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Ambo ST. THEODOSIUS ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 733 Starkweather Ave. OCTOBER 2, 2011 Cleveland, Ohio 16TH. SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Mailing: HIEROMARTYR CYPRIAN MARTYRS JUSTINA 733 Starkweather Avenue AND THEOCTISTUS Cleveland, Ohio 44113 T 216 741.1310 VENERABLE THAIS OF EGYPT (OCT. 8) F 216 623 1092 Saint Thais of Egypt, raised by her mother in a spirit far re- moved from Christian piety, led a depraved and dissolute life. www.sttheodosius.org She was famed for her beauty, leading many on the path to per- REMINDER: dition. Please be sure that cell phones The account about the prodigal Thais spread throughout all are turned off Egypt and reached even St Paphnutius, a strict ascetic who had before entering the temple. converted many to salvation. Paphnutius dressed himself in worldly attire and went to Thais, giving her money as though •Archpriest John Zdinak he wished to pay for her favors. He pretended to be afraid that Dean someone would see them, so he asked her if there were a place they would not be discovered. Thais said that they could lock • Dn. Daniel Boerio the door and enjoy complete privacy. "But if you fear God," she •Subdeacon Theodore said, "there is no place where you can hide from Him." Seeing Lentz that she knew about God and the punishment of the wicked, the Elder asked why she led a sinful life and enticed others to ruin • Reader Julius Kovach their souls. He told her about the eternal punishment she would Ecclesiarch & Choirmaster have to face for her own sins, and for the people who had been corrupted and destroyed by her. Divine Services Eve Sundays & Feast Days The words of St Paphnutius so affected the sinner that she gathered up all her riches acquired through her shameful life, 5:00 PM Confessions then set them afire in the city square. Then St Paphnutius shut 6:00 PM Great Vespers her up in a small cell, where for three years she dwelt in seclusion. Turning toward Sundays and Feast Days the East, Thais constantly repeated the short prayer, "My Creator, have mercy on me!" 8:40 AM 3rd and 6th Hour 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy "From the moment I entered into the cell," said Thais to the Elder before her * AMBO: Articles for pub- death, "all my sins constantly were before my eyes, and I wept when I remem- lication should be submitted bered them." to: [email protected] St Paphnutius replied "It is for your tears, and not for the austerity of your seclu- by Wednesday of each week sion, that the Lord has granted you mercy." before noon. St Thais was ill for three days, then fell asleep in the Lord. So this woman, who * CALENDAR: Event dates had been a harlot and a sinner, has entered the Kingdom of God before us (Mt. must be submitted by the 21:31). St Paul the Simple (October 4) saw in a vision the place prepared for the 15th. of each month. penitant Thais in Paradise. St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 1 PRAYER REQUESTS DEPARTED: Julia Grabowski Brandon Sanders Archbishop Dmitri + 8/28/11 Sandee Holod Thomas Shepard Donna Jacak John Petkac + 9/21/11 Mary Ann Silberhorn Victor Jacak Charles Tamony Diane Kearsey ( Janice Tkacz’s sister) Barbara Thompson (Phyllis Ill Afflicted & Sarah Kersey Gindlesperger’s Sister-In-Law) Special Intentions Marie Kucharski Shirley Villoni (Ann Mytrohovich’s mother) Afanasi Balasz Dorothy Laskovich James Walsh Paul Laskovich John Baranich Wayne Yurik Judy Baughman Elise Manella Rob & Alexandra Amanda Bernes Brian and Valerie Marshall (Parishioners of Fr. Andrew) & Unborn Child Carol Bohurjak Ernie Maty Erik & Gwen Hasselquist Thomas Bohurjak Anna Mysiw (Friend and Neighbor & Unborn Child Albert Casey Sr. of Helen Antonik) Alex and Jerilyn Oppenheim Christine Crichton Grace Parhamovich Laina Dachtyl & Unborn Child (Karen Felon’s Mother) Cindy Durkalski Jason & Elizabeth (Zimmerman) Peter and Gina Petkac (Judy & Unborn Child Melanie Faunce Gartman’s Brother & Sister-in-law) Bernice Ferencz David Roman (Nephew of Sarah & Kevin (Zimmerman) Bernadine Gindlesperger & Unborn Child Margaret Rusynyk) THANK YOU To all who volunteered and offered prayer for the success of this years Tremont Arts Festival - may God Bless you for your ministry! This year’s event touched many lives (those who helped as well as our beloved guests). The Lord blessed the occasion - we are thankful. BIBLE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 2 Oct. 2 2 Cor. 4:6-15 Oct. 4 Gal. 5:11-21 Oct. 7 Eph. 1:7-17 Luke 5:1-11 Luke 5:12-16 Luke 6:17-23 Oct. 3 Gal. 4:28-5:10 Oct. 5 Gal. 16:2-10 Oct. 8 Heb. 9:1-7 Luke 4:37-44 