

RequiemSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2017 11:00 AM WORSHIP

Trinity Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir and Soloists Members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Norman Mackenzie, Conductor


Welcome to all who are worshipping with us. We believe worship is the heart of our life together. As we enter a holy space and time this morning, please silence all electronic devices. The opening voluntary is the call to silent meditation and preparation for worship.

OPENING VOLUNTARY Symphony in D William Boyce Allegro

*CALL TO WORSHIP One: O come, let us sing to the Lord and shout for joy to the rock of our salvation! All: Let us come into ’s presence with thanksgiving, singing joyful songs of praise. One: O praise the Lord with me, All: Let us exalt God’s name together.

*PROCESSIONAL #464 hymn to joy Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee


PRAYER OF CONFESSION One: Almighty God, All: In Jesus Christ you called us to be a servant people, but we do not do what you command. We are often silent when we should speak, and useless when we could be useful.

moment of silence for examination of conscience and personal prayers of confession

One: Have mercy on us, O God. All: Forgive us and free us from sin; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


[2] *Those who are able, please stand.

*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE lobe den herren Praise ye the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before him! Let the amen sound from his people again; gladly for aye we adore him. (may be found as stanza 3 of hymn #482)

CONCERNS OF THE PEOPLE Please sign and pass the Friendship Register.


SCRIPTURE READING Revelation 21: 1-7 One: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

REQUIEM, K. 626 (1791) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Orchestrated by Franz Beyer

I. INTROITUS: Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, Grant them rest eternal, Lord, et lux perpetua luceat eis. and may perpetual light shine on them. Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion, Lord, you are worthy of praise in Zion, et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem. and to you vows are made in Jerusalem. Exaudi orationem meam! Listen to my prayer! Ad te omnis caro veniet. Unto you all flesh shall come.

II. Kyrie eleison, Lord, have mercy. Christe eleison, Christ, have mercy. Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy.

III. SEQUENZ 1. Dies irae Dies irae, dies illa Day of wrath, that day solvet saeclum in favilla, will dissolve the world in ashes, teste cum Sibylla. as witness David and the Sibyl. Quantus tremor est futurus, What trembling there will be quando judex est venturus when the judge shall come, cuncta stricte discussurus. to thoroughly investigate everything.

[3] 2. Tuba mirum Tuba mirum spargens sonum The wondrous trumpet, spreading its sound per sepulchra regionum, through the tombs of all regions, coget omnes ante thronum. will gather all before the throne. Mors stupebit et natura Death will be stupefied, also nature, cum resurget creatura when all creation arises judicanti responsura. to answer to the judge. Liber scriptus proferetur A written book will be brought forth, in quo totum continetur, in which everything is contained unde mundus judicetur. by which the world will be judged. Judex ergo, cum sedebit When the judge is seated, quidquid latet, apparebit; whatever is hidden will be exposed; nil inultum remanebit. nothing will remain unavenged. Quid sum, miser! tunc dicturus? What am I, miserable one! to say then? quem patronum rogaturus, What patron shall I request, cum vix justus sit securus? when the righteous are scarcely secure?

3. Rex tremendae Rex tremendae majestatis! King of dreadful majesty, qui salvandos salvas gratis, who freely saves the redeemed, salva me, fons pietatis. save me, fount of mercy.

4. Recordare Recordare Jesu pie, Remember, merciful Jesus, quod sum causa tuae viae; that I am the cause of your journey; ne me perdas illa die. do not lose me on that day. Quaerens me, sedisti lassus; Seeking me, you sat down exhausted; redemisti crucem passus. you redeemed me by suffering the cross. Tantus labor non sit cassus. Such great labor should not be in vain. Juste judex ultionis Just judge of vengeance, donum fac remissionis make the gift of remission ante diem rationis. before the day of accounting. Ingemisco, tanquam reus: I sigh as one accused; culpa rubet vultus meus. shame reddens my face. supplicanti parce, Deus! Spare the supplicant, God! Qui Mariam absolvisti, You who absolved Mary [Magdalene] et latronem exaudisti, and listened to the thief mihi quoque spem didisti. have given me hope also. Preces meae non sunt dignae, My prayers are not worthy, sed tu bonus fac benigne, but you, good one, be merciful, ne perenni cremer igne! lest I remain in burning flames! Inter oves locum praesta, Among the sheep grant me a place, et ab haedis me sequestra, and from the goats separate me, statuens in parte dextra. setting me in the portion on the right.

