Potential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 1 utumn 2015 dale MBC - A Calder otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P Contents

1 Introduction 3

Spatial Strategy

Calder 2 Scale of Growth 4

dale MBC - A 3 Distribution of Growth 10

4 The Potential Site Allocations 13

4.1 Brighouse 15 utumn 2015 4.2 Elland 49

4.3 Halifax 73

4.4 Hebden Bridge 133 P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 4.5 Mytholmroyd 147

4.6 Northowram and Shelf 158

4.7 Ripponden 171

4.8 Sowerby Bridge 181

4.9 Todmorden 195

Core Policies

5 Climate Change 211

6 High Quality Inclusive Design 213

7 Sustainable Design and Construction 216

Thematic Policies

8 Housing 218

9 Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment 238

10 Environmental Protection 246

11 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy 248

12 Flooding and Water Environment 255 Introduction 3

1.1 Welcome to this consultation on aspects of the new Local Plan.

1.2 This consultation takes forward some of the policy themes from the Preferred Options of the Core Strategy (2012) but of most interest to many puts forward possible sites for development and these are a prime focus of this consultation. It is NOT the Publication Version of the Local Plan, nor a complete initial draft plan, but 1 provides context for further engagement and plan preparation over the coming months.

1.3 There are emerging draft policies on various aspects as well as the initial suggestions for sites, trying to take account of the evidence and deliver a sustainable future for Calderdale. The draft policies and supporting text show how the Local Plan may develop as it transposes from the Core Strategy to a Local Plan and

progresses towards the Publication version. utumn 2015

1.4 As this is not a draft plan, but rather a consultation we have not undertaken formatting, cross referencing, included pictures or precise statistics as many of these will change. Decisions following this consultation, particularly in relation to the land allocations, will influence the drafting of these parts of the Local Plan. This

consultation appears to be a step back from the "Preferred Options" for the Core Strategy... but it should be dale MBC - A remembered that the Council is now producing a single Local Plan - rather than two separate documents. The process was never going to be as simple as just adding sites to the Core Strategy as they are very different documents, and there has to be significant re-writing of the strategic elements to clearly indicate Calder the outcomes that are being incorporated within the plan. Many of these strategic policies need to reflect more recent evidence and changes to national planning policy and guidance.

1.5 Some of the studies providing the evidence underpinning the Local Plan were not fully completed at the time of writing this consultation document. These include the Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2015 (SHMA), Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2015 (SFRA), Green Belt Review, Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2015, Landscape Study and the SATURN Model considering highways. Further studies, such as a refresh of the Employment Land Review and Retail Needs Assessment and update work, relating to infrastructure, including highways impacts, will be needed as plan preparation continues to ensure the most appropriate and up-to-date evidence is available to support the plan.

1.6 This Consultation is not supported by an updated Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment - SEA) nor appraisals relating to the Habitats Regulations. The Council is fully aware of the need to undertake this work as the plan progresses and to inform choices for the Publication version.

1.7 Consultation on this document will be undertaken from 6 November 2015 to 18 December and comments otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

on policy, strategy or sites will be welcomed. Copies of the consultation documents and maps are available P to view on line and in printed format at Calderdale libraries and at the Drop In Sessions:-

VENUE Date and Time

Hebden Bridge Town Hall Monday 16 November 4-7pm

Halifax Town Hall Tuesday 17 November 4-7pm

Todmorden Town Hall Thursday 19 November 4-7pm

Elland Library Saturday 21 November 12-3pm

Foundry Street Youth & Community Centre, Tuesday 24 November 4-7pm Sowerby Bridge

Mulberry Suite, Parsonage Lane, Brighouse Thursday 26 November 4-7 pm

Threeways Centre, Ovenden Tuesday 8 December 4-7 pm

Your comments on the proposed land allocations will be important to the Council in its considerations as it progresses the Local Plan. 4 Scale of Growth

Scale of Growth Planned

2.1 The amount of growth necessary to ensure that the district caters for the objectively assessed needs of both its current and future residents and businesses up to 2032 has been established through a range of 2 background studies. Whilst a requirement exists for a diversity of development types this section concentrates specifically on those that will require the greatest land designations. It is, however, important to note that Calder just because a form of development is not discussed in this section it does not mean there is no requirement. The types of development to be considered here in the Local Plan will be for jobs, retail and town centres

dale MBC - A and housing. Such needs are interrelated as, for example, employers require a workforce whilst a workforce requires housing. This consultation document deals primarily with housing growth.


utumn 2015 2.2 The planned housing provision in the Replacement Calderdale Unitary Development Plan (currently an extant plan) was successfully delivered approximately half way through the plan period with delivery subsequently measured against the RSS (2008). Whilst completion levels have reduced over the last few years following the economic downturn, prior to this completion levels were significantly higher than the RSS housing

P requirement figure leading to overall provision being significantly ahead of that planned in the RSS trajectory. otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Further detail is provided in the Authority Monitoring Report. The latest 2012 Sub-National Population Projections (SNPP) project the population of Calderdale to grow by around 25,000 people (or 12.3%) between 2012 and 2033 at an average rate of around 1,200 persons per annum. This represents a slight increase to the average annual growth of 1,140 persons seen between 2001 and 2011, indicating that the 2012 SNPP expects Calderdale to continue its population growth trajectory.

Local Evidence for Housing

2.3 The Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) undertaken for the Council by Turley(i) assessed the housing needs of the district in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF and PPG. It utilised the latest (2012 based) population and household projections produced by ONS and CLG as well as both the Regional Econometric Model (REM) and the Cambridge Econometric Model. As well as examining future population growth pressures and the future needs of the economy it also examined a range of other factors with the potential to influence the level of housing needed, including historic development levels and any market signals of imbalance between supply and demand.

2.4 The SHMA analysis results in a range within which the objectively assessed needs of the district fall and from which the housing requirement figure for the Local Plan be determined. This range is relatively narrow rising from 872 dwellings per annum at the lower end to 1169 dwellings per annum at the higher end.

2.5 The Local Plan makes provision to meet its objectively assessed needs for housing. In doing so the Council had regard as to whether this was achievable having regard to environmental and other policy considerations (as advised in the PPG)(ii). These are not inconsiderable factors in a district such as Calderdale with the constraints imposed by its topography, large areas of high landscape value and heritage assets (all matters reflected in the previous distribution of the RSS housing requirement). As demonstrated in the SHMA Calderdale is largely a self-contained housing market area (albeit with links to other areas) and therefore, providing that this is achievable, it is appropriate that it makes provision for its own housing needs. Furthermore, it is clear from joint working with neighbouring local authorities that they face similar challenges in meeting their own housing needs making any additional provision not achievable. Local authorities across the Leeds City Region are employing the same methodology as Calderdale ensuring a consistent approach to the assessment of objectively assessed needs.

2.6 Based on the analysis in the SHMA, together with a number of other factors and policy considerations, the figure of 946 dwellings per annum (or 15,082 dwellings over the plan period) is included in the Local Plan as the most appropriate objectively assessed need figure to meet the district's housing requirements. Setting the housing requirement at this level represents a balanced approach which will boost housing supply, make a significant contribution to meeting affordable housing need and support growth in the labour force (around 300 jobs annually) allowing growth in the economy. The SHMA cautions against relying on the higher figures produced by the economic forecasts since the levels of net in-migration to support job growth would be unprecedented, certainly for a sustained period of time, whilst there are also varying assumptions around the extent to which greater use may be made of the existing labour force. The Single Transport Plan currently

i Shaping the Housing Future of Calderdale - Strategic Housing Market Assessment,Turley, September 2015 ii Planning Practice Guidance, para 2a-005 Scale of Growth 5

in preparation is likely to make commuting easier around West over the plan period with consequential effects for the commuting ratios used in employment forecasts. In providing for the housing needs of the district it is also important to minimise any adverse effects on the character of the district, including the features which make it an attractive place in which to live and work and indeed which are attractive to businesses. Making provision for any point in the range of objectively assessed needs is 2 challenging as demonstrated by the work to identify land allocations for housing where a number of Green Belt sites have had to be allocated along with sites making more limited contributions to the objectives of sustainable development. Should provision be made at the upper end of the range and the economic forecasts not be fulfilled, there would be the risk that housing growth take place without associated job growth leading to unsustainable patterns of growth with negative effects on the environment and landscape that cannot be

repaired and greater out commuting. Consequential effects include less cohesive communities undermining utumn 2015 the social objectives of sustainability and increased house prices as commuters travel to better paid jobs elsewhere reducing affordability for existing local residents.

2.7 The planned level of housing provision should also be viewed in the context of housing requirement figures set in earlier plans. These were much lower with the RCUDP figure being 450 dwellings per annum and the dale MBC - A RSS being 500 stepping up to 670 dwellings per annum. Levels of delivery have never consistently achieved

the objectively assessed needs range with the latest 11 year average being 806 dwellings per annum (ranging Calder from 385 to 1,399 dwellings gross) and covering periods of higher and lower economic activity. This clearly illustrates that the Plan is making attempts to significantly boost housing supply in Calderdale. Delivering this level of housing will be a major challenge for the Local Plan. Work is being undertaken at the Leeds City Region level to understand and increase the role small and medium sized house builders play in housing provision, with a recognition that this sector has diminished over recent years leaving house building consolidated in a small number of volume house builders. A report by the Leeds City Region (unpublished) notes, with reference to earlier research, that whilst these have a role in housing provision their ability to deliver substantial growth is limited by their vulnerability to market volatility and by their business strategies. It is not the role or purpose of private house builders to provide the socially optimum level of new homes. Their business strategy is to manage risk and maximise sale price by building out large sites gradually and not flooding the market with new homes. It is clear that small and medium sized builders will need to make a much greater contribution to provision if the Plan’s level of housing provision is to be met and the work commencing by the City Region should assist this process over the plan period. The level of provision therefore represents a balanced approach which meets housing needs, supports growth in the economy, recognises the environmental and social implications of development and whilst clearly ambitious, this ambition is tempered by the challenges of delivery.

2.8 Clearly when looking so far ahead it is impossible to predict the factors which will influence the housing needs otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan of the district with any certainty, particularly given that household projections represent the outcome of P complex social and economic processes. Should circumstances indicate that these factors have changed this will be reflected through the 'Plan, Monitor and Manage' approach to which the Local Plan will be subjected with the housing requirement figure reviewed at appropriate intervals throughout the plan period.

2.9 The housing requirement figure should also be viewed in the context of the intention to meet need from the base date of the projections and not the plan base date raising the requirement to 1038 dwellings per annum (see below) and levels not achieved consistently before along with with the conservative assumptions made about supply e.g. where the windfall allowance has been set well below historic rates (see Thematic Section on Housing). These factors could be seen to offset the need for the higher figures under the employment scenarios with the requirement clearly set at a suitable level to significantly boost growth.

2.10 In order that a potential constraint on delivering housing provision is avoided delivery has not been phased in the Local Plan. However, the reality is that delivery in the early part of the plan period will be depressed due to effective demand being suppressed by both a slow recovery from the economic downturn which took place around 2008, and the more stringent conditions now being imposed by mortgage lenders. It is anticipated that improved economic circumstances later in the Plan period will give rise to both demand created by people moving to the district to take up jobs and also to allow a release of pent up demand created by people finding it difficult to access housing in the early part of the Plan period. However, the reality in terms of how this will influence demand will become clearer over the plan period as a combination of high house prices in relation to incomes along with the difficulties in obtaining mortgage finance (including the level of deposits required by lenders) may temper effective demand for market housing throughout the Plan period. Whilst housing provision overall is not phased actual land allocations will come forward at different points in the plan period due to site specific factors and this is reflected in the housing delivery trajectory included in the Housing Thematic Section. Delivery in the early part of the plan period, particularly prior to the plan’s formal 6 Scale of Growth

adoption, will be lower as it is only after the plan’s formal adoption that greater certainty can be attached to the allocations. Throughout the plan period the Council will ensure that a five year supply of deliverable sites is maintained as required by the NPPF.

2 2.11 The housing requirement figure of 946 dwellings per annum is a net figure since no allowance is made either for improvements in vacancy levels or for demolitions. The vacancy rate is relatively low with any meaningful

Calder contribution having to come from long term empty properties. There are a range of problems in returning these to the supply as explained in the Housing Thematic Section which considers the various sources of

dale MBC - A supply. Demolitions have generally been low in the past and no significant levels of demolition are planned, a factor also influenced by the fact that the Council is no longer a stock holder. Through its Authority Monitoring Report the Council records both gains and losses to the housing stock whereby any losses are offset against completions to ensure it is the net gain to the overall housing stock that is recorded. This is a continuation of the process followed in relation to the RSS housing requirement figures when detailed information regarding

utumn 2015 future demolitions was also not available. The five year supply will respond to any known losses to the housing stock should these occur during the plan period.

2.12 The plan period runs from 2015/16 to 2031/32 including covering the 15 years beyond the programmed adoption date. This is in accordance with the NPPF which requires local plans to be drawn up over an P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan appropriate time scale, preferably a 15 year time horizon and take account of longer term requirements. However, the base year for the Objectively Assessed Needs Assessment is 2012, in order to correspond with the most recently published (2012 based) population and household projections. Whilst a High Court judgement(iii) makes it clear that in assessing future housing need plans do not take account of under or over provision against former RSS targets since the SHMA assessment of objectively assessed needs marks a new starting point based on current evidence it is less clear how to respond to a situation where a plan’s base date is later than that of the population and household projections the objectively assessed needs figure is based on. The base date for the population and household projections has traditionally been the starting point for a plan’s housing requirement but this is now complicated by the introduction of objectively assessed needs since this figure will not necessarily be the same as the requirement figure once environmental and other policy considerations have been taken into account as per the PPG.

2.13 Given that the Local Plan meets the objectively assessed need this latter point is less relevant and therefore as the objectively assessed need figure is based on the 2012 population and household projections this is taken as the base date for the housing requirement. Therefore any variation in completion levels for the 3 year period between the plan base date and that of the OANs assessment are added to the overall housing requirement as set out in the Table below. This gives a housing requirement figure of 1,038 dwellings per annum over the plan period and is in the spirit of boosting housing supply as required by the NPPF. It also increases the challenges of delivering the plans’s housing requirement as discussed above with delivery much higher than ever before over a sustained period of time. It should be noted, however, that since the RSS requirement was the relevant development plan figure prior to the assessment of OAN for the Local Plan (and exceeded over the period of the RSS to date) this retrospective requirement does not represent under delivery as defined by the NPPF/PPG.

Table 2.1 Housing Requirement Over Plan Period

Number Comments

A Total Requirement 2012-2015 2,838 SHMA 2015

B Net Completions 2012-2015 1,269 HLA Database

C Difference 2012-2015 -1,569 A-B

D Requirement 2015-2032 16,082 SHMA 2015 (17 year plan period)

E Total Requirement 17,651 D+C difference spread over plan period (+92pa)

Dwellings per annum 1,038 E/17 (2015/16-2031/32)

Note: Since the RSS requirement was the relevant figure at the time (and exceeded over the period of the RSS to date) this retrospective requirement does not represent under delivery as defined in the NPPF/PPG

iii Zurich Assurance Limited v Winchester City Council and South Downs National Park Authority,18th March 2014 Scale of Growth 7

Previously Developed Land

2.14 The Council has pursued the approach of reusing previously developed (brownfield) land for many years with the RCUDP including a target for "in the order of 85%" of housing to be on brownfield land. This policy has been very successful in recycling land with the target continually exceeded since the adoption of the 2 RCUDP in 2006 as shown in Table 2.2 'Proportion of Housing Achieved on Brownfield Land'. The emphasis in previous national planning policy(iv) towards prioritising reusing brownfield land, the willingness of landowners to bring forward brownfield sites and the market interest in developing apartments all contributed to the high proportions of housing achieved on brownfield land.

Table 2.2 Proportion of Housing Achieved on Brownfield Land utumn 2015

Year Completions (Gross) Brownfield %

2001/02 570 63.7 dale MBC - A 2002/03 536 73.3

2003/04 737 77.3 Calder

2004/05 1,043 81.2

2005/06 1,234 90.0

206/07 1,397 92.6

2007/08 1,399 96.2

2008/09 768 96.9

2009/10 708 94.1

2010/11 495 96.0

2011/12 517 93.6

2012/13 517 88.5 otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P 2013/14 385 76.6

2014/15 406 79.8

Total 10,712 87.3

Source: Housing Land Availability Database

2.15 The Council's and indeed much of the community's preference remains a high brownfield target as this has a number of benefits, an obvious one being that it reduces the need to allocate' greenfield' land (land not previously developed) including that currently designated as open space and Green Belt. Many brownfield sites are located in sustainable locations in/adjacent to existing settlements already served by essential infrastructure such as public transport, the necessary utilities and other services and facilities. Development of such sites also helps the regeneration of the older, more run down parts of the district preventing these areas becoming eyesores. The Plan provides the opportunity to re-inforce the principle that large scale comprehensive redevelopments in the older urban areas, many of which may be housing led, will be supported. However, the plan’s approach to brownfield land has to be tempered by the reduced priority given to it in the NPPF, although more recent ministerial statements and the proposed introduction of Local Development Orders to cover all brownfield sites across a local authority’s area are a clear indication that brownfield sites remain a crucial part of the land allocations portfolio. The Plan's approach therefore has to be more flexible than was formerly the case in order to deliver all of the Plan's objectives including meeting the housing needs of the district and maintaining a 5 year supply of housing land as required by the NPPF whilst at the same

iv Planning Policy Statement 3 Housing, DCLG, 2006 8 Scale of Growth

time protecting the landscape. Such opportunities are not distributed evenly throughout the district, an important factor in the spatial distribution of the housing allocations.

2.16 Indeed the scale of the housing requirement, if this is to be met, will necessitate the use of land previously 2 developed and also of that not previously developed as demonstrated in the land allocations in the Housing Thematic Section. Site assessments for the land allocations included examining whether brownfield sites

Calder were of high environmental value and therefore not appropriate for development and also whether otherwise suitable brownfield sites were actually developable and deliverable over the course of the Plan period. Much

dale MBC - A of the easier to develop brownfield land has already been developed. In maximising the overall contribution brownfield sites can make to housing provision over the plan period efforts were made to identify and then assess all remaining brownfield sites. This showed that these sites tend to have a number of constraints, particularly larger sites including existing employment activities, quite often at a low density. To release these sites would jeopardise these small businesses risking affecting employment levels across the district. The

utumn 2015 proposed staged introduction of LDOs is also expected to increase the number of brownfield sites coming forward.

2.17 In setting a target for the proportion of housing development to come from brownfield land, whilst important to be realistic, it is also important to be ambitious in order to encourage as much brownfield land as possible P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan to be redeveloped. The amount of brownfield land included in the land allocations together with that already benefiting from planning permission indicates that around xxxx dwellings could be delivered from these sources. To this figure should be added that from brownfield windfall sites. This figure has been reduced to reflect the fact that with the proposed introduction of Local Development Orders sites previously classed as windfalls will have been identified and therefore no longer meet the definition of windfall. Site size and density will also influence the relative proportions of brownfield and greenfield development. The collapse of the apartment investment market (often on brownfield sites) which were built at high densities helped increase the proportion of brownfield development. Many brownfield sites are in locations where higher densities are more appropriate helping increase the proportion of browfield development. The larger greenfield allocations including settlement extensions will pull in the opposite direction, their scale increasing the proportion of greenfield development. The target of 55% is therefore based on the housing supply with a slight uplift to reflect the aspiration in the Plan to maximise the use of brownfield land. In order to ensure brownfield opportunities are actively pursued this target is set as a minimum with the objective being to achieve a higher figure over the life of the Plan if at all possible.

Policy CP 1

Provision of Housing

The district's housing stock will be improved and increased to provide appropriate accommodation to meet its housing needs, taking account of the economic growth of the district. Provision will therefore be made for in the order of 17,600 additional dwellings (net) to be created within Calderdale between 1st April 2015 and 31st March 2032, or 1,038 dwellings per annum, in order to meet the housing needs of the district.

Priority will be given to maximising the use of previously developed (brownfield) land with a minimum target of 55% for the proportion of new housing built on such land or arising through the conversion of existing buildings over the Local Plan period (TO BE REVIEWED FOLLOWING DETERMINATION OF LAND ALLOCATIONS).

Table 2.3 Monitoring: Provision of Housing

Outcomes The district's housing stock has increased with as high a proportion as possible built on brownfield land.

Indicators Annual net increase to housing stock; Housing Trajectory (completions in relation to dwelling requirements); Number of demolished dwellings; Number of vacant dwellings; Evidence of deliverable 5-year housing land supply; Proportion of development on brownfield land. Scale of Growth 9

Targets Annual completions as per Housing Requirement Figure; Maintenance of deliverable 5-year housing land supply; Minimum of 55% completions on brownfield land. 2 Employment

2.18 In the context of the Council’s economic development strategies and the Leeds City Region Strategic Economic Plan, the Local Plan will include policies to encourage employment growth to meet the needs of the population and benefit the economy of the District. It will also identify land allocations to provide for new employment

uses and expansion of existing industry and commerce. utumn 2015

2.19 Work is continuing to assess the number of new jobs required within the plan period. Influencing factors include firstly the demand for jobs (determined by local/regional /national economic growth in the different industry sectors), and secondly the supply, i.e. the labour force (determined by population change and

structure, and participation rates). dale MBC - A

2.20 Current baseline projections for the numbers of jobs (Full time Equivalents) in the District indicate a growth in most sectors, especially Professional and other Private services; Construction; Accommodation, Food Calder and Recreation; Wholesale and Retail; but a decline in the Manufacturing industry.

2.21 A major upgrade of the Model used by districts in the Leeds City Region to forecast future employment is currently in progress, and due to be released in early November 2015. The new Regional Econometric Model will now include more sophisticated population projections and a more detailed consideration of participation rates and commuting patterns, in order to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the areas where people live and work. It is essential to use data from the new upgraded model to assess the future need for jobs and land in Calderdale, as this will provide a more refined assessment than current information. Detailed analysis will be undertaken, with a consideration of different options for encouraging growth, with colleagues in Business and Economy.

2.22 Alongside this work a new Economic Land Review looking at the potential supply of viable sites for economic development in the District will be commissioned.

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P 10 Distribution of Growth

At this stage of the plan making process the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework for Sustainability Appraisal (including Strategic Environmental Assessment) covering all likely significant effects on the environment, economic and social factors remains to be undertaken. Similarly, 3 a scoping report to determine whether there would be a likely significant effect on the European wildlife sites within and adjacent to the district resulting in the need for an environmental assessment under Calder the Habitats Regulations will be undertaken as the plan progresses. Both of these exercises will inform the final policies relating to growth and the selection of the land allocations. dale MBC - A

Spatial Distribution of Development

3.1 As one of the eleven local authorities making up the Leeds City Region Calderdale plays and will continue

utumn 2015 to play an active role in meeting its share of housing and economic growth to support broader growth across the city region to support the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and its Strategic Economic Plan (SEP). Within a district such as Calderdale with a high quality environment not only the scale of growth but also the distribution of that growth is inevitably a balance between necessary growth and environmental protection.

P These factors were recognised in the former RSS. Since the scale of growth identified in the previous section otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan is to be met within the district the distribution is crucial in order to ensure that in delivering growth the environment which makes the district attractive to businesses and tourism is not harmed.

3.2 Several potential spatial options for the distribution of development were examined during the preparation of the earlier Core Strategy Preferred Options document. These are summarised in the "Reasons for Policies" Document published alongside the Preferred Options version of the Local Development Framework(v). This document also includes the modelling of these spatial options which provided further clarification of the relative sustainability of the various settlements confirming that the eastern areas of Calderdale generally have greater capacity for development than western areas which are more environmentally sensitive, have fewer services and facilities and limited prospects for economic development. Following this general approach meets the requirements of the NPPF enabling the achievement of net gains across all three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental).

3.3 Within the district the broad distribution of growth therefore generally reflects the existing settlement hierarchy which is largely a function of the topography and to some extent the environmental capacity of the district. The former RSS in determining a settlement hierarchy for the region recognised the role of Halifax as a Sub-Regional Town and Brighouse as a Principal Town with the majority of development directed to these higher order centres. The evidence underpinning the Local Plan confirms this hierarchy and extends it to include the other settlements in the district as shown in the following table.

Table 3.1 Summary of Settlement Hierarchy

Settlement Status

Halifax Sub-regional centre

Brighouse Principal Town

Elland Local Town

Sowerby Bridge Local Town

Hebden Bridge Local Town

Todmorden Local Town

Holywell Green and Stainland Local Centre

Luddenden and Local Centre

Mytholmroyd Local Centre

v Reasons for Policies (Core Strategy), Calderdale MBC, Autumn 2012 Distribution of Growth 11

Settlement Status

Northowram Local Centre

3 Ripponden and Rishworth Local Centre

Shelf Local Centre

Southowram Local Centre

28 smaller settlements Neighbourhood /Small Rural Centre utumn 2015

3.4 Halifax and Brighouse being higher order settlements will accommodate most growth. The Local Towns (Elland, Sowerby Bridge, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden) will also receive increased levels of development although this will vary between these settlements since the ability of Hebden Bridge to accommodate growth dale MBC - A is less than that of other settlements in this tier. The opportunities presented by the expansion of rail destinations through the Todmorden curve and improvements to Todmorden town centre do provide

development opportunities, albeit these are limited through land availability. The local centres as lower tier Calder settlements generally take less growth but this reflects the greater opportunities in eastern Calderdale with Northowram and Shelf taking more development than other settlements in the same tier in other parts of the district. A small amount of development is also directly planned through the land allocations for some larger Neighbourhood /Small Rural Centres where these are not included in the Green Belt in order help meet local needs. Within this overall distribution factors such as the location of brownfield land, existing employment opportunities, transport links, local environmental factors and the preparation of neighbourhood plans have also influenced the detailed distribution of the land allocations.

Policy CP 2

Distribution of Growth

The overall pattern of growth will be as follows:

The Sub-Regional Town of Halifax will continue to be the prime focus for housing, employment, shopping, leisure, education, health and cultural activities/ facilities. It will provide excellent transport connections

to Leeds, Manchester, Bradford, Huddersfield and other towns and cities of national/ regional importance. otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P The Principal Town of Brighouse will be a main focus for housing, employment, shopping, leisure, education, health and cultural activities/ facilities. It will provide good transport links with Leeds, Manchester, Bradford, Huddersfield, Halifax and other towns and cities of national/ regional importance. The Local Towns of Elland, Sowerby Bridge, Todmorden and Hebden Bridge will provide housing, employment, shopping (including improvements to markets), leisure, education, health and cultural activities/ facilities that serve the needs of, and are accessible to, residents of the town and surrounding lower order settlements. Employment of district wide significance will be provided at Elland to make the most of its strategic location. The towns will provide good transport links to Leeds, Manchester, and Halifax and other towns and cities of regional importance. The Local Centres of Southowram, Holywell Green & Stainland, Ripponden & Rishworth, Luddenden & Luddendenfoot, and Mytholmroyd will provide for locally generated needs for housing, employment, shopping, leisure, education, health and cultural activities/ facilities. The Local Centres of Northowram and Shelf will see appropriate levels of growth to take advantage of their strategic location between Halifax and Bradford. Limited development will occur in other settlements.

Table 3.2 Monitoring: Distribution of Growth

Outcomes Growth has taken place in accordance with the Preferred Spatial Option and in the most sustainable locations making optimum use of existing and opportunities to gain additional infrastructure 12 Distribution of Growth

Indicator Locational Analysis of allocations and completions; Analysis by the Accession Model; Infrastructure tolerance; 3 Targets Distribution of growth accords with Policy CP 2 'Distribution of Growth'; Majority of development in most accessible locations; Calder Optimum use of existing infrastructure; Opportunities maximised to obtain new infrastructure to support development; dale MBC - A Infrastructure capable of accommodating new developments over plan period.

Securing Sustainable Growth

utumn 2015 3.5 Whilst the Plan's overall spatial approach is set out above, a framework is required to guide all forms of development in order to ensure that locations selected for growth, either through the land allocations or determination of individual planning applications, are those that will ensure this growth is in accordance with the principles of sustainable development as required by the NPPF. These include encouraging the effective use of brownfield (previously developed) land, provided that it is not of high environmental value and also P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan actively managing patterns of growth to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling. In doing so it is not the intention to encourage ribbon development between settlements. The phrases accessible locations and good public transport will be defined in the Transport Thematic Section of the Plan.

Policy CP 3

Securing Sustainable Growth

In order to promote development in sustainable locations, reduce travel demand and to protect the countryside, all new development should be sited with regard to the following sequence of locational preferences:

1. On brownfield land within an urban area subject to its potential biodiversity value and which is well related to the road network, accessible by good quality public transport, cycling and walking and to services/facilities within the urban area; 2. On an infill site within the main urban areas accessible by good quality public transport and cycling and walking and close to services/facilities and subject to achieving urban greenspace and conserving or enhancing the character of the area; 3. On a site forming an extension to those settlements named in Policy CP2 (Distribution of Growth) where the use of existing transport infrastructure and capacity can be maximised, including good quality public transport, cycling and walking and with good accessibility to job opportunities and services/facilities. Opportunities for accessibility and infrastructure improvements will be a relevant consideration.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Thematic Policies section of this document.

Table 3.3 Monitoring: Securing Sustainable Growth

Outcomes Site allocations and other development proposals are located sustainably

Indicators Locational analysis of site allocations and other development proposals Analysis using the Tracc Model

Targets Maximum use made of opportunities within urban areas, particularly those on brownfield land The Potential Site Allocations 13

4.1 This section lists all of the potential housing and employment land allocations including potential settlement extensions currently being considered for inclusion in the Local Plan. Once determined the final allocations will be included in the relevant thematic sections of the Plan. Sites which have already been filtered from the process are also shown as part of this consultation. 4 4.2 Overall sufficient land with the potential to accommodate in the order of 18,400 dwellings has been identified (inclusion of the mixed use sites and suggested urban extensions would increase this figure) but further consideration of much of this is dependent on the Green Belt Review (currently in progress) and which is required by the NPPF in order to determine whether the current Green Belt continues to meet the purposes of Green belts as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. An example of this review exercise is

included in the consultation material accompanying the drop in sessions forming part of this consultation. utumn 2015 Separately from this review any further land to be removed from the Green Belt will require the exceptional circumstances necessary to remove it being adequately justified as required by the National Planning Policy Framework.

4.3 In total over 1500 sites have been assessed with 365 taken forward as potential land allocations. Of the land dale MBC - A currently identified with potential for housing, employment and mixed use 14% is previously developed land (brownfield) whilst 65% lies within the current Green Belt. These figures do not include the suggested urban Calder extensions since at this stage of the plan making process some of the housing, employment and mixed use allocations lie within them rather than forming separate allocations.

4.4 The list of potential allocations included in the following tables has been drawn from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Study (SHLAA), the Employment Land Review (ELR), the Council's land ownership database and sites put forward through the Call for Sites exercise and at the early land allocations engagement workshops held in early 2014. A minimum site size threshold of 0.25ha has been employed. The full site assessment methodology is available on the Council's website https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/environment/planning/planning-policy/local-plan/land-allocations-designations.html.

4.5 In finding suitable and deliverable sites for the land allocations a number of big issues have to be addressed including:

How to allocate sufficient land to meet the district’s requirements whilst maximising the amount of land within settlements and which is brownfield; Maximising the amount of land within settlements but avoiding ‘town cramming’ and retaining/creating a quality environment for exiting residents; Given that insufficient land is available within settlements what approach should be taken? Should a otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

large number of small additions be made to settlements across the district and/or some significant P settlement extensions be created and if so where?; How can areas of underused commercial and industrial uses be brought forward as comprehensive re-development schemes given that this approach could threaten existing employment and such sites are often not attractive to the market due to multiple ownerships?; Which parts of the Green Belt could be released and does the adequate justification demonstrating the exceptional circumstances necessary to release land from the Green Belt exist?

4.6 The sites with the potential for allocation included in the following tables are considered to broadly meet the requirements of being developable and deliverable at this stage of the plan making process. However, although consultations have taken place with some statutory bodies further engagement is required with these bodies in order to identify issues restricting development either at individual site level or due to the cumulative effect of nearby sites on, for example, the transport network. Where opportunities exist, for example, through the submission of sites in relative proximity to one another a number of settlement extensions are put forward as part of this consultation. With such sites there are greater opportunities to include new infrastructure as part of the development. Sites put forward through the Call For Sites exercise and which lie beyond the 500m buffer employed in the site assessment methodology have been filtered from the process

4.7 The following tables show both the proposed allocations and filtered sites by major settlements. The sites themselves can be viewed on the Council's website (http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation); at the drop in sessions forming part of this consultation (see the Council's website for more details) and at all Calderdale libraries. Your comments on these proposed land allocations will be important to the Council in its considerations as it progresses the Local Plan. 14 The Potential Site Allocations

4.8 The key map below shows the nine areas of the district to which the tables of potential and filtered sites relate.

Picture 4.1 Areas of the District 4 Calder dale MBC - A utumn 2015 P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

4.9 Definition of Potential Site Allocations:

Potential New Housing Sites – The site has potential for new housing development. Potential New Employment Site – The site has potential for new employment development. Potential New Mixed Use Sites – These are sites which have been assessed with potential for housing or employment or both. Potential Urban Extensions – These are significant areas which could potentially support the large scale of growth required in the district including services, facilities and infrastructure. They could provide an alternative to allocating a larger number of smaller sites spread across the district. Filtered Sites – Following the site assessments these sites are those which are no longer currently being considered for housing or employment use. This could be for a number of reasons including the proximity of the site to the existing settlement boundary, constraints such as the risk of flooding and damage to areas important for nature conservation, or because the site is below the size threshold for allocation ( 0.25ha) or already has planning permission. 4.1 Brighouse

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Brighouse

Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0006 Land at 164, 0.44 Greenbelt Listed Building, The site is a redundant Capacity likely to New 16 Huddersfield Trees worthy of paddock/grassland. The site be reduced due Housing Site Road and protection/TPO has been assessed as a short to number of Toothill Lane, term deliverable residential TPOs on site. Rastrick, site in the SHLAA. The

Brighouse, HD6 allocation of the site would be The P 3RT dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0022 Hoyle House 7.31 Greenbelt Archaeology, Bat Mixed greenfield and Capacity would New 131 Farm, Smith Alert, Trees brownfield site adjacent to the probably equate Housing Site otential SiteAllocations House Lane, worthy of urban area. Good public to 60% of site Lightcliffe, protection/TPO, transport links and close to area as stated in Brighouse, HD6 Overhead Power local facilities. Call For Sites 2LH Lines/Pylons The allocation of the site submission. would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0032 Crosslee PLC, 3.12 New employment Highway Access, Waste land behind Crosslee Economic New 0 Brighouse site;Wildlife corridors Overhead Power factory. Suitable for floorspace to be Employment Road, Lines/Pylons, employment due to proximity determined in Site Hipperholme, Trees worthy of to existing employment site. line with Brighouse, HX3 protection/TPO Residual of EM68 following forthcoming 8DE development of southern part Employment of site for housing. Land Studies.

LP0033 Land at, Leeds 5.28 Greenbelt Bat Alert, Greenfield site located on the New 158 Lane and Possible edge of the urban area. The Housing Site 15

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Whitehall Road, Contamination, site is located on a main route otential SiteAllocations Lightcliffe, Rights of Way with good access. The Brighouse, HX3 allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0045 Land at, Break 1.26 Greenbelt Ecology, Mainly Greenfield site Constraints New 40 Neck, Overhead Power detached from the defined including Housing Site Hipperholme, Lines/Pylons, urban area. Constraints ecological Brighouse, HX3 Highway Access, include Access, flooding and pressures on this 8PJ Trees worthy of high voltage power lines. The site would protection/TPO, allocation of the site would be reduce capacity. Flooding dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0174 End of, Wilton 2.82 Openspace Trees worthy of Mix of brownfield and Ecological New 85 Street, urban;Wildlife corridors protection/TPO, greenfield land within the pressures may Housing Site Brighouse, HD6 Ecology, urban area. Low quality reduce 2QY Flooding, Rights Amenity Open Space close developable of Way, Bat Alert to existing services and area. facilities.

LP0314 Land off, Cam 0.33 Greenbelt Bat Alert, Rights Urban extension adjacent to New 13 Lane, Clifton, of Way A road. The allocation of the Housing Site Brighouse, HD6 site would be dependent on 4JD the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0331 Halifax Road, 1.96 Greenbelt Overhead Power Greenfield site. Overhead Constraints New 71 Lightcliffe, Lines/Pylons, power lines and high pressure would reduce Housing Site Hipperholme, Highway Access, pipeline cross the site. capacity. Brighouse, HX3 Possible Working quarry to south west. 8BW Contamination, The allocation of the site Quarry/Proximity would be dependent on the Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

to, Pipeline, Bat outcome of the green belt Alert review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0334 Lightcliffe 3.50 Primary employment Listed Building, Site located adjacent to urban Call for Sites New 133 Works, Halifax area Possible area and so is considered form states Housing Site Road, Contamination, suitable for development. mixed use which Hipperholme, Highway Access, Would have impact on would affect the Brighouse, HX3 Rights of Way Hipperholme crossroads. Not residential 8BS considered viable as capacity. employment site unless

redeveloped as part of much The P wider scheme.

LP0338 Land adjacent 0.60 Primary housing area Land Ownership, Vacant primary housing area Based on New 22 Whinney Hill Topography land within urban area. Density Housing Site

Park, Whinney Topography and lack of Multiplier. otential SiteAllocations Hill, Brighouse ownership details may impact Density achieved on delivery of site. dependent on details of development scheme. Steep site which may reduce capacity.

LP0536 Land to rear of 0.77 Greenbelt Quarry/Proximity Mixed brownfield / greenfield Unlikely the New 25 103-117, Lower to, Land site in the green belt adjacent whole site would Housing Site Edge Road, Ownership, to built up area. Public come forward as Brighouse Listed Building, transport links adjacent to in multiple Bat Alert, site. The allocation of the site ownership. Possible would be dependent on the Contamination outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. 17

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LP0538 Land off, 0.60 Greenbelt;Mineral area Rights of Way Adjacent to the primary Call for Sites New 19 otential SiteAllocations Brookfoot Lane, of search;Wildlife housing however not part of form proposes Housing Site Brighouse corridors urban area. Adjacent to bus approximately 10 route, which is a narrow road houses, of which used by heavy lorries. The around half allocation of the site would be should be dependent on the outcome of houses with flats the green belt review and or attached for exceptional circumstances. elderly relatives.

LP0568 Land south of 4.68 Protected land;Wildlife Archaeology, New fire station and home Site size has New 131 Clough Lane, corridors Rights of Way, have been built on part of been reduced Housing Site Rear of New Bad Neighbours, site. Environmental issues due to part of site Hey Road, Topography associated with the sites developed as fire Rastrick, proximity to the Motorway will station. Capacity Brighouse, HD6 need to be addressed. would also be Services and amenities reduce due to located close by and public proximity to transport facilities are good. motorway and topography.

LP0573 Land adjacent 3.09 Cycle corridor;Mixed Possible Some of the disused Mix of uses will Mixed Use 93 Mill Royd Street, use;Wildlife corridors Contamination, properties have been brought determine the Site Mill Royd Street, Bat Alert, Listed back into use on the site. residential Brighouse, HD6 Building, capacity, initially Flooding, based on 30 dph Archaeology, for Mixed use Ecology sites. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies. Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0577 Land adjacent 13.75 Greenbelt Archaeology, Bat Greenbelt site adjacent to Access issues New 260 Thornhills Lane, Alert, Rights of urban area close to The will reduce the Housing Site Clifton, Way, Possible PROW would need to be capacity Brighouse, HD6 Contamination accommodated in the design of any scheme. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0593 Former 1.80 Greenbelt;Special Rights of Way, The allocation of this WY Ecology New 58

Brickworks landscape Overhead Power brownfield site would be recommends the Housing Site The P Monoplas, area;Wildlife corridors Lines/Pylons, Bat dependent on the outcome of site to be filtered Badger Lane, Alert, Ecology, the green belt review and or due to ecological Hipperholme, Land Ownership, exceptional circumstances, pressures. Brighouse Highway Access, alongside the outcome of the

Possible planning application - otential SiteAllocations Contamination Retirement Community including 74 apartments, 40 bed care home.

LP0597 Land adjacent 0.29 Greenbelt Listed Building, Not suitable for residential Economic New 0 Brighouse Highway Access, due to constraints. My be floorspace to be Employment Water Land Ownership, more suited to employment determined in Site Treatment Hazardous uses. The allocation of the line with Works, Installation Buffer site would be dependent on forthcoming Wakefield Road, Zone, Bat Alert, the outcome of the green belt Employment Cooper Bridge, Flooding review and or exceptional Land Studies. Brighouse circumstances

LP0842 Site of 144 New 0.33 Primary housing area Land Ownership, Lapsed permission on site, Application for New 13 Street, Clifton, Topography, therefore principal for four new houses. Housing Site Brighouse, HD6 Highway Access residential development 4 established. Within existing urban area. 19

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LP0846 The Bramble 0.30 Primary housing area Trees worthy of Former public house and car TPOs on site New 11 otential SiteAllocations Inn, Field Lane, protection/TPO, park within the urban area. limit Housing Site Rastrick, Listed Building, development. Brighouse, HD6 Land Ownership 3

LP0851 Land to the 1.77 Greenbelt;Wildlife Bat Alert, Greenfield site detached from Ecological New 57 South, Whitehall corridors Ecology the urban area. Steep pressures may Housing Site Road, wooded slope to stream on reduce Illingworth, southern boundary. Adjacent developable area Halifax to an A road. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0857 Land off, 0.53 Greenbelt Listed Building, Site located immediately New 17 Sowden Lane, Rights of Way, adjacent to the existing urban Housing Site Norwood Green, Archaeology area and existing residential Brighouse, HX3 development. The site is well 8QP located in terms of proximity to local services and facilities and is within walking distance to public transport services.

LP0862 The Gatehouse, 1.33 Greenbelt;Wildlife Trees worthy of Site on the edge of the New 48 Huddersfield corridors protection/TPO, existing urban area with few Housing Site Road, Bat Alert constraints - considered Brighouse developable. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0871 Land off, Well 1.91 Greenbelt Highway Access, Greenfield site adjacent to the New 61 Lane and Green Possible urban area. The site is Housing Site Contamination, located close to public Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

Lane, Clifton, Bat Alert, Rights transport, locals services and Brighouse of Way amenities. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0893 Boothroyd 13.07 Greenbelt;Openspace Rights of Way, Part brownfield/greenfield site TPOs and rights New 392 Farm, rural Bat Alert, Trees adjacent to the existing urban of way on site Housing Site Boothroyd Lane, worthy of area. The site is close to may reduce Rastrick, protection/TPO, public transport, local capacity.

Brighouse, HD6 Ecology, services and amenities. Ecological The P 3JW Archaeology Allocation of the site would be pressures may dependent on the outcome of reduce the green belt review and or developable exceptional circumstances. area. otential SiteAllocations LP0894 Thornhills Lane, 4.77 Greenbelt;Unstable Archaeology, Relatively flat site adjacent to New 179 Brighouse, HD6 land Overhead Power the urban area. The allocation Housing Site Lines/Pylons of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0895 Land at, 1.14 Greenbelt Lack of Site in agricultural use with Capacity would New 36 Thornhills Lane, Infrastructure - residential to the north and be reduced due Housing Site Brighouse, HD6 Gas, Lack of power line pass over the site. to constraints. 4JQ Infrastructure - . The allocation of the site Electricity, would be dependent on the Highway Access, outcome of the green belt Lack of review and or exceptional Infrastructure - circumstances. Drainage, Lack of Infrastructure - Water 21

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LP0897 Cooper Bridge 2.78 Greenbelt Hazardous Green Belt site; part currently Economic New 0 otential SiteAllocations Spares, Installation Buffer in use as a Scrap Yard. floorspace to be Employment Wakefield Road, Zone, Waste land to north west of determined in Site Cooper Bridge, Archaeology, site may be suited to line with Brighouse, Bad Neighbours, employment. The allocation forthcoming WF14 0BU Bat Alert, Listed of the site would be Employment Building dependent on the outcome of Land Studies. the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0942 Land off, Elland 0.41 Cycle corridor;Primary Ecology, Redrawn boundary to omit Ecological New 0 Road, employment Highway Access area that has commenced pressures may Employment Brighouse, HD6 area;Wildlife corridors development in relation to reduce Site 12/01426/FUL . developable area. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0945 Pond Quarry, 1.82 Mineral working Quarry/Proximity This partially filled quarry has New 66 Lightcliffe Road, sites;New housing to, Possible substantial ground problems Housing Site Brighouse, HD6 site;Waste disposal Contamination that have precluded 2JJ development to date. Remediation would be required.

LP1000 Land off, 0.63 Openspace urban Trees worthy of Overgrown, Open Space, New 23 Woodhouse protection/TPO, Council owned, site adjacent Housing Site Lane, Rastrick, Land Ownership, to Daisy Road recreation Brighouse Possible ground. Steep to the south & Contamination, west of site. Access available Listed Building from Woodhouse Lane. Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1032 Southages 1.65 New housing site Ecology, Rights Historic quarrying and Capacity may be New 59 Quarry, Ogden of Way, Possible subsequent fill are known reduced due to Housing Site Lane & Toothill Contamination, constraints. Planning constraints and Bank, Rastrick, Land Ownership permission for 42 dwellings ecological Brighouse now lapsed. Rights of way pressures.. cross the site.

LP1033 Land off, Toothill 3.30 Greenbelt Topography, Importance of open space Developable site New 99 Bank, Rastrick, Rights of Way, function noted from Open but capacity may Housing Site Brighouse, HD6 Ecology, Space Study. Not currently be reduced due Possible used as playing fields but as to previous

Contamination, grazing land. Rights of way potential The P Quarry/Proximity cross site. Allocation would quarrying activity to be dependent on the outcome and ecological of the green belt review and pressures. or exceptional circumstances. otential SiteAllocations LP1048 Land off, Station 0.47 Greenbelt;Wildlife Overhead Power Brownfield site with lapsed Size of the New 15 Road, Norwood corridors Lines/Pylons, planning permission in the potential Housing Site Green, Possible Green Belt. Site opposite has development in Brighouse Contamination, planning permission for 14 respect of Bat Alert, Land dwellings. The allocation of sustainability Ownership the site would be dependent would be the on the outcome of the green only belt review and or exceptional consideration. circumstances. Electricity substation on site.

LP1053 Squire Hill 3.75 Mineral working Bad Neighbours, Dependant on remediation of Ecological New 0 Quarry, sites;Protected Quarry/Proximity site. The neighbouring uses pressures may Employment Brighouse, HD6 land;Wildlife corridors to, Trees worthy and distance from existing reduce Site of residential development developable protection/TPO, would make the site more area. Economic Possible suitable for employment floorspace to be Contamination, purposes. determined in Ecology line with 23

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forthcoming otential SiteAllocations Employment Land Studies.

LP1056 Rear of Calder 10.23 Greenbelt;Wildlife Topography, Greenfield site in greenbelt Economic New 0 Industrial corridors Ecology, on the edge of the urban. floorspace to be Employment Estate, West of Highway Access Submitted for employment. determined in Site Woolrow Lane, The allocation of the site line with Bailiff Bridge, would be dependent on the forthcoming Bailiff Bridge, outcome of the green belt Employment Brighouse, HD6 review and or exceptional Land Studies. circumstances. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered.

LP1070 Land off, 1.92 Greenbelt;Wildlife Listed Building, Greenfield site adjacent to Capacity maybe New 69 Wakefield Road, corridors Bat Alert, Lack of urban area with good access reduced due to Housing Site Lightcliffe, Infrastructure - although mature trees around mature trees Brighouse, HX3 Drainage, the boundary of the site. around the Archaeology, Allocation of the site would be boundary of the Trees worthy of dependent on the outcome of site and Listed protection/TPO the green belt review and or Building to south exceptional circumstances. of site.

LP1071 Land at, Coach 0.60 Greenbelt;Wildlife Trees worthy of Greenfield site located TPO area in NW New 22 Road/Wakefield corridors protection/TPO, adjacent to the urban area. corner which Housing Site Road, Lack of The site is located close to may reduced Lightcliffe, Infrastructure - minimal local services and capacity. Brighouse, HD6 Drainage, Bat facilities. The allocation of 2LH Alert, Listed the site would be dependent Building on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1072 Land at, St Giles 9.33 Greenbelt;Wildlife Quarry/Proximity Signs of minerals extraction. Part of site within New 279 Road, corridors to, Listed Part of site used as dog 750m town Housing Site Lightcliffe, Hove Building, training. Horses in paddock centre buffer. Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

Edge, Highway Access, adjoining St Giles Road. The Unlikely whole Brighouse, HX3 Possible allocation of the site would be site would be Contamination, dependent on the outcome of suitable. Ecology, Rights the green belt review and or Ecological of Way exceptional circumstances. pressures may reduce developable area.

LP1075 Land at, St Giles 0.59 Primary employment Possible Lorry repair/scrap yard in use. New 27 Road, area;Wildlife corridors Contamination Uncertainty over owners Housing Site

Lightcliffe, intentions. Site appears to be The P Brighouse, HX3 relatively free from constraints, close to local services and facilities, likely to be viable. otential SiteAllocations LP1076 Land East of, 2.12 Greenbelt;Wildlife Rights of Way, Greenfield site adjacent to Constraints New 79 Park View, corridors Highway Access, urban area, close to local would reduce Housing Site Lightcliffe, Possible services and facilities. The capacity. Brighouse, HD6 Contamination, allocation of the site would be 2LH Trees worthy of dependent on the outcome of protection/TPO the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1077 Southedge 15.07 New employment site Rights of Way, Former quarry, greenfield Mix of uses will New Mixed 452 Quarry, Bad Neighbours, site, within the existing urban determine the Use Site Brighouse Ecology, Bat area, although there is an residential Road, Alert, area to the north west of the capacity, initially Hipperholme, Quarry/Proximity site within the Green Belt. based on 30 dph Brighouse, HX3 to, Highway Close to public transport, for Mixed use Access, Lack of local services and amenities. sites. Ecological Infrastructure - Potential impact on pressures may Drainage, Hipperholme crossroads. reduce Archaeology, developable Trees worthy of area. Economic protection/TPO, floorspace to be 25

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Possible determined in otential SiteAllocations Contamination line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1078 Land between, 27.52 Greenbelt;Protected Archaeology, Greenfield site adjacent to Mix of uses will New Mixed 826 Dewsbury Road land Listed Building, urban area. Close to public determine the Use Site and New Hey Trees worthy of transport, local services & residential Road, Rastrick, protection/TPO, amenities. Cricket ground capacity, initially Brighouse, HD6 Topography, overgrown, pavilion no longer based on 30 dph Possible on site. Allocation will be for Mixed use Contamination, dependent on the outcome of sites. Capacity Rights of Way, the green belt review and or would be Overhead Power exceptional circumstances. reduced by Lines/Pylons constraints and removal of areas with planning permission. Due to the size of the site capacity estimates exceed 30 per annum,

LP1093 Former Hill 1.22 Primary employment Possible Former quarry site. May be New 44 Crest Quarry, area;Primary housing Contamination, an appropriate site in terms Housing Site Halifax Road, area Bat Alert, Lack of of location if the constraints Hove Edge, Infrastructure - could be addressed. Impacts Brighouse, HD6 Drainage of housing on immediate 2QJ neighbours likely to be less than that of a former quarry.

LP1095 Halifax Road, 5.13 Greenbelt Rights of Way, Site is adjacent to urban area New 154 Hove Edge, Possible and is located on a main Housing Site Brighouse, HD6 Contamination, transport route. There are a Bat Alert number of local services and Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

facilities close by. Allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1108 Land adjacent, 0.52 Greenbelt Bat Alert, Rights Developable site adjacent to Check boundary New 18 27 Syke Lane, of Way the urban area. The allocation as capacity may Housing Site Lightcliffe, of the site would be be reduced due Brighouse, HX3 dependent on the outcome of to application for 8SY the green belt review and or entrance to

exceptional circumstances. No.27 may take The P some of the land.

LP1109 Land South of 1.89 Greenbelt Trees worthy of Site adjacent to residential on TPOs may New 85 Northedge protection/TPO two sides and close to public restrict Housing Site

Lane, transport, local services and development on otential SiteAllocations Northedge facilities.The allocation of the some of the site. Lane, site would be dependent on Proposed Hipperholme, the outcome of the green belt capacity on CFS Brighouse, HX3 review and or exceptional 65 dwellings. 8JN circumstances.

LP1114 Knowle Top 0.25 Primary housing area Land Ownership, Residential gardens with Lapsed New 12 Road, Trees worthy of lapsed applications for 5 applications for 5 Housing Site Lightcliffe, protection/TPO dwellings. dwellings. Brighouse

LP1116 Brighouse 3.85 Primary employment Ecology, Greenfield site adjacent to Hipperholme New 146 Road, area;Protected Highway Access, urban area. Part of site car tunnel under site Housing Site Hipperholme, land;Wildlife corridors Bad Neighbours park for Crosslee factory. A may reduce Brighouse, HX3 large number of new houses capacity. South would have a significant of site - car park impact on an already heavily for Crosslee. congested local road network Part of site - SHLAA00309 caravan site and 27

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beer garden otential SiteAllocations associated to public house. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area.

LP1119 Off Halifax 0.56 Greenbelt;Special Biodiversity Working stone yard adjacent Shape of site New 25 Road, landscape Value to main road and railway. The may limit Housing Site Hipperholme, area;Wildlife corridors allocation of the site would be capacity. Brighouse, HX3 dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1120 Halifax Old 7.78 Greenbelt;Mineral area Possible Large site with constraints. Constraints could New 202 Road, of search;Special Contamination, Current planning permission reduce capacity Housing Site Hipperholme, landscape Biodiversity on part of site. The allocation to c.170. Outline Brighouse, HX3 area;Wildlife corridors Value, Highway of the site would be permission for 9 8PJ Access, Ecology, dependent on the outcome of dwellings on site. Trees worthy of the green belt review and or Ecological protection/TPO, exceptional circumstances. pressures may Listed Building, reduce Flooding, Rights developable of Way area.

LP1121 Station Road, 1.65 Primary employment Highway Access, Currently in industrial use. Noise along New 74 Hipperholme, area;Wildlife corridors Ecology, Trees Access maybe difficult and existing railway Housing Site Brighouse, HX3 worthy of site runs alongside the will reduce protection/TPO railway. Capacity would developability. probably be reduced due to Ecological the site being a linear site pressures may along existing railway. reduce developable area. Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1232 Land at, 25.48 New employment Possible Owner's intentions are for Economic New 0 Wakefield site;Wildlife corridors Contamination, employment use. The floorspace to be Employment Road/Clifton Rights of Way proposed use of the site is for determined in Site Common, B1 and B2 Use Classes. line with Clifton, forthcoming Brighouse, HD6 Employment Land Studies.

