G Ox V ERNORS O F St. Luke’s-Hofplwl.




Eftablilhing, and further Encouragement




LONDON: Printed by J. MARCH and SON, on ToWER-HliX*






E Ufefulnefs and Neceflity of Hbfpitals in general being at prefent fo well underftood in THthis Kingdom, it will be needlefs to offer any Conflderations on thofe Heads. But it may not be im- proper to lay before the Publick, the particular Reafons and Inducements for the letting on Foot a new Defign of this Sort, for the Relief of poor Lunaticks.

I. Experience had long fhewn, that the Hofpital of Bethlem was incapable of receiving and providing for the Relief of all the unhappy Obje&s of this Sort,

who made Application for it ; this Truth can be at- tefted by every Governor of that Houfe. and by every Perfon to whole Lot it has fallen, to folicit the Admiffion of a Patient into it.

11. That the Expence and Difficulty attending the

Admiffion of a Patient into the Hofpital of Betblem y had difeouraged many Applications for the Benefit of that Charity, particularly on behalf of the more neceffitous Objeds, and of fuch who refided in the remote Parts of the Kingdom.

111. That by this unavoidable Exclufion, or Delay in the Admiffion of Objeds of this Sort, many ufeful Members have been 101 l to Society, either by the Dif- order gaining Strength beyond the Reach of Ph\fick» or by the Patients falling into the Hands of Perfons utterly unfkilled in the Treatment of the Diforder, or who have found their Advantage in negleding every Method neceflary to obtain a Cure.

IV. That many Families, (in no mean Circumftances) through the heavy Expence attending the Support of one Objed of this Sort, have themfelves become Objeds of charitable Relief, and thereby doubled ths Load and Lofs to the Publick.

V. That the moft fatal Ads of Violence on them- felves, Attendants and Relations, have been often con- iequent on the fmalleft Delay in placing the afflided with this Diforder the Care of Perfons experienced in guarding againft and preventing Attempts of this Kind,

VI. That no particular Provifion is made by Law foi Lunaticks, the common Parilh Work-houles being no ways proper for their Reception, either in Point ot Accommodation, Attendance, or Phyfical Affiftance.

VII. That the joining this to any other Hofpital not particularly adapted for the Reception of Lunaticks, would have been highly improper and dangerous; the joining it to Bethlem would have deprived it of two of its principal Advantages, the being under the im- mediate Infpedion and Government of its own Patrons and S’uppoiters (inafmuch as no Benefadion to Beth- lem, how great foever necefiarily conftitutes the Lonor a Governor of that Holpital), and of introducing more Gentlemen ot the Faculty to the Study and Pradice of one of the moft important Branches of Phyfick, already too long confined (almod; to a fingle PeiTon.

Such, and fuch only, were the Motives of the firlt Promoters of this Defign; the Weight they have had in the general Opinion, the Largenefs of the Sum paid in abundantly teftifies, and leaves no Room to doubt of .the Continuation of the like benevolent Difpofition in the future Support of it; and, for the Convenience of fuch Perfons who are difpofed to affift in the Completion of this good Work, either by annual Subfcriptions, or otherwife, the following Places are appointed for taking in their Benefadlions:

, St> By David Powell Efq; the Treafurer, in Little Helens,

Bijhopjgate-jlreet .

Meffieurs Fuller , Sons, and Vaughan, Bankers, in CornhiiL

. Meffieurs Drummonds, Bankers, at Cbaring-Crofs

And to fuch Perfons who are inclined to become Bene- factors by Wills, the following Form is recommended: Item, I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the Time Name St. Luke’s beings of an Hofpital, called by the of Hofpital for Lunaticks, the Sum of to be applied towards carrying on the charitable Defgns of the Governors of the Jaid Hofpital, RULES and ORDERS.

every Perfon, except as herein Qualifica- tion of Go* his own THATafter excepted, paying (in vernors,. Right) to the Treafurer for the Time being, for the Ufe of this Hofpital, the entire Sum of Twenty Guineas, or upwards, or paying Five Guineas at lead, and figning an Agree- ment (in a Book to be kept for that Pur- pofe) to pay Five Guineas yearly for the four next fucceeding Years, fhall be ad- mitted a Governor of this Hofpital, and receive from the Secretary, a Staff, and a printed Copy of the Rules and Orders 5 fave Exception toPhyfician, and except all Perfons afting as Phyfician, &c. Surgeon, Apothecary, or Secretary to this Hofpital, (other than the fix Apothecaries declared Governors at the General Meeting,

held the 29th Day of June, 1750,) during the Time they (hall refpedlively a£t in thofe Capacities. 11.

General That for the tranfading the Bufmefs of Courts when this Hofpital, a General Court {hall be held to be held. twice in every Year, viz. on the fecond Wed nelday in the Months of February and Augufty and at fuch other Times as herein To con lift after mentioned j and that every General of nine Go- {hall of vernors. Court confift nine Governors. 111. Officers and That at the General Court to be held General on the fecond in the Committee, annually Wednefday when to be four Month of February, one Prefident, Vice- ele£ted. Prefidents, aTrealurer, a General Committee, Phyfician, Surgeon, Apothecary, and Secre- tary, {hall be eleded for the Year enfuing. Phyficians And that no Perfon, ading as Phyfician to of other {hall Hofpitals any other Hofpital or Infirmary, be not eligible. qualified to ad as Phyfician to this Hofpital, unlefs upon his being eleded he {hall im- mediately thereupon declare and agree in Writing, to quit any further Attendance on fitch other Hofpltal or Infirmary, within two Kalendar Months next after fuch his Election and fhall quit the fame accordingly. IV. That in all General Courts and Commit- Who to Prefident, or his one prefide at tees, the (in Abfence) of Courts and the Vice-Prefidents, or in Cafe no Vice-Pre- Commit- tees. fident (hall be prefent, the Treafurer (hall prefide. But in Cafe of the Abfence of the Prefident, Vice-Prefidents and Treafurer, or of their quitting the Chair before the Bufinefs of fuch Court or Committee (hall be fini(h- ed, a Prefident or Chairman (hall be eledled for that Time, out of the Governors then prefent. V. That the Perfon prefiding at fuch re- WhatQuef- fpedtive Meetings, (hall put all fuch tions (hall Quef- be put. tions, and no other, as (hall be moved and feconde'd. VI. That all (hall be < Queftions determined How to be by the Majority of Governors prefent, on determined* holding up Hands, or by a Divifion, or by a Ballot, in Cafe the fame (hall be required by feven or more Governors before a Divifion is begun, fuch Ballot to be proceeded on im- mediately. VII.

Prefident to That in all Cafes of an Equality of Votes, have a cart- Time (hall ing Vote. the Perfon prefiding for the being have a double or cafting Vote. VIII. Perfon That in all Debates the Perfon fpeaking fpeaking to fhall ftand and addrefs himfelf to the fland up. up Chair; and no Perfon fhall fpeak more than twice on the fame Qoeftion, without Leave. IX. When two That when two or more offer to fpeak fpeak, Pre- at the fame the Prefident or Chairman fident to Time, direert. fhall diredt which of them is to proceed. X. Auditors That at the General Court to be held when to be chofen. annually on the fecond Wednefday in the of Month Augujl, a fpecial Committee of feven Governors (who are not of the Gene- ral Committee) fhall be appointed to audit and examine the feveral Accounts relating to this Hofpital, with their Vouchers; which Committee are to report their Opinion of fuch Accounts to the General Court, to be held on the fecond Wednefday in February following. At which General Court the laid TVeafurer to lay Ac- Accounts, fgned by three of the Auditors at counts be- lead, made to the firfl Day of fore Gene- up January ral Court. then lad: pad, fhall be laid before the Gover- nors by the Treafurer for their Approbation.

