G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, . Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

1 3 Haji Shobat Khan Khosa Industrial area Dera Murad De ra Mu ra d Ja ma li 0345-8865594 Rice Mill Haji Qarar Ahmed Khosa 0333-5549900 Working

2 4 Ha bibUlla h Rice Mill Phatak Road De ra Mu ra d Ja ma li 0838-711443 Rice Mill Napraj Dass 0300-3404936 Working

3 5 Al-Qa d e e r Rice Mill Quetta Road near tool plaza Dera Mur De ra Mu ra d Ja ma li - Rice Mill Israr Ahme d 0300-3174510 Working

4 6 Umrani Rice Mill Sikandar Abad Umrani Road D.M Jamal D.M Ja ma li 0838-711280 Rice Mill Mir Sikandar Khan Umran 0333-7382627 Working

5 7 Sohbat Khan Khosa Rice Mill Dera Murad Jamali Industrial Zone De ra Mu ra d Ja ma li 0345-8865594 Rice Mill Ha ji Kara r Ahme d 0345-8865594 Working

6 8 Al-Sh o a ib Rice Mill Quetta Road D.M Jamali De ra Mu ra d Ja ma li 0300-3170506 Rice Mill Mukhi Manik Lal 03003170506 Working

7 9 Ha bibUlla h Rice Mill Qeutta Road D.M Jamali De ra Mu ra d Ja ma li - Rice Mill Vikr a m 0333-3174573 Working

8 10 Mahshallah Ice Factory Qutta Road D.M Jamali De ra Mu ra d Ja ma li - Ice Fact ory Muhammad Malook 0311-2173830 Working

9 11 Ba lo ch Rice Mill Sohbat Pur Road Sohba t Pur 0838-510859 Rice Mill Ha rpa l Da s 0300-3179304 Working

10 12 Al-Fa r o o q Rice Mill Main Road Shobat Pur Shobat Pur 0333-7380635 Rice Mill Muhammad Saddiq 0333-8277555 Working

11 13 Sardar Raza Rice Mill Main Road Sohbat pur Sohba t pur 0336-3642044 Rice Mill Sa rda r Kha n Khosa 0346-3371561 Working

12 14 Aza n Kh a n Rice Mill Main Road Sohbat Pur V.C Dirghi Sohba t Pur 0346-3085261 Rice Mill Mohan Lal 0346-3085261 Working

13 15 Al-Sa d iq Rice Mill Sohba t Pur Roa d Bha nd Sha rif Sohba t Pur 0346-3085261 Rice Mill Fa rooq Ahme d Khosa 0345-3960256 Working

14 16 Al-Kh a ir Rice Mill Main Road, Sohbatpur Village Mir Imt Sohba t pur 0300-3889611 Rice Mill Mir Imtiaz Khan 0300-3889611 Working

15 17 Ra sko Rice Mill Sohbatpur Road Dera Allah Yar De ra Alla h Yar 0838-510439 Rice Mill Ha ji Moha mma d Din 0300-3171986 Working

16 18 Paras Rice Mill Sohbat pur road Dera Allah Yar De ra Alla h Yar 0838-510162 Rice Mill Am m a r La l 0345-3676616 Working

17 19 Bism illa h Rice Mill Sohbat Pur Road Dera Allah Yar De ra Alla h Yar 0333-7321288 Rice Mill Ah m e d Ali Ab r o 0345-7187977 Working

18 20 Bu gt i Rice Mill Sohbat Pur Road Dera Allah Yar De ra Alla h Yar 0344-3802386 Rice Mill Jaipal Das 03342435422 Working

19 21 Alt a f Da a l Fa ct o r y Ca n t t a r e a Sib i Sibi - Ba isa n Da a l Muhammad Ali Khan 0334-2441953 Sick/ Close d Unit

20 22 Alt a f Da a l Fa ct o r y Ca n t t a r e a Sib i Sibi - Ba isa n Da a l Muhammad Ali Khan 0334-2441953 Sick/ Close d Unit

21 23 H.M Farooq & Brothers Jacobabad road Sibi Sibi - PCC Polls Ab d u l Ha ke e m 0300-3837050 Sick/ Close d Unit

22 24 Rin d Ice Fa ct o r y Rin d Ali Da d a r Da d a r - Ice Fact ory Ra m za n Rin d - Sick/ Close d Unit

23 25 Hafiz Muhammad Khalid & Brother Ha me e d colony Nushki Nushki - R.C Pip e s & Blo cks Muhammad Ismail 0344-8021044 Working

24 26 Al-Ha ya t Ice Fa ct o r y killi Aisiban Nushki Nushki - Ice Fact ory Ya s i r H a y a t 0333-3206106 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

25 27 Chagai Roller Flour Mill Main road Nushki Nushki 0825-873039 Flour Mill Meer Maqbool Ahmed 0346-8371447 Sick/ Close d Unit

26 28 Ha ya t Ice Fa ct ory Ain-ud-din Road Nushki Nushki - Ice Fact ory Muhammad Hayat Khan 0 Sick/ Close d Unit

