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American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899

1-17-1888 Table of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 104 to 122 U. S.

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Recommended Citation H.R. Exec. Doc. No. 91, 50th Cong., 1st Sess. (1888)

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104 TO 122 U. S.



Librm·ian, Conje1·ence-Roon~ Libm1·y, Snp1·eme Court U. S.





The manuscript and recommending the publication by Congress of "A table of cases argued and adJudged in the Suprerne Court of the United States~ from 104 to 122 U. S. Reports," compiled ·by H. D. Clarke, librarian.

JANUARY 17, 1888.-Referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, , January 14, 1888. SIR: I herewith transmit a manuscript work entitled "A Table of the Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, from 104 to 122 U. S. Reports," inclusive, compiled by II. D. Ularkc, the librarian of the conference-room of the United States Supreme Court. This work is intended to supplement a similar table of eases published in 1882 by H. J. Lanek and said Clarke, embracing the cases adjudged by that court which are reported in 2 Dallas to 103 U. S. Reports, in­ clusiv-e, and the compiler has submitted it to this Department, with the hope that, should it merit approval, the Government will publish it for the use of the Federal courts. The last-mentioned table of cases has been found very convenient and useful in the labors of this Department, and I am informed that it is a valuable aid to the judges in their labors. Its continuation down to the present time, including nineteen additional volumes of reports (which is the field covered by the manuscript work herewith), must prove equally serviceable. The manuscript will make between eighty and ninety printed pages of the same size as those of the similar work published in 1882 men­ tioned above. It is offered to the Government by the compiler for pub­ lication, and I recommend that the Public Printer be authorized to 3 4 LETTER OF TRANSMIT'f AL. print an edition of 300 copies thereof, for the use of the judicial and other departments of the Government. Accompanying the manuscript is a letter of the compiler, dated the 19th ultimo, to which attention is called in connection with the foregoing. I am, sir, very respectfully, A. H. GARLAND, Attorney-General. The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

WASHINGTON, D. C., December 19,1887. SIR: I submit herewith for your kind consideration and approval a supplemental volume, in manuscript, ''A Table of the Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, from 104 to 122 U.S. Reports." The former volume was found quite useful by the supreme, circuit, and district courts of the United States, and 1 trust this supplemental volume may be found more so, as the cases are more thoroughly crossed, and new subjects matter has beeu added and arranged under their respective titles. The preceding Table of Cases, published in 1882, was found more useful by the United States courts than by the legal profession at large, and its sale was principally to the United St.ates Government; and I hope that if this book shall meet with your approval the Government will publish it for the use of the Federal courts. The labor on it has been done at occasional spare moments, and for which I did not expect any remuneration, as it has been more a labor of love than for any pecuniary advantage; and I that matter, if you will kindly allow me, to your better judgment. I am, sir, with great respect, very truly, yours, H. D. CLARKE. Hon. A. H. GARLAND, .Attorney-General United States. C 0 NT EN T S.

Page. Table of cases------~---- ·------7 Admiralty cases ______·------______------. _, ·-- ·--- 73 Banks, miscellaneous------______------______74 Banks, nationaL ______------______··------·------75 Companies, miscellaneous---··------______------__ ------77 Insurance, accident, :fire, and marine______---- _____ ------82 Insurance, life ______------·----- _____ . ______------______------83 Land cases ____ ------______-·------__ --· ·- ______84 Patentcases------·------~ 86 Railroads ------__ ------· ____ ---·· ______88 5


A. Vol. Page. Abatoir Place (United States v.) ------106 160 Abbott (Renaud v.) ___ ------116 277 Aberdeen (Katzenberger v.) __ ------121 172 Accident Insurance Co. v. CrandalL ______------120 527 Ackley School District v. Hall ______------113 13-5 v. Collier ______------··------122 383 v. Crittenden-----_------·------106 576 (Harmon v.) ______------· ------120 363 (New Orleans Banking Association v.) ------109 211 County v. Burlington and Mo. R. R. Co------___ _ 112 123 (Osborne v.) ______------______. ______109 1 Adriatic, The .. ______------____ ------____ _ 107 512 Adriatic Fire Insurance Co. v. Treadwe~ ------108 361 JEtna Life Insurance Co. (County of Kankakee v.) ------______106 661 Ager v. Murry ______------______105 126 Aiken (Ouachita Packet Co. v.)------121 444 Akers v. Akers ______.. ______117 197 Alabama v. Burr ______----- ..... -- _. ___ ------_--- ____ ------_ 115 413 Ex parte ______.... __ ···------__ ---- ____ :. .. ______104 618 v. Montague ______------··------117 602,611 (Pace v.) ______------___ . ------106 58:~ Alabama Gold Life Ins. Co. v. Nichols ______----·------______109 233 Alabama (Memphis and Charleston R. R. Co. v.) ------­ 107 581 Albany and Rensselaer Iron and Steel Co. v. Lundberg __ ------­ 121 451 Albright v. Emery------·------109 650 Teas ____ ------106 613 Albro Company (New Orleans Ins. Co. v.) ------____ ----- ______112 506 Alderson (Freeman v.) __ ·------.. ______------__ 119 185 Alexander v. Bryan _____ .. -· ______------______------110 414 (United States v.) ____ - ______--______------____ _ 110 325 Allen (Leggett v.) ______110 741 (Merchants' Insurance Co. v.) ______------______121 67 (Merchants' Insurance Co. v.) ______------____ _ 122 377 v. McVeigh------____ ------______107 433 (Nix v.) ______------·- ______------112 129 v. Russell ------107 163 v. Saint Louis Natl. Bank ______------120 20 v. Withrow------_, ______110 119 Allen County (Thompson v.) ------~----..- -- ...... - .... -p--- .. ------115 550 7 8 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104: TO 122.

Vol. Page. Al1ey v. Nott _____ ··-- ____ ------·----·-- __ ---______---- ____ . 111 472 Alling v. United States------·------·- 114 562 Allis (Pope v.) ---- __ ---·· ---- ______---- ______115 363 Amador and Sacramento Canal Co. (Cashman v.) ------·--- __ ------118 58 (Plymouth Gold Mining Co. v.) ___ _ 118 264 An1bler v. Choteau ______------· _____ ------___ ----- ___ _ 107 586 Ambrose (United States v.) ______------108 336 American Bible Society v. Price ____ ------__ 110 61 Exchange Natl. Bank v. Boughton ______104 427 File Company v. Garrett ______110 288 Life Insurance Co. v. Bruce ______105 328 Life Insurance Co., Moulor v ______------______111 335 Pressed Tan Bark Co. (McGowan v.) ______121 575 Amesv. JCansas ______111 449 v. Quimby ______---. ____ -----______--- ___ ------106 342 Amoskeag Bank v. Ottawa ______------______105 667 Manufacturing Co. (Head v.) ------113 9 Amy (East Saint Louis v.) ______---- ____ -- ______------120 600 Shelby County Taxing District ______114 387 Anderson v. Philadelphia Warehouse Co ______111 479 (Robinson v.) ______--- ______121 522 v. Santa Anna County------116 356 (Sloane v.) ______------117 275 County Commissioners v BeaL ______------__ ------113 227 Andrews (Eames v.). ----- ______--- __ ------_____ ------______122 40 (Hayward v.) ______------___ _ 106 672 Anglo-Californian Bank (Mining Co. v.)------104 192 Anne Lindsley, The ______------______------104 185 Ansonia Brass and Copper Co. (Western Electric Manufacturing Co. v.) _ 114 447 Anthony (Wing v.) ______------______------___ _ 106 142 Antoin v. Greenhow ______------______------______------107 769 Applegate v. Lexington, etc., Mining Co .. ------______------117 255 Archbold (Savings Bank v.) ______------____ _ 104 708 Argentine Mining Co. v. Terrible Mining Co ______-·----·------122 478 Arjona (United States v.). ___ ------______------______. ____ _ 120 479 Armes (Bigelow v.) ______------~---·-- 108 10 (District of v.) __ . _____ ------··-- ______107 519 Armour v. Hahn ___ . ______. ______111 313 Armstrong ( Life Insurance Co. v.)------· 117 591 Arnson v. Murphy ------109 238 v. Murphy -~ ______115 579 Arrick (Wilson v.) ______112 83 Arrowsmith v. Harmoning . ______118 194 Arthur (Ferguson v.) ______117 482 v. Fox__ _ ------108 125 (Gautier v.) ____ ------______104 345 v. l\1organ _ _ 112 495 (Newman u.) .. 109 133 v. Pastor______10!.1 139 (Pott l'.) ______------10! 735 (Victor 1'.) ------• ------104 498 Arthurs (Holtlen 1'.) ______------115 482 .~--\rtlnu' Execnt<>r& (Hei11eman v.) ____ ... ~·~--., ----...... _---- -·-.... . 120 -~ TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 9

Vol. Page. Ashburn (Cambria Iron Co. v.)_ ------118 54 Ashby v. HalL------119 526 Astor v. Merritt------111 202 Asylum v. New Orleans------105 362 Atchison, Topeka, etc., R. R. Co. v. Denver and New Orleans R. R. Co_ 110 667 (Kansas Pacific R. R. Co. v.) _. ______112 414 Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. (Ellis v.)------108 342 v. Good Intent Tow-Boat Co______109 110 Atlantic Phosphate Co. v. ______------·· ____ 114 492 Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. (United States v.)------·---- 120 241 Atlantic Works v. Brady ------·------107 192 Attorney-General (Kansas City, Lawrence, etc., R. R. Co. v.)------118 682 Attrill (Oglesby v.) __ ------··------105 605 Atwater Manufacturing Co. (Beecher Manufacturing Co. v.) ______114 523 Anfrmordt (United States v.) ------122 197 Aurrecoechea v. Bangs_.------____ 110 217 114 381 Avegno v. Schmidt------113 293 Ayers v. Watson ______------__ --_-- ___ --_------______113 595 Ayres v. Wiswall------112 187 B. Babbitt (United States v.) __ --____ ------____ --·---c ___ _ 104 767 Bachman v. Lawson_------___ _ 109 659 Bacon v. Rives. ______------______---- ______··- ______106 99 Badger v. Gutierez's ____ ------. ___ ------______111 734 Ranlett ____ ------_---- __ ------______106 255 (Schmidt v.) ------______. ______------______107 85 Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik (Cochrane v.)------111 293 Bailey v. New York Cent'l and Hudson River R. R. Co ______106 109 v. United States------·------109 432 Bain, Ex parte------_____ ------_____ ------·------______121 1 Baines v. Clarke ______·- ______------______------111 789 Baker v. Davis ____ ------_ 109 229 (Power v.) ____ ----- ______-·---- ·------______112 710 Baldwin v. Black ______------______. ______119 643 v. Franks __ ---- ______------______------·- ______120 678 (Maryland v.) ____ ------______------·---- ______112 490 v. Otoe County ______Ill 1 v. Stark ______------______107 463 Ball tBoynton v.) ______121 457 Ballou (Litchfield v.) ______------______114 190 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad v. Bates ______------119 464 Ex parte ______------106 5 108 556 v. Funkhouser __ ··------_ ------104 5 Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co. v. Koontz ______104 5 (Randall v.) ______.. ______109 478 Baltimore and Potomac R. R. Co. (District of Columbia v.) _ ------114 453 v. Fifth Baptist Church ______108 317 Baltzer v. Raleigh and Augusta R. R. Co ______115 634 Bangs (Aurrecoechea o.) ------· ------110 217 114 381 II. Ex. 26-12 10 TABLE OF CASES. FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Bank of British Columbia (Willamette Mfg. Co. v.f------­ 119 191 Kansas City (Goetz v.) ------··------119 551 Maysville v. Claypool ______···------___ _ 120 268 Commerce (Tenn.) v. Tennessee ______·------104 493 Bantz v. Frantz------··------______105 160 Barber v. Schell ------·------·------107 617 Barbier v. Connolly------· __ _ 113 27 Barbour (Barton v.) __ ------__ ------·-­ 104 126 Barnard (Clark v.) ··------··------·~--- ·------··--- 108 436 Barker (Clough v.) ____ -----·· ------__ _ 106 167 Barlow (Chouteau v.) ------··------110 238 (Ranney v.) ------.J. ------______112 207 v. Ramsey------___ ---·· ------114 15 Barnes 1;. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R ____ ------122 1 Barney v. Cox-----·------·------107 629 v. Friedman _..... ------______··------107 629 v. Isler ______------· ______------·-- ____ ---·· ______107 629 v. Schmieder ______113 645 (Winona and St. Peter R. R. Co. v.)------·-- ___ ----·---··----- 113 618 v. Winona and St. Peter R. R. Co ______------117 228 Barnwall (Webb v.) ------·------116 193 Barrell v. Tilton _ ... _------___ ------··--- ______. __ ·· --____ _ 119 637 Barrett v. Failing _____ - __ ------·· ------__ ·-----______111 523 Barron v. Burnside ____ ----____ ------______---·- ____ ------______121 186 Barry v. Edmunds ------··------116 550 Bartholow v. Trustees ____ ------··------105 6 Barton v. Barbour ------104 126 v. Geiler ______------______108 161 Bartram v. Robertson ______------122 116 Basket v. Hassell ____ ------·-· ------··-_------107 602 108 267 Batchelor v. Brereton ------·------______112 396 Bates, (Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co. v.)------119 464 (Peoples' Savings Bank v.) ______------· ---- ______120 556 Bates County v. Winters ------...... ______112 325 Bauer (Rosenbaum v.) ---- ·------· ------··------120 450 Bayliss v. Travellers' Insurance Co----. ______-----· __ tl3 316 Bayly v. Washington and Lee University------­ 106 11 Beall (Anderson County Commissioners v.) -----· ------113 227 Bean v. Patterson ____ -·------·------110 401 v. Patterson ______------... ____ ----_------... _._ ------___ _ 122 496 Beard v. Nichols------_____ .. ______120 260 (Schlesingerv.) ------120 264 Bedford v. Burton ______... ______106 338 Beecher Manufacturing Co. v. Atwater Manufacturing Co __ ___ ------114 523 (Clark v.) ______------·--...... ______115 79 Beedle v. Bennett.------­ 122 71 Behan (United States v.) ------·------110 338 Belgenland, The ______------108 153 114 355 Belk v. Meagher------·------104 279 Bell v. First National Bank of Chicago ______------··------115 373 (United States v.) --·-- --~------~------·-·------111 477 TABLE OF CASES PROM U. S. REPORTS 101 TO 122. 11

Vol. Page. Bell Telephone Co. (Eldred v.) ------119 513 Belleville Nail Co. (Willis v.)------___ - ____ _ 111 62 Bemi~R 1'. Taylor ______------· 110 42 Bcmley /'.Townsend_ ------­ 10!) 665 Benedict (Dushane v.) ------··-­ 120 630 Benjamin v. Dubois __ ------118 46 Bennecke v. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co ______105 355 Bennett (Beedle v.) ___ ------122 71 Bergen Connty (Merchants' Bank v.) ---- __ ------__ 115 384 Bernards Township v. Morrison------109 341 v. Stebbins __ ------·------109 341 Berney (Drexel v.) ______-.------______122 241 Ben;~iger v. Robertson ______----_------.. ______122 211 Berry (Pneumatic Gas Co. v.) ------~-- 113 322 (St. Louis, etc., Railway Co. v.) ------__ ---- ______113 465 Bickham (Walter 1:. ) ------.. ___ ------__ 122 320 Bicknell r. Comstock __ ------.. --.. - -_- .. ______113 14!) Bigelow v. .Armes ___ ------______108 10 Carpet Co. (Dobson v.) ____ ------114 439 Ex parte. _____ ---- ______-_--- ______------__ _ 113 328 Bignall !'. Gould ____ ------___ _ 119 495 Birdsell c. ShalioL ______------___ - ______112 485 Bishop (United States v.) ------120 51 Bissell !'. Foss _· ___ - _.. _------______114 252 v. Spring Valley Township _____ - ______110 162 Black (Baldwin v.) ______---- ____ ---- ______119 643 (Smith v. j ______------______------______------115 308 (Story v.) ------119 235 v. Thorne_------____ ------~---~----- ______111 122 Black Hiver Improvement Co. (Polleys v.)_ ------­ 113 81 Blair v. Cuming County __ ------111 363 v. Gray __ ------.. ------104 769 Blair (Kings County Savings Institution v.) _____ - ___ ------______. __ _ 116 200 (Wood worth v.) ______------______112 8 Blake (Hawkins v.)------108 422 v. San Francisco ------______----- _------____ ------113 679 The Julia ______.------______------______107 418 Blennerhassett v. Sherman ______------__ _ 105 100 Blessing (Leathers v.) ______-·--- ______---· 105 626 Block (Meyers v.) ______120 206 Board ofLiquidation of New Orleans v. Whitney ______121 284 (New York Guamnty Co. v.) ______------105 622 of N. 0. v. Louisville and Nashville I·?.. R. Co ___ _ 109 221 Boardman v. To:ffey ---- ____ ---_---- ____ ------__ ------____ ----_ 117 271 Boare (Erhardt v.) ______------113 527,537 Boatman (Eilers v.) ____ ------. ___ ------111 356 Boatmen's Savings Bank v. State Saving .Association------114 265 Bocock (Dugger v.) ______----- ______104 596 Boese v. King ______----______------108 379 Boffinger v. Tuyes ______. ______------______------____ _ 120 198 Bohall v. Dilla. ______. ______~ _____ ------114 47 Bohanan v. Nebraska ______------·------____ ------118 231 Bohlen v. Arthurs------~------· __ 115 482 12 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104: TO 122.

Vol. Page. Boisselier (Thompson v.) ------· ------____ ------114 1 Bolleil v. Brimfield------·------·------120 759 Bonaparte v. Tax Court·---.. ------.. ------·--- 104 592 Bond v. Dustin ____ ----.------112 604: Bond Cases, Tennessee·------·----. ____ ·------114 663 Bonebrake (Medsker v.) ------··-· -----· ------­ 108 66 Booneville Central National Bank (Howard County v.) ------108 314 Boothv. Tiernan ____ ------109 205 Borche~ling v. Glenwood Cemetery------·------107 466 Borer v. Chapman ____ ------· ____ _ 119 587 Borg v. Illinois Midland Railway Co ______., ______.. ______.. __ _ 117 434 Bors v. Preston.------______---- ____ _ 111 252 Boston, Hartford and Erie R. R. Co. (Graham v.) -----· ____ ------.. 118 161 Boston Mining Co. v. Eagle Mining Co ____ ------______------115 221 Bostinck v. Brinckerhoff ______------____ ------106 3 Boughton v. American Exchange National Bank ____ ------__ 104 427 (Hecht v.) ------______---··------______105 235 Bourbon County (Central R. R. Co. v.) ______·------· ------·--- 116 538 Bowden v. Johnson. ___ ------._------__ ----··-· ______107 251 Bowen (Burnham v.) ------. --··------.. _ ------______111 776 (Shippen v.) _---- ·- ______------______122 575 Bowker (Taylor v.) ------______------··------111 110 Bowler (Pana v.) ______------·------·------107 529 Bowman v. Chicago and Northwestern Rwy. Co------.. ------115 611 Boyd (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v.) --·------· __ _ 110 27 Boyd, Ex parte_------··------____ --·------__ 105 647 (Hardin v.). ------·--.... ------113 757 v. United States------·------116 616 Boyer v. Boyer------··-- _____ ., ______------113 689 Ex parte -----·· ______109 629 Boyle (Chatfield v.) ------__ .. ------____ ------··--- __ 105 231 Boynton v. Ball ______. ______--·-- ______. ______121 457 Bradley (Marine and River Phosphate, Mining and M'f'g Co. v.) --·- --- 105 175 v. United States------···------·------­ 104 442 Bradner (Strang v.) ------·. ------_ ------­ 114 555 Bradstreet Company v. Higgins------··---··------112 227 114 262 Brady v. Atlantic Works --· ------107 192 Bragg v. Fitch _____ ------·------121 478 Branch v. Jessup .. _____ ------106 468 v. Patrick ______------___ _ 119 156 Brandies v. Cochrane------105 262 112 344 Brass Company, Bridgeport (Miller v.) ------­ 104 350 Brewer (Chapman v.). ------· ------­ 114 158 Bridge v. Excelsior Manufacturing Co.·------105 618 Company, American (Cardwell v.) ------­ 113 205 Brimfield (Bolles v.) ---- __ --_------.------.-­ 120 759 Brinckerhoff (Bostwick v.) ------106 3 Brindle (United States v.) _. ___ ---- __ ------___ ------__ 110 688 Britton v. Evansville National Bank·------105 322 v. Niccolls . __ . ______------_--- ____ ---- ____ ·- 104 757 v. Thornton _____ ------··.:.-_------112 526 TABLE OP CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 13

Vol. Page. Britton (United States v.) ____ ---- -· ------··--- ~------·--- 107 655 108 193,199 Brockett ( Steamboat Co. v.) ------___ ------·--- 121 637 Brogden (Grenada County Supervisors v.) ______------__ . _ 112 261 Brooklyn (Guidet v.). ___ ···-- ____ ------··--- --·------____ --··- __ 105 550 Cross-Town R. R. Co. (Stephenson v.) ______------114 149 Brooks (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River H.. H.. Co. v.) ------__ 110 27 v. Clark ____ ··------··-· -----· ------____ _ 119 502 (Claiborne County v.) ______------··- ______111 400 Locomotive Works (Milwaukee and Northern H.. R. Co. v.) ___ _ 121 430 Broomall (Eachus v.) _ ··- __ --· _ ---- ______---·· ------115 439 Bronson v. Grossman ______-----_~----- ______104 418 v. Loeschigk ____ . ______------··------__ 104 418 v. Schulten ______.. ______--·- ______104 410 v. Warburg ______------______104 418 Broughton (Manhatt..'tn Life Insurance Co. v.) ______.. - ______109 121 Brown v. Colorado ______------______106 95 v. Davis---· ______·------116 237 (Evans v.) ------109 180 Ex parte ______-·------______116 401 1.1. Grant ____ -·· ____ ------______116 207 v. Houston __ --·------114 622 (Parkersburgv.) ·· --·· ·· ------lOG 487 v. United States ______------·--·--______------113 568 (Wisner v.) ______- . __ ---··------·------· ___ _ 122 214 Brownsville, Fort Kearney and Pacific R. H.. Co. (Thomas v.)------­ 109 522 Bruce (American Life Insurance Co. v.)------··------105 328 (Gibson v.) ______108 561 v. Manchester and Keene R R. ______------117 514 Brucker (Gibbs and Sterrett Manufacturing Co. v.)------__ 111 597 Bryan (Alexander v.) ______··- ____ --··-_. __ 110 414 v. ICennett ______------______.. ______113 179 Bryant (United States v.) ------·------111 499 Buchanan (Hitchcock v.) ------·-- ______. ___ ---···------105 416 Buckell (Jones v.) ______. ______104 554 Buena Vista County v. Iowa Falls and Sioux City R. H.. Co. ______112 165 Buffalo Insurance Company (Webster v.) ______------:- ______110 386 Bullard v. Des Moines and Fort Dodge H.. R. ---··------122 167 (Long v.) _ ------______.------·· 117 617 Bullitt County (Washer v.) ------·- ______------· ------110 558 Buncombe County Commissioners v. Tommey .. ______·----- ______115 122 Burdette (Estey v.) ---- ____ ---- ______.. ______------______109 633 Burgess (Graffam v.) ____ --- _____ ---·-. ______-·---______117 180 v. Seligman ______107 20 v. Turpin. ______---·· -. ____ --·-- ______117 504 Burley v. Flint ______--· ______105 247 v. German-American Bank ____ ------111 216 Burlington, Cedar Rapids, ete., Railway Co. v. Dunn ______. ______122 513 121 182 and Missouri River R. H.. Co. (Wood v.) ------­ 104 329 and Missouri Hiver and Chicago, Quincy and Burlington R R. Co.'s (Mills County v.) ______107 557 and Missouri River R. R. Co. (Adams Count yv.)------112 123 14 TABLE OP CASES l!,ROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Burnes v. Scott_------117 582 Burnett (Sullivan v.) ______------______------______105 334 v. United States ______------··------116 138,158 Burnham v. Bowen ______------____ ----- ~ ______111 776 Burnside (Barron v.) __ ··--- ______------121 186 Burr (Alabama 1J.) ____ ------______------115 413 (Carter v.) ______113 737 Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony ______. ------111 53 Burtis (Thatcher Heating Co. v.) ______--·------· ______121 286 Burton (Bedford v.) ______------·---- ______106 338 (Koshkoning v.) ______104 668 (St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manit~ba R. R. Co. v.) ______111 738 Bush v. Kentucky . _____ . ______107 110 Bussey v. Excelsior Manufacturing Co. ______110 131 Buster (Halstead v.) ______. ______.. ______. __ _ 119 341 Butchers' Union, etc., v. Crescent City Slaughter-house Co ______111 746 120 141 Butler (Delano v.) ______---·-______. ______118 (Gordon v.) ------______-.- ______105 (Whitney v,) ______------118 655 Butterworth v. Hill ______. __ ------______114 128 v. Hoe ______------______112 50 Butz v. Northern Pacific R. R _____ ------______119 55 Buzard v. Houston ____ ------119 347 c. Cable v. Ellis ______------··---· --··- ___ _ 110 389 Cadman v. Peter ______------______118 73 Caillot v. Deetken ______113 215 Cairo & St. Louis R. R. Co. (Jonesborough v.) ______·----- ______110 192 Caledonia Mining Co (Noonan v.) ------121 393 Calhoun (Penn. v) ______--- .. ______. ______.. ___ _ 121 251 California v. Central Pacific R. R. Co------· ______118 394 v. Northern R. R. Co ______------______118 417 Paving Company v. Molitor. ______------.. __ _ 113 609 v. Schalicke ______119 401 (Southern Pacific R. R. Co. v.) ______-~- ______118 109 v. Southern Pacific R. R. Co ______:______118 394 Call v. Palmer ______------· ______. ______106 39 116 98 Campbell v. Laclede Gas Co ______·------119 445 Cambria Iron Co. v. Ashburn ______------118 54 Camors v. Watts ______---··-- ____ _··--- ______115 353 Camp v. United States ______------______113 648 Campbell (Clexton v.) ______------______104 356 v. District of Columbia. ___ ------______117 615 (Hewitt v.; ______. ______109 103 v. Holt------115 620 (James v.) ______. 104 356 (O'Reilly v.) ------______------______llG 419 (Tyler v.) ______------______------106 322 v. United States ______------______-- ___ ------107 407 Canada Southern R. R. Co. v. Gebhard------.. ---~------109 527 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 15

Vol. Page. Canal Bank of Mississippi v. Hudson __ ------·-·-______111 66 Canal and Claiborne Streets R. R. Co. v. Hart______114 655 Canfield (Minneapolis Agricultural and Mechanical Association v.)_ ____ 121 295 Cannon v. United States ____ ·------·------116 55 118 355 Cantrell v. VVallick ------117 689 Cape Ann Isinglass and Glue Co. (Manning v.) ------____ 108 462 Gape Girardeau County Courtv. Hill------118 68 Cardwell v. American Bridge Co ____ ------____ ------____ 113 205 Carey (Cunard S. S. Company v.) ------119 245 (Ottawa v.) ------· ------· __ ---- 108 110 (United States v.)---- __ ------__ 110 51 Carite v. Trotot ____ ----- ______. ----- __ ------______105 751 Carll, Ex pa1·te ______------___ ------____ - ·- ______106 521 (United States v.) ------··------105 611 Carpenter (Chickaming v.) ____ ------.,------______106 663 (United States v.) ------111 347 v. VVashingtonand Georgetown R. R. Co ______----- 121 474 Carper v. Fitzgerald ______------______------_ 121 87 Carrick v. Lamar------116 423 Carriere (Tua v.) ______------______117 201 Carrigan (Shephard v.) ------116 593 Carroll County v. Smith------______111 556 Carson v. Dunham------121 421 v. Hyatt ------118 279 Carter v. Burr ______------______--·----______113 737 v. Carusi------·------·------112 478 v. Greenhow------109 64 v. Sturges------,------·------114 511 Countyv. Sinton------120 517 Carusi (Carter v.) ______------______112 478 (Howard v.) ______------______109 725 Carver v. United States ______------111 609 Casey (Hambro v.) ------____ ------______110 216 Cashman v. Amador and Sacramento Canal Co------______118 58 Cattletsburg, (Cincinnati, etc., Packet Co. v.) ------105 559 Cavenderv.Cavender·------114 464 Cecil National Bank v. Watsontown Bank______105 217 Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v. Boyd------110 27 v. Brooks ______110 2':1 v. Cutler------110 27 v. Dundon ------_ 110 27 v. Greenstreet ------110 27 v. Herring______110 27 v. Iddings ______··--- 110 27 v. JewelL______110 27 v. Lake------110 27 v. VVooster______110 27 Central American Insurance Co. (Grace v.)------109 278 Pacific R. R. Co. (California v.) ____ ··--· ------______118 394 (United States v.) ------118 235 R. R. Co. v. Bourbon County ______·------116 538 Vermont R. R. Co. (Paine v.) ·------.... ----- 118 152 16 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Chaffin v. Taylor-·------~-----'------116 fi(i7 Challen (Holland v.) ------____ ------___ _ 110 15 Chambers v. Harrington ______·---____ --·---- -··------______111 350 (Holland v.) ______------______110 G9 Chapman (Borer v.). ____ ------_------______------·--- ___ _ 119 587 v. Brewer ______.. 114 158 v. County of Douglass ______,_ 107 348 (Quinn v.) __ ------··------111 445 Charles Morgan, The .. ______------. ______. ____ .. 115 6!) Charter Oak National Bank (Bloomfield v.)------121 121 Cbase ~'· Curtis ______. ____ . ______... ______. ___ . 113 452 Chatfield v. Boyle------··------__ .. __ _ 105 231 (Leonard v.) -----·. ___ .. _------____ ------·------115 465 Cheely v. Clayton ______. __ _ 110 701 Cheesman (Iron Silver Mining Co. v.) ____ ------______--··· 116 529 Cheong Ah Moy v. United States ______------113 216 Cherokee County Commissionersv. Wilson------·------109 621 Trust Fund, The ______-··- ______.. 117 288 Chesapeake and Ohio R. R. Co. v. White ______·------____ _ 111 134 v. Miller ______... _. ______114 176 Ohio and Southwestern R. R. Co. v. Kentucky----· ______115 321 Chew Heong v. United States._ .. ____ ·------______112 536 Cheyenne (Union Pacific Railway Co. v.) ------______113 516 Chicago (Escanaba and Lake Michigan Transportation Co. v.) ___ , ____ _ 107 678 v. Tebbetts .. ------·------·------___ .. ____ _ 104 120 (Stow v.). ------·--·------______.... _.. ______104 547 Railway (Sioux City Railroad v.) ______117 406 and Alton R. R. Co. v. Wiggins Ferry Co ... ______108 18 119 615 v. Union Rolling Mill Co ______109 702 Burlington and Kansas City R. H. v. Guffey------120 569 122 562 Life Insurance Company v. Needles ______,. ______113 574 Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway (Barnes v.) ------­ 122 1 v. Ross------112 377 v. United States ______104 687 and Northwestern Railway Co. (Bowman v.) ------115 611 v. Crane .. ____ - ______113 424 v. McLaughlin. ______119 566 v. Ohle ______117 123 v. United States ______104 680 Pacific Elevator Co. (Johnson v.). ---- ______119 388 Railway Co. v. McGlinn _____ ------·------114 543 Vincennes R. R. Co. v. Fosdick ______, ______106 47 v. Huidekoper ______106 47 Saint Paul Railway Co. (Schofield v.) ------114 615 Chickaming v. Carpenter------·------_.....______106 663 Chisolm (Stone v.) ------· ------. 113 302 Choctaw Nation v. United States ___ . ------__ ----______119 1 Choteau (Ambler t•.) , ______------______107 586 v. Barlow------·-----··--­ 110 238 v. Gibson------·------­ 111 200 Church v. Kelsey ----.------.----. ------121 282 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 10,t TO 122. 17

