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SENATE OCTOBER 4 Mr 9372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE OCTOBER 4 Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on ·claims. By Mr. GORDON: By Mr. GROSS: H. R. 850. A bill for the reli_ef of Sybil H. R. 4274. A bill to provide for the dis­ H. R. 4282. A bill for the relief of Vera Georgette Townsend; without amendment charge of fathers; to the Committee on Mili­ Frances Elicker; to the Committee on Im­ (Rept. No. 1052). Referred to the Committee tary Affairs. migration and Naturalization. of the Whole House. By Mr. LANE: Mr. CHENOWETH: Committee on Claims. H. R. 4275. A bill to provide for the im­ ~ETITIONS, ETC. H. R. 1234. A bill 1 for the relief of Percy mediate discharge from the armed forces of Allen; with amendment (Rept. No. 1053). members thereof who have been awarded the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Referred to the Committee of the Whole Purple Heart or are entitled to that award; and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk House. to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. FERNANDEZ: Committee on Claims. and referred as follows: By Mr. LANHAM: 1225. By Mr. DONDERO: 'Fetition of citi­ H. R. 1841. A bill for the relief of Adolphus H. R. 4276, A bill to provide for the con­ M. Holman; without amendment (Rept. No. zens of Pontiac, Oakland County, Mich., urg­ struction of public buildings and for other ing the passage of the so-called Pace bill and 1054). Referred· to the Committee of the purposes; to the Committee on Public Build- Whole House. the Bryson bill (H. R. 2082) . prohibiting the ings and Grounds. · · · sale of alcoholic beverages in the vicinity of Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. By Mt:. LECOMPTE: H. R. 1960. A bill for the relief of the estate camps; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 4277. A bill providing for discharge of 1226. By Mr. McGREGOR: Petition urging of Alfred Lewis Casson, deceased, and others; remaining sons in a family where one son has with amendment (Rept. No. 1055). Referred influence be used to see that justice is meted lost his life in the armed services; to the out to our subdued enemies, as well as ex­ to the Committee of the Whole House. Committee on Military Atrairs. Mr. CASE of New Jersey: Committee on 1 tended to us, in bringing war criminals to c:::Iaims. H : R. 1978. A bill for the relief of By Mr. LUDLOW: trial and meting out the punishment nec­ Jay H. McCleary; with amendment (Rept. H. R. 4278. A bill to amend the act of July essary to blot out forever the chances of No. 1056) . Referred to the Committee of the 6, 1945, relating to compensation of postal another devastating war; to the Committee Whole House. · employees, so as to provide for giving appro­ on Military Affairs. Mr. HOOK: Committee on Claims. H. R. pPi.ate credit for periods of past service in the 1221_. By the SPEAKER: Petition of State 2290. A bill for the relief of Mary Galipeau; making of assignments to salary grades; to Department ' of Polish-American Congress, with amendment (Rept. No. 1057). Referred the Committee on the Post Office and Post Inc., petitioning consideration of their reso­ to the Committee of the Whole House. Roads. lution with reference to their endorsement Mr. HEDRICK: Committe-e on Claims. By Mr. LANE: for constitutional relief for Poland; to the H. R. 2401. A bill for the relief of Hannah . H. R. 4279. A bill authorizing an appropria­ Committee on Foreign Affairs. Hidde and Doris Hidde; with amendment tion of $50,000 for research with respect to (Rept. No. 1058). Referred to the Committee the cause and cure of hay fever; to the Com­ of the Whole House. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mr. RAMEY: Committee on Claims. H. R. By Mr. MAY: 2431. A bill for the relief of Monite Water­ H. R , 4280. A bill for the development and SENATE proof Glue Co.; with amendment (Rept. No. control of atomic energy; to the Committee 1059). Referred · to the Committee of the on 1\{ilitary Affairs. THURSDAY, Oq:OBER 4, 1945 Whole House. : By Mr. BUFF'ETT: Mr. HOOK: Committee on Claims. H. R.- H. J. Res. 250. Joint resolution to provide (Legislative day of Tuesday, October 2544. A bill for the relief of Willie Hines; the .Congress with information concerning ' 2, 1945) with. amendment (Rept. No. 1060). Referred financial commitments to foreign nations; to to the Committee of the Whole House. the Committee on Expenditures in the Execu­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridia~ Mr. PITTENGER: Committee on Claims. tive Departments. on the expiration of the recess. H. R.