Special Status Species Potentially Occurring On Site Special-Status Species Evaluated for Potential to Occur on the Loyola Marymount University Campus

Scientific Name Status Potential for Occurrence Common Name Federal State CNPS Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Aphanisma blitoides -- -- 1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, None: Suitable habitat is not Aphanisma coastal dunes, coastal present because of the scrub. Occurs on bluffs developed nature of the and slopes near the Proposed Project site. ocean in sandy or clay soils. In steep decline on the islands and the mainland. Arenaria paludicola -- -- 1B.1 Occurs in marshes and None: Suitable habitat is not Marsh sandwort swamps. present on the Proposed Growing up through Project site. dense mats of typha, juncus, scirpus, etc., in freshwater marsh. brauntonii FE 1B.1 Found in closed-cone None: Suitable habitat is not Braunton's milk-vetch coniferous forest, present because of the , coastal scrub, developed nature of the valley and foothill project site. grassland; Recent burns or disturbed areas; in stiff gravelly clay soils overlying granite or limestone. Astragalus FE CE 1B.1 Foundincoastalsalt None: Suitable habitat is not pycnostachyus var. marsh. Within reach of present on the Proposed lanosissimus high tide or protected Project site. Ventura Marsh milk- by barrier beaches, vetch more rarely near seeps on sandy bluffs. Astragalus tener var. titi FE CE 1B.1 Foundincoastalbluff None: Suitable habitat is not Coastal dunes milk- scrub, coastal dunes; present on the Proposed vetch moist, sandy Project site. depressions of bluffs or dunes along and near the pacific ocean; one site on a clay terrace. Atriplex pacifica 1B.2 Coastal scrub, coastal None: Suitable habitat is not South Coast saltscale bluff scrub, playas, present because of the chenopod scrub. developed nature of the Found in alkali soils. Proposed Project site. Scientific Name Status Potential for Occurrence Common Name Federal State CNPS Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Atriplex parishii -- -- 1B.1 Alkali meadows, vernal None: Suitable habitat is not Parish's brittlescale pools, chenopod scrub, present on the Proposed playas. Project site. Usually on drying alkali flats with fine soils. Atriplex serenana var. -- -- 1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, None: Suitable habitat is not davidsonii coastal scrub. Found in present because of the Davidson's saltscale alkaline soil. developed nature of the project site. macrophylla -- -- 1B.1 Occurs in cismontane None: Suitable habitat is not Round-leaved filaree woodland, valley and present because of the foothill grasslands, in developed nature of the clay soils. project site. Calystegia sepium ssp. 1A Found in coastal None: Suitable habitat is not binghamiae marshes. present on the Proposed Santa Barbara morning- Project site. glory Centromadia parryi ssp. -- -- 1B.1 Found in marshes and None: Suitable habitat is not australis swamps (margins), present on the Proposed southern tarplant valley and foothill Project site. grassland. Often located in disturbed sites near the coast at marsh edges; also in alkaline soils, sometimes with saltgrass. Chaenactis glabriuscula -- -- 1B.1 Found in coastal bluff None: Suitable habitat is not var. orcuttiana scrub, coastal dunes, present because of the Orcutt's pincushion and sandy sites. developed nature of the Proposed Project site. Chorizanthe parryi var. FC SE 1B.1 Foundincoastalscrub None: Suitable habitat is not fernandina and in sandy soils. present because of the San Fernando Valley developed nature of the spineflower project site. Cordylanthus maritimus FE SE 1B.2 Inhabitscoastalsalt None: Suitable habitat is not ssp. maritimus marsh and coastal present on the Proposed Salt marsh bird's-beak dunes. Plant is limited Project site. to the higher zones of the salt marsh habitat. Scientific Name Status Potential for Occurrence Common Name Federal State CNPS Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Dithyrea maritima -- ST 1B.1 Inhabits coastal dunes, None: Suitable habitat is not Beach spectaclepod coastal scrub; formerly present because of the more widespread in developed nature of the coastal habitats in Proposed Project site. sea shores, on sand dunes, and sandy places near the shore. Dudleya cymosa ssp. FT -- 1B.2 Inhabitschaparral, None: Suitable habitat is not ovatifolia coastal scrub usually in present on the Proposed Santa Monica dudleya canyons on Project site. sedimentary conglomerates; primarily north-facing slopes. Dudleya multicaulis -- -- 1B.2 Inhabits chaparral, None: Suitable habitat is not Many-stemmed coastal scrub, valley present because of the dudleya and foothill grassland; developed nature of the in heavy, often clayey Proposed Project site. soils or grassy slopes. Dudleya virens ssp. -- -- 1B.2 Inhabits coastal bluff None: Suitable habitat is not insularis scrub, coastal scrub, in present because of the Island green dudleya rocky soils. developed nature of the Proposed Project site. Helianthus nuttallii ssp. -- -- 1A Marshes and swamps None: Suitable habitat is not parishii (coastal salt and present on the Proposed Los Angeles sunflower freshwater). Project site. Historically recorded from southern California. Horkelia cuneata ssp. -- -- 1B.1 In habits chaparral, None: Suitable habitat is not puberula cismontane woodland, present on the Proposed Mesa horkelia coastal scrub; sandy or Project site. gravelly sites Lasthenia glabrata ssp. – – 1B.1 Alkalinesoilsincoastal None: Suitable habitat is not coulteri salt marshes and present because of the Coulter's goldfields swamps, playas, and developed nature of the vernal pools between 1 Proposed Project site. and 1,220 m mean sea level (msl).1