[4] 5. Confutatis Confutatis maledictis, Silencing the accused, flammis acribus addictis, to acrid flames consigning them, voca me cum benedictis. Call me with those blessed. Oro supplex et acclinis, I pray, bowed and kneeling, cor contritum quasi cinis: my heart contrite as ashes: gere curam mei finis. take care of me at the last.

6. Lacrymosa Lacrymosa dies illa, That tearful day, qua resurget ex favilla when guilty man rises judicandus homo reus. from the embers to be judged. Huic ergo parce Deus. Spare him then, God. Pie Jesu Domine, Merciful Lord Jesus, dona eis requiem. Amen. grant them rest. Amen.

IV. OFFERTORIUM 1. Domine Jesu Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae, Lord Jesus Christ, glorious King, libera animas omnium fidelium free the souls of all the faithful dead defunctorum de poenis inferni, from punishment in the inferno, et de profundo lacu: and from the deep lake! libera eas de ore leonis, Deliver them from the lion’s mouth; ne absorbeat eas tartarus, let the abyss not swallow them up; ne cadant in obscurum. let them not fall into darkness. Sed signifer sanctus Michael But let the standardbearer St. Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam, bring them into the holy light, quam olim Abrahae promisisti, as once you promised to Abraham et semini ejus. and his seed.

2. Hostias Hostias et preces tibi, Sacrifices and prayers to you, Domine, laudis offerimus. we offer with praise, Lord. Tu suscipe pro animabus illis, Receive them for the souls of those quarum hodie memoriam facimus; whom we commemorate today. Fac eas, Domine, Make them, Lord, de morte transire ad vitam, to pass from death to life, Quam olim Abrahae promisisti, As once you promised to Abraham et semini ejus. and his seed.

V. SANCTUS Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Holy, holy, holy Dominus Deus Sabaoth, Lord God of Hosts, pleni sunt coeli et terra heaven and earth are filled gloria tua. with your glory. Osanna in excelsis! in the highest! [5] VI. BENEDICTUS Benedictus qui venit Blessed is he who comes in nomine Domini. in the name of the Lord. Osanna in excelsis! Hosanna in the highest!

VII. AGNUS DEI Agnus Dei, Lamb of God, qui tollis peccata mundi, who removes the sins of the world, dona eis requiem. grant them rest. Dona eis requiem sempiternam. Grant them rest everlasting.

VIII. COMMUNIO: Lux aeterna Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, May eternal light shine on them, Lord, cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, with your for eternity, quia pius es. because you are merciful. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, Grant them rest eternal, Lord, et lux perpetua luceat eis. and may perpetual light shine on them. Cum sanctis tuis in aeternam, With your saints everlasting, quia pius es. because you are merciful.

(No applause, please)

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

GIVING OF OFFERINGS OFFERTORY Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Translation: Hail, true body, born of the Virgin Mary, who suffered and was sacrificed on the cross for mortals, whose side was pierced, whence flowed water and blood: be for us a foretaste of heaven during our final examining.

* #592 old hundredth


*CLOSING HYMN #264 When in Our Music God is Glorified engelberg


BENEDICTION RESPONSE The Lord Bless You Peter Lutkin

CONCLUDING VOLUNTARY Grand Choeur Dialogue Eugène Gigout

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Today’s Fall Music Festival is made possible through gifts made to the Adele McKee Music Fund of Presbyterian Church

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THE CHANCEL CHOIR OF TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NORMAN MACKENZIE, MUSIC DIRECTOR AND CONDUCTOR Soloists Anne-Marie Spalinger, soprano Katherine Murray, mezzo-soprano Kathleen Poe Ross, mezzo-soprano David Blalock, tenor Jonathan Pilkington, tenor William Borland, bass-baritone

ORCHESTRA First Violin Cello Trumpet William Pu, concertmaster Daniel Laufer Stuart Stephenson John Meisner Thomas Carpenter Mike Tiscione Chris Pulgram Bass Trombone Second Violin Gloria Jones Sam Schlosser Jay Christy Nathan Zgonc Noriko Clift Clarinet Brian Hecht Sandy Salzinger Laura Ardan Marci Gurnow Timpani Viola Mark Yancich Paul Murphy Bassoon Cathy Lynn Laura Najarian Ken Potsic

[7] REQUIEM, K.626 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Orchestrated by Franz Beyer