· 2748. A bill for the relief of the By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge Co.; without H. J. Res. 251. Joint resolution providing Harris, D. D., offered the following amendment (Rept. No. 1061). Referred to fo'r the bringing to the United States of the prayer: the Committee of the Whole House. bodies of two unknown Americans, who were Mr. COLE of Kansas: Committee on Claims. members of the American forces who served Most merciful God, who art the foun- · H. R. 2826. A bill for the relief of Esther one in the European theater of war and the tain of all grace, the source ·of all wis- · · L. Berg; with amendment (Rept. No. 1062). other in the Pacific theater of war and lost dom and goodness, we would lift our eyes Referred to the Committee of the Whole th'eir lives during Warld War II, and for the to the infinite .Plue of Thy love which · House. burial of the remains with appropriate ·cere­ arches each new day and rest our souls Mr." HEDRICK: Committee on Claims. monies;_to the Committee on Military Affairs. H. R. 2962. A bill for the relief of Justin By Mr. DINGELL: on the assurance that transfiguring even P. Hopkins; with amendment (Rept. No. H. J. Res. 252. Joint resolution approving the darkest cloud there is the radiant 1063). Referred to the Committee of the the agreement between the United States and bow · of Thy promise. Near the forum, Whole House. Canada relating to the Great Lakes-St. with its din and clash of human in­ Mr. RAMEY: Committee on Claims. H. R. Lawrence Basin with the exception of cer­ terests, may we keep an altar where a 3094. A bi,ll conferring jurisdiction upon tain provisions thereof; expressing the sense constant -sense of the eternal may save the Court of Claims of the United States to of the Congress with respect to the nego­ us ·from spiritual decay, from moral consider and render judgment on the claims tiation of certain t.reaties; authorizing the cowardice, and from any betrayal of of the Zephyr Aircraft Corp. against the investigation through the Department of the highest public good. In the dear· United States; with amendment (Rept. No. State and with- Canada of the feasibility of 1064) . Referred to the Committee of the making the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence sea­ Redeemer's name. Amen. Whole House. way self-liquidating; and for other purposes; THE JOURNAL Mr. CASE of New Jersey: Committee on to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Claims: H R. 3135. A bill for the relief of By Mr. ROBERTSON of North Dakota: ori request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by Mrs. Addie S. Lewis; without amendment H. J. Res. 253. Joint resolution approving unanimous consent, the reading of the (Rept. No. 1065). Referred to the Committee the. agreement, between the United States Journal of the proceedings of the cal'en­ of the Whole House. and Canada relating to the Great Lakes-St. dar day Wed.llesday, October 3, 1945, was Lawrence Basin with the exception of cer­ dispensed with, and the Journal was PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS tain provisions thereof; expressing the sense approved. of. the Congress with respect to the negotia­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills tion of certain treaties; authorizing the in­ anp resolutions were introduced and vestigation through the Department of . Messages in writing from the President severally referred as follows: State and with Canada of the feasibility of · of the United States submitting nomina­ By Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN: making the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence sea­ tions were communicated to the Senate H. R. 4271. A bill to establish an import way self-liquidating; and for other purposes; by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. quota on butter; to the Committee -on Ways to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. and Means. LEAVES OF ABSENCE By Mr. BUNKER: Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I ask H. R. 4272, A bill to provide for court review PRIVATE BILLS" AND RESOLUTIONS unanimous consent to be excused from of certain judgments of general courts mar­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private the Senate commencing this noon until tial of the Army; to the Committee on Mili­ bills and resolutions were introduced and tary Affairs. Tuesday morning. I . may say that the H. R. 4273. A bill to provide for court re­ severally referred as follows: reason for this request is that I have an vie-w of certain judgments of general courts By Mr. ENGLE of California: important engagement in North Dakota ' martial of the Navy; to the Committee on H. R. 4281. A bill for the relief of Nevada with the Surplus War Property Adminis­ Naval Affairs. County, Calif.; to the Committee on Claims. trator dealing with surplus property. 1945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9373 The PRESIDENT pro tempore.
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