Appears in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) Implicitly-Multithreaded Processors Il Park, Babak Falsafi∗ and T. N. Vijaykumar School of Electrical & Computer Engineering ∗Computer Architecture Laboratory (CALCM) Purdue University Carnegie Mellon University {parki,vijay}
[email protected] Abstract In this paper, we propose the Implicitly-Multi- Threaded (IMT) processor. IMT executes compiler-speci- This paper proposes the Implicitly-MultiThreaded fied speculative threads from a sequential program on a (IMT) architecture to execute compiler-specified specula- wide-issue SMT pipeline. IMT is based on the fundamental tive threads on to a modified Simultaneous Multithreading observation that Multiscalar’s execution model — i.e., pipeline. IMT reduces hardware complexity by relying on compiler-specified speculative threads [10] — can be the compiler to select suitable thread spawning points and decoupled from the processor organization — i.e., distrib- orchestrate inter-thread register communication. To uted processing cores. Multiscalar [10] employs sophisti- enhance IMT’s effectiveness, this paper proposes three cated specialized hardware, the register ring and address novel microarchitectural mechanisms: (1) resource- and resolution buffer, which are strongly coupled to the distrib- dependence-based fetch policy to fetch and execute suit- uted core organization. In contrast, IMT proposes to map able instructions, (2) context multiplexing to improve utili- speculative threads on to generic SMT. zation and map as many threads to a single context as IMT differs fundamentally from prior proposals, TME allowed by availability of resources, and (3) early thread- and DMT, for speculative threading on SMT. While TME invocation to hide thread start-up overhead by overlapping executes multiple threads only in the uncommon case of one thread’s invocation with other threads’ execution.