Ecodesign Methods and Tools: Development of Integrated Systems to Foster Sustainability in Industrial Companies
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Università Politecnica delle Marche Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze dell’Ingegneria Curriculum in Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecodesign methods and tools: development of integrated systems to foster sustainability in industrial companies Ph.D. Dissertation of: Marta Rossi Advisor: Prof. Michele Germani Co-Advisor: Ing. Paolo Masoni Curriculum supervisor: Prof. Nicola Paone XIV edition – new series Università Politecnica delle Marche Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze dell’Ingegneria Curriculum in Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metodi e strumenti di ecodesign: sistemi integrati per promuovere la sostenibilità in ambito industriale Ph.D. Dissertation of: Marta Rossi Advisor: Prof. Michele Germani Co-Advisor: Ing. Paolo Masoni Curriculum supervisor: Prof. Nicola Paone XIV edition – new series Università Politecnica delle Marche Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche Via Brecce Bianche — 60131 - Ancona, Italy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis is part of a research work on ecodesign and environmental evaluation of product lifecycle, which has been studied and coordinated within the DT&M research group of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of the Università Politecnica delle Marche. A profound thanks go to Prof. Michele Germani for giving me the possibility to work in this research group and for having involved me in several interesting research projects realized in collaboration with the industrial world. These experiences have allow me to growth in know- how and capabilities both on the technical and personal side. A big gratitude go also to the ENEA, that have co-financed my PhD and has contributed to the realization of all the related activities. In particular I would thank Paolo Masoni, Patrizia Buttol and Alessandra Zamagni for their teaching and the support they have providing me during these three years. I thank the FABER company, in which the implementation phase has been conducted, for having allow me to follow all the activities and for have providing me all the support needed. In particular Simone Biocco e Roberto Cingolani directly involved in the test activities. Of course I thank all the partners of the G.EN.ESI project. The results obtained during my PhD are strictly related to this European Project and the collaboration with its research team has contributed to my personal and technical growth, by allowing me to enlarge my vision and be in contact with expert researchers. Last but not least, thanks go to all my colleagues. In particular I would thank Marco Mandolini and Marco Marconi; for the first two years of my PhD I daily worked with them and I learnt a lot from their knowledge, expertise and their “modus operandi”. Of course I would thank all the PhD students of the DT&M group which have shared with me this experience. Thanks for your presence: each one of you has contributed to my growing. 4 RINGRAZIAMENTI Ora voglio ringraziare in italiano tutte le persone che hanno condiviso con me questo percorso, non soltanto dal punto di vista lavorativo, ma anche personale. In primis mio marito Edoardo, mamma, babbo e Nicola. Non servono spiegazioni…Grazie!! Grazie ad Irene, per essere arrivata nel bel mezzo del percorso ed aver reso tutto più bello e pieno di senso. Grazie ai miei nonni, che di sicuro seppur non materialmente presenti hanno osservato e monitorato tutto! Vi sento con me. Grazie ad Ilaria e Luca, molto più che amici, per il tempo prezioso e vivo che abbiamo condiviso con voi. Grazie ad Alessandra, amica e collega. Grazie per essere come sei (molto simile a me, specie nei pensieri…), per tutto il tuo entusiasmo, la tua precisione, la tua bravura e la tua competenza. Grazie per tutte le volte che abbiamo lavorato insieme, mangiato insieme, riso insieme! Speriamo di continuare a farlo ancora per molto!! Grazie a Chetto e al suo perenne essere “indietro”…Chetto in realtà tutti sappiamo che tu sei molto avanti!!! Grazie a Luzi, per il suo essere impeccabile e preciso, ma sempre disponibile all’aiuto. Grazie a Marco Mengarelli per aver condiviso con me i giorni a Bologna; so che la tua tenacia ti farà fare molta strada! Grazie a Lorenzo Cavalieri per la sua competenza, a Silvia e alle lunghe chiacchierate insieme, a Damiano per la sua calma e tranquillità. Grazie a tutti i colleghi del gruppo, in particolare a quelli di Q160 con i quali è un piacere lavorare, pranzare e ridere insieme. 