Brussels, 11.2.2016 COM(2016) 64 final



to the

Proposal for a Council Decision

on the conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the East African Community (EAC) Partner States, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the other part


ANNEX III and IV to the Agreement


EPA DEVELOPMENT MATRIX 11 SEPTEMBER 2015 Project Sub- Location Geographi Current Status Total EU EU Other EAC PS Gap to be Equivalent Implementa Comments component cal Estimate Member Donors financed ($ in Euros tion Period Coverage d Cost ($ States millions) (1 $ = 0.78 million) Euro)

Northern Mombasa Kenya Burundi, Feasibility Studies 1,375.00 - - 885.00 690.00 5 years Modernize infrastructure Corridor No. Port Uganda, and detailed designs at the port to allow larger 1 Development Rwanda completed and vessels to call at the port (Mombasa- (MPDP) and phase 1ongoing & and enhance trade - It Malaba- phase 2 funding is includes development of Katuna) available new container terminal berth No. 23 at a cost of $ 300 million. The conversion of conventional cargo berths 11 to 14 into container berths at a cost of $ 73 million. Relocation of Kipevu Oil terminal at $ 152 million. Development of Dongo Kundu Free Port at a cost of $300 Million. Dredging of the Channel $ 60 Million


Voi Dry port Kenya Burundi, Feasibility study 104.00 81.12 4 years To decongest Mombasa Uganda, done Port and regional transit Rwanda point. 97 acres of land and available. Tanzania Container Tanzania/ Kenya, Project study is 212.00 5 years Enabling easier Ship Hub Zanzibar Uganda already completed transhipment and good development link along EAC coast wise and in land container ports destination Development of Kisumu Port and other Lake Victoria Ports Development Kenya Kenya, Initiated 22,000.00 30.00 21,170.00 5 years Development of the Port of new Rwanda, of Lamu, Road Network, transport Uganda, 3 International Airports, corridor from Tanzania Oil Refinery, Pipeline Lamu to and and 3 Resort Cities for an Ethiopia and Burundi efficient rail transport South Sudan linking Lamu Port to South Sudan and Ethiopia Widening of Burundi Burundi, Feasibility studies 19.00 - - - - 19.00 14.82 This project will allow the port basin Tanzania & completed Bujumbura Port and Rwanda Construction of Construction Breakwater at Port of a container Entrance and terminal in Rehabilitation of Oil Bujumbura Terminal Port


Shipyard Burundi Kenya, Ongoing Feasibility 7.00 - - - - 7.00 5.46 Improvement of construction Tanzania, studies available equipment handling, at Bujumbura Uganda, (within Ports construction of a port Rwanda Master Plan) warehouse, enlargement of docks, construction of a new port authorities building. Cost to be determined. Renovation of the fleet, construction of new vessels, improving navigation safety. Construction Uganda Uganda & Feasibility study to 300.00 - - - - 300.00 234.00 5 years Will enable the easy of Bukasa Tanzania be undertaken access and connection to Port and Tanzania associated ships to connect with Mwanza Port in Tanzania Establish Off Rwanda Rwanda, Feasibility studies 34.00 - - WB - 34.00 26.52 7years GoR is implementing Dock Burundi, completed for both and this project as part of the Container Kenya, Mombasa and Dar. TMEA integrated logistics Depots in Uganda and Land acquisition in facilities project seeking Mombasa and Tanzania Mombasa is in the to transform the Dar Es final stage while the Logistics chain from the Salaam process has not ports to the hinterland; started in Dar es reduce costs and improve Salaam. operations.


Development Tanzania Tanzania, The feasibility 500.00 - - - - 500.00 390.00 3 years The railway project is of a New Port Uganda study was part of the Tanga at Mwambani completed in (Mwambani) – Arusha - Bay Tanga November, 2012. Musoma - New Kampala and the Following Railway and Maritime Musoma unsuccessful project, which also has a Railway international maritime component of competitive tender developing high capacity procurement Under new ports at Mwambani - Design build Tanga, Musoma and Finance (DBF) on Kampala. The line will 27 January 2015 it open Tanga has been decided Development Corridor to that the project will the International gateway be undertaken in and promote cross border two phases starting trade with neighbouring with detailed countries. The railway designs independent line will be used to of construction transport agriculture and works. ToR for forest products, soda ash, design is expected phosphates and other to be advertised in mineral products to the August 2015 market centres. The project will also stimulate evacuation of a huge nickel deposit which has been discovered at Dutwa, some 100 km east of Mwanza and a huge soda ash deposit at /near Lake Natron. Construct oil Burundi Rwanda & Not initiated ------Feasibility studies and pipeline from Burundi construction not yet Kigali to initiated. Costs to be


Bujumbura determined by the study. BAD accepted (579,368$) the financial support in the framework of the EAC Construction Kenya Kenya, Feasibility study 194.74 - - - - 194.74 151.90 5 years Installation of a 14-inch of parallel Uganda, completed diameter oil pipeline pipeline from Rwanda from Nairobi to Eldoret Nairobi to and Eldoret to Burundi increase the pumping capacity Extension of Kenya Kenya & Design 144.94 - - - - 144.94 113.05 5 years Construction of Eldoret - the Kenya- Uganda /procurement Malaba - Kampala oil Uganda initiated pipeline to ensure safety Petroleum and supply of oil Pipeline products to Uganda, (KUPPE) install a 10 inch diameter oil pipeline in the reverse implemented by both countries.