Despite its familiarity and popularity, the Requi- version of the score as coming from the source em (or for the Dead) by Mozart remains closest to the composer, musicians have con- one of the most problematic of the great choral tinually attacked his contribution as not suffi- works regarding authenticity and the composer’s ciently Mozartian in style, its orchestration too intentions. Its composition is inextricably tied dense and opaque, its modulations labored, its to his feverish, desperate last days, and the facts part-writing riddled with mistakes a composer concerning its completion are part of the myste- of Mozart’s stature could easily have avoided. rious (some would say deliberately misrepresent- Some conductors, including Bruno Walter, ed) events surrounding his death and burial. Richard Strauss, and Sir Thomas Beecham, have made their revisions. Musicologists who have What is verified is that, aware he would not live published revisions of the work include Rich- to finish the work, Mozart went over it in detail ard Maunder and the eminent Haydn-Mozart with his friend and former pupil Franz Xaver scholar H. C. Robbins Landon. Süssmayr, who afterward completed the work at Frau Mozart’s request. This completion of the The version to be heard today, modestly termed score was done about two months after Mozart an instrumentation, was published in 1984 by died, after Süssmayr, Franz Freystädler, and Franz Beyer, a musicologist working in Munich. Joseph Eybler had already reworked parts of the His revision is not a radical departure from the Requiem for the composer’s memorial service. Süssmayr version. Beyer’s stated intention was “to cleanse the work of obvious errors, to use There is no doubt that Süssmayr finished the insofar as is at all possible the palette of Mozart’s Requiem, nor why this was done: Count von late works in the orchestral parts, and to free Wallsegg, who commissioned the work intend- the original picture of Mozart’s score ... from its ing to pass it off as his composition, had already overpainting.” paid in full for it, and Mozart’s family could not afford to refund the money. Constanza Mozart Probably only those listeners most familiar with had Süssmayr forge her husband’s signature on the traditional version of the Requiem will no- the completed manuscript, and she violated tice the changes. Most of Beyer’s work has been the terms of the contract by keeping two copies done with an eraser. An example is the removal when she sent the work to the count. (Having of part of the trombone solo in the , a parts of it performed at Mozart’s memorial was solo Mozart called for beginning at the “Tuba another contract violation.). mirum,” but which Süssmayr continues far past the point where it is appropriate to the text. At When the Requiem was published in 1800, other places, thick instrumentation obscuring Süssmayr furnished a statement to the publisher the vocal lines has been pruned or removed. On about his part in its completion. He said that the other hand, Süssmayr’s “Osannas,” which everything from the third line of the “” have always seemed to end too abruptly, are (“judicandus homo reus”) was his contribu- given extended cadences following Mozart’s tion, though he had attempted to give the work frequent practice. greater unity of style by repeating Mozart’s fugue from the “Kyrie” at the end, fitting new words The result is a more transparent, more Mozartian to the existing notes. We cannot know whether version of the Requiem than that we have lived Mozart had suggested this felicitous idea to him, with for more than 200 years. It is not possible but it is a practice often used in Viennese masses for us to know precisely how Mozart would have and of that period. Süssmayr also sug- shaped and completed the work had he lived, gested that the “Requiem” and “Kyrie” had been and yet what we have is recognizable as having left in an incomplete state by Mozart. originated from the incomparable mind of the genius from Salzburg. Although tradition has accepted the Süssmayr [8] – Notes and English translation by Nick Jones ©2017 Bible Presentation Sunday Children and Family Ministries honors and LIFE recognizes our third grade children on Bible Presentation Sunday, today November 12. After completing a study of the Bible, its genre, AT TRINITY and the overarching story of salvation, these children were presented Bibles in Dobbs We are called to serve God with joy and to bear Chapel at 10:00 am. Congratulations third witness to God’s transforming love made known in graders! Jesus Christ. As a community led by the Spirit, we seek to Make God’s Love Visible as we: Community Thanksgiving Service Sunday, November 19 ÉÉ WORSHIP CREATIVELY 6:30 pm, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church ÉÉ WELCOME INTENTIONALLY The annual Community Thanksgiving Service ÉÉ CARE COMPASSIONATELY will be held at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church on ÉÉ GATHER JOYFULLY Sunday, November 19. Please join us for this interfaith worship service gathering several ÉÉ LEARN PURPOSEFULLY local congregations together to express our ÉÉ SERVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY collective gratitude to God. ÉÉ LEAD HUMBLY ÉÉ GIVE GENEROUSLY Service of Lament and Hope Sunday, November 26 5:00 pm, Dobbs Chapel is a wonderful time to anticipate WORSHIP the arrival of God in our midst. Sometimes, CREATIVELY however, the waiting can be hard—especially when we remember a loss or are overwhelmed TODAY AT TRINITY with the pain of the world. Come experience a worship service exploring the full expression Worship Leaders of our Christian sorrow and our longing for Liturgist hope. Casual attire is encouraged. Child care Rev. Pam Driesell, Senior Pastor provided.