LP1248 Bethel Street, 0.25 Cycle corridor;Town Bat Alert, Waterfront setting would Mix of uses will New Mixed 8 Brighouse centre;Wildlife Possible make pleasant mixed use site determine the Use Site corridors Contamination, if car park could be relocated. residential

Listed Building, CAFM to be contacted as to capacity, initially The P Land Ownership, councils intentions. based on 30 dph Flooding for Mixed use sites. Economic floorspace to be

determined in otential SiteAllocations line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1323 Elland 0.44 Cycle Listed Building, Land to NW has been Capacity would New 20 Road/Bank corridor;Openspace Possible developed into garden area be reduced to Housing Site Street, urban;Wildlife corridors Contamination, for 109-113 Elland Road. topography of Brighouse Bat Alert, Land Land to S & W steep, tree site. Site size Ownership, covered and contamination reduced to take Trees worthy of issues. Land N of footpath, into account of protection/TPO adjacent to Elland Road planning relatively flat and permission on developable. gardens.

LP1330 Healey Wood 0.64 Openspace urban Flat open space site, with New 23 Road, Rastrick, access from Healey Wood Housing Site Brighouse Crescent. There are a number of local services and amenities in the neighbouring 29

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area and public transport otential SiteAllocations facilities are good.

LP1395 Bradford Road, 0.25 Primary housing Bat Alert, Land Residual of large housing site New 10 Beechwood area;Wildlife corridors Ownership adjacent to an A road with Housing Site Park, Brighouse few constraints. Industry to North and South of site; residential to the east and west.

LP1404 Land at the 0.39 Greenbelt;Wildlife Listed Building, Adjacent to site LP0811 Capacity would New 16 Manor House corridors Trees worthy of which is under development be reduced to Housing Site Nursing Home, protection/TPO for 28 dwellings. Adjacent to consider trees Wakefield Road, the urban area. The allocation with Tree Lightcliffe, of the site would be Preservation Brighouse, HX3 dependent on the outcome of Order. 8TH the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1411 Land at Pear 0.95 Greenbelt Listed Building, Greenfield site adjacent to the New 34 Tree Farm, Rights of Way, urban area, with housing on Housing Site Wakefield Road, Highway Access two sides, close to local Lightcliffe, services and facilities. The Brighouse, HX3 allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1451 Land between, 63.00 Greenbelt;Wildlife Land Ownership, Possible Urban Extension Site is over 62 New Urban 1890 Bradley Wood corridors Bat Alert although multiple ownerships hectares in size Extension and Woodhouse preventing the whole site which would Lane, Rastrick, coming forward. The support Brighouse allocation of the site would be approximately dependent on the outcome of 1890 dwellings if the green belt review and or the density was exceptional circumstances. 30 dph Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1452 Land between, 13.57 Greenbelt;Wildlife Overhead Power Possible Urban Extension, Potential New Urban 407 Dewsbury Road, corridors Lines/Pylons, although multiple ownerships capacity would Extension Pinfold Lane Land Ownership may prevent the whole site be approximately and New Hey coming forward. The 407 dwellings; Road, Rastrick, allocation of the site would be however should Brighouse dependent on the outcome of the site ever be the green belt review and or delivered this exceptional circumstances. number would likely reduce due to the boundary with the M62 and the High Voltage The P Pylons.

LP1453 Land Off, 10.29 Greenbelt;Openspace Land Ownership, Possible Urban Extension, Although part of New Urban 309 Lillands Lane, rural;Wildlife corridors Bat Alert although multiple ownerships the site lies Extension

Rastrick, may prevent the whole site within 750m of otential SiteAllocations Brighouse coming forward. The Brighouse Town allocation of the site would be Centre the dependent on the outcome of majority lies the green belt review and or outside and exceptional circumstances. therefore the average density set at 30dph.

LP1463 Land between, 140.66 Greenbelt;Unstable Land Ownership, Possible Urban Extension, The capacity New Urban 4220 Highmoor Lane land Bat Alert which contains a number of would likely be Extension and Bradford existing LP sites - reduced from Road, LP0314,LP0577,LP0795, 4220 due to the Brighouse LP0894,LP0895, LP0896, final layout and LP1055, LP1056 - some of design of any which are large sites in their future own right. development.

LP1467 Land adjacent 0.65 Openspace urban Land Ownership The site is located close to New 29 St Andrew's existing residential Housing Site CE(VA) School, development and is within an 31

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Larkfield Court area that is well served by otential SiteAllocations and Church local services and amenities. Lane, Brighouse However the site is currently used as a playing pitch.

LP1469 Land at Stoney 0.44 Cycle Bat Alert Greenfield site within the New 20 Hill, Lillands corridor;Openspace urban area. Housing Site Lane, urban;Wildlife corridors Adjacent to 0852 which Brighouse, HD6 received outline permission 3BP against 13/01374/OUT.

LP1472 Land west of, 3.16 Greenbelt;Leeds Bat Alert Possible addition to Urban New 96 Ridge Hill, Bradford Airport Extension (site: 1453). Housing Site Brighouse consult zone Multiple ownerships may prevent the whole site coming forward. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1483 Land between, 5.12 Greenbelt;Leeds Rights of Way See site LP1451. Possible New 154 Bradley Wood Bradford Airport Urban Extension, though Housing Site and Woodhouse consult zone multiple ownerships Lane, Rastrick, preventing the whole site Brighouse coming forward. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1484 Land between, 10.73 Greenbelt;Wildlife Rights of Way, See site LP1451. Possible New 322 Bradley Wood corridors Bat Alert Urban Extension, though Housing Site and Woodhouse multiple ownerships may Lane, Rastrick, prevent the whole site coming Brighouse forward. The allocation of the site would be dependent on Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1485 Land between, 13.41 Greenbelt;Wildlife Bat Alert, Rights See site LP1451. Possible New 402 Bradley Wood corridors of Way Urban Extension, though Housing Site and Woodhouse multiple ownerships Lane, Rastrick, preventing the whole site Brighouse coming forward. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of

the green belt review and or The P exceptional circumstances. otential SiteAllocations 33

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Filtered Sites - Brighouse

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0013 Land at, Badger Lane, Hipperholme, Brighouse, 1.92 Appears to be garden. .Not considered to be suitable – too Filtered otential SiteAllocations HX3 8PN detached from existing settlement/not sustainable.

LP0028 Disused railway embankment Wyke Old Lane, 0.94 Most of this site lies within Bradford. The area within Filtered Lower Wyke Lane, Bailiff Bridge, Brighouse, HD6 Calderdale would only have access through the area in 4EH Bradford.

LP0114 Land to rear of 4, North Royd, Hipperholme, 0.27 Open space surrounded on four sides by housing. Filtered Brighouse

LP0115 The Hippopottery, Gardeners Square, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hipperholme, Brighouse, HX3 8

LP0175 98, Elland Road, Brighouse, HD6 2 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0201 Land off, Sycamore Drive, Brighouse, HD6 0.12 Small area of open space with Electricity Sub station on site Filtered and foot path entrance to site LP1275

LP0202 Land off, Aysgarth Avenue, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.72 Open Space survey states retain. Filtered

LP0203 Land on, Nunlea Royd, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.29 Open Space survey states retain. Filtered

LP0204 Land on, Laburnum Grove, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.26 Open Space survey states retain. Filtered

LP0205 Land off, Laburnum Grove, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.29 Open Space survey states retain. Filtered

LP0206 Little Haven, 200 Smith House Lane, Lightcliffe, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0207 Bailiff Bridge Service Station, Bradford Road, 0.27 Employment site in use. Filtered Bailiff Bridge, Brighouse

LP0270 Land adjacent 1 Sunnycliffe, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0271 11 St Giles Road, Lightcliffe, Brighouse, HX3 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0276 Country House Inn, Halifax Road, Hipperholme, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0277 Low Fell, Halifax Old Road, Hipperholme, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0278 Garden to the rear of 1 Newholme, Hipperholme, 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0280 Land opposite Tetrodena Kennels, Break Neck 0.35 Planning Permission for residential development - 13/01101 Filtered Lane, Hipperholme, Brighouse which was an amended scheme to another permission 11/00664/REN. The P LP0281 land adjacent Fenny Royd, Halifax Road, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hipperholme, Brighouse, HX3

LP0302 Land off, Village Street, Norwood Green, 3.99 Greenfield adjacent to the existing urban area, washed over Filtered Brighouse, HX3 8Q with Green Belt. Local facilities and public transport within walking distance of the site boundary. However, no direct otential SiteAllocations access into the site without using third party land.

LP0303 The Cobbett Centre, Village Street, Norwood 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Green, Brighouse

LP0304 Land to North East, Lower Ox Heys Farm, 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Norwood Green, Brighouse

LP0305 Land adjacent 4 Daisy Bank, Norwood Green, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0308 Land adjacent Ward Court, Chapel Croft, Rastrick, 0.23 Allotments in use. Site is below the site size threshold for Filtered Brighouse allocation

LP0309 Rear of 20/22 Crowtrees Lane, Rastrick, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0311 Garage site & site of, 130 Rastrick Common, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rastrick, Brighouse 35

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LP0319 Healey Wood Road, and Scholey Rd, Rastrick, 0.73 Steep Sloping site from East to West. Road access may be Filtered Brighouse, HD6 an issue. TPOs on site. WY Ecology recommends the site otential SiteAllocations to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0320 Garden of 116 Huddersfield Road, Brighouse 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0321 Garden of 45 Scholey Road, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0322 Garage adjacent to 112 Rastrick Common, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rastrick, Brighouse

LP0332 Brow Mills Industrial Estate, Brighouse Road, 0.52 A large part of this site is being used as a lorry park, Filtered Hipperholme, Brighouse accessed from Brow Mills industrial estate. The site is located primarily in a commercial/industrial area. As such, it is unlikely that the site would be suitable for residential use.

LP0333 Plot Adjacent 559, Halifax Road, Hipperholme, 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0335 Between Hoyle House Beck & 318, Bradford 0.14 Car Park for industrial unit. Site is below the site size Filtered Road, Brighouse threshold for allocation

LP0336 Land opposite 333 - 339, Bradford Road, 0.14 Unsuitable for development, narrow strip of land which Filtered Brighouse separates industry from residential.

LP0337 Between 278 -314, Bradford Road, Brighouse 0.52 Site in use - industrial premises. Filtered

LP0348 Crow Nest Park Golf Club, Hove Edge, Brighouse, 1.32 Adjacent land has Planning Permission pending which may Filtered HD6 2LN make this site more accessible. Access to the site currently via a narrow track. Part of site within Open Space designation. Not currently viable.

LP0349 Barn adjacent 70 Wakefield Road, Hipperholme, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0354 Land off, Church Lane, Southowram, Halifax, HX3 6.70 Mineral Site to be assessed through the Waste and Mineral Filtered Study. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0539 Birks Royd, Brookfoot Lane, Brighouse 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0540 12 St Annes in the Grove, Brookfoot Lane, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse, HX3 9SZ

LP0541 Land Adjacent, 12 St Annes in the Grove, 1.00 Site adjacent to large industrial site and heavy traffic. Power Filtered Brighouse, HX3 9S2 lines cross the site. Large pylon on adjacent land. Prospective residents would experience unsatisfactory environmental conditions.

LP0542 Land adjacent 20, Spout House Lane, Hove Edge, 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse The P LP0543 Rear of 453, Halifax Road, Hove Edge, Brighouse, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HD6

LP0544 Garden of Cherry Cottage, 46 Wood Top, Hove 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Edge, Brighouse otential SiteAllocations

LP0545 Rear of Blakeboroughs Athletic FC off, St. Giles 1.38 The site is detached from the existing urban area, is not Filtered Road, Hipperholme, Brighouse sustainable in terms of access to public transport and local services and amenities. There is substantial tree cover. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0546 Elm Grange, Leeds Road, Hipperholme, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0547 Land to the rear of 114, Smith House Avenue, 0.36 Children's play area and amenity green space. Filtered Hove Edge, Brighouse

LP0548 Land at junction of, Granny Hall La. & Blackburn 0.54 CMBC owned land - former landfill site and part of land Filtered Rd, Brighouse subject to long lease to provide access to adjoining houses

LP0549 Land rear of 2 Bracken Road, Brighouse 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0550 97 Lightcliffe Road, Brighouse 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0551 16 Bracken Road, Brighouse 0.13 Building on land complete. Filtered 37

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0552 Land off, Bute Avenue, Brighouse 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP0553 Land Adjacent 25, St. Andrews Drive, Brighouse 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0554 Land adjacent St. Andrews C of E School, 0.50 School grounds Filtered Blackburn Road, Brighouse

LP0555 Land adjacent 6, Austin Avenue, Brighouse 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0556 Land to rear of 96, Rayner Road, Brighouse, HD6 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0557 Land on, Waterloo Road, Brighouse 1.17 High quality allotments in use. Filtered

LP0558 Land to rear 17, Anvil Street, Brighouse 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0559 17 Charles Street, Brighouse 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0560 Land to side of car park, Bank Street, Brighouse 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0561 Land Adjacent 25, Rastrick Common, Rastrick, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0562 Land adjacent to 12, Brick and Tile Terrace, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rastrick, Brighouse

LP0563 Land between 138 & 142, Brooke Street, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0564 Land adjacent 97 Thornhill Road, Rastrick, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0565 Land at, Bowling Alley/Scholey Avenue, Rastrick, 0.53 Site in joint ownership one of whom does not wish to develop Filtered Brighouse at this time. Access makes this site virtually undevelopable in isolation. Some potential if access gained via Scholey Avenue but this would require crossing Bowling Alley which is a PROW

LP0566 Land adjacent to 1, Tofts Grove Place, Rastrick, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0567 Land adjacent to Rastrick Cemetery, Carr Green 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Rastrick, Brighouse

LP0569 Garden of 14 Clough Lane, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0570 Grounds of Ash Lea, 19 Woodhouse Lane, 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse, HD6

LP0571 Site to the rear of 9A, Birds Royd Lane, Brighouse 0.25 Site has planning permission for A1 retail therefore will not Filtered be allocated.

LP0572 Works opposite Wilkin Royd Mills, Mill Lane, 0.14 Current permission for industrial use B. Site is below the Filtered

Brighouse site size threshold for allocation The P

LP0574 Former Salford Works, Bramston Street, Rastrick, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0575 Land at, Lilliands Lane, Brighouse 0.59 Some mature trees on site. Boundary could be redrawn to Filtered allow small amount of development. However, the site has otential SiteAllocations been assessed as part of the OS strategy and has been retained as amenity greenspace.

LP0576 Land adjacent 26 Thornhill Road, Brighouse, HD6 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 3

LP0578 Between Bowling Green & Pavillion, Brighouse 0.28 This site has been developed since the Urban Audit and is Filtered Cricket Club Bradford Road, Bailiff Bridge, now part of Tesco's car park. Brighouse

LP0579 126- 128, Bradford Road, Brighouse 0.57 Employment site - currently occupied. Filtered

LP0580 Car park at junction, Bradford Road & Woodvale 0.18 Car Park for Brighouse swimming pool. Site is below the Filtered Road, Brighouse site size threshold for allocation

LP0581 Land at junction of, Rayner Road & Bradford 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Brighouse

LP0582 North Vale Mills Complex 392, Bradford Road, 0.57 Employment site - currently occupied. Filtered Bailiff Bridge, Brighouse 39

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0583 Clifton House & Birkby House, Birkby Lane, Bailiff 0.16 Mill currently occupied by various retail, industrial and sport Filtered Bridge, Brighouse and recreation (gym) businesses. otential SiteAllocations

LP0584 Common End, Low Lane,, Bailiff Bridge, 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0585 Land west of, Anchor Place, Cooper Bridge, 0.63 Vacant land with poor access. Site lies within a Filtered Brighouse predominantly industrial commercial area, which extends west and north, green belt and railway to the south. Resident states this site is former land fill.

LP0586 Car Park Area Old Corn Mill, Wakefield Road, 0.55 Large car park for Old Corn Mill pub. Away from the urban Filtered Cooper Bridge, Brighouse area.

LP0592 Allotments to rear of the late shop, Denholme 0.81 Well maintained high quality allotments. Filtered Gate Road, Hipperholme, Brighouse

LP0595 The Gables, Cecil Avenue, Hipperholme, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0688 Daisy Road, Brighouse 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0689 Land at Knightbridge Court, Parsonage Lane, 0.23 Brownfield site with outline planning permission. Site is Filtered Brighouse below the site size threshold for allocation

LP0695 Barn at Firth House Farm, Firth House Lane, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0697 Garden adjacent to 10 Ridge Lea, Rastrick, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP0700 Garden of 172 Towngate, Clifton, Brighouse 0.13 Lapsed permission. Site is below the site size threshold for Filtered allocation

LP0702 Hollyhocks, Leeds Road, Hipperholme, Brighouse 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0771 Firth's Carpets, 432 Bradford Road, Bailiff Bridge, 0.60 Hybrid Application. Allowed on appeal 01.05.2013. A1 retail Filtered Brighouse unit, 2 A1/A2/A3 and/or D1. 56 bed care home. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0795 Thornhills Lane, Clifton, Brighouse, HD6 0.39 Greenfield site in Green Belt. Site constraints of access and Filtered overhead power lines could prove problematic in the viability of the site.

LP0807 52 Slade Lane, Rastrick, Brighouse, HD6 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0811 Grounds of Manor House Nursing Home, 1.09 14/01164/FUL - Residential development of 28 dwellings - Filtered Lightcliffe, Brighouse under construction.

LP0812 Garden of 10 Toothill Avenue, Brighouse 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0813 Lyndhurst Grove, 136 Huddersfield Road, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

Brighouse The P

LP0835 Crow Nest Park Golf Club, Hove Edge, Brighouse, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HD6 2LN

LP0836 Crow Nest Park Golf Club, Hove Edge, Brighouse, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HD6 2LN otential SiteAllocations

LP0844 Helliwell Syke, 30 Syke Lane, Lightcliffe, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse, HX3 8

LP0845 Garden Of 27 Lower Newlands, Brighouse, HD6 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 3

LP0852 land Adjacent, 6 Stoney Hill, Brighouse, HD6 3BP 0.21 Outline Planning Permission awarded (13/01374/OUT). Site Filtered is below the site size threshold for allocation. See LP1469 for remainder of site.

LP0860 Land off, River Street, Brighouse 0.49 The site has been developed. Filtered

LP0861 Land off, Vulcan Street, Brighouse 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0866 Building adjacent Rookes Hall, Rookes Lane, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Norwood Green, Brighouse

LP0869 Land off, Leeds and Whitehall Road, Bailiff Bridge, 24.42 Not immediately adjacent to the urban area. Green belt Filtered Brighouse greenfield site. Detrimental impact on landscape/woodland. 41

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0875 Land junction of, Huddersfield Road and Daisy 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Brighouse, HD6 otential SiteAllocations

LP0886 Rookes Mill, Station Road, Norwood Green, 0.97 10/00907/FUL - Proposed demolition of existing buildings Filtered Brighouse, HX3 and construction of 14 dwellings

LP0896 Land at, Thornhills Lane, Brighouse, HD6 4JQ 2.60 Site some distance from existing urban area - if adjacent Filtered sites came forward then this would increase the site potential achievability. Uncertainty concerning the impact on viability of improvements to Thornhills Lane.

LP0941 Land off, Elland Road, Brighouse 0.30 Flood zone 3 to south of site and ecological pressures. Filtered Access road to industrial unit through site. Adjacent to main road. Would reduce the developable area to below 0.25h.

LP0943 Land off, Brookfoot, Brighouse, HX3 56.03 Large operating employment site. Filtered

LP0944 Land off, Brookfoot Lane, Brighouse 1.63 03/02318 - Permission for 24 dwellings. Filtered Site lies adjacent to Brookfoot quarries but is within the primary housing area in the current plan

LP0966 Land off, Toothill Bank, Brighouse 4.82 Site adjacent to urban area, although topography may mean Filtered site is undevelopable. Right of way crosses the site. Electricity substation on West of site.

LP0998 Land off, Lyndhurst Road & Bowling Alley, 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rastrick, Brighouse

LP0999 Land off, Daisy Road & Woodhouse Lane, 0.87 High quality open space with provision for children and Filtered Rastrick, Brighouse teenagers.

LP1049 Land Off, Station Road, Norwood Green, 1.95 The site is in the Greenbelt and outside the village envelope Filtered Brighouse therefore in an unsustainable location.

LP1050 Land Adjacent, Judy Woods, Norwood Green, 1.69 Green Belt and away from the urban area. Filtered Brighouse, HX3 8QD Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1051 Rear of Sovereign House, 8 Bonegate Road, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse, HD6

LP1052 Sovereign House, 8 Bonegate Road, Brighouse, 0.03 Planning permission 13/00345/FUL covers Site LP1051 and Filtered HD6 this site.

LP1054 Land off, Brookfoot Lane, Brighouse, HX3 9SX 1.23 Steep site. Access would be by adjacent site entrance Filtered LP0944 which would need to come forward for development before this site can be considered. Adjacent site has lapsed permission.

LP1055 Thornhills Farm, 328 Thornhills Lane, Clifton, 0.91 Greenfield site in greenbelt, away from the urban area with Filtered

Brighouse, HD6 4JQ lack of infrastructure. The P

LP1057 Land at, Smith House Lane, Lightcliffe, Brighouse, 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HD6 2LH

LP1059 Land at, Bentley Avenue, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP1060 Land at, Shirley Grove, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.28 Open space crossed by footpaths. Filtered

LP1061 Land at, Ripley Street, Lightcliffe, Brighouse 0.54 Allotments in use. Filtered

LP1062 Holme House Nurseries, Wakfield Road, 0.45 Planning permission for 10 dwellings - 15/00768 Filtered Lightcliffe, Brighouse

LP1063 Ravensprings Park, Cawcliffe Road, Brighouse 1.35 Currently used by Brighouse model railway society. Filtered

LP1064 Land at, Smithy Carr Lane, Brighouse 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1073 Stoneworks, St. Giles Road, Lightcliffe, 1.73 Site awarded Planning Permission 11/00644 & 14/01479 Filtered Hipperholme, Brighouse, HX3

LP1074 Land at, St Giles Road, Lightcliffe, Hipperholme, 1.40 Dense woodland. WY Ecology recommends the site to be Filtered Brighouse, HX3 8DE filtered due to ecological pressures. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. 43

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1092 Bracken Road, Brighouse 0.17 Steep site with Tree Preservation Orders. Site is below the Filtered site size threshold for allocation otential SiteAllocations

LP1094 Halifax Road, Hove Edge, Brighouse 0.41 Narrow belt of land including several protected trees. WY Filtered Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP1096 Halifax Road, Hove Edge, Brighouse 0.36 Bowling club in use. Filtered

LP1097 Kershaw Garden Centre, Halifax Road, Brighouse 0.79 Existing garden centre including retail uses and a café Filtered currently within the Primary Housing Area in the development plan.

LP1098 Upper Green Lane, Hove Edge, Brighouse 0.48 School playing field. Filtered

LP1099 Upper Green Lane & Finkil St., Hove Edge, 0.37 Desktop survey. Site is currently well used playground and Filtered Brighouse recreation area.

LP1104 Northedge Park, Hipperholme, Brighouse, HX3 1.89 Greenfield land located immediately adjacent to the existing Filtered 8JW urban area. Unsuitable access - would require 3rd party land.

LP1105 The Grove, Hipperholme, Brighouse 0.61 Greenfield land located immediately adjacent to the existing Filtered urban area. Unsuitable access - would require 3rd party land.

LP1106 27 Syke Lane, Hipperholme, Brighouse, HX3 8 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1107 Bramley Lane, Hipperholme, Brighouse 1.12 Greenfield site close to urban area. Only visible access via Filtered a narrow track. Adjacent fields have not been put forward as an access route. The site is a former quarry which could raise development issues.

LP1110 Langlea Terrace, Hipperholme, Brighouse, HX3 0.52 Greenfield site adjacent to the urban area. The site is located Filtered 8LG within close proximity to existing residential properties. There is no direct access into the site without using 3rd party land. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1111 Woodhead, Denholme Gate Road, Hipperholme, 1.53 Open space - rugby fields in use. Local facilities within Filtered Brighouse, HX3 8HX walking distance of site.

LP1112 1 Mayfield, Northedge Lane, Hipperholme, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP1113 Land Adjacent, Northedge Lane, Hipperholme, 0.73 Site surrounded by open land on three sides and garden to Filtered Brighouse, HX3 8JY fourth side. In terms of proximity to local services and facilities and is relatively well served by public transport. Development not appropriate with current adjacent uses.

LP1115 Wakefield Road, Hipperholme, Brighouse 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P LP1117 Land off, Halifax Old Road, Hipperholme, 0.51 Narrow tree covered site between sites LP1121 and LP1120. Filtered Brighouse, HX3 8HW Within Special Landscape Area. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP1118 Station Road, Hipperholme, Brighouse 1.17 Steep tree covered site in joint ownership. Access would be Filtered difficult. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due otential SiteAllocations to ecological pressures.

LP1221 EM62, ArmitageRoad, Brighouse 0.73 Some work currently on site. Filtered

LP1222 EM60, River Street, Brighouse 1.70 Construction commenced. Filtered

LP1243 Clifton Lagoon, Wakefield Road, Clifton, 4.74 Large open space site adjacent to the motorway junction Filtered Brighouse and river.

LP1244 Woodhouse Lane, Brighouse 5.90 Planning permission for new cricket club on site. Filtered

LP1245 Stratton Road, Brighouse 0.34 Steep Council owned open space. Dense tree cover with Filtered Tree Preservation Orders to north and right of way running through the site. Limited access.

LP1246 Healey Wood Road, Brighouse 0.38 Open space survey states high value - retain. Filtered

LP1247 Brighouse Youth Centre, Aire Street, Rastrick, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse 45

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LP1249 Brighouse Market, Ship Street, Brighouse 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP1251 Atlas Mill Road, Brighouse 2.08 Council owned land, adjacent to Waste Disposal Site. Power Filtered lines cross southern part of site. The open space has been assessed as low quality and low value therefore could potentially be used for alternative uses.

LP1252 Adj St Andrews CE Junior School, Waterloo Road, 0.54 Sports facilities attached to school Filtered Brighouse

LP1253 Church Lane/Churchfields Road, Brighouse 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1254 Church Lane/Churchfields Road, Brighouse 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1255 School House & Land, St Andrews Junior School 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Waterloo Road, Brighouse

LP1256 Albion Street, Brighouse 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1275 Whinney Hill Park/Sycamore Drive, Brighouse 6.92 Steep sided valley between Lightcliffe and Whinney Hill Filtered Park. As stated in the Open Space survey:- Retain, removal would cause a catchment gap. Improve quality of site.

LP1279 Highbury School Day Centre, Shannon Road, 1.56 School and grounds. Filtered Rastrick, Brighouse

LP1293 Crowtrees Lane, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.06 Site currently used as a car park. In close proximity to Listed Filtered Buildings and Ancient Monument. In CMBC ownership.

LP1317 Waring Green Community Centre, Garden Road, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP1321 Brooke Street/Harley Street, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.11 Small site currently well used car park. Site is below the site Filtered size threshold for allocation

LP1322 George Street, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.29 Children's play area to be retained with steep tree covered Filtered sides to East & North.

LP1324 George Street/Bryan Street, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1326 St John Street/William Street, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1334 Halifax Road (Tuck Royds Quarry), Hove Edge, 1.54 Open space (playing field) and working quarry. Adjacent to Filtered Brighouse Brighouse Juniors football club.

LP1351 Carr Green Recreation Ground, Carr Green Lane, 1.75 Children's playground and playing field retained as in the Filtered Rastrick, Brighouse OS Strategy

LP1355 Denholme Gate Road (Woodhead Recreation 0.55 Retained open space recreation ground. Filtered Ground), Hipperholme, Halifax

LP1357 Reins Road, Rastrick, Brighouse 1.60 Open space to be retained within urban area, limited access Filtered

-would require 3rd party land. Surrounded on three sides The P by residential.

LP1378 North Loop Cromwell Bottom, Off Elland Road, 39.02 Restored landfill. A small part of the site may come forward Filtered Brighouse, HD6 for mixed use development including a visitor centre, car parking, education, commercial, and renewable energy production. Council is at an early stage in considering future otential SiteAllocations proposals.

LP1386 Thornhill Road, Rastrick, Brighouse 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1399 Albion Bowling Club, Sycamore View, Brighouse, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HD6 2DT

LP1417 Beechwood House, Tanhouse Park, Hipperholme, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse

LP1427 Watson Quarry, Brookfoot Lane, Southowram, 1.16 Site adjacent to large industrial site and heavy traffic. Owner Filtered Halifax, HX3 9SZ submitted the site for residential. Prospective residents would experience unsatisfactory environmental conditions.

LP1446 Disused Fire Station Building, Off Lister Street, 0.21 Site is below site allocation threshold Filtered Halifax Road, Brighouse 47

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LP1473 Rear of Blakeboroughs Athletic FC off, St Giles 1.62 The site is detached from the existing urban area, is not Filtered Road, Hipperholme, Brighouse sustainable in terms of access to public transport and local otential SiteAllocations services and amenities.

LP1474 Land north of, Sherburn Road, Brighouse 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered

LP1475 Land off, Burnsall Road, Brighouse 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered

LP1476 Land off, Highfield Road, Brighouse 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered 4.2 Elland

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Elland

Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Comments Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0021 Land at Ainley 6.98 Greenbelt; Archaeology, Greenfield site between the Mix of uses will determine New Mixed 209 Top, Brighouse Wildlife Highway Access, M62 and the A643, attached the residential capacity, Use Site Road, Ainley corridors Bat Alert, to existing urban area, site initially based on 30 dph Top, Elland, Overhead Power could be suitable for mixed for Mixed use sites. HD2 Lines/Pylons, use development. The Economic floorspace to be

Trees worthy of allocation of the site would be determined in line with The P protection/TPO, dependent on the outcome of forthcoming Employment Topography the green belt review and or Land Studies. exceptional circumstances.

LP0025 Land at 1.66 Greenbelt; Overhead Power Suitable location adjacent to Mix of uses will determine New Mixed 50 Dewsbury Road, Wildlife Lines/Pylons, urban area. Measures required the residential capacity, Use Site otential SiteAllocations nr Copperas corridors Highway Access, to overcome traffic noise and initially based on 30 dph Cottages, Rights of Way, create acceptable residential for Mixed use sites. Pylon Elland, HX5 9JU Bad Neighbours, conditions. Allocation of the within site would impact Topography site would be dependent on upon capacity. Economic the outcome of the green belt floorspace to be review and or exceptional determined in line with circumstances. forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0026 The Gate Farm, 2.13 Greenbelt The site is located on the edge New 64 Saddleworth of an existing settlement and Housing Site Road, would appear to be a logical Greetland, small extension. The allocation Elland, HX4 of the site would be dependent 8NW on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances 49

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LP0041 Land to the 0.43 Greenbelt Archaeology, Development of this site would Based on density New 15 otential SiteAllocations south of, Conservation consolidate Holywell Green, multiplier of 35dph Housing Site Stainland Road, Area although the allocation of the Stainland, site would be dependent on Elland, HX4 9EH the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances, as well as the amount of housing appropriate to this settlement.

LP0059 Site of Former 0.29 Primary Land Ownership Majority of original site now New 12 Ing Wood Mills, employment occupied by new industrial unit Housing Site Stainland Road, area; for Ace Energy. An area of West Vale, Wildlife land remains adjacent the Elland corridors Health Centre. Residential use would require adequate screening to industrial uses. Alternatively the site could be used for employment.

LP0065 Land north-west, 1.22 Primary Highway Access, This land represents an open In the absence of a site New 44 Nab End Lane, housing area Land Ownership area within a generally densely layout plan the capacity in Housing Site West Vale, built area. Part in use for the SHLAA is employed Elland garden and horse grazing. for forward planning Overall could have some purposes. The SHLAA potential for residential also noted that the likely development but the layout & property types would be density would need careful terraced and consideration. semi-detached.

LP0075 Land at Laithe 0.40 Conservation Conservation Some development potential Clarity required as to New 14 Croft Farm, areas UDP; Area appropriate to this size of whether the existing Housing Site Bowling Green Greenbelt settlement, but limited at South buildings are to be Road, Stainland, Western due to landscape included. Surrounded by Elland, HX4 9PF impacts. The allocation of the both high and low density site would be dependent on development and within the outcome of the green belt conservation area. These Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Comments Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

review and or exceptional consideration may reduce circumstances the capacity.

LP0144 Town Ing Field 0.53 Conservation Archaeology, Remediation work required New 19 Cliffe Manor, areas UDP; Topography associated with previous Housing Site Stainland Road, Greenbelt textile mill use. It is envisaged Stainland, that site would be viable in the Elland, HX4 9HF medium term. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional

circumstances. The P

LP0146 Land to the west 1.04 Greenbelt; Conservation Of the two areas of open Capacity may be reduced New 33 of West View, Openspace Area, Land space, that immediately due to open space Housing Site Church Lane, rural; Ownership, Trees adjacent the grave yard should comments.

Stainland, Elland Openspace worthy of be retained. Resolution of the otential SiteAllocations urban protection/TPO, Traveller Caravan & adequate Archaeology justification for the release of land from the Green Belt are required for the remainder of the site.

LP0177 Land adjacent 10.00 Greenbelt; Archaeology, Developable site attractive to 300 dwellings using New 300 Ellistones Place, Wildlife Ecology, the market. The allocation of relevant density multiplier. Housing Site Saddleworth corridors Flooding the site would be dependent Ecological pressures may Road, on the outcome of the green reduce developable area. Greetland, belt review and or exceptional Elland, HX4 8LG circumstances.

LP0220 Land off, Lower 5.87 Greenbelt; Listed Building, Greenfield site adjacent to the New 176 Edge Road, Unstable Bat Alert, urban area. The allocation of Housing Site Elland, HX5 9PL land Archaeology the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. May be scope 51

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for a smaller section of the site otential SiteAllocations coming forward.

LP0247 Land between, 0.85 Greenbelt; Site lies within settlement of Based on density New 26 Lindley Road Wildlife Blackley adjacent the former multiplier appropriate to Housing Site and South Lane, corridors Brickworks currently being site size and location. No Blackley, Elland, developed for residential use. details on timing but HD3 3SZ A sensitive residential placed as medium term. development could be appropriate. Dependent on outcome of green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0284 Works off, Clay 0.25 Primary Land Ownership, Site could be suitable for Dependant on type of New 10 House Lane, housing Flooding, residential although Open dwellings and layout but Housing Site Greetland, area; Ecology, Trees Space Study recommends trees likely to reduce Elland Wildlife worthy of retain as Open Space. capacity. Ecological corridors protection/TPO Borderline brownfield site. pressures may also Currently used by Countryside reduce developable area Service for green waste. - could be reduced below Dependant on Council plans the allocation threshold for land disposal. but retain in the list at this stage.

LP0497 Land between 0.31 Greenbelt Land Ownership, The site is located on the edge The trees along the New 10 Crawstone Trees worthy of of the settlement. Develop the frontage of the site are Housing Site Knowl Farm & protection/TPO site without having a negative dense and should be 346, Rochdale impact on the surrounding retained within any Road, landscape. The allocation of scheme. As such, this is Greetland, the site would be dependent likely to reduce the Elland on the outcome of the green number of dwellings that belt review and or exceptional could be accommodated circumstances. on the site.

LP0509 Land and 0.37 Mixed use Land Ownership Site presently designated as Mix of uses will determine New Mixed 11 Buildings mixed use in development the residential capacity, Use Site Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Comments Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

opposite Co-Op, plan. Would appear to be in initially based on 30 dph Dewsbury Road, some form of commercial use for Mixed use sites. Elland although parts of the site seem Economic floorspace to be vacant. Permission refused in determined in line with 2011 for a retail development forthcoming Employment on the site. Land Studies.

LP0510 Land at North 0.82 Town centre Land Ownership, Brownfield site in sustainable Mix of uses will determine New Mixed 25 End, South Archaeology location with future potential the residential capacity, Use Site Lane, Elland for a mixed use scheme initially based on 30 dph including housing. The exact for Mixed use sites.

timescale of delivery is not Potentially higher density The P known given the complexities to reflect existing presented by the multiple townscape. Economic ownerships and existing uses. floorspace to be determined in line with

forthcoming Employment otential SiteAllocations Land Studies.

LP0514 Land adjacent 0.30 Primary Land Ownership, The SHLAA Working Group Based on density New 15 Storth View, housing area Archaeology, did not consider this to be an multiplier but trees may Housing Site Huddersfield Trees worthy of attractive location for housing. reduce density. Road, Elland protection/TPO The position including the neighbouring use to the south may change over plan period and therefore could be a longer term allocation.

LP0518 Marshall Hall, 0.37 Primary Land Ownership, Predominantly industrial area. Pond on site will reduce New 18 Elland Lane, employment Bat Alert, Lapsed permission for 15 capacity. Lapsed Housing Site Elland area;Town Possible dwellings on site. Owner not application for 15 centre Contamination, intending to implement current dwellings. Highway Access permission. However principle of development determined, therefore future owner or permission may lead to site coming forward. 53

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LP0718 Moor Quarry, 0.60 Greenbelt Overhead Power Greenfield site adjacent to the New 19 otential SiteAllocations Rochdale Road, Lines/Pylons village envelope with some Housing Site Greetland, existing residential properties Elland, HX4 8PS within close proximity to the site. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0820 Land off, 7.70 Greenbelt Topography, Site is adjacent to the urban The topography and New 231 Dewsbury Road, Rights of Way, area; close to facilities and pylons may cause viability Housing Site Elland Overhead Power existing infrastructure. New issues and the capacity Lines/Pylons, development to the North. The may be reduced. Archaeology, allocation of the site would be Land Ownership, dependent on the outcome of Listed Building the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0951 Land off 0.59 Greenbelt; Listed Building, The allocation of the site would Based on density New 21 Stainland Road, Wildlife Bat Alert be dependent on the outcome multiplier of 35dph but Housing Site Holywell Green, corridors of the green belt review and or topography may reduce Holywell Green, exceptional circumstances and this depending on Elland, HX4 9 level of development dwellings types. appropriate to Tier 5 settlement.

LP0952 Land at New 10.63 Greenbelt; Archaeology No known constraints to the 276 dwellings using New 276 Gate Farm, Wildlife site, however, size of the site appropriate density Housing Site Saddleworth corridors may create infrastructure multiplier Road, issues. Also, possible bad Greetland, neighbour to south. The Elland allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Comments Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0960 Land off, South 5.86 New Landfill/Adjacent Extension to Ainley's Industrial Developable area and New 0 Lane, Elland employment landfill site, Estate. Previously allocated floorspace from ELR. Employment site Archaeology, for employment use and Economic floorspace to be Site Land Ownership, eastern part has planning determined in line with Rights of Way permission for employment forthcoming Employment use. Could also be B1. Land Studies. Eastern area previously excavated to accommodate industrial development.

LP0961 Land off, 0.58 Greenbelt; Trees worthy of Mixed Greenfield and New 20

Stainland Road, Wildlife protection/TPO, Brownfield site, various Housing Site The P Holywell Green, corridors Biodiversity constraints to development Elland, HX4 9AJ Value, such as topography, access Quarry/Proximity and current Green Belt to Quarry, allocation. Allocation of the site

Possible would be dependent on the otential SiteAllocations Contamination outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0978 Land off, Lower 8.28 Greenbelt Ecology, Greenfield site in the green Capacity limited by New 248 Edge Archaeology, Bat belt adjacent to existing urban possible buffer from the Housing Site Road/Shaw Alert, Possible area. Allocation of the site adjacent quarry and Lane, Elland, Contamination, would be dependent on the additional infrastructure HD6 3JN Overhead Power outcome of the green belt which would be needed to Lines/Pylons, review and or exceptional facilitate a development of Rights of Way, circumstances. WY Ecology this scale. Highway Access recommends the site to be filtered.

LP0982 Land off, 2.04 Greenbelt; Trees worthy of Located at edge of an existing Economic floorspace to be New 0 Stainland Road Wildlife protection/TPO, industrial estate where impact determined in line with Employment and Burrwood corridors Quarry/Proximity upon openness of area forthcoming Employment Site Way, Holywell to Quarry, between Holywell Green and Land Studies. Green, Elland, Topography, West Vale needs HX4 Possible consideration. Allocation of the 55

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Contamination, site also dependent on the otential SiteAllocations Biodiversity outcome of the green belt Value review and/or exceptional circumstances.

LP1030 Land adjoining 0.59 Greenbelt Overhead Power Adjoins Elland on 2 sides with The power cables are New 19 South Parade, Lines/Pylons a sensitive development likely to impinge on the Housing Site Adj Maple Fold, possibly acceptable given layout and possibly reduce Elland, HX5 0PH relatively low lying nature of the capacity of the site land helping disguise it in from the density multiplier wider landscape. Allocation derived figure. would be dependent on outcome of green belt review and/or exceptional circumstances.

LP1082 Land at, 3.10 Primary Rights of Way, Vacant factory and low quality Some Open Space should New 118 Whitwell Green employment Bad Neighbours, open space site adjacent to be retained which would Housing Site Lane, Elland, area;Wildlife Possible the urban area. There are a reduce capacity. HX5 corridors Contamination, number of local services and Ecological pressures may Bat Alert, amenities in the neighbouring reduce developable area. Ecology area and public transport facilities are good.

LP1087 Church Street, 1.60 Primary Flooding, Not suitable for residential use Ecological and flooding New 0 West Vale, employment Archaeology, Bad as neighbouring uses are pressures may reduce Employment Elland, HX4 8LT area;Wildlife Neighbours, industrial/commercial with developable area. Site corridors Ecology heavy goods vehicle Economic floorspace to be movements. The site is determined in line with suitable for employment use forthcoming Employment and to intensify existing Land Studies. employment uses.

LP1088 West Vale 0.80 Primary Ecology, Multiple vacant uses - A Mix of uses will determine New Mixed 24 Works, employment Flooding, comprehensive redevelopment the residential capacity, Use Site Stainland Road, area;Wildlife Archaeology area resulting in a mixed use initially based on 30 dph West Vale, corridors scheme would be most for Mixed use sites. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Comments Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

Greetland, appropriate including high Ecological pressures may Elland, HX4 8BB density housing, possibly in reduce developable area. the form of apartments, Economic floorspace to be reflecting the existing built determined in line with character of this area. forthcoming Employment Land Study

LP1223 Lowfields, Lacy 5.07 Cycle Land Ownership, New Employment site (EM67) Economic floorspace to be New 0 Way, Elland corridor;New Flooding, in existing development plan. determined in line with Employment employment Overhead Power forthcoming Employment Site site;Wildlife Lines/Pylons, Land Studies.

corridors Possible The P Contamination

LP1283 Glenholme, 0.52 Primary Land Ownership Former Nursing Home. In New 23 Green Lane, housing existing use as Centre for Housing Site

Greetland, area;Wildlife audio and visually impaired. otential SiteAllocations Halifax corridors Council plans for this facility required. If to be disposed of could be a medium/long term housing site.

LP1407 Land Off, Scar 2.58 Greenbelt Highway Access Greenfield site in close 67 dwellings using New 67 Bottom Lane, proximity to B6113. Access via appropriate density Housing Site Greetland, Scar Bottom Lane could be an multiplier. Elland, HX4 issue for a site of this size. The 8PQ allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. 57

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LP1443 Land between, 0.50 Cycle Bat Alert, Land Vacant land between Economic floorspace to be New 0 otential SiteAllocations Wistons Lane corridor; Ownership supermarket and access road. determined in line with Employment and Jubilee Primary Relatively flat with good forthcoming Employment Site Way, Elland employment access. In a predominantly Land Studies. area; industrial/retail area. Wildlife corridors

LP1447 Hanson 19.27 Greenbelt; Land Ownership, Note - site submitted by CMBC Economic floorspace to be New 0 Brickworks, Mineral Quarry/Proximity Business & Economy Section determined in line with Employment Lower Edge working to, Bat Alert, for employment use. The forthcoming Employment Site Road, Elland, sites; Possible allocation of the site would be Land Studies. HX5 9PU Wildlife Contamination dependent on the outcome of corridors the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP1454 Land to the 6.62 Cycle Land Ownership, Possible Urban Extension No capacity included for New Urban 0 West of, Elland corridor; Bat Alert, option, although more suited residential due to location Extension Bridge, Elland Greenbelt; Flooding to employment uses. The of site. If proposed for a Washland; allocation of the site would be new employment site the Wildlife dependent on the outcome of capacity will be dependent corridors the green belt review and or on the flood mitigation exceptional circumstances, measures. alongside a solution to the flooding risk.

LP1455 Land at, Exley 60.09 Existing Overhead Power Possible Urban Extension, Although part of the site is New Urban 1803 Lane, Halifax passenger Lines/Pylons, although multiple ownerships within 750m of Elland town Extension railway; Land Ownership, may prevent the whole site centre, the average Greenbelt; Highway Access, coming forward. The allocation density of the site is Historic Bad Neighbours of the site would be dependent proposed at 30dph. Due parks and on the outcome of the green to a number of constraints gardens; belt review and or exceptional if the site came forward Openspace circumstances. the capacity would likely rural; change. Primary employment Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Comments Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

area;Primary housing area

LP1470 Land behind, 2.90 Greenbelt Highway Access The site is located within an New 87 West View, area that is suitable for Housing Site Stainland, Elland housing development. It is close to existing residential development and is located within an area that is well served by local services and amenities. Access appears to

be the main constraint. The P

LP1540 Land off, Branch 0.61 Greenbelt; Bat Alert The allocation of the site would New 20 Road, Wildlife be dependent on the outcome Housing Site Barkisland, corridors of the green belt review and or

Sowerby Bridge exceptional circumstances. otential SiteAllocations Site has development on 3 sides and no other major constraints to development (with the exception of the green belt allocation). 59

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Filtered Sites - Elland

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0009 Lowfields, Land around Nu Swift site, Elland, 3.03 13/00631/FUL - Change of use to B8 Storage Filtered otential SiteAllocations HX5 Permit

LP0018 Wham Leigh Quarry, Clay Pit Lane, Sowood, 1.08 Former quarry detached from any defined settlement and Filtered Elland, HX4 9JL therefore not a suitable location for development. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0020 Crawstone Hall Wood Farm, Dog Lane, 2.50 Detached from any defined settlement and site is heavily Filtered Greetland, Elland, HX4 wooded with mature trees.

LP0031 Lower Mead, Saddleworth Road, Barkisland, 0.58 Detached from any defined settlement. Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX4

LP0037 Long Heys Farm, Long Heys, Greetland, Elland, 0.95 Part of a narrow gap between two settlements. This land would Filtered HX4 8BJ erode this gap and not for a logical settlement extension. Allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0057 Sunside Service Station Ltd, Saddleworth 0.41 The site is currently in employment use and therefore not Filtered Road, Greetland, Elland, HX4 8LZ appropriate for allocation. The SHLAA also found it unlikely to be viable for residential given the necessary remediation costs.

LP0058 Parking Area Brooks Mills Works, Saddleworth 0.49 Site in use although difficult to determine level of use. Access Filtered Road, Greetland, Elland to adjacent works to west through this site. Unless the whole site were available not appropriate as an allocation.

LP0060 Land at, Stainland Road, West Vale, Elland 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0061 Adjacent 1-4 Onecliffe Mills, Stainland Road, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Greetland, Elland

LP0062 Victoria Works, Dean Street, West Vale, Elland, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX4 8

LP0063 Rear of Doorstep Cafe, Victoria Street,, West 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Vale, Elland Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0064 9, North Street, Elland 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0066 11, Saddleworth Road, West Vale, Elland, HX4 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 8

LP0067 Adjacent 19, Bryan Road, Elland 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0076 Works rear of 15, Bowling Green, Stainland, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland

LP0077 Rose & Crown Inn, Bowling Green Road, 0.05 Below allocation threshold. Filtered Stainland, Elland The P LP0078 Hard Platts Farm, Hard Platts Lane, Stainland, 0.26 Division of house into two properties - 12/00009/FUL. Building Filtered Elland control completion (permission implemented)

LP0079 Land at Wilderness Farm, Gosport Lane, 0.52 Site would not form a logical extension to Outlane only having Filtered Outlane, Elland, HD3 contact with the settlement boundary on one side & would form a protrusion into the surrounding countryside. otential SiteAllocations

LP0095 Land adjacent to Gate Head, Gate Head Lane, 1.31 Detached from any defined settlement. Filtered Greetland, Elland, HX4 8NP

LP0142 Land at, Hame, Stainland, Elland, HX4 8.31 Not Suitable. Largely detached from defined settlement of Filtered Stainland and large extension in relation settlement size. Would remove gap between Stainland and Sowood and be detrimental to character of area in landscape terms.

LP0143 Mill Paddock, 10 Town Ing Way, Stainland, 0.35 Constrained garden site in location where little development Filtered Elland, HX4 9EE proposed. Access is poor and, once existing house and garden are removed from developable area, site is below threshold.

LP0145 Cook And Lister Joiners, 5 Thorne Street, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Stainland, Elland, HX4 9

LP0176 Greetland Infant School, Saddleworth Road, 1.07 Greetland Infant School - Open Space (recommended to retain Filtered Greetland, Elland in Open Space survey)

LP0228 The Plains, Park Road, Elland 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 61

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LP0229 Riverside Works, Gas Works Lane, Elland 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP0272 Chapel Of Rest - Former Sunday School, Alfred 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Street, West Vale, Elland

LP0273 Civic Hall, Rochdale Road, Greetland, Elland 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0274 Former Brass Works, Maude Street, Greetland, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland

LP0275 Garden rear of Lambert House, 59 Rochdale 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Greetland, Elland

LP0282 Land Rear Of 5 And 6 Hollyns Terrace, Off Clay 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered House Lane, West Vale, Elland

LP0283 Land north, John Street/Coronation Street, 0.39 Retain as Open Space in accordance with the conclusions of Filtered Greetland, Elland the Open Space Study and the RCUDP. The allocation of the Green Belt part of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0346 Garden of 12, Pinewood Garden, Holywell 0.18 Residential garden and under site allocation threshold and Filtered Green, Elland therefore filtered as per SHLAA.

LP0347 Land to the rear of 1 - 17, Laneside, Stainland 0.54 Retain as Public Open Space as per the recommendation of Filtered Road, Holywell Green, Elland the OS Study and as allocated in the RCUDP.

LP0355 Ainleys Industrial Estate, Ainley Bottom, Elland, 0.38 Only consideration is for employment use but filtered from ELR Filtered HX5 as not viable due to location and access in relation to size of site.

LP0484 Greetland Junior & Infant School, Rochdale 0.62 School grounds therefore site has been filtered. Also, land Filtered Road, Greetland, Elland locked so access could be a major constraint.

LP0485 West Vale Sports Ground, Stainland Road, 1.68 Retain as Open Space in accordance with conclusions of Open Filtered West Vale, Elland Space Study and RCUDP allocation. The allocation of the type of open space would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0486 Heath Rugby Club, Stainland Road, West Vale, 2.96 Retain as Open Space in accordance with conclusions of Open Filtered Elland Space Study and RCUDP allocation. The allocation of the type of open space would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0487 Land & Unit, Halifax Road, Elland 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Site currently Filtered in commercial use. Poor environmental conditions for residential development due to surrounding industrial and commercial uses.

LP0488 Greetland Cricket & Bowling Club, Saddleworth 1.04 Retain as Open Space as recommended by Open Space Study Filtered Road, West Vale, Elland and as allocated in RCUDP. The P LP0489 Land Adjacent To 11 Briscoe Lane, Greetland, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland

LP0490 Grounds of 136 Rochdale Road, Greetland, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland, HX4 8 otential SiteAllocations

LP0491 Land to east of Briscoe Lane, Greetland, Elland, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX4

LP0492 Adjacent 23 Briscoe Lane, Greetland, Elland, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX4

LP0493 Brian Royd Mills, Saddleworth Road, Greetland, 0.37 Site currently in Industrial/Commercial use. Therefore filtered. Filtered Elland

LP0494 Rear of 4 Spring Lane, Greetland, Elland 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0495 Land adjacent 23 Daleside, Greetland, Elland, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX4

LP0496 Land rear of 314 - 308, Saddleworth Road, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Greetland, Elland

LP0498 Land east of 17, Rochdale Road, Greetland, 0.27 Detached from any defined settlement. Usable part of the site Filtered Elland is also below the site threshold of 0.25ha. 63

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LP0499 Land Adjacent The Woodlands, Rochale Road, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Greetland, Elland otential SiteAllocations

LP0500 Bryan Court, 16 Hullen Edge Road, Elland, HX5 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0501 Land north of 4 Rock View, Holywell Green, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland, HX4

LP0502 Allotment Gardens, South Street, Holywell 0.61 Retain as allotments as per the recommendation of the Open Filtered Green, Elland Space Study and as allocated in the RCUDP.

LP0503 Allotments, Jagger Green Lane, Jagger Green, 1.23 Retain as allotments as per Open Space Study, not proposing Filtered Elland any change of use.

LP0504 WMC Car Park, South Lane, Elland 0.25 This land currently provides parking facilities for the social club Filtered and bowling green and has not been submitted for any other use. It would therefore be inappropriate to allocate it for residential use.

LP0505 Building Opposite Elland Fire Station, South 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Elland

LP0506 Land adjacent, South Lane, Elland 0.43 Planning permission for 21 dwellings and therefore not Filtered allocated. Should this lapse consider for allocation.

LP0507 George Street, Elland, HX5 0 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0508 Anvil Fisheries, Huddersfield Road, Elland 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0511 Adjacent 41, Newcombe Street, Elland, HX5 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0512 Land corner of Heathfield Street & Dewsbury 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Westbury Street, Elland

LP0513 Former Wesley Chapel & Savage Hall, 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Huddersfield Road, Elland

LP0515 Factory, Dewsbury Road, Elland 0.26 Employment site in use - filtered Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0516 Spa Field Mills, Dewsbury Road, Elland 1.18 Industrial unit with car parking completed on site. Filtered

LP0517 Land to the rear of 9 - 47, Westbury Street, 0.57 Site currently in industrial and commercial use. Filtered Elland

LP0519 Land rear of North House, Northgate, Elland 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0520 Land between Lowfields, Wistons Lane, Elland 1.02 Site is in a good location but unlikely to be viable due to flood Filtered risk and size/ shape of site. Railway runs to the north, road to the south and west, river to the east.

LP0535 Land adjacent Royal Oak Inn, Lower Edge 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P Road, Brighouse

LP0537 Garden of 22 Church Lane, Lower Edge, Elland 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0625 Land between 5 - 9 Moor Hey & Glen View 0.46 Allocation would extend the settlement beyond limits of village Filtered Cottages, Moor Hey Lane, Sowood, Elland envelope. Not a particularly sustainable location, no longer otential SiteAllocations having any services or facilities. Exceptional circumstances necessary to release land from the Green Belt would be required.

