ARCHBISHOP OF Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski Saint Henry

PASTOR: 1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp. EMERITUS: Msgr. James B. Reynolds August 19, 2018 DAILY : 8:00 a.m. MISSION STATEMENT SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES: 4:00 p.m. (English)

SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 , 10:00, & 11:30 a.m. (English) 1:30 p.m. (Spanish)


HOLY DAYS MASSES: 8:00 a.m., 12:00, and 6:00 p.m.

ST. JUDE NOVENA: Every Monday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Every Saturday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

LEGION OF MARY DEVOTIONS: Every First Saturday following 8:00 a.m. Mass

HOMEBOUND: Contact the Parish Office for Sacraments.

PARISH OFFICE: Phone: (954)785-2450 Fax: (954) 785-6958

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Six Month Preparation Period Required. Parishioners should contact the Parish Office at least nine months in advance to make appt.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parishioners should contact the Parish Office to make an appointment with the pastor three months prior to Baptism English Baptism - First Sunday of the Month Spanish Baptism - Last Sunday of the Month

CONFESSION: Before every Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass and by appointment

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (C.C.D.): Sundays - September to May 9:45am English & 11:45am Spanish 19 de Augusto de 2018 August 19, 2018 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary time 20⁰ Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

From the Pastor Mensaje del Pastor:

CELEBRATION! COME, LET US CELE- TH Celebremos todos el 60 BRATE ARCHDIOCESE’S 60 ANNI- Aniversario de la Arquidiócesis VERSARY

Archbishop Thomas Wenski is inviting all of El Arzobispo Thomas Wenski invita a todos los South Florida Catholics to join him in cele- Católicos de el sur de Florida a celebrar con el brating the 60th anniversary of the archdio- el 60 Aniversario de la Arquidiocesis de Miami, cese of Miami, which was founded October 7, la cual fue fundada el 7 de Octubre de 1958. 1958. Planned events include a 60th anniver- Los eventos para el 60 Aniversario incluyen sary picnic and conferral of diocesan hon- picnic y la entrega de honores diocesanos. ors. El 7 de Octubre se celebra la Fiesta de October 7 is the Feast of Our Lady of the Ho- Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Fue en este día ly Rosary. It was on this day in 1958 that en el 1958 que el Obispo Coleman Francis Bishop Coleman Francis Carroll took posses- Carroll tomo posesión de la Catedral de Santa sion of his cathedral in St. Mary’s Cathedral. Maria. En conmemoración a este gran día en In commemoration of that great day in the la historia de nuestra Arquidiócesis, el history of our Archdiocese, Archbishop Wen- Arzobispo Wenski ha dicho que la Misa de la ski has directed that the Mass of the Feast Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de el Santo of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary be cele- Rosario se celebre en cada parroquia brated in every parish this year on Sun- el Domingo 7 de Octubre del 2018, en vez day, October 7, instead of the Mass of the de del 27 de Octubre del Tiempo Ordinario. 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Priest cele- Los Sacerdotes deben de tomar nota de esto y brants have taken note of this and I ask the preguntar a los Ministerios de Música y Music Ministers and Lectors to do the same. Lectores a hacer lo mismo.

At 5:00 P.M. on the same Sunday, October El mismo Domingo, Octubre 7 del 2018 a 7, 2018, representatives from all the parishes las 5:00 p.m. representantes de todas las will gather at the Cathedral of Saint Mary in parroquias se reunirán en la Catedral de Santa Miami for the conferral of the diocesan hon- Maria en Miami para la entrega de honores ors. The ceremony will begin with a Solemn diocesanos. La ceremonia comenzara con la Evening Prayer at which the Archbishop will Solemne Vigilia Nocturna la cual el Arzobispo preside. The Archbishop will recognize and presidirá. El Arzobispo reconocerá y conferirá confer honors on two persons from each par- honores a dos personas de cada parroquia. ish. Two persons have been chosen from Dos personas fueron escogidas de la Saint Henry Parish by Father Francis. They Parroquia de San Henry por Padre Francis. are Lauretta Brennen and Julio Mendoza. Estas son Lauretta Brennen y Julio Mendoza.

