Pursuing Women-Empowerment in the Public Transport System

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Pursuing Women-Empowerment in the Public Transport System Master Thesis Master's Programme in Nordic Welfare, 60 credits Pursuing Women-Empowerment in the Public Transport System A case study in Sweden Thesis - Health and Lifestyle, 15credits Halmstad 2020-10-16 Leila Emami HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY Pursuing Women-Empowerment in the Public Transport System A case study in Sweden Master's program in the Nordic welfare Thesis Health and Lifestyle – HL8031 Author Leila Emami Supervisor Marta Cuesta Examiner Linus Andersson October 2020 Halmstad Abstract This case study applies women's empowerment and feminist theories to discuss the transport system's possible link with women empowerment and understand how a gender-responsive transport system based on women's complex needs would empower them and improve their status of health and well-being. The research area is two small urban in Sweden with less than 1500 populations. The present study investigates the local women's mobility behavior to discover their daily travel challenges. Moreover, determining whether the local transport project, including the train station's commencement, is gender-aware in the policymaking and implementation part and conscious about the gender-mainstreaming and gender- equality policies. This research practices the qualitative method by employing semi- structured interviews with a small sample-group of women in the regions. The interpretation of data is being used as the theoretical knowledge approach. Besides, when the COVID-19 pandemic changed people's mobility behavior, they avoided using public transport for safety measurements and working from home. The research's last aim is to observe any change in people's mindset, behavior, and their trust level in public transport. The result shows a clear connection between the transportation system and women's empowerment and their well-being. The study presents having gender-awareness perspectives, and raising gender consciousness is necessary if the ultimate aim is designing an equitable transport system to support women empowerment. The research demonstrates that women still trust and prefer the public transport system and are ready to use it again after the COVID-19 and familiar situation. Keywords: gender-empowerment, women mobility, daily travel, public transport, subjective well-being, Sweden. Table of contents 1- Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 2- Background ..................................................................................................... 3 2-1- Introduction........................................................................................................ 3 2-2- Gender Mainstreaming ..................................................................................... 3 2-3- Gender Mainstream in the Transport Section ............................................... 4 2-4- Gender Mainstream in Sweden and Including in the Transport Section .... 5 2-5- Malmo, a City in Sweden as a Model ............................................................... 6 3-Previous Studies ....................................................................................................... 8 3-1- Gender Differences in Mobility ........................................................................ 8 3-2- Transportation and Women's Employment .................................................. 8 3-3- Women's Unique Needs in Transport .......................................................... 10 3-4- Safety, Accessibility, and Affordability of Transport System ..................... 11 3-5- Women and Transport Limitation in Rural Areas ...................................... 12 3-6- Women Participation in Policymaking ......................................................... 13 3-7- Women and Environmental Transportation ................................................ 14 3-8- Women's Travel Pattern in Sweden ............................................................. 15 4-Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................ 17 4-1- Nila Kabeer's Theory of Empowerment ....................................................... 17 4-2- Different Approach to Gender Empowerment and Gender Equality ....... 18 4-3- Gender Mainstreaming in Society ................................................................. 18 4-4- Transportation System and Gender Empowerment................................... 20 5-Problem Definition and Aims ............................................................................... 21 6-Methods................................................................................................................... 23 6-1- Design ................................................................................................................ 23 6-2- Data Gathering ................................................................................................ 23 6-3- Sampling ........................................................................................................... 25 6-4- Data Processing and Analysis ......................................................................... 26 6-5- Ethics ................................................................................................................. 27 6-6- Validity, Credibility, Generalization, and Reliability .................................... 27 6-7- Limitations ........................................................................................................ 28 6-8- Study Setting and Design ................................................................................ 28 7- Results .................................................................................................................... 29 7-1- Schedule, Connection Points, and Duration of Travel ................................ 30 7-2- Dependence, Cultural Norms, and Ethnic Group Behavior on Using the Private Car ............................................................................................................... 31 7-3 Reliance on Family Members or Others ........................................................ 33 7-4- Safety ................................................................................................................. 34 7-5- Employment, Education, and Social Life ...................................................... 35 7-6- The Future Opportunity and People Perspective on Future ..................... 36 7-7- Women Environmental View ......................................................................... 38 7-8- Women's Household and Child-care Responsibility .................................... 39 7-9- Covid-19 and Public Transportation.............................................................. 40 7-10- Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming Perspective in the Project42 8- Discussion .............................................................................................................. 44 8-1- Gender Equality and Gender Empowerment in the Public Transportation System ...................................................................................................................... 44 8-2- Gender Mainstreaming in the Public Transportation System.................... 50 9-Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 52 References .................................................................................................................. 55 Appendix (I) ............................................................................................................... 57 Appendix (II) .............................................................................................................. 58 Question from actors of the project ..................................................................... 58 Gender mainstreaming ........................................................................................... 58 Covid-19 ................................................................................................................... 59 Appendix (III)............................................................................................................. 60 Question from women in the area ........................................................................ 60 Covid-19 ................................................................................................................... 61 1- Introduction Gender is one of the critical variables that influence people's travel patterns and needs. Public transport is supposed to be effective and gender-based. Several research pieces confirm inequalities in mobility and indicate that women have inferior access to private and public transport systems worldwide. The public transport system in Europe needs more specific measures and actions to apply equity and sustainability. Besides, a careful review of previous studies confirms the lack of gender-mainstreaming in the transport system and women's insufficient role in planning the transport policies and the decision-making part. They indicate that transportation is a male-dominant sector that would adversely affect women's' mobility. Mobility is one of the principal rights of humans in society, and all citizens should equally enjoy an accessible and useful transport system despite their gender, ethnic background, social status, level of income, age, physical, or psychological states. However, we still can see all over the world in both developed
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