6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-18151-8 - Enlightenment and the Creation of German Catholicism Michael Printy Index More information Index absolute state, 9, 53, 55–7, 138–42 identity of, 2 Catholic church and, 13–15 religion and, 7–8, 10–11, 16–17, absolutism. See absolute state 216 Altgeld, Wolfgang, 7 Braun, Heinrich, 148 amortization laws, 72–81 Burger€ . See bourgeois, bourgeoisie ancient constitutionalism, 27–8, 30 Aschenbrenner, Beda, 151 cameralism, 60–1, 103 Canisius, Peter, 129 Baronius, Caesar, 29 canon law Baroque Catholicism conceptions of, 28–36, 102 criticism of, 1–2 corpus iuris canonici, 30–1 Bavaria Protestant, 111–15 church policy, 14, 64, 72 state and, 65 Bellarmine, Robert (Cardinal), 116 teaching of, 44–6, 104 Benedict XIV, pope, 33, 37 Catholic church Berulle, Pierre de (Cardinal), 169 legal immunities, 64–72 biconfessionalism, German, 1, 4, 6 national versus universal, 2, 9 bishop nineteenth century, 214–17 role of, 36 property of, 56, 66, 96–100 secular versus spiritual authority, Catholic Enlightenment, 1, 9–11, 82–5 160–5 Blaschke, Olaf, 6 Baroque Catholicism and, 125–8 Blau, Felix Anton, 147, Jansenism and, 10 163–5 popular Catholicism and, 125–6, Blondel, David, 29 154–5 Bohmer,€ Justus Henning, 111 versus reform Catholicism, 1, 9–10, Boniface, 191–5 125 bourgeois, bourgeoisie, 138–43, 216 Civil Constitution of the Clergy conceptions of, 125–8 (France), 164–5 German, 126–8 civil society, 109–11 243 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-18151-8
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