Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61806-6 — Tamta's World Antony Eastmond Index More Information Index ʿAbd al-Rahim al-Jawbari, author, 340 Aminal-DawlaAbual-KarimSaʿid, Syriac ʿAbd al-Rahman, Mongol administrator, 356, physician, 209 381 Amiran-Darejaniani, 259 Abelia church, 92 Anatolia, 148, 185 ablaq, 300 Andronikos I Komnenos, Emperor of Abu Ali al-Halabi bin al-Kattani, architect, 286 Byzantium (1183–1185), 340 Abu Bakr, atabeg of Azerbaijan (1186–1210), Andronikos II Palaiologos, Emperor of 86, 89, 92, 108, 175, 213 Byzantium (1282–1328), 89, 209 Abu Salim bin Abil-Hasan al-Samman, Ani, 50, 76, 126, 127, 153, 156, 260, 357, 371, Armenian-Syriac physician, 210 376 Acre, 269 bathhouses, 189 ʿAdhara Khatun, sister of Saladin, 189 Church of St Gregory the Illuminator of al-ʿAdil, Ayyubid Sultan in Egypt and Syria Abughamrents, 294 (1193–1218), 5, 7, 80, 81, 100, 173 inscription, 64 Aghtamar, Church of the Holy Cross, 75, 374 Church of St Gregory the Illuminator of Ahmad ibn ʿUmar al-Dhaki, metalworker, Tigran Honents, 38, 133, 169 255 inscription, 60 Ahmadshah, Mengujekid emir of Divrigi˘ miracles of St Nino, 61, 114 (1229–1242), 305 Church of the Holy Apostles, 163, 169, 293, Akhlat, 1, 9, 14, 18, 27, 64, 66, 73, 81, 124, 186, 300, 377 282, 312, 369 inscription, 164 cemeteries, 158 citadel, 130 citadel, 150 inscription, 26 economy, 159 city walls and towers taxation, 161 inscriptions, 142 Usta Sakirt tomb, 386 Lion Gate, 130: inscription, 161 Akhtala church, 28, 29, 45, 59, 379 Mamkhatun’s tower, 142, 144, 233 inscription, 37, 43 convent of the Virgin, 295 St Nino, 114 massacre of Easter Sunday (1210), 67 Alanya, 136, 142, 166, 196, 207, 286, 333 mosque of Abu Maʿmaran, 130, 153, 161 Aleppo, 133, 248, 252, 286 mosque of Minuchihr, 130, 152, 153, 301 citadel, 152 Anna Komnena, Byzantine princess and Firdaws madrasa, 111, 121, 185, 186, 284 historian (d.1153), 106 Great Mosque, 134, 147 Antalya 140, 146 Alfonso X, King of Castile (1252–1284), Kirkgoz¨ Han, 152, 191 277 Antiochos VIII, Seleukid king (121–96 BC), ʿAliabad castle, 9, 103 149 Amberd Anton Glonistavisdze, Georgian archbishop of castle Chqondidi (d.1202), 55, 73 inscription, 27 apotropaic images and objects, 150, 152, church, 50 232 Amid, 133, 136, 140, 154, 273, 300 Arjish, 76 Great Mosque, 212 Arpay Khatun, Mongol princess, 349 425 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61806-6 — Tamta's World Antony Eastmond Index More Information 426 Index Arslan Shah I, Zangid ruler of Mosul Batu Khan, Mongol ruler (d.1255), 350, 352, (1193–1211), 7 363, 382 Artsakh, 186 Baybars, Mamluk Sultan (1260–77), 160, 167, Artsruni dynasty, 27 389 Aruch caravanserai, 169 Bayburt, 140, 142, 146 Arzu Khatun, Mqargrdzeli vassal, 186, 217 Beg-Temur,¨ Emir of Akhlat (d.1207), 5, al-Ashraf Musa, second husband of Tamta, and 103 Ayyubid Sultan in Harran, Akhlat and Benedict the Pole, Franciscan missionary, 351, Damascus (1207–37), 6, 8, 12, 76, 79, 372 81, 101, 104, 110, 134, 173, 175, 184, BenjaminofTudela,Jewishtraveller,279 194, 233, 243, 250, 273, 321, 326, 340 Bertubani monastery, 42 ʿAshura Khatun, Ayyubid wife of al-Nasir donor portrait of queen Tamar, 116 Dawud, 87 Betania monastery, 