Please follow the 60th Anniversary program- Por favor sigan la programación de el 60 ming on the Archdiocesan Web site Aniversario de la Arquidiócesis por la pagina de internet. Father Francis Padre Francis

View this bulletin online at Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Tim e Page 3

Mass Intentions Of the Week Minister Schedule August 25 & 26

Saturday, 4:00 PM Celebrant Fr. Sileo Saturday, August 18th St. Hugh the Little Lector Thomas Kostolansky 8:00 am † Marilyn Brennen By Marie Server Lauretta Brennen 4:00 pm † Angelina & Dominick Leone By Danny Leone Eucharistic Minister Jim Schmidt † Salvatore Tabacco Happy 90th Eucharistic Minister By Helen Tabacco Sunday 8:00 AM Sunday, August 19th Twentieth Sunday in Celebrant Fr. Francis Ordinary Time Lector Diane Valek 8:00 am † Della Phelan By Diane Valek 10:00 am † Ethel Beardsworth Server Zack & Ali By Loretta & Joe Eucharistic Minister Jehan Vasquez 11:30 am For the healing of the Alexis & Eucharistic Minister Avhad Families 1:30 pm † Ralph & Helen Stanek Sunday 10:00 AM By Rev. Kris A. Bartos Monday, August 20th St. Bernard Celebrant Fr. Brohammer 8:00am † John Paul Marshall Lector Susan Gingerich By Lisa Gallagher Server Susan Dimond Tuesday, August 21st St. Pius X 8:00 am (L) Tommy Seals Eucharistic Minister Jackie St. Georges Wednesday, August 22nd The Queenship Eucharistic Minister of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 am En acción de gracias Sunday 11:30 AM Thursday, August 23rd St. Rose of Lima 8:00 am (L) Ignes James Celebrant Fr. Francis Friday, August 24th St. Batholomew Lector Michelle Gonzalez 8:00am (L) Steven Elsea By family Server Jackson Chew Saturday, August 25th St. Louis Eucharistic Minister Joanne Schroeder 8:00 am † Norbert & Rene Bartos Eucharistic Minister By Rev. Kris A. Bartos 4:00 pm † Dr. Domenica Passariello Sunday 1:30 PM By Diane Valek Celebrant Fr. Lleo Sunday, August 26th Twenty-First Sunday Lector Olga Muniz in Ordinary Time 8:00 am In thanksgiving for the Holy Souls Lector Rebeca Kutner 10:00 am † Fred Casales, Sr. Eucharistic Minister Rebeca Kutner By Grace & Chick Pallotta Eucharistic Minister Olga Muniz 11:30 am † For the deceased members of the Eucharistic Minister Mayra Mendoza Bajares Family Eucharistic Minister Julio Mendoza 1:30 pm (L) Eric Guardado Misa iintención especial By Maria Guardado Church Air Condition Please consider bringing a sweater or jacket with you to church, in case it is too cold for you inside the church. Tabernacle Lights for the month of August by the Smitas Family. Please pray for the sick Wine & Hosts sponsored Robert Wright, Eileen Blackmore, Megan Sereseroz, Marilyn Smith, Laura Fassig, Marie Martes, Anthony De Michele, Rebecca Zung- for the month of August Clough, Yvonne Yaksic, Peggy Meyer, Paul Brennen, Rita Tracht, by the Smitas Family. Sophia DePaola, Edgar Breenen, Michael Bierman, Doug River, David Zwiercan, Anna Vaccaro, Anna Srednick, & Gregory Rallo.

View this bulletin online at Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time page 4

Our offertory collection for the The Pastor and staff of St. Henry Church wishes weekend of August 11th & all our students and families a welcoming and 12th is broken down below. safe return to school. Thank you for your support. Nuestro ofertorio para el fin de semana del 11 de Agosto y 12 Almighty God We give you se desglosa a continuación. our schools. We give you all Gracias por su apoyo. the teachers and staff who work there, We give you all the children who study there. We pray our schools would Day/Dia Time/Hora Offertory Vincentians be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May Saturday/Sabado 4:00pm $1,323 $832 it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to Sunday/Domingo 8:00am $437 $150 love, A place where every Sunday/Domingo 10:00am $680 $463 one is respected and all are deeply valued. We ask all this Sunday/Domingo 11:30am $302 $224 through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Sunday/Domingo 1:30pm $861 $684 (A modern prayer from Total $3,603 $2,353

Archdiocese of Miami 60th Anniversary Tribute Ads

Honor the clergy, for those who have impacted your life, by pur- chasing a 60th Anniversary Trib- ute Ad today. All of the proceeds raised from the Tribute Ads will be used to support our seminaries and seminarians. Visit tributeads or contact Grace Veloz at (305) 762-1064 for more infor- mation.

