The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1977 Kentucky High School Athletic Association

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The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1977 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 8-1-1977 The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1977 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1977" (1977). The Athlete. Book 223. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact OWENSBORO HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM K.H.S.A.A. CHAMPION— 1977 'i'rf-'- •SSi- (Left to Right) Front Row: Eric Anderson, Val Norris, Chris Aaron, J. T. Buck, Glen Rates, Mgr. Eddie Puckelt. Second Row: Steve Sheldon, Jamie Dewitt, Barr Gordon, Duane Kirkendoll, Jared Elliot, Mike Tanner. Third Row: Ass't. Coach Rudy Brittain, Ricky Hale, Ruben Hayden, Phil Hyland, Keith Anderson, Mark Rickard, Jeff Brigance, Randy Hamilton, Coach Jack Hicks. Member Of National Federation of State High School Associations Official Organ af the KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AUGUST 1977 — —— —— — KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL TRACK MEET—CLASS AA BOYS University of Kentucky Sport seen ter, Lexington, May 21, 1977 Paducah Tilghman High School Track Team — K.H.S.A.A. Champion (Left to Right) Front Row: Aaron Pralher, Craig Byrd, Roy Cooper, Pruett Roof, Eric Grumbach, Larry Matchem, Fra.nkir- Elmore, Reggis Douglas. Second Row: Coach Lyman Brown, Greg Houser, Greg Engelhard, Keith Lansden, Kelly Cromwell, David Wagner, Richard Abraham, Eli Khouri, Tommy Cockrell, Coach Augie Schiller, Coach David Mitchell. 100 Yard Dash— 180 Yard Hurdles— Triple Jump— 1. Prewitt. Lafayette 1 Reese. Christian Co. 1. Ward, Lafayette 2. Minis, Meade County 2. Boulware, North Hardin 2. Fitzpatrick, Bryan Station 3. Higgins, Tenderson Co. 3. Williams. LaRue Co. 3. Lewis. Hopkinsville 4. Jouett, Covington Holmes 4. Deller, Bowling Green 4. Hinton. Owensboro 5. Hampton, Lafayette 5. Watkins. Madisonville 5. Jones, North Hardin Time— 10.0 Time Distance—47' 9 1/2" Ward broke the state record of 47' 9" 220 Yard Dash— 880 Yard Relay— in this event. 1. Paducah Tilghman 1. Prewitt, Lafayette Discus 2. Cummings. Warren Central 2. North Hardin 3. Lafayette 1. Ramey. Paul Blazer 3. Mims, Meade Co. 4. 2. Whitman, Tates Creek 4. Posue. North Hardin Bryan Station 5. Hopkinsville 3. Kratch, Oldham 5. Owens. Henrv Clav 4. Cromwell, Paducah Tilghman Time—22.5 Time— 1:30.2 5. Chalk, Newport Catholic Mile Relay Distance— 155' 3" 440 Yard Dash— 1. North Hardin 1. Central Cummings, Warren 2. Paducah Tilghman 2. Eoulware, North Hardin 3. Henderson Co. 3. Owens, Henry Clay 4. Christian Co. 4. Bussell, Christian Co. 5. Lafayette TOTAL POINTS 5. Howard, Campbell Co. Time Time—49.3 Shot Put Paducah Tilghman _ . 31 880 Yard Run 1. Donlon, Oldham Lexington Lafayette 27 1. Grumback, Paducah Tilghman 2. Carter. East Carter North Hardin 25 2. Farley, Henderson Co. 3. Mennach, Boyd Co. Christian County __ __ 16 3. Buck, East Carter 4. Asher. Lincoln Co. Henderson County 16 4. Pickens. Highlands 5. Kratch. Oldham Co. Warren Central 14 5. Wagner. Paducah Tilghman Distance- -53' 1" East Carter 11 Time— 1:59.2 Bryan Station 10 High Jump Oldham County __,10 Daviess County 10 1. Mayes. Danville Mile Run Meade County 7 2. Ray. Warren Central 1. Grumback, Paducah Tilghman Danville 6 3. McCubbin, Grayson Co. 2. Buck, East Carter Bowling Green — 6 4. Fitzpatrick, Bryan Station 3. Murphy, Dixie Heights Paul Blazer 6 5. Pitman, Knox Central 4. McKay, Daviess Co. Owensboro 5 Distance—6' 9 1/2" 5. Whitt. Tates Creek Tates Creek 5 Maves set a state record in this Time—4:22.7 Hopkinsville 4 event with his height of 6' 9 1/2". ... Laurel Co. 4 Two Mile Run Grayson Co. - 4 Pole Vault— Clay .. 4 1. Khouri, Paducah Tilghman Henry 1. Marshall. Woodford Co. __ 3 2. Mills, Daviess Co. Boyd County 2. Quisenberry, Daviess Co. Marion 3 3. Cornelius, Pulaski Co. County — 3. Bell. Marion Co. Dixie Heights 3 4. Camm. Newport Catholic — 4. Mason, Bryan Station Mason County 3 5. Cummins, Covington Catholic 5. Derickson. Laurel Co. Newport Catholic __ 3 Time— 9:52.4 Distance— 13'0 Pulaski County .. 3 Lincoln County 2 120 Yard Hurdles— Long Jump Highlands -- ..2 1. Reese, Christian Co. 1. Murch. Henderson Co. Holmes __ 2 2. Boulware, North Hardin 2. Bryant, Bowling Green Franklin Simpson --. 