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ʿAbd al-Rahim al-Jawbari, author, 340 Aminal-DawlaAbual-KarimSaʿid, Syriac ʿAbd al-Rahman, Mongol administrator, 356, physician, 209 381 Amiran-Darejaniani, 259 Abelia , 92 Anatolia, 148, 185 ablaq, 300 Andronikos I , Emperor of Abu Ali al-Halabi bin al-Kattani, architect, 286 Byzantium (1183–1185), 340 Abu Bakr, atabeg of (1186–1210), Andronikos II , Emperor of 86, 89, 92, 108, 175, 213 Byzantium (1282–1328), 89, 209 Abu Salim bin Abil-Hasan al-Samman, , 50, 76, 126, 127, 153, 156, 260, 357, 371, Armenian-Syriac physician, 210 376 Acre, 269 bathhouses, 189 ʿAdhara Khatun, sister of , 189 Church of St of al-ʿAdil, Ayyubid in Egypt and Abughamrents, 294 (1193–1218), 5, 7, 80, 81, 100, 173 inscription, 64 Aghtamar, Church of the Holy Cross, 75, 374 Church of St Gregory the Illuminator of Ahmad ibn ʿUmar al-Dhaki, metalworker, Tigran Honents, 38, 133, 169 255 inscription, 60 Ahmadshah, Mengujekid emir of Divrigi˘ miracles of St Nino, 61, 114 (1229–1242), 305 Church of the Holy Apostles, 163, 169, 293, Akhlat, 1, 9, 14, 18, 27, 64, 66, 73, 81, 124, 186, 300, 377 282, 312, 369 inscription, 164 cemeteries, 158 citadel, 130 citadel, 150 inscription, 26 economy, 159 city walls and towers taxation, 161 inscriptions, 142 Usta Sakirt tomb, 386 Lion Gate, 130: inscription, 161 Akhtala church, 28, 29, 45, 59, 379 Mamkhatun’s tower, 142, 144, 233 inscription, 37, 43 convent of the Virgin, 295 St Nino, 114 massacre of Easter Sunday (1210), 67 Alanya, 136, 142, 166, 196, 207, 286, 333 of Abu Maʿmaran, 130, 153, 161 , 133, 248, 252, 286 mosque of Minuchihr, 130, 152, 153, 301 citadel, 152 Anna Komnena, Byzantine princess and Firdaws , 111, 121, 185, 186, 284 historian (d.1153), 106 Great Mosque, 134, 147 Antalya 140, 146 Alfonso X, King of Castile (1252–1284), Kirkgoz¨ Han, 152, 191 277 Antiochos VIII, Seleukid king (121–96 BC), ʿAliabad castle, 9, 103 149 Anton Glonistavisdze, Georgian archbishop of castle Chqondidi (d.1202), 55, 73 inscription, 27 apotropaic images and objects, 150, 152, church, 50 232 Amid, 133, 136, 140, 154, 273, 300 Arjish, 76 Great Mosque, 212 Arpay Khatun, Mongol princess, 349 425

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Arslan I, Zangid ruler of Mosul Batu Khan, Mongol ruler (d.1255), 350, 352, (1193–1211), 7 363, 382 Artsakh, 186 Baybars, Sultan (1260–77), 160, 167, Artsruni , 27 389 Aruch caravanserai, 169 , 140, 142, 146 Arzu Khatun, Mqargrdzeli vassal, 186, 217 Beg-Temur,¨ Emir of Akhlat (d.1207), 5, al-Ashraf Musa, second husband of Tamta, and 103 Ayyubid Sultan in Harran, Akhlat and Benedict the Pole, Franciscan missionary, 351, (1207–37), 6, 8, 12, 76, 79, 372 81, 101, 104, 110, 134, 173, 175, 184, BenjaminofTudela,Jewishtraveller,279 194, 233, 243, 250, 273, 321, 326, 340 Bertubani , 42 ʿAshura Khatun, Ayyubid wife of al-Nasir donor portrait of queen Tamar, 116 Dawud, 87 Betania monastery, 42 Assassins [Ismaʿili sect], 335, 372 Bethlehem astrolabes, 273, 277, 279, 339 Church of the Nativity, 218 al-Ashraf (Oxford Museum for the History inscription, 219 of Science), 273 bridges, 188, 271 astrology, 270, 275, 279, 340, 356 Cizre, 239 atabeg, 26, 108, 140, 173, 181, 323 Malabadi, 239 automata, 358, 360 , 191 al-Awhad, first husband of Tamta, and Tokat, 192 Ayyubid ruler of Akhlat (d.1210), 1, 5, Yes¸ilırmak, 191 75, 78, 79, 81, 88, 100, 133, 146, 239 Aybak, Mamluk Sultan (1250–57), 119 Cairo, 220, 351 