1 “Mean sea level” (msl) is the elevation above the average sea level, where “average” refers to the sea’s still water level (averaging out wind waves) and “datum” means a reference point against which position measurements are made. Elevation above msl is commonly used to describe the geographic range of plant species and communities, since it determines climatic variables that in turn determine range. Scientific Name Status Potential for Occurrence Common Name Federal State CNPS Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Nama stenocarpum – – 2.2 Marshes, swamps, lake None: Suitable habitat is not Mud nama margins, and present on the Proposed riverbanks between 5 Project site. and 500 m msl. Navarretia fossalis FT – 1B.1 Vernal pools, chenopod None: Suitable habitat is not Moran’s navarretia scrub, marshes, present on the Proposed swamps and playas on Project site. San Diego hardpan and San Diego claypan soils between 30 and 1,300 m msl. Navarretia prostrate – – 1B.1 Alkalinesoils,vernal None: Suitable habitat is not Prostrate vernal pool pools and mesic present because of the navarretia habitats within coastal developed nature of the scrub, meadow, seep Proposed Project site. and valley and foothill grassland communities between 15 and 700 m msl. Orcuttia californica FE SE 1B.1 Vernal pools between None: Suitable habitat is not California Orcutt grass 15 and 660 m msl. present because of the developed nature of the Proposed Project site. STATUS KEY: Federal CNPS FE = Federally Endangered List 1A = presumed extinct in California FC = Federal Species of Concern List 1B = plants Rare, Threatened, Endangered in California and elsewhere State List 2 = plants Rare, Threatened, Or Endangered in California CE = California Endangered .1 = seriously Endangered in California CT = California Threatened .2 = fairly Endangered in California .3 = not very Endangered in California Table IV.C-2 Special-Status Wildlife Species Evaluated for Potential to Occur on LMU

Common Name Status Potential for Occurrence Scientific Name Federal State Other Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Invertebrates Aglaothorax Occurs nocturnally in None: Suitable native longipennis chaparral and canyon stream habitat for this species of Santa Monica bottom vegetation, in the ice plant is not present on shieldback of the Proposed Project site. katydid Southern California. Inhabits The species has been native chaparral plants and reported from a single introduced location in Big Rock Mesembryanthemum ice plant. Canyon, west of Topanga, about 5 miles northwest of Proposed Project site. Brennania belkini -- -- Inhabits coastal sand dunes None: Suitable habitat is not Belkin's dune of southern California. present on the Proposed tabanid Project site. Cicindela hirticollis -- -- Beetle inhabits areas adjacent None: Suitable habitat is not gravida to non-brackish water along present on the Proposed Sandy beach tiger the coast of California from Project site. beetle San Francisco bay to northern Mexico. Inhabits clean, dry, light-colored sand in the upper zone. Subterranean larvae prefer moist sand not affected by wave action. Cicindela senilis -- -- Beetle inhabits marine None: Suitable habitat is not frosti shoreline, from central present because of the Senile tiger beetle California coast south to salt developed nature of the marshes of San Diego, also Proposed Project site. found at Lake Elsinore. Inhabits dark-colored mud in the lower zone and dried salt pans in the upper zone. Coelus globosus -- -- Beetle inhabitant of coastal None: Suitable habitat is not Globose dune sand dune habitat, from present because of the beetle bodega head in Sonoma developed nature of the county south to Ensenada, Proposed Project site. Mexico. Inhabits foredunes and sand hummocks; it burrows beneath the sand surface and is most common beneath dune vegetation. Common Name Status Potential for Occurrence Scientific Name Federal State Other Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Invertebrates (continued) Danaus plexippus -- -- CNDDB Winter roosts along Observed: Suitable Monarch butterfly Special California coast from roosting habitat of wind- Mendocino to Baja protected tree groves is California, Mexico. Roosts in marginally present on the wind-protected tree groves Proposed Project site. No (eucalyptus, Monterey pine, clusters of individuals cypress) with nectar and present during water sources nearby. over-wintering period. hennei -- -- Endemic to the El Segundo None: Suitable habitat and Henne's Eucosman dunes (type locality), Los ramosissima var. Angeles County. Larval austrolitoralis are not foodplant is