42 Assassins [Ismaʿili sect], 335, 372 Bethlehem astrolabes, 273, 277, 279, 339 Church of the Nativity, 218 al-Ashraf (Oxford Museum for the History inscription, 219 of Science), 273 bridges, 188, 271 astrology, 270, 275, 279, 340, 356 Cizre, 239 atabeg, 26, 108, 140, 173, 181, 323 Malabadi, 239 automata, 358, 360 Sanahin, 191 al-Awhad, first husband of Tamta, and Tokat, 192 Ayyubid ruler of Akhlat (d.1210), 1, 5, Yes¸ilırmak, 191 75, 78, 79, 81, 88, 100, 133, 146, 239 Aybak, Mamluk Sultan (1250–57), 119 Cairo, 220, 351 ʿAyn Jalut, battle (1260), 384, 389 al-Nasir Muhammad mosque complex, 269 bacini, 146 al-Salih Ayyub madrasa, 147 Badiʿal-Zaman ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari, 358, Haret al Rum, Church of the Virgin, 360 133 Badr al-Din Aqsunqur, Sokmenid¨ ruler of Imam al-Shafiʿi mausoleum, 186, 234 Akhlat (1193–1197), 212 Roda Island palace, 245 Badr al-Din Luʾluʾ, atabeg of Mosul Shajar al-Durr mausoleum, 119 (1234–1259), 88, 119, 170, 194, 224, Camii. See mosques 233, 258, 344 caravanserais, 166, 188, 191, 210, 233, 285, 290, Baghdad 301, 349 buried timthal in, 336 Alay Han, 287 siege of 1258, 70, 372, 383, 384 al-Han, 170 Talisman Gate, 232 Aruch caravanserai, 169 Bagratuni dynasty, 27, 50, 134 Chrplu caravanserai, 169 Baiju, Mongol general, 202, 384 Hatun Han Baldwin II, Latin Emperor of Constantinople inscriptions, 191 (1228–1273), 206 Karatay Han, 167 Bamiyan Buddhas, 353 Kirkgoz¨ Han, 150, 191, 197 Bar Hebraeus, Syriac chronicler, 20, 202, 243, Kotrets caravanserai, 170 271, 372 Selim Han, 169 Basiani, battle (1202), 73, 77, 85, 91, 213 Sultan Han, 167, 283, 317 Basil Giagoupes, Christian emir of the Seljuks, Talin caravanserai, 169 209, 341 Zor caravanserai, 169, 297 Basil of Malatya, Christian notary of the castles Seljuks, 209 ʿAliabad castle, 9, 103 bathhouses, 189 Amberd, 27 Ani, 189 Kayean castle, 13, 342, 371 Damascus, Sitti ʿAdhra baths, 189 Kiz castle, 63 Dvin, 189 celestial globe, 279 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61806-6 — Tamta's World Antony Eastmond Index More Information Index 427 ceramics, 146, 160, 229, 266 Marmashen monastery, 50 lustreware dish, Metropolitan Museum of Mount Sinai, St Catherine’s monastery, 384 Art, New York, 94 Noravank monastery, 62, 380 minai plate, Freer Gallery of Art, Odzun church, 30 Washington, 333 Pitareti monastery, 303 Chormaqan, Mongol general (d.1241), 12, 13, Qintsvisi monastery, 42 342, 357, 370, 371 Saghmosavank monastery, 188 Christian confessions, 4, 54, 130, 185, 209, 355, Samtavisi church, 34 360, 383, 386 Sanahin monastery, 30, 51 Chrplu caravanserai, 169 Tatev monastery, 384 Church Council of Chalcedon (451), 25, 60 Tegher, church of Mamakhatun Vachutian, Church Council of Lore (1205), 57 188 Church Council of Nicaea (325), 48 Timotesubani monastery, 42 churches Church of St George, 42 Abelia church, 92 Udabno monastery, 69 Aghtamar, Church of the Holy Cross, 374 Vardzia monastery, 41, 62, 115 Akhtala church, 29, 37, 43, 45, 59, 114, Venice, San Marco, 267 379 Cilicia, 23, 24, 57, 202, 365, 377 Amberd church, 50 citadels, 208 Ani, Church of the Holy Apostles, 163, Akhlat, 150 293 Aleppo, 152 Ani, convent of the Virgin, 295 Amid, 152 Ani, Holy