XL That the Prefdent have Power to or- Special Ge- neral Court der fpecial General Courts to be fummoned how to be as often as he thinks neceflary; and in Cafe called. of his Death, or Abfence, or Omifiion to order a General Court within the Time here- after limited, one of the Vice-Prefidents, at the Requeft of the General Committee, (fig- nified by Letter from the Secretary contain- ing the Reafons for the fame) or of any twelve Governors, (lignified by Writing under their Hands containing their Reafons for the fame) fhall order a fpecial GeneraLCourt to be fummoned and held within fourteen Days next after fuch Keuueftj at which Court the faid Letter or Writing fhall be publickly read. XII.

In cafe of That upon every Vacancy in the Office Vacancy in of Phyfician, Surgeon, Apothe- the Office of |Treafurer, Treafurcr, cary or Secretary, the Committee (hall fig- &c. nify the fame by Writing to the Prefident, of in Cafe of his Death or Abfencc, to one of the Vice-Prefidents, who (hall order a Ge- neral Court to be fummoned, to meet within fourteen Days next after fuch Notice, to de- clare fuch Vacancy, and appoint a Time for an Election to fill up the fame, which (hall be between the fixth and fourteenth Days What Per- next after fuch Declaration. And that no c "mlcd o Perfon be intitled to vote at any fuch Elec- tion at a General Court, unlefs he (hall have paid his Subfcription-Money, on, or before the Day, in which a Vacancy (hall be de- clared.


What No- That three Days Notice, at leaft, of veifof Gene' every General Court, {hall be given to all •wl Courts. Governors refiding within the Bills of Mor- tality, and Notices of fuch General Court (hall be given in one or more of the publick News-Papers j which Notice (hall exprefs the Bufinefs for which fuch a Court is called and no other Bufinefs fhall then be proceeded on, in Cafe the fame fhall be objected to by twelve Governors then prefent. XIV. That the General Committee (hall con- ■ General fid of the Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, and

Treafurer for the Time being, and of the five Gf. Governors named as Leflees in the Leafe of the Ground on which this Hofpital is built, and of all Perfons who (hall have paid, in their own Right, for the UTe of the Hofpital, the Sum of too /. or upwards, who (hall be danding Members thereof, and of fuch twenty- four other Governors refiding within the Bills of Mortality, as fhall be annually elected for that Purpofe, at the General Court to be held on the fecond Wednefday in February ; of which Committee five at lead fhall be ne- Five fo do ceflary to do Bufinefs. Bufinefs. XV. That the General Committee do meet General one Hated Day1 in every Month, or oftner, if / when to they mall fee convenient, and at fuch other meet. Times as the Treafurer, or any Sub-Commit- Their tee for the Time being (hall appoint. Anj Power and Bufmefs. that they have Power to hire, govern, and difcharge the domeftick Servants of this Hof- pital, keep the Buildings properly repaired, and purchafe Provifions, Furniture, and ether Neceflaries for the fame. To admit and discharge Patients according to the Rules hereafter mentioned. To fee that the feveral Books relating to the Hofpital be re- gularly kept. That all Debts, Legacies, an- nual Subfcriptions, and other Revenues of this Hofpital, be received and recovered as the fame fhall refpedively become due. That all Monies in the Hands of the Treafurer, above what is neceftary in the Opinion of the faid Committee, for defraying the cur- rent Expences of the Hofpital, be from Time to Time placed out in transferable Govern- ment Securities, and no other, in the Name of the Treafurer for the Time being, and two of the Vice-Prefidents, or of two fuch other Governors as the General Court fhall appoint for that Purpofe. And that all juft De- mands upon this Hofpital be regularly dif- charged, at leaft once in fix Months. And in general, the faid Committee are to make *5 fuch Rules for the Management and Oeco- nomy of the Hofpital as they (hall find ne- ceflary, and caufe them to be inferted in Books to be kept for that Purpofe; and to propofe for the Confederation of the Gene- ral Courts, all fuch Matters as fhall appear to, them conducive to the Good of t us Charity. XVI. That the laid Committee do keep Mi- o keep k Minutes.-J nutes of their Proceedings. XVII. That for the more eafy Difpatch of Bu- aPP omt X?Sub -Com- finefs, the faid Committee have Power to ap- mittces. point Sub-Committees, one of which fhall be called the Houle-Committee j and that fuch Sub-Committees have Power from Time, to Time to fummon the General Committee as they fhall think proper. XVIII. That all Purchafes of Provifions, and Purchafes Materials for the Ufe of thi to be by other Hofpital, Contraft, fhall be made as often as poffible by Con- tract. But no Contrad fhall be made, in or Not with by which any Member of the Committee any Mem- ber of the fhall be direCtly or indirectly interefted or Committee, concerned. XIX. Treafurer to That the Treafurer for the Time being, pay Billsand Bills and .Draughts. do pay all Draughts figned by three Members of the General Committee, and none other which fhall exceed the Sum of Forty Shillings. XX. His Power That the Treafurer be impowered to re- sndßufxnefs ceive all Benefadions, annual Subfcriptlons, Debts, Legacies, and other Revenues of this Hofpital, and to give Difcharges for the fame *refpedively. That he fhall caufe Books to be kept with fucli Bankers as fhall be approved of by the General Committee, for taking in all fuch Sums as well-difpofed Perfons may be inclined to contribute to this Charity. That he do annually, between the 31ft of