Vol. Page. Cincinnati (Fox v.) ______------·- ··-- ·------. ___ ------104 783 etc., Packet Co. v. Catlettsburg ____ --·------·__ 105 559 New Orleans and Texas Pacific R. R. Co. v. Kentucky. __ _ _ _ 115 321 City of New Orleans (Crossley v.) ------______------·. ------____ 108 105 v. New Orleans, Texas and Mobile R. R. Co______108 15 City of Norwich, The __ -·------· ------·------______118 468 Savannah v. Kelly ------.. ------108 184 v. Martin ______..... ,.. ------108 190 Shreveport (Lewis v.) ------.. ------. 108 282 Citizens' National Bank of Piqua, Ohio (Moores v.) ______------104 625 111 156 Rome (Jenness v.) _____ ._ .. ______·--- 110 52 Gas Co. (Louisville Gas Co. v.) ------115 683 Civil Rights cases .. ___ ,·------.. ------.. - 109 3 Claiborne County v. Brooks------111 400 Claflin v. Commonwealth Fire Insurance Co ______-----· ------110 81 v. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. ·--- ______------110 81 • v. Western Fire Assurance Co.------____ ·-_____ 110 81 Clark v. Barnard ______...... ______, ______-----· 108 436 v. Beecher Manufacturing Co ______.. ______115 79 (Brooks v.). ______. ______. ______--·· ______191 502 v. Fredericks ______...... ------105 4 (Garretson v.) ...... __ ------·------111 120 v, Keith ...... ------______:_ __ ------106 464 (Killian v.)------.. ------·------... ------____ 111 784 (Libby v.)------118 250 {Mitchell v.) ____ ---··------______110 633 (Swan v.). ______----- ______.• ______,______110 602 v. Wooster.. ______.. ______------..... ____ . 119 322 Clarke (Bainesv.)------.. ------111 789 County (Whitford v.) ______------__ .. ______119 522 Clarkson v. Stevens --·------______106 505 Clawson v. Ramsey ---·o------______0---- __ 114 15

Clawson v. United States 0 .. ______---- ____ ------0 ____ 113 143 114 477 Clay v. Field ______------115 260 v. Freeman ______------0------118 97

v. Huntsville College 0 ..... ______------______..... o ______120 223 Clay County v. McAleer ______.. ______115 616 Claypool (Bank of Maysville v.) ------120 268 Clayton (Cheely vo) ______.. ____ 110 701 Clements v. Odorless Apparatus Co ______109 641 Clephane (District of Columbia v.) ______110 212 CJ.eveland, Columbus, etc., R. R. Co. v. McClunz ------119 454 Rolling Mill Co. v. Rhodes ______121 255

Clews (Hennequin v.) ______.... ______o ..... _ ...... __ 111 676 (Traerv.) ------.. ------· ____ , ____ 115 528

Clexton v. Campbell._ .. _____ . ______0 ______104 356 Clinton v. Missouri Pacific Railway______122 469

Clodomiro Cota, Ex parte ______000 _ .. _ • ______110 385 Close v. Glenwood Cemetery ______107 466 Clonghv. Barker------·------106 167 v. Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Co------106 178 H. Ex. 91--2 18 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Cobb (Schmidt v.) ______·------·------______119 286 Cochran v. SchelL---· ___ ------··------______---·--- __ 107 625 Cochrane v. Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik ______111 293 (Brandies v.) ______------______--·-- -- ______---- 105 262 112 344 Cock croft, Ex parte ______--____ -----______-- ---·-- _- 104 578 Coe v. Errol ____ ------116 517 Coffey v. United States __ ------_____ ------______------___ ----- 116 427,436 117 233 Cohn (Kramer v.) ______------____ ··------______- 119 ~55 Coit v. Gold Amalgamatng Co. ______------119 343 Cole v. La Grange. ______------______------113 1 (Martin v.) ______------__ ------______--·---- . ______104 30 Collier (Adams v.) ______------______--··------_--- 122 382 Collins (Lancaster v. ) ______---- _____ ------115 222 . v. Riley------·---- __ .--· ______------104 322 Colorado (Brown v.) ·----- ____ ------·- ______- 106 95 Mortgage Investment Co. (Goodwin v.)------110 1 Colt v. Colt ______. ------111 566 Columbus Rolling Mill (Minneapolis and Saint Louis R. R. Co. v.) ____ - 119 149 Commission Cases, Railroad ______·-··- ______116 307 Commissioners (Lewis v.) ______------______105 739 (People v.) ______104 466 Commonwealth Fire Insurance Co. (Claflin v.)----··------­ 110 81 Compagnie Generale Transatlantique (People v.) ------107 59 Comstock (Bicknell v.) ______------··- ______113 149 Concord v. Robinson ______------____ ------______---- 121 165 Coney v. Winchell-----·------·----·------·-·------__ 116 227 Conlan (Quimby v.) ---- ______------_------__ _ 104 420 ' Conley v. Nailor ______. ___ .. __ 118 127 Conn (Flash v. )------____ ------______---·--- ______109 371 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. (Bennecke v.) ______------105 355 (Central National Bank v.) ____ _ 104 54 v. Cushman------108 51 v. Lathrop ____ ------·---- 111 612 v. Luchs ------­ 108 498 v. Scammon------117 634 v. Union Trust Co ______112 250 (Warner v.) _____ ------109 357 Connemara, The------·----______------______108 352 Conness (Green County v.) ____ ------______·------109 104 Connolly (Barbier v.) ____ ------____ ------··-- ____ ------____ _ 113 27 (Robb v.) ··------.. ------­ 111 624 Connor v. Long ------104 228 Conro v. Crane ______---- ______---- __ ------__ -- 110 403 Consolidated Valve Co. v. Crosby Valve Co ------113 157 Safety Valve Co. v. Kunkle ______------119 45 Continental Insurance Co. v. Rhoads------119 237 Cook County National Bank v. United States ____ _: ______107 445 Cooke (Quincy v.) ------107 549 Cooley (Spaids v.) ____ --- - ___ . ____ ------______------_ 113 278 Coon v. Wilson ------______------·--- ____ ----- _____ ---- ____ ---· - 113 268 Cooper (Leather Manufacturers' National Bank v.)------120 778 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 '1'0 122. 19

Vol. Page. Cooper v. Schlesinger ______~------______111 14R (Sinclair v.) _--· ______---··-- __ ------_ 108 352 ( U u i ted States 1'. ) ______.. ______• ______• _ _ __ _ 120 124 Manufacturing Co. 1'. Ferguson ______------____ ---·- ___ _ 113 727 Cope I'. Vallette Dry Dock Co __ -- ____ ------______------119 625 Corbin 1'. County of Black Hawk. _____ ------105 659 (Davies 1'.) ____ ----. ___ ------·------__ ------··------112 36 113 687 (Gaines v.) ____ ------~------______113 687 v. Van Brunt ______·--- ______------______105 576 Codesman (Fay v.) ______------______------109 408 Core v. Vinal ______------__ .. 117 347 Corker v. Jones ------______------· ... ___ . ______110 317 Corn Exchange Bank v. Scheppers ------111 440 Cornell (King v.) ____ ------__ ·------______. ------106 395 Carson r. Maryland ______---··-- __ _ 120 502 (United States v.) ____ , ______-··------114 619 Cotton-Tie Company v. Simmons ______106 89 Cotzhausen v. Nazro. ______... ___ __ -·--- ______107 215 Coughlin 1'. District of Columbia ____ ------__ .. ______. ______106 7 County of .Adams (Osborne v.) ______---- ______.. 106 181 Black Hawk (Corbin v.) ____ ------______.. ______105 659 Clay v. Society for Savings ______.. ______104 579 Dodge (Davenport v.). ___ ·--·· ______------______105 237 Douglass (Chapman v.) ______.. ______107 348 Kankakee v . .lEtna Life Ins. Co ______106 668 Madison v. Warren------_____ ·---______106 622 Moultrie ______---·- ______... _ 105 370 Ralls v. Douglass ____ --______105 728 Coupon Cases, ---- ____ --··--- ______------______114 269,340 Covell v. Heyman ______------____ ------·- ______111 176 Covington (Hopper v.) ______------______118 149 CoYington Stock-Yards Co. 1'. Keith ______·---.______121 248 Cowing (Gould's Manufacturing Co. v.) ------·------105 253 Cox (Barney v.) __ __ ------·--· ------107 629 (St. Clair v.) ______106 350 Coyle v. Davis _____ ._ .... ______------116 108 Cragin v. Lovell ______- _- ___ - ---- ___ ~ ------_-- ·------109 194 Crandall (Accident Ins. Co. v.) ---- ·- ______. ______.. ______120 527 (Gibbs v.) .. -- __ ------__ ------·------· ___ ------120 105 Crane (Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co. v.) ·------··------· 113 424 (Conro ~)------110 403 Iron Company v. Hoagland ______------______---- 108 5 Crawfordsville First National Bank (Reynolds 1'.)------112 405 Creary (Winchester and Partridge Manufacturing Co. v.) ---.. -- ______116 161 Crescent City Live-Stock Co. (Butchers' Union Co. 1'.)------··---- 111 746 v. Butcbert'l' Union Co------··- _ 120 141 Crittenden (Adams v.) _-----.--- . ------_____ - ______106 576 Crosby Valve Co (Consolidated Valve Co. v.) ----·----- .. ------­ 113 157 Crossley v. City of New Orleans------108 105 Crouch, E.~: parte______------______··--- ____ _ 112 178 Crow v. Oxford _____ .. ___ ------·------·------119 215 (White v.) ------~~~-~~~~·------·-··------110 183 20 TABLE OF CASES PROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Crow Dog, Ex pa1·te _ ------~------109 556 Crowley (Soon Hing v.) ------~------113 703 Crnmp v. Thurber ------____ ------______--· ___ ------____ ---··· ___ _ 115 56 Cuddy (Porcher l'. ) ____ -----·------______------110 71.2 Cullins (I"Jagstaff Silver Mining Co. v.) ------104 176 Cnming County (Blair v.) ______. ------··-- ______111 3G3 Cummings (Grand Trunk Hailway Co. v.). ____ ------··--.------106 700 1'. Jones ______------__ ------104 419 Cunard S. S. Company v. Carey ------.. -- ····-- 11!) 245 v. Robertson _-·-- ____ ,._ .. _____ ------112 580 Cunningham v. Macon and Brunswick R. R. Co ____ -----~------109 446 Curtis (Chase '1.'. ) ___ • ______- ______• ______.• _. __ _ 113 452 Ex parte ______----- ______-·--- ____ -·-- ______106 371 (United St..'ttes v.) ------107 671 Cushing r. Foster ______------______. ____ .. ------... ____ _ 107 69 1'. Laird ____ ------··------107 69 Cushman (Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. v.). ------­ 108 51 Cutler (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River H.. R. Co. v.)------110 27 v. I{ouns ____ ------.. ----· ------110 720

D. Daggs (Ewell v.) ______------~--- ______------108 143 Daines v. KendalL ___ ·------______----·- ____ ------______119 53 Dakota County v. Glidden. ______··--- ______113 222 Dallas County v. McKenzie ______.__ ; ______-----·- ______110 686 Dalles (Missionary Society v.) ______107 336 Dana (Montclair v.) ______107 162 Daniel (Opelika City v.) ____ ----- . ___ . ______·---- ______109 108 Dater (Herron 'v.) ___ . ____ ·------______. ------____ _ 120 464 Davenport v. County of Dodge ------______... ·--- 105 237 Davies v. Corbin ______112 36 113 687 Daviess County v. Dickinson ______------_____ --·-·------117 657 Davis (Baker v.) ______------______------______109 229 (Brown ·1,.) ____ ·------.. ------· - .. ------116 237 (Coyle v.) ______------______116 108 {Draper v.) ---- ______------______------____ _ 104 347 {Ellis v.) _.. ______------109 485 v. Fredericks_------104 618 v. Friedlander ______------______----- ___ ----- 104 570 v. Gaines·-______. ______104 386 a. Patrick ______------122 138 (Peughv.)------·------110 227 113 542 v. South Carolina ____ ------107 597 v.Speiden.------104 83 {Taylor v.) ______-~ ______----· ______110 330 (Warnock v.) ------· ------104 775 v. Wells--·-- ______.:._·------_,_. ---- 104 159 Sewing Machine Co. v. Richards ·------__ ------___ .. 115 524 Davison 1'. Von Lingen ______------·---- 11.3 4G Dawson (Freeman v.) ______------J----- ____ ---- 110 26{ Dayton, L. P., The __ ·------120 337 TABLE OP CASES FROM U. S. HEPOH.TS 10 t f'O 122. 21

Vol. Page. Dean (Detroit v.) ------·------· ------____ _ lUG 5:37 De Comeau (Field v.) ____ ----··------·------116 1H7 Deen (Wilson's executor v.) --··------____ ------__ ·------121 ;n; Deethken (Caillot v.) ___ ·---- ______. ______-----__ - ---- ·- --. -- 113 215 Defferback v. Hawke ____ ---- ______·-- -~---- _------·------115 392 Delamore (New Orleans, Spanish Fort, etc., R. R. Co. v.) ______114 501 Delano v. Butler_ ___ -··-·----- ______------____ ·---·_------lH:l G.H Demarest (Ruckman v.) _ ---- ______·---·------. ---~- -··------110 400 Dennett (Laver v. ) ____ . ______- -- . ------• - ----. - 109 DO Dennis (Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific R. R. Co. v.) ______11G GG5 Densmore (Matthews v.) ______. ______109 21G Denver and New Orleans R. R. Co v. Atchison, Topeka, etc., R. R. Co._ 110 G67 Grande Railway v. Harris ______------1<)•') 597 Denvir (United States v.)------·------·--· __ _ 106 536 Dornan (Dodson v.) ______. ______.. ____ - _____ - _------118 10 Des Moines and Fort DodgeR. R. (Bullard v.) ______122 167 Valley R. R. Co. (Dubuque and Sioux Chy R R. Co. v.) __ _ 109 329 Detroit v. Dean ______-"- ______------·------106 537 (Phillips v.) ------··-· ------111 GOl City Railway Co. v. Guthard ______·---·--- --~------114 132 Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway (Tuttle v.) -----·- ..... 122 11':!9 Devoe Manufacturing Co. _. ______... ______···- ______--- --·------108 401 District of Columbia v. Armes ______.. ______107 519 v. Baltimore and Potomac R. R. Co. ____ ·------_ 114 453 (Campbell v.) ____ ------____ ------_------117 615 v. Clephane .. ______. ____ _ 110 212 (Coughlin v.) --··----- _.. ______..... ---·-- ___ _ 106 7 (Donnelly v) ______------______----- 119 339 (Gibbons v.) ______------116 404 (Johnstonv.) -··------. _ ------·118 19 (Laughlin v.) -----· ------.. ______116 485 v. Looney ____ ------113 258 v. McElligott ______- _--- - ___ - _------117 621 (Shipman v.) _ ·------______------. 119 148, 704 v. Washington Market Co ______108 243 (Washington and Georgetown R. R. Co. v.)_ 108 522 Dickinson (Daviess County v.) ______- __ - ____ - __ - _ -- _- 117 657 Dickinson (Hilton v.) ______. _.. ______. _ _ _ 108 165 Dieckorhoff (Harwood v.) ______------. 117 200 Dilla (Bohall v.) ______.. ____ .. ______-- _- __ 114 47 Dimock v. Revere Copper Co ______.----· ______------117 55D Dimpfell1'. Ohio and Mississippi R. R Co ------·-- __ 110 209 Dingley v. Oler ______117 490 Dinsmore (Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. Co. v. ) ______108 :~o 117 1,601 Dixon County v. Field .. ______. ____ ------_____ --- ____ ------_ 111 83 lJohsou 1'. Hartford Carpet Co ______- ______-- ___ _ 114 439 Dodge v. Knowles ______.. ______114 431 v. Freedman's Savings and Trust Co ______. ___ _ 106 445 (Schell v.) ______.. _. ______·______107 629 Conn ty (United States v.) ______. ______- ____ - 110 156 Dodsonv. Dernan ______------118 10 Doe (East Alabama Rwy. Co. v.) ------·. ______114 340 22 TABLE OF CASES }'ROM U. S. REPORTS 10-1 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Doe v. Hyde ______------~------114 247 r. Larmore------· ------·------_ 116 1!!8 Donnellan (Gwillim 1•.) _ -----~------____ ., _ 115 45 Donnelly t·. District of Columbia ------___ _ llD :~:~H Donoghue (Hanley v.) ------____ _ 116 1 Doolittle (Forsythe!'.) ------120 73 Doster lPhcenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. v.) ______106 30 Double Pointed Tack Co. v. Two Rivers Manufacturing Co-----· ______109 117 Douglass (County of Halls v.) _ _ ------105 7:28 Dover Stamping Co. (Turner & Seymour Manufacturing Co. v.) ___ ------111 319 Dow (Memphis and Little Rock R. R. v) ------120 287 Dowellt•. Mitchell ------_- - - .... ------__ __ _ 105 430 Down ton v. Yeager Milling Co .. ------· ----. ------__ 108 ,166 Dows v. Johnson ------110 223 Dmper v. Davis ------104 317 v. Springport. ------·-- ---.------__ 104 501 Drennen v. London Assurance Co ------_ ---- ______113 51 (London Assurance Co. v.) ---- ______----- ______- --- ____ 116 4G1 (Sully v.) ------113 287 Drexel v. Berney------_ ___ 122 241 (Struthers v.) ------122 487 Driesbach v. Second National Bank of Wilkes Barre, Pa . . ______104 52 Driver (Jefferson v.) ------__ ------117 27~ Drew v. GrinnelL ------115 477 Drury 'V. Hayden -----. .. ------. ------_ 111 223 Dubois (Benjamin v.) ------. ------.... ------__ ------. ---- _ 118 47 Dubu<1ue and Sioux City R. R Co. v. Des Moines Valley R. R. Co. ______109 3:~9 Dudley v. Easton ------104 99 Duff v. Sterling Pump Co ------107 636 Dugger v. Bocock ------. ------. ------_ __ _ _ 104 596 'V. Tayloe. _____ ------121 286 121 2tl6 Duke (Rives v.) - _ ------. ------_ _ _ _ _ 105 132 Dunbar (White v.) ------119 47 Duncan (Stebbins v.) __ ------. ------_ 108 :~2 Dundon (Cedar Rapids and Missouri Riverl{. H.. Co. v.) ------____ 110 27 Dunham (Carson v,) ______------121 421 (Irvine v.). ------111 327 (Stewart v.)------· ------115 61 Dunn (Burlinp;ton, Cedar Rapids, etc., R. R. v.) ------·~ ~ ------121 182 122 513 (United States v.)------.. --.. ----- ~ ------__ 120 249 Dunmeyer (Kansas Pacific Rwy. Co. v.) ------··------113 629 Dunphy v. Ryan------116 491 Sullivan ____ _ ------·------117 346 DuPont (Hartranft 11.) ------118 2~3 Durand v. Martin ______------120 36G Durant (Hogers v.) ______-· --·-- --- ____ _ ------_------106 G-t! Durr (Morrison!'.) ____------122 518 Dushane c. Benedict ____ ------______-· ------____ ------120 630 Dustin (Bond t•) ______------112 604 Duvall (Young v.) ------__ ·------109 573 Dyer v. National Steam Navigation Co------118 507 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 10± TO 122. 2 3 E. Vol. Page. Eachus v. Broomall------·------. __ _ 115 429 Eagle Mining Co. (Boston Mining Co. v.) ------­ 115 221 Eagleton Manufacturing Co. v. West, Bradley, and Carey Manufacturing Co -__ .. ------. -- - - . ------111 490 Eames v. Andrews ____ -- - __ ------~------__ _ 122 40 Earle (Freedman's Savings and Trust Co. 'tl.) ------­ 110 710 East Alabama Railway Co. v. Doe ------­ 114 340 East St. Louis v. Amy ------120 600 (Wiggins Ferry Co. v.) ------______107 365 v. ZebleY------110 321 East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. R. Co. v. Grayson ______119 240 East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. R. Co. v. Southern Tel. Co ___ _ 112 306 Easton (Dudley v.) ____ - _------_____ ---- ______104 99 (Hodgesv.)------106 408 (Lebigh Water Co. v.) ------121 3 8 Eaton (Holgate v.) _____ ------______116 33 v. Thompson _____ --- ____ ------_____ -··- _ 114 1 Ebbinghaus (Killian v.) ------110 569 111 798 Edmunds (Berry v.) __ ------___ --- ___ - ______116 5fi0 (Sandsv.)------116 585 Edrington v. J e:fferson ------______111 770 Edwards (Travelers' Insurance Co. v.) ------122 457 Edye v. Robertson ____ --- ___ ------______112 580 Effinger v. Kenney _____ --____ ----___ - __ - ______-- ______115 566 Egbert v. Lippman ______------_____ --- ____ ------______104 333 Ehman (Roth v.) ______------_- 107 319 Ehrhardt v. Hogaboom ------__ - 115 67 Eilers v. Boatmen _____ ------__ 111 356 Eldred v. Bell Telephone Co __ -----_------_------______1iJ 513 Electric R. R. Signal Co. v. Hall Rail way Signal Co ______114 87 Elgin v. Marshall ___ __--- __ ------______106 578 Mining and Smelting Co. (Iron Silver Mining Co. v,) ______118 196 Elizabeth Jones, The ____ ------_------_------______112 514 Oil Cloth Co. (Heidritter v.) ------112 294 Elk v. Wilkins ______------____ --- __ _ 112 94 Ellerman (New Orleans, Mobile and Texas R. R. Co. v,) ______105 166 Ellett (Wilkins v.) _____ -- ___ ------____ -- ______108 2G6 Elliott v. Sackett __ ------______108 132 v. Wiltz ______107 711 Ellis t'. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co ------108 342 (Cable v.) ______110 389 v.Davis------109 485 Elwood 1'. Flannigan ____ ------______104 562 Embry v. Palmer ------· ·------107 3 Emerson v. Senter_ ____ - - -· ------___ _ _ 118 1 Emery (Allbright v.) ______109 650 Emholt (United States v.)------·-·------105 414 Emigration Commissioners (Steamship Co. v.) . ------__ _ 113 33 Emler (Slidell v.) ______------______--·· . __ ·--- ___ _ 111 412 Emory (United States v.) ------. ----- ______------______112 516 Enfield v. Jordan --· ___ • _---- ··------· __ ---·· ____ ·--··. ___ . ______119 680 24 TABLE 0.1!' CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. England v. Gebhart ______- ____ ------_ 112 502 Ensminger v. Powers --- ·· __ ·------_ .. __ ------·· 108 292 Equator Mining and Smelting Co. v. HalL ______105 86 The Sterling and The ------___ 106 647 Erhardt v. Boaro ______--- _- _- -· ------___ _ 113 527,537 Ericsson (Manchester v.) _ ------·- __ ------105 347 Erie Railway Co. (United States v.) __ .. ------_---- ___ _ 106 327 107 1 Transportation Co. (Phamix Insurance Co. v.) ______---·· · ______117 313 and Western Transportation Co. (Phrenix Insurance Co. v.) ______118 210 Errol (Coe t'.) ------·------116 517 Escanaba Co. v. Chicago ------____ ------··-----______107 678 Estes v. Gunter ____ --·------__ .... --.... ------____ -----··-- ______121 183 122 451 Estey v. Burdett ______.. __ .. ___ _- - .. ----- .. ..: __ -----·------·------______109 633 Eureka Lake and Yuba Canal Co. v. Yuba County---·- __ ------·· __ _ 116 410 Evans v. .Brown ______------··- 109 180 Pike------·------118 241 Evansville National Bank v. Britton ------··------______105 322 Everhart v. Huntsville College ______---- ____ ------.------.. 120 223 Ewell v. Daggs - __ ...... _.. - . ------·· ___ _ 108 143 Excelsior Manufacturing Co. (Bridge v.) ------105 681 v. Bussey _____ ------·------110 131 Exchange Bank (Boughton v.) ------·------______------______. _ 104 427 National Bank of Pittsburgh v. Third National Bank of New York ______·------______------_____ ------112 276 Ea: parte Alabama . ______------______------__ 104 618 Bain ------121 1 Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co .. ------106 5 108 566 Bigelow ____ ------.------··----- __ 113 328 Boyd ______------··------____ ------· 105 647 Boyer ______-·--- ______...... ____ .... ______109 629 Brown ______---- _...... ______------______116 401 Carll .... ______--·-- ___ _ 106 521 Clodomiro Cota ___ . ------__------______110 385 Cock croft ______.. ~---· ______-·- ·-- ______-·---- 104 578 Crouch _____ ------· ------.. ______112 178 Crow Dog ____ ----_------·------______109 556 Curtis ______--· --______106 371 Ferry Company ______------··- ______------104 519 Fisk ______.:______113 713 Fondo ------__ ------· __ _ 117 516 -Gordon _____ .. ______.. ______104 515 Hagar ______------·· ------··------___ • ______104 520 Harding _- --··------_------______120 782 Ritz ______---- ____ ------·------______-- - - ·· 111 766 Hoard ______.. ______- ~ -- ____ ··--- ______105 578 Hughes ______------114 147,548 Hung Hang ______---- __ ------.------108 552 Lothrop ______------__ 118 113 Mason ____ ... ______--·· 105 696 Mead------109 230 TABLE OF CASES !!'ROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122 25

Vol. Page. Ex parte Mirzan _ ·------·------.----· __ _ 119 585 Morgan------·------114 174 Norton ____ ------··------· -~----- ··------_ 108 237 Parker ------_ ------··------_ 120 737 Pennsylvania------109 174 Phenix Insurance Co------____ ------··------___ - 118 610 Phoonix Insurance Co ____ .----~ ____ ------____ -- ____ _ 117 367 Ralston __ . ___ ---___ ---- _. ____ -·--- __ ----______119 613 Reggel ______------_----- ______114 643 Ro,vland ____ ---- ___ ------______---- __ 104 604 Royall ______------______--··-______112 181 117 241,254 Slayton------· ------105 451 Tomllong ______108 556 Virginia_. ______----_--· · __ ------______. _ -~ 111 43 Commissioners ____ ------______------______------112 177 Wall. ______107 265 Warden ______. ______··----______108 153 VVilson ______------·------114 417 Woollen ______----- __ - _____ .--______.. ___ ----______104 300 Yarbrough ______-- ---· --·----- ______·--- __ 110 651 Express Cases ______------·------117 1,601 F. Factors and Traders' Insurance Co. v. Murphy---· __ ------·-··-- 111 738 Failing (Barrett v.) ------__ - --- ____ ---- _------___ - __ ------______111 523 Fairbanks (Hawley v.) _____ ------·------__ _ 108 543 (Martinton v.) ______-··---- _. _____ ------.. ____ ------. 112 670 Fairfield (County of Mou1trie v.) .. ------· _------··- 105 370 Fairmount Gold and Silver Mining Co. (Pugh v.)---- ______------112 238 Fargo v. Michigan _____ . ______.. ____ . _ --·---- ______. ------121 230 Farley v. Kittson _____ ·--- ·-··------______120 303 (Hussell v.) ------·------105 438 Farlow v. Kelly ______.. ------·------108 288 Farmer's Loan and Trust Co. (Stone v.)------·------·------­ 116 307 (Turner v.) ------106 552 v. Waterman ______---- ____ ··-·------___ _ 106 265 v. VVright ______117 72 Farmington v. Pillsbury __ ·- ______---- _____ ------·------· 114 138 Farr (Keyser v. ) .. ______------·------105 265 Fauntleroy (IIannibal v.) ______------______-- ______.. __ _ 105 408 Fay v. Cordesman ------_____ - ----______--·· ------______. ___ _ 109 408 Feibelman v. Packard. ------··-- ____ ----- _____ .. ------· ··--- 108 14 109 421 Ferguson v. Arthur ______·------. ----- ______------______117 482 (Cooper Manufacturing Co. v.) ______------113 727 (Pomace Ilolder Co. v.) ______------119 335 Fermentation Company v. Maus ______------___ . ___ ... ______122 413 Ferry v. Livingston _.... ______------.. ------_ . ____ _ 115 542 (Street v.) ______·- ______----- ______119 385 Company, Ex parte ------. ___ . ______----- ______---- 104 519 Fusier (Lammon v.) ___ ... ____ .. ______. _. ______111 17 Fidelity Insurance Co. v. Iluntington------­ 117 280 H. :t;x. 26-l3 26 TABLE OF CASES ~"'ROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Field (Clay v.) ------__ --··- --·------__ _ 115 260 v. De Comeau ______----- ______------____ _ 116 187 (Dixon County v. )------____ ------______111 83 (Smith v.)------· ___ ------·------... 105 52 (VVeaverv.)------114 244 Fifth Baptist Church (Balt. and Potomac R. R. Co. v.) ----·------···-- 108 317 National Bank (New York Elevated R. R. Co. v.) ____ ------·---- 118 608 Finch (IIale v.) ·--- ____ ------_ ---- __ 104 261 Findlay v. McAllister------113 104 Fink v. O'Neal ------____ ----- _------______106 272 Filbe1·t (Hewitt v.) ______. ----______• ··----- __ ----______116 142 Filley v. Pope ______------115 213 First National Bank of Chicago (Bell v.) ------115 373 Cleveland v. Shedd ______-·--_ 121 74 Omaha v. Redick ______--·------______. 110 224 Portsmouth, N.H. (Ottawav.) ______105 342 Toledo (Thompson v.) ______------111 529 Fisher v. Kelsey ------.------____ ·----- 121 383 v. I>erkins ______-·· ____ ... ____ ------______122 522 (United States v.)----_____ ------____ ---- ______109 143 (Utah and Northern Hailroad v.)--.------______116 28 (Voss ·v.) ______--- _ ---· ----.------__ 113 213 Fisk, Ex pl,rte _- ___ - ---- .. -. ------··------______113 713 v. Jefferson Police Jury------·------___ _ 116 131 (Louisianav.) ___ . ____ - _--·-- ______. ----- ______116 131 Fitch (Bragg v.) ------______121 47tl Fitzgerald (Carper v.)------. ______121 87 Fitzpatrick v. Flannagan __ ------.... ------______106 648 Five Per Cent. Cases------110 471 Flagg v. 'Valker ____ ---- ____ ------.------~------113 659 Flanders ·v. Seeyle __ __ .-_------__ ------__ ----______105 718 (United States v.) ------.. ---·------112 88 Flannagan (Fitzpatrick v.) _. -·--- __ ------______lOG 648 (McGinty v.)------~ ------~ -­ 106 661 Flannigan (Elwood v.) __ ··--- --·------__ 104 562 Flash t'. Conn ______----·------·------109 371 Fletcher v. Fuller - ____ --___ ------______----- ______120 534 v. Hamlet ______------______-----. ------______116 401; {Mower v.) ------______---- ______. ______114 127 116 380 (New York Life Ins. Co. v.)------·------· ------. __ _ 117 519 Flinn (Francis v.) __ ---- __ --.--- -- ____ . ------.------_. __ _ 118 385 Flint (Burley v.) ______----- ··--- -- ____ ------105 247 Flint and Pere Marquette R. R Co. v. United States ______------___ _ 112 720 Flushing and North SideR. R. Co. (Johnson v.)------105 539 Foley (Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co. v.) ______------105 350 Fonda, Ex parte. _____ •.. ------_ ------____ -- ______117 516 Ford (Provident Savings Society v.) ------__ ---- ____ ---·· 114 635 v. United States------­ 116 213 Fordyce (Peper v.) ... ··------119 469 Foree (Miller!'.)------.------·-----· ___ _ 116 22 Forsythe r. Doolittle ------__ 120 73 ForL L'. l{oush . ______--·-- ____ ------______104 H2 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 27

Vol. Page. Fortier v. New Orleans National Bank ... ---· ---·· ------___ ------11~ 4:~9 FortLeavenworthK H. Co v. Lowe. ______.______--- 114 525 Fort Scott c. li ick nuu.L . _ .. _____ . _ ·-____ - . ____ . __ -- --.. ----- . ------.- 112 150 Fort Wayne ( Woo<.l1·.) _-·· .. _.. ___ .. ___ - -- __ . --. ------. --.. ------1 HJ 312 Forty-three Gallolls Whisky (UniLcd St:Ltes 11.) ______------··------108 491 Fosdick(Chicagoand Vincennes H. R Co. v.) ·--- ·------lOG 47 Foss (Bissell v.) -·--- __ .. ______------. --·------.------______114 252 Foster v. Cushing ______107 69 v. Kan~as 112 201 Fourth Nationai Bau!-: of ~\nv York v. Francklyn ______··----·----____ 120 747 ~;ainl Louis (l\fcLcod v.) _____ . ______. ______122 528 :::5aiut Louis r. St.