Central Development Tanzania Tanzania, TPA is in the 120.00 - - - - 120.00 93.60 5 years The project will increase Corridor No. of Kisarawe Uganda, process of acquiring capacity of the port of 2 (Dar es Freight Rwanda 1,760 acres for to handle Salaam- Station (KFS). and project traffic for Tanzania and Dodoma- Burundi development. The neighbouring countries Isaka- Contract for of Burundi, Rwanda and Mutukula- carrying out Uganda. Masaka) Feasibility Study was signed on 17th September 2014 and the Consultant now is at Interim stage of the study and expected to complete the study by end of September, 2015.


Construction Tanzania, Tanzania, Feasibility Study on 5,580.00 - - - - 5,580.00 4,352.40 8 years of a standard Burundi Burundi construction of a gauge railway and and standard gauge line from Dar Rwanda Rwanda railway from Isaka - es Salaam - Kigali /Keza - Isaka - Kigali Gitega -Musongati /Keza - Gitega was completed - Musongati under AfDB (km 1,670). financing ($2.80ml). Feasibility study for upgrading to standard gauge of Dar-Isaka line was completed by BNSF under USTDA & BNSF joint financing ($ 0.9 ml). Detailed Engineering study for the whole railway line (Dar es Salaam-Isaka- Kigali/Keza-Gitega- Musongati) was finalised in November 2014 under AfDB financing ($8.9ml) Project coordinated by a Secretariat chaired by Tanzania and Rwanda hosting the project secretariat.


A Transaction Advisor (CPSC) was recruited to package the project into PPPs and assist in finance negotiations. An EoI was requested in July 2015.


Upgrading to Tanzania Tanzania, 124.00 - - - - 124.00 96.72 5 years Funding is sought for bitumen Burundi, 124 km only standard of Rwanda Mutukula- and Uganda Kyaka- Bugene – Kasulo (277 km). Development Tanzania Burundi, A Transaction 400.00 - - - - 400.00 312.00 3 years Estimate cost is for of berths 13 & Rwanda Advisor (CPSC) construction and 14 at Dar es and Uganda was recruited to equipment procurement Salaam Port package the project into PPPs and assist in finance negotiations. An EoI was requested in July 2015. Improvements Tanzania Tanzania, Feasibility study for 400.00 - - - - 400.00 312.00 5 years to Mwanza Kenya, Mwanza Port South, Uganda, Modernization and Rwanda started in August, Kasanga and 2014 by Consultant ports. Burundi Royal Haskoning and will be completed in March, 2015. Modernization works to start after completion of studies

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Upgrading of Tanzania EAC- A total of 50km 203.46 0 0 0 1.46 202 5 years Mpanda – SADC- from Mpanda- Uvinza – COMESA Mishamo (Mpanda- Kanyani (252 Usiumbili section km) (35 km)) is under The road procurement for section is part works under GOT of the funding. The Western missing link which Corridor requires financing is namely: the Usimbili- Tunduma – Mishamo-Uvinza- Sumbawanga Kanyani 267km. – Mpanda – Feasibility Study Kigoma - and Designs Nyakanazi completed by the (1286 km). GoT. Economic activities along this corridor include agriculture, tourism, mining, timberworks, fishing and gold smiting. Section of Tz's major western corridor, opening up central- western Tanzania and

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connecting with EAC and COMESA regions. It is an important linkage to the TANZAM, at Tunduma and Central Corridors, at Nyakanazi.

Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tanzania, Feasibility study 200 0 0 0 0 200 5 years Expressway Southern EAC, and design are will Bypass COMESA ongoing under GOT decongest Expressway financing the central (85.5 km) - transport Link Dar Port corridor and with proposed increase Kisarawe Dry efficiency of Port and traffic Mlandizi. throughput into and out of Dar city. Upgrading to Tanzania Tanzania, Feasibility study 460.00 - - - - 460.00 358.80 5 years bitumen Rwanda and design are on- standard of and going under the Handeni - Burundi Government of Kiberashi - Tanzania financing Singida Road (460 km).

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Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tanzania, Feasibility study 200.00 - - - - 200.00 156.00 5 years Expressway will Southern Burundi and design are on- decongest the central Bypass and going under the transport corridor and Expressway Rwanda Government of increase efficiency of (85.5 km) Tanzania financing traffic throughput into and out of Dar city. Construction Burundi Burundi Not initiated 6.00 - - - - 6.00 4.68 2011/12 - of Rumonge Tanzania Feasibility studies 2014/16 port available (Feasibility studies and construction) Rehabilitation Rwanda Rwanda The Government of 75.45 - - 0.45 - 75.00 58.50 3 years The project appraisal by of Kayonza- and Rwanda is JICA was completed in Rusumo road Tanzania mobilizing funds July 2015 (92 km) from JICA and AfDB. Rehabilitation Rwanda Rwanda Detailed study was 26.20 - - 0.20 - 26.00 20.28 3 years No funding for works yet of Musanze - and Uganda initiated in March available Cyanika Road 2015. It is due to be (24 km) completed in November 2015 Upgrading of Rwanda Rwanda The detailed study 170.00 - - 0.50 - 169.50 132.21 4 years No funding for works yet Ngoma - and was completed in available Ramiro - Tanzania January 2015 Nyanza (130 km in 2 lots) . Link to Central Corridor Construction Burundi Burundi & Not initiated 12.00 - - - - 12.00 9.36 2012 - 2016 No funding for works yet of a ferry boat Tanzania available on Lake Tanganika