Holy Cross Nurse On Wednesdays, between 10am and 12noon, a nurse from Holy Cross visits St. Henry Church. All members are welcome to see the nurse free of charge. The nurse can take your blood pressure, help answer any questions and assist in a variety of ways. No appointments necessary.

Please—NO eating or drinking inside the Church. We appre- ciate your cooperation.

Por favor, NO, comer o beber dentro de la Iglesia. Apreci- amos tu cooperación.

View this bulletin online at Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time page 5

50th Anniversary Committee Reunión del Comité del Meeting 50 Aniversario

The next meeting for the plan- La próxima reunión para las etapas de ning and developing stages for planificación y desarrollo para our 50th Anniversary celebra- nuestras celebraciones del 50 tions has been set for Wednes- aniversario se ha fijado para el day, September 5th at 7:00pm Miércoles, 5 de Septiembre a las in the Parish Hall. All are wel- 7:00PM en el salón parroquial. Todos come and encouraged to attend son bienvenidos y animados a asistir to provide input into our celebra- para proporcionar información sobre tion activities. nuestras actividades de celebración.

CCD / Religious Education Programa de Educación Religiosa/CCD Program La iglesia de St. Henry está aceptando los St. Henry Church is now accepting registros de Catecismo/educación religiosa CCD / Religious Education registra- para el año escolar 2018-2019. Las clases tions for the 2018-2019 school year. comenzarán a mediados de Septiembre. Classes will begin in mid-September. Los materiales de registro pueden ser Registration materials may be found encontrados en línea en on line at or may be o pueden ser recogidos en la picked up in the church, or church office. For iglesia o oficina de la iglesia. Para preguntas, por questions, please call the church office at favor llame a la oficina de la iglesia al (954) 785 (954) 785 2450. 2450.

Important information - Religious Education / CCD First Day of Class

St. Henry Church’s Religious Education Classes begin on Sunday, September 16, 2018 and classes will be held in the Parish Hall. For the first day of class we ask that PARENTS & STUDENTS ARRIVE 15 MINUTES BEFORE CLASS TIME to ensure all registration information has been provided and students may check-in and meet their teachers. The English class should arrive by 9:45am and the Spanish class should arrive by 11:45am. A brief introduction and meeting for parents and students will begin at 10am (E) and 12pm (S). Students and teachers will continue class until 11:30am for English students and 1:30pm for Spanish students and then the class will proceed to the church to attend Mass together. Parents are encouraged to attend Mass with their child(ren). Students should be picked up from the church immediately following Mass. Any questions, please contact the church office.

Información importante-educación religiosa/CCD primer día de clase

Las clases de educación religiosa de la iglesia de St. Henry comienzan el Domingo 16 de Septiembre de 2018 y las clases se llevarán a cabo en el salón parroquial. Para el primer día de clase pedimos que los padres y estudiantes lleguen a 15 minutos antes de la hora de clase para asegurar que toda la información de registro ha sido proporcionada y los estudiantes pueden registrarse y reunirse con sus maestros.. La clase de inglés debe llegar a las 9:45am y la clase de Español debe llegar a las 11:45am. Una breve introducción y reunión para los padres y los estudiantes comenzará a las 10am (I) y 12pm (E). Los estudiantes y maestros continuarán la clase hasta las 11:30am para estudiantes de Inglés y 1:30pm para estudiantes de Español y luego la clase se dirigirá a la iglesia para asistir a la Misa juntos. Se anima a los padres a asistir a misa con sus hijos. Los estudiantes deben ser recogidos de la iglesia inmediatamente después de la Misa. Cualquier pregunta, por favor contacte la oficina de la iglesia.

St. Philip Neri Parish Raffle

Parishioners of St. Philip Neri will be visiting St. Henry Church this weekend, August 18 & 19th, to sell raffle tickets after each of the weekend Masses. Funds generated from the raffle will be used to build a street sign, required by the city of Miami Gardens. The Pastor, Fr. Fidelis, and the parishioners of St. Philip Neri thank you for your generosity.

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