Vol. Pag-e. Goldenberg v. Murphy_----- ______---- ______------__ 108 163 Goldstucker v. Wilkins . ______------___ _ 118 230 Gonzales v. Ross ____ ----·------·-- 120 605 Goodlett v. Louisville and Nashville R. R ______-··-- ____ ------122 391 Good Intent Tow-Boat Co. v. Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co _____ --·-- __ 109 110 Goodnow (Oakley v.) __ -- ____ --·--. --- ______. ___ ------. --- 118 43 Goodwin v. Colorado Mortgage Co ____ -· ____ ---- ______------. 110 1 v. Fox ______------______120 775 Gordon 1!. Butler __ ---·--- _____ ---_---. ___ ------__ ------·_------105 553 Ex parte ____ . ______104 515 (United States v.) ------·------. ------117 697 Gottfried v. Miller·------104 521 Gosling v. Roberts ______----- _____ ------__ ------106 39 Gould (Bignall v.) ------· ------119 495 Gould Manufacturing Co. v. Cowing ____ ------··----- ____ -··------105 253 Grace 1'. Central .n Insurance Co------109 278 Gmftam v. Burgess ______... ------··------117 180 Graffiin (Atlantic Phosphate Co. 11.) .. ------_____ ------·---- 114 492 Graham v. Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company------118 161 (United States 1·.) __ ------______------·--· ------110 219 Grame v. Mutual Assurance Co. of Virginia ______------112 273 Grand Trunk Railway Co. v. Cummings ______------·------106 700 Grand Street R. R. Co. (Slawson v.). ------107 649 Gra.udjean (Slidell v.) ------· ____ . ___ ------111 412 Granite Company (United States v.)------­ 105 37 Grant (Brown v.) ·------116 207 (ICeyes v.) ______------______118 25 R Parker------·------115 51 11. Phrenix Life Insurance Co ___ _ ------_: ____ ------106 429 120 271 121 105,118 (United States 11.) ------··----- 110 225 Graves (Porter 1•.) .. ___ ------· ------104 171 Gray (Blair ·v.) ------·------~------_____ ------104 769 v. Howe------108 12 v. National Steamship Co ______------______115 116 Grayson (East Tenn., Virginia and Georgia R. R. v.)------119 240 Great Falls Mtg. Co. (United States v.) ______- -·------112 645 rea~ Western, The ______-·· ______118 520 Insurance Co. v. United States------______112 193 1Green Bay and Minnesota R. R. Co. v. Union Steam-boat Co ______107 98 County v. Con ness ______. ______109 105 Green how (Antoni v.) ______107 769 (Carter v.) ______109 64 (Poindexter v.) ______.______109 63 (Smith v.) ______109 669 (White v.) ______109 63 Gree1Jeaf (Yale Lock Co. v.) ______117 554 Greenman (Juilliard v.) ______------______110 421 Greenough (Trustees v. )- ______105 527 Greenstreet (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v.)----· ______110 27 Greenwich Ins. Co. v- P.~ov.ideDce a.Ild Stonington S. S. Co.------119 481 30 TABLB OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 10·1 TO 12~.

Vol. Page. Greenwood v. Freight Company ______10;') 1"'.. v. RandalL ____ .... ___ .. __ .. ___ .. ____ ""' ______111 77[) Gregg (Fussell ·v.) ___ .... __ .. ___ ...... _.... ______-'-' ______. ____ .. 11:~ f,;}(: G re;.;ory v. Hartley _____ ...... _____ .. _____ -' ___ -' __ -'-' ______-' ____· ______11:3 7·1~ Grenado County Supervisors v. Btogdetl ___ -'----'--~~--- ______1 I~ 2Gl Grier v. 'Vilt ------'------'----'---'-'--'-----~------· ______]20 1112 Griffith v. Godey __ -' ___ ,_ __ -' '- ___ '- __ ~ _____ ~ _.. ______. ______n:~ 8!) (Stevens v.)--~------_ ------111 4H G 1 i ggs v. Houston ______.. ____ .. _ .. ______-- --- 104 r,t):~ Grinnell (Drew v. )______. _-- _- _------115 177 Griswold (Paxton v.) ______~-- ______122 4U 4_,.., Gross ·v. United States Mortgage Co ______------108 II Grossman (Bronson v.) ______.. ____ .. ______.. ___ .. ______104 418 Gru oz (Vogel v. ) ______no :~11 Guffey (Chicago, Burlington and Kansas City H. R. v.) ______120 51iD 122 5131 Guidet t'. Brooklyn ______105 GGO Guion v. Liverpool, London and Globe Ins. Co. ______109 In G n m bel v. Pitkin ______113 fi4;) Gunter (Estes v.) ______------______121 18:~ Gunther (Liverpool and London Fire Ins. Co. 11.) ______116 11:} Gnthard (Detroit City Railway Co. v) ______..... ------114 t:..::~ G n ti erez (Badger v) ______.. _ .. ______111 n4 G w iII i m v. Donnellan ______...... ___ .... _.. _____ .. _____ .. __ .. _ .. __ 115 45 H. Ir a:ts (Thackrah v.) ______.. ------_____ ...... ____ ------______]]9 199 J labersham (Jones v.) ______---- .. _____ ··------______]07 174 Hackett (Little v.) __ ...... ______.... ______------·---- ____ .. __ .. _.. ___ _ 116 3G6 Hadden 'I". 1\'ferritt ______. _____ ---·-- - ______------·------115 2.') ffngar, ex pa1·te ______.. _.... ____ . ______·--- ______... _ ]04 520 "'· Heclamation District No. 108 ______------__ _ 111 701 Hagood v. Southern_ .. ____ ...... _...... __ . ______.. __ .. _.. __ .. _ .· . ___ .... ___ .. __ .. 117 52 v. Williarns ------·· ---·------··------·----· ------117 52 ITaim (Armourv.). ___ .. ______. ______·------·--·-- ____ _ 111 :~13 1'. United Sk'ltes _. ____ ·--... ______107 102 Hailey (United States v.) ____ ------____ ------______]18 2:33 Hale 1·. Finch------· ____ _ ]04 ~61 Halferty t:. WilmHing. ______··--- --·-- ______----· __ ] I :'J 71:3 Hall (Ackley School District v.) ____ ------·--- ______11:~ U5 (Ashby v.) ------· ______11!) ii2(i (Equator Mining and Smelting Co. v.) ______lOU 86 (French"'-)------·------______liD lii2 "-'· Macneale __ .. ______... __ .... __ .. ______.. ______. ]07 90 Hailway Signal Co. (Electric Railroad Signal Co. v.). ____ .. ______lH 87 Safe and Lock Co. (~argent '!J.) __.. ______lH 6:~ (School District of Ackley v.). ______------______1on 428 Halsey (New Providence v.) ------117 :i:~6 Halsted v. Buster ______------__ llD :~41 Halstead (Wyman v.) ------, 109 G54 Ham (PearclHJ.) ______------·--- 11:~ 585 (Wabash, Saint Louis and Pacific Railway Co. v.) ______114 587 Ham bro ·v. Casey ____ . _~ ___ .. ______. ______.. ______110 216 'I'A I:LE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 31

Vol. Page. IIarucrsley (Railroad Co. v.) ------·------104 1 Hamilton (Kellogg Bridge Co. 1'.) ------110 108 (United States v.) ------109 ()3 v. Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific R. R. ______119 280 (Vintont'.) __· ______------··------104 485 (Woolfv.) ------· ------108 15 Hamlet (Morgan v.) ______·----- ______------113 449 (Fletcher v.) ______.. ______---- __ 116 408 Hammock v. Loan and Trust Company ___ . ____ ·----- ______·-- ____ _ 105 77 Hampton v. Phipps ______------______108 260 Hancock v. Holbrook ______------______------112 229 119 587 Hanley v. Donoghue------______------. 116 1 Hanna v. Maas ____ ---- ______------122 24 Hannibal v. Fauntleroy ______------______------105 408 Hanrick v. Patrick---· ______------119 156 Hapgood v. Hewitt. ______119 226 Hardin v. Boyd_------______------______113 757 Harding, ex parte ______------______---- _ 120 782 Hardmg (Hill v.) ______------______··----- ______107 6:H Hardwick (Richardson v.) ______106 252 Hargrave (Head v.) ____ ------______------____ ---·-- ______105 45 Harkness v. RusselL--· ______-----· ______--·--- 118 663 Harman v. Adams ______------______------______120 363 Harmoning (Arrowsmith v.) ____ ------______------______118 194 Harrington (Chambers v.) ______------______111 350 v. Holler ______------111 796 Harris (Denver and Rio Grande Railway v.) ______-·------122 597 (United States v.) ------106 629 Harrisburg, The ______.. ______119 199 Harrison (Hanselt v.) ______------____ _ 305 401 v. Merritt _____ .. ______.______115 G77 Harshman v. Knox County ----·- ______. _____ ---- ____ 122 :{06 Hart (New Orleans Board of Liquidation v.) ______------118 136 v. Pennsylvania R R. Co------112 :131 v. Sansom ·---- _--·--- ______------____ 110 151 (Canal and Claiborne Streets R. R. Co. v.) ------114 654 v. United States------··------·------118 62 Hartford Carpet Company (Dobson v.) ·------· ____ ------·-- 114 439 Hartley (Gregory v.) ______~------______------__ . 113 742 Hartog v. Memory---·---·------·------116 588 Hartranft v. Du Pont ______------______118 223 v. Wiegmann ____ --·----______------______121 609 v. Winters ______------_____ ---·- ______121 616 Hartshorn v. Saginaw Barrel Company ____ ------·------119 664 Harwood v. Dieckerhoff_____ . ___ . -----··------117 200 (Mabn v.) ______------______·------____ ------_ 112 355 Harvey v. United States------_____ ------105 671 v. United States ______------_ 113 243 Haselton (Whiteside v.) ______------··--- ______------·- ____ _ 110 296 Haskell (McCreery v.) ______-~- _____ 119 327

Haskins 1J. Saint Louis and Southeastern Hailway CO ------109 106 Ha..'!Ball v. Wilcox ______·------__ 115 598 32 TABLE OF CASES FROM U S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Hassell (Basket v.) ______. -·-· . ______·--- 107 602 Hastings v. Jackson. ______---- ______. __ .... _ 112 233 Hauselt v. Harrison ____ ------·----·- ---- ·-----· ·· --·--- ______105 401 Hawf's v. Oakland ______------______·----- ____ . --~------.. 104 450 Hawke fPefferback v,) ___ _ ------______115 3S>2 Hawkins v. Blake .. ____ ------·--- ______------____ -----·-·----- 108 422 Hawley 11. Fairbanks ______. _____ ------______------108 543 Hayc~n (Drury v.) --··- ____ . --·------______. ----- ____ ---· __ 111 223 v. Manning ______------· ______----· ______106 587 Hayes v. Holly Springs ____ ··------______------___ . ______114 120 v. Michigan Central R. R. Uo. ______------______------___ _ 111 22~ t'. Missouri ____ .. ______.. ______120 68 Hays (Waples v.) ______------______------108 6 Hayward v. Andrews ______------106 672 Hazlett v. United States------··---- ____ - ·· - - ______115 291 Head v. Amoskeag Manufacturing Co.------___ ---· 113 9 v. Hargrave. ______---- ______105 45 Head Money Cases------112 580 Heald v. J{ice ·--··-- ____ ------·------104 737 Healy v. Joliet and Chicago R. R. Co. __ __ ·------··---·------116 191 Hecht 11. Boughton ______.------··--. ----· ------______105 235 J-lP-1dritter 1:. Elizabeth Oil-Cloth Co. ______------112 294 HPinemau v. Arthur's Executors------____ .------______120 82 Heiskell (Winchester 'V.) _____ ---- __ ---·· ______. ____ ------··- 119 450 120 273 Helena (Jacks v.) --· ... ------____ ------··------115 288 Hellman (Quebec Bank of Toronto v.) __ -----·--··------110 178 Helton (Sargent v,) ______·-- ·------· ____ ------115 348 Hemingway v. Stansell . ------·------­ 106 399 Henderson v. Wadsworth------·--·------115 264 Hennequin 11. Clews ____ - .• --· ______.• ------__ ------__ .. ___ ------_ 111 676 Henrici (Speidel v.) ------____ ------120 377 Henry (Red Rock 'V.) ----. ------_- -· ___ -·-- ______------106 596 Herbert (Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v.) ----··------_ 116 642 Herring (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v.)------·· --- 110 27 (Gage v.) ·------____ ------107 640 Herron v. Dater ____ ------··--- .. ---r------120 464 Herz (Gardner v. ) ______------· ____ ------____ ----· __ 118 180 Hesper, The (Irvine v.) ___ _ ------___ _ 122 256 JJess 11. Reynolds.------~------113 73 Hewett v. Campbell ______------______------______109 103 v. Filbert ______------____ _ 116 142 (Hapgood v.) ------119 226 v. Phelps ______·------105 393 Heyman (Covell v.) ------___ ----- ______---·· ______111 176 Hibernia Ins. Co. v. St. Louis Transportation Co ___ ·------120 166 Hickman (Fort Scott v.) ------~------112 150 Hicks (James v. ) ______------110 272 Higgins (Bradstreet Company v.)------·------112 227 114 262 v. McCrea ------____ ------116 671 (Webster Loom Ce. v.) ------·------105 580 Higley (Gilmer v.) ____ ------.------··· ____ _ 110 47 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 33

Vol. Page. Hill (Butterworth v.) __ __ ------··------·- - ______114 128 (Cape Girardeau County Court v.) ------118 68 v. f£arding ------107 631 (Horbachv.) ------112 144 {Scotland County v.) ______112 183 (United States v.) ----- ·· ------120 169 Mantg. Co. (Providence and N.Y. Steam-boat Co. v.) - -·------109 578 Ilills v. National Albany Exchange Bank______105 319 Hilton v. Dickinson ------_____ 108 165 v. Merritt ______-----___ 110 97 Hinckley v. Pittsburgh Bessemer Steel Co ------121 264 Hikhcockv. Buchanan ______105 416 Ritz, Ex parte ------111 766 v. National Metropolitan Bank ------·------111 722 Hoagland (Crane Iron Co. v.) ------108 5 105 701 (VVurtsv.) ______105 707 108 5 114 606 Hoard, Ex parte ______.------_------__ -- -- __ ___ 105 578 Hobbs v. McLean ------117 567 Hodges v. Easton ------106 408 Hoe (Butterworth v.) _____ - ___ __ - ______112 50 Hoff v. Jasper County______110 53 Hoffheims v. Russell ______107 132 Hogaboom (Ehrhardt v.) ______~ __ __ 115 67 Hoisington (Jones v.) ------_ 116 609 Holbrook (Hancock v.) ------112 229 119 586 Holgate v. Eaton ______-- -· - ______116 33 Holh,nd v. Challen. ______110 15 v. Chambers______110 59 Holler (Harrington v.) ------111 796 Hollister 1'. Benedict & Burnham Mfg. Co _------______113 59 (Salt Lake City"'·)------118 256 v. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institute______111 62 Holly Springs (Hayes v.) ------114 120 Holmes (Fulkerson v.) ______------______11 389 Holt (Campbell v.)------·------______115 620 Holthaus (Lehnbenter v.) ______------______105 94 Home Insurance Co. v. New York ------_ 119 129 Homeopathic Mut'l Life Ins. Co .. (Knapp v.) ------117 411 Hopkins (Libbey v.) ------·------104 303 (Wo Lee v.) ______-- 118 356 (Yick Wo v.) ______------118 356 Hopkins (Zeigler ?J.] ______• ___ -----______117 683 Hopp (Vigel v.) ------· ------·------104 441 Hopperv. Covington ____ ------·------118 148 Hopt v. People . ___ _ ------.... -- ·------104 631 v. Utah __ _. _------·-- ___ ., _____ ------___ ------110 574 114 488 120 430 Horbach v. Hill------·------112 144 B.Ex.91-3 34 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Hornbuckle v. Stafford ------__ --- ______------______. 111 3HD Houston (Brown v.) ___ . _ ---- ____ ------·------_____ . ______. --·· 114 ()'I•) (Buzard v.) ______---- ____ ---- __ -.,. ______.. ___· ______119 :H7 (Griggs v.) ------·------··----- 104 55:~ (New Orleans v.) ______- ______------·· - ______119 2()5 Houston and Texas Central Railway Co. v. Shirley __ :. ______111 358 Hovey v. McDonald ______------____ .. ______------___ _ 109 150 (McDonald v.) -·------·------____ ------no GHl Howard v. Carusi. ______------______. ______109 725 Howard County v. Paddock._------______------__ ------___ _ 110 3B4 v. Booneville Central National Bank ______------108 314 Howe (Gray v.) . _____ ·····----- ____ ------______------108 12 Hoyt v. RusselL ______------______117 401 Hoyt's Executors (Stewart v.) ______.. ______··-. _ ------______111 373 Hubbard v. Investment Company ______------____ . __ _ 119 696 (Marshall v.) ______.. ______------______117 415 Hudson (Canal Bank v.). ______--··------_ 111 (j() (Leroux v.) ______------______--·-- _ 109 468 (SchottR)------109 477 Hughes, Ex pm·te ______. ___ .... ______------______114 147,548 (Youngstown Bank v.) ______·---_ . 106 52:~ Hnidekoper (Chicago and Vincennes R. R. Co. v.) ______...... _ 106 47 (Mason County Court v.) . ----- ______. 109 229 Huiskamp v. Moline Wagon Company ______121 310 Humes (Missouri Pacific Hailway Company v.)--~------______115 512 Hung Hang, Exprrrte ______108 552 Hunt v. Oliver _____ ------______----_.----- ____ -----·- .. _ 109 177 (United States v.) ______------____ _ 105 183 v. United States ______. __ . ______. __ 116 394 Huntington (Fidelity Insurance Company v.) _. __ . ______. ______117 280 ( Laidly v.) ______. _ - - - .. - ... - -- . -- - - .. - . _ - - - - . - .. 121 179 (Little l~ock and Fort Smith Railway v.)------120 160 v. Palmer ______... _ . ___ . ______. __ . ______. ___ . __ 104 482 v. Saunders _____ . ______----. ______... ------120 79 v, Warthen ______.. _. ______. ______. ______.. 120 97 Huntley v. Huntley------·----. 114 394 Huntsville College (Clay v.) .,______------______120 223 (Everhart v.) _____ ·---- ______--- ______.. ______120 223 Hurtado v. People of California ______-- ·- ----··------______110 516 Ruse v. Glover ______·------119 543 Hussey (Palmer v.) ______-··------··-- ___ . --·---- ____ ------___ _ 119 96 Hutton (I vison 11.) ______----··--- ______~ ______.. __ 119 604 Hyatt (Carson v. )_ ------· ------118 279 v. Vincennes National Bank------·-- 113 408 Hyde (Doe v.) ____ _. ______.. -~- ______.. ------~------114 247 (Krippendorf v.) ____ ------______• ------110 276 v. Ruble ______. _------.. ------104 407 I.

Iddings (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R, R. Co. v.) ----~------110 27 Ide (Louisville and Nashville R. R. Co. v.)------114 52 Illinois (Ker v.) . ------··-··---··------_------.------119 436 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 10J TO 122. 35

Vol. Pag-e. Illinois 11 • .McFarland------·------110 471 (Presser v.). ______------_____ ------116 25?. (Huggles v.) ------·------108 526 (Illinois Central R. R. Co. v.) ______------·------108 541 Central R. R. Co. v. Illinois--··------··-··------108 541 (Stone v.) ------__ ------116 347 v. Turrill .. ______. ______. ______110 301 Midland Railway Co. (Borg v.) ------_ ------117 434 (Union Trust Co. v.) ---··------117 434 (Wabash, Saint Louis and Pacific Railway Co. v.) -----··------118 557 Improvement Fund Trustees (Littlefield v.) ------117 419 Independent Steamboat Co. v. New York______115 248 Indiana Southern R. R. Co. v. Liverpool aud London Insumnce Co . _____ 109 168 Indianapolis Holling Mill Co. v. Saint Louis, Fort Scott, etc., R. R ____ 120 256 and Saint Louis R. R. Co. (United States v.) ______113 711 Indseth (Pierce v.) ______. _ . ______. ______.. _. _- .. __ - ___ - 106 546 Ingraham (Putnam v.) ______.. ______. ______114 57 In 1·e Snow ______. ______. ______. ______. ____ . . ______120 274 International Dank (Jesup v.) ______106 571 I1westment Company (Huh bard 11.) ______------______119 696 Iowa v. McFarland ______. ______---·------____ 110 471 Falls and Sioux City R. R. Co. (Buena Vista Co. v.) ------112 165 Iron Company v. Hoagland .. ______10!> 701 (New Buffalo v.)------· 105 73 Mountain and Helena H. R. Co. v. Johnson ______119 60R Silver Mining Co. v. Sheesman _--· . __ . ___ . ______116 fi29 v. Elgin Mining Co-··------118 196 (Reynolds 11.)------··-- 116 687 (Sullivan v.) ____ -·------______109 550 Irons (Richmondv.) ______------____ 121 27 Irvine v. Dunham ____ -·-- ______. ______111 327 v. The Hesper ______------·____ 122 25G Irwin v. Williar ------110 499 Isler (Barney v.) ------______107 G2H Israel (Shuler 11.) ______-----·- --·-- ______-·- ______120 fiOG Ives 11. Sargent ______·------____ ------___ . ______119 652 Ivison 11. Hutton .. ______------______119 604

J . .Tacks 11. Helena. ______------______------______115 288 Jackson· (Hastings v.) ______------____ ------______112 233 v. Lawrence------117 679 (Quincy v.)------·------______113 ~l~2 v. l~oby ______.... ______. ______. 109 440 11. Stickney __ ------__ ------107 478 (Williams v.) ~------· 107 478 (United States v.) ______··- __ ------104 41 .JackRonvillc, Peusa~ola and Mobile R. R. Co. v. United States ______118 626 .Jacobus lMonongahela National Bank v.) ------109 275 .TafTray 11. McGehee ______------______------107 361 Jamrs 11. Campbell ____ ------______------______104 356 1'. Hicks ---- ______- _------110 272 36 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. James v. McCormack------·------105 265 Jasper County (Hoff v.) ------110 5:-$ ] cfferson (Driver v.) ______------_____ • ____ •.. ______-----_ 117 272 (Edrington v.) ------··------111 770 Police Jury (Fisk v.) ------··. ------______··----- 116 131 (Stewart v.) ------··------116 135 Jeffries t). Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York ______-----··--- .. ----_---- 110 305 Jenkins v. International Bank .. ----. ______------_··---- 106 571 v. Loewenthal ------110 222 Jenness v. Citizens' National Bank of Rome._------____ ·----- 110 52 Jennings (Oregon v.)- __ ------. 119 75 Jennison (Fraser 11.) _. __ ------_------____ ------·----_ 106 191 Jerome (Sherman v.) ---· ····--- ___ ------120 319 Jessie Williamson,jr., The ______------____ ------____ -----·- 108 305 Jessup (Savannah v.) ___ . ------··------····----- 106 563 v. United States ·------··------__ ·-·· ------106 147 Jesup (Branch 11.) ____ ----··----- ____ ------· ------. 106 468 (Georgia v.) ----- _ ------______------·------___ _ 106 458 Jersey City (Provident Institution v. )- ______------113 506 Jewell (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v.)------110 27 Jolln H. Pearson, The.----··- ______------______---··------121 469 Johnson (Bowden v.) ------··------·------··------107 251 v. Chicago and Pacific Elevator Co .. ----··------119 388 v. Flushing and North SideR. R. Co ____ ·------·------105 539 (Iron Mountain and Helena R. R. Co. v.)------119 608 v. Keith ______------117 199 (Lee v.) ---··-----· ------··-----'- 116 48 (National Bank of Gloversville v,) _____ ---- ____ ------104 271 v Waters _------··------. 111 640 et al. v. Waters------·----··------108 4 v. Wilkins. __ ------··------116 392 Johnston v. District of Columbia ____ ------___ ----- 118 19 Johnston (Rosenblatt v.) ______------_ 104 462 Joliet and Chicago Railroad Co. (Healy v.) ______----______---- 116 191 Jones 1'. Bucknell ______------______------···----··------__ 104 554 (Corkerv.)------110 317 (Cummings v.) ------_____ ------____ .:__ _ 104 419 v. Habersham ------.. ------107 174 v.Hoisington ______116 609 (Morrill v.) ______------______------____ ------__ 106 466 v. Randolph.------______------104 108 v. Sitnpson ______------____ -----·--·------116 609 (United States v.) ------·· ------109 513 119 477 v. Van Benthuysen ______·------·------115 464 Jonesboro City v. Cairo and St. LouisR. R. CO------·------110 192 J ordon (Enfield v.) ______·---______------______119 680 (United States v.) ______------___ ------113 418 Juilliard 'V. Greenman ______._------·------110 421 Julia Blake, The.--· __ ------107 418 Jumel {Louisianav.) .. ______------·- 107 711 Jury (Mobile and Montgomery R. R. Co. v.)--':'------111 684 TABLE 01!-, CASES 1!-,ROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 37 K. Vol. Page. Kagama (Unjted States 11.) ____ ------__ _ 118 375 Kansas (Armes 1'.) ______------· __ - __ . ______------111 449 (Foster v.) ·--- __ ------___ _ 112 201 (Kansas Endowment Association v.)------.. ----- 120 103 (Kansas Pacific Railway Co. v.) ---- ______- --··------____ _ 111 449 Kansas City, Lawrence, etc., R. R. Co. v. Attorney-Gen'l. ______118 G82 Endowment Ass. v. Kansas. ___ -- ______------______---- __ 120 103 Pacific R. R. Co. v. Atchison, Topeka, etc., v. R. R. Co ______112 411 t•. Dunmeyer ·------______·- __ _ 113 G29 v. Kansas---- ____ ------,------____ ------111 449 Katzenberger 1J. Aberdeen ____ ··------__ 121 172 Kautinau v. Lee ______------_------106 Hl6 Keith (Clark v.) ______------____ -·------. ______1.06 464 (Covington Stock Yards Co. v.)------·------­ 121 248 (Johnson v.)------117 199 Kellogg Bridge Co. v. Hamilton ____ ---·· ------·- ______110 108 Kelsey (Church v.) ____ . ______------··-- ______121 :~82 (Fischer v.) ______--·-- ______.. 121 383 Kendall (Dainese v.) _------___ -- ____ ------______----______119 53 t'. United States------·------107 123 Kelly (City of Savannah v.) ______------______108 184 (Farlow v.) ______108 288 Market Company ______-----· ------····-- ______113 199 (Missionary Society v.) ----- ______. ______------____ ------107 347 v. Pittsburgh -----· --·------____ _-- ·------___ _ 104 78 Kemp (Smelting Co. v.) ______------_------______104 G36 Kennett (Bryan 1J. ) ___ --- _- ____ ------____ ------·---- ·------_ 113 179 Kenney (Effinger v.) ---· ______···--______115 566 1'. Effinger __ . ______------_ 115 577 Kentucky (Bush 1'.) ____ ·--______. ______------______107 110 Railroad Tax Cases ______- ______. -______. _ 115 321 Kentucky, etc., Railway Co. (Wright v.) ------117 72 Ker v. Illinois ______. ______-- ______119 436 Kerrv. South Park Commissioners ____ ------··------117 379,388 Kerrv. Murray Mfg. Co. (Minneapolis GasLight Co. v.)------·--- 122 300 Key (Frelinghnysen v.)------·-·------· ______------110 G3 Keys v. Grant------118 :t5 v. United States------·------~------_ 109 :{:J6 Keyser v. Farr ----- ______105 ~65 Killian v. Clark ______------·------_------111 784 v. Ebbingshaus ------~------110 G69 111 798 King (Boese v.) ______------______·------·---·-- ______--·· _ 108 :~79 t'. Cornell ______--~------______··--______-·----·_ 106 395 King v. Gallun ------·------··------··------· _ 109 99 (Thorwegau v.)------·------______111 IJI9 (Warren v.) ------··------___ ------· ___ .• 108 ~{89 1'. Worthington _____ ·------··------___ _ 104 44 King Bridge Co. v. Otoe County------·· ---- 120 225 Kings County Savings Institution v. Blair ______--·--- ______116 200 Kirby v. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R------____ ·- ______120 130 Kirby Carpenter Company (Geekie v.) ----.--- ..... ------106 379 38 TADLE OP CASES Fl~OM U. S. REPORTS 10J TO 122.