December and ift of February, lay a gene*' ral State of his Accounts, with their Vouch- ers, before the Auditors, for their Examina- tion. That he do report, at every Monthly Meeting of the faid Committee, all fuch new Sums as he fhall have received, that the fame may be entered into the feveral Books to be kept for that Purpofe. That all Securities upon the Admiffion of Patients into this Hof- pital, or for the Fidelity and good Behaviour of any Officer or Servant thereof, and all Contrails with Tradefmen or others, ffiall be taken and made in the Name of the Treafurer for the Time being, and that he be impowered to fummon a General Committee as often as he (hall think proper. XXL That the Secretary ffiall fummon Gene- Secretary hie ral Courts and Committees, and take Mi- Bufmefs. nutes of the Proceedings thereof, and enter the fame in the proper Books (together with the Names of the Governors then prefent) before the next Meeting of fuch Court or Committee, when he ffiall read the fame, previous to any other Bufinefs; and, when confirmed, the fame fhall be figned by the Prefident, or the Chairman for the Time being. XXII. That the Secretary keep Books, write To keep Letters, and do fuch other Bufinefs relating Books, &c» to this Hofpital, as ffiall be ordered or di- rected by the General Courts and Committees. XXIII. That no Governor, or other Perfon (un- lefs defired) be prefent at any General Court or Cofnmlttee, when any Matter relating to himfelf is under Confideratlon. XXIV. Complaints That any Officer or Servant, having how to be made. Caufe of Complaint, fhall fignify the fame in Writing- either to the General or Houfe- Committee. XXV. That the Committee have Power to re- lieve any Patient, at his or her Dilcharge, with any Sum not exceeding Twenty Shil- lings. XXVI. phyfk'ian That the Phyfician do attend this Hofpi- when to at one tend. tal every Weekly Committee-Day, and other Day in the Week, at two Days didance at lead, and as often otherwife as there (hall be Occafion. XXVII. burgeon That the Surgeon do attend the Hofpital when to at- tend. every Weekly Committee-Day, and as often otherwife as there diall be Occafion. XXVIII. Apothecary That the Apothecary do condantly re- when to at fide in the and that he (hall not tend. Hofpital, follow any other Bufinefs than that of the Hofpital, and that he be under the Direc- tion and Controul of the General Com- mittee. XXIX. That no Phyfician, Surgeon, or Apothe- No Phyfi- (hall cian, &c. to cary, officiate in the Place of the efta- officiate for bliffied Phyfician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, eftablifhed Phyfician, without firfi: obtaining the Content of the &c. General or Houfe Committee. XXX. That every Officer or Servant who (hall Officer or Fee, or Reward, Servant tak- take any Gratuity diredly ing any Fee or indiredly, from any Tradefman or other to be dif- charged. Perfon dealing with this Hofpital, Patient, or Friend of any Patient, in refped of any Service done, or to be done, (hall forthwith be difcharged, and rendered incapable of be- ing received again into the Service of this Hofpital. XXXI. That the Rules and Orders which relate Rules relat- ing to Offi- to the Condud of the Officers of this Hof- cers and Ser- pital be fairly entered in a Book to be kept vants, where to be kept. for that Purpofe, in fome convenient Place, where the Governors of this Hofpital may have the perufal of the fame ; and that fuch Rules as relate to the Servants, be hung up in fome confpicuous Place in the Hofpjtal. XXXII. Petitions to That every Petition (having the necef- be regiftered fary Certificates annexed) for the Admiffion of a Patient, ffiall be figned by a Governor of this Hofpital, and regiftered by the Se- cretary immediately on the Delivery of it to him, together with the exad: Time of fuch Delivery. XXXIII. Patients That the Patients fhall be taken into when to be taken in. this Hofpital according to the Order of Time in which their Petitions have been delivered in to the Secretary, without Favour or Par- To be ad- tiality; and fhall be admitted without any mitted with- only that fuch of them who outExpence, Expence, except (hall except, &c. are Parifh Poor provide their own Bedding, which they are at Liberty to take away at their Difcharge. XXXIV. Bond on the That on the Admiffion of every Patient, Admiftlon of two refpophble Houfe-keepers refiding. with- Patients. in the Bills of Mortality (yvhofe Names, with their Places of Abode, (hall have been left in ? ‘ - f i »s •. 21 Writing with the Secretary, four Days at leaft before fuch Admiffion, and who (hall be ap- proved of by the Committee) fhall enter into a Bond, or other Engagement in Writing, to theTreafurer for the Time being, in the Penalty of Sum of 100 /. to take away fuch Patient within feven Days next after Notice given to them for that Purpofe, by the Committee or No Cover* their But no Governor of this nor to be Secretary. Security- Hofpital fhall be Security for any Patient. XXXV. That the Patients in this Hofpital be not expofed to publick View. XXXVI. That a Book (intitled the Vilitor’s Book) Complaints' fhall fome againft Offi- be kept in convenient and publick cers and Ser- Place of the Hofpital, for the Governors to en- vants to be entered in a ter Complaints of any Neglect or Mifcondudl Book. in the Officers or Servants thereof; which Complaints fhall be fubfcribed with the Name of the Perfbn making the fame, to the Intent it may be taken into Confidcration, and re- drefled by the Committee. XXXVII. That a Charity-Box, with two different Charity- Locks, be provided and fixed up in fome Box where; to be fixed. Who to keep convenientand publick Place in the Hofpital. the Keys. That one of the Keys be conflantly kept by the Treafurer,and the other by fomeMember of the Committee, and that the Money be not taken out, but in the Prefence, or by Or- der, of the Committee. XXXVIII. No Money That no Monies received for the Ufe of tobeexpend- ed in Enter- this Charity, be expended in entertaining the tainments. General Court or Committee at any of their Meetings. XXXIX. Buildings to That the Buildings and Furniture of this be plain and fubftantial. Hofpital be plain and fubftantial,,and with- out Ornament j and that no Buildings be eredled without an Order for that Purpofe from the General Court. XL.

Rules and That none of thefe Rules and Orders be Orders not but by a General Court of Gover- to be repeal- repealed ed, unlefs, nors, in which fifty at lead fhall be confent- &c. ing thereto } or the Majority of that and the next fucceeding General Court. The following are fome RESOLUTIONS Agreed to fince the foregoing RULES and ORDERS were made. r I. | HAT the General Committee be empower- ed to receive immediately into the Hofpital any Patient who Hiall have been difeharged cured, in cafefuch Patient flnall relapfe within two Months. 11. That the Phyfician of this Hofpital be at Li- berty to take Pupils. 111. That the General Committee be empowered to take in by Rotation fucli Patients who have been or Hiall be dil'charged uncured from this Hofpital, not exceeding Thirty. And that each of Inch un- cured Patients do pay after the Rate of five Shillings per Week, until this Charity fhall be enabled to lefTen that Expence. IV. That the General Committee be impowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Shillings per Week each, in Addition to the Thirty incurable Patients in the Houfe. V. That the General Committee be empowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Week each, in Addition to the Forty incurable Patients already in the Houfe. VI. That the General Committee be empowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Shillings per Week each, in Addition to the Fifty incurable Patients already in the Houfe, VII.That the General Committee be empowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Shillings per Week each, in Addition to the Sixty incurable Patients already in the Houle. VIII. That the General Committee beempower- ed to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Week each, in Addition to the Seventy incurable Patients already in the Houfe. IX. That the General Committee be empowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Shillings per Week each, in Addition to the Eighty incurable Patients already in the Ploufe. X. That the General Committee be empowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been oifeharged uncured, at five Shillings per Week each, in Addition to the Ninety incurable Patients already in the Houfe. XI. That the General Committee be empowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Shillings per Week each, in Addition to the One Hundred incurable Patients already in the Houfe. XII. That the General Committee be empowered to receive into the Hofpital, Ten Patients who have been difeharged uncured, at five Shillings per Week each, in Addition to the One Hundred and Ten in- curable Patients already in the Houfe. A LIST of the GOVERNORS O F Stv LUK E’s Hcfpltal for Lunaticks,

His Grace the DUKE of LEEDS, R.G. Prefident.

* Edward Darell, Efq; * , Efq; Vice-Prefidents.

* Samuel Whitbread, Efq; M.P.

* David Powell, Efq; Treafurer.

Thofe marked thus * have ferved Stewards once. Thole marked thus ** have ferved Stewards twice.


A William Albin, Efq; E Rt. Hon. the Earl Mr. John Andrews THof Aylefbury, K.T. Mrs. Elizabeth Ainge The Right Hon. Lord * Mr. Hugh Atkins Amherft, K. B. ® Wm. Thornton Aftell, Efq; * Ifaac Ardefoif, Efq; Edwin Martin Atkins, Efq; B C The mofl Noble the Mar- 1 he moft Noble the Marquis chionefs of Bute of Carmarthen Rt. Hon. Earl Clarendon Mrs. Elizabeth Bond Rt. Hon. Ld. J. Cavendifh * William Berkin, Efq; * Mr. William Coape * Richard Bofanquet, Efq; * Richard Crop, Efq; ** John Bradney, Efq. * Sir Geo. Colebrooke, Bart, * * Mr. David Barclay John Coope, Efq; John Baynard, Efq; John Cox, Efq; * Mr. * Rev,Mr.Tho. Leighßenhet James Clarke * Mr. Samuel Commelinc

Woolley Leigh * Rev. Mr. Collier, Efq; Bennet John * Sir Cockbiirn, Bart. * Bridges, Efq; James John Abraham Culver, Efq; * Sylvanus Bevan, Efq; John Croucher, Efq; * Edward Billingfley, Efq; Rev. Mr. Wm. Croucher * William Brymer, Efq; * Mr. William Cotes * George Brooks, Efq; * Sir John Call, Bart. M.R. * * John Blackburn, Efq; Mr. Richard Chefter Mr. Peter Banner * George Chandler, Efq; * John Raymond Barker,Efq; John Carter, Efq. * James Brown, Efq, * John Creuze, Efq; * Mr. James Beuzeville * Rev. Sir Will. Checre, Bart. * Mr. Robert Barclay * Benjamin Cole, Efq;

