Facts About Laholm

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Facts About Laholm Facts about Laholm Northern Laholm Genevad – Veinge – Lilla Tjärby Halmstad Northern Laholm is an area offering a Genevad has just under E6 Genevad Veinge variety of landscapes, good transport 600 inhabitants. It has Laholmsbukten links and a varied business sector. a preschool, a primary Lilla Tjärby 117 Knäred There are three population centres: Ge- school up to grade 3 Mellbystrand Laholm nevad, Veinge and Lilla Tjärby. and a small conveni- Ysby Skummeslövs- Markaryd ence store. The primary strand Vallberga school for grades 4-9 is in The region Skottorp Ränneslöv The region has around 5,300 inhabit- Veinge. 24 ants divided between the three main Lilla Tjärby has justBåstad under Hishult Hasslöv Våxtorp settlements and a number of small vil- 950 inhabitants and is 2 km lages and rural dwellings. Employment in from the town of Laholm. It the region is dominated by small com- has several preschools. A primary Västerås Karlstad panies within the service sector and ag- school up to grade 3 is located in Stockholm Norrköping Linköping riculture. the village of Ahla, 3 km east of Lilla ÖrkelljungaTrollhättan Göteborg Borås Tjärby. Grades 4-9 attend school in Veinge. Jönköping Växjö Population centres Lilla Tjärby has a small convenience store. Halmstad Laholm Kalmar Helsingborg The largest community is Veinge, with There are good bus links from all these Kristianstad approximately 1,200 inhabitants. It has a locations to Laholm and Halmstad. Malmö preschool, a primary school up to grade 9, food store, kiosk, restaurant, etc. Things to see and do Northern Laholm is a region offering unique culture and nature. Visit Örelid's grave field from the Bronze Age. Take a stroll in the picturesque woodland of Göstorps skog or through Hollandsbjär nature reserve. To the east you will find Mästocka Ljunghed, a preserved heath- land area reminiscent of a bygone era. Another popular excursion destination is Flammafallet falls. South of the falls, you will find the interesting Boaltebygget, a 'ryggåsstuga' (type of peasant cottage) from the 1700s. Veinge offers a delight- ful outdoor pool, excellent cycle tracks, riding facilities and sports activities. Welcome to Northern Laholm! www.laholm.se Facts about Laholm Eastern Laholm Halmstad Knäred – Hishult E6 Genevad Veinge Eastern Laholm is a region of beauti- and hotel, etc. TheLaholmsbukten pri- mary school for grades Lilla Tjärby 117 Knäred and strong business sector and a lively 7-9 is in Veinge. Mellbystrand Laholm Ysby Markaryd mix of clubs and activities. There are Skummeslövs- two population centres in the region, Hishult has just strand Vallberga Knäred and Hishult. under 300 inhabit- Skottorp Ränneslöv ants. It has a preschool, 24 Båstad Hishult The region a primary school up to Hasslöv Våxtorp The region has around 2,400 inhabit- grade 6, food store, bank ants divided between the two main and bakery, etc. The primary settlements and a number of small vil- school for grades 7-9 is in Våx- lages and rural dwellings. Employment torp. Örkelljunga Västerås in the region is dominated by small and Karlstad Stockholm medium-sized companies within areas There are bus services to Laholm from Norrköping Linköping such as forestry, wood and furniture both locations. Trollhättan Göteborg Borås making. Jönköping Växjö Halmstad Things to see and do Laholm Kalmar Helsingborg Population centres Eastern Laholm has a great deal to offer Kristianstad The largest community is Knäred, with in the form of history, nature and culture. Malmö just under 1,100 inhabitants. It has a pre- The settlement of Knäred is perhaps best school, a primary school up to grade 6, known for the Treaty of Knäred in 1613, food store, petrol station, pizzeria, bank bringing to an end many years of war between Sweden and Denmark. There are many scenic rambling areas around Knäred. The idyllic Krokån river is an inviting spot for walkers, with natural bathing at Kvarnfallet. Outside Hishult lie Sjöboholm castle ruins, beautifully situated beside Oxhultasjön. You can en- - noeing, cycling, golf and football. Knäred also offers an outdoor pool, and for art enthusiasts, the Art Gallery in Hishult provides a memorable destination. Welcome to Eastern Laholm! www.laholm.se Facts about Laholm Western Laholm Mellbystrand – Skummeslövsstrand – Skottorp Western Laholm is the municipality's bakery, pizzeria, restaurant, most expansive region. Many people etc. A preschool and E6 Genevad Veinge want to live by the coast, with its primary school