' : " : : . . rf rf ' have over the ignor- . r ' : The intelligent a right S Mil ma m i ii l r ii 'a i r s The habit of reading is the only eajojncnt I r them. ant, gamely the right of instructing ill know in which there is no alloy. Trollop2. Emerson.


' r v'-V'- Turkevs Are Sellina at 45 to 55 Cents, While Prices of Vege Montana Solon Says He is Positively Against Re-Leasi- ng of tables Remain About the Same Hooverized Menus for, the Government Sugar Acreage and Thinks: Congress Should Holidays are Advocated Not Stand for Action to Prevent Throwing Open to Entry 1

: Notwithstanding the universal In- Roast Turkey Absolutely and unqualifiedly' In of the arguments that have , been ad- crease in the cost of living, and Cranberry Sauce Glblet Stuffing favor of homesteadlng all government vanced against his opinion. He despite embargo on luxujies, the Creamed Cauliflower thinks that the theory that cane pro- the ; sugar soon as they can be fruits and vege- Mashed Potatoes lands as duction would be reduced by a change prices of California plantation - tables are very little higher, if any, Mince Pie Steamed Pudding with made ready, after the Is a "bugaboo." : then they were this time last year Hard Sauce leases expire is the feeling expressed "It may be," he admits, "but the law in Honolulu. Here are a few prices, Ice Cream Coffee V by Senator Henry L. Myers of Mon- should be modified so as to ellminata, ' picked up at random at the be6t The 50 cents dinner which will be tana, chairman of the upper house the speculator, but I am not in favor .stalls at the fishmarket this morning. served next Wednesday has the fol committee on public lands, after , his of repealing the '25 petitioners' clause. Cauliflower is plentiful at 15 to 25 lowing menu: visit to! the islands of Hawaii and The elimination of the speculator can cents a head; cabbage, 5 cents a Honolulu Salad Kauai and a careful study of condi- be secured in some other way. .. " pound; celery, firm, white heads and Celery Olives . tions there. v "The argument has' also. been mads e talks. 15 to 25 cents; onions, 4 cents Roast Duck "1 am positively against; releasing to me that the homesteader does not " I how to his land. If the a pound; potatoes, 5 pounds for 25 Roselleberry Sauce these lands," says the senator, "and know handle ' cents; sweet potatoes, 10 pounds for Stuffing predict that neither the people of this Kapaa district which I - visited on 25 'cents, or a bag holding 95 pounds Mashed Squash French Fried Pota- - territory nor the members of congress Kauai is to be taken as a fair meas-us- e for $1.50; squashes, 25 to 35 cents a y toes will ever stand; lor any. repeal of the of homesteadlng I fall to see how piece. All these prices are on coast ., Graham and Butter present laws that will prevent the the argument will hold good. There vegetables, and are just' about what Kona Coffee throwing open of public lands as now. was every evidence of thrift and pros- they were last Thanksgiving week. Except for the celery, olives and "I have talked with the people in perity and houses, yards . and cane oranges, very large, 5 bread, everything on this every we have visited and fields, and the people themselves ap California Graham district " y cents a piece; raisins, in bulk, 15 menu is made of island products. have listened to all they have said. pear happy and. contented." cents a pound; pears, 10 cents a Three other "Hooverized" Thanks My opinion based on my own convic- Senator Myers believes .there .will pound; fresh California grapes, 15 giving menus have been prepared by tions and what l have seen and heard be no loss in revenue by turning over cents a pound; apples, 3 pounds for the women's committee of the terri is that these lands must be opened. the land to a number oit people rath- 25 cents; cranberries. 25 cents a torial food commission, with special "It is continues Sena- er than drawing lease money from a pound. emphasis on the use of the island-grow- n tor Myers, "to follow a system of leas- corporation. The revenues can be These cranberries are far from products in the preparation ing back these lands to the corpora- raised by taxation which is an Ameri- ' uniform in size, but they are juicy, of the meal on November 29. Here tions. I do not believe In government can method, he says. He points out and apparently sound. A good sub- are the approved menus: landlordism." - - . that taxes here are much lower than I many stitute for cranberry sauce may be . No. 1. v Senator Myers takes up a number places in the mainland. made of the island roselle berries. Cream of Carrot Soup Fried Crou-ton- s Roselles are used by Mrs. James Rus- of Graham Bread CONGRESSIONAL CITY MUST PROVIDE Y. W. C. A. all the time Belgian Hare sell at the Fried ON MONEY FOR COURTS ELSE instead of cranberries, and they will Fried Bananas Forcement BaU RESOLUTION appear on her menu for the Y. W. C. Cream Squash Baked Potatoes QUEEN ENGROSSED Jl 0 J U RY :TR I ALS TILL ' 1 8 A. Thanksgiving dinner Wednesday. Pumpkin Pie Papaia Sherbet