ʿAyn Jalut, battle (1260), 384, 389 al-Nasir Muhammad mosque complex, 269 bacini, 146 al-Salih Ayyub madrasa, 147 Badiʿal-Zaman ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari, 358, Haret al Rum, Church of the Virgin, 360 133 Badr al-Din Aqsunqur, Sokmenid¨ ruler of Imam al-Shafiʿi mausoleum, 186, 234 Akhlat (1193–1197), 212 Roda Island , 245 Badr al-Din Luʾluʾ, atabeg of Mosul Shajar al-Durr mausoleum, 119 (1234–1259), 88, 119, 170, 194, 224, Camii. See 233, 258, 344 caravanserais, 166, 188, 191, 210, 233, 285, 290, 301, 349 buried timthal in, 336 Alay Han, 287 siege of 1258, 70, 372, 383, 384 al-Han, 170 Talisman Gate, 232 Aruch caravanserai, 169 Bagratuni dynasty, 27, 50, 134 Chrplu caravanserai, 169 Baiju, Mongol general, 202, 384 Hatun Han Baldwin II, Latin Emperor of inscriptions, 191 (1228–1273), 206 Karatay Han, 167 Bamiyan Buddhas, 353 Kirkgoz¨ Han, 150, 191, 197 Bar Hebraeus, Syriac chronicler, 20, 202, 243, Kotrets caravanserai, 170 271, 372 Selim Han, 169 Basiani, battle (1202), 73, 77, 85, 91, 213 Sultan Han, 167, 283, 317 Basil Giagoupes, Christian emir of the Seljuks, Talin caravanserai, 169 209, 341 Zor caravanserai, 169, 297 Basil of Malatya, Christian notary of the castles Seljuks, 209 ʿAliabad castle, 9, 103 bathhouses, 189 Amberd, 27 Ani, 189 Kayean castle, 13, 342, 371 Damascus, Sitti ʿAdhra baths, 189 Kiz castle, 63 , 189 celestial globe, 279

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ceramics, 146, 160, 229, 266 Marmashen monastery, 50 lustreware dish, Metropolitan Museum of Mount Sinai, St Catherine’s monastery, 384 Art, New York, 94 monastery, 62, 380 minai plate, Freer Gallery of Art, Odzun church, 30 Washington, 333 Pitareti monastery, 303 Chormaqan, Mongol general (d.1241), 12, 13, Qintsvisi monastery, 42 342, 357, 370, 371 monastery, 188 Christian confessions, 4, 54, 130, 185, 209, 355, Samtavisi church, 34 360, 383, 386 , 30, 51 Chrplu caravanserai, 169 , 384 Church Council of Chalcedon (451), 25, 60 Tegher, church of Mamakhatun Vachutian, Church Council of Lore (1205), 57 188 Church Council of Nicaea (325), 48 , 42 churches Church of St George, 42 Abelia church, 92 Udabno monastery, 69 Aghtamar, Church of the Holy Cross, 374 monastery, 41, 62, 115 Akhtala church, 29, 37, 43, 45, 59, 114, Venice, San Marco, 267 379 , 23, 24, 57, 202, 365, 377 Amberd church, 50 citadels, 208 Ani, Church of the Holy Apostles, 163, Akhlat, 150 293 Aleppo, 152 Ani, convent of the Virgin, 295 Amid, 152 Ani, Holy Apostles, 300 Ani, 26, 130 Ani, St Gregory the Illuminator of cities, 73, 124, 127 Abughamrents, 294 design, 127 Ani, St Gregory the Illuminator of Tigran layout, 124, 127, 153 Honents, 38, 60, 114 city, 54 Bertubani monastery, 42, 115 city gates Betania monastery, 42 Amid, 213 Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, 218 Ani, Kars gate, 136 Constantinople, Chora monastery, 268 Ani, Lion Gate, 130, 139, 161 monastery, 186, 195 Baghdad, Talisman Gate, 232 Deir Mar Benham monastery, 207 Constantinople, Golden Gate, 149 , 51 , Yeni Kapı, 198 Garni, 322 , 148 (Nor Getik) monastery, 31, 59, Mayyafariqin, Gate of Deliverance, 161 126 city walls and towers, 136, 144, 233 chapel of St Gregory the Illuminator, Alanya, Red Tower, 136 299 Amid, 141 Gtchavank monastery, 51 Ulu Baden, 136 , 4, 27, 47, 51, 55 Ani, 136 Haghbat monastery, 30, 31, 43, 51, 59, 62 inscriptions, 139 Haret al Rum, Church of the Virgin, 133 Mamkhatun’s tower, 142, 144 Harichavank monastery, 35, 47, 51, 58, Ankara, 148 297 Antalya, 140 monastery, 91, 153 Bayburt, 142 monastery, 51, 188 Damascus, 136 , Holy Sepulchre, 140, 214, 217 Kars, 140 Jerusalem, Monastery of the Holy Cross, inscription, 143 214 Konya, 148 Khtskonk monastery, 50, 371 Mayyafariqin, 146 Kirants church, 38 Sinop, 141 Kobayr monastery, 38 coinage, 165, 212, 239, 271, 333, 375 monastery, 59, 317 coins. See coinage

