![Reasons for the Establishing, and Further Encouragement of St. Luke's Hospital, for Lunaticks](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A LIST OF THE G Ox V ERNORS O F St. Luke’s-Hofplwl. >797- REASONS FOR THE Eftablilhing, and further Encouragement O F St. L U K E’s HOSPITAL, FOR LUN ATICKS; TOGETHER WITH THE RULES and ORDERS For the GOVERNM ENT thereof. LONDON: Printed by J. MARCH and SON, on ToWER-HliX* M,DCC,XCVIL 3 R E A SONS FOR ESTA BLISHING St. LUKE’s HOSPITAL FOR LUNATIC KS» E Ufefulnefs and Neceflity of Hbfpitals in general being at prefent fo well underftood in THthis Kingdom, it will be needlefs to offer any Conflderations on thofe Heads. But it may not be im- proper to lay before the Publick, the particular Reafons and Inducements for the letting on Foot a new Defign of this Sort, for the Relief of poor Lunaticks. I. Experience had long fhewn, that the Hofpital of Bethlem was incapable of receiving and providing for the Relief of all the unhappy Obje&s of this Sort, who made Application for it ; this Truth can be at- tefted by every Governor of that Houfe. and by every Perfon to whole Lot it has fallen, to folicit the Admiffion of a Patient into it. 11. That the Expence and Difficulty attending the Admiffion of a Patient into the Hofpital of Betblem y had difeouraged many Applications for the Benefit of that Charity, particularly on behalf of the more neceffitous Objeds, and of fuch who refided in the remote Parts of the Kingdom. 111. That by this unavoidable Exclufion, or Delay in the Admiffion of Objeds of this Sort, many ufeful Members have been 101 l to Society, either by the Dif- order gaining Strength beyond the Reach of Ph\fick» or by the Patients falling into the Hands of Perfons utterly unfkilled in the Treatment of the Diforder, or who have found their Advantage in negleding every Method neceflary to obtain a Cure. IV. That many Families, (in no mean Circumftances) through the heavy Expence attending the Support of one Objed of this Sort, have themfelves become Objeds of charitable Relief, and thereby doubled ths Load and Lofs to the Publick. V. That the moft fatal Ads of Violence on them- felves, Attendants and Relations, have been often con- iequent on the fmalleft Delay in placing the afflided with this Diforder the Care of Perfons experienced in guarding againft and preventing Attempts of this Kind, VI. That no particular Provifion is made by Law foi Lunaticks, the common Parilh Work-houles being no ways proper for their Reception, either in Point ot Accommodation, Attendance, or Phyfical Affiftance. VII. That the joining this to any other Hofpital not particularly adapted for the Reception of Lunaticks, would have been highly improper and dangerous; the joining it to Bethlem would have deprived it of two of its principal Advantages, the being under the im- mediate Infpedion and Government of its own Patrons and S’uppoiters (inafmuch as no Benefadion to Beth- lem, how great foever necefiarily conftitutes the Lonor a Governor of that Holpital), and of introducing more Gentlemen ot the Faculty to the Study and Pradice of one of the moft important Branches of Phyfick, already too long confined (almod; to a fingle PeiTon. Such, and fuch only, were the Motives of the firlt Promoters of this Defign; the Weight they have had in the general Opinion, the Largenefs of the Sum paid in abundantly teftifies, and leaves no Room to doubt of .the Continuation of the like benevolent Difpofition in the future Support of it; and, for the Convenience of fuch Perfons who are difpofed to affift in the Completion of this good Work, either by annual Subfcriptions, or otherwife, the following Places are appointed for taking in their Benefadlions: , St> By David Powell Efq; the Treafurer, in Little Helens, Bijhopjgate-jlreet . Meffieurs Fuller , Sons, and Vaughan, Bankers, in CornhiiL . Meffieurs Drummonds, Bankers, at Cbaring-Crofs And to fuch Perfons who are inclined to become Bene- factors by Wills, the following Form is recommended: Item, I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the Time Name St. Luke’s beings of an Hofpital, called by the of Hofpital for Lunaticks, the Sum of to be applied towards carrying on the charitable Defgns of the Governors of the Jaid Hofpital, RULES and ORDERS. every Perfon, except as herein Qualifica- tion of Go* his own THATafter excepted, paying (in vernors,. Right) to the Treafurer for the Time being, for the Ufe of this Hofpital, the entire Sum of Twenty Guineas, or upwards, or paying Five Guineas at lead, and figning an Agree- ment (in a Book to be kept for that Pur- pofe) to pay Five Guineas yearly for the four next fucceeding Years, fhall be ad- mitted a Governor of this Hofpital, and receive from the Secretary, a Staff, and a printed Copy of the Rules and Orders 5 fave Exception toPhyfician, and except all Perfons afting as Phyfician, &c. Surgeon, Apothecary, or Secretary to this Hofpital, (other than the fix Apothecaries declared Governors at the General Meeting, held the 29th Day of June, 1750,) during the Time they (hall refpedlively a£t in thofe Capacities. 