DialogueDialogue “Priestly Formation for the 21st Century” • A Publication of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary • Spring 2009

SpecialSpecial IssuIssuee — WhWhat’sat’s IInsidenside The 2009 Friends of the Seminary Jacques, Jr. (dec.) and Eleanore Vinmont - Honorary Chairs Catherine R. Murphy – Sustaining Sponsor Bishop John J. Nevins & Knights of Columbus Receive St. Vincent de Paul Award Donor Brunch & Wall of Recognition Dedication • Joe Paddy Festival Dialogue 1 Dialogue

Editorial Editor – Msgr. Keith R. Brennan Associate Editors – Cindy Krueger, Sharon Melancon, Keith Parker Managing Editors – Stanton Cadow, Daniella Coy Contributing Writers – Stanton Cadow, Daniella Coy, Jim Frankowiak, Fr. Lou Guerin Administrative Assistants – Herminia Garcia, Cindy Krueger, Sharon Melancon Board of Trustees Letter From the Rector Most Rev. John C. Favalora, of , Chancellor Most Rev. Victor B. Galeone, Bishop of St. Augustine, Dear Friends: Chairman Most Rev. Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach Most Rev. Frank J. Dewane, Bishop of Venice Blessed greetings and best wishes from all of us here at St. Vincent de Paul Most Rev. Robert N. Lynch, Bishop of St. Petersburg Most Rev. John H. Ricard, S.S.J., Bishop of Pensacola/ Regional Seminary as we quickly approach the end of our academic year. Tallahassee Most Rev. Thomas G. Wenski, Bishop of Orlando We are devoting the majority of this issue of DIALOGUE to commemorate Most Rev. Felipe J. Estévez, Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Miami two events that took place on campus earlier this year, our annual Friends of Most Rev. John G. Noonan, Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Miami the Seminary event and a new endeavor, the Joe-Paddy Festival. Deacon Dennis Demes Rev. Msgr. Robert C. Gibbons Friends was once again an opportunity for us to renew old acquaintances Rev. Mark Heuberger Rev. Michael R. Houle and express our thanks to our many friends and benefactors for their Rev. Timothy Lindenfelser Ms. Lydia Menocál continued support of the seminary and the men engaged in the process Very Rev. Robert Morris of formation. I wish to recognize honorary event Co-Chairs Eleanore Ms. Catherine “Cam” Murphy Rev. Msgr. Pablo A. Navarro “Danger” and the late Sir Jacques Vinmont, Jr., and Sustaining Sponsor Very Rev. Mrs. Catherine “Sis” Murphy, widow of former Board Member Thomas Ex-Officio A. Murphy. I’d also like to extend a special thanks to Event Chair Carmel Rev. Msgr. Michael Carruthers J. Patrick Fitzgerald, Esq. Quinn. Staff/Directors Msgr. Keith R. Brennan – Rector & President Though we are in the midst of a deeply challenging economy, I am most Fr. Steven O’Hala – Vice Rector & Academic Dean Mr. Keith Parker – Campus Administrator/Treasurer pleased and thankful to report that Friends of the Seminary was a fi nancial Msgr. Michael McGraw – Dean of Pastoral Formation Fr. Michael Muhr – Dean of Spiritual Formation success as we have once again exceeded our goal. This is not only of fi scal Mr. Stanton Cadow – Director of Institutional Advancement importance, but encouraging to our seminarians, faculty and staff. Mr. Art Quinn – Library Director Fr. Louis Guerin – Director of Field Ministry Sr. Joyce LaVoy – Director of Liturgy/Music I also ask that you join with me in recognizing the recipients of our St. Mrs. Joyce Martinez – Director of Language Vincent de Paul Awards: the Most Reverend John J. Nevins, Bishop Dialogue Design Director – Claudia O’Leary Photographers – Leonard Bryant, Stanton Cadow, Emeritus of the Diocese of Venice, a member of our Board of Trustees Deacon Randy Musselman and the State Council of the Knights of Columbus. These annual Advertising Sales Sharon Melancon – [email protected] & awards recognize one lay person or group and a member of the Clergy who David O’Leary - [email protected] have excelled in witnessing to the values of the Gospel through their lives Correspondence 10701 S. Military Trail, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436-4899 and service to the People of God. Send address changes to: Sharon Melancon, 10701 S. Military Trail, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436-4899 or email: Our Student Council was responsible for the fi rst ever “Joe-Paddy Festival,” [email protected] Telephone: (561) 732-4424 – Fax: (561) 737-2205 an event which celebrated the feast days of St. Joseph and St. Patrick. Web site: www.svdp.edu The proceeds from this March event are being used to benefi t the needs Subscriptions Dialogue is published twice a year by St. Vincent de Paul of our seminarians as they study for the priesthood. The festival began Regional Seminary. Single subscriptions are $20 for one with evening Prayer followed by a dinner of Irish and Italian fare and live year in the U.S., and $25 in Canada, and $30 in all other countries. Donors and alumni receive Dialogue free of entertainment under a big tent on campus. Msgr. Stephen Bosso, former charge. Rector, was honorary chair of the festival. Mission Statement The primary purpose of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary is to provide a human, spiritual, academic, and Once again, I thank you for your continued support of our mission at St. pastoral formation program to prepare candidates for Vincent. You are in our daily prayers. the Roman Catholic priesthood. In response to the large number of Hispanic Catholics in Florida, and throughout the , the Seminary formation program is Keith R. Brennan, J.C.D. bilingual and multicultural. The secondary purpose of the seminary is to provide Rector – President continuing theological education to qualified clergy, religious, and laity of all denominations. 2 Dialogue Inside Letter from the Rector Inside Front Cover In Memory of Thomas Aquinas Murphy 2009 “Friends of the Seminary” Breaks More Records 2 Trustee, Saint Vincent