much - Island oranges, too, are No. 2 engraved resolution tendering to appropriation to carry cheaper than California oranges, be- Papaia Cocktail An Additional "surviving friends and Hawaiian peo- the courts to. the beginning ; of next ing 25 cents a dozen for good, sound Roast Turkey .with Potato or Corn lots of ple" sincere sympathy for the ' the-boar- and island grapes are 10 cents Meal Dressing year will possibly; be made by fruit, Queen Lllluokalanl , has been ; drawn 15 cents for the Roselleberry Mango Chutney a pound against' Sauce up by the congressional party through of supervisors 'at Its meeting California variety.. Celery special committee. The ' resolution Wednesday night. In connection w ith turkey is temptingly good Onions Mashed Squash a Island Creamed Dough-e- -- weight and has been engraved by WaU & l this matter City Attorney A. M. this year at 45 cents live French Fried Potatoes ty copies presented to and will be Brown said this morhlng: . 50 . and 55 cents dressed, the higher Pumpkin Pie Steamed Pudding aay to Prince.Kuhlo and to Go7ernw - price being for specially fed fowls with Hard Sauce ' "There' Is a statute ;maklng It a E.,Pinkhard. ; Cold storage L. criminal offense for: an executive or from the Parker ranch. Kona Coffee VThe nation has lost one whose life judicial , an. obligation turkey is selling at all the markets No. 3 by I distinguished officer to incur pound; was characterized when" there is mouey nor an at from 45 to 50 cents a coldl Cream of Tomato Soup "ONWARD WITH 60D" commoh countrv '. is neither 40 cents service to the appropriation to Unless storage chickens to io Roast Turkey with Potato .Dressing DRAWN, -- R. MACAU LEY. expressed In the meet it the Metro- 5YC. one of the sentiments board of supervisors does make an Island chicken, dressed, at the Celery Cranberry" Sauce resolution. The resolutica 13 signed 55 to 65 2 appropratlon sufficient to cover the politan is selling at from Boiled Onions Steamed Squash without browning. Add tablespoons Salt and pepper and 1 cup green CHARGES OF BRUTALITY by Senator William H. King and Rep- seem plenti- ; expense grand jurors and jur- cents a pound. Turkeys Mashed Potatoes flour, salt and pepper and a dust of celery chopped fine, Mix togther resentatives: T. W Temple, autl "O. of trial year, but island chickens are Cottage Cheese nutmeg. Pour on the water In which and stuff turkey'. TO BE HEARD DEC. 4 ors there 'can be no -- more trials by ful this Salad with Green Rtavis. ;r 9 "'.' h hard to get at any price. Peppers carrots were boiled. Stir till it thick- Pies in these three menus are juryf until 1918. That means that all food1-conservationi- st; - re- The patriotic Pumpkin Pie - - Carrot Pudding ens. Add the carrots and Just before single crust pies. Crust to contain A meeting of the Civil Service Com Henry J. Lyman, of the Kapoho our work on criminal cases will 1-- however, does not consider the price Frozen Pineapple serving, boil 1 pint of new milk and 4 Graham flour. mission was . held : yesterday to set Plantation, "Hawaii, was a departing main at a standstill, just where It is be- of food when she is planning her An effort has' been made by the add. Serve with Graham bread cut a date Ifor hearing of the charges passenger in the Mauna-Ke- a Satur- now, but I have every reason to ! ap- Thanksgiving dinner. What she take3 women in Honolulu interested in in squares and fried. brought - by D. Fernandez against Of day for the Big Island. ; He was ac- lieve that the board will make. ah into consideration is whether or not food conservation to make use of CARROT PUDDING JUDGE DOLE MAY ficer Machado of the police force. companied by his wife. propriation h sufficient - to carry , us the food she is using could be used to Belgian hare wherever possible, the 1 cup raw grated carrots, 1 cup raw Fernandez,1 who Is a Filipino, claims through. . : - - -- complain- ' better advantage by our Allies, or result being that there Is