Maine Woods and the HUNTER ARMS CO
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AND MAINE SPORTSMAN VOL. XXXII. NO. 32—PRICE 4 CENTS. PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1910. LOCAL EDITION— 12 PAGES, In the W oods. L. C. SMITH GUNS, By Ajddie Greenleaf Vaughan. For from the noisy homes of men We made our camping g-round; The clear blue sky above us bent, The great woods hedged us ’round. AS FITAS The far away encircling hills DON’T BUY A GUN Shut out the world of care, The music of the dreamy woods until you have seen our New Double Seemed like a tender prayer. A FIDDLE Barrel Models fitted with Stevens Com pressed Forged Steel Barrels— The red and gold of falling leaves To of October days; And goldenrod and aster bloom DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM Thronged all the woodland ways. The mode of constructing these From lowdand pastures out of sight superb Trap and Field Guns is fully We heard a tinkling bell set forth in our New Shotgun Cata And the bleating of the w andering sheep log. Send for it, it’s free. Across the stillness fell. IS The branches of he tall ■ Im trees Ask your Dealer Waved gently to and fro UTOLOADING SHOTGUN As night her star-gemmed curtain drew % for Stevens THE 2 0 You see him along the barrel ofa 'V /O U don’t have to bother to Demi-Bloc Guns. O’er the sleeping world below'. load a Remington Autoloading We gathered stregnth for days to come GUAGE Gun. The recoil does all the work Insist on our There, close to the fragrant sod, W IN C H E STE R o f ejecting the empty shell and make. Alone in the depths of the quiet wood 22 AUTOMATIC RIFLE throwing a loaded one into place. With nature, and nature’s God. Y o u pull and release the trigger for J. STEVENS ARMS HE'S YOURS! each of the five shots. More Deer Than Ever Before. & TOOL CO. Pleasant to shoot because of Stratton, Me., Feb. 28, 1910. ICSWIIM slight kick. Absolutely safe because P. 0 . Box 5002 This handy little ten- of the Remington Solid Breech Chicopee Falls, Mass. To the Editor of Maine Woods and THE HUNTER ARMS CO. Hammerless feature. Easy to Maine Sportsman. FULTON, shot rifle repeats itself, handle and quick to point. I see quite a lot about the decrease N . Y Try one on ducks or geese. You the recoil being utilized will agree with the sportsman who of doer in Maine; it makes me tired wrote “ I wouldn’t take a $1000 for Best Spring Fishing Smith guns are made from $20.00 to do the reloading. my Remington Autoloader if I tc read them. In most cases it is to $1500; 10, 12, 16 and 20 gauges; couldn't get another." Anyone can in M a in e from men who come into our state Hunter One-Trigger is perfect. Send The novelty of its oper afford one, the price ¡9 so moderate. about once a year, stay about a week for Art Catalogue in colors. IFyoar dealer can't show yoa in the worst hunting, get out a mile ation affords possibili one, write ns for catalogue Address B illy Soule, Oquossoc, and literature. Maine. He owns P leasant I sland or so from the village where all of “MONMOUTH MOCCASINS.” ties for practice and the small boys have been educating THE REMINGTON C a m p s .* They are made for pleasure which no other ARMS COMPANY, the deer and come hack and ask Sportsmen, Guides, Lumbermen. Ilion, N. Y. where all the deer are. “twenty-two” does. Look Known the world over for excel Agency, 31S Broadway, 8NOWSHOES FOR SPORTSMEN. New York City I have guided around here for quite lence. Illustrated catalogue free. one over. & & & Always first-class. No cheap work. $3.50 a number of falls and have failed to apiece. Ellswortn Beach, Grand Lake S o l o b y D e a l e r s Ev e r y w h e r e , ¡Stream Maine. find the deer on the decrease. 1 M. L. GETCHELL CO., saw more deer in the fall of 1909 Monmouth, Me. than ever before. Now, in regard to the game lav/s, {why not let -a good .th:rg aJouc? Ü- LSTcst cf. the rang _T_’:r-vo guided are $ Boating,. FishingS 3 perfectly' sat' ¿red and ' x thunk iota of the kick cv iics from men who ' f M a i n e f B o o k l e t ^ ♦> ~n A u to in g , Driving, Golf would naturally1 be called poacher’s or game hogs. 4 Now any one who wants to find FREE out about the amount of deer in the ï state of Maine can come here and 4 take a snowshoe trip, or come next 4Y fall and take a guide and outfit and ^ ILLUSTRATED WITH HUNTING AND 4 l get. back in the woods and stay long FISHING SGENES enough to get the city smell off their î feet, and