LP0626 Land & buidlings adjacent 1 - 3 Greenfield, Park 0.16 Filtered in SHLAA as still in use (2009). Site is below the site Filtered Lane, Sowood, Elland size threshold for allocation

LP0627 South Hey Farm, Stainland Road, Sowood, 0.15 SHLAA stated site currently in industrial and commercial use Filtered Elland and was filtered (2009). Site is below the site size threshold for allocation

LP0628 Car park adjacent The Airborne PH, 15 Green 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Sowood, Elland, HX4 9

LP0698 Land and works, Off Northgate, Elland 0.44 Current planning permission for B1 Business. This permission Filtered does not include areas mentioned in capacity comments. The site is located adjacent to residential development in a main urban area. 65

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LP0705 Rear garden of 98 Victoria Road, Elland 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP0716 Knowl Hill, Old Lindley Road, Holywell Green, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland

LP0717 Greetland All Rounders, Spring Rock Rochdale 6.60 Site is currently used as sport pitches and is designated Green Filtered Road, Greetland, Elland Belt and Open Space and is not adjacent to either an urban area or village envelope. The site should therefore be filtered

LP0719 Land Off Barsey Green Lane, Wall Nook, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge

LP0720 Phase 2 Spring Rock Inn, Norland Road, Elland 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0722 467-475 Elland Road, Elland 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0755 The Ranch, New Road, Holywell Green, Elland 0.39 14/00774/FUL - Construction of dwelling and garage following Filtered demolition of existing light industrial building. Expires - 01.09.2017

LP0757 Land off, Lower Edge, Elland, HX5 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0770 Land adjacent to 114B Elland Lane, Elland 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0791 Land at, Gosport Close, Outlane, Elland, HD3 0.12 The site is unlikely to be viable given the size of the site Filtered 3FP together with the many constraints to be overcome. Also below site size threshold for Local Plan. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0792 Garden Of Glen View, Stainland Road, Outlane, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland, HD3 3

LP0794 Land Adjacent to Victoria Cottage, Beestonley 1.67 The site is located outside the 500m urban area buffer therefore Filtered Lane, Stainland, Elland, HX4 9PJ in Green Belt not under review.

LP0808 Garden adjacent 28 Elsinore Avenue, Elland 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0809 Garden of 6, Jepson Lane, Elland, HX5 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0810 Gardens between, Scarborough Terrace and 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Granville Street, Elland, HX5

LP0829 Agricultural Building Adjacent To Springhill 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Farm, New Hey Road, Outlane, Elland

LP0839 Old Lee Farm, Swan Lane, Outlane, Elland, 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HD3 3

LP0843 Adajent 15 Royd Avenue, Ainley Top, Elland, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HD3 3

LP0859 Land west of Pinfold Lane, Upper Edge, Elland 33.00 Greenfield site surrounded by green belt. Development of the Filtered The P site would cause significant harm to the rural character of the area and encourage the merging of nearby settlements. Detached entirely from recognised urban areas.

LP0876 Branch Road Inn, Saddleworth Road, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Greetland, Elland, HX4 otential SiteAllocations

LP0877 8 Southgate, Elland, HX5 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0881 Land South of Lee Croft, Sowood Fold, Green 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Sowood, Elland, HX4

LP0882 Barn at Mount Pleasant, Dean House Lane, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Stainland, Elland, HX4

LP0884 New Yard Farm, Beestonley Lane, Stainland, 0.28 Planning permission to form four dwellings, upgrading of site Filtered Elland, HX4 access, conversion of cattle shed to form three garages and construction of detached double garage. Planning permission granted - filter site. Expires: 13.03.2018

LP0892 Land off, Old Earth, Elland 2.94 Outdoor sports facilities - filter Filtered

LP0940 Park View Farm, Gosport Lane, Outlane, Elland 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0953 Land off, Ellistones Lane, Greetland, Elland, 7.73 Detached from any settlement. Filtered HX4 8NJ 67

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LP0954 Land off, Stainland Road, Greetland, Elland, 4.39 Pastoral landscape forming gap between settlements reinforcing Filtered HX4 the character of the area which would not form a logical otential SiteAllocations settlement extension. Allocating the site would be dependent on the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0955 Little Bradley, Stainland Road, West Vale, 0.90 Site currently in use as Railway Sleeper Furniture Business. Filtered Elland, HX4 8BH The site would not form a logical settlement extension since only its narrow eastern boundary has any form of contact with the adjacent settlement of Greetland/West Vale.

LP0956 Land off, Hammerstones Road, Elland 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0957 Land off, Hammerstones Road, Elland 3.96 Retain as Open Space as per conclusions from open space Filtered study.

LP0958 Land off, Victoria Road, Elland 4.74 Playing Fields to be retained as per conclusions from Open Filtered Space Study.

LP0959 Land off, Blackley Road, Blackley, Elland 7.44 Elevated steeply sloping site prominent in the landscape and Filtered which would link Elland to Blackley. Release would also be dependant on adequate justification demonstrating the exceptional circumstances necessary to release land from the Green Belt.

LP0962 Land off, Bryan Road, Elland 0.73 Site made up of several gardens from Urban Capacity Study Filtered and does not form a logical site for allocation. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0963 Land off, Rochdale Road, West Vale, Elland 0.32 Site currently under construction for residential use and Filtered therefore counted under this supply source. Therefore not included as an allocation.

LP0964 Land off, Rochdale Road, West Vale, Elland 0.74 13/01072/OUT -Residential development (Amended scheme Filtered to 10/00258) (Outline) Expires 5.12.2016

LP0965 Land adjacent Rough Stones, Exley Lane, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0979 Land off, Hammerstone Leach Lane, Blackley, 5.62 Not a logical settlement extension with only part of the eastern Filtered Elland, HX5 0TA side adjacent Elland. Very visible in the landscape. Release also dependant on adequate justification demonstrating exceptional circumstances necessary to release land from the Green Belt.

LP0980 Land off, Gate Head Lane, Greetland, Elland 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0981 Land off, Greetland, Elland, HX4 8NR 1.78 Detached from any defined settlement. Filtered

LP1029 Land North of, Johns Lane, Elland 9.79 Refuse Tip now restored. Filtered

LP1031 Woodman Works, South Lane, Elland, HX5 5.16 Currently in industrial & commercial use and therefore not Filtered The P 0PA appropriate for allocation, particularly to residential. The unused area west of Woodman Works (demarcated by a security fence) is not appropriate for allocation on its own.

LP1079 Land at, Dewsbury Road, Elland 1.45 Planning Permission for a mixed use development Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP1080 Land at, Dewsbury Road, Elland 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1081 The Silk Mill, Dewsbury Road, Elland 0.76 Mill converted into residential use. Filtered

LP1083 Wistons Lane, Elland 0.26 Industrial site in use. Filtered

LP1084 Nu-Swift, Wistons Lane & Century Road, Elland 1.16 Site developed. Filtered

LP1085 Nu-Swift, Wistons Lane & Century Road, Elland 2.41 Site now developed as Morrisons supermarket. Filtered

LP1086 Land between Crow Bottom, and Calder and 0.26 Would probably only be suitable for employment currently used Filtered Hebble Navigation, Elland for vehicle storage. In Flood Zone 3.

LP1089 Rochdale Road, Greetland, Elland, HX4 8HR 1.93 Natural and semi natural urban green spaces (high quality) - Filtered retain as recommended in open space strategy

LP1090 Rochdale Road, Greetland, Elland 2.86 Site forms part of a larger sports recreation ground that contains Filtered sports pitches and playing fields. Open Space study update recommends retention. Site has been filtered. 69

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LP1091 Land off, Rochdale Road, Greetland, Elland 0.37 Site is an equipped play area but is designated PHA. Open Filtered Space study update 2015 scored the site above mean and otential SiteAllocations recommended retention. Consider Open Space designation at next Land Allocations stage.

LP1123 Kinnaird Close, Elland 0.63 There are a number of existing residential properties within the Filtered surrounding area, therefore it is considered that it would be suitable for residential if the constraints on site access could be overcome.

LP1124 land rear of, 28 Plains Lane, Elland, HX5 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1226 Blackley Brickworks, Blackley Road, Elland 5.39 Site under construction and therefore not allocated. Forms part Filtered of planning permissions source of supply.

LP1284 Lyndhurst', 72 Victoria Road, Elland 0.64 CMBC ownership - children's home Filtered Consult CAFAM

LP1289 Boxhall Road, Elland 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1291 Elland-Riorges Link, Elland 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1297 Saddleworth Road/Lambert Street, Rochdale 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, West Vale, Elland

LP1299 Northgate, Elland 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1301 Market Square, Southgate, Elland 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1303 Stainland Road, Stainland, Elland 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1307 Brow Bridge Car Park, Rochdale Road, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Greetland, Halifax

LP1325 John Street/Victoria Road, Elland 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1331 Elland Bridge Riverside Park, Millgate, Elland 1.90 Elland Bridge Riverside Park is a well used public open space. Filtered Open Space survey recommends to retain. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1335 Council Offices, Southgate, Elland 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1337 Timber Street, Elland 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1345 Westgarth, 79 Victoria Road, Elland 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1352 West Lodge Crescent/New Hey Road, Ainley 0.31 High quality open space to be retained as assessed in the OS Filtered Top, Elland strategy.

LP1358 Park Lane, Sowood, Halifax 0.40 Open space retained as assessed in the OS Strategy. Filtered

LP1360 Park Road, Elland 1.04 Council owned land with Open Space provision for children Filtered

and teenagers. The P

LP1362 St Aubyn's, Victoria Road, Elland 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1370 Middle Dean Street, West Vale, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1383 Crown Street, Elland 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP1389 Ainley Street/Dean Street/Granville Street, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Elland

LP1408 Land off, Forest Hill Road, Sowood, Elland, 2.24 Land situated within rural area, surrounded predominantly by Filtered HX4 9LB agricultural land. Currently in Green Belt and Special Landscape Area. Not sustainable in terms of location. Development of site would harm the rural character of the area.

LP1410 Land at Ainleys Industrial Estate, Ainley Bottom, 1.60 Part of the site is tree covered. Highways access would be Filtered Elland, HX5 across adjacent land therefore the site currently has no means of access. It is also greenbelt and could be revisited if the site is released after the GBR.

LP1413 Land to the North of 4 Burrwood Terrace, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Stainland Road, Elland, HX4 9AL

LP1442 Land at Junction, Wistons Lane and Century 0.09 Below site size threshold Filtered Road, Elland 71

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LP1444 Land at, Jubilee Way and Wistons Lane, Elland 0.18 Below site size threshold Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP1445 The Railway Sidings - Site 3, Stainland Road, 3.23 Heavily wooded Ancient Woodland therefore it is not suitable. Filtered Greetland, Elland, HX4 8LP

LP1477 Land rear of, South Lane Gardens, Elland 1.22 Existing employment site. Filtered

LP1479 Land rear of, Rosemount Avenue, Elland 2.30 Retain as Open Space. Filtered 4.3 Halifax

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Halifax

Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0024 Rake Bank 1.15 Greenbelt;Leeds Topography, Potential housing site, but with 2013 SHLAA - New 21 Quarry, Cragg Bradford Trees worthy of TPO and topography issues. The conversation Housing Site Lane, Wheatley, safegaurding protection/TPO, allocation of the site would be between client and Halifax, HX2 zone;Wildlife Highway Access, dependent on the outcome of the TPO officer. corridors Ecology green belt review and or Reduced density

exceptional circumstances. WY from standard The P Ecology recommends the site to SHLAA due to be filtered. TPOs and topographical constraints. Ecological pressures may otential SiteAllocations reduce developable area.

LP0042 Land at, Green 1.31 Conservation Trees worthy of Site on the edge of Warley area. Site capacity could New 47 Hill, Warley, areas UDP; protection/TPO, Highways and topography would be reduced due to Housing Site Halifax, HX2 7SF Greenbelt; Topography, be the main constraints to the topography of the Special Conservation site coming forward for eastern part of the landscape area Area, Highway development. The allocation of site. Access the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0046 Goosegate 0.78 Greenbelt;Leeds Rights of Way, Identified within the SHLAA as a Assuming that the New 28 Farm, Heathy Bradford Airport Ecology, Bat short term deliverable site. The existing farm Housing Site Lane, Holmfield, consult zone Alert allocation of the site would be buildings would be Halifax, HX2 dependent on the outcome of the demolished. 9UN green belt review and or Ecological exceptional circumstances. pressures may 73

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reduce developable otential SiteAllocations area.

LP0082 Land adjacent, 0.48 Primary housing Topography, Topography and land stability Capacity likely to be New 26 Range Bank, area;Unstable Land Stability, issues may impact on the reduced due to Housing Site Claremount, land Bat Alert, Trees viability , however the western topography. Halifax worthy of part of the site could offer more protection/TPO potential than the eastern area.

LP0088 Land at, Boy 0.74 Greenbelt;Wildlife Topography, Bat Potential site adjacent to existing Capacity likely to be New 27 Lane, Wheatley, corridors Alert urban area. The allocation of the reduced due to Housing Site Halifax, HX2 site would be dependent on the topography. outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0092 Land at Lane 2.33 Greenbelt Site adjacent to existing urban New 70 Head Farm, area with no apparent Housing Site Roils Head constraints. The allocation of the Road, Norton site would be dependent on the Tower, Halifax, outcome of the green belt review HX2 0SU and or exceptional circumstances

LP0093 Roils Head 0.89 Openspace Archaeology, Brownfield site in the urban area, New 32 Service urban Possible currently a service reservoir. Housing Site Reservoir, Vicar Contamination Potential site that would be Park Road, available in the medium to long Norton Tower, term according to owner. Halifax

LP0094 Land oppposite 0.87 Greenbelt;Special Land Ownership Semi derelict site adjacent to Lapsed Planning New 31 Reservoir, landscape area urban area. The allocation of the Permission was for Housing Site Paddock Lane, site would be dependent on the 5 dwellings but only Highroad Well, outcome of the green belt review related to half the Halifax and or exceptional site. circumstances Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0103 Land at, Horley 0.98 Greenbelt;Leeds Land Ownership, A green field site, surrounded on Ecological New 44 Green Road, Bradford Airport Ecology, Bat three sides my residential pressures may Housing Site Claremount, consult Alert development, in close proximity reduce developable Halifax zone;Openspace to services and good transport area. urban links. The site is suitable for development, owned by the council and is designated lower quality urban amenity greenspace.

LP0108 Land at Stoney 0.91 Greenbelt;Leeds Ecology, Greenfield site located adjacent Ecological New 29

Brow, Whitegate Bradford Airport Possible to the existing urban area. pressures may Housing Site The P Top, Siddal, consult Contamination, Development likely to be viable reduce developable Halifax, HX3 zone;Mineral Archaeology, however market interest area. 9JW area of Rights of Way expected to be low. The search;Unstable allocation of the site would be

land dependent on the outcome of the otential SiteAllocations green belt review or exceptional circumstances.

LP0112 Works and 1.51 Leeds Bradford Rights of Way, Factory is no longer in use. Site New 60 associated land, Airport consult Land Ownership, on the edge of the urban area Housing Site Siddal Top Lane, zone;Primary Possible and not in green belt. Siddal, Halifax employment area Contamination

LP0118 Land at, Jubilee 0.83 Leeds Bradford Ecology, Land The site is developable and Potential for the site New 30 Road, Siddal, Airport consult Ownership, deliverable. It is located in a to be a little smaller Housing Site Halifax zone;Primary Topography suitable location which is as part of the site is housing available. Topography is noted owned by Highways area;Wildlife as a constraint which can be at the Council. corridors designed around. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area.

LP0124 Grange Farm, 1.54 Greenbelt; Bat Alert, Trees Site is partially brownfield but not Ecological New 49 Doctor Hill, Unstable land worthy of adjacent to the urban area. Any pressures may Housing Site 75

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Ovenden, protection/TPO, future allocation would require reduce developable otential SiteAllocations Halifax, HX2 Land Stability, the urban area to be extended. area. 0TG Ecology, The allocation of the site would Highway Access be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0151 Land off, 0.85 Greenbelt Ecology Potential site adjacent to the Ecological New 31 Hambleton Drive, urban area with no apparent pressures may Housing Site Mixenden, constraints. The allocation of the reduce developable Halifax, HX2 site would be dependent on the area. outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0152 Land adjacent to 0.35 Primary housing Land Ownership, Potential site within the urban Capacity based on New 14 81, Hunter Hill area Ecology area, could be joined with site current size of site, Housing Site Road, Mixenden, LP0151. could be altered if Halifax the site comes forward alongside LP0151. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area.

LP0156 Land at, Albert 0.68 Openspace Land Ownership Land currently used as New 31 Water Works, urban Allotments. Open Space Study Housing Site Pellon, Halifax, recommends retention. However HX2 Yorks Water claim sole ownership but also under council owned land. Retain in potential list of sites but establish ownership details prior to final decision on the site. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0165 Land at, 0.41 Openspace Land Ownership, CMBC owned land and Open Developable area New 16 Rushton/ urban Bad Neighbours Space. Potential as an urban likely to be the Housing Site Miall/Streets, infill housing development. northern and Queens Road, eastern part of the Halifax site which may reduce the capacity.

LP0166 Site of Tip, 6.61 New employment Rights of Way, Retain as a new employment Employment New 0 Shroggs Road, site Landfill/Adjacent allocation floorspace will be Employment Lee Mount, landfill site, dependent on the Site Halifax Flooding, Land design of

Ownership, Bat development. The P Alert Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming

Employment Land otential SiteAllocations Studies.

LP0234 Swinton, Hays 3.32 New employment Highway Access, Permission has already been Capacity may be New 100 Lane, Mixenden, site;Primary Bat Alert, Land granted to convert four of the reduced dependent Housing Site Halifax employment area Ownership office buildings to residential, on implementation possibly creating 10 new of the permitted dwellings. seeks to extend the office to residential principle of residential development. development and apply it to parts of the remaining site.

LP0261 Land at, Turner 2.71 New housing Land Ownership Part of site is a new housing Trajectory taken New 81 Avenue South, site;Openspace allocation in the current local from SHLAA. Housing Site Ovenden, Halifax urban plan.

LP0264 Car Park 0.39 Cycle Possible The SHLAA and ELR have Mix of uses will New Mixed 12 Between, Well corridor;Halifax Contamination, assessed the site and they determine the Use Site Lane / King residential Listed Building, recommend both residential and residential capacity, Street, Halifax priority Archaeology, office mix. The ownership is initially based on 30 regeneration Land Ownership dph for Mixed use 77

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area;Leeds currently unknown, therefore sites. Economic otential SiteAllocations Bradford Airport owners intention is required. floorspace to be consult determined in line zone;Mixed use with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0289 Land off, King 0.45 Conservation Possible Site was awarded planning Mix of uses will New Mixed 14 Cross Street, areas Contamination, permission (now lapsed) for a determine the Use Site Halifax, HX1 UDP;Halifax day Conservation mixed use development residential capacity, 2SH and night Area, Land including 10 town houses in initially based on 30 zone;Town Ownership 2009. dph for Mixed use centre sites. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0318 Land off, Per 2.94 Greenbelt;Leeds Ecology Site adjacent to existing urban Ecological New 88 Lane, Illingworth, Bradford Airport area. With no known constraints. pressures may Housing Site Halifax, HX2 consult Site would be viable and reduce developable 8XG zone;Mineral potentially attractive to the area. area of search market. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0356 Land off, Thrum 0.42 Primary housing Land Ownership Site has a lapsed planning New 19 Hall Lane, area permission for residential use. Housing Site Pellon, Halifax Comments from SHLAA indicate the site should be considered for allocation. Ownership information required to determine if site is available. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0397 Land adjacent to 0.59 Leeds Bradford Highway Access, Identified as a medium term The site is in an New 27 Daisy Bank, Airport consult Archaeology deliverable site in the SHLAA. urban area within Housing Site Savile Park, zone;Openspace The multiple owners wish to 750m of a town Halifax, HX1 urban develop the site for housing, no centre or transport longer use the land for node. The site is allotments. The OS study between 0.4ha - recommends retention as 2ha, therefore allotments. The site is capacity is 45 dph overgrown, used for fly tipping.

LP0403 Land off, Warley 0.26 Primary Archaeology, Disused Mill building in the urban Capacity may be New 10

Road/Parkinson employment area Land Ownership area in a mainly residential area. increased if the mill Housing Site The P Lane, Halifax was converted to flats

LP0405 Mill Building, 0.46 Primary Land Ownership, Potential new residential Capacity may be New 17

Dunkirk Lane, employment area Archaeology allocation in the urban area, increased if Housing Site otential SiteAllocations Halifax currently a disused mill building. converted to flats.

LP0406 Land off, Mile 0.32 Primary Land Ownership Brownfield site lies within a New 16 Cross Road, employment area largely residential area within the Housing Site Halifax urban area therefore propose a new housing site dependent on owners intentions.

LP0407 Land off, Mile 0.47 Primary Bat Alert, Land Derelict Mill within residential Density multiplier New 21 Cross Road, employment area Ownership area . Outline application suggests 21, Housing Site Halifax 13/01515/OUT received for 22 Outline planning dwellings. Decision is pending at application 14/08/2015. Retain as a 13/01515/OUT proposed new housing allocation (pending) proposes dependent on outcome of 22. Await decision application. on application. 79

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LP0409 Land off, Bob 0.71 Primary Land Ownership, Established industrial Economic New 0 otential SiteAllocations Lane/Hubert employment area Bad Neighbours commercial site , largely vacant floorspace to be Employment Street, Highroad at present but gained a determined in line Site Well, Halifax permission in 2011 for B2 with forthcoming development. Proposed for Employment Land employment. Studies.

LP0415 Land at, Stocks 1.23 Conservation Topography, Site adjacent to the urban area. Capacity may be New 44 Lane, Warley, areas UDP; Trees worthy of Land to east would need to come reduced due to Housing Site Halifax Greenbelt; protection/TPO, forward to make the site logical. steep slopes on Special Archaeology Allocation of the site would be northern part of site. landscape area dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0417 Land at, Windle 3.95 Conservation Lack of Site adjacent to urban boundary. Capacity likely to be New 118 Royd areas UDP; Infrastructure - Capacity likely to be reduced due reduced due to Housing Site Lane/Stocks Greenbelt; Drainage, Trees to topography. The allocation of topography issues. Lane, Warley, Special worthy of the site would be dependent on Ecological Halifax landscape area protection/TPO, the outcome of the green belt pressures may Rights of Way, review and or exceptional reduce developable Topography, circumstances. area. Ecology, Archaeology, Conservation Area

LP0418 Warley Cricket 0.84 Openspace Archaeology, Open Space recommends New 30 Club, Cliff Hill urban Highway Access, retention. Cricket club are Housing Site Lane, Warley, Land Ownership, tenants and are unable to Halifax, HX2 Conservation develop the site as they wish. 7SD Area, Trees Would be a Long term site due worthy of to relocation of cricket club. protection/TPO Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0447 Land off, Buxton 0.30 Openspace Land Ownership Private land designated as public New 12 Way, Ovenden, urban open space, within existing Housing Site Halifax urban area. Open Space Strategy recommended retention, however retain at this stage for further consideration.

LP0452 Land at Ovenden 2.45 Primary housing Land Ownership, Site was subject to a lapsed Capacity would be New 74 Green, Ovenden, area Bat Alert permission for residential dependent on Housing Site Halifax development in 2006. Site is layout of site and currently designated as Primary open space

Housing Area, although is used requirements. The P as Open Space. Lapsed permission was for 87 dwellings.

LP0454 Land off, 1.08 Leeds Bradford Ecology, Land Protected land in current plan, Topography may New 39 otential SiteAllocations Wheatley Road, Airport consult Ownership, council owned. Retain at present reduce capacity. Housing Site Lee Mount, zone;Protected Topography but will need to establish council Halifax land;Wildlife plans for the land in order to corridors consider further.

LP0468 Land at, Berry 0.29 Cycle Listed Building, This site has the potential as a Economic New 0 Lane, Halifax corridor;Halifax Land Ownership, small employment site. It is in floorspace to be Employment residential Flooding council ownership and not public determined in line Site priority open space. with forthcoming regeneration Employment Land area;Leeds Studies. Bradford Airport consult zone;Town centre;Wildlife corridors 81

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LP0472 Land off, Lilly 0.78 Leeds Bradford Ecology, Bad The site is greenfield, located Economic New 0 otential SiteAllocations Lane, Halifax Airport consult Neighbours, adjacent to commercial/industrial floorspace to be Employment zone;Primary Highway Access uses. It is a flat site with a narrow determined in line Site employment access to the A629. with forthcoming area;Wildlife Employment Land corridors Studies.

LP0478 Hartwell Ford 0.28 Leeds Bradford Possible Principle for housing established Site is below 0.4ha New 11 garage, Skircoat Airport consult Contamination, through previous planning and located in an Housing Site Road, Halifax zone;Primary Land Ownership application that has now lapsed. urban area within housing area 750m to a town centre or public transport node. Therefore site capacity is 40 dph

LP0522 Land off, 0.38 Leeds Bradford Trees worthy of Potential site in a sustainable New 15 Moorside Airport consult protection/TPO, location, close to local facilities, Housing Site Gardens, zone;Primary Land Ownership appears to be viable and of Ovenden, Halifax housing area interest to the market but currently constrained by poor access.

LP0523 Land at, Furness 3.37 Mixed use Land Ownership, Existing Mixed Use allocation in Mix of uses will New Mixed 101 Avenue, Archaeology the current Local Plan. determine the Use Site Ovenden, Halifax residential capacity, initially based on 30 dph for Mixed use sites. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0528 Land Adjacent, 6.83 Greenbelt;Leeds Archaeology, Site suitable for residential, close New 205 Whitehill Road, Bradford Airport Land Ownership, to the existing residential area Housing Site Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

Illingworth, consult Ecology, and is within proximity to local Halifax zone;Wildlife Biodiversity services and facilities. The corridors Value allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0531 Land off Whitehill 7.20 Cycle corridor; Land Ownership, Greenfield site owned by the Other Urban Area New 216 Road, Keighley Greenbelt; Biodiversity council, adjacent to housing on >2ha therefore Housing Site Road, Illingworth, Leeds Bradford Value, Ecology, two sides. It is in a suitable 30dph Halifax Airport consult Trees worthy of location and has limited

zone; protection/TPO constraints. The allocation of the The P Wildlife corridors site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. otential SiteAllocations LP0683 Land at, Bank 1.66 Greenbelt;Leeds Archaeology, Potential site, close to local The site has been New 60 Top/Common Bradford Airport Listed Building facilities, may be of interest to reduced to take into Housing Site Lane, Halifax, consult the market. The allocation of the account the north HX3 9PD zone;Mineral site would be dependent on the west OS site. area of search outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0684 Land adjacent 0.28 Greenbelt;Leeds Land Ownership, Potential site for rural housing. New 10 The Bradshaw Bradford Airport Ecology The site is located between Housing Site Tavern, consult residential and a community Bradshaw Lane, zone;Mineral facilities and adjacent to an Bradshaw, area of search access road. The allocation of Halifax the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. 83

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LP0703 Land to rear of 0.47 Greenbelt;Primary Trees worthy of Greenfield site, developable and New 17 otential SiteAllocations Green Hall, housing area protection/TPO, deliverable, adjacent to urban Housing Site Wheatley, Ecology area. The allocation of the site Halifax, HX2 8TU would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered.

LP0706 Stoney Royd 0.27 Leeds Bradford Land Ownership, Principle for housing established New 14 Mill Albion Mills, Airport consult Bad Neighbours, through previous planning Housing Site Bailey Hall Road, zone;Primary Possible application that has now lapsed. Halifax employment Contamination Owners intension for site needs area;Wildlife to be established. corridors

LP0773 Land Adjacent, 3.63 Greenbelt;Leeds Rights of Way Large Site , currently within the New 109 Green Lane, Bradford Airport Green Belt. Scores well under Housing Site Illingworth, consult site performance factors with few Halifax, HX2 9HZ zone;Mineral constraints. The allocation of the area of search site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0781 Land off, Raw 2.11 Greenbelt; Archaeology, Council owned land adjacent to Capacity may be New 63 Lane/Abbey Park Openspace rural Land Ownership, the urban area, allocation reduced due to Housing Site Road, Illingworth, Topography dependent on council's future topography Halifax plans for the site as well as dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0814 Land at 0.67 Primary housing Land Ownership, Potential site either on its own or Capacity would be New 30 Richmond Street, area Bat Alert as part of a masterplan approach amended if the site Housing Site Stannary Place, with LP0815 & LP1367. became part of Halifax other adjacent sites (LP1367, LP0815) as part of a 'masterplan' approach

LP0815 Works Depot, 1.43 Primary housing Possible CMBC owned Depot. Large Capacity would be New 64 Stannary Place, area;Wildlife Contamination, brownfield site that could amended if the site Housing Site

Halifax corridors Land Ownership, contribute to new housing became part of The P Bat Alert development. Potential for this other adjacent sites site and adjacent sites (LP1367 (LP1367, LP0814) & LP0814) to be part of a as part of a masterplan approach. 'masterplan'

approach otential SiteAllocations

LP0818 Land off, Siddal 0.34 Primary housing Land Ownership, Deliverable site in a suitable The site is outside New 14 Lane, Siddal, area Ecology, Trees location with few constraints. The 750m buffer for Housing Site Halifax worthy of main issue is ownership and the town centre and protection/TPO owners intentions for the site. transport node. The However, WY Ecology site is under 0.4ha recommends the site to be and in an urban filtered due to ecological area, therefore a pressures. capacity of 40 dph.

LP0819 Land Adjacent, 2.50 Greenbelt;Leeds Topography, The site is adjacent to an The site is over 2ha New 75 Keswick Close, Bradford Airport Trees worthy of existing residential development in an urban area, Housing Site Siddal, Halifax consult protection/TPO, and there has been new outside of the 750m zone;Mineral Land Ownership development in the area town centre and area of search recently. The allocation of the transport node site would be dependent on the buffer. Therefore outcome of the green belt review the density is 30 and or exceptional dph. The site may circumstances. support less 85

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dwellings due to the otential SiteAllocations topography.

LP0856 Land off, West 4.07 Greenbelt;Mineral Possible The site is in a suitable site for New 122 Lane, area of search Contamination, housing as assessed in the Housing Site Southowram, Rights of Way SHLAA. The allocation of the site Halifax would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0872 Land to the West 3.34 Greenbelt Lack of Original SHLAA record split into Capacity is based New 87 of, Mount Tabor Infrastructure - two parcels (LP0872 & LP1440) on splitting the site Housing Site Road, Mount Drainage, Lack as per the Call For Sites into two parcels, Tabor, Halifax of Infrastructure Submission. LP0872 is the LP0872 & LP1440. - Gas, Lack of northern part of the site. WY Infrastructure - Ecology recommends the site to Electricity, be filtered due to ecological Archaeology, pressures. Ecology, Lack of Infrastructure - Water

LP0950 Beacon Lodge 5.95 Greenbelt;Leeds Ecology, The site is adjacent to an urban Mix of uses will New Mixed 75 Quarry, Long Bradford Airport Quarry/Proximity area and close to Halifax town determine the Use Site Lane, Halifax consult to, Highway centre. The allocation of the site residential capacity, zone;Mineral Access would be dependent on the initially based on 30 area of outcome of the green belt review dph for Mixed use search;Mineral and or exceptional sites. Ecological working sites; circumstances. pressures may Pipelines;Waste reduce developable disposal; area. Economic Wildlife corridors floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0967 Land off, Ling 2.40 Openspace Land Ownership Ownership constraint to be New 72 Bob, Pellon, urban addressed prior to any allocation Housing Site Halifax of this site.

LP0968 Land at West 2.72 Greenbelt; Potential site adjacent to the Capacity may be New 82 End Golf Club, Openspace rural urban area. Owner is proposing reduced if allocated Housing Site Paddock Lane, either residential or mixed use as a mixed use Highroad Well, development. The allocation of development. Halifax, HX2 0NT the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional

circumstances. The P

LP0974 Land off, Lister 0.31 Primary Bad Neighbours, Current designation is Primary Ecological New 0 Lane, Halifax employment area Ecology, Land Employment Area, also a former pressures may Employment Ownership, bowling club, although now reduce developable Site

Archaeology completely overgrown. area. Economic otential SiteAllocations floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0975 Land off, Arnold 0.66 Primary Land Ownership Part of site is existing Economic New 0 Street, Halifax employment area employment, but the majority floorspace to be Employment appears to be vacant brownfield determined in line Site site used for storing a few with forthcoming materials. Propose that site is Employment Land allocated for employment. Studies. Boundary needs to be amended to remove the existing building. SV needed.

LP0976 Clarence Mill, 0.28 Primary Bat Alert, Propose for a mixed use site, Mix of uses will New Mixed 8 Pellon lane, employment area Archaeology, potential for joining with LP0977. determine the Use Site Halifax Possible residential capacity, initially based on 30 87

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Contamination, dph for Mixed use otential SiteAllocations Land Ownership sites. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0983 Land at, Maltings 1.10 Greenbelt;Mineral Land Ownership, Potential site adjacent to the Information received New 40 Road, Ovenden, area of Ecology, Trees urban area and the new Fountain as part of the Housing Site Halifax search;Wildlife worthy of Head development. The SHLAA indicate corridors protection/TPO, allocation of the site would be include an indicative Archaeology, Bat dependent on the outcome of the capacity of 30 Alert green belt review and or dwellings due to exceptional circumstances. Aboricultural and Habitat Survey Reports. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area.

LP0986 Land at 3.28 Greenbelt;Primary Bat Alert, Potential development site Capacity may be New 98 Greystones housing area Archaeology, adjacent to existing urban area reduced due to Housing Site Barn, Crag Lane, Trees worthy of no apparent significant topography. Wheatley, protection/TPO, constraints. The allocation of the Halifax, HX2 8TX Topography site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0987 White House, 1.16 Greenbelt;Wildlife Topography, Bat Potential site, only issue is the Steep slope at the New 42 Walt Royd, corridors Alert, Highway access of the site due to the eastern edge of the Housing Site Wheatley, Access steeply sloping nature of the site site may have an Halifax, HX2 8TY boundary adjacent to Crag Lane. impact on capacity. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0988 The Whitehouse, 4.07 Greenbelt Land Ownership, Site is adjacent to urban area, Capacity may New 122 12 Walt Royd, Bat Alert, potential would be increased if change due to Housing Site Wheatley, Archaeology, joined with neighbouring site access issues and Halifax, HX2 8TY Highway Access LP0987. The allocation of the potential for this site site would be dependent on the to be considered outcome of the green belt review with LP0987. and or exceptional circumstances. The P LP0989 Land off, 2.87 Greenbelt;Wildlife Topography, Whilst site located close to Capacity likely to be New 86 Denfield Lane, corridors Ecology existing residential development reduced due to Housing Site Wheatley, its potential is subject to further steeply sloping Halifax, HX3 consideration due to ecological parts of site.

and topographical factors. otential SiteAllocations Allocation also dependent on outcome of green belt review and/or exceptional circumstances.

LP0990 Land off, 1.06 Cycle Topography, Potential site capacity may be Capacity may be New 38 Denfield Lane, corridor;Greenbelt Land Ownership reduced due to topography reduced due to Housing Site Wheatley, issues. The allocation of the site topography of the Halifax would be dependent on the site. outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0991 Land off, Cousin 0.27 Primary housing Land Ownership Potential site, council owned, New 11 Lane, Illingworth, area within current Primary Housing Housing Site Halifax Area. Future of site dependent on council plans alongside Ovenden Rugby League Club. 89

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LP0992 Land off, Cousin 0.55 Cycle Land Ownership Potential site but dependent on New 20 otential SiteAllocations Lane, Illingworth, corridor;Openspace council plans for site. Housing Site Halifax urban

LP1001 Land at, Whitty 4.98 Conservation Conservation Site on edge of urban area. Capacity likely to be New 149 Lane, Warley, areas UDP; Area, Capacity and viability of the site reduced due to Housing Site Halifax Greenbelt; Archaeology, Bat could be impacted by the topography. Special Alert, topography of the site. The landscape area Topography allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1004 Land off, Burnley 0.78 Primary Archaeology, Potential for joining with adjacent Capacity dependent New 28 Road, Warley, employment area Land Ownership site LP1001 to form one site. on whether the site Housing Site Halifax, HX2 Due to existing businesses is joined with 7NB requiring relocation and LP1001, at present contamination issues with capacity worked out existing petrol station likely to be on basis the site a medium term site. comes forward on its own.

LP1012 Land at, Ingham 2.28 Greenbelt;Leeds Ecology, Lack of Site is adjacent an existing built Ecological New 59 Lane and Bradford Airport Infrastructure - up area. The allocation of the pressures would Housing Site Ingham Close, consult Drainage site would be dependent on the also reduce Bradshaw, zone;Mineral outcome of the green belt review developable area Halifax, HX2 9PE area of search and or exceptional circumstances. Site may be reduced to create a smaller site.

LP1014 Scausby Hall, 2.09 Greenbelt;Leeds Archaeology, Suitable, developable site, close New 63 School Lane, Bradford Airport Trees worthy of to amenities with few constraints. Housing Site Bradshaw, consult protection/TPO The allocation of the site would Halifax, HX2 zone;Mineral be dependent on the outcome of 9XD area of search the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1015 Land off School 1.09 Greenbelt;Leeds Land Ownership, Suitable, developable site, close New 33 Lane, Riley Bradford Airport Trees worthy of to amenities with few constraints. Housing Site Lane, Illingworth, consult protection/TPO, The allocation of the site would Halifax zone;Mineral Archaeology be dependent on the outcome of area of search the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1016 Land adjacent to, 3.45 Greenbelt;Leeds Overhead Power Site is currently located in green New 90 St Johns Cross Bradford Airport Lines/Pylons, belt and is not adjacent to an Housing Site Farm, Bradshaw, consult Lack of existing settlement. The Halifax, HX2 9UT zone;Mineral Infrastructure - allocation of the site would be

area of search Electricity, Trees dependent on the outcome of the The P worthy of green belt review and or protection/TPO, exceptional circumstances. Lack of Infrastructure -

Drainage, Lack otential SiteAllocations of Infrastructure - Gas, Lack of Infrastructure - Water, Rights of Way

LP1017 Land off, School 13.19 Greenbelt;Leeds Archaeology, Potential large greenfield Capacity estimates New 396 Lane, Bradshaw, Bradford Airport Trees worthy of settlement extension to exceed 30 per Housing Site Halifax, HX2 9UT consult protection/TPO Illingworth - site considered annum. zone;Mineral suitable, available and Presumption of two area of search achievable. The allocation of the builders on site. site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1018 West of 6.10 Leeds Bradford Trees worthy of The site has been assessed in Mix of uses will New Mixed 183 Holmfield Airport consult protection/TPO, the ELR 2012 and the determine the Use Site Industrial Estate, zone;New Highway Access recommendation is to retain for residential capacity, Riley Lane & employment site employment use. The site has initially based on 30 91

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Holdsworth the potential to be mixed use dph for Mixed use otential SiteAllocations Road, Holmfield, creating a buffer for site sites. Economic Halifax, HX2 9TN LP00801 which could be used floorspace to be for housing. determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1019 Land adjacent to 1.48 Greenbelt;Leeds Trees worthy of Green field site in the greenbelt New 44 White House Bradford Airport protection/TPO adjacent an existing urban area Housing Site Farm, Riley consult with access to highways and Lane, Holmfield, zone;Mineral facilities and with few Halifax, HX2 9SZ area of search constraints. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and/or exceptional circumstances.

LP1020 Holdsworth Croft, 0.30 Greenbelt;Leeds Archaeology, This is a caravan site in the New 12 Holdsworth Bradford Airport Highway Access greenbelt adjacent the urban Housing Site Farm, Holmfield, consult zone area & with few constraints. Halifax, HX2 9TE Suitable for housing if rationalised with other sites. Allocation would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and/or exceptional circumstances.

LP1128 Land off Park 1.06 Greenbelt;Leeds Trees worthy of Site is adjacent to residential The site is between New 38 Lane, Siddal, Bradford Airport protection/TPO area, close to local services and 0.4-2ha and classed Housing Site Halifax, HX3 consult zone facilities, no apparent reason as other urban area, why the site should not be viable. outside 750m buffer The allocation of the site would of transport node be dependent on the outcome of and town centre. the green belt review and or Therefore net exceptional circumstances. density is 36 dph Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1129 Land off, Park 3.48 Greenbelt;Leeds Land Ownership, Potential urban extension but Site is >2ha and New 104 Lane, Siddal, Bradford Airport Trees worthy of care required regarding classed as other Housing Site Halifax consult zone protection/TPO, landscape implications. The urban area, outside Topography allocation of the site would be 750m buffer of dependent on the outcome of the transport node and green belt review and or town centre. exceptional circumstances. Therefore net density is 30 dph

LP1130 Land Adjacent 1.30 Greenbelt;Leeds Topography, The site is located adjacent to The site is between New 47 Rosemary Bradford Trees worthy of existing residential development 0.4-2ha and classed Housing Site

Cottage, safegaurding protection/TPO, in the urban area and is as other urban area, The P Rosemary Lane, zone Highway Access considered suitable in the outside 750m buffer Siddal, Halifax, SHLAA. The allocation of the site of transport node HX3 9BS would be dependent on the and town centre. outcome of the green belt review Therefore net

and or exceptional density is 36 dph. otential SiteAllocations circumstances.

LP1133 Land off, 4.35 Primary Rights of Way, The site is a brownfield which Mix of uses will New Mixed 130 Sedbergh Road employment Highway Access, has mixed ownership who have determine the Use Site and Siddal New area;Wildlife Possible submitted sites for employment residential capacity, Road, Halifax, corridors Contamination, and residential. The sites as in initially based on 30 HX3 9HB Ecology, the SHLAA would not come dph for Mixed use Flooding, forward on their own but are sites. Ecological Archaeology more suitable as a large pressures may rationalised site. reduce developable area. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1134 Shaw Lodge Mill 1.41 Primary Highway Access, The SHLAA assessment for the Mix of uses will New Mixed 42 Complex, Shaw employment Land Ownership site states that highway access determine the Use Site Lane, Halifax makes the site unsuitable. residential capacity, 93

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area;Wildlife However, the site was given initially based on 30 otential SiteAllocations corridors planning permission for a mixed dph for Mixed use use development in 2011 and sites. Economic therefore has established the floorspace to be potential for the site for determined in line development. with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1137 Horley Green 0.95 Greenbelt;Leeds Overhead Power Greenfield site adjacent to the New 43 Works, Horley Bradford Airport Lines/Pylons, urban area and existing housing. Housing Site Green Road, consult Archaeology The site is close to local services Claremount, zone;Primary and facilities. The allocation of Halifax, HX3 6AS housing the site would be dependent on area;Special the outcome of the green belt landscape area review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1138 Land to the East, 3.64 Greenbelt;Leeds Overhead Power Greenfield site adjacent to the Used 30 dph inline New 109 Horley Green Bradford Airport Lines/Pylons, urban area and existing housing. with SHLAA Housing Site Road, consult Trees worthy of The site is close to local services recommendations. Claremount, zone;Primary protection/TPO, and facilities. The allocation of WY Ecology Halifax housing Archaeology, the site would be dependent on recommends the area;Special Ecology the outcome of the green belt site to be filtered landscape area review and or exceptional due to ecological circumstances. pressures.

LP1142 Water Hill Lane, 0.41 Conservation Conservation Combine with LP1144. Site Capacity likely to be New 15 Warley, Halifax areas UDP; Area, Land adjacent to urban area, and reduced due to sites Housing Site Greenbelt; Ownership, within the location and Special Archaeology Conservation area. The conservation area. landscape area allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1148 Hopwood Lane, 1.36 Openspace Land Ownership Letter dates (2004) attached to New 61 Halifax, HX1 4EX urban CFS submission (from Housing Site Southdale Homes) states that land would only be available for development should a suitable replacement facility be found. Requires a follow up to establish current position.

LP1162 Angel Road, 0.28 Openspace Bat Alert, Rights Open Space but no longer New 14 Halifax urban of Way, Land CMBC owned land. Housing Site

Ownership The P

LP1170 Mulcture Hall 3.65 Cycle Flooding, Brownfield site in the town Mix of uses will New Mixed 110 Road, Halifax corridor;Halifax Ecology, Bad centre. It performs well against determine the Use Site residential Neighbours, the site factors. Suitable for both residential capacity,

priority Land Ownership, residential and employment. initially based on 30 otential SiteAllocations regeneration Archaeology, dph for Mixed use area;Leeds Possible sites. Ecological Bradford Airport Contamination, pressures may consult zone; Bat Alert reduce developable Mixed use; area. Economic Pipelines;Unstable floorspace to be land; determined in line Wildlife corridors with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1171 Land off, Hollin 3.06 Greenbelt;Leeds Topography, Greenfield site adjacent to the Ecological New 116 Greaves Lane, Bradford Airport Rights of Way, urban area, close to facilities and pressures may Housing Site Claremount, consult Land Stability, has good transport links. The reduce developable Halifax zone;Unstable Ecology allocation of the site would be area. land;Wildlife dependent on the outcome of the corridors green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. 95

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LP1179 Old Lane/Stable 0.60 Cycle Land Ownership, The SHLAA states the site is New 22 otential SiteAllocations Lane, Halifax corridor;Leeds Bad Neighbours, unsuitable as it is next to a Housing Site Bradford Airport Ecology, Waste Site. However it has consult Archaeology previously been awarded zone;Primary planning permission employment area demonstrating the site’s suitability. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP1183 Grantham 2.32 Cycle Trees worthy of Long term deliverable site in the Site size based on New 69 Works, corridor;Leeds protection/TPO, SHLAA. Part of the site is not the brownfield area. Housing Site Grantham Road, Bradford Airport Ecology, Lack of developable due to steep slopes Ecological Boothtown, consult Infrastructure - and woods, which are pressures may Halifax, HX3 6PL zone;Mixed use Drainage, recommended for retention by reduce developable Topography, the OS strategy. The site would area. Possible require substantial remediation Contamination to prepare it for residential.

LP1192 The Railway 1.10 Cycle corridor; Possible Brownfield site, adjacent to Economic New 0 Sidings, Greenbelt; Contamination, industrial uses. There is potential floorspace to be Employment Stainland Road, Wildlife corridors Bat Alert for the site to be further determined in line Site Holywell Green, developed for employment, with forthcoming Elland, HX4 8LP though the allocation of the site Employment Land would be dependent on the Studies. outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1194 Barn Cottage, 5 1.18 Leeds Bradford Possible The site is in a suitable location New 42 Lower Exley, Airport consult Contamination, and is allocated as Protected Housing Site Salterhebble, zone;Protected Bat Alert Land in the current UDP. The Halifax, HX3 9EF land;Wildlife site is adjacent to a recently new corridors housing development. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1196 Land off, Park 0.84 Greenbelt;Leeds Rights of Way, Part urban area, part green belt Site is located in an New 29 Lane, Siddal, Bradford Airport Possible site, well connected to the other urban area Housing Site Halifax, HX3 consult zone Contamination settlement . The allocation of the greater than 750m green belt part of the site would from a train station be dependent on the outcome of or town centre. the green belt review and or Therefore the net exceptional circumstances. density is 36 dph.

LP1215 Land adjacent, 0.27 Greenbelt;Leeds Overhead Power Greenfield, medium term SHLAA New 9 Boothtown Road, Bradford Airport Lines/Pylons site. However, the location and Housing Site Boothtown, consult zone overhead power lines could

Halifax make the site unattractive to The P developers. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional

circumstances. otential SiteAllocations

LP1216 Land off, Mill 9.54 Cycle Overhead Power Current mixed use allocation Capacity could be New 286 Lane and Old corridor;Leeds Lines/Pylons, adjacent to the urban area. smaller due to Housing Site Lane, Bradford Airport Land Ownership, There are multiple ownerships constraints. Boothtown, consult Ecology, Rights which need to be checked before Halifax, HX2 0HT zone;Mixed use of Way, allocation. Potential issues with Archaeology, drainage may affect the Trees worthy of developability of the site. protection/TPO, Lack of Infrastructure - Drainage, Highway Access, Topography

LP1217 Land and 2.93 Leeds Bradford The site is an existing Economic New 0 Premises, Airport consult Employment Allocation which the floorspace to be Employment Holmfield zone;New ELR 2012 recommends for determined in line Site Industrial Estate, employment retention. with forthcoming 97

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Holmfield, site;Primary Employment Land otential SiteAllocations Halifax, HX2 9TN employment area Studies.

LP1219 North of 6.80 Leeds Bradford Land Ownership, The site is greenfield outside of Economic New 0 Holmfield Airport consult Highway Access, the greenbelt and adjacent to an floorspace to be Employment Industrial Estate, zone;New Bat Alert existing industrial park. The determined in line Site Holmfield employment site access is difficult, therefore a with forthcoming Industrial Estate, new access route may be Employment Land Halifax Studies.

LP1227 Shay Lane, 0.29 Cycle Land Ownership Brownfield/disused industrial Economic New 0 Ovenden, corridor;Leeds buildings. Individually they are floorspace to be Employment Halifax, HX3 Bradford Airport below the 0.25ha threshold for determined in line Site 6RR consult allocation. However, if the sites with forthcoming zone;Primary were rationalised with LP1231 Employment Land employment area they could assist with access Studies. and creating a better quality frontage to Shay Lane.

LP1228 Drakes Industrial 1.03 Leeds Bradford Possible The site is currently being used New 37 Estate, Airport consult Contamination for recycling, located adjacent to Housing Site Blackmires/Shay zone;Primary housing on three sides and Lane, Holmfield, employment area employment on one side. The Halifax, HX3 SHLAA considered the site as a 6SG short term deliverable site. There are few constraints therefore the site should be viable.

LP1229 Near Royd, 21.01 Cycle corridor; Possible The site is adjacent to the urban The site has been New 476 Ovenden, Greenbelt; Contamination, area. The site is large and reduced to 15.85ha Housing Site Halifax, HX3 Leeds Bradford Rights of Way, constitutes an urban extension. to allow for the 5QP Airport consult Ecology, The allocation of the site would powerlines. zone; Highway Access, be dependent on the outcome of Ecological Unstable land Archaeology the green belt review and or pressures may exceptional circumstances. reduce developable area. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1231 Shay Lane, 3.65 Leeds Bradford Land Ownership, Current Mixed Use allocation, Ecological New 0 Ovenden, Airport consult Highway Access, part developed for employment pressures may Employment Halifax, HX3 zone;Mixed use Ecology use, therefore remaining part of reduce developable Site 6RR the site would be more area. Economic appropriate for further floorspace to be employment uses. Potential determined in line access issues which could be with forthcoming overcome by rationalising the Employment Land site with LP1227. Studies.

LP1276 Warley Town 1.56 Conservation Land Ownership, Council owned land, open space Capacity may be New 56

Lane, Warley, areas UDP; Conservation study recommended retention. reduced due to Housing Site The P Halifax Greenbelt; Area Site boundary amended in line conservation area Openspace rural; with edge of existing village. designation and Special Allocation would depend on the landscape issues. landscape area outcome of the green belt review

and or exceptional otential SiteAllocations circumstances as well availability.

LP1287 Northgate House 0.92 Conservation Conservation Council owned building. Intention Mix of uses will New Mixed 28 / Central Library, areas Area, Land to redevelop as a mixed used determine the Use Site Northgate, UDP;Leeds Ownership scheme. Although the OS residential capacity, Halifax Bradford Airport strategy recommends that the initially based on 30 consult areas which are open space dph for Mixed use zone;Town should be retained, higher quality sites. Economic centre OS could be incorporated into a floorspace to be new development. determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1292 Cow Green Car 0.34 Town centre Land Ownership Vacant Multi Storey car park Mix of uses will New Mixed 10 Park, Halifax owned by CMBC. Propose determine the Use Site allocation for employment / retail. residential capacity, initially based on 30 dph for Mixed use 99

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sites. Economic otential SiteAllocations floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1344 Craigie Lea Day 0.39 Cycle Land Ownership Council owned land. Potential to New 16 Nursery, corridor;Primary add to LP0343 to the north Housing Site Ovenden Road, housing area although no ownership details Ovenden, Halifax for this land. Retain in the assessment but allocation will depend on Council plans for the land.

LP1353 Stretchgate 0.45 Openspace Land Ownership Council owned land with New 16 Lane, Pellon, urban potential for housing. CAFM to Housing Site Halifax be contacted as to any future plans for the site.

LP1365 Vickerman 0.43 Openspace Land Ownership Former Allotments but now New 19 Street, Hopwood urban vacant scrub land. In a suitable Housing Site Lane, Halifax location for housing close to amenities. Subject of a planning permission in 2007 for associated parking to a residential development of 42 dwellings.

LP1368 Furness 0.27 Openspace Land Ownership Propose the site is joined with Number of dwellings New 11 Drive/Turner urban LP0261, as this would create a per hectare may Housing Site Avenue South, logical site area and both sites alter if combined Illingworth, are owned by the council. Site is with LP0261. Halifax within the existing urban area in North Halifax. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1374 Roils Head, Vicar 3.22 Greenbelt; Biodiversity CMBC owned land. Need to Small area of the New 97 Park Drive, Openspace rural Value, Land establish future plans of site prior site given over to Housing Site Halifax Ownership to proposing allocation. The children's allocation of the site would also playground could be dependent on the outcome of reduce capacity. the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1379 Heathmoor Park 1.13 Greenbelt; Land Ownership Currently open space, potential Capacity dependent New 41 Road/Field Head Openspace for residential development on any buffer of the Housing Site Lane, Illingworth, rural;Openspace dependent on availability of the western boundary

Halifax urban site. The allocation of part of of the site which The P the site would be dependent on falls away. the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. otential SiteAllocations LP1381 Heathmoor Park 3.21 Greenbelt; Topography, Viability dependent on Capacity worked out New 58 Road/Mixenden Openspace rural Land Ownership topography and the council's on the assumption Housing Site Lane, Illingworth, plans for the land. The allocation that approximately Halifax of the site would be dependent half the site could on the outcome of the green belt be developable but review and or exceptional even this may be circumstances. excessive given the topography and landscape impacts.

LP1409 Wood Lane, Off 4.31 Greenbelt;Wildlife Bat Alert, Trees Potential site but constraints may New 129 Ovenden Wood corridors worthy of impact on viability. The allocation Housing Site Road, Wheatley, protection/TPO, of the site would be dependent Halifax, HX2 Highway Access on the outcome of the green belt 0TQ review and or exceptional circumstances. 101

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LP1425 Land South of, 1.78 Leeds Bradford Land Ownership, The site is in a suitable location, New 64 otential SiteAllocations Phoebe Lane, safegaurding Possible adjacent to an existing urban Housing Site Siddal, Halifax zone;Primary Contamination area and has the potential for employment area housing. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1429 Former St 2.83 Leeds Bradford Bat Alert, This is a former school site, New 85 Catherines High Airport consult Restrictive brownfield, within existing urban Housing Site School, zone;Primary Covenants area. The SHLAA assessed the Holdsworth housing area site as Medium Term Road, Holmfield, Deliverability due to potential Halifax, HX2 9TH issue over restrictive covenant.