Vol. Page. Kirk v. Lynd --·------______------___ ~------106 315 (Texas and Pacific Ra,ilway Co. v.) ------111 486 115 2 Kirkbride v. La Fayette County ____ ------____ : ___ ------____ ------108 208 Kittson (Farley v.) ______------· - 120 303 Klein v. Insurance Company----·-----·------·------_ 104 88 (Shanks v.) ---··---- ______------______104 18 Kleinschmidt v. McAndrews ____ ---- ______---- ______------_------117 282 Knapp v. Homeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company------_____ . 117 411 (Williamsport Bank v.)----·------· ------­ 119 357 Company (Saint Louis v.)------·------104 658 Knevals (VanWyck v.) ____ ------____ _ 106 360 (\Vaiden v.) ------114 373 Knickerbocker Life Insurance Co. v. Foley ____ ------· .. 105 350 v. Pendleton ------______. 112 696 115 339 (Thompso-n v.) ____ ---- __ . ______104 252 v. Trefiz ___ . ______104 197 Knight (Saint Louis, Iron Mountain, etc., R. R. Co. v.) ------­ 122 79 Knowles (Dodge v.)------·------114 430 Knox (McCormick v.) ______. ____ ------__ ------___ _ 105 122 {White v.) ____ ------____ ------111 784 (Wabash, Saint Louis and PacifieR. R. Co. v.) ______110 304 County (Harshman v.). _____ ... ---·------______~----- _ 122 30R Court v. United States.------109 229 v. Wells ____ ------·- ____ -----_.______109 229 Koeffier (Milwaukee v.) ____ ------______116 219 Koon v. Insurance Company ---·------.------____ ------104 106 Koontz (Railroad Company v) ____ ------______. ______104 5 Koshkoning v. Burton------104 668 Kouns {Cutler v.) ____ ---- _- ______-----_------__ _ 110 720 Kountz Line (Sun Insurance Co. v.) ------·------­ 122 583 Kounte v. Omaha Hotel co·------107 378 ICramer v. Cohn ------·----- ______119 355 Krippendorf v. Hyde------_------____ ------__ ------110 276 Kring v. Missouri ______----- ______--- ______------______107 221 Kunkle (Consolidated Safety-Valve Co. v.) ------_ ------_ 119 45 ICurtzv. Moffitt------·------·------115 487 L. La Abra Silver Mining Co. v. Frelinghuysen ------110 63 Labettee County Commissioners v. Moulton ______112 217 La Chaise (Hedfieid v.) _____ .. _____ ------______104 418 Leciede Bank v. Schuler ______------______120 511 Gas Company (Campbell v.) ------119 445 La Fayette County (Kirkbride v.) ______------______108 208 La Grange (Cole v.) ---·- ______------_____ . ··--- __ . _ 113 1 Laidly v. Huntington_·------_------121 179 Laird (Cushing v.) ------____ ------__ ------______107 69 Lake (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v.) ------­ 110 27 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R. (Kirby v.) _ ------­ 120 130 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R. v. National Car-Brake Shoe Co._ 110 229 (Hoot v.J------­ 105 189 (Snow v.)------121 617 TABLJ<~ OF' CASES l!,ROM U. S. HEPORTS 104: TO 122. 39

Vol. Pttgco Lamar, (Carrick v.) ____ ----· ------116 4~:~ v. McCay ______------109 ~35 v. McCulloch.------____ ------.-----__ 115 163 v. Micou __ ------_0____ ------104 465 112 45:3 114 218 Lammon v. Feusier __ ------111 17 Lancaster v. Collins ______---·------115 2:22 National Bank (Miller v.)------· ------106 542 Landram (United States v.)------118 81 Langford (Poppe v.) ------104 770 La.ngsdale v. Smith ______------106 3!Jl Langston (United States v.)------0------118 389 Lanier v. Nash. ____ ------.. _____ ------_ 121 404 Lansing (Stewart v.) ------. ------104 505 Larmore (Doe v.) ---o, ------. ------116 198 Lathrop (Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. v,) ______------111 612 Laughlin v. District of Columbia ____ ------___ _ 116 485 v. MitchelL------121 411 Laura, The ·0·---- ______·------:------114 411 _...... , ,"H"'-'"'"' (Jackson v.).------117 679 109 90 Lawrence v. Morgan's Louisiana and Texas R. R. and Steam-ship Co. __ 121 634 Lawson (Ba{)hman v.) 0------109 659 Lawton (United States v.)------110 146 Lazear (Porter v.)-- _---.------_ 109 84 Leather Manufacturers National Bank v. Cooper ______------120 778 v. Morgan ____ ------117 96 Leavers v. Blessing._ 0------·-- 105 626 Leavenworth, Fort! R. R. Co. v. Low·------0------114 525 LeBreton (Newhall v.) ------.------______119 259 (New Orleans Banking Association v.)---0------120 75 Le Bris (United States v.) ------_ 121 278 Lee v. Johnson---- __ ------116 48 (Kaufman v.) ------lOG 1!:16 (United States v.) ------106 196 Leffingwell (Swope v.) ------0 ------. 105 3 Legal-tender Cases------110 421 Leggett v. Allen ___ ------110 741 Lehigh Water Company v. Easton------121 388 Valley R R. Co. v. Mellen______104 112 Lehnbeuter v. Holthaus------105 94 ~ Chatfi~d ______------0--- 115 465 c. Ozark Land Company ______---·------115 465 ·v. Hudson ____ ------____ 109 468 (Meyers v.)------··------120 206

(Scharffv.) ______---- _------______-----_____ 0 __ 112 711 v. City of Shreveport------108 283 v. Commissioners _____ .------______------______105 739 {Seibert v.) _____ 0------______122 284 (Shainwald v.) ··----______------______------______108 158

ington, etc., Minin~Co. (Applegatev.) .. o ______117 2;)5 'V.

Vol. Page. Libbyv. IIopkins------104 303 Liebke v. Thomas ____ ------____ ------____ _ 116 605 Life Association of America (Thayer v.) -·------112 717 Lincoln v. French.--·---- ______------__ -----·------1{15 614 Lind&'ty (l{owell ·v.) ------_ 113 97 Lippman (Egbert v.) ______------______------~---- 104 333 Lipse (Glasgow v.) ------·------_____ ------·-- 117 327 Litchfield v. Ballou ______------·------______-----·- ____ _ 114 190 Little (Giles v.)------. ------104 291 v. Giles -··--- ______------. ______118 596 v.IIackett------116 366 (Townsend v.) ____ ------______10!) 504 Little Miami, Columbus and Xenia R. R. Co. v. United States ·------­ 108 277 Little Hock and Fort Smith Railway v. Huntington------··· 120 160 v. Warthen ______------______120 97 Littlefield v. Improvement Fund Trustees ______117 419 Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Co. v. Gunther ------~- ___ _ 116 113 v. IndianaSouthernR. R.Co. 109 168 (Guion v.) _____ . ______109 17:3 Livingston 11. Ferry ______------____ ------______115 54~~ Loan and Trust Company (Hammock v.)------··------··------105 77 Loeomotive Engine Safety Truck Co· (Penn5ylvania R. R Co. t'.) ______110 490 Loeschigk (Bronson v.) . ______·---- _____ -··-- ______._ 104 418 Loewnthal (Jenkins v.) ____ ------·------110 222 Loftin (Memphis and St. Louis R. R. Co. v.) ______------______. ---·-- 105 258 Logansport Hail way Company,( Miltenberger v.) ______. ______106 286 Lon~on Assurance Co. (Drennen v.) ______------113 51 v. Drennen ______116 4tH Long v. Bullard ______------______----· ______117 G17 (Connorv.) ------____ ------104 2:"!H Looney r. District of Columbia ... ------·------113 258 Loring t'. Frue ____ ----- ______-----_------·· _ . ______104 223 v. Pal mer ______• ___ .. ______118 321 Lothrop, Ex pm·te ------______--··- ______118 113 Loud t Winchester v.) _. __ ------·------______, ______108 130 Loudon v. Taxing District ______-· ______------___ _ 104 771 Louis 1'. Brown Township------·------109 162 Louisiana v. Fisk ______-- __ -- ____ ---· . ______------____ _ 116 191 v. Jumel .______·------·· ------·------107 711 ·v. Mayor of New Orleans ______------109 285 (New Hampshire v.) ___ -·------______108 76 ·v. New Orleans ____ ---·------····------108 5119 (New York v.)------··------. ------___ ·------. ___ _ 108 76 v. Pilsbury ____ ···------··----- ______105 278 v. Taylor ______. ___ .... ______105 454 Board of Health (Morgan Steamship Co. v.) ______. 118 1->5 Light Co. (New Orleans Gas Co. t•.) . _____ ----·--··. ______. __ 115 6fi0 Louisiana National Bank v. Whitney------______121 284 Louisville v. Savings Bank ______. --·· _ ·----- __ ---- ______104 4()9 Gas Co. v. Ci~izens Gas Co __ ___ ------· ______115 6~3 and Nashville R. R. Co. (Board of Liquidation of N. 0. v.) __ 109 221 (Goodlettv.) ______.. ______------12l 391 v. Ide------·------114 52 TABLE OF CAS~ FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 41

Vol. Page. Louisville and Nashville R. R. Co. v. Kentucky------115 321 v. Palmer ______109 244 Lovell (Cragin t•.) ____ . ______----_ ------__ ------109 194 v. Saint Louis Mutual Life Insurance Co ------·------111 264 Lowe (Fort Leavenworth R. R. Co. v.) ------114 525 L. P. Dater, The ------120 337 Luchs (Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. v.)------108 498 Ludlo:ff 1'. United States------______------108 176 Lundberg (Albany and Rensselaer Iron and Steel Co. v.)------121 451 Lynd (Kirk v.) ____ ------·---- 106 315 Lynde (Patterson v.)------·------:!.06 519 M. McAleer (Clay County v.) ------115 616 McAllister (Findley v.) ____ ----- _____ ------__ ------· ______113 104 (Texas and Pacific Railway Co. v.) ------115 1 McAndrews (Kleinschmidt v.) ______------______117 282 McArthur v. Scott ------· ------­ 113 340 McBratney (United States v.) ------104 621 McCay (Lamar v.) ______.. _ ------· ------· ----- ______·---- 109 235 McClung (Cleveland, Columbus, etc., R. R. Co. v.)_ -----·· ------­ 119 454 McClure v. United States------··------116 145 McConihay v. Wright ____ ------____ _ 121 201 McCormack (James v.) ------·------105 265 v. Knox ___ _ ------·- 105 122 McCoy t•. Nelson ______------·------121 484 McCrea (Higgins v.) ____ ------116 671 McCreery v. Haskell ______----. -----_------____ --·-- 119 327 McCulloch (Lamar v.) ------115 163 McCullough (Pickering v.) ______----- ____ ------___ _ 104 310 (Smith v.) ____ ·-----______------______104 25 McDaniels (Wabash Railway Co. v.) ------______107 454 McDonald (Hovey v.) ------·---- ______.. ______--- ·-- ____ _ 109 151 v. Hovey _____ ------.------110 619 McDougall's Administrator (United States v.) ------.------­ 121 89 McElligott (District ofColumbia v.) ------117 621 McFarland (Illinois v.) ------··------___ _ 110 471 (Iowa v.) ____ ------110 471 McGee (St. Louis, Iron Mountain, etc., R. R. Co. v,)_ ------115 469 McGehee (Ja:ffray v.) ______------__ ----·----·------___ _ 107 361 McGinty v. Flannagan ------·------­ 106 661 McGowan v. American Pressed Tan Bark CO------­ 121 575 McGlinn (Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. Co. v.)------114 542 McGrew (Matton v.) ______------· _ ------____ ------112 713 McKenzie (Dallas County v.) ------___ ------110 686 McLaughlin (Ohio and Northwestern Railway v.)------119 566 (Upton v.) ---- _------:------105 640 v. United States ____ ---·------107 526 McLean (Hobbs v,) ______------______.. ______.. 117 567 (St. Paul and Chicago Railway Co. v.) ------·----··---­ 108 212 McLeod (Fourth National Bank ofSt. Louis v.)------122 528 M:cMillin (Morris v.) ______------·------______...... 112 244 M:c?.lurray r. Mallory _------111 97 11. Ex. 26-14o 42 TABLE 01!' CASES l!'ROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol, Page. McNab & Harlan Manufacturing Co. t'. Thompson------114 1 1\IcNeal (Smith v.) .• ---- _ -----.... -· _ ------­ 109 4.26 McPherson (Marsh v.)------105 709 McVeigh (Allen v.) ______------.-. ---- 107 433 l\Ia..'\8 (Hanna v.) _--- .. ------.------122 24 Macalester v. Maryland .... ___ ------·------__ -- _ -- 114 598 Mace v. Merrill ______------__ -- __ ------______119 581 Mac:hine Company (Mathews v.) __ ------. - __ -·· ______---- 105 54 Mackall v. Richards_ . ______. _____ -______112 369 (Richards v.) .. ______--- ______-___ ------_--- ______---_ 113 539 ~·. Richards.--- ___ --- ___ --- ... _------__ ------116 4.5 Mackin v. United States ______-_------______117 348 1\Iacneale (Hall v.) ------______------______107 90 Macon and Brunswick R. R. Co. (Cunningham v.) ------109 446 Mahn v. Harwood ______------______------_ 112 354 Mahomet~·. Quackenbush __ ---·- ____ ------____ ------_____ -. ------117 508 Mallory (McMurray v.) ------·------_ 111 97 ~IamieThe ------· ------105 772 110 742 Manard (Preston v.) __ ------·------___ _ 116 661 Manchester ~·. Ericsson. ______------______105 347 v Keene Railroad (Bruce v.) ------______117 514 Manhattan Life Insurance Co. v. Boughton ______109 121 Medicine Company v. Wood ______108 218 Savings Institution (United States v.) ______------___ _ 113 476 Manitoba, The------_____ - ____ .. ------____ ·--- ______---··--- ___ _ 122 97 Manning v. Cape Ann Isinglass and Glue Co ______108 462 (Hayden v.) ____ ------____ ---- ______106 586 Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan R. R. Co. v. Swan ______111 379 Manufacturing Co., Devoe (?) ------______------______108 401. Marble (Gandy v.)-. _------.------.------­ 122 432 March (Martinsburgh and Potomac R. R. Co. v.) ------114 549 March and v. Frellson ______------______. ______105 423 Marine and River Phosphate Mining and Manufacturing Co. v. Bradley_ 105 175 Market Company v. Kelly------____ ---··_ 113 199 Marks (Snyder v.) ------109 189 Marsh v. Nichols.------______. 120 598 v. McPherson ____ . ______----- _------_ -·-- .. __ ·--- ______105 709 v. Shepard_____ -- __:_------______120 595 M:ushall (Elgin v.) ------____ ------·--·--- ______106 578 v. Hubbard.: _____ ------______---·· 117 415 Martin (City of Savannah v.) ------·------___ _ 108 191 v. Cole. ___ .. ___ ------______104 30 (Durand v.)------120 :~66 v. 'rhompson --- ______------______120 ~~76 v. Webb ______-- __ -- _------_ ------·------·- ___ _ 110 7 Martinsburgh and Potomac R. R. Co. v. March ______114 549 Martinton v. Fairbanks. __ ---- ___ ------______112 670 Maryland v. Baldwin ______------______------112 490 (Corson 'V.) ______.. ______120 502 (Macalester v) ------______114 598 (Turner v.) ______------______107 38 Marvel v. l\Ierritt __ • _ -- __ --.. - • . __ --· ______, __ _ 116 11 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 43

Vol. Page. Mason, Ex parte ------__ ------__ _ _ _ 105 696 v. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company------·-__ 106 163 v. Sargent ______. _____ -- ____ ·--·-- ______--- ·- _- ____ ------104 689 County Court v. Huidekoper ______·----··------·---- 109 229 Masonic Savings Bank (Stucky v.) ---··- __ ------·- --- ____ 108 74 .Masser (Tucker v. )-- ______------_____ 113 203 Matthews v. Densmore ··------109 216 v. Machine Company ------··------··------105 54 v. VVarner ______112 600 .Mattoon v. McGrew_---· __ ------_------112 713 Maus (Fermentation Co. v) ------122 413 .Maxwell Land-Grant Case __ ------__ ----··------______121 325 122 365 May (Shepherd v.)------~------115 G05 Mayerv. Walsh ______.. ______------··------108. 17 111 31 Mayfield v. Richards ______---- ·------·· ------__ _ 115 137 Mayor of New Orleans (State of Louisiana v.) ------·----- 109 285 New York (Miller v.) ------··------· ___ 109 385 Maxwell v. Wilkinson_ ------~------113 656 Mead, Ex parte------109 230 Meagher (Belk v.) ____ ------·---- 104 279 Meath v. Mississippi Commissioners.------109 268 v. Phillips County ______------______---· _ ------108 552 Medsker v. Bonebrake ______------_------__ -· ______------108 66 Meeker (Winthrop Iron Co. v.) ____ ------· ------109 180 Mellen v. Wallach ______------______----· ·------_ __ _ 112 41 Mellon (R. R. Co. v.) ______. ------··--· ------101J. 112 .Memory (Hartog t•.) _ --··------______. ____ ------______116 588 Itlemphis and Charleston R. R. Co. v. Alabama -----· ------107 581 (Robinson v.) ------109 3 (Scruggs v.) -· __ ------__ ------108 368 v. United States -- -···------108 228 Gas Co. v. Taxing District of Shelby County ---- _------10!) 398 and Little Rock R. R. Co. v. Dow-·------120 287 v. R. R Commissioners _____ ------112 609 v. Southern Express Co_------____ 117 1,601 and Saint Louis R. R. Co. v. Loftin ·------105 258 Water Co. (New York Guaranty Co. v.) ------· 107 205 Menard v. Goggan .. ______- ·· ______121 ~53 Mercantile National Bank v. New York------____ 121 138 .Merchants Bank 1•. Bergen County ____ ------____ ------115 384 of Pittsburgh v. Slagle ____ ------·- 106 558 Merchants Insurance Co. v. Allen ______----______·----·· 121 67 122 377 Insurance Co. v. Weeks_------____ ------__ ------121 67 122 377 Meriwether v. Muhlenburg County Court ______------·.-·-----____ 120 354 Merrell v. 'rice ______------··------~------______104 557 Merriam v. United States ____ ------107 437 Merrick's Executor v. Giddings------··-- 115 300 Morrill (Mace v.) ------· .. ------119 581 Merritt (Astor v.) __ ------· ---·-~ ------__ _. ______------111 202 44 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Merritt (Hadden v.) __ • ___ ---·· __ ---··--______---- ____ ------____ _ 115 25 (Hilton v.) ______------__ ------··--- 110 97 (Marvel v.) ______---- ______----______------116 11 v. Park------______------______------_ 108 109 v. Stephani ______------. ·----______108 106 v. Welch ______--·------____ ------____ ----- _ ~----- ___ _ 104 694 Mersman v. Werges ------112 139 Metcalf v. Williams_------·------~---_------____ ------104 93 Metropolitan R. R. Co. v. Moore------.--- __ ------·------_____ ----- 121 558 Mexican Construction Co. v. Rensens------~ 118 49 Meyers v. Block ------___ ------120 206 v. Levi------___ --·------·------120 206 Micas 11. Williams ____ ------· -·------_----- ___ _ 104 556 Michigan (Fargo v.) ------____ ------_ 121 231 (Walling v. >---- ______------116 446 Central R. R. Co. (Hayes v,) ______·------111 228 (Myrick v.) ---~ ______--·------___ _ 107 102 Southern and Northern Indiana R. R. Co. v. Turrill ______110 301 Micon (Lamar v.) ______----·----··------· ------104 465 112 452 114 218 v. National Bank of Montgomery, Ala---- ______, ___ _ 104 530 Middleton v. Mullica Township ---··-- ______------112 433 Millerv. Brass Company ______·· ---··--··------______104 350 (Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. v.) ------··--··-- -··------114 176 v. Foree ______... __ ___ ------__ ------____ . ______----___ _ 116 22 (~aines v.) ------··------111 395 (Gottfried v.) ···--·-- ______------···· ------··--- ___ _ 104 521 v. Lancaster National Bank ______--··-. ------_ ------106 542 v. Mayor of New York ______··- -- ____ ------109 385 Mills (New Jersey Central R. R. Co. v.) ------·------··------­ 113 249 County v. Burlington and Mo., Chicago, Burlington, etc., R. R. Cos. 107 557 Miltenberger 11. Logansport Railway Co _____ ------______106 286 Milwaukee v. Koeffier -·--. ______------______. _____ ----··--- 116 219 and Northern R. R. Co. v. Brook's Locomotive Works ______121 430 Ming v. Woolfolk ------___ ------116 599 Mining Company v. Anglo-Californian Bank ______------_ 104 192 v. Cullins _____ ·------____ ------104 176 Minneapolis Agricultural and Mechanical Association v. Canfield -----· 121 295 Gas-Light Co. v. Kerr Mfg. Co------·· ------___ _ 122 300 and Saint Louis Railway v. Columbus Rolling Mill -··----­ 119 149 Mining Cvmpany v. Cullins------104 176 Minnor (United States v.) ----- _____ ------______------114 233 Minturn v. United States ______! ______106 437 Mirzan, Ex parte. _____ ------_____ ·-----___ _ 119 585 Missionary SoCiety v. Dalles ______------107 336 v. Kelly------:. ____ ------107 347 v. Waite .. ___ ------______------·-- _____ ------107 347 Mississippi (New Orleans, Mobile and Texas R. R. Co. v) ·------__ 112 12 Commissioners (Heath v.) ______------____ ------____ _ 109 268 Missouri (Hayes v.) ______-- -· __ ---- __ ---- _. ______.. ______120 68 Fund Commissioners (Rolston v.). ______---- ______120 390 Missouri, K:m~~ ~~d 'l'e4llS R~il wa1 Co, v. Dinsmore. ___ -. ~ ~ •. ~. ____ _ 108 30 117 1,601 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPOR'fS 104 TO 122. 45

Vol. Page. Missouri Pacific Railway (Clinton v.) _ ---- __ ---- __ ---- ____ ------___ _ 122 469 v. Humes------···------·-··- 115 512 (Missouri R. R. of Missouri v.) ______Ill 505 (Pullman's Car Co. v.)------··------·- 115 587 Mitchell v. Dowell ------·· __ ---______---·--- ____ ·----__ --- .• __ 105 430 v. Clark _------··---______------______110 633 (Laughlin v.) ---· ______. ----- ______121 411 (Hedfield v.) ---· ------____ ------104 418 (United States v.) ------___ .... ------·------109 147 Mixtor (Pacific Bank v.). ------··----·------· -··------114 463 Mobile v. United States ____ ------··------116 289 v. Watson ______------______.. __ ------··--_ 116 289 and Montgomery Railway Co. v. Jurey ______111 584 Moffat 1'. United States------· _____ ------______-··------112 24 Moffitt v. Kurtz ______------115 487 v. Rogers------106 423 Moline Plow Co. (Gilbert v.)------· ------­ 119 491 Wagon Co. (Huiskamp v.) ------121 310 Molitor (California Paving Co. v.) ______·------_----- 113 609 Monongahela Nat~oual Bank v. Jacobus------·-·------109 275 (Stephens v.) _____ ------______... 111 197 Montagne (Alabama v. ) ______------______117 602,611 Montclair v. Dana ______--···-- ______----· ------107 162 v. Ramsdell ______--·----- _____ ------107 147 Moody (Warren v. ) ____ ---- ______·------122 132 Mooney (United States v.) ______-----______116 104 Moore {Metropolitan R. R. Co. v.) ------_____ ------_------______---- 121 558 v. Page------111 117 Moores v. Citizens' National Bank ______-----_---- __ ---- __ ------111 156 104 625 Moran v. New Orleans------·--- ____ ------112 69 Morgan (Arthur v. )_ ------_____ ------______112 495 Ex parte ______-----· ______··- ______-·--- ______114 174 v. Hamlet .. __ --·-- ... ______. ______----- _----- 113 449 (Leather Manufacturers' Bank v.)------­ 117 96 v. United States------·------··------113 476 (WilliamR v.) ______. ____ ------111 684 Steamship Company v. Lo1,1isiana Board of Health ______118 455 Morgan's Louisiana and Texas R. R. and S. Ship Co. (Lawrence v.)---- 121 634 Morrill1'. .Tones. ______--·----______------·- ______106 466 (Parker v.) ______---- -·- ___ .. ______-···-- --· ______106 1 Morris v. McMillin ______... ______------____ ---·------___ _ 112 244 (New Orleans v.) ______------_____ ------105 600 Morrison (Bernardo Township v.) ···-- ______------______109 341 v. Durr ______------______------··- 122 518 v. Stainaker ______------______---- 104 213 Morrow (Whitney v.) ______------______----·-- _____ ----- ______112 693 Morton (United States v.) ··------______------112 1 Moses v. Wooster ______·-·------·------115 285 Moulor v. American Life Insurance Co. _____ ·------111 335 Moulton (Labette County Commissioners v·------··------··-----·--. 112 217 Mower v. Fletcher------____ ------______114 127 116 380 46 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Mueller v. United States ------·------­ 113 153 Muhlenburg County Conrt (Merewether v.) --~------· 120 354 Mullan v. United States. ______------·-··---- 118 271 Mullica Township (Middleton v.) ______------_---··- ______112 433 Murphy (Arnson v. )---- ______------~------~ _____ ------109 238 115 G79 (Factors and Traders' Insurance Co. v.) ------111 738 (Goldenberg v.) ------·---- ___ _ 108 162 v. Ramsey ______------____ -··------_----··- 114 15 (Texas and Pacific Rwy. Co . . v) ------111 488 115 2 v. United States ------_ -··------··------·------~ _ 104 464 v. Victor Sewing-Machine Co ______---- 112 688 Murray (Ager v.) __ ·· - ______·--- ______105 126 Muskegon National Bank (Northwestern Life Insurance Co. v.) ____ ·--- 122 501 :Mutual Assurance Company of Virginia (Grame v.) ··------·------112 273 Life Insurance Company of New York (Jeffries v.) ·------­ 110 305 Myers (Saint Louis v.)------113 566 v. Swann ____ . ____ . ______...... ~--- ~- ______- ---- 107 546 Myrick v. Michigan Central R. R. Co_------.-· · ~---- 107 102 N. Nailor (Conley v.) ______------______------______-·----- 118 127 Nash (Lanier v.) ____ ··-----·---- ______------______------121 404 Nashua and Lowell R. R. Co. (Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain R. R. Co. v.). ______------______------112 311 Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis R. R. Co. (United States v.) ______118 120 v. United States ______113 261 National Albany Exchange Bank (Hills v.)------105 319 Bank, Second v. Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co.------104 54 Second of Wilkes Barre (Driesbach v.) .. _____ ------104 52 Of Gloversville, N. Y., v. Johnson.------­ 104 271 First of Montgomery, Ala. (Micon v. L ------104 530 Citizens of Piqua, Ohio (Moores v.) ____ ·------104 625 Second of Wilkes Barre, Pa. (Stark v.) ______104 52 Of Xenia, 1J. Stewart ______------______107 676 Metropolitan Bank (Ritz v. )------___ _ 111 722 Car Brake Shoe Co. (Lake Shore and Mich. R. R. Co. v.)-----­ 110 229 Steam Navigation Co. (Dyer v.)------­ 118 507 Steamship Co. (Gray v.) ------115 116 v. Tugman ______------106 118 Nazro (Cotzhausen v. )- ____ ------107 215 Nebraska (Bohanan v.) --·------··----·------______118 231 (Simmerman v.) . ------·-.. ------____ ------116 54 Needles (Chicago Life Insurance Co. v.)------;- 113 574 Nehama County v. Frank ______···-··------120 41 Nelson (McCoy v.) ____ ·--·---· ------121 484 v. Police Jury of St. Martin's Parish ----· ___ ------111 716 Neslin 1'. Wells.--·----____ ·---- ____ ------____ ------·------104 428 Neustra Senora De Regia, The ______·------_ ------. 108 92 Nevada, The ______··-----______------·------106 154 Nevada Bank v. Sedgwick. ______------104 111 Newark (Newark National Banking Co. v.) ------121 163 TA:BL~ OF CASES :F1{0M U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 47

Vol. Page. Newark National Banking Co. v. Newark------121 163 New Brunswick, etc., R. R Co. (Wheeler v.)------115 29 New BufiaJo v. Iron Company______105 73 New England Mortgage Co. (Weeth e.)------106 605 Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Woodworth v.)------411 138 Newhall v. LeBreton ______------______------__ 119 259 New Hampshire v. Louisiana. ______-----______------______108 76 New Haven and Northampton R. R. Co. v. Hennersly ------104 1 New Jersey Central R. R. Co. v. Mills __ ------113 249 Steamboat Co. v. Brockett·------_ ------121 637 Zinc Co. v. Trotter-··------108 564 Newman t•. Arthur ______-~-- __ ------______109 133 New Orleans, The______106 13 (Asylum v.) ------105 362 (City of Crossley v.)------··------108 105 v. Houston ____ ------··--·------____ ------119 265 (Louisiana v.) ____ ------______--·-- ______108 569 (Moran v.)------·------·------112 69 v. Morris ______------____ ------·--- ______105 600 Banking Associationv. LeBreton ______120 765 Board of Liquidation v. Hart______118 137 Gas Co. v. Louisiana Light Company. ______------115 650 Insurance Company v. Albro Company______1-.._2 506 National Bank v. Fortier ______112 439 National Banking Association v. Adams·------·------109 211 Mobile and Texas R. R. Co v. Ellerman ______------105 166 v. City of New Orleans______108 15 v. Mississippi..______112 12 andNortheasternR. R. Co., (Stonev.)------116 352 Spanish Fort and LakeR. R. Co. v. Delamore______114 501 Water Works Co. v. Rivers------··- 115 674 (St. Tamany Water Works v.)______120 64 Newport and Cincinnati Bridge Co. v. United States______105 470 New Providence v. Halsey ___ .. ______------117 336 Newton 11. Furst & Bradley Manufacturing Co.------____ ------____ 119 373 New York (Independent Steamboat Co. v.)------115 248 (Home Insurance Co. v.) ------____ ------____ 119 129 Lake Erie and Western R. R. v. Nickals ______------119 296 v. Louisiana ______------______108 76 (Mercantile National Bank v.) ------··------121 138 (Philadelphia Fire Association v.)----~------119 110 (Starin v.) ______---- 115 248 Elevated R. R. v. Fifth National Bank ______118 608 Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., (Bailey v.)------106 109 Guaranty Co. v. BoardofLiquidation ______105 622 t'. Memphis Water Co.--.------107 205 Life Insurance Co. v. Pletcher------______117 5t9 (Klein v.) ------_____ 104 88 Mutual Life Insurance Company v. Armstrong ______,____ 117 591 Niccolls (Britton v.) ______------______------104 757 Nichols (Alabama Gold Life Insurance Co. v,) ______------109 232 (Beard 1'.) ______. ______.. ______. __ 120 260 (Marsh v.). _ -- ______------______• 120 598 48 TABLE Oli' CASES FROM U. S. REPORl'S 10J TO 122.