3. Dartez. Owensboro 3. Scott. Mason Co. Knox Central 4. March. Lafayette 4. March, Lafayette Campbell County — 5. Braid. Franklin-Simpson 5. McCubbin. Grayson Co. Madisonville - 21' Time— 14.3 Distance— 10" Covington Catholic - — The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association $1.00 Per Year VOL. XL—No. 1 AUGUST, 1977 Mitchell, where he soon started football from IN MEMORIAM scratch and led that small school to respectable competition among the schools of the Northern Kentucky Athletic Conference. "Mac" continued to instruct young men in the art of officiating and represented the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at clinics held throughout the State for nineteen years. From his role as teacher and leader, he ad- vanced in the field of administration from Coach to Athletic Director, to Principal, and finished up his educational career and retired just a few years ago as Superintendent of the Beechwood School System. Not liking total retirement, he was continuing to lead in the field of education and had taken a part-time position as Director of a Practicum Experience in Teaching Training with Northern Kentucky State University. "Mac" is survied by his wife. Vestal Mackie, formerly of Mt. Sterling, and two sons: Edgar, Executive Director of the Red Cross of Alliance, Ohio; and Lou, a Baptist Minister of Worthington, Ohio. To commemorate and honor Coach McNabb's leadership in school activities, the football sta- dium of Beechwood High School is now named McNabb Field and a Scholarship Fund is being developed at Beechwood in his name. Edgar McNabb "Mac" has many friends all over the State and never made an enemy. He will be missed, but "A country boy who made it out and made good" not forgotten. The passing of Edgar McNabb unexpectedly Tebay Rose, Superintendent on May 4, 1977, brought shock and a great loss Ludlow City Schools to athletics throughout the State of Kentucky. Ludlow, Kentucky "Mac", born and reared in the southern sect- ion of Montgomery and Powell Counties, Ken- tucky, attended the Montgomery County High MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING School where he had his first taste of school athletics under Coach "Pap" Currie. The Board of Control of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association met at the K.H.S.A.A. From that beginning, he went to Morehead, office on Friday afternoon. May 20. 1977. The where Coach Downing left a great influence on meeting was called to order by President George his life and probably encouraged "Mac" to be- Sauer, Jr., at 1:00 p.m. Present were board come a teacher and coach. After a heroic four members Story, Barriger, Eldon with Ray Denval years, he started in professional baseball Davidson, Joseph McPherson, Norman Passmore, the New York Yankees as a pitcher. New York C. W. Jones, Paul Trimble, Commissioner Tom was just too big at that early age so "Mac" Mills, Assistant Commissioners Dianne Caines, headed back home to Kentucky and started his Louis Stout, and Billy Wise. Mr. Conley Manning teaching and coaching life at Raceland High was present representing the State Department School in Greenup County, Kentucky. He soon of Education, and Mr. Darrell Wells represented brought renown to the Raceland Rambles and, the State School Board Association. The invo- after some six or seven years, was called to cation was given by Norman Passmore. succeed Homer Jackson, who had left Bellevue. Joe McPherson moved, seconded by C. W. Kentucky, for the big Male High School job. Jones, that the reading minutes of the "Mac", building on Homer Jackson's foundation, of the last meeting be waived since members of the kept the "Tigers" of Bellevue at the top of the Board had received copies of these minutes. The Little Eight Conference. motion passed unanimously. McNabb started officiating basketball and foot- Mr. Mills requested that the Board consider ball all, over the State and, with his winning setting a financial allowance for those schools smile, and fairness of his decisions, he was soon participating in the Girls State Basketball Tourna- known as an outstanding student of the game, so ment. Following a financial report on the Tourna- much so, that he was selected to work the Sweet ment, Norman Passmore moved, seconded by Sixteen State Tournament for about ten con- Eldon Davidson, that each participating school secutive years. receive an allowance of $200.00. All members After five years at Bellevue, "Mac" resigned voted aye. and accepted the position of Head Football Coach Following a discussion of the eligiblity status at Owensboro High School. However, not wishing of Randy Crum of Dilce Combs High School. to move his family, he resigned the Owensboro Norman Passmore moved, seconded by Paul offer and took a one-year position at Ludlow. At Trimble, that the Commissioner investigate the the end of that year, he was asked to become case further and then rule on the case based Head Coach of the Beechwood School at Ft. (Continued on Page Two) Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR AUGUST, 1977 AUGUST, 1977 VOL. XL—NO. 1 SABRE 1.
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