
1A www.valdostadailytimes.comLetters Sunday, December 17, 2017 to Santa: A Special Publication of The Valdosta Daily Times

The following letters were Dear Santa, The following letters Dear Santa, Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Peterson’s Thank you for everything you gave were written by Mrs. I am having a great day so far. I How are you? I hope my elf Jen- me. I’ve been very kind this year. want a keroke box for Christmas gles gave you good reports. Also second graders at I only want a new laptop. Hart’s second graders if you can give me one more. I tell Jengles to go high up so the Westside Elementary: Love, Aarav Dave, 7 at Westside Elementary really want one. My mom did not dog doesn’t get him. Oh and by like it so she thro it away. How the way, I only want two things Dear Santa, School. old are you Santa? I really want for Christmas - a xbox 360 with Dear Santa, Thank you for being generous to Dear Santa, to know. Am I on the good list a minecraft disc. Thank you for being jolly and gen- me!! I have been helpful and car- How are you doing? all of the hard Santa? Because I hope that I am. Your Friend, Braxton Snipes, 9 erous. I have been friendly this ing this year! I would really like a work you do is very nice of you. I hope you have a very Merry year. I would really like to have an bike and a play dog. You have to bild all of those toys. Christmas. Dear Santa, iphone, lol doll, and hovver. Love, Rylee Tomberlin, 7 The first thing I want is a fur real Take Care, Kady Copeland, 8 I want a golden bear with a golden Love, Yara Chambers, 7 friend and a tiara toy. Oh, can I car. I want all of the people in this Dear Santa, please, please, please have some Dear Santa, world to be happy and not be Dear Santa, Thank you for everything. I have LOL dolls, orbees spa, and a bar- How was your day? For Christ- mad. I want Injustice 2 but I don’t Thank you for everything you have been jolly this year. I would really bie house. Meery Christmas! mas I would like cotton candy want to be greedy. I’m so happy given me. I have been hardwork- like a pet, lots of money, and a Love, Francesca Weldon, 8 perfume and a phone. Am I on you never give up on Christmas. ing this year. I would really like dream tent. the nice list or the naughty list? I Thanks a Bunch, Emanuel the soccer goals, bubble ball, and Love, Bronte Depasture-Smith, Dear Santa, would also like a phone case with Smith, 9 huvr board this year. 7 I hope that you are having a great donuts on it. Love, Evan Jones, 7 time in the northpole. How cold Lots of love, Your Friend Am- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, is it in the northpole? There are bree Adkins, 8 Do you like it at the North Pole? Dear Santa, Thank you for being jolly and three things I want for Christ- Anyway all I want for Christmas Thank you for my presents last generous. I have been good this mas and the first thing I want Dear Santa, is world peace and lol dolls, year. I have been very obedient year. I would really like the lol doll is a fingerling and the second I would like a new hatchable. I hatchamals and barbi dolls. And this year. I want pokemon cards, and a Barbie house with a new thing I want is lots of squishy would like a new play set in my Ken dolls and some paint seat. a picachu plush, and 2 pokemon Barbie doll. toys and the last thing I want is backyard. I would like a ball. I Sincerely, Kaitlyn Lewis, 9 binders. Love, Vanessa Roberts, 7 slime. Santa, I love you and have would like a bity baby. I would an PS: I love you! a great day. easy bake oven. Would you like Dear Santa, Love, Anderson Davig, 7 Dear Santa, Sincerely, Savannah Lambert, 7 something? Can you get me two water slids Thank you for being so generous. XOXOXO, Love Raeley Parker, 8 please, 1 trampoline, 84 LOL Dear Santa, I have been obedient this year. I Dear Santa, dolls, all of the Junie B. Jones Thank you for everything you gave would really like a new computer. What do you do while it’s not Dear Santa, books, a Bulldog phone me. I have been mostly kind this Love, Mason Reynolds, 7 Christmas? What does Misis How is your day? I want a suffed case with my name on it please, year. I would really like an xbox Klos do? I want lazur tag. I want graf, stuffed you caren. I want Georgia Bulldog bed spread, one gaming computer, and dead Dear Santa, nintindoswich. What I rily want bracelets, necklaces, rinags and 100 dollars. That is all I want for by daylight. Thank you for being so generous. I is xsbox and a four welur. And high heels. I want chap stick, stuf Christmas. Love Jalen Gillard, 7 have been kind this year. I would those are the things that I want for my baby dolls. I want LOL XOXO, Madeline Knight, 8 really like an xbox 360. rily bad. dolls, hatchimals surprise ani- Dear Santa, Love, Max, 7 Your Friend, Weston Harvey, 7 mals, hatchimals, Jill pens, naill Dear Santa, Thank you for my toys. I have been polesh, stufed cat. I hope you had a good summer. sweet this year. I really would like Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Clarice Strickland, 9 Here are the top three itimes on a camera, sewing kit, and a new I want an Elsa and some new ear- Do you have to work hard every- my list. bike! rings. I want nail polish, a tablet, day? I like how your reindeer fly. Dear Santa, 1. a Rivel nerf gun Love, Emma Godwin, 7 kitchen set, and a baby doll. I Are you going to let Rudolph be How is your day? How is the 2. a star wars Robotic kit also want some new clothes and in the front? How do you take weather in the North Pole? My 3. and snap sirkits Dear Santa, sunglasses. I love you Santa. off? Can I please have a dirt bike. birthday is 18 days before Christ- Have A Good Christmas, Love Thank you for all the gifts. I have Love, Sy’Briah Mitchell, 7 I will make you a bunch of cook- mas. I only want three things- a Colt Richardson, 8 been good this year. I would real- ies and milk. Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo ly like a gizmore gadget. Dear Santa, Keep Smiling, Your Friend Spen- Switch, and pokemon GX cards Dear Santa, Love, Carter Weidinger, 7 I have been very good this year. cer Glassick, 8 that can do more than 250 I love you Santa! I want a ST5 I want a laptop for Christmas. I damage. I want to ask you one game for Christmas. Please Dear Santa, hope you have a lot of presents Dear Santa, more thing. How do you carry bring Briana a tablet. Bring Thank you for bringing me pres- for the kids. I hope all the kids I wand a dirt bike. My name is all of those gifts? Your bag must mom a Mario game. I want tow ents. I have been friendly this are on your good list. Have a Bert. I am good. Are you good? be big. remote controls and Minecraft. year. I would really like a dog, good Christmas. Peace & Love, From Robert Not on the Naughty List, Ethan Thank You Santa, Jeremiah and American girl, and a horse Love, Claire Odom, 7 (Bert) Seay, 8 Haugabrook, 8 Pearce, 8 surprise. Love, Winter Ledwozan, 7 Dear Santa, The following letters I am being nicer to my sister and she’s being nicer to me. I herd were written by Mrs. the elfs forgot gifts they were Bennett’s second graders going to give us. Have a good night on Christmas. I bet you are at Westside Elementary checking the list right now aren’t School you? Love, Camden Yager, 8 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you so much for everything Do you like the North Pole? The elf that you gave me last year! This came to my house and hid in my year I want a new coloring book. toy room. This is what I want for How do you eat all those cook- Christmas - 4 pokemon packs, ies? Merry Christmas! LEGO ninjgo packs, a toy rife that XOXO, Lyla Wright, 8 makes noise, a snow globe, and a pet hamster that is black, and Dear Santa, a remote control scoopyn from Thank you for the motorcycle last Animal Planet. year. I would like a tablet, some With Love, Everett Baxter, 8 Pokemon cards, and toy Rubix Cube. I hope you and your family Dear Santa, have a great Christmas! I would like a smart watch. Can I From, Jordan Stewart, 7 have an elf doll to play with and have fun with? I want an Eiffel Dear Santa, Tower. I would like a heart, peace Thank you for my t.v. and bike love and stars bedding. I want you gave me last year. This a unicorn pillow. Have a good year I would like a Xbox, a pair Christmas. of Heelys, and a dirt bike. Tell Love, Emery Thompson, 8 Rudolph hello for me. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Alexander Carmickal, 8

Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability 2 LetterS to Santa Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 LetterS to Santa 3

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa Claus, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, It’s been 2 years, but last year Thank you so much for my big doll Thank you for the Jasmine doll My name is Baylee. i am 6 years How are you doing? How are the I’ve been good this year. I want a I have been good this year. For I have been good. I want a blue I’ve been a little bit good and bad. I have been very good this year. you were asleep and you gave last year. This Christmas I would you gave me last year. This year old. Thank you for the dolls. rander? Am I on the naughty Power Ranger Dino charger and Christmas I would like a remote bike. I want a red . I need a Can I please have the big golden Thanks for giving everybody a me less gifts. I’m still happy like a Pillow Chum, a dollhouse, I’ve been good and I would like Can I have a Dscendes 2 movie list? I’ve been good. You bring some slime. I also want a flat control plane, a remote control green jacket. LOL surprise dolls and series Christmas present. I really want with what you gave me. Can you and a gold bell. What kind of an Xbox 5. I would also like a please? Can you tell Ms Claus I the goodist toys. I want the car screen T.V. with a Nintendo. monster truck, and some little Your friend, De’Andre Stewart, 6 3 and 2? Can I please have the a dirtbike, hoverboard, SMART please get me a Nintendo Switch cookies do you like? I hope you Samsung Galaxy 6. said hi? that pushis off and legos. Have a Love, Trevor Raines, 6 cars. I will leave you some mild game Speak Out? May I have a Board, and a snake. Have a great and a scooter? Be safe! have a great Christmas! Thank You, Audriana Brown, 7 Love, Baylee Roders safe trip. and cookies. Dear Santa, four wheeler? Christmas! Many Thanks, Malik Roman, 8 Sincerely, Gabby McDonald, 8 Love, Ryder Dear Santa, Love, Jaron McNab, 6 Thanks for delivering all of my Love, Aziah Watts, 7 Love, Justin Mazariegos, 8 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I am sorry that I chased my sis- presents. Can I have Power Dear Santa, The following letters Thank you for the gifts you gave Santa thanks for toy pupes. Santa Dear Santa, ter with a fork. For Christmas Dear Santa, Rangers action figures? Can I Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you so much for the hoove me last year. I have been really I am 6 years old. Santa I want How are the elves? Are any of your I would like a DS with some I have been very good this year. have a sticky man? How are you doing Santa? How I have been a very good girl this crew (all my hooved animals)! were written by Mrs. good this year and I would like Decdins dolls! reindeer sick? Is Mrs. Claus well? games, a gumball machine, and This year I would like an Xbox, a Your friend, Tim Strain, 7 old are all the reindeer this year. I’ve been a good listener This time I really want a purple Wrye’s second graders and Xbox. Love, Caroline Holguin My favert holiday is Christmas. Nintendo switch. game for my Xbox, and a game Christmas Eve? I have been good sometimes. My gifts that I want laptop and some more talking Thank You, Jake West, 8 Am I on the naughty list? One Love, Parker Sharpe, 6 for my PlayStation. Dear Santa, this year Santa. I want an Xbox are one hatchimal egg, a cotton books. I love you, Santa!! at Westside Elementary Dear Santa, time my elf was on the gangler. I Love, Blake Carte, 7 You are so kind. Are you and Mrs. One, dirt bike, elf, and chrome- candy maker, and a mini kitchen. Much Love, Libbie Akers, 6 School. Dear Santa, My name is Jacinda. I am six hope you have a safe trip. I wold Dear Santa, Claus OK? I want Legos. I need book. That’s all I want Santa. Love, Amaya Anderson, 7 Thank you for the gift and my dog years old. Thank you for my relly want a American girl doll Thank you for my presents last The following letters were a jacket. I need a hat. I want a Love, Carlos Dominguez Guti- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, you gave me last year. I don’t stuff animal last year. This year hotel. I will lev some cakey and year. I have been very good this scooter. errez, 7 The following letters Thank you so much for the dirt Thank you for my gifts last year. I know if I have been good or bad, I want Mals Spell Book becase I milk. I want a Loldoll. year. I want a PS4, an Xbox, and written by Mrs. Hess’ Your pal, Noah Tomlinson, 6 bike last year. May I please have have been really good this year. I but I would like for you to bring like Descendes. Please give Mis Love, Emmye a 3DS. first graders at Westside Dear Santa, were written by Mrs. a remote-control Nerf gun, a would like for you to bring me a me a PS4 and a Modulus Regu- Clause a nap. Love, Charlie Brown, 7 Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Hempe’s second graders Corvette, and a remote-control phone and an American Girl doll. lator Nerf gun. Love, Jacinda Salas Dear Santa, Elementary School. Thank you for the elves. You are I just wanted to tell you what I boat? How do you get around Thank You, Kaylee Brasher, 7 Thank You, Camdynn Hall, 8 Hi! How are you doing? Are any of Dear Santa, Dear Santa, the best. Thanks for all the gifts want for Christmas this year. at Moulton-Branch the world in one night? Dear Santa, your reindeer sick? I hope there I have been good Santa. I want a Your elves are cool. Are you and you give us. I want a book and I Some things I want this year are Elementary School. Sincerely, Quinn Bedgood, 8 Dear Santa, The following letters Crismis is the best time of the not sick. Is Mrs. Claus ok? Your bike for Christmas. I also want a Mrs. Claus doing well? Please want a dirt bike. an iPhone, bike, and a chrome- Thank you for what you gave me year even better than halowwen elves make pretty and cute toys. lunchbox and 60 dollars. I love give me a wooden bat. I have Your pal, Parker Theiss book. That’s all I want this year. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, last year. I would like a blue were written by Mrs. and fanksgevg. I wud like a skwrt Am I on the naughty or nice list? you Santa. been so good. Love, Presli Starling, 7 I have been fabulous this year. Thank you so much for the dune hover board please and a gas Edmondson’s first graders monstr toy and the spechil ples. Did you know Christmas is one Love, Colbie Brown, 7 Your friend, Whit Clark, 7 Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I want buggy last year. This year I want powered dirt bike. Love, Gave Sheffield of my favorit Holladays. I really You are so kind. You make me Dear Santa, a Barbie dream home, cake, and all of the ball guns. What was Thank You, Samuel Neal, 8 at Pine Grove Elementary want a calculater. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, happy a lot. I want a Nintendo I love your reindeer, Santa. I want a few surprises. See you soon. your favorite Christmas? I hope School: Dear Santa, Safe travels, Evelyn I have been good this year. This I like you. I need shoes. I want a Switch of Christmas and Legos, an Xbox, nerf gun, iPhone, and Your Friend, Typress Reaves, 7 you have a happy Christmas! Dear Santa, My name is Aiden. I am 6. One of year I want a toy pistol, a dirt bike without training wheels, and and a bike. a game. Have a good day Santa. Sincerely, Wyatt Evans, 7 Thank you for the gifts you gave Der Santa, my transformrs are brokine and I Dear Santa, bike, and a hover board. an iPhone 7, and gloves, and a Your pal, Hideo Tsukiyama, 7 You are the best in the world. I Dear Santa, me last year. I have been really My name is Joshua. I am 7. wot a new one. How are you? You have a lot of Love, Damien Ballard, 7 dog, and a Play Station. want a game, a dog, a bike, and a I have been really awesome. Do Dear Santa, good this year and I would like Thaenk you for the TeReck last Love, Aiden Sandders pressints to give to kids, you Your pal, K’Rhaz King, 7 Dear Santa, snake. I wish you a Merry Christ- your deer fly? I want an Xbox Thank you so much for the cars for you to bring me a shopy jet yer. I want a conecs rollacostr beter get to work. I love my out- Dear Santa, Santa please get me a Barbie and mas. 360, motorcycle, WWE, Pokemon you gave me last year. This and a twin Hatchimal. this year. Dear Santa, fits. Your nice to me. You have I have been good this year. I want Dear Santa, please get a sparkly coat, and Your friend, Hayden Eason, 8 Sun, and headphones. year I would like a new Batbot Thank You, Reese Miller, 7 Love, Joshua Wyman My name is Cara. Thanks for the rilly nice elves. I rimeber when games, movies, and an Xbox for You are the best. You are nice. I please get me some puppies. I Your Friend, Marco Yanez, 8 Extreme, a new Nerf, and a new hat and glouvs. I wot a puppy you put tolit papper around my my room. need a warm jacket- red FSU will like a Hoverboard. I need new Dear Santa, guitar. How do you get in a house Dear Santa, Deer Santa, and a kitten. house. I rilly want all the lego Love, Jayden Nijem, 7 jacket. How are you doing? I gloves. Thank you for my gifts. When I seen my friends fall, I came Dear Santa, if there is no chimney? I hope I have been really good this year. I am 7 yeers old. Thank you for Love, Cara Martinez sets. need a clock. I have been nice. I want an American Girl doll. I to help them up. I’ve been good I have been an awesome boy this you and Mrs. Claus have a won- Can you get me an XBox 1S and the toy car. This yeer I want La- Love, Tyler Dear Santa, You are the best Mrs. Claus. need a jacket with stars on it. to be on the good list. I want a year. How do reindeer fly? I want derful Christmas. a Samsung Galaxy? gos and a gold car. Dear Nick, I have been very good this year. I Love, Gavin Gray, 6 You friend, Alyce White, 6 shotgun and paintball gun. I want some Pokemon, Skylanders, Sincerely, Skyler Starling, 8 Thank You, Mason Bassford, 7 Love, Zayvion Sanchez My name is Izzy. I am 6 in a haf. Dear Santa, would like to get some toys and a remote control monster truck. headphones, a tablet, and a big- Thank you for the unicorn. I How are you? Did you no that some slime. I would also like a Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Kaleb Cowart, 8 ger trampoline. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, want a Decdins Eive doll! Giv the Christmas is my favorit holla- girl robot. I think your elves do a great job. We love you Santa. I need an alarm Your Friend, Hunter Boyd, 8 Thank you for my ipad last year. Thank you for the gifts you gave I wont a Pinpney Pops. i am 6 yers randeer carrits. day? How are the dear doing and Love, Janaya Brown, 6 Can I have a Storm and Light- clock. I want make-up, an Amer- Dear Santa, This year I want a karaoke ma- me last year. This year I want old. I like ur raditrs. Love, Isabelle Gran how is Mrs. Claus doing? Am I ning McQueen remote control ican Girl doll, and a real puppy, a I hope you have a great day. I wish Dear Santa, chine and a Wellie Wisher Doll a shooter and a Captain Love, Isabella Aguilar on the good list or the bad list for Dear Santa, car? Can I have a , Quick big Hatchable, and I want a Dou- for a robot and a nook for Christ- I have been really good this year! for Christmas. How do you come America that shoots Nerf The following letters were Christmas? I want num nums, a I have been good this year. Santa, Silver, and Ultron action figure? ble Hatchable. mas. I wish you have a great day Are the elves working hard? I into the house if someone does bullets. Dear Santa, pink drtabike, a gym bar, an aw- I want a Soggy Doggy, a Toilet Your friend, Cole Hall, 6 Your pal, Madison Wilder, 6 on Christmas. I been so good I really, really want a Switch, Nerf not have a chimney? Thank You, Conner Tucker, 7 My nam is Zackariah. I want a written by first graders at tfit, and a real cumpuder. I hope Flush game, and some Amelia did not fuss on my homework. guns, bike, and a laser tag game. Sincerely, Kaitlyn Bolton, 8 transfrmer buble. Valwood School. you have a safe trip. Bedelia books. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Jacob Wright, 8 Your Friend, Carlos Landaverde, 8 Dear Santa, Love, Zackariah Love, Isabella Love, Zeel Patel, 6 I want a Hoverboard and Nintendo We love you. You are sweet. I need Dear Santa, Thank you for the monster truck Dear Santa, Switch and a Voltron. I need an a tub. I have been so good. Can Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you so much for the Ariel you gave me last year. I have Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are your rein- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, alarm clock too please. I also I please have an American Girl I’ve been good to be on the good I’ve been really good this year. By doll you gave me last year. This been really good this year and I I am 6 years old. Thank you Santa deer doing good? Im doing good How are your elves and reindeer? You are the best! Thank you for the need headphones. Santa my elf doll? Do you love us? list. I just want to tell you that the way, how are the reindeer do- Christmas I would like a Fidget would like for you to bring me a for the presens last Chrismas. today. Christmas is my favorite I hope you give me and my dogs gifts last year. This year I would is cool. I wish I was an elf. I wish I Your love, Kaylee Tanguay, 7 we’re going to have chocolate ing? For Christmas I want Num Cube, a Hatchimal, and a Baby gas powered go cart. I want Disney prissesse Stely holiday! Thank you for the pres- singgy or sinny and gibby lots of like a My World, an American Girl was in your town. chip cookies for you. I want to tell Noms, big sister LOL surprise Alive. I hope you have a Merry Thank You, Grayson King, 7 up the world, some bildings for ents! You bring the best pres- things. One time my elve name doll, and a DC Comic Super Hero Your pal, Tyler Haynes, 6 The following letters were you I want a skateboard, remote dolls, little sister LOL surprise Christmas! my brother JuJu, a baby lamb ents!!! I love the elf you sent me! pear he got my Barbie car and Girl doll. control cheetah and light up dolls, and to meet Cookie Swirl C Sincerely, Tatiana Kelly, 8 Dear Santa, because I’ve been so good. Ms. One time he slep in my prencess he prted he was fishing. How old Love, Kayle Gonzalez, 7 Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Donnelly’s show. and JoJo. I have been really good this year Claus is so so nice. and the pee bed. For Christmas I are you? I am excited for Christ- We love you. I need an Elsa hat. second graders at Lake Love, Matt Wachob, 8 Your Friend, Alaina Smith, 7.5 Dear Santa, and than you for the stuff last Love, Kate Cross want some pink roller skats and mas. I want loldolls. Dear Santa, I want a bike, and a dog, and a Thank you for my backpack last year. This year can I have a Lego a Descendants barby doll. I want Love, Ryan Thank you for my toys last year. I mouse. Park Elementary School. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, year. May I have some painting Batman toy set and a Lego Nin- Dear Santa, a mown costume. I also want a want a Baby Alive, a watch with Love, Raegyn Johnson, 6 I have been so good. I clean my I have certainly been good. How sheets and a PS4? I would like jago set also? My name is Brayden. I want a pet lot of candy. I aspechely want Dear Santa, games, and a pretty pink dress. Dear Santa, room. For Christmas, I will like are the reindeer doing? I want some new shoes, too. I hope you Thank You, Gibson Shealey, 8 snake to hold. You are the best some candy canes. How are you doing? I hope you like Love, Macy Jones, 6 Dear Santa, I have been good. Thank you for a hoverboard, iPad, and iPhone. a Hatchimal, slime kit, pretzel and Mrs. Claus have a wonderful Santa. Finely we get presnts. Love, Esther the kooces and milk that we put We love you Santa. Thank you for my presents last year. This year I The cookies that I’m going to maker, nail polish, and a baby Christmas! Dear Santa, Love, Brayden Pillmore out. Will you send a elf this year? Dear Santa, my gifts. How are you doing? I want a Google Expedition, hover- leave you are chocolate chip Husky. Sincerely, Bradley Register, 7 Thank you for the gifts that you Dear Santa, am I on the good list? Don’t I have been good this year. Santa, need a blue jacket please! Please hoard, iPhone, LOL doll, real pup- cookies. Sincerely, Braylin Whitley, 7 gave me last year. I want a Nerf Der Santa, How are you doing? Do all the forget my brother he whants may I get a Polaroid camera, can I have a puppy, double py, and a baby. Merry Christmas! Love, Analie Hernandez, 8 Dear Santa, gun and a Star Wars Lego set I like the presnt that you gave me reindeer feel good? I am excited a ninja set. I woold like to get a a Baby Alive, Orbeez, and a Hatchable, Aquabeads, tele- Love, Aulden Register, 8 Dear Santa, Thank you for my gifts last year! this year. last year and I want a gold chain about Christmas. How are you noow phone case that looks like smoothing spa. scope, make-up, and American Dear Santa, I have been very, very good this This year I want a Broncos jer- Thank You, Riley Musgrove, 9 bekuss it will be good on me win doing in the north pole? Your broken glas and 1 that looks like Love, Marie Williams, 7 Girl doll? Please Santa, please! Dear Santa, I have been good this year and year. How do reindeer fly? I want sey, an RC car, and a Trax Truck. I want it on me everyday. elves make perfect toys. My night. Your elves make good toys. Love, Sayla Kierce, 6 I have been very good this year. today. I clean my room up with a Nintendo Switch, a remote PS- What is your favorite drink? Dear Santa, Love, Dakari Shackleford favorite holiday is Christmas. Love, Elizabeth Dear Santa, Sometimes but I’ve been good to my dad and I let my brother control car, Harry Potter wands, Thank you for the Paw Patrol truck You sent me the best elf. I want I have been good this year. For Dear Santa, my mom and dad. I’ve listened play the Xbox One and we went a Rolex watch, candy, underwear, Sincerely, Greyson Bailey, 8 you got me last year. Please Dear Santa, a new ipad. I want some football Dear Santa, Christmas I want an American You are the best. How are you? I to them. I have 2 wishes I want outside and we played together. and a girlfriend. Thanks. bring me a Paw Patrol Boat this My name is Kevin. I’m 6 years old. gloves. Are you filing gud? Are t5he deer Girl doll, a dog, and a happy fami- need some gloves and a blue hat. a mansion with 16 rooms and I wish that I had a new game for Your Friend, Graham Brooks, 7 Dear Santa, year. Thank you for last years stuff. I Love, Matt filling gud/ am I on the nis list? I ly. Thank you for what you do! I want an iPhone!, and an air- 10 bathrooms, 6 playrooms, 2 Christmas. Thank you so much for the Furby Thank You, Nathan Dyal, 7 want to an X box 2 because I wot the ntdo swit. I hop you ate Love, Madison Shannon, 6 plane!, Lego set!, and a bike! master bedrooms, and a big pool Happy Holidays, Jeremy Staf- Dear Santa, last year. I am going to tell you wan to play a game. How are the Dear Santa, my coces. I put my ordumits Your pal, Hank Lundell, 7 with 2 cats and 2 dogs. If you ford, 7 I have been really good this year. what I want this year: a Cozmo, Dear Santa, reindeers? How are you and your wife Mrs. on the tree. Your erlves are sile. Dear Santa, want Santa, you can come over. Are the elves real? I want a white snow, and a Fur-Real Friend Thank you for the presents you Love, Kevin Harrison Claus doing? I hope I I am on Have a safe trip. I love you Santa. I have been good Dear Santa, I’ll take care of the cookies. Then Dear Santa, Xbox 1, Mr. Sketch markers, a Dragon. I will set out cookies and gave me last year. This year I the good list. I hope your elfs are Love, Aiden today. I want a hover board, a You are the best. I need an alarm I want JoJo Siwa to be my sister I’ve been very good this year. I rainbow pouch, a light blue scarf, milk and carrots for the reindeer. want a video game named Sonic Dear Santa, brushing your reindeer. I hope Hatchimal, and a cooking set. clock. I need a scarf. I want some and Presli too. You’re my favorite. would love for you to make my an iphone, and a WWE2K18. Say hi to the reindeer and Mrs. Forces. You are the best! Good Thank you for the cat because he this goes to the North Pole. You Dear Santa, Love, Lauren Kelly, 6 Aquabeads please. I want some Love, Addison Smith, 7 wishes come true. I would like From, Gerardo Hernandez, 8 Claus. luck Santa. I like your elves. sleeps with me evre day. I am are a nice felu. Please can I have How are the reindeer dowing? make-up. you to get me a mall closet, Sincerely, Aurora Dela Cruz, 7 Gabe Uyeno, 8 6 years old and you are a good charmander? I hope you are How is Mrs. Claus? I am so ex- Dear Santa, Your pal, Bella Kate Mims, 6 Dear Santa, iPhone 10, and a Google Expe- Dear Santa, man too. i hope you are haveing quiet. inedid for Christmas! You allwase I have been good. Thank you I have been very good this year. dition. I like how you helped my I’ve been an amazing girl this year, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, fun too. You friend, Brooker brenig the best prestints! I love for toy car last year. This year I Dear Santa, Thank you for the bike last year. mom get me a bike for Christ- but sometimes I’ve been a little Thank you for my bike last year. Thank you for the gift you gave me Love, Allexia Jones my elves. Your elves make the would like Power Ranger toy, a You are so nice. You and Mrs. This Christmas I would like an mas last year. I forgot two more bad. I’m going to be really good This Christmas I would like some last year. I’ve been kind of good Dear Santa, best presitnits. For xchristmas Thor toy, and a Flash toy. Clause are so sweet. I need a pair iPad, Google Expedition, puppy, things I want for Christmas. I now. How are you? I want a kara- special ornaments, a Mal’s Spell this year. I want a hover board. Dear Santa Claus, Do you nowe were magic earle is? I want is a nintindo and pink Love, Logan Johnson, 6 of gloves and a pink hat. I have SMART Board, and a robot cat. want all the series of LOL dolls. I oke watch, even a drone please, book, and a lava lamp. What is Christmas is my favorite holiday. My name is Dale. i am 6 years old. I know he coms in December. rollerskates. I’ll leve cookies and been so good. Please bring me Love, Allie Bundrick, 7 really really want a mansion. I like Xbox 360, bouncy house, and a your favorite kind of milk? I hope Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you for the toys you gave How are you up in the North milk for you. Dear Santa, a big Double Hatchable, bike, how you’re very nice to kids and real puppy. you have a wonderful day on Thank You, Josiah Brown, 7 me last year. I would like a new Pole? I wood rily like a desk. You Love, Caroline I have been good. My tooth fairy robot unicorn, and a regular big Dear Santa, grown-ups. I would really like to Love, Betzy Mendieta, 7 Christmas! mostr truc. My old toy is broken. bring the best persist! Am I on tied my elf up; she thought he Hatchable. I’ve been good and bad some- see you in real life and Rudolph, Lots of Love, Peyton Wilson, 8 Dear Santa, Pleuse give the reindeer some the naughty list? I hope you got Dear Santa, was trying to steal my money. It Love, Paige Murray, 6 times with my sister. I wanted an and an Elf. Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. can you wodr. me a desk! Have a safe trip. I How are you doing? How is Mrs. was funny. For Christmas I would iPhone and a hoverboard. I wish Happy Holidays, Kariyah Morri- I have been good this year. Are the Dear Santa, bring me a iphone 8 and fill my Love, Dale Arrowood want a slip seey doll. Claus? How are the elves? Can like some dinosaurs, a trans- Dear Santa, you made my wish come true. son, 7 elves working hard? I want 3 sets Thank you for the Sum Sum last stocking with gift cards? Love, Olivia Nijem you sind the elves soon? I love former, and a camera. We love you Santa. I need a pretty Love, Violeta Contreras-Castro, of No Space. See you soon! year. This year I would like a Little From: Gatlin Elder, 8 Dear Santa Claus, Christmas. My elves are so funy. Love, Cason Whitehead, 6 hat and ear muffs, a hat that 7 Your Friend, Dylan Morris, 8 Live Pet, a full art Pokemon, and Hiye Santa Claus. My name is Dear Santa, Am I on the naughty list, Santa? sticks up, and a cute scarf. I have the biggest Pokemon card set Dear Santa, Violet Lofton. I want a dolhous Haw are your reindeer? Is one I hope to get pornt shoos. I will Dear Santa, been good. Can I have a scooter you can make! Have a wonderful Thank you for the mat you gave for me Santa Claus. Giv Veda a sick? Are your elfs werking hard? live milk and kooces. I have been good this year. I want and a popcorn machine for me Christmas! me last year. I would like for you toy for her. i am seven years old. I like that you send my elf erle. Love, Tamsyn Persuad an LOL doll, some new shoes, please? And a red coat for me Take Care, Lexy Hill, 7 to bring me an ipod and a book. I hop you come and visit to my Am I on the naughty list or the and a bike. please. And merry Christmas Thank You, Adleigh Greene, 8 school. hav a Happy Chrismis. gund list? Is Mrs. Claus doing Dear Santa, Love, Maddey Winters, 6 Santa and Mrs. Claus. Dear Santa, Love, Violet Lofton well? I like that you give us pres- I have a bin wundering what you Your friend, Addy Mira, 6 Thank you so much for the tennis Dear Santa, nis. I want a penting set. have ben doing? Haw are your Dear Santa, set you gave me last year. This Thank you for the gifts you gave Dear Santa, Love, Camille reindeer doing? Am I on the Thank you for last year’s presents. Dear Santa, Christmas I would like a new Fid- me last year. I have been really My name is Peyton. I am 7 years naughty list? I want a ps4 for I have enjoyed Johnny the elf. For I have been nice. You and Mrs. get Spinner that does not light good this year and I would like old. Thank you for the Pokemon Dear Santa, Christmas. Haw are your elfs do- Christmas I want a Hatchimal Claus are nice. I want a Dell com- up, Adidas shoes and a shirt. for you to bring me an American whach. I want a few pokemon How are you doing? Are the rein- ing? Have a saf trip. and a secret locket. puter. How are you? Do you see What toy do you like? I hope you Girl doll and a Furry friend. figers becas 3 of them got lost. deer doing well? Your elves are Love, Zachary Love, Gwen Daughtrey, 6 my notes from my house? I am have a great Christmas! Thank You, Gracie Matthews, 7 Make sure that the reindeer get cool. I was not naughty. Am I on kind. I was good good Aiden Love, Carrigan Collins, 7 some water pleas. the nice list or the naughty list? The following letters were Dear Santa, Your pal, Aiden Patel, 6 Dear Santa, Love, Peyton Wrinkle I am excided about Christmas. I have been good this year. For Dear Santa, Thank you for the DS that you For Christmas I want a skate written by Mrs. Evan’s Christmas I would like a tablet, a Dear Santa, I love the beanbag chair from last gave me last year. I want an Ip- Dear Santa, bord. I will live cookis and milk first graders at Westside toy truck, and a computer. You are so kind. We love your year. Please may I have an elec- od. I want a hover board. Santa My name is Zander. I am 6 years out for you. I hope you have a Love, Jayden Johnson, 6 elves! I need a warm jacket. I tric drum set, a different bean- I’ve been really good this year. old. Thanke you for the bug wonderful thrip. Elementary School. really want a telescope. Can I bag chair, and Pokemon cards? Thank You, Triston Brown, 8 keching toy. I want a new play Love, Eli Montgomery Dear Santa, Dear Santa, please have it? I hope you and the elves have a dowe becus the uthr play dowe I have been really good. I want I have been good this year. I would Your pal, John Michael Pelli- great Christmas! Dear Santa, is gon. Give the randeer a snak Dear Santa. Legos and some toys. I also want like a toy helicopter, a car that I cone, 7 Merry Christmas, Luke Brasher, I have been good this year and I for me. How are you? I am great. It is fun a dirt bike. Happy Christmas can drive, and a bicycle. 8 would like for you to bring me Love, Zander Emmons at Christmas. Am I on the good Santa. Love, Ahmad Nawaz, 6 Dear Santa, a Fur Real and a Soft and Slow list? I hop you like my cookese. I Love, Gowan Johnson, 6 Can I have a WowWee Fingerling? Squishy. want a big lol. Have a safe trip. Dear Santa, Please I need some clothes. Thank You, Kylah Howell, 8 Love, Ella I have been really good this year. I Love, Addison Potter, 6 would like a BB-8, a hover board, and a computer. Dear Santa, Love, Xaden Shirley, 6 You and Mrs. Claus are so kind and you are sweet. Can you please Dear Santa, get me a set of make-up and a Thank you for my gifts last year. Hatchable? I would like a new train track, Your Friend, Kaydence Reed, 6 gumballs for the gumball ma- chine, and a toy helicopter. Dear Santa, Love, Liam O’Brien, 7 Santa please tell your elves to make all of the Cars 3 toys. I Dear Santa, want the whole entire Radiator Thank you for my toys last year. I Springs and the whole entire want a toy dog, a toy horse with Florida Speedway, and all of the a house, a toy school, and some Cars 3 please. soldier toys. You are nice, Eddy Roy, 6 35008-1 Love, Vicens-Soto, 6 Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability 4 LetterS to Santa Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 LetterS to Santa 5

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been awesome! Is Elvin the Thank you for the gifts you gave I have been very nice. I want I want a Hover board. I want a Air My name is Elizabeth Belson. I am My name is Alex Baity. I am 5 This year I have been very good. I elf getting the ladies with his su- me last year! This year I would shoes, dolls to play with, and Hog. I need a tree. Why do you 6 years old and I go to Scintilla years old and I go to Scintilla would like a golden hover board per hero suit? Can you make me like a Hover board, a puppy and dresses to put on. How many live in the snow? Charter Academy. I am in Ms. Charter Academy. I am in Ms. because it can go forward & back- an X-box 1, Call of Duty WWII for 100 dollars! reindeer do you have at the Love, Dominick Decesare, 7 Richardson’s Kindergarten class. Richardson’s Kindergarten class. ward.I would also like a golden X-box 360 and bring me some Love, Hensley Odom, 5 North Pole? I would like Santa to bring me a I would like Santa to bring me a fidget spinner, a poodle and a five dough? Love, Lily S., 7 Dear Santa, gold L.O.L Surprise, Sparkly Hat- Power Rangers, skateboard, race nights of Freddy toy. I promise to Your Friend, Ryder Adams, 7.5 Dear Santa, I want a football helmet. I want chimal, Aurora Princess Movie, car track, toy cell phone, Nerf leave you a sandwich on Christ- Thank you for the gifts you gave Dear Santa, football clothes. I need cleats. Princess Bell Bike, and a stuffed gun, Transformers, soccer ball, mas Eve. Dear Santa, me last year! This year I would I have been a nice girl. I want Where is Rudolph? giraffe for Christmas. Mickey and the Roadster Racers Sheldon Moore, 8 I have been really awesome this like a guitar. shoes, earphones, clothes, pants, Love, Anthony Terrell, 8 Elizabeth for Christmas. year. Are the elves working hard? Love, Sydney Owsley, 6 and a stuffed bear. How many Alex Dear Santa, I want a drone and a karaoke elves do you have? Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This year I have been very good. I watch. Dear Santa, Love, Madeline V., 8 I need some shoes. Can you really My name is Murray Coggins. I am Dear Santa, would like a puppy for Christmas From, Caprice Tercero, 7 Thank you for the gifts you gave go down chimneys? I have been 6 years old and go to Scintilla My name is Jack Burk. I am because I have never had one me last year! This year I would Dear Santa, nice. Will you please give me a Charter Academy. I am in Mrs. 5 years old and I go to Scintilla before. I would also like a tangled Dear Santa, like a pair of boots. I want a doll for Christmas. I want bike and skates? Richardson’s Kindergarten class. Charter Academy. I am in Ms. fish, a Barbie car or an Elsa castle. I was a good girl this year! Hey, Love, Hayes Peterman, 5 more earrings, socks, and a new Love, Kaylin Cumbess, 8 I would like Santa to bring me Richardson’s Kindergarten class. I promise to leave you some cake how do your reindeer fly? San- jacket. Do you have friends in the a phone with Camo print on I would like Santa to bring me a on Christmas Eve. ta, can I have a Barbie camper, Dear Santa, North Pole? Dear Santa, the back, a truck, new scooter, Hot Wheels car set, T-Rex dino- Addison Phillips, 6 Chromebook, and a Minecraft Thank you for the gifts you gave Love, Kelsey W., 8 How have you been this year? baseball bat and balls, and a Nerf saur, Transformers, scooter, a play set? me last year! This year I would What did you do this year? How football for Christmas. coloring set, and Power Rangers Dear Santa, Your Friend, Madison Pacheco, 7 like a lunch box and a pair of Dear Santa, many reindeers do you have? I Murray for Christmas. This year I have been very good. I boots. I would like a hover board. I have want a rifle and a dirt bike and a Jack would like a slime kit for Christmas Dear Santa, Love, Levi Plymal, 5 been very nice. I would like a truck. Dear Santa, because it is gooey! I would also I’ve been really fabulous this year. PS4 and a nice puppy. I love new From, Tate Rogers, 9 My name is Ellie Jarnigan. I am Dear Santa, like a Cars 3 Smoky, race track or Can you give me an Xbox 1 and Dear Santa, shoes and I want an iphone 8. 5 years old and go to Scintilla My name is Joshua Kitchen. I am a Tim Treadless Car. I promise to pokemon cards? See you soon! Thank you for the gifts you gave Love Aaron W., 7 Dear Santa, Charter Academy. I am in Ms. 5 years old and I go to Scintilla leave you some cookies! Sincerely, Jaylon Burton, 8 me last year! This year I would What is it like being in the North Richardson’s Kindergarten class. Charter Academy. I am in Ms. Hank Johnson, 7 like a Nerf gun. Dear Santa, Pole? Are there elves, reindeer, I would like Santa to bring me Richardson’s Kindergarten class. Dear Santa, Love, Reid Roberts, 5 I was nice this year. I want slime, and toys? Those are all very cool. an American Girl Doll, My Little I would like Santa to bring me a Dear Santa, I have been really awesome this big cupcake scushi, iPhone, Ro- I bake cookies and milk for you. Pony stuffed Pinkey Pie, Moana race car track, remote control This year I have been very good. I year. Are the elves doing good? I Dear Santa, blox card, fingerling monkey, and Merry Christmas. I want a toy dress up dress, and a Moana robot, Flipazoo, Sour Patch Kids, would like a real small motorcycle want an Ace 150, jewelry, make- Thank you for the gifts you gave an elf on the shelf for next year. T-rex, Mega Nerf gun, and a shirt. Barbie doll for Christmas. Transformers, pair of new shoes, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, for Christmas because I could do up, chocolate, and some surpris- me last year! This year I would Love, Mikah W., 7 Love, Robby Silvernell, 7 Ellie toy alligator, and a new lunch box Thank you for my gifts last year. Thank you for my gifts last year. I For Christmas I want a new Bar- cart wheels and flip it. I would also es. See you soon! like a Barbie Dream house . for Christmas. I’ve been a good girl this year. I have been a good girl this year. bie pool because I have always like a dirt bike, hover board or a bi- Your Friend, Taylor Morgan, 8 Love, Audrey Salazar, 5 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Joshua will leave milk and a gingerbread I would love to get a new elf toy wanted that. I am excited for cycle. I promise to leave you some I have been very nice this year! I want a Iphone. I want 60 LOL My name is Marin Moore. I am house. I would really like more Nin- and a robot dog. I will leave you Christmas. Oh, and I want a new cookies! Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want JoJo headphones, JoJo dolls. I need a Barbie doll. What 6 years old and I go to Scintilla Dear Santa, tendo switch games and a bike. some cookies and Coke. scooter. Roshun Arnold, 7 I have been really good! How are Thank you for the gifts you gave clothes, JoJo doll, hover board, house do you live in? I want a Charter Academy. I am in Ms. My name is Drew Covington. I Love, Ana James, 8 Love, Kaleigh Griffin, 7 Amellia Gray, 5 the reindeer? This is what I want me last year! This year I would Nerf gun, rip stick, a drone, and pink power car and a bath balm. Richardson’s Kindergarten class. am 5 years old and I go to Scin- Dear Santa, – a hoverboard, Baby Alive, and like a LOL doll and a Soggy Dog- light up high tops. I want some Then I want a bike and a Barbie I would like Santa to bring me a tilla Charter Academy. I am in Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I to meet Cookie Swirl C and JoJo! gy . supplies to help my brother’s set. Shimmer and Shine mermaid Ms. Richardson’s Kindergarten Thank you for my present last Thank you for my gifts last year. I My elf is crazy! I really want a pup- would like a real dog for Christmas Love, Hope Wilson, 8 Love, Gracelyn Skura, 5 cat. I also want a four-wheeler Love, Talaya Brown, 8 doll, princess wand, unicorn, class. I would like Santa to bring year. I have been a good girl this have been a good girl this year. py—a black and white puppy. A because I never had a dog. I would because mine is broken. How old Rainbow Dash My Little Pony, me a remote control car and year. What I want for Christmas I would love to get a phone and real real one. I’ve been begging also like a pony, a cat or a bunny. I Dear Santa, Dear Santa, are the reindeer? Dear Santa, and a Ariel doll, for Christmas. plane, Ninja Turtles, Transform- this year is a reborn baby, a lol doll. I will leave you some milk my parents and they said no. I promise to leave you some candy! I have been a good girl. I want a Thank you for the gifts you gave Love, Harleigh M., 8 How are you and Mrs. Claus Marin ers, Hot Wheels car set, Power playset, and a baby doll car seat. and cookies. also want some roller skates and Shaniya Bacon, 7 pony, a stuffed bear, a real puppy me last year! This year I would doing? I have been very nice Rangers, Batbot, and a orange That is all. I will see you next Love, Tori Small, 8 slime. I want you to come and I dog, and a baby sister. like three LOL dolls, a puppy, a Dear Santa, this year. I would like some new Dear Santa, truck for Christmas. Christmas. I love you Santa! wish you Merry Christmas! Dear Santa, Your Friend, Samantha Harrel- Soggy Doggy game and a bike . I want these things for Christmas: clothes. I would like some LOL My name is Ali Reese Mathis. I am Drew Love, Aldyn Harrell, 8 Dear Santa, Holland Farmer, 5 I have been very good this year. I son, 8 Love, Emersyn Voigt, 5 a toy car, Legos, and a Barbie dolls and a Hover board. 5 years old and I go to Scintilla Thank you for my gifts last year. I would like a pet dragon lizard for doll house. Please get me these Love, Gracie Tompkins, 7 Charter Academy. I am in Ms. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, have been a good boy this year. Dear Santa, Christmas because I never had a Dear Santa, things. I have a few more things Richardson’s Kindergarten class. My name is Abraham Kaku. I am Thank you for my gifts last year. I I would love to get a new sweat- I want a scooter and a Nintendo real pet lizard. I would also like a I have been a good girl. I want a The following letters I want: a snowman, play-doh, Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me a 5 years old and I go to Scintilla have been a good boy this year. shirt. I will leave you chocolate Switch and a Playstation Vita. reindeer, pterodactyl robot or a puppy for Christmas and a big were written by Mrs. a playhouse, a baby doll, clock, Are you real? If you are I’ve been stuffed kitty cat, newborn baby Charter Academy. I am in Ms. I would love to get a Xbox1 and chip cookies and some milk. William Richburg, 6 husky. I promise to leave you some dollhouse. Also, two Barbie dolls headphones, and books to read. nice. Some things I want from doll, L.O.L Surprise doll, Moana Richardson’s Kindergarten class. a Ninetendo Switch. I will leave Love, Isaiah Vaden, 7 cookies! and some new shoes. Thank you Maine’s second graders Love, Kaitlyn B., 7 you are 5 Our Generation beds. princess dress, and a Barbie I would like Santa to bring me a some cookies and milk. Dear Santa, Jackson Roe, 6 Santa! at Moulton-Branch Some things I need are shoes. car, camper, and townhouse for boat, remote control helicopter, Love, Sebastian Leonard, 7 Dear Santa, I want a scooter. I also want hard Your Friend, Jordyn Jones, 7 Dear Santa, Love, Annyson Warren, 7 Christmas. Lego blocks, transformers, The Why do you come down the chim- Legos. I am excited about Christ- Dear Santa, Elementary School. I want these things for Christmas: Ali Last Knight toy, golf clubs, and Dear Santa, ney? I want drums and a hover- mas! I have been quite good this year. I The following letters were Dear Santa, xbox1, hoover board, iPhone, Dear Santa, connecting cubes for Christmas. For Christmas this year I want a board. Why do you eat cookies? Marley Akins, 5 would like a cabbage patch doll for I have been very nice girl this year! a boat, rip stick, a football, 20 What is your phone number? I Dear Santa, Abraham machine nerfgun, a baseball bat, Love, Tristan Sirvid, 8 Christmas because I like dolls. I written by Mrs. Goodman’s I want shoes and I want a little gauge with bird shot, a dog, a have been nice this year. I want a My name is Liam Thomas. I am a baseball, and a toy lightsaber. Dear Santa, would also like some doll clothes. kindergarteners at phone. I need some hair ties. I cat, and a deer. I want to shoot a Baby Alive and I want a big Bar- 5 years old and I go to Scintilla Dear Santa, I promise I will leave cookies out The following letters Hello! How are you? I want a I promise to leave you some cook- want an alarm clock to wake me big deer in the mountains. I want bie doll house. Hope you have Charter Academy. I am in Ms. My name is Dylan Parramore. I am for you. Barbie doll and a baby doll that ies! Westside Elementary up and a new toy. What do you to catch a big fish in the river. I lots of fun! Richardson’s Kindergarten class. 