Skeleton Lake State of the Watershed Report 2007
Skeleton Lake State of the Watershed Report 2007 Prepared for: Skeleton Lake Stewardship Association P.O. Box 156 9768-170 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5T 5L4 Prepared by: Aquality Environmental Consulting Ltd. 11216-23B Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6J 4Z6 Writers: Melissa Logan, B.Sc., P.Biol. Michelle Gray, B.Sc. Jay S. White, M.Sc., P.Biol. August 23, 2007 Skeleton Lake State of the Watershed Report 2007 Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following people and organizations in the preparation of this report: Hugh Harper, SLSA Brian Curial, SLSA Rick Tiedemann, SLSA Don Johnston, Johnston Builders Bill Rozeboom, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Abdi Siad-Omar, Alberta Environment Chris Davis, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Candace Vanin, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration WorleyParsons Komex © 2007 Aquality Environmental Consulting Ltd. i Skeleton Lake State of the Watershed Report 2007 Executive Summary Skeleton Lake is located in the County of Athabasca in central Alberta, Canada. It is a popular recreational lake which has been extensively developed. Currently, the most pressing concern facing the lake is rapidly dropping water levels, which have reached a record low, dropping 1.57 meters since 1988. Factors that contribute to this decline include climate change, groundwater loss, change in land use (development) and water diversion. A sense of urgency exists among local residents to address the problem. Continued decreasing water levels brings concern over declines in water quality, loss of fish habitat and populations, deteriorating riparian areas and loss of recreational areas. The purpose of this report is to summarize and synthesize current environmental information for the Skeleton Lake watershed.
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