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Constantine IX Monomachos, Emperor of Eudokia Palaiologina, the Byzantine wife of Byzantium (1042–1055), 50 John II Grand Komnenos, Emperor of Constantine the Great, Emperor (303–337), Trebizond, 99 149 ʿEyn al-Dowla, artist, 226 Constantinople, 149, 266 Blachernae monastery, 225 Farrukhshah, cousin of al-Ashraf Musa, 185 Chora monastery, 268 Fatima, influential Mongol slave, 381, 382 Golden Gate, 149 female virtue, 178 spolia, 266 modesty, 178 conversion, 4, 7, 22, 27, 28, 45, 46, 47, 55, 60, patronage, 189, 195 133, 206, 209, 225, 383, 386 piety, 180, 194 cosmic iconography, 271, 277 foundation texts, 195 court culture, 172, 242, 256, 266, 352 fountains, 189 cultural contact, 225, 227, 230, 233 Francesco Pegolotti, Florentine merchant, 166 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor Daba monastery, 303 (1220–1250), 215, 277, 329 Dadivank monastery, 186, 195, 217 futuwwa,88 al-Dahabi, Arabic chronicler, 6, 193 Damascus, 193, 229, 233, 268, 297 Gandza, 71 ʿAdiliyya Sughra madrasa, 194 Gandzasar monastery, 51 al-Salihiyya district, 181, 184 inscription, 216 Atabakiyya madrasa, 181, 195 gardens, 245, 247, 253 Dar al-Hadith of al-Ashraf Musa, 181, 184, Garni 326 Battle (1225), 9, 322, 326 Khadija Khatun madrasa, 184 Roman temple and monastery, 322 Sitti ʿAdhra baths, 189 , 352 Terkan Khatun ribat, 181 Genghis Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol Davit IV the Builder, King of Empire (1206–1227), 330, 344, 350, (1089–1125), 329, 351 352 Davit Soslan, husband of queen Tamar Gevher Nesibe, sister of Kaykhusraw I, 185, (c.1187–1207), 71, 91, 113 201 Davit VI Narin, King of Georgia (1254–1293), Georgian Chronicle, 27, 101, 324 85, 370 Georgian saints, 114 Davit VII Ulu, King of Georgia (1247–1270), Getik monastery, 126, 217 370, 379 Giorgi III, King of Georgia (1156–1184), 4, 24, Dayfa Khatun, wife of Ayyubid ruler al-Zahir 26, 69, 71, 77, 112, 154 Ghazi, 7, 10, 93, 110, 121, 154, 185, 212 Giorgi IV Lasha, King of Georgia (1210–1223), Deir Mar Benham monastery, 207 9, 24, 26, 101, 115, 303, 324, 345, 370 Didgori, battle (1121), 72 Gontsa Kakhaberidze, wife of Avag then Davit Divrigi,˘ 186, 306, 317 Ulu, 379 mosque hospital complex, 304 Goshavank (Nor Getik) monastery, 31, 59, inscription, 308 126 Sitte Melik tomb, 288, 293 chapel of St Gregory the Illuminator, 299 Diyarbakir. See Amid inscription, 379 Doquz Khatun, wife of Huleg¨ u¨ Khan, 383, 384 graffiti, 217 Dunaysir, 136 Grigor Aknertsi, chronicler, 373, 378 Dvin, 22, 24, 62, 68, 71, 76, 125, 160, 260, 325 Gtchavank monastery, 51 bathhouses, 189 Guillaume Boucher, goldsmith, 357 Gurandukht, Kipchaq wife of Davit IV of Eghbayrik, Armenian merchant, 143 Georgia, 329 Erzincan, 3, 12, 71, 75, 76, 93, 163, 290, 342 GurjiKhatun(Tamar),GeorgianwifeofSeljuk Erzurum, 3, 6, 71, 75, 76, 77, 87, 155, 168, 294 Sultan Kaykhusraw II, 99, 174, 186, Yakutiye Madrasa, 297 192, 198, 226, 240, 370