Vol. Page. Nichols (United States v.)------··· ______109 3 (Wolverton v.) ____ ------119 485 Nickal (New York, Lake Erie and Western R. R. v.)------119 296 Nickle v. Stewart.------·------____ ------·-- 111 776 Nickles (Wells v.) ____ ------____ _ 104 444 Nightingale (Sanger 1J.) ·----- __ ------____ ------122 176 Nix 11. Allen------112 129 Nixon (Paper Bag Machine Co. v.)------105 766 Noonan v. Caledonia Mining Co ______------121 393 Norrington v. Wright ______------___ ------115 188 North (United States v.) _------_------______112 516 Northampton Bank (Wylie v.) ------· -·------______119 361 Northern Bank of Toledo v. Porter Township Trustees ______110 608 Pacific R. R. (Butz v.) ______------______119 55 v. Herbert------__ ------116 642 v. Paine __ ------·------______·______119 561 v. Traill County------115 600 Railway Co. (California v.) ____ ------118 417 North Star, The ------106 17 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. (Mason v.) _.. ______106 163 v. Muskegon Bank ______122 501 Northway {United States v.) ------· ------120 327 Norton, ex parte ______, ______------108 237 (Pritchardv.) ------~--- 106 124 v. Shelby County ______------______118 425 Norwich and New York Transportation Co. (Place v.) ------118 468 Nott (Alley v.) ______------·-- ______------____ _ 111 472 Nottawa (Williams v.) ------104 209 0. Oakland (Hawes v.) ---- ______------__ _ 104 450 Oakley 11. Goodnow ______------______------______.. _ 118 43 Oaks (Phelps v.) ______------______------______117 237 Obertuffer v. Robertson ______------______·· - __ 116 499 O'Brien (Vicksburg and Meridian R. R. v.)------­ 119 99 Ocean Insurance Co. (Sun Mutual Insurance Co. 11.) ------107 485 O'Connor (Fra..c;her v.) _ ---- ______------______115 102 Odorless Apparatus Co. (Clements v.) ______------______----· __ __ _ 109 641 Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain R. R. Co. v. Nashua v. Lowell R. R. Co------112 311 Ogle (Simmons v.) ------105 271 Oglesby v. Attri11 ______------______------______105 605 Ohio aud Mississippi R. R. Co. (Dimpfell v.) ______---- ______110 209 Ohle (Chi<>..ago and Northwestern Railway Co. v.) ____ ------___ _ 117 123 Oler t'. Dingley ______.. __ 117 490 Oliver (Hunt v.) ______109 177 118 211 v. Rumford Chemical Works ______109 75 Omaha Hotel Company v. Kountz ______107 378 O'Neal (Fink v.) ------______------106 272 Opelika City 11. DanieL ______109 108 Oregon v. Jennings ______119 74 O'Reilly v. Campbell ______116 419

~ TABLE 0:1!, CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 49

Vol. Oregon Steamship Co. (Otis v.) ------116 548 Osborne, The S. S ______------·------____ ------105 447 t'. Adams County------109 1 106 181 Otis v. Oregon Steamship Company-----·------116 548 v. United States ______------120 115 Otoe County v. Baldwin ____ ------111 1 (King Bridge Company v.)------120 ~25 Ottawa (Amoskeag Bank v.) ______------______105 667 v. Carey ______------··------108 110 v. First National Bank of Portsmouth, N. H ______, 105 342 Ouachita Packet Co. v. Aiken ____ .---··------.___ 121 444 Oxford (Crow v.) ------··------119 215 Ozark Land Co. (Leonard v.) ______------_ 115 465 P. Pace v. Alabama ______------______106 583 Packard (Feibelman v.) ------______------· ____ _ 108 14 109 421 Pacific Bank v. Mixter______------·------114 463 Railroad Removal Cases ______.------115 1 of Missouri 1..'. Missouri Pacific R. R. Co ______111 505 Company v. United States------120 227 PackingCompany Cases ______----______------___ _ 105 566 Paddock (Howard County v.) ____ ------·· ------______110 384 Page (Moore v.) ____ ---· __ - ·· ______---- _.. ______111 117 Paine v. Central Vermont R. R. Co.)------·------118 152 (Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v.) ---- __ ·-· ------119 561 Palmer (Call v.) . _____ ------____ ---- ______------______106 39 116 98 (Embry v.)------·------107 3 (Huntington v.) ------____ ------104 482 v. Hussey ____ ----·------119 96 (Loring v.) ------·------··------·--- 118 321 Palmes (Louisville and Nashville R. R. Co. v.) ------______109 244 Pana v. Bowler ____ ·------·---- 107 529 PaperBag Cases -- ~------105 766 Machine Co. v. Nixon ______·------·------105 766 ..!archer v. Cuddy ______----· ______··------· 110 742 Pargoud (Scarborough v.) __ -··-_ ------____ ------108 567 Park (Merritt v.)------··------108 109 Parker, Ex parte ____ ------·------·------___ _ 120 737 (Grant v.) ______. ----__ ------____ ------115 51 (United States v.) ·---··------·------120 89 v. Morrill------. ------106 1 Parkersburgh v. Brown·--- __ .-----· ______-----·_------_ .. --·- 106 487 (Transportation Co. v.) ------.------107 691 Parkinson v. United States ______------___ .------121 281 Parport (Gay v.) ______· ··-- ____ . _____ ------______... ____ ------106 679 Parsons v. Robinson ______. ______------122 112 Pastor (Arthur v.) ______·-··- . ··---______109 139 Patch v. ·white. ______··----- ______117 210 Patrick (Bmnch v.) ______·-- ______··----- ______------li9 156 H.Ex.91-4 50 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Patrick (Davis v.)----~------··------122 138 (Hanrick v.)------· ------____ · 119 156 Patterson (Bean v.)---·------·------110 401 122 497 v. Lynde------·------106 519 Paulson v. United States----·------112 193 Paxton v. Griswold ______------____ ------___ .______122 441 Pearce v. Ham----·------·----- ____ ------113 585 Pearson (Post v.) __ ··- ______-----·--- ______------______108 418 Pendleton (Knickerbocker Life Insurance Co. v.) ______------____ 112 696 115 339 (Western Union Telegraph Co. v.)------122 347 Penfield (Wallace v.) ____ . ___ . _____ ------______------. ______106 260 Peninsular Iron Co. 1'. Stone ______------·------121 631 Penn v. Calhoun __ ------______------· ------121 251 Penn National Bank v. Furness_ ... ______------114 377 Pennsylvania, Ex parte ...... ____ ------·------109 174 (Gloucester Ferry Co. v.) ------­ 114 196 (Philadelphia and Southern Steamship Co. v.) _ ------122 326 Railroad Co. (Hart v.) ------__ ------112 331 v. Locomotive Safety Truck Co ------­ 110 490 (Price 1!.) __ ·------113 218 v. Sain\ Louis, Alton and C. R. R. Co ___ _ 118 290,630 116 472 Pensacola Ice Co. v. Perry------· . ___ ------··---- 120 318 People v. Commissioners __ ------...... ------104 466 v. Compagnie G6n6rale Transatlantique ____ ------107 59 (Hoptv.)------104 631 of California (Hurtado v.) ------____ ------____ ---- ____ _ 110 516 People's Savings Bank v. Bates ______·------____ ------_------120 556 Peper v. Fordyce ______------·----··------119 469 Perkins (Fisher v.) ------_____ ------______------____ ---- 122 522 (United States v.) ------· ----­ 116 4R3 Perrine (Thompson v.) ------­ 106 589 Perry (Pensacola Ice Co. v.)------­ 120 318 Peter (Cadman v.) ------· ------118 73 Petit (United States v.) ------____ ----- _____ ------114 429 Pettus (Central R. R . and Banking Co. of Georgia v.)------113 116 Peugh v. Davis------110 227 113 542 t•. Porter ______------··----- 112 737 Phelps (Hewitt v.) ------105 393 v. Oaks ... ______117 237 (United States t•.) ______------107 320 Phenix Insurance Co., Ex parte------__ __ ... ______--··-______118 610 Philadelphia Fire Association v. New York ------·------___ _ 119 110 and Southern Steamship Co. 1J. Pennsylvania.·------____ 122 326 Warehouse Co. (Anderson 1'.) ------_ ___ 111 479 Philbrick (United States v.)------· - ·------· ------120 52 Philippi v. Philippe ______------______115 151 Phillips t'. Detroit ______------______111 604 v. Negley ____ .. . ______-----_------. ______-~ _ 117 665 (United States v.) ------·------· _ 121 254


Vol. Page. Phillips County (Moath ?'. )------_ ---····------___ _ 108 553 Phipps (Hampton v.)------, 108 260 Phamix Bank v. Risley------111 125 Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Dostor ------106 30 Ex paY'te ------117 367 v. Erie Transportation Co------­ 117 312 (Grant v.) ------106 429 120 271 121 105,118 l(oonv·------­ 104 106 v. Raddin ------120 183 (Roberts v.) ______120 A6 v. Western Transportation Co------118 210 ''· Walrath------___ _ 117 365 Pickard v. Pullman Sout,hern Car Co ______117 34 Piekering 1'. McCullough .. ____ ··------. ------104 310 J>ickrell (Robertson v.) ---- __ ·------_:_------109 608 Pierce v. Indseth __ ------____ ------. __ _ 106 G46 (A parks v.) ______--- ___ ------_------115 408 Pike (Evans v.) ------··------118 241 Pillsbury (Farmington v. )------______114 138 (Louisiana v.) ------__ ------__ ------______. 105 278 Pitkin (Gumbol t•.) ------·------113 545 Piriev. Tredt------115 41 Pittsburg (Kelly v.) ------··------____ ------·--·. 104 78 Bessemer Steel Co. (Hinckley v.)------.. ------121 264 (Porter v.) .. ______------. _____ ---__ _ 120 649 Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway Co. (Skidmore v.) ------_ 112 33 Place tl. Norwich and New York Transportation Co ______118 468 Plattsmouth (Read v.). ___ ------107 568 Plummer r. Sargent ____ ------· ______------____ ------__ _ 120 442 Plymouth Gold Mining Co. v. Amador and Sac. Canal Co ______118 264 Pneumatic Gas Co. v. Berry ______·------113 322 Poindexter v. Greenhow ______------__ ------109 63 PoliceJury of St. Martin's Paris (Nelson v.) ------111 716 Pollard t'. Vinton ______... __ . ______------______.,. ____ _ 105 7 Polleys v. Black River Improvement Company_------____ ------113 81 J>omace Holder Co. v. Ferguson ____ ·----- ____ . ______119 335 Pope v. Allis ____ ------·------_ 115 363 (Filley v.)------·------__ ·------115 213 Poppe v. Langford __ ------____ ------____ ------104 770 Porter 1'. Graves .. ______------____ ------104 171 v. Lazear ______------109 84 (Peughv.)------112 737 11. Pittsburg Bessemer Steel Co ______------120 649 122 269 Porter 1•. United States .. _____ ------__ -----______------______106 607 Porter Township Trustees (Northern Bank of Toledo v.)------110 608 Port.~mouth Savings Bank (Louisville v.) ______. ______104 469 Post 1'. Pearson .. ______------_ 108 418 "· Supervisors ______------______------105 667 Potomac, The ______, ______105 630 Sten.mboat Co. 1'. Inland Rteamboat Co ... ------109 672 52 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Potomac Steamboat Co. v. Upper Potomac Steamboat Co ______109 67:.! Pott tJ. Arthur ______··--- ______---_---·- ______-· ______104 735 Potter v. United States ______---·------·- ______107 126 Power t'. Baker ______...... ______-----·- ____ ··- ______112 710 Powers (Ensminger 11.) ______108 29~ (Walker v.) ______.. ______. ______104 245 Pratt v. Ramsey ______------___ -______114 15 Pray v. United States. ______------______---- 106 594 Prentice v. Stearns ____ ------______113 435 Presser v. Illinois ______----·-- ______------______116 252 Preston, (Bors v. )______---- ______111 252 v. Manard ______------____ ------116 661 v. Walsh_ .. ______. _____ - ____ - _.. - ___ . ___ . - - __ 109 297 Price (American Bible Society v.) ______. _____ ---·· ______·· - __ _ 110 6t v. Pennsylvania R. R. Co ______------. ------··--. -- _ ------113 218 (United States v.) ------____ ------______------116 43 Printing House v. Trustees------.. ______-·- .. - 104 711 Pritchard t•. Norton ______. ______·---- 106 124 Providence and Stonington S. S. Co. (Greenwich Ins. Co. 1'.) ______119 481 New YorkS. S. Co. 1:. Hill Manufacturing Co ______109 578 Provident Institution v. Jersey City ______---.. ______11:~ 507 Savings Society t'. Ford ____ ------. ______114 635 Pugh t'. Fairmount Gold and Silver MiningCo ______,. ______122 238 Pullman's Car Co. v. Missouri Railway Co ______115 587 Southern Car Co. (Pickard 11.) ______•. _____ ·----- ______117 34 Car Co. (Schley v.) ------______120 575 (Tennessee v.) ______---·· _____ , ______117 51 Pumpelly (Gage v.) ------108 1G4 115 454 Putnam v. Ingraham------·------·------­ 114 57 (Vicksburg and Meridian R. R. Co. v.)------··-- 118 545 Q. Quackenbush (Mahomet v.) ______. ______117 50H Quebec Bank of Toronto v. Hellman ______110 178 Quinby v. Conlan_, ______------··- ____ -·------______104 420 Quincy v. Cooke------·------______107 549 t'. Jackson ______-·· -.--______~- ______113 332 v. Steel ______------· ______120 241 Quinn v. Chapman ______-·------______------______111 445 R. Raddin (Phoonix Mutual Life Ins. Co. v.) ______------120 183 Railroad Commission Cases .. ______---- ______. ______. ___ _ 116 307 Commissioners (Memphis and Litt.le Rock R. R. Co. v.) ______112 609 Company (Baltimore and Ohio) 11. Funkhouser ___ .. --- ______104 5 New Haven and Northampton v. Hamersly_ __, __ 104 1 (Saint Louis, Vandalia, etc., I nsnrance Co. 1.·.) ____ _ 104 146 Baltimore and Ohio 1·. Koontz ______104 5 Lehigh Valley v. Mellen------·---·- 104 112 Burlington and Missouri (Wood"·) ______104 329 Raleigh and Augusta R. H. Co. (Baltzer v.) --- ______.. ______·--- ___ _ 115 (1~4 Ralls County Court v. United States ---- ______, ______105 733 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 53

Vol. Page. Ralston, Ex parte ------··------119 613 Ramsdell, (Montclair v.) --·------. ------·· -- _ _ _ _ _ 107 147 Ramsey (Barlow v.).·--- -··------114 15 (Clawson v.) ------114 15 (Murphy v.) ____ ----··------·------114 15 (Prattv.) ------114 15 (Randall v.) ------____ ·------__ __ 114 15 (United States v.) ------____ 120 214 Rand v. Walker __ . ______.------·- __ __ 117 340 Randall v. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co __ ------·---- ·------··-- 109 478 (Greenwood v.) ---·--- __ -- -·------_ 111 775 v. Ramsey------_------· _ 114 15 Randolph (Jones v.) ____ . ------··------104 108 Ranlett (Badger v.) ______------·------106 255 Ranney v. Barlow--- ___ .--- ____ ------··------··---··-----_ 112 207 Rauscher (United States v.) ------_ ------·---- 119 407 Read v. Plattsmouth ------· ------·------·---. -··- ---- __ 107 668 Real Estate Savings Bank (United States v. )------·------·· _ 104 728 Reclamation District No. 108 (Hagar v.) ------___ 111 701 Rector v. Gibbon ·------111 276 Redfield v. LaChaise ----- ·------·------104 418 v. Mitchell ____ ------104 418 v. Ystalyfcra Iron Co ---·------110 174 Redgrave (United States v.)-----. --·------·----- _ _ 116 474 Redick (First National Bank ofOmahav.)------110 224 Red Rock v. Henry ------. ------··------_ 106 596 Reed v. Improvement Fund Trustees, Florida______117 419 Reggel, Ex pm·te------·· ------114 643 Reiher (Wollensack v.) -··------··------__ 115 87, 96 Reilly (Robertsv.) ------116 80 Removal Cases, Pacific Railroad-----~------· ----- 115 1 Renaud v. Abbott ____ -----··------·_ 116 277 Retzer v. Wood ------· ·------_ 109 185 Reusens (Mexican Construction Co. v.) ------118 49 Revere Copper Co. (Dimock v.) ____ ------117 559 Reynolds v. Crawfordsville First National Bank______112 405 (Hass v.) ------·---·------113 73 v. Iron Silver-Mining Co-----·------·------·---- 116 687 Rhoads (Continental Insurance Co. v.) ------·-- --- 119 237 Rhodes (Cleveland Rolling Mill Company v.) ··------121 255 Rice (Heald v.) ----. ------_ 104 737 v. Sioux City and St. Paul R. R. Co.------·- 110 695 v. United States------.------· ------122 611 Richards (Davis Sewing Machine Co. v.) ------·------115 524 (Mackall v.) ------·---- ___ 112 369 v. MackalL------113 539 {Mackall v.) ------__ _ 116 45 (Mayfield v.) ------·----. ----·----·---·--·· .... ------_ 115 137 (Venable v.) -··-· ------· ------·------·--- 105 636 Richardson v. Hard wick ______------___ 106 252 (Slidellv) ------111 412 v. Traver ..·------112 423 Richmond v. Irons------·------121 27 54 TABLE OF UASES !<'ROM U. S. REPOH.TS 101 TO 1~~-

Vol. Page. Hichmond Mining Co. v. Rose ______-·-----·------·--·-- 114 576 Hichter v. Union Trust Co------­ 115 55 Hickman (St.eever v.) _ . _ ------.-- -·- -- _------_ 109 74 Hiesuer (Sharp v.) ------·------­ 119 631 Wfie and Cartridge Co. v. Whitney Arms Co------118 23 1-Wey (Collins v.) -··------______·--·------104 322 Riudskopp (United States v.) _____ ._ ---- ______---- ______105 418 Hisley (Phamix Band v.) _____ • ---- __ ---- ______------'··---- 111 125 Rivers (New Orleans Water Works Company v.) _ ------___ _ 115 674 Rives (Bacon v.) __ .. _____ -----______---- __ ----______106 99 v. Duke ______...... ------·------105 133 Robbins v. Shelby County Taxing District.----·------·· ------120 489 Roberts (Gosling v. )_- ___ - ____ ------__ ------·------______• 106 39 v. Phronix Mutual Life Insurance Co ______------120 86 v. Reilly------··------116 80 Robertson (Bartram v.) -- __ ------·-·----- ___ _ 122 116 (Benziger v.) _--- __ • ______··- _ ------__ ---- _____ ·------122 211 (Cunard Steamship Co. v.) ____ --~------~------·- ___ _ 112 580 (Edye v.) ______--- __ • ___ -·· __ ----______.. _.__ 112 580 (Oberteuffer v. ) . . ______•. -----· ______116 499 v. Pickrell __ ---- _____ ----- _____ -----______. _ .... 109 608 Robinson v. Anderson ______---- ____ ------____ .--·---______121 522 (Concord v.) ------_ -··------____ ·-- 121 165 v. Memphis and Charleston R. R. Co. ------. __ 10:> 3 (Parsons v.) _ --·-- ______-- ______------______122 11:~ (SutterR)------­ 119 5:~o Roby v. Jackson------··------109 440 Rockwell (Thatcher v.) -- _ ---··--- ____ ------· . ______105 4G7 Robb v. Connally _. __ . _. ___ ------____ -----·------___ _ 111 624 Rockwell (United States v.) ------~----- ____ • ______120 ()0 Rodger (Torrent Arms Lumber Co. v.) ------· ------______112 659 Rogers v. Durant ____ -- _.-. -----. ------·------____ _ 106 645 (Moffitt v.) ____ -·---- _ ----· ______------______106 423 Rolston v. Missouri Fund Commissioners ____ ------· ___ ··------120 390 Root 1'. Lake Shore and Michigan Sout.hern R. R. Co _____ --·------___ _ 105 189 Rose (Richmond Mining Co. v.) ----- ______.. ______114 576 Roseberry (Wright v.) ______------______------.------··--- 121 488 Rosenbaum v. Bauer -··------·------____ ------______------·· 120 450 v. San FranciscO------·------______120 450 Rosenblatt v. Johnston------____ . ___ --·--- ______------lOci 462 Rosenthal v. Walker _. ____ ---- ______--·-··- .. 111 185 Ross (Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul R. R. Co. v.) ____ ·-··- ...... 112 377 (Gonzales v.) ---- ______------___ ------______.. ______120 605 Roth v. Ehman ______. ___ --··------__ --·-- ___ .------. ____ _ 107 319 Roundtree v. Smith ____ ----_------______108 269 Roush (Fort v.) ------·o ------··------104 142 Rowell v. Lindsay ______------______---· ______113 97 Rowland, Ex parte ___ ------··-· ______-----______104 604 Royall, Ex parte _____ --· ---- __ -·· ______.. _---- ____ ----- _ 112 181 117 241,254 v. Virginia ______----·--______--· _____ .. ______··--· ___ _ 116 572 121 102 Ruble (Hyde v.). _____ ------__ -----·------104 407 TABLE OF CAt;Et; l!'HOM U. S. HEPOH.TS 101 TO 12~. 55

Vol. l'ag-c. Ruckman v. Demarest ___ __ ------110 400 Huggles o. Illinois------··-·--·------.------108 5~6 Hunkle v. United States ------··------122 543 Humford Chemical Works (Oliverv.) ------109 75 l{ussell v. Alden ______·---··------··------107 163 v. Farley ____ ------__ ------·------105 433 (Harkness v.)------· -· ------118 663 (Hoffheims v.) -·- -- ______---·-______--____ -- __ ----___ 107 132 (Hoyt v.) ____ ------_____ 117 401 (Saxonville MilJ.s v.) ------116 13 v. StanselL-"------__ ------·---- 105 303 v. Williams ____ ------106 623 Ryan (Dunphy v.) ------116 · 491 (United States v.) ------109 3 Ryder (United States v.)------110 729 s. Sackett (Elliott v. ) - ______------··------108 132 Sage v. Wyncoop _____ ------·------·------1C4 319 Saginaw Barrel Co. (Hartshorn v.) ------119 664 Salamanca Township v. Wilson ______------109 627 Sallinger (Washington County v.) ------­ 119 177 Salt Lake City v. Hollister_·------118 256 San Bernardino County v. Southern Pacific R. R. Co ______118 417 Sands v. Edmunds------··------. ­ 116 585 San Francisco (Blake v. )-- --·- -··------113 679 (Rosenbaum v.) ------·------·------. _ 120 450 v. Scott ______------______------____ . ----_ 111 768 Sanger v. Nightingale ______- ______- ______------__ 122 176 (Tredway v.) ------.------·· -··------107 323 San Mateo County v. Southern Pacific R. R. Co ______----··------116 138 Sansom (Hart v.) ------______------110 151 Santa Anna (Anderson v.) ------·------116 356 v. Frank------____ ------··--_ 113 339 Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific R. R. Co ______118 394 Santa Cruz County v. Santa Cruz R. R. Co ------______111 361 R. R. Co. v. Santa Cruz County ______------111 361 Sargent v. IIall Safe and Lock Co ______------114 63 v. Helton ______-_------115 348 (Ives -v.) __ ------· ------·------119 652 (Plummer v.) ---- ··------·------120 442 (Mason v.) ______----- ____ ------__ _ 104 G89 (Yale Lock Manufacturing Co. v.) ______117 373 117 539 Sarony (Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v.) ------111 53 Saunders (Huntington v.) ______------______------______120 78 (United States v.) ------______120 126 Savannah v. Jessup------106 563 City ofv. Kelly------··------108 184 v. Martin ------108 191 Savings Bank v. Archbold------104 708 Sayles r. Garrett ______----______------__ ------110 288 Saxonville Mills v. RussQlL ______------116 13 56 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Scammon (Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. v.)_ ------___ _ 117 634 Scarborough 'V. Pargond ____ ------··------·--- ______108 567 Schalicke (California Paving Co. v.) _ ----·------___ _ 119 401 Scharff v. Levy ______------·------112 711 Scheffor 1'. Washin,gton, Virginia Midland and Great Southern R. R. Co. 105 249 Schell t'. Barber_--- ______------______------______107 617 v. Cochran ____ ------107 625 v. Dodge ____ ------·------107 629 Schoppers (Corn Exchange Bank v.) ------111 440 Schleisinger v. Board -~ ______. ------___ _ 120 264 (Cooper v.) ______---- ______------_-- '- -- 111 148 (United Statesv.) ------______------_ 120 109 v. (United States------··------______120 264 Schley v. Pullman ______------__ ------______120 575 Schmidt (Avegno v.) ____ ------__ ------______113 293 v. Badger . ______------______107 85 v. Cobb __ ----- · ------:..------~ ------119 286 Schmieder 'IJ. Barney __ --~- ______------______------113- 645 Schofieldv. Chicago and Saint Paul Railway Co ------114 6]5 School District of Steamboat Rock, Iowa v. Stone ______106 183 Ackley v. HalL ______·------106 428 Schott v. Hudson ____ ------______-- ---. - ___ ------______109 477 Schottler (Spring Valley Water Works v.) - ·- -·· ______. ______110 347 Schreiber v. Sharpless ______------______------110 77 Shufeldt (Gibson v.) ______. ------_____ .... _ 122 27 Schuler v. IsraeL __ _------:·------·--- ___ _ 120 506 v. Laclede Bank ______------·---- 120 511 Schulten (Bronson v.) . ______------______104 410 Schwed v. Smith. ____ - __ ------·------______106 188 Scotland, The ______------____ ·--- ______--··- ____ -·--·--- 105 24 118 507 Scotland County v. Hill _____ ------~------. ______112 183 Scott (Burnes v.) ----· ____ -----·------______117 582 (McArthur v.) ______---- ___ ----:------___ __ - --_. . ___ _ 113 340 (San Francisco v.) ______. - ______------__ --·------______111 768 Scovill v. Thayer ______------__ ------___ - ----______H/5 143 Scruggs v. Charleston and Memphis R. R. Co------108 368 S.c. Tryon, The------______105 267 Searls (Worden v.) ------~ ------______121 14 Sedgwick (Nevada Bank v.) ------______104 111 Seeligson (Texas Transportation Co. v.) ----·------122 519 Seelye (Flanders v.) ____ ------105 718 Seibert v. Lewis . ------·------·------122 284 Seligman (Burgess v.) ------~ ------107 20 Seuler (Emerson v.) --·--··----_ ------__ _ 118 1 Seymour v. Western R. R. Co------106 320 Shaliol (Birdsell v.) __ __ -·------·------112 485 Shainwald v. Lewis------­ 108 158 Shanks v. Klein------__- .­ 104 Hs Sharp v. Riessner ------119 ' 631 Sharples~ (Schreiber v.) __----- ______------. ----- 110 76 Shedd (First Nat. Bank of Cleveland v.) _ ... _ ------­ 121 74 Shelby County (Norton v.)-- ---· ------·------··.------118 425 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. HEPORTS 104 TO 122. 57

Vol. Page. Shelby County Taxing District (Amy v.) ------114 387 (Robbins v.) ______------__ _ 120 489 Shelton v. VanKleeck ______------··-· ------106 532 Shepard v. Carrigan ___ ---·- __ -----··------______116 593 (Marsh v.) ·--- ______------120 595 Shepherd v. May ... ______. ___ .. _. ______115 505 1·. Thompson ______------· ··----- 122 231 Sherman v. Jerome--·-- _____ . ______------____ ._ 120 319 (Blennerhassett v.) ------__ . ------. ____ ------105 100 County v. Simons __ ._.··--- · ______------·------__ 109 735 Shipman v. District of Cblumbia. ______119 148,704 Shippen v. Bowen______~. ______.. ___ . ___ .. __ 122 575 Shirley (Houston and Central Texas H. H. Co. 1'.) __ - ______111 358 Shreve (Spindle v.) ______------______------______111 542 Shreveport, City of (Lewis v.) ______------______-______108 282 Sibley (Simon ton v.) . __ . ____ .. __ _. ____ . ___ . --- _-- . ------_ - . __ -- 122 220 Simmerman v. Nebraska ______------___ --- ___ ------116 54 Simmons (Cotton-Tie Company v.) ______. ______106 89 v. Ogle -· ______--·- - ______105 271 Simonton v. Sibley-- ·------.·------_------122 220 Simons (Sherman County v.) ______. _ ------__ ------109 735 Simpson (Jones v.) . ____ . __ . ______------.. ------116 609 Sinclair v. Cooper ______------. _--. ------108 352 Singleton (United States v.) __ ------109 3 Sintou (Carter County v.) ______. ____ --·· __ - ---- ___ ------120 517 Sioux City R. R. Co. v. Chicago Hailway Co------117 407 and Pacific R. R. Co. v. Unit.ed ------··------­ 110 205 and St. Paul R. R. Co. (Rice v.) ------110 695 Skidmore v. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis R. R. Co ______112 33 Slagle (Merchants' Bank of Pittsburgh v.) ------______106 558 Slawson v. Grand Street R. R. Co ______107 649 Slayton, Ex parte ______. ______.. ______105 451 Slidell v. Emler ___ -· ______- ______- _ 111 412 t'. Grandjean ------______------.. ---- ______111 412 v. Richardson _- __ -- , ------· ------·-- 111 412 '1.'. Tschirn ______111 412 Sloane v. Anderson______- _____ - ______117 275 Smelting and Refining Co. v. Kemp ____ ------. ______------, 104 636 St. Louis, v. RaY-··----··------104 657 Company (Steel v.) ______106 447 Smith v. Black ______- ·-_--·-- ____ --·-·_------______- ______115 308 (Carroll County v.) ______---- ______------_ ··----- 111 556 v. Field------· ____ ------105 52 v. Greenhow ______. ______------____ -·--- _------109 669 (Lanbrsdale v.) ______--·---- _-----· ______108 391 v. McCullough ______.. ______. ______104 25 v. McNeal ______------·------____ _ 109 426 (Round tree v.) ______------_- _ - _------___ ---- 108 269 Schwed v.) ----·-- ______------_ ------_-- 106 188 v. Whitney ______------·------116 16i n. Woollolk ______---··-- ______115 143 (United States v.) ______------______105 620 Snow, In re ------·------· 120 274 n. Ex. 26-15 58 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Snow v. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co ______121 617 v. United States _____ ------118 316 Snyder v. Marks ______------______:_ ___ ------______109 189 v. United States------·------·------·------112 216 Society for Savings (County of Clay t'.) ______-----·-- __ ----- ______104 579 Soon Hing v. Crowley _----·- ____ --- ______------_____ ---·------113 703 South lloston Iron Co. v. United States------______118 37 South Carolina (Davis v.)------·------107 597 (Stone v.)------·-.. ·------117 430 South Park Commissioners (Kerr v.) ------·----- 117 379,388 Souther (Union Transfer Co. v.) ______---~-- ______107 591 Southern (Hagood v.) ------______------______117 52 Express Co. (Memphis and Little Rock R. R. Co. v.) ______117 1,601 (St. Louis, Iron Mountain, etc., R. R. Co. v.) ___ _ 108 24 117 1,601 Telegraph Co. (East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. R. Co.~.)------112 306 Pacific R. R. Co. v. California ______-----··----- ______118 109 (California v.) ______118 394 (San Bernardino County v.) -----·------118 417 (San Mateo County v. ------__ _ 116 138 (Santa Clara County v.) ---·--··------118 394 Southern R. R. Co. v. Georgia __ -··------116 231 v. Wright------116 231 Spaids v. Cooley ______------·------·------·-- 113 278 Spalding (Tyre and Spring Works Co. v.)_------·------116 541 (Van Riswick v.) ____ -- __ ------______------117 370 Sparks v. Pierce ______------115 408 Spears v. Gapen_ ------.------___ _ 105 509 Speck (Pullman Car Company v.) ------______113 85 Speidel v. Hen rieL _____ --____ ------___ -----__ --______120 377 Speiden (Davis v.)------­ 104 83 Speigel (United States v.)------··------116 270 Spindle v. Shreve ______111 542 Spitley (Frost v.) _____ ------____ _ 121 552 Sprague (Francklyn v.)------­ 121 215 Spraigue v. Thompson_------_ tis 90 Springport (Draper v.) ------·------104 501 Spring Valley Township (Bissell v.)------___ _ 110 162 Water Works v. Schottler __ ------___ : ______110 347 S. S. Osborne The ______104 183 105 447 St. Anna's Asylum v. New Orleans.------___ _ 105 363 St. Anne, Town of (Stebbins v.) -- _.:: ______------··---- 116 386 Stafford {Hornbuckle v.) -----· ------·------111 389 Stalnaker (Morrison v.) _ ···- ___ ----- _.. ------__ ---- ______104 213 Standard Oil Company v. Van Etten _____ ------107 325 Stanley (Supervisors v.)------· -----· ------105 305 v. Supervisors of Albany_------­ 121 535 (United State8 v.)------109 3 Stansell (Hemingway v.) ______------. ____ ------_ 106 399 (Russell v.} ______---·-______------______105 303 Starin v. New York------115 248 TABLE OF CASES l!.,ROM U. S. REPORTS 104: TO 122. 59