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Rehabilitation Burundi Burundi- 104.00 - - - - 104.00 81.12 of the Tanzania National road 6, Muyinga - Kobero Rehabilitation Burundi Burundi- Detailed design 89.60 - - - - 89.60 69.89 and extension Tanzania done of the National road 12 Gitega- Karuzi- Muyinga - Tanzanie Rehabilitation Burundi Burundi- Detailed design 44.80 - - - - 44.80 34.94 No funding for works yet of the Tanzania done available for Mwaro- National road Gitega 18, Nyakararo - Mwaro - Gitega Rehabilitation Burundi Burundi- Detailed design 60.00 - - - - 60.00 46.80 of the Tanzania done National road 7, Bujumbura –Nyakararo Rehabilitation Burundi Burundi- Detailed design 138.00 - - - - 138.00 107.64 and extension Rwanda done of the National road 1, Bujumbura- Kayanza,- Kanyaru Haut Construction Burundi 49.20 - - - - 49.20 38.38 works for the Provincial road 101

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Extension of Burundi Burundi- Detailed design 156.00 - - - - 156.00 121.68 the National Rwanda done on the section road 6 to from Kobero to Kayanza Muyinga Rehabilitation Burundi Burundi- 52.00 - - - - 52.00 40.56 for the Tanzania National road 2, Bujumbura- Gitega Rehabilitation Burundi Burundi- 145.20 - - - - 145.20 113.26 and Tanzania construction works for the National roads 16 & 17 Gitega- Bururi- Makamba – 127 km) Feasibility Burundi Burundi & Not initiated 70.00 - - - - 70.00 54.60 Costs to be determined study and Tanzania by the study Construction of Ruyigi- Gisuru- Gahumo(Buru ndi - Tanzania) 80 km

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Construction Tanzania, Tanzania, Feasibility Study on 5,580.00 - - - 5,580.00 4,352.40 8 years of a standard Burundi Burundi construction of a gauge railway and and standard gauge line from Dar Rwanda Rwanda railway from Isaka - es Salaam - Kigali /Keza - Isaka - Kigali Gitega -Musongati /Keza - Gitega was completed - Musongati under AfDB (1,670 km). financing ($ 2.80 ml). Feasibility study for upgrading to standard gauge of Dar-Isaka line was completed by BNSF under USTDA & BNSF joint financing ($ 0.9 ml). Detailed Engineering study for the whole railway line (Dar es Salaam - Isaka - Kigali/Keza-Gitega- Musongati) will be finalised in February 2013 under AfDB financing ($ 8.9 ml) Project coordinated by a Secretariat chaired by Tanzania and Rwanda hosting the project secretariat.

Feasibility studies

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by DBI of Germany and BNSF of USA were finalized.

Currently a detailed engineering study financed by the AfDB to the tune of US$ 8.9 million is underway to package the project into PPPs and undertake pre- investment/feasibilit y study on the priority interventions.

Draft report expected in December , 2012 and final report in February , 2013

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Railway Rwanda Rwanda, The construction of 13,800.00 - - ###### 7,300.00 5,694.00 2014-2019 project Uganda, Mombasa-Nairobi (Institutional Mombasa- Kenya and section has started framework, Kampala- Burundi in November 2013. financing Kigali This section is and design: 2 Standard mainly financed by years; gauge railway the Exim Bank of Construction China and the : 3 years.) construction is implemented by China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC); -The feasibility study for the Nairobi-Malaba section is been carried out by China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), to be completed in September 2015; The Preliminary Engineering Design for Malaba- Kampala section has been completed in August 2014. In March 2015, the Government of Uganda and China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) has signed an

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agreement for the construction of that section, including the northern route to Gulu and Nimule; - Uganda and South Sudan have started implementing jointly the Preliminary Engineering Design for the Tororo- Nimule-Juba section. - Uganda and Rwanda have started implementing jointly the Preliminary Engineering Design for the Kampala- Kigali section and spurs, to be completed in October 2015. Process for finance mobilisation has been initiated in the 3 countries.

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Rehabilitation Tanzania Tanzania & Rehabilitation has 115.00 0.67 - - - 114.33 89.18 5 years The project could be of Nyanguge- Kenya been completed for financed from the 10th Magu- the Simiyu/Mara EDF resources (RIP). Musoma road Boarder to Musoma (184.2 km) section of 85.5 km. The missing link which needs financing is Nyanguge Simiyu/Mara border section (80 km). Feasibility Study was completed in June 2008 and detailed engineering design was completed in 2009 under EU financing

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Kidahwe – Tanzania Tanzania, A total of 100 km 255.00 - - - - 255.00 198.90 5 years Kibondo – Burundi (50 km from Nyakanazi and Nyakanazi towards Road (310 Rwanda and 50km km) from Kidahwe towards Kasulu) are under construction to bitumen standard through GOT funding. The missing length which has no financing commitment for construction is 250 km. Procurement of consultant to undertake update of the feasibility study and detailed design of Kasulu to Nyakanazi section (210 km) and Feasibility study of Kasulu Mugina (45 km) (Tanzania- Burundi border) is on going under NEPAD- IPPF Financing Construction 5% Kenya and Feasibility studies 571.00 571.00 445.38 5 years Feasibility studies and of Malindi Tanzania and detailed detailed engineering Lungalunga engineering designs designs fully funded by Bagamoyo completed. AfDB. As a priority it Road. (503 links to corridor No. 1

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km) and LAPSSET.

