The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1965 Kentucky High School Athletic Association
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Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 8-1-1965 The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1965 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1965" (1965). The Athlete. Book 104. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HlqhkhoolAthMe BOWLING GREEN HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM K.H.S.A.A. CHAMPION-1965 (Left to Right) Front Row: P. Van Meter, M. Stanley, S. Markham, V. Lloyd, G. Guy, Mgr. T. Lynn. Second Row: Coach J. Pickens, J. Young, F. Keith, P Allen, W. Gray, D. Freeman, T. Oiler, E. Siddens, J. Jones, D. Koon, Coach L, Doughty. Official Organ of the KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION August, 1965 KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL TRACKMEET LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MAY 21-22, 1965 Owensboro High School Track Team-^K.H.S.A.A. Champion 1965 , L. fnl,. C. Wnosnam, D. Remole, G. Chumbley, D. Speer, Coach ut, E. Sin M. Pippin, D. Crask, M. Williams, C. Jenninss. 100 Yard Dash— 2. Stout-Owensboro 2. l/^favette 1. Green-Eminence 3. Mays-Lafayette 3. Male 2. Brown-Male 4. Banks-M.M.L 4. Paducah Tilghman 3. Chumbley-Owensboro 5. Green-Newport Catholic 5. St. Xavier 4. Sales-Central Time-4:19.0 Time—3:22.6 5. Best-Elizabethtown Remote set a new state record with his Owensboro set a new state record with the time of 4:19.0. time nf 3:22.6. Time—9.9 Green tied the old state record of 9.9. 120 Yard High Hurdles— Shot Put— 220 Yard Dash— 1. Ball-Valley 1. Marshall-Frankfort 2. Chumbley-Owensboro Johnson-Trinity 2. Dickerson-Eastern Brown-Male 3. Milligan-Somerset 3. Unseld-Seneca 4. Sales-Central Tolle-Male 4. Brim-Male Walters-Vallej 5. Ballowe-Paducah Tilghman 5. Cross-Central Best-Elizabethtown Time—14.6 Distance—57' 7%" Time—22.3 18S Yard Low Hurdles— Pole Vault— 440 Yard Dash— 1. Ball-Valley 1. Swope-Daviess County 1. Green-Eminence 2. Lyons-St. Xaviei 2. Fryman-Harrison Countj' 2. Prather-Lafayettc 3. Johnson-Trinity 3. Hagan-Atherton 3. Smith-Shawnee 4. Kloentrup-Simon Kentoi. 4. Lyons-St. Xavier 4. Crask-Owensboro 5. O'Brien-Elizabethtown 5. Pennick-Pleasure Ridge Park 5. Potter-Elkhorn Cit.\ Time-2(l.2 Height—13' 0" Time—49.(' 380 Yard Relay Green set a new state record witli hi' High .lump- time of 49.0. 1. Owensboii 1 Lance-Eastern 880 Yard Run— 2. Valle> 2. Wright-Central 1. Roberts- St. Xavie) 3. Central 3. Kirwin-Atherton 2. Stout-Owensboro 4. Paris 4. Dinwiddie-Leitchfield 3. Keller-Lexington Catholii 5. Lafayette 5. Shaw-Paducah Lincoln 4. Coclough-Danville Tune—1:29.3 5. Smith-Fleming County 5. Remole-Owensboro the preliminaries set ith the time 1:28.8 5. Penn-Paris Time—1:55.3 of Height—6' 2" Mile Run— Mile Relay— 1. Remole-Owensborf 1. Owensbon (Continued on Page Eight) r : : The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXVIII—NO. 1 AUGUST, 1965 $1.00 Per Year Insurance 794.95 Equipment Repairs & Service Contracts 880.65 Report of Audit Building Repairs 224.19 1191 East Broadway Utilities 1,104.78 Louisville 4, Kentucky Telephone and Telegraph 1.721.85 July 15, 1965 Fidelity Bonds 44.00 Mr. Theodore A. Sanford, Secretary & Treasurer Printing 2.977.05 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Appropriation to Kentucky Coaches Ass'n 500.00 Lexington, Kentucky Appropriation to K.A.P.O.S. 300.00 Sir: Purchase of National Federation Publications 2,887.19 We have examined the Statements of Receipts and Dis- Delegates to National Federation Meetings 5,585.26 bursements of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association National Federation Dues 130.00 for the year ended June 30, 1965. Cash in Banks, Savings Appropriation to Kentucky D.G.W.S. .500.00 Accounts and Bond Investments were verified by direct Rental on Films 333.00 communication with depositors. Buildings and equipment are Audit 135.00 reflected at estimated values without appraisal by us. Refunds 5.00 In our opinion the accompanying statements present fairly Bad Checks 37.60 the financial position of the Kentucky High School Athletic Miscellaneous Disbursements 300.00 Association at June 30, 1965. and the results of its operation Meals—Annual Banquet 2,370.75 for the year then ended, subject to the estimated value of Speaker—Annual B<inquet 125.00 buildings and equipment, in conformity with generally accepted Taxes and Withholdings: accounting principles applied en a basis consistent with Federal Income Tax Withheld — $ 4,482.10 that of the preceeding year. Social Security 1,556.08 Johnson and Lusk City Income Tax Withheld 524.56 Certified Public Accountants State Income Tax Withheld 789.15 KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Hospitalization Withheld 361.20 State Sales and Use Taxes 480.43 3,193.52 PERIOD FROM JULY 1. 