Mecca Gift Gives Life to Seminary Grounds 5 de Paul Regional Seminary Retired Chairman, Wall of Recognition Dedicated 7 General Motors Corporation

“Seedlings for St. Vincent” Christmas Campaign In Second Year 8  Joe-Paddy Festival Kicks-Off 9 “May God Hold You in the Palm of His Hand”

In Memoriam Above: Honorary Chair Eleanore “Danger” Vinmont celebrates with Mr. & Mrs. Jacques at 2009 “Friends” We ask for your prayers for recently deceased members of our St. Vincent de Paul family. Robert Foss, October 30, 2008, Pensacola, FL, fi rst cousin to Msgr. Stephen Bosso a member of SVDP faculty. ON THE COVER Marguerite Wolf, January 12, Kentucky, a former SVDP Celebrate the 2009 “Friends” honorees. See article on page 2 employee Top left, left to right: Bishop John Noonan, Auxiliary of Miami, Bishop Michael Dubriel, February 3, Birmingham, AL, SVDP of Orlando, Archbishop of Miami, Frank graduating class of 1987 and former faculty member. Dewane of Venice and Bishop of St. Augustine (Bishop Francisco Garcia, February 4, Miami, FL – the stepfather of Dewane accepted the St. Vincent award on behalf of Bishop Nevins). Carlos Poce, an employee of SVDP. Top right: Msgr. Keith Brennan, Rector, Catherine “Sis” Murphy and Bishop Mrs. Jacqueline Maruca, February 8, Baltimore, MD – the sister Wenski. in law of Fr. Dominic Maruca, Scholar in Residence of SVDP. Bottom left: Bishop Wenski, Carmel Quinn, and Bishop Dewane. Richard Krueger, February 21, Boynton Beach, FL, husband of Bottom right: Supreme Knight Dennis Stoddard, Msgr. Keith Brennan, Cindy Krueger, an employee of SVDP. Rector, State Deputy James Schonefeld and Archbishop Favalora. Jeffrey J. Guerin, March 7, Boynton Beach, FL, brother of Fr. Lou Guerin, a member of the SVDP faculty. Dialogue 1 Friends of the Seminary

t is with great pleasure we are able to report the Ifi nal results of the 2009 Friends of the Seminary Vespers, Silent Auction, Reception and Dinner. The event brought together more than 200 benefactors and friends of the seminary as well as alumni, faculty, staff and seminarians. The tremendous support and gifts of 300 plus donors made this year’s Friends a success. It has become a tradition for many from across the state to give to this special event even though they cannot Income/Expenses 2009