Phacelia present because of the ramosissima var. developed nature of the austrolitoralis; larvae can be Proposed Project site. found on woody stems and upper root parts. Euphilotes battoides FE -- -- Restricted to remnant coastal None: Suitable habitat and allyni dune habitat in southern Eriogonum parvifolium is not El Segundo blue California. present because of the butterfly Host plant is Eriogonum developed nature of the parvifolium. Larvae feed only Proposed Project site. on the flowers and seeds used by adults as major nectar source. Glaucopsyche FE -- -- Restricted to the cool, fog- None: Suitable habitat and lygdamus shrouded, seaward side of Astragalus trichopodus var. palosverdesensis Palos Verdes hills, Los lonchus is not present Palos Verdes blue Angeles County. because of the developed butterfly Host plant is Astragalus nature of the Proposed trichopodus var. lonchus Project site. (locoweed). Onychobaris langei -- -- Special Known from El Segundo None: Suitable habitat is not Lange's El Animal dunes. present on the Proposed Segundo Dune Project site. weevil Panoquina errans – – CDFG Southern California coastal None: Suitable habitat is not Wandering Special salt marshes. Requires moist present because of the skipper saltgrass for larval developed nature of the List development. Proposed Project site. Common Name Status Potential for Occurrence Scientific Name Federal State Other Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Fish Gila bicolor FE CSC -- Endemic to the Mojave River None: Suitable habitat is not mohavensis basin, adapted to alkaline, present because the Mohave tui chub mineralized waters. Needs Proposed Project site is deep pools, ponds, or outside the natural range of slough-like areas and the species. CNDDB record vegetation for spawning. is for transplant population at the South Coast Botanic Garden which became extinct in 1976. Oncorhynchus FE CSC – Federal listing refers to None: Suitable habitat is not mykiss irideus populations from the Santa present on the Proposed Southern Maria River south to the Project site. steelhead – southern extent of the southern species range (San Mateo California Creek in San Diego County). Evolutionarily Southern steelhead likely has Significant Unit greater physiological (ESU) tolerance of warmer water and more variable conditions than northern subspecies. Reptiles and Amphibians Aspidoscelis tigris ------Found in deserts and Not Expected: Suitable stejnegeri semiarid areas with sparse habitat is not present coastal western vegetation and open areas. because of the developed whiptail Also found in woodland and nature of the Proposed riparian areas. Project site or non-native Ground conditions may be vegetation of the bluff. firm soil, sandy, or rocky. Emys (=Clemmys) -- CSC -- Inhabits permanent or nearly None: Suitable habitat is not marmorata pallida permanent bodies of water, present because of the Southwestern below approximately 1,830 developed nature of the pond turtle m, with basking sites Proposed Project site; the (partially submerged logs, sump is ephemeral and vegetation mats, or open surrounded by developed mud banks) and nesting sites areas. (vegetation). Lampropeltis zonata -- -- CSC Restricted to the San Gabriel None: Suitable habitat is not (pulchra) and San Jacinto Mountains present because of the Califonia of southern California. developed nature of the mountain Inhabits a variety of habitats, Proposed Project site. kingsnake (San including valley-foothill Diego population) hardwood, coniferous, chaparral, riparian, and wet meadows. Common Name Status Potential for Occurrence Scientific Name Federal State Other Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Birds Agelaius tricolor -- CSC -- Highly colonial species, most None: Suitable habitat is not Tricolored numerous in central valley present because of the blackbird and vicinity. Largely developed nature of the endemic to California. Proposed Project site and (nesting colony) Requires open water, lack of open water or protected nesting substrate, protected nesting substrate and foraging area with on the Proposed Project prey within a few kilometers site. of the colony. Laterallus -- ST, USBC, Inhabits freshwater marshes, None: Suitable habitat is not jamaicensis CDFG AWL, wet meadows, and shallow present because of the coturniculus Fully ABC (all margins of saltwater developed nature of the California black Protec- listings marshes bordering larger Proposed Project site. rail ted include bays. Needs water depths of full about 1 inch that does not species) fluctuate during the year and dense vegetation for nesting habitat. Athene cunicularia -- -- CSC Open, dry annual, or None: Suitable habitat is not Burrowing owl perennial grassland and present because of the desert habitats throughout developed nature of the deserts, or scrublands Proposed Project site. characterized by low- growing, widely spaced vegetation. Subterranean nester. Dependant upon burrowing mammals, especially California ground squirrel. Charadrius FT -- CSC Found in sandy beaches, salt None: Suitable habitat is not alexandrinus pond levees, and shores of present because of the nivosus large alkali lakes. developed nature of the Western