October 31, 2015 Hawaii Filipino Chronicle  1

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October 31, 2015 Hawaii Filipino Chronicle  1 oCtober 31, 2015 Hawaii FiliPino CHroniCle 1 ♦ OCTOBER 31, 2015 ♦ HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS FEATURE LEGAL NOTES waiPaHu Family Hallowbaloo 2015 Parole Program For Celebrates liFe oF Promises to Families oF FiliPino mining Del rosario DeligHt revelers wwii veterans PRESORTED HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE STANDARD 94-356 WAIPAHU DEPOT RD., 2ND FLR. U.S. POSTAGE WAIPAHU, HI 96797 PAID HONOLULU, HI PERMIT NO. 9661 2 HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE OCTOBER 31, 2015 EDITORIALS FROM THE PUBLISHER Publisher & Executive Editor appy Halloween! Can you be- Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D. lieve that there are only two The Significance of Publisher & Managing Editor months left in the year? After Chona A. Montesines-Sonido the Halloween candies are Undas Associate Editors eaten and the costumes put ndas is one of those uniquely Filipino traditions H Dennis Galolo that help to bridge the generations and bind family away, the remaining weeks Edwin Quinabo members closer to each other. This largely Catholic will be a blur, especially with Thanksgiv- Contributing Editor Belinda Aquino, Ph.D. practice spans a two-day period—All Saints’ Day ing and the Christmas season right around the corner. Creative Designer on November 1st and All Souls’ Day on November Junggoi Peralta U Our cover story for this issue is about Undas Day cele- 2nd. So important is Undas in the Philippines that many employers give their workers time off for this holiday, brations in the Philippines. Contributing writer Dr. Lilia Photography Tim Llena which perhaps ranks second only to Christmas and Easter in Quindoza Santiago reminiscences about this very important Administrative Assistant terms of importance for Filipinos. As a testament to Undas’ im- religious festival that is observed in the Philippines but to a Shalimar Pagulayan portance, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines much lesser extent here in Hawaii. We hope that her story Columnists has even launched a website that provides a catechesis of the “Undas: The Importance of Feasts For The Dead” (see page Carlota Hufana Ader significance and liturgical meaning of the celebration of No- 4) will bring back fond memories for you. Please also turn Emil Guillermo Ruth Elynia Mabanglo, Ph.D. vember 1 and 2. The website also allows you to request prayers to page 8 for our Chronicle Pulse wherein readers share their Ron Menor for loved ones, which is a welcomed convenience for those Fil- personal experiences of Undas in the Philippines and how it J.P. Orias ipinos living or working abroad and unable to be with their fam- compares with Halloween celebrations here in Hawaii. Pacita Saludes Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq. ilies for Undas. If you live or work near the Downtown-Chinatown areas Charlie Sonido, M.D. Most non-Asian countries are not keen on observing special and are looking for a Halloween event to attend, consider Cong. Mark Takai occasions that remember the dead or honor the saints, unlike in Hallowbaloo 2015—a “spooktacular” celebration of music, Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq. the Philippines where entire families fastidiously celebrate events Felino S. Tubera art, food and entertainment. For ticket information, call Lily Sylvia Yuen, Ph.D. like Undas. They camp in cemeteries and often spend the night Williams of Klick Communications at 223-3314. Contributing Writers near deceased relatives’ tombs eating specially-prepared dishes, Speaking of celebrations, West Oahu residents are look- playing card games, singing and dancing. Tombs are given a com- Clement Bautista ing forward to the 10th Annual Taste of Waipahu Festival— Teresita Bernales, Ed.D plete makeover with new paint, fresh flowers and candles. a community wide block party that celebrates all the good Serafin Colmenares, Jr., Ph.D. While Undas is regularly observed in the Philippines, there Julia Crowley things about this former sleepy sugarcane town and now vi- is some concern that this largely Catholic practice may slowly Linda Dela Cruz brant center for business and family life. With many Fil- Fiedes Doctor fade away with future generations, which have now embraced ipinos calling Waipahu home, the event is sure to have a Danny De Gracia, II, MA U.S.