Biden's Already Backing Down on Iran? the President
Selected articles concerning Israel, published weekly by Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim’s (Baltimore) Israel Action Committee Edited by Jerry Appelbaum ( ) | Founding editor: Sheldon J. Berman Z”L Issue 8 7 6 Volume 2 1 , Number 7 Parshias Mishpatim | Shekalim | Rosh Chodesh Adar February 13 , 20 2 1 Biden’s already backing down on Iran? By Jonathan S. Tobin February 9, 2021 The president sent a strong message to Tehran about deal before Biden lifts sanctions on them, Psaki made it nuclear talks. A day later, his spokesperson walked it clear that w hen it comes to Biden’s statements on the back, showing that Obama - era appeasers remain in subject, we shouldn’t believe our lying eyes and ears. charge. Here’s the exchange as reported by In his first major foreign - policy speech delivered last week, President Joe Biden sent a variety of confusing and “Since then, the [Iranian] Supreme Leader has said the mixed messages, but one thing was clear: Whatever U.S. needs to act first,” CBS’s Weijia Jiang t old Psaki. “Is Donald Trump was for, he was against. Thus, he sounded this a non - negotiable point for President Biden, and if so, tough on Russia but soft on China. And though he paid lip how do you get out of this stalemate?” service to the idea that his administration would emphasize “Just to be clear, the president never said that, cooperation with allies, once you got into the details about exactly,” the White House press secretary replied.
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