legitimate online distribution of sound recordings.

29503/003/1287598.1 3. Capitol proceeds by order to show cause, rather than by notice of motion, to ensure that it will be able to obtain an expedited hearing on its motion for a preliminary injunction to remedy this ongoing, damaging infringement. In the absence of such relief, a hearing would be significantly delayed by requirements set forth in Judge Sullivan's Individual

Rule for motions brought in the ordinary course, including the mandatory exchange of pre- motion conference letters and the scheduling of a pre-motion conference. Judge Sullivan's Rules state that this procedure is not required for motions brought by order to show cause, such as the instant motion seeking interlocutory relief on the grounds of irreparable harm.

4. Plaintiff has not made a previous application for similar relief.

5. On January 19,2012, I notified counsel for ReDigi, Ray Beckerman, Esq., of Ray

Beckerman, P.C., that Capitol would be presenting the instant application to the Court the next day. Because Mr. Beckerman was unavailable in the morning, we agreed to meet at Court at

2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 20,2012.



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