-style Halloween celebrations on October 31st. Young Fil- Carolyn Weygan-Hildebrand distinct pinoy flavor and feel. Make plans now to attend this ipinos who don costumes like their American counterparts are Amelia Jacang, M.D. festive event, which is scheduled for November 7, 2015 Caroline Julian now flocking to Halloween costume contests and parties, some from 2 pm to 10 pm at August Ahrens Elementary School. Raymund Ll. Liongson, Ph.D. of which last all night—making it extremely difficult to get up, Federico Magdalena, Ph.D. EDITORIALS (from page 2, XXXXX....) much less attend, All Saints’ Day prayers the following day. To find out more, turn to page 9 for “Taste of Waipahu to Deborah T. Manog Maita Milallos There is certainly nothing wrong with the next generation Celebrate 10th Anniversary.” Hope to see you there! Lastly, I encourage you to take a few minutes to read the Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D. assimilating into Western culture but ideally, parents should Renelaine Bontol-Pfister teach their children the importance of holding fast to family tra- other informative columns and articles we have for you in Seneca Moraleda-Puguan ditions like Undas. While placing one foot planted firmly for- this issue. And as always, we are grateful for your continued Lilia Q. Santiago, Ph.D. Jay Valdez, Psy.D. ward, young Filipinos should stand with the other foot on support. If you have a story idea, suggestion or concern, Glenn Wakai uniquely Filipino customs that define who they are and where please email it to our staff at: [email protected]. Amado Yoro they have come from. We’d love to hear from you! Philippine Correspondent Until next time…aloha and mabuhay… and have a Greg Garcia Happy as well as safe Halloween! Big Island Distributor Grace Larson Mobile Shower, Ditas Udani Maui Distributor Laundry Services for Cecile Piros Molokai Distributor the Homeless travels several days a week to homeless neighborhoods offering Maria Watanabe ahu is at last starting to see meaningful progress its services. Advertising/Marketing Director Chona A. Montesines-Sonido being made to address Oahu’s acute homeless prob- In Brisbane, Australia, two 20-somethings loaded their van Account Executives lem, now that the State, City and private sector with washing machines, dryers and a generator to create a Carlota Hufana Ader have joined forces in recent months, particularly in portable laundromat to wash the clothes of those in need. Their J.P. Orias Kakaako near the University of Hawaii’s medical mobile laundromat processes up to 44 lbs. of laundry each The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle is published O weekly by The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle Inc. school. Many of displaced homeless have found hour—giving homeless people the opportunity to improve per- It is mailed directly to subscribers and dis- tributed at various outlets around Oahu and shelter, while others have refused assistance and chosen to move sonal hygiene and help kickstart their efforts to get off the the neighbor islands. Editorial and advertis- ing deadlines are three weeks prior to pub- into nearby parks. streets. The beauty of these mobile shower and washing ma- lication date. Subscriptions are available at $75 per year for Oahu and the neighbor is- We urge the key players to continue to move forward on ini- chine units is that they can go directly to where the homeless lands, continental U.S. $80, foreign country $90. Copyright 2006-2014. The Hawaii Fil- tiatives and measures to fund and implement permanent housing people are, rather than have them visit a designated facility ipino Chronicle Inc. is located at 94-356 Waipahu Depot, Waipahu, HI 96797. Tele- solutions for homeless individuals and families. One particu- where they are usually not inclined to go. Such mobile services phone (808) 678-8930 Facsimile (808) 678- larly innovative idea to help the homeless get back on their feet enable social service providers to go to any location, at any time, 1829. E-mail [email protected]. Website: www.thefilipinochronicle.com. is to provide a mobile facility that provides free showers and without requiring third party support for access to water, power Opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors do not necessarily reflect those other basic hygiene services for the homeless. One such pro- or drainage. of the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle manage- ment. Reproduction of the contents in whole gram in San Francisco that has shown promise in meeting the These mobile units are no means a magic bullet but if com- or in part is prohibited without written per- mission from the management. All rights re- needs of the city’s estimated 3,500 homeless population is run bined with other meaningful, innovative efforts, they could go served. Printed in the U.S.A. by a non-profit group called Lava Mae. Last summer, its staff a long way towards solving Oahu’s homeless problem. What’s www.thefilipinochronicle.com of volunteers paid $75,000 to retrofit a decommissioned city needed are a handful of individuals who think outside of the box MeMber, Society of ProfeSSional bus with showers, changing stations and 2 toilets. The bus now and the political will to make it happen. JournaliStS oCtober 31, 2015 Hawaii FiliPino CHroniCle 3 CANDID PERSPECTIVES We Know What Trump Thinks of Mexicans; What About Filipinos and against a fellow American. were prevented from buying Other Asians? Or are all Asians perpetual homes. And in 1934, spurred By Emil Guillermo "Harvard?" Trump asked. the way people who shouldn’t foreigners? by anti-Filipino sentiment, the "You go to Harvard?" be president responded. In a politics of intolerance, U.S.
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