Mrs. Mary Buck - Cooper, Efq; * Roger Boehm, Efq; * William Cranke, Efq; Mifs Elizabeth Bleft John Cockburnc, Efq; William Berkin, Efq; b Mr. William Bridges Right Hon. theCountefs of Mrs. Mary Bankes Dartmouth John B averflock, E% William Daintier* Efq; William Dandy, Efq; * George Fuller, Efq; Mr. George De Horne * Mr. William Field Peter * Du Cane, fen. Efq ; Nathaniel Fenn, Efq; * Cornelius Denne, Efq; * Luke Foreman, Efq; * Robert Darell, Efq; John Fennell, Efq; * George Dance, Efq; G * Henry Dyfon, Efq; The Rt. Hon. the Earl qf Sir John Dixon Dyke, Bart. Gainfborough Rt Lady Godolphin Thomas Dyke, Efq; Hon. Giles Godin, Mr. Thomas Docura Efq; *• , Efq; * Mr. Samuel Dell William Green, Efq; Peter Du Cane, jun. Efq; * Mr. Ifaac Guillemard Robert Drummond, Fifq; *

* Jofepl] Grote, Charles Drummond, Efq; Efq; * Charles Gwilt, Efq; E * Rev, Dr. Glade

The Rr. Hon. The Earl of * Samuel Rob. Gauffen, Efq; Egremont * George Grote, Efq; * The Right Rev. the Lord Rev. Mr. James Carpenter Bifliop of Ely Gape Mrs. Mary Eyre John Gray, Efq; George Eckerfall, Efq; * Rev. Dr. Gibbes * John Everch, Efq; Charles Gilbert, Efq; * Thomas Emlyn, Efq; H F * Dr. William Hebberdeq Rt Hon. Earl Fitzwiliiam Mr. Thomas Hickey William Fletcher, Efq; William Hammer, Efq; * Tho.EdwardsFreemanjEfq; Mr. James Hayes * William Fry, Efq; Mrs. Prifcilla Holden Mr. William Ford Mrs. Jane Holden Mrs. Mary Fuller Mrs. Alice Hay * Richard Fuller, Efq; 23 ** Mr. William Hills . L

* *•’* William Hamilton, William Lethieullier, Efq; * John Heywood, Efq-, -|j Mr. John Geo. Liebenrood * Rev. Mr. Leman Mr. Samuel Hoare, junior ' John * Nathaniel Hillier, Efq*, Ifaac Baruch Lou fada, Efq; * * Ifaac Levy, Efqv Benjamin Harrifon, Efq; Moles Mrs. Sarah Leheup * Mr. Jonathan Eloare Thomas Lane, Efq* * Harman, John Efq; Lewin * Mr. Samuel Thomas Higgins, Efq-, * Mr. Lambert * John Mr. William Hobfon Ralph Leicefter, Efqi

Hailed, Efq-, * John Richard Ladbroke, Efq; * Hill, Efq; John * Daniel Lifter, Efq*, * Mr. Thomas Hunter * Moulton Larabard, Efq; * Rev. Heathfield * Mr. John Charles Shaw Lefevre, Efq; Rev. Mr. Hebberden M rs. Elizabeth Leigh The Rt. Hon. Sir Richard M. Heron, Bart. Mr. Miller * James Richard Hankey, Efq; Mrs. Mafon * Dr. William Heberden ** Samuel Moody, Efq-,

Heathcote, * John Efqj Mr. Ifaac Mather J Dr. Thomas Milner Mrs. Mary Joliffe * Edward Montagu, Efq; Mrs. Emilia Jubb * Mr. John March Mr. John Inge * William Mount, Efq; John James, F.fqj * Mr. Roger Mawdfley John Jortin, Efq-, * Ebenezer Maitland, Efq; K George Mercer, Efq; * Godfrey Kettle* Efq; Mrs. ■— Mellilh * JohnPooley Kenfingtou^E fq-, * Daniel Mildred, Efq; r * Peter , E q; MagensDorrienMagens,Efq Mr, Charles Knight 29

Thomas M|cheJK Efq ; R Mr, Gaie Middleton William Weffbrook Rich* n" ardlon, Efq-, • James E, L. Nealfon, E)q-, Mr. Peter Romilly ** * Jofeph Nutt, Efq; John Role, Efq; * John Rafhleigh, Efq-, o Mr. Thomas Ralhleigh Rt. Hon. Lord Francis :i; * Thomas Robe its, Efq:' Godolphin Ofbornc * Thomas Rum fey, Eiq-, p Mrs. Mary Rufh * Anthonyßucker, Efq; * John Hon. Philip Pufey * Mr. Francis Ronalds * John Pardoe, Efq; Mr. Richard Rayley * David Papillon, Efq*, * Jeffe Ruffe 11, Efq; Mrs. Ann Penning * Rev. Mr. Thomas Robert? Mrs. -Pyke Mrs. Elizabeth Robinfon Mrs. Mary Pocock Mr. Francis Ruddle * Edward Page, Elqj Mr. John Ril'd on Mils Jane Page s * John Porker, Efq--, The molt Noble the Mar- Mifs Elizabeth Priaulx quis of Salisbury, K.G. Mr. Jofeph Pinfold Benjamin Smith, Efq-, * Samuel Price, Efq; Mr. John Stow * William Prowting, Efq-, Abraham Spalding, Efq; * Thomas Platt, Efq* ** Mr. Thomas Speed John Parker, Efq; Mrs. Ed her Swete * Mr. John Prefbwidge Rev. Mr. Harvey Spragg *■ Will. Morton Pitt,Efq M.P John Stephens, Efqj * John Clark Powell, Efqj Mr. Thomas Smith Rene Payne, Efq^ Richard Sambourne, Efqi Mr. Richard Pope ** Thomas Skinner, Efq-, and Alderman ' *■ John Snclgrave, Efq*, Mr, James Tatlock Mr. William Shipley * Ifaac Thompfon Efq; * Jofeph Stanfield, .Efqj * Henry Thornton,Efq;M.P. * Ifaac Serra, Efq; * Thomas Towle, Ffq; * Mr. James Stracten * Rev. Mr. Matthew Thomas * Richard Stone, Efq; JohnYickrls Taylor, Efq Mr. Richard Simpfon Stephen Teffier, Efq; * Alex. H. Sutherland, Efq; V

* Roberr Snow, Efq; ** Benjamin Vaughan, Efq; William Sandby, Efq; * Robert Udny, Efq; Mr. Chriftopher Stibbs * James Vcre, Efq; * Mr. Ifaac Smith W * William Strode, Efq; Thomas Wilfon, Efq; * James Sheppard, Efq; * Samuel Wegg, Efq; * Grenville Sharp, Efq; John Wowen, Efq-, George Stratten, Efq; Henry WilliamWilfon, Efq; Thomas Streatwells, Efq; John Wace, Efq; Charles Smith, Efqj Thomas Watts, Efq-, John Soane, Efq. * Mr. Richard Walkden * T Mr. John Warren Rev.Mr. Francis Woollafton Jhe Right Hon. Lady * Thomas Wdton, Efq; Charlotte Tufton Mr. John Whitcombe Mr. James Lewis Torin * Mr. Benjamin Wood Mr. Thomas Townfend * Jens Wolff, Efq-, Lady Thompfon * David Pike W'atts, Efq; • Mr. Auguftine Towfon * , Efq; Mrs,- Sarah Thurlock * The Rev. Mr. JohnWintec John Theed, Efq-, Mr. Thomas Winckworth ￿ Stephen Todd, Efq-, Ifaac Walker, Efq; * William Tathall, Efq*, M r. Edward Warren ANNUAL BENEFACTORS. A r. I Samuel Whitbread, Efq; —— 105 00 11 Rt. Hon. Lord Curzon, Executor of Mrs. Eliz. Hanmer, dec . 550 —*— John Hatfell, Efq;— . —550

Benefactions received from Unknown Hands. /. s. d. A Perfon unknown —— ——. 100 o o

