The Solar Twin 18 Sco and the Sun G

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The Solar Twin 18 Sco and the Sun G Boletim da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira, 30, no. 1, 89-90 c SAB 2018 A study of likeness: The solar twin 18 Sco and the Sun G. T. Ponte & G. F. Porto de Mello 1 Observatório do Valongo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. The objective of this work is to make a direct empirical comparison between the solar twin 18 Sco and the Sun, using spectra of high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), high resolution (R) and wide spectral coverage. Resumo. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma comparação empírica direta entre a gêmea solar 18 Sco e o Sol, usando espectros de alta sinal ruído (S/N), alta resolução (R) e ampla cobertura espectral. Keywords. Stars: fundamental parameters – Stars: abundances – Stars: solar-type – Techniques: spectroscopic 1. Introduction may have a distinct perspective of the spectra when inspecting and fitting a low-degree polynomial to estimate its continuum. The detailed study of solar twins has direct applications both in the understanding of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy and the evolution of the properties of the Sun over time (such 2.4. Careful manual measurements as Monroe et al., 2013), besides being a powerful tool in the study of exoplanetary systems. Due to their characteristics sim- It has been shown in the literature that manual fitting profiles ilar to solar, the detailed spectroscopic analysis of these stars (such as Gaussian and Voigt), line by line, seems to be more becomes less dependent on the uncertainties present in the mod- precise than automatic methods. (e.g. Tucci Maia et al., 2017) eling of theoretical parameters, maximizing small spectral dif- ferences and making it possible to detail features of distinction or similarity. The objective of this work is to make a direct em- 3. Analysis pirical comparison between the solar twin 18 Sco and the Sun. First of all, we made a careful analysis of our data searching for gaps in spectra (such as very strong lines or instrumental problems), and then we split the spectra into 16 blocks (∆λ = 2. Working sample 70-200 Å). In this process, we used Solar Atlas (Kurucz et al., Using spectra of high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), high resolution 1984, Wallace et al., 2011) looking for suitable solar continuum (R) and wide spectral coverage, we evaluate how the impact regions with the view to anchor a global consistency. Later, the of different sources of error in the analysis can influence the spectra were normalized using IRAF/Pyraf interactive curve classification of a particular star as a solar twin. fitting package “continuum”. Then, we started to fit manually, line-by-line, Gaussian profiles in alpha elements, iron peak and Instrument: FEROS/ESO, R = 48.000 s-process lines: Ca I, Co I, Cr I, Cr II, Fe I, Fe II, Mn I, Ni I, Sc I, Sc II, Ti I, Ti II, YI, and Y II in order to measure full Spectral coverage: 4500 to 6850 Å with S/N > 350 width half maximum (FWHM), line depth (dr) and equivalent widths (EW). Below (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) we can see how different Objects: Ganymede, Vesta, 18 Sco, HD 150248, spectra can result in similar distributions and spreads. However, HD 164595, HD 138573, HD 98649, HD 118598 its similarity allows us to understand its differences. 2.1. More than one solar proxy We are using Ganymede and Vesta as solar proxy to test if their 4. Results and perspectives intrinsic caracteristics (e.g. chemical composition, albedo) influ- One basic criteria to determine how close is a star to the Sun is ence the obtained solar spectra. to look at the similarities between their spectral lines. A perfect solar twin should have median <dr> = 0 (Meléndez et al., 2006) 2.2. Wide spectral coverage and although we can see (Fig. 3 and 4) 18 Sco compared to Sun (with Ganymede as our best proxy) show some differences. To minimize the uncertainties, we are analysing a sufficient num- Another aspect of this work is to analyze the correlation be- ber of isolated lines of same species (Fe I, Fe II, Cr I, etc.) (Porto tween line-depth differences and their respective excitation po- de Mello, 1996) tentials. We will apply this method to the new twins HD 150248, HD 164595, HD 138573, HD 98649 and HD 118598 proposed 2.3. Systematics in continum normalization by Porto de Mello et al., 2014. This approach will allow us to map some of the sources of uncertainties and degrees of sub- This allows us to estimate biases induced by systematic particu- jectivity involved in determinations of spectroscopic similarity lar choices of continuum on manual normalization. Each person between the twins stars. 89 G. T. Ponte & G. F. Porto de Mello: The solar twin 18 Sco and the Sun Figure 1. Testing line-depth vs EW/λ to 18 Sco (two different spectra) and Sun (Ganymede) at 2σ confidence level. Figure 2. Test FWHM/λ vs EW showing us lines to be eliminated (out of 2σ) at the same spectra seen above in Fig. 1. References Kurucz, R. L., Furenlid, I.,& Brault, J, 1984, Solar Flux Atlas from 296 to 1300 nm, NSO Atlas No. 1. Meléndez, J., Dodds-Eden, K. & Robles., J. A., 2006, ApJ, 641, L133-L136 Monroe, T., Meléndez, J., Ramírez, I. et al. 2013, ApJL, 774, L32 Porto de Mello, G. F., 1996, PhD Thesis, Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro Porto de Mello, G. F., Da Silva, R., & Nader, R., 2014, A&A, 563, A52 Tucci Maia, M., Meléndez, J., Spina, L. & Lorenzo-Oliveira, D., 2017, MNRAS, submited Wallace, L., Hinkle, K., Livingston, W., & Davis, S. P., 2011, A Solar Flux Atlas for the Visible and Near Infrared, NSO Tech. Figure 3. Line-depth differences of a solar spectrum (Ganymede) and 18 Sco. Figure 4. Line-depth ratios of a solar spectrum (Ganymede) and 18 Sco. 90.
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