snowy The plover needs sandy, Proposed Project site. plover gravelly, or friable soils for nesting. Empidonax traillii FE CE -- Nests in extensive thickets of None: Suitable habitat is not extirnus low, dense willows on edge present on the Proposed Southwestern of wet meadows, ponds, or Project site. willow flycatcher backwaters, between 2,000 and 8,000 feet mean sea level (msl). Dense willow thickets are required for nesting and roosting. Low, exposed branches are used for singing posts/hunting perches. Common Name Status Potential for Occurrence Scientific Name Federal State Other Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Birds (continued) Passerculus – SE – Very local breeder on the None: Suitable habitat is not sandwichensis southern coast from Santa present on the Proposed beldingi Barbara to San Diego Project site. Belding’s County. Nests in Salicornia savannah sparrow on and about margins of tidal flats. Pelecanus FE SE – Colonial nester on coastal None: Suitable habitat is not occidentalis islands just outside the surf present on the Proposed californicus line. Nests on Islands of Project site. California brown small to moderate size which pelican afford immunity from attack by ground dwelling predators. Mammals Antrozous pallidus -- -- CSC Inhabits deserts, grasslands, Not Expected: Suitable Pallid bat shrublands, woodlands, and habitat is not present forests. Most commonly because of the developed found in open, dry habitats nature of the Proposed with rocky areas for Project site, but species roosting. could forage in the Roosts must protect bats Proposed Project area. from high temperatures. Bats are very sensitive to disturbance of roosting sites. Eumops perotis -- -- CSC Inhabits many open, semi- Not Expected: Suitable californicus arid to arid habitats, habitat is not present Western mastiff including conifer and because of the developed bat deciduous woodlands, nature of the Proposed coastal scrub, grasslands, Project site, but species chaparral etc.; roosts in could forage in the project crevices in cliff faces, high area. buildings, trees, and tunnels. Common Name Status Potential for Occurrence Scientific Name Federal State Other Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Mammals (continued) Lasionycteris – – WBWG Common, but erratic in Not Expected: Suitable noctivagans Medium abundance. During spring habitat is not present Silver-haired bat and fall migrations the because of the developed silver-haired bat may be nature of the Proposed found anywhere in Project site, but species California. Summer habitats could forage in the include coastal and montane Proposed Project area. coniferous forests, valley foothill woodlands, pinyon- juniper woodlands, and valley foothill and montane riparian habitats. Summer range is generally below 2750 m (9000 ft.). Roosts in hollow trees, snags, buildings, rock crevices, caves, and under bark. Females may form nursery colonies or occur as solitary individuals in dense foliage or hollow trees. Needs drinking water. Lasiurus cinereus – – WBWG May be found at any location Not Expected: Suitable Hoary bat Medium in California. Winters along habitat is not present the coast and in southern because of the developed California, breeding inland nature of the Proposed and north of the winter Project site, but species range. During migration, could forage in the may be found at locations far Proposed Project area. from the normal range. Habitats suitable for bearing young include all woodlands and forests with medium to large-size trees and dense foliage. Generally roosts in dense foliage of medium to large trees. Preferred sites are hidden from above, with few branches below, and have ground cover of low reflectivity. Requires water. Prefers open habitats or habitat mosaics, with access to trees for cover and open areas or habitat edges for feeding. Common Name Status Potential for Occurrence Scientific Name Federal State Other Habitat Requirements and Survey Results Mammals (continued) Nyctinomops – CSC WBWG Rocky areas with high cliffs Not Expected: Suitable femorosaccus Medium in a variety of arid areas in habitat is not present Pocketed free- southern California – pine- because of the developed tailed bat juniper woodlands, desert nature of the Proposed scrub, palm oases, desert Project site, but species wash, desert riparian, etc. could forage in the Proposed Project area. Nyctinomops – CSC WBWG Low-lying arid areas in Not Expected: Suitable macrotis Medium– southern California. Need habitat is not present Big free-tailed bat High high cliffs or rocky outcrops because of the developed for roosting sites. Feeds nature of the Proposed principally on large . Project site, but species could forage in the Proposed Project area. Microtus californicus – SSC – Tidal marshes in Los Not Expected: Suitable stephensi Angeles, Orange and habitat is not present on the South coast marsh Southern Ventura Counties. Proposed Project site. vole

Status Key: Federal: FE = Federal Endangered; FT = Federal Threatened; FC = Federal Candidate; BCC = Fish and Wildlife Service Bird of Conservation Concern State: CE = California Endangered; CSC = California Species of Concern; FP = Fully Protected