5 years old and I go to Scintilla Love, Kathryn Strickler, 7 were written by Mrs. looks real. Roxanne Peterman, 7 School. feed your reindeer? really want a dirt bike, a pair of Love, Elizabeth Hines, 7 I would like Santa to bring me Charter Academy. I am in Ms. Swain’s kindergarteners Makayla Wilson, 6 Love, Madison F., 7 pants, a Nerf gun and a game. a T-Rex dinosaur, police officer Richardson’s Kindergarten class. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, James C., 8 Dear Santa, dress up costume, baseball I would like Santa to bring me I love Christmas for three rea- at Westside Elementary Dear Santa, I have been quite good this year. I Thank you for the gifts you gave Dear Santa, I have been very nice this year. glove, Hot Wheel cars, John a stuffed polar bear toy, paint sons: its Jesus’s birthday, my School. How are you doing? I want a red would like some Pokemon cards me last year! This year I would I have been very good girl this Dear Santa, What are you doing Santa? I Deere tractor, and a Nerf gun for easels, sand toys, bug catcher, a elf comes, and you! I would like Lamborghini. I cannot wait until for Christmas because I like learn- like a telescope and some clay. year! I want a violin, socks, and I want an iphone x, a toy, and a want a LOL doll. I want a Beeny Christmas. Hot Wheels car set, and a skate- you to surprise me what I get for Dear Santa, you come here. I will put some ing about Pokemon. I would also Love, Reagan Bailey, 6 shoes. How many elves do you lazor for Christmas. I also want Boo. I really need clothes. Liam board for Christmas. Christmas. Don’t eat to many Hey Santa! I want a Barbie doll cookies out that have Christmas like a Mario Cart. I promise to leave have? How old are you? Santa some trucks. What do you feed Love, Aubrianna Vaughan Dylan cookies! and I want a coffee mug. trees on them and special milk you some cookies and milk. Dear Santa, you are the best! the reindeer? Dear Santa, Love, Bailee Braddock, 8 Hailey Reynolds, 5 and I will put snacks outside for Cruz Burns, 6 Thank you for the gifts you gave Love, Mylee K., 8 Love, Abraham F., 7 Dear Santa, My name is Hannah Fajobi. I am 6 Dear Santa, the reindeer. me last year! This year I would I need cloths and shoes. I want years old and I go to Scintilla Char- My name is Hayden Davis. I am Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Holden Meyers, 6 Dear Santa, like a LOL doll and a Soggy Dog- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, a four wheeler. I want a fidget ter Academy. I am in Ms. Richard- 6 years old and I go to Scintilla Thank you for my gifts last year. I I want Legos. It doesn’t matter This year I have been quiet good. gy game. I wonder if you could bring me I have been a good boy this year. spinner. Do you really fly all over son’s Kindergarten class. I would Charter Academy. I am in Ms. have been a good girl this year. what kind I just want some The following letters were writ- I would like a Christmas mailbox Love, Jamiria Burgman, 5 these things: earrings, for me I want a new toy boat, a four the world? like Santa to bring me a American Richardson’s Kindergarten class. I would love a LOL doll and Chef Legos. ten by Mrs. Tucker’s second for Christmas because I want it so and my sister, a DS to play when wheeler, a bath toy, and a new Love, Kaiden Graham, 9 girl doll, something to make your I would like Santa to bring me Ni- Barbie. I will leave you some co- William McNeal, 6 graders at Westside Elemen- bad. I promise to leave you some Dear Santa, I get bored, a dog bed because dog. hair pretty, Hatchimal, some Bar- ke clothes and shoes, Pokémon co and cookies. tary School. cookies and milk. Thank you for the gifts you gave both of theirs are torn up. How Love, Kegan B., 7 Dear Santa, bie dolls, play telephone, and a cards, baseball cards, Nerf gun, Love, Asia McGhee, 8 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Trey Renfro, 7 me last year! This year I would does your sleigh work? Merry Why do you like cookies? I want a new scooter for Christmas. UGA jersey, and for Georgia to I want a shimmer and sparkle nail Thank you for Trouble. I wish to like a bow and . Christmas! Dear Santa, Ollie and a Air Hog. I have been Hannah win the SEC championship for Dear Santa, kit and a German Shephard. I have a Beyblade Burst, a Cars Dear Santa, Love, Kaiden Cribb Tidwell, 6 Love, Karma C., 8 I have been a good boy this year. very nice this year. I need Nikes. Christmas. Thank you for my gifts last year. I wish I could feed the reindeer. I 3 pillow, a calendar, and a tablet This year I have been very good. I I want a wrestling game, real From, Gavyn Siren, 8 Dear Santa, Hayden have been a good girl this year. want stuff to make crafts. that teaches weather because I would like some stuffed animals Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Pokémon cards, and my punch- My name is Mecca Marable. I am I would love to get a Robot Uni- Stella Bassford, 6 have been working to be on your for Christmas and I want a pop- Thank you for the gifts you gave I want a Finn Balor toy, a big ing bag put up. Dear Santa, 5 years old and I go to Scintilla Dear Santa, corn and a Little Live Pet cat nice list from now on. corn machine. I also would like me last year! This year I would Godzilla, WWE toys, soccer ball Love, Chandler B., 7 I have been good this year. I would Charter Academy. I am in Ms. My name is Enrique Lopez. I am please. I will leave some cookies Dear Santa, Love From, Domenic Bohnhoff, an xbox1 and a game. I promise like a Soggy Doggy, a Swim to and a big King Kong toy. I have like a bicycle with LOL on it and I Richardson’s Kindergarten class. 5 years old and I go to Scintilla and milk. Would you like me to leave some- 7 to leave you some cookies and Me Puppy and a Barbie house. been a nice boy. need clothes and a jacket. What I would like Santa to bring me Charter Academy. I am in Ms. Love, Emma Reames, 7 thing for the reindeer? What carrots. Love, Hadley Davig, 6 Love, Johnny L., 8 The following letters does your house look like? I hope a Barbie townhouse and car, a Richardson’s Kindergarten class. would they like? Are you glad the Dear Santa, Caden Briggs, 7 were written by Mrs. you have fun this year. baby doll, tablet, new bike, Goldie I would like Santa to bring me a Dear Santa, Georgia Bulldogs are going to Thank you for the Kit Doll and the Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Mi’Heaven Woods, 7 and Bear book, and Star Wars Power Rangers, Pokémon toys Thank you for my gifts last year. I the championship game? scooter. Can I please have a big Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts you gave I have been a very nice girl. I re- Williams’ second graders toys for Christmas. and cards, Transformers, Lego have been a good girl this year. I Georgia Claire Heaton, 6 Hatchimal for Christmas and This year I have been very good. I me last year! This year I would ally want an Iphone8. IPhonex, at Moulton-Branch Dear Santa, Mecca Ninjago set, remote control want a Elf toy and a phone. I am some candy and snacks in my would like a kitten and dollhouse like a lunch box and a bike. make-up, an American doll, Where do you live? I have been robot, and dinosaur fossils for going to leave you cookies and Dear Santa, stockings? I was a good hoest to for Christmas because they are Love, Daisy Estrada, 5 pencil pouch, headphones, and a Elementary School. very nice this year. I really want Dear Santa, Christmas. milk. I want a sea patroller. I have a new my frinds and family. cute. I would also like a kangaroo. JoJo Siwa bow. Dear Santa, a Easy Bake Oven for Christmas My name is Perry Watson. I am Enrique Love, Angelly Intzin, 8 house. Please make sure you go Love from, Kaashvi Tamas, 7 I promise to leave you some milk Dear Santa, Love, Gabriela G., 7 Why do you like cookies and milk? but I really need shoes. I hope 5 years old and I go to Scintilla to the new one, not the old one! shake. Thank you for the gifts you gave I have been very nice this year. you have a fun Christmas. Charter Academy. I am in Ms. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Pierce Johnson, 5 Dear Santa, Braighlyn Delk, 6 me last year! This year I would Dear Santa, I would like 2 LOL dolls, a JoJo Love, Eliza Gallegos, 7 Richardson’s Kindergarten class. My name Pierce Copeland. I am Thank you for my gifts last year. I Thank you for bringing toys. like a 1000 cookies! I have been very good this year, bow and a computer. I would like Santa to bring me a 5 years old and I go to Scintilla have been a good girl this year. Dear Santa, Please bring me toys and not Dear Santa, Love, Gavin Ferris, 6 and I want an iphone for Christ- Love, Rylie Braswell, 7 Dear Santa, dragon , Cars 3 race track, Charter Academy. I am in Ms. So what I want for Christmas is a I want a car. A red Ferrari. Not a coal and not get scared when I This year I have been very good. I mas. I have been a nice boy. I I’ve been really nice this year. I power rangers ninja steel master Richardson’s Kindergarten class. robot unicorn. I am going to give real one. A toy one. I can’t drive a wake up. Please get me the PJ would like a gold figet for Christ- Dear Santa, want something to ride on like a Dear Santa, need a new winter coat. How blade, Transformers, the Moana I would like Santa to bring me you cookies for you and milk for real car yet. Mask kids and cars-every single mas because I like it and I am re- Thank you for the gifts you gave four-wheeler. What do you feed I want a new Iphone 7 for Christ- cold is it in the North Pole? I and Cars 3 movie for Christmas. a white Georgia jersey because you too. Davis Grate, 6 one from the PJ Mask because I ally good. I would also like a castle me last year! This year I would the elves? Can you please send mas and a power Frozen Jeep want a robot pony and a Frozen Perry my other is to little for me. I want Love, Josie Kaeck, 8 like them. for kids. I promise to leave you like a trampoline and a remote an elf to our classroom? Can you and a LOL doll. What house do Lego set. I hope you have fun. two Leggo sets. Dear Santa, Love from, Jayden Hubbard, 7 some cookies and reindeer food. control motorcycle. give me a gumball machine? you live in? What is your elf’s Love, Mikayla West, 8 Dear Santa, Pierce Dear Santa, I want a unicorn. I can’t wait for Camden Pye, 7 Love, Caleb Gaskins, 6 Love, Gordon M., 9 name? My name is Elle McGahee. I am Thank you for my gifts last year. I Christmas! Dear Santa, Love, Taliya Brown, 8 The following letters were 5 years old and I go to Scintilla Dear Santa, have been a good boy this year. Ellie Colson, 6 Thank you for my Lego - Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Charter Academy. I am in Ms. My name is Jackson Moon. I am I would love to get a Nintendo busters for Christmas. I love you, This year I have been very good. Thank you for the gifts you gave I have been a good girl this year! Dear Santa, written by students at Richardson’s Kindergarten class. 6 years old and I go to Scintilla Switch and Super Mario Oddsey. Dear Santa, Santa. I know your real name I would like some virtual reality me last year! This year I would For Christmas, I just want my I’ve been very nice this year. I need Scintilla Charter Academy. I would like Santa to bring me a Charter Academy. I am in Mrs. I will give you milk and cookies. I want an elf. is Nicholas. I know because I goggles and a trip to Shark Week like a Hover board, a puppy and family to be together. Can I clothes and shoes and I want an LOL dolls!, Trolls blind bag, Beau- Hamel’s 1st Grade class. I would Love, James Brooks, 7 Ronald Jones, 6 am semart and my Frends are because I have been wanting it for- 1000 dollars! please have some stuffed ani- Iphone and I want some money. ty and the Beast castle, Hatchi- like Santa to bring me a Nerf semart to. I ben good ol year. ever. I promise to leave you some Love, Ja’Leah Harrison, 6 mals, LOL dolls, make-up, books, What is your favorite food and Dear Santa, mals, American Girl bathtub and Gun Precision Target Set, Walkie Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love from, Tavaris White, 7 cookies. art supplies, and a horse? what is your favorite reindeer? I My name is Henley Miller. I am house, Nun Noms for Christmas. Talkies, Camping Tent, Lego Nin- Thank you for my gifts last year. I How are you doing? I want a cot- Noah Fender, 6 Dear Santa, Love, Caylee G., 7 hope you have a good time. 5 years old and I go to Scintilla Elle jago set, new watch, and a UGA have been a good girl this year. ton candy machine maker. I want Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts you gave Sincerely, Mikia Smith, 8 Charter Academy. I am in Ms. Football Jersey for Christmas. I would love to have a full body all different kinds of presents. I Thank you for the ambulance. Dear Santa, me last year! This year I would Richardson’s Kindergarten class. Dear Santa, Jackson silicone baby doll and lol doll. can’t wait for Christmas. Plece bring me a power rangers This year I have been very good. I like a lunch box and a pair of Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like Santa to bring me My name is Grace Agner. I am Love, Mariyah Phillips, 8 Alyssa Diamon, 5 red green blue black brown pink would like a snuggie tail and a lap boots. I want a book bag, a baby doll, and I want a car and a four wheeler. a Barbie convertible and town- 5 years old and I go to Scintilla Dear Santa, ol of them are power rangers... top because I have been good. I Love, Kylie McCullen, 5 clothes. How do the elves get Why are you so big? Do you like house, LOL dolls, Hatchimal, Charter Academy. I am in Ms. I am Landon Moon, 4 years old Dear Santa, Dear Santa, tyranasaurus tyraptor and buy would also like a bike and virtual to our school? How do reindeer to eat? What do you do at the Num Noms, jewelry, cutie cars Richardson’s Kindergarten class. and I go to Park Avenue United Thank you for my gifts last year. I Your reindeer are so fluffy! I give them togthr. reality goggles. I promise to leave Dear Santa, fly to deliver presents to all the North Pole? Do you play with from Shopkins, a new Barbie I would like Santa to bring me a Methodist Church. I am in Mrs. have been a good boy this year. them food every year. I already Love from, Cedric Holder, 8 you some cookies. Thank you for the gifts you gave homes? your elves or sit down? I had fun Ken Doll for Christmas. Barbie doll, Shimmer and Shine, Tish’s Pre-K class. I would like I want an Xbox. I will give you sent a Christmas list but I really. Molly Lewis, 7 me last year! This year I would Love, Maddie B., 7 writing you. Henley Shopkins, earrings, Beauty and the Santa to bring me a PJ Mask cookies and milk. really, really want a really big Dear Santa, like a Hover board and a Lego From, RJ Mitchell, 8 Beast, new bike, and the chicken Headquarters, Paw Patrol Mis- Love, Landon Murphy, 8 Power Ranger robot with the Thank you for the toys. I wish for a Dear Santa, set. from Moana for Christmas. sion Cruiser, Tablet, Power Rang- green and golden megazords hover borad and a phone that cast This year I have been very good. I Love, Jacoby Mendoza-Perez, 5 Grace er Sword, Lego Ninjago set for Dear Santa, that connect. 50$. I’ve did all my work. I’m buy- would like play makeup for kids Christmas. Thank you for my gifts last year. Carter Bennett, 5 ing my grandma a present. and my own computer. I would Landon I have been a good little girl Love From, Dominic Whitest, 8 also like a club house, two kittens, this year. I would love to get an Dear Santa, and virtual reality goggles. I prom- The following letters were Iphone 7 please. I will leave choc- I want Hatchimals for Christmas. I The following letters were ise to leave you some candies. olate chip cookies and hot coco like them. I like our elf. Alice Story, 6 written by Mrs. Newton’s with marshmellows on top. Olivia Lederhouse, 5 written by Mrs. Jackson’s second graders at Love, Juliet Gomez, 8 first graders at Lake Park Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This year I have been quite good. Westside Elementary. Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is two Elementary School. I would like a xbox 1 and a toy Thank you for my gifts last year. I Barbie doll houses. My teacher Dear Santa, power ranger because it is so Holidays Dear Santa, have been a good boy this year. I is doing a good job teaching me This year I have been very good. cool. I would also like a new ipad. From the CONTAINER Family Thank you for my gifts last year. I really want the Nintendo Switch. how to be good. Everybody is I would like a dog and a pup for I promise to leave you some Happy LEE have been a good girl this year. I I will be very good next year. I doing a good job working so they Christmas. I would also like a cookies. would love a little live pet dog. I will leave you some cookies and can be on the good list. tablet. I promise to leave you Darius Stallings, 7 Our Containers. Your Success. www.leecontainer.com will leave you cookies and milk. Mountain Dew. Skeilynn Sherman, 5 some cookies. 35018-1 Love, Ingrid Lopez, 9 Love, Jace Copeland, 7 Kaylee Young, 7 Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability 6 LetterS to Santa Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 LetterS to Santa 7

The following letters Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, were written by I want a tablet, phone, gum- I want a fire truck with Santa I have been a little bit I’ve been good all year. I’ve I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- I like you. I like your presents. I like I want suntan clos to bring me a 4 How is yoor elfs? I wot (want) a My name is Malachi. I am five. May I love you. I want a Lightning Mc- ball machine, and a hamster sirens, a siren hat, a con- good and a little bit bad. I helped my best friend ond grade class at LPE. your red hat. I like your white brd. wheelr. Thank you. Baby Aliv. I ben so good. I have a toy ples? Tanks (thank) Queen. How many reindeers do Mrs. McKenzie’s for Christmas. trollable traffic light, a pool, want a little chromebook. up off the lfoor. I did my For Christmas, I would like I want a toy gun. Love, Leviathyn Ellis, 6 Love, Melissa Mixon, 6 you, Santa. you have? kindergarteners Lyric Hicks, 7 microphone stand, a tad- I want a new snowball chores. Santa I would like an ipad, a new phone, and Love, Pablo Vasquez, 5 Love, Malachi Williams, 5 Love, Thomas Perez, 5 pole, robot that will clean machine. I want it to snow. the new LEGO police sta- a pool. Thank you. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, at Pine Grove Dear Santa, up my room, a hamster, a Merry Christmas. tion and a NERF gun. Love, Haley Hall, 8 Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a num- I have been a good girl. I want a The following letters Dear Santa, Elementary School. I want a stuffed pony, Barbie gumball machine, 2 TV’s, Love, Keeley Armstrong, 7 Love, Carson Hatcher, 8 I like your presents. I like your red br three Batman Legos. Thank Baby Alive. I like your reindeer. I love you. I want a bumper cars. horse, phone, lullaby box, a road mat, moon and Dear Santa, hat. I like your twinkle (twinkling) you. Love, Danielle Wilkerson, 5 were written by Mrs. How many elves mac toys? Dear Santa, computer, and a big Barbie planet toy, stars, boots, a Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- es (eyes). I want a gold gun with Love, William High, 6 Greene’s kindergarteners Love, Landon Shay, 5 I have been a good boy this house for Christmas. whistle, Xbox, pet birds, I have been very good this I have been good this year. I ond grade class at LPE. money in it. Dear Santa, year. I would like Power Sarabella Hoben, 6 an elf, slide and swing, pet year because I did the have listened to the teach- For Christmas, I would like Love, Jayden Williams, 6 Dear Santa, Are you bringing me cowboy at Clyattville Elementary Dear Santa, Ranger action figures, dog, a helicopter, phone, dishes. I want a remote er. I do my homework. I a baby puppy, a chrome- I would like a new figet spinr. stuff? Is Rudolph o.k.? I want School. I love you. I want a Barbie Dream Lego Star Wars and Cars Dear Santa, and a tablet with games controlled puppy. Happy help my mom take the book, a bracelet, and a few Dear Santa, Thank you. Paw Patrol. House. How does Rudolph fly? Daytona race track. Please I want some clothes, a phone, for Christmas. Holidays. trash out. Santa I would clothes. Thank you. I like you. I like presents. I want a Love, Justin Hampton, 6 Love, Sheldon Parrish, 5 Dear Santa, Love, Averie Roark, 5 bring something for my and a Ghostbusters Fire James Bowers, 7 Love, Reece Zipperer, 8 like a skate board and a Love, Hannah Christmas, phone for Christmas. I have been good this year. Please sister too. House for Christmas. toy monster truck. 7 Love, Favian Depaz, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, will you bring me a Hello Kitty Dear Santa, Thank you, Jacob Evens, 6 Parker Russell, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Jamari Samuel, 8 Dear Santa, I want new socks. I have ben good. How is Mrs. Crs (Claus) and Ru- car? I love you. I want God. I am going I want clothes and some I have been a little good this I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Dear Santa, Thank you. dolph? I wa (want) a American Katy Thomas, 6 to mac cookies milk. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, games for Christmas. year. I want a baby house Dear Santa, ond grade class at LPE. I like you. You give presents. I want Love, Carly Stephens, 5 Doll. Love, Loraleigh Lehman, 5 I have been a good girl this I want a guitar, robo kitty, Neamiah Brown, 7 for Christmas. Also I would Why is your beard so long For Christmas, I would a motorcycle. Love, Jadin Cazzell, 7 Dear Santa, year. This is what I want: tablet, and a vanity for like a Barbie airplane. I and feels like a cloud? How like a Playstation 4, a big Love, Luis Nava, 6 Dear Santa, I wish you can bring me a fijit spnr Dear Santa, A big Hatchimal, roller Christmas. Dear Santa, want a lot of other things long does it take to get stuffed cat, Hello Kitty pjs, For Christmas I want a Drt Bike Dear Santa, (fidget spinner). I have been I love you. I want a dog and cat. blades, and a Christmas Autumn Marchessault, 7 I want a basketball goal for to but I forget them. there? Why is Lily hair up? and makeup. Thank you. Dear Sant, and a four whelr. Thank You. Whi do you eat so many cooks good. I love Santa! Love, Jordan McQueen, 6 Minnie Mouse. Please my door, a new bed, and Love, Makensie Nichols, 7 Does she sometimes wear Love, Helena Smiley, 8 I have bin gud (good). I like you Love, Xavier Myers, 6 (cookies) and milk? I want a real Tristian DuBose, 5 bring these to me. Dear Santa, Jordan’s shoes for Christ- her hair down? I want a Dear Santa, Santa. You are ns (nice). I want a white fuzzy dog. I love Rudolph. Dear Santa, Love, Isabella Gora, 6 I want a phone and some mas. Dear Santa, hatchable egg. I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- motorcycle. Dear Santa, Love, Allie Brooke Sipes, 7 Dear Santa, I love you. I want a 3-DS. friends for Christmas. Kingston Daniels, 6 I been so good being so Love, Baylee Menheim, 8 ond grade class at LPE. Love, Allen Morris, 6 I want new shoes for Christmas. I was good. I want a ball. Thank Love Bryan Uribe, 6 Dear Santa, Antonio Bell, 7 good in line. I want a four For Christmas, I would like Thank you. you. I want my Daddy to come The following letters wheeler for Christmas. Dear Santa, an iphone, sneakers, Teen- Dear Santa, Love, Ethan Torreson, 5 The following letters Jayla Ramos, 5 Dear Santa, home for Christmas, a Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents I have ben a good kid this age Mutant Ninja Turtles, I have been gd (good). I want a I love you. I want a monster truck. Fingerling, Love-a-lot Care I want the movie Coco, a jump were written by Mrs. from last year. year long. I would want a and a poster. Thank you. rocket. Dear Santa, were written by Ms. Dear Santa, Love, David Ceja, 5 Bear, talking tiger, leop- rope, a hula hoop, and a George’s second Love, Alex Watts, 8 Ipad, and a robot, bean- Love, Isaul Olivera, 9 Love, Carlos Chavez, 5 I want a gold fidget spinr. Thank Haynes’ & Mrs. Williams’ I have been good. I want a kite ard onesie pajamas and hamster for Christmas. bag, games, xbox one, Dear Santa, you. please. Dear Santa, sleeping mask. I also want Aubrey Gerrald, 6 graders at Lake Park Dear Santa, xbox one games, another I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Dear Santa, Love, Juan Vasques, 7 kindergarteners at Jaycee Taibl, 5 I love you. I want a camputer. Rein- a Little Live Pet Mouse and Elementary School. I have been good this year. dog, chromebook. ond grade class at LPE. I have bn good. I want a tablet. Clyattville Elementary deer. Rudolph. cage, American girl doll Dear Santa, Can I have a baby alive, Goodbye Santa, Brody For Christmas, I would like Love, Sury Acevedo, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Mayra Andablo, 6 clothes and mermaid tail I want a Spiderman and a Dear Santa, pepper little kitchen. What Whitehead, 8 a dirt bike, a pool, and a My name is Sawyer. For Christmas School. I want a blanket for my sister and for swimming. Ninja Turtle Raphael toy for I have been bad once at kind of cookies do you Nerf gun. Thank you. Dear Santa, I want a cretr pawr sut. Thank Dear Santa, me, and a Barbie doll. We were Dear Santa, Natalie Kristensen, 6 Christmas. home and good the rest like? Can I have a dogey The following letters Love, Jamarrion Tumbling, I have ben gud. I want a tablet. I you. I have been good this year. I want good. I will not touch your elves. I want a Tayden Sharp, 6 of the time so can I have boo. Can I have Pop the 8 want a car. I want a motorcycle. Love, Sawyer Huling, 5 a car. I love you. Taylor Ray, 6 big ship. Dear Santa, a watch phone, the bomb, Pig, Can I please have pet were written by Mrs. Dear Santa, I want a toy. I like you. You are Love, Mason Fisher, 5 Love, Noah Evans, 5 My name is Isabel Burger. I Dear Santa, a chromebook, a hover care center, pepper pig. Matthew’s second I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- cool. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, am 5 years old. I love San- I want a shark toy, a watch, board, a phone, tablet, a Love, Mauri Yearby, 8 ond grade class at LPE. Love, Saadi Voisine, 6 For Christmas I want a dog. Thank Dear Santa, Will you give me a dinosaur? I was Dear Santa, ta and Mrs. Claus. I am a toy of all my friends, toy Nerf gun with targets, a graders at Lake Park For Christmas, I would like you. I love cats. I would like to have some good. Do you like Christ- I love you. I want Legos. good girl and I would like Christmas Tree, gumball Xbox 4 and 1, for when I Dear Santa, Elementary School. a hoverboard, an X-box, Dear Santa, Love, Gage Montague, 5 some arista cat sticrs (stickers) mas? Love, Adam Raines, 6 a Christmas clock for my machine, phone, and a PJ been bad a smartboard, I’ve been really good this a bike, and new shoes. I like your red hat. I want a Brbie ples! Isabela Casas, 6 room. Santa I want new Masks Headquarters toy for Nintendo then a dirt bike, year. I’ll leave chocolate Dear Santa, Thank you. Jem (Barbie Dream) house. I The following letters Love, Elexious Harrison, 5 Dear Santa, shoes for Krissy my elf so Christmas. paint ball gun, rockwall to chip cookies. Hey do you I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Love, Jarvis Aikens, 7 want a sprkl Barbie. I like santa. Dear Santa, I love you. I want a Barbie. she can go ice skating. I Edgar Alvarez, 7 climb. I do not know what get around in one night? ond grade class at LPE. Dear Santa, How do you get in my hs? I like were written by Mrs. Dear Santa, I want a tablet. I have been good. I Love, Estrellita Trejo, 6 will see you on Christmas cookies I will give you, okay And thank you for Elfey. If For Christmas, I would like I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Santas white bd. I like my pres- Peacock’s kindergarteners I would like a toy truk (truck). I am love you. Eve. Dear Santa, Santa. it isn’t too much to ask for a Magic Track. Thank you. ond grade class at LPE. ents. I like my frans (friends). a good boy. Jason Hendry, 6 Dear Santa, Isabel Burger, 6 I want a detective set, Army Happy Holidays, Hurley a Nerf gun rifle Nemuses. Love, Alexa Peltier, 7 For Christmas, I would like Love, Paisleigh Folds, 6 at Clyattville Elementary Love, Abel Garcia, 5 I love you. I want a baby doll. kit, Pokemon, Xbox 360, Hunt, 7 Love, Tyler Adams, 7 Dear Santa, a remote control car, an School. Dear Santa, Love, Emilea Miller, 5 Dear Santa Claus, 2-wheel power wheels, and I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- X-box, and Energy Lights Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want mittens. I was good. I like My name is Gavin Smith a firefighter suit for Christ- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, ond grade class at LPE. shoes. Thank you. I like your elf. I want the pink Bar- Dear Santa, I would like a toy plez (please)! I your hat! Dear Santa, and I am 5 years old. I’m mas. I have been a little good and I have been doing my For Christmas, I would Love, Jeremiah Sullivan, 7 bie sprc (sparkle) jet and the spc I hav been a gud girl. I want a am a good little boy. Lea Johnson, 6 I love you. I want a Bat Man. in kindergarten. This year Tyler Croft, 6 bad. I’m going to leave you chores. I be listening to like a swing set and toys. Dear Santa, (sparkle) sln(salon). How do you horse, Pegasus, and a unicorn. I Love, McKenzie Brown, 5 Love, Desean Fleming, 5 for Christmas I would chocolate chip cookies my teacher and now we’re Thank you. I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- get in my house? Whatevr you love you. Dear Santa, like for you to bring me Dear Santa, for Christmas. Please can writing a Christmas card Love, Alyssa Bingham, 7 ond grade class at LPE. bring me I will so love you. I really Love, Eva Gardner, 6 Dear Santa, Hi, I was good three days. I tried. The following letters were a four-wheeler, a robot, I want a Star Wars mini figure you gave me a smartboard for you. I will like a ice Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would want elsa and ana. Santa you are How are you? I like the Nor Will you bring me a skateboard? games for my DS Ninten- set, a dirt bike, a Hatchimal, and ten million dollars and cream maker and I will like I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- like a Pokemon Battle set, the best. Dear Santa, (North) Pol (Pole). I want a dol Kane Urrabazo, 5 written by Mrs. Dampier’s do, and a few more things. a Pokemon pack, and a Star some puppies. How is your a Ipad. ond grade class at LPE. Pokemon cards, and an Love, Abigail Taylor, 5 I like Rudolph’s nose. I want a pink (doll) has (house). second graders at Moulton Sincerely, Gavin Smith, 5 Wars first grader chapter beard so big? Love, Daveah Wims, 8 For Christmas, I would like encyclopedia. Thank you. bike. I will leave you some cook- Love, Ka’Miya Whitfield, 5 Dear Santa, book for Christmas. Love, Za’Mari Mercer, 8 Pokemon cards and brace- Love, Kristina Ormond, 7 Dear Santa, ies. I love you. I like you. May I have a dirt bike? -Branch Elementary Dear Santa, Chase Hetrick, 6 Dear Santa, lets. Thank you. I want the game toilet trouble. I Love, Shana Singletary, 5 Dear Santa, Kylen Warren, 6 School. I hope you have a good Dear Santa, I’ve been good in Mrs. Love, Ansley Edmonds, 8 Dear Santa, have been a good little girl. I love I would like a blanket, mirofon (mi- Dear Santa, I want a toy car. I need Christmas. Make sure to Dear Santa, I have been really good and Donnelly’s class today! Dear Santa, I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- you santa to the moon. Can I get Dear Santa, crophone) and a toy plez! it. Dear Santa, pack your rain stuff just in I want a kitchen, baby doll, some bad. I be good at But I’ve going to ask you I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- ond grade class at LPE. Skittles? Wi (Why) do you et (eat) so many Love, Alyssa Crosby, 6 Jesiah Motes, 6 I have been a very nice kid this year. case. You never know the bracelet machine, hamster, school, at home my sister a question can I please ond grade class at LPE. For Christmas, I would like Love, Allison Brewer, 6 cookies? I want a fac (fake) car. I want a Polar Express train and a weather. and a computer for Christ- hit me so I hit her back. have a remote control tank For Christmas, I would like an X-Box 360, a Playsta- Mrs. Claus can you give me som Dear Santa, Dear Santa, model of the USS Missouri. How Love, Jude Toellner, 5 mas. I wish I can get a iphone, and a Lego Coast guard if a Hatchimal. Thank you. tion 4, and a computer. Dear Santa, cind cas (candy canes)? Santa I have been good. How are you I love you. Will you bring me a ted- much magic do you have? Shaquez Frazier, 7 and can I get a hover- you are done come to my Love, Ashlynn Moody, 7 Thank you. I want a police car for Christmas. you are nis. Santa? I would like a toy plez. dy bear? Sincerely, Corbin Abney, 8 Dear Santa, board. I wish I can get a home. Dear Santa, Love, Maddy Rogers, 9 Love, Isaiah Weaver, 6 Love, Jeremiah Todd, 5 Love, Landen Robidoux, 5 Roslynn Gunter, 5 For Christmas, I would like a Dear Santa, Barbie, can my come true? Love, Wyatt Blackledge, 7 I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, toy car with a controller, a I want a minion couch, bike, Love, SerRaja Washing- ond grade class at LPE. I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- The following letters were Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been very sweet this year. I toy reindeer, a Christmas hamster, Xbox, and a ton, 7 Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like ond grade class at LPE. How are your elves? I want Blind I want a four wur (wheeler). I have I want a present. Can you bring want a big box of Legos and a Ninja shirt with candy canes and Hatchimal collectable for I have been good and bad a computer, a baby doll, For Christmas, I would like written by Mrs. Chavarria’s Bags for Chnstmas (Christmas). been a good boy. me a tablet? Turtle toy. How old are you? an Xbox with three con- Christmas. Dear Santa, this year Santa. I want all and an ipad. Thank you. a Nerf gun, legos, and figet kindergarteners at I love you Santa. How are you Love, Armando Calvillo, 6 Harlie Parsley, 6 Love, Jada Hamrick-Age 8 trollers. I’m gonna make Chelsea Wolf, 7 I have been so good this of the mega Gx Box and a Love, Bella Cowart, 7 spinners. Thank you. feeling? you Christmas cookies year but I’m going to have mega Ex Box and a Ex box Love, Mason Walker, 7 Clyattville Elementary Love, Abel Paterson, 5 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, with milk. When you come, Dear Santa, to ask you a few questions. nad a Gx box. Next year I Dear Santa, Dear Santa, School. How are you Santa? I want to see I want a doll. I did my chrs I have been very good this year. I go through the front door I want an Xbox 360, a ham- First is it cold in the North want a elf on the shelf. I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Dear Santa, you. I would like some curlrs (chores). Please? want a new pool and a Xbox One X because we don’t have ster with a ball, an elf, a Pole and that’s all. Ok this Love, Jackson Rountree, 8 ond grade class at LPE. ond grade class at LPE. Dear Santa, How do you go down chimneys? (curlers) for my babe (baby) dol Jaylynn Shanks, 5 . What do you like to eat? a chimney and leave the fidget spinner, a tadpole, is what I want for Christ- For Christmas, I would like For Christmas, I would like For Christmas I want a rel compu- How is Rudolph? I want a horse. (doll). I have been good this year. Sincerely, Alex Simpson, 8 presents under the tree. football, robot that does ev- mas. First I want a hover Dear Santa, a phone, clothes, and a a phone, sparkly shoes, tr. Thank you. Is it cold at the North Pole? I promis (promise) to be good The following letters Lots of Love, Angelo erything for you, Minecraft board and a Barbie house Santa, I have been very pair of boots. Thank you. and a laptop. Thank you. Love, Kaylan Rikard, 5 Love, Corey Rikard, 6 next year! Thank you Santa! Dear Santa, Woods, 5 pocket edition, gumball ma- and a laptop a phone and good. I have done chores Love, Bella Fender, 8 Love, Mikaela Richardson, Love, Khloe Berry, 5 were written by Mrs. How many elves do you have in the chine, and a Thomas super- a LOL doll and baby dolls. and learned a lot this year. 8 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Godwin’s kindergarteners North Pole? I have been very nice Dear Santa, station for Christmas. Love, Kenzie Costley, 7 So please give me a hover Dear Santa, My Name is Emory. I want a new I will lev you sum cugs (cookies) 4 Dear Santa, this year. I want lots of Pokemon at Clyattville Elementary I want an American girl doll Raimund Davis, 7 board a four wheeler. I will I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- The following letters bat cave. I want new movy. you and guud (good) milk. I want I want a mermad (mermaid) tal cards and 10 fidget spinners. I also for Christmas. Dear Santa, give you chocolate chips. ond grade class at LPE. Thank you. a lot of dogs. (tail) toy plez (please)! School. need some new socks. Love, Allie, 5 Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this Love you. For Christmas, I would like were written by Love, Emory Davidson, 6 Love, Landry Zipperer, 5 Love, Raelynn Corbett, 6 Sincerely, Loden Wade, 8 I want a charm bracelet, year. I’ve not been in trou- Love, Chevy Fender, 8 a Nerf football and a Nerf from Mrs. Pannell’s Dear Santa, The following letters necklace maker, and a ble this year. I’ve been very gun. Thank you. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I love you. I want a real horse. I will Dear Santa, jack-in-the-box for Christ- sweet this year. I want a Dear Santa, Love, Benjamin Truong, 7 kindergarteners at I want a necklace. I want lip stik. I I hav been good. I want a Ameri- I want a snowman, plez. mac you cookies and milk. I’ve been very sweet this year! I were written by mas. six hundred dollar Barbie I have been good this year. Dear Santa, Clyattville Elementary want a sparkly shirt. Thank you. can Girl Doll. I want a Baby Alive. Love, Ezdra Esteban, 6 Love, Lizzy Evans, 6 would love to have a new puppy for Mrs. Gregory’s first Aniya Jones, 7 dream house. I want a little I help my mama cook I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Love, Lexi Howard, 5 I like your stocking. Christmas. I also want a JoJo Siwa tikes bumper cars. I want a cookies. I help my mama ond grade class at LPE. School. Love, Mattie Roberts, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, bow. How does your reindeer fly? graders at Scintilla Dear Santa, saxophone for Christmas. clean out the car. Santa I For Christmas, I would like Dear Santa, Dear Santa, You are nis (nice). You are kind. I love you. I wot a hover board. I Sincerely, Alexis Hickok, 7 Charter Academy. I want a Mr. and Mrs. Santa Love, Peighton Plummer, 7 would like a baby doll and an X-box and legos. Thank I like your twekl in your eyes. I want a new shirt. I like Christnas. Dear Santa, I want a babe (baby) dol (doll) like Rudolph. Claus toy, my little pony, mermaid. you. Our elf George made a I see a randr. This is my Christ- I want an American Girl Doll. Why plez. Love, Ke’juan Sanders, 5 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Hatchimal, phone with a Dear Santa, Best Wishes, Elyssa Wood, Love, Brantley Hunnicutt, Chrsitmas tree. George mas tre. Thank you. can’t we see you? Where is your Love, Star Chilel Lopez, 5 I love Christmas! I have been a nice I want some Legos, a toy case, and a diamond from Santa I have been good at 7 7 made a note. I want a jail- Love, Laila Spencer, 5 workshop? Dear Santa, girl this year. I would like to ask for car, and a Sharknado Fun- the North Pole for Christ- home and school. I was Dear Santa, break bob. I have bin good. Love, Jada McCoy, 6 Dear Santa, I love you. I want a Barbie. I like two baby dolls and a nail polish ko Pop for Christmas. mas. working hard at home. I Dear Santa, I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- How do you get the twekl Dear Santa, May I have a toy, plez? I am a good toys. maker. How old are you? Jude Ranjel, 7 Sabry Byrd, 6 want a four wheeler and a I have been good this year. ond grade class at LPE. in your eyes? For Christmas I want sum makup Dear Santa, little girl. Love, Evelyn Vazquez, 6 Sincerely, Kathleen Spraggins, 7 skate board and a nro bow I clean up my room. I help For Christmas, I would like Love, Weston Reister, 6 and a Brbe. Thank you. I would lev you some milk and Love, Leticia Nava Lopez, 5 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, switch, handpower rang- my mom clean laundry. snow and the toys on my Love, Haley Castro Gomez, 5 cookies. Santa y (why) don’t you Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want some Legos, Mine- I want a phone, a tablet, and er, sword, and a walking Santa I would like new list. Thank you. Dear Santa, let Rudolph fli (fly) the sleigh? I Dear Santa, I love you. I want cookies. I am on the nice list. I want a new craft, a puppy, a Junie B. some games for Christ- talking iphone 5, google headphones and a tablet. Love, Brayden Wells, 7 I like your elvs. George is our Dear Santa, want a merry go round. How are you doing Santa? How Love, Kyle Holder, 6 football helmet and a chance to Jones chapter book, and mas. expeditions. Happy Holidays, Tamiya Dear Santa, elf. He keps moveg. How I want to give my friends a puppy. Love, Camille Williams, 6 are the elvs (elves) doing? I am sign-up for football this year. I real- Hatchimal for Christmas. Jawon Facon, 7 Love, Elijah Timothy, 8 Stacks, 8 I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- do you fly to the North I want a prineess crown. Thank so rede (ready) for Christmas. Dear Santa, ly need some new shoes. How do Bella Drazdowski, 7 ond grade class at LPE. Pole? I like your reindeer. you. Dear Santa, May I have a toy, ples? I love you. I want a baby doll. you make your reindeer fly? For Christmas, I would like I want a Barbie Dream Love, Kimberly Ramirez, 6 I love Santa. I want a dog. I have Love, Justin McMillian, 6 Love, Cecillia Hamilton, 5 Love, Zachariah Clark, 7 a wet suit, a Hatchimal, House. I have bin good. been a good boy. and Unis. Thank you. Love, Layla Drye, 5 Dear Santa, Love, Jett Craig, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Chloe Thomas, 8 I want a toy doll for Christ mas. I am being rele (really) good. May I I love you. I want a talking robot I have been a very sweet girl this Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you. Dear Santa, have a toy, Santa? tiger. I like gifts. year. I would love to get a new I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- I like your gifts. You are a Love, Elise Stephens, 5 I hav been a good girl. I want a Love, Bentley Franks, 5 Love, Torryn Chavarria, 5 trampoline for my family and a ond grade class at LPE. nice man. What is your elfs American Girl Doll. I will give you dog that can jump on it. I also need For Christmas, I would like name? I want a Barbie. I Dear Santa, cookies and milk! Dear Santa, Dear Santa, new Nike shoes. How many cook- Nerf guns. Thank you. like you Santa. I like your For Christmas I want Sum play do. Love, Avah Smith, 5 You are so nis (nice). May I have I love you. I want a Thomas Engine. ies do you eat? Love, Connor Martin, 7 elf. I like your reindeer. Thank you. a pup? Love, Damon Johnson, 5 Sincerely, Hayden Griner, 8 Dear Santa, Love, Audriana Huyhn, 6 Love, Johnathan Chilel Perez, 5 Dear Santa, Love, Marianna Moses, 5 I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Is Meses (Mrs.) Clas oca(o.k.)? Dear Santa, Dear Santa, ond grade class at LPE. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a gas pow dar bic (gas Dear Santa, I love you. I want a Barbie Dream I have been very sweet this year! For Christmas, I would like I love your red clos. I like My name is Meily. I want boy dog powered dirt bike). How do you Hi Santa! How are you? I want a House. I have ornament on my Can I please have a new dirt bike? a skateboard, computer, your white brd. How do clos for my pupe and a prinses et so many cookies? bir (bear). I want a der (deer). I tree. I would also love a new puppy dog. and a Power Ranger Ninja you get in the houses? I Ulanu casl. Thank you. Love, Jaden Hawthorne, 7 want a penguin ples, Love, Rain Carter, 5 How old are you? steel sword toy. Thank you. want a transformer for Love, Meily Gomez, 6 Love, Gisel Lucas Zacarias, 5 Love, Ka’Darius Smith, 7 Love, Eli Timothy, 8 Christmas. Love, Levi Martin, 6 Dear Santa, I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- Dear Santa, ond grade class at LPE. I want a microphone. I have For Christmas, I would been good. Farmers and Merchants Bank would like to like a robot doll, a sleep- Love, Makenzie Williams, ing tent, and a Nerf gun. 5 Thank you. wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Love, Ethan Wright, 7 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I like you. I like win you give It is an honor to serve our community, FarmersFarmers and and Merchants Merchants Bank Bank I am in Mrs. Matthews’ sec- me a gift. I want a toy car 4 N. Carter Street 202 W. Washington Avenue 1201 S. Patterson Street ond grade class at LPE. for Christmas. I like your Lakeland, Georgia 31635 Nashville, Georgia 31639 Valdosta, Georgia 31603 For Christmas, I would like red hat. friends and family. May all of your (229) 482-3585 (229) 686-9451 (229)(229) 244-3585247-3585 a hoverboard, Legos the Love, Raylin McMillan, 5 978 Valdosta Highway 2140 Old Covington Road 3303 Inner Perimeter Road www.fmb.net movie, and Lego Ninjago. Homerville, Georgia 31634 Conyers. Georgia 30013 Valdosta, Georgia 31605 Thank you. dreams come true in the New Year. (912) 487-1200 (770) 761-5846 (229) 244-3585 Member FDIC Love, Haigen Johnson, 8 35024-1 Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability 8 LetterS to Santa Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 LetterS to Santa 9