Expenses 11.4%

Income 88.6%

With only a 12.7% overhead, 87.3% of gifts went directly to support our seminary

Photos by Leonard Bryant

2 Dialogue Friends of the Seminary

attend. This year Friends recorded a $35,200 or 17% increase in income over 2008. We exceeded our budgeted goal by more than $9,000. The Honorary Chairs for the event were Eleanore “Danger” and the late Sir Jacques Vinmont, Jr. of St. Lucy Parish in Highland Beach. Carmel B. Quinn of St. Edward Parish in Palm Beach was event chair and Sustaining Sponsor was Mrs. Catherine R. Murphy. SunTrust once again agreed to renew its commitment to the event as the corporate sponsor. The recipients of the annual St. Vincent de Paul Awards were Most Reverend John J. Nevins, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Venice, and the Florida State Council Knights of Columbus. Accepting for Bishop Nevins was Bishop Frank Dewane and accepting for the Knights were Supreme Director, Dennis Stoddard, and State Deputy, James Schonefeld. The honors were bestowed at the conclusion of Vespers, with Archbishop John C. Favalora presiding. Given the economy, we are most fortunate and blessed and delighted thatthat wwee araree still receivingreceiving gifts.gifts.

Dialogue 3 for 48 Years

4 Dialogue Donor Grant Funds Irrigation System by Fr. Lou Guerin Thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Patricia Mecca, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary is in the process of installing an irrigation system on its front lawn. Patricia Mecca, a seasonal resident spending time between here and the Buffalo, New York area has long been a benefactor of Catholic charities with a particular love for gardening. The irrigation system will allow for the development of other flower gardens and a lush green lawn to welcome guests as they enter the seminary’s main gate. The Celtic cross designed walkways that  Continued on page 8 Florida State Council “In Solidarity with Our Priests and Seminarians” James J. Schonefeld State Deputy Florida State Council Fr. Edward McCarthy State Chaplain www.floridastatecouncil.com

Dialogue 5 SUPPORT THE PRIESTHOOD Clergy Retreats MAIL US YOUR GIFT TODAY January 25 -29, 2010

Name: ______Fr. Michael Martin CSP

Address: ______February 22-26, 2010

City ______State ______Zip: ______Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien Archdiocese of Baltimore Telephone______- ______E-mail: ______Msgr. Brennan, please accept my/our gift of: April 26-30, 2010 Presenter TBA ❏ $50 ❏ $25 ❏ $75 ❏ $100 Private Retreats Available ❏ $175 (Friends of the Seminary ticket price) ❏ $250 ❏ $______Other ❏ Check Enclosed: ______Credit Card: ❏ Amex ❏ Discover ❏ Mastercard ❏ Visa

Credit Card # ______Exp. Date: ______For Information Please Call I authorize St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary to charge my credit card for the above stated amount. MAGGIE ALBEE [email protected] Signature: ______Date: ______561-626-1300 Print Name: ______Our Lady of Florida “Thank you for your generosity in helping to secure the future of the Priesthood in Florida.” Spiritual Center St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary 1300 U.S. Hwy. 1 10701 S. Military Trail – Boynton Beach, FL 33436-4899 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 www.svdp.edu - Tel: 561.732.4424 - Fax: 561.737.2205 www.ourladyoffl orida.org

Order Your Subscription Today 4 issues a year just $1200 All donations are tax exempt Please add me to your subscription list. My check is enclosed.

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6 Dialogue St. Vincent de Paul Official Calendar Seminary Dedicates 2009 April 19 – Candidacy Wall of Recognition April 25 – Diaconate Ordination At Annual Donor Brunch May 7 – Commencement St. Vincent recently dedicated the “Wall of June 8 – June 12 – Priest Study Week Recognition” an everlasting symbol of honor for June 15 – June 19 – Deacon Study Week alumni, donors and leaders as part of the annual August 26 - Opening Mass Donor Mass and Brunch on December 7th. September 18 - Board of Trustees Meeting “This permanent recognition is most fitting and September 26 - Patronal Mass and Feast long awaited,” said Msgr. Keith R. Brennan, Rector- September 27 – Lector/Acolyte Mass President. “Those who are memorialized on the Wall December 2 - Legacy Society Mass & Luncheon are an important part of our legacy and will forever December 6 - Donor Mass & Brunch carry forth the spirit of our mission.” “We are pleased to recognize those who have been so Please call (561) 732-4424 for more information instrumental and vital to the mission of St. Vincent on events de Paul,” said Msgr. Brennan. Msgr. Stephen Bosso, who presided over Mass, blessed the new recognition area witnessed by over Introducing the 200 guests. A buffet brunch was then served to St. Vincent de Paul Seminary donors, followed by a presentation of plaques of recognition to the former and current members of the Seminary’s Development Council. These Think of St. Vincent de Paul Seminary dedicated volunteers, lead by Diane Simowitz, the as one of your children, and help us help you Council’s Chair since 2004; have assisted the seminary achieve your goals to benefit the Seminary. in raising funds and by personal giving. A Charitable Gift Annuity provides a guaranteed fixed, mostly tax free income for life, a tax deduction and wonderful gift to the seminary. For many, it is the most attractive away to leave a charitable gift to your most beloved Catholic Institution. For more information about a Charitable Gift Annuity, rates and joining St. Vincent de Paul’s Legacy Society, call 561·732-4424, or return the coupon below to: St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary 10701 South Military Trail • Boynton Beach, FL 33436 • www.svdp.edu