LP1433 Land off, Old 0.38 Cycle Possible The site has potential for either Mix of uses will New Mixed 11 Lane, Halifax corridor;Leeds Contamination, housing or employment as it is determine the Use Site Bradford Airport Bad Neighbours, located adjacent to these use residential capacity, consult Land Ownership types and has previously had a initially based on 30 zone;Primary planning permission for industrial dph for Mixed use employment area units. (now lapsed) The site is sites. Economic part green field, part brown field floorspace to be in a suitable location. determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1438 Land to the East, 1.25 Greenbelt;Leeds Trees worthy of Site is considered to have a Density multiplier New 45 Roselee Close, Bradford Airport protection/TPO reasonable prospect of suggests 45 Housing Site Siddal, Halifax, consult zone development, as it is available dwellings, however HX3 9BT and suitable. The allocation of site submission the site would be dependent on proposes 10 the outcome of the green belt dwellings. Capacity review and or exceptional likely to be reduced circumstances. due to TPO and topography. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1440 Land to the West 4.24 Greenbelt Land Ownership, Large site would significantly Original site New 110 of, Mount Tabor Lack of increase the size of Mount submission has Housing Site Road, Mount Infrastructure - Tabor. The allocation of the site been split into two Tabor, Halifax Electricity, Lack would be dependent on the separate sites, of Infrastructure outcome of the green belt review LP0872 & LP1440. - Gas, Lack of and or exceptional This record relates Infrastructure - circumstances. to the southern part Water, Lack of of the submission. Infrastructure - Drainage

LP1457 Land between, 58.72 Conservation Topography, Bat Possible Urban Extension, The capacity is New Urban 1762 The P Burnley Road, areas UDP; Alert, Trees although multiple ownerships likely to be reduced Extension Newlands Road Greenbelt; worthy of may prevent the whole site due to topography and Water Hill Primary protection/TPO, coming forward. The allocation issues, conservation Lane, Warley, employment Conservation of the site would also be area, highways

Halifax area; Area, Land dependent on the outcome of the access to some otential SiteAllocations Special Ownership green belt review and or parts of the overall landscape exceptional circumstances. site and TPO. area;Wildlife corridors

LP1458 Land at Highroad 95.39 Greenbelt; Land Ownership, Possible Urban Extension, Capacity likely to be New Urban 2862 Well Moor, Off Openspace rural Biodiversity although multiple ownerships reduced due to Extension Heath Hill Road, Value, Restrictive may prevent the whole site uncertainties over Highroad Well, Covenants coming forward. The allocation the actual extent of Halifax of the site would be dependent potential on the outcome of the green belt development land. review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1459 Land between, 47.47 Disused rail Land Ownership, Possible Urban Extension, The capacity New Urban 1424 Moor End Road, formation; Bat Alert, although multiple ownerships reflects the site as a Extension Hebble Vale Greenbelt; Topography may prevent the whole site whole, the overall Drive and Larch Unstable land; coming forward. The allocation capacity should the Close, Wheatley, Wildlife corridors of the site would be dependent site be allocated Halifax on the outcome of the green belt would likely be 103

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review and or exceptional reduced due to the otential SiteAllocations circumstances. potential developable area.

LP1460 Land between, 11.21 Cycle corridor; Overhead Power Possible Urban Extension, The capacity would New Urban 0 Shay Lane, Greenbelt; Lines/Pylons, though multiple ownerships may likely be reduced Extension Queensbury Unstable land Land Ownership, prevent the whole site coming due to topography Road, and Churn Topography forward. The allocation of the site issues. Milk Lane, would be dependent on the Holmfield, outcome of the green belt review Halifax and or exceptional circumstances. Potential employment /mixed use site

LP1461 Land north of, 82.86 Greenbelt;Mineral Land Ownership Possible Urban Extension, the The capacity would New Urban 2486 Field Head Lane, area of site contains a number of likely be reduced Extension Green Lane and search;Village existing LP sites LP0318, from 2486 due to Riley Lane, envelope LP0773, LP1010, LP1011, the final layout and Illingworth, LP1012, LP1014, LP1015, design of any future Halifax LP1016 , LP1017, LP1018, development. LP1019, & LP1219 , some of which are large sites in their own right.

LP1481 Former St 1.56 Openspace Bat Alert, Site part of the former St New 56 Catherines High urban Possible Catherine School. Open spacre Housing Site School, Contamination strategy recommends retain, Holdsworth however part of site recently built Road, Halifax on and directly adjacent to Trinity Academy (sports pitches). Within existing urban area, should be seen in conjunction with LP1429.

LP1486 Land off, 0.76 Leeds Bradford Bat Alert Land within existing urban area, New 27 Hambleton Drive, Airport consult located in close proximity to Housing Site Mixenden, zone;Primary existing services. Surrounded by Halifax housing area Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

residential development, no obvious constraints.

LP1487 Land off, 0.34 Leeds Bradford Land within existing urban area, New 14 Balkram Road, Airport consult located in close proximity to Housing Site Mixenden, zone;Primary existing services. Surrounded by Halifax housing area residential development, no obvious constraints.

LP1488 Land off, 0.27 Leeds Bradford Land within existing urban area, New 11 Hambleton Airport consult located in close proximity to Housing Site

Crescent, zone;Primary existing services. Surrounded by The P Mixenden, housing area residential development, no Halifax obvious constraints.

LP1489 Land south of, 0.35 Leeds Bradford Land within existing urban area, New 14

Hambleton Airport consult located in close proximity to Housing Site otential SiteAllocations Crescent, zone;Primary existing services. Surrounded by Mixenden, housing area residential development, no Halifax obvious constraints. 105

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Filtered Sites - Halifax

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0008 Lower Hazelhurst Farm, Withens Road, 4.88 Located in an unsuitable location which is not close to any Filtered otential SiteAllocations Wainstalls, Halifax, HX2 7UA built up area. It also has potential impact on national and local protect sites. The area is outside the 500m urban area buffer so is highly unlikely to be released from GB.

LP0012 Phoenix House The Grange, Keighley Road, 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Holmfield, Halifax, HX2 8HE

LP0016 Land to west of Marshalls, West Lane site, 24.38 Site has been submitted through CFS as employment. It Filtered Southowram, Halifax, HX3 does not need to be allocated as it is already in employment use. Part of the site is currently a cricket ground which has been recommended for retention in the OS strategy.

LP0027 Land South of Heathmoor Park Rd, North of 0.47 The site performs well according to the performance factors. Filtered Whitegate, Illingworth, Halifax, HX2 However, due to its designation and the open space strategy's recommendation for retention it is not seen as suitable.

LP0036 Land at Junction of Shaw Hill and Gaukroger 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Shaw Hill, Halifax, HX1

LP0050 10, Howcans Lane, Boothtown, Halifax, HX3 1.28 Unsuitable site as identified in the SHLAA Filtered 6UD

LP0051 Beacon Hill, Shibden Hall Road, Shibden, 16.53 Not a suitable site for development as it is not adjacent to Filtered Halifax, HX3 6AQ an urban area, it is greenfield and part is retained for Open Space.

LP0071 Swalesmoor Farm, Ploughcroft, Boothtown, 15.47 No allocation required as the CFS submission was for Filtered Halifax, HX3 6UF continuation of its employment use.

LP0072 Land at Littlemoor, Butts Green Lane, Warley, 14.82 Site is detached from any urban boundary and the scale of Filtered Halifax, HX2 the proposed site is not appropriate in its location.

LP0081 Land at Lower Range, Range Bank, Halifax, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX3 Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0083 Land to North of 44, Range Lane, Boothtown, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0084 Adjacent 4, Range Lane, Boothtown, Halifax 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0085 Land off Eldon Street, Range Lane, Boothtown, 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0089 Barn adjacent 113, Wheatley Road, Wheatley, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0100 Land at Junction of, Parsonage Street/Turner 0.36 The site is part of the Urban Audit and has not been Filtered

Lane, Claremount, Halifax submitted by anyone. The site has been assessed as part The P of the OS strategy to be retained as amenity greenspace and children's play area.

LP0101 Grounds of 21a, Belgrave Park, Claremount, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax otential SiteAllocations

LP0102 Site of former Liberal Club, Belgrave Crescent, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Claremount, Halifax, HX3

LP0104 Eastfield House, Belmont Street, Claremount, 0.66 The site is currently in Employment use and there is a Filtered Halifax telephone mast on site. The site should continue its use as employment unless submitted for an alternative use by the owners.

LP0105 Land at, Listers Road, Shibden, Halifax, HX3 0.30 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0107 Land off, Ned Hill Road, Bradshaw, Halifax, HX2 12.60 The site is a significant distance from any existing Filtered development or urban area. The site also has poor access to services and infrastructure.

LP0109 Land to the east of Holts Terrace, Siddal, Siddal, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0110 Allotments Off, Whitegate Drive, Siddal, Halifax 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0111 Rear of 17-25, Phoebe Lane, Siddal, Halifax 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 107

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LP0113 Adjacent Pumphouse, Phoebe Lane, Siddal, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX3 9 otential SiteAllocations

LP0116 Land at, Chapel Lane, Salterhebble, Halifax, 0.37 Long narrow site with steep slopes and TPOs. These Filtered HX3 0QN constraints combined with the SHLAAs assessment of the achievability, stating developers are unlikely to be interested in the site means the site has therefore been filtered.

LP0117 Land adjacent 162, Dudwell Lane, Skircoat 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Green, Halifax

LP0119 Land Adjacent To 63, Crossley Hill, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Salterhebble, Halifax

LP0120 West of, Rookery Lane, Salterhebble, Halifax 0.36 Designated as Natural and semi natural urban green spaces Filtered and allotments. The Open Space Strategy advises that the site be retained as their current use. The site also has a number of TPOs therefore the site will not be allocated for any other use.

LP0121 South of, Bottoms, Salterhebble, Halifax 0.26 The site has been assessed as part of the Open Space Filtered strategy and the recommendation is to retain the site as Natural and semi natural urban green spaces. The site has therefore been filtered.

LP0122 Hebble Brook House, Wood Lane, Wheatley, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX2 0TH

LP0123 75, Wheatley Road, Wheatley, Halifax, HX3 5 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0125 Garden of 2 Doctor Hill, Ovenden Wood, Halifax 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0126 120, Moor End Road, Halifax 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0153 Land at junction of, Hunter Hill Road & Balkram 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Mixenden, Halifax

LP0154 37, Moor End Road, Mixenden, Halifax, HX2 0 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0155 Garden adjacent 104, Clough Lane, Mixenden, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0157 Land adjacent Woodburn and Rose Cottages, 2.87 Large industrial site with a number of different businesses. Filtered Albert Road, Pellon, Halifax Not proposing to allocate as established employment site in use.

LP0158 Pellon Packers To rear of 36-48, Sandbeds 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Pellon, Halifax

LP0159 Allotments, Dyson Road, Pellon, Halifax 0.83 Existing allotment site recommended for retention by Open Filtered Space study, CMBC owned land. The P LP0160 Golden Pheasant Hotel, Pellon New Road, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Pellon, Halifax

LP0161 Corner of, Pellon Lane/Pellon New Road, Pellon, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax otential SiteAllocations

LP0162 Opposite 278-298, Pellon Lane, Pellon, Halifax 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0163 Corner of, Brackenbed Lane/Fieldside, Pellon, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0164 Site of High Level Works, Pellon Lane, Pellon, 0.38 Existing Planning Permission 12/01527/OUT Filtered Halifax

LP0167 Elizabeth Shed, Shroggs Road, Wheatley, 4.09 Existing retail / industrial park therefore filtered. Filtered Halifax

LP0168 Raglan Street, Pellon Lane, Halifax, HX1 5QX 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0169 Junction of, Baines Street / Violet Street, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0170 Salterhebble Waste Water Treatment Works, 2.85 Existing sewage work. Will continue its use as employment Filtered Huddersfield Road, Salterhebble, Halifax, HX3 land. No need to allocate. 0QB

LP0171 Exley Park PH, Park Lane, Siddal, Halifax, HX3 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 109

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LP0172 Land rear of 5, Dudwell Grove, Skircoat Green, 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax otential SiteAllocations

LP0186 Land adjacent 30 Heath Lea, Well Head, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0187 Elmwood Garage, Shaw Hill, Halifax 0.94 The site is an existing and working bus depot and will Filtered therefore not be allocated for an alternative use.

LP0188 Former Heath School Yard, Linden Road, 0.28 This is an existing respite children's care home. The land is Filtered Halifax in Calderdale ownership. There site is not to be allocated for any alternative use.

LP0189 1 Clifton Road, Manor Heath, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0190 Land off, Shaw Lane, Siddal, Halifax 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0191 Shaw Lodge Mill Complex, Shaw Lane, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0192 Grounds of Linden Lodge, Clifton Road, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0217 Land off, St. Augustine's Terrace/Hanson Lane, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0218 The Buccaneer, 122 Hanson Lane, Halifax 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0219 Corner of, Lightowler Road & Hanson Lane, 0.75 CMBC owned Land. Jubilee Children's Centre. Need to Filtered Halifax establish future plans from Council assets team.

LP0235 Corn Mill Farm, Mill Lane, Mixenden, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0236 Land to east of Mixenden Reservoir, Clough 1.13 Mixenden Recreation & Playground, Council owned land. Filtered Lane, Mixenden, Halifax

LP0237 Land to rear of, Seed Hill Terrace, Mixenden, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0238 Land at rear of St Bernadettes Catholic Church, 0.34 Site surrounded by existing residential properties, however Filtered Clough Lane, Mixenden, Halifax there is no information on ownership or how the site could be accessed by third party land therefore filtered. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0239 Former depot to rear of 4, Long House Road, 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Mixenden, Halifax

LP0240 172, Mixenden Road, Mixenden, Halifax 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0241 Rear of 150-170, Mixenden Road, Mixenden, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0242 Land opposite 109-119, Mixenden Road, 0.40 Council owned land, not due to be released for development. Filtered Mixenden, Halifax

LP0243 Workshop adjacent 131 Clough Lane, Mixenden, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

Halifax The P

LP0244 Land and Shops 83-103, Mixenden Road, 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Mixenden, Halifax

LP0248 Land off, Beechwood Road, Illingworth, Halifax, 0.29 Once trees worthy of protection are taken into considerate Filtered HX2 9BU then site size threshold for allocation is below 0.25ha. otential SiteAllocations

LP0249 Land rear of 93 Watkinson Road, Illingworth, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0250 Land Side Of Springfield, Beechwood Road,, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Illingworth, Halifax

LP0260 Land off, Turner Avenue South, Illingworth, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0262 Land at St Malachy's School, Furness Drive, 0.61 School grounds, part owned by Calderdale. Filtered Illingworth, Halifax

LP0263 Junction of, Well Lane/Smithy Street, Halifax 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0265 Stone Dam Mills, Well Lane, Halifax 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0266 Car Park Graham's.Focus Do It All, Wade 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Street, Halifax 111

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LP0267 Land off, Winding Road, Halifax 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP0268 Beacon Parade Garage, 75 Southowram Bank, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX3

LP0269 Holmfield Industrial Estate, Brow Lane, 0.32 Employment site with a recently built development. There is Filtered Holmfield, Halifax no need to allocate the site as there is no change of use.

LP0290 2-4, Regent Street, Halifax, HX1 2SD 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0291 The Halifax Courier Building, 9 King Cross 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Street, Halifax, HX1 2SH

LP0292 Milans Hotel, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0293 Land At End of Sunderland Street, Halifax 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0294 East side, New Bond Street, Halifax 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0295 11a Akeds Road, Halifax 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0296 Second Floor Croftmyl, Savile Park Road, 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0297 2nd and 3rd floors, 8 George Street, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0298 First and second floors, Somerset House, 3-17 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered George Street, Halifax

LP0299 19 - 21 Balmoral Place, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0300 Land Adjacent Clarence Hotel, Lister Lane, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX1 5

LP0323 Land East of, Cow Gate Farm, Bradshaw, 3.09 Greenfield site not adjacent to any existing urban area and Filtered Halifax, HX2 9PE is a large scale in relation to nearest urban area of Bradshaw

LP0342 Rear of Ovenden Cross PH, Ovenden Road, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ovenden, Halifax Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0343 Rear of, Athol Road, Illingworth, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered

LP0344 Jubilee Works, Jubilee Street North, Ovenden, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0345 Booth Bank Farm 19 Booth Bank, Boothtown 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Halifax, HX3 6

LP0350 Land off, Church Lane, Southowram, Halifax, 13.97 Mineral Site to be assessed through the Waste and Mineral Filtered HX3 Study.

LP0351 Beaumont, New Street, Southowram, Halifax 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P LP0352 Land off New Street, Southowram, Halifax, HX3 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 9

LP0353 Land to the rear 109, Fairfax Crescent, 0.33 The site is amenity greenspace with provision for children. Filtered Southowram, Halifax It is recommended for retention as open space by the Open Space strategy. otential SiteAllocations

LP0357 Former Gibraltar Works, Gibraltar Road, Halifax 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0358 Land off, Gibbet Street/Ashbourne Grove, 0.91 Current application pending for a cemetery. Open Space Filtered Halifax and council asset and facilities management comments suggest this site will not come forward for residential development, and remain as some form of Public Open Space.

LP0359 Land off, Walnut Street, Halifax 0.53 Existing employment site with what appears to be relatively Filtered new units (Jewson). No need to allocate the site as established employment.

LP0360 Junction of Queen's Road, Gibbet Street, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0361 Site of Fairfield House, 12 Vincent Street, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0362 Land off, Hopwood Lane, Halifax 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 113

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0363 Land off, Conway Street, Halifax 0.30 CMBC owned land. Need to establish future plans prior to Filtered any further consideration of site. The site is currently used otential SiteAllocations for parking and as a play area which the Open Space strategy recommends for retention.

LP0364 Land off, Allerton Place, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0365 Land off, Francis Street & Hopwood Lane, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0366 Land off, Francis Street, Halifax 0.82 Site includes Calderdale college building and sports pitches. Filtered Open Space study recommends retention of open space element and Planning Permission for redevelopment for this part of college implemented.

LP0367 Land off, Queens Road, Halifax 0.41 This site covers a number of different retail & commercial Filtered units, all of which are in use and therefore it is not proposed to allocate it

LP0368 Land adjacent 23, Summergate Place, Halifax 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0369 Land off, Savile Park Road, Halifax 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0370 Land off, Armitage Road, King Cross, Halifax 0.26 Filtered due to open space matters and amenity issues. Filtered

LP0373 Garage Site off, Stanley Road, Halifax 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0377 19-21, Queens Road, Halifax 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0378 Devon Works, Dunkirk Lane, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0381 Land adjacent Rose Croft, Edgemoor Close, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Savile Park, Halifax

LP0383 Land off, Foundry Street, Halifax 0.27 Site currently in full use as a YEB Substation. Therefore the Filtered site should be filtered out.

LP0384 8-12, Cross Hills, Halifax, HX3 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0385 Marshalls Mill, Cross Hills, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0386 Land off, Dean Clough, Halifax 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0387 Land off, Bowling Dyle, Halifax 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0388 1st and 2nd floors, 97 and 91A-91B Northgate, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0389 GPO Sorting Office, Gaol Lane, Halifax 0.57 The site is the Halifax Post Office sorting office. There has Filtered been no submission by the owners for any alternative use, therefore it will continue its employment use and not be

allocated. The P

LP0390 Garage Site off, Woodside Road, Boothtown, 0.32 Planning Permission for 14 dwellings therefore filtered. Filtered Halifax

LP0391 Upper floors, Dean Clough, Halifax 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP0392 Land off, Lee Bank, Halifax 0.81 Filtered as in employment use and not proposing to allocate. Filtered

LP0393 Land to South of 49, Old Lee Bank, Halifax 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0394 Land off, Pellon Lane, Halifax 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0395 Land off, Gibbet Street/Chapeltown, Halifax 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0396 6, Bedford Street North, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0398 Land off, Princes Gate, Savile Park, Halifax 0.28 The site consists of private gardens/allotments and private Filtered garages in multiple ownerships. The site has come from the urban audit and not been put forward by anyone.

LP0399 Land adjacent 6, Rufford Place, Savile Park, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX3 0

LP0400 Land off, Birdcage lane, Savile Park, Halifax 0.31 The site has been filtered from the SHLAA as it has come Filtered about from the Urban Audit. The site is a private garden to 115

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a private club and wedding venue. The site has not been put forward by the owner. otential SiteAllocations

LP0401 Land at Daleside, Hillside & The Lilacs, New 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Skircoat Green, Halifax, HX3

LP0404 Adjacent Staveley, Harewood Place, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0408 Land off, Hopwood Lane, Halifax 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0410 Land off, Gibbet Street, Highroad Well, Halifax 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0411 526-526a, Gibbet Street, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0412 Land off, Highroad Well Lane & Roils Head 0.28 Built Filtered Road, Highroad Well, Halifax

LP0413 Land off, Newlands Road, Norton Tower, Halifax 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0414 Land adjacent 16, Well Royd Avenue, Highroad 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Well, Halifax

LP0416 15-25, Roils Head Road, Norton Tower, Halifax, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX2 0

LP0445 Land off, Ovenden Way, Ovenden, Halifax 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0446 Land adjacent Quarry House, Ramsden Street, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Wheatley, Halifax

LP0448 Land off, Vegal Crescent, Ovenden, Halifax 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0449 Land off, Clevedon place/Friendly Fold Road, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ovenden, Halifax

LP0450 30 Oakdale Close, Ovenden, Halifax 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0451 Land off, Turney street, Ovenden, Halifax 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0453 Land At Rushworth Street, Lee Mount, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0455 Lonsdale Bar, 2/4 Ramsden Street, Wheatley, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0456 Land adjacent, City Lane, Wheatley, Halifax 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0457 Land rear of 101 Shroggs Road, Lee Mount, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0458 Garden Of 148 Hebble Lane, Wheatley, Halifax 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0459 Land off, Boothtown Road, Boothtown, Halifax 0.25 Gardens of residential care home. Filtered. Filtered The P

LP0460 Adjacent 2, Woodlands Avenue, Boothtown, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0461 Land adjacent St Georges Terrace, Lee Mount, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax otential SiteAllocations

LP0462 Land at Ploughcroft House, Ploughcroft Lane, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0463 Land rear of 206 Boothtown Road, Boothtown, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0464 Land off, Gordon Street, Boothtown, Halifax 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0465 Norset House, West View, Boothtown, Halifax, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX3 6

LP0466 Land off, Carmel Road/Claremount Road, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Claremount, Halifax

LP0467 Crown Road, Boothtown, Halifax 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0469 Land off, Beacon Business Centre, Halifax 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0470 Land off, Marsh Lane, Halifax 0.30 Burial ground - retain Filtered 117

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LP0471 Land off, Merrion Crescent, Halifax 0.55 The site is designated Open Space which should be retained Filtered as set out in the OS study otential SiteAllocations

LP0473 27 Horton Street, Halifax 0.08 Existing building with retail on the ground floor and vacant Filtered on the floors above. Site is also below site size threshold for allocation

LP0474 Victoria Hotel, 31-35 Horton Street, Halifax 0.05 Site will not be allocated due to the site size threshold. Filtered However it is suitable for the Brownfield register and has previously had permission for 24 flats which expired in 2009

LP0475 First, second and third floors India Buildings, 86 0.12 Site is has an existing building used for furniture sales. The Filtered - 88 Horton Street, Halifax site is also below the site size threshold for allocation.

LP0476 Empire Business Centre., Church Street, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX1

LP0477 Victoria Works, Waterside Lane, Halifax 0.44 The site is an operational employment site. It therefore does Filtered not need to be allocated.

LP0479 Land off, Phoebe Lane, Siddal, Halifax 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0480 Land off, Phoebe Lane, Siddal, Halifax 0.25 The site is in industrial and commercial use and has not been Filtered submitted for any other use. The site will therefore be filtered and not allocated for any other use.

LP0481 Land at, Stainland Road, West Vale, Elland, 5.67 The site has planning permission for B2/B8 industrial Filtered HX4 8LS development. IT therefore does not need to be allocated.

LP0482 Land off, Park Lane, Siddal, Halifax 4.63 Park Lane High School and Playing Pitches in use. Filtered

LP0483 Old Rishworthians, Copley Lane, Copley, Halifax 2.74 The site consists of football pitches which the OS states to Filtered retain. The site is also located in flood zone 3

LP0521 22 Keighley Road, Ovenden, Halifax 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0524 Land at, Mixenden Road, Mixenden, Halifax 0.58 Filtered due to topography and owners intentions. WY Filtered Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0525 Garage site adjacent to Dodge Holme Court, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Dodge Holme Close, Mixenden, Halifax, HX2

LP0526 Between 38 to 50, Whitehill Road, Illingworth, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0527 Garden rear of 108-110 Keighley Road, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Illingworth, Halifax

LP0529 Land opposite 1-3, Myrtle Avenue, Illingworth, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0530 Land at Wrigley Hill, Keighley Road, Illingworth, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P Halifax

LP0532 Land off, Keighley Road, Illingworth, Halifax, 2.29 Morrisons have built a supermarket on this site. Filtered HX2 8HY

LP0533 Land Opposite Holmfield, Shay Lane, Holmfield, 0.60 Existing employment use. There is no need allocate the site Filtered otential SiteAllocations Halifax as the use is not being changed.

LP0534 Playground Adjacent 6-8, South Selby, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Illingworth, Halifax

LP0587 Pack Horse Inn, Cain Lane, Southowram, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0588 6/7, Townley Avenue, Southowram, Halifax, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX3 9QR

LP0594 Land adjacent 1, Chapel Lane, Southowram, 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0680 Car Park, St. John's Lane, Halifax 0.17 A small brownfield site used as a local authority car park. Filtered The site is a suitable site in terms of its location however due to its small size and its current use, the site is unlikely to be viable for any future development. 119

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0685 Land south of Tennis Courts, Bradshaw Lane, 0.97 The site has been retained as open space in the OS strategy. Filtered Bradshaw, Halifax otential SiteAllocations

LP0686 Land off, Gibb Lane, Mount Tabor, Halifax 0.85 Existing working Minerals site Filtered

LP0690 Land adjacent 23 Fairclough Grove, Ovenden, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0691 Land to front of 8 Prospect Row, Ovenden, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0692 Graveyard at Chapel Street North, Ovenden, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX3 5

LP0693 Former School Buildings, Savile Park Road, 0.32 The Boulevard Medical Practice. Filtered Savile Park, Halifax

LP0694 Part of garden of 27 Savile Road, Halifax 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0701 Hyde Park Motors, 75 Hyde Park Road, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0707 Land off, Haddon Avenue, Skircoat Green, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0708 Dryclough Lane Service Station, Dryclough 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Halifax

LP0732 Upper Fold Farm Barn, Bradshaw Lane, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bradshaw, Halifax

LP0744 Garden of 50 Bradshaw Lane, Bradshaw, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0745 55, Bradshaw Lane, Bradshaw, Halifax, HX2 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 9XD

LP0749 Stoney Royd Mill Albion Mills, Bailey Hall Road, 0.58 Site is most suitable to continue its use as employment. Filtered Halifax Therefore there is no need to allocate the site. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0750 Punch Bowl Garage, Boothtown Road, 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Boothtown, Halifax

LP0756 353 - 359 Skircoat Green Road, Skircoat Green, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0768 Land adjacent to Cromwells Mount, Newlands 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Warley, Halifax

LP0769 Garden adjacent Heath Lawn, Skircoat Green 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Savile Park, Halifax

LP0796 51, Valley View, Mixenden, Halifax, HX2 0TU 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P

LP0797 Land off, Mount Tabor Road, Wainstalls, Halifax, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX2 7TE

LP0803 Office Building, Holmfield Industrial Estate,, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Holmfield, Halifax otential SiteAllocations

LP0804 Garage and Garden Adjacent To 22, Holdsworth 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road,, Holmfield, Halifax

LP0805 Holmfield railway line, Holdsworth Road, 1.36 Currently in employment use therefore does not need to be Filtered Holmfield, Halifax allocated.

LP0834 Pinnar Lane, Southowram, Halifax, HX3 9QH 2.32 Unlikely to constitute logical urban extension with a number Filtered of constraints making delivery during Plan period unlikely.

LP0847 Moorlands, Birdcage Lane, Savile Park, Halifax, 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX3 0

LP0849 Ingham Lane Farm, Ingham Lane, Bradshaw, 3.09 The site is not suitable as it is outside the village envelope Filtered Halifax, HX2 9PE and away from the urban area.

LP0850 Land at Black Castle Farm, Taylor Lane and 6.60 Greenbelt site well away from the urban area with lack of Filtered Green Lane, Bradshaw, Halifax infrastructure and unsuitable access roads. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. 121

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0870 Junction of, Keighley Road and Cow Hill Gate 2.11 The site is not suitable for allocation as it is located away Filtered Lane, Halifax, HX2 9PB from any built up area and detached from any village otential SiteAllocations envelope.

LP0891 Fish Pond Farm, Round Hill, Holmfield, Halifax, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX2 9

LP0969 Windsor Mills, Ryburn Terrace, Halifax 0.36 Majority of site awarded permission for seven B2/B8 units Filtered in 2014. Site visit confirmed development underway.

LP0970 Land off, Ryburn Terrace (Hanson Lane), Halifax 0.60 Site is in existing industrial / commercial uses with additional Filtered permissions for new industrial units and therefore not proposed for allocation.

LP0971 Land off, Adelaide Street, Halifax 0.28 Mix of disused, semi derelict mills and small light industrial Filtered units. ELR site, not proposing to allocate as existing employment uses.

LP0972 Land off, Victoria Road & Raven Street, Halifax 1.43 Employment site with a mix of business in a number of Filtered different units. No ownership information, site in use, not intending to propose for allocation.

LP0973 Land off, Alexander Terrace, Halifax 0.71 Public Open Space also CMBC owned land. Propose Filtered retaining as Open Space.

LP0977 Junction of Baines Street, Pellon Lane, Pellon, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0984 Land off, Ovenden Wood Road, Ovenden, 3.94 Site has a permission for 47 dwellings on the southern part Filtered Halifax and 87 dwellings on the northern part.

LP0985 Land off, Wheatley, Halifax, HX3 5AF 1.64 Number of constraints including flood risk suggest the site Filtered would not be viable. Also access issues. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP1003 Land off, Binns Hill Lane, Warley, Halifax 0.97 Narrow access road would prevent site coming forward. Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1009 Site of demolished School, Clough Lane / Brow 1.52 Site put forward for community use. Filtered Bottom Lane, Mixenden, Halifax, HX2

LP1010 Land at Cockhill, Pavement Lane and Cow Hill 7.97 The site is green belt and detached from the urban area. Filtered Gate Lane, Bradshaw, Halifax

LP1011 North Cockhill Farm, Cow Hill Gate Lane, 3.55 The site is green belt and detached from the urban area. Filtered Bradshaw, Halifax, HX2 9PB

LP1013 Land at, School Lane, Illingworth, Halifax 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1021 Land at, White House Farm, Holmfield, Halifax 0.44 The site has planning permission for 27 dwellings (14/00058) Filtered

therefore will not need to be allocated. The P

LP1065 Land off, Straight Lane / Crag Lane, Mixenden, 1.87 Questions over the viability of the site, and the cost of Filtered Halifax, HX2 8UF overcoming the access constraints. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. otential SiteAllocations

LP1066 Illingworth Hall Farm, Back lane, Illingworth, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP1067 Land off, Illingworth Road, Illingworth, Halifax 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1122 Land off, Norcliffe Lane, Halifax, HX3 28.65 Mineral Site to be assessed through the Waste and Mineral Filtered Study.

LP1125 Backhold Drive, Siddal, Halifax 0.33 Retain amenity green space Filtered

LP1126 Backhold Lane, Siddal, Halifax 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1127 Backhold Lane, Siddal, Halifax 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1131 Land east of, Haigh Lane, Salterhebble, Halifax 0.89 The site is in existing employment use and has not been put Filtered forward for any other use therefore it will not be allocated.

LP1132 Bus depots, Skircoat Road, Halifax, HX3 2ND 1.30 The site is an existing and working bus depot and will Filtered therefore not be allocated for an alternative use. 123

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1135 Ivy Street, Savile Park, Halifax 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP1136 Mellor Street, Savile Park, Halifax 0.35 New care home and associated car park. Filtered

LP1144 Water Hill Springs, Water Hill Lane, Warley, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation on its own; Filtered Halifax, HX2 7SG however, if combined with adjacent site LP1142 to the south, the site size would be above the threshold. Therefore filtered this record and use LP1142.

LP1147 Victoria Reservoir, Gibbet Street, Halifax 1.67 The site has not been proposed by Yorkshire Water therefore Filtered retain as existing designation.

LP1149 Victoria Place/ Gibbet Street, Halifax 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1150 Buckland Place, Halifax 1.11 Established employment site therefore not necessary to Filtered allocate.

LP1151 Hopwood Lane, Halifax 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1152 Ridings Business Park, Hopwood Lane, Halifax, 1.69 Existing employment use not proposing to reallocate for other Filtered HX1 3TT uses.

LP1153 Chaucer Street/Hopwood Lane, Halifax 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1154 Wallace Street, Halifax 0.30 Existing employment site in use therefore not proposing to Filtered allocate.

LP1155 77 Nursery Lane, Ovenden, Halifax, HX3 5 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1156 Adjacent 77 Nursery Lane, Ovenden, Halifax, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX3 5

LP1157 Land at Ramsden Street, Wheatley, Halifax, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX3

LP1158 Wheatley Wells Inn, 106 - 112 Wheatley Road, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Wheatley, Halifax, HX3 Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1159 Adjacent to High Ridge, Denfield Lane, 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Wheatley, Halifax

LP1160 Old Brewery Building at Brackenbed Farm, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brackenbed Lane, Wheatley, Halifax

LP1161 Land Adjacent Brackenbed Farm, Brackenbed 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Wheatley, Halifax

LP1163 Land at junction of, Angel Road and Pellon 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Halifax

LP1164 Broad Street, Halifax 0.34 Mixed use allocation in the UDP. Majority of the site has Filtered The P been developed. Proposals for development on this site therefore no need to allocate.

LP1165 King Street, Halifax 0.28 Car Park and War Memorial in Calderdale ownership Filtered

LP1166 King Street, Halifax 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP1167 Charlestown Road, Halifax 2.78 Very early SHLAA site which has now been developed for Filtered retail uses.

LP1168 Charlestown Road, Halifax 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1169 Land off, Beacon Hill Road, Halifax 0.76 The site is a very steep sloped natural or semi natural urban Filtered green space which is not suitable for development

LP1172 Haley Works/ BankfieldWorks, Haley Hill, Halifax 1.49 Existing employment site in use therefore not proposed for Filtered allocation.

LP1173 Old Lane, Halifax 0.30 Part of Dean Clough Mill complex, in employment use Filtered therefore not proposing to allocate.

LP1174 Old Lane, Halifax 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1175 Haley Hill/ Coach Fold, Boothtown, Halifax 0.31 Supermarket therefore filtered. Filtered 125

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1176 Boothtown Road/Woodside Road, Boothtown, 0.49 Boothtown medical centre and associated open space. Filtered Halifax otential SiteAllocations

LP1177 Former Railway Sidings at Old Lane, Ovenden, 0.39 Await decision on Planning Application 15/00359/FUL prior Filtered Halifax, HX3 6 to proposing as an allocation

LP1178 Calderdale College, Hopwood Lane, Halifax, 2.20 Filtered due to PP 08/01773/FUL for redevelopment of Filtered HX1 3UZ college being part implemented. See record for LP 0366 for additional information.

LP1180 Old Lane Dyeworks, Old Lane, Halifax 2.60 The site has planning permission for 64 dwellings therefore Filtered does not need to be allocated.

LP1181 Old Lane, Halifax 0.39 Assessed in the OS strategy as to be retained as open Filtered space.

LP1182 Former Public House, Old Lane, Halifax 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1184 New Road/Union Street, Halifax 0.10 A small brownfield site used as a local authority car park. Filtered The site is a suitable site in terms of its location however due to its small size and its current use the site is unlikely to be viable for any future development.

LP1185 14 Horton Street, Halifax 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1186 Former Horsesat Work, South Parade, Halifax 1.74 The site consists of multiple businesses, car parks and land Filtered in multiple ownerships. The site has been assessed in the SHLAA as not suitable for housing. It is in existing employment use therefore it does not need to be allocated for any other use.

LP1187 24 Cain Lane, Southowram, Halifax, HX3 0.35 The site has been retained for open space in the OS strategy. Filtered WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP1188 Southowram, Halifax, HX3 1.24 Retained as open space Filtered

LP1189 Fairfax Crescent, Southowram, Halifax 0.55 Site retained as open space in the OS strategy Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1190 Barn at Highfield Farm, 176 Pinnar Lane, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation and it has Filtered Southowram, Halifax, HX3 9 planning permission.

LP1191 Highfield Farm, 176 Pinnar Lane, Southowram, 0.06 Site is smaller than the site size threshold for allocation. The Filtered Halifax, HX3 site also has planning permission therefore would not be allocated.

LP1193 Stainland Road, West Vale, Halifax, HX4 8LR 1.36 Existing employment site submitted through Call for Sites to Filtered continue its use as industrial/commercial.

LP1195 Sports Club, 78-82 Backhold Lane,, Siddal, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax The P LP1197 Park Lane, Siddal, Halifax 1.12 The OS strategy identifies the site as a cricket ground which Filtered should be retained.

LP1198 Bottoms, Salterhebble, Halifax 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1199 Salterhebble, Halifax 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP1200 Farrar Mill Lane, Salterhebble, Halifax 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1201 Land off, Oxford Lane, Siddal, Halifax 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1202 Copley Wood, Copley Gate, Copley, Halifax, 2.47 Half of the site is a natural/semi natural urban green space Filtered HX3 0TJ which is retained in the Open Space Strategy. There are also large areas covered by TPOs.

LP1203 Star Garage, Wakefield Road, Copley, Halifax, 1.72 Mix of allotments (to be retained) existing employment land Filtered HX3 0TD (which would not need to be allocated) and woodland which is part of the greenbelt.

LP1207 Copley Lane, Copley, Halifax 1.67 The site is an existing cricket pitch with facilities which has Filtered been retained within the Open Space Strategy

LP1209 Broomfield Avenue, Savile Park, Halifax 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 127

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LP1218 Land South of, Holmfield Industrial Estate, 0.49 Existing employment use therefore does not need allocating Filtered Halifax for employment. The site also has a planning permission otential SiteAllocations pending for industrial and residential use.

LP1233 Heathy Lane, Holmfield, Halifax 3.64 New Trinity Academy Filtered

LP1277 Eureka! Children's Museum, Discovery Road, 2.95 Mix of uses including Eureka Children's nursery. Owned by Filtered Halifax Calderdale. No requirement to allocate as intention is to continue its community/employment uses.

LP1278 Church Street, Halifax 1.33 The site is a well used public car park for the Minster and Filtered Eureka. Unlikely to come forward unless it was part of a large scheme which would be able to replace the car parking facilities. Unlikely to be viable.

LP1280 High Street / Paradise Street, Halifax 0.26 CMBC owned car park Filtered

LP1281 Higgins Close, Halifax 0.50 Council owned home for the elderly. Filtered

LP1282 Savile Close Day Centre, 37 Savile Park Road, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP1285 Hope Street, Halifax 0.25 Building is in employment use and within Primary Filtered Employment Area, not proposed to include in housing allocations therefore filtered. Seek CAFM comments for information only.

LP1288 High Street, Halifax 0.39 CMBC owned land - car park. Appears to be leased out to Filtered HBOS employees.

LP1298 North Bridge, Halifax 0.99 CMBC owned land, Northbridge Car Park. Filtered

LP1300 Clare Street/Prescott Street/Union Street, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP1310 Horton House, Horton Street, Halifax 0.08 Existing building used for Calderdale Council Filtered

LP1311 Four Fields, Cousin Lane, Ovenden, Halifax 6.32 Large site currently used by Ovenden Rugby League club. Filtered Most of the site is used, the area at the north east of this site Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

is likely to be more suitable (SHLAA 02758). Potential open space allocation dependent on Council plans for land.

LP1313 Mixenden Youth Centre, Clough Lane, 1.10 Council owned land. Mixenden Activity centre, youth & Filtered Mixenden, Halifax community centre.

LP1315 Queens Road Neighbourhood Centre, Queens 0.38 Community facility owned by CMBC. Establish future plans Filtered Road, Halifax from CAFM prior to any allocation.

LP1316 Ellen Royd Playing Fields, Range Bank, Halifax 1.86 CMBC owned open space / Sports Ground to be retained. Filtered

LP1327 Fairview Terrace/Old Lee Bank, Lee Mount, 0.21 Two parcels of land designated as Open Space - northern Filtered

Halifax part could have potential for development, however if the The P southern part is removed the site falls below the site allocation threshold of 0.25hectares therefore filtered.

LP1332 Warley Road, Halifax 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1333 Illingworth Sports & Social Club, Keighley Road, 3.88 The site is an existing and well used sports ground which Filtered otential SiteAllocations Illingworth, Halifax has been retained in the OS strategy.

LP1336 Camp End, Roils Head Road, Norton Tower, 1.64 CMBC owned land but half of site covered in tree belt, used Filtered Halifax as a wind break for properties in Norton Drive, who appear to have extended gardens into the CMBC owned land & the Green Belt. Not proposing to allocate.

LP1346 Battinson Road, Halifax 1.20 CMBC land, existing use is a council waste transfer station. Filtered

LP1347 Lee Bank/Lee Bridge, Halifax 0.93 Main Waste Transfer Station for Halifax. Consider allocation Filtered as a waste site following waste site assessment study.

LP1349 Adj. 9 - 12 Mount Pellon, Pellon, Halifax 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1354 Moor Lane, Ovenden, Halifax 1.51 Council owned recreation ground retained as assessed in Filtered the OS strategy.

LP1359 Beechwood Park, Heathy Lane, Holmfield, 1.78 Designated as a local nature reserve within the UDP. OS Filtered Halifax strategy retains as open space. 129

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LP1361 Tar Hill, Keighley Road/Whitehill Road, 6.59 The site is a protected nature reserve and retained in the Filtered Illingworth, Halifax OS strategy. otential SiteAllocations

LP1363 Units 11 & 20 Calderdale Business Park, Club 0.25 Individual units in existing employment site. Filtered Lane, Ovenden, Halifax

LP1364 Mixenden Urban Park (North), Long House 3.74 Council owned land, Mixenden Urban Park. Filtered Road, Mixenden, Halifax

LP1366 Grantham Road, Boothtown, Halifax 0.30 Assessed as part of the OS strategy to be retained as open Filtered space.

LP1367 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Halifax 0.28 Open Space site. CMBC owned land. Part of amenity open Filtered space that is related to Beech Hill.

LP1376 Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre, Hanson Lane, 0.71 CMBC Owned Land. Need to contact CAFM for information Filtered Halifax to establish future plans but not intending to propose a new allocation.

LP1377 The Stone Yard, Bedford Street North, Halifax 0.21 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1380 Heathmoor Park Road (opposite nos. 54 - 86), 0.38 Unlike the site to the north LP1381, this site falls away to the Filtered Illingworth, Halifax wets almost immediately, and therefore unclear as to whether it would be viable, given that the site is also much narrower than LP1381.

LP1382 West Byland/Hawthorn Way, Illingworth, Halifax 0.35 Housing Allocation in the current Local Plan, however this Filtered site is the public open space element of permission (03/00295/FUL) that was required through a planning obligation. Removing the open space element leaves less than 0.25ha therefore filtered.

LP1384 Bond Street/Burdock Way, Halifax 0.43 Elsie Whitely Centre Filtered

LP1385 New Street, Southowram, Halifax 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1387 Ryburn House, Clay Street, Halifax 0.42 Existing Sheltered Housing complex with Open Space. Filtered

LP1388 Fern Street, Boothtown, Halifax 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1390 Parkinson Lane/Queens Road/Kingsley Place, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP1392 Plot 3 Pellon Industrial Estate, High Level Way, 0.27 Council Depot in use. Filtered Halifax

LP1393 The Great Northern Shed, South Parade, Halifax 0.56 Existing employment site in Calderdale ownership. Unless Filtered the council is to put the site forward for an alternative use there is no need to allocate.

LP1394 Halifax Road/Elland Road, Brighouse 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1397 Rye Lane, Pellon, Halifax 25.69 Large expanse of open space, some formal sports pitches, Filtered The P other areas of moorland, council owned.

LP1401 Land at, Southowram Bank, Halifax, HX3 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1405 Land at Pule Green, Ploughcroft, Off 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Swalesmoor Road, Halifax, HX3 6UA otential SiteAllocations

LP1418 Mount Tabor, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1430 Former Trafalgar Inn, Queens Road, King Cross, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX1 3ND

LP1431 Former Mayfield Garage, Queens Road, King 0.87 Brownfield site suited to retail / commercial development. Filtered Cross, Halifax Existing Employment designation.

LP1432 Former Dairy, Queens Road, King Cross, Halifax 0.24 Brownfield site suited to employment uses, within existing Filtered employment designation.

LP1434 Batley Street, Lee Mount, Halifax 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1435 Grape Street, Gibbet Street, Pellon, Halifax 0.05 Below 0.25ha allocation threshold Filtered

LP1441 The Railway Sidings - Site 2, Stainland Road, 5.80 Site is heavily wooded and has a TPO and a number of other Filtered Greetland, Elland, HX4 8LP constraints on site, including flood risk which may prevent the whole site coming forward for allocation and development. 131

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LP1480 Former Holy Trinity School, Holdsworth Road, 1.67 This is a former school site, brownfield, within existing urban Filtered Halifax area. Part of Trinity Academy development site. otential SiteAllocations

LP1482 Land off, Ingham Lane, Bradshaw, Halifax 0.75 Greenfield site not adjacent to any existing urban area. Not Filtered adjacent to existing facilities and services. Land within designated Greenbelt.

LP1490 103, Mixenden Road, Mixenden, Halifax 0.24 Site is council owned land; demolition approved in order for Filtered regeneration scheme. Site is below threshold therefore filtered.

LP1491 Land off, Balkram Edge, Wainstalls, Halifax 3.89 Site is detached from any urban area or settlement therefore Filtered filtered.

LP1492 Land at Spring Hall, Huddersfield Road, Halifax 0.25 Site is council owned adjacent to Spring Hall Sports facility. Filtered Given the location and size of the site, potential for some form of community use rather than employment and or housing.

LP1493 Land at 7A, Savile Park Gardens, Halifax, HX1 0.29 Existing residential property - remainder of site would be Filtered 2XL below site allocation threshold therefore filtered. 4.4 Hebden Bridge

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Hebden Bridge

Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0029 Land to South 0.59 Greenbelt Bat Alert, Trees The allocation of the site would Ecological New 27 West of Palace worthy of be dependent on the outcome of pressures may Housing House Road, protection/TPO, the green belt review and or reduce Site Palace House Ecology exceptional circumstances. developable Road, Hebden Access issues and open space area.

Bridge, HX7 designation to address should the The P site come forward. Attractive location on edge of urban area.

LP0133 The Annex, 0.32 Primary housing Land Primary Housing Area site New 16 Crow Nest area;Unstable Ownership, Bat adjacent to railway. Mixed Housing Road, Hebden land;Wildlife corridors Alert, Land brownfield and greenfield site with Site otential SiteAllocations Bridge Stability, previous consent for residential Possible development - now lapsed. Contamination Suitable site supporting some of the key principles of sustainable development.

LP0200 Land off, Old 0.79 Greenbelt;Special Ecology, The allocation of the site would Ecological New 25 Town, Hebden landscape area Biodiversity be dependent on the outcome of pressures may Housing Bridge, HX7 Value the green belt review and or reduce Site exceptional circumstances. developable Greenfield land immediately area. adjacent to existing urban area.

LP0215 5, Bethel 0.27 Greenbelt;Special Ecology, Bat Greenfield site adjacent to Ecological New 11 Terrace, landscape area;Wildlife Alert, Highway existing urban area. The pressures may Housing Hebden Bridge, corridors Access allocation of the site would be reduce Site HX7 8HT dependent on the outcome of the developable green belt review and or area exceptional circumstances. 133

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LP0777 Land at Ogden 0.99 Conservation areas Conservation The allocation of the site would New 45 otential SiteAllocations Delph, Valley UDP;Greenbelt;Special Area, Listed be dependent on the outcome of Housing View Road, landscape area;Wildlife Building, the green belt review and or Site Heptonstall, corridors Ecology, Bat exceptional circumstances. Hebden Bridge Alert, Trees Constraints will need to be worthy of addressed should the site be protection/TPO, developed. WY Ecology Land recommends the site to be Ownership, filtered. Archaeology, Possible Contamination

LP0784 Acres Lane 1.55 Greenbelt;Special Land The allocation of the site would Ecological New 72 Grazing Site, landscape area Ownership, Bat be dependent on the outcome of pressures may Housing Acres Lane, Alert, Possible the green belt review and or reduce Site Heptonstall, Contamination, exceptional circumstances. The developable Hebden Bridge Biodiversity site is however suitable, area Value, Lack of available and most probably Infrastructure - achievable. Drainage, Ecology

LP0873 Walker Lane, 0.27 Greenbelt;Special Rights of Way, Greenfield site adjacent to the Ecological New 9 Wadsworth, landscape area;Wildlife Bat Alert, Listed village envelope and close to pressures may Housing Hebden Bridge, corridors Building, facilities. The allocation of the site reduce Site HX7 8SJ Archaeology, would be dependent on the developable Ecology outcome of the green belt review area and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0915 Callis Mill, 0.74 Greenbelt;Special Archaeology, Site coming forward heavily Ecological New 24 Halifax Road, landscape area;Village Bat Alert, reliant on flood risk mitigation. pressures may Housing Charlestown, envelope;Wildlife Biodiversity Should this be possible, suitable reduce Site Hebden Bridge, corridors Value, Possible site, likely to be developable. The developable HX7 6PL Contamination, allocation of the site would be area dependent on the outcome of the Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

Flooding, green belt review and or Ecology exceptional circumstances.

LP0917 Land off, Halifax 0.27 Greenbelt;Special Bat Alert, Land Suitable site, adjacent to main Ecological New 9 Road, landscape Stability, road. Attractive site although pressures may Housing Charlestown, area;Unstable Ecology, presently within the green belt. reduce Site Hebden Bridge, land;Village Biodiversity The allocation of the site would developable HX7 6PH envelope;Wildlife Value be dependent on the outcome of area corridors the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0922 Former Hebden 0.37 Conservation areas Land Submitted in Local Plan as large Mix of uses will New Mixed 11 The P Bridge Fire UDP;Town Ownership, site including 3 sections with 3 determine the Use Site Station, Valley centre;Wildlife corridors Possible different owners - owners residential Road, Hebden Contamination, intentions may be a constraint to capacity, Bridge, HX7 Ecology, progress. Brownfield site which initially based

7BY Conservation promotes rural regeneration. on 30 dph for otential SiteAllocations Area, Bat Alert, Offers potential for mix of housing Mixed use Archaeology or mixed uses. sites. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0926 Land at, Manor 0.30 Greenbelt;Special Rights of Way Brownfield, located adjacent to New 15 Drive, landscape area an residential. The allocation of Housing Wadsworth, the site would be dependent on Site Hebden Bridge, the outcome of the green belt HX7 review and or exceptional circumstances and potential 135

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problems associated with otential SiteAllocations underground reservoir.

LP1273 Dodd Naze 3.25 Greenbelt;Special Land Potential site adjacent to the If developed, New 98 Estate, Sandy landscape area;Wildlife Ownership, urban area but dependent on the capacity Housing Gate, Hebden corridors Topography, availability, therefore considered would likely to Site Bridge Bat Alert as a long term option. The be reduced due allocation of the site would be to the dependent on the outcome of the topography of green belt review and or the site. exceptional circumstances.

LP1406 Land to the 0.87 Greenbelt;Special Rights of Way, Suitable greenfield site on edge New 28 North of, landscape area;Wildlife Bat Alert, of Old Town, adjacent to existing Housing Parrock Lane, corridors Biodiversity housing development. The Site Hebden Bridge, Value allocation of the site would be HX7 8SW dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1424 Land at, Parrock 0.28 Greenbelt;Special Land Ownership Greenfield site on edge of Old New 10 Lane, Old Town, landscape area;Wildlife Town. The allocation of the site Housing Hebden Bridge corridors would be dependent on the Site outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Potential to come forward alongside adjacent site LP1406.

LP1436 Former 0.35 Greenbelt;Special Trees worthy of Site is bordered on two sides by New 12 Beechwood landscape protection/TPO, housing however a number of Housing Nurseries, area;Unstable Bat Alert constraints could potentially Site Under Cragg, land;Wildlife corridors prevent the land being developed. Hebden Bridge, The allocation of the site would HX7 6NR be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1448 Land off Hurst 0.52 Greenbelt;Special Bat Alert Site is potentially suitable and New 19 Road, Hebden landscape area;Wildlife deliverable dependent on the role Housing Bridge, HX7 corridors of the immediate local area in the Site 8HU future Local Plan. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1450 Land off Hurst 0.53 Greenbelt;Special Bat Alert Site is potentially suitable and New 17 Road - Site 2, landscape area;Wildlife deliverable dependent on the role Housing

Hebden Bridge, corridors of the immediate local area in the Site The P HX7 8HU future Local Plan. If the sites to the south (LP1448) and the west (LP0215) are allocated this site's potential would increase. otential SiteAllocations LP1465 Junction of, 0.15 Area around Trees worthy of Greenfield site within Village Tree New 5 Long Causeway todmorden;Special protection/TPO Envelope, potential infill site. The Preservation Housing and Davey landscape area;Village allocation of the site would be Orders may Site Lane, envelope dependent on the outcome of the reduce Blackshaw green belt review and or capacity Head, Hebden exceptional circumstances. Bridge, HX7 7JF

LP1494 Land adjacent, 1.76 Greenbelt;Leeds Topography, Work required to establish Capacity likely New 79 Acres Lane, Bradford Airport consult Land potential - uncertainties over to be reduced Housing Heptonstall, zone;Openspace Ownership, Bat ownership, existing use of due to smaller Site Hebden Bridge rural;Special landscape Alert playground and recreation overall area;Wildlife corridors area,and other constraints. developable Allocation of the site would be area and dependent on the outcome of the topography green belt review and or between exceptional circumstances Hebdne Bridge Town centre and Heptonstall. 137

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LP1496 Crimsworth 0.51 Greenbelt;Leeds Highway The site is subject of an Outline New 16 otential SiteAllocations Dyeworks, Bradford Airport consult Access, Bat application for the conversion of application Housing Midgehole zone;Special landscape Alert part of dyeworks to create 7 suggests a mix Site Road, area;Wildlife corridors residential units. The allocation of housing and Midgehole, of the site would be dependent apartments, 14 Hebden Bridge, on the outcome of the green belt in total. HX7 7AN review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1501 Land east of, 0.96 Greenbelt;Hameldon hill Rights of Way Gently sloping greenfield site in Capacity could New 43 Manor Drive, consultation zone;Leeds the greenbelt adjacent to the be reduced due Housing Hebden Bridge Bradford Airport consult urban area, close to amenities to TPOs/Trees Site zone;Special landscape and has very few constraints. The Worthy of area allocation of the site would be Protection on dependent on the outcome of the site. green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1502 Victoria Works, 0.97 Hameldon hill Flooding, Land Brownfield site currently in Mix of uses will New Mixed 29 Victoria Road, consultation zone;Leeds Ownership, Bat employment use with the determine the Use Site Hebden Bridge Bradford Airport consult Alert, Possible potential for residential residential zone;Primary Contamination development. Flat site adjacent capacity, employment to residential and close to initially based area;Regeneration amenities on 30 dph for priority areas;Wildlife Mixed use corridors sites. Capacity may be reduced due to flood risk to the site. Filtered Sites - Hebden Bridge

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0014 Land at Crackhill, Edge Lane, Heptonstall, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge, HX7

LP0038 Far Rawtenstall Farm, Blackshaw Head, 2.89 Greenfield site unrelated to existing urban area. Poor access to Filtered Hebden Bridge, HX7 7JR services and contrary to principles of sustainable development.

