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The United Nations DISARMAMENT YEARBOOK The United Nations DISARMAMENT YEARBOOK YEARBOOK The United Nations DISARMAMENT United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs United Nations Disarmament Yearbook A rich source of historical knowledge of developments, trends and achievements of multilateral disarmament for more than 40 years. Part I contains an annual compilation of text and statistics of disarmament-related resolutions and The United Nations decisions of the General Assembly. Part II presents the main topics of multilateral consideration during the year and a convenient issues-oriented timeline. Available online at DISARMAMENT UNODA Update YEARBOOK An electronic newsletter giving information on the activities of UNODA in all relevant areas of disarmament. Available at UNODA Occasional Papers A biannual publication with edited presentations made at international meetings, symposia, seminars or workshops organized by UNODA or its regional centres in Lima, Lomé or Kathmandu. Available at UNODA Website— A comprehensive website on all issues in the purview of UNODA in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control, featuring: • Searchable database of disarmament resolutions and decisions going back to the fifty-second session (1997) of the General Assembly • United Nations Register of Conventional Arms—unique information exchange on international arms transfers • Text and status of treaties and agreements—database Volume 41 (Part II): 2016 • Dedicated working websites for conferences and meetings (NPT and Small Arms) • Education resources • and more ... Volume 41 (Part II): 2016 Volume ISBN 978-92-1-142320-4 asdf 17-07363 Office for Disarmament Affairs New York, 2017 The United Nations DISARMAMENT YEARBOOK Volume 41 (Part II): 2016 Guide to the user The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, in print and electronic format, is designed to be a concise reference tool for diplomats, researchers, students and the general public on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control issues under consideration by the international community. Part I of the 2016 Yearbook was published in April this year. It contains all the resolutions and decisions of the seventy-first session of the General Assembly. Part II is divided among the main multilateral issues under consideration throughout the year. It includes developments and trends on the issues and a convenient issue-oriented timeline, as well as short summaries, found in appendix III, of First Committee and General Assembly actions taken on resolutions and decisions. Because much of the background information is condensed, it is helpful to consult previous editions for expanded historical knowledge. Factual information is provided in the appendices. Websites of United Nations departments and specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations, research institutes and non-governmental organizations appear as footnotes. Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Hyperlinks to these documents are included in the online version of the Yearbook. Alternatively, they can be accessed, in the official languages of the United Nations, from Specific disarmament-related documents are also available from the disarmament reference collection at disarmament/publications/library/. This edition of the Yearbook features the winning art entries from the United Nations Poster for Peace Contest. The competition, which ended in 2016, aimed to raise awareness of the need for nuclear disarmament, as well as to inspire citizens across the globe to add their voices and use their artistic talents to promote a world free of nuclear weapons. Electronically available in PDF format at UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.17.IX.4 ISBN 978-92-1-142320-4 eISBN 978-92-1-060934-0 Copyright © United Nations, 2017 All rights reserved Printed at the United Nations, New York Contents Page Foreword ................................................. xi Acknowledgements.......................................... xv Multilateral disarmament timeline: Highlights, 2016 ................ xvi Chapter I. Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation Developments and trends, 2016 ................................ 3 Issues related to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ......... 5 Entry into force and universality . 5 Twentieth anniversary events................................ 5 Eighth Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT ........... 7 Group of Eminent Persons.................................. 7 CTBTO Youth Group ...................................... 8 Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization....................................... 8 Integrated capacity-building, education and training ............. 9 Open-ended Working Group taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations ..................................... 10 First session............................................. 11 Second session........................................... 11 Third session ............................................ 14 Bilateral agreements and other issues ............................ 16 Implementation of the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms ..................... 16 Implementation of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles................. 17 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)..................................... 18 Nuclear Security Summit process ............................... 21 International Atomic Energy Agency verification ................... 23 Safeguards conclusions .................................... 23 Safeguards agreements, additional protocols and small quantities protocols ............................................... 25 Verification activities ...................................... 25 iii International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions ................................................... 28 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Nuclear-weapon and ballistic-missile activities ..................................... 29 Security Council response .................................. 30 Other developments ...................................... 31 Political developments .................................... 32 Export controls ............................................. 33 Missile Technology Control Regime........................... 33 Nuclear Suppliers Group ................................... 35 Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation...... 36 1540 Committee and implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) ....... 37 Status of implementation ................................... 37 Monitoring and national implementation ...................... 37 Assistance .............................................. 38 Cooperation with international, regional and subregional organizations ............................................ 38 Transparency and outreach ................................. 39 Comprehensive review ..................................... 39 Political declarations and other initiatives ........................ 40 International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons .... 40 International Day against Nuclear Tests ....................... 41 Chapter II. Biological and chemical weapons Developments and trends, 2016 ................................ 45 Biological weapons ......................................... 47 Preparatory Committee for the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention ............................. 47 Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention . 50 Work of the Implementation Support Unit ...................... 53 Chemical weapons .......................................... 56 Twenty-first Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention .............................. 56 Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons............ 57 iv Mission to eliminate the declared chemical weapons programme of the Syrian Arab Republic................................. 60 Removal and destruction of Category 2 chemical weapons from Libya . 61 OPCW–United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism ............ 61 Secretary-General’s Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons ........................... 62 Export controls ............................................. 65 Australia Group ......................................... 65 Chapter III. Conventional weapons Developments and trends, 2016 ................................ 69 Arms Trade Treaty .......................................... 71 Extraordinary Meeting of States Parties ....................... 71 Second Conference of States Parties .......................... 72 Small arms and light weapons ................................. 73 Security Council ......................................... 73 Programme of Action on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons............................................ 75 Coordinating Action on Small Arms........................... 78 Group of Interested States in Practical Disarmament Measures ..... 78 International Small Arms Control Standards .................... 79 Ammunition ............................................... 82 International Ammunition Technical Guidelines and United Nations SaferGuard activities .....................................
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