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Lesbian Tide-7911.Compressed.Pdf LlllE THESE POCKET WALLETS ARE MADFOF SOFT BROWN LfATHER, MEASuRE 3", '11" wHfN FOLDED, HAvE A LENGrHWI5E POUCH AIIID Two CARD POCKETS.A"CHANGE"POCKET 15 AIiAILAllL~. THE STORY of EACH CARVING IS PRINTED ON THE INS I OE poc J<ET AS SHowN we SPE'LL WOMYN WITH A"i" To SHOW A :OPIRIT of 5<1f-DEFINiTioN, WE PROUD~Y SIGN OU~ WD R K INSIDE THE POllC.H: rI""".J'1aJiLi'8- W07!lf" OuR PRICE 5: 1979 ALL Ii£M5 (,~CL"(Ef POSTAGO:.----7/:z."" eAUi ADO/IIONRL (H~NG£ Poc.K,d wl11l SNAP:...-- .:z.tn AcTUR[ HoLo£{? /flJJ£R.Ti . ~o4 ORDEP 6 -/2,j.ufu.cr /0% r ORDER I;;' oR""Rii ,j,jud..1' 7- SEND To: CORRECT LiN[ LEATJ/EP. SfDNA,ARCTIC SEA GODDESS, WAS Rt __ Dox /0/ PUSHED FROM A BOAT INTOTHE SEA llY BEAR LAKE 11"11. '19(,,1'1 \ HER FArtlER FOR REFuSING TO MARRY. "', INTHE STRuGGCE, HE PoKEDoUToNE e r« AND CuT OFF HER FINGERS, AS SHE '", PL UNG E D INTO THE DE PTHS OF THE IC Y HER STOR)' AND LEATHER wA1"R, SHE LAUGHED AND TuRNED HER EYE INTO A wHALf 1 HER THuMGS INTO STuDIES OFEARLi WOM)!NS CuLTuRE 5 SEALS, AND HER FINGE R5 IN TO LiTTLE LEAD US TO CONCLUDE THAT OUR FoRE- FISH. SHE LIliES HAPPILY AT WE GOTTON MOTHERS MAINTAINED AGRARIA N OF r::EJoC.JA~! RISING ONLY To 11151T SOC/ETIES, L'VING MAINLY ON FR~ITS AND vEGETABLES AND POS51C,Li FISH FROM WE R,VERS ON WHOSE BANKS woMYIII FREqUENTLY SETTLE D. THIER 15 NO INDICATION THAT THEoY DOMESTICATED BASILIA ANIMALS FOR FOOD· THEIR 15, HOWEVER, MuCH TO INDICATE THERE wAS A DEEP co vs AND RESPECT [3ETWEEN WOMYNANDANIMALS. I3ASILlA,WISE ELDER oFANANCIENT FROM ANCI E NT ID RECEIIIT TIMES ,WHEN LAND IN NoATHERN AF RICA, TRAv!ilED ANIMALS OIED WOMYNGATH£Rr:D ACROSS T~ECO~TlNENTTHRoU6H ALLTHE THE HIDES AND PRESERVED THEM, OFfEN "/IEDITE RRANIrAN LANDS TEAC~I/N6 CARVING PICTUf,.S 01=' THE ANIMAL') oUR FOREMorHER5 TO OEFliND THfM- LiFE AND DEMISE /NTO THE LEATHER, SELVES AND THIER CULTURES. zifMS WHICH WAS USED PaR 80TH ARTl5TiC BHN SA 10 THifT THE GRE AT SPHINX WAS AND uTlUrl1AIAN PuRPOSES. BUILT BY WOMyr/ AS A T1I18uTEill HER WISDOM. THOSE wHo lJ5rEJIIED WI'RETHe THE TANNING WAS DONE WITH SMoKE', LONGeST SURVIVING FREE WOMYN, WATE R AN 0 THE ClARK OF TREES. IT WAS A R,TUAL GOTH CELEI3RATIOi'J KNOWN TO us IllDA)' AS, TJiE AMAozON5. or- AND MOURNING FDRTl4E SPIRITOFTHE CREATuR< So WELL LOVED. IN MORE RECENTT""IES NATIVE AMERicAN WOf.llYN w£1<E SKILLED AND ARTFUL TANNERS AND WORKERS of LEATHER, AS ARE MAN),i\RCTIC WOMyN toDAY. VASHTI WHE N VA5HOI, OUfEN of PE RSIA, wA 5 BAIIIISHED By THE KING INTIl T~£ DE~ERT oTHER WOI'1Yr-IJOINED HER RATIIER THAN BE suBJHT To PATRIARCHAL LAW. THuS CAME TO 8E THE DESERT :TRIBE OF VASHTI, A BAND of WDMYN wHO LIVED BY THIER WIT5 AND LIVED WElL FoR THEY WERE WISE. THEY TRAVCLED wml ONLY ONE CAMEL TO CARRYTHlffl. P055E'SSIONS FoR I3E/NG OF GREATW/S DOM THEY NE EDED >EW WINGS THEY SANG ilND LAUGHED WITH THE DESEf1r WINDS -, .. = COURAGE r I \ I / SNAKE' i (A CHECKBooK) ,i I ASK FO-R ouR COM PLETE C3RoCHuRE WlrH "DIA/\/A; "DAp~NE; 'TIlE. NINE MUSES" "THE r3uT7UFlY" "f ARTH" , AIR 'fiRE' :\-JATER" ALL OF OUR DE SIGNS fiRE AVAILABLE IN JoURNAL FORM III •••Z TIDE PUBLICATIONS Vol. 9 No.2 November/December 1979. 8706 Cadillac Ave. ' Los Angeles, CA 90034 (213) 839-7254 PERSPECTIVES 4 The Many Faces of Rita Mae Brown Publishers 7 Happily Ever After? Jeanne Cordova and Sharon McDonald 8 Column: Sharon McDon~ld Editorial Board HOLIpAY GIFT GUIDE Kerry Lobel, Sharon McDonald. 9 A special Holiday issue section of feminist and lesbian gifts. Jeanne Cordova, Claire Krulikowski . - NATIONAL NEWS Correspondents 18 National March Lynne Shapiro, New York 20 Out Of the Revolution-Into the Mainstream (NOW Convention) Jan Adams, San Francisco 22 Referenda Coming in California , ' 23 Campaign '80, Brown. Courts Gays Circulation....•........... , ... Paula Faeine 24 Lesbian-Straight Split, Round II? Advertising , Jeanne Cordova 24 DONT Dykes at Anti-Nuke rally Office Manager/Bookkeeper Paula Faeine Production t •••• Barbara Gehrke Art Director : ......