Several Perfons unknown, by William Hanmer, Efq; 40 o o APerfon unknown, annually <—— 220 A Gentleman charitably difpofcd, by Mr. Charles Steer 100 o o

—— —— Y. Z -■ ■■ -' - 20 o o A Perfon unknown, by Sir James Colebrooke, Bart. 31 10 o

—- A Perfon unknown - • 1 % o Ditto, by the Hands of Dr. Benfon —— 500 A Perfon unknown, by Dr. Battle —— 1 I o

—— —— A Lady unknown - ■ 5 o

the Rev. —— Several Perfons unknown, by Mr. Wefley 26 5 © A Perfon unknown —— ——— —— -—— 5-5 0 A Perfon unknown, by Jofeph Fawthrop, Efq; » 1010 q A Lady unknown, by Wm. Nafh, Efq; and Alderman 5 5 o A Perfon unknown, by Rohjat Lchook, Efq, ■! - c e ° j. D. P. by ditto 5 S ° A Lady unknown, by the Right Hoh. Lord Palmcrftone io ]0 A Lady unknown 40 o 0 A Perfon unknown, annually -- —l 22° A Perfon unknown, by Dr. Battle •—— 10 10 0 A Lady unknown, by the Rev. Dr. Samuel Chandler 50 o o A Perfon unknown, by MeIf. A. Drummond and Co. 50 o c A Perfon unknown, by Charles Bufh, Efq; —— p o A Lady unknown, by Mr. Henry Cowling —— 5 5 O A Perfon unknown, by Dr. Battle, for Incurables 23® A Lady unknown— —— '•■■■■■■ —— 1 j 0 * Perfon unknown, Mr. —— A by Light ■ i i 0 3 2 I. s. d. A Perfon unknown ——- —— ——— —— i i o

A Perfon unknown —— • *-- 660 A Perfon unknown, by Sir Thomas Fludyer, Knt. 220 A Perfon unknown ——— 1 1 o A Perfon unknown,by the Rev. Mr. Wiilis 1 1 o A Lady unknown, by John Bcnnet, Efq; ■ 550 A Perfon unknown * • 1 1 O Tv/b Gentlemen, for Lnjuftlge done to the Charadler of ' 5 5° a Lady, by the Hands of Mr. J. Waugh A Clergyman unknown I I O Two Ladies unknown, by Mr. Daniel Scott —— —— 220 A Per'on unknown, by Mr. Speed -—— 1 1 o A Perfon unknown, by Mr. bive.y -- - 1 1 b A Perfon unknown, by ditto • —• o 10 6 A Lady unknown, by Mr. Hetiicrington —•— - 10 10 O A Clergyman unknown • *-■■■- ~ . I 1 o M. G. by the Hands of David Powell, Efq; ■ 1 1 o Y. B, -—• • 1 1 o A Lady unknown, by Mr. John Barnes— 21 o o

[ W. by the Hands of Sir Francis Gofling and Co.—— 5 5 o A Clergyman unknown, by Mr. Simpfon 1 1 o A Gentleman unknown, by James Sperling, Efq; —— 30 0 0 A Perfon unknown, by John Van Rixtel, Efq; 550 A Clergyman unknown —— 1 1 o A Gentleman unknown, by Grenville Sharp, Efq; 15 15 o M. B. —— 5 5 0 A Clergyman unknown 1 1 o B. E. -! -—* 220 A Cle gyman, 'by Mr. Norton • —— 1 1 o A Clergyman unknown • —— —— I 1 o A Clergyman unknown —— —— 1 I O A Clergyman unknown • 1 I O A Clergyman unknown, by Mr. Norton lib A Lady" unknown, by Mr. Wanfey • 3 3° A.B. by Mr. Samuel Lcwin —— 3100 A Perfon unknown, under the Signature of M, 100 o O A Perfon unknown, by Mr, Richard Chcfter 20 o o A Transfer of 5000/. p'our per Cent. Bank Annuities,; from a benevolent Gentleman, who defires his Name may be concealed, during his Life 'Lime, by the Hands of Robert Drummond, Efq; , Legacies bequeathed to this Hofpital.

/. s. d»

—— —— —-- —— Richard Cooke, Efq; —* xqoo o o Dr. Thomas Crowe - -■■■ • —— —. 400 0 0

—— Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter ——■ .. 52 10 0 Mr. James Brogden - —— —— —■■ 20 o o From Matt. Lamb, Efq; by Order ofthcßt. Hon.Countefs Dowager Gower, as a Benefadlion out ofthe Charitable Fund bequeathed to her Ladylhip by the Will of 300 o O Thomas late Earl of Thanet, to be difpofed of in fuch

Charities as fhe fhould judge proper —— ——.

Richard Taunton, Efq; -■ —— -■. « , 100 o o

Samuel Remnant, Efq; - ——. 100 0 0

■—- —■« - Mrs. Elizabeth Carter , ,- 0 0 0

« • Thomas Le Gendre, Efq; . - ■ 00 Q 0

- ■■■■ Sir Henry Marfhal— ——- 200 0 Q Mrs. Heller Fuller, by the Hands of Mrs. Matthews, i

—— ■ - o —— 0 her Executrix —— ] 500

~ Mrs. Elizabeth Afty - ——• 20 o o Jofeph Fawthrop Efq; —— 50 o o Mr. Robert Thatcher —. 50 o o

■■- —— - Mr. Richard Worth . 100 0 0

■ Schaffer —— Mrs. Elizabeth ■■■ 100 o 0

——— ——- —— Jonathan Gurnel, Efq; —_ 50 o O Lewin Cholmley, Efq; ——— ■ 50 o o

- - —— Mrs. Elizabeth Hill . ■ —— . - 25 o O

—— —— Sir James Lowther, Bart. ——■. ... ~ i OO 0 0 Mrs. Judith Reynolds ——■ - » ■ —.... 50 o o William Stratton, Efq; —— . __ 200 o O Dr. Benjamin Bofanquet ——— ... 50 o o Colonel William Lethieullicr ■■■■ ■ . —... —— , jOO 0 0

—« Mrs. Elizabeth Crifp »—■ ... ——— . 100 0 0 3* /. d. Mr. Adrian John Swete —— ■ ■ • 100 o o

—— James Douglas, Efq; —— - * "■ 100 o o

-■ Mrs. Philippa Leman ——— .....- 100 o o

- ■ " 11 - Thomas Barnard, Efq; » ■ 50 o o Mrs. Barbara Johnfon 100 o o

- - Mr. George Kruger —— —5O o o

—-—. ■■ Mr. Henry Marfhall —— 100 0 O Mr. Talbot Young . 21 o o

Jofeph Beachcroft, Efq; - - 100 0 o Francis Craiefteyn, Efq; icoo 0 o

■ « Mr. Thomas Trott • 50 0 o William Finch, Efq; —— - ———. 50 o O Mr. James Wilfon - - -• ■■ 50 o o IMr. Robert Brome ■ » • - 5600 Philip Browne, Efq; —— ■■■ ■ - 50 o o

—— Peter Gauflen, Efq; ■■■-■ ■ ■■ --- ioo O O Mrs. Ann Dandy 200 o o

Mr. Phineas Evans - 200 o o

- Mr. William Medoms * 50 o o Mifs Martha North *■ --■■■ 10 o o Mrs. Mary Warfilde ■ 200 o O John Collman, Efq; 30c/. Old South Sea Annuities

-- Air. William Gyles - • ■. 50 o o

—— Mr. -, - 50 o o

- Thomas Warde, Efq; . 20 o o

Airs. Mary Weft . . 20 o o

Airs. Katharine Otger * 100 o o Rev. Mr. Etough’s Legacy of L per ann. fold at 1 5 25‘Years 0 0 Purchafe to Dr. Plumptree, his Executor 125

Charles Savage, Efq; --- 130 o O

The Hon. Mrs. Ann Bridges ———— joo O o Jen nix Dry, Efq; being this Charity’s proportionable' Share of the Refidue of his Eftate jointly with five 2840 o o i'»»w p.—.l, i„n others hi i j -i , 35 /. r. d. The Hon. Anna Maria Hatton, In full for a Legacy of• 200 L after abating, purfuant to a Decree of the Court 126 12 of Chancery, in Proportion with the other pecuniary I Legatees, for a Deficiency in the perfonal Aflets ——. Mr. John Eaft * 50 o O Mr. William Partridge ■ -- —— ——• ico o o Mrs. Ann Crow ■ - • 100 o o Mr. Timothy Helmfley, two Mercers Bonds of 100 /. each.