up to Laholmsbukten sandy beaches and open plains. The grade 6 can be found Lilla Tjärby 117 Knäred population centres in the region are in nearby Skottorp. Mellbystrand Laholm Ysby Mellbystrand, Skummeslövsstrand Markaryd Skummeslövs- and Skottorp. Skottorp is the smallest strand Vallberga of the main settlements Skottorp Ränneslöv The region in the region, with around 24 Hishult The region has around 3,700 inhabit- 450 inhabitants. It has a pre- Hasslöv Våxtorp ants divided between the three main school, a primary school up to settlements, a number of villages and grade 6, food store, pizzeria, etc. rural dwellings. Employment in the re- The primary school for grades gion is dominated by small companies, 7-9 is in Våxtorp. Västerås Karlstad primarily within the service sector, and Örkelljunga Stockholm agriculture. The region has good transport links Norrköping Linköping Trollhättan Göteborg Borås north towards Gothenburg and south to- Jönköping Population centres wards Malmö. There are good daytime Växjö Halmstad The largest community is Mellbystrand, bus services to Laholm. Laholm Kalmar Helsingborg Kristianstad with just under 2,000 inhabitants. It has Malmö a preschool and a primary school up Things to see and do to grade 6, shopping centre, food stores, Western Laholm entices visitors to en- small shops, several restaurants, etc. joy glorious bathing, with its 12 km The primary school for grades 7-9 is in sandy beach. The sand dune reserve Laholm. is inviting for sunbathing and strolls. Hökafältet is a beautiful nature reserve Skummeslövsstrand has approximately with meandering paths. Lagaoset, where 1,100 inhabitants. It has a food store, the River Lagan flows out into the sea, is great for fishing. The area around the beach offers activities such as kite- surfing, tennis, golf, mini-golf and an outdoor pool. Not far from the coast you will find Skottorp castle, Skottorp Stengods pottery and Wrångarps Gård spettkaksbageri (for traditional local dessert cake). Welcome to Western Laholm! www.laholm.se Facts about Laholm Southern Laholm Vallberga – Ränneslöv – Ysby – Våxtorp – Hasslöv Halmstad Southern Laholm is made up of fer- schools are located in tile agricultural land and fantastic Vallberga and Ränneslöv. E6 Genevad Veinge beech forests on Hallandsås. It is Vallberga has approxi- Laholmsbukten also home to Sweden's southernmost mately 650 inhabitants Lilla Tjärby 117 Knäred skiing centre and an active business and Ränneslöv just un- Mellbystrand Laholm Ysby climate. The population centres in the der 400. Ränneslöv has a Markaryd Skummeslövs- region are Hasslöv, Ränneslöv, Vallber- preschool and Vallberga strand Vallberga ga, Våxtorp and Ysby. has a primary school up to Skottorp Ränneslöv grade 6. The primary school 24 Båstad Hishult The region for grades 7-9 is in Laholm. Hasslöv Våxtorp The region has around 5,600 inhabit- Vallberga has a food store, café, ants divided between the five main set- bakery, kiosk, farm shop, etc. tlements, a number of villages and rural Ysby has approximately 300 inhab- dwellings. Employment in the region itants. It has a preschool, a primary Västerås Karlstad is dominated by agriculture and small school up to grade 3, food store, coun- Örkelljunga Stockholm companies, primarily within the service try store museum with café, etc. The Norrköping Linköping Trollhättan Göteborg Borås sector, along with some manufacturing primary school for grades 4-6 is in Vall- Jönköping industry. berga and for grades 7-9 in Laholm. Växjö Halmstad Laholm Kalmar Helsingborg Kristianstad Population centres All these locations have bus services to Malmö Våxtorp is the largest settlement in the Laholm. region, with around 950 inhabitants. It has a preschool, a primary school up to Things to see and do grade 9, food store, kiosk, petrol sta- Southern Laholm has plenty to do. Swim- tion, restaurant, annual markets, etc. ming in lakes or outdoor pools, riding, Hasslöv has approximately 250 inhabit- cycling, playing golf or football. Sights ants. It has childminders and a primary such as Karsefors dam and Lugnarohö- school up to grade 3. Other primary gen, a unique Bronze Age burial mound, are interesting visitor destinations. At Hallandsåsen it's action all the way: luge and cycling in summer, skiing and skat- ing in winter. Åsen offers rambling in the picturesque beech forests. A little way inland is the Hjörnered district, offering great scope for active outdoor living, with fishing, rambling and canoeing. Welcome to Southern Laholm! www.laholm.se.
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