Apostles, 300 Ani, 26, 130 Ani, St Gregory the Illuminator of cities, 73, 124, 127 Abughamrents, 294 design, 127 Ani, St Gregory the Illuminator of Tigran layout, 124, 127, 153 Honents, 38, 60, 114 city, 54 Bertubani monastery, 42, 115 city gates Betania monastery, 42 Amid, 213 Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, 218 Ani, Kars gate, 136 Constantinople, Chora monastery, 268 Ani, Lion Gate, 130, 139, 161 Dadivank monastery, 186, 195 Baghdad, Talisman Gate, 232 Deir Mar Benham monastery, 207 Constantinople, Golden Gate, 149 Gandzasar monastery, 51 Kayseri, Yeni Kapı, 198 Garni, 322 Konya, 148 Goshavank (Nor Getik) monastery, 31, 59, Mayyafariqin, Gate of Deliverance, 161 126 city walls and towers, 136, 144, 233 chapel of St Gregory the Illuminator, Alanya, Red Tower, 136 299 Amid, 141 Gtchavank monastery, 51 Ulu Baden, 136 Haghartsin monastery, 4, 27, 47, 51, 55 Ani, 136 Haghbat monastery, 30, 31, 43, 51, 59, 62 inscriptions, 139 Haret al Rum, Church of the Virgin, 133 Mamkhatun’s tower, 142, 144 Harichavank monastery, 35, 47, 51, 58, Ankara, 148 297 Antalya, 140 Horomos monastery, 91, 153 Bayburt, 142 Hovhannavank monastery, 51, 188 Damascus, 136 Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre, 140, 214, 217 Kars, 140 Jerusalem, Monastery of the Holy Cross, inscription, 143 214 Konya, 148 Khtskonk monastery, 50, 371 Mayyafariqin, 146 Kirants church, 38 Sinop, 141 Kobayr monastery, 38 coinage, 165, 212, 239, 271, 333, 375 Makaravank monastery, 59, 317 coins. See coinage © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61806-6 — Tamta's World Antony Eastmond Index More Information 428 Index Constantine IX Monomachos, Emperor of Eudokia Palaiologina, the Byzantine wife of Byzantium (1042–1055), 50 John II Grand Komnenos, Emperor of Constantine the Great, Emperor (303–337), Trebizond, 99 149 ʿEyn al-Dowla, artist, 226 Constantinople, 149, 266 Blachernae monastery, 225 Farrukhshah, cousin of al-Ashraf Musa, 185 Chora monastery, 268 Fatima, influential Mongol slave, 381, 382 Golden Gate, 149 female virtue, 178 spolia, 266 modesty, 178 conversion, 4, 7, 22, 27, 28, 45, 46, 47, 55, 60, patronage, 189, 195 133, 206, 209, 225, 383, 386 piety, 180, 194 cosmic iconography, 271, 277 foundation texts, 195 court culture, 172, 242, 256, 266, 352 fountains, 189 cultural contact, 225, 227, 230, 233 Francesco Pegolotti, Florentine merchant, 166 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor Daba monastery, 303 (1220–1250), 215, 277, 329 Dadivank monastery, 186, 195, 217 futuwwa,88 al-Dahabi, Arabic chronicler, 6, 193 Damascus, 193, 229, 233, 268, 297 Gandza, 71 ʿAdiliyya Sughra madrasa, 194 Gandzasar monastery, 51 al-Salihiyya district, 181, 184 inscription, 216 Atabakiyya madrasa, 181, 195 gardens, 245, 247, 253 Dar al-Hadith of al-Ashraf Musa, 181, 184, Garni 326 Battle (1225), 9, 322, 326 Khadija Khatun madrasa, 184 Roman temple and monastery, 322 Sitti ʿAdhra baths, 189 Gelati monastery, 352 Terkan Khatun ribat, 181 Genghis Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol Davit IV the Builder, King of Georgia Empire (1206–1227), 330, 344, 350, (1089–1125), 329, 351 352 Davit
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