-- Mr. Samuel Parminter • 100 o O Thomas Martin, Efq; 100 O o

Alexander Sheaf, Efq; ——— 50 o o Jofeph Godfrey, Efq; —— ■ » -- 20 o o Mrs, Metcalfe >.— 100 o o Jeremiah Marlow, Efq; - ■ - 500 o 0 Mrs. Margaret Garrard - - 50 o o Thomas Skinner, Efq; 1000/. (om per Cent. Navy Annuities.

John Bennet, Efq; - . 100 o o

«-■■■■ Mrs. Elizabeth Ludwell ■ • 500 o o Richard Newman, Efq; 100 0 0 Mr. Timothy Helmfley, for this Charity’s proportionable } Share of the Reflduum of his Eftate 3 XI S 8 2 William Reynolds, Efq; - ■ ■ 100 o o Mrs. Knightfbridge, 50 /. Old South Sea Annuities. Jofeph Freame, Efq; —— - • 100100 o o

Chambrelan Godfrey, Efq; —— -- 100 0 o Rt. Hon. SirTho. Clarke, Knt. late Mafter of the Rolls 30,000 o o One Year and a half Intereft thereon 1,800 e o Countefs of Montrath -- 500 o o Mr. William Whitmore 100 o o Mr. Cornel. Drew, 50/. 3 per Cent, reduced Bank Ann. Mr. William Robinfon «-■— 2000 o o John Wallinger, Efq; 100 o o Thomas Meadows, Efq; ——- —•—— 200 O o John Lancafliire, Efq; ■« ico O o Henry Stratton, Efq; —— j ■■■■ ■' -—■ 50 o o /. s. a James Farquharfon, Efq;- ioo o o

■ Mr. David Barclay ■ — 1 ■■■ 100 o O

■——-- Mrs. Mary Dandridge —— ———— 100 o 0

Sir Nathaniel Nafh —— - 500 O o

■■■■ John Davy, Efq; • ■ 100 o 0 Edward Holden, Efq; ICOO 0 O

Mrs. Barbara Skinner - ——• 100 O o

Thomas Hanfen, Efq; - 500 o o

Mrs. Elizabeth Phill ■ ■■— - 200 o o Mr. Andrew Regnier ■■ " ■ ■. ■ • 50 O o John Sharpe, Efq; 500/. 3 \per Cent. Bank Annuities.

...■■ Mrs. Mary Arnold - ■ . ■ 50 O o Philip Dclahaize, Efq; 100 O O

John Freame, Efq; -—■ 100 O O Henry Batley, Efq;--- —. ... —. ■ ■ 100 O o

... » 1 homas Shewell, Efq; ■. . - 1000 o o

Samuel Wilfon, Efq; - . - 100 O O From Tho. Hill, Efq; by Order of the Rt. Hon. Countefs Dowager Gower, as a further Benefa£tion out of the Charitable Fund bequeathed to her Ladyfhip by the 700 0 O Will of Thomas late Earl of Thanet, to bedifpofed of in fuch Charities as file (hould judge proper Mrs. Millicent Matthews, 1000/. 3 per Cent, confoli-

■ dated Bank Annuities - Mrs. Sarah Baker 50 o o Mrs. Elizabeth Cartwright - ■ ■■■'■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ 200 o Q Matthew Clermont, Efq; ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ 1 « 50 O o John Browne, Efq; ■ ■ ■ ■- - ■ ioo o o Mrs. Dorothy Elizabeth Pickering . - « 500 o Intered thereon, purfuant to a Decree of the Court of 105 o o Chancery, at 4 1, per Cent. ■ 1 John Rooke, Efq; - - ———• 100 O 0 Mrs. Ft ces Byrd »'■ • *■ " 1006 o O Intereft thereon, purfuant to a Decree of the Court of 230 o o Chancery, at 4/. per Cent, »■■■ —»—» »i "■ *■ A s. d.

-■■■ Mrs. Alice Shaw Overman • ■■■-■« ■ 50 o o Richard Dalton, Efq; —— 50 o o Ferdinando Norton, Efq; 300/. 3 per Cent. Conf. Bank Ann. Devcreaux Bowley, Efq; 3000/. 4 per Cent. Bank Ann. Mrs. Elizabeth Aldridge ■■ ■ • —* 100 0 O Mrs. Mary Sambourne iogo o o Mr. Edward Harvey, in full for a Legacy of 100/. after' abating in proportion with the other pecuniary Le- 99 3 C gatees, for a Deficiency in the AfTetts

Mr. Robert Clee ,- —. —5OO o 0 Charles Jennens, Efq;—- 500 o o

- John Randall, Efq; ■ . ico o 0

- ■■■ John Spicker, Efq; —— - ■ - 200 o o Henry being Part of Sum of From Nicols, Efq; a o o Adoney left by Daniel Le Sueur, Efq; for charitable Ufes 50

Henry Baker, Efq; - —— 100 O O

Robert Johnfon, Efq; - 100 0 o

Samuel Wordfworth, Efq; - - ico 0 o Mr. Samuel Simpfon 100/. \ per Cent. Bank Annuities, Mrs Mary Waller ■■ ■ ■ ■ » 1 5 O O

■ Dr. William Battle - ■ ■ ico o o

*— - Mr. Edward Price - 5° 0 0

—— ——— Mr. Thomas Bell——— - 100 o o Lieut. Gen. Strode, 1000/. 4 per Cent. Bank Annul-' ties, being in Part of this Charity’s proportionable Share of the Refidue of hisEftate, jointly with three

others ■ ■ 1 ■' 111 1 .. Ditto 250/. 3 \ per Cent. Bank Annuities of the Year} 1758, being a farther Part of the faid Refidue——— * Mrs. Mary Magdalen Alavoine ■ ■ - 5° 0 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Merttins *' ■■■ ■■■ ■ 50 o o

- - •>——— Mrs. Rebecca Noel ■ - —-- 100 00 Henry Hinde, Efq; -——— 100 o o

■•■■■ Mrs. Anna Maria Elmcs ■ - 500 o o John Rogers, Efq; —— * 1 200 o Robert Fife, Efq; 227/. lor. 3 per Cm, Confol. Bank Ann. l. s.d. From the Right Hon. Lady Carolina Egerton, as a Be-" nefa6lion out of the Legacy bequeathed to her Lady- fhip, by the late Duchefs of Bridgewater, for charit- 80 o o

able Purpofes -■- „ Lieut. Gen. Strode, a further Part of this Charity’s j 8 o proportionable Share of the Refidue of his Eftate— 1 59 Mr. Richard Wicking, this Charity’s proportionable r Share of the Refidue of his Eftate 794 3 0 Mr. Thomas Sparfhott, 75/. in full for a Legacy of 100/. ■ after abating, in Proportion with the other Legatees, ' 75 o o for a Deficiency in the Afletts

Mr. Stephen Unwin - 100 o o Thomas Tower, Efq; —* 400 o O John Vere, Efq; 100 o O