LP0039 Fete Field, Badger Lane and Old Shaw Lane, 4.17 Large greenfield site within Special Landscape Area and Area Filtered Blackshaw Head, Blackshaw Head, Hebden Around Todmorden. Size of site would impact on character of Bridge, HX7 existing settlement and quality of rural landscape. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. The P LP0052 Land at Slack Bottom, Smithwell Lane, 0.15 Suitable, achievable and available. Outline permission granted Filtered Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7EX for 3 dwellings. Site is below the site size threshold for allocation.

LP0070 Land to the North of, Glen View Terrace, 0.07 The site is located immediately adjacent to existing residential Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, HX7 development. Relatively steeply sloping but development still possible. Site likely to be attractive to developers. Filter due to otential SiteAllocations size.

LP0074 Land adjacent to, Towngate, Heptonstall, 1.95 Access is not achievable without the use of third party land. This Filtered Hebden Bridge, HX7 essentially sterilises the site and could be a ransom situation for developer. Size of site in this location would also threaten the historic character of Heptonstall.

LP0130 Play Area, off Manor Croft, Hebden Bridge 0.17 Existing children's play area to be retained as stated in the open Filtered space survey. Site is below the site size threshold for allocation.

LP0131 Land at Old Chamber, South of Crownest 12.90 Greenfield site not adjacent to any existing urban areas. Currently Filtered Wood, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JG designated as Green Belt and Special Landscape Area. Development would have a significant impact on the open countryside. Does not support the principles of sustainable development.

LP0132 Cottage south east of Old Chamber, Spencer 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Hebden Bridge 139

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LP0134 Beech House, Palace House Road, Hebden 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge otential SiteAllocations

LP0135 Adjacent Crow Nest Bridge, Crow Nest Road, 0.45 Considered as high quality / value urban green space - retain as Filtered Hebden Bridge per open space survey recommendation.

LP0136 Land at Old Chamber, South of Crownest 2.06 Greenfield site not adjacent to the existing urban area. Filtered Wood, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JG Development on this Special Landscape Area and Green Belt site would harm the quality of the local countryside. Does not support principles of sustainable development.

LP0138 Calder Brook, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, 0.72 Inadequate access, flood risk and trees worthy of protection on Filtered Hebden Bridge site. Major constraints listed are likely to have a significant impact on the developability of the site.

LP0147 Land adjacent to, Draper Lane, Slack, 6.53 Greenfield site not adjacent to urban area. Development of the Filtered Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge, HX7 site would harm the local countryside and the character of the nearby settlements.

LP0148 land off, Slack Top, Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge 0.43 Greenfield site outside the village envelope. Development of the Filtered site would constitute an inappropriate extension to the settlement and potentially harm the existing character of the village.

LP0149 Land off, Midgehole Road, Hebden Bridge 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0150 Land Adjacent To Waterdale, Lee Mill Road, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP0178 Land South of Belvedere, Savile Road, Hebden 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge, HX7 6ND

LP0179 Land adjacent to 2, Edgewood, Savile Road, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge, HX7 6BY

LP0180 Garden Adjacent To Rosslyn, Stubbing Drive, 0.02 Outline consent now expired. Mixed brownfield and greenfield Filtered Hebden Bridge land. Garden and parking area of adjacent property. Flood risk zone, but development possible with suitable mitigation. Filtered due to size. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0181 Land to west of, Trinity Street, Hebden Bridge 0.20 Part of site within flood risk zone but PHA site and surrounded on Filtered three sides by residential development. Site likely to be attractive for development. Site is below the site size threshold for allocation - filter

LP0182 Land off, Stubbing Brink, Hebden Bridge 0.28 Greenfield land adjacent to urban area. Site has too many Filtered constraints to be deemed achievable or viable. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0183 Land to west of Stubbing Bridge, Stubbing 0.68 Developed for residential use. Filtered Bank, Hebden Bridge

LP0184 Land opposite 14 Green Springs, King Street, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P Hebden Bridge

LP0185 Land off, Oakville Road, Hebden Bridge 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0213 Land off, Hebble End, Hebden Bridge, HX7 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP0214 Holme House Nursing Home, Holme Street, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge, HX7

LP0315 Land Off, Oakville Road, Hebden Bridge 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0663 Land Off, Halifax Road, Charlestown, Hebden 0.58 Mixed Greenfield / Brownfield site within village envelope, current Filtered Bridge designation is sport / recreation ground. Open Space strategy advises to retain. Within flood risk zones 2 & 3.

LP0664 Land off, Halifax Road, Charlestown, Hebden 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0665 Land off, Halifax Road, Charlestown, Hebden 0.44 Mixed Brownfield and Greenfield site adjacent to village envelope Filtered Bridge between river and canal. Utilisation of previously developed land but flood zone is significant barrier to development. Flood risk zones 2 & 3.

LP0666 Land off, Eaves Avenue, Hebden Bridge 0.37 Greenspace to be retained (playground) as recommended in the Filtered open space survey. 141

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LP0667 Gypsy Flats, Rawtonstall Bank, Colden Road, 4.35 Greenfield status, size, topography, sustainability mean the entire Filtered Blackshaw Head, Hebden Bridge site is not currently suitable for residential development. Parts of otential SiteAllocations site may be suitable at later stage.WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0668 Osborne Works, Commercial Street, Hebden 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0669 Land off, Marlborough Road, Hebden Bridge 0.10 Retain as open space as recommended in open space survey. Filtered

LP0670 Land and garage adjacent 11 Cliffe Royd, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Birchcliffe Road, Hebden Bridge

LP0671 Land off, Windsor Road, Hebden Bridge 0.63 Open space and common land. Retain as recommendation in Filtered Open Space survey.

LP0672 Land adjacent Craig Lea, Windsor Road, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP0673 Grounds of The Haven, Eversley Road, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge, HX7

LP0674 Coal Yards, Hebden Bridge Station, Hebden 0.30 Working industrial site in use Filtered Bridge

LP0675 Gas Transfer Station, Station Road, Hebden 0.15 Existing public car park, well used by railway station users and Filtered Bridge park users. Site is below the site size threshold for allocation.

LP0754 Hawthorn Cottage Barn, Shackleton Hill, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Wadsworth, Hebden Bridge

LP0776 Land to the east of Lily Hall, Heptonstall Road, 1.39 Greenfield site detached from any existing urban area. Steeply Filtered Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge sloping, woodland area. Negative impact on landscape quality. Large site could potentially lead to merging of Heptonstall and Hebden Bridge. Retained as open space as recommended in survey. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0800 Greenwood Lee Barn, Widdop Road, Hebden 0.25 Rural location, separated from urban area, development would Filtered Bridge fail to support principles of sustainable development. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0828 Higher Laithe Farm, Winters Lane, Blackshaw 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Head, Hebden Bridge

LP0868 Far Rawtonstall Farm, Badger Lane, Blackshaw 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Head, Hebden Bridge

LP0880 Riverdene House, Jack Bridge, Smithy Lane, 0.34 The site has planning permission for residential therefore does Filtered Colden, Hebden Bridge, HX7 not need allocating within the local plan The P LP0916 Callis Bridge, Halifax Road, Eastwood, 0.97 Site is not presently available and is also within flood risk zones Filtered Todmorden 2 & 3.

LP0918 Land off, Halifax Road, Charlestown, Hebden 0.26 Retain as amenity greenspace as recommended in open space Filtered Bridge survey. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. otential SiteAllocations

LP0919 Land off, King Street, Hebden Bridge 0.65 Retain as open space as recommended in open space survey. Filtered

LP0920 Land at, Heptonstall Road/Albion Terrace, 0.34 WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological Filtered Hebden Bridge, HX7 pressures. Openspace urban allocation, together with various restrictive constraints such as (part) Green Belt allocation, topography and access mean site not suitable.

LP0921 Land off, Hebble End, Hebden Bridge, HX7 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 6HJ

LP0923 Linden Mill, Linden Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 0.34 Natural and semi natural urban green spaces - retained as Filtered 7DP recommended in Open Space survey.

LP0924 Greenroyd, Thorn Bank, Hebden Bridge, HX7 0.77 Site filtered in light of 2014 letter from the landowner withdrawing Filtered 8BA site.

LP0925 Land off, Burnley Road, Hebden Bridge 1.66 Greenfield site located adjacent to the River Calder which is liable Filtered to flood. It is expected that mitigation measures will be required 143

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which may affect the viability of the site. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered. otential SiteAllocations

LP0930 Land between 36 and 43, Keighley Road, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Pecket Well, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8QX

LP1234 Land off, King Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6LX 2.12 12/01003 Construction of retail store and five storey hotel. (Further Filtered retail impact assessment submission and removal of hydro electric power station) Exp: 03/12/2016

LP1274 Bridge Lanes, Hebden Bridge 0.40 Existing well used car park serving Hebden Bridge town centre. Filtered Library and day care centre, also open and in use. Filter site.

LP1286 Royd Square Special Care Unit, Bond Street, 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP1290 St Pol Car Park, Bridge Gate, Hebden Bridge 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1295 Garden Street, Hebden Bridge 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1296 Towngate, Heptonstall, Hebden Bridge 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1302 St George's Square, Hebden Bridge 0.08 Car park in centre of Hebden Bridge - well used by visitors to the Filtered town.

LP1350 Stony Lane, Charlestown, Hebden Bridge 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1414 Land At Blenheim Street, Off Wadsworth Lane, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP1449 Land off, Parrock Lane, Old Town, Hebden 0.12 Site is below 0.25ha allocation threshold Filtered Bridge, HX7 8TR

LP1495 Land North East of, Chiserley Gardens, Old 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Town, Hebden Bridge

LP1498 Land off, Edge Lane, Colden, Hebden Bridge 0.27 Site is remote from any settlement apart from scattered residential Filtered properties. There is no information regarding ownership and therefore it is filtered. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1499 Land to the South of, Edge Lane, Colden, 0.34 Site is remote from any settlement apart from scattered residential Filtered Hebden Bridge properties. There is no information regarding ownership and therefore it is filtered.

LP1500 Poultry Houses West of, Davely Lane, 0.47 Poultry buildings in the greenbelt detached from the urban area. Filtered Blackshaw Head, Hebden Bridge Development would be unsuitable in this location. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1503 Land at, Stoney Lane, Hebden Bridge 0.44 Steep greenfield wooded site which has been retained as Open Filtered Space in the Open Space Strategy.

LP1504 Land at, Stubbing Holme Road, Hebden Bridge 0.70 Part of the site is currently in industrial use and will therefore Filtered The P continue. The site lies within Flood Zone 3. Access to the site is over a narrow Listed bridge.

LP1505 Land adjacent to, Weasel Hall, New Road, 0.60 This site is not adjacent to the urban area, currently within Filtered Hebden Bridge Greenbelt, Special Landscape Area and Wildlife Corridor. The otential SiteAllocations site is covered by Ancient Woodland and TPOs. A former quarry adjacent to a listed building. Access is along a narrow steep track

LP1506 Land south of, New Road, Hebden Bridge 0.59 Green Belt site within Special Landscape Area. Removed from Filtered the urban area narrow track is only access. Electric cables cross the site.

LP1507 Land adjacent to, Billy Lane, Old Town, Hebden 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered Bridge

LP1508 Land east of, Heptonstall Road, Hebden Bridge 0.72 Extremely steep tree covered site with many tree preservation Filtered orders access is a steep cobbled road. The site is within the Conservation Area. Most of the site is currently Open Space. Not considered suitable for development.

LP1509 Land adjacent to, Albion Terrace, Hebden 0.64 Steep site within Hebden Bridge conservation area. Dense Filtered Bridge woodland - large part of site covered by Tree Preservation Order.

LP1510 Old Gate, Hebden Bridge 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered 145

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LP1511 Bankfoot, Hebden Bridge 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP1512 Fairfield, Hebden Bridge 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered

LP1513 Land North of, The Woodlands, Hebden Bridge 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1514 Land at the junction of, Wadsworth Lane, Raw 0.41 A steep Greenfield site in the greenbelt not adjacent to an urban Filtered Lane and Height Road, Wadsworth, Hebden area. Site not suitable for allocation. Bridge

LP1515 Land east of 16, Wadsworth Lane, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1516 Far Nook, Nook Lane, Wadsworth, Hebden 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP1517 Land to the west of 1, Heptonstall Road, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP1518 Land North-west of, Hebden Bridge Station, 0.33 Small site adjacent to a site in industrial use. The site is part Filtered Hebden Bridge access road and part land with TPOs/Trees Worthy of Protection. 4.5 Mytholmroyd

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Mytholmroyd

Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0003 Land at, Victoria 0.76 Openspace urban;Wildlife Ecology, Land Designated open space: Ecological New 27 Terrace, corridors Ownership amenity greenspace and a pressures may Housing Luddenden Foot, small area of allotments. reduce Site Halifax, HX2 6AY There is potential, as developable assessed as part of the area.

SHLAA, for residential. The P Loss of this land will need to be considered carefully at the next stage of Site allocations

LP0011 Tenterfields, 2.48 New employment Topography, The site is a Greenfield site Ecological New 74 otential SiteAllocations Burnley Road, site;Wildlife corridors Archaeology, within the urban area and pressures may Housing Luddenden Foot, Ecology adjacent to a main route. reduce Site Halifax, HX2 6 There are a number of developable local facilities and services area. within the immediate area including a junior and infant school. Site available now and market interest in site.

LP0086 Land at, 4.44 Greenbelt;Pipelines;Special Pipeline, Greenfield site adjacent to Ecological New 133 Rogergate and landscape area;Unstable Ecology urban area. The allocation pressures may Housing Park Fold, land of the site would be reduce Site Mytholmroyd, dependent on the outcome developable Hebden Bridge, of the green belt review area. HX7 5BL and or exceptional circumstances. WY Ecology recommends the 147

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site to be filtered due to otential SiteAllocations ecological pressures.

LP0194 Land at Victoria 0.63 Openspace urban;Wildlife Flooding, Site is designated as Ecological New 23 Terrace, Burnley corridors Ecology Public Open Space and is pressures may Housing Road, Luddenden Amenity Greenspace. reduce Site Foot, Halifax, HX2 Careful consideration will developable 6AY need to be given to the area loss of this land at the next land allocations stage.

LP0196 Land Off, John 1.37 Greenbelt;Wildlife corridors Listed Building, The site is easily Topography New 49 Naylor Lane, Archaeology, accessible and close to may reduce Housing Warley, Halifax, Biodiversity services, facilities and a capacity. Call Site HX2 6BU Value good road link. The for sites form allocation of the site would proposes 42 be dependent on the dwellings. outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0216 MSI Brearley 0.98 Greenbelt;Wildlife corridors Highway Site located close to Mix of uses will New Mixed 29 Works, Brearley Access, Ecology existing residential. determine the Use Site Lane, Luddenden Residential element could residential Foot, Halifax, HX2 be located away from capacity, 6JB railway lines and initially based employment use nearer. on 30 dph for The allocation of the site Mixed use would be dependent on the sites. outcome of the green belt Ecological review and or exceptional pressures may circumstances. reduce developable area. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0439 Land off, and 0.40 Greenbelt;Unstable Land Ownership Poor accessible, narrow, Capacity is 10 New 6 Jerryfields Road, land;Wildlife corridors fallow fields with some using density Housing Luddenden Foot, outbuildings/gardens on multiplier. Site Halifax eastern edge. The However, given allocation of the site would poor access be dependent on the and steep site outcome of the green belt this has been

review and or exceptional reduced to 6. The P circumstances.

LP0775 Land adjacent 0.52 Primary housing Highway Several constraints to Net capacity New 21 Cragg Brook, area;Wildlife corridors Access, include highway access would give this Housing

Cragg Road, Archaeology, and heavy tree cover site a capacity Site otential SiteAllocations Mytholmroyd, Trees worthy of restrict potential of this site. of 21 dwellings, Hebden Bridge protection/TPO, WY Ecology recommends WG agreed Ecology the site to be filtered due with CMBC to ecological pressures. calculation.

LP0827 Former GB Oils 0.26 Primary employment Flooding Disused former GB Oils New 13 Ltd Storage area;Wildlife corridors depot. Has been Housing Depot, Cragg advertised for sale through Site Road, Walker Singleton as offices Mytholmroyd, and workshop. Hebden Bridge, HX7 5HB

LP0931 Land at, Greave 1.21 Greenbelt;Special landscape Overhead Greenfield site adjacent to 36 Dwellings New 36 House Field, area;Wildlife corridors Power existing residential using Housing Luddenden, Lines/Pylons, development. Possible appropriate Site Halifax Ecology, access issues. density Archaeology multiplier 149

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LP1225 CaldersideWorks, 3.17 Cycle corridor;Primary Ecology, Site is currently in Local Plan site New 95 otential SiteAllocations Off Burnley Road, employment area;Wildlife Overhead employment use and is covers a wider Housing Luddenden Foot, corridors Power located in flood zone 3 - area than Site Halifax, HX2 6 Lines/Pylons, therefore mitigation might SHLAA site. Flooding, impact on viability of the Capacity is 95 Highway Access owners preferred use of using density residential. Unlikely to be multiplier but developed in the short / has been medium term but retained adjusted for further investigation. accordingly to take into consideration possible constraints. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area.

LP1372 Kershaw Drive, 3.23 Greenbelt;Special landscape Land Ownership Accessible council owned 97 dwellings New 97 Luddenden Foot, area;Wildlife corridors greenfield site adjacent to using Housing Halifax the urban area. The appropriate Site allocation of the site would density be dependent on the multiplier outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances, in addition to establishing council plans for the site.

LP1437 Land at Box 0.50 Conservation areas Conservation The site is adjacent to New 18 House, Old Lane, UDP;Greenbelt;Leeds Area, Bat Alert residential development Housing Luddenden, Bradford Airport consult however it is in a Site Halifax, HX2 6QA zone;Special landscape conservation area in area;Wildlife corridors Greenbelt. The allocation Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1466 Land at 0.40 Greenbelt;Primary housing Topography, Topography, Highways Capacity may New 16 Milnergate, Laith area;Unstable land;Wildlife Highway Access and Potentially be reduced due Housing Close, Luddenden corridors Access, Land Unstable Land appear to to access and Site Foot, Halifax, HX2 Stability, Bat be the main constraints to topography 6HB Alert developing the site, constraints

however these may restrict The P capacity as opposed to preventing development.

LP1519 Land North of 4.39 Greenbelt;Leeds Bradford Trees worthy of Gentle sloping green field New 132

Burnley Road, Airport consult zone;Special protection/TPO, site adjacent to an urban Housing otential SiteAllocations Twine Lane, landscape area;Wildlife Rights of Way, area. The allocation of the Site Mytholmroyd, corridors Bat Alert site would be dependent Hebden Bridge on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1522 Land at, Calder 3.01 Hameldon hill consultation Pipeline, Bat A flat brownfield site with Capacity may New 109 Brook, zone;Leeds Bradford Airport Alert, Land multiple vacant land and be reduced due Housing Mytholmroyd, consult Ownership, buildings. The site is to flood Site Hebden Bridge zone;Pipelines;Primary Possible adjacent to residential mitigation. employment area;Primary Contamination, however it is in the flood housing area;UDP Flooding zone. If the site was to Cycleways;Wildlife corridors come forward approporiate flood mitigation would be required. 151

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Filtered Sites - Mytholmroyd

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0087 Park Farm, Park Lane, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP0137 Carr Farm, Carr Road, Hebden Bridge 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0139 Walkleys Canalside Mill, Hawksclough, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge

LP0140 Opposite 2-7, Calder Brook, Mytholmroyd, Hebden 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0193 Land off, Burnley Road, Luddenden Foot, Halifax, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX2 6AZ

LP0195 Land at, John Naylor Lane, Luddenden Foot, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX2 6BU

LP0197 Cooper House barn, Magson House Road, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Luddenden Foot, Halifax, HX2 6

LP0251 Land at, Castle Lodge, Cragg Vale, Hebden Bridge, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX7 5SS

LP0252 St Johns Centre, Church Bank Lane, Cragg Vale, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP0253 Junction of Grosvener Place, Burnley Road, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Luddenden Foot, Halifax

LP0254 Land off, Luddenden Lane, Luddenden Foot, 0.47 Site is a Natural and semi natural urban green space Filtered Halifax, HX2 6NJ recommended to be retained in the OS Study. Remainder of site would be under threshold and the site has therefore been filtered.

LP0255 Land off Luddenden Lane, Luddenden Lane, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Luddenden, Halifax Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0256 Grosvenor Works, Luddenden Lane, Luddenden, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0257 Land adjacent Hillcrest, Danny Lane, Luddenden 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Foot, Halifax, HX2 6AN

LP0258 Land and buildings at Victoria Buildings, Burnley 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Luddenden Foot, Halifax

LP0259 Luddendenfoot Recreation Ground, Station Road, 2.76 Site within flood zone, historic park and garden, and open Filtered Luddenden Foot, Halifax space in urban area. Also access road is narrow. Development of site would be unlikely given constraints

therefore filtered. The P

LP0440 Land off, Greave House Drive, Luddenden, Halifax 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0441 Kershaw House Inn, Luddenden Lane, Luddenden, 0.39 Planning permission to convert pub to flats has lapsed Filtered Halifax therefore not likely to be developed in the short or medium term. Pub is still open therefore unlikely to allocate for otential SiteAllocations development.

LP0442 Ellen Royd Farm, Ellen Royd Lane,, Luddenden 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Foot, Halifax

LP0443 Land off, Luddenden Lane, Luddenden Foot, Halifax 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0444 Land adjacent Brook Dean, Luddenden Lane, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Luddenden Foot, Halifax

LP0676 Rear of 12-22, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd, Hebden 0.14 Site is predominately residential gardens with a smaller part Filtered Bridge of the site forming part of Open Space site OS9316. Access issues likely. The site is not suitable for development.

LP0677 Station Embankment, Station Approach, 0.16 Poor environmental conditions for residential development Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge due to close proximity to railway line and would only accommodate a small scale employment use. Forms part of OS site 116.Site is below the site size threshold for allocation 153

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LP0678 Land opposite 1-4 Ewood Drive, Burnley Road, 0.69 Majority of site currently in industrial and commercial use Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge with vacant part of site below threshold. Site therefore not otential SiteAllocations currently suitable for allocation.

LP0679 Land to west of Buttley Lodge, Burnley Road, 1.01 This site is now largely developed and consists entirely of Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge industrial units. Not suitable for housing in the short or medium term

LP0713 Land off, Ribstone Street, Mytholmroyd, Hebden 0.20 Site is currently occupied for employment use - driveway Filtered Bridge and entrance area to Firth Glass. Western part of site separate car park for residential area but would fall below 0.1ha threshold as an independent site. Whole site would need to come forward.

LP0714 Bakery, Grange Yard, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0715 Garage at 10 Lower White Lee, Mytholmroyd, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP0728 Pigsty Upper Green Edge Farm, Lower Saltonstall, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Wainstalls, Halifax

LP0734 Stephenson House, Burlees Lane, Wadsworth, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP0735 Agricultural Building at Arrowbutt Lee, Catherine 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered House Lane, Midgley, Hebden Bridge

LP0740 Barn West of Upper Foot Farm, Luddenden Foot, 0.25 Lapsed Planning Permission Filtered Halifax

LP0748 Hill House Farm Barn, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP0751 Long Rigging Barn, Holme House Lane, Luddenden, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0789 Land off Burnley Road, Halifax, HX2 6HS 0.67 Large site not immediately adjacent to settlement boundary Filtered as defined by village envelope. Also located in Green Belt.

LP0790 Land adjacent Grove Inn, Burnley Road, Halifax, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX2

LP0793 Land at, Scotland Road, Midgley, Hebden Bridge, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX2 6UX

LP0806 Barn at Upper Hathershelf Farm, Hathershelf Lane, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0816 Land off, Warley Wood Lane, Sowerby Bridge 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P

LP0830 Turkey Lodge, New Road, Cragg Vale, Hebden 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0833 The Old Fire Station, Cragg Road, Mytholmroyd, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hebden Bridge otential SiteAllocations

LP0853 Former Travellers Rest Car Park, Steep Lane, 0.55 Brownfield site, available to develop immediately, detached Filtered Sowerby, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 1PE from the urban area . Site is not in a sustainable location and has access issues. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered. Site is not likely to be developed in the next plan period.

LP0863 Land at Goitside, Cow Lane, Luddenden, Halifax 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0887 Thorney Lane, Radcliffe Lane, Midgley, Hebden 0.40 Site is detached from the village centre in the middle of the Filtered Bridge, HX2 6UX Green Belt.

LP0927 Land off, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX7

LP0932 Tenterfields Business Park, Off Burnley Road, 2.30 Brownfield site in Flood Zone 2 and 3. Potential significant Filtered Luddenden Foot, Halifax, HX2 6 access issues.

LP1008 Land adjacent, Rough Hall Lane, Wainstalls, Halifax, 0.27 Site located in Green Belt detached from any major urban Filtered HX2 7TJ settlement and also located outside the Wainstalls Village 155

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Envelope. Only marginally over the threshold value. Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due otential SiteAllocations to ecological pressures

LP1309 Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1314 Luddenden Youth Centre, Kershaw Drive, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Luddenden Foot, Halifax

LP1338 Brearley Playing Fields, Moderna Way, 4.79 Site is currently used as playing pitches and is designated Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge rural open space in the UDP. The site is also located in Flood Zone 3 and is Washland. The site is therefore unsuitable for development.

LP1341 Scout Road (adj Scout Road Academy), 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge

LP1373 Brearley Recreation Ground, Burnley Road, 0.38 Site is Open Space which the 2015 Open Space Study Filtered Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge update recommending retention. The site is also remote from the urban area and is designated as unstable land. Site filtered from LP.

LP1403 Land Adjacent to, 5 Grosvenor Place, Luddenden 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Foot, Halifax, HX2 6NL

LP1416 Building off Kilnshaw Lane, Erringden, Hebden 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP1468 Land adjacent Tinsel Cottage, Radcliffe Lane, 1.92 Site is detached from the village centre in an unsuitable Filtered Midgley, Halifax, HX2 6UT location in the middle of the Green Belt.

LP1520 1 & 5, George Street, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1521 Land west of, Clog Sole Works, Mytholmroyd, 0.79 The site is a flat piece of land adjacent to Burnley Road. Filtered Hebden Bridge However the site is covered with TPOs/Trees Worthy of Preservation and there is also an electrical sub-station on site. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1537 The White Lion, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered Hebden Bridge

LP1538 Grove Inn Public House, Burnley Road, Luddenden 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered Foot, Sowerby Bridge The P otential SiteAllocations 157

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P 4.6 Northowram and Shelf

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Northowram and Shelf otential SiteAllocations Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0017 Peakstones 0.71 Greenbelt Bat Alert, Rights Brownfield site close to an urban New 23 Farm, Soaper of Way area. This site is located within Housing Site Lane, Shelf, walking distance of local services, Halifax, HX3 amenities, and public transport. 7PX Allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0030 Hough Mills, 0.34 Primary employment Highway Access, Brownfield land within the urban Mix of uses will New Mixed 10 Bradford Road, area Bat Alert, area, within walking distance of determine the Use Site Northowram, Possible local services and amenities, and residential Halifax, HX3 Contamination is sustainable in terms of public capacity, 7BN transport. Company looking to initially based relocate (due to site constraints) on 30 dph for and sale of site would fund this Mixed use move. sites. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0034 Land at, 10.47 Greenbelt;Mineral area Archaeology, Greenfield, green belt site. Mix of uses will New Mixed 314 Hargreaves of search;Wildlife Ecology, Trees Development of the entire site determine the Use Site Head, corridors worthy of would have a considerable impact residential Northowram, protection/TPO, on the character of Northowram capacity, Halifax, HX3 Listed Building, and Shelf. Allocation of the site initially based would be dependent on the on 30 dph for Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

Possible outcome of the green belt review Mixed use Contamination and or exceptional circumstances. sites. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment The P Land Studies.

LP0221 Land off, 2.03 Greenbelt Ecology, Bat Greenfield site on the edge of the Ecological New 77 Northowram, Alert, Trees existing urban area. The pressures may Housing Site

Halifax, HX3 worthy of allocation of the site would be reduce otential SiteAllocations protection/TPO dependent on the outcome of the developable green belt review and or area. exceptional circumstances. Suitable site in terms of location, likely to be achievable.

LP0589 Land Adjacent 0.37 Primary housing area Bat Alert, The site is located within an New 18 to & Rear of 8 Archaeology existing urban/residential area Housing Site Back Clough, and is surrounded by local Northowram, services and facilities. The site is Halifax, HX3 considered suitable for residential 7HH development.

LP0759 Land off, Belle 0.54 Primary housing area Land Ownership, Mixed Greenfield and brownfield Part of site is a New 19 Vue Rise, Bat Alert land currently within Primary very narrow Housing Site Shelf, Halifax Housing Area. There are local strip of land services and facilities within close which is proximity of the site and the area probably not is well served by public transport. developable. 159

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LP0766 Land Off, Hall 5.81 Greenbelt Possible Greenfield site within the green Site New 174 otential SiteAllocations Lane, Contamination, belt. Adjacent to the existing Promotional Housing Site Northowram, Trees worthy of urban area and surrounded on 3 Document Halifax, HX3 protection/TPO, sides by residential development. submitted by 7SN Bat Alert The allocation of the site would Persimmon 9th be dependent on the outcome of September the green belt review and or 2015 indicates exceptional circumstances. capacity is 170 dwellings. Capacity based on density multiplier appropriate to this location as per SHLAA definitions (30dph).

LP0782 Land off, 5.85 Greenbelt;Mineral area Listed Building, Greenfield site, adjacent to the Power lines New 176 Cockhill Lane, of search Possible urban area. Local services, and right of Housing Site Shelf, Halifax Contamination, facilities and public transport are way may Overhead Power within close proximity of the site. reduce number Lines/Pylons, The allocation of the site would of dwellings on Archaeology, be dependent on the outcome of this site. Land Ownership, the green belt review and or Highway Access exceptional circumstances.

LP0946 Garden of Park 1.12 Leeds Bradford Airport Ecology, Bat Greenfield site within the urban Capacity would New 40 View, Green consult Alert, Trees area in a suitable location be reduced if Housing Site Lane, Shelf, zone;Openspace worthy of including local facilities and part of site was Halifax, HX3 urban;Wildlife corridors protection/TPO services close by. However Open to be public Space retains the open space open space. typologies. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0947 Land at Park 0.84 Leeds Bradford Airport Highway Access, Greenfield site within the urban Capacity may New 30 View, Green consult Trees worthy of area - a suitable location close to be reduced due Housing Site Lane, Shelf, zone;Openspace protection/TPO local facilities and services. Open to Trees Halifax, HX3 urban;Primary housing Space study retains the open Preservations 7TR area space typologies. Orders on south of site.

LP0948 Land at Rose 5.40 Greenbelt Overhead Power Mainly greenfield site. If combined New 162 Cottage Farm, Lines/Pylons, with LP0949 could create large Housing Site Green Lane, Archaeology, scale extension to Shelf. The Shelf, Halifax, Highway Access, allocation of the site would be

HX3 7TR Lack of dependent on the outcome of the The P Infrastructure - green belt review and or Drainage exceptional circumstances.

LP0949 Carr House 4.20 Greenbelt Listed Building, Greenfield site adjacent to the New 126

Farm, Shelf, Overhead Power urban area. Adjacent to category Housing Site otential SiteAllocations Halifax, HX3 Lines/Pylons, Bat A road, within walking distance of 7RJ Alert, local facilities. The allocation of Archaeology, the site would be dependent on Rights of Way the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1034 Land off 1.97 Greenbelt;Mineral area Overhead Power Greenfield site located adjacent New 71 Soaper Lane, of search Lines/Pylons to the urban area. There are Housing Site Shelf, Halifax, overhead power lines in the HX3 7PT northern section of the site. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1035 Land at, 30 0.95 Greenbelt;Mineral area Rights of Way, Greenfield site adjacent to the New 34 Burned Road, of search Possible urban area. There are local Housing Site Shelf, Halifax, Contamination, facilities and public transport HX3 7PT Highway Access available close by. Allocation of 161

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the site would be dependent on otential SiteAllocations the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1036 Land at Shelf 2.50 Greenbelt;Openspace Rights of Way, Relatively flat site near facilities. Capacity would New 90 Cricket rural Possible Submission focuses on the field be reduced if Housing Site Ground, Carr Contamination, to the north west of the cricket cricket ground House Lane, Highway Access ground. Allocation of the site is retained. Shelf, Halifax would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1037 Land off, 0.99 Greenbelt Possible Greenfield site located adjacent New 36 Burned Road, Contamination, to the urban area. Site is close to Housing Site Shelf, Halifax, Archaeology, local services, public transport HX3 7PT Rights of Way and facilities. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1041 Land at, West 1.55 Openspace Possible Greenfield site located adjacent Ecological New 56 Street & urban;Wildlife corridors Contamination, to residential with good public pressures may Housing Site Halifax Road, Land Ownership, transport facilities. A factory is reduce Shelf, Halifax Ecology, Bat located to the south but there is a developable Alert, Trees mature tree buffer separating the area. worthy of sites. It is considered that the site protection/TPO is suitable for residential development.

LP1044 Hud Hill Farm, 1.88 Greenbelt Quarry/Proximity Allocation of the site would be New 68 Northowram, to, Land dependent on the outcome of the Housing Site Halifax, HX3 Ownership green belt review and or 7LH exceptional circumstances. Ownership of the site may have implications on deliverability. Development of the site would Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

close the gap between settlements.

LP1045 Land Off, 0.31 Greenbelt;Mineral area The site has good access and is New 12 Brighouse and of search close to the amenities of Housing Site Denholme Northowram. Site 02544 would Gate Road, need to come forward first. The Northowram, allocation of the site would be Halifax dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. The P LP1046 Land adjacent 1.19 Greenbelt;Mineral area Topography, Greenfield site adjacent to urban New 54 44, of search Trees worthy of area. The allocation of the site Housing Site Northowram protection/TPO, would be dependent on the Green, Possible outcome of the green belt review

Northowram, Contamination, and or exceptional circumstances. otential SiteAllocations Halifax, HX3 Bat Alert Constraints would need to be 7SL overcome before development would be possible.

LP1047 18 Yarborough 0.33 Greenbelt Trees worthy of Greenfield site situated on the New 16 Croft, protection/TPO, edge of the existing urban area. Housing Site Northowram, Highway Access, The allocation of the site would Halifax Possible be dependent on the outcome of Contamination, the green belt review and or Bat Alert exceptional circumstances.

LP1100 Land at Cherry 0.34 Greenbelt;Mineral area Greenfield site on the edge of the New 14 Tree Farm, of search;Wildlife urban area. Allocation of the site Housing Site Denholme corridors would be dependent on the Gate Road, outcome of the green belt review Shelf, Halifax and or exceptional circumstances. Attractive site surrounded by residential development. 163

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LP1101 Land at Score 1.67 Greenbelt;Mineral area Rights of Way, Greenfield site within the green Ecological New 60 otential SiteAllocations Hill, Shelf, of search;Wildlife Ecology belt. Allocation of the site would pressures may Housing Site Halifax, HX3 corridors be dependent on the outcome of reduce 7LJ the green belt review and or developable exceptional circumstances. area. Bordered on two sides by residential development, close to facilities and services in Shelf.

LP1103 Lumbrook 24.54 Greenbelt;Mineral area Trees worthy of Greenfield site within the Green Mix of uses will New Mixed 72 Mills, of search protection/TPO, Belt. Allocation of the site would determine the Use Site Westercroft Bat Alert, be dependent on the outcome of residential Lane, Possible the green belt review and or capacity, Northowram, Contamination, exceptional circumstances. Scale initially based Halifax, HX3 Lack of would have an impact on the on 30 dph for 7TY Infrastructure - quality of the local countryside Mixed use Drainage, and the existing character. sites. Archaeology, Economic Quarry/Proximity floorspace to to, Highway be determined Access in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1140 Land at, Upper 0.31 Primary housing area Archaeology, Greenfield site surrounded by New 16 Lane, Conservation residential development. Primary Housing Site Northowram, Area Housing Area within the current Halifax plan, the site supports some key principles of sustainable development. Recent refusal for residential development on the site due to conservation issues.

LP1141 Upper Lane, 10.89 Greenbelt;Mineral Possible Site includes a quarry and several Refer to New 399 Northowram, working Contamination, parcels of agricultural land. Site SHLAA Housing Site Halifax sites;Protected land Site Address Site Current Designation Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

Quarry/Proximity is on the edge of urban area. The capacity to, Conservation allocation of the green belt part of comments Area, the site would be dependent on Archaeology, Bat the outcome of the green belt Alert, Highway review and or exceptional Access circumstances.

LP1462 Land between, 36.29 Greenbelt;Mineral area Bat Alert, Land Possible Urban Extension which The capacity New Urban 1089 Stanage Lane of search;Openspace Ownership contains a number of existing LP would likely be Extension and Cooper urban sites - LP0010,LP0017, reduced from Lane, Shelf, LP0301,LP0778, LP0779, 1089 due to the

Halifax LP0780, LP1034,LP1035,LP1036 final layout and The P & LP1037 - some of which are design of any large sites in their own right. future development.

LP1523 Land at, 1.42 Greenbelt;Leeds Site is adjacent to the existing New 64 otential SiteAllocations Westercroft Bradford Airport urban area, with no apprent Housing Site Lane, consult zone;Mineral physical constraints to Northowram, area of search development. The allocation of Halifax, HX3 the site would be dependent on 7EN the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1524 Land to the 0.23 Greenbelt;Leeds Bat Alert Submitted for employment in a Economic New 0 North of Hough Bradford Airport suitable location. The allocation floorspace to Employment Mills, Bradford consult zone;Special of the site would be dependent on be determined Site Road, landscape area the outcome of the green belt in line with Northowram, review and or exceptional forthcoming Halifax circumstances. Employment Land Studies. 165

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Filtered Sites - Northowram and Shelf

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0010 Land adjacent to 28, Burned Road, Shelf, Halifax, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations HX3 7PT

LP0090 Stables at The Paddock, Shelf Moor Road, Shelf, 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0106 Land at Stump House Farm, Godley Lane, Stump 0.49 Greenfield land detached entirely from designated urban Filtered Cross, Halifax, HX3 6XG area. Unsuitable location - recommendation filter.

LP0173 Land Adjacent 1, Anderton Fold, Northowram, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0198 Garden of 2 Sunwood Avenue, Stone Chair, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Shelf, Halifax

LP0199 Land front of 1 - 3, Ing Head Cottages, Shelf, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0222 Garage adjacent The Cottage, Spring Head, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Northowram, Halifax

LP0223 Land rear of 40, The Hough, Northowram, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0224 Garden of 38, The Hough, Northowram, Halifax 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0225 Tenterfield Garage, 3 Tenterfield Rise, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Northowram, Halifax

LP0301 Land at, Stanage Lane, Shelf, Halifax, HX3 7PR 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0590 Refuse Tip between, Newlands Grove & 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Brighouse Denholme Gate Road, Northowram, Halifax

LP0591 Land Adjacent, Bradford Road, Northowram, 1.21 Site is Greenfield, Green Belt, in a Mineral Area of Search Filtered Halifax, HX3 7SH and is detached from urban boundary. High Voltage pylons Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

and cables form a significant constraint to developing the site.

LP0596 55, Carr House Lane, Shelf, Halifax 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0721 Jacque Royd Farm, Green Lane, Shelf, Halifax 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0725 Coach House & Stable Springfield Farm, Blake 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Hill, Shibden, Halifax

LP0736 Scout Hall, Lee Lane, Shibden, Halifax 0.27 2014 - PP awarded for conversion to single dwelling Filtered (13/01023) The P LP0746 Baxter Lane Works, Baxter Lane, Northowram, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX3

LP0752 Adjacent 2 Hall Lane, Northowram, Halifax 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0758 Site of 105 Shelf Hall Lane, Shelf, Shelf, Halifax 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP0760 Marsh Hall, Lands Head Lane, Northowram, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0761 Northfield Gate Farm, Upper Lane, Northowram, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX3 7SS

LP0762 The White House, Cave Hill, Northowram, 1.02 Predominantly greenfield site within the greenbelt. Filtered Halifax, HX3 7SY Development of the site would harm the rural character of the area and fail to support the key principles of sustainable development. Topography of site would also be an issue to development.

LP0763 Land off, Lands Head Lane, Northowram, Halifax 1.50 Predominantly greenfield site within the greenbelt. Filtered Development of the site may harm the rural character of the area and fail key principles of sustainable development. Detached from urban area. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered. 167

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LP0764 Little London Cottage, Little London, Northowram, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX3 7ST otential SiteAllocations

LP0765 Little London Farm, Northowram, Halifax 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0767 Land off, Upper Lane, Northowram, Halifax, HX3 3.59 Greenfield site within the green belt as designated in the Filtered 7UW current development plan. Development of the site would harm the rural character of the area and fail to support the key principles of sustainable development. Detached entirely from urban area.

LP0778 Land at Lower Bracken Farm, Soaper Lane, 9.63 Relatively flat site predominantly greenfield, apart from farm Filtered Shelf, Halifax buildings on western side. In the green belt. Away from the urban area and walking distance of bus route and local facilities. Local facilities would not sustain such a large site.

LP0779 Stanage Lane, Shelf, Halifax 0.28 Site would require remediation. Availability unknown. Filtered Detached from the urban area.

LP0780 Barns at former Stanage Farm, Stanage Lane, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Shelf, Halifax, HX3

LP0783 Site of Nashville Works, Cock Hill Lane, Shelf, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax

LP0822 Coley Garden Centre, Brighouse & Denholme 2.23 15/00929/OUT approved for 8 dwellings with parking and Filtered Gate Road, Northowram, Halifax, HX3 7SB driveway.

LP0826 49 Westercroft Lane, Northowram, Halifax 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0831 Former Shelf Library, 11 Wade House Road, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Shelf, Halifax

LP0832 1, The Grove, Shelf, Halifax, HX3 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0854 Barn at Landemere Farm, Score Hill, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Northowram, Halifax, HX3 Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0858 Land off, Coley Road, Northowram, Halifax, HX3 2.35 Greenfield site, detached from nearby urban area, surrounded Filtered 7 by green belt. Outside the village envelope in rural surroundings. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0865 South Lane, Shelf, Halifax 3.20 Site would require remediation to overcome Coal Pit Hills. Filtered Availability unknown. Surrounded on three side by agricultural land.

LP0885 High Bentlley Barn, Green Lane, Shelf, Halifax, 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX3 The P LP0890 Land off Giles Hill Lane, Shelf, Halifax, HX3 7UE 1.82 Site is detached from the main urban area. Adjacent to small Filtered development on previously developed land. Power lines cross the site and there is a pylon in the centre of the site.

LP1038 Land at, Sun Wood Avenue, Shelf, Halifax, HX3 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP1039 Ingfield Bungalow, Brighouse and Denholme 1.15 Greenfield site located adjacent to an urban area. Public Filtered Gate Rd, Shelf, Halifax, HX3 7LA transport, local shops and services are close by. There does not appear to be a direct access into the site without utilising third party land.

LP1040 Land rear of 5 Sunwood Avenue, Stone Chair, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Shelf, Halifax

LP1042 Clough Mills, Halifax Road, Shelf, Halifax 0.33 Planning permission for Mixed use development including Filtered residential.

LP1043 Hud Hill Farm, Hud Hill, Shelf, Halifax, HX3 7LH 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1102 Brighouse & Denholme Gate Rd, Shelf, Halifax, 0.55 Current planning application on site. Filtered HX3 7LL

LP1139 Land at junction of Tetley Lane and Upper Lane, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Northowram, Halifax 169

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LP1305 Baxter Lane/Towngate, Northowram, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP1348 Staups Lane, Stump Cross, Halifax 0.27 The site is partly in Flood Zone 3 which reduces the Filtered developable space to under the 0.25ha for allocation.

LP1428 2 Delphfield House, Stanage Lane, Shelf, 0.40 Green field site detached from the urban area. Site is not Filtered Brighouse, HX3 7TP currently suitable but if adjacent site was considered this could be changed to possibly suitable. 4.7 Ripponden

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Ripponden

Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0049 Land adjacent 0.65 Greenbelt; Trees worthy of Site is adjacent to the settlement New 21 to, Stainland Openspace rural; protection/TPO, and in a sustainable location. Housing Road, Special Archaeology, Bat Currently designated Green belt Site Barkisland, landscape area Alert, Listed and in Special Landscape Area. Sowerby Building The allocation of the site would

Bridge, HX4 be dependent on the outcome of The P 0AJ the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0340 Land off Oak 2.01 Greenbelt; Trees worthy of Greenfield site adjacent to Steep slope may New 52 Hill, Rochdale Leeds Bradford protection/TPO, settlement boundary. The site is reduce capacity of Housing Road, Triangle, Airport consult Landfill/Adjacent suitable, available , achievable , site Site otential SiteAllocations Sowerby zone; landfill site, Bat but the allocation of the site Bridge, HX6 Wildlife corridors Alert, Rights of would be dependent on the Way, Overhead outcome of the green belt review Power and or exceptional Lines/Pylons, circumstances. Topography

LP0341 Land off, 2.85 Cycle corridor; Land Stability, Bat Greenfield site adjacent to Capacity of the site New 74 Rochdale Road, Greenbelt; Alert, Archaeology, settlement boundary. The site is may be reduced Housing Triangle, Leeds Bradford Trees worthy of suitable, available, achievable, due to proximity of Site Sowerby Airport consult protection/TPO, but the allocation of the site the river and partial Bridge, HX6 zone; Possible would be dependent on the location within the Village envelope; Contamination, outcome of the green belt review flooding zone, and Wildlife corridors Overhead Power and or exceptional power lines crossing Lines/Pylons, circumstances. the site. Ecological Ecology, Flooding, pressures may Landfill/Adjacent reduce developable landfill site area. 171

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LP0599 Lower Breck 0.96 Cycle corridor; Bat Alert, Greenfield site adjoining the Topography may New 31 otential SiteAllocations Farm, Rochdale Greenbelt; Landfill/Adjacent settlement on two boundaries, limit capacity Housing Road, Triangle, Leeds Bradford landfill site, and in a sustainable location. Site Sowerby Airport consult Ecology, Trees Allocation of site would be Bridge, HX6 zone; worthy of dependent on the outcome of the 3NS Wildlife corridors protection/TPO, green belt review and or Possible exceptional circumstances. Contamination

LP0613 Land Adjoining 0.63 Greenbelt; Highway Access, Greenfield site in the Greenbelt, Steepness of site New 28 Stubbings, Leeds Bradford Landfill/Adjacent outside a village settlement but will limit capacity Housing Rochdale Road, Airport consult landfill site, Bat located on the boundary. And Site Ripponden, zone; Alert, Topography within the 750m buffer from Sowerby Wildlife corridors centre. The allocation of the site Bridge, HX6 would be dependent on the 4PA outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0624 Land adjacent 0.41 Primary housing Flooding, Land Attractiveness to house builders Capacity reduced to New 10 35, Bar Lane, area; Ownership, however it is in Flood Zone 3, 10 units due to Housing Ripponden, Wildlife corridors Ecology although site is not in Flood Zone character and Site Sowerby Bridge 3b. Environment Agency context of comments crucial but any surrounding area. mitigation may make Note: average development not viable. Site will density reduced need to be assessed further from 36 to 24. through SFRA 2 or FRA.

LP0774 Land East, 4.32 Greenbelt; Bat Alert, Flooding, Further site investigation is May be restricted by New 112 Halifax Road, Leeds Bradford Ecology, Land required to assess flood risk, and Housing Ripponden, Airport consult Stability, Possible developability. The site is Green possible unstable Site Sowerby zone; Contamination, belt on the boundary of a land and Bridge, HX6 Unstable land; Landfill/Adjacent settlement . The allocation of the contamination. 3HR Wildlife corridors landfill site, Trees site would be dependent on the Ecological worthy of outcome of the green belt review pressures may protection/TPO Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

and or exceptional reduce developable circumstances. area

LP1023 Land off, Halifax 1.40 Leeds Bradford Landfill/Adjacent Brownfield site located within the Mill buildings now New 50 Road, Triangle, Airport consult landfill site, Trees settlement adjacent to demolished, so Housing Sowerby Bridge zone; worthy of boundaries of Conservation Area capacity of site Site Primary protection/TPO, and Greenbelt. Site is suitable, based on density for employment Conservation Area, available and achievable for new build on whole area; Bat Alert, Possible residential and a planning site instead of Primary housing Contamination, permission for residential mixed area; Land Ownership, development has lapsed. conversion/new

Wildlife corridors Flooding, Highway build. The P Access, Ecology Area of flood risk and TPO may reduce the capacity. Ecological

pressures may otential SiteAllocations reduce developable area.

LP1024 Woodfield, 1.22 Greenbelt; Trees worthy of Site outside settlement boundary Capacity would be New 39 Stainland Road, Leeds Bradford protection/TPO, adjoining it on 1 side. Suitable & reduced by the Housing Barkisland, Airport consult Overhead Power available but constraints may existence of Site Sowerby zone; Lines/Pylons make development costs overhead power Bridge, HX4 Special prohibitive. Allocation would be cables crossing the 0AQ landscape area dependent on outcome of green site, and TPO belt review and/or exceptional circumstances.

LP1027 Land North of, 0.55 Leeds Bradford Overhead Power Located within Barkisland this Overhead cables New 20 Stonelea, Airport consult Lines/Pylons triangular site is surrounded by are likely to limit the Housing Barkisland, zone; housing on two sides. Available capacity of the site. Site Sowerby Primary housing for residential development with Bridge, HX4 area a number of unsuccessful 0HD planning applications in recent years. Local residents wish the 173

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land be allocated as Open otential SiteAllocations space.

LP1224 EM50, Halifax 1.84 Leeds Bradford Land Stability, Current employment allocation, Mix of uses will New Mixed 55 Road, Airport consult Flooding, Bat Alert, although suitable for housing or determine the Use Site Ripponden, zone; Possible employment. Propose a mixed residential capacity, Sowerby Bridge New employment Contamination use site initially, with initially based on 30 site; employment in the southern half dph for Mixed use Unstable land; of the site. Further investigation sites. Economic Wildlife corridors is required to assess the impact floorspace to be of constraints. determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP1439 Field at 1.47 Greenbelt; Topography, Green belt site adjacent to the New 66 Springhaven, Leeds Bradford Highway Access urban area. It has been Housing Elland Road, Airport consult assessed in the SHLAA as a Site Ripponden, zone; medium term deliverable housing Sowerby Special site. The allocation of the site Bridge, HX6 landscape area would be dependent on the 4JN outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Filtered Sites - Ripponden

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0015 Workshop, Brown Hill, Soyland Town Road, 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4ND

LP0043 Land at, Foxen Lane, Millbank, Ripponden, Sowerby 0.81 Site is greenfield and not adjacent to any settlement boundary Filtered Bridge, HX6 4ND nor situated in a sustainable location. It is also filtered from the SHLAA.

LP0047 Cross Villa Farm, Saddleworth Road, Barkisland, 0.53 Greenfield site designated Green belt and a Special Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX4 Landscape Area. Its location is detached from the main settlement. Whilst it is located within 250m of the built up village area, it is separated by open space which is likely to The P be retained

LP0048 Land adjacent to, Stainland Road, Barkisland, 1.09 Currently in use as a cricket field, and identified as an open Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX4 0AQ space of high quality and value. The Open Space Study recommends retention of the open space. otential SiteAllocations LP0069 Land adjacent to the Manse, Rishworth, Ripponden, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4QQ

LP0080 Land at, Godly, Rishworth, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4.74 Green belt land, detached from urban area. Development of Filtered 4QR the site would harm the character of the rural locality and fail to support the principles of sustainable development. Land also designated as Special Landscape Area in current development plan.

LP0091 3 Upper Deer Play, Millbank, Ripponden, Sowerby 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge, HX6

LP0226 Land off, Millbank, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 3EL

LP0306 Land surrounding Cross Royd Farm, Greetland 0.53 Site is currently designated Green Belt in the RUDP and is Filtered Road, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge within a Special Landscape Area. One side of the site adjoins the settlement boundary 175

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LP0307 Land adjacent Heald Wall Nook Cottage, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Scammonden Road, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge otential SiteAllocations

LP0313 Stable at Milton Ing,, 23-25 Hob Lane, Ripponden, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6

LP0339 Land North of Rose Bungalow, Ripponden, Triangle, 1.99 Site is currently in commercial/industrial use and CMBC Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3DL Business and Economy is keen to see the employment use retained.

LP0598 67-69, Rochdale Road, Triangle, Sowerby Bridge 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0600 Holmeleigh, Kebroyd Mount, Ripponden, Sowerby 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0601 Winterly, Lower Park Royd Drive, Ripponden, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6

LP0602 Land adjacent 11 School Close, Hill Top View, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge

LP0603 Land between Hanging Stones Lane, Ripponden 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Old Bank, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4DG

LP0604 Old Coach Buildings, Elland Road, Ripponden, 0.28 Currently in employment use and within UDP Primary Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4DB Employment area. Valid planning permission (granted in 2013) for demolition of existing building and construction of 12 industrial units, therefore preference to retain in industrial use.

LP0605 Mount Pleasant, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 4JL

LP0606 26 School Close, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0607 Land adjacent Tennis Courts & works, Mill Fold Way, 0.57 Nearly half of the site has been recommended to be retained Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge as Open Space by the OS Study. Remaining land is in private ownership and should be retained as employment. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0608 Land at The Riverside Complex, Mill Fold Way, 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge

LP0609 Land between Lower Ryburn Cottage & Garage, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Oldham Road, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge

LP0610 Land opposite 40-122, Oldham Road, Ripponden, 0.27 Identified as low quality Natural and semi natural urban green Filtered Sowerby Bridge space in the Open Space Study. Currently designated as Openspace in the UDP and retention of the open space as a whole is appropriate.