5 ABSTRACT In the last years, the environmental problem has become very serious and the concept of environmental sustainability has become important also inside industrial contexts. In order to promote the environmental consciousness and to favor the design and manufacture of sustainable products, a lot of ecodesign methods and tools have been developed. However their use inside companies is still quite low, due to their complexity, time consuming and need for specific knowledge. From these considerations it comes the need for approaches that allow to realize effective environmental analysis in a simplified and rapid way. The research goal of this PhD thesis can be synthetized as the definition of a new approach to foster the implementation of ecodesign strategies inside industrial companies. The CRB (Case Base Reasoning) tool developed at first as a module of the G.EN.ESI software platform and then optimized as a stand-alone tool, aims at supporting designers by collecting ecodesign guidelines and company best practices in a structured and well organized framework. Data stored on the tool database can in fact contribute to increase the knowledge of the user on the ecodesign issue, facilitate the retrievement of improvement solution strategies and reduce the time for solving problems. Designers, also if with low skills on environmental issues, are in this way supported in the application of ecodesign strategies and can design and manufacture green and sustainable products. The implementation of the CBR tool into two industrial cases has allowed to validate the tool, optimize its functionalities and evaluate its usability. 6 TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4 RINGRAZIAMENTI 5 ABSTRACT 6 INTRODUCTION 18 1 STATE OF THE ART 22 1.1 Material and method adopted to realize the literature review ................................. 23 1.2 Tools and methods framework .................................................................................. 25 1.2.1 LCA tools 25 1.2.2 CAD integrated tools and methodology 26 1.2.3 Diagram Tools 27 1.2.4 Checklists and Guidelines 28 1.2.5 Design for X approaches 29 1.2.6 Methods for supporting the company’s ecodesign implementation and generation of eco innovation 30 1.2.7 Methods for implementing the entire life cycle and user centred design for sustainability 31 1.2.8 Methods for integrating different existing tools 32 1.3 Barriers for the implementation of ecodesign methods and tools in companies ....... 33 1.4 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 35 1.4.1 Possible strategies to overcome barriers 36 1.5 State of the art - Conclusion ...................................................................................... 37 2 THE G.EN.ESI PROJECT 45 2.1 The G.EN.ESI Partners................................................................................................ 46 2.2 G.EN.ESI Project main objective ................................................................................ 49 2.3 The G.EN.ESI Methodology ........................................................................................ 49 2.3.1 Elements needed to support the methodology 51 2.4 The G.EN.ESI Platform ............................................................................................... 52 7 2.4.1 G.EN.ESI tools interoperability through an XML file 55 2.4.2 G.EN.ESI integration with commercial tools (CAD, PLM) 56 2.5 The G.EN.SI Platform tools ........................................................................................ 57 2.5.1 Eco Material software tool 57 2.5.2 DfEE software tool 58 2.5.3 Lean DfD software tool 59 2.5.4 S-LCA analyst software tools 73 2.5.5 CBR software tool 78 2.5.6 Web Interface 87 2.6 The G.EN.ESI Platform workflow ............................................................................... 88 3 FIRST CASE STUDY: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE G.EN.ESI SOFTWARE PLATFORM IN FABER. RESULTS AND LIMITS 90 3.1 The product case study.............................................................................................. 90 3.2 Functional and modular analysis ............................................................................... 93 3.2.1 Functional and Modular Analysis of the cooker hood 94 3.3 Regulations concerning the performance .................................................................. 97 3.3.1 EN 61591: Household range hoods and other cooking fume extractors - Methods for measuring performance 97 3.3.2 European Regulation 65/2014 101 3.4 G.EN.ESI software platform implementation in FABER ............................................ 105 3.4.1 Eco Material 106 3.4.2 MI BoM Analyzer 107 3.4.3 DfEE 111 3.4.4 LeanDfD 115 3.4.5 eVerdEE 126 3.5 Hotspots identification and related solution strategies ........................................... 127 3.6 Redesign hypothesis ...............................................................................................