Acolyte Reagan Borland WELCOME INTENTIONALLY Flowers The flowers in the sanctuary are given by WELCOME Bob and Margaret Reiser to the glory of God New Member Class and in loving memory of their parents and loved ones. This morning’s arrangement was If you are interested in learning more about created by the Trinity Presbyterian Flower Trinity Church or in becoming a member, you Guild. are encouraged to attend the New Member Class series (4 Sundays). Classes are held in Child Care the Chapel Parlor from 9:45 to 10:45 am on Sunday. Child care is available. The next class Although children are always welcome in the series will be offered in the winter, and spring. sanctuary, child care is available for children, birth through pre-K: infants and toddlers, Winter 2018: January 21, 28; February 4, 11 D102; two-year-olds, D104; three-year-olds, Spring 2018: April 22, 29; May 6, 13 D106; pre-K, D119. For more information, contact Gay Gunter at 404-316-8228 or [email protected].

[9] Trinity at the Table CARE Thursday, November 16 COMPASSIONATELY 4:45 - 6:30 pm, Williams Hall Join us for fellowship, fun, and food on FINDING SUPPORT Thursday nights with Trinity at the Table. Pastoral Care Dinner is served between 4:45 and 6:30, and Notify the church of illness, hospitalization, activities for children are available between birth, death, or prayer request 4:45 and 5:45 in the gym. Veronica Ridenhour, 404-495-8440 Menu: roasted turkey, dressing, green beans, [email protected] garden salad, mixed fruit Stephen Ministers Cost: $8 per adult, $5 per child; $25 maximum per family Trinity’s Stephen Ministry offers confidential, www.trinityatlanta.org/events one-to-one Christian care to those who are Reservations: experiencing difficult life circumstances. Men’s Breakfast Meredith Daniel, 404-869-0025 Friday, November 17 [email protected] 7:27 am, Williams Hall Counseling Join the group for great fellowship, a lively Mary Lisa Henry, Ph.D., LCSW program, and a good breakfast. Reservations 404-869-3707 are not required; $7 per person.

Trinity Auction GATHER Save the Date for the 2018 Trinity Auction on JOYFULLY February 25, 2018, 5:30 - 8:00 pm in Williams Hall. Please consider donating an item for Elementary Christmas Pageant the auction by December 15 or becoming a Sign-Ups Are Open! sponsor for the event. Find more information All K-5th grade children are invited to on the Trinity website events section or email participate in the retelling of the Christmas [email protected]. narrative on December 3. Practice begins at 4:00 pm; Pageant is held in the sanctuary Madrigal Feast from 5:30-6:00 pm; and the evening ends Thursday, December 7 with a pizza and cookie party at 6:00 pm. 6:30 pm, Wassail Bowl; 7:00 Banquet Parents, watch your email for a link to sign Visit 14th-century England when Trinity up (or contact Rev. Erin McGee at emcgee@ presents its 20th Madrigal Feast on Thursday, trinityatlanta.org). November 26 is the sign-up December 7. One of our most enduring deadline! musical traditions, the Madrigal Feast The congregation is invited and encouraged to showcases the Trinity Madrigal Singers, who attend this wonderful rendition of the story of don period costumes and entertain with Christmas at 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. selections of old English and Irish Madrigals, folk songs and holiday choral selections. A Awakening reenactment of a 14th-century royal feast, the Wednesdays entertainment includes merriment on a grand 7:30 am, A116 scale with the Master of the Hall Paul Marston. Patrons will enjoy a festive banquet of period Awakening is a group of women of diverse food prepared in the modern manner by Jerry ages that meets on Wednesday mornings. In Dilts and Associates. November we will begin our study of Short Tickets are $35 per person and are on sale Stories of Jesus:The Enigmatic Parables of a now through November 22. Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine. We invite any [early rising] women to join us. Order Madrigal Feast tickets online at www. trinityatlanta.org/events