Tanga - Tanzania Tanzania, Feasibility study on 1,903.00 - - - - 1,903.00 1,484.34 2012-2017 The project entails Moshi- Uganda and going (Cost 2 strengthening, upgrading Arusha - Kenya billion Tanzania and construction of Musoma Shillings) railway line from Tanga Railway Line to Musoma with spur to Lake Natron at Mto wa Mbu. The rail will establish a link between Uganda and port of Tanga. Rehabilitation Kenya Kenya, Feasibility study 18.00 of the existing Tanzania done Voi-Taveta Railway 110 km Upgrading of Tanzania/ Kenya, Feasibility study 12.12 airport Zanzibar Tanzania, ready facilities at Uganda Karume Airport, Pemba Power Rusizi IV Rwanda Rwanda Prefeasibility study 500.00 - - - - 500.00 390.00 Negotiations with Generation hydro power and completed. developers of Rusizi III (Energy) plant study Burundi Feasibility studies are ongoing. and to be undertaken construction (285 MW)

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Construction Rwanda Rwanda & All studies already 405.00 2.82 - 402.18 313.70 2015-2019 To be developed under of Rusizi III Burundi completed. the PPP. power plant Negotiations with 145 MW the private developer on-going Liquified Rwanda Rwanda Kenya floated a 900.00 - - - - 900.00 702.00 Given the A full assessment of the Natural Gas and Kenya tender for 700 complexity technical feasibility of all Joint Plant MW power plant of the aspects of the project (100 MW) including a project, from the port to the Floating Storage especially power station to the and re-gasification the LNG transmission network. A unit to be located floating, full assessment of the in Mombasa storage and financial feasibility of county.(to consult gasification the project based on with Rwanda) GoR facility capital costs and through Mininfra construction projections of demand developed a concept time is of 2-3 and prices of LNG. An paper for a 1000 years assessment as to whether MW project, and (excluding this project should be had follow-up finance undertaken publicly with discussions with mobilisation each of the countries Kenya. and committing funding or procurement privately with each ) country guaranteeing a portion of the payment required by the private operator.

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Construction Kenya Uganda - Feasibility study 56.00 - - - - 56.00 43.68 5 years The project is regional in of Kenya completed, nature and it will transmission Preparatory work, enhance supply of power line from design and bidding within the region. Uganda to documents Estimated capacity 200 Kenya to prepared. MW. increase power supply to the Kenya national grid (127 km, 220 kv) Lessos- Tororo interconnector Construction Kenya Kenya- Feasibility study 55.00 - - - - 55.00 42.90 5 years Estimated capacity 1300 of Tanzania completed. MW transmission Preparatory work, line from design and bidding Tanzania to documents Kenya to prepared. increase power supply to the Kenya national grid (100 km, 400 kv) double circuit line between Isinya & Namanga)

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Power Tanzania Tanzania & Feasibility studies 911.23 - - 470.00 - 441.29 344.21 4 years Development Partners Interconnectio Kenya completed (Mbeya - World Bank, JICA, EIB, n Tanzania - Iringa, Iringa - EDCF are ready to Zambia - Shinyanga and financed Iringa - Kenya (TZK) Singida - Arusha); Shinyanga ($ 470 m); Project. Implementation Consortium of Lenders Extension of ongoing for Iringa - (WB/IDA, AfDB, JICA 292 km Shinyanga and French Development section from Agency (AFD) have Iringa - shown interest to finance Mbeya, 670 Singida - Arusha ($ km section 242.09 m) and Mbeya - from Iringa - Iringa ($ 199.2 m) Shinyanga finance is being sought. and 414.4 km from Singida - Arusha of 400 kv transmission line from Zambia to Tanzania and Kenya. Transmission Uganda Uganda and Feasibility Study to 162.00 - - - - 162.00 126.36 4 years Lines; Tanzania be undertaken 1) Olwiyo- Nimule –Juba 400 Kv Live (190 km) 2) Nkenda- Mpondwe- Beni 200 Kv line (70 km) 3) Masaka – Mwanza 200

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kv line (85 km)

ICT AND Cross border Rwanda Kenya, Updated status 32.00 - - - - 32.00 24.96 3 years There is an urgent need TELECOM connectivity(li Uganda, Sept 2014 1. Long to establish a dedicated MUNICAT ne to the Rwanda, term lease for 2.4 dark fibre ring linking all ION eastern Africa Burundi gbps to be supplied 5 capitals in the EAC sub marine and to Rwanda was region, this will reduce Cable) Tanzania signed. This the costs of traffic as (Feasibility capacity is well as increase capacity studies and insufficient given flowing across the construction) Rwanda’s needs. countries Establishment Kenya Kenya & 5000 acres of Land 11,765.00 11,765.00 9,176.70 12 years International investor of ICT Parks Rwanda acquired and fenced Conference held, ground in Kenya and for the construction breaking ceremony Rwanda of the ICT Park, conducted with 14 (Rwanda Konza Technology international ICT related Technopol) City Master Plan companies beginning approved, Master construction such as Delivery Partner I IBM, Microsoft, Google, procured,, Power Safaricom and Local connected to the site Banks, the Government office, Thwake dam plans to implement the construction on- project through a PPP going, 10 boreholes arrangement drilled, construction of sales pavilion on going, a 10 km radius buffer zone created, construction of access road ongoing and ground- breaking done.