LP0611 Garden/Land Green Fields, Spring Street, 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge The P

LP0612 Garden Rear Of Mellow Rise, Small Lees Road, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge

LP0614 Land/Gardens adjacent 5-13, The Royd/Coach 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge otential SiteAllocations

LP0615 Land adjacent West Field, Dyson Lane, Ripponden, 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP0616 Land adjacent Oak Bank, Excelsior Close, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge

LP0617 Rishworth Business Complex, Oldham Road, 0.92 Site is currently in Employment use (some empty premises) Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge and also in Flood Zone 3b (2008 SFRA). Site is unsuitable for residential development and should be filtered.

LP0618 Land adjacent Slitheroe House, Shaw Lane, 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge

LP0619 Land adjacent Slitheroe Bridge, Oldham Road, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge

LP0620 Land adjacent 264 Oldham Road, Rishworth, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rishworth, Sowerby Bridge 177

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LP0621 Mill buildings, Rishworth Mill Road, Rishworth, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge otential SiteAllocations

LP0622 Mill House Farm, Rishworth Mill Lane, Rishworth, 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6

LP0623 Former Rishworth Baptist Church, Oldham Road, 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rishworth, Sowerby Bridge

LP0681 Excelsior Mills, Oldham Road, Ripponden, Sowerby 0.80 Commercial Industrial Park. Site is currently in industrial/ Filtered Bridge commercial use, and therefore recommend retention of employment site. Newly built offices located adjacent to the site.

LP0682 Ryburn Polythene Limited, Oldham Road, 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4

LP0711 The Farm, Rishworth Hall, Rishworth New Road, 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rishworth, Sowerby Bridge

LP0712 Far Royd Farm, Withens End Lane, Rishworth, 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP0739 Barn at Croft House Farm, Withens End Lane, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rishworth, Sowerby Bridge

LP0825 Land between, Greetland Road and Saddleworth 1.37 Site is currently designated Green Belt in the UDP and is in Filtered Road, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge, HX4 0BE a Special landscape Area. Whilst located on the boundary at the edge of the settlement , it adjoins on only a small part of its boundary

LP0837 Manor House Barn, Quakers Lane, Ripponden, 1.32 Greenfield site situated outside settlement in Greenbelt and Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4HH Special Landscape Area, accessed at present from a narrow lane.

LP0855 The Grove, Oldham Road, Rishworth, Sowerby 0.51 15/00101/FUL - Refurbishment of Grove Mill to create two Filtered Bridge, HX6 4QU dwellings - PERMITTED 16.04.2015 EXPIRES 16.04.2018 Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0878 Barn at Upper Woodhead,, Scammonden Road, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge, HX4

LP0883 Barn and outbuildings at Peat Pitts Farm, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Saddleworth Road, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge, HX4

LP0889 Land to East side of, Saddleworth Road, Barkisland, 3.79 The site is outside the settlement with only a very small Filtered Sowerby Bridge proportion of the boundary adjoining it. An ancient woodland is situated on the southern boundary, and a rural open space with a Listed Building and protected trees to the west.

LP0937 Land adjacent, 61 Bar Lane, Ripponden, Sowerby 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P Bridge

LP0938 Holme House, Holme House Lane, Rishworth, 0.53 Detached from any defined settlement with development of Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4PY site encouraging ribbon development. Topography a possible constraint. otential SiteAllocations

LP0939 Land off, Oldham Road, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge 0.48 Detached from any defined settlement with development of Filtered site encouraging ribbon development. Topography a possible constraint.

LP1022 Land Adjacent Kebroyd Mill, Ripponden, Sowerby 1.44 Nearly half site protected by TPO & remaining area to east Filtered Bridge informal open space with a small woodland on northern boundary. Currently designated urban open space in the UDP & used informally with paths crossing the site. Also of ecological importance.

LP1025 Land at, High Royd, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge, 0.98 Land is currently designated Green belt on the RUDP and is Filtered HX4 within a special landscape Area. The site is separated from the settlement.

LP1026 Former Ripponden Bank Depot, Greetland Road, 0.27 Land is currently designated Green belt on the RUDP and is Filtered Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge Special Landscape Area. Although brownfield the site is separated from the settlement 179

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LP1028 Land between Greetland Road, Scammonden Road 4.68 Large site situated on the boundary of the settlement, and Filtered and Saddleworth Road, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge, currently designated as Green Belt on the RUDP and a otential SiteAllocations HX4 0BE Special Landscape Area. Site of the site is not in scale with the existing development.

LP1318 Back Lane, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1371 Riverside Meadow, off Priest Lane, Ripponden, 0.42 Sloping site, with flood risk and potentially unstable land Filtered Sowerby Bridge constraints. Council owned open space of low value with footpaths crossing the site. The Parish Council is planning to improve the area, so recommend retention of open space.

LP1375 Nathan Lane, Mill Bank, Sowerby Bridge 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1419 Stables adjacent to Hazel Slack Cottage, Rishworth 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge

LP1420 High Royd Farm, Greetland Road, Barkisland, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP1423 Rochdale Road, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 4.8 Sowerby Bridge

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Sowerby Bridge

Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0007 Land at Junction 0.30 Primary Topography, Site lies within existing Primary Constraints likely New 15 of Bairstow Lane, housing area Trees worthy of Housing Area. Constraints likely to to reduce Housing Site Stonecroft Mount, protection/TPO, reduce capacity if site is viable. WY capacity. Sowerby Bridge, Bat Alert, Ecology Ecology recommends the site to be Ecological HX6 filtered due to ecological pressures. pressures may

reduce The P developable area.

LP0040 Land at Willow 0.25 Openspace Trees worthy of Potential new housing allocation but Capacity if New 12 Clough, Steps urban protection/TPO, access constraints and TPO likely allocated likely to Housing Site Lane, Sowerby Bat Alert, to reduce capacity. be reduced due to Bridge, HX6 2JL Highway Access access otential SiteAllocations constraints and TPO - Highways recommend 2 dwellings.

LP0044 Cemetery Lane, 2.94 Greenbelt Bat Alert, Trees Greenfield site immediately adjacent New 112 Lower Bentley worthy of to existing urban area. The Housing Site Royd, Sowerby protection/TPO allocation of the site would be Bridge, HX6 1DN dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances

LP0073 Land at Wood 0.27 Openspace Bat Alert, Part of a larger allotment site. New 14 Nook Lane, Dam urban Highway Access However this part of the site has Housing Site Head, Sowerby been submitted by the owner and Bridge, HX6 2JJ therefore to be considered for development, whilst majority of the site remains as allotments. 181

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LP0097 Lower Gaukroger 0.52 Greenbelt; Pipeline Greenfield site adjacent to urban New 19 otential SiteAllocations Farm, Daisylea, Pipelines area. The allocation of the site Housing Site Sowerby, would be dependent on the Sowerby Bridge, outcome of the green belt review HX6 1NA and or exceptional circumstances No other obvious constraints that would prevent development.

LP0127 Land to rear of 0.42 Openspace Topography, Bat Potential site, currently open space. Consider joining New 15 12-14, Bairstow urban Alert Open Space strategy recommends this site with Housing Site Lane, Halifax, retention. May have access issues LP1400. HX6 2TA as other properties between site Topography could and Bairstow Lane. Retain in the reduce capacity of potential sites list. Further site. information on access would be required.

LP0128 Land adjacent to 0.66 Openspace Highway Access, Propose for new housing site. Application New 30 14 Bairstow urban Bat Alert, Highways capacity likely to reduce refused due to Housing Site Lane, Opp Ecology, capacity of site judging on the open space Stonecroft Mount, Topography recent planning application decision. designation and Sowerby Bridge, highways matters. HX6 2TA Subsequent application refused but only on open space matters, reduction to 9 dwellings meant that highways objections overcome. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0287 Land rear of 287, 0.73 Primary Highway Access, Propose for residential development New 33 Willowfield Road, housing area Land Ownership but require ownership details and Housing Site Halifax intentions and access details.

LP0382 Land off, Scar 0.97 Openspace Bat Alert, Listed Greenfield land, partly surrounded Ecological New 44 Bottom, Pye urban; Building, Ecology, (on almost 3 sides) by urban area. pressures may Housing Site Nest, Halifax Unstable land; Land Ownership Currently within the green belt reduce Wildlife (currently under review) and will developable area. corridors only be redesignated if exceptional circumstances are proven. Protected tree belt to north of site. The P LP0402 Land off, Gas 0.39 Cycle corridor; Possible Disused vacant site, relatively level, Mix of uses will New Mixed 12 Works road, Pipelines; Contamination, adjacent to Sowerby Bridge Town determine the Use Site Sowerby Bridge Primary Bat Alert, Centre. New housing to the west of residential employment Flooding, the site. Site is however situated capacity, initially

area; Ecology, Land within flood zone 3 and contains a based on 30 dph otential SiteAllocations Regeneration Ownership gas valve compound. Current for Mixed use action area as allocation is Primary Employment sites. Ecological a whole; Area. pressures may Wildlife reduce corridors developable area. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0435 Land off, 1.91 Cycle corridor; Topography, Bat No obvious constraints that would New 86 Sowerby New Pipelines; Alert, Listed prevent development. Designated Housing Site Road, Sowerby, Protected land; Building, Trees as protected land in current plan. Sowerby Bridge, Wildlife worthy of Within urban area surrounded by HX6 3BJ corridors protection/TPO residential development. 183

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LP0438 Land off, Dean 0.77 Primary Listed Building, Mix of Brownfield and Greenfield New 28 otential SiteAllocations Lane, Sowerby, housing area Bat Alert, Land land, therefore given 'possibly' in Housing Site Sowerby Bridge Ownership, Trees terms of suitability status. Land worthy of designated as Primary Housing protection/TPO Area in current development plan. Access and deliverability impact on time period for development.

LP0772 Depot, Industrial 0.31 Openspace Ecology, Trees Brownfield site within urban area Ecological New 16 Road, Sowerby urban; worthy of but still in use as an employment pressures may Housing Site Bridge Primary protection/TPO, site. Developable site in longer term reduce housing area Possible subject to owner's intentions. developable area Contamination, Protected trees and open space Bat Alert, Land would also impact on delivery Ownership period.

LP0841 Land to North, 0.40 Greenbelt Land Ownership, Greenfield site adjacent to urban New 18 Blackwall Lane, Archaeology, area, close to facilities and existing Housing Site Sowerby Bridge Trees worthy of infrastructure. WY Ecology protection/TPO, recommends the site to be filtered. Ecology Allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0993 Land off, Fore 1.97 Greenbelt; Topography, Greenfield site immediately adjacent Ecological New 89 Lane Avenue, Wildlife Trees worthy of to (surrounded on three sides) pressures may Housing Site Sowerby, corridors protection/TPO, existing urban area. Currently within reduce Sowerby Bridge, Ecology, Possible Green Belt . The allocation of the developable area HX6 Contamination site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1002 Land at Field 3.00 Conservation Conservation Constraints could impact on viability Large site but New 114 House Farm, areas UDP; Area, and reduce capacity if allocated. capacity likely to Housing Site Burnley Road, Greenbelt; Topography, The allocation of the site would be be reduced due to Warley, Halifax Special Archaeology, Bat dependent on the outcome of the steep slope in landscape area Alert green belt review and or exceptional north west corner circumstances. of site and conservation area designation on part of site.

LP1068 Land at, Hollins 0.28 Primary Land Ownership, Vacant brownfield site adjacent to New 14

Mill Lane, housing area; Possible industrial/residential site within flood Housing Site The P Sowerby Bridge Regeneration Contamination, zones 2 & 3 however site proposed priority areas; Rights of Way, due to permission being granted on Wildlife Flooding, Bat adjoining site where mitigation corridors Alert measures would have been

considered appropriate. otential SiteAllocations

LP1069 Hollins Mill, 0.48 Primary Land Ownership, Brownfield land currently in Ecological New 22 Hollins Mill Lane, employment Flooding, Bat industrial use. Site within flood pressures may Housing Site Sowerby Bridge area; Alert, Ecology zones 2 & 3 however site proposed reduce Regeneration due to permission being granted developable area priority areas; previously where mitigation Wildlife measures would have been corridors considered appropriate. Directly adjacent to existing urban area.

LP1204 Land at, 2.66 Greenbelt; Rights of Way, Greenfield site but near to existing Economic New 0 Wakefield Road, Wildlife Bat Alert, Trees and future employment locations. floorspace to be Employment Copley, Halifax, corridors worthy of Protected trees and topography determined in line Site HX3 0UA protection/TPO, may impact upon deliverability. The with forthcoming Topography allocation of the site would be Employment Land dependent on the outcome of the Studies. green belt review and or exceptional circumstances 185

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LP1205 Land off, 0.94 Cycle corridor; Trees worthy of Land suitably located and available. New 34 otential SiteAllocations Wakefield Road, Greenbelt; protection/TPO, The allocation of the site would be Housing Site Copley, Halifax Wildlife Bat Alert, dependent on the outcome of the corridors Ecology, Land green belt review and or exceptional Ownership circumstances. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP1220 Adjacent Lloyds, 4.02 Cycle corridor; Land Ownership, New Employment Site as allocated Economic New 0 Wakefield Road, New Highway Access, in current development plan - floorspace to be Employment Copley, Halifax employment Topography, believed to be retained for Lloyds determined in line Site site; Rights of Way should they require expansion in with forthcoming Unstable land; future. Employment Land Wildlife Studies. corridors

LP1391 Upper Bentley 0.32 Leeds Bradford Bat Alert, Land Council owned site in a primary New 16 Royd, Sowerby Airport consult Ownership housing area. The site is sutable for Housing Site Bridge zone; residential development but would Primary be dependant on access and housing area; intentions of the council for the site. Wildlife corridors

LP1398 Land on the West 4.10 Openspace Rights of Way, Open space in urban area. Capacity may be New 123 Side of Brockwell urban; Trees worthy of Relatively new development to west reduced due to Housing Site Lane, Triangle, Wildlife protection/TPO, and north east. Adjacent to public topography. Sowerby Bridge, corridors Listed Building transport network. Reasonably HX6 3PQ close to local facilities. Adjacent to senior school and within walking distance of primary schools Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1415 Wakefield Road, 0.32 Cycle corridor; Bat Alert, Trees Mixed greenfield / brownfield site New 16 Sowerby Bridge Pipelines; worthy of within existing urban area (Primary Housing Site Primary protection/TPO, Housing Area designation). Situated housing area; Land Ownership in close proximity to town centre Regeneration and road network. Land owner's action area as intentions, topography and a whole; protected trees may impact on Wildlife delivery term. corridors

LP1456 Land between, 21.19 Greenbelt; Topography, Bat Possible Urban Extension, although TPO and other New Urban 636

Rochdale Road Wildlife Alert, Trees multiple ownerships may prevent constraints on the Extension The P and Dean Lane, corridors worthy of the whole site coming forward. The site may reduce Sowerby, protection/TPO, allocation of the site would be overall capacity. Sowerby Bridge Land Ownership dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional

circumstances. otential SiteAllocations 187

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Filtered Sites - Sowerby Bridge

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0004 Lower Old Hall Farm, Norland Town, Norland, 3.88 Site located in Green Belt detached from any major urban Filtered otential SiteAllocations Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3RQ settlement. Site would fail to support the key principles of sustainable development and would potentially harm the character of the local countryside.

LP0005 Lower Old Hall Farm, Norland Town, Norland, 0.67 Site located in Green Belt detached from any major urban Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3RQ settlement. Site would fail to support the key principles of sustainable development and would potentially harm the character of the local countryside.

LP0096 Junction of Fore Lane Avenue, Sowerby New 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Sowerby, Sowerby Bridge, HX6

LP0098 Site of Thiggin, Sowerby New Road, Sowerby, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP0099 Land to North of 2, Beechwood Avenue, Sowerby, 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP0129 Stradbroke Lodge, Burnley Road, Halifax 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0141 Land adjacent to, Sowerby New Road, Sowerby, 2.79 Greenfield site adjacent to urban area. Currently within the Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 designated green belt, which is currently under review. Development of the site would have a negative impact on landscape quality. Surrounded by agricultural land on 3 sides.

LP0279 Land off, Rochdale Road, Sowerby Bridge 1.65 Fully in use as waste recycling plant whilst land on south Filtered side forms part of wider area of woodland.

LP0285 Adjacent 100 Willowfield Road, Halifax, HX2 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0286 Rear of 291 Willowfield Road, Halifax, HX2 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0288 Trimmingham Garage, Burnley Road, Halifax 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0312 Land off, Hollas Lane, Sowerby Bridge 2.06 Large greenfield rural site currently within the Green Belt, Filtered detached from urban areas the development of which would fail to support the principles of sustainable development.

LP0371 Land off, Rochdale Road/Skircoat Moor Rd, King 0.29 The site's proximity to one of Halifax's busiest road junctions Filtered Cross, Halifax would prevent the site coming forward for housing. It would be unattractive to the market and is unlikely to be viable (due to mitigation measures and potential set back area from road).

LP0372 Land off, Rochdale Road, King Cross, Halifax 0.45 The site's location means attention would be required to Filtered avoid unsatisfactory environmental conditions e.g. Pollution/

noise. Listed building within site. Not known to be available The P and is unsuitable in terms of location.

LP0374 Store, Darnes Avenue, Pye Nest, Halifax, HX2 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0375 Heather Cottage, Darnes Avenue, Pye Nest, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations Halifax

LP0376 Land opposite 3, Darnes Avenue, Pye Nest, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Halifax, HX2 7

LP0379 Land off, Wakefield Gate, Savile Park, Halifax 0.49 Planning permission: Residential development of four Filtered detached dwellings and a detached garage.

LP0380 Land off, Kensington Road, Savile Park, Halifax 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0419 Land off, Burnley Road, Sowerby Bridge 0.66 Working Mineral site with permission until 2042. Filtered

LP0420 Friendly Snooker Club, Burnley Road, Sowerby 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0421 Marsh Works, Old Marsh, Burnley Road, Sowerby 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge, HX6

LP0422 Land off, Old Cawsey, Sowerby Bridge 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0423 Land off, St.Ann's Square, Sowerby Bridge 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 189

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LP0424 Site of Clifton Warehouse, Lower Clifton Street, 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 otential SiteAllocations

LP0425 Land off, Watson Mill Lane, Sowerby Bridge 0.39 Site currently in industrial and commercial use. Filtered

LP0426 Land adjacent 9 Hulme Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0427 Land Between, West Street & Syke Lane, 0.42 Natural and semi natural urban green spaces - retain as Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3BB recommended in the open space survey. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0428 Land off, Sowerby New Road, Sowerby Bridge 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0429 Westfield, Sowerby New Road, Sowerby Bridge 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0430 60-62 West Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0431 Land adjacent to 1 Hope Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0432 Land Adjacent, Croft Cottages, Sowerby Bridge 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0433 Former Public Baths, Hollins Mill Lane, Sowerby 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0434 Land off, Breck Lea, Sowerby Bridge 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0436 Land adjacent to 76 - 78 Dob Lane, Sowerby, 0.01 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP0437 Former Nursery School, Dean Lane, Sowerby, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP0687 Garden Of The Towers, Beech Road, Sowerby 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0696 Land adjacent 23 Clifton Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0699 Denby Works, Denby Place, Sowerby Bridge, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX6

LP0704 Crest Bungalow, Hill Crest Close, Sowerby Bridge, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX6

LP0709 Upper Old Hall Farm, Norland Town Road, 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Norland, Sowerby Bridge

LP0710 Barn at Fallingworth Hall Farm, Norland Town 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Norland, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3

LP0727 Barn at Moor Farm, Kitson Lane, Norland, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P Sowerby Bridge

LP0733 Heath Hall Farm, Clough Road, Norland, Sowerby 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP0747 Former office and land adjacent to, 20 Woodroyd, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations Luddenden Foot, Halifax

LP0798 Westfield Stables, Sowerby Croft Lane, Norland, 1.53 Greenfield site in a rural location. Currently within Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3SF Calderdale's designated green belt. Site coming forward dependant on adequate justification demonstrating the exceptional circumstances necessary to release land from the Green Belt.

LP0799 Land Off, Long Lane, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3QW 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0802 Barn at Upper Wat Ing Farm, London Road, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Norland, Sowerby Bridge

LP0823 Lane Ends Farm, Sparkhouse Lane, Norland, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3QG

LP0824 Land off, Harper Royd Lane & Sowerby Croft 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Norland, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 3QQ 191

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LP0864 Adj Copley Viaduct, Wakefield Road, Copley, 2.22 Greenfield site not linked to built part of settlement. Partly Filtered Halifax in flood zone 3. Access a major constraint. otential SiteAllocations

LP0867 Fixby Avenue Fish Pond, Washer Lane, Pye Nest, 0.29 Natural and semi natural urban green spaces - high quality Filtered Halifax - retain as open space as recommended in open space survey.

LP0874 Former Coal Drops, Station Road, Sowerby 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge, HX6

LP0879 Land adjacent 45, Leigh Street, Pye Nest, Halifax, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered HX6

LP0934 Town Farm, Queen Street, Sowerby, Sowerby 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge, HX6 1HZ

LP0994 Land adjacent to White Windows, Fore Lane, 0.43 14/00355/FUL - Residential development of eleven Filtered Sowerby Bridge, HX6 1BH dwellings with new road access including forming opening in wall.

LP0995 Land off, Watson Mill Lane, Sowerby Bridge 0.37 Site currently in industrial and commercial use. Filtered

LP0996 Land off, West Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0997 Asquith Bottom Mills, West Street, Sowerby 3.12 Site currently in industrial and commercial use. Filtered Bridge

LP1143 The Banks, Sowerby Bridge 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1145 Bright Street, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1146 Land rear of Glencairn, Hill Crest Close, Sowerby 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge, HX6

LP1206 Copley Lane, Copley, Halifax 0.27 Open Space survey states retain. Land within flood zone Filtered 3.

LP1208 Copley Valley Transformational Project, Wakefield 33.56 Development recently commenced. Filtered Road, Copley, Halifax Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1210 Wakefield Road, Sowerby Bridge 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1211 Wakefield Road, Sowerby Bridge 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1212 Land off, Walker Lane, Sowerby Bridge 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1213 Land adjacent to 100, Wakefield Road, Sowerby 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP1214 Former Canal Mills site, Wakefield Road, Sowerby 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP1304 Stanley Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P

LP1308 West Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1312 Fore Lane, Sowerby Bridge 1.24 Retained as amenity green space as recommended in Open Filtered Space survey. otential SiteAllocations LP1320 Mount Terrace/Tuel Lane, Sowerby Bridge 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1328 Industrial Road/Upper Fountain Street, Sowerby 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Bridge

LP1329 Park Street/Willow Street, Sowerby Bridge 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1343 Sowerby Bridge High School, Albert Road, 2.59 Sowerby Bridge High Sports field. CMBC owned land Filtered Sowerby Bridge retained for open space.

LP1356 Hollins Park, Cemetery Lane, Sowerby Bridge 10.21 The site is owned by the Council and consists of woodland Filtered and recreation and sporting grounds. The site has been assessed as part of the OS strategy which retains it for open space.

LP1400 Land at 518, Burnley Road, Halifax, HX2 7NB 0.33 The site is adjacent to the urban area and adjacent to major Filtered road with good transport links. The site is Open Space and lies within a Tree Preservation Order area. Steep site with stream running through. 193

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1412 Land North of, Lower Brockwell Lane, Sowerby 0.61 Steep site with restricted access, possibly more sustainable Filtered Bridge, HX6 3PB if merged with LP1398 which is adjacent to main road. otential SiteAllocations Planning application 06/01864/OUT refused for 1 dwelling on highways issues. Recommended for retention by the Open Space Study.

LP1422 Pickwood Nurseries, Pickwood Lane, Norland, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Sowerby Bridge

LP1539 Hollins Mill Lane, Sowerby Bridge 0.79 Mix of light industrial units and public house, all in use Filtered therefore filtered 4.9 Todmorden

Please use the following link to explore and comment on sites:- http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Local_Plan_Consultation

Potential Site Allocations - Todmorden

Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0002 Land adjacent 0.61 New employment Flooding, Possible Brownfield site available, suitable Mix of uses will New Mixed 18 Friths Mill, site; Contamination, location for development with determine the Use Site Valley Works, Wildlife corridors Ecology, Bat Alert, realistic prospect of development residential Bacup Road, Highway Access, taking place. Viability will depend capacity, initially Todmorden, Bad Neighbours on mitigating against flood risk and based on 30 dph

OL14 7PJ land contamination. for Mixed use The P sites. Ecological pressures may reduce developable area. Economic floorspace to be otential SiteAllocations determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0053 Land off Key 0.49 Openspace Ecology Brownfield land within the existing Ecological New 22 Syke Lane, urban; urban area, potential infill residential pressures may Housing Site Kilnhurst, Wildlife corridors development. Open Space survey reduce Todmorden, states to retain as natural green developable OL14 6AW space, but site visit confirmed land area. is in poor state (abandoned caravans, building materials & vehicles). 195

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0055 Hope Street Mill, 1.21 Primary Archaeology, Site is a suitable location for Mix of uses will New Mixed 36 otential SiteAllocations Hope Street, employment area; Possible development with a realistic determine the Use Site Todmorden Regeneration Contamination, prospect that the site could be residential priority areas; Bat Alert, Land developed. Likely to be attractive to capacity, initially Wildlife corridors Ownership, larger developers. Within Flood based on 30 dph Flooding, Ecology zone 3 - mitigation would be for Mixed use required should the site come sites. Ecological forward. pressures may reduce developable area. Economic floorspace to be determined in line with forthcoming Employment Land Studies.

LP0246 Alma Mill, Alma 0.33 Primary Archaeology, Site supports principles of Ecological New 16 Street, Walsden, employment area; Land Ownership, sustainable development, providing pressures may Housing Site Todmorden Regeneration Bat Alert, Ecology, the site is available there is no reduce priority areas; Possible obvious reason why development developable Wildlife corridors Contamination on the site would not be possible. area. Brownfield site of a reasonable size.

LP0635 Land off, Fir 0.93 New housing site; Bat Alert, Possible Greenfield new housing allocation New 42 Street, Walsden, Wildlife corridors Contamination, in current plan. Housing Site Todmorden Land Ownership, Ecology

LP0636 Walsden Estate, 0.86 Primary Possible Potentially suitable brownfield site. New 31 Rochdale Road, employment area; Contamination, Possible flooding issues as part of Housing Site Todmorden, Unstable land; Flooding, Ecology the site lies within flood zone 3a and OL14 6UD Wildlife corridors 3b. However, site is currently developed so unlikely to be an increase in surface water run off. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0637 Land Adjacent, 0.62 Primary Flooding, Ecology, Owner of site only intends 1 New 22 940 Rochdale employment area; Bat Alert, dwelling on submitted site area. Housing Site Road, Walsden, Unstable land; Topography Highly vegetated at present, impact Todmorden, Wildlife corridors on landscape could be significant. OL14 6TY The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP0649 Former 0.57 Primary Land Ownership, Very central, sustainably located New 26 Adamroyd Mill, employment area; Possible brownfield site close to town centre Housing Site

Victoria Street, Wildlife corridors Contamination, and community facilities. Would The P Todmorden Ecology, support some of the key principles Archaeology of sustainable development.

LP0651 Land off, Stoney 2.33 Protected land; Trees worthy of Potentially suitable site. 5 owners - New 70

Royd Lane, Wildlife corridors protection/TPO, 2 intend to develop the land for Housing Site otential SiteAllocations Todmorden Land Ownership, housing, 1 does not intend to Ecology develop the land for housing, and 2 have not replied - could be a constraint to development.

LP0658 Mill, Halifax 0.47 Primary housing Listed Building, Available, suitable location. New 17 Road, area; Ecology, Possible Realistic prospect of development Housing Site Todmorden Unstable land; Contamination, being delivered within next 5 years. Wildlife corridors Land Ownership, Outline application currently Bat Alert, pending consideration. Archaeology

LP0741 Walsden Goods 0.52 Openspace Possible Highway access issues will limit the New 19 Yard, Rear Of urban; Contamination, type and density of residential Housing Site Walsden Wildlife corridors Ecology, Bat Alert, development on the site. Should Station, Highway Access this be addressed, suitable site, Walsden, surrounded by residential Todmorden development. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures. 197

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LP0786 Land off, Station 0.35 Primary Ecology, Bat Alert, Public house and car park half of Ecological New 0 otential SiteAllocations Parade, employment area; Flooding the site - brownfield site within the pressures may Housing Site Todmorden, Primary housing existing urban area, residential uses reduce OL14 8PY area adjacent to site. Flood zone and developable Open Space designation constrain area development on other part of site.

LP0817 Land off 2.25 Area around Biodiversity Value, Greenfield site adjacent to Ecological New 86 Meadow Bottom Todmorden; Ecology, Land residential development on 3 sides. pressures may Housing Site Road, Park Special Stability, Land The allocation of the site would be reduce Road, landscape area; Ownership, Bat dependent on the outcome of the developable Todmorden Wildlife corridors Alert, green belt review and or exceptional area Archaeology, circumstances. Large site but not Trees worthy of excessive when viewed in context protection/TPO of wider area.

LP0821 Land at, 6.35 Area around Ecology, Rights of Development of site would be a Capacity would New 190 Woodhouse Todmorden; Way, Archaeology logical extension to the southern be reduced Housing Site Road, Special edge of Todmorden. The allocation because of the Todmorden landscape area; of the site would be dependent on Flood Zone Unstable land; the outcome of the green belt Wildlife corridors review and or exceptional circumstances. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered.

LP0903 Land off, Hole 0.63 Area around Bat Alert, Ecology, Various constraints to address Ecological New 28 Bottom, Todmorden; Trees worthy of should the site be put forward such pressures may Housing Site Todmorden, Special protection/TPO, as a protected tree belt, Area reduce OL14 landscape area; Highway Access Around Todmorden designation and developable Wildlife corridors access. Would however appear to area be a logical extension to settlement pattern, particularly with site LP0904. Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP0911 Land at, Cross 0.29 Area around Biodiversity Value, Greenfield site coming forward Ecological New 14 Stone, Todmorden; Highway Access, would depend on the Green Belt pressures may Housing Site Todmorden, Special Ecology, Bat Alert review as the land is designated as reduce OL14 8RQ landscape area; Area Around Todmorden. In close developable Unstable land; proximity to several large dwellings area Wildlife corridors - could be seen as logical infill of development pattern. On very edge of urban area.

LP0914 Land Opposite 2.02 Primary housing Trees worthy of Northern part of site suitable and is Ecological New 77 46-48, Hollins area; protection/TPO, proposed as a short term pressures may Housing Site

Road, Walsden, Wildlife corridors Rights of Way, deliverable site. Consent for 21 reduce The P Todmorden, Ecology, Bat Alert dwellings now lapsed. WY Ecology developable OL14 8BJ recommends the site to be filtered area due to ecological pressures.

LP1396 Adjacent to 3.68 Openspace Flooding, Highway Large Open space site part of which Capacity New 140 otential SiteAllocations Sackville Street, urban; Access, Ecology, is within the flood zone, directly reduced by Housing Site Todmorden, Town centre; Bat Alert, Possible adjacent to the urban area and TPOs, flood OL14 Washland; Contamination, could facilitate some development. zone, cycleway, Wildlife corridors Land Ownership Partly Council owned land, the playground. allocation of which will be Ecological dependent on Council plans for the pressures may land. also reduce developable area.

LP1402 Land Off, 0.54 Area around Possible Edge of urban area, presently New 24 Longfield Road, Todmorden; Contamination, located within the green belt. Housing Site Todmorden, Special Biodiversity Value Greenfield land, steeply sloping. OL14 6ND landscape area; The allocation of the site would be Wildlife corridors dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. 199

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Address Site Current Constraints Site Summary Capacity Potential Residential Reference Area Designation Comments Site Capacity (Ha) Allocations

LP1464 Land Off, Stoney 1.62 Openspace Flooding, Land Possible Urban Extension option Capacity may be New Urban 49 otential SiteAllocations Royd Lane, urban; Ownership, Bat identified as part of the Land reduced due to Extension Todmorden Wildlife corridors Alert Allocations site assessment flood risk and process. access constraints.

LP1471 Scaitcliffe Hall, 1.21 Primary housing Listed Building, The site is located within an area Capacity likely to New 44 Burnley Road, area; Trees worthy of that is suitable for housing be affected by Housing Site Todmorden Wildlife corridors protection/TPO, development, close to existing protected trees Bat Alert residential development, local on site. services and amenities. The presence of listed buildings and protected trees would appear to be the main constraints.

LP1531 Land north of, 2.33 Area around Landfill/Adjacent The allocation of the site would be New 105 Keats Avenue, Todmorden; landfill site, Listed dependent on the outcome of the Housing Site Todmorden Special Building green belt review and or exceptional landscape area; circumstances. Site on edge of Unstable land; urban area with no other obvious Wildlife corridors constraints that would prevent development.

LP1534 Birks Mill, Birks 0.71 Primary Possible Brownfield site within existing urban New 32 Lane, Walsden, employment area; Contamination, area, close proximity to existing Housing Site Todmorden Unstable land; Trees worthy of services and transport network. Wildlife corridors protection/TPO, Protected trees on site may affect Bat Alert capacity.

LP1535 Todmorden 1..02 Existing Bat Alert, Highway Site lies between railway lines in Economic New 0 West Railway passenger Access, Land Todmorden (Todmorden Curve). floorspace to be Employment Curve, railway; Ownership Likely to be more suited for determined in Site Stansfield Road, Hameldon hill employment, access likely to be a line with Todmorden consultation significant constraint, would need forthcoming zone; to be from the west of the site. Employment Wildlife corridors Land Studies. Filtered Sites - Todmorden

Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0001 Land adjacent Stansfield Cottages, Hole Bottom 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered Road, Todmorden

LP0019 Land adjacent to Carr House Lane, Off Cross 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Stone Lane, Todmorden, OL14

LP0035 Brearley Mills, Halifax Road, Eastwood, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden, OL14 6EF

LP0054 Derdale Mill, Derdale Street, Todmorden 0.84 Implementation of planning permission for 22 town houses Filtered and 12 apartments underway. The P

LP0056 Land adjacent to The Boathouse, Stackhills 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Todmorden

LP0068 Cornholme Library, Ackroyd Street, Cornholme, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

Todmorden, OL14 8NH otential SiteAllocations

LP0208 Land south of, Broadstone Street, Todmorden 0.51 Greenfield site within PHA. Site relatively flat on the northern Filtered half, falls away steeply on the southern half. Millwood rail tunnel is below the site - filter.

LP0209 Land junction off Phoenix Street and, Halifax 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Todmorden

LP0210 Outbuilding At Castle Lodge East, Halifax Road, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0211 Site of, garage at 7 Castle Lane, Todmorden, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered OL14

LP0212 Land off, Shakespear Avenue, Todmorden 0.18 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0230 Land off, Burnley Road, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.85 Factory in use. Filtered

LP0231 Land off, Pudsey Road, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 201

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0232 Land off, Spring Villas, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations LP0233 Garage Adj 815, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0245 Hollins Mill, Hollins Road, Walsden, Todmorden 0.55 Working mill Filtered

LP0316 Land off, Holebottom Road, Todmorden, OL14 1.27 Greenfield site - current designation is Area Around Filtered 8BG Todmorden. Large site, in predominantly rural area, surrounded by agricultural land and dispersed detached dwellings. Part of land also open space to be retained.

LP0317 Adjacent Royd Farm, The Royd, Todmorden, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered OL14

LP0324 Garage Site and Site off, 26 Victoria Road, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0325 Christ Church, Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.54 Flood zones 2 & 3, open space (cemeteries and Filtered churchyards) and listed building.

LP0326 Land off, Ridge Road, Todmorden 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0327 Land off, Halifax Road, Todmorden, OL14 5AT 0.78 Car parks in use, designated flood zones 2 & 3 and Filtered recommended to retain in the open space survey.

LP0328 Todmorden Craft Centre, Lever Street, 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0329 Land off, Castle Street, Todmorden, OL14 8AA 2.38 Site filtered from Local Plan, surrounded on three sides by Filtered agricultural land. Greenfield site the development of which would harm the quality of the local countryside. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0330 Former garage site adjacent 374 Halifax Road, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0629 Salford Industrial Estate, Salford Way, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden, OL14 7AL Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0630 Mill and Corporation Yard, Burnley Road, 0.14 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0631 Land to north of Millbrook House, Rochdale 0.73 Site of recent flood defence improvements, including new Filtered Road, Todmorden exit from adjacent superstore. Flood zones 2 and 3 designation for part of the site - filter as not suitable site to bring forward. Also cliff face on eastern section of site.

LP0632 Land off, Knowlwood Road, Todmorden 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0633 Land adjacent 91, Bacup Road, Todmorden 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0634 Land adjacent Stones Wood Mill, Bacup Road, 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P Todmorden

LP0638 Garage/workshop at 1 Dean Villas, Walsden, 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden, OL14 6

LP0639 Hollins Farm, The Hollins, Todmorden 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered otential SiteAllocations

LP0640 Land off The Hollins,, Stansfield Hall Road, 1.32 Openspace urban designation - recommended to retain in Filtered Todmorden, OL14 OS survey

LP0641 Land side of Bryn Siriol, West View, Todmorden 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0642 Land off, Poplar Avenue, Todmorden 0.39 Amenity greenspace Filtered

LP0643 Land off, Ashenhurst Close, Todmorden 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0644 Land off, Dineley Avenue, Todmorden 0.46 High quality amenity green space - suggested to retain in Filtered open space survey.

LP0645 Garage site off, Poplar Avenue, Todmorden 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0646 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.16 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0647 Rear of 10 Stile Road, Todmorden 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0648 Pennine Lodge, Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.17 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 203

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0650 Land at junction of, Ashenhurst Rd and Burnley 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Rd, Todmorden otential SiteAllocations

LP0652 Land off, Dineley Avenue, Todmorden 0.56 Amenity green space - retain as recommended in open Filtered space survey.

LP0653 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0654 Land adjacent 15 Pollard Street, Todmorden 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0655 Land off, Burnley Road, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.33 Retain as open space as recommended in survey. Land Filtered also within flood zone 3. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0656 Land opposite Vale Baptist Church, Burnley 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Cornholme, Todmorden

LP0657 716a Burnley Road, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0659 Land rear off 302, Halifax Road, Todmorden 0.58 Retain as open space as recommended in the open space Filtered survey.

LP0660 Cricket Club & Land, Halifax Road, Eastwood, 0.62 Site is greenfield within the existing urban area. Currently Filtered Todmorden designated Amenity Open Space - site is identified as washland in RCUDP which is a major constraint. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0661 Land Off, Halifax Road, Eastwood, Todmorden 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0662 CVS LTD, Jumble Hole Road, Eastwood, 1.04 Presently within Area Around Todmorden and Special Filtered Todmorden, OL14 8SF Landscape Area - sprawl development would harm high quality local countryside / woodland area. Site lies partly within flood zone and access issues that would need to be addressed.

LP0723 The Barn, Higher Longfield Farm, Rough Side 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Lane, Todmorden Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0724 Strines Mill, Ramsden Wood Road, Walsden, 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0726 The Barn, Warland Farm, Todmorden 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0729 Outbuildings at Stones House, Stones Lane, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0730 Land adjacent 165, Knowlwood Road, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0731 Kilnhurst Works, Summerfield Road, Todmorden 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered The P LP0737 Bron Lea Bungalow, Long Causeway, Blackshaw 0.05 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Head, Hebden Bridge

LP0738 Land west of Crossley House, Swineshead 0.06 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Road, Todmorden, OL14 otential SiteAllocations LP0742 Steanor Bottom Farm Barn, Todmorden Road, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0743 North Midgelden Barn, Bacup Road, Todmorden 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0753 Barn at Stannally Farm, Stoney Royd Lane, 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP0785 Land off, Burnley Road, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.44 Planning permission obtained for conversion. Filtered

LP0787 Land off, Station Parade, Todmorden 0.25 Site currently in industrial and commercial use. Filtered

LP0788 Land off, Burnley Road, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.42 Flood risk zones 2 & 3 (part) and amenity green space to Filtered be retained as recommended in survey.

LP0801 Barn/garage at Stoodley Lodge, Stoodley Lane, 0.15 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Eastwood, Todmorden

LP0838 Barn at Middle Stoodley Farm, Lee Bottom Road, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden, OL14 6 205

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0848 Glen Cottage, Woodbine Terrace, Cornholme, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden, OL14 8 otential SiteAllocations

LP0888 Castle House, Dobroyd Road, Todmorden, OL14 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 7JJ

LP0898 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden, OL14 7BX 0.43 Brownfield land within the existing urban area, immediately Filtered adjacent to Category 2 route and very close to town centre amenities and facilities. The majority of the site falls within flood zones 2 & 3.

LP0899 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden, OL14 7BU 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0900 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden, OL14 7BY 0.37 Filtered - planning permission granted for demolition of Filtered building and retail development. Works yet to commence.

LP0901 Land off, Woodlands Avenue, Todmorden 0.73 Amenity greenspace / Natural and semi natural urban green Filtered spaces. Retain as recommended in open space survey.

LP0902 Land off, Woodlands Avenue, Todmorden 0.92 Natural and semi natural urban green spaces. Retain as Filtered recommended in open space survey.

LP0904 Land off, Hole Bottom Road, Todmorden 0.27 Allotments - OS survey states retain Filtered

LP0905 Land and buildings at, Burnley Road/Carr Road, 0.34 Open space designation. Retain as recommended in open Filtered Todmorden space survey.

LP0906 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0907 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.23 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP0908 Land off, Burnley Road, Todmorden 1.00 Working mill site Filtered

LP0909 Land off, Mellor Street, Todmorden 0.33 Site within Primary Housing Area - Very steep hillside, tree Filtered covered. Topography of the site would suggest development of the site would not be achievable. Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP0910 Land between Glen Terrace and, Church Hill, 0.38 2013 - lapsed, therefore set to HIA from ST Filtered Todmorden 2013 - questionnaire return states 2002 permission still extant therefore set to Year 5 as owner intends to develop but not stated when. 2014 - HLA shows as lapsed & therefore moved to HIA

LP0912 Castle Hill, Castle Lane, Todmorden 0.63 Retained as Natural and semi natural urban green space Filtered as recommended in Open Space survey. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0913 Pickthall Terrace, Millwood, Todmorden, OL14 1.78 Open Space survey recommends retain, partly within FZ 2 Filtered

& 3, planning permission given for welfare facility. WY The P Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due to ecological pressures.

LP0935 Land off, Rochdale Road, Walsden, Todmorden, 0.48 Retain as open space as recommended in the open space Filtered

OL14 survey. WY Ecology recommends the site to be filtered due otential SiteAllocations to ecological pressures.

LP0936 Dean Royd Works, Deanroyd Road, Walsden, 0.45 Land situated within flood zone 3. Filtered Todmorden

LP1005 Top O Th Hill Farm, Walsden, Todmorden, OL14 0.24 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered 6QR

LP1006 Land off, Off Hollins Road, Walsden, Todmorden, 24.72 Not a suitable location for development as it would result in Filtered OL14 6RA sprawl harming character of both Walsden & the local countryside. Also ecological constraints. Open space part of site to be retained as recommended in the open space survey.

LP1007 Howarth Removals, Howarth Street, Todmorden 0.08 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1235 Ashenhurst Road, Todmorden 1.27 Planning permission has been implemented but not Filtered completed and the site is regarded as short term deliverable. 207

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otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1237 Site of 480 - 488 & 1 - 9 Knotts Street, Burnley 0.98 Natural and semi natural urban green spaces, retain as open Filtered Road, Todmorden space as recommended in the open space survey. otential SiteAllocations

LP1257 Portsmouth Allotments Haven Meadow, Station 0.70 Allotment gardens - retain as open space as recommended Filtered Parade, Todmorden in the open space survey.

LP1258 Hirst Street/Harrison Street, Cornholme, 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP1259 Burnley Road/Station Road, Cornholme, 0.11 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP1260 Adj 596 Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1261 Pollard Street/Churchill Street, Todmorden 0.02 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1262 Churchill Street/Plane Street, Todmorden 0.03 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1263 Todmorden Sports Centre, Ewood Lane, 0.86 Openspace / sports centre to be retained Filtered Todmorden

LP1264 Blind Lane/West Street, Todmorden 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1265 Blind Lane/Burnley Road, Todmorden 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1266 Birks Lane, Walsden, Todmorden 0.20 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1267 Chapel Street South/Rochdale Road, Walsden, 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP1268 Vulcan Street/Rochdale Road, Walsden, 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Todmorden

LP1269 Littleholme Street/Cannon Street, Todmorden 0.13 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1270 Laneside Street, Todmorden 0.04 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1271 Oak Street/Bar Street, Todmorden 0.12 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1272 Oak Street, Todmorden 0.07 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1294 Dalton Street Car Park, Todmorden 0.09 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1306 Lever Street, Todmorden 0.10 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation Filtered

LP1319 Upper Calderdale Transfer Station, Halifax Road, 0.79 Upper Calderdale Waste Transfer Station - recently Filtered Eastwood, Todmorden refurbished. Recommendation to filter.

LP1421 Hanging Field Farm, Hey Head Lane, 0.36 Site in predominantly rural surroundings designated as Area Filtered Todmorden Around Todmorden in the current plan. Detached piece of land, not adjacent to any urban areas. Would not support

the principles of sustainable development. The P

LP1525 Former Mill, Pudsey Road, Cornholme, 0.72 14/00540/OUT - Construction of 27 No. new dwellings on Filtered Todmorden former mill complex (now demolished) Outline permitted 24.06.2015

LP1526 Works off, Pudsey Road, Cornholme, Todmorden 0.63 13/00576/FUL - Residential development of twenty three Filtered otential SiteAllocations dwellings (Amended Plan) Permitted - 15.07.2014

LP1527 Car park of former Country Friends Public 0.50 This former public house car park forms the curtilage of the Filtered House, Sourhall Road, Todmorden public house is located in an unsuitable location. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances.

LP1528 St Aidens, Bacup Road, Todmorden 0.19 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered

LP1529 Todmorden Fire Station, Stansfield Road, 0.25 Fire station and ambulance station in use. Filtered Todmorden

LP1530 Land south, Cinder Hill Road, Todmorden 0.22 Site is below the site size threshold for allocation. Filtered

LP1532 Former allotment gardens, Crossley Street, 0.81 Open space designation, land covered by a blanket tree Filtered Todmorden preservation order.

LP1533 Gordon Rigg Nurseries, Rochdale Road, 2.35 Site currently in use as a garden centre. Filtered Walsden, Todmorden 209

Potential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Calderdale MBC - Autumn 2015 4


otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Local the of Aspects other and Sites otential P 2015 utumn A - MBC dale Calder 4 The P Site Reference Address Site Area Site Summary Potential Site (Ha) Allocations

LP1536 Land between, Rochdale Rd & Allescholes Rd, 2.45 Greenfield site in the greenbelt. Site is not likely to be vaible Filtered Walsden, Todmorden due to topography, possible contamination and unstable otential SiteAllocations land. The allocation of the site would be dependent on the outcome of the green belt review and or exceptional circumstances. Climate Change 211

5.1 Climate change, as the government states, "is one of the most serious environmental threats facing the world" (www.decc.gov.uk, 2012). The impacts resulting from a changing climate will not only be environmental, but social and economic as well. Environmental impacts are predicted to include extreme weather events, rising temperatures, changes in biodiversity, and flooding. Social impacts are predicted to include negative impacts on health, as a result of heat waves and floods. Economic impacts were highlighted in the Stern 5 Report(vi) which stated that if action were not taken, the costs of climate change would be equivalent to losing 5% global GDP each year, whilst the costs of acting in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions would be around 1% GDP each year.

5.2 Climate change is caused by the release of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. GHGs

include Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane, Nitrous Oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur utumn 2015 hexafluoride. The main contributors are Carbon Dioxide, which accounted for approximately 84% of the UK's (vii) man made greenhouse gas emissions in 2010, Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). The Energy

Supply and Transport sectors are the main contributors to CO2 emissions, whilst agriculture is the main contributor to both Methane and Nitrous Oxide emissions. dale MBC - A 5.3 Climate Change is relevant to the majority of all the topic areas that are addressed within the Core Strategy. National Planning Policy in the form of the NPPF expresses the government's objective that "planning should Calder fully support the transition to a low carbon economy, taking full account of flood risk.....and water supply and demand considerations". In order to support the move towards a low carbon energy, Calderdale's local plan is required to provide a planning policy framework that :

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions; Supports energy efficiency improvements to existing buildings; and Is consistent with the Government's zero carbon buildings policy and adopted national standards.

5.4 There are a number of distinct elements to the Climate Change Policy which cut across a number of specific policy topics as follows:

Sustainable Transport; Sustainable Design and Construction; Renewable and Low Carbon Energy; Flood Risk; and Biodiversity.

5.5 The following Core policy provides a framework to ensure the impacts from climate change are addressed otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan across different policy areas. P

Policy CP 4

Climate Change

The Council will expect development proposals to contribute to mitigating and adapting to the predicted impacts of climate change by:

Supporting Sustainable Transport Networks through a reduction in travel demand, growth and congestion; Locating development in areas accessible by public transport, and safe, attractive well linked cycling and walking routes, whilst recognising the different needs of rural areas; Adopting Sustainable Design and Construction methods, meeting national standards as a minimum; Increasing levels of Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Generation, through both a range of technologies and domestic, community and commercial scale schemes, whilst taking account of cumulative and environmental impacts; Protecting and enhancing Green Infrastructure Networks, acknowledging the benefits these can bring; Minimising flood risk, limiting surface water run off; Protecting and enhancing biodiversity habitats, taking care not to create barriers to the movement of wildlife over the wider landscape; vi Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, HM Treasury, 2006 vii Department for Energy and Climate Change, 2011 UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Provisional Figures, and 2010 UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Final Figures By Fuel Type and End -User March 2012 212 Climate Change

Table 5.1 Monitoring: Climate Change

Outcomes As per relevant policy topics

5 Indicators As per relevant policies in Sections covering:

Calder Sustainable Travel Energy Efficiency and Design Renewable and Low Carbon (RLC) Energy dale MBC - A Flood Risk Biodiversity

utumn 2015 Targets As per relevant policies in Sections covering

Sustainable Travel Energy Efficiency and Design Renewable and Low Carbon (RLC) Energy P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Flood Risk Biodiversity High Quality Inclusive Design 213

6.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) establishes that the overriding purpose of the planning function is to achieve sustainable development and recognises high quality design as being crucial in its realisation:

‘Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning and should 6 contribute positively to making places better for people’.

6.2 Further, the Government states that ‘it is important to plan positively for the achievement of high quality and inclusive design for all development, including individual buildings, public and private spaces and wider area development schemes’. utumn 2015 6.3 Good design facilitates, and contributes to local distinctiveness, a sense of place, and civic pride. It can improve and enhance the existing environment and helps to attract people, businesses and investment. The quality of architecture and design are both significant to the impact of development in urban and rural areas, with good development requiring an understanding of the context in which it takes place. dale MBC - A 6.4 Appropriately designed buildings, places and spaces help to create attractive environments that set a positive context for the creation of successful places and sustainable communities. Design is not solely about how development looks, but how it functions and how well it meets the needs of present and future users. The Calder Council is committed to achieving high quality buildings and places across the borough. A key component of this is to ensure that all new development adopts high standards of design.

6.5 Calderdale has a rich and varied heritage, both in terms of the built environment and its landscapes. From the early expansion of settlements for agricultural and trading purposes, through the industrial revolution, and particularly the rise of the textile trade, the present day communities of Calderdale have inherited a very significant historic environment asset base. Calderdale’s history can be defined through its landscape and stone buildings, and these aspects form a key part of its present day distinctiveness.

6.6 By incorporating high quality design principles into all new development, the built environment can be enhanced, taking account of the local character and local individuality of Calderdale's towns and villages. The Council will however encourage outstanding architecture and design in both contemporary and more traditional styles providing it is compatible with, and reinforces the established local distinctiveness.

6.7 New development will be required to demonstrate that it is appropriate to the character and context of the local and surrounding environment. This will require consideration of not just the aesthetics of the development, but how the development addresses the connections between people and places and the integration of new

development into the natural, built and historic environment. otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P

6.8 As such design covers issues of:

Aesthetics – ensuring that development establishes a strong sense of place using streetscapes and buildings to create attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit. Design policy aims to generate development that is visually appealing as a result of good architecture which responds to the established character of the borough and enhances such local distinctiveness.

Development should create safe and accessible environments where crime and fear of crime do not undermine quality of life or social cohesion. Aesthetics includes a range of factors including height, massing, scale, form, siting, materials, landscaping and boundary treatment.

Function – a building or place should be fit for purpose, designed and delivered in a way that delivers the intended function and achieves value for money in terms of lifetime costs. Function will include layout and access considerations, ensuring access for all members of the community and reducing the obesogenic environment.

Development should be intuitive, comfortable and safe, whilst relating well to its environmental circumstances so that occurrences such as flooding, temperature extremes and air pollution do not prevent it from being used.

Sustainability – Design policy should ensure that new development both, residential and non-residential demonstrates a commitment to sustainable design and construction, increasing energy efficiency and promoting the use of sustainable low or zero forms of renewable energy generation. 214 High Quality Inclusive Design

There are also some overlapping functional aspects to consider such as the inclusion of ‘trip-end’ facilities in workplaces to encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport, the creation of places offering a wide mixture of uses and ensuring a place is durable and adaptable making it less resource hungry over time. 6 6.9 The ‘obesogenic environment’ refers to environments that help contribute to obesity. The design of the built

Calder environment has a role to play in limiting these factors through, for example ‘point-of-decision prompts’ such as encouraging stair use over lift use in buildings, enhancing access to healthy food and encouraging easy

dale MBC - A access to open space and areas where communities may be physically active.

6.10 Good design is important at all spatial scales, from the individual building level (both in internal layout and external architectural details) to the wider neighbourhood and even settlement scale. It will therefore consider outside spaces, local public amenity land and shared spaces equally, alongside the built form. While good

utumn 2015 design is important for all types of development, housing design in particular is a focus for the Council. The Calderdale Housing Strategy 2012-2017 sets out the ambitions of the Council to help reduce the amount of poor quality housing and increase the number of decent homes. Although much of the housing strategy work relates to the improvement of the existing housing stock, the design of new housing has an equally important role to play. P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 6.11 The NPPF states that Local Planning Authorities should have local design review arrangements in place to provide assessment and support to ensure high standards of design. Schemes in Calderdale that are likely to have a significant landscape or townscape impact will be expected to undertake a design review as part of the application process. For Calderdale, a regional design review service is available through Integreat plus, a peer-review panel who operate in keeping with the principles and practice guidance agreed by Design Council CABE, RIBA, RTPI and the Landscape Institute. Design review is most effective at the pre-planning application stage and provides a positive opportunity to improve scheme design at an early stage in the process.