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Guy¨ uk¨ Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol Ibn Wasil, Arabic historian, 83, 93, 109, 111, Empire (1246–1248), 347, 348, 357, 212, 247, 335 362, 364, 370, 381 icon, 54, 225, 229, 333 Christ (Anchiskhati), 55, 227 Haghartsin monastery, 47 Christ (mandylion), 227 inscription, 4, 27, 51, 55 Mother of God (Blachernitissa), 225, 227 Haghbat monastery, 30, 31, 43, 51, 59, 62, 217, Mother of God (Hodegitria), 227 374 Mother of God (Khakhuli), 55, 72 hajib, 107, 176 Mother of God (Saidnaya), 228 Hamadola, Georgian ambassador, 368 Mother of God (Vardzia), 55 Han. See caravanserais Innocent IV, pope (1243–54), 241, 347 al-Harawi, Arabic geographer, 231 inscriptions, 140, 155, 170, 191, 194, 210, 258, Harichavank monastery, 35, 195, 297, 300, 290, 300 386 alphabet, 144 donor portrait, 51, 58 language, 144 inscription, 47, 300 Ismat al-Dunya wa ’l-Din, wife of Seljuk Sultan Harran, 7, 81, 101, 107, 135, 147, 155, 180, 183, Kaykubad I, 191, 196 231, 233, 252 Iurii Bogoliubskoi, Russian husband of queen Harun al-Rashid, Abbasid caliph (766–809), Tamar, 113, 252 204 iwan, 249 Hetum I, King of Cilicia (1226–1269), 63, 219, ʿIzz al-Din Saltuk II, Emir of Erzurum 346, 347, 353 (1132–1168), 77, 87, 91, 290 Hisnkeyf, 118, 133, 270 Honorius III, pope (1216–27), 116, 346 Jahan Pahlavan, atabeg of Azerbaijan (d.1187), Horomos monastery, 153 108, 175, 288 funerary chapel, 91 Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah, Khwarazmian hospitals, 282 ruler (d.1231), 9, 11, 72, 98, 103, 108, Damascus, hospital of Nur al-Din Zangi, 155, 215, 220, 279, 305, 322, 326, 328, 297 333, 345, 364 Divrigi,˘ mosque-hospital complex, 304, 311 Jalal al-Din Rumi Mevlana, Persian poet and Kayseri, C¸ ifte Medrese, 201 Sufi mystic, 226 Sivas, S¸ifaiye Medrese, 201 James of Vitry, Latin bishop of Acre, 214 Hovhannavank monastery, 51, 316 Jaqeli family, 370 inscription, 317 Jazira, 237, 249, 273, 277, 282, 286, 320, 322, Hromkla, 23, 24 358, 373 Huleg¨ u¨ Khan, Mongol ruler (1256–1265), 362, Jean de Joinville, French chronicler, 247 372, 375, 381, 384 Jerusalem, 217 Husam al-Din ʿAli, Ayyubid hajib Holy Sepulchre, 214, 217 (chamberlain) of Akhlat, 8, 10, 107, Monastery of the Holy Cross, 214 176, 211, 327 Jigda Khatun, wife of Georgian king Davit VII al-Husayni, Arabic chronicler, 71 Ulu, 92 John, Armenian archbishop of Grner, Ibn al-Athir, Arabic chronicler, 69, 74, 86, 91, 365 108, 326 John II Grand Komnenos, Emperor of Ibn Bibi, Persian historian, 197, 257 Trebizond (1280–1297), 99 Ibn Hawqal, Arabic geographer, 76 John III Vatatzes, Emperor of Byzantium Ibn Jubayr, Arabic traveller, 154, 166, 179, 189, (1221–1254), 106 213 John Komnenos Mavrozomes, emir at the Ibn Khallikan, Arabic biographer, 176, 204, court of Kaykubad II, 208 243 John of Plano Carpini, Franciscan missionary, Ibn Shaddad, Arabic scholar and writer, 231, 2, 347, 351, 362, 381 243, 253 Ibn ʿUnayn, Arabic poet, 176 Kaluyan-e Naqqash, painter, 227