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Kenya & EAC Updated status 230.00 - - - - 230.00 179.40 20014-2019 Due to the high cost of Rwanda Sept 2014 A the Technology park to Masterplan, GOR, we have been business plan and compelled to consider a high-level phased approach which architectural design will take more than 10 has been completed years to complete. for a 61.3Ha Should funds be Technology park available, we will be in Next phase 1. position to deliver a development Technology park in half detailed the time (reflected in the architectural implementation designs 2. timelines) Development of physical infrastructure for the technology park 3. The construction of the regional centre of excellence is set to begin before end of this year (for 22 months). Setting up Rwanda Rwanda, Preliminary 15.00 - - - - 15.00 11.70 2013-2015 NEW. It will create the Regional Burundi, (Initiation) phase enabling infrastructure & Internet Kenya, services to break the Exchange Uganda and regional dependencies on Point (RIXP) Tanzania international operators keeping regional traffic in the region. Regional Rwanda Rwanda Pilot project 20.00 - - - - 20.00 15.60 2013- 2015 In the region, there is Education and and initiated in Rwanda limited R&D and lack of Research Tanzania and Tanzania Institution capacity to

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Network innovate. The project project will create a dedicated (REduNet) cost-effective and high performance data network connecting Research and HLI to reach others and to Global research and education resources via Ubuntunet and Internet. Construction Kenya Rwanda, Feasibility study 3.20 5 years Facilitate access to of combined Burundi, undertaken affordable and quality fertilizer plant Kenya, fertilizer Uganda and Tanzania CAPACIT Strengthening EAC EAC Preliminary Study 60.25 - - 0.25 - 60.00 46.80 5 years FAO Biosecurity project Y the Capacity completed under UN Joint Program BULDING and which contributed USD AND Technology 247,256. INSTUTIO Transfer In NAL Sanitary and FRAMEW Phytosanitary ORK Issues in the EAC Partner States to conform with International Standards

The funds will be used for training standards and quality assurance

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officers, participation in the work of Codex, OIE and IPPC (”the three sisters”); and implementatio n of both regional and international SPS standards including establishment of accredited laboratories, disease free zone. Construction Kenya Kenya, On going 7.10 - - - - 7.10 5.54 3 years of fish feeder Uganda and roads around Tanzania Lake Victoria

Establishment Tanzania Tanzania Ongoing 13.00 - - - - 13.00 10.14 4 years Implementation of this of Standards and Kenya project will help to and Quality eliminate or reduce to a inspection great extent incidences of border posts illegal fishing practices, (Namanga, and improve Sirari, Holili biodiversity, fish catches and and fish supply thus Tunduma). increasing government revenue from fishing activities.

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Lake Rehabilitation Uganda Uganda, Feasibility Study 157.89 - - - - 157.89 123.15 4 years Amounts contributed by victoria and expansion Tanzania yet to be undertaken other donors to be projects of Port Bell and Kenya ascertained. AfDB has with shown interest associated ferries to Kisumu and Mwanza Development Kenya Kenya, on-going 46.60 5 years To increase exports; of fisheries Rwanda, reduce post harvest marketing Uganda, losses; and increase fish infrastructure Tanzania from capture and culture and Burundi Combating Kenya Kenya, on-going 46.60 5 years Strengthening the illegal and Rwanda, monitoring control and unregulated Uganda, surveillance systems fishing Tanzania and Burundi Improve Uganda Uganda, Feasibility study is 100.00 - - - - 100.00 78.00 5 years The project involves water Tanzania on-going procurement of transport on and Kenya Navigation Aids to L. Victoria replace dilapidated ones.

AGRICUL Establishment Kenya Kenya, 4.10 5 years to facilitate access of TURE AND of disease free Rwanda, animal products to local, LIVESTOC zones Uganda, regional and external K Tanzania markets within and international standards Burundi Total 71,520.68 3.49 - 471.40 6,531.46 62,777.77 32,221.32

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

1. Infrastructure 1.1. Energy Improve the access of Existing energy installed Production increased Production increased by Production increased by  % change in amount of EAC Partner States to capacity (hydro, bagasse, by 1,613 MW (40% of 3,225 MW (40% of the 6,773 MW (40% of the electricity generated in modern, reliable, thermal, geothermal and the total expected total expected total expected megawatts diversified and natural gas)around 3,597 production) production) production: 21,173  Reduction in cost of renewable sources of MW, yet the projected MW) electricity energy at competitive capacity is 18,744 MW  Reduction in reliance on prices in order to in 2030 and 21,173 MW fossil fuel energy facilitate intra and inter in 2033. regional trade.