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, School. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How many reindeer do you This year I have been very I am so xcitd for Krisms! I wnt a I want a figit cub for Christmas. I My name is Edward . I am 6 years Please get me a baby alive, a have? I want an American nice. For Christmas, please Dear Santa, nrf gun plis. How is Rudolf? have been nice at school. old. For Christmas this year, I chrome book, toy truck and a fid- Girl doll and a cute puppy. bring me Legos, WW2 figu- I have been very good this year. I Love, Luis, 5 Love, Annie, 5 want a PS4, bike, football and a get spinner. I need a new shirt. I know rines, and a XBOX. would like a bouncy house and a snow globe. Love, Hayden, 6 I’m on the nice list. I have Love, Brody Cox, 6 toy dragon for Christmas. Thank Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Edward been very sweet this year. you. How are your randeer? I would like I want slime. I have ben nice. Dear Santa, Love, Laniah Bright, 8 Dear Santa, Love, Chase Clark, 5 a dollhous and a treasure box. I Love, Brooklyn, 5 Dear Santa, I really want a fidget spinner. This year I have been very will leave you some cooies! My name is Aurora. I am 5 years Love, Aniyah, 7 Dear Santa, nice. For Christmas, please Dear Santa, Love, Maddison, 5 Dear Santa, old. For Christmas this year, I I have been a very good girl bring me a Nintendo I have been very good this year. I I want a scool bus for Christmas. I want a Hatchimal, Baby Alive Dear Santa, this year! I would like to Switch, a WWE ring, and a would like a phone and a Baby Dear Santa, have been good. and a toy I really want an iPhone 7 and case, a ask for a new Hoverboard Power Wheels ATV. Alive toy for Christmas. Thank I have been a good boy! I want Love, Ethan F., 5 unicorn. fidget spinner, a hoverboard, and and a cat. I really need Love, Chase Whitehorn, 5 you. a Mickey Roadstr Rasr and PJ Love, Aurora lots of money. some new shoes. How ma- Love, Hannah Dennison, 6 mask and a blue slime. Thank Dear Santa, Love, Antwan, 6 ny elves do you have at the Dear Santa, you! I want a green truck for Christ- Dear Santa, North Pole? This year I have been very Dear Santa, Caleb, 5 mas. I have been good for Mrs. My name is Kenley. I am 5 years Dear Santa Sincerely, Jaci McCallum, nice. For Christmas, please I have been very good this year. I Barr. old. For Christmas this year, I I really want a remote control toy car 9 bring me a Nerf gun, a would like some Jordans, Nikes, Dear Santa, Love, Joshua, 5 want a Jeep, make-up and a mi- and a pet horse. Power Wheels ATV, and and some high heels. I would I have been good! I want a fone crophone. Love, Jahari Dear Santa, some Power Rangers. also like an iPhone 7 for Christ- and a Mickey Roadstr racr. Dear Santa, Love, Kenley I have been very nice. I Love, Cordell Sutton, 5 mas. Thank you. Please! I want light up legos for Christ- Dear Santa, would love to get a bunch Dear Santa, The following letters Dear Santa, Mrs. Musgrove’s Love, Janiya Fenwick, 5 Zicuhrie, 5 mas. I have been good. Dear Santa, Please bring me a basketball, a rip- of candy for Christmas I have been nice this year. were written by Mrs. I want some playdough and kindergarteners at Dear Santa, Love, Carter, 5 My name is Kameron. I am 5 years stick and a remote control car. to share with others. I I want a Xbox One for a teddy bear for Christmas. This year I have been very Dear Santa, Dear Santa, old. For Christmas this year, I Love, Zhoe, 6 would also like a Ninten- Christmas. I want a Radio Pendergrass’ pre-k I promise I won’t make a Lake Park Elementary nice. For Christmas, please I have been very good this year. I I hav ben good at skool. I want a Dear Santa, want Jams. do Switch. I need a back Controlled Car. I need some students at Moulton- mess with it! I have been School. bring me a Ghostbusters would like a four wheeler and a Barbie doll and a Doc Mcstuffen I want a gun for Christmas. I have Love, Kameron Dear Santa, scratcher this year be- more pants too. Do you pay good at school and help my play set, Pie in the Sky, wagon for Christmas. Thank you. toy. I hope I get what I want! been good to my mom and dad. I want a football, books and a tv. cause my back gets itchy. your elves? I love you San- Branch Elementary teachers. Dear Santa, and a WWE set. Love, Braydon Grantham, 5 Love, Nyra, 6 Love, Isaiah, 6 Dear Santa, Love, Zachariah, 6 How do you go house to ta! Take care. School. Anzley S., 5 I am 5 years old. Please Love, Grayson Devane, 5 My name is Kaylee. I am 5 years house in one night? Your Friend, Ian S., 7 bring me a scooter, boat, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, old. For Christmas this year, I Dear Santa, Sincerely, Austin Barnett, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, and a police suit. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I I hav ben good at skool. I want a I want a bike for Christmas. I have want shoes, toys and clothes. I want an iPhone 8, a playset, and 8 Dear Santa, I have been very good this I have been a good boy this Love, Reese Hon This year I have been very would like an iPhone and a tablet candeland game and a fone. I will been good in scool. Love, Kaylee a bike. I have been nice this year. year. I would like a nail polish year. I would like lots of di- nice. For Christmas, please for Christmas. Thank you. leve you som cookes! Love, Timothy, 6 Love, Jh’zaree, 7 Dear Santa, I want a toy dragon for makeover set, a McDonald’s nosaurs for Christmas. I love Dear Santa, bring me a Mario game, Love, Kassidy Hansen, 5 Love, Ja’Rosa Dear Santa, I have been a nice girl this Christmas. I also want a play set, and an American T-Rex! I will play with them I am 5 years old. Please Legos, and a WWE ring. Dear Santa, My name is Masyn . I am 5 years Dear Santa, year. I would like a Beanie basketball goal. I need Girl doll for Christmas. all and share them. bring me a swing, kitty ro- Love, Jayden Jones, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a bike for Christmas. I have old. For Christmas this year, I I really want an iPhone 8, an iPad, Boo and a Teeny Ty. I need some new shoes. Who Addison H., 4 Angel C., 4 bot, and a dog robot. I have been very good this year. Do you hav a hors? I want a toy been god. want a heat blast upgrade, Bat- and a bike. some new clothes. Are you made your suit? How Love, Kylie Henderson Dear Santa, I would like a watch and also a babe. I hav been good! Love, Al’kyria, 7 man, Paw Love, Tamia, 7 real? many years have you de- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This year I have been very puppy for Christmas. Thank you. Love, Rose, 5 Patrol and Power Ranger. Sincerely, Rosalind Wil- livered toys? I hope that This year I want some new I would like some remote con- Dear Santa, nice. For Christmas, please Love, Brynlee Herring, 5 Dear Santa, Love, Masyn Dear Santa, liams, 7 you are having a great day. slippers, big playdough, and trol cars and Pokemon for I am 5 years old. Please bring me a Barbie house, a Dear Santa, I want a esbox for Christmas. I I really want an iphone, a doll, a baby I love you, Santa. shapes and cutters for it. Christmas. I will share with bring me a dirt bike, toy Luva Bella doll, and a Baby Dear Santa, Is it cold at the North Pol? I wud have been gud. Dear Santa, kitten. I love you Santa. Dear Santa, Your Friend, Browning I have been good and my my brothers. cars, and crayons. Alive. I have been very good this year. I like a hors and a pla komputr. Love, Audr, 6 My name is Amari. I am 5 years Love, Naomi, 6 I have been a nice boy. I E., 7 brothers too. Kallan M., 5 Love, Jackson Jones Love, Kalea McClary, 5 would like an IPad and a dog for I will lev you some cookes and old. For Christmas this year, I really want a hamster and Alaina W., 4 Christmas. Thank you. mild! Dear Santa, want a doll microphone, tablet, Dear Santa, a new dirt bike for Christ- Dear Santa, The following Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Rya Hunt, 6 Love, Joella, 5 I want a princess castle. roller I really want an iPhone 7, hover- mas. I need a new horse. I have been nice this year. Dear Santa, I am 6 years old. Please This year I have been very Love, Madison, 6 skates and a Barbie Dreamhouse. board, hover kicks and PS3. How many reindeer do I want a Ninja Tur- I want a new blanket, a new letters were written bring me army stuff, rock nice. For Christmas, please Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Amari Love, Antuan, 7 you have this year? tle pillow. I want a tablet. pillow, and a new mattress by Mrs. Register’s fossils, and a bring me a Doc McStuffins I have been very good this year. I What is your favrit randir? I would Dear Santa, Love, Christopher Miller, 7 I also want a new pair of for my room. golden watch. cart, Paw Patrol game, and would like Shimmer and Shine like some Legos and a surpriz for I want a Chiwawa puppy for Dear Santa, Dear Santa, shoes. Does Mrs. Claus Elisabeth C., 4 kindergarteners Love, Karson Hinton some Calico Critters. toys and a Hatchimal for Christ- ,y sistr! I want a bo and aro too! Christmas. Tuff might like it. My name is Roosevelt. I am 5 I really want a hoverboard, basket- Dear Santa, miss you when you are at Pine Grove Love, Khloe Young, 5 mas. Thank you. Thank you! Love, Hallie, 6 years old. For Christmas this ball goal and a dirt bike. I have been a very, very gone to deliver presents on Dear Santa, Elementary School. Dear Santa, Love, Bella King, 5 Love, Smith, 5 year, I want a car, truck and Love, Brylan nice girl this year. I want Christmas Eve? Thank you I have been a sweet girl. I am 5 years old. Please Dear Santa, The following letters clothes. a Gemma Stone Shoppie for all of the wonderful pres- I would like a dog and a Dear Santa, bring me a whoopie cush- This year I have been very Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Roosevelt Dear Santa, and a toy airport. I need ents Santa. tablet. I want a Barbie doll and a ion, a puppy, and an ipad. nice. For Christmas, please I have been very good this year. I How are the reindeer? I want a were written by Mrs. I really want an iPhone, tablet and two bottles of shampoo Your Friend, Preston Y., 8 Madison M., 4 LOL Little Sisters doll. I Love, Haisley Bundrick bring me a Play Station 4, would like my own house that I dog and plado. I want a bunny Baxter and Ms. Baltrus’ Dear Santa, an Xbox. that does not hurt my eyes would also like a Shimmer an iPhone X, and $50. can fit in and a play tape mea- too! Thank you! My name is Travis. I am 6 years Love, Keenan, 7 when I wash my hair. Is Dear Santa, Dear Santa, and Shine Jennie house Dear Santa, Love, Korey Morrison, 5 surer for Christmas. Thank you. Love, Emma, 5 kindergarteners at Sallas old. For Christmas this year, I Rudolph the Red Nosed I have been nice this year. I have been very good this and a Barbie Dream I am 7 years old. Please Love, Caden Melear, 5 Mahone Elementary want a PS4, dirty bike, X Box 1, Dear Santa, Reindeer real? I want an Iphone 7 just in year. I want a strong mus- House. I want a toy store bring me a puppy, JoJo Dear Santa, Dear Santa, electric I really want a dog, car, and play Your Friend, Vanessa Men- case I get lost. I also want cle, a talking dog, and a Mr. for my doll house. I would stuff, and a computer. This year I have been very Dear Santa, I moved to Valdosta! I want a School. scooter and shoes. wrestling. doza, 8 a My Little Pony House. I Potato Head for Christmas. also like a toy horse. I will Love, Kaylee Anderson nice. For Christmas, please I have been very good this year. phone and some puzzles! I want Dear Santa, Love, Travis Love, Steven, 7 really need some new boots. My sister Annyson has been leave cookies and milk for bring me XBOX 1, some I would like a dog and a cat for a Barbie doll house too! And a My name is Stella. I am 5 years Dear Santa, Thank you, Santa. I appreci- good too. you. Dear Santa, Power Rangers, and a Nerf Christmas. Thank you. new book old. For Christmas this year, I The following letters were Dear Santa, I have been a nice girl. I ate you so much! Vann W., 4 Thank you Santa, Hailey I am 5 years old. Please drone. Love, Chiyoko Rosario, 5 bag. Thank you! want a Unicorn, baby and love Please get me a doll and a baby set would like a doll and some Your Friend, Jordyn H., 7 Foster, 5 bring me Legos, games, Love, Kylen Kelehar, 5 Love, Parker, 5 pony. written by Mrs. Brown’s crib. Shopkins this year for Dear Santa, and a . Dear Santa, Love, Stella first graders at J.L. Lomax Love, Jordan, 7 Christmas. I really need a Dear Santa, I have been good at school Dear Santa, Love, Brayden Brown Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I Dear Santa, new bike. Does Rudolph’s I have been nice all year. I this year. I want a new baby This year I have been very This year I have been very would like a Star Wars house and I hav been good! I want a sonic Dear Santa, Elementary School. Dear Santa, nose really glow? want a new Radio controlled pug for Christmas. I hope good. I would like a baby Dear Santa, nice. For Christmas, please a legendary sniper nerf gun for boom play set and a sonic boom My name is Briana. I am 5 years Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike. Love, Jasmine Fennell, 9 car. I also want an Xbox one. you can get me one! Gypsy doll for Christmas. I will I am 6 years old. Please bring me an LOL Doll, a Christmas. Thank you. action figure.I will leave you old. For Christmas this year, I Please bring some drums, skate- Love, Robert, 6 I hope you are doing good. I can play with it. take good care of her. bring me Roblox, an ipad, Hatchimal, and a baby doll. Love, Ethan Shaw, 5 cookies! want a mermaid, Elsa pony, Elsa board, and beat box. Dear Santa, love you Santa! Aubrey H., 5 Have a safe trip from the and a Xbox. Love, Maggie Copeland, 5 Love, Rhiley, 6 house, Love, Jada, 7 The following letters were I have been a very sweet Your Friend, Jackson S., 7 North Pole. Love, Nate O’Connor Dear Santa, doll bed and mermaid ship. girl this year. I would love Dear Santa, Love, Aubrey Zeck, 5 Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I Dear Santa, Love, Briana Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Coile’s first to get a new white lab for Dear Santa, I would like a soft talking dog Dear Santa, This year I have been very would like another coloring book Thank you for presents! I want a Please bring me a drone and stick graders at Sallas Mahone Christmas. I also want I want a dog and a cat for that I can sleep with for Dear Santa, I am 6 years old. Please nice. For Christmas, please for Christmas. Thank you. remot kuntrol car. See you soon! Dear Santa, bots. some new clothes to keep Christmas. I think dogs and Christmas. I’ve been good I really want a plants verses bring me make-up, a bring me a chocolate egg Love, Keagan Tinsley-Powell, 6 Love, Ryan, 6 My name is Brody . I am 5 years Love, Jahari, 7 Elementary School. me warm. How many elves cats are cute. I would also and always help my Mama Zombies toy set. phone, and a Hatchimal. maker, a kick scooter, and old. For Christmas this year, I Dear Santa, do you have? like to have a backpack and and Daddy. Love, Jackson Russ, 5 Love, Emily Ferrel Pie in the Sky. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, want a dinosaur, nerf gun, legos Dear Santa, I want 2 fidget spinners. Stuff for my Love, MacKenzie Snell- new lunchbox. Thank you Charlee Rae B., 4 Love, Marlie Adkins, 5 I have been very good this year. I I have been good! I want a hot and a I really want a basketball, football, fish tank and some Num Nums. I grove, 7 for always sending me pres- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, would like a troll house with trolls wheels garage and a TV and a turkey. and a go car. also want some Crayola Markers. ents. I love you Santa. Dear Santa, My teacher likes you. I have I am 6 years old. Please Dear Santa, and a monkey that goes on your Cars 3 game. Thank you! Love, Brody Kam’Ron, 6 Beads with string. I want baby Dear Santa, Love, Sariyah P., 7 I love monster trucks and been a good girl this year. I bring me Power Rangers, This year I have been very finger for Christmas. Thank you. Love, Charly, 5 dolls and real lip gloss. I have been a good boy this ants! I want an ant farm and want a singing teddy bear Roblox, and a bike. nice. For Christmas, please Love, Lillie Turner, 5 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Presley year. I want xBox one and Dear Santa, some monster trucks for with a book. I love you. Love, Cannon Leadbetter bring me a Batman mo- Dear Santa, My name is Anilah. I am 5 years I really want a candy apple and some jewelry for my mom. I want an Iphone because I Christmas. I’m such a sweet Love, Paisley Glass, 5 torcycle, a lunchbox with Dear Santa, Thank you Santa for presents! I old. For Christmas this year, I lots of toys. Dear Santa, I need some real tools so don’t have one. I would also boy! Dear Santa, two colors, and some new I have been very good this year. I want a dirt bik and a watch! I will want a Barbie, little pony, baby Love, Michael, 6 I want play-do and a tablet. I want an I can work with my dad. like a Baby Alive because I Cullen B., 4 The following I am 6 years old. Please books. would like Batman legos and a leav you som cookies! dolly and a iphone and 2 fidget spinners. How is your reindeer? think it would be fun to play bring me virtual reality, a Love, Mason Burkhart, 6 red iPad for Christmas. Thank Love, Aiden, 5 Barbie house. Dear Santa, Trinity Merry Christmas, Camer- with that kind of doll. I have Dear Santa, letters were written puppy, and a dirt bike. you. Love, Anilah I really want a car, cat, dog, and on Bozeman, 8 been really good. I love you For Christmas I want a foot- by Mrs. Preston’s Love, Kaitlin Lloyd Dear Santa, Love, Ayden Williams, 6 Dear Santa, some play make-up. Dear Santa, so much. ball helmet and a monster This year I have been very I have been a good boy! I want a Dear Santa, Love, Melodi, 6 I want a helicopter. I want an electric kindergarteners The following letters Love, Jordin B., 7 truck. I promise I will take Dear Santa, nice. For Christmas, please Dear Santa, helekoptr and a motrcikl! Thank My name is Desiree. I am 5 years tractor. I want an electric truck. good care of them. at Pine Grove I am 5 years old. Please bring me Teddy Ruxpin, a I have been very good this year. I you! old. For Christmas this year, I Dear Santa, Preston were written by Dear Santa, Ja’Corey C., 5 Elementary School. bring me a race car, a Paw Patrol patroller, and a would like a toy cat and a new Love, Qasim, 5 want an American Girl Doll, an I really want a hoverboard and an Mrs. Elliott’s second I have been nice this year. I green car, and a yellow car. Rusty River lab. baby doll for Christmas. Thank Elsa doll iPhone and a tablet. Dear Santa, want a Little Live Pet Snug- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Samyloo Pierre Love, Ronan Wetherbee, 5 you. The following letters were and an Ana doll. Love, Jamar, 6 I want a fidget spinner from you. I graders at Moulton- gle for Christmas. I also I have been a good girl this My name is Patience. For Love, Emilia Till, 5 Love, Desiree want a baby alive. I want 22 fidget Branch Elementary want a baby doll that cries, year. I want some tootles Christmas, can I have ev- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Barr’s Dear Santa, spinners. I want an American Girl tee tees, and poops. I need dolls for Christmas. My erything on my wish list? I am 5 year old. Please bring This year I have been very Dear Santa, kindergarteners at Sallas Dear Santa, I really want a dirt bike and a baby doll. I want a little American Girl School. a pet for my Elf on the Shelf sister Audrey and I can play Can you give my mom me a fire truck, a police nice. For Christmas, please I have been very good this year. I My name is Jarrell. I am 5 years doll. doll. I want a santa toy that looks Dear Santa, please. How do you send with them. and my sister everything car, and a hammer crane. bring me a Nerf gun, would like a hamster and a tablet Mahone Elementary old. For Christmas this year, I Love, Deja, 6 like your elves. I have been nice this all those presents in one Marly-Jo E., 5 on their wish list? My dad Love, Samylee Pierre Shopkins, and a Barbie for Christmas. Thank you. School. want a truck and a basketball Erin year. I want a BB night? You’re the best guy wants a Ruger Charger. house. Love, April Blacknall, 5 goal. gun for Christmas. I al- in the world. Dear Santa, Merry Christmas, Pa- Dear Santa, Love, Samirrah Gaulden, 5 Dear Santa, Love, Jarrell so want a toy truck. Love, Maddie B., 7 1/2 I would like a Shimmer and tience Mitchell, 5 I am 5 years old. Please The following letters I want a slim gun for Christmas. I I need a new jack- Shine castle with dolls for bring me a red nerf gun, Dear Santa, have been nice. Dear Santa, et for Christmas too. Dear Santa, Christmas. Thank you for Dear Santa, an air plane, and a master This year I have been very were written by Mrs. Love, Charlie, 5 My name is Jordan. I am 5 years Are your elves being I have been nice this year. I the presents and I love you! I’ve been really good this racer. nice. For Christmas, please Davis and Ms. Berlin’s old. For Christmas this year, I good? I love you so much want a dog for Christmas. I Mia P., 5 year. All I want is a toy Love, Taharree Tabron bring me a Little Live Pet Dear Santa, want a hover board, pie , Santa! Thank you Santa! also want a Laptop. I need train, playhouse, shark Puppy, a purple Fingerling kindergarteners at Sallas I want a flip 200 for chrismis. I Xbox and a Love, Lee W., 7 some pink Adidas tennis Dear Santa, play set, toy jeep with Dear Santa, monkey, and a unicorn Mahone Elementary have been good to my mam and phone. shoes. Do you pay your I have been good. I want a camper, Spiderman hand, I am 5 years old. Please Dream Tent. dad. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, elves for working? I love you McDonald’s shop and Play- Nintendo 2dsxl and a bring me a doll, crayons, Love, Sydney Atkins, 6 School. Love, Sunna, 5 I have been just a little naugh- Santa! Merry Christmas! dough for Christmas. I will Pokemon Game. I can’t and art. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, ty this year. I want an Ip- Your friend, Lylah W., 7 share it with my new baby wait to set out chocolate Love, Holly Bingham Dear Santa, How are you? I want a T-Rex dino- Dear Santa, My name is Maya. I am 6 years hone 6 because I don’t have brother. chip cookies and milk for This year I have been very saur with a remote control and a I want a bike for Christmas. I have old. For Christmas this year, I one. I want a Baby Alive. I Dear Santa, Micah R., 4 you on Christmas Eve. The following letters were nice. For Christmas, please toy helicopter. Be Safe! been nis to my perants. want a play-doh kitchen, coloring also need a new winter coat. I have been nice. I want a Your Friend, Austin Fergu- written by Mrs. Hon and bring me a puppy, a re- Love, Jordan, 5 Love, Kinslee, 5 books, Thank you so much for the Xbox 360 for Christmas. I Dear Santa, son, 5 Mrs. Mary’s kindergart- mote control car, and a shoes and a Monster High doll. presents. really need a new hat and I would like a polar bear for eners at Lake Park Ele- puppet. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Maya Love, Addison W., 7 1/2 gloves. I will leave your milk Christmas. I will take very Dear Santa, mentary School. Love, Tristan Thornton, 5 Hey Santa! I want a Wild Adven- I want a laptop for Christmas. I and cookies out on Christ- good care of it! I have been a good girl this Dear Santa, ture tiket and a fir truk. Thank have been gud. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, mas Eve beside the T.V. ta- Jaxon S., 5 year. Will you please bring This year I have been very Dear Santa, you! Love, Audrey, 5 My name is Xavier. I am 5 years I have been nice this year. I ble. I love you so much! for me: 1. Comfy Critters nice. For Christmas, please This year I have been very Love, Kent, 5 old. For Christmas this year, I want a video game that is Your Friend, Alex C. Dear Santa, Stuffed Animal Blanket bring me a WWE ring, a nice. For Christmas, please Dear Santa, want a giant squid, fingerling called Super Mario 3D Land. I have been a really good boy (Cat) 2. A real pink and Nintendo Switch, and a bring me a Barbie scoot- Dear Santa, I wan a Thomas for Christmas. I and a I also want Mario and Luigi Dear Santa, this year. I want a notebook purple piano with cats on Nerf gun. er, a Barbie house, and a I am Jaymarie. I want a Barbie doll have been good to Mrs. Barr. hatchimal. Galaxy for the Xbox 360. I have been nice this year. and a pocket for Christmas. the notes. Love, Antonio Gibson, 5 Journeys doll. and a toy cat and som supr he- Love, Ethan Z., 5 Love, Xavier Both of those games for the I want a cat for Christ- Luke O. Isabella Zeigler, 5 Love, Wainani DelaCruz, 5 ros grls. I love your hat Bcos you Xbox 360. Thanks so much mas. I also want a baby Dear Santa, are owlsom! Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Santa! Have a good day! doll for Christmas. I need Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This year I have been very Dear Santa, Love, Jaymarie, 6 I want a for wilr for Christmas. I My name is Aniyah. I am 5 years Sincerely, Tyler S., 8 some socks for Christ- I have been a very good boy What I want for Christmas is nice. For Christmas, please This year I have been very have been nis too my mom and old. For Christmas this year, I mas. Does Rudoff like to this year and my sisters a Transformer Robot with bring me a tablet, a doll, nice. For Christmas, please Dear Santa, dad. want an LOL surprise doll, easy Dear Santa, eat chips? Merry Christmas have too. I would like a race remote control, Dino Ro- and a Pixel Purse. bring me a tablet, a Barbie, I hav helpd my mom! I want a Love, Avery, 5 bake oven I have been nice this year. I Santa! car and lots of cars for bot, and a remote control Love, April Tutt, 5 and a treehouse. kumputr that glos and a Frozen and a Coco interactive guitar want a Nintendo Switch. I Love, Carmen P., 7 Christmas. shark that swims. Mostly Love, Zoe Whiting, 6 doll. I will leve carots for the Dear Santa, Love, Aniyah want a girl Elf on the Shelf. Steven C., 5 I want my family to be Dear Santa, rander! I want a Hotwhels for Christmas. I I need a black and white Dear Santa, together. This year I have been very The following Love, Kaliyah, 6 have been good for my mom. Dear Santa, warm winter coat. Santa, I have been nice this year. I Dear Santa, Thank You, Braidyn Mc- nice. For Christmas, please Love, Kaeden, 5 My name is Olivia. I am 5 years I have a question for you. want a train set for Christ- I would like a dog that takes farland, 5 bring me a wizard wand, a letters were written Dear Santa, old. For Christmas this year, I What do your elves like to mas. I also want a Big Lego a shower this year. I will Journeys doll, and a Bar- by Mrs. Causey’s How is Mrs. Claus? I wld like a Dear Santa, want a Vampirina castle, soggy do? I love you, Santa. City. I need a new bookbag take good care of it and not bie scooter. babe dl haws with babes. Are the I want a bike for Christmas. I want doggy and Love, Madison R., 7 for Christmas. Thank you make a mess. The following letters Love, Aubrey Nichols, 5 kindergarteners at lvs hape? a toy forwiller. I have been good cream game. Santa Bryson N., 5 were written by Westside Elementary Love, Elianna, 5 at scool. Love, Olivia Your Friend, Khamani Y., 8 Love, Jake, 5 Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability 10 LetterS to Santa Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 LetterS to Santa 11