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al-Kamil, Ayyubid Sultan in Egypt Knight in the Panther’s Skin, 176, 253, 259 (1218–1238), 87, 101, 154, 180, 215, Kobayr monastery, 38, 378, 386 244, 245, 279, 329 Konya, 148, 156, 186, 258, 260, 266 Kamyar, Seljuk pervane, 341 Alaeddin Camii, 201, 207, 283, 287 Karakorum, 13, 353, 358, 360, 377 Church of St Plato or St Amphilochios, 207 Kars, 140, 143, 371, 376 Koseda¨ g,ˇ battle (1243), 13, 99, 202, 313, 342, Kayean castle, 13, 342, 371 349, 369 Kaykaʿus I, Seljuk sultan of Rum (1211–1219), Kublai Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol 94, 174, 201 Empire (1260–1294), 381 inscription, Antalya, 140 kumiss, 352 Kaykhusraw II, Seljuk sultan of Rum (1237–1246), 99, 150, 174, 198, 200, Lake Van, 8, 10, 18, 23, 27, 73, 74, 99, 125, 340, 206, 225, 239, 370, 371 374 Kaykubad I, Seljuk sultan of Rum citadel, 152 (1219–1237), 7, 11, 12, 99, 142, 174, liturgy, 34, 58 196, 200, 255, 258, 283, 341 Louis IX, King of France (1226–1270), 346, Kayseri, 190 360, 364 baths of Mahperi Khatun, 157 love poetry C¸ ifte Medrese, 201 Ayyubid, 176 Hajji Kılıc mosque and madrasa, 185, 314 Karatay Han, 167 , 183, 184, 190 Kos¨¸k Medrese, 291 ʿAdiliyya Sughra madrasa, 194 Mahperi Huand Hatun complex, 185, 198, Aleppo, Firdaws madrasa, 111, 121, 185 264, 314 Cairo, Al-Salih Ayyub madrasa, 147 inscriptions, 200 Damascus, Atabakiyya madrasa, 181, 195 Sultan Han, 167 Damascus, Khadija Khatun madrasa, 184 Yeni Kapı, 198 Erzurum, Yakutiye Madrasa, 297 Khadija Khatun, sister of Ayyubid ruler Kayseri, Mahperi Huand Hatun complex, al-Nasir Dawud, 184, 326 314 Khalisat al-Dunya wa’l-Din, Megujekid Sivas, Buruciye Medresesi, 315 princess, 142 Sivas, S¸ifaiye Medrese, 201 Khawanrah Khatun, wife (?) of Badr al-Din Zuzan madrasa, 331 Luʾluʾ, 224, 264 magic, 337, 339 khatchkars, 67, 139, 158, 192, 218, 234 magical statues, 149, 336 Khorishah, Armenian pilgrim, 216–17 Mahmud Yalavach, Mongol administrator, 356, Khoy, 10, 12, 76, 109, 328, 330 381 Khtskonk monastery, 50, 371 Mahperi Khatun, Armenian wife of Seljuk Khurramshah b. Mughith al-Khilati, architect, Sultan Kaykubad I, 99, 175, 186, 190, 305, 313 191, 196, 197, 200, 204, 264 khutba, 111, 118, 196, 382 Maimonides, Moses, rabbi and physician, 209 Khutlukhatun, Armenian noblewoman, 91 Makaravank monastery, 59, 217, 300, 317 Kılıc Arslan, Seljuk sultan of Rum Malik Shah, Great Seljuk sultan of (1156–1192), 87, 128, 179, 287 (1073–1092), 329 Kipchaqs, 329 Malika ʿAdiliyya, Ayyubid wife of Seljuk Sultan , Armenian historian, 8, Kaykubad I, 174, 196, 197, 202, 283, 22, 35, 69, 82, 84, 106, 172, 204, 210, 293 217, 232, 324, 350, 353, 368, 373, 376, tomb, 202 378 Malika, wife of Muzaffar al-Din Ozbek¨ atabeg Kirants church, 38 of Azerbaijan, 108, 326 Kitbugha, Christian Mongol general, 374, 384, Mama Khatun, daughter of ʿIzz al-Din Saltuk 389 II, Emir of Erzurum, 290 Kiz castle Mamakhatun Vachutian, Mqargrdzeli vassal, inscription, 63 188, 317

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Mamkhatun, Armenian noblewoman, 142 symbolism, 89, 94 Manuel I Komnenos, Emperor of Byzantium wives, 109, 123, 172, 174 (1143–1180), 271 women and power, 92, 103, 104, 107, 109, Manuel I Megas Komnenos, Emperor of 111, 264, 381 Trebizond (1238–1263), 166 masons, movement of, 283, 285, 286, 290, 296 manuscripts al-Masʿud, Artuqid ruler of Amid (1222–31), astrological treatise, , National Center 273, 339 of Manuscripts A-65, 275, 303 mausolea. See tombs Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Mayyafariqin, 101, 135, 139, 210, 232, 233, Devices, Istanbul, Topkapı Sarayı Sultan 239, 286, 320, 373 Ahmet III MS 3472, 360 inscription, 100, 134, 146, 161 Daqa’iq al-Haqa’iq, , BNF Pers 174, 234 Merv, 330, 332 Epithalamion, Rome, Vatican Library Vat. gr. metalwork, 172, 221, 236, 254, 258, 266 1851, 96 basin of al-ʿAdil II, 1238–40 (Louvre, 5991), Gospel Lectionary, Rome, Vatican Syr. 559, 254 384 