Dr. Matthew Clarke • . ico o o

■■■ ■ - ■ Bartholomew Pomeroy, Efq; ■— - .. jqo o o

Mrs. Mary Bourne - .. 1000 O O Mr. Peter Hiller 50 0 O

—■■ —.. William Barwick, Efq; ’ . . ■ 50 O o Cyrill Wych, Efq; 500 0 0 John Stock, Efq; 100 O o

- Mrs. Mary Barwick —„, , jqo o o

■ Rev. Mr. William Bufh —. . 100 o e

... Mrs. Elizabeth Hanmer 5/. 51, annually . . „ Mr. Samuel Wallis ico/. 3 per Ct. Reduced Bank Annuities A Benefadfion from Mrs. Mary Rufh, by the Hands of 100 o o - ■■■ William Southoufe, Efq; ■ ... ——. John Hopkins, Efq; 1000/. Old South Sea Annuities

■ Intereft thereon— —• ■ - 0 0

■— - Mrs. Ann Miles - —. ■ 0 o o o

Mrs. Rebecca Ofgood - 100 0 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Holmes, 200/. 3 per Cent. Confol. Bank Ann. John Carter, Efq; 100 o o

Charlotte - _ - Mrs. Beck , 100 Q Q

Francis Charlton, Efq;—— - - - - lCi) 0 0 Henry Wildy, Efq; 100c/. Reduced Bank Annuities Richard /. S, d. Richard Brooke, Efq; 100/. 3 per Cent. Confol. Bank Ann. Mrs. Beata Wilkins 800/. Bank Stock ——>» ■ -

- - John Gwilt, Efq;— 1 ■ ■■ -"■■■-"* - 500 O O Edward Lambert, Efq,——— • 100 o o John Clercmbault, Efq; • - - 200 o o Mrs. Catharine Goldfrap—— - ■ 300 o o Strode, a further Part of this Lieut.General Charity’s pro- o o portionable Share of the Refidue of his Eftate • 659 Ditto ■ ■■ ■ 64 611 The Right Hon. Francis Lord Godolphin 400,0 o o His Grace Dr. Thomas Seeker, Lord Archbilhop of Can- terbury, 500 1. 3 per Cent. Confol. Bank Annuities

■ William Denne, Elq; ■■ • - 500 O O William Tatnall, Efq; - ■ ... - 50 o o Mr. Robert Summerhayes —• 500 0 o Mrsj Elonour Aurback, 50/. 3 per Qent. Red. Bank Ann. Thomas Streatfeild, Efq; of Oxted, Surry ICO G O Thomas Quelch, Efq; 500/. 3 per Cent. Red. Bank Ann. Stephen Peter Godin,. Efq; ——-—— 50 O O further of this , Lieut. General Strode, a Part Charity’s o o o proportionable Share of the Refidue of his Eftate ’ Gavin Drummond, Efq; —* ... » 30 O O Mrs. Mary Jackfon 200/. 3 per Cent. Confol. Bank Ann, John Elliot, Efq; - • - 100 o o Coverdale Richardfon, Efq; One Moiety of an Annuity ' of 50/. during the Life of his Royal Highnefs the Piince of Wales, payable out of an Eftate. in Jamaica . Mrs. Elizabeth Noel . 500 0 o Lieut. Gen. Strode, a further Part of this Charity’s proportionable Share of the Refidue of his Eftate 184 I O Henry INicols, Efqj, ipo o o

>— - John Bland, £fq; ~ . 31 10 O John Cheere, K’lq; 100/. 4 per Cent. Bank Annuities.— A BenefaHion from the Rt Hon, Lady CharlotteTufton 100 O o Mrs. Helen Betenfon, 10,000/. 3 per Cent. Confol. Bank Annuities —>———■ • Peter Gauffen, E£q; 100/. 3 per Cent. Confol. Bank Ann.

■■ Mr. Robert Larnevelt ■■ ■ < • 100 O o John Staples, Elq-, —— . 2 00 0 O Mrs. Jemima Wollfryes - 100 o O Sir Richard Jebb, art. 100 O o

-■ Mrs. Martha Lhi vers —— —• ~— 200 O O Nicholas Nixon, Efq; —— 20C0 O o Jofeph Mellifh, Efq; ——> »m... ■«. 300 o .0 4° A s. d. Mrs. Elizabeth Strode •—— >■.■■■.■» 300 o o » Charles Foreman, Efq; -■ ■ • • • 500 o o A2d Benefaction from the Rt. Hon. Lady Charlotte Tufton jOO o o Xieut. Gen. Strode, a further part of this Charity’s pro- portionable Share of the Refidue of his Eftate 129 0 ° Mrs. Ana Davies, 100/. 3 per Cent. Reduced Bank Ann. Mr. Thomas Wefton 100 o 0 Mr. Henry Buck ■ - ■-» ———. ■« 500 o o John Heathfield, Efq; - —— 100 o o Thomas Streatfeild, Efq; of Stoke Newington - 100 o o Thomas Thomas, Efq; ■ '■ * • 50 o o A third Bcnefadlion from the Right Hon. Lady Charlotte 100 o o Tufton - * Mr. John Hutton - - 100 o o Yvon Thomas, Efq; - 100 o o

«—— Mil's Elizabeth Cooke —■ - 100 o o Edward Atkins, Efq; 100/. 3 per Cent . Confol. Bank Ann. Sir Peter Denis, Bart. 200 o o Mrs. Elizabeth Stonehoufe, 100/. 3 per Cent. Gonfol. ■ Bank Annuities Mrs. JaneDenis, 400/. 3 per Cent. Reduced Bank Ann. Mrs. Sarah Cooke ■ 100 o o William Prowting, Efq; • —— - ■ 100 o o Mr. Abraham Gray 1 '■■■— - » ■■ I'■ 500 o o , Efq; * 1 100 O O Mrs. Dorothy Smith £ 465 : 2s. : 3d. Bank Annuities of the Year 1726, in part of her Legacy of £ 500.

—• ■ William Southoufe, Efq; 100 O © Charles Selwin, Efq;———Efq; - 11« 100 o o Edward Hooper, Efq; ———- 20 o o Mr. James Hoy, in full for a Legacy of 200/. after abating with the other pecuniary Legatees, for a Deficiency on 30 i 6 8 ■ theperfonal Alters ■ ■ ■ - James Pitts, Efq; Sool, 3 per Cent. Confol. Bank Ann. — Richard Sheldon. Efq; —• ■■ 1 1 - 100 00 Dr. Samuel Foart Simmons, F.R.S, Phyfician. Mr. George Vaux, Surgeon. Mr. John Meadows, Apothecary, rcfident in the Hofpital*

Mr. John Webfter, Secretary . 4i INS T RUG TIONS TO Such Perfons who apply for the Admidion of Patients into St. LU K E's Hofpital for Lunaticks.