Luke 5:33-39 Luke 10:38-42 Oct. 6 Eph. 1:1-9 Luke 11:27-28 Luke 6:12-19 St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 2 Welcome Visitors Our parish welcomes you and thanks you for joining us at today’s Divine Liturgy. While only Orthodox ChristiaWelcomens may appro Visitorsach the chalice for Holy Communion, Our parishevery welcomesone is we youlcom ande to thanks partak youe of forthe joiningHoly B reusa atd atoday’sfter Li tDivineurgy. Liturgy. Welcome Visitors WhileYOou r a onlyprea riasl shOrthodoxo winevlciotmede st oChristiansy ojoui na nuds ftohra maynfeklsl oyw oapproachsuh fiopr i njo itnhie nthe gP au rischalice asht tHodaal ly forf’os lDl oHolyiwvineg Communion,LLiittuurgrgyy.. Whileveryonee only O rt h isodo welcomex Christi atons partakemay appro ofa ctheh t hHolye cha lBreadice for Hafteroly C oLiturgy.mmunio n, You aree alsovery invitedone is w toelc joinome usto for pa rtfellowshipake of the in H theoly BParishread a Hallfter Lfollowingiturgy. Liturgy. You are also invited to join us for fellowship in the Parish Hall following Liturgy. COFEE HOUR & GREETERS SCHEDULES C offe e Hour Hosts:!! Greeters: COFEE 0 9 /18/1 1HOUR Jason && Emi GREETERSly Grimes! ! !SCHEDULES! ! ! El izabeth & Nina Antonik COFEE HOUR & GREETERS SCHEDULES ! Coffee 09/25 /Hour11 Al Hosts: Casey ! ! ! Greeters: Steve & Ei l e e n Bo n d e r 1 0 C10/02/11/offe02/1e1 H ou T o rNick bHeos a &tsn n:Kate!!oun ceZolikoffd. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Gr e eZteorliskoZolikoff: f f Fami Familyly 09/18/11 Jason & Emily Grimes! ! ! ! ! ! Elizabeth & Nina Antonik 1 0 10/09/11/09/11 T o Lauren be ann Miklosounce d&. !Chandra! ! !Czaruk! ! ! MichMichaelael Tab eTabelingling & Ta &mmy Tammy Pon oPonomarenkomarenko ! 09/25/11 Al Casey ! ! ! Steve & Eileen Bonder 1 0 10/16/11 / 1 6 1/10/10!2/ 1T1o Dan b Teo a&bne nLavinia aonunnoceun cedMorris!d.!! ! ! ! !! !! !! !! Z oPhlikoylfPhyllisfli sF aGmiinlyd Gindlespergerlesperger & Li n&d aLinda Smo Smotzertzer 10/23/11 10/09/ 11 Natalia To be aPricinovskisnnounced.! ! & Sonya! ! Vorell! ! ! Mi chae Sonial Tabe lVorelling & T &ammy Paul Po Pangracenomarenko 10/30/11 1 0 / 1 6 / 1 1 !Mary To b Swite ann &ou Tammynced! ! Ponomarenko! ! ! ! ! Ph yl li s Jennifer Gindlesp eBoeriorger & L&in Karenda Smo Felontzer LETTERS FROM HOME GOD’S GIFTS TO US - LETTERS FROMIf you would HOME like to send a letter GOD’SGOD’ GIFTSS GIFTS TO TO US US -- OUR GIFTS TO GOD If youfrom would home like toto sendErik Hasselquist,a letter from homelisted tobelow Erik Hasselquist, is his addr ess: We e kly eOURxpeOnsU eGIFTSRs: G IFTS TO TO $ 6,538.00GOD GOD Weekly expenses: $ 6,538.00 listed below is his address: L Weeklyast wee k’expenses:s collect ion $ $ 4,046.00 6,538.00 SPC Hasselquist, Erik Last week’s collection $ 4,046.00 Last week’s Ove collectionr/Under < $ $ 2,492.00 2,438.00 > SPC EHasselquist, Btry, 1-79th, Erik BN/2 Over/Under < $ 2,492.00 > E Btry, 1-79th, BN/2 Over/Under < $ 4,100.00 > 5960 Rothwell Street Attendance 5960 Rothwell Street Attendance Fort Sill, OK 73503 Attendance Fort Sill, OK 73503 MembeMrsem 133bers ~133 V i~s i Vtorsisit ors21 21~ T~ ot Taotl a154l 154 Members 66 ~ Visitors 3~ Total 69 PRAPRAY YFOR FOR THOSE THOSE IN SER IN SERVICEVICE Dome Lighters D o n a tio n s to o ffDset thoem coset oLf lighitgingh thtee drosmes can be made for ! ! D o n a ti on s t o o ff se t th e cDomeost of ligh tinLightersg the domes can be made for ! ! Donations to offset the cost of lighting the domes can be made for The Health Of or In Memory Of your loved ones. Contact the Parish Office The Health Of or In Memory Of your loved ones. Contact the Parish Office The if y oHealthu are in Ofter e orste dIn. Memory Of your loved ones. Contact the Parish Office i f y o u aifr youe in tareere s interested.ted. WOMEN’S GUILD The Women’WOMEN’Ss Guild will GUILD meet on NEXT COUNCIL MEETING TheSat., Women’ Oct 8 sat Guild 11:30 will AM meet on WEDNESDAY,CHURCH NOVEMBER SCHOOL D9ATES St. Sat.,Nicholas Oct Pr 8o-Cathedral at 11:30 AM 6:00 PM AT RIDGE MANOR CHUR SCHEPTEM SCHOOLBER 24 THR DOAUTESGH 2101St. NicholasQuail Ave., Pr Lakewoodo-Cathedral NOVEMBER 19 SEPTEMBER 24 THROUGH 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 2101 Quail Ave., Lakewood CHURCHNO VSCHOOLEMBER 19 DATES 4:4 SEPTEMBER5 PM - 5:4 245 PM THROUGH St. Theodosius NOVEMBER Orthodo 19x Cathedral Ambo - Page 4 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 4 St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 3 CATHEDRAL BELLS The Cathedral Bells are in need of repair. For safety reasons the bells are not able to be rung. The cost of making the needed replacement and repairs is $25,000.