I will guarantee they will Ì see deer enough. Don't bring any „> HuurcòàAddress i.F. n.N. dlBEAL,.hu, u,G. r,P. aA,,,, rnmips,Phillips, mameMaine whiskey, for guides make poor hunt ers when they have too much of it. Cliff Taylor. Has Fine Fox Scent. “ In The Maine Woods” Canatunk, Me., March 1, 1910. Sportsmen’s Guide Book To the Editor of Maine Woods and llth Annual Edition Maine Sportsman: Published by the I see in your paper that Mr. W. P. Willand wants to get some fox scent that will draw a fox to the BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R* R< The Rangeley Lake House trap. Now on receipt of $5.00 I will Mailed anywhere for 15 cents in stamps. furnish any man a receipt for malt RODS AND SNOWSHOES. One of New England« most famous inland resort Hotels and the largest and Address Geo. M. Houghton, ing scent that will drawl a fox half Passenger Traffic Manager. * ’ I make Rangeley wood and split bamboo rods most finely equipped in the entire Rangeley Region, location unequalled in Maine. a mile, and guarantee it or money for fly fishing and trolling. Rods to let. Snow- F or May, June and early July, Trout and Salmon Fishing. Guides, Rowboats, Bangor, Maine. shoes to order. Canoes, Launches furnished at short notice. Elevation 2u00 feet. Our 190 9 refunded. E. T. HOAR, Rangeley, Maine, Booklet gives full information. T. M. Meservey. Kennebago LaKe Via Stratton “TIM POND CAMPS” Can’t Get Along Without It. House and Camps RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO., Tim, Me. Newton, N. J., Feb. 25, 1910. The Fly Fishing at Kennebago Lake has no RANGELEY ================== , M AINE equal. Excellent table and service. Log cabins To the Editor of Maine Woods and and open fireplaces. Hunting, bathing, boating, Maine Sportsman. canoeing. Our buckboards leave Rangeley Lake House every morning at 8 o’clock. Arrangements That three months’ subscription to for special trips can be made with us or with Ira D. Hoar at Rangeley, Maine. ♦ +*****< Maine Woods and Maine Sportsman Write for illustrated booklet. \ FAMOUS did at; I can't possibly get along KENNEBAGO ^HOTEL COMPANY, FISHING PARTIES NEXT I without it. Must have it, so I am Kennebago Lake, Maine. I BACKWOODS We invite correspondence from parties who want to go fishing % enclosing one plunk to renew my where trout rise to the fly every day in the season. Write for subscription and thus take 52 more illustrated booklet to X interesting trips tack in the Maine , Round Mountain Lake Camps / FAIRY TALES. ED G R A N T (St SONS, - Hennebago, Maine j* woods. Anyone anticipating a trip Located on. one of the most beau to the Maine woods should have it. tiful lakes in the world, writh every comfort that can be asked for. Three Wan. J. Morris. ponds and fifteen miles of streams assure good trout fly fishing every Ed Grant, Beaver Pond Camps, Deer Not Decreasing in Maine. day. Plenty of good trails and eight Author. HOUGH’S CAMPS, Redington, Me. mountains to climb. Daily mail and Sheffield, Penn., March 1, 1910. telephone. Elevation 2,800 feet. Write "PLY FISHING every day in open season. Brook fishing: as well as pond fishing. New reading matter. Interesting. -*■ Good Spring1 water. Open fires. Individual camps with private baths. Two mails To the Editor of Maine Woods and for particulars. daily. Telegraph and Telephones. Fr<e circular. Maine Sportsman. DION O. B LA C K W E LL, The first edition was exhausted J. FREDERICK HOUGH Hound Mountain, Main*. In reply to your question “Are much sooner than we expected and P. O. address, Phillips. Maine, until May 1; then Rangeley, Maine. deer decreasing?” I do not think so. FOR SALE OR TO LET. the popular demand was so great High class furnished bungalows, five rooms, im I was there in the fall of 1907 and mense fireplaces, running water, all located on for a second edition that we pub saw about thirty deer in all. I got water-front at Ocean Highlands or Harbor Island of Sebasco Estates. Maine. Further particulars, lished an enlarged and improved ed Fishing at Blakeslee Lake Camps, Maine. two deer and was out there about FREEMAN H. MERRITT, White Plains, N. Y. two weeks. ition to be sold by mail (portpaid) Boston. Mass. I was at Fowler’s camp, on Shinn We mail out circulars of various at the low price named. Joseph White, Esq., Blakeslee Camp. Maine. hotels, camps and transportation com Dear Joe----- We all had just exactly the kind of a time we were looking for.