19^4. TO JUNE 30, 1965 STATEMENT OF Transfer of Funds: RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS U. S, Savings 20,000.00 RIPCEIPTS: To Savings Account 5.000.00 25,000.00 Balance in checkingr Account July 1, 1964 44.476.29 $ Insurance Subsidy 23,259.70 Annual Dues: 395 iSj $3.00 $ 1,185.00 Magazine: Officials' Dues: Printing and Engravings 4,925.00 Football: 504 (5) .$3.00 1,512.00 Mailing 150.00 3,075.00 Basketball: 1315 @ *3.00 3,945.00 Reciprocity Officials: Officials' Division: Football: 55 <n> $1.00 55.00 Honorariums and Expenses—Clinics 1,479.06 Basketball: 37 (rii $1.00 37.00 Printing and Miscellaneous Expense 70.86 Officials' Fines: 30 (S $5.00 150.00 Schools for Officials 1,363.56 Redeposits (Bad Checks Made Good) 34.60 Expenses—Regional Clinics 85.59 Advertising in Magazine 1,500.00 Officials' Emblems 2,133.02 5,132.09 Sale of Publications 419.20 Sale of Equipment 22.50 Swimming: Sale of Bonds 2,000.00 State Committee Expense 268.98 Ticket Sales-Annual Meeting 558.00 Trophies and Medals (State Meets) 823.57 Interest Received from Government Bonds 1,535.00 Officials (State Meets) 306.62 Interest Received from Mileage and Local Entertainment 1st Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n.__ 300.00 (State Meets) Interest Received from 2,145.80 Pool Rental & Additional Services 262.00 3.806.97 Union Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n. 400.00 Interest Received from Golf: Interest Received from Lexington Mileage and Local Entertainment Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n. 400.00 (State Tournament) Transferred from 1,663.60 Trophies and Awards 1,684.59 1st Fed. Savings Loan Ass'n & __ 5,000.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 694.22 4,042.41 Transferred from State Basketball Tournament Account 148,811.19 Refunds Tennis: 271.92 Mileage and Local Entertainment Receipts—State Baseball Tournament— 1,163.50 Overoavinent (State TonrnamRnts) 1,064.10 5.00 Trophies Football Playoffs: and Balls 2,182.37 Expenses—Tournament Managers 216.54 3.463.01 A & AA Ticket Sales 6,291.00 AAA Profit 2,372.33 Track A & AA Program Prafit 42G.50 Regional Expenses 687.92 A & AA Program State Tax __ 8.22 Tronh'es AAA Radio and Medals 2,064.05 Fee 25.00 State Committee Receipts State Expense 784.22 — Track Meet 732.50 Officials Rere-nts State Wrestling 1,093.38 — Tournament— 1,110.70 Mileage and Local Entertainment Receipts—State Swim Meets 799.50 (State Meet) 8,155.44 State Swim Meets Television Fee — 60.00 $181,130.66 Mis-ellaneo'is Expense (State Meet) 30.00 New Equipment 32.66 $225,606.95 DISBURSEMENTS:_._ Labor (State Meet) 49.36 12,897.03 Board of Control Expense $ 6,850.57 Baseball Commissioner's Salary (Base Sal. $12,600.00) 9,815.88 Refunds on Expense—Commissioner's Office 486.36 District Tournament Deficits 2.113.01 Ass't Commissioner's Salary (Base Sal. $10,500.00).- 8,258.04 Trophies and Awards 2,137.65 Travel Expense—Ass't Commissioner 961.30 Refunds on Regional Secretarial Salaries 8,366.37 Tournament Deficits 380.50 Janitor's Salary 1 079.72 Baseballs (State Tournament) 87.73 Postage __ ————_.—_— 2,'662.'30 Transportation (State Tournament) 683.30 Office Supplies 618.33 Meals (State Tournament) 1,167.00 New Equipment 987.45 Lodging (State Tournament) 840.00 Janitor Supplies '__'_ 1 joiso (ContinuecJ on Page Six) : Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR AUGUST, 1965 AUGUST :1965 VOL. xxvni—No. 1 STATE WINNERS IN GIRLS' TENNIS Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Office of Publication, Lexington. Ky. 40.501 Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. Editor THEO. A. SANFORD Assistant Editor J. B. MANSFIELD Lexington. Kv. BOARD OF CONTROL President Foster J. Sanders (1962-66). Louisville Vice-President Preston Holland (1963-69). Murray Directors—Morton Combs (1964-68), Carr Creek: Don Davis (1963-67). independence: Ralph C. Dorsev (1962-66). Horse Cave: Sherman (1963-67). Greenville; Don R. Rawlings (1963-69). Danville: Oran C. Teater (1964-68). Paintsville. Subscription Rate $1.00 Per Year ^iom the L'Omnilsslone'i s CJffice Football Clinics The 1965 clinics for football officials and coaches will be conducted by Athletic Director Edgar McNabb, Assistant Principal of tJie Beechwood High School.