New Zealand Journal of SPORTS MEDICINE Official Journal of Sports Medicine New Zealand Inc Volume 38 • Number 1 • 2011 Photo: Garrick Cameron Kindly Supplied by Rowing New Zealand Special Rowing Issue NZ JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE Instructions to Authors GENERAL The New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine is the official journal of Sports Medicine New Zealand, publishing material relevant to sports medicine and related disciplines. The New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine welcomes submissions of original manuscripts from both members and non-members of Sports Medicine New Zealand in the following areas: sports medicine, sports physiotherapy, clinically relevant sports science, rehabilitation, coaching issues as they relate to sports medicine, exercise prescription and training, sports chiropractic, sports podiatry, and sports psychology. Manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere except in abstract form. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial board and/or experts in the field of interest. Submissions are in the following categories: a Original Research b Case Reports c Review Articles d Editorials e Letters to the Editor f Sports Medicine Pearls g Policy Statements SUBMISSION DETAILS Manuscripts are to be sent to The Editor, New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine, Sports Medicine New Zealand, PO Box 6398, Dunedin, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3 477 7887, facsimile +64 3 477 7882, email
[email protected]. The manuscript text should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Please do not use styles for headings, etc, ensure your manuscript is in the style ‘Normal’. (For submission of graphics, please see Tables, Illustrations, Figures, Photos below). The manuscript may be sent via email however one hard copy must also be submitted, including any tables, figures, and photographs.