Lack of a regional grid Two high tension  Four high tension  All the national  Number of new cross network linking all EAC interconnection lines interconnection lines power networks of border interconnections Partner States built and operational in built and operational EAC Partner States  the regional grid is fully the EAC region in the EAC region interconnected operational  Upgrade the built up infrastructure capacity,

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

 Improved access to  Improved access to  % of new connections to private sector units to private sector units to private sector at least 75% 100%  Improved reliability  Improved reliability  % of increased reliability of power supply to of power supply to of power supply 95% 99%

Energy policies, legal and  Energy policies,  Partnership, linkages  Partnership, linkages  Number of harmonized regulatory frameworks legal and regulatory and joint ventures and joint ventures legal and regulatory not harmonized and/or frameworks created developed policies attractive to investors harmonized and  Enhanced investment  Technology  Number of new credible attractive to in R&D developed and investments (including investors transferred PPP agreements)  New technologies acquired  Institutional,  Supply and  Stabilised power  Increased management technical and Reliability of power supply capacity of energy administrative improved nationally and regionally capacities of energy  Increased reliability of related institutions power supply. strengthened

1.2. Transport To improve national The regional network  State of inter-modal  State of inter-modal  State of inter-modal  % increase in the volume and regional comprises: infrastructure infrastructure systems infrastructure systems of intra and inter regional interconnectivity in systems developed developed and developed and trade order to facilitate and improved: improved: improved:  Reduction in deepening of regional transportation costs

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

economic integration  % increase of intra and and improve the inter regional traffic (road, movement of people railway, air and water) and goods.  Reduction in turnaround times   about 178, 737 km  4% (600 km)  A 15% (2,220 km)  A 22% (3,240 km)  Kms of missing regional of roads, of which reduction in the reduction in the reduction in the links built and regional about 22,347 km are length of unpaved length of unpaved length of unpaved corridors improved and paved and 156,390 (gravel) roads in (gravel) roads in the (gravel) roads in the maintained km are unpaved the East African East African Road East African Road (2011) Road Network Network Network  No standard gauge  2 new railway  3 new railway  4 new railway railway in the region. standard gauge standard gauge links standard gauge The EAC region links developed developed and 2 links developed and comprises about operational 5 operational 8,100 km of meter gauge rail out of which about 6,000 km is active.  5 major sea ports and  3 priority ports are  4priority ports are  5 priority ports are  Number of harbours several inland ports developed, expanded developed, expanded developed, expanded developed, expanded and/or modernised and/or modernised and/or modernised and/or modernised  11 international  3 priority airports are  3 priority airports are  5 priority airports are  Number of airports airports developed, expanded developed, expanded developed, expanded developed, expanded and/or modernised and/or modernised and/or modernised and/or modernised

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

 Regional transport  Partnerships, linkages  Improved safety and  Number of new credible policies and and joint ventures reliability of the investments (including regulatory developed between transport sector PPP agreements) frameworks economic operators developed  Institutional,  Improved movement technical and of human and administrative vehicular traffic capacities of (including flow of transport related goods) institutions strengthened 1.3. Information & To develop and All EAC Partner States  Seamless cross  80% of the business  Secured transactions  Number of seamless cross Communication modernize ICT are connected through border ICT community is and services (e.g. e- border ICT infrastructure Technology (ICT) infrastructure in order fibre optic. However, infrastructure connected to high services, e- developed to facilitate intra and ICT is expensive and developed speed links commerce, e-  % increase in bandwidth inter regional trade and only about 13% of the government, e-health)  % cost reduction for service delivery population have access to  Internet access tariffs internet access internet and about 50% reduced by 60 % of the population are mobile phone subscribers.

 20% of the  40% of the  60% of the  % increase of business population have population have population have transactions online access to internet access to internet and access to internet and  % of increase of telephone and about 60% of the about 75% of the about 90% of the and mobile phone population are population are mobile population are mobile subscribers and internet

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

mobile phone phone subscribers. phone subscribers. users subscribers.  Capacity building in  Partnership linkages  Number of new credible human resources, and joint ventures investments (including improvement in between economic PPP agreements) service standards and operators developed institutional structures  Legal and regulatory  Technology  % increase in number of frameworks on ICT development, transfer ICT specialists developed and and applications, harmonised R&D, innovation

2. Agriculture and Livestock To improve production (To improve production Increased production Increased production Increased production  Increased Regional food and productivity and productivity of major and productivity of and productivity of and productivity of security crops (coffee, tea, and crops and livestock by crops and livestock by crops and livestock by  Increased volume of sugarcane) from 10.95 15% 25% 30% agricultural exports million tonnes  % increase of agricultural production in the region  Removal of NTBs in EAC

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

To increase production Increased production Increased production Increased production  Increased regional food and productivity of and productivity of and productivity of and productivity of security livestock (cattle, sheep, livestock (cattle by livestock (cattle by livestock (cattle by  % increase of livestock goats, pigs, poultry) from 10%, sheep by 25%, 15%, sheep by 30%, 20%, sheep by 35%, production in the region 56.6 million, 32.3 goats by 4%, pigs by goats by 10%, pigs by goats by 15%, pigs by  Increased volume of million, 61.9 million, 7.9 20%, poultry by10% 25%, poultry by15% 30%, poultry by 20% livestock exports million and 143 million respectively To improve and The % of value added The % of value added The % of value added The % of value added develop agro-industry exports is currently less exports is increased to exports is increased to exports is increased to  % increase of value (value addition) than 10% at least 20% at least 50% at least 75% addition of primary products traded to total exports  Number of modern and competitive agro-based industries established

To improve trade and Presently intra-regional  Increased intra-  Increased intra-  Increased intra-  % increased agricultural market access for trade share in total regional trade share regional trade share regional trade share exports contribution to agricultural regional market is about to 30% to 50% to 80% GDP commodities 10% for most traded products  Enhanced  Enhanced  Enhanced  Number of financial development of development of development of institutions and insurance financial markets to financial markets to financial markets to schemes established. suppor agricultural support agricultural support agricultural  Number of investment in insurance and insurance and finance insurance and finance agriculture insured. finance by 30% by 50% by 80%  Established and  Improved marketing  Improved marketing  Regional agricultural