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a baby alive I want a thor, , batman. I’ve been a good girl. Can I get a I want everyone to have a great I want a AG bed for Christmas and I want vdeo gims. I hlp my mom I have been so good! I been good I want a dog for Christmas. I want I want a largr and big foxy from How aer yaer pets. Have they and two NUm NUms and two From Ashton, 7 mermaid tail for Christmas. and Christmas! And I want a Robot AG stuff. I want light up shoes, wash claos (clothes). at long I sounds. I want a flying it to be in a box. Please put some David Buster’s and a lether jackit been bad or good. Cude you American dolls and a fidget spin- a evey and mal toy. And a love Dog, and a cat, and a computer. bean bag, and Magic Tree House Love, Jayden, 5 scooter. I want a big glitter ball. holes in the box. I will take care and pingwin that looks like the pless give me a new tadlit my old ner. I’ve been a god girl this year. Dear Santa, bella. and a marble. and a Barbie Love, Evva, 7 book. I want a bike. Thank you for the of my dog. same one as his same pingwin one got brok. And a toy cat. And Desirae I ban good and I want shopkinse. I dream house. and diry. and nel Dear Santa, Love, Josephine Johnson, 8 Dear Santa, gifts. Love, Cherish Thomas, 7 and some blond hair and lether a toy gun. I hoip you can rea this. want some stuff anmils. polish. and shoose. I would like a bell from the movie I want a nrf gon (nerf gun). Love, Milania, 6 pents and two tap dinsing shos. I just ternd 7. Merey Christmis. Dear Santa, From Julianna, 8 Skylah, 7 Polar Express, a picture of you, Dear Santa, Love, ZyCorie, 5 Dear Santa, Love, Terrell Echols, 7 Your friend, Reece, 6 I want a doll, ipad, and iphone. Pokemon cards, Polar Express I want an American Doll and Dear Santa, I want a playstation 4 and I want London Dear Santa, dear santa, train, a Santa hat, a Santa statue, clothes for her. Also, I want a The following letters were I have been so good! I have to go to Korde to learn how to Dear Santa, I have been on my best beaveyer. I I want a action finger and a super- an Elf suit with ears, shoes, and parichutte. worked hard at school. Could I fight. The following letters were How are you Santa are Eif booeng Dear Santa, want a I fone. I want a Xboxone. man toy. and batman toy. I want hat, and a toy cash register with Love, Kynnedy Mason, 7 written by Mrs. Joiner’s have a barbie dream house for Love, Joshua Fitzpatrick, 8 written by Ms. Kovach’s good tuday. All I wut for chismus Can you get me a toy water gun? From Camora, 8 a boxing toy. and a table. and the toy money that looks real. second graders at Sallas Christmas? Thank you for the I wut is a 3DS and a Lego set Daryl flash action finger. and a hulk Love, Eason, 8 Dear Santa, gifts. Dear Santa, first graders at Sallas and a 3DS geam. I’m so sibib for Dear Santa, action finger. and bean bags. and I would like a lot of figett spinners. Mahone Elementary Love, Chelsea, 6 I think that I can have a Ultra Zard Mahone Elementary crismus. And a happey new yer Dear Santa, I have been on my best behaver. I lego marvel. and a scooter. and Dear Santa, That’s all I want. School. because I been cleaning up my Santa. For Christmas I want a fidget want a tablet and phone. lots of books. and a Naruto ac- I would like to get a mermaid tail Love, Arabi Miller, 7 Dear Santa, room and folding up my clothes. School. Your friend, Asher, 7 spinner. Lego set that’s called From Meet, 7 tion finger. and a black panther and phone and a Christmas Dear Santa, Santa I bin good. I want a Santa I also want a Xbox 1 and a zoom Dear Santa, Elves Hot Air Balloon and a lot of action finger. and a marvel action dress and an Elf on the shelf and Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a trakr. I want to see if you are rill speed. I also want a cotton can- Hello Santa how are you doing Dear Santa, clothes and long sleeves. I want The following letters were finger. a puppy. Merry Christmas to This year for Christmas, I would bike, a scooter, and some bed- Santa. Thank you Santa. I hope dy maker. have you had a great day or a Whow are you Santa and Mrs. Barbie tree house camp out set Love, Blake, 6 Santa, Miss Clause, the elfs, the like some roller skates. Another room shoes, a watch, a necklace, you come arand. Love, Kaleb Walker, 7 bad day. How are your reindeer. Cluse. I want a ipad becose it and a lot of books and a craft written by Miss Farrens puppies, and the reindeer and thing I want is a little toy doll. a new tablet, and a Barbie doll. Luv, Mi’Kyla, 6 How is Ms. Clause. How are the was not working. I love you San- photo book. I want a pretend first graders at Sallas Dear Santa, especially Rudolph. The last thing I want is a drawing Love, Laylah, 7 Dear Santa, Elfs are the Elfs wraping pres- ta. tree with snowflakes that are I want all of my sweet students to Love, Jamylah, 8 book of my own. Well Santa I Dear Santa, I want a rip stick and a figet spin- ents. Can I tell you what I want Your friend, Jayden, 6 rainbow and a Num Num. Mahone Elementary have a great Christmas Holiday. hope you give me this stuff for Dear Santa, I have been very very very good! I ner and helmet for my bike so I for chrismas. I want a playstai- Alysa School. I hope they get lots of books to Dear Santa, Christmas! And I hope I’m on the I want a car my size, 100$ by 5s have worked hard at school. Can want get hurt. tion four and madden eighteen Dear Santa, read and a lot of rest! I want iPhone 8 and a table. nice list. and 1s, and 2 phones and cam- I have a nitinto 3DS. Thank you Love, Zaveion Lamons, 7 and two k eighteen. How r your levevs. for christsmes I Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Miss Farrens, 27 Love, Camiya, 8 Love, Eliza Jane Monroe, 7 eras. thank you thank you thank you Your friend, Emrick, 6 want a Nintedoswitch with a Le- I want a train. I want a Lego play- I bin wrking evry day and I bin lis- Love, Preston, 7 thank you! Dear Santa, go cd and some neaf juns! do. ineg to my techr can you get me The following letters were Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Caylee, 6 I want a big doll house, a clock, Dear Santa, Your friend, Armondo, 6 Brandy for Christmas a big Lego set and I would like googly eyes, Pie Face I wish I had a dollhouse and Barbie Dear Santa, Barbe doll, and play phone, and How is Mrs. Closs doing? I know I a tablit and a dogs and makump written by Mrs. Hasty’s Sky High, Jinga, and Zoomer dolls. I wish I had a phone. That’s I want Shopkins and Happy Places Dear Santa, a beautiful frame of you and me. been fiting with my brother. But Dear Santa, Dear Santa, and shopkins. kindergarteners at Sallas show pony. I think I’m done, well all I want Santa. to. Then I want Nom Nums, and I was gud. I wut for Christmas is a I like Christmas. that’s how som brothers and sis- Hi Santa hiw mes doowee I wut a I want remote control car that has Love, Abigail, 7 add me a few little surprise gifts. Love, Janice Redding, 7 Barbie Dream house. Santa and I fon for Christmas and for Christ- Love, Aniya Green, 7 trs do. What I want for Christmas iPad for cremes I love cremess wings like a helicopter and a re- Mahone Elementary. P.S. Merry Christmas! want a big box of LOL dolls. mas I wot a hors with kow girl. is a AG phone. Because I don’t so much. mote control plane that can fly. Dear Santa, Love, Blakely, 7 Dear Santa, Love, Alaydria, 8 She gon be a kaw girl. Thank you. Dear Santa, have it yet. And I want a AG cun- Your friend, Jermaine, 6 Doc I mit hav got in trobl but can you Dear Santa, I want a Nitindo switch for Christ- Love, Angelle, 7 I want a real live bird and new- pyuter because I am getting a git me this for me to drive (trac- I want a fone for Christmas. I have Dear Santa, mas and games to go with it like Dear Santa, born puppy as pets. I also want conpyuter. And I want a nutcacer Dear Santa, Dear Santa, tor). been kind this yir. I would like a race track for all my splitoon and Pokemon, Duel, I want a iphone for Christmas and Dear Santa, a computer. I think I should have because I well put it in my room. Are you and mis Kos is gret. I wut I be a good boy today so all I want Love Jaxon, 6 Love, J’ahliya trains, real puppies, and a car. Maira Cart and Oddessey. a computer. I want a hoverboard I have been so good! Could I have it because I have been so good. Your friend, Zoie, 6 a babe aliv dol and a elsa dol for Christmas is a nurf gun on Love, Alyijah, 8 Love, Devin Riley, 8 for Christmas. and some chapter a new tire, fix my tablet, the best And I want a Iphone. haows and costowm and a pir wheels and a bigger new nurf Dear Santa, Dear Santa, books and some chapstick. kind of phone, a crazy cart, bike, Love, Nevaeh Muckenfuss, 7 Dear Santa, uv now and amo set and a fidget spinner for Christmas this year I want a I want a car for Christmas. I have Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Kynleigh, 7 guitar and a real gold necklese? I mis you but how are you dowig. kos and I no I bin a bat grl and are and a treehouse and an x-box 3. baby alive hamster. A ball. a stuff bin good this yer. I would like a Barbie dreamhouse I want a baby doll for Christmas. I Love, Kade, 6 Dear Santa, And how are your deers dowing. you sil gowing to me I love setu Zurion tutele. A Choclet egg makr. nom Love, Raniel and a Barbie car with four seats. want some clothes too. Dear Santa, For Christmas I deserve a roller- And also your elfs dowing. And Your friend, Harmony, 6 nom maker. madonas magic It’s got to be a little bit big too. Love, Phoenix Swift, 8 I have been very good most of Dear Santa, coaster because I’ve been so plees can I have a robo staf Dear Santa, hamberger maker. Ice cream Dear Santa, Love, Janasia, 8 this year and I’m probaly on the I have ben so good at school. San- good all year. I would like to have animal and a phon wosh. Have Dear Santa, I like cars. I like to play with cars. I maker. a dog from my tugles and I want a kitchn for Christmas. I Dear Santa, nice list. So this is what I want for ta I can get a dirt bike. I can get a pillow that can change colors a Mery Christmas. I LOVE you Hello Santa How are you doing? like a car. cloths and shoes. Mary Christ- have vere bin good this yer. Dear Santa, For Christmas will you please Christmas … fingerling, unicorn a Barbie doll. I can get 3 $100 and I will sleep on it every night. Santa. What I whant for chrismis is my Braydon mas and a happy new year. Love, Ailis This is my Christmas list – PS4, bring me a Gizmo watch? (pur- slime kit, unicorn robot, mush- dollars. I think that I would like a cotton Your friend, Ashlynn, 6 to botom teth in the front. And I Love, Makenzie, 7 Hoverboard, fortnitz, mega ple please) And a remote control room chair, and a hoverboard. Love, Me’lajah, 7 candy maker because I can whant some troll pakcs. I whant Dear Santa, Dear Santa, mastador, kid car, Lego Batman Hex bug ( purple please). For the And shhhhh, You can’t tell mom, make the desert myself. Dear Santa, a elf for chimes. And I whant a I want a baby doll. I want a dog. Dear Santa, I want pikimi pops for Christmas. I 2, motor dirt bike, trampoline, ip- rest just Surprise me please!!! but I want a black pet kitty. Dear Santa, Sincerely, Presless Davis, 7 How are your raindeers. I am phone. And I whant to girll chi- Destiney I have ben good this year. For have ben rele good this yer. hone 5s, and mortle komzback. Love, Audrey Thompson, 7 Love, McKenzie, 7 I was working at school. I want a Dear Santa, doing good. How are you Santa. cins. Christmas I want a doll and a big Love, Arica Love, Issac, 7 toy gun. I want skecher shoes. Can I have a Olaf tea set because I am six years old. Merry Christ- Your friend, Caroline, 6 Dear Santa, lego set. Makeup and art suplis. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a magic scoother. I want my brothers Riley and Gage took mas Santa. I want a doll house. I like blocks. I hope you will give me all the Dear Santa, The following letters were For Christmas, I would like to have I want a big Hatchable and two more a carpet hover board. I want a the one I had. Can I also have a Your friend, Jaimme, 6 The following letters were Justin things I want for Christmas. I want a nrf gun for Christmas. I an Intendo and games to go with dolls and a movie. motocycle riding. I want an I-pad. singing machine because my Love Kayden, 6 have bin nis good this yir. written by Mrs. Holton’s it. Love, Kaitlyn, 7 I want a xbox 360. I want to play uncle broke it. Merry Christmas Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Brantley’s Dear Santa, Love, Kayden second graders at Sallas Love, River Thurston, 8 larva. Santa. Can I also have a little toy How aer you. I hop Satpha gave kindergarteners at Sallas Santa I love you. I can get a hat- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Fred, 7 Santa because I never had one. you my List. Well I have anuther chamal? I can get some finger- I been very good. I lense (listen) Dear Santa, Mahone Elementary. Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is some Can I have a puppy supise and a list for you. But this is not it. But Mahone Elementary nails? You are nice. Can I get a to every body. I wish I can get an I want a Barbe Prinses for Christ- For Christmas will you please blaster guns, Mario’s wedding suit, Dear Santa. tablet. Mine broke. you maby you all redy have it. School. bike? Can I get a toy car? Can I xbox. mas. I have been nis this hol yer. Dear Santa, bring me a watch?? Please. That and a wedding Mario action figure. I have been so good! I have Love your Frind Payten Parmer, Now I am about to be 7. How aer get a Barbie doll. Santino, 6 Love, Valentina For Christmas, I want a hover- will surprise me, I would love to Love, Lennon, 7 worked so hrde at scool. Can 7 your rian dier and miss cloze. Der Santa, Ja’kalya board and I want a shop can have one because I will know the I have some makeup and an Plese rite bak. My nom is Raine. I am 5. I wod like Dear Santa, Dear Santa, cuishun, a cool maker and my time. Dear Santa, I-phone 10 and some mune? Dear Santa, Your friend, Eden, 6 a doc mcstufns crt. (cart) Dear Santa, I am doing awesome everywhere I want a babe dol for Christmas. I teeth. That’s what I want for Love, Khloe Turner, 8 I love to celebrate for Christmas. Thank you for the gifts. I will like a remount car because Raine I want a green picture of Santa I go and for Christmas I want have bin good this xer. Christmas, and one more thing a Santa mom and dad we love u all Love, McKenzie, 6 I have been nice to my brther. I Dear Santa, Claus. I want a fidget spinner. everyone to have a very Marry Love, Trinity American Girl Doll. The following letters were so get us some stuff for Christmas. will want a makeup kit because How are your deer. How are your Der Santa, Amos Christmas. Love, Ta’miah Andrews, 7 I love Christmas. Dear Santa, I have been good. I will like a hu- faf. Can I git a now fon. You are os My nam is Kaylen. I am 5. I wud Love, Nora, 7 Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Howell’s Love, Tavaryonna, 8 I have been so good! I have verbord because I will clean my Santa. How are you in Santa in like a LOL dol. Dear Santa, I want a msk for Christmas. I have Dear Santa, kindergarteners at Sallas worked hard at school. Could I room. This is what I will like for Mis cos. How ob are you. How ob Kaylen I want an x-box and dirt bike and 2 Dear Santa, bin good and nis this yir. I would like a Samsong Sege6 Dear Santa, have a I-fon 8 from you Santa for Christmas. are Mis Cos. I love Santa. I love fidget spinners. I want a toy fish and 100 mony. Love, Au’Bri needs a computer. This is what Mahone Elementary. Can I get some toys can I get a bat- Christmas? Love, Shani Malloy, 7 Mis Cos. Der Santa, Caleb and toy dog it can play. and I I would also want a Nike jacket man toy. Love, Zariah, 6 Your friend, Breonna, 6 My nme is Harper. I am 5. I wud want at toy cat. And I want an Dear Santa, and jeans, and Captian Under- Dear Santa, Love, Jaylon, 7 Dear Santa, like a rubot. I wud unle like to The following letters were xbox. And I want a hat. And I I want a Elsa Jures for Christmas. I pants and Dogman book. Now I want a koor (car). I want a kitat Dear Santa, I think I Deserve too get A Huver Dear Santa, presits. want a Mario game. And I want have bin good this yer. you know what I want for Christ- set (kitchen set). I want a play Dear Santa, I have been so good! I have been Boarb for Christmas. An A Dog Hay Santa I want to tell you how Luv, Harper written by Mrs. Crosby’s a puppy. Love, Kayla mas. fon (play phone). I believe in you cause you red. And I good at home and at school. I wwe toy’s end A tablet end IP- are you doing how your rein- second graders at Sallas Love, Noah, 6 Love, Tahrik Bailey, 8 Love, Lillie, 5 want a game and a skateboard and wot a xbox for Christmas. Thank hone 10 end A make Up Set! deers doing. How are pet doing Der Santa, Dear Santa, a playground. you for the gifts. Love, KANIYah Williams, 7 and my school year is going My name is Aubryn. I am 5 yrs ol. I Mahone Elementary Dear Santa, I want a Brbe Doll for Christmas. I Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Damarion, 8 Love, Nahki, 6 the best and I want a phone wod like a LoL dol. School. I wet lago. I wet a tablit. stuf ani- have bin good tis yeer. For Christmas, I want Pokemon I want a fnbol (football). I want Dear Santa, for Christmas and I mortal for Love, Aubryn mal. please santa. Love, Hanna cards, coloring sliples, and pi- a jrum (drum). I want a fon Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I think I sould git a Xbox because Christmas and a playstaation 4. Dear Santa, Love, Tiana W., 6 kuch stuff animal, steind makers, (phone). I want a socrbol bag. I wat a hoverboard and a Wubble I have been so good! I have I have been good. I think I sould Your friend, Andrew, 7 Dear Santa, I want a Nitendo Switch, a dart- Dear Santa, but you could get me more too. Love, Kaitlyn, 5 Bubble ball and new glow up warked so hard cleaning. Could I git a tiger because I have been My name is Brylee. I am 6. I wod board, some ooey gooey slime, a Dir Santa, I want legos for Christmas. I have Love, Mallory Betz, 8 shoes. have a gutar? Thank you for the good all year long. I think I sould Dear Santa, like a brbe play set with a brbe. gizmo watch, a GAINT nerf I will get a fish and kookes to you. ben good this yer. Dear Santa, Love, Latavis, 7 gifts. get a computer because I am a How are you doing Santa? Can I I wod like a nudr boy brbey and gun, and a treehouse. Dir santa, I wont legows. Dir san- Love, Jamari Dear Santa, I want jngl bells. I want lisk (lip- Love, Jake, 6 good gamer. I hope you have a have for Christmas a lego race- a mrker. From Davis, 7 ta and a pet dog. Dir santa I wont For Christmas, I want a hover- stick). I want kaus (camera). Dear Santa, good Christmas Santa! car, lego blue motersicol, and Love, Brylee a stikey bol. Dear Santa, board and a drone for Christmas Love, Skylar, 5 All I want for Christmas is a Xbox Dear Santa, Sincerely, Austin Altman, 7 I wish you a great Christmas Dear Santa, Love, Jaysia, 6 I want a Barbe Drem haws with too. Also, a remote control heli- one and WWE 2K18, paper, and I have ben good today. What I wut Santa. Der Santa, I want a skateboard and a yo-yo. Barbes and elevator for Christ- copter. Dear Santa, Captain Underpants movie and for Chriatmas is a football game. Dear Santa, Your friend, Jim, 6 My name is Jonathan. I am 6 yers From Ester, 7 Dear Santa, mas. I have bin nis and good this Love, Mason Corbett, 8 I want a wosach (watch). I want Captain Underpants book 4. I wut a xbox for Christmas, I been good and I deserve a phone old. I wod like a Litneg Mcquen. I’v been good. Can I hav a mul- yer. a kane (computer). I want a fon Love, Darren, 8 Love, Tremaine, 7 and some mony and a big box of Dear Santa, Jonathan Dear Santa, cuh school car And a xbox. And Love, Addison Dear Santa, (phone). candy. And I will make sure that I heop you have a good cimes. I I have good behave and I want legos. And a toy car. For Christmas I want an American Love, Derky, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, it will be cookies left for you San- am 6. I waet a play sine 3. Dear Santa, to get a big gole. I want to get a Love, Giovanni, 7 Dear Santa, Girl Doll that comes with a bed, I want a hoverboard and a psh with Could I have a bike for Christmas ta. Merry Christmas Your friend, Trevor, 6 My name is Ryleigh. I am 6 years iPhone 7. I want a peeno for Christmas. I clothes, and accessories. Dear Santa 2 controller and a lots of games and a car and an I-pad? Thank Sincerely, Aubri Gibson, 7 old. I wot a LoL dols. I wot a kris- From Ny’Sheria, 7 Dear Santa, have bin vere good this yir. Love, Camryn Crenshaw, 7 I want a big hashms (hatchable). I and a Nerf gun and a cool race car you. Dear Santa, mus tree in my room. I also wot a am I good? have I ben behaving Love, Khalil want a tlie cor (toy car). game and to be real fast and a dirt Love, Mykel, 7 Dear Santa, I like Santa. I am good Santa. I am jwlre box with jwlre. Dear Santa, in school? Can you give me a Dear Santa, Love, Avery, 6 bike from a fore wheeler. I think I sould get some new bey 6. I’m to turn 7. Haw is ur fne. Love, Ryleigh I want a bike and a pool. mokonchrl (remote control) jet/ Dear Santa, I want a new bike and viteo games Love, Jaden, 8 Dear Santa, blades because I have been re- Haw is Santa. Thek you Santa. From Damarea, 9 and a mokonchrl car. I want a toe liun for Christmas. I for my playstashon. Also, a paint- Dear Santa, I been so good this year. I have ally good and I got some candy Your friend, Jyree, 6 Dear Santa, Love, Javier, 7 have bin swet this yer. ball gun. I want belef (baby alive). I want a Dear Santa, worked so hard in school. I want from my teacher that is why My name is Kennedy. I am 5. I wod Dear Santa, Love, Laila Love, Keydon Finniessee, 8 fhn (phone). Want for Christmas is a xbox one a barber shop set, a dentist set, I think I sould get some bey Dear Santa, like a kotn cande macr (cotton I have been very good this year. Dear Santa, Love, Aaylani, 5 and I want a Wii U and I want a a new phone, a play doh sweet blades. How are you and Mrs. Clas doing. I candy maker). I would like a vido swich and a I went a dol dos are fun. Dear San- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, iphone 6 and 8 and 7 and a four shop, some legos, art set and a By Brendan Ford, 7 want a new ipad because my old Love, Kennedy drum. ta I went a puppy. Dear Santa I I want a Brbe for Christmas. I have I want a IPhone and DS. Also, lego Dear Santa, wheeler and a dirt bike in a big pin new bike. Thank you for the stuff. one dide. And some new cloths From Trey, 7 went a ponay. bin good this yir. Batman set. I want a bobe (Barbie). I want a ball. I love you Santa! Love, Corey, 6 Dear Santa, because my old ones got to Dear Santa, Love, Audreyana, 7 Love, Annalee Love, Tristian Gaines, 8 tahjo (castle). Love, Joseph, 8 For Christmas I want a los of small. And a new puppy because My name is Daizha. I am 5. I wod Dear Santa, Love, Jelani, 5 Dear Santa, stuff and I have many reasons my old one dide. I wish you a like a bik and ball. I would like 5 paire of clothes and Hi Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been so good! I want Ben 10 I should have it. First, I want a merry Christmas. Daizha 20 paire of bows because I have I hop you ples geve me my prezs. I wot a babe aliv for Chrstmas. I This year for Christmas I would Dear Santa, I would like a hoverboard and love a figures, I want Ben 10 rust buck- new book because I love to read! Your friend, Ahriss, 7 been doing my chores. Santa you are the bist. I hope I haf bin goob. like Otawosh a Pokemon. An- I want catot sof (kitchen stuff). I lot of money - like $10,000. et. I want Ben 10 jackget. I want Sacant, I want a capeter because Der Santa, From Rosalie, 7 do my bist. I love you Santa. San- Love, Emmy other thing is a Zxares another want a cishin (kitchen). I want a Love, Tristan Ben 10 egg army trix with candy. I can do math on it. Last, I want a Dear Santa, My name is Landon. I am 5. I wod ta I wish I saw you. Santa I will Pokemon. One last thing a nof (knife) f my dad. I want xbox. digital clock in my room because Santa haw are your randers. I am like a toey car. Dear Santa, mack you kuks. I wish that I saw. Dear Santa, Hatchamal Collectable. Merry Love, Ben, 5 Dear Santa, Love, Imanol, 7 I can get up erley! not being so guood. I am 6 yeaus Landon I would like a phon woch. I would Love, Michael, 7 I want a drt bik for Christmas. I Christmas Santa. One thing I want for Christmas is my From your friend, Kaelynn Car- old. Can I hav a hat and a per uv like some poke’mon cord. hav ben good this yer. Love, Peyton Hadden, 8 Dear Santa, dad to be there. I just really hope Dear Santa, ter, 7 shoos and sum clos. Dear Santa, From Jayden, 8 Dear Santa, Love, Benson I want a babe alive and a tobush. I he can say Merry Christmas girls I have been so good! I have been Your friend, Marquis, 6 My name is Kennise. I am 5. I wud I have behaving. I want nomnom Dear Santa, want adaculw dol. or he can be there to open pres- good for my baby sistr! I have Dear Santa, like a pone and a babe dol that Dear Santa, the cupkak. makup another bay- Dear Santa, I know it’s been hard delivering Love, Emilia, 5 ents with us. Or he could at least been working verrey hard at For Christmas can I get tablt for Dear Santa, cris and go to slep. I would like a nentendo swich and be aliv and candy. and morkers. I want a tatu for Christ- 800,000 kids toys but I asked get us something. That’s one thing school. I want a I-phone. I want a Christmas and a dark, bike and Hi Santa I’m happy you are here. I Kennise a nentendo 3ds. Love Ashlyn, 6 mas. I have bin nis tis yer. for two things. A Gizmo watch Dear Santa, I want for Christmas. truk you can driv arawd. lost of toys and lost of thing to. want a tablet. Because my tablet From Brooke, 7 Love, Roy and Crayola Marker. Thank you. My nam NyTyrus. I am 6 ys old. I Love, Lucah, 8 Love, Austyn, 6 Love Camron Williams, 7 is died. And I want a toy. The following letters were Dear Santa, Love, Fletcher Hall, 8 wod a transformr. Your friend, Haley, 7 Dear Santa, cleat bat xbosh I love santa The following letters Love, NyTyrus, 6 The following letters were Dear Santa, Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Roesch’s I want a achon figer and I want a Collin T., 7 Dear Santa, I ben so good at home. I want a I want a trane wisl and a fire truck. Dear Santa, kindergarteners at Sallas hobobord. were written by Mrs. For Christmas I want an ant-man Dear Santa, written by Mrs. Kautzman’s figit spiner, Captin Amrca shield, they are the best thing. Fire I hope you have a grate Christmas. From Chris, 7 Dear Santa, Henderson’s second suit. I want it because It’s a suit I want a mecerm dol (American first graders at Sallas nerf gun, noe Disney infinity trucks make a lot of nose. I love Can I ples get a Amarcin girl dull. Mahone Elementary. I have bin trin to lisn to my parns. with a mask and ant-man can doll). I want a xolorl (stroller). youndu star land gamora, mon- the nose. it is the best. Airplanels Maye I ples get a I-pad. Maye I Dear Santa, Will like a huv bed and a play graders at Sallas Mahone shrink. Love, Taelyn, 5 Mahone Elementary. ey, a joke book, and Dogman are the best toy planels they ples get a hachamel! I miss you. I Dear Santa, I want a iphone 7. statsn. and a bog. and a go pro. Elementary School. Love, Zi’ier Hobbs, 7 unleashed. make lots of nose and I love it. hop I see you agin. Thank you for a yo-yo. This year I From Kevin, 7 and a poles set. and a youtub. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Ben, 7 Love, Jayden Phillips, 7 Your friend, Lauren, 7 would like pdado (play-doh). Love Dedrick, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a tuy tir (toy truck). I hip my I have been so good at my house Love, Samiya Dear Santa, Can I have a stuffed elf that looks I want a camera and IPhone . Also, dad by dw chrs (doing chores). and at school. I have worked The following letters were Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I was good this year. I wat a iphone Dear Santa, like my elf? And my dad to come a watch. Please Santa. Love, Amos, 6 hard at school. Could I have This year I’v ben good. So I think How are yo radir Santa. Santa I Dear Santa, 8 and a dret bike. I love listening to your Christmas back and enjoy Christmas. Love, Janaden Hunter, 7 a Barbie drem house and a written by Ms. Kimbrough’s I sould get Unicorn beding be- wat a now gam for miy teve ples Thank you for my stroller. This From Kareem, 8 songs. Christmas is my favorite Love, R.J., 7 Dear Santa, I-phone 10 and a Barbie horse second graders at Sallas cause I have ben good. I think I and Santa I wot a now bod gam year I would like a new bobbl month because you are there. Dear Santa, I want a ctru fyur (fire truck). I and some money and a baby sould get some pretty dresses for Chismis. Ok Santa. teon. Dear Santa, Thank you for the goft cart. You Dear Santa, I want an American Doll Girl. Also, want a motrcyl. alive and a bike and a flying Mahone Elementary because I have ben being good Your friend, Gavin, 6 Love, Ella I would like for people ohw don’t are the best. Your so cool. Plase I would like a Barbie. Oma Suit and a picture of Oma Love, Joquez, 6 scooter and some slime and School. in school. I think I soud a phone have money and wwe toys and get me a little some thing. Thank Love, Carla, 7 on my wall. I want a tablet and real snow and a hover board for because I’v ben getting A’s and Dear Santa, Dear Santa, intdo 3ds. You Santa. a Brickell. That’s what I want for Dear Santa, Christmas? Thank you for the Dear Santa, B’s in school. That is why I sould How are you. Santa can I pes haf Thank you for the Shap ks (Shop- From Ethan, 7 Love Peyton to Santa, 6 ¾ Christmas. I want a dog. I want a bhvs. gifts. Can you bring me a Iphone 8? have unicorn bedding, pretty a por and a bolu. Santa I hap vat kins). This year I would like a Love, Alyssa-Nycole Johnson, 9 Love, Ariah, 6 Love, Makaela, 7 Please, please Santa. dresses and a phone. you get my ler. hurbd (hoverboard). Love, Sasha Thomas, 8 Love, Kierra Montemayor, 7 Your friend, MiKaela, 6 Love, Julia Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability 12 LetterS to Santa Sunday, December 17, 2017 Sunday, December 17, 2017 LetterS to Santa 13

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Deer Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you for Bodhs (book). This I want an ice cream truck, three I have been kind of good. Can you I want captin underpants 3, 4, 5, 6, For Christmas I want a babdol (bab- I woud like a kitchn set for Chritms I have been good. I won’t me a tab- Hi. I have been good. I’m wishing I am 5 years old. I have been very How are you? I would like a PS3 year I would like mocha bb (Mon- dresses, a Barbie dream house, please bring me a new bike, new 7 books, I want a new IPhone and doll). this yer. And a Barbie doll hous. I let, phone, teddy bear, soldger, for a motorcycle, Xbox Playsta- good this year! My Christmas and PS4. I have been good. ster High Barbie). and roller skates. born baby, clothes and shoes, a computer. I want Madagascar Love, Layleona have been really really good this police men, and Avanger toys. tion 6, and a guitar. wishes are Barbie house, baby Love, Kamoni, 8 Love, My’lee Love, Amber, 7 and JoJo bows. I would also like 1, a new Cars 3 car for my sister. yer. And I help my dad rak the Love, Dy’Quaveus, 6 Thank you, Everett, 7 doll, big dinosaur. I hope you en- fingerlinks, LOL dolls, and blind Jaylen, 8 Dear Santa, yrd. See you soon at my hous. joy the cookies and milk! Hello Santa! Dear Santa, Dear Santa, bags. For Christmas I want a toy mad. Love, Jasmine Dear Santa, Hi, Santa. Love, Dayanna I have been good, I would like an Thank you for Bob hs (Barbie I want money and a game because Love, Zy’Geria Phillips, 8 Dear Santa, Love, Austin This year I want a dream tent, hat- I’m Madison and I love you. I hope iPhone 8. House). This year I would like I have been good the last few I want a baby toy. Next a Barbie Dear Santa, chamol, flip zee girl, greedy gram you and Mrs. Claus are well. I’d Dear Santa, Love, Danayla, 6 vilin (violin). weeks and days. I listen to my Dear Santa, toy with a car. Then a lot of Dear Santa, I wod like a Barbie hous and a game, Barbie doll dream house, like a few things for Christmas. I am 8 years old. I have been very Love, Ka’laisha mom. I have been good. I want a PC and books. For Christmas I want a green hlu swming pool and a kitchn cooker braid maker, playdoh ice cream, They are a Baby Alive and some good this year! My Christmas Hello Santa! Love, Cameron M., 7 a Nintendo switch and I would Alexia, 7 (hulk). and an iphone and shirts and Minnie mouse car, Jo-Jo Siwa Shopkins, please. Thank you. wishes are boots, car, toy truck. I I have been good. I would like a Dear Santa, like a new phone. Love, Hansome tennis shoes but not pants I al- bow, my life doll jacket, crank God bless, Madison, 7 hope you enjoy the cookies and PS4, a four-wheeler, and a drone. Thank you for BrBDl (Barbie doll). Dear Santa, Love, Jai, 8 Dear Santa, ready have pants. . Plese Santa toy Minnie mouse, laptop, and a milk! Santa is the best. I would like a BarBiE. I have been good this year. I want This is what I want for Christmas: Dear Santa, bring my prsnt to my hous. I tablet with youtube and subway Santa, Love, Armanee Love, Lorenza, 7 Love, Skyla a laptop for Christmas because Dear Santa, Xbox1, Playstation4, WieYou. For Christmas I want a tabl (tablet). have been gud to my mommy. I surfer. I would like a tablet and Shopkins. at home I go to sleep at the right I will like a dollhouse. I love you DaShawn, 8 Love, Nora am going to help mommy today. Love, Journee, 7 Love, Jaaziah, 6 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, time now. Santa! Ho! Ho! Ho! Love, Tamiyah I am 6 years old. I have been very I have been good. Could I please Thank you for the wii. This year I Love, Jayda, 7 Love, Takayla, 8 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, good this year! My Christmas get a hover board, a Barbie, and would like a ring. I want a Snoopy Snow Cone Mak- For Christmas I want a bob koap Dear Santa, This year I was good. I would like Please bring me a phone and a wishes are dog, cat, baby doll. I a pool? Love, Zoey Dear Santa, Dear Santa, er for Christmas this year. It cost (Barbie camper). For Chrtms I wud like a cell fon a x box one, games, and a iPad. hover board. hope you enjoy the cookies and Love, Taniyja, 6 I want Nintendo Switch controllers I would like a toy dog and a Baby 20 dollars. Love, Nia and a hover board. I have been I love you Santa. See you in Thank you, Melea, 6 milk! Dear Santa, and a Nintendo Switch games Alive Doll. I would also like a bike Love, Mahkaiylah, 8 feeding my dog and helping arnd Christmat. Love, Joanna Hello Santa, Thank you for mi gun. This year I and a Wii U. and a book for Christmas. I also Dear Santa, my hous. Love, Silas, 7 The following letters were How are you doing? I have been would like a towe gun. Love, Tristan, 8 want a game to play with my Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a sebra (ze- Love, Immanuel Dear Santa, good. I would like a dog. Love, Taurus friends, and a little Christmas For Christmas I want Nerf guns. I bra). Dear Santa, written Ms. Leary and Miss I am 6 years old. I have been very Love, Miracle, 6 Dear Santa, tree to put in my room and a lit- want a police set. I want a drone. Love, Macie Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I want a Wilson’s kindergarteners good this year! My Christmas Dear Santa, I love when Sport and Sky come tle snowman to put in my room. Dayquan, 8 For Chrtms I want a bik and a skat frozen doll wishes are dog, bicycle, clothes. Dear Santa, Thank you for the bik. This year I because they make a mess. I Love, Alexus, 8 Dear Santa, bord and an xbox cd game 2k18. Love, Makayla, 6 at J. L. Lomax Elementary. I hope you enjoy the cookies and I would like a bike and a car. would like a scotr. want a drone because I clean my Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a bic (bike). I help my mama do her hair. I Dear Santa, milk! Love, Zy’Corey, 6 Love, Travis room. Dear Santa, I want a nerf vest with bullets, nen- Love, Iyounna have been very gud this yer. Dear Santa, I am 6 years old. I have been very Love, Lois Love, Brody, 7 I would like a hoverboard and a tendo swich, the 2DS and 3DS Love, Kaylabe I have been good. I want a ball. good this year! My Christmas Hello Santa! Dear Santa, bike. I would also like a remote game and morio adussee, and Dear Santa, Love, Zariah, 6 wishes are cell phone, computer, Dear Santa, How are you. I have been good. I Thank you for my baik. This year I Dear Santa, control car. lazer x. For Christmas I want a bc (bike). Dear Santa, tablet. I hope you enjoy the cook- I am 5 years old. I have been very would like a football, a batman would like a t (toy) gun. What I want for Christmas is a Love, Arshaan, 8 Jake, 7 Love, Ryan This Chrtms I wod like you to bring The following letters were ies and milk! good this year! My Christmas toy, and a drone. I want to see Love, Quentin lunchbox because I was being a me a fon. I help my mama make Love, Charity wishes are Oreo cookies, puppy, you. good boy. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, The following letters were the bed. Plese com to my hous written by Mrs. McCoggle’s toy truck. I hope you enjoy the Love, Karson, 7 Dear Santa, Love, DaCarter, 8 I have been good this year. I want a For Cristmas I want a Tramp and bring my prsnts. kindergarteners at Dear Santa, cookies and milk! Thank you for the bic. This year I bike and that is all. plushy from Land and the Tramp, written by Ms. Johnson’s Love, Ahnilah I am 6 years old. I have been very Love, Tony Dear Santa, would like a b fm (Barbie phone). Dear Santa, Love, Sherry, 8 The American Girl Doll of the kindergarteners at Pinevale Elementary good this year! My Christmas How are you doing? I have been Love, Willow I have been so good. I want an year, a orniment for my dog. Dear Santa, School. wishes are tablet, puppy, I Phone. The following letters good. I would like a dog, a Barbie, iPhone and two hamsters. Also, Dear Santa, More Nutcracker books. A uka- Pinevale Elementary. I woud lik a Xbox 6 with a monstr I hope you enjoy the cookies and and a toy cat. Thank you. Dear Santa, makeup, $100, and an elf. Also a I have been good this year. Can I laly and metronome. Dear Santa, sonic gam. I have been gud in Dear Santa, milk! were written by Ms. Love, Kariana, 7 Thank you for a bye (Barbie) smart board pen and Barbie doll have a new bike and a Cozmo? I Naomi, 7 I wud like a Thomas and his friends skol and I listen to my mama and I want a cerige (carriage). Love, Joseph McBurrough’s first graders house. This year I would like a house. would also like some slime. Have jump toy. I have been very gud this my daddy and I take care of my From MarquAsia Hello Santa! lollipop. Love, Zoey, 7 a Merry Christmas! Dear Santa, year. brothrs. Dear Santa, at J. L. Lomax Elementary I have been good. I would like an Love, Shania Love, Lane, 8 For Cristmas I want a new Laser X Love, Tyrezz Love, Khalil Dear Santa, I am 5 years old. I have been very School. iPhone 8, a Barbie house, and a Dear Santa, and a Xbox 1 and a hover board I want a drone. good this year! My Christmas hover board. Dear Santa, I want an American girl doll acces- Dear Santa, and a electric scooter and Nin- Dear Santa, The following letters From Jondia wishes are dog, cake, computer. Dear Santa: Love, McKenzy, 7 Thank yo for d bdo (baby doll). sories, Shopkins, sound moves I have been good this year. Can tendo switsh. I have been really gud this year. I I hope you enjoy the cookies and How are you? I have been good. I This year, I would like a booc bracelet, big chocolate egg. I you bring me a mini cooper and Travis, 7 listen to my teacher and I help my were written by Mrs. Dear Santa, milk! would like a bike and a phone. Dear Santa, (bike). think I should get these toys a toy battery motorcycle. I would mom. I would like a big police car Kay’s kindergarteners I want a ninju trtl (ninja turtle). Love, Richard Love, Mykel, 7 I have been nice. I would like a Bar- Love, Justice because I know I’ve been good also like a razor scooter for Dear Santa, for Chrtms and a big kitchn set. From Major bie, an iPhone, and Shimmer and this year. I really really love these Christmas. I want the book Woner and the Love Anthony at Pinevale Elementary Dear Santa, Dear Santa: Shine. Thank You. Dear Santa, toys but my mom doesn’t let me. Love, Jude, 8 Book the Elf on the Shelf. LOL School. Dear Santa, I am 6 years old. I have been very How are you doing? Could I get a Love, Kynia, 7 Thank you for mi dscirmot (mo- I’m a good girl too. And Santa, I Surprises, a makeup set. Some- Dear Santa, I want a race ca (car). good this year! My Christmas hover board, a Rip stick, and a torcycle). This year I would like forgot to tell you I wanted an Elf Dear Santa, thing to draw with. I have been good this year. I listened Dear Santa Claus, From Mighee wishes are puppy, swing, teddy dog? Hello Santa, tigr. on the Shelf too! Can I get a What’s My Name Doll. E’lise, 8 to my teacher, my mama and my What I would want for Christmas bear. I hope you enjoy the cook- Love, Peyton, 7 I want a Xbox 360, a GTA 5 game, Love, Riot Love, Maddie C., 7 Also can I get a fijit cube. And dad. For Christmas I would like is a brown puppy dog. I really Dear Santa, ies and milk! and a WWE Star. I have been can I get a toy like speak out. Dear Santa, pokemon cards, Yugioh cards and want a puppy because when I I want a princess crag (carriage). Love, David Hello Santa! good. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you. And can I get a robot For Christmas is anything Shop- an Iphone 5. walk in the door, it will jump on From Kayla How you doing? I have been good. Love, Kayden, 6 Thank you for that car. This year I I have been a good girl this year pony. kins or NumNums or LOL Love, Zane me and lick my face and make Dear Santa, I would like a bike, a hover board would like Snta the (Santa toy). and I would like to have a new Aleyah, 7 Surprise or something that is me happy. If I can’t get a puppy, Dear Santa, I am 5 years old. I have been very and Star Wars toys. Happy Santa Dear Santa, Love, Keonu bedroom set for my room. Next, I squishims. And I want a zoo zoo Dear Santa, I would like a toy machine nerf I want a n trr (ninja turtle). good this year! My Christmas Day. How are you? I want an Xbox 360, would like to have an easy baker Dear Santa, pony. For Chrtms this year I wod like a gun. From Hayden wishes are Barbie doll, shoes, Love, A’dien, 6 a drone, and a dirt bike. You are Dear Santa, because I have been a good girl. I have been so good this year. I Love Kendall, 8 fidgt spnr. I have been listning to From, Christian, 6 clothes. I hope you enjoy the so nice. This year I would like a b (bike). Next thing I want is a makeup want a hoverboard and a cheer my mom, dad, and gradma. I hope Dear Santa, cookies and milk! Hello Santa! Love, Ziaire, 6 Thank you for train. set. Next thing I want is a slime outfit and a baby doll. Dear Santa: to see you soon. Dear Santa, I want a dog. Love, Jamiya I want an X Box 360, a GTA 5 Love, Teegan kit, Next thing I want is some Love, Andrea, 8 Can I have a new iPad and the Love, Ty’Anna I want a tablet for Christmas. It will From David game. Can I get a four-wheeler? The following letters were new clothes. mincraft furnicher mod please. help me learn if I get on PBS kids Dear Santa, Love, Akeem, 7 Dear Santa, Love, Tamaria, 8 Dear Santa, Love Kelly, 8 Dear Santa, games. I would use it for learning Dear Santa, I am 5 years old. I have been very written by Mrs. Rogers’ Thank you for the car. This year I I want a toy motorcycle that Coud you bring me a doll hous with my ABCs and spelling words and I want a fire blas (blaster). good this year! My Christmas Hello Santa! first graders at J.L. Lomax would like a truk. Dear Santa, drives. Also I want a toy minion Dear Santa, some dolls and a new book bag. I for counting games too. From Jaylen wishes are clothes, Barbie doll, I have been good. I would like a Love, Jordan I want the game Cuphead and and a toy car that drives and a Please would you get me a Disny will play with my new toys. I clened Love, Aaliyah, 5 puppy. I hope you enjoy the scooter board, a Barbie doll and Elementary. an Xbox and a tongue stick out bike. Princese Girls Kittchin, a labtop, up my room and have room for my Dear Santa, cookies and milk! some money for my mommy. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, toy that’s the pink bunny. And I Love, Jordan, 8 and a million books. new toys. Dear Santa, I want a ras trac (race track). Love, Pooja Love, Kattie Mia, 7 I hope you are feeling good. Has Thank you for my brbes haos deserve this because I have been Love Ryan, 8 Love, Kayleigh I want a toy monster truck that is From Lavariyon it been cool at the North Pole? (Barbie house). This year I would super good! Dear Santa, Dear Santa, remote control. It would be cool! Dear Santa, Hello Santa! Please bring me a doll home and like siopknz (Shopkins). Love, Daniel, 8 I tried to be really good this year! For Christmas I want a Dictionary Dear Santa, I have been pretty good this year. Dear Santa, I am 5 years old. I have been very I would like a Barbie doll, a Baby a toy dog. Love, Elizabeth I would like a power wheels, and and a art set so I can draw and Coud I get an Iphone5. I listen to my Sincerely, Corean, 5 I want a I want a ninju trtl (ninja good this year! My Christmas Alive, and a phone. Oh yeah, how Love, Kaliyah, 6 Dear Santa, a boomerang. I would also like do math problems in it. Next I mom and dad. I will mak up my turtle). wishes are baby doll, bike, doll are you? Dear Santa, I have been good. I want an ipad, a cozmo because my tablet is want chapter books. bed. Plese come to my hous soon. Dear Santa Claus, From Donovyn house. I hope you enjoy the Love, Irrie, 7 Dear Santa, Thank you for basln (braclets). hoverboard, laptop, dog, mini working now. Jurne, 8 Love, Jordyn I want a new bike for Christmas cookies and milk! I love you. I hope you bring me a This year I would like pawil (Pow- baker, slime kit, LOL surprise, Love, Hunter, 8 and a new choo choo train on Dear Santa, Love, Mahogany Hello Santa! toy dog. erwheel car). Fizz ball, video camera. That’s all Dear Santa, Dear Santa, a track. I also want a toy crane I want a carit (carriage). I hope you been good. I want a Love, Alaina, 7 Love, Sanai I want can you please get me it? Dear Santa, I want a American Girl set. I want I have been realy good this year and that will help pick stuff up for the From Trenise Dear Santa, PS4. Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Mylee, 7 I want an I phone 6 and one hun- a PlayDoh Minnie Cooking set. I I like dogs. I woud like a dog for train. And a green dump truck I am 6 years old. I have been very Love, Aalijah, 7 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, dred ball nerf gun. I would also want a Frozen Set. Chrtms. with a man that’s driving. And Dear Santa, good this year! My Christmas I love you. Can you bring me roll- Tank you for my hot weeoy (Hot The following letters were like a Nick Chubb jersey and a J’Kayla, 7 Love, De’Andre I want ten fidget spinners for I want a princess carriage (car- wishes are helicopter, batman, Hello Santa! erskates? I help my mom klen Wheels). This year I would like a Falcon jersey. I also want a new Christmas so I can give them to riage). walkie talkie. I hope you enjoy the How are you? I would like a pool, a (clean). powoe (power wheel). written by Mrs. Waller’s computer, Diary of a Wimpy Kid The following letters Dear Santa, people that I know. From Jonai cookies and milk! four-wheeler and a GTA 5 game. Love, Yolanda, 6 Love, Davin second graders at Sallas and 20 packs of bubble gum. I woud like a Barbie dream hous with Love, A’Nyleon, 5 Love, Lor’Vaughn Thanks Can you bring me $50 to share were written by Dr. a kitchn and a Barbie dol. I help my Dear Santa, Love, Kenneth, 7 Dear Santa, Mahone Elementary with other people? Also have a Gibbs’ kindergarteners parents find their stuff. I have been Dear Santa, I want a big dinsar (dinosaur) and Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I have a job. The following letters were School. great Christmas St. Nick! very good this year. Come to my I’d like a fidget spinner and a wa- ng trl (ninja turtle). I am 5 years old. I have been very Hello Santa! I clen (clean) the yrd (yard). written by Mrs. Stephens’ Love, Darrian, 8 at Pinevale Elementary hous this chrtms. ter gun to play with during the From Kayde good this year! My Christmas I have been good. I would like a po- Please bring me a hovbrd (hov- Dear Santa, Love, Mikaylen summer time or in the bathtub. wishes are chess game, iPhone, lice car, a fire truck, and a train. erboard) and a gocar (go kart) second graders at Sallas School. I have been good. Please bring Dear Santa, I’d like a bright orange basketball The following letters were tablet. I hope you enjoy the cook- Thank You. and a car. Mahone Elementary . me a phone and a bike and a big I would like the Littlest Pet Shop Dear Santa, Dear Santa, that bounces really high. And a ies and milk! Love, Elijah, 6 Love, Isaiah, 7 bear. Cruise Ship because it comes For Christmas I want a man and a Can you bring me a scotr and a 4 cool, red, bicycle. I been good. written by Ms. Rihm’s Love, Erika Dear Santa, Love, Jaylyn, 8 with a captain. I want a finger tbl (tablet). whelr. I help my mom by picking up From, Kamarion, 5 first graders at Pinevale Hello Santa Claus, Dear Santa, I will like a small dog. I will like a link and a Barbie Dream Horse. Love, Isaac the trash in the bak yrd. Dear Santa, How are you. Could I please have a I love you Santa! I help my dad mermaid. Dear Santa, I think that is all I want. Have a Love, Mycah Dear Santa Claus, Elementary School. I am 6 years old. I have been very phone? Merry Christmas Santa. with his wrck (work). Is it colold Love, Catalina, 7 It’s me Abby back to tell you a few Merry Christmas Santa! Dear Santa, I would like a toy nerf gun, com- Santa, good this year! My Christmas Love, Marshayla, 6 (cold) in the North Powle? Please things. Well I have been good this Love, McKey, 8 For Christmas I was a tbt (tablet). Dear Santa, puter, basketball with 2 Goal Please bring me a hoverboard, wishes are jewelry, tablet toy, bring me a hbro (hoverboard) in Dear Santa, year. I am cleaning my room up. Love, Jada For Chrtms I wod like a big Barbie hoops too. I was a good boy this tablet, and a game. doll. I hope you enjoy the cookies Dear Santa, (and) drbk (dirt bike). I want a puppy, a lunch box, a dirt I want some new clothes and a Dear Santa, hos and a Barbie. I have been good year. Thank you, Jordan and milk! I have been nice. I would like an Love, Jacob, 6 bike, icey maker, a new book bag, slime kit. Well that should wrap You don’t have to bring me pres- Dear Santa, and I am helping my mama and From, Kody, 5 Love, Sincere iPhone 8, a slime set, and some cake maker, cake set, sea crea- it up. ents because it isn’t all about For Christmas I want a pop the pig. my techr. Santa, play dough. Merry Christmas. tures, electric scooter, pajamas, Love, Abigail, 8 presents. What it is about is cele- Love, Sidney Love, Saphyraah Dear Santa, I would appreciate an Xbox 7. Dear Santa, Love, Chelsea, 6 and shoes. I have been finishing brating the birthday of Jesus! I want a black, fuzzy, teddy bear to Thank you, Jaylynn, 6 I am 6 years old. I have been very my homework. Dear Santa, Love, Bennet, 8 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, help me go to sleep at night. Also good this year! My Christmas Love, Ta’Kira, 8 I think I have been very good this For Christmas I want Trflmrs I want a phon 6 and a Barbie doll some ninja turtles to play with. I Santa, wishes are Barbie doll, puppy, year and if I haven’t then you Dear Santa, (transformers) and a nijtt (ninja hous and some dolls and a kitcn also really want a blue bike too. Thank you in advance for a Baby ninja turtle toy. I hope you enjoy Dear Santa, don’t have to come and give me I would like a remote controlled turtle). set. I was clening my room and I Love, Jordan, 6 Alive. the cookies and milk! I want a doll set. I want 40 dolls anything and if I have been good car, a drone, and hover trax. Have Love, Jaylen have been really really good this Thanks, Charseana, 6 Love, Keylee please. I have been a good girl. I this year I would like a puppy or a Merry Christmas! yer. Dear Santa Claus, Dear Santa, have done my work at school ev- my own horse. With that horse Love, Elijah, 8 Dear Santa, Love Tiana I want a big, pink dream house, Please bring me a phone, hover Dear Santa, ery day. I do my homework. I would like a bridle, a helmet, For Christmas I want a bik (bike). with a car, and a beautiful Barbie board, and a Baby Alive. I am 6 years old. I have been very Love, Maddie S., 8 some stirrups, and a halter. And These letters were written by Love, Adrianna Dear Santa, to go with it. I would like a P. J. Thanks, Zanysia, 7 good this year! My Christmas anything else that you need for Ms. Collins’ second graders I woud like an Xbox 8 with a remot Mask dress up clothes set and wishes are doll, hundred charts, Dear Santa, a horse. I also want Christmas at S. L. Mason Elementary Dear Santa, contrlr. And some gam CDs. A dirt a white board with markers to Dear Santa, puppy. II hope you enjoy the I will like to have a dog and PS4. I Spirit in the world! School. For Christmas I want a toe. bike game and a skol game. I help practice spelling. I was a good I’ve been good. I need a Barbie doll cookies and milk! was good at home and at school. Love, Taylor, 8 Dear Santa, Love, Kie’Linn clen up my hous and I have been girl this year. house, tablet, and phone. Love, Kadyn Love, Cam’Ron, 8 I want an American Girl doll and an gud this year. Love, Zyriah, 6 Thank you, Shacori, 6 Dear Santa, LOL Surprise Ball. Please let me Dear Santa, Love, Brian Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been good this year so have them for free. For Christmas I want a sbdmn The following letters Santa, I am 5 years old. I have been very I want a Minecraft, basketball, would you bring me a really fast Love, Christelle, 7 (superman). Dear Santa, I’d like a hover board and dirt bike. good this year! My Christmas football. remote controlled boat and a he- Love, Aiden This yer for Chritms I wod like a fidit were written by Miss Thanks, Zharius, 7 wishes are cook maker, jewelry, Love, Omari, 8 licopter. Would you also bring me Dear Santa, spinr. And a doll hous. I have ben Stevenson’s first graders iPhone. I hope you enjoy the an I-phone? I will like the hot wheel garage and Dear Santa, so gud this year. Hope to see you Hi Santa! cookies and milk! Dear Santa, Love, Kameron, 8 a pack of dog man books and a For Christmas I want a bol (ball). at my hous. at Pinevale Elementary. All I want for Christmas are Num Love, Tyieriah I want a Barbie Dream House, fish. Love, Davariyon Love, Kenmiyah Dear Santa, Nums! I love them! I love you! phone, neckless, and earrings Dear Santa, Nehemiah, 7 I been good this year. Can I have a Love, Kaliah, 6 Dear Santa, because I have been good. I have been good this year. I would Dear Santa, Dear Santa, bike please? ☺ I am 7 years old. I have been very Love, Hayden, 7 like some money so that I can Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a bikc (bike). For Chrtms this year I wod like a Love, Camri, 7 Santa, good this year! My Christmas share it with people that need I’m dieing to have a puppy I want Love, Ashley baby doll. I help my mom mak up Hi. I would like a tablet and a wishes are phone, clothes, jewel- Dear Santa, some. That is all that I want. it to be a German Shepard the bed. I cant wat for you to com Dear Santa, phone please. ry. I hope you enjoy the cookies I have been so good. I want Shop- Love, Paxton, 8 Please!!! Dear Santa, to my hous. For Christmas, I wot a Brrbe huse Thank you, Derrick, 7 and milk! kins, a phone, and 2 hamsters. Love, Charlotte, 8 For Christmas I want a balb (bat- Love, Shamica with a pool and it come with a Love, Armani Also a $100 bill, smart board, Dear Santa, man). fourteen Brrbes and thay have I’m Jay’La, Santa, and a smart board pen. I had a good year. Can I get a girl Dear Santa, Love, Abdiel Dear Santa, difrit clos. I want a real baby, a phone, and a Dear Santa, Love, Ella, 7 elf? I want 3 wishes. My first wish I want a DVD player, new Lazer X, This year for Chirtmas I would like a Love, Jordan, 6 tablet. I am 5 years old. I have been very is that I was the smartest in the new D.S. Game, a 3DS, a cride- Dear Santa, tablet and a kitchn set. And a doll Thanks, Jay’La, 6 good this year! My Christmas Dear Santa, school. My second wish is that I tcard, a playstshan 4, a wii U, a For Christmas I want a dr bic (dirt house with all the dolls. I help my Dear Santa, wishes are baby doll, baby doll What I want for Christmas is a wish I was in gifted. My last wish nerfgun. bike). mom feed my baby brother. I have I wot a x box, and a tv too. A dog. Dear Santa, house, Barbie doll. I hope you Sonic action figure. is that I would like to go to the Love, Keegan, 8 Love, Nick been really really really good this Love, Clarence, 6 How are you? I need a dirt bike. enjoy the cookies and milk! Love, Simeon (I have been North Pole. year. That is all I want. Love, Jada good.), 7 Love, Akyra, 8 Love, Amiria Thanks, Diamond, 6 Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability Celebrating Community • Reporting Facts • Demanding Accountability 14 LetterS to Santa Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Is the Norf Pol (North Pole) What are you do wing (do- For Christmas, I would like a I what a drbik. I what a This year I’ve been cleaning I wat rbot tran a tree home cod? I klen (clean) my ing)? Where are you at? Hoover board, an iPhone hvbur. I want a footb. I up. I been cleaning my a big sweing for big keds room. Ples (Please) I want I help my mom clenup 8, a Jordan shirt, pants, what a basib. I what a room. I clean my mom and and litt keds nisey short new legos (Legos) and a (clean up). I am good at shoes, and an X-Box One. Xbox. da room sometimes I mop and dast ahoses to les a fon (phone). school and home. I what Love, Frederick, 8 Love, Tyce, 7 the floor. I clean the walls, rell one a tram a nise s Love, Randy, 7 (want) Shpokins (Shop- clean the living room with nome a talking angela a kins) and Legos. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, my sister’s clean the win- hold a to ma jaamp rop a Dear Santa, Love, Nyi’arra, 6 I want an iPhone, a bike, and I wont this for Christmas. An dow. I would like a play car xbox Is it cod (cold) in the Nuf Pol an X-Box One. huverbord. Some mak up. and a bcycle, baby dolls. I Matthew, 6 (North Pole)? I hop (hope) Love, Jayden B., 7 Some slim. A bord with a have been a good cleaner you are staeing (staying) The following letters maker. A reckanrack. can I please have it. The following letters wom (warm). Plez (Please) were written by Mrs. Dear Santa, Love, E’Morej, 6 Sa’Renity, 7 can I have a Santa plushe I would like a Baby Alive, a were written by Mrs. (plushy) and a figet spenr Norwood’s second scooter, an ice cream mak- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Little’s first graders at (fidget spinner)? Plez graders at J.L. Lomax er, a bike, a cooking set, a I wot a dolbaby and I wot This year I’ve been being (Please) Santa can I have bowling, set, microphone, a bat and I wot a animal helpful to my famile. I hel- W.G. Nunn Elementary a pink ipad? I love Santa Elementary School. a snow maker, an iPhone, open dolbaby and I wot a pet my brothrs in my sosr. School. Clos (Clause). I wot (want) Dear Santa, Barbie house, and a play mk she dolbaby. I helpet my mom cook a te set (tea set). For Xmas I want a Xbox, a horse. Love, Selniscia, 6 all the time. I helpet my Dear Santa Love, Jacquari, 6 phone, and a tablet with Love, Curtsiney, 8 brother git up the papr. I I want a forzn car. I want a wifi. I want a Batman toy Dear Santa, helpet my mom find her poen. I want a now name. I Dear Santa, and a super powers toy Dear Santa, I want a toy fox and a lion kaes. I want a amrkn doll in want a book, I want a book I love you. I have bin (been) monster truck. I would like a baby doll, gold and a tigr and a leopard. a doll house because I’ve bag. good. I help Mom clean Major, 8 watch, dream house, Bar- Sincerely, Christian, 6 been good to git a amrkn From Kaleigh, 6 (clean) hous (house). bie, Xbox, phone, tablet, doll. Please bring me scootr Dear Santa, Chrome Book, kids’ hair Dear Santa, A good helpful, Jazlin, 6 Dear Santa Claus, (scooter). I have been good. I want set, and a braid style set. I wot a bobdoll and I wot a I want a ril go cat. I wut a fec Love, Richard, 8 you to bring me a football Love, Zahra, 7 hupbod to and I wot a cat Dear Santa, nef gun. I wut a batman game, a football, the field and a dog to and a biscl. I have been on blue. In I be car. Dear Santa, goal kicking thing, a hel- Dear Santa, Love, Shamya, 6 play to. Mi I my dad play to. Love, Tristian, 6 I been good. Please bring met, and the nicest friend I would like an Uma Doll, lap In I got to Crayola. Went a me a doll. Please bring ever. Thank you. top, LOL Surprise, Barbie Dear Santa, blui two cor to play went. Dear Santa Claus, me a bookbag. Please Love, Jakeel, 7 car, an iPhone, Barbie I want a hofburd and a gas Love you Santa, Xavier, 7 Fou Cisam I want pool and bring me a coloring book. Fashion pack, Evie Doll, car and a drkbik and a Xbox and a football and a Please bring me a tablit. Dear Santa, printer, and American girl PS4. Dear Santa, bacatball. Please bring me a toy fox. What I would love for Christ- doll’s shirts. Love, Sidney, 6 This year I’ve been a good Love, Prince, 6 Please bring some shoes. mas is a bowinarrow, a Love, Chastity, 8 gril. Because I mod my Please me a te (tv) sat diery, Shopkins, pens, and Dear Santa, yrad. And clean my holl Dear Santa Clas, (set). Please bring me a make-up. Thank you. Dear Santa, I want a baby alive and a house and doing chores. For Christmas I want a bat huvrbord (hoverboard). Kamari, 7 I hope you get me an iPhone tablop and a birbe pop up So Santa can I have a baby man set in I want bat man Please bring me a toy dog. 8X. I hope I have been a van and a phon. alive and cat too. A car that taks in swims. Can I Please bring me a toy cat. Dear Santa, good girl. I made good Love, Alana, 6 Your good gril, Ava, 6 have a big raft? May I have Please bring me a bike. I would like a doll house. I grades and I really want an a little rat and a Little Leo Please bring some playdo would like a paint maker. iPhone 8X because it is big Dear Santa, Dear Santa, in a Little Ike in a Little (playdough). Please bring I would also like a purple and pretty and very new. I need a 20th lol fox doll and This year I’ve been nice to Dutelo. a jackeit (jacket). Please tablet and an electric Love, Kenaedi, 7 a dell. my mom and dad. I had From Christian, 7 bring me a toy chair. scooter. Could you also Dear Santa, Love, Eli, 7 help my mom do lutrey Love, Za’Hariah, 6 give me some long chap- I want a phone and an X-Box and help her make cakes. Santa Clais, ter books? Can you please One. Dear Santa, One day with my dad I had I want a new Ifonuy. Santa Dear Santa, give me play dough and Love, Skye, 7 I want a hoverboadr. I want write a sorry to him so Clais I want a new kllr for I love you. How are you slime? Would you mind a I phon. I want toys. I want he can fell better. So can my xbox. Santa Clais I feeling? I help my Mom buying me an xbox? That’s Dear Santa, a dog. I get a new bike. I want a want a new drt bike. and Dad. I help my Nana. all I want to get for Christ- I would like a hoover board. Love, Jermilya, 6 bike because so when my Love, Jakarri, 6 Please can you bring me mas. I want it to be pink and I frieds come over. a toy derbick (dirt bike). Love, Kaniyah, 7 deserve it. I deserve it be- Dear Santa, From, , 6 Deer Santa, Please can you bring me a cause I am good in school. I weat Xbox oneX and foa- Kan I have a pet, toy boin toy bat. Dear Santa, I would like an iPhone and bool. Dear Santa, ire, a tey cor, a mocinsthro Love, Tommy, 7 Can I get a xbox and a ip- a necklace that has my Love, Jabron, 7 I need a doll. I need a JoJo helcotr. honeX? Please I’ll be good name on it. doll. I need a doll. I need a Love Sincerely, Belin, 6 Dear Santa, for the rest of my life. I will Love, Trinity, 7 Dear Santa, friend. I need some book. I I love you. How are you be nice to the kids in my I am good at swl. I want a dli need a toy. I need a doll. Dear Santa Claus, fileng (feeling)? I help my class. Thank you. Dear Santa, with a dilhce. I want a mn Goodby Santa, Kamaya, 7 Hay Santa want I for Christ- dad pot owt the thas (put Za’Coya, 7 I think you are the best be- car and I want a set. mas is a frozne car. A Elsa out the trash) can. Please cause you bring toys. Love, Aniyah, 7 Dear Santa, dall and a olof dall. Can bren (bring) me a toy and Dear Santa, Love, Jayden J., 7 This year I’ve been a good you call the Grinch and tell peukchu slprs (Pikachu I really want a tablet for The following letters cleaner. I have been a good him I sead stop ching to slippers)? Cihristmas. I be good ev- Dear Santa, helper cleaner up behind rowing Crismis now! Be- Love, Vivian Gracie, 7 ery day at school. I want a I want a lot for Christmas. were written by Mrs. myself. I’d like a hoverbord cause he mades me sad. bike too. I want hatchimal ball and Underwood’s first so I can let my borther ride Love, Ariyanna, 6 Dear Santa, Keyana, 9 a scooter for Christmas. I it. Please send me on if I wish you can come here love you so much, Santa. graders at W.G. Nunn you can. Dear Santa Claus, every holday (holiday). Dear Santa, Love, De’Myiah, 7 Elementary School. A good cleaner, Amaurie, I love you Santa claus and I wish you Mer Crsms I know that you like good 6 you know what I want a (Merry Christmas). I mad kids. I have been really The following letters Dear Santa, doll and I want a bike and (made) 100 on AR ts really really good and if Can I have a frosine. Doll. Dear Santa, I want a helmet and I want (tests). I hlp (help) friends you could just give me were written by Miss That I can feed and. This year I’ve been sharing. some knee pads and I wif (with) homwerck your slahe for a day, a new Hoes’ first graders at Tchache because. I been I’ve been sharing with my want some elbow pads. I (homework). Can I please car, a playground, rocket good can I plees plees git cousins, letting my sisters love Christmas. get a batbot and Njatur- boots, and a robot worker. W.G. Nunn Elementary wun can I have a. santa play on my Ipad, and I’ve Love sincerely, Aunesti, 6 tle scouder (Ninja Turtle Also I want to be your School. doll. Because I am. a good been letting my baby scooter). Please? assistant too, and I would sharing. persin can I have cousin play with my toys. Dear Santa Claus, Love, Tri’Veno, 7 like a 7 foot batman from Dear Santa, a boock that has all the All I want for Chrismas is a I wut to have a play kitten Toys-R-Us, a halo suit, and I want a huvrbud. I want a stuf. With Nataliy. Iphone7 and a hoverboard and frozn cra and a pet Dear Santa, a new ps3 game. I would cat and a dog. I want a Jaidah, 6 so I can go places on the pretty and LOL bay. I love I love you. I have been good. also like a basketball, base- baby dolu. hover board and I can you. Please bring me a doll- ball hat and a ninja turtul Love, Maria, 6 Dear Santa download more apps. Love, A’Meria, 6 house. Please bring me toy. And give every one I wount a tablit! I waut a A good sharer, Quincey, 7 some shopkins. How are in my class a present too Dear Santa, kplirdr. I waut a glubs. I’m I Dear Santa Claus, you feeling? even after Crismas. Happy I whant a robot. I whant a studet. Robats. In a toy car. Dear Santa, Have you had a good day Love, Kamiyah, 6 holidays. trapmn. I whant a lot of In a segu. This year I wish for shop- and you can get me a xbox P.S. I would also like a new thing. Peighton, 6 cans from sinty. Also my 360 and a basketball and a Dear Santa, house Love, Faith, 6 siser go get a chopcans football and I wot a toy car Is it cold up there? I love Edward, 7 Dear Santa, too. Any my to brother a and I love Santa Claus. you. I wot (want) a fijitps- Dear Santa, Resposibiety, chorce, spt- bech ball. Love, Jayden P., 6 ner (fidget spinner). I wot The following letters I now me and my family was less, sweeping, cleaning, Keirsten, 7 (want) a ipad. I wot (want) good. Some of my friends I’m trying to be good. I Dear Santa Claus, a teset (tea set). I want were written by Mrs. wre good too. For Christ- want a thootbrush so my Dear Santa, Hey I want a frozne car. I a makbel (make believe) J. Robinson’s second mas I waet a lego and the theet can be clean. This year I’ve been linseting want to have a frozne bok- book. I wot (want) a sins jeep dat hasa cramra. Takai, 7 to my teacher. When I’m ball. I want a froxn fuball. I (science) book. Please! I graders at J.L. Lomax Love, Caleb, 7 told to do something I do want a frozne faw and olof love you, Santa. Elementary School. Dear Santa, it right away. I would like to dall, and a frozne mug. Love, Makiyah, 7 Dear Santa, I have trieg to be good. I have a baby alive for Chris- Love, Kalyn, 7 Dear Santa, I want a huv bed. I want wont a dog. I don’t know mas. Cause I don’t have Dear Santa, I have been good and I have a big truck. I want a he- wiy. I have bin good four one at the house. May I Dear Santa, I wish you can come hear been an awesome student. lickotr. I want a tabli for you. And a emogy pillow. please have a camera so I wot fro Christmas is a (here). I wish you Mer All I want for Christmas is Christmas. I love Santa, Harmony, 6 I can take pictures of my huackbl for Christmas. Crisms (Merry Christmas). a pet dog, fish, and a slime Love, John’trez, 7 stuff. I would love to have And I wot a mackutp. And I mad (made) a 100 on a set. This year will be the Dear Santa, a babby. I would play with. I wot a spung bob sre pes. AR test. Can I please get a best ever because of the Dear Santa, Can I have a toll toy. I show May I have some earings And I wot a tainum trowea. Cars 3 and trucks? new things. My third and I want a X Box1. I want a tolls movs. I like to talk. so I can be looking cute Love, Ja’Niya, 6 Love, Sha’Mir, 8 fourth wish is to get an art scatbod. I want a hub Can I have a baby lulboll. with them on. I will love to set and an X-Box and a lot bvod. I want a batman car. Can I have a boll. I been have nail polish so I can Dear Santa, Dear Santa, of money. I want a drt bik. I want a good rsfull. polish my nails. If you can I want a dribiay, I want a I love you. I hope you Love, Sheraiya, 7 modrsikl. Carmen, 7 bring all that please do. kidde zoom. I want a play are doing good. I will Love, Shamon, 6 Thank you, Kennedi, 6 gun and PJ Maxk and pow ckluen (clean) my rom Dear Santa, Dear Santa, potnm and a tablit. Dear (room). Please can you I hope I ‘m on you’re the Dear Santa, This year I have been triying Dear Snata, santa is you ril bcauc ppll bring me red skatshoes nice list. If I’m on the nice My name is Aria and I want to be a good lisiner. But I been a good gril this week. be saying you not ril? (skateshoes)? list, I want a hoover board, a lot of things for Christ- this didn’t go as I ekspeck- I woud a emogeupelow Love Jayden W., 7 Love, Elias, 7 an iPhone, a sniper BB mas and I love you Santa did. What I would like, a (emoji pillow) and five balls gun, a Nerf gun, KD’s, a pet and I will sellabrate Jesus nintendow swich. So I can soow I can play. I been Dear Santa, dog, and a skate board. birthday for Christmas be- play super mareo oddisee good all this week. I was good in scoohl These are the things I cause I love God Jesus and and I would like Kreby tri- Love, Ija, 6 (school) and I was (good) want for Christmas. Thank Lord too and Miss Hoes pul dlux. After last weeck at home. And I was dooing you and Merry Christmas and my friends and my I’ve been getting greens (doing) my homewoke Santa. mom and dad. every day. I howp I get (homework) and may you Love, Jaylin, 8 Love, Aria, 6 these three toy. plse (please) bren (bring) Adar, 6 me a toy car for me plse Dear Santa, Dear Santa, (please)? And is it cold in I want a computer, an iP- I wot a LOL. I wot a latop. I Dear Santa, the Noth Pol (North Pole)? hone 7+, a Barbie Dream wot a hv bor. I wot a slim. I want a hoverborad for I love you Santa. house, a Barbie camper, Love, Ja’Niyah, 6 Chirsmans. This year I’ve Love, Lydia, 6 a Baby Alive and a best been neat with my chores friend. Dear Santa, for myself. I obey rules. I Dear Santa, Love, Pharah, 8 I will lik a tablit and a kpmtr. have not rip cloths. I read I hope you bring me a rmot Love, Nequon, 7 win my teacher tells me knrl (remote control) car Dear Santa, to win people tell me to do and a hvbr (hoverboard) I want a phone, a toy car, Dear Santa, sometime. I help people for a peznu (present). Is it and I want my friend to My name is Nyliah and thes who need my help. I hope cold at the North Pole? I come back to my house. Christmas I wont a huvd I’m on the nice list. hep (help) my Mom cklen Love, Jaden, 7 burd and som bedrom Have a happy day, Cymi- (clean) my bed. slos. And I wont a tet and ah, 6 Love, Ar’Zarie, 7 Dear Santa, I wont some PJs. I want I want a Baby Alive, Hoover some five LOL dols and a board, and an iPhone. scktr. I asow am gowing to Love, Mahziyah, 7 selbrat Jesus and Lord too. Love, Nyliah, 7

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