6.12 In addition to design review, a number of design tools are available to help evolve and assess the design elements of proposed new developments, including for example:

General Design Guidance

Planning Practice Guidance: Design National Planning Policy Framework: Requiring Good Design

Homes and Neighbourhood

Technical Housing Standards Review (2015) Building for Life 12 Making Places: The Quality Design Guide Secured by Design: New Homes 2014

Public Realm

Manual for Streets Street Design for All


Planning for Public Transport in Developments Bus Stop Toolkit

New Buildings

Design Quality Indicators BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) Home Quality Mark Secured by Design: Commercial Developments 2015

High Quality Inclusive Design 215

6.13 The following policy is proposed to ensure that high quality, inclusive design is integrated into all future developments:

6 Policy CP 5

High Quality, Inclusive Design

New developments will ensure high quality, inclusive design and demonstrate a holistic approach to design quality. Applicants' Design and Access Statements will demonstrate consideration of the aesthetics, function utumn 2015 and sustainability of proposed new developments over the lifetime of the development:

Aesthetics – the design style proposed in new developments should respect or enhance the character and appearance of existing buildings and surroundings, taking account of its local context and

distinctiveness, in particular any heritage assets. Contemporary, innovative design will be encouraged dale MBC - A where it can be demonstrated that this will not harm the significance of any designated heritage assets in its vicinity, including, where relevant, their setting. Function – design will consider issues around access and ease of movement within and through the Calder development by all sectors of the community and by all modes of transport; the general layout of the scheme within the context of its surroundings; health implications including the modification of the obesogenic environment; safety issues such as land stability, pollution and mining legacy; and secured by design principles to promote community safety and crime prevention measures. Sustainability - climate change, energy efficiency and water efficiency measures will be central to the design of new developments in line with the requirements set out in the Sustainable Design and Construction policy. Design will put sustainable forms of transport (walking, cycling and public transport) above other motor vehicles, including measures of support such as ‘trip-end’ facilities in work places.

Proposals relating to new housing should be in line with design requirements set out in this Plan's Housing Section on density, quality and mix, and the Council's latest Housing Strategy.

Developments that are likely to have a significant landscape or townscape impact will be subject to Design Review; this should be undertaken at pre-application stage to ensure that proposals are not sufficiently advanced to implement any potential design changes. otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

P 216 Sustainable Design and Construction

7.1 The primary function of the planning system, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and supported by National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The need to facilitate the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate is cited as a core principle of the NPPF. 7 7.2 At the heart of sustainable design and construction is the aspiration of creating buildings that meet the needs

Calder of building users and the wider community whilst avoiding or reducing the harmful impacts associated with the construction and operation of the building. dale MBC - A 7.3 Developments and their construction contribute a significant amount to the UK’s carbon emissions. The Council acknowledges the need to ensure new development is as environmentally sustainable as possible to support its commitment to protecting and enhancing the environment and tackling climate change. The sustainability of homes and other buildings as part of development proposals offer the potential to generate

utumn 2015 significant carbon savings and the provision of renewable energy. Incorporating sustainable design and construction principles to all scales and types of development will minimise environmental impacts and ultimately mitigate for, and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

7.4 There are many opportunities to integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives into the Local P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Plan. Mitigation relates to the causes of climate change and is principally addressed through the control of greenhouse gas emissions by means such as the provision of sustainable transport, opportunities for renewable and low carbon energy technologies, opportunities for decentralised energy and heating and the promotion of low carbon design approaches to reduce energy consumption in buildings.

7.5 Adaptation is associated with the consequences of climate change, and involves actions such as the consideration of future climate risks when allocating development sites, promotion of adaptation measures in design policies, flood risk considerations for the lifetime of the development and the availability of water and associated infrastructure along with design responses to promote water efficiency and protect water quality.

7.6 Such measures should be considered at an early stage, and throughout the development process in order to reduce costs and ensure the borough will be more adequately equipped to deal with future impacts of climate change.

7.7 Whilst the planning function may only have a limited impact on increasing the energy efficiency of existing buildings, policy should ensure that new non-residential development demonstrates a commitment to sustainable design and construction, increasing energy efficiency through design and promoting the use of sustainable low or zero forms of renewable energy generation in order to increase the sustainability of the building stock throughout Calderdale.

7.8 The Deregulation Act has made a significant change to the Planning and Energy Act 2008, by removing the clause which enabled Local Authorities to establish any additional local technical standards or requirements relating to the construction, internal layout or performance of new dwellings. The introduction of a new simplified Technical Housing Standard to be incorporated into the Building Regulation regime will establish standards for water consumption, energy, accessibility, security and space.

7.9 The amendment to the Planning and Energy Act only applies to buildings that provide dwellings. Non-domestic development is therefore not affected and Breeam conditions will remain part of the Council’s tools to promote sustainable design and construction of buildings. Sustainable Design and Construction 217

Policy CP 6

Sustainable Design and Construction 7 All new residential development will be expected to incorporate sustainable design and construction principles throughout the development process in line with the Government’s objective of setting energy standards through the Building Regulations function.

All new non-residential development will be expected to meet at least BREEAM level ‘very good’ with immediate

effect, subject to review over the plan period to ensure the target remains relevant. The demonstration of the utumn 2015 achievement of this standard should be set out in the Energy Statement.

All development proposals will be encouraged to reflect high quality design and high environmental standards, demonstrating sustainable construction methods including but not limited to: dale MBC - A Minimising both energy demands and energy loss Maximising passive solar lighting and natural ventilation Calder Maximising resource efficiency Incorporating the use of recycled and energy efficient materials Incorporating the use of locally sourced building materials Reducing waste and pollution and making adequate provision for the recycling of waste Making use of sustainable drainage methods Reducing the impact on the external environment and maximising opportunities for cooling and shading (for example by the provision of open space and water, planting and green roofs) and; Maximising the reuse of existing resources and materials to minimise waste and the loss of embodied energy associated with the production of building materials and products.

The onus will be on the developer to demonstrate why the requirements cannot be met, for example where the application of the policy would conflict with other policy objectives, or where it can be satisfactorily shown that implementing the standards would not be feasible or financially viable, undermining delivery of the development. otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P 218 Housing

Please note that parts of this section and particularly those relating to the housing land allocations will be completed once the actual land allocations to be included in the draft local plan have been determined following this consultation and further consultation with the relevant statutory bodies and 8 completion of the green belt review. This includes the housing trajectory. Figures relating to the other sources of housing supply will be subject to further analysis but are included here to provide an Calder indication of the scale of the housing land allocations.

dale MBC - A The draft text demonstrates how the emerging Local Plan may develop but will be fully reviewed following determination of the housing land allocations. You may wish to comment on the approach set out below.

utumn 2015 8.1 Successive Government's have sought to both increase and improve the quality of the housing stock in order to meet the needs of present and future generations. Nationally the shortage of housing and particularly affordable housing is well documented. Local Authorities through their Local Plans and Housing Strategies have a major role to play in achieving this objective by controlling the location and scale of housing land

P allocations, encouraging and enabling improvements to the existing housing stock and influencing the building otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan programmes of Registered Providers. The scale of the housing requirement to be met through the Local Plan is discussed in the earlier section entitled 'Scale of Growth Required' whilst more detailed matters such as the actual land allocations, type, size and affordability of housing and the needs of specific groups such as gypsies and travellers are discussed here.

Delivering the housing requirement figure

Sources of housing supply

8.2 Whilst the housing needs of the district are to be met largely from new land allocations there are other sources of housing supply that have a role to play. These primarily include extant planning permissions and windfall sites as shown in Table 8.1 'Sources of Housing Land Supply' . At this stage of plan preparation firm figures are not available for all the sources of supply. The figures provided are intended to indicate the level of housing growth that will need to be met by new land allocations. These various components of housing land supply are discussed below:

Completions - Since the overall housing requirement has been adjusted to reflect the Local Plan base date (see earlier section on Scale of Growth) there are, as yet, no annual completions to include. Reference to completions here is for clarity.

RCUDP Allocations - The remaining housing and mixed use allocations in the Replacement Calderdale Unitary Development Plan were re-assessed during the land allocations work with those found deliverable carried forward into the Local Plan.

Extant Planning Permissions - Over recent quarters the Council’s Housing Land Availability database (HLA) has shown that there are consistently sufficient planning permissions to deliver around 3,100 dwellings. In order to ascertain the actual quantum of dwellings that will be delivered a questionnaire survey of applicants/agents is undertaken as part of the SHLAA Review process but unfortunately the response rate has been low. This approach is complimented by the views of housebuilder representatives on the SHLAA Working Group. The HLA database shows that when averaged over a number of years fewer than 2% of planning permissions actually lapse. For forward planning purposes it is appropriate to take a conservative view of the potential contribution from existing planning permissions. The overall figure has therefore been reduced by 10% (the same approach as taken with the RCUDP and also reflected in research by the DOE(viii)) which allows for the fact that some permissions will lapse and/or be renewed to keep them ‘live’ whilst not all will be completely built out. At the plan base date there were 3,034 dwellings with planning permission (HLA database/March 2015 Review). Reducing this by 10% provides a figure of 2,730 dwellings (rounded).

Windfall sites - Sites which have not been specifically identified as available in the Local Plan process including in the SHLAA. They normally comprise previously developed sites that have unexpectedly become available. The NPPF states that these may be included in the 5 year supply if there is compelling

viii Housing Land Availability, DoE 1995 Housing 219

evidence that such sites have consistently become available in the local area and will continue to provide a reliable source of supply. Information regarding past windfall rates and their contribution to the five year supply is included in the SHLAA. On average over the twelve year period from 2003/04 to 2014/15 (a period of both high and low economic activity) windfalls accounted for 458 dwelling completions annually. This shows the important contribution such sites have made to housing supply 8 in Calderdale and clearly windfalls will continue to make a contribution to housing supply over the Plan period. A number of factors will influence the level of this contribution. Neighbourhood Plans, recent changes to permitted development rights for change of use from B1 office to residential use and the relaxed prior notification procedure to change from retail and agricultural uses to residential all have the potential to contribute to the level of windfalls coming forward. Taking all these consideration into

account an allowance of 200 dwellings per year from windfalls is included throughout the plan period, utumn 2015 other than for the first three years in order to reflect the fact that most windfalls that will contribute to the supply in the first 3 years are already likely to have planning permission. Whilst representing just over 15% (15.9%) of the Plan's housing requirement, it is very much a conservative estimate when viewed against long term historic rates. It is, however, an approach aimed at boosting housing supply, a key objective of the NPPF. Given that many windfalls occur within existing settlements they tend to dale MBC - A be in sustainable locations and as such in accordance with the principles of the NPPF. The contribution

from windfalls will continue to be monitored and will be reflected in the annual five year supply Calder assessments.

Small Identified Sites – Given that the SHLAA employed a threshold of 0.1ha there remain sites identified in the Local Plan process (and therefore not windfalls) which fall below the Local Plan site allocation threshold of 0.25ha but which have the potential to add to the supply of housing. Some of the factors mentioned above with the potential to influence windfall rates also apply to these sites. Taking all of these factors into consideration a conservative estimate of xx dwellings per annum (other than the first 3 years) is included in the supply. FIGURE TO BE PROVIDED FOLLOWING FURTHER ANALYSIS OF SHLAA SITES 0.1 - 0.249HA IN SIZE.

Empty dwellings - As at April 2015 there were 1692 empty dwellings (defined as empty for 6 months or longer) in the district and the Council through its Housing Service is actively pursuing initiatives to bring these back into residential use. However, many such properties can be difficult to bring back into residential use (as documented in the Council’s Empty Homes Strategy 2010-2015 and reflected in the SHMA) and it is therefore difficult to quantify the contribution empty properties may make to delivering housing over the plan period and therefore a figure has not been included here for this source.

Other initiatives - Initiatives that are underway, including those in the Local Investment Plan, have otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P the potential to contribute to the supply of housing but due to the lack of certainty surrounding some of these proposals together with the fact that they could be argued to duplicate the windfall allowance no figure has been included in the Plan.

New Allocations - The remaining requirement is met through new land allocations.

Table 8.1 Sources of Housing Land Supply

Number Dwellings Comments

A Housing Requirement 17651

Sources of Supply

Net completions at plan base date 0 Requirement adjusted to correspond with plan base date


Extant planning permissions 2730 March HLA database figure of 3034 reduced by 10%

Windfalls 2800 200pa multiplied by 14 years (excludes first 3 years of plan)

Small Identified Sites xx 14 years multiplied by xx FROM SHLAA ANALYSIS 220 Housing

Number Dwellings Comments

Empty Properties 0 Uncertainty over realistic potential/reflected in vacancy assumptions in SHMA 8 Other initiatives eg Local Investment 0 Not included due to uncertainty over deliverability and

Calder Plan timing

B Sub-total 5530 dale MBC - A C New Land Allocations 12121 Indicative requirement less sources of supply (A-B)

D Total Supply xxxx B+C utumn 2015 Relationship of supply to +/- xx number D/A COMPLETE WHEN ALL FIGURES AVAILABLE requirement +/- as xx% P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan The Housing Land Allocations

8.3 The housing land allocations reflect the spatial strategy for growth set out in Policy CP 2 'Distribution of Growth'. This ensures the housing needs of each settlement are taken into account since the higher order settlements generate the greatest need. However, the detailed distribution of the allocations must also reflect a number of other important considerations. The methodology(ix) followed in selecting the allocations explains how alternative sites were tested in order to arrive at sites best meeting the objective of sustainable development by avoiding those, or pursuing alternative options, to reduce or eliminate impacts where there is a conflict with any of the dimensions of sustainable development in accordance with the NPPF.

8.4 One key consideration is infrastructure and it is the higher order settlements where there is the greatest provision or where there are opportunities to provide new infrastructure and/or upgrade existing infrastructure, in some cases as a result of the proposed settlement extensions. Increases in traffic levels resulting from both new housing and also the general forecast increase in car growth will place pressures on the transport network which can be better addressed around settlements such as Halifax where the proposed urban extensions will provide the scale of development necessary to attract funding for enhanced transport infrastructure. In Elland where much of the existing infrastructure is under pressure growth will provide an opportunity to both protect and upgrade this infrastructure, including a new railway station. The smaller settlements along with those in the west of the district, other than to some extent Todmorden, present fewer opportunities to make improvements to transport infrastructure and in particular that based on roads. Opportunities to utilise/improve existing public transport assisting with the objective of sustainable development are generally to be found around the higher order settlements.

8.5 Other infrastructure considerations such as that provided by the utilities has not directly influenced the allocations since all of the utilities state that they can respond to the planned level of growth, either by using existing infrastructure or by reinforcing it. Education and health infrastructure being prone to governmental policy changes and accompanying reorganisations is more difficult to take into account when looking forward over the period of the Local Plan. By providing clarity about where housing growth is to take place providers of such infrastructure can respond to additional requirements.

8.6 Opportunities for increasing employment are not evenly spread across the district with the main opportunities being in/adjacent to the higher order settlements of Halifax, Brighouse and Elland in the east of the district. In order to reduce levels of commuting it is important that housing growth is aligned with opportunities to increase employment growth. There are also potential opportunities for employment growth in the neighbouring district of Kirklees close to the district boundary to which residents of new housing in the east of the district will have access.

8.7 It is also very important to ensure that when considering the broad distribution of housing growth environmental factors are taken into account. These include the Special Protection Area/Special Area of Conservation and its buffer. Topographical and flooding constraints are also important when considering the specified proportion of growth to attribute to individual settlements. Not only are there practical issues associated with building

ix Methodology for Assessing Housing Land Allocations,Calderdale MBC, 2015 Housing 221

on steep slopes but the impact on the landscape can be pronounced having a detrimental affect on the character of settlements such as Hebden Bridge. Risks associated with flooding reduce the opportunities for housing, particularly in valley bottom locations, resulting in the need to take advantage of opportunities free from such constraints such as occur around large parts of Halifax, Brighouse, Elland and Northowram/Shelf. 8

8.8 The outcome of the Green Belt Review(x) has also influenced the distribution of the housing allocations with it being clear where the boundary is to be changed and where it is not having regard to the purposes of including land in the green belt. This has precluded a number of sites put forward via the SHLAA process from being taken forward. Other sites located within the Green Belt are released where there is adequate

justification demonstrating the exceptional circumstances necessary to release land from the Green Belt. utumn 2015

8.9 The provision of affordable housing is a key objective of the Plan and, given the current national site thresholds for seeking affordable housing from market developments, it is predominantly in the higher order settlements, particularly Halifax, Brighouse and Elland, where there are sufficient of sites of an appropriate scale to enable

significant contributions to be sought. Larger sites also offer greater opportunities to achieve a greater housing dale MBC - A mix with such sites generally being in/adjacent to the higher order settlements.

8.10 It is also the higher order centres such as Halifax where there are potentially the greatest opportunities for Calder regenerating older parts of the urban fabric and thereby contributing to the proportion of development on previously developed land. Opportunities for re-using previously developed land have also influenced the housing land allocations.

8.11 The ability of sites to actually deliver housing has also influenced the overall distribution of housing with a significant number of sites put forward by landowners who have indicated a willingness to bring their sites forward as demonstrated in the SHLAA. Some of these, particularly around the larger settlements of Halifax, Brighouse and other settlements in the east of the district such as Northowram and Shelf are of a significant size and either alone or in conjunction with neighbouring sites make a significant contribution to housing growth.

8.12 In allocating sites consideration has also been given to the need to provide sites of a size appropriate to meet the needs of smaller builders who have traditionally provided much of the housing in Calderdale. Such sites may also be of a scale of interest to those wishing to follow the growing trend of self build/custom build.

8.13 The nature of certain settlements has also formed part of the considerations. Hebden Bridge requires a certain level of growth given its status as a tier 3 settlement whilst acknowledging the constraints on otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

development and the need to safeguard its character. Todmorden requires growth to reverse the decline P that has taken place in recent years. Opportunities are required in tier 4 settlements to at least contribute to meeting their housing needs beyond simply relying on windfalls and provide a steer for neighbourhood plans. To go further and fully meet objectively assessed needs in some of these settlements would have severe environmental and sustainability implications, particularly in the west of the district whereas in the east settlements such as Northowram and Shelf present greater opportunities for growth which accords with the overall spatial strategy of the Plan. Only a limited amount of housing is allocated to the tier 5 settlements given their more limited role.

8.14 The land allocations contain a mix of sites ranging from small brownfield sites within the urban areas to greenfield settlement extensions on the edges of the major settlements. This balanced portfolio of sites will deliver the housing needs of the district and enable delivery by both small and large housebuilders as well as those wishing to build their own homes. Of the allocations several are sites formerly allocated in the RCUDP which have been carried forward into the Local Plan.

8.15 The housing trajectory indicates when sites are likely to come forward and is based on information regarding constraints, infrastructure requirements, developers’ intentions and build out rates (as agreed with housebuilder representatives on the SHLAA Working Group). This is not a phasing of sites but a reflection of likely delivery rates based on the best information available at the time of preparing the Local Plan and progress will be monitored through the Monitoring Report prepared annually by the Council. Generally information relating to sites in the latter part of the Plan Period cannot be as definite as that for sites expected to come forward earlier in the Plan Period. The Council has however, identified sites for the full plan period as opposed to only broad locations for the later years. The deliverability of sites will be kept under review in order that a 5 year supply of housing land is maintained. x Green Belt Review, Calderdale MBC,2015 222 Housing

8.16 The following tables show the housing site allocations in settlement hierarchy order. An indicative density is employed for forward planning purposes and based on the density assumptions in the SHLAA. These vary with location ranging from 60dph in the most accessible urban locations to 26dph in more less accessible locations. Where more detailed information exists eg draft site layout, this is taken into consideration. The 8 actual density to be delivered will be determined at the time of a planning application when all detailed matters will be known. The larger housing sites will include the full range of supporting uses including open space, Calder schools, shops, community and health facilities and, in some cases, employment. Whilst the tables below contain brief notes about the sites where more detailed considerations are appropriate and necessary these

dale MBC - A are listed in the boxes following the policies.

Policy TP 1

utumn 2015 Housing Land Allocations

The following sites are allocated for housing development and are subject to the requirements in the boxes following the policy being addressed. No other principal use will be permitted on the allocated sites. P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan ALLOCATIONS TO BE ADDED ONCE ALLOCATIONS DETERMINED

Table 8.2 Housing Allocations

LP Ref Location Size Type B/G Dwellings Density Notes

Non-Allocated Sites

8.17 In addition to the allocated sites proposals on non-allocated sites, both brownfield and greenfield, will also continue to come forward and contribute to the district's housing supply. These will generally be supported provided that they are in sustainable locations and complement the overall spatial strategy and objectives of the Local Plan and are in accordance with other Local Plan policies. Whilst the Policy on Non-Allocated Sites is primarily aimed at smaller sites under 0.4ha there remains the potential for larger non-allocated sites to come forward. A fundamental consideration will be the accessibility of a site to services and facilities by good quality public transport, cycling and walking. For the purpose of the Policy walking distance is taken as within 400 metres of a bus stop or 750 metres of a railway station. In the case of local services such as convenience shops, post offices, health centres/surgeries and primary schools easy walking distance is taken as 750 metres. These distances broadly reflect those used by West Yorkshire Metro but should be interpreted with care taking into account the individual circumstances of a site, including matters such as topography and the amenity and general safety of any route. Other considerations will include the amenity and character of existing residential areas including the effects of residential development on existing gardens. Existing and planned infrastructure should be able to cater for the development, including the ability of schools in the areas to accommodate additional pupils. Whilst not an exhaustive list, examples of heritage assets to be preserved or enhanced under point 7 of the Policy include Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings. Housing 223

Policy TP 2

Non-Allocated Sites 8 Proposals for residential development (including those for the renewal of a previous planning permission) on a non-allocated site or building for conversion will only be permitted where:

1. The site is sustainably located; 2. The site complements the strategic objectives and spatial strategy of the Local Plan;

3. The site is not in beneficial use; and/or utumn 2015 4. The proposed development would not have adverse impacts which would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits; 5. The demands generated from the proposed housing can be accommodated by existing infrastructure; 6. There are no physical and environmental constraints on development of the site; dale MBC - A 7. The development preserves or enhances heritage assets and will not harm those elements which contribute to their significance, including their settings, where they are a material consideration; 8. The site is not used for active sport or recreation; Calder 9. The site does not have any recognised value for nature conservation; and 10. The site is within an urban area or a settlement inset within the Green Belt/Area Around Todmorden as defined in the Local Plan and is well related to existing development.

Table 8.3 Monitoring: Non-allocated Sites

Outcomes Planning permissions for small non-allocated sites accord with the criteria in the Policy

Indicators Contribution of non- allocated sites to housing supply Proportion and number of sites that are windfalls

Targets None specifically (although small non-allocated sites along with other sites will contribute to a windfall allowance)

High quality housing in high quality environments otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 8.18 A number of features comprise high quality residential environments, principal amongst these are residential P density, design, energy efficiency/use of renewable energy and improvements to the existing (particularly older) dwelling stock. These matters are also addressed in the Council's Housing Strategy(xi) where specific detailed actions to be undertaken by the Council are listed. Many of these are specific actions the Council proposes to undertake through its enabling role and are too detailed to be directly covered by the Local Plan.

Residential Density

8.19 In order to achieve the Plan's Vision and Strategic Objectives, particularly in relation to housing but not exclusively, the density at which housing developments are constructed is important given that this affects both the quality of the residential environment and also the amount of land developed for housing. The Local Plan therefore seeks to achieve a balance between the efficient use of land and the provision of high quality residential developments to meet the district's housing needs. A significant proportion of these needs is for one person households, particularly for the growing elderly population, and whilst demand may be for houses some of this could be met through greater provision of flatted accommodation with its consequent smaller land take. Conversely there is also some demand for bungalows to meet the needs of the elderly which is not an efficient use of land. Through the implementation of well thought out and designed schemes the residential density achieved will be higher than may otherwise be the case. Given that the district's housing need can only be met through the use of settlement extensions on land formerly within the Green Belt it is imperative that higher densities are utilised where appropriate to ensure land is utilised efficiently. Higher densities also increase the patronage for public transport thus helping to maintain existing services or provide sufficient justification for new or extended facilities.

xi Housing Strategy 2012-2017, Calderdale MBC, April 2014 224 Housing

8.20 The majority of new housing will be on the land allocations and the approach to density for these sites is explained in the earlier section covering new land allocations. Where appropriate settlement extensions will be accompanied by site briefs and/or master plans which will include information on density. The net density of 30dph successfully implemented through the RCUDP is carried forward into the Local Plan as a general 8 minimum requirement. When determining planning applications on both the allocated and non-allocated sites density will be based on a number of key considerations. Principle amongst these are site location and size Calder along with local circumstances.

dale MBC - A 8.21 Higher densities will be required in more sustainable locations such as around the main town centres and close to main public transport routes and bus and rail stations. As many brownfield sites are within the existing urban areas these will generally be subject to higher density requirements but the biodiversity value of sites will also need to be taken into consideration. There may be circumstances where lower densities are appropriate, for example, proposals for garden developments where potential harm to the local area could

utumn 2015 result. Further information on the relationship between site location and size in relation to density is provided in the SHLAA.

8.22 Net dwelling density is defined as including only those site areas which will be developed for housing and directly associated uses, including access roads within the site, private garden space, car parking areas, P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan incidental open space and landscaping and children's play areas, where these are provided.

Policy TP 3

Residential Density

The site allocations in Policy TP 1 'Housing Land Allocations' will be developed broadly in accordance with the stated indicative densities or as expressed through site briefs and/or master plans.

All new housing developments including conversion schemes shall use land efficiently and achieve a minimum net density of at least 30 dwellings per hectare.

In appropriate locations higher densities of development will be expected including:

1. In and around the main town centres; and 2. Close to main public transport routes and bus and rail stations

Lower densities will only be accepted where justified by special circumstances including:

1. The character of the site itself including any biodiversity value; 2. The character of the surrounding area; 3. The need to preserve the amenity of existing or future residents; 4. The availability of local facilities and infrastructure; 5. The need to influence the housing mix of an area.

Table 8.4 Monitoring: Residential Density

Outcomes High quality residential layouts achieved through efficient use of land; Quality and character of existing areas retained; Housing mix of areas improved

Indicators Densities achieved on sites of up to 0.4ha, 0.4-2.0ha and over 2.0ha; Densities achieved on new build and conversion sites; Densities achieved on brownfield and greenfield sites

Targets In broad terms densities achieved to average a minimum of 30dph

High Quality Housing

8.23 The Section on Sustainable Design and Construction covers the Council's approach to design and sustainable construction generally whilst the Section on Climate Change covers issues of climate change. The Housing 225

requirements of these sections also apply to residential developments with Policy TP 4 'High Quality Housing' focusing specifically on residential developments. The NPPF requires Local Plans to deliver high quality homes. To meet this objective both new and existing stock must provide high quality accommodation in high quality neighbourhoods whilst at the same time responding to the requirements of climate change. 8 8.24 Space Standards: Housing in is generally unregulated by legally binding minimum space standards unlike much of the rest of Europe. The social rented sector works to minimum space standards and this is reflected in the Council's Housing Strategy but no equivalent standards exist for private market developments. To counter the negative consequences of cramped housing conditions the Government has published a national set of space standards which are adopted in the Plan. Given that that the Local Plan looks forward

over 17 years it is important to ensure that the accommodation built is of a suitable quality to meet the future utumn 2015 needs of the population. An assessment of space standards undertaken as part of the viability assessment of the Local Plan suggests that they would be viable, at least in some parts of the district. Historically the Council has not monitored the floorspace of new dwellings (although the type and size by number of bedrooms is monitored) and will need a suitable monitoring period to produce a reliable picture of the floorspace of new residential developments across the district. Should the evidence support the implementation of the national dale MBC - A space standards whilst retaining the viability of developments the Council will consider their introduction

during the plan period. Calder

8.25 Energy: Over a number of years, the Council has devised and sustained a number of programmes of housing improvements and it is vital that the momentum of these initiatives to improve the existing housing stock are maintained and possibly increased in the future. The Council's Housing Service has identified a number of improvement schemes in its Housing Strategy and Local Investment Plan (LIP) including the means of achieving these, with a regeneration programme currently underway in North Halifax.

8.26 The 2009 Private Sector Stock Condition Survey found that 12,500 privately owned homes do not meet the decent homes standard, the majority of these fail the standard due to excess cold hazards. Most of the disrepair is in the older stock with the predominant house type being the stone terrace, almost half the stock is over 100 years old and around 8,000 are back to back houses. The stone properties are hard to treat in terms of insulation making energy costs and carbon emissions higher. This is seen as an urgent issue in the Housing Strategy and the Council therefore, whilst not having the budget to carry out a further full stock condition survey, has jointly commissioned (with the other West Yorkshire local authorities) the Building Research Establishment to undertake research on housing conditions. This will pull together and analyse data from a wide range of sources in order to provide an up to date picture of stock and energy efficiency conditions in the local private housing market. However, the Council anticipates this research will demonstrate

that excess cold remains the largest issue in the existing stock. To address this problem a number of measures otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan have been undertaken recently with others planned. These include a Leeds City Region wide project to make P energy improvements to 1300 Calderdale homes before 2018, and the Council’s 1.4 million pound programme of Affordable Warmth works to tackle fuel poverty.

8.27 Long term empty dwellings: Reducing the number of vacant dwellings across the district helps in maintaining the district’s housing stock whilst preventing residential environments being blighted by long term empty properties. There will always be a number of vacant dwellings and properties for sale to enable the housing market to operate (3% is an accepted norm). It is the long term empty properties where action is required. There are 1692 empty private dwellings (April 2015) and the Council through its Empty Properties Strategy, having made progress on reducing the number of empty dwellings over the last few years, will continue to actively pursue initiatives to bring the remaining dwellings back into residential use. If action is not undertaken, then the likelihood of housing demolition will increase, possibly leading to the need for further land to be allocated for new housing development.

8.28 Limited Demolition: Whilst the Council’s objective is to keep demolitions to a minimum through upgrading of the occupied stock, where improvements are not feasible it may be necessary to carry out limited programmes of demolition. Whilst no large scale clearance programmes of privately owned housing are currently identified there are a number of properties owned by the Together Housing Group programmed for demolition. 226 Housing

Policy TP 4

High Quality Housing 8 New residential developments, both new build and conversions, will be required to meet high standards of

Calder design including appropriate sustainability measures and be in accordance with the relevant Core Policies in the Climate Change, Sustainable Design and Construction and High Quality Inclusive Design Sections of this

dale MBC - A Local Plan.

The Council will consider the application of the national space standards to all new housing where the evidence supports such an approach and developments remain viable.

utumn 2015 In order to make full use of the district’s existing housing the retention, improvement (including energy efficiency measures) and reuse of the existing housing stock will be promoted. Where this is not possible, or the most appropriate course of action, clearance and replacement will take place. P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Table 8.5 Monitoring: High Quality Housing

Outcomes New housing developments built to high design standards incorporating relevant sustainability measures and space standards; Existing housing improved and repaired or if more appropriate demolished;

Indicators Design Council CABE panel assessments of new building; Size of new dwellings including by floorspace and number of main rooms in relation to appropriate space standards; Number dwellings improved/repaired/brought back into use; Number and proportion dwellings demolished

Targets High standard of design including achieving CfSHs Level 4 or equivalent and above and BREEAM very good rating; Improvement of entire existing dwelling stock; Re-use of all long term empty dwellings

Housing Mix

8.29 The NPPF requires Local Plans to deliver a wide choice of high quality homes and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities. In order to achieve this local plans should, amongst other things, plan for a mix of housing based on current and future demographic trends, market trends and the needs of different groups in the community. They should also identify the size, type, tenure and range of housing that is required. This section primarily concerns the overall relationship between households and size and types of property required with the needs of specific groups considered in subsequent sections of this chapter, although clearly there are linkages between the two. By influencing the types and sizes of dwellings built the Plan can also have some influence on the prices of dwellings, although it cannot affect these directly.

8.30 The SHMA clearly shows that the demographic and economic profile of the district is likely to change over the Plan period with the housing market needing to react to these changes. Modelling undertaken as part of the SHMA provides an indication of the future need for different types of property within Calderdale. Examining projected changes to household composition shows a considerable increase in the number of one person households in particular, with notable growth also expected in family households with dependent children, including lone parents.

8.31 As the SHMA notes matching changing household composition profiles with the sizes and types of housing required is challenging. A simplistic matching of the number of persons in a household to a size of property is not appropriate, and fails to take account of market choice or household aspirations. Taking account of this fact and utilising data contained in the English Housing Survey 2013, the SHMA provides an indication of the sizes and related property types likely to be required across Calderdale. This analysis illustrated that property size requirements are relatively similar across the scenarios presented in the SHMA. The findings are summarised in Table 8.6 'Size and Type of Property Required'. Whilst the SHMA is the main source of evidence for determining housing mix, other information including more recent updates on housing needs, Housing 227

the Council’s Housing Strategy and any associated Area Needs Statements will be taken into account.

Table 8.6 Size and Type of Property Required

Type or Property Proportions Required 8

Studio or small 1 bedroom apartment 17%

2 bedroom flat or small mews house 29%

2 or 3 bedroom family house either mews or semi-detached 27% utumn 2015

3 or 4 bedroom family semi-detached home or small 4 bed detached house 12%

Larger 4 + bedroom family detached house 15% dale MBC - A Source: SHMA 2015

8.32 Overall the Plan aims to achieve these estimated property requirements in order to meet the needs of the Calder different household types in the district. Policy TP 5 'Housing Mix' therefore requires development proposals to include a mix of house types and sizes having regard to the proportions set out in Table 8.6 'Size and Type of Property Required'. However, the appropriate mix on a particular site will also vary according to the characteristics of the location along with the nature of the development and any other relevant market factors. It may be, for example that a proportion of the smaller accommodation is met by flatted accommodation on town centre and former mill sites. The degree of mix will be expected to increase with site size. Where site briefs and or master plans are prepared these will contain more detailed information in relation to the appropriate housing mix. Development proposals for 30 or more dwellings should be accompanied by a statement illustrating how the proposal will assist in achieving the proportions set out in Table 8.6 'Size and Type of Property Required', taking account of more up-to-date information where available. Where the proportions are not to be met this should be adequately explained.

Policy TP 5

Housing Mix otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

Over the Plan period the proportions for the types and sizes of housing referenced in Table 8.6 'Size and Type P of Property Required' should be met. In order to achieve this residential developments of 10 or more dwellings should provide for a mix of housing in terms of size, type, tenure and affordability. Development proposals for 30 or more dwellings should be accompanied by a statement illustrating how the proposal will assist in achieving the proportions set out in Table 8.6 'Size and Type of Property Required'.

The housing mix will be informed by the SHMA together with any more recent information including market factors and the nature and location of the development. Master plans, where prepared, will include information on the housing mix required.

The various house types, sizes and need being met should be spread throughout the site.

Table 8.7 Monitoring: Housing Mix

Outcomes A balanced housing market meeting housing needs of all household types;

Indicators Number homes delivered by type and size with reference to Table 8.6 'Size and Type of Property Required';

Targets Broadly to achieve proportions in Table 8.6 'Size and Type of Property Required' by end plan period. 228 Housing

Housing for Independent Living

8.33 The 2011 Census shows that the number of people over 65 has increased by 8.2% since the last Census in 2001 with particular growth in those aged 65 to 74 and those aged 90 and over. The SHMA highlights the 8 importance of considering the older population in isolation, in order to understand how this group has changed over recent years and how future need pressures can impact on their requirements for new housing. It shows

Calder that, as nationally, the elderly population will continue to grow between 2012 and 2033. Overall the number of older people is projected to increase by around 21,000 or 50%, only varying slightly between the scenarios

dale MBC - A tested in the SHMA, by 2033. The greatest proportional growth is expected in those aged 85 and over. This is projected to lead to approximately 5,000 additional residents within this age group by 2033. Such changes have significant implications not only for the type and size of property but also around the needs of such households in terms of proximity to services and mobility.

utumn 2015 8.34 The NPPF recognises the challenge of an increasing elderly population whose needs will be met from a range of sources including appropriately located market housing through to residential institutions. The Councils’ approach to the challenge of housing the elderly is to support the wish of older people to remain independent for longer within their existing community where possible. Supporting independent living can help to reduce costs to health and social services and providing more options for older people to move can P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan free up houses that are under occupied. The success of this strategy is evidenced by the increasing void rate in residential care homes (currently 15%) demonstrating that this form of accommodation is becoming less attractive. Within the district there are currently four extra-care schemes providing 160 apartments designed to support someone as their circumstances and health decline. The Council and its partners are currently exploring the options to provide a total of 510 units of extra-care housing by 2030. This approach is detailed in, for example, Joint Wellbeing Strategy 2013/14, Market Position Statement and the Better Care Fund Plan all produced by Calderdale MBC

8.35 The needs of the elderly will therefore be met in a variety of ways ranging from support services and adaptations within older person households to provision of the full range of purpose built accommodation such as flats for independent living, extra care and care home facilities as discussed in the Council's Housing Strategy and Calderdale's Older Person's Strategy. It is through the building of new accommodation where the Local Plan can directly contribute to provision for the elderly both by requiring such accommodation to be taken into account in the overall mix of housing schemes and helping the Council, acting in its enabling role, to bring forward schemes for developments such as sheltered housing or extra care housing, for example. There are clear opportunities for providers who take a flexible and evolving approach to providing housing for the elderly. The mix of housing required under Policy TP 5 'Housing Mix' includes homes that support independent living. Where developers and/or landowners have shown commitment to building housing for independent living these are reflected in the Plan’s land allocations. For schemes to be appropriate they must also comply with other relevant policies set out in the Local Plan. Housing for the elderly should generally be located near to shops and other facilities and services.

8.36 In addition to health issues associated specifically with the needs of the elderly the SHMA also demonstrated that whilst the proportion of residents between 18 and 64 with disabilities will fall slightly over the plan period, as the population is projected to increase this could still result in the absolute number of residents with disabilities.

8.37 The SHMA notes that one means of ensuring a greater proportion of the housing stock meets the needs of both the elderly and other residents with disabilities is through the provision of Lifetime Homes which have adaptability, flexibility and accessibility designed into them. All properties built for social rent are built to the Lifetime Homes Standard whilst the RCUDP sought to increase the number of such homes in the dwelling stock generally. In theory all homes should be built to this standard but the Council recognises that the associated increased costs can influence development viability. However, these costs can be minimised if they are designed out early enough. Therefore given the long term benefits to the district's housing stock the Council will encourage building to Lifetime Homes Standards. The Building Regulations are being revised to incorporate space and accessibility standards. The Council will encourage developers to meet and exceed these minimum standards. The Housing Standards Review (September 2014) states at paragraph 39 that the requirement of Category 2 dwellings are similar to current requirements for the Lifetime Homes Standard. Housing 229

Policy TP 6

Housing for Independent Living 8 The amount of housing suitable to meet the needs of the elderly will be increased both through the Council's role as enabler and also through the positive consideration of proposals making a contribution to independent living, such as sheltered accommodation and extra care housing, on suitable sites and where this furthers the objective of delivering sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities (including as part of the housing mix required under Policy TP 5 'Housing Mix'). utumn 2015 The Council will encourage proposals to be designed and built to meet accessibility standards set out in the Optional Requirement M4 (2) Category 2 and Category 3 of Part M of the Building Regulations, particularly where the development is targeted at older age groups and those with physical disabilities or other care needs. dale MBC - A Table 8.8 Monitoring: Mix of House Types and Sizes Calder Outcomes More accommodation to enable the elderly to live independently; A greater proportion of Lifetime Homes in the district's housing stock;

Indicators Number homes built to enable independent living; Number of homes built to Lifetime Homes Standards or equivalent;

Targets To cater for the needs of the increasing elderly population.

People Wishing to Build their Own Homes (Self-Build/Custom Build)

8.38 The Government through the NPPF and its National Housing Strategy(xii) seeks to significantly increase the proportion of new housing delivered by the self-build/custom build sector as opposed to that delivered by the volume house builders. Whilst there are a number of models for delivering self-build they all share the same problem, to a greater of lesser degree, of obtaining land. The difficulty faced by many self-builders is obtaining and paying for land especially when competing with volume housebuilders who have easier access to finance. Given that the Plan looks forward over the next 15 years when this sector is expected to grow nationally it was addressed in the SHMA. This confirmed that the Council does not own much land and

generally disposes at best value. It recommended that the impact of the national agenda to increase the otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan number of self-build homes should be monitored recognising that there is a deficiency of reliable data on the P need for such forms of housing.

8.39 Given the lack of justification for a specific policy covering self-build/custom build no such policy is included in the Plan but interest will continue to be registered by the Council and indeed there may be a formal requirement to do so depending on the outcome of the proposals for “regulations” that are under consultation from the Government on this matter. The Council has noted some interest in self build and is in discussions with a group based in Hebden Bridge. Should there be a significantly greater demand for self-build during the course of the plan period means of addressing this will be considered. These could, for example, include the provision of public sector land (although opportunities for using Council owned land are limited as mentioned above), Local Development Orders, Neighbourhood Plans and the transfer of plots from larger sites owned by volume housebuilders to self-builders. The links between the self-build/custom build sector and affordable housing supply are recognised by the Council.


This Section will be re-drafted to incorporate the findings of the latest SHMA and current proposed changes in Government Policy regarding affordable housing.

xii Laying the Foundations: A Housing Strategy for England, HM Government, 2011 230 Housing

Background and definitions

8.40 Affordable housing is defined in the NPPF as social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. Eligibility is determined with regard 8 to local incomes and local house prices. Affordable housing should include provisions to remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or for the subsidy to be recycled for alternative housing provision.

Calder The need for affordable housing has been recognised in national planning guidance for some time and measures to achieve this were included in the first (1997) and replacement (2006) UDPs and RSS (2008).

dale MBC - A The fact that the surrounding districts also have a shortage of affordable housing is reflected in the Interim Strategy Statement published by Leeds City Region, April 2011, with RSS Policy H4 Affordable Housing included in its list of thematic policies. Policy H13 of the RCUDP (2006) set out the circumstances in which affordable housing will be required and the mechanisms for achieving this including a SPD providing further technical guidance. Unfortunately this policy was not saved by the Secretary of State for reasons unclear to

utumn 2015 the authority. It is, however, important to continue to endeavour to meet the affordable housing need of the district.

8.41 There is currently a national programme of welfare reform which is anticipated to influence the levels of affordable housing need particularly where households are claiming housing benefit. This could result in P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan additional pressure in the future on demand for, and supply of smaller affordable dwellings than previously, particularly for smaller 1 or 2 bedroom properties.

Evidence of Need

8.42 The Draft SHMA (October 2015) suggested a need for in the order of 3,500 affordable homes over the plan period. Further details including a yearly break down of need will be included at a later date to incorporate the findings of the latest SHMA.

Means of Providing Affordable Housing

8.43 Affordable housing can be provided by a number of means including through the Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) and direct provision by local authorities. However, this latter approach is unlikely to be pursued in Calderdale due to the transfer of the local authority housing stock to Pennine Housing 2000 (now part of the Together Group) with the authority's role now being one of enabler. However, this approach together with any direct provision of affordable housing by Registered Providers will not be sufficient to meet the need identified through the SHMA. It is therefore important for the Council to continue to seek an element of affordable housing in private housing developments. Where affordable housing is needed the NPPF requires development plans to meet that need on site unless off-site provision or a financial contribution of a broadly equivalent value can be robustly justified. Provision in the vicinity of the site will assist in achieving the objective of balanced and mixed communities.

What will be required in private housing developments - Number of Affordable Housing Units

8.44 The actual details of the affordable housing provision required in private housing developments will be informed by market location, site size threshold and practicality and viability. At the time of drafting the Local Plan market conditions make the delivery of affordable housing challenging in the short term but any improvement in conditions will have a positive impact on delivery. The affordable housing targets in the Local Plan therefore reflect market conditions and will vary over the period of the Plan. The sub-market areas are allocated to one of 4 categories based upon their housing market strength/values and the policy requirements in Policy TP 7 'Affordable Housing' are based upon this spatial analysis.

What will be required in private housing developments - Type, Size and Tenure of Affordable Housing Units

8.45 The SHMA established a need for properties of all sizes in Calderdale. There is a particular requirement for smaller one bedroom properties, with only one in four requiring a property with three bedrooms or more. The role of intermediate housing in helping to meet affordable housing need was also demonstrated in the SHMA. As recommended in the SHMA it is important, therefore, to balance future affordable housing supply with demand for property of different types. The actual mix will need to be considered on any particular proposed development in the context of circumstances at the time of a planning application.


8.46 In order to ensure that residential developments proceed it is essential that any affordable housing requirement Housing 231

takes into account the overall viability of the development. The viability of delivering affordable housing across the district has therefore been tested through an economic viability assessment model and undertaken as part of the SHMA. Through the model developed for this purpose the Economic Viability Assessment examined a range of variables including site size and location, proportion of affordable housing sought, the tenure mix and introduction of the Code for Sustainable Homes (this was applicable at the time of the analysis). This 8 demonstrated that across Calderdale developers of all new housing developments should contribute towards the provision of affordable housing but the level of provision will be influenced by these factors.

8.47 The results of this analysis revealed that the spatial location within which a site is situated is a key influencing factor on scheme viability within Calderdale and hence on the proportion of affordable housing a site can

provide whilst remaining economically viable. The sub-markets within the district were classified as 'very utumn 2015 hot', 'hot', 'moderate' and 'cold' according to the economic viability of sites within them. Overall the analysis found that the delivery of affordable housing was severely constrained at the time of undertaking the analysis due to the current market conditions. This was considered likely to inhibit the supply of affordable housing developed across the district in the short-term, until market conditions improve. dale MBC - A 8.48 Scenario testing was undertaken to assess the potential to deliver affordable housing in both declining and rising market conditions which demonstrate that this has a significant impact on the viability of sites (see the Calder EVA, Section 6 for outputs from the sensitivity testing). Whilst the market prevailing at the time of the study meant that site viability was constrained across all sub-market locations the position is worsened further within a 'declining' market context. Conversely with an improvement to 'rising' market conditions site viability is dramatically improved across the district. Sites in the 'very hot' and 'hot' and to a lesser extent 'moderate' sub-markets require only a limited (+5%) improvement in conditions to increase viability. However, sites located in 'cold' market locations required a proportionately greater improvement in market conditions to achieve a significant level of viability.

8.49 Market conditions are clearly a primary influence on the capability of sites to provide affordable housing. The study concluded that under 'rising' market conditions it would be appropriate to apply a sliding scale of affordable housing targets across the district, with higher affordable housing targets within the 'very hot' and 'hot' market locations than in the 'moderate' and 'cold' locations.

8.50 The study also found that the affordable housing delivery of economically viable sites was affected by the application of a site size threshold. This is particularly relevant in a district like Calderdale where a very high proportion of sites are small. Some 80% of SHLAA sites are only capable of delivering fewer than the 15 unit threshold contained in the former PPS3 Housing and therefore applying any such threshold would result in a substantial proportion of the most economically viable smaller sites being excluded from triggering an otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

affordable housing requirement. P

8.51 The study found that by reducing site size thresholds to 5 units in 'very hot' and 'hot' market locations affordable housing delivery could be maximised through capitalising on the most economically viable smaller sites in the district. This was found to be applicable across all property market conditions ('current', 'rising' and 'declining').

8.52 The study recommended that during periods of market decline smaller sites in 'very hot' and 'hot' market locations could therefore assist in delivering affordable housing. In 'moderate' and 'cold' market locations a threshold of 15 units should remain.

8.53 A further factor influencing the delivery of affordable housing was the tenure split between social rented and intermediate housing with an increase in the proportion of intermediate units resulting in an increase in site viability. As it is difficult to deliver high numbers of social rented units on all but the most viable sites the study recommended that policy should remain flexible to alter the tenure split on a site-specific basis and/or under exceptional circumstances being a useful tool to 'tip the balance' of viability on marginally unviable sites.

8.54 The study recommended that the Local Plan should require developers of all new housing developments to contribute towards the provision of affordable housing in line with a clear policy that is informed by market location, site size threshold, practicality and financial viability (i.e. economic impact of housing market conditions). In accordance with the recommendations of the study these target contributions form a starting point for negotiation of affordable housing on qualifying new housing developments. Delivery of the targets will, however, be dependent on the economic viability of a scheme on an individual site-specific basis. Negotiation in relation to proposals will require those proposing the development (developers/agents/landowners) to undertake an open-book financial appraisal approach to demonstrate 232 Housing

that the maximum reasonable and viable contribution to affordable housing is being provided.

8.55 During the life of the Local Plan the relative health of the housing market and the implications for each of the sub-markets will be monitored. The EVA model toolkit has been provided to the Council and includes technical 8 advice and instruction on how to effectively monitor and update the study including the recommended sources of data to be utilised to ensure consistency of approach. It also enables specific proposals to be tested for

Calder viability at any point during the Plan period and taking account of the economic viability of a scheme on an individual site specific basis. dale MBC - A 8.56 The Economic Viability Assessment which accompanied the 2011 SHMA provided the basis for the viability assessment of affordable housing in the "Calderdale Local Plan and CIL Viability Assessment" (December 2013) undertaken by GVA. This later document therefore makes more limited reference to affordable housing but does recognise that whilst there are areas where it would be difficult to meet the policy requirements for

utumn 2015 affordable housing, the policy is flexible allowing a reduction in affordable housing contributions subject to local viability considerations.

Approach to assessing planning applications P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 8.57 The former SPD on 'The Provision of Affordable Housing in New Housing Developments' provided technical guidance for applicants when submitting planning applications and following adoption of the Local Plan the Council will consider preparing another such document to amplify the technical aspects of Policy TP 7 'Affordable Housing' and to assist with the submission of planning applications. Imbalances between demand/need and supply will be addressed when determining planning applications based on up-to-date detailed need assessments for each of the sub market areas/Local Plan sub areas by the Council's Housing Service. Prospective applicants should have regard to these annual statements of Housing Need.

Rural affordable housing

8.58 National planning policy has for some time enabled planning authorities to have policies which support the release of small sites for affordable housing which development plans would not otherwise allocate for housing within or adjoining villages, and on which housing would not normally be permitted. The NPPF maintains this approach. This advice was aimed particularly at the more rural parts of the country and is not generally applicable in metropolitan districts such as Calderdale where many smaller settlements lie within the Green Belt and are close to the main urban areas. For this reason no such policy was included in either the first or second UDPs.

8.59 The SHMA does not specifically cover the need for affordable housing in rural areas although it does demonstrate a need for affordable housing in the rural sub-areas of the district. Where this cannot be met in larger settlements, including through the variable site size thresholds in Policy TP 7 'Affordable Housing', there may be a justification for providing additional opportunities for affordable housing in the more rural parts of the district. The Council's Housing Service believes that an exceptions policy is justified. Such a policy by definition can only cover the rural parts of the district with the exclusion of larger more urban settlements within which or through their planned expansion opportunities exist to provide affordable housing. Similarly settlements located close to the urban areas and/or on good public transport routes are not sufficiently 'remote' to justify being included within the policy. In assessing remoteness topography as well as distance from the urban areas has been taken into consideration. The sustainability of additional housing in small settlements will also be a consideration given that such settlements are often not well served by public transport.

8.60 Therefore an ‘exceptions’ element directed at the parished western half of the district is included in Policy TP 7 'Affordable Housing'. Settlement boundaries will be shown on the Proposals Map. Any proposals for affordable housing on 'exception sites' will need to satisfy the criteria in Policy TP 7 'Affordable Housing' including demonstrating the need for the affordable housing and the provision of arrangements to ensure it remains as affordable housing in perpetuity and is not subsequently sold as market housing, in order to retain the benefits of the affordable housing for future occupiers. Housing 233

Policy TP 7

Affordable Housing 8 Developers of all new housing developments will be required to make the maximum viable contribution to the provision of affordable housing in order to assist in meeting the affordable housing needs of the district. The amount of affordable housing required will be influenced by a number of factors including market location, site size threshold, practicality and financial viability and the specific needs of an area as set out in the Council’s Housing Needs Statements. Indicative levels of provision having regard to market conditions at the time of adopting this Core Strategy are shown in Table xx (To be added once SHMA finalised) and these, including utumn 2015 subsequent updates to the Table, will form a starting point for negotiation but actual viability will be assessed at the time planning applications are submitted. Where proposals do not meet the requirements of Table xx, including subsequent updates, proposing parties (developers/agents/landowners) will be required to undertake an open-book financial appraisal to demonstrate that the maximum reasonable and viable contribution to affordable housing is being provided. dale MBC - A

The affordable housing will be provided on-site unless the Council agree that special circumstances justify a Calder contribution in lieu.

Planning applications which include proposals for affordable housing must ensure that there are secure and practical arrangements to retain the benefits of affordability for initial and subsequent owners and occupiers such as the involvement of a registered provider and where appropriate by the use of conditions or planning obligations.

In the western part of the district as defined by that part of the district which is parished permission will be granted exceptionally for affordable housing on ‘exception sites’ where policies to protect the countryside would normally preclude planning permission being granted provided that:

1. there is a proven local need for affordable housing in the particular settlement; 2. residential development would reflect the principles of sustainable development including the objective of maintaining or enhancing the vitality of the particular rural community; 3. there are secure arrangements in place to ensure that the affordable housing units remain affordable in perpetuity; 4. the site is within or immediately adjacent to a settlement listed in Table xx; and5. the site is either within

or immediately adjacent to the settlement concerned. otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P

Table 8.9 Provision of Affordable Housing in accordance with Policy TPH6

Zone No Housing Market Performance Size Proportion Locations Designation Threshold Affordable (No Housing Dwellings)

Zone 1 Hebden Bridge, Very Hot 5 35% Charlestown

Zone 4 Ripponden, Very Hot 5 35% Rishworth, Barkisland

Zone 6 Northowram, Shelf, Hot 5 30% Norwood Green

Zone 7 Halifax Town Hot 5 30% Centre

Zone 2 Todmorden, Medium 15 25% Walsden, Cornholme 234 Housing

Zone No Housing Market Performance Size Proportion Locations Designation Threshold Affordable (No Housing Dwellings) 8 Zone 3 Mytholmroyd, Medium 15 25% Calder Sowerby Bridge,Illingworth, dale MBC - A Luddendenfoot, Luddenden, Bradshaw

Zone 8 Brighouse Rastrick, Medium 15 25% utumn 2015 Clifton, Southowram, Hipperholme

P Zone 5 Elland,Greetland, Cold 15 20% otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Holywell Green, Stainland

Wheatley, Cold 15 20% Ovenden, Zone 9 Mixenden, Boothtown, West Halifax

Source: Calderdale SHMA and EVA, 2011

Table 8.10 Monitoring: Affordable Housing

Outcomes Affordable housing need in the district met

Indicators Number and proportion Affordable Homes delivered by market sub-area; Number of affordable homes in rural exception sites

Targets Number Affordable Homes as per SHMA - first 5 years to meet backlog (641) and per annum thereafter (388)

Houses in Multiple Occupation.