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

coordinated regional information system information system marketing and marketing coverage by 20% coverage by 100%. information system in information system  Investment in place Research and  Harmonisation of Development. agricultural standards in EAC  Quality assurance, grades and certification. To improve and Inadequate market Establishing new Upgrading market Upgrading market  Number of constructed develop agricultural infrastructure market infrastructure infrastructure to modern infrastructure to modern and rehabilitated market infrastructure and upgrading existing facilities by 40% facilities by 100% facilities for agricultural ones to modern products. facilities by 20%  Established and upgraded market infrastructure  % Increase in volume and value of intra EAC trade using the established infrastructure

3. FISHERIES To promote and The fish industry is The ratio of value The ratio of value added The ratio of value added  % share increase of of develop regional and underdeveloped. added of fisheries to of fisheries to GDP is of fisheries to GDP is value added of fisheries to international trade on The ratio of value added GDP is increased to increased to 6% increased to 13% GDP fish and fish products of fisheries to GDP is 4% Quantity of fish and Quantity of fish and  % increase of quantity of 1.3% fishery products fishery products fish and fisheries products Quantity of fish and marketed increased by marketed increased by produced and marketed

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

fishery products 60% 85%  increase in number of fish marketed increased by distribution outlets 30 % established  increase in number of secured markets. Develop, upgrade and  Inadequate  Existing New modern fisheries  Volume of inland  Number of existing fish modernize fisheries modern fishing, fish infrastructure water bodies and handling and processing and aquaculture fisheries handling and established and deep sea fishing infrastructure upgraded infrastructure infrastructure processing equipped: increased by 60% and modernized infrastructure   ;  Number of new fishing upgraded and  3 fishing harbours  5 new fishing harbours established modernized  15 new boatyards harbours  Number .of new landing  200 fish landing sites,  25 new boatyards sites established  30 new fish markets,  400 fish landing sites  Increase in number of inland water bodies and  60 new fish markets  15 fish processing deep sea fishing licences industries and  40 fish processing  increase in number of cold industries  300 cold chain chain facilities facilities  500 cold chain  Increase in number and facilities type of diversified value Volume of inland water added fish and fishery bodies and deep sea products fishing increased by  Number . of modern 40% fishing vessels acquired Inadequate modern  Upgrade and  Modernize aqua  Aquaculture  No. of new aqua farms aquaculture modernize existing farms, hatcheries and production increased constructed infrastructure aqua farms, breeding centers so as to 30% of fisheries  No. of new hatcheries and hatcheries and to increase production breeding centers

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

breeding centers so aquaculture constructed as to increase production to 20%  No. of existing aqua aquaculture farms, hatcheries and production by 10% breeding centers upgraded  Adoption of and modernized appropriate  Appropriate aquaculture aquaculture technologies adopted and technologies developed To ensure effective Limited data on fish Policy, legal and Acquisition of facilities Creation of a reliable,  Functional FIS in place; fisheries resources stock potential and regulatory frame work for data collection, operational and  Fisheries database management, fisheries information. on fisheries processing & comprehensive fisheries established and protection and information sharing dissemination database and operational conservation developed information  Number and type of management system in equipment procured; place Fish stock potential in Number of publications

inshore waters and Fish stock potential in produced and major lakes territorial and EEZ Fish stock potential in disseminated determined. waters marine and inland water  Number of water bodies bodies determined. with known fish stock

potential  Existence information on Establishment of Operationalize regional  Protection and  % decrease in illegal illegal fishing practices Monitoring, Control MCS systems conservation of fishing & trade practices and trade and Surveillance critical habitats and  Number of critical (MCS) system in the aquatic biodiversity habitats improved; region  Number. & type endangered and threatened fish species

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

conserved  Number and type of MCS equipment procured  Improved aquatic biodiversity

4. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 4.1. Water Resources To develop sustainable The use of water for Policy, legal and Capacity building Sustainable use and Policy, legal, regulations use and management of agriculture production in regulatory framework undertaken institution management of water and institutional framework water resources in the the EAC is low developed framework developed. resources enforced in place. region

To develop water Water supply  Water supply  number of feasibility supply infrastructure infrastructure for infrastructure atleast 5 water supply  atleast 10 water studies undertaken for irrigation and other irrigation purpose in the feasibility studies, schemes constructed supply schemes  Number of water supply productive purposes EAC region is low design and and operationalized constructed and plants constructed and

procurement operationalized operationalized undertaken. To promote regional EAC regional  Review of policy,  Undertake capacity Operationalized policies Policy, legal, regulations cooperation for the cooperation on the legal and regulatory building on institution and institutional framework sustainable utilization utilization of common framework framework in place and operational. of trans-boundary water resources in place water resources


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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

To enhance private  EAC Private Sector  Relevant reforms in  Increased MSMEs  Increased (%)  EAC Investment Code sector development, Development Strategy the institutional, (%) integrated into number of EAC firms operational. investment, supply policies, legal and the mainstream exporting products capacities and regulatory business activities; made in the EAC competitiveness frameworks made; region to the EU market

