Consolidating Peace Liberia and Sierra Leone Consolidating Peace: Liberia and Sierra Leone Issue 23 Accord 23 Issue an International Review of Peace Initiatives
Accord Logo using multiply on layers 23 issue issue Logo drawn as Issue editors seperate elements Accord with overlaps an international review of peace initiatives coloured seperately Elizabeth Drew and Alexander Ramsbotham 2012 Consolidating peace Liberia and Sierra Leone Consolidating peace: Consolidating peace: Liberia and Sierra Leone Liberia and Sierra issue issue 23 23 Accord issue an international review of peace initiatives Consolidating peace Liberia and sierra Leone March 2012 // Issue editors Elizabeth Drew and Alexander Ramsbotham Accord // Issue 23 // Published by Conciliation Resources, to inform and strengthen peace processes worldwide by documenting and analysing the lessons of peacebuilding Published by Acknowledgements Conciliation Resources Conciliation Resources would like to give 173 Upper Street, London N1 1RG special thanks for editorial and project advice and assistance provided by Carolyn Norris and Sofia Goinhas. Telephone +44 (0) 207 359 7728 In addition we extend grateful thanks to our Fax +44 (0) 207 359 4081 authors, peer reviewers, photographers and Email all those who have contributed to the conception UK charity registration number 1055436 and production of this publication: Eldridge Adolfo, Harold Aidoo, Ecoma Alaga, Editors Natalie Ashworth, Conrad Bailey, Catherine Elizabeth Drew and Alexander Ramsbotham Barley, Abu Brima, Rachel Cooper, Lisa Denney, Executive Director Said Djinnit, Sam Gbaydee Doe, Rasheed Draman, Andy Carl Comfort Ero, Richard Fanthorpe, Lans
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