The Big Idea To take the power of learning Indian Music from the best of the Indian Gurus/Mentors to every corner of the world with ease, accessibility and quality enabled by latest technology.

The story of the birth of Digital Music Gurukul The journey began in 1995 when Antakshari was launched on Zee TV. A popular game played in every Indian Household which founds its way on TV for the first time. Antakshari, apart from becoming very popular, for the first time exposed the great music talent which was hidden in common Indian middle class home. This led to launch of the first Music talent hunt show, Sa Re Ga Ma. Talent from every nook and corner of the country wanted to participate in the show. The Show gave us some of the biggest singers like , , and many others. The trend continues till date and the creator of these shows, Sai baba telefilms and Gajendra Singh created many other shows like Raw Star, Voice of , Sur Kshetra, Music ka Maha muqabla etc. which unearthed singers from not only the country but also across the world. These singers had great talent but they lacked formal training. The un-trained singers needed professional help to be able to hone their talent and be ready for the big world of playback singing and as an independent artist. Also, they needed training in not only singing as also in other aspects of music production which will help them to not only sing better but also to create different kind of music. This led to the birth of Sa Re Ga Ma Music Academy in in 2015. The Academy has trained now more than 500 students. The mentors are the best in their field from across the country. However, the academy opened up another opportunity. It was felt that today singing is gaining universal appeal. More and more people are enjoying the pleasure of singing either in a group, for an occasion or even to just themselves. After scooping out the best hidden talent from the corners and exposed them to the world, now is the time to make everyone benefit from singing themselves! Hence the launch of the Digital Music Gurukul – a Digital music academy. India has seen the proliferation of Digital by the birth of three landmark industries The E Commerce, The E Payment and now the The E Education. Saregama Music Academy is launching its foray into E Education in Music.

The Product/Format

Saregama Music Academy has curated a unique model for an online platform catering to impart music education not just in India but across the globe with a comprehensive course structure for all preferences, holistic approach to training by industry experts and backed by robust technology for the ultimate user experience. This is the new age Digital Music Gurukul. i. Theory, Audio & Videos: Each course content is a combination of theory to refer, audio files to listen to on the go and pre-recorded videos by the mentors for each module. ii. Assessments: Once an enrolled student has completed the course content provided through theory, audios and videos, they can opt for assessments. iii. LIVE Sessions: The Vedic age introduced us to the Guru-Shishya Parampara (Teacher-disciple tradition). With the new age technology, we plan on connecting our expert mentors to students from across the globe and experience a live session to learn music at the comfort of their homes. iv. Physical Workshops: This is an extended activity where comprehensive workshops will be conducted at live locations in a specific city to have the students meet in person with the respective mentors for training and interaction. These workshops will have various engaging activities and presence of eminent industry personalities as well sharing their experiences.

The power of the platform is to connect the Guru in Varanasi with the shishya in New Jersey.

The Problem statement Techinical solution (Platform) to connect for a live session between Guru in Varanasi and multiple (9 to 10) Shishya across various countries for a near classroom like experience.

The need of the Tech platform 1. Live connect between Guru and students. Video platform which allows all to see all 2. Interactive, wherein the Guru can teach a group simultaneously and the students can respond live. 3. Seamless. Is able to operate in low bandwidth 4. Since this is about singing, any lag or loss in connectivity will lose the effectiveness of a live session (which is the core of the program). 5. Should be a platform where you can share images, graphics, links etc. during the live session 6. In effectiveness it should be more powerful than a live physical class due to use of technology.

What is expected from the participants 1. Study and present various such tech solutions/platforms being used across the world for imparting education, training, sessions etc. 2. Propose the best solution which can be adopted by the academy for its defined purpose 3. Currently the academy cannot and will not develop such a platform from scratch hence need of the hour is to find the existing best solution or a combination of solutions which can be used to fulfill the need as mentioned above. To make it worth it What is expected is real solutions and extensive research. The teams should focus on implementable solutions along with cost estimates. Innovative thinking and out of the box ideas are extremely welcome! Only those teams which ensure the above will be chosen to make the final presentation. One will be selected as the winner. The winner will get Rs. 10,000 as the prize money. However, there is an opportunity beyond winning as well. If our tech team selects this solution to be the actual solution to be implemented then we will invite the team to help us in implementation of the solution and we will be happy to pay Rs. 50,000 as emoluments for the successful implementation of the same.