Street art

By: Rachelz. What is ?

Street art is similar to . They are all created in public places. Street art is mostly found on streets, walls or buildings. Street art have rules and a lot of tools. It always give us a very strong message; street art is also persuading us to stop doing something or start doing actions. When did street art begin?

Street art begin in the early 1960s. It became popular during the 1980s because a lot of people get interested in street art or by seeing the street art. The art before street art is graffiti art. Many people are inspired by their action when they are drawing it and, street art gives us strong messages too. I’m going to explain how are the people inspired later. What materials do the street artist need to use when drawing street art? Street artist usually use a lot of tools. The most important tool is protection. Here are some more tools for street art: Drawing tools: drawing tools can help the artist a lot. Palette knives, spatulas or sticks are all drawing tools. It can use to etch, draw or scrape detail into wet paint. Tape: tape can help the artist if he/she does not want the art work covered with paint or a particular color. Sponges: The artist will use sponge or sponge brushes to make different text effects or blend color. If you wet the sponge and use spray to spray multiple colors, it can make sunset or underwater effects. Protection: Spray paint have a lot of chemical things inside it. It can cause harms to your skin. Street artist will wear gloves to protect their hands, old cloth that can get some paints on it. The most important thing is respirator, or face mask, it can help you protect your face and you won't need to smell the chemical things that will harm your body. And more. This is a picture of art sponges � Does the street artist need to ask for the government first before drawing street art?

They don’t have to ask the government first before painting because most of the cities will have areas that are just for the street artist to draw, the government will tell the street artist where they can draw at. Why is street art a creative and unique art?

Street art is a very creative and unique art. Street artists need to be creative so, that their art can be famous or become inspired by a lot of people and, most of the creative street arts always give us strong messages. Street art is also very unique because they can only be seen on walls or buildings maybe some museum but, not many. A street art picture that shows strong messages. How has street art changed the world? First, street art has a lot of influence to others. (why) Because many street artists from all around the world come to Paris (and other places) to draw a big street art that tells the audience/ street people how is global warming affecting our environment, not only global warming there are a lot more. For example, air pollution, etc. All in all, street art is a good way to influence/ persuade people to stop doing things that will affect the world. Second, they can also use as a decoration because when the walls of houses are old, you can draw street art on it so it can make your house appearance more beautiful. Why do street artist enjoy drawing street art?

Street artist enjoy drawing street arts because they can show their personal thinking and how they feel about street art. The second point why street artist enjoys drawing street art is because they don’t have to tell people one by one about his/ her thinking. The street artist only needs to draw on the wall and, let everyone see it. The last point is that maybe the street artist is a bit shy and don’t want to tell other people what he/ she thinks and, she only needs to put his/her thinking on the wall. Why is street art not popular in the beginning?

Street art started out very secretly because its illegal for the people to draw or paint on the wall without permissions. People think differently. Some people think that street art is a crime but, some think it is a new and beautiful form of art. Most of the people don’t know street art because it’s not popular but, later when people found that street art can have a lot of messages, it became popular after all. Who are some famous street artists?

• There are a lot of street artists but, I’m going to list some top nine street artists down below: • CRISP • Plastic Jesus • C215 • ETAM • Invader • RONZO • DALeast • Shepard Fairey • Similarity between street art and graffiti art Difference between street art and graffiti art One Fun fact about street art Christo and Jeanne-Claude that made illegal art in the street of Paris in 1962 to protest against the Walls. The Berlin Walls were separated by the Berlin in Germany. It separated the eastern half from the western half. Many people thought it was a symbols of the . Questions

• When did street art begin? • What is a kind of material for street art? • What is the difference between street art and graffiti art? • What is sponges? • What is street art? • Why is street art not popular in the beginning? Answer

• Street art begins in the early 1960s • They use a lot of tools. ( drawing tools, sponges, protection) • ... • Sponges is a soft object that most of the people have in their home, we can use it for washing dishes and painting things. • Street art is a kind of art that can be created outside. It is similar to graffiti it also give us a lot of strong messages. • Street art is not popular in the beginning because they are a illegal art. Thanks for watching!