I. ryAHAT no Perfon fhall knowingly be received as a 1 Patient into this Hofpital, who is not, in point of Circumftances, a proper Object of this Charity, that is. Poor and Mad: 11. Or who hath been a Lunatick more than twelve Kalendar Months 11. Or who hath been difcharged uncured from any other Hof- pital for the Reception of Lunaticks: IV. Or who is troubled with Epileptick or Convulfive Fits: V. Or who is deemed an Ideot. VI. Or who is infedted with the Venereal Difeafe. VII. Nor any Woman with Child, And every fuch Perfon, who through Miftake or Mifinforma. tion fhall be received into this Hofpital, (hall be difcharged immediately on a Difcovery of any of the above Difquali* fications. Therefore, if the Patient is not difqualified by any of the above tVehjler Rules, upon applying to Mr. John , the or Secretary, in Queen-Jlreet, Cheapfide, at the Hofpital, the Forms of two printed Certificates, together with a Petition, may be had { the firft of which Certificates (after it is filled up) muft be figned by the Miniftcr and Churchwardens, or Over- feers of the Poor of the Parifh or Place where fitch Pa- * tient refides •, and the other by feme Phyfician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, who hath vifited i'uch Patient •, after which the Per- fon or Perfons who faw them fign, muft go before one of His Majefty’s Juftices of the Peace, orfome other Pcrfon authorifed to take Affidavits, and make Oath, (or in Cafe of Quakers an Affirmation) in the Manner as is printed at the Bottom of the faid Certificates. When the Certificates have been thus figned, and Oath (or Affirmation) made thereof as aforeiaid, then fill up the Petition, and annex the Certificates thereto, and apply to a Governor to fign the fame; which being done, both the Petition and Certifi-

cates muft be left with the Secretary •, and the Petitioner muft nor fail to attend at the Hofpital the next Friday Morning pre- cifely at Eleven o’Clock, when the fame will be laid before the Committee *, and ifapproved, the Patient’s Name will be put upon the Lift, to be admitted in his Turn, as foon as a Vacancy hap-

pens •, and the Petitioner muft, at the fame Time, leave a Direction with the Committee, where to fend for the Patient-: And, upon Notice being fent from the Committee, for the Pa- tient to be brought for Examination, there muft be left in Wri- tingwith the- Secretary, within Three Days afterwards, theNames, and of Abode of two fubftantial Houfekeepers refiding within the Bills of Mortality, who muft be prefent pre- .cifely at Eleven o’Clock in the Morning, when the Patient is to be admitted, to enter into a Bond of 100 L to take the Patient away when difeharged by the Committee.

N. B, No Governor of the Hofpitalcan he Securityfor any Patient . ￿ It is particularly defired, that, fuch Phyficiaji, Apothecary, or Surgeon, by Letter directed to Dr. Sinvuons, Phyfician of this Hofpital, to be de- livered at the Weekly Committeei' fend a State of fuch Patient’s Cafe, and Account of the Methods (if any) ufed to cbtais a Cure. The Form s of the Jtwo Certificates referred to in the foregoing Instructions. To the Prelident, Vice-Prefidcnts, Treafurer, and Governors of St. Luke’s Hofpital for Lunaticks. whofe Names are hereunto fubferibed, the Mi- * WE,nifter and of the Parjfti of in the County of do certify to the beft of our Knowledge and Belief, that who has refided in this Parifh for or upwards now laft paft, is a Lunatick, and in point ofCircumftances a proper Object of your Charity. That became fo dif- ordered about the Day of laft. That hath not been difeharged uncured from any other Hofpital for the Reception of Lunaticks. That is not troubled with Epileptick or Convullive Fits, or deemed an Ideot. And that hath received Alms from Parifh. Witnefs; Here infert whe- our Hands, the Day of ther the Patient 179 Juth or hath not received Alms, T The under-written of the Parifh qf in the County of do certify. That of the Pariih of in the County of is a Lunatick, and in point of Circumftances a proper Ob- ‘ This Certificate jje& of Charity. That is not troubled with EpileptickI is to be figned by Convulftvc Fits, or deemed an the Phyfidan, ,or Ideot. Witnefs my ’ Surgeon, or Apo* Hand the Day of - 179 thecary, who ‘ hath vifited the Patient. t Maketh Oath, That he did fee the faid Here infert the feverally fign their Names to the above Certificates. Names of the I'erfons who the Sworn the Day of figned both before Certificate* 179 above.

It Is N, B. particularly defired, that fuch Phyficlan, Surgeon, or Apothecary who 1 a h Vlf,ce fuch Pjtient ? , r do, by Letter direrted to L I1 V r Dr. SrW;,, the hyfician of this Hofpital, to be delivered at' the Weekly Committee’ fend a State ofluch Patient’s Cafe, and an Accoaiatof the Method* (if' any) «(ed to obtain a Cur» v * 1 44 I’he Form of the Petition referred to in the foregoing Instructions.

To the Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, Treafurer, and Governors of St. LUKE’s HOSPITAL for LUNATICKS, London.

The humble Petition of

on the Behalf of of the Parifli of in the County of

Sheweth, That in regard the laid is a Lunatick, and a proper Objeft of your Cha- rity, as appears by the annexed Certificates

Your Petitioner humbly prays, that the faid may be admitted a Patient Were the Pc- »iti;snei istoftgn into your Hofpital, in order to h Cure. hii iSJ.t tie. And your Petitioner will ever pray, fcfr.

J defire the faid Luftatick may be admitted a Patient into St. LUK E’s HOSPITAL for LUNAT IC KS, if a fit Objefl. A STATE of St. LUKEVHOSPITAL for LUNATICKS, as fettled and examined to by the Auditors the Firft Day of , 1797. Debtor 1 Creditor. £■ s. d. in the Funds, &c. as The Balance of the Hofpital Eftate 7 ~ A 1 v/ j y 6 \j audited and allowed to the firft Day of January, 1796J 4 RECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. s. d. To Donations and LegaciesTrom January the id, 1796. ? By Houfe Expences, from January the id, 1796, includve,? id, 94-t 5 0 6lOI *5 2 incluiive, to January the 1797, exclufive to January the id, 1797, exclniive } To Dividends on Three per Cent. Bank confol. Annuities, 7 By Cadi for the Value of 57,800/ Three per Cent, confol. 1 *734 0 0 2 — 6 —— —— J — from D° to D° Bank Annuities 3 49464 on per Cept. Bank Reduced Annuities, 7 To Dividends Three I0 11 8 By D° of 34,000/. Three per Cent. Reduced Bank Annuities 30680 7 10 ■ 1 33 from D to D — • J ■ 3 —— _ By D° of 1000/. D —— ■ 802 10 0 To Dividends on Three per Cent. Old South Sea Annuities, 7 —— 0 0 — - of L Old South-Sea Annuities 6 6 11 7°5 By D° 23,500 from D to D ■ 7 I927O

By D° of 800/. Bank Stock — —- 0 0 To D° on Bank-Stock, from D° to D° — —— . 5 6 0 0 9°4 ￿ By D° of Four per Cent. Bank Annuities 0 0 To D° on Four per Cent. Bank Annuities from D‘ to D° ZOO 0 0 5500/. 4620 D° Three Bank ; > 0 By of 500/. per Cent. Annuities of the To D° on Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, from I to D 0 10 8 '3 *9 — — -— • 29S Year 1726 j To Cadi received for the Board of Incurables —— 1517 0 0 , By Cadi in the Hands of the Treafurer - — —• J 35 1 9 4 £ 11 3»493 2 0 ’3i493 2 0

An ACCOUNT of PATIENTS received into, and difcharged out of, St. LUKE’s-HOSPITAL for LUNATICKS, from the Opening of the Hofpital on the 30th of "July, 1751, to the ift of May, 1797.

———> — Patients received into the Houfe 5681 Patients now in the Houfe _ 170 difeharged cured- —— 24 56

- difeharged uncured —. 1943 / difeharged as Ideots and unfit —— 494

Dead — 410 taken away at the Defire of Friends — 168 difeharged, their Friends not having complied ' with^ the Rules of the Hofpital [ 3 difeharged, in point of Circumfiances, as improper/ • a — 2> — Ohjeds „ been f having difeharged uncured from another/} 'Hofpital for the Reception of Lunaticks 3 having been difordered above twelve Months before':

Admifiion _ „ 3

- — . not to a - proving be Lunatick I

— having the Venereal Difeafe - 7 / having fince appeared to be with Child at the'j - of their Admifiion { 12 Time _ I i . 5681

Patients difeharged uncured, and received again ] Patients now in the Houfe at Five Shillings a Week - 120 2 the Week — 57 into Houfe, at Five Shillings a J admitted by Order of the General Court, upon 1 Terms greatly to the Advantage of the Charity ! 1 at the Defire of away . taken Friends 4. :

-—— * Dead _ 78

-—- Cured . I 2 difeharged, the Friends not having complied with 7 1 . the Rules of the Houfe »_ f 257