'Vol. Page. Starin v. The Jesse Williamson, jr .. ------108 305 Stark (Baldwin v.). ------107 463 'l'. Second National Bank, Wilkes Barre, Pa. ______104 52 State Bank v. Saint Louis Rail Fastening Co. ____ ---· __ ---- ______122 21 t'. United States ____ ------.------··------114 401 Savings Association, (Boatmen's Savings Bank v.)------114 265 of Tennessee (Van Brocklin v.) _____ ------____ ------117 151 St. Clairv. Cox_ ------· ·------··------106 350 Steamship Co. t,. Emigration Commissioners ______113 33 (Youn~ v.) ______. ------··--- ··------105 41 (United States v.)------· --·------104 480 Stearns (Prentice 1'.) ------113 435 Stebbins (Bernard Township v.). ---.- ·------109 341 v. Duncan. ______- ___ ------__ 108 32 Stebbins v. St. Anne Town of.----_------116 385 Steel (Quincy 'P.)------·------120 241 t•. Smelting Company ______------____ ----- _____ ------__ 106 447 Steele v. United States ___ ------113 128 Steever v. Rickman ______------______--- ___ ------109 74 (United States v.)------.. ---- 113 747 Stephani (Merritt !'.) _ _. ______--- __ ···------__ - ---- 108 106 StephenR 1·. Monongahela National Bank ____ ------.. ·--·------111 197 Stephensont'. DrooklynCross-Town R. R. Co, ______: ______114 149 Sterling, The 1'. The Equator ______·------__ 106 647 Sterling Pump Co. (Duffv.) ______------107 636 Stevens (Clarkson v.) ______·- _ ----. ___ ------______106 505 1\ Griffith . ______. _____ -______. _. __ . ______.. ______111 48

Stevenson 7'. Texas Railway Co ______------105 703 Stewart t'. Dunham ______------115 61 v. Hoyt's Executors ______------111 373 v. Jeflerson Police Jury------____ ------· 116 135 v. LanRing ------·------··------·------104 505 (National IJauk of Xenia v.) ______-----·· ------107 676 (Nickle v. ) ___ ··---- ______------· ______111 776 c. Virginia. ______117 612 (:Xenia Bank u.) ____ ..• ______114 224 Stickney (Jackson v.) ··-- .... ______. _ .--- ______107 478 Saint Louis v. Knapp, Stout & Co. Lumber Co.------· ______104 658 r. Myers ____ ------· ______--··- ____ ------~-- 113 566 Alton and Terre Haute R. R. Co v. Pennsylvania R. R. Co._ 118 290, 630 (Pennsylvania R. R. Co. v.) 116 472 Fort Scott and Wichita H.. R. (Indianapolis Rolling Mill Co. v.) 120 256 Insurance Co. t'. Saint Louis, Terre Haute, etc., H. R. Co. __ 104 146 Iron Mountain and Southern R R. Co.r.Berry ··----- ______113 465 t'. Knight ______122 79 t'. McGee.·---- ______115 469 t'. Southern Express Co. 108 24 117 1, 601 v. Vickars______122 360 Mutual Life Ins. Co. (LoveX v,) ______------111 264 National Bank (Allen v,) ______------120 20 Hail Fastening Co. (State Bank v.)------·------122 1 Smelting and Refining Co. v. Ray------104 657 60 TABLE 01!' CASES J!'ROM U. S. REPOl~TS 10-1- TO 122.

Vol. Page. Saint Louis and San Francisco Railway Co. v. Wilson ___ . __ 114 60 and Southeastern Railway Co. (Haskins v.) ...... ______10!) 106 and Transportation Co. (Hibernia Ins. Co. 1'.) _ .. ____ .. ______1!0 166 Vandalia, Terre Haute, etc., R. R Co. (Saint Louis Ins. Co. v.) 104 146 Stodart (Warren v.)------~- 105 224 Stone v. Chisolm __ ...... __ .... _ ... _____ ...... __ .. _ .. _.. _.... _...... _ . _...... _... _ 113 302 v. Farmer's Loan and Trust Co.------___ ------______116 307 (Gilmer v.)------______----·-- ______...... ______120 586 v. Illinois Central R. R. Co. ______116 347 v. Illinois Central R. R. Co ...... ______·--- ···-- 116 347 v. New Orleans and Northeastern R R. Co ------116 352 (Peninsular Iron Co. v.) ______121 631 School District, Independent, Iowa ______.... __ .. ___ ...... _.. ____ .. _.. _ 106 183 v. South Carolina ______.. .. ___ .. __ .. _____ . _ .... _.. ______117 430 v. United States------106 525 Story v. Black ______119 235 Stout (Fourth National Bank 7'.) ___ .... __ .. ______.. __ 113 684 Stow v. Chicago ...... __ .. __ .... __ ..... ______..... __ ...... _ . __ .. _. ______H'4 547 St. Paul and Chicago R. R. Co. v. McLean ------_ 108 212 Duluth R. R. Co. 1'. United States ______112 733 Minneapolis and Manitoba R. R. Co. v. Barton .. ··------­ 111 788 Sioux City R. R. Co. v. Winona and St. Peter R. R. Co __ .. 112 720 St. Tamany Water Works v. N. 0. Water Works ______120 64 Strang v. Bradner _.... __ .... ______.. __ .. _ .. ______.. ______.. ____ _ 114 555 Strong v. Willey ______. ______104 512 Streeper v. Victor Sewing Machine Co ______112 676 Street v. Ferry ____ ------______119 385 Railroad Co., New Orleans v. Hart ______114 655 Struble (Terre Haute and Indiana R. R. Co. v.) ______109 381 Struthors v. DrexeL ____ ------______122 487 Stucky v. Masonic Savings Bank ...... ______.... ___ ...... ____ _ 108 74 Sturges v. Carter .. __ .. __ ...... __ .. __ ...... _.. ___ ..... _... ____ ...... _ .. __ .. ___ _ 114 511 v. United States __ ---- __ ...... ___ ...... _...... ______.... __ _ 117 363 Sullivan v. Burnett ____ ------__ ------·------105 334 (Dunphy v.) ------______117 346 v. Iron Silver Mining Co ...... --- .. _ .. ---- ______.. __ _ 109 550 Sully 1'. Drennan __ .. _.. ___ .... _ .. ______. __ .. ______.. __ .. ___ .. ______.. __ _ 113 287 Sun Insurance Co. v. Kountz Line ______... --· _ ----- __ .. ______122 583 v. Ocean Insurance Co ______...... ______.. ______107 485 Supervisors (Post t'.) .. ______. ______---· ___ _ 105 667 . v. Stanley ______...... _---- __ --- .. ------··---- ...... ------_ 105 305 of Albany (Stanley v.) ______.... ______121 535 (Williams v.) _____ ··------· ------122 154 Susquehanna Boom Co. v. West Branch Boom Co------110 57 Sutter v. Robinson ____ .... ______---- ______119 530 Swan (Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan R. R. Co. r.) ...... ___ _ 111 379 Swann v. Clark ____ .... ______.. _ ...... _____ .. ______..... ______110 602 (Myers v.) ______------··----- ___ _ 107 546 v. Wright's Executor ______-----· ______110 590 Sweeny v. United States ______------______...... ______109 618 Swift Company v. United States. ______-----· 105 691 111 22 Swope v. Leffingwell ______---··------·------105 3 S~monds (United States v.) ____ ---'~------___ _ 120 46 TABLE 01? CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 61

T. Vol. Page. Tax-court (Bonaparte v.) ______---- ______---- . __ - __ 104 592 Taxing District (Loudon 1J.) ______---·- -··---· ______------104 771 ofShelby County (Memphis Gas Co. v.)------109 338 Tayloe (Dugger v.) .. ______----- _ ------____ ------121 286 Taylor 1J. Bemiss. ______.. ______---- ____ ------110 42 ~Bowker ______------·--- 111 110 (Chaffin t'.) ______116 567 v. Davis ______·------110 330 (Louisiana v.) ______-··--______105 454 (United States v.) ______-----·------10! 216 Ypsilanti ______, _____ --··------105 60 Teal v. Walker ______------111 24~ Teas (Albright v.) ------106 613 Tebbetts (Chicago v.) ______.. ______---- ___ . -- .. - ---- 104 120 Teller (United States v. ). ______·-- ______---- ____ --_------107 64 Temple (United States v.) ______.. ______------______------105 97 Tennessee (Bank of Commeree v.) ______·------__ ---- 104 493 Bond Cases ______-~- ______------··---_------114 663 v. Pullman Southern Car Co __ -~ ______------__ , ___ ------117 51 (Brooklin v.) ___ . ___ . _. _____ . ______------___ ----- ___ _ 117 151 v. Whitworth. ______------______------. ______117 129, 139 Terre Haute and Indiana Railway Co. 1'. Struble ______109 381 Terrible Mining Co. (Argentine Mining Co. v.) ______: ______122 478 Texas Hail way Co. (Stevenson v. )------______·______------105 703 Texas and Pacific Railway Co. v. Kirk------111 486 115 2 v. McAllister ____ ------115 1 v. Murphy _____ ··----- ____ ------111 488 115 2 (Western Union Telegraph Co. v.)------·------~---- 105 460 Transportation Co. t•. Seeligson ____ ------122 519 Thackrah v. Haas ______-._---- _____ , ___ ---- __ ---· ------119 499 Thatcher v. RockwelL _____ ------______, ____ _ 105 467 Heating Co. v. Burtis------____ ------____ ------· ____ _ 121 286 Thayer 1'. Life Association of America. ______------, ____ _ 112 717 (Scoville v.) ______105 143 The Adriatic ______... ____ .------____ ------107 512 Annie Lindsley ______------··---- 104 185 Belgenland ______----- ______------______------108 153 114 355 Charles Morgan ______... ··- ______... ____ _ 115 69 Cherokee Trust Funds. ____ .------___ _ 117 288 City of Norwich ____ .------·------·---- 118 468 Connemara ______... ______108 352 Elizabeth Jones. ______112 514 The Francis Wright ______------______105 381 Great 'Vestern ____ ... ______------____ ------______118 520 Harrisburg ______.. ______------______119 199 Hesper (Irvine v.). ______------. 122 256 Je.'lSe Williamson jr. (Starin v.) ______108 305 John H. Pearson ______121 469 Julia Blake _____ .. ______------______------107 418 62 '.CABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Laura ·--·------·------··------______114 411 L. P. Daker ______... ------120 337 ~amie------··------·------105 773 110 74~ ~anitoba------122 97 Nevada ______---- _-·-- ______106 154 New Orleans ______------____ ··--- ______106 13 Neustra Senora De Regia __ .. ______---·· ______-----·· -----··---- 108 92 North Star ____ ····-- ___ . ______--·---- ______106 17 Potomac ______----______---- ______------·· ------.-- 105 630 S. S. Osborne------104 183 105 447 S.C. Tryon------105 267 Scotland ---- __ ------· ______105 24 118 507 Sterling and the Equator ______------______106 647 Tornado ______' ______------.- 108 342 109 110 Tryon, S. C.------·------··------105 267 Willis ______--·---- 112 514 Woodland . .______.. ______. ______104 180 Third National Bank of New York (Exchange Nat. Bk. of Pittsburg v.) _ 112 276 Thomas v. Brownsville, Fort Kearney and Pacific R. R. Co _____ ------109 522 (Liebke v.) ____ --·------··-·· ------·- -- 116 605 Thommessen v. Whitwill ______------·· 118 520 Thompson v. Allen county ______... ___ . ______------115 550 -t•. Boisselier ______------______114 1 (Eaton v.) ______. _____ -----·· ---- ______------... ---·- 114 1 v. First National Bank of Toledo ______------111 529 v. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Co _____ ------, 104 252 (McNab& Harlan Mfg. Co. v.) ------· 114 1 (Martin v.) ---- ______----· .. ______120 376 v. Perrine _____ --- ______- ______... ______106 589 (Shepherd v.) ______---- ____ ------______122 231 (Spraigue v.) ______--·-· ______. ____ ·---- __ _ 118 90 Thomson v. Wooster ______------______114 104 Thorn Wire Hedge Co., v. Fuller __ ---·------·------122 535 Thorne (Black v.) ____ ----·-- ______------____ ------______.. __ 111 122 Thornley v. United States ____ -----.------______.... ______113 310 Thornton (Britton v.) ______112 526 Thorwegan v. King ____ ------______------______. 111 549 Thurbor (Crump v. )- __ ------__ ------______115 56 Tice (Merrell v.) __ ------______----- 104 557 Tiernan (Booth v.) _------______------__ ------109 205 Tilton (Barrel v.) ------_ --- ______---- __ ---- ______----- _------119 637 Tobacco Co. (Worley v.) ______------______------104 340 Toffey (Boardman v.) ______---- _--. _____ ... ------117 271 Tom Hong, Ex parte ______108 556 Tommey (Buncombe County Commissioners v.)' .. ______------·--- 115 122 Topliffe v. Topliffe ______122 121 Tornado, The·------108 342 109 110 Torrent Arms Lumber Co. v. Rodgers------··------112 659 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 6S

Vol. Page. Townsend v. Little .. __ . _____ ------·------109 504 Traer v. Clews ______. __ . _-· ______------115 528 Traill County (Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v.). ------115 600 Transportation Co. v. Parkersburg ______------107 691 Traveller's Insurance Co. (Baylis v.) ______---· ------113 316 v. Edwards ______------__ __ 122 457 Traver (Richardson v.) ______. _____ . _ ---. _ ------·-- _ __ __ 112 423 Treadway v. Sanger ______.______------_ 107 323 Treadwell (Adriatic Fire Insurance Co. v.). ------··------108 361 Trefz (Knickerbocker Life Insurance Co. v.) ______---~------104 197 Trotot (Carite v.) ------·------_ 105 751 Trotter (New Jersey Zinc Co. v.) _ ------··--- 105 564 Trustees (Bartholow v.) ______------··------105 6 v. Greenough ______105 527 (Printing House v.) ______. __ . ______104 711 of Improvement Fund of Florida (Reed v.)------117 419 Tryon, S. C. The.-··- __ . ______------. ______------105 267 Tschirn (Slidell v.) ______··- ______111 412 Tua v. Carriere ______--·· ______117 201 Tucker v. Masser ______------______113 203 Tugmen (National Steamship Co. v.) ______------____ ------106 118 Tupper 'l'. Wi e ____ . ______.. ___ . ______------______110 399 Turner v. Farmer's Loan and Trust Co ______------______106 552 1'. Maryland ______------107 38 and Seymour Manufacturing Co. v. Dover Stamping Co______111 319 Turpin 1J. Burgess . ___ __ .. ______. _.. _.. ___ .. __ .. _-: ______.. _ . ___ • _ .. __ _ 117 504 Turrill (Illinois Central H.. R. Co. v.) ______. __ ,. ____ ... ______110 301 (Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana R. R. Co. v.) ______110 301 Tuttle, 11. Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee R. R. Co. v.) _____ . ___ 122 189 Tutton v. Viti______. ______108 312 Tuyes (Boffinger v.) ______. 120 198 Tvedt (Pirie?'.)------··-·---- _ 115 41 Two Rivers Manufacturing Co. (Double Pointed Tack Co. v.)______109 117 Tyler 1'. Campbell ______. ______·------______106 322 (United States 1'.)- ______------·------.. - ____·___ 105 244 Tyre and Spring Works Co. 1~. Spalding------116 541 u. Ulrici (United States 1·.) ______-----· ------111 38 Union Canal Co. (Gilfillan r.) _____ . ______-· ______------___ _ 109 401 Metallic Cartridge Co. v. United States Cartridge Co_. ___ .. ___ -- . 112 624 Pacific R H.. Co. v. Cheyenne _____ ,. ______113 516 v. United States ______------104 662 (United States v.) ______------__ 105 263 v. United States ______------116 154, 402 117 355 Holling Mill Co. (Chicago and Alton R. R. Co. _v.)------·-­ 109 702 Steamboat Co. (Green Bay and Minnesota R R. Co. v.) ------­ 107 98 Trust Co. (Connecticut Mutal Life Insurance Co. v.) ------112 250 1'. Illinois Midland R. R. Co ______.. ______117 434 (Richtor v.) ______------115 55 v.Souther ______107 591 v. Walker ------·------107 596 (Waring v.) ------______------117 434 64 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. RBPOHTS 101 TO 122.

Voi. Page. United States 1'. Abatoir Place .... _____ .. __ . ______... ___ . ______lOG 160 v. Alexander ___ . ______.. __ . ______. ______. ____ . ____ .. 110 325 (Alling v.) _____• ______. ______114 562 v. Ambrose ______.. _____ . ______. ____ . ___ ... ____ ··--- 108 336 v. Arjona ___ . ______. ______120 479 v. Atlantic a,nd Pacific R. H. Co ______. ______120 241 1'. AnfTmonH ____ . ____ . ______. ______. ___ _ 122 197 v. Babhitt. ___ . __ . ______. ______. ___ _ 104 767 (Baile_y r.) ____ . _____ . ______10!1 432 · ?'. Behan _____ .. .. ______.. ___ .. __ . __ . _.. _. .. __ - .. __ . __ 110 338 1'. Bell ______.. ______. ______111 477 1). Bishop .. ______. ______------__ ·--- 12U 51 (Boyd '/),) ______------______------___ _ 116 616 (Bradley ?'.) ______·--- ______. ______104 442 v. Brindle ______------·------______110 688 v. Britton ------______····-·. 107 655 108 193, 199 (Brown t•.) ______------______113 568 v. Bryant ____ ------.. ______.. ---- 111 499 (Burneti 1'.) ______------______116 158 (Camp v.) ______-- ~ --- ______. ____ _ 113 648 (Campbell t'.) ------______107 407 (Cannon t•.) ______. ____ -.- 116 55 118 355 v. Carey ______--·------·------110 51 v. Carli ______---·----- ______------· 105 611 1'. Carpenter ... ______. ______111 347 (Carver 7'.) ____ ------__ 111 609 7'. Central Pacific R. R. Co ------­ 118 235 (Cheong Ah Moy 1'.)------.. 113 216 (Chew Heong t'.) .. .. -----··------112 536 (Chica.go, Milwaukee, etc., R. R. Co.?;.) ______104 687 (Chicago and Northwestern R. R. Co. 1'.) ------______104 680 7', Choctaw Nation ______. ____ . _. _____ . ____ _ 119 1 (Clawson t'.) ______113 143 114 477 (Coffey t•.) .. ______.... ______116 427,436 117 233 v. Corson _____ ------____ ··------______114 619 (Cook County National Bank v.) ----- .. ______107 445 v. Cooper . ___ . ______. _. ___ . ______.. _ . ___ . ___ . ___ .. __ 120 124 7'. Curtis------107 671 v. Den"ir ______--·--- ______106 536 1J. Dodge County------.------110 156 v. Dunn ____ . ___ .. _.. ... __ .. - --- - . ------. - - . - - - - - . --- 120 249 v. Emholt ______·--- ____ ------______105 414 v. Emory_ .. ______. ___ . ______. ______. ______112 516 t'. Erie Railway Co ____ ---· ______. ______106 327 107 1 v. Fisher ------.--- _ ------· -­ 109 143 v. Flanders------·------··------112 88 (Flint and Pere Marquette R. R. Co.v.) ------112 762 (Ford?'.) ______-----· _ 116 213 T..lBLE OF CA~ES FROM U. S. REPORTS 101 TO 122. ft!)

Vol. PagE>. United States 1'. Forty-three Gallons Whisky ______------_ 108 4U1• v. Gale--·------lOU G5 v. Gibbons ______109 200 (Gordon 11.) ______------______117 GU7 v. Graham ______------______------______110 219 v. Granite Company. _____ ------______105 ~7 v. Grant ______·----______110 2::!;) v. Great Falls Mfg. Co ______112 615 Great Western Ins. Co. v ______------______112 1 U3 (Hahn v.) ------_____ 107 402 v. Hailey .. ___ ------______... ______118 2:13 v. Hamilton ---· . ______.. ______109 G3 v. Harris ______·------______.,. ___ ------106 G2U (Hartv.) ______------·------118 62 (Harvey 1'.) ______·-- ______--·- ______105 Gil v. Harvey ______------··· ------______113 243 (Hazlitt v.) ______------______115 291 v. HilL ______------··------120 1G9 v. Hunt__ ------__ ------______103 183 (Hunt v.). _____ ------116 394 v. Indianapolis and St. Louis R. R. Co______113 711 v. Jackson ______------______104 41 Jacksonville, Pensacola etc., IL R. Co. v ______. ______118 G26 (Jessup v.) ______. ______. ______1 06 147 v. Jones ______109 513 119 477 v. Jordan------113 41R v. Kazama ______.___ . ·--- ______118 3i5

(Kendall v.) _____ . ______-----· . ______107 1 ~3

(Keyes v.)-·------______·-· ______109 3:~6 (Knox County Court v.) ______----- ______109 229 v. Landram ------___ ·----- 118 81 v. Langston------______-·------____ 118 :l89 v. Lawton ______------______------110 146 v. Le Bris------· ______121 278 v. Lee------106 196 (Little Miami, Columbus, etc.: R. R. Co. 11.) ______108 277 (Lundloff v.) ______------. ______1C8 176 v. McBratney ______104 621 (McClure v.) ______. ______116 145 v. McDougall's Administrator.. ______·----- ___ __ 121 89 (McLaughlin v.) ______. ______107 526 (Macklinv.) ______------117 3-18 v. Manhattan Savings Institution ______------11:~ 476 (MemphisaudCbarlestonR. R. Co. v.) ______108 228 (Merriam v.) _---· ____ ------______.,. ______._ ___ 107 437 v. Minor ______---~-·-- ______---·_ 114 ~!:13 (Minturn11.) _ -··------______106 4:l7 v. MitchelL ______------·______109 146 (Mobile v.) _____ •. ______.... ______. ______llG 289 (Moffatv.)------·------112 21 v. Mooney ______------____ llG 101 v. Morgan ___ ------11~; 4i6 H. Ex. 91-5 GG TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104: '1'0 122.

Vol. Pace. United States v. Morton. ___ ------·------112 1 v. Mueller _ -- ___ ------. ------113 153 (Mullan v.) ______---- ____ ------118 271 (Murphy v.) ______------___ _ 10.( 464 (Nashville, Chattanooga, etc., R. R. Co. v.) _ ------113 261 v. Nashville, Chattanooga. etc., R. R. Co ______118 120 (Newport and Cincinnati Bridge Company v.) ------105 4:70 v. Nichols ______·---______109 3 v. North ______----____ ------______112 516 v. Northway ______120 327 v. Otis ______.. ______120 115 v. Pacific R. R. Co ______, ______120 227 (Paulson v.) ____ ---·- _---- ______------____ ------______112 193 v. Parker _------__ ------____ ------__ 120 89 (Parkinson v.) ------·------121 281 v. Perkins------· __ 116 483 v. Petit------114 429 v. Phelps ______------____ ------· --·------107 320 v. Philbrick------120 52 v. Phillips------·------·----­ 121 254 (Porter v.) ------·------· ------­ 106 607 (Potter v.) ------· ------107 126 (Pray v.) ______------· ------106 594 v. Price ___ ------· ------116 43 (Ralls County Courtv.)------··------· ------105 733 v. Ramsay ______----· __ ------120 214 v. Rauscher ______. ______-··----· ----______119 407 v. Real Estate Savings Bank _____ ------______104 728 v. Redgrave ------·------______.•. ____ _ 116 474 (Rice v.) . ______. ______------___ _ 122 611 Rifle and Cartridge Company v. Whitney Arms Company __ 118 23 v. Rindskopf ------· ___ _ 105 418 v. Rockwell ______------120 60 v. l~unkle------· ------­ 122 543 v. Ryan------·------109 3 v. Ryder ______------______• ______110 729 v. Saunders------. ____ ------·--·_ 120 126 v. Schlesinger ______------120 109,264 Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Company------·--· 110 205 v. Singleton _____ . ____ . __ . __ . ------·----______------108 3 v. Smith __ ------______105 620 (Snow v.) _------· ------_ _ 118 346 -{Snyder v.) ------· ------112 216 (South Boston Iron Companyv.)------· ------118 37 v. Spiegel ______------_____ ------116 270 v. Stanley ______. ____ . ______------·· __ 100 3 (State Bank v.)------··-· ------· ------11.( 401 v. Steamship Company, Pacific MaiL ______------104 480 (Steele v.). ______---·-· ____ ------113 128 .Steerer ____ ------___ _ 113 747 v. Stowe------··------106 525 (Sturges v.) ______---- ·------____ ------___ _ 117 363 (Sweeney v.) ------_ ------· ------· ------109 618 TARLE OF CASES FRO~! U. S. REPORTS 104: TO 122. 67

Vol. Page. Unit~d States (Swift Manufacturing Company v.)------·· ____ ------__ _ 105 691 111 22 (Saint Paul and Duluth Railroad Company v.) ______112 733 v. Symonds ______---- ·----- ___ : ------··- ---- 120 46 v. Taylor·-··------· ___ ·------104 216 v. Teller ______-----··------_____ . __ ---- ..... 107 64 v. Temple ____ ------·--.------105 97 v. Thornley------·------. ___ ------113 310 v. Tyler ____ ------·------105 244 v. Ulrici ______. ______--·------____ ----___ _ 111 38 (Union Pacific R. R. Co. v.) ______------104 662 105 263 116 154,402 v. Union Pacific R. R. CO------·------­ 117 355 (Von Hoffman v.) ------113 476 v. Waddell ______. __ .------·-----· ___ ---- 112 76 v. ·walker------____ .------··------··-- 109 258 (Walker's Executors v.) ____ ------______106 413 v. Wallace -·--- ____ . ___ ---- .. ______------116 398 (Wapples v.) ------110 630 (Western Pacific R. R. Co. v.) ------__ _ 108 510 v. Wilson ____ . ______------____ ----______. 106 620 118 86 (Wood v.) ______------______------___ _ 107 414 (Wooden-Ware Co. v.) ______---·- ______------106 432 (Wright v.) ____ ------·· ______108 281 Cartridge Co. v. Union Met. Cartridge Co ______.. ____ _ 112 624 Mortgage Co. (Cross v.) _ ------·------__ 108 477 Upper Potomac Steamboat Co. (Potomac Steamboat Co. v ______109 672 Upton v. McLaughlin ____ ------__ --· ______.------____ ------__ _ 105 640 Utah (Hopt. v.) ______------110 574 114 488 120 430 Utah and Northern Railway Co. v. Fisher ______------116 28 v. Vallette Dry Dock Co. (Cope v.) ------__ ---· ------119 625 Van Benthnysen (Jones v.) ______------·------115 464 Van Brock lin ?'. State of Tennessee ------··------·- _ 117 151 Van Brunt (Corbin ·v.) ______------105 576 Van Etten (Standard Oil Co. v.) ______------107 325 VanKleeck (Shelton v.) __ ------·-- . .. - ·------106 532 Van Riswick v. Spalding ______------117 470 VanSlyke (Waterville v.) ·------.. ------· ------115 290 116 699 Van Weelr. Winston ______··------115 228 VanWyck v. Knevals ______106 360 Vance v. Vance. ______------_--·--··-- ______108 514 Venable r. RichardB ______------··------105 636 Vickers lSaint Louis, Iron Mountain, etc., R. R. Co. v.)------122 360 Vicksburg and Meridian R. R. Co. v. O'Brien ______119 99 v. Putnam------118 545 Shreveport and Pacific R. R. Co. v. Dennis ______116 665 v. Hamilton ------119 280 68 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 10~ TO 122.