now a grated potatoes, 1 cup seeded raisins, that the officer on making the arrest Rawlins is attorney for the "The R. O. Matheson . libel suit,', After that shortage delicacy on mar- cup sugar, 1 cup Graham flour, 1 struck him in the right eye, On the ant, oneriff Rose will act as attorney when the defendant enters a plea cf by the men at the front of that the 1 " 6he considers whether It takes up ket. Mrs. Russell ordered 70 pounds teaspoonful soda mixed in flour, 1 right ': ear, in, the ;nose. and. in the for the police officer. - . not guilty, will dodbtlesy call for a .; " cargo space 'that might be saved for of Belgian 3iare for the Y. W. C. A. teaspoonful allspice, 1 teaspoonful TURN AUTHOR mouth, knocked him down, and that Date of hearing has been set foy Jury trial, which cannot be had this m7' . : a better purpose, and whether by its Thanksgiving dinner, but the order salt, butter size of egg, add currants, while he lay on the ground' he was Tuesday of next week, at 2 p. , In year unless the appropriation 13 use she is discouraging home produc- could not be filled so she ordered steam two hours. kicked by; the policeman. William T. the assembly hall. - ; - u : made." V ... v;; tion of the same food, or a perfectly island duck instead. FROZEN PINEAPPLE Deep satisfaction at the manner in good substitute. Then she considers .However, as the hares multiply ; Ripe pineapple grated through a which the United States has exposed whether the money she puts into it rapidly and grow fast, this shortage coarse grater, sweetened and packed country the several plots concocted by the would be worth more to the is only temporary, and the second around with chipped ice for 3 hours kaiser and Wilhelmstrasse again'st this If she gave it to the Red Cross, and recipe given below, showing how to before serving. Serve in dainty country since entrance into the whether prepare Ihis so It its last of all, she considers her toothsome edible glasses. by an-for- d ex European conflict, is expressed own pocketbook can stand the can't' be distinguished from chicken FORCEMEAT BALLS B. Dole, former United States pense. except by those familiar with the Wash liver from hares and remove judge, who, with Mrs. Dole, returned m Mrs. Russell, of the, Food Commis' anatomy of both the hare and the gall. Put on in cold water and boil td; Honolulu recentl from a seven C. A. i sen, says thaWt costs the Y. W. hen will be greatly appreciated. 10 minutes. months' tour of the mainland. 1-- 2 1-- 2 wheatless BELGIAN HARE 1 suet, teaspoon- ' . day to have the onion, , , $5 a more cud Judge Dole is seriously considering ... , . ,, ,, . i day, but she goes right on with it 2 hares, cleaned and cut In small ful parsley, 1-- 2 teaspoonful lemon retiring from public life and intends just the 6ame because she feels, as joints. Roll in fl'our and pepper and rind. Chop fine with liver. to devote much of his time to writing. do the directors of the association, fry in fat quickly till brown all over. 1 cup Graham flour, 2 tablespoon-ful- l Upon leaving the bench in federal ! that it is the duty of every woman to Place in a pan with tight fitting fat, 1 egg well-beate- n, 1-- 2 tea- court he practised law to some extent, i save the white flour. The additional cover and add salt. Fry 2 onions spoonful baking powder. but now is contemplating abandoning cost is not so much for the brown finely chopped and sprinkle over. METHOD the profession, at least temporarily. bread and corn bread U6ed as for the Let the hare cook slowly for an hour Mix together. If not moist enough He has about completed a series of substitutes for pies and cakes, all either in tireless or on slow fire. Lift add a little milk. Form Into small reminiscences of important political of which are more expensive than the out carefully and make gravy from balls and boll in the stock pot or events in Hawaii as he recalls them. pie or cake themselves. the pan and pour over. plain water 20 minutes. and 'this is to be published in Hono- din- , .The Y. W. C. A. Thanksgiving Other ,not generally known recipes POTATO DRESSING lulu soon, and Jater in book. form. ner, which will be served Wednes- that have been approved by the 2 cups hot mashed "potatoes, turkey Judge an,d Mrs. Dole visited many 28, is" . very much commission make use of island pro- chopped, 1-- 2 cup day, November glllets cooked and of the larger cities on-- the mainland simpler than the dinner for last year, ducts, giving dishes which are both fat, 2 cups Graham