 EAC Investment Code  Capacity for  New industries  Increased FDI flows.  enhanced investment Model institutional support introduced and promotion and enterprise for private sector existing ones development development and transformed investment  Increased supply promotion built capacities, competitiveness, diversification and value addition  Regional Competition  Framework for  EAC Private Sector  Increased export  Public-Private Partnership Policy creating and access to resources volumes and earnings policy and regulatory strengthening from EC financing framework partnerships, joint institutions such as  % increase in FDI and % ventures, sub- the EIB, CDE and increase in partnerships contracting, CTA enhanced attained outsourcing and linkages created.  Establish appropriate  Access to affordable  % increase in annual administrative credit at lower export earnings structures, including interest rates  % increase in investment one-stop shops to

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

support investments; and business financing  EAC Public-Private sourced from EU financial Partnership institutions Framework  Special funds created and established accessed by the private sector to finance investment projects  % increase in EU investments in the EAC;  % increase in firm capacity utilization;  % increase in EAC exports to the EU market

6. MARKET ACCESS ISSUES 6.1. SPS,TBT Develop capacity for EAC SPS Protocol  EAC SPS Protocol  EAC SPS Protocol  Establishment of SPS  % increase in Animal, compliance with trade concluded and measures operationalized centres of excellence Plant and Food safety related agreements domesticated by all for Food safety, through effective alert the EAC  Increased share of animal & plant health systems PartnerStates. EAC intra-regional  Increased share of  % increase in share of  Agricultural product trade to 50% EAC intra regional EAC intra-regional trade identification, trade to 80% registration and traceability systems established  Increased share of EAC intra-regional trade to 30 %

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

1500 EAC standards  1000 standards  Adoption of  Accredited  number of technical benchmarked to harmonized International conformity barriers reduced international level  EAC participation in Standards assessment  Mutual recognition tests harmonized out of 2500 standards setting  System and product institutions and Certificates. bodies Certification  Increased information  Develop EAC  Technology transfer disclosures in EAC Portal Technical Regulations regime  Joint TBT monitoring committees established within 2 years of implementation of EPA  Capacity building in TBT and SPS soft and hard infrastructure including: traceability, inspection, accreditation,risk analysis, standards and Certification  Harmonisation and notification of EAC Technical Regulations

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

 Information exchange 6.2. Customs and  Harmonization &  EAC Customs  Capacity building in  Customs procedures  turn-around time at  Increase in number of Trade Facilitation implementation of Management Act in customs soft and processes border entry points Load/offload of containers customs legislation place infrastructure, harmonized shortened to 1 day. per hour & procedures  All EAC Partner states systems and  One stop border posts  Reduce ship turn around are WCO members processes undertaken established  Average dwell time time  Decreased turn –  Decreased turn – of loaded import  customs legislation & around period for around period for container decreased1 procedures fully ships from 11-14 ships to 3 days day harmonized and days in 2011 to 6  Average dwell time implemented days in 2017 of loaded import  Average dwell time container decreased of loaded import to 2 days container decreased to4 days

7. EPA ADJUSTMENT COST 7.1. EPA adjustment To address actual and EPA adjustment fund not  EPA Adjustment  Assessment study on  Enhanced capacity  Amount of adjustment Measures potential EPA established fund established to the potential losses of for macro-economic funds disbursed to cover adjustment challenges cover transitionally government revenues stability. losses of government resulting from the the potential losses undertaken revenues implementation of the of government  Agreed losses  Compliance with macro- EPA revenue arising from compensated economic indicators of elimination and or  Assessment for over 7% GDP gowth, substantial reduction compensation for sustainable budget deficit in customs tariffs. NFIC undertaken and inflation rates  Assessment of compensation for loss

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Targets Area of Cooperation Goals Baseline (2013) Performance indicators Short Term (3 years) ) Medium Term (5 years) Long Term (2033)

of export earnings in the EAC undertaken 7.2. Resource To mobilize jointly EDF, EU Member States,  EAC EPA fund EAC EPA Development  Trade related  Amount of financial mobilization and individually other development established. projects (contained in infrastructure resources committed by funding for regional Partners, Private sector,  Funds jointly and the EPA Development developed EAC Partner States, EU, integration and the and EAC Partner States individually Matrix) funded and EU Member States, other EPA development contributions mobilized implemented development Partners, and strategies the private sector.  Feasibility studies conducted  Amount of resources utilized  Number of projects and programmes implemented

Table of abbreviations used in Annex III(a) and III(b) Abbreviation WB World Bank TMEA TradeMark East Africa GoR Government of Rwanda ToR Terms of Reference BAD Banque Africaine de Développement (same as AfDB) AfDB African Development Bank BNSF BNSF Railway (formerly Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway) USTDA US Trade and Development Agency CPSC CPCS - Canadian Pacific Consulting Services

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EoI Expression of Interest Tz Tanzania GOT/GoT Government of Tanzania JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency NEPAD-IPPF New Partnership for Africa's Development – Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility CDE Centre for the Development of Enterprise CTA Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation NFIC Net Food Importing Countries TPA Tanzania Ports Authority HLI High Learning Institutions

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The EU recalls the obligations of those States that have established a Customs Union with the EU to align their trade regime to the one of the EU and for certain of them to conclude preferential agreements with the countries having preferential agreements with the EU. In this context, the Parties note that the EAC Partner States shall start negotiations with those States which: (a) have established a Customs Union with the EU; and (b) whose products do not benefit from the tariff concessions under this Agreement, with the view of concluding a bilateral agreement establishing a free trade area in accordance with Article XXIV of the GATT.

The EAC Partner States agree to negotiate this in the future.

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