basin of Najm al-Din Ayyub, 1247–9 (Freer Gospels (‘Haghbat Gospels’), , Gallery of Art, F1955.10), 221 6288, 53, 266 dish of Badr al-Din Luʾluʾ, 1234–59 Gospels (‘Red Gospels of Gandzasar’), (Munich), 224 Chicago, Goodspeed MS 949, 38, 209 inlaid pen box of Majd al-Mulk al-Muzaffar, Gospels (‘Vani Gospels’), Tbilisi, National 1210–11 (Freer Gallery of Art), 331 Center of Manuscripts A-1335, 111 Seljuk bronze mirror, 272 Gospels, Athens, Gennadios Library MS Michael Glykas, Byzantine court poet, 271 Gr.1.5, 209 Michael Pachymeres, Byzantine chronicler, 362 Gospels, Nor Julfa Library MS 36/156, 371 Michael VIII Palaiologos, Emperor of Gospels, Rome, Vatican Library Vat. Syr. Byzantium (1259–1282), 85, 362 559, 234 mihrab, 208, 283, 311, 321, 337 Gospels, Yerevan, Matenadaran 197, 366 minarets, 101, 130, 134, 135, 136, 286, 321, 331 Gospels, Yerevan, Matenadaran MS 8321, , Armenian monk, jurist and 239 theologian, 23, 31, 59, 62, 126 Kitab al-Aghani,Cairo,EgyptianNational Mohi, battle (1241), 344, 357, 358, 362 Library Ms Farsi 579, 264 . See churches Kitab al-Diryaq, Paris, BNF arabe 2964, 277 Mongke¨ Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol Kitab al-Diryaq, , Nationalbibliothek Empire (1251–1259), 347, 363, 372, MS A.F. 10, 264 375, 379, 381 Maqamat of al-Hariri, Paris, BNF arabe Mongols, 236, 282, 330, 340, 343, 345, 349, 5847, 249 350, 362, 369, 372 Maqamat of al-Hariri, St Petersburg, monsters of the east (mythical), 260, 353 Russian Academy of Science S-23, 245 mosques al-Tabsira fi ’l-Hurub of Saladin, Oxford, Aleppo, Great Mosque, 134, 147 Bodleian Library MS Huntington 264, Amid, Great Mosque, 212 137 Ani, mosque of Abu Maʿmaran, 130, 153 al-Maqrizi, Egyptian scholar, 93 Ani, mosque of Minuchihr, 130, 301 Marco Polo, merchant traveller, 74, 372 Cairo, al-Nasir Muhammad mosque Maria Palaiologina, illegitimate daughter of complex, 269 Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Damascus, Great Mosque, 121 Palaiologos, 362 Divrigi,˘ mosque-hospital complex, 304, 311 Marmashen monastery, 50 Kayseri, Hajji Kılıc, 314 marriage, 84 Konya, Alaeddin Camii, 201, 207 ceremonies, 92 Mayyafariqin, 101, 135 control of land, 89 Nigde˘ mosque, 169 diplomatic, 85 Sivas, Ulu Camii, 136 rhetoric, 94 Uluborlu, Ulu Camii, 196

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Mosul, 224, 254, 266 Nasir al-Din Mahmud, Artuqid ruler of Amid Mount Sinai (1201–1222), 358 St Catherine’s monastery, 384 Nasir al-Din Sokmen¨ II, Sokmenid¨ Shah-i Mqargrdzeli, 3, 21, 26, 77, 82, 93, 128, 163, 168, Armen of Akhlat (1128–1185), 71, 77, 173, 186, 277, 294, 317, 376 83, 154, 287 Artashir, 253 al-Nasir Salah al-Din Yusuf. See Saladin, Avag, brother of Tamta (d.1250), 3, 9, 13, Ayyubid Sultan (1174–1193) 325, 342, 350, 369, 371, 378, 386 Nasr-e Khusraw, Persian writer and traveller, Ivane, father of Tamta (d.1227), 1, 2, 4, 9, 19, 74 21, 26, 27, 39, 46, 58, 62, 66, 73, 74, 76, Nikephoros Blemmydes, Byzantine monk, 105 79, 82, 91, 92, 133, 303, 322, 345, 368 Nikoloz Gulasberidze, Georgian catholicos, 61 Khoshak, daughter of Avag, 342, 378, 380 Nizam al-Mulk, Book of Government, 104, 189 Khoshak, mother of Tamta, 2, 324, 378, 386 Noravank monastery, 62, 380 Khuandza,greatnieceofTamta,163 Sargis, grandfather of Tamta (d.1187), 26 Odzun church, 30 Shahanshah, son of Zakare (d.12??), 377, Og¨ odei¨ Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol 386 Empire (1219–1241), 12, 342, 