•...... Susan Rowe SHORTCURRENTS . Layout Artists Sue Cooke, Carol Hector 25 S & M dykes challenge anti-porn. John Paul zapped. Tough in Tel Aviv too. AI. ok say British, docs ' *** LETTERS Cover Photo by Beth Thielen. Design by 26 Prison:- how it really is. Disco not sobad • Pederasty - a boy's issue. Susan Rowe. Rita Mae. finishes screen- writing in Hollywood and returns home to Virginia to write fourth novel. REVIEWS *** 27 The Basement by' Millett • A Woman's Touch by Cedar & Nelly The Lesbian Tide is a radical feminist news' magazine published six times a year by LA. CALENDAR TIDE PUBLICATIONS. The staff is open 28 Incest seminars • Doctors come out • W omonspace Closing? to women who wish to become involved in journalism or who see media as a vehicle for activism. COMING NEXT ISSUE:' a special all features & fiction issue - short stories, *** interviews, reviews. Also, we will be out one week late in January. (EvenSappho took EDITORIAL POLICY vacations!) . In the interest of fostering open communi- cation, The Lesbian Tide prints a variety of . views from the lesbian, feminist, and 'communities. Our editorial perspective alsogayl.---------------------------- .•, includes coverage of other social 'change he Tide issues as they relate to women and gays. The lubscrfbe! Name views expressed in this publication are not ubscribe! Address necessarily those of Tide Publications nor ubscrlbe! The Editorial Board unless bylined as such. Subscribe! City _ *** SUBSCRIBERS: If you move you must Subscri1:ie-! notify us of your change of address as second Subscribe! State ZIP _ class mail is not forwardable. Your expir- Subscribe! One year sub~~r~tionJ6 issues): $7.56 individual~.$9 ~ver~e_as ation date now appears on your address label. Subscribe! &-Canada, $10 institutions. Mailed in plain brownwrapper. Second Class Postage Paid at Los Angeles, CA. The Tide 8706 Cadillac Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034 not real worried about it. Maybe I should be. PerSRectives LT: Who will direct the film? RMB: There are just ztn woman directors in Hollywood, there's Joan Tewekesbury . and Joan Rivers, and Jane Wagner who probably will not direct again for many The Many Faces years because of what happened with Moment to Moment. I said, 'Nobody gets the job unless it's a woman.' Susan Smitman, who is not a name in Hollywood of Rita Mae Brown but has worked in New York for years doing commercials, will be the director. LT: We've heard that you are moving By Paula Fa«ine and Sharon McDonald back to the. South. Why? "I want to thank y'all for buying my books the GAU's scholarship fund, Rita Mae RMB: It's home. I work best there. I and helping me out of poverty, 'cause if it sp~keto The Lesbian Tide about her past, came to Hollywood (in 1978) to see if I· weren't for you I'd be slinging hash in present, .and future. could write -some screenplays. Well, I some diner-'cause heaven knows I ain't LT: When is RubyJruit Jungle going to wrote the screenplays and I figure if butch enough to pump gas!" become a movie? anybody wants me now they can call me. And those were just her opening re- RMB: The movie industry is basically a A screenplay is writing by committee, and marks. Known as much for her lively business made up of cowards. They're the only great book ever done, by com- commentaries as for her books (Rubyfruit really afraid to touch the issue, so the mittee was the Saint James Version. I Jungle, Songs to a Handsome Woman. money is going to have to come inde-. don't want to be in this environment too The Hand That Cradles the Rock. Plain pendently. We've been to all the major long. Brown Rapper, Six of One. In Her Day). studios. If the producers don't raise the I'm always happier south of the Rita Mae Brown was speaking at a Gay money the rights revert back to me on Mason-Dixon line. I understand the rules, Academic Union benefit in Los Angeles' August 24, 1980. And then I'll get the they understand me"] would rather have somebody come right up to my face and last June. Between signing copies of her money. I've never been one to be terribly. say, 'You are terrible and I hate you, I'll books and exhorting the guests to give to put off by anything being difficult, so I'm never speak to you.' L.A. is just full of people who can be just as sweet to you as they can be and the first chance they get to cut your ovaries out they will. Hollywood's Closets LT: You said in a recent interview that you're involved in a relationship with an actress whose TV show was just canceled. Will she be moving with you? RMB: Well, yeah, I think she'll commute! LT: Can we ask who she is? RMB: You can, but I won't tell you. Because that's her job, cioyou know what I mean? LT: You are a very public lesbian. How do you deal with your lover having to be in' the closet because of her job, does this hurt you? RMB: I feel sorrowful, yes.
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