Please send me more information on the St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Gift Annuity Program and The Legacy Society Name: ______Address: ______City: ______State:____ Zip: ______Among the 200 who attended the recent Wall of Recognition Telephone: (____) ______E Mail: ______dedication at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary were (left Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Gift Annuity Amount (min. $10,000): ______to right) Former Seminary Rector-President Msgr. Stephen Bosso, ❏ Please send me an analysis of your benefits without obligation. Rector’s Development Council Chair Diane Simowitz, Danger We respect your privacy. Information collected here will be kept confidential, and will Vinmont, current Rector-President Msgr. Keith Brennan, Catherine not be sold or otherwise disclosed. Murphy, Carmel Quinn, John Herrick and Cam Murphy.

Dialogue 7 Named and Memorial Gifts Made to “Seedlings” The seminary is grateful to the 134 donors who contributed nearly $7,000 to the Christmas appeal and “Seedlings for St. Vincent.” Many gifts were made in memory or in honor of loved ones. Donors Mrs. Louise M. Dubrosky Sen. Philip and Maryellen Lewis Ms. Marilyn Stockelman Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Skip Ligouri Mrs. Imelda Stroud Mr. & Mrs. Jose Arias Ms. Elizabeth Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Lorne Mrs. Jean D. Subock Mrs. Claire Arnold Mr. Herbert Everstijn Mrs. Eugenie Mamarachev Mrs. Virginia Sweeney Mr. Fred Balogh Sister Marie Therese Evrard Mrs. Mary Anne Mattison Mr. and Mrs. John A. Talamas Ms. Adele Marie Barrett Mr. Patrick Faherty Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McHugh Ms. Eileen Teclaff Mr. James T. Barrett Mrs. Pearl Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Don McIntire Mr. G. A. Thelemann Mrs. Laura Barter Ms. Mary Elizabeth Fitzgibbons Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Messinger Ms. Celina Torkington Mr. & Mrs. John C. Belo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fitzwilliam Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Luis Torres Mr. Rafael Bezos Mr. & Mrs. John J. Forebaugh Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meyer Mrs. Theresa Turley Mr. Elmer Blankmann Mr. William F. Friel, III Mrs. Mary Mogavero Mrs. Georgia Ulseth Mrs. Anne Blood Ms. Helen Frisby Ms. Aurora Moreira Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Vaillancourt Mrs. Clara Blowers Mr. Vincent E. Gahren Rev. John S. Morrissey Ms. Teresa Van Derven Rev. Brett A. Brannen Mrs. Silvia Galdo Mr. John R. Moses Mrs. Mary Vitale Ms. Elina Bravo Mr. Michael Galotola Mr. & Mrs. George Muhr Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Warner Mr. John Breck Rev. Marcial Garcia Mrs. April Murphy Ms. Dulce Maria Welsh Rev. Frank Buck Ms. Lois Anne George Mr. Michael Nahirny Rev. Thomas S. Willis Mrs. Marian Buehler Ms. Anita Gettings Mr. Francis X. O’Connell Mr. Francisco Vigil Ms. Mary Bull Mr. and Mrs. James Gillcrist Mrs. Andrea H. Olney Mrs. Patricia E. Buszko Mrs. Carmen Gonzalez Mr. Manuel Ortega In Memory of Mr. Ronald Callanan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Grant Mr. Walter Pasko Jane E. Clark Mr. Sam Campo Mr. Gary Graziani Mr. & Mrs. Richard Persek Brian Gillcrist Mrs. Janet Caraballo Mrs. Amelia Guida Mr. Michael Petrina Maria A. Larrea Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Castella Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hartigan Mr. Walter Poff Richard Mattison Mr. William Clark Mr. & Mrs. Fred Henning Rev. Ronald J. Pusak Paquerette Vaillancourt Rev. Vincent L. Clemente Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Ramos Leon Toups Mrs. Bridie Clifford Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hurley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Clinger Rev. Reginald Jean-Mary Mrs. Marie Myles Rubey In Honor of Rev. Joseph F. Connolly, T.O.R. Mrs. Ruth Johnston Rev. Thomas Rynne Dr. Michael G. Zifcak Rev. Robert F. Morris Mr. & Mrs. William Jones Ms. Lorraine Salvatore An increase in vocations to the Ms. Barbara Crawford Ms. Margaret Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Hermes Sanchez priesthood and vowed religious life Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Dardano Mrs. Mary King Mr. and Mrs. James Schonefeld Joan Towle Mr. and Mrs. Siro DeGasperis Ms. Mary Kissinger Mr. William Sebald Mary Little Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Di Pietro Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaTorra Rev. Vincent J. Sheehy Patrick Kelly Ms. Clara DiPeri Mr. Albert N Lafreniere Mr. Charles Silk Fr. William J. O’Halloran, S.J. Mr. Pedro Diaz-Landa Rev. Msgr James Lara Ms. Margaret M. Simone Winifred & Ernest Liguori Ms. Gale Donnellan Mr. & Mrs. Benigno Larrea Ms. Mary Ann Singer Deborah Lee Lorne Mr. Donald Dostie Mr. & Mrs. Packard Larsen Mr. Paul J. Smith Gaye Llanes & Betti Watson Mr. and Mrs. King Doyle Rev. Msgr. J. William Lester Mr. William Spillane