Vol. Page. Victor v. Arthur ______---- ______---~ ... ___ . ______104 498 Sewing Machine Co. (Murphy 'll.) ______------______112 688 (Streoper 1'.) ______··- ______. ______112 676 Vigel v. Hopp ______·----· ------____ .. ______104 441 Vinal (Core v.) __-· ·-- ______. ____ ---·- ______117 347 Vimil v. West Virginia Oil and Oil Land Co. ----- ______------110 215 Vincennes National Bank (Hyattv.) ·------113 408 Vinton v. Hamilton. ______------______------____ --··- 104 485 (Pollard v.) . ____ ------______··---_. ______105 7 :Virginia, Ex parte ______. ______. ______. ______111 43 (Royall v.) ______116 572 121 102 (Stewart v.) ______• ______117 612 Commissioners, Ex parte------·----- ______:.. ______112 177 Coupon Cases :- ______-·- ______. .. . ______._ 114 269 Viterbo v. Friedlander ______-··_--- ____ ... ______. .. - .. ------120 707 Viti (Tutton 1.1.) ______------______------108 312 Vogel v. Gruaz ______-·--- ______---- _ 110 311 Von Hoffman v. United States ______------__ ------___ _ 113 476 Von Lingen (Davison v.) _- ··--_ ------. ___ ------______113 41 Voss v. Fisher ______. ______113 213 w. Wabash Railway Co. v. McDaniels------· ------107 454 Saint Louis and Pacific R. R. Co. v. Ham ______·--- ______114 587 v. Knox ------____ ---. ____ - 110 304 v. Illinois ______---- 118 557 Wade v. Walnut ______------______------______·----___ _ 105 1 Waddell (United States v.) _____ ------112 76 Wadsworth (Henderson v.) ______------______------__ --· 115 264 Wait (Missionary Society v.)------______107 347 Walden t'. Knevals ______------____ ------___ ------__ _ 114 373 Wales v. Whitney ______---·--- __ :_ _------______114 564 Walker (Fla,gg v.) ______------______113 659 v. Powers ______------104 245 (Rand v.) ____ ------__ 117 340 (Rosenthal v.) ------· ______111 185 (Teal v.) ------~------·------____ ------____ . ______111 242 (Union '!'rust Co. v.) ------____ ------·· ------107 596 (United States v.) ------·---·--· 109 258 Walker's Executors v. Unite.d States ______------106 413 Wall, Ex parte ______--··---_ .. ___ ,. ------_____ ------_ 107 265 Wallace v. Penfield ______------_____ ------____ ------. _____ ------106 260 (United States v.) ------·-- ____ ------·------116 398 Wallach (Mellen v.) ______------____ ------____ ------112 41 Wallick (Cantrell v.) ______------______------117 689 Walling v. Michigan ------______------____ ------116 446 Walnut (Wade v.)------­ 105 1 Walrath (Phcenix Life Insurance Co. v.) ------· ---- 117 365 Walsh (Mayer v. ) ______------______108 17 v. 1.1ayer ------111 31 v. Preston ______.------·---- 109 297 • Walter v. Bickham _____ ---··- ____ ------______.. ------______122 320 Waples v. Hayes ... ------__ ------108 6 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104. TO 122. 69

Vol. Page. Waples v. United States ____ ------·------·------··------110 G30 Warburg (Bronson v.)------·------104 418 Warden, Ex parte_·---·------____ ------·------108 153 Ware v. Galveston City Company ____ ------111 170 Waring v. Union Trust Co ______------·- 117 434 Warner v. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co ------109 357 (Matthews v.) ·------_____ . ------112 600 Warnock v. Davis. _____ ------.------·- 104 775 Warren (County of Madison v.) ... ------· ----- 106 622 v. King------·------108 389 v. Moody ______·------·- ____ ------.. ··---- 122 132 v. Stoddart ______--· ---- ____ ------105 224 Washor v. Bullitt County ______----- .. ___ ------110 558 Washington County v. Sallinger_ _------_------·------·-- __ 119 176 Washington City, Virginia Midland R. R. Co. (Scheffer v.) ----·------105 249 Washington and Georgetown R. R. Co. (Carpenter v.) ------121 474 v. Distict of Columbia______108 522 Lee University (Bayley v.)------106 11 Market Co. (District of Columbia v.) ______·--- 108 243 Waterman (Farmer's Loan and Trust Co. v.) ·------106 265 Waters (Johnson v.) ------· ------· ------108 4 111 640 Waterville v. VanSlyke ____ ·------·------115 290 116 699 Watson (Ayers v.) ------. ------··- ---- 113 594 (Mobile v.) ______- _------.. ___ -----.. ------______116 289 Watsontown Bank (Cecil National Bank v.) ------____ 105 217 Watts v. Camors -----· ------~----- 115 353 Weaver v. Field ___ .. ------.. --- ___ 114 244 Webb v. Barn walL ______---- ____ ------.------____ 116 193 (Martin v.) __ --·-- __ -· _. ------__ ---- _ 110 7 Websterv. Buffalo Insurance Co·------110 386 Loom Co. v. Higgins------·------105 580 Weeks (Mercl:-Jt'nt Insurance Co. v.) ---·· __ .. ______121 67 122 377 Weeth v. New England Mortgage Co.------____ 106 G05 Weimer (Wood v.) .. ______---- ·------.-.. ------104 786 Wells (Davis v.). --··------··------_ 104 159 (Knox County Court v.) ------· 109 229 (Neslin v.) ------104 428 v. Nickles.------104 444 v. Wilkins __ ------______116 393 118 230 Welsh (Merritt v.) . ______.. ______. _ 104 694 Werge::; (Mersman v.) ___ ------_____ ------______112 139 West, Bradley & Carey Manufacturing Co. (Eagleton Manufacturing Co. v. )----- __ -----_ ------·-· ___ ------______111 490 West Branch Boom Co. (Susquehanna Boom Co. v.) . --- ______110 57 West Virginia Oil and Oil Land Co. (Vinal v.)------··------. 110 215 Western Electric Manufacturing Co. v. Ansonia Brass and Copper Co.__ 114 447 Western Fire Assurance Co. (Claflin v.) ______.... ______110 81 Western Hailroad Company (Seymour v. ) ______·----- .. ______lOG 320 Western Pacific R. R. Co. v. United States. ______------______108 510 70 TABLE Ol!, CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 10-! TO 122.

Vol. Page. Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Pendleton ______. ______122 347 Texas ______------105 460 Wheeler v. New Brunswick ____ ·------______-·----- ____ ... ______115 29 White v. Crow ______---- ___ .-· ____ ----··------__ ---- ____ -- 110 183 (Chesapeake and Ohio R. R. Co. v.) ------111 134 v. Dunbar ______------__ ---· ______--·-· ______. ___ ·-··- 119 47 v. Greenhow _ ----- _------· ___ _ 109 63 v. Knox------.. ------··------111 784 (Patch v.) ______--· ______117 210 Whiteside v. Haselton ____ ------______. __ _ 110 296 Whitford v. Clark County·------___ ··- ______--···--- _---· __ _ 119 522 Whitney (Board of Liquidation of New Orleans v.) ______121 284 v. Butler ____ ----______------______118 655 (Louisiana National Bank v.) _ ----··------__ ---·· __ ··- -· ___ _ 121 284 v. Morrow.. ______------______112 693 (Smith v.) ------______116 167 (Wales(v.)------114 564 Whitney Arms Co. (United States Rifle and Cartridge Co. v.) ------118 23 Whitwill (Thommessen v.) ------______118 520 Whitworth v. (Tennessee v.) ______---·- --- ___ -·------______117 129,139 Wiegmann (Hartranft v.) ·· ---- ______------·- · _·------· ______.. __ 121 609 Wiggins Ferry Co. (Chicago and Alton R. R. Co. v.)------108 18 119 615 v. East Saint Louis ______.. - - _. ____ . . _____ . ___ _ 107 365 Wilcox (Hassan v.) ______. __ _ 115 598 Wildenhns's Case.------120 1 Wilkins (Elk 11.) . ___ ... ______------. --. ------.------______112 94 v. Ellett. __ ------·------~ ------108 256 (Goldstucker v.) _____ ----- ______---- ______118 230 (Johnson v.)------·-----·------116 392 118 229 (Weits v.) ___ ·------··----- ·----· ------··-- 116 393 118 230 Wilkinson (Maxwell v.) ______------__ ------··---- ______113 656 Willamette Manufacturing Company v. Bank of British Columbia ______119 191 Williams (Hagood v.) ------117 52 v. Jacksonr------107 478 (Metcalfv.)------·------104 93 (Micasv.)----~------104 556 v. Morgan ______-- - __ - . ------. 111 684 v. Nottawa_------. ------··------104 209 (Russell v.) ___ ------__ ------______106 623 v. Supervisors of Albany ______------_---·- ______122 154 Williamsport Bank v. Knapp ______-----·---- ___ ·------·------119 357 Williar (Irwin~'.)------110 499 Willey lStrong v.) --··- ---·· ______. ------______104 512 Willis The. ______.. ______------_------··---- ..... __ ----- __ 112 514 t'. Belleville Nail Co._----- ____ ------·------111 62 Wilmering (Halferty v.) ______112 713 Wilson v. Arrick ______-·- ______112 83 (Cherokee County Commissioners v.) ______·- ______109 621 (Coonv.)------113 268 Ex parte ______---··-----_____ ------__ -----_----- 114 417 TABLE OF CASES FHOl\1 U. S REPORTS 104 TO 122. 71

Vol. Page. Wilson (Salamanca Township v.) ______---- ______109 627 (Saint Louis and Sau Francisco R. R. Co. v.)------·------114 60 (United States v.). ___ ----- _ ·-______---_------____ 106 620 118 86 Wilson's Executors v. Deen_ ------·------. ___ 121 525 Wilt (Grier v.) ------__ ------120 412 Wiltz (Elliott v.) ______. ______------__ __ ------107 71 Winchell (Coney v.) ------116 227 Winchester v. HeiskelL_----· ______------_ ------·- 119 450 120 273 v. Loud------·------208 130 and Partridge Manufacturing Company v. Creary ___ ------116 161 v. Funge______109 651 Wing v. Anthony------··------106 142 Winona and Saint Peter R. R. Co. v. Barney __ ----.-··------·------113 618 (Barney v.)------117 228 (Saint Paul and Sioux City R. R. Co. v.) 112 720 Winston (Van Weel v.) .. ------·------··------115 228 Wintors (Bates County v.) .. ------·------112 325 (Hartranft v. ) ______------121 616 Winthrop Iron Company v. Meeker·------·------····--·----- 109 180 Wise (Friendv.) ------·--·------··------111 797 (Tupperv.) -----·------110 399 Wisconsin (Germania Insurance Compa.nyt~~ ------119 473 Wisner v. Drown ____ . ------··-- 122 214 Wiswall (Ayres v.) ------·------112 187 Wo Lee v. Hopkins ______------118 356 Wollensak v. Reiher ______... ------· -----. ------_ __ __ 115 87,96 Wolverton v. Nichols ______·------119 485 Wood v. Burlington and Missouri River R. H.. Co ______----- ]04 329 v. Fort \Vayne ______- _------119 312 (Manhattan Medicine Co. v.) ------·------108 218 (Retzer t'.) ____ . _------. 109 185 v. United St.'ltes ____ .. __ ------. 107 414 v. Weimar ___ _. ______------_ 104 786 Woodenware Company v. United States ______------~-_ 106 432 Woodland, The _____ ------·------104 180 Woodworth v. Blair ______------·--· ------·--- 112 8 (New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. v.) -·------111 138 Woolen, Ex parte ____ ------·------104 300 Woolfv. Hamilton ______------108 15 Woolfolk (Mino v.) ------·------116 599 (Smith v.) ------. ------·------115 14B Wooster (Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v.)------110 27 (Clark v.) ____ ------··---. 119 322 (Moses v.) _____ ------115 285 (Thomson '1!.) ______-----·· _------114 104 Worden v. Searles ______------_------121 14 Worley v. Tobacco Company .. ------104 340 Worthen (Huntington v.) ------______------·- 120 97 (Little Rock and Fort Smith R. R. Co. v.) --~------·--- 120 97 Worthington (King v.) ------104 44 Wright, The Francis ______------105 381 72 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 10! TO 122.

Vol. Page. Wright (Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. v.) ----··------____ -----· _ 117 "12 (Given t·.) ______· ______------______117 648 v. Kentucky, etc., Railway Co.------______117 72 v. McConihay ______121 201 (Norrington v.) ______--··- ______115 188 v. Roseberry ______----·---- ______121 488 (Southwestern R. R. Co. v.) ______------· ______116 231 t'. United States _ ··-- ______.. ______108 281 Wright's Executor (Swann v.) ------·------___ _ 110 590 Wurts v. Hoagland ___ . ______------____ . ______105 701 108 5 114 606 Wylie v. Northampton National Bank ------____ --··------119 361 Wyman v. Halstead ____ ------______------____ --··· ____ _ 109 654 Wyncoop (Sage v.) ------______---·· 104 319 X. Xenia Bank v. Stewart ______-- __ ---··------· 114 224 Y. Yale Lock Co. v. Greenleaf_ . ______------. ______117 554 v. Sargent ______--··- ______--·· _____ --___ _ 117 373 117 536 Yarbrough, E;r; parte ______------______. ______110 651 Yeager Milling Co. (Downton v.) ------____ -· ··- ______108 466 Yick Wo v. Hopkins ______. ______118 356 Young v. Duvall ______. 109 573 v. Steam-ship Co ______105 41 Youngstown Bank v. Hughes ------___ ---·· 106 523 Yp~il11nti (Taylor v.) ------· 105 60 Ystalyfera. Iron Co. (Redfield v.) ------no 174 Yuba County (Eureka Lake and Canal Co. v.) ______116 410

Z. Zanev.Soffe------110 200 Zebley (East Saint Louis v.) ______------_ 110 321 Zeigler v. Hopkins ______117 683 Z10n's Co-operative Mercantile Institution (Hollister v.) ------111 62 ADMIRALTY CASES.

Vol. Pap. Adriatic, The ______---__ ------107 512 Annie Lindsley, The ------104 185 Belgenland, The ______- ___ -----_----_------___ _ 108 153 114 355 Charles Morgan, The ______-----_----__ ------_------115 69 Connemara, The ______------· - ____ ------108 352 Elizabet.h Jones, The ______---- ______------___ _ 112 514 Equator and the Sterling, The ------106 647 Harrisburg, The ______------______------__ _ 119 199 Hesper, Irvine v. The ---··------··------­ 122 256 Jes.'lie Williamson, The __ ·------108 305 John H. Pearson, The--·------______------· __ _ 121 469 Julia Blake, The ______------107 418 1. P. Dater, The ______.------______------______120 337 Mamie, The------· ------___ ------105 773 Manitoba, The ______--·- _____ .. ____ ---··- ___ . ____ .. ______122 97 Nevada, The ______--··· ______106 154 New Orleans, The.---·------106 13 North Star, The ______---- __ . ______106 17 Potomac, The ______.... _ . ____ .. ______- ______. __ 105 630 Scotland, The ------·------105 24 8. C. Tryon, The ______. ______105 267 S. S. Osborne, The ____ . ______. ______.. ______104 183,447 Sterling and the Equator, The _____ ... ___ . ___ ·-- _. _____ . _- - .. ______106 647 Tornado, The-----· _.. ___ . ------. _____ ------· -----.... ------.. - 108 342 109 110 Woodland, The------·------·------104 180 Chicago and Pacific Elevator Co------.--·------__ .. ______.·---. 119 388 Cope t'. Vallette Dry Dock Co. ______. __ . ______119 625 Cushing v. Laird ______.. ______.. ___ ------.------· 107 69 E:q1artc Baltimore and Ohio H. R Co ______, ______------106 5 Boyer------·------·------·----· ______109 629 Ferry Co . -.- __ .. -·-- .. __ ---- ____ ------·-- -- 104 519 Gordon------.. -·------·--- ___ _ 104 515 Hagar ______. __ ------· ______104 520 Slayton_._. ____ . ______----- ___ ---- ___ .. -- ___ .------105 451 Irvine 1'. The Hesper _------·--- __ ------122 256 Leathers r. Bless in~- ______-· ______. 105 626 Merchant'S' Insurance Co. v. Allen _____ ------121 67 U. Ex. 26-16 73 BANKS-MISCELLANEOUS.

Vol. Page. Amoskeag Bank v. Ottawa·------______-----______105 667 Anglo-California Bank (Mahoney Mining Co. v.) ______.. _ 104 192 Bank of Commerce (Tennessee v.) __ -··--. ··----- ·----- ·-- ______104 493 Boatmen's Savings Bank v. State Savings Association ____ --··--- ______114 265 British Columbia, Bank of (Willamette Manufacturing Co. v.) __ ------119 191 Canal Bank of Mississippi v. Hudson ____ ·--- ______.. ______------111 66 Corn Exahange Bank, Pa., 1'. Scheppers ·-··---· ------.. ______111 440 German American Bank, N.Y. (Burley v.) ------··----··---- 111 216 International Bank, Chicago (Jenkins v.) ------· ______106 571 Kansas City Bank (Goetz v.) _ ------··------____ ------119 551 Laclede Bank, Missouri, v. Schuler ____ ·------·------·----- 120 511 Manhattan Savings Institution, N.Y. (United States v.)------113 476 Masonic Savings Bank, Kentucky (Stucky v.) ·-··------· ---- ___ _ 108 74 Maysville, Bank of, W.Va., v. Claypool ______120 26R Merchants' Dank of Pittsburg, Pa., v. Sla~le ______. ------106 558 Nevada, Dank of, v. Sedgwick _____ -· ______. -··- -- ______-··-- __ 10,1 111 New Orleans Banking-Association v. LeBreton. ______--·· ------120 765 Northern Bank of Toledo v. Porter Township Trustees ______----·------110 608 People's Savings Bank, Michigan, v. Bates ------_-----·- ____ ------120 556 Phrenix Bank, N. Y., v. Risley ______. ______111 125 Portsmouth Savings Bank, Illinois (Louisville v.)------___ _ 104 469 Provident Savings Institution, N. J., 11. Jersey City------113 507 Quebec Bank of Toronto (Hellman ·u.) ______------______110 178 Real Estate Savings Bank, Pittsburg, Pa. (United States v.) ______104 728 Savings Bank v. Archibald------· ____ ------104 708 State Bank, Boston, v. United States ____ _------·· ____ ----· ______114 401 State Bank, Illinois, v. Saint Louis Rail Fastening Co------___ _ 12~ 21 74 BANKS-NATIONAL.

Vol. Pa.~e. Albany Exchange Bank, National (Hills v.) ------___ _ 105 319 American Exchange National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. (Boughton v.). __ 104 427 Booneville Central National Dank (Howard County v.) ______------108 314 Cecil National Bank 1.'. Watsontown Bank------______105 217 Central National Bank, Baltimore, Md., v. Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co __ 104 54 Charter Oak National Bank Conn. (Town of Bloomfield v.) ----- ______121 121 Citizens' National Bank of Piqua (Moores v.) ______·------111 156 104 625 Rome (Jenness v.) ______.:. ______110 52 Cook County National Bank v. United States------·--··---- 107 445 Crawfordsville First National Bank (Reynolds v.) __ . ______112 405 Evansville National Bank v. Britton ------_ -----·-"0----·- ______105 322 Exchange National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa., v. Third National Bank of New York ______··------· ____ ------______112 276 Fifth National Bank ofN. Y. (New York Elevated R. R. v.) ------·---- 118 608 First National Bank of Chicago (Bell v.) ______------···------··--- ___ _ 115 ~73 Cleveland v. Shedd ______-----_------· .... 121 74 Montgomery, Ala. (Micou v.) ------104 530 Omaha v. Redick---·----- ______, ______110 224 Portsmouth (Ottawa v.) ______--·-- ______105 342 Toledo (Thompson v.)_ ------·--- ___ _ 111 529 Youngstown, Ohio, v. Hughes ______------106 523 Fourth National Bank of New York (Francklyn v.) ------______120 747 Saint Louis (McLeod v.) --·------______122 528 v. Stout ______113 684 Gloversville National Bank New York v. Johnson------104 271 Lancaster National Bank (Miller v.) ______106 542 Leather Manufacturers' National Bank, New York v. Cooper ______120 778 v. Morgan---·------~ 117 96 Louisiana National Bank v. Whitney ______121 284 Merchants' Exchange National Bank, New Jersey v. Bergen County ___ _ 115 384 Mercantile National Bank v. New York·------·-----···--- 121 138 Mouongalwla National Bank v. Jacobus. ______---·- 109 275 (Stephens v.) _------______-·- 111 197 Muskegon National Bank (Northwestern Life Ins. Co. v.) ·------______122 501 National Metropolitan Bank (Hit~ v.) ______------______. ___ ---· 111 722 Newark National Banking Co. v. Newark------·----­ 121 163 New Orleans National Bank v. Fortier------···------·----- 112 439 Northampton National Dank (Wylie v.) --· ·--- ..... ______--·-- ___ _ 119 361 Pacific Nalional Haul-, Massachu:setts v. Mixter .. _____ ------~- 114 463 Penn Tatioual Bank, Pennsylvania t•. Furness.---·------114 376 75 76 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Second National Bank, Wilkes Barre, Pa., (Driesbach v.) ______·-~---- 104 52 (Stark v.) ------104 52 Saint Louis National Bank (Allen v.) ______. _------_ ------120 2t} Third National Bank, N.Y. (Exchange National Bank, Pittsburgh v.) __ 112 276 Vincennes National Bank (Hyatt v.)------­ 113 498 Williamsport National Bank v. Knapp------·------·­ 119 357 Xenia First National Bank v. Stewart-----.. ------107 676 114 224 COMPANIES-MISCELLANEOUS.

Vol. Page. Albany and Rensselaer Iron and Steel Co. v. Lundberg ------121 451 Albro Cmupany (New Orleans Ins. Co. v.) ______------112 506 Amador and Sacramento Canal Co. (Cashman 1'.) --·------______·- 118 58 (Gold Mining Co. v.)------118 264 American Bridge Co. (Cordwell11.) ______113 205 Ji'ile Co. v. Garrett ______-· ______112 288 Preserved Tan Bark Co. (McGowan 1J.) .. .. --·------121 575 Steamship Co. (Young 11.) ______- · _____ -·----- 105 41 Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. (Head v.) ____ ------__ _ 113 9 Argentine Mining Co. 11. Terrible Mining Co _·- --- ______122 478 Beecher M1rg. Co. v. Atwater M'f'g. Co ______114 523 (Clark v.) ______-·-- ___ :______115 79 Bell Telephone Co. (Eldred v.) ______--·---- ______119 513 Belleville Nail Co. (Willis v.) ______··- 111 62 Benedict & Burnham M'f'g Co. (Hollister, Collector ·e. ) ______113 59 Bigelow Carpet Co. (Dobson 1·. )______~ ______114 439 Black River Improvement Co. (Po1leys v.) ------·------­ 113 81 Boston Machine Co. (Mathews 1'.) ------··------105 54 Mining Co. 7l. Eagle Mining Co ____ ------·------115 221 Bradstreet Company v. Higgins ______112 227 114 262 Bridgeport Brass Co. (Miller v. ) ______104 350 Brooks Locomotive Works (Milwaukee and Northern H. H. Co. v. ) ____ _ 121 430 Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. 1•. Sarony ------­ 111 53 Butcher's Union Slaughter-House Co. v. Crescent City Co ------­ 111 746 Caledonia Gold Mining Co. (Noonan v.) ------121 393 California Paving Co. v. Molitor ______113 609 t•. Schalicke ______---··- _ 119 401 Cambria Iron Co. v. Ashburn ______------______118 54 (New Buffalo v.)------______105 73 Cape Ann Isinglass and Glue Co. (Manning 1J.) ______------108 462 Chicago and Pacific Elevator Co. (Johnson v.)------119 388 Cincinnati, etc., Packet Co. v. Cattlettsburg. ____ ------_·------105 559 Cleveland Holling Mill Co. v. Rhodes ------121 255 Columbus Rolling Mill Co. (Minneapolis and Saint Louis R. R. '!:. ) ______119 149 Compagnie Generale Transatlantique (People v.) ______107 59 Colorado Mortgage Co. (Goodwin 7'.)------­ 110 1 Consolidated Valve Co. v. Crosby Valve Co------113 157 Cooper Manufacturing Co. v. Ferguson ______113 727 · Cotton-Tie Co. v. Simmons. ______------106 89 Covington Stock-Yards Co. v. Keith------121 248 77 78 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page, Crane Iron Co. 1'. Hoagland------108 5 Crescent City Live-Stock Co. v. Butcher's Union Co ______: __ _ 120 141 Cunard Steamship Co. 1'. Carey ______----______------119 245 v. Robertson ______---_--_------112 580 Davis Sewing Machine Co. t'. Richards------115 524 Detroit River Ferry Co., Ex parte ______--,· ___ -··-----···--. ____ _ ------104 519 Devoe Manufacturing Co------______------108 401 Dix Island Granite Co. (United States v.) ____ ----·. ______------__ 105 37 Double-Pointed Tack Co. v. Two Rivers M'f'g Co------____ ------109 117 Eagleton M'f'g Co. v. West, Bradley & Carey :M'f'g Co ------··--- 111 490 Electric R. R. Signal Co. v. Hall R. R. Signal Co ------______114 87 Elizabeth Oil-cloth Co. (Heidritter v.) ______- -· __ .. ___--··- ______112 294 Endowmentand Benevolent Ass. of Kansas v. Kansas------· __ 120 103 Equator Mining and Smelting Co. v. Hall ______------______106 86 Erie and Western Transp. Co. (Phamix Ins. Co. v.) ------117 312 118 210 Escanaba and Michigan Transp. Co. v. Chicago ______--·-- _ 107 678 Eureka Lake a.nd Yuba Canal Co. v. Yuba County------______116 410 Excelsior Manufacturing Co. (Bridge v.) ______. ______105 618 (Bussey v.) ____ . ______110 131 Fairmount Gold and Silver Mining Co. (Pugh v.)------112 238 Farmer's Loan and Trust Co. (Hammock '1!.)------______------105 77 (Stone v.) --·· ------116 307 (Turner v.) ______. ______106 552 v. Waterman ______------____ _ 106 265 v. Wright _____ ·--- ______117 72 Fermentation Co. v. Maus ______. __ -· ____ ----·- ______·------122 4J3 Flagstaff Silver Mining Co. v. Cullins ______------______104 176 Freedman's Savings and Trust Co. (Dodge v. ) ______------106 445 v. Earle ______------110 710 Furst and Bradley M'f'g Co. (Newton v.) ------· ___ _ 119 373 Galveston City Co. (Ware v.) ____ ------______. .. ____ _---- - ______111 170 Gibbs & Sterrett M'f'g Co. v. Brucker ____ ------111 597 Gilbert & Barker M'f'g Co. (Clough v.) ------106 178 Gloucester Ferry Co. v. Penu ------______114 196 Gold Amalgamating Co. (Coit v.) _____ ·---- ____ ------______119 343 Gould Manufacturing Co. v. Cowing ______------______105 ~53 Great Falls Manufacturing Co. (United States v.) ______-- --- 112 .645 Hall Safe and Lock Co. (Sargent v.) ------. ______------______114 63 Hartford Carpet Co. (Dobson v.) ______114 439 Hill M'f''g Co. (Providence and New York Steamship Co. v.) ------109 578 Indianapolis Rolling Mill Co. v. Si;. Louis, Fort Scott, etc., R. R ______120 256 Iron Company v. Hoagland ______------______------905 701 Silver Mining Co. v. Cheesman------116 529 v. Elgin Mining Co . ______118 196 (Reynolds v) ------______·------116 687 (Sullivan v.) _____ ------109 550 Kellogg Bridge Co. v. Hamilton ___ ------______. ·-· ______110 108 Kerr Murray M'f'g Co. (Minneapolis Gas Co. v.) .. ______------__ 122 300 King Iron Bridge and M'f'g Co. 'V. Otoe County - .. - ____ ---· ------~- __ 120 225 Kirby Carpenter Co. (Geekie v.) __ ------· ______106 379 Knapp, Stout & Co. Lumber Co. (St. Louis v.) ------______104 658 Kountz Transp. Line (Sun Ins. Co. v.)------122 583 'fABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 79

Vol. PRge. La Abra Silver Mining Co. v. Frelinghuysen _____ ·------110 63 Laclede Gas Co. (Campbell v.) ------~ 119 445 Lehigh Water Co. v. Easton ______... ______121 388 Lexington and Carter County Mining Co. (Applegate v.)------117 255 Locomotive Engine Safety Truck Co. (Penn. R. R. Co. v.) ------·-··- 110 490 Louisville Gas Co. v. Citizens' Gas Co ______. ___ .______115 683 McNab and Harlan Manufacturing Co. v. Thomson·--··------114 1 Mahoney Mining Co. v. Anglo-California Bank______104 192 Manhattan Medicine Co. v. ·wood______108 218 Marine and River Phosphate Mining and Manufacturing Co. v. Bradley_ 105 175 Memphis Gas Co. v. Taxing District of Shelby County------109 398 Water Co. (New York Guaranty Co. v.) ______: ______107 205 Mexican Construction Co. v. Reusens______118 49 Minneapolis Agricultural and Mec. Ass. v. Canfield ------121 295 Gas Co v. Kerr Murray Man:nfacturing Co______122 300 Moline Plough Co (Gilbert v.) ___ ------~- 119 491 Wagon Co. (Huiskamp v.) ------121 310 Morgan Steamship Co. v. Louisiana Roard ofHealth______118 455 and R. R. Co. (Lawrence v.)------121 634 National Car-Brake Shoe Co. (Lake Shore, etc., R. R. Co. v.)------___ _. 110 229 Steam Navigation Co. (Dyer 1).)------118 507 Steam-ship Co. v. Tugmen______106 118 New England Mortgage Co. (Weeth v.)------106 605 New Jersey Steam-boat Co. v. Brockett______121 637 Zinc Co. v. Trotter ------108 564: New Orleans Gas Co. v. Louisiana Light Co ______115 650 Transp. Co. (Hibernia Ins. Co. v.)------120 166 Water-Works v. Rivers ______------______------___ 115 674 Newport and Cinn. Bridge Co. v. United States------105 470 New York Guaranty Co. v. Board of Liquidation______105 622 v. Memphis Water Co ______107 205 New Englantl and Western Investment Co. (Hubbard v. )___ 119 696 Northern Liberty Market Co. v. Kelley------113 199 Norwich and New York Transp. Co. (Place v.) ------118 "l68 Odorless Apparatus Co. (Clements v.) ------109 641 Omaha Hotel Co. (Kountz v.) ______------___ ------____ 107 378 Ouachita Packet Co. t'. Aikon ------______.:__ 121 444 Packing Company Cases __ ------_ 105 566 Paper-Bag 1\In,chine Co. v. Nixon------105 766 Peninsular Iron Co. 11. Stone------·____ 121 631 Pensacola. Ice Co. v. Perry ______------______------120 318 Philadelphia Fire Ass. v. New York ______. ------____ 119 110 and Southern Steamship Co. v. Pennsylvania______122 326 Warehouse Co. (Anderson v.) ------______111 479 Phosphate Company, Atlantic, v. Graffiin______114 492 Pittsburgh Bessemer Steel Co. (Hinckley v.)------121 264 (Porter v.) ------·-- 120 649 122 267 Plymouth Gold Mining Co. v. A.mador and Sacramento Canal Co------118 264 Pneumatic Gas Co. (Berry v.) ------113 322 Potomac Steam-boat Co. v. UpperSteam-boatCo ______109 672 Providence and New York Manufacturing Co. v. Hill Manufacturing Co. 109 578 and Stonington.Steam-sbip Co. (Greenwich Insurance Co. v.). 119 481 80 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Pullman Car Co. (Schley v.) ------·------120 575 v. Speck·------··------·· ------113 85 (Pickard v.) ____ ------____ -- __ -.-_--- _------117 34 (Tennessee v.) ______---- ____ ------· __ __ . ·--- 117 51 Revere Copper Co. (Dimock v.) ______------·------. __ _ 117 559 Richmond Mining Co. v. Rose ______·------· ------·- -- 114 576 Rumford Chemical Works (Oliver v.) ------· ------109 75 Saginaw Barrel Co. (Hartshorn v.) ______------·· ------119 664 South Boston Iron Co. v. United States ______·--· ______. 118 37 Southern Express Co. (Saint Louis, Iron Mountain, etc., Express Co. v.) - 108 24 Tel. Co. (East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. R. Co. v.). __. _ 112 306 Spring Valley Water Works Co. v. Schottler ______------·- 110 347 Saint Louis Rail Fastening Co. (State Bank v.) ______. ______112 21 Smelting and Refining Co. v. Kemp------104 636 v. Ray------104 657 (Steel v.)------. ______----··--- 106 447 Standard Oil Co. v. Van Etten------·--···------· . . .. 107 325 Steamship Co. (United States v.) ______------______------104 480 Sterling Pump Co. (Duffv.) ----·· ------______·____ ------107 6~6 Saint Tamauy Water Works v. New Orleans Water Works------­ 120 64 Susquehanna Boom Co. v. West Branch Boom Co------110 57 Swift Match Co. v. United States ______------___ . 111 22 105 691 Terrible Mining Co. (Argentine Mining Co. v.) ______------. _. ____ . __ _ 122 478 Texas Transportation Co. v. Seeligson ------122 519 Thatcher Heating Co. v. Burtis ______------121 286 Thorn Wire Hedge Co. Y. Fuller------______------______... _. 122 535 Torrent Arms Lumber Co. v. Rodgers ______- -· -- ______112 659 Transportation Co. v. Parkersburgh ------107 691 Trust Co., Union, (Richter v.) . ______---- ______115 55 Turner & Seymour Manufacturing Co. (Dover Stamping Co. v.) . ______111 319 Tyre and Spring Works v. Spalding ______------_------116 541 Union Canal Co. (Gilfillen v.) ------______. ___ . ______109 401 Metallic Cartridge Co. v. United States Cartridge Co ______112 624 Rolling Mill Co. (Chicago and Alton R. R Co. v.) ______109 702 Steam-boat Co. (Green Bay and Minn. R. R. Co. v.) ______107 98 Trust Co. (Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. v.) ______112 250 v. Souther------·------107 ., 591 (Waring v.)------117 434 United States Mortgage Co. (Gross v.)-----··------_____ ------108 477 United States Rifle and Cartridge Co. v. Whitney Arms Co------· ··-··-- 118 23 Vallette Dry Dock Co. (Cope v.) ______------. __ . ______119 625 Victor Sewing Machine Co. (Murphy v.) ------··--· ------112 688 (Streeper v.) ______112 676 Washington Market Co. (District of Columbia v.) ______-·------108 243 Webster Loom Co. v. Higgins ____ ------105 580 West Branch Boom Co. (Susquehanna Boom Co. v.). ------­ 110 57 West Virginia Oil and Oil Land Co. (Vinal v.). ------·- 110 215 Western Electric Mfg. Co. v. Ansonia Brass and Copper Co ______114 447 Western Union Tel. Co. v. Pendleton ______122 347 v. Texas ______105 460 Whitney Anns Co. (U.S. Rifle and Cartridge Co. v.) ______118 23 Wiggins Ferry Co. (Chicago and Alton R. R. Co. v.) ------108 18 11-9 615 TABLE OF CASES FRO~I U. S. REPORTS 10 l TO 122. R1

Vol. P:1ge. :Mi5 WigginsFerryCo.1'. EastSaintLonis ______------107 1Hl Willamette Mfg. Co. v. Bank of Brit. Columbia_------. 11H WinchesterandPartridge Mfg. Co. v. Creary ------llli Hil v. Funge ______109 G51 Winthrop Iron Co. (Meeker v.) _ ------109 180 Wooden Ware Co. v. United States ------JOG 432 Yale Lock Mfg. Co. v. Greeu1eaf ------117 554 v. Sargent ------J17 ~~73 117 536 Yeager Milling Co. (Downton v.)------108 4fi6 Ystalyfiere Iron Co. (Redfie1d v .) ------110 174 Zion's Co-operative Mercantile inst'n (Hollister v.)------111 G2 II. Ex. 91--G INSURANCE-ACCIDENT, FIRE, AND MARINE.