crumbs, during the trip, 'and spent the summer but ii will also cost Jess, the price delicious and nourishing. Several of salt and pepper. quietly on the Maine coast. In Bos- last year being 75 cents a plate, these recipes are given here. METHOD ton they met Alan Lowrey, now in 50 CREAM Y while this year it is only cents. . OF CARROT SOUP Mix together and stuff turkey. the aviatjon corps. Stanley Kennedy mi Last year the girls who ate their (For 4-- 6 people) CORN MEAL DRESSING was also in. the city at the time," but v - Thanksgiving dinner ,at the Y. W. C. Scrape 6 large carrots. Boil in 1 cup fat meat cut in cubes, 3-- 4 they did not see him. On the main- A. had salt water to cover till tender. Mash cup, corn meal cooked in 4 cups wa- land, says Judge Dole, one is not very Fruit Cocktail' through seive or potato ricer. Fry ter or stock. 1 onion chopped fine, materially impressed with the fact Celery Olives Sweet Pickels 1 finely chopped onion in chicken fat 1 tablespoonful parsley chopped fine. that the United States is at war, as there is no apparent excitement. The camps, however, show probably bet- anything gov- Star I ter than else that the (r ernment is active, he explains. 'SALVATION ARMY IS bring Xmas business RAISING WAR FUND fXTT M The Salvation Army workers of Try this easy way to crowd your store: Arrange attractive inter- Honolulu began today a campaign ior displays of the goods you wish to "push." School your clerks in to- - raise $2000, which is Hawaii's share of the $200,000 needed by the tjie origin of these goods, their uses and values. Then lay out a' three Are Here Told the Best Remedy Salvation Army to carry on its wari or four days' advertising campaign in the ' Star:Bulletin. Don't he relief work in Europe. flowery, in straight-forwar- d, - matter-of-fa- ct language for Their Troubles i Since the beginning of the war the technical or but ' Frecmont, O. "I was passing' through the critical Army has maintained recreation huts, tell just What the articles are, why they are, what they jrill do and how period of life, being; forty-si- x years of age and had all hotels for traveling soldiers, ambu- - cost.v - I r--1: -- ; v much they t. the symptoms incident to that change heat flashes, lances for the transportation of the , nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, wounded, and many other things so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydla E. Pink-ham- 's which add to the comfort and well-- J Do this three or four times a month for a couple of months, and you Compound Vegetable was recommended to me as being of . the soldier abroad. They remedy my troubles,whicb, surely proved will be astonished how quickly your sales staff will take new interest the best for it have given the American government i to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since 15 medical field! in their work; how rapidly goods you despaired of selling will disapr : -- automobiles for the taking it, and the annoying: symptoms care disap- 15 be Mrs. M. Gosxrcar, ess service, and have ready more to pear from your shelves, ami how quickly your balance in the bank will peared." MpolecaSt., Fremont, given when the government calls for them. " They have spent 900,000 up to mount. ' Korth. Haven. ConnWLydia E. Pinkhams Vegeta- the present time and are in need of Compound my everything1 ble restored health after else more with.which to carry on the work. of year so of advertising op- - had failed when passing1 through change of life. There Salvation Army workers,in uniform There is no season the full ; is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms.w will visit every home of Honolulu, ask portunities as this one.- - Make your plans now for ateal, .Mrs. Flosxscs I&elxjBox 197, Korth Haven, Conn. ' ing for donations. They will also have red-bloode- Star-Bulleti- d, go-and-get-'- n Christmas cam-- . for sale tickets to the concert which will be given on December 6th In Mis paign. It willpay you bigger and steadier dividends than ; a sion Memorial The concert will gilt-edge- hall. any other d investment you can make. be under the direction of Lieut-Co- L R. Dubbin, and will have the Manoa Girls' band as one attraction. Several noted artists will also appear. . PRIZE CUP CON u

TEST ON ROOF itThe 6,300 Family-pow- er Evening Pager, "

Wednesday, Nov. 38." The winner of lyOlA E.P1NKHAM MEDICI Kg CO. LVM H.MAS S.. this contest .will receive a beautiful eflver loving cup donated by (he Regal J pnoe store. Adv. V