 Continued from page 5 admired the grounds and speaks about our seminary surround the larger-than-life statue of St. Vincent de as “the greatest secret we have in the south Florida Paul will be enhanced with future garden projects to Catholic Community.” She says she looks forward to create a beautiful area for meditation and a fi tting the irrigation system being completed so we can get to tribute to the main chapel. work on the fl ower beds. “If more Catholic people saw The installation of the irrigation system has begun and this beautiful place and met some of these great men should be completed by the end of March. Mrs. Mecca studying for the priesthood, they would certainly be who is a frequent visitor to the seminary has always overjoyed to help,” says Patricia Mecca.

8 Dialogue Joe-Paddy Festival Makes Big Splash

Guided by the leadership of local Parish and Bishops, presided over vespers and our numerous door prizes, which Msgr. Stephen Bosso, Honorary more than 300 people took part seminarians sang several hymns. were given away throughout the Chairman, the seminary’s newest under a big top tent here on the Fr. Steven Olds served as the evening, and an entertaining event to provide direct seminarian seminary’s campus. evening’s Master of Ceremonies. live auction, attendees were left educational and formation The extraordinary gifts of Title The Irish musical group of Jim wanting more. A special thank support, was held on March Sponsor “Danger” Vinmont, Co- and Laura Farrell of Prince you goes to Keith Parker and 10th. Conceived and planned Sponsors Diane Simowitz, and Edward Island, Canada and our maintenance department late last year, Msgr. Bosso rallied Leonard & Geraldine Mecca, as Italian musicians Rosemary who worked tirelessly staging the talents and resources of well as supporting sponsorships Stone and Carlos J. Santana of the event. Luis Largaespada, seminarians, staff and supporters from April Murphy, Doreen Boca Raton delighted the guests Student Government President to pull-off what turned out to be & Kevin Donnelly, and Msgr. with music and dancing. Chef and the seminarians ended the an informal gathering of friends Bosso, ensured the event’s Philippe and his staff enticed evening by leading the singing and supporters in celebration success. Under a gorgeous full our guests with traditional of Salve Regina. Unfortunately, of the feasts of St. Patrick moon, and with perfect weather, Irish corned beef and cabbage, due to an urgent meeting out of and St. Joseph. Driven by the the evening began with Vespers. baked ziti, vegetable lasagna, state, Msgr. Bosso, could not be seminarians’ hard work selling Rev. Mr. Paul Lambert, one of the salad and delectable desserts. in attendance. tickets, and the cooperation of seminary’s Transitional Deacons, With plenty of adult beverages, See photos on back cover.

Dialogue 9 Joe-Paddy Festival


10 Dialogue