Vol. Page. Accident Insurance Co. v. CrandalL ______- - ~ ------·------120 527 Adriatic Fire Ins. Co. v. TreadwelL __- ---·------·------­ 108 361 Atlantic Mut'llns. Co. (Ellis v.) ------· ------··------108 342 v. Good Intent Tow-boat Co ------109 110 Buffalo Ins. Co. (Webster v.) ______---· 110 386 Central American Ins. Co __ __ _ ------109 278 Commonwealth Fire Ins. Co. (Claflin v.) ------­ 110 81 Factors and Traders' Ins. Co. v. Murphy ------111 738 Fidelity Ins. Trust and Safe Deposit Co. v. Huntington ______117 280 Franklin Fire Ins. Co. (Claflin v.) ------110 81 Great Western Ins. Co. v. United States ______112 193 Greenwich Ins. Co. v. Providence and Stonington S. S. Co ______119 481 Hibernia Ins. Co. (St. Louis Trasn. Co. v.) ______------120 166 Home Ins. Co. v. New York ______---- ·------119 129 Liverpool and London Fire Ins. Co. v. Gunther______116 113 London and Globe Ins. Co. (Guion v.)------·------109 173 (Indiana Southern R. R. Co. v.) ------­ 109 168 London Assurance Co. v. Drennen ------~ ------113 51 116 461 Merchants' Mutual Ins. Co. v. Allen · -·------122 376 v. Weeks ______-·--- 122 376 Mutual Association Co. (Grarno v.) ______·------112 273 New Orleans Ins. Co. v. Albro Co ------­ 112 506 Ocean Ins. Co. (Sun Mutuallns. Co. v.)------107 485 Phmnix Ins. Co. v. Erie and Western Transp. Co ______117 312 118 210 lTx parte ______117 367 St. Louis Ins. Co. v. St. Louis, Vandalia, etc., R. R. Co ------104 146 Sun Ins. Co. v. Kountz Line ______122 583 Mutual Ins. Co. v. Ocean Ins. Co ------· - -- 107 485 TravElller's Ins Co. (Baylis v.) _------______113 316 v. Ed wards ______---·--·- ___ _ 122 457 Western Fire Ins. Co. (Claflin v.)------110 81 82 INSURANCE-LIFE.

Vol. Page. JEtna Life Ins. Co. (County of Kankakee v.) ______106 668 Alabama Gold Life Ins. Co. v. Nichols-·- ______------109 232 American Life Ins. Co. v. Bruce ______. ______-·--- ______105 328 (Uoulor v.) ------__ -- .. ___ _ ------111 335 574 Chicago Life Ins. Co. 1J. Needles ------___ ------113 Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Bennecke v.) ______. __ 105 355 (Central Nation Bank v.) ______------104 54 ·v. Cushman. ______----_--_------108 51 v. Lathrop ______------____ _ 111 612 v. Luchs ______----- 108 498 v. Scammon. ____ ------117 G34 v. Union Trust Co------112 250 (Warner v.) ______109 357 Continental Life Ins. Co. v. Rhoads ______. ______119 237 Germania Life Ins. Co. v. Wisconsin ______----·-_. ______119 473 Homeopathic :M:utual I.Me Ins. Co. (Knapp v.) ______------______117 411 Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co. v. Foley ____ ------105 350 v. Pendleton ______------112 696 (Thompson v.) ______------lOt 252 v. Trefz ______104 197 Life Association of America (Thayer v.) ------112 717 Manhattan Life Ins. Co. v. Bought011- _____ ------______109 121 Mutual Life Ins. Co. N.Y. (Je1friesv.) ------­ 110 305 New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. 'I'. Woodworth------­ 111 138 New York l\'Iutual Life Ins. Co. v. Fletcher------·------117 519 (Klein v.) ______----- _------104 88 v. Armstrong ______------117 591 Northwestern Mutual Life Ius. Co. (Mason v.) ______------106 1G3 v. Muskegon National Bank ______122 501 Phronix Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Wo.lrath ------117 3G5 v. Dostor ______lOG 30 (Grantv.) ------______.. ______106 429 120 271 121 105, 118 (Koon v.) ______------104 106 v.l{addin ______120 183 (Roberts v.) ------120 8G Provident Savings Life Ins. Society v. Ford------114 G35 Saint Louis Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Lovell v.) ____ ------·- ____ _ 111 264 83 LAND CASES.

Vol. Page. Argentine Mining Co. v. Terrible Mining Co ______------· __ 122 676 Aurrecoechea v. Bangs ______--··--- ______------·-_ 114 381 Baldwin v. Stark ______. ______. _ 107 463 Barney v. Winona and Saint Peter R. R. Co------··------117 228 Belk v. Meagher .. ______-·· ·-· ______104 279 Bicknell v. Comstock------______-·----______---- 113 149 Bohall v. Dilla ______··------~------___ .. __ ------______.. _- 114 47 Bryanv. J{ennett ______------______, ____ _ 113 179 Buena Vista County v. Iowa Falls and Sioux City R. R. Co ___ .. ______112 165 Bullard v. Des Moines and Fort DodgeR. R. Co ------______------122 167 Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v. Herring ______, ______110 27 Chambers v. Harrington ______-··- ______------______111 350 Deffeback v. Hawke ____ ·----- ______-·--- __ ·-- ______115 392 Doe v. Larmore ___ ·------____ ------· ------116 198 Dubuque and Sioux City R. R. Co. v. Des Moines Valley R. R. Co ___ _ 109 329 Ehrhart v. Hogeboom .... _____ . ___ ·------______- -- 115 67 Elwood v. Flanigan ______------______--- 104 562 Erhardt v. Boaro ______------______·--- ______- 113 527,537 Five Per Cent. Cases ______·--_____ ------110 471 Frasher v. O'Connor ______------______------_____ -- 115 102 Gonzales v. Ross ______------______--····------·-· ------120 841 Gwillim v. Donnellan ______------______------~ ______- 115 45 Hagar v. Reclamation District ______·------·------111 701 Iron Silver Mining Co. v. Elgin Mining Co ______118 196 J{ansas City, etc., R. R. Co. v. Attorney-GeneraL ______118 682 Pacific R. H. Co. v. Atchison and Topeka R. R. Co ___ ------112 414 v. Dunmeyer _------_____ ----.------113 629 Leev.Johnson ______116 48 McLaughlin v. United States ______------_____ ------107 526 Maxwell Land Grant Case ------_____ ------______------_____ ---- 121 325 122 365 Mills Countyv. R. R. Co------107 557 Missionary Society v. Dalles ______---· _ ---- 107 336 Moffat v. United States ______----·-·-_--·-- 112 24 Morrison v. Stainaker______-·----- 104 213 Mower v. Fletcher . ______116 380 Mullan v. United States ______------·------118 271 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. v. Traill CountY------·------115 600 Potter v. United States ______------______-- 107 126 Quinby 1'. Conlan ___ . ______. _____ ------_-- 104 420 Quinn 7J. Chapman------·-· · -----~------111 445 84


Vol. Page. ''Ball-Covers." Mohn v. Harwood ____ ------_------___ . 112 354 ''Beer Barrels, Pitching.'' Gottfried v. Miller------_-·------·· ____ _ 104 521 "Beer, Improvements in Man'f. of." New Process Ferm'n Co. v. Maus 122 413 '' Bell-Hingers, Steam." Snow v. Lake Shore R. R. Co.------121 617 "Boilers, Steam." Heald v. Hice ______------104 737 "Bronzing." Plummer v. Sargent ______-- ____ ------_ 120 835 '' Canning and Packing Co. s Beef.'' Packing Co. Cases ______105 566 '' Car-Brakes, Shoe for. '' Car-Brake Shoe Co. (Lake Shore, etc., R R. Co. v. ) 110 229 "Car-Doors." Stephensenv. Brook1ynR. R.Co ------­ 114 14+} ,,Carpet Designs." Dobson v. Hartford Carpet Co ------114 439 Dorman _____ .. ______118 10 "Carriage-thill Shackles, Blanks for." Clark v. Beecher M'f'g Co ___ _ 115 79 "Cartridge Cases." Union Met'c Cart. Co. v. U.S. Cartridge Co ___ _ 112 624 "Cocks and Faucets, SeU:-closing." Zane v.Sa:ffe ______110 200 ''Chair Seats." Gardner v. Hertz ______118 180 "Cider Presses, Cheese-formers for." Pomace Holder Co. v. Ferguson_ 119 335 "Collars." Coon v. Wilson _____ ------____ -·· _____ ---- __ ----- ____ _ 113 268 '' Concrete Pavements.'' California Pavement Co. v. Scha1icke. _--. __ _ 119 401 "Corset springs.'' Egbertv. Lippman ______----- ____ ------__ ------104 333 "Cotton-Bale Tie." Cotton-Tie Co. v. Simmons------____ ------_ 106 89 "Crucibles, Moulding." Pickering v. McCullough·------104 310 "Cultivators." Howell v. Lindsay---- ______------113 97 "Dies." Beecher M'f'g Co. v. Atwater M'f'g Co. ______------114 523 "Door-Bolts." Ives v. Sargent ------___ ------______119 652 "Dredge-Boat." Atlantic Works v. Brady ____ ------____ ---·· ______107 192 "Dress-Protector." Shepard v. Carrigan ______---_------116 593 '' Dyes.'' Badishe Anilin and Soda Fabrik (Cochrane v.) ____ - _- _-- __ _ 111 293 "Egg-Beaters." Turner & Seymour Manufacturing Co. v. Dover Co __ 111 319 ''Engines, Steam." Morris v. McMillon ______------112 244 "Fare-Box." Slawson v. Grand Street R. R ______.. __ ------__ 107 649 "Fireplace-Heaters." Thatcher Heating Co. v. Burtis ______121 2R6 "Folding Guides." Clark v. Wooster ______------___ -- __ 119 322 "Fruit-Driers.'' Grier v. Wilt ______------·----- 120 412 "Furnaces." Keyes v. Grant ______------_------____ ----··- 118 25 "Furnaces, Boiler." Bautz v. Frantz ______------_--- ___ _ 105 160 '' .Furnaces, 8team Generators." Black v. Thorne ____ - ______'_ 111 122 "Harness-Hooks." Bragg ·v. Fitch_ ------121 478 '' HarYesters. '' Hoffheims v. Hnssell ______---·- ______------107 132 " Jfeel-Stim.·u~r:-;." Uoflitt v. Hogers . . ------______·------106 423 "Hose-Heel." Preston v. Manard __ ·_____ --··------______:. 116 661 "Hydrant~·" Mathews L'. Machine \.Jo ______------105 54 " Gas-Hnrners." Clough v. Barker _____ ------____ ------lOG 166,178 "Glove-Fastener." Field v. De Comeu.n. ---· _--~- _------116 187 86 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 87

Vol. Page. ''Grain-Drills." Brown v. Davis .. __ ------116 237 "Iron, Manufacture of." Vinton v. Hamilton ______------104 485 "Lamps." Miller v. Brass Co------·- ____ -- _____ ------___ -- ____ _ 104 350 ''Locks." Sargent v. Hall Safe and Lock Co ·--. ------·------114 63 Yale Lock Co. v. Sargent ______------_____ ------117 373,536 v. Green leaL-·-_---- ______--···~--- 117 554 "Looms, Carpet." Webster Loom Co v. Higgins ______105 580 "Meal-Dryer." Gage v. Herring ______------107 640 "Metal Fasteners." Johnson v. R. R. Co ______---··----··------______105 539 "Middlings, Flour, Manufacturing." Yeager MillingCo. (Downton v.) 108 466 "Mop-Heads." Garretson v. Clark ------·. ____ _ 111 120 "Moldings." Cantrell v. Wallick ----______------______117 689 "Neck-pad for H'orses." Vossv. Fisher ______·------113 213 "Oven-Shelf." Bridge v. Excelsior Co .. ______105 618 •: Paper-bags." Paper-bag cases. _____ ---.------105 766 "Paper-board Cutter." Eachusv. Broomall ______.. ------115 429 "Pavements, Concrete." California Paving Co. v. Schalicke. ------119 401 41 Pavements, Stone." Guidet v. Brooklyn._._-·-··--- __ -----·--- __ ---- 105 550 "Pavements, Wood." Phillips v. Detroit ______·-·---.------111 604 Stow v. Chicago ------·· 104 547 "Photographs." Wing v. Anthony __ ------106 142 "Plow." Hapgood v. Hewitt ______----- ____ .------__ _ 119 226 ''Plow, Gang." Newton v. Fnrst & Btadley Manufacturing Co. ______119 373 "Shade-Roller." Hartshorn v. Saginaw Barrel Co ______---- ______119 664 ''Printing Machines." Butterworth v. Hoe ______---- ____ ---- 112 50 ''Safe-doors." Hall v. Macneale --·-- ______. ______. ______107 90 "Saw-logs, Machine for Holling." Torrent-Arms Lumber Co. v. Rodgers 112 659 "Sewing-Machine Guide." Thomson v. Wooster------114 104 "Show-cases." Lehnbeuler v. Holthaus ______------____ -- ___ ··-·- 105 94 "Shrimps, Preserving." Wl..tite v. Dunbar ------·------119 47 "Signals, Electric." Electric Signal Co. v. Hall Signal Co ______114 87 "Soldering Machines." Mc:\furray v. Mallory ______·------111 97 "Springs, Furniture." Eagle Mfg. Co. v. West, Bradley, etc., Mfg. Co __ 111 490 "Stamp, Post-Office." James v. CampbelL ______---·· 104 356 "Stamps, Revenue." Hollister v. Benedict, etc., M'f'g. Co ---···----- 113 59 "Step Covers and Wheel Fenders." Gosling v. Roberts ______106 30 "Stoves, Cooking." Excelsior M'f'g. Co. (Bussey v.) ------110 131 "Stoves, Hydrocarbon." Sharp v. Hiessner ______---·------119 631 ''Telegraph Wires.'' \V estern Electric Co. v. Ansonia Co ______1J,4 447 "Threshing Machine." Birdsall v. ShalioL ______112 485 "Tires, Locomotive." Railroad Co. v. Mellon ______104 112 "Tobacco, Plug." \Vorley v. Tobacco Co ______------______101 340 "Tobacco Marker and Finisher." Miller v. Foree ______116 22 "Tobacco, Resweating." Slttter v. Robinson------·---- 1H.I 530 "Transom Lifters." Wolensak v. Reiher. ______. ---- 115 96 "Trucks, Locomotive.'' Locomotive Truck Co. Penn. R. R. Co. v __ 110 490 ''Valves." v. tian Francisco. ______.. ----______·--- ____ _ 113 679 Consolidated Valve Co. v. Crosby Valve Co ____ ---··-- ______113 157 v. Kunkle ______119 45 11 Wash-boards.'' Du.IT v. Sterling Pump Co_·---- ____ ---.----- ... ----- 107 636 "Water-closets." Thompson v. Boisselier ______··---- ______, ____ _ 114 1 "Wells, Artesian." Eames l'. ~\..udrews . ----·------··------122 40 11 Wells, Driven." Beedle 1'. Bennett. ___ ------··--- ____ ------____ _ 122 71 "Whip-sockets.'l Warden v. Searles------... ----·---·------.------121 14 RAILROAD COMPANIES.

Vol. Page. Atchison, Topeka and Santa FeR. R. Co. v. Denver and N. 0. R. R. Co_ 110 667 (Kansas Pacific R. R Co. v.) 112 414 Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. (United States v.) -----~ ______120 241 Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co. v. Bates ------____ ! _ 119 464 Ex parte ______------______~ __ 106 5 108 566 v. Funkhauser_ ___ ------___ _ 104 5 v. Koontz--·------__ 104 5 (Randall v.) _· ------109 478 Baltimore and Potomac H. ILCo. (.District of Columbia v.) ______114 453 v. Fifth Baptist Church ------­ 108 317 Boston, Hartford aml Erie R. R. Co. (Graham v.) ------·------­ 118 161 Brooklyn Cross-Town R. H. Co. (Stephenson v.) ------­ 114 149 Brownsville, Fort Kearney and Pacific R. R. Co. (Thomas v. ). ---·-- ·--- 109 522 Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern R. R. Co. v. Dunn ______121 182 122 513 and Missouri R. R. Co. (Adams County v.) ______112 123 (Mills County v.) ------____ _ 107 557 River R. R. Co. (Wood v.)------______104 329 Cairo and Saint Louis R. R. Co. (Jonesborough City v.) ------110 192 Canada Southern R R Co. v. Gebhart ______------______------_ 109 527 Canal and Claiborne Sts. R. R. Co. v. Hart ______------~------______114 655 Cedar Rapids and Missouri River H. R. Co. v. Horring ____ . ______112 27 Central R. R. and Banking Co. of Georgia v. Pettus. ______113 116 Co. of New Jerseyv. Mills------113 249 Pacific R. R. Co. (California v.) ______118 394 (United States v.) ------~ ------__ _ 118 235 Vermont R. R. Co. (Paine v.) ------118 152 Chesapeake and Ohio R. R. Co. v. Miller______114 176 v. White ______111 134 Ohio and Southern R. R. Co. v. Kentucky ______---·-- 115 321 Chicago aml Alton R. R Co. v. Union Holling Mill Co ______._ ·--- ____ 109 702 v. Wiggins Ferry Co . ___ ------______108 18 119 615 Chicago, Burlington and Kansas City R. R. v. Guffey ______·------_ 120 569 (Guffey v.) _.. . --- _------122 561 Quincy R. R. Co. (Mills County v.) ______107 557 Milwaukee and Saint Paul R. K Co. (Barnes v .) ______122 1 v. Hoss ______112 377 (Schofield v.) ---·------­ 114 615 v. Sioux City and Chicago H. R. Co ______117 406 (United States v.) ______104 687 88 TABLE Ol!' CA~E~ l!'H.OM U S. REPORTS 104 TO 122. 89

Vol. Page. Chicago and Northwestern R. R. Co. (Bowman v.) ------115 611 v. Crane------113 424 v. McLaughlin ______------119 566 v. Ohle . ·------117 123 (United States v.) ------104 680 Rock Island and Pacific R. R. Co. v. McGlinn______114 542 and Vincennes R. R. Co. v. Fosdick.-- ··------106 47 v. Huidekoper . ______------106 47 Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific R R. Co. v. Kentucky- ---_ 115 321 Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis R. R. Co. v. McClung_ 119 454 Denver and New Orleans R. R. Co. (Atchison, Topeka, etc., R. R. Co. v.). 110 667 and Rio GrandeR. R. v. Harris ------··---- 122 597 Des Moines and Fort DodgeR. R. Co. (Bullard v.) ------122 167 Detroit City R. R. Co. v. Guthard------114 133 Grand Haven and Milwaukee R. R. (Tuttle v.)------·------122 189 Dubuque and Sioux City R. R. Co. v. Des Moines Valley R. R. Co ---- 109 329 East Alabama R. R. Co. v. Doe ______------··-. ------114 340 Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. R. Co. v. Grayson--· ------_ _ 119 240 v. Southern Tel. Co____ 112 306 Erie Railway Co. (United States v.) ------106 327 107 1 Flint and Pore Marquette R. R. Co. (United States v.) __ ------112 762 Flushing and North SideR. R. Co. (Johnson v.) __ ------_ 105 539 Fort Leavenworth R. R. Co. v. Lowe ------114 525 Grand Street R. R. Co. (Slawson v.) ------107 649 Trunk R. R. Co. v. Cummings------106 700 Green Bay and Minnesota R. R. Co. v. Union Steam-boat Co______107 98 Houston and Texas Central R. R. Co. v. Shirley------111 358 Illinois Central R. R. Co. v. Illinois------108 541 (Stone v.) ------116 347 v. TurrilL ______------110 301 Midland Railway Co. (Union Trust Co. v.) ------·--- _ 117 434 Indiana Southern R. R. Co. v. Liverpool, London, etc., Insurance Co__ 109 168 IndianapolisandSaintLouisR. R. Co. (UnitedStates1•.)------113 711 Iowa Falls and Sioux City R. R. Co. (Buena Vista County v.) ---- . __ _ _ 112 165 Iron Mountain and Helena R. R. Co. v. Johnston. _____ ------· 119 60R Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile R. R. Co. v. United States______118 626 Joliet and Chicago H. R Co. (Healy v.) ------____ - ··- - 116 191 Kansas City, Lawrence and South Kansas~. R. Co. v. Attorney-General 118 682 Pacific R. R. Co. t'. Atchison, Topeka and Santa FeR. R. Co__ 112 414 v. Dunmeyer ______------11a 629 v. Kansas ____ ---- ______-----·______111 449 Kentucky Central R. R. Co. v. Bourbon County ____ .·-----·------116 538 and Great.Eastern R. R. Co. (Wright v.) ______---·· 117 72 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R. (Kirby v.) ____ . ____ ------120 130 v. Car-Brake Shoe Co ______110 229 (Root v.) ------·------105 189 (Snow v.)----··------121 617 J,ehigh Valley R. R. Co. (Mellen v.) ______------104 112 Little Rock and Fort Smith R. R. Co. v. Huntington---·------·- 120 160 v. Warthen ______------120 97 Miami and Columbus, etc., tl. United States ______- ··--·· -- 108 277 Logansport R H.. Co. (Miltenberger v.)---·------· ------106 ~6 11. l~x. 26-11' 90 TABLE OF CASES PROM U. S. REPORTS 101 TO 122.

Vol. Page. LouisvilleandNashville R. R. Co. v. Board of Liquidation of New Orleans 109 221 (Goodlett v.)______122 391 v. Ide ______------·- _ 114 52 v. Kentucky------____ .--··-____ 115 321 v. Palmes ______!______109 244 Macon and Brnnswick R. R. Co. (Cunningham v.) ------·-----. _____ 109 446 Manchester and KeeneR. R. (Bruce )----·. ______------· ______117 514 Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan H. R. Co. v. Swan ___ .·----- 111 Martinsburg and Potomac R. R. Co. v. March ______·------____ 114 Memphis and Charleston R. R Co. v. Alabama ------· _ 107 (Hobinson v.) ______-·------____ 109 (Scruggsr.)----~------108 368 v. United States ______108 228 Little Rock R. R. v. Dow ______------·· 120 287 Co. v. Railroad Commissioners______112 609 Southern Express Co ______---- 117 1,601 Saint Lou:s R. R. Co. v. Loftin ______------105 25'8 Metropolitan R. R. Co. v. Moore ____ . _____ -··-- ______----- ______121 558 Michigan Central R. R Co. (Hayes v.) ______·------··--· ---- 111 229 (Myrick v. ______·------·- 107 102 Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana R. R. Co. r. Turrill------110 301 Milwaukee and Northern H. R Co. v. Brooks Locomotive Co.______121 430 nneapolis and Saint Paul R. R. v. Columbus Holling Mill ____ ------119 149 Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. Co. v. Dinsmore------108 30 117 1, 601 Pacific R. R. Co. v. Humes·------115 512 (Pullman's Car Co. v.) ------····--- 115 587 (Clinton v.)------_____ ·------122 469 v. United States·------_____ ------120 227 Mobile and Montgomery Railway Co. 1'. Juroy -· ------111 584 Morgan's Louisiana and Texas R. R. and Steamship Co. (Laurence v.).- 121 634 Nashua and LowellR. R. Co., (Ogdensburg and Lake Cham. R. H. Co. v.) 112 311 Nashville, Chattanooga and Saint Louis R. R. Co. v. United States______113 261 · (United St.'ttes v.) ____ 118 120 New Brunswick and Canada R. R. Co., (Wheeler v.) ····------·------115 29 New Haven and Northampton R. R. Co. t'. Hamersly ______-- 104 1 New Orleans, Mobile and Texas R. R. Co. (City of New Orleans v) ------108 15 v. E. Ellorman ______----- 105 166 v. Mississippi______112 12 and Northeastern R. R. Co. (Stone v.)______116 352 Spanish Fort and Lake R. R. Co. v Delamore ------114 501 New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. (Baileyv)------106 109 Elevated Railroad v. Fifth National Bank ______---·.------118 608 Lake Erie and Western R. R. v. Nickals ______119 296 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. (Butz v) ------··------119 55 v. Herbert.______------116 642 v. Paine ______------119 561 v. Traill County··------·----- 115 600 (California v.) ______------118 417 Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain R. R. Co. v. Nashua and Lowell R. R. Co. ______------·------112 311 Ohio and Mississippi R. R. Co. (Dimpfellv.) ______110 209 Pacific Railroad removal cases ____ ------·------115 1 TABLE 0.1!., CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104. TO 122. 91

Vol. Page. Pacific Railroad of Missouri v. Missouri Pacific Railway Co ____ ------111 505 Pennsylvania R. R. Co. (Hart v.) _------­ 112 3:n v. Locomotive Engine Safety Truck Co------110 490 (Pricev.) ______------113 218 v. Saint Louis, Alton and Terre Haute R. R. Co._ 116 472 118 290, 630 Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Saint Louis R. R. Co. (Skidmore v.) ------___ _ 112 33 Raleigh and Augusta H.. R. Co., (Baltzer v.)------··------115 634 Santa Cruz R. R. Co. v. Santa Cruz County_------. __ _ 111 361 Sioux City and Pacific R. R. Co. v. United States ------· ------110 205 Saint Paul R. R. Co. v. Chicago, Milwaukee, etc., R. R __ 117 406 (Rice v.) ------110 695 Southern Pacific R. R. Co. v. California .-··- ____ ------______118 109 (California v.) ______------118 395 (San Bernardino County v.) ------__ 118 417 v. Santa Clara County ______118 394 (San Mateo County v.) ------116 138 Southwestern R. R. Co. v. Georgia ------116 231 v. Wright---- -···------116 231 St. Louis, Alton and Terre HauteR. R. Co. (Pennsylvania R. R. Co. v.) __ 116 479 v. Pennsylvania R. R. Co._ 118 290,630 Iron Mountain and Southern R. R. Co. v. Berry ______114 465 v.lrnight ______122 79 v. McGee ______115 469 v. Southern Ex. Co __ _ 108 24 117 1,601 v. Vickers ______122 360 Fort Scott and Wichita R. R. Co. (Indianapolis Rolling Mill Co. v.) 120 256 and San Francisco Railway Co. v. Wilson ______114 60 and Southeastern Railway Co. (Haskinsv.) ______·______109 106 Vandalia, Terre Haute, etc., R. R. Co. v. St. Louis Ins. Co ___ _ 104 146 St. Paul and Chicago R. R. v. McLean ______108 221 Duluth R. H. Co. v. United Stajies ______112 733 Minneapolis R. R. Co. v. Burton ______111 788 Sioux City R. R. Co. v. Winona and St. Peter R. R. Co ______112 720 Terre Haute and Indiana R. R. Co. v. Struble ______109 381 Texas R. R. Co. (Stevenson v.) _--~-- __------______105 7\>3 Texas and Pacific Railway Co. v. lrirk ___ _ ------111 486 115 2 v. McAllister____ ------­ 115 1 v. Murphy------111 488 115 2 Union FreightR. R. Co. (Greenwood v.) ------_ 105 13 Pacific R. R. Co. v. Cheyenne------113 516 v. Harwood ______------______114 1 v. lransas City------115 1 v. lrunth ------______115 1 v. Myers------115 1 v. United States ______··--·- ______104 662 (United States v.)------105 263 v. United States __ ------______------116 154 116 402 116 26 92 TABLE OF CASES FROM U. S. REPORTS 104 TO 122.

Vol. Page. Vicksburg and Meridian R. R. Co. v. O'Brien ____ ------119 99 v. Putnam ------118 545 Shreveport and Pacific R. R. Co. v. Dennis ____ ·------116 665 (Hamilton v.) __ ------___ _ 119 280 Wabash R. R. Co. v. McDaniels------·------107 454 SaintLouisandPacificR. R.Co. v. Ham------· ___ _ 114 587 v. Illinois ------118 557 v. Knox _____ ------______110 304 Washington and Georgetown R. R. Co. (Carpenter v.) ------121 474 v. District of Columbia ______108 522 Washington, Virginia Midland, etc., R. R. Co. (Scheffer v.)------­ 105 249 Western R. R. Co. (Seymour v.) ------·-.. _ 106 320 Pacific R. R. Co. v. United States.------~- -- 108 510 Winona and Saint Peter R. R. Co. v. Barney ___ ------113 618 117 228 (Saint Paul and Sioux CityR. R. Co. v __ 112 720

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