8.61 Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) are houses that are not occupied by a single household and include dwellings occupied by two or more people living separately, bedsits, lodgings and hostels. They meet specific local housing needs, such as those of students, single people on low incomes or people who move frequently and require temporary accommodation.

8.62 The intensification of use associated with HMOs often has implications for the area in which the building is located and the potential for harm increased with recent changes to permitted development rights. An office building falling within Class B1(a) Under the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) does not need planning permission to change to residential use (Class C3) whilst a dwelling (Class C3) does not require planning permission to change to a small (3-6 residents) HMO (Class C4). The cumulative effect of these changes is to provide the potential for office buildings to be subdivided into several flats with each in turn converted to a small HMO for 3-6 residents. The Council recognises that over the Plan period the Government may make further changes to planning legislation.

8.63 In September 2014, the Council responded to concerns around the interest in HMOs in an area to the north of Prescott Street on the southern edge of Halifax Town Centre, with particular concerns that a reputable and high quality commercial area which makes an important contribution to the economic wellbeing of Calderdale could be undermined and diluted through the creation of poor quality residential accommodation. Housing 235

8.64 HMOs have a role to play in meeting the District’s future housing requirements but this has to be balanced against the fact that they can also create social and environmental problems for local communities. Therefore where other objectives of the Local Plan have the potential to be undermined by a proliferation of HMOs in a specific area, and based on the evidence at the time, consideration will be given to creating further Article 4 Directions to remove permitted development rights in such areas. 8

8.65 All proposals for HMOs will be considered by the Council having regard to the economic, social and environmental implications of such developments. Where proposals are located, as they often are, in residential areas the need to protect the character of these areas, including retaining the supply of family housing will be important. Any increase in anti-social behaviour, noise and nuisance is likely to undermine an area’s

suitability for family housing. A predominance of HMOs is also likely to result in a re-structuring of commercial utumn 2015 and recreational facilities in line with the lifestyle of the predominant population, helping to further reduce the attractiveness of an area for families resulting in further loss of family housing. Without this mix in the size and type of housing it is more difficult for areas to support mixed communities.

8.66 HMOs can also have a negative effect on the physical environment and streetscape. External alterations to dale MBC - A buildings such as the addition of fire escapes can affect the appearance of the building. This is of particular importance in sensitive areas such as conservation areas or where listed buildings are concerned. Neglect Calder of gardens following conversion will affect the character of the locality as will increases in the number of cars, both in terms of car parking and increased traffic on the local highway network.

8.67 The above requirements are reflected in Policy TP 8 'Houses in Multiple Occupation':

Policy TP 8

Houses in Multiple Occupation

Planning permission will be granted for the use of a building as a house in multiple occupation where:-

i) there would be no harm to:-

(a) the appearance, character or primary function of the locality; (b) the appearance or character of the building; (c) the amenity of the occupiers of neighbouring buildings or the intended occupiers of the building;

ii) the proposal is well served by public transport; otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P

iii) there is adequate car parking provision on site; or

iv) on-street parking would not impair the free flow of traffic or highway safety; and

v) the proposal would not result in a disproportionate concentration of HMOs in an area.

Where the impact of Houses in Multiple Occupation would undermine a locality’s main character and function the Council will consider the creation of Article 4 Directions to protect such areas.

Table 8.11 Monitoring: Policy Houses in Multiple Occupation

Outcomes Houses in Multiple Occupation integrated into existing areas without causing harm to them whilst helping meet the district’s housing needs Indicators Retention of existing uses (eg family housing, commercial enterprises), changes to character and appearance of localities Targets No specific numeric target but HMOs will contribute to housing needs across the district. 236 Housing

Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

This Section will be reviewed following publication of the final Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation 8 Assessment with sites included following determination of the land allocations. Calder 8.68 The NPPF and accompanying Planning Policy for Traveller Sites(xiii) encourages local planning authorities

dale MBC - A to make their own assessment of need for the purposes of planning and plan for sites over a reasonable timescale. A Joint Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment July 2015 covering both Calderdale and Kirklees local authority areas was undertaken by Arc4.This study found that there are currently no Gypsy and Traveller pitches in Calderdale, nor are there any known temporary or unauthorised sites. It also noted the presence of one Showpersons’ yard which contains 12 plots. utumn 2015 8.69 Overall the study found a slight shortfall of provision of both pitches and plots. For Gypsies and Travellers for the five year period 2014/15 to 2018/19 the study identified a shortfall of 7 pitches if assumptions regarding households wanting to move from bricks and mortar accommodation onto a pitch are included or zero pitches if assumptions regarding bricks and mortar households are not included. Analysis of future requirements for P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan the 15 year period (2019/20) to 20133/34) suggests that there will not be any requirement for pitches from new households. For Travelling Showpeople the study identified a need over the next 5 years (2014/15 to 2018/19) for two additional plots and for a further plot during the period 2019/20 to 2033/34.

8.70 The Study also examined the need for transit accommodation based on data relating to unauthorised encampments. Analysis of this data indicates that new transit provision of six transit pitches be made with particular consideration to the Brighouse, Elland and Halifax areas since it is these areas that have experienced the highest levels of unauthorised encampment activity. The study did not consider that the current level of activity will alter significantly over future years beyond 2018/19. Whilst the assumption is that each transit pitch would accommodate one caravan established practice within the Travelling community means that pitches could accommodate up to two vans if the pitch is being occupied by the same household or member of a family group. However, the need for transit pitches is not well supported by survey findings that show that three quarters of respondents felt that there was not a need for new transit pitches across the study area. The Study also recommended consideration be given as to whether the most appropriate type of provision would be a conventional formal transit site or a form of authorised ‘stopover’ or negotiated stopping provision.

8.71 As stated in 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' traveller sites in the Green Belt represent inappropriate development and Green Belt boundaries should be altered only in exceptional circumstances. If a limited alteration is to be made to a Green Belt boundary to meet a specified need for a traveller site it should be specifically allocated in the development plan as a traveller site only. Other sensitive locations must also be protected as should local amenity and the environment generally. Sites also need to be located sustainably and therefore within a reasonable distance of local services and facilities such as shops, hospitals, and schools (so that children can attend school on a regular basis). Sites should have access from a properly surfaced road and a reasonable level of service provision including electricity and drinking water supplies, sewage disposal and refuse collection. The impacts on local infrastructure and services should be assessed in order to avoid placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services. Sites should not be located in areas at high risk of flooding, including functional floodplains or where noise and air quality would be detrimental to the health and well-being of travellers locating on a particular site. Provision also needs to be made to enable some travellers to live and work from the same location thereby reflecting traditional lifestyles and contributing to sustainability by omitting many travel to work journeys.

8.72 All of these requirements were taken into consideration in determining the land allocations to meet the identified needs of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople presented in Policy TP 9 'Meeting the Need of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople'. These criteria will also be followed in both allocating any further sites for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople and in considering planning applications for such developments.

xiii Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, Communities and Local Government, March 2012 Housing 237

Policy TP 9

Meeting the Need of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 8 The following land allocations are made in order to meet the needs of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople:

Gypsies and Travellers:

Travelling Showpeople: utumn 2015

Transit Provision:

Any further site provisions including the consideration of planning applications for sites to accommodate

Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria: dale MBC - A

1. The site is not located in the Green Belt;

2. The site will have minimal impact upon the environment and the surrounding areas, particularly nearby Calder residential areas; 3. Adequate access is available to the site; 4. The site would not place undue stress on infrastructure and all the necessary utilities (electricity, water, gas and drainage) are provided or are readily available; 5. Schools and other community facilities including health services are easily accessible from the site; 6. Development of the site preserves or enhances any heritage asset and will not harm those elements which contribute to its significance, including its setting, where this is a material consideration; 7. The site would provide a suitable environment for travellers to inhabit with regard to, for example, air quality and noise levels; 8. The site is not located in Flood Zone 3; 9. Where required the site offers the opportunity for travellers to live and work on the same site; and 10. The site complies with the locational criteria for development elsewhere in the Local Plan

Table 8.12 Monitoring: Meeting the Needs of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

Outcomes Adequate provision exists to meet the needs of gypsies and travellers and travelling P showpeople

Indicators Number of pitches/plots provided; Number of unauthorised encampments

Targets Provision of sufficient pitches/plots to meet need identified in Joint GTAA (2015) 238 Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment

9.1 For green infrastructure and the natural environment the Local Plan is focused upon preserving and enhancing green assets across the whole of the district. The Local Plan provides a positive policy framework to ensure that an improved, accessible and healthy environment is available for the benefit of present and future communities which also protects and improves important biodiversity sites. 9 9.2 Green infrastructure and the Natural Environment comprise many individual components, ranging from open

Calder space and protected natural sites, through to waterways, agricultural land and the biodiversity of these areas. Green Infrastructure Planning represents the coming together of the various individual components described

dale MBC - A above and provides for more informed decision-making and a more 'joined-up' way of thinking in relation to spatial planning.

9.3 The planning system has a vital role to play in the protection, delivery and enhancement of the GI network through effective spatial planning. It will provide guidance on the most effective and efficient areas for the

utumn 2015 new parts of the network that are needed to provide for new populations and to make good any existing deficiencies. Public and private sector investment will be crucial to help address current and future needs for GI provision; however, it is equally important that new developments make commensurate contributions towards new and improved local infrastructure where that development will add to infrastructure needs and requirements locally. P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 9.4 In view of the important ecosystem services that many aspects of Calderdale's environment and countryside provide, successful management of this multi-functional resource can assist environmental functions such as biodiversity, climate change adaptation and flood mitigation. It can also provide quality of life benefits for the local community to include recreation, sustainable transport, wellbeing and sustainable quality of place. Addressing green infrastructure provision and the management of our natural environment are therefore essential elements in the preparation of Calderdale's Local Plan.

Policy TP 10

Define a hierarchy of green infrastructure

The Council will define a hierarchy of green infrastructure in order that under-utilised assets can be identified and better use encouraged, primarily to:

Provide an accurate and accessible green infrastructure evidence/data base; Provide a hierarchy for green infrastructure and a context for development; Identify specific priority measures to address deficiencies in green infrastructure provision in the district; Establish a baseline of green space and green infrastructure provision from which change can be measured; Identify under-utilised assets and encourage better use; Extend access and formal/informal sport/recreational opportunities to meet current and future demands; Help focus green infrastructure improvements on specific areas with the greatest needs and opportunities; Consider the release of sites that do not contribute to meeting needs and have no special value for wildlife, heritage or other environmental considerations subject to raising the quality of other sites in the area. Evidence demonstrating that the site is surplus to present and future need and is of low environmental quality will be required; and Commit to long-term monitoring and project evaluation.

Table 9.1 Monitoring: Define a Hierarchy of Green Infrastructure

Outcomes Under-utilised assets can be identified and better use encouraged; Strategic Green Infrastructure (GI) needs are identified and mapped. Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment 239

Indicators Availability of accurate and accessible GI data; Identification of opportunities and deficiencies in GI provision in the district; Ease of access to local green infrastructure; Amount of playing fields/open space lost to development; 9 Condition of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI); Species Audit (through Calderdale Biodiversity Action Plan); Conservation status of priority habitats and species; Levels of tourism in the district.

Targets All new publicly accessible greenspace should be delivered to meet an appropriate accessibility and quantity standard, for example Accessible Natural Greenspace Standard; utumn 2015 All new development should be delivered to meet the Woodland Trust's aspirational Woodland Standard (as detailed in National and Local Standards); Where appropriate, new and existing greenspace should meet a national quality standard, for

example the Green Flag Award scheme; dale MBC - A 95% of SSSIs to be in favourable or unfavourable but recovering condition (timescale to be determined); Calderdale Council to have completed an update of its Biodiversity Action Plan (timescale to be Calder determined); Contribute towards the targets set out for priority habitats and species.

Policy TP 11

Identify the functional role of green infrastructure

The Council should identify the functional role of green infrastructure, primarily to:

Better manage woodland to include increasing native and appropriate tree cover in the district in order to help adapt to the impacts of climate change and to provide flood mitigation; Better manage moorland peat and upland soils in order to help adapt to the impacts of climate change and to provide flood mitigation; Better manage priority habitats such as canals, rivers, streams, unimproved grasslands and ancient hedgerows;

Better manage priority species such as the UK twite, water voles, water shrews and a variety of bats; otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P Ensure that no planning permissions are granted contrary to sustained objection from the Environment Agency, Sport England and Natural England; Identify cross-border issues and encourage co-operative working with neighbouring authorities; Promote sustainable drainage systems through green infrastructure which should be secured by planning conditions or obligations; Provide and protect flood storage areas; Protect and maintain green infrastructure if it makes a positive contribution to meeting local needs; and Promote the use of green infrastructure to make cycling and walking more attractive.

Through the Council's own initiative and through the development process, the green infrastructure network will be protected, conserved, enhanced and valued. The network will be of high quality, will be multi-functional and will meet a wide range of social, environmental and economic needs.

Table 9.2 Monitoring: Identify the Functional Role of Green Infrastructure

Outcomes The functional role of green infrastructure is identified

Indicators Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality issues; Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Sport England advice; Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Natural England advice; Levels of tree planting; Condition of peat bog and upland soils; 240 Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment

Number of flood mitigation and sustainable drainage schemes; Permeable versus impermeable surfaces; Percentage of watercourses that meet designated standards; Air quality levels; 9 Greenhouse gas emissions; Travel to work mode; Calder Number of cycling trips; Conservation status of priority habitats and species; dale MBC - A Delivery of revised playing pitch strategy and open space study.

Targets NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality advice; NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Sport England advice; utumn 2015 NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Natural England advice; Increase the district's woodland cover each year to 2031 (amount to be determined); Percentage of peat bog and upland soils in favourable or unfavourable but recovering condition (Percentage and timescale to be determined); P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 100% of water bodies meet good ecological status by 2015 (Water Framework Directive); 10% overall increase in cycling levels by end of plan period; 20% increase in cycling trips to Halifax centre by end of plan period; Contribute towards the targets set out for priority habitats and species.

Policy TP 12

Securing green infrastructure provision

The Council will put mechanisms in place to secure green infrastructure provision in the district. To achieve this, the primary focus will be on:

Improving and enhancing existing green infrastructure assets, and/or looking to expand existing, or creating new, green infrastructure assets; Encouraging the protection, enhancement and creation of green infrastructure through the Development Management System; Increasing the level of company participation in business in the environment; Encouraging partnership delivery of green infrastructure in the district; and Making good deficiencies in quantity and quality of green infrastructure by a range of means, but including developer contributions.

New development must be served by green infrastructure to meet the needs of the district's residents in a manner which will contribute to the creation of a high quality environment and provide access to high quality open space for leisure and recreational purposes. Development proposals should ensure that:

The GI function of the land is retained and where possible improved; The opportunity is taken to extend and increase GI by linking green spaces, filling in gaps in GI provision, and/or increasing priority habitats and species.

Table 9.3 Monitoring: Securing Green Infrastructure Provision

Outcomes Green infrastructure provision in the district is secured Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment 241

Indicators Percentage of development permitted that includes GI provision; Levels of funding for GI; Level of company participation in business in the environment; GI provision per capita; 9 Ease of access to local GI; Percentage of watercourses that meet designated standards; Conservation status of priority habitats and species; Delivery of revised playing pitch strategy and open space study.

Targets Increase the district's woodland cover each year to 2031 (amount to be determined); Increase the district's overall GI provision year on year to 2031 (amount to be determined); utumn 2015 No loss of ancient woodland or of veteran trees outside protected areas; Contribute towards the targets set out for priority habitats and species; All new publicly accessible greenspace should be delivered to meet an appropriate accessibility

and quantity standard, for example ANGSt; dale MBC - A All new development should be delivered to meet the Woodland Trust's aspirational Woodland Standard (as detailed in National and Local Standards); Where appropriate, new and existing greenspace should meet a national quality standard, for Calder example the Green Flag Award scheme; 100% of water bodies meet good ecological status by 2015 (Water Framework Directive).

Policy TP 13

A joined up green infrastructure network

The Council will ensure that the green infrastructure network is joined up. Existing spaces should be interlinked allowing biodiversity and humans safe access to, and transit between, a range of valued spaces. To achieve this, decisions upon development proposals shall have particular regard to:

Seeking to connect biodiversity habitats; Maintaining critical biodiversity assets and providing long term security for these as identified in the Calderdale Biodiversity Action Plan; Protecting and extending access and informal and formal recreational opportunities to meet current and

future demands; otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Connecting urban and rural communities where possible; and P Promoting the use of green infrastructure to make cycling and walking more attractive.

The concept of the Wildlife Corridor will be continued by the Council in assisting the integration of otherwise isolated areas of wildlife interest. Development will not be permitted in a Wildlife Corridor if it would damage the physical continuity of the Corridor; or impair the functioning of the Corridor by preventing movement of species; or harm the nature conservation value of the Corridor.

Table 9.4 Monitoring: A Joined Up Green Infrastructure Network

Outcomes The green infrastructure network is joined up

Indicators Percentage of development permitted that includes GI provision; Change in areas of biodiversity importance; Ease of access to local green infrastructure; Travel to work mode; Number of cycling trips; Conservation status of priority habitats and species.

Targets Increase the district's woodland cover each year to 2031 (amount to be determined); All new publicly accessible greenspace should be delivered to meet an appropriate accessibility and quantity standard, for example ANGSt; All new development should be delivered to meet the Woodland Trust's aspirational Woodland 242 Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment

Standard (as detailed in National and Local Standards); Where appropriate, new and existing greenspace should meet a national quality standard, for example the Green Flag Award scheme; 10% overall increase in cycling levels by end of plan period; 9 20% increase in cycling trips to Halifax centre by end of plan period; Contribute towards the targets set out for priority habitats and species. Calder

Natural Environment dale MBC - A

9.5 The natural environment encompasses many elements of Green infrastructure that include biodiversity, geodiversity and landscape character. They are mutually dependent and should therefore be considered together. The natural environment is a valuable asset for Calderdale because it underpins and supports all

utumn 2015 human activity, and in this sense is of immeasurable total value. Ecosystem goods and services provided by the natural environment include the filtration, purification and detoxification of air, water and soils; nutrient cycling, nitrogen fixation, carbon sequestration and soil formation; climate regulation, mitigation of storms and floods, erosion control, regulation of rainfall and water supply; habitat provision; and production of biomass providing raw materials and food. Calderdale's natural environment also has an important aesthetic, P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan recreational, cultural and spiritual role as well as aiding education and research.

9.6 Calderdale possesses a landscape of great beauty, which is enjoyed by local people and visitors. The area also supports a rich variety of wildlife and associated habitats and forms an important part of the Southern Pennines. The whole variety of living things, including the habitats that support them, is known as biodiversity. Geodiversity is the variety of rocks and landforms together with the processes that form them. Protecting the natural resources of biodiversity and geological features not only involves protecting sites and species, but also enhancing the status of the whole resource through active management. The Local Plan will help ensure that areas/sites with international, national and local designations will not be adversely affected by new development.

Policy TP 14

Natural Environment

The Council will seek to achieve better management of Calderdale’s natural environment by expecting developments to:

a) Conserve and enhance the biodiversity and geological features of the District by protecting and improving habitats, species, sites of ecological value and sites of geological value; maximising biodiversity and geodiversity opportunities in and around new developments; and conserving and enhancing the form, local character and distinctiveness of the District's river corridors as natural floodplains and important strategic wildlife corridors;

b) Take appropriate steps to maintain the favourable conservation status of populations of protected species; c) Protect, restore and enhance other features of natural environmental importance, in line with local environmental priorities; d) Design-in wildlife, maximise multi-functionality in line with TP30 and TP31 and provide appropriate management, ensuring development follows the mitigation hierarchy and achieves net gains in biodiversity; e) Contribute towards the targets set out for priority habitats and species and the environmental priorities of any future Local Nature Partnership and biodiversity offsetting scheme, as appropriate; f) Deliver enhancement and compensation, commensurate with their scale, which contributes towards the achievement of a coherent and resilient ecological network; g) Protect and enhance the distinctive landscape character of Calderdale; and h) Adopt good environmental site practices as appropriate, including in the form of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) where appropriate.

Development which may harm the Natural Environment will not be permitted unless effective mitigation and/or compensatory measures can be ensured. Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment 243

Table 9.5 Monitoring: Natural Environment

Outcomes Better management of Calderdale’s natural environment.

Indicators Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and 9 water quality issues; Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Natural England advice; Levels of tree planting; Condition of peat bog and upland soils; Air quality levels;

Greenhouse gas emissions; utumn 2015 Percentage of development permitted that includes GI provision; Conservation status of priority habitats and species; Change in areas of biodiversity importance; Percentage of watercourses that meet designated standards. dale MBC - A Targets Contribute towards the targets set out for priority habitats and species;

NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water Calder quality advice; NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Natural England advice; Increase the district's woodland cover each year to 2031 (amount to be determined); Increase the district's overall GI provision year on year to 2031 (amount to be determined); No loss of ancient woodland or of veteran trees outside protected areas; Percentage of peat bog and upland soils in favourable or unfavourable but recovering condition (Percentage and timescale to be determined); 100% of water bodies meet good ecological status by 2015 (Water Framework Directive).

Open Space

9.7 Open space, sport and recreation facilities form an essential part of Calderdale's environment and play an important role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of its residents. They contribute towards quality of life by improving the quality of the environment and enabling exercise and other pastimes to take place, and they can play a key role in sustainable development. Open spaces often come under pressure for development and this pressure is set to increase in the future. There are limited opportunities to increase the amount of open space, particularly in urban areas, and therefore it is imperative that existing open space is preserved otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

and that it is protected from loss and inappropriate development that would harm its character, appearance P or function.

9.8 There will be exceptional occasions when it will be appropriate to release open space for development. Uses appropriate to the particular open space area which would bring community benefits may be acceptable such as outdoor sports facilities, interpretation centres, toilets, refreshment facilities, woodlands, allotments, cemeteries, and horticulture. The onus will be upon prospective developers to demonstrate that there would be no adverse effect in terms of the various functions that the open space fulfils. 244 Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment

Policy TP 15

Protection and Provision of Open Spaces 9 The Proposals Map identifies areas of Protected Open Space that shall be safeguarded from development

Calder to maintain local character and amenity of settlements and their communities. Within the areas of open space identified under this policy, development will only be permitted in very special circumstances for purposes

dale MBC - A other than those which would not substantially affect the openness and character of the land or detract from its amenity value.

Improvements in the provision of Open Space in areas of deficiency should be undertaken. Development proposals that conserve, improve, maintain or create open space will be permitted providing that they are

utumn 2015 consistent with other relevant local plan policies.

All new residential developments should provide for the recreational needs of the prospective residents, by providing, laying out and maintaining recreational and amenity open space of a scale and kind reasonably related to the development within an agreed timescale. P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

Table 9.6 Monitoring: Open Space

Outcomes The protection and provision of open spaces in Calderdale.

Indicators Percentage of development permitted that includes open space provision; Ease of access to local open space; Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Sport England advice; Increased participation in formal/informal sport/recreation; Amount of playing fields/open space lost to development; Delivery of revised playing pitch strategy and open space study.

Targets Increase the district's overall open space provision year on year to 2031 (amount to be determined); Increased participation in formal/informal sport/recreation (amount to be determined); Widen access to sport and reduce the participation gap between population groups; Improved health and well being; NIL playing fields lost to development; NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Sport England advice.

National and Local Standards

9.9 National and local standards for accessible greenspace enable assessment of resource against need which makes it possible to establish if a sufficient resource exists. Such standards have been used for some time with current examples including the Accessible Natural Greenspace Standard (ANGSt) developed by Natural England and the Woodland Access Standard developed by the Woodland Trust.

9.10 ANGSt recommends:-

No person should live more than 300m from their nearest area of natural greenspace of at least 2ha in size; At least one accessible 20ha site within 2km of home; One accessible 100ha site within 5km of home; One accessible 500ha site within 10km of home; and Provision of at least 1ha of Local Nature Reserve per 1,000 people.

9.11 The Woodland Trust's Woodland Standard aspires:

That no person should live more than 500m from at least one area of accessible woodland of no less than 2ha in size; and That there should also be at least one area of accessible woodland of no less than 20ha within 4km (8km round trip) of people's homes. Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment 245

9.12 Locally, the Calderdale Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study: Open Space Assessment Report (2006) sets the following greenspace standard which has been carried forward in the 2015 update:

All settlement areas should have a natural/semi-natural greenspace with a score of 60% or higher on qualitative assessment within 400m of a site (0.04ha - 1ha) and 600m of a site (1.00ha - 3.00ha) and 9 1200m of a site greater than 3ha.

9.13 Where possible, all new development should seek to achieve these standards. In taking forward proposals that involve the provision of natural greenspace and/or any treeplanting in the near vicinity of the South Pennine Moors Special Protection Area, Calderdale Council (and other bodies as appropriate), will need to

liaise with Natural England, to ensure its protection from habitat change or the adverse impact of predator utumn 2015 species. dale MBC - A Calder otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P 246 Environmental Protection

10.1 Environmental protection is a wide-ranging topic covering issues of global and local significance. Environmental issues feature higher than ever on the public agenda and expectations of a cleaner, greener environment and a better quality of life are increasing. The need to mitigate the effects we are having on local and global environments is an essential element in achieving sustainable growth. 10 10.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) recognises the importance of environmental protection

Calder and at the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision taking. dale MBC - A 10.3 This section compliments the sustainable development objectives in section 5 and section 7 of the Local Plan, by:-

Ensuring new development does not significantly add to pollution levels; and

utumn 2015 Reducing current pollution levels where possible.

Pollution Control

10.4 Pollution causes adverse health risks and damages amenity and the environment. It can also prejudice P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan neighbouring land use, resulting in long term contamination and hinder urban regeneration. Control of pollution is complex, involving several agencies, council powers and national regulation. The duty for pollution control rests with the Council's Environmental Health Service, with the Environment Agency providing a regulatory and advisory role in the system. The NPPF, whilst encouraging positive planning to support local development, also seeks to protect the environment and community from pollution from new developments.

10.5 Development has the potential to harm the environment via pollutants to the air, soil or water courses. Such pollution can take many forms to include air pollution, noise pollution, light pollution and river and water pollution. The Local Planning Authority (LPA) will need to consider the impacts of potentially polluting development on amenity and surrounding uses. This will compliment the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2012 that operate outside of the planning process.

10.6 Air quality problems in the district are mainly attributable to transport and addressing these issues is recognised to be complementary to the aim of achieving a reduction in transport emissions. The impact of transport is a cross boundary issue and Calderdale Council is working with the four other West Yorkshire Local Authorities to develop a West Yorkshire Low Emission Strategy which will provide consistent air quality and development management policy across West Yorkshire.

10.7 Calderdale has a rich industrial heritage which has provided the foundations for its economic development. The legacy of past manufacturing, engineering and industrial processes has resulted in the potential for residual contamination of sites across the district. Contaminated land can have an impact on water quality and this is considered in more detail in the Flooding and Water Environment section of this document.

Policy TP 16

Pollution Control

The Council will seek to reduce the amount of development that is likely to cause pollution or be exposed to pollution. When determining planning applications, consideration will be given to the following issues:

The likelihood of noise, smell, vibration or other emissions that have an unacceptable affect on the amenity of the local area. The potential impact on the environmental quality and quantity of ground water sources and water bodies. Whether there is a quantifiable risk that human health may be affected by the proposal. The potential for pollution (including noise, light, water and air pollution) to affect sites of biological and geological importance. The potential for unacceptable light pollution onto other property or land. The potential impact on designated AQMAs.

An appropriate impact assessment should be submitted with the planning application and should detail any mitigation measures needed to make the development acceptable. Environmental Protection 247

Table 10.1 Monitoring: Policy TP -- - Pollution Control

Outcomes A reduction in development that is likely to cause pollution or be exposed to pollution.

Indicators Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency and Health 10 and Safety Executive (HSE) advice. Percentage of watercourses that meet designated standards. Number of AQMAs declared in the district.

Targets NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency and HSE advice. utumn 2015 Environmental Protection

10.8 Some development proposals can also be potentially hazardous or be exposed to hazard by reason of fire, explosion, contaminated land, unstable land etc. The proper planning of an area requires, in appropriate dale MBC - A cases, separation or other mitigation measures to enable development to take place, whilst in some cases development should not be supported. Calder

Policy TP 17

Environmental Protection

The Council will seek to reduce the amount of development that either gives rise to or is exposed to the following environmental hazards:

Where there is contamination or there is good reason to believe that contamination may exist on a development site. Where there is an area of potentially unstable land on or surrounding a development site. Where development proposals could lead to the juxtaposition of incompatible land-uses. Where development is proposed within HSE consultation zones or proposals are received for new, or extensions to existing dangerous substance establishments. Where development is proposed in close proximity to overhead electricity lines or proposals are received for new overhead electricity lines. otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

Appropriate documentation should be submitted with the planning application and should detail any mitigation P measures needed to make the development acceptable.

Table 10.2 Monitoring: Environmental Protection

Outcomes A reduction in development that gives rise to or is exposed to environmental hazard.

Indicators Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency and HSE advice.

Targets NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency and HSE advice. 248 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy


11.1 Carbon emissions are a key factor leading to global climate change with a number of Government targets introduced to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The Climate Change Act 2008 introduced a statutory target 11 of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. At a local level the Calderdale Climate Change Action Plan aims for a 40% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 from a 2005 baseline

Calder and an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2080. One of the methods of addressing Climate Change, as outlined in this Local Plan's Section on Climate Change, is by increasing the contribution the generation of

dale MBC - A energy from renewable and low carbon sources makes to reducing carbon emissions.

11.2 The NPPF recognises the role of planning in supporting the delivery of renewable and low carbon energy and associated infrastructure. To facilitate this local planning authorities should have a positive strategy to promote energy from renewable and low carbon sources. This includes maximising renewable and low

utumn 2015 carbon energy development whilst ensuring any adverse effects are addressed. The RCUDP contains a number of criteria based policies relating to the consideration of proposals for renewable energy developments and these are carried forward and updated to reflect technological changes and other more recent evidence. The policy requirement for developments to make provision for a proportion of their energy needs to be met by on-site renewable energy sources is no longer appropriate as this has now been superseded by changes P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan to the Building Regulations.

11.3 The majority of developments contributing to the generation of renewable and low carbon energy in Calderdale have largely been associated with wind power in the form of either individual wind turbines or wind farms of varying sizes across the district. Ovenden Moor is the largest operational wind farm in Calderdale generating 9.2 MW electricity and is to be replaced by a smaller number of larger turbines generating 22.5 MW electricity. A windfarm is under development on Todmorden Moor (5 turbines) whilst planning permission has been granted for a windfarm at Crook Hill (5 turbines within Calderdale district and 7 within Rochdale district). There has also been some take up of solar power with more limited interest in other technologies such as hydro power and energy from waste.

11.4 Two studies examining the potential for renewable energy, one by AECOM for Region(xiv) and one by Maslen Environmental on behalf of several South Pennine Local Authorities(xv) exploring the potential for renewable and low carbon energy in the South Pennines, concluded that by far the most significant potential for renewable electricity is commercial scale wind along with small scale wind energy. The studies also recognised the potential for solar electricity generation particularly as the technology improves in the future. Regarding heat generation ground source heating was recognised to have potential as was solar energy with biomass and hydro power having more limited potential.

11.5 The main renewable and low carbon energy technologies are:

Wind Turbines Solar photovoltaics Solar Water Heating Hydropower Heat pumps Biomass Combined heat and Power Plants District heat networks Landfill gas Energy from Waste Anaerobic digestion

Strategy for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

11.6 The objective of the Local Plan is to maximise the amount of energy generated from renewable and low carbon sources. This is to be achieved through the positive consideration of proposals for renewable and low carbon energy infrastructure where there are no unacceptable environmental effects. The Local Plan therefore includes a series of criteria based policies to assist with the consideration of planning applications. These are intended to maximise renewable and low carbon energy development whilst ensuring that adverse

xiv Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Capacity in Yorkshire and Humber, Aecom, 2011 xv Renewable and Low carbon Energy Study, Maslen,2010 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy 249

impacts are addressed satisfactorily, including cumulative landscape and visual impacts.

11.7 Initiatives such as the implementation of the Council’s Energy Future Strategy(xvi) will also assist in maximising energy from renewable and low carbon sources. This strategy includes large scale renewable energy infrastructure compatible with the local landscape producing local energy and contributing to the 11 decarbonisation of the national grid in its vision to produce a resilient low carbon economy. It also supports community led initiatives for renewable and low carbon energy and drew on the evidence provided by the AECOM and Maslen Studies. Neighbourhood plans will also have a role in delivering these initiatives.

11.8 The Local Plan does not identify specific locations for renewable energy developments. In the case of wind

energy, opportunities in the South Pennines have largely been exploited as demonstrated in a study jointly utumn 2015 commissioned by a number of South Pennine Authorities to address the cumulative effects of wind turbines in the area and undertaken by Julie Martin Associates(xvii). This study identified where the landscape may be capable of accommodating further wind energy development and will inform the consideration of further proposals. Active solar technology (photovoltaic and solar water heating) on or related to a particular building

is often permitted development. It is not sufficiently clear at present where there may be viable opportunities dale MBC - A for other technologies but over the Plan period these technologies will develop further with the potential to affect their siting. The contribution from microgeneration is generally more building specific and will largely Calder be implemented through the building regulations.

11.9 Through its site allocation strategy for various forms of development the Local Plan provides opportunities both in terms of scale of development and co-location for the use of combined heat and power plants and/or district heat networks.

Policy TP 18

Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

The contribution from renewable and low carbon energy generation will be increased over the period of the Local Plan through:

Positive consideration of proposals for renewable and low carbon developments, including proposals for community led and microgeneration schemes, subject to there being no unacceptable adverse environmental effects; Maximising opportunities for and resulting from the co-location of energy producers with energy users; otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

and P The implementation of the Council’s Energy Futures Strategy and its Carbon Action management Plan where this relates to buildings.

Consideration of proposals

11.10 Notwithstanding the significance the Council attaches to the role of renewable and low carbon energy in addressing the issue of climate change any environmental and landscape (including cumulative) implications must be evaluated. Since all proposals for renewable and low carbon energy have the potential for some environmental impact Policy TP 19 'Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Developments' is a generic policy applicable to all developments. Additional considerations apply to specific technologies as set out in Policy TP 20 'Wind Energy Developments' to Policy TP 23 'Combined Heat and Power Generation'. These cover wind and solar technologies since they have been the main technologies taken up to date and are likely to remain so over the Plan period. In order to provide more detailed technical guidance on all technologies, particularly given technological advances during the Plan period, the Council will give consideration to the preparation of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on renewable and low carbon energy.

11.11 Renewable and low carbon energy, particularly at the small scale, is often generated close to the point of use feeding directly into a local user or the local distribution network and is a more efficient means of delivery than via the national grid. Larger renewable and low carbon developments need to feed into the electricity network if they are to serve a wider area including supplying the national grid. However, this can be challenging since the capacity of the local electricity network cannot always accommodate new generation whilst in xvi Calderdale Energy Future Strategy, Calderdale MBC, 2011 xvii South Pennines Wind Energy Landscape Study, Julie Martin Associates, 2014 250 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

remote areas, where the best wind resources often exist, there may be no existing electricity distribution infrastructure at all and no houses or businesses to serve directly. Where distribution infrastructure such as power lines is required the effects on the environment and amenity will form part of the consideration of developments for renewable and low carbon generation. 11

Calder Policy TP 19

dale MBC - A Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Developments

Proposals for the generation of energy from renewable and low carbon sources, including distribution infrastructure, will be permitted provided developments either individually or cumulatively would not:

utumn 2015 cause significant harm to the visual quality or character of the landscape, to the local environment or the recreational/tourist use of the area; significantly harm sites of nature conservation or biodiversity value; adversely affect heritage assets including views important to their settings;

P adversely affect neighbouring uses including the amenity of local residents; and otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan adversely affect aviation navigation and radar systems (based on the most recent evidence).

Wind Energy Proposals

11.12 A study by Julie Martin Associates (2014)(xviii) examined the effects on the landscape of the increasing number of wind turbines in the South Pennines and provided guidance in relation to turbines in the different landscape character types. The study provides information at a strategic level on the relative levels of landscape sensitivity to wind turbine development across the study area. These key strategic priorities in relation to Calderdale are:

Prevent any significant harm to the landscapes of the South Pennines Heritage area which is highly valued at a regional level for its many special landscape qualities, including wildness and tranquillity, and its important recreational role; Conserve significant areas of open, less modified moorland and moorland fringe landscape, especially in the parts of the South Pennine Moors that lie north and south of the scenic Calder Valley and are presently untouched by wind energy development; In the medium to longer term reinstate open moorland skylines on the Crook Hill to Heald Moor ridge line which is important for the continuity of the Pennine backbone and also fulfils a strategic visual role at the head of the Calder Valley; Limit any further visual intrusion by large scale wind energy developments on adjacent settled valley landscapes especially those of the upper Calder valley whose settings are already significantly affected by ‘large’ turbines; Promote clear patterns of turbines of different heights in the landscape; Avoid the close juxtaposition in the landscape or turbines of different heights and designs.

11.13 A further study by Julie Martin Associates (2013) examined the impacts of turbines up to 60m in height and provided guidance for their consideration. Both studies by Julie Martin Associates provide detailed guidance on the siting, layout and design of wind energy developments including guidance on assessing the landscape, visual and cumulative impacts of wind energy developments. These should be referred to both by those submitting proposals for wind energy developments and decision makers. Whilst the Studies provide greater detail regarding the assessment of wind energy proposals the essential criteria which must be met are set out in Policy xx. References to guidance in the policy are to the Julie Martin Studies and any subsequent updates that may be undertaken during the Plan period. The current situation regarding the number and location of turbines 18m or greater in height can be found on the map and database prepared as part of the 2014 Julie Martin Study .

11.14 On 18th June 2015 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government published an update to the approach to be taken to wind energy developments and subsequently amended the PPG. This essentially states that local planning authorities should only grant planning permission for wind energy developments if:

xviii South Pennines Wind Energy Landscape Study, Julie Martin Associates, 2014 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy 251

the development site is in an area identified as suitable for wind energy development in a Local or Neighbourhood Plan; and following consultation, it can be demonstrated that the planning impacts identified by affected local communities have been fully addressed and therefore the proposal has their backing. 11 11.15 Whilst no specific allocations for wind energy development are included on the Local Plan Proposals Map suitable areas for wind energy development can be identified through proper application of the Julie Martin Study. Given that the Study is the primary evidence base for determining suitable areas for wind energy (and consequently any allocations should be based on this evidence) the conclusions will be the same whether seeking areas to allocate or considering planning applications. Any objectively assessed proposals found

not to cause harm could be permitted notwithstanding the PPG reference to Local Plans, should sufficient utumn 2015 weight exist to support this approach. Additionally, interest currently exists in progressing several Neighbourhood Plans across the district and these have the potential to allocate areas for wind energy development. Therefore the following policy is included to assist in assessing wind energy proposals. dale MBC - A Policy TP 20 Calder Wind Energy Developments

Proposals for the development or re-powering of wind farms or individual wind turbines will be permitted provided that:

the proposed development responds to landscape character as set out in the landscape character descriptions for the relevant Landscape Character Types and Landscape Character Areas (Julie Martin Study); the proposed development would not harm the ‘key’ environmental features, which closely reflect its most special, valued landscape qualities and it respects the landscape constraints to wind energy development identified in the sensitivity assessments (Julie Martin Study);• the proposed development is in line with the sensitivity assessment and guidance and has been sensitively sited (Julie Martin Study); the proposed scheme, including its siting, number and massing, design, materials and colour of the turbines and ancillary structures has been designed to avoid harm and minimize any unavoidable harm with the key consideration set out in the guidance for the relevant Landscape Character Type (Julie Martin Study) recognized and respected; opportunities to mitigate significant adverse effects and opportunities of landscape enhancement have

been taken; otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P the guidance for siting multiple developments has been observed and the proposal does not worsen any cumulative landscape and visual issues that exist; access for construction traffic would not give rise to highway danger or permanent damage to the environment; the developer undertakes the removal of structures and full restoration of the site, to the satisfaction of the Council, should the whole, or part of the site become inoperative for power generation purposes; and the development would not significantly harm surface water, drainage, groundwater or water supply.


11.16 The take up of solar energy technologies has increased, particularly as the technology has become more efficient and costs have reduced. Solar power can be harnessed in a number of ways:

Solar photovoltaic panels - convert solar radiation into electricity. They have traditionally been found on the roofs of buildings but more recently interest has increased in solar farms with a number developed nationally, although none in Calderdale as yet. Solar Thermal Panels - convert solar radiation into hot water through a heat transfer system. Passive Solar Design – buildings are designed to make optimal use of the energy from the sun (See this Plan's Section on Sustainable Design and Construction)

11.17 Over the period of the Local Plan the number of properties installing solar PV and solar thermal, both on existing and new build properties, will increase both as a response to reducing energy costs and meeting 252 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

increasingly stringent requirements for lower carbon emissions. The Council supports such an increase in the use of solar power but this approach has to reflect amenity concerns, particularly in sensitive locations such as within the curtilage of a listed building or within a conservation area. As the technology progresses this may become less of a concern as already there are panels designed which are almost indistinguishable 11 from normal roof tiles or slates.

Calder 11.18 Whilst proposals for ground mounted solar pv installations may come forward during the Plan period the levels of solar energy received in Calderdale mean that it is unlikely that proposals for large scale solar farms

dale MBC - A will be received. The approach to assessing the cumulative landscape and visual impact of large scale solar farms is broadly the same as assessing the impact of wind turbines. They should also be sited on previously developed and non-agricultural land but where they are sited on agricultural land poorer quality land is preferred to higher quality land. As solar farms are usually temporary structures they should be removed when no longer in use. utumn 2015 11.19 Energy costs and consumption (and thereby carbon emissions) can be reduced dramatically through the use of passive solar design. Key factors are the location, orientation and design of buildings together with landscaping. As part of the drive towards reducing carbon emissions the Council will encourage the use of passive solar design in new developments over the Plan period. P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

Policy TP 21

Solar Energy

Proposals to utilise solar energy will be permitted provided that:

they do not harm the amenity of the area and their design and siting minimise their impact on recipient buildings; solar thermal or photovoltaic panels will not be installed on a Listed Building where there would be a detrimental effect on the special architectural or historic character of the building; solar thermal or photovoltaic panels will not be installed within the curtilage of a Listed Building where there would be a detrimental effect on the setting of the building or within a Conservation Area where this would not preserve or enhance the area; large scale solar farms utilise previously developed and non-agricultural land; where agricultural land is to be used for solar farms poorer quality land is used in preference to higher quality land; and solar farms are removed when no longer in use and the land restored to its previous use.

Protection of Renewable Energy Installations

11.20 Existing renewable energy installations could have their performance adversely affected if the planning of new developments did not take account of their requirements for an uninterrupted flow of energy. In the case of wind energy inappropriately sited and designed buildings, including their height, could reduce wind speeds whereas height and spacing will be important to avoid overshadowing of existing active solar power installations in order to avoid a reduction in solar gain. It is also important that developments utilising passive solar techniques do not have their southern elevations overshadowed by inappropriately designed and located development, including any associated landscaping proposals, in order to avoid occupiers having to supplement their heating and lighting from other sources.

Policy TP 22

Protecting Renewable Energy Installations

Where appropriate proposed development schemes should show that they would not significantly harm the performance of existing renewable energy installations and passive solar design developments or the availability of their resource. Renewable and Low Carbon Energy 253

Combined Heat and Power

11.21 The use of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems can reduce emissions into the atmosphere by reducing the total fuel consumed in on-site boilers and therefore has a role to play in carbon reduction. This technology is suitable for buildings requiring a simultaneous need for hot water and electricity, such as swimming pools, 11 hotels, leisure centres and mixed developments. However, the boilers tend to create more noise than traditional boilers and can, therefore, create local environmental concerns. In most cases, these problems can be overcome by good design and correct operation. An example of this form of technology in Calderdale is Todmorden Sports Centre. The Council will support proposals for and investigate the feasibility of further CHP schemes across the district. utumn 2015

Policy TP 23

Combined Heat and Power Generation dale MBC - A Developments incorporating Combined Heat and Power Systems will be permitted providing there would be no harm to the amenity of users of the site or the surrounding area. Calder

District Heat Networks

11.22 Heat networks differ from other technologies producing renewable and low carbon energy since they are primarily a form of distribution, although they may also include generation (including from renewable and low carbon sources). By locating developments which are users of heat close to developments producing waste heat opportunities for the use of this waste heat can be maximised. Nationally heat mapping by DECC has identified the locations with the most potential for supporting heat networks. Further work by LCR has identified the areas within the city region with heat loads sufficient to support district heat networks. Whilst a commercially viable opportunity has not yet been identified in Calderdale the Council wish to encourage developers to investigate and bring forward heat networks for new developments. The Council’s Energy Futures Strategy supports this form of development and further investigations are taking place to identify opportunities. Given that the Plan looks forward to 2032, there is the distinct possibility that opportunities for heat networks will arise during this period and the Council will support these. Where networks are feasible and viable future residential developments of 10 or more dwellings or developments of 1,000 or more square metres will need to either connect to an existing heat network or demonstrate how sites have been designed

to allow for connection to a future district heating network. Policy TP 24 'Heat Networks' reflects this current otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan position and demonstrates the Council’s support for heat networks. Means of achieving the necessary P infrastructure could be through Local Development Orders and/or CIL contributions.

Policy TP 24

Heat Networks

Over the period of the Local Plan the Council will investigate the feasibility of and support the introduction of district heat networks. Developments will be required to prioritise connections to existing or planned decentralised energy networks where feasible and viable.

Table 11.1 Monitoring: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

Outcomes Increase in RLC generation;

Associated reduction in CO2 emissions.

Indicators Renewable Energy Generation by installed capacity and type; Number of community led RLC energy generation schemes; Levels of CHP generated. Development of heat networks. 254 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy

Targets No specific plan target but maximisation of renewable low carbon energy; Targets in Council’s Energy Futures Strategy and & any future Council documents on carbon reduction. 11 Calder dale MBC - A utumn 2015 P otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Flooding and Water Environment 255

12.1 The NPPF makes it clear that 'inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk, but where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere'. Supported by the Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA), the Local Plan is focused upon managing flood risk from all sources and applying a sequential, risk-based approach to the location of development to avoid where possible flood risk 12 to people and property and manage any residual risk, taking account of the impacts of climate change.

Flood Risk

Map 12.1 Flood Risk in Calderdale utumn 2015 dale MBC - A Calder otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan P

12.2 Historically, the River Calder and its tributaries have experienced serious flooding, which has strongly impacted on life and property, not least in the upper valley settlements, particularly Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and Todmorden. Overall, there are approximately 13,300 properties at risk of flooding in the Calder, Colne, Holme, Spen and Ings Beck catchments. Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield jointly commissioned a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) in 2005. The SFRA provides a detailed assessment of flood risk areas throughout the district, and was updated in 2008 to reflect the policies set out in Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk and again in 2015 to reflect the policies set out in the NPPF and to provide more up-to-date flood risk mapping. Whilst Planning Policy Statements have been replaced by the NPPF, the main requirements of PPS 25 have been retained along with best practice guidance.

12.3 The 2015 SFRA uses the Environment Agency Flood Map issued in August 2015 to assess fluvial risk. In Calderdale, the study identifies 4,648 residential properties to be within Flood Zone 3 and therefore be at risk from a 1 in 100 year or greater fluvial flood event. The wards with the most properties at risk include Todmorden, Calder and Luddendenfoot with 2,124, 805 and 631 residential properties at risk respectively. It should be noted that the Flood Map is precautionary in that it does not take account of flood defences and therefore represents a worst-case extent of flooding.

12.4 Rivers are not the only source of flooding; other sources include failure of infrastructure, for example a burst water main, groundwater flooding and pluvial/surface water flooding caused by periods of intense or prolonged rainfall. Surface water flooding can occur anywhere in Calderdale where ground levels and terrain profiles tend to cause surface water to flow and accumulate. Whilst the main cause of surface water flooding in 256 Flooding and Water Environment

Calderdale is the steep topography surrounding towns and villages, other contributing factors include poor land management, canal breaching/overtopping, new developments and blocked ditches, gullies and culverts.

12.5 New development must not adversely impact on river catchment areas, functional flood plains and flood 12 storage areas or increase the risk of flooding elsewhere, and this must be taken into account in the Local Plan and when considering planning applications. When assessing development proposals, evidence will

Calder need to be provided to show that measures to manage flood risk from run-off have been incorporated into the proposal's design. dale MBC - A 12.6 Flood management should assist development in Calderdale where there is little development land available outside higher flood risk zones, provided that the sequential approach required by the NPPF has been followed. The sequential approach requires local planning authorities to demonstrate there are no reasonably available sites in areas with a lower probability of flooding that would be appropriate to the type of development

utumn 2015 or land use proposed. Preference should be given to locating new development in Zone 1 (areas of lowest flood risk), before locating development in the higher flood risk zones, Zone 2 (medium risk) and Zone 3a and 3ai (high probability). Zone 3b is the functional floodplain. Where it is not possible to locate development in lower flood risk zones following a sequential test, the Exception Test can be used. P

otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan 12.7 The Exception Test should only be applied when the sequential test has failed to deliver acceptable sites and large areas lie within Flood Risk Zones 2 and 3.The test provides a method of managing flood risk while still allowing necessary development to occur, allowing the wider aims of sustainable development to be met. Even where suitable development sites lie within Zone 1, the impact on areas downstream needs to be taken into account in order to avoid increasing flood risk elsewhere.

12.8 The Council has carried out a Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) which indicates that the majority of areas where growth will be located are within Flood Zone 1. However, certain locations are particularly sensitive to an increase in the rate and volume of surface water runoff from new development and are generally known to have local flooding issues. These are areas with complex surface water flooding problems that would benefit from a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and ultimately a drainage strategy. The Level 1 SFRA proposes that these areas be designated Critical Drainage Areas (CDAs), with further refinement and formal designation taking place as part of a Level 2 SFRA.

12.9 Site-specific FRAs will be required for development proposals which fall within CDAs, regardless of which Flood Zone that applies, and Flood Zones 2 and 3. Prospective developers required to submit a site-specific FRA must demonstrate that the development will be safe for its lifetime taking account of the vulnerability of its users, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and, where possible, will reduce flood risk overall. In CDAs, a site-specific FRA should also demonstrate that new development is not at risk from flooding from existing drainage systems or potential overflow routes.

12.10 Flood risk is predicted to increase as a result of climate change and the associated extreme weather events. However, climate change is not the sole factor to take into account, other factors include the capacity of existing infrastructure. Sustainable drainage systems and other forms of 'Green Infrastructure' such as green spaces and increased tree cover can assist existing infrastructure in accommodating heavy rainfall and can free up water storage capacity. Flooding and Water Environment 257

Policy TP 25

Flood Risk Management 12 The Council will require new development to be directed away from flood zones 2 and 3 in accordance with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework. Development will only be permitted if it can be demonstrated that:

It would not give rise to the loss of flood plain storage;

It would not impede the flow of flood water, surface water or obstruct the run-off of water due to high utumn 2015 levels of groundwater; Measures required to manage any flood risk can be implemented; The management of surface water is done in a sustainable way. Development should enable/replicate natural water flows and decrease surface water runoff, particularly in Critical Drainage Areas, through Sustainable Drainage Systems, utilising green infrastructure where possible and as directed by local dale MBC - A standards and guidance;

Provision is made for the long term maintenance and management of any flood protection and or mitigation Calder measures; It will take into account climate change; The benefits of it to the community outweigh the risk.

Development should have full regard to and compliance with the advice of the Environment Agency (or equivalent agency), the objectives and priorities for flood risk management set out in the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and the published evidence of local flood risk and its significance as included in Strategic Flood Risk Assessments, Surface Water Management Plans and other recognised sources of flood risk data.

Table 12.1 Monitoring: Flood Risk Management

Outcomes New development is directed away from flood zones 2 and 3

Indicators Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality issues; Number of flood mitigation and sustainable drainage schemes; otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan

Permeable versus impermeable surfaces; P Percentage of watercourses that meet designated standards; Properties at risk of flooding as defined by the Environment Agency; Number of new developments incorporating a sustainable drainage system and/or other relevant forms of Green Infrastructure.

Targets NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality advice

Water Environment

12.11 The EU Water Framework Directive requires that all inland waters must reach at least ‘good’ chemical and ecological status by 2015. The Environment Agency is responsible for its implementation, working with relevant partners including the water industry and Local Authorities.

12.12 Large scale development has the potential to cause water pollution and to harm aquatic environments including both surface and groundwater. Harm to water quality can derive from both construction activities or from the load placed on the sewage system by occupied development. Aquatic environments are precious not only due to their biodiversity characteristics but also for their amenity and recreational value.

12.13 The main ways in which Local Authorities can influence water quality are by: 258 Flooding and Water Environment

encouraging the use of sustainable drainage systems and other forms of Green Infrastructure as a way to reduce water run-off; and ensuring that development adjacent to water resources is carefully controlled to prevent water pollution from land contaminants, waste water, industrial and construction processes and litter / fly tipping. 12 12.14 Where infiltration type Sustainable Drainage Systems are inappropriate due to ground conditions (soil type,

Calder contaminated land issues etc.), non-infiltration type Sustainable Drainage Systems such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting may be appropriate. Therefore the Council will only regard Sustainable Drainage Systems

dale MBC - A as inappropriate in exceptional circumstances, where it can be demonstrated.

12.15 New development can place increased pressure on water quality. Avoiding adverse effects is largely in the hands of the water companies through the provision of sewage treatment infrastructure and the Environment Agency who issue consent to discharge effluent. Development in the district should therefore be phased and

utumn 2015 timed to keep pace with the provision of necessary sewage treatment infrastructure, in order to avoid placing excessive demands upon an overburdened system.

P Policy TP 26 otential Sites and other Aspects of the Local Plan Water Environment

The Council will work with key stakeholders to protect the quality and quantity of water resources; encourage their efficient use and ensure that they are provided where necessary. Priority will be given to:

1. Protecting and enhancing ground and surface water features and preventing aquatic pollution; 2. Ensuring new development has an adequate means of water supply, sufficient foul and surface water drainage and sewage treatment capacity. Development must be phased to take into account the timing of any new water resource development and sewage treatment infrastructure required. Any additional provision or improvement of infrastructure must be funded in advance of development taking place; 3. Only permitting development if there is no adverse impact to the quality or use of surface or ground water resources; and 4. Only permitting development if there is no adverse impact on habitats and species dependent on the aquatic environment.

Table 12.2 Monitoring: Water Environment

Outcomes The quality and quantity of water resources are protected and their efficient use is encouraged

Indicators Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality issues; Number of flood mitigation and sustainable drainage schemes; Permeable versus impermeable surfaces; Percentage of watercourses that meet designated standards; Number of new developments incorporating a sustainable drainage system and/or other relevant forms of Green Infrastructure.

Targets NIL planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality advice; 100% of water bodies meet good ecological status by 2015 (Water Framework Directive)