Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Early Day Motions This month I sponsored an Early Day Motion that City of Durham MP Mary Kelly Foy wrote condemning the racism aimed at the England men’s football team after the UEFA European Championship Final on 11 July 2021. You can read the motion in full here. I also sponsored an EDM that celebrated the 150-year anniversary of the Durham Miners Gala and recognised the important historical significance of the Big Meeting. You can read the motion in full here. I signed an EDM calling for the Government to offer NHS staff a proper pay rise of 15%. Our NHS workers deserve a proper pay rise after enduring a real term pay cuts of up to 30 per cent since 2010. You can read this motion in full here.

Westminster Hall Debate | Peace and Human Rights in Colombia I was very pleased to be able to lead a debate in Parliament on ‘Peace and Human Rights in Colombia.’ I have been fortunate enough to visit this country in the past, and as an internationalist, I am extremely concerned about the human rights abuses and police brutality that is being carried out there. You can watch my opening comments of the debate here. If you want to watch the debate in full you can do so by visiting Parliament TV here. I also wrote an article for Labour Outlook this month in which I called upon the Government to offer full condemnation of the violence of the Colombian police and Colombian government comments undermining the right to protest. Read this article in full here

Health and Care Bill I was proud to sign Zarah Sultana MPs amendment to protect the NHS from the Tory-led Corporate Takeover Bill. Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

MacMillan Cancer Support The Government is more focussed on its top-down reorganisation of the NHS than it is on tackling the growing backlog of Cancer treatments. I spoke in Parliament this month about this huge backlog as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This government and the Health Secretary must ensure that the NHS is able to tackle this backlog of cancer diagnosis, care, and treatment by the current March 2022 deadline. Listen to my question to the Health Secretary here. Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Shields Gazette Columns Thank you, Teachers! For my columns in the Shields Gazette this month, I paid tribute to the teachers in who have worked tirelessly this past year to ensure that our children have been given the best possible education despite the challenges of Covid-19. I paid special tribute to Mr Martin Humble, the Headteacher from St Marys RC primary school who retired this month after a remarkable 20 years’ service in South Tyneside. You can read this column in full here. I had the opportunity to visit Mr Humble to see the amazing outdoor learning centre that has been built in his honour. To further congratulate Mr Humble, I presented him with an Early Day Motion which was supported by several MPs, including and . I know it was such an emotional day for everyone connected with the school and it was such a pleasure to be part of Mr Humble’s special day. WASPI My second column for the Shields Gazette this month was on the recent update for the WASPI campaign. I very much welcome the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s investigation into this important issue which has understandably had a devastating impact on thousands of women, many of whom have experienced significant financial loss and emotional distress. You can read this column in full here.

Save South Tyneside Hospital Campaign The Save South Tyneside Hospital Campaign group held a protest outside the hospital this month, in response to further downgrades to our services. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend in person so I sent a statement of support which you can read below. These changes come because of years of Tory cuts to our vital NHS services. I will continue to defend our NHS and our services. Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Stand Up to Racism – North East I couldn’t be at the Stand Up to Racism - North East demo this month but I sent some words of solidarity to the GRT community to be read out. You can read the statement I sent below.

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Nationality and Boarders Bill The Tory government passed the Nationality and Boarders Bill this month. The Nationality and Borders Bill disproportionately affects vulnerable women and criminalises them. I voted against this Bill as it creates a hostile environment for those it targets. Listen to my statement in the Commons here.

BBC Politics North I was asked this month to be interviewed on BBC Politics North, this gave me the opportunity to discuss some key issues that are affecting ours and wider communities in the North. I discussed the governments easing of Covid-19 restrictions, and I continue to urge all Jarrow Constituents to remain cautious as we continue to navigate our way back to normal. Watch my contribution to this section here. We moved the discussion towards the Government’s ‘Levelling up’ scheme. The Government needs to secure good, well-paid, unionised jobs to support our high streets & strengthen our communities through proper investment if they truly want to deliver for the people of our region. Watch my contribution to this section here.

Finally, the discussion turned to the Cladding Scandal that emerged after the tragedy of the Grenfell fire. It is alarming that 4 years after this tragedy, there are still 700k people living in high-rise blocks with flammable cladding. This Governments slow response and failure to remove this dangerous cladding is a disgrace. Watch my contribution to this section here. If you would like to watch the entire show, you can do so by clicking here.

Cancel the Cut Cutting the £20 uplift to universal credit, just as furlough is about to end will have devastating consequences for many families. £20 per week is the difference between choosing to heat your home or have a meal. The Unite Community’s Campaign to #Cancelthecut has my full support. Find out more about Unite’s Campaign here. https://www.unitetheunion.org/campaigns/cancel-the-cut/ You can see my full statement, backing this campaign here. Everyone deserves to live with dignity.

NEU - No Child Left Behind I believe that no child should live with food insecurity. That is why I was proud to support and sign the NEU’s letter to the Prime Minister urging the Government to reintroduce the scheme Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021 implemented in previous holidays in which families were allocated £15 every week to cover the entirety of the six-week school holiday. Read the letter in full below.

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Stonewall meeting It was fantastic to meet with Nancy Kelley, CEO of Stonewall, this month to discuss my work on the Women and Equalities Select Committee and Stonewall’s new Free to Be strategy and campaigns. I am looking forward to working closely with Nancy and Stonewall in the future.

Education Select Committee I am really pleased to now be a member of the Education Select Committee. I am looking forward to working with the committee to ensure that this Government acts in the best interests of our schools, colleges, and universities so our children can be given the best education possible.

Cuba Blockade Along with other members of the , I signed this statement urging President Biden to make good on his campaign promises and immediately suspend the US sanctions to allow Cuban people themselves to overcome the current difficulties. Read the statement in full below. Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Hebburn Carr Ellison Carnival With the summer recess underway, I have been extremely grateful to get out around the constituency more. I had the chance to go along to the Hebburn Carr Ellison Carnival and it was great opportunity to relax and enjoy being surrounded by our community. I am looking forward to more evenings like this over the summer.

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

National Lotto Funding – Boldon Community Centre Some more great constituency news that I want to share; Boldon Community Centre has been allocated funding by the National Lottery Fund which will be used to purchase facilities to help deliver a club for younger people, with access to food and a weekly mental health wellbeing social for older people.

Meeting with the Mayor I was pleased to finally be able to visit the Mayor of South Tyneside Councillor Pat Hay at the Town Hall this month. It was great to see Pat’s tremendous passion and enthusiasm for the Borough and I am looking forward to working with her during her term in office!

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Fellgate, Hedworth and Calf Close By-Election I would like to take this opportunity to further congratulate Councillor Jay Pots on his election in Fellgate, Hedworth and Calf Close ward. I joined Jay out campaigning and I am looking forward to working with him during his term.

Summer Survey I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you, if you havent done so already, to fill in my Summer Survey. I want to know what issues are most important to you, and in what ways I can continue to serve the Jarrow Consituency to the best possible standard! You can find my survey here - 2021 Summer Survey - Google Forms

Kate Osborne MP Jarrow Constituency July-August Newsletter 2021

Advice Surgeries:

As always if you need any assistance from me or my team please contact me at [email protected] or call 0191 466 1509 and I will do everything I can to help.

Visit my website or social media to keep up to date with my work throughout the month.

Kate Osborne MP – MP for The Jarrow Constituency (kate-osborne.co.uk)

Facebook: @kateosbornejarrow Twitter: @kateosbornemp

Warmest wishes,

Kate Osborne MP

Member of Parliament for the Jarrow constituency