[10] Winter Youth Trips 4:45 pm CFM Arts & Crafts High School Ski Trip - January 12-15 4:45 pm Cherub Choir I (Winterplace, WV) 4:45 pm Trinity at the Table Middle School Mystery Trip - February 16-19 5:00 pm Junior Choir 5:15 pm Cherub Choir II Spaces for winter trips are filling up fast! Are 6:00 pm Stephen Ministry Continuing you signed up? Friends are welcome! Get all Education the details at www.trinityatlanta.org or email 6:30 pm Middle Moms [email protected]. 7:00 pm Nonfiction Book Club Friday, November 17 THIS WEEK 7:27 am Men’s Breakfast Sunday, November 12 8:30 am Confirmation Class 8:45 am Worship 9:45 am Church School LEARN 11:00 am Worship PURPOSEFULLY 12:00 pm Engagement Task Force 4:00 pm Middle School Youth CHURCH SCHOOL 5:00 pm Youth Choir 6:00 pm Youth Supper Adult Church School 6:30 pm High School Youth 9:45 am Monday, November 13 Unlocking the Bible 5:30 pm Wedding Committee Dr. George Yacoubian B104-106 Tuesday, November 14 6:30 am High School Bible Study Celebrating Christmas in Church and Culture 7:30 am Theology Reading Group Various speakers and clergy 8:30 am Yoga B112 10:00 am Women’s Link Circle 3 Romantic Poetry and Radical Spirituality 10:00 am Women’s Link Circle 4 Dr. Lindsey Eckert 10:30 am Women’s Link Circle 1 B108 11:00 am Tai Chi 5:30 pm Adult Education Committee Connections Williams Hall 6:30 pm Middling Dads 7:00 pm Chapter 3C1 7:00 pm Chapter 3C2 7:00 pm Congregation Activities and Events Committee SERVE 7:00 pm Men in Transition A WHOLEHEARTEDLY 7:00 pm Men in Transition C Agape Giving Tree Wednesday, November 15 Donation deadline: Sunday, December 3 7:00 am Awakening Stop by the Giving Tree in building D and 7:30 am Coordinating Council outside the sanctuary to select children and 10:00 am The Tent seniors to “adopt” for Christmas. Choose one 12:30 pm Silent Meditation of the paper ornaments; select the item to 4:45 pm CFM 2nd-3rd Grade Recreation buy from their wish list; wrap the present; 7:00 pm Men’s Small Group attach to the present the paper ornament with 7:30 pm Chancel Choir the recipient’s name; leave items with Diana 8:00 pm AA Meeting Pedrick at the Welcome Center. You may also Thursday, November 16 select an Agape family name and provide a gift 9:30 am Thursday Morning Bible Study card or check that will be used for groceries 10:00 am Writing as a Spiritual Practice for a Christmas meal. For questions, email 4:00 pm Open Gym Sarah Wikle at [email protected]. 4:00 pm Hosanna Ringers 4:00 pm Primary Choir

[11] Christmas Market December 9-10 GIVE 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Williams Hall GENEROUSLY This year, Trinity’s Christmas Market, which directly supports our global mission partners, COMMITMENT will be held over one weekend. We need Trinity members’ donations of arts, crafts, Thank you Trinity members for a great start! baked goods, and more for sale at the Market. Volunteers are also needed to work two- REMAINING 2018 GOAL TO RAISE: hour shifts during the Market on Saturday or 155 PLEDGES 675+ Sunday. 520 PLEDGES To volunteer or donate, contact: $ $ Catherine Long 930,197 $2,969,803 3.9 (404) 822-7010, [email protected] MILLION To Go! Raised Julie Hope   (404) 226-0922, [email protected] Pledges $Goal

Cuba Mission Trip 23% 24% February 21–28, 2018 We will be traveling to Cuba to explore the Cuban context through four lenses: religion, culture, government, and education. The team will spend time in Havana exploring the cultural and historical layers of Cuba. The 77% 76% team will then travel to Matanzas to visit with our partners and continue our work Pledge cards are available in the pew rack or at LaPlaya Presbyterian Church and the visit www.trinityatlanta.org/pledge Theological Seminary, where Trinity has been in partnership more than twenty years. Join God’s transformative work in Cuba, as we continue to work to build a bridge between our two countries. Sign up with Sarah Wikle (404) 495-8428 [email protected] Deadline for signing up is November 30, 2017, your passport must be valid through September 1, 2018