343, 347, Shahanshah, son of Zakare (d.1261), 371 352 Zakare, uncle of Tamta (d.1210), 21, 26, 47, Orbelian family, 370, 379, 380 54, 57, 67, 73, 76, 82, 133 al-Muʿazzam, Ayyubid Sultan of Syria , 242, 249 (1218–1229), 9, 13, 103, 213, 214, 215, Akhlat palace, 245 219, 258 Aleppo palace, 248 Muhammad bin Khawlan al-Dimashqi, Aleppo, Palace of Glory, 253 Ayyubid architect, 283, 286 Aleppo, Palace of Pictures, 253 Muhammad Khwarazmshah (1200–20), 329, Amid, Artuqid palace, 258, 261 344–5 Ani, palace of the baron, 252 Muin al-Din Sulayman, Seljuk pervane Beys¸ehir, Seljuk palace, 260 (d.1277), 192 Geguti palace, 251 muqarnas, 167, 181, 190, 248, 288, 297, 308 Konya, 207 music, 172, 176, 211, 242, 255, 264 Kubadabad, Seljuk palace, 157, 255, 266, al-Mustaʿsim, Abbasid caliph of Bagdad 365 (1242–1258), 117, 372 Palermo, Palace of Roger II, 256 Muzaffar al-Din Ozbek,¨ atabeg of Azerbaijan Raqqa, 245, 247 (1210–1225), 87, 108 Roda Island palace, 245 al-Muzaffar Ghazi, Ayyubid Sultan of Akhlat Sinjar, Gu’Kummet, 250 and Mayyafariqin (1220–1247), 9 Takht-i Sulayman, Ilkhanid palace, 365 al-Muzaffar Mahmud, Ayyubid ruler of patronage, 189, 193, 195, 205 (d.1244), 221 physicians, 209–210 pilgrimage, 213, 216, 228, 232 Nagorno-Karabagh. See Artsakh Pitareti monastery, 303 Najm al-Din Alpi, Artuqid ruler of Mardin (1152–1176), 149 qadi of Ani, 62, 126, 210 Nakhchivan, 351 Qintsvisi monastery, 42 Mumine Khatun tomb, 288 Qotai Khatun, Mongol queen, 355, 359 Nasir al-Din al-T. usi, Iranian astronomer and Qutb al-Din Ghazi II, Artuqid ruler philosopher, 340, 359 (1176–1184), 149 Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan, Artuqid ruler of Mardin (1184–1200), 277 Rabiʿa Khatun, sister of Saladin, 184 Nasir al-Din Bahramshah, Mengujekid emir of Rafiqa, 255 Erzincan (1165–1225), 85 rain stones, 337, 338 al-Nasir Dawud, son of al-Muʿazzam and ruler Resafa hoard, 241 of Kerak, 87–8, 268, 326 rhubarb, 352

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ribats, 189 Sinop, 287 Damascus, Terkan Khatun ribat, 181 inscription, 144 Rukn al-Din Suleymanshah II, Seljuk Sultan of Siraj al-Din Abu Yusuf Yaʿqub al-Sakaki, Rum (1197–1204), 77, 90 Khwarazmian astrologer, 336 Rustavi, 262 Sitt al-Sham, sister of Saladin, 178 Rusudan, Queen of Georgia (1223–1245), 9, Sivas, 201, 258 14, 26, 86, 90, 99, 101, 111, 116, 174, Smbat II, King of Ani (977–989), 51 225, 324, 333, 346, 368, 376 Smbat Orbelian, 379 Smbat the Constable, 346, 348 Saghmosavank monastery, 316, 317 spolia, 147, 149, 266 Saidnaya monastery, 228, 233 Ankara, 148, 149 Saints Konya, 148, 149 Ekvtime Mtatsmindeli, 43 Stefan III Milutin, King of Serbia (1282–1321), Evagre, 43 89, 99 Giorgi Mtatsmindeli, 43 Stepanos Orbelian, Armenian historian, 36, 67, Gregory the Illuminator, 45, 61 384 Hilarion Kartveli, 43 stucco, 254, 260, 262, 297 Ioane Shuvamdinareli, 43 Jacob of Nisibis, 45 Tabriz, 9, 10, 76, 108, 109, 166, 168, 327, 329 Nino, 43, 61, 114 Talin, 169 Shio Mghvimeli, 43 Tamar. See Gurji Khatun Stephen the Younger, 44 Tamar, Queen of Georgia (1184–1210), 3, 14, Saladin, Ayyubid Sultan (1174–1193), 1, 5, 22, 24, 26, 44, 55, 66, 73, 77, 85, 86, 90, 92, 67, 75, 76, 77, 79, 110, 213 111, 214, 252, 323 Saljukshah, sister of Seljuk Sultan Kılıc Arslan, , 8 154, 179, 213 Tatev monastery, 384 Samtavisi church, 34 taxation, 161, 211, 212, 370, 374 Samtskhe, 370, 389 inscription, 161, 163, 165, 212, 379 Sanahin monastery, 30, 51, 386 Tbilisi, 