11. General That for the tranfading the Bufmefs of Courts when this Hofpital, a General Court {hall be held to be held. twice in every Year, viz. on the fecond Wed nelday in the Months of February and Augufty and at fuch other Times as herein To con lift after mentioned j and that every General of nine Go- {hall of vernors. Court confift nine Governors. 111. Officers and That at the General Court to be held General on the fecond in the Committee, annually Wednefday when to be four Month of February, one Prefident, Vice- ele£ted. Prefidents, aTrealurer, a General Committee, Phyfician, Surgeon, Apothecary, and Secre- tary, {hall be eleded for the Year enfuing. Phyficians And that no Perfon, ading as Phyfician to of other {hall Hofpitals any other Hofpital or Infirmary, be not eligible. qualified to ad as Phyfician to this Hofpital, unlefs upon his being eleded he {hall im- mediately thereupon declare and agree in Writing, to quit any further Attendance on fitch other Hofpltal or Infirmary, within two Kalendar Months next after fuch his Election and fhall quit the fame accordingly. IV. That in all General Courts and Commit- Who to Prefident, or his one prefide at tees, the (in Abfence) of Courts and the Vice-Prefidents, or in Cafe no Vice-Pre- Commit- tees. fident (hall be prefent, the Treafurer (hall prefide. But in Cafe of the Abfence of the Prefident, Vice-Prefidents and Treafurer, or of their quitting the Chair before the Bufinefs of fuch Court or Committee (hall be fini(h- ed, a Prefident or Chairman (hall be eledled for that Time, out of the Governors then prefent. V. That the Perfon prefiding at fuch re- WhatQuef- fpedtive Meetings, (hall put all fuch tions (hall Quef- be put. tions, and no other, as (hall be moved and feconde'd. VI. That all (hall be < Queftions determined How to be by the Majority of Governors prefent, on determined* holding up Hands, or by a Divifion, or by a Ballot, in Cafe the fame (hall be required by feven or more Governors before a Divifion is begun, fuch Ballot to be proceeded on im- mediately. VII. Prefident to That in all Cafes of an Equality of Votes, have a cart- Time (hall ing Vote. the Perfon prefiding for the being have a double or cafting Vote. VIII. Perfon That in all Debates the Perfon fpeaking fpeaking to fhall ftand and addrefs himfelf to the fland up. up Chair; and no Perfon fhall fpeak more than twice on the fame Qoeftion, without Leave. IX. When two That when two or more offer to fpeak fpeak, Pre- at the fame the Prefident or Chairman fident to Time, direert. fhall diredt which of them is to proceed. X. Auditors That at the General Court to be held when to be chofen. annually on the fecond Wednefday in the of Month Augujl, a fpecial Committee of feven Governors (who are not of the Gene- ral Committee) fhall be appointed to audit and examine the feveral Accounts relating to this Hofpital, with their Vouchers; which Committee are to report their Opinion of fuch Accounts to the General Court, to be held on the fecond Wednefday in February following. At which General Court the laid TVeafurer to lay Ac- Accounts, fgned by three of the Auditors at counts be- lead, made to the firfl Day of fore Gene- up January ral Court. then lad: pad, fhall be laid before the Gover- nors by the Treafurer for their Approbation. XL That the Prefdent have Power to or- Special Ge- neral Court der fpecial General Courts to be fummoned how to be as often as he thinks neceflary; and in Cafe called. of his Death, or Abfence, or Omifiion to order a General Court within the Time here- after limited, one of the Vice-Prefidents, at the Requeft of the General Committee, (fig- nified by Letter from the Secretary contain- ing the Reafons for the fame) or of any twelve Governors, (lignified by Writing under their Hands containing their Reafons for the fame) fhall order a fpecial GeneraLCourt to be fummoned and held within fourteen Days next after fuch Keuueftj at which Court the faid Letter or Writing fhall be publickly read. XII. In cafe of That upon every Vacancy in the Office Vacancy in of Phyfician, Surgeon, Apothe- the Office of |Treafurer, Treafurcr, cary or Secretary, the Committee (hall fig- &c. nify the fame by Writing to the Prefident, of in Cafe of his Death or Abfencc, to one of the Vice-Prefidents, who (hall order a Ge- neral Court to be fummoned, to meet within fourteen Days next after fuch Notice, to de- clare fuch Vacancy, and appoint a Time for an Election to fill up the fame, which (hall be between the fixth and fourteenth Days What Per- next after fuch Declaration.
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