34, 45, 160, 189, 262, 317, 325, 333 inscription, 195 Tegher Sayf al-Din Begtimur, Sokmenid¨ ruler of Church of Mamakhatun Vachutian, Akhlat (1183–1193), 212 Mqargrdzeli vassal, 188 Sergius, Armenian ‘monk’ at Karakorum, tents, 56, 93, 245, 357, 360, 362, 363, 388 354 Tercan Shahanshah, Mengujekid ruler of Divrigi˘ Mama Khatun complex, 290, 293 (1175–1197), 288, 305 Terkan Khatun, grandmother of Jalal al-Din Shahbanu, wife of Shah i-Armen Nasir al-Din Khwarazmshah, 328, 344 Sokmen¨ II, 77, 188, 287 Terkan Khatun, ruler in Kerman, 382 Shahname of Firdowsi, 257, 259, 328 Terkan Khatun, Zangid wife of Ayyubid Sultan Shajar al-Durr, Ayyubid wife of Ayyubid Sultan al-Ashraf, 7, 173, 181, 185, 193, 254 al-Salih Ayyub, 117, 194, 221, 270, 384 Theognostes, 105 mausoleum, 119 Thietmar, German pilgrim, 214, 229, 245 inscription, 120 Tigran Honents, Armenian merchant, 38, 60, Shamkhori, battle (1195), 73, 77 133, 143, 154, 156, 166, 295 Shams al-Din, brother of Juvayni, 253, 380 tiles, 157, 172, 255, 257, 261, 266, 331 Shams al-Din Ildeguz, atabeg of Azerbaijan Timotesubani monastery, 42 (1136–1175), 86 Church of St George, 42 Shams al-Din Yusuf, astrologer, 273 Toghril Shah III, Seljuk sultan of Iran Sheikh of Surmari, 62 (1177–1194), 108, 175, 326 Silvan. See Mayyafariqin Tokat, 190 Sinjar, Gu’Kummet, 250 tombs, 286, 293 Simonis, Byzantine wife of Serbian king Stefan Akhlat, Usta Sakirt, 386 III Milutin, 89 Akhtala church, 28, 29, 379

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434 Index

tombs (cont.) Vache Vachutian, Mqargrdzeli vassal Cairo, mausoleum of Shajar al-Durr, 119, (1213–1232), 188, 316 120 Vaneni, Armenian princess, 106 Damascus, Atabakiyya madrasa, 181 Vardan Areweltsi, Armenian chronicler, 69, 76, Divrigi,˘ Sitte Melik, 288, 293 132, 324 Gelati monastery, 351 Vardzia monastery, 41, 62 Harichavank monastery, 195 donor portrait of queen Tamar, 115 Horomos monastery, 91 Venice Kayseri, Kos¨¸k Medrese, 291 San Marco, 267 Kayseri, Mahperi Huand Hatun complex, 198 wall paintings, 35, 37, 54, 60, 69, 116, 260, 333, Kobayr, 378 335 Konya, 186 waqf, 160, 167, 190, 193, 195 Konya, Alaeddin Camii, 283 war, 66, 370, 372 Nakhchivan, Mumine Khatun, 288 aims and functions, 67, 71 Noravank monastery, 380 economics, 71, 72 Sivas, S¸ifaiye Medrese, 201 taxation, 376 Tercan, Mama Khatun complex, 290 Wilbrand of Oldenburg, Latin pilgrim, 214 tomb of Malika ʿAdiliyya, Ayyubid wife of William of Rubruck, Franciscan friar, 66, 213, Seljuk Sultan Kaykubad I, 202 244, 344, 346, 347, 350, 353, 360, 363, Toregene¨ Khatun, wife of Og¨ odei¨ Khan, 381 377, 383 trade routes, 76, 77, 165, 168, 170, 213, 288, wives. See marriage 388 women and power. See marriage Trebizond, 133 Shrine of St Athanasios, 231 Yagibasan,˘ Danishmendid ruler of Malatya Tughrilshah, Emir of Erzurum (d.1225), 3, 6, (1142–1164), 87 82, 91, 140, 198 Yassıc¸emen, battle (1230), 12, 220, 328–9, TuranMalik,cousinofAhmadshahofDivrigi,˘ 338–9, 340 186, 305 Yeh-lu¨ Ch’u-ts’ai, Mongol governor, 279, 352, Turanshah, son of Shajar al-Durr, 118 355, 381 Tutbeg bin Bahram al-Khilati, architect, 287 Zahida Khatun, wife of Jahan Pahlavan, atabeg of Azerbaijan, 108, 175 Udabno monastery, 69 al-Zahir Ghazi, ruler of Aleppo (1186–1216), Uluborlu 93, 110, 185, 248, 253 Ulu Camii Zahra Khatun, sister of Ayyubid Sultan inscription, 196 al-Ashraf, 194 Urgench, 330–1 Zor caravanserai, 169

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