27 29 Nushki Rollar Flour Mill Main road near S.S.G.C Nushki Nushki 0825-873827 Flour Mill Ha ji Abdulla h Ja n - Working

28 30 Nushki Ice Fact ory Killi road Nushki Nushki 0347-9204752 Ice Fact ory Eja z Ah m e d 0333-3376071 Working

29 31 Zahid khan SomalaniMarbal Factro Main R-E-D Road Zero Point khuzdar 03343708344 Marbal Factroy Ab d u l Ma lik 0334-3708344 Working

30 32 Sa he e n rolle r Flour Mill Ra b ia Ku zd a r i Ro a d Kh u zd a r khuzdar 0848-413556 Flour Mill hajiu Abdul Hakim 0333-7980996 Working

31 33 Agh a Flo u r Mill Mal road Kuzdar Ku z d a r - Flour Mill Agh a Me h r a b - Sick/ Close d Unit

32 34 khuzdsar Cotton Ginning Factroy cantt Road Kuzdar Kh u z d a r 0848-412424 Co t t o n Fa ct r o y Mustafa Sahab 0848-412425 Working

33 35 Jannat Marbal factroy R-C-D Ro a d Ze r o p o in t Kh u zd a r Kh u z d a r - Marbal Factroy As a d Ulla h 0333-7984239 Working

34 36 Bila l Ma r b a l Fa ct r o y Shahdat coat Road Khuzdar Kh u z d a r 0333-7985624 Marbal Factroy Ba sh ir Ah m e d 0333-7985624 Working

35 37 Madina Marble factrot Main R.C.D Road Zero Point Khuzdar Kh u z d a r - Marble Facrtoy Assadullah Saleh Mohamme 0333-7984239 Working

36 38 Al Badar Marble factroy R.C.D Ro a d Ze r o Po in t Kh u zd a r Kh u z d a r 0333-2457653 Marbale Factroy Waseem Wahab Zehri 0333-7974777 Working

37 39 Makkah Marble Factroy Main R.C.D Road Kuzdar Kh u z d a r 03337985624 Marble factroy Ha jji Ba shir Ahme d 03337985624 Working

38 40 Bizinjo Marble Factroy R.C.D Ro a d Ze r o Po in t Ku zd a r Kh u z a r - Marble Factroy Ab d u l Sa m a d 03458215945 Working

39 41 Makran Flour Mill Pasni Road Tu r b a t 0852-411996 Flour Mill At t a Mu h a m m a d 0321-8091107 Working

40 42 J.M Food Noor medical gali, near peter sham ga Tu r b a t 0852-414457 Shoko Sha cks Compa ny Javed Miandad 0322-2010497 Working

41 43 Dilpasand Achar Turbat Ze n a t Co lo n y Tu r b a t Tu r b a t 0852-413802 Ach a r Fa ct o r y Muhammad Yahaya 0321-2088262 Working

42 44 Dashti Food Private Limited Sha ka ni ba za r Turba t Tu r b a t - Sna cks Compa ny Muhammad Aslam 0321-3795043 Working

43 45 Makran Gas & Oil Company (PVT) L Pasni road Turbat Tu r b a t 0852-413264 Oil & Gas Company At t a Mu h a m m a d 0321-8091107 Working

44 46 Ke c h Fl o u r M i l l Near Kech kore pull main Karachi road T Tu r b a t 0852-206909 Flour Mill Za fa r u lla h Aya z Ba lo ch 0321-8060787 Sick/ Close d Unit

45 47 Makran Ice & Cold Store Sha hsa r Turba t Tu r b a t 0852-412170 Ice Fact ory Nase e r Ahme d 0324-2531868 Working

46 48 Al-Bila l R. C Pip e s Airport link road Turbat Tu r b a t 0852-411533 R.C Pip e s Ab d u l Ha m id 0323-7676777 Working

47 49 Aab-E-Jabal Mineral Water Shahsar road, near Agha khan laborat Tu r b a t -- Mineral Water Huda Sa la ma n 0321-8096663 Working

48 50 Islam Ice Fact ory Malikabad road Turbat Tu r b a t - Ice Fact ory Muhammad Aslam 0321-8090470 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

49 51 Shuja Ice Fa ct ory Airport link road Turbat Tu r b a t - Ice Fact ory Shuja-Ul-Mulk Ghichki 0322-2410032 Working

50 52 Mir Sea Food To o b a gh wa r d Ga wa d a r GAWADAR 0804-210208 Sa e Food Mir Farooq Ahmed 0333-7575567 Working

51 53 Ke c h Ic e Fa c t o r y Port road Gawadar Gawadar - Ice Fact ory Ha ji Abdul Ra sool 0321-8617611 Working

52 54 Gwadar Sea Food Corporation Ka l g a r i r o a d Ga w a d a r Gawadar - Se a Food Ra ja Ma so o d Pe r va iz 021-36881913 Working

53 55 Musa Sea Food Surbandar Road Gawadar Gawadar - Se a Food Mohammad Musa 03233121973 Working

54 56 Ka r i m i m p e x 5-B Pak Chambers west wharf Road Ka Gwadar 03231432219 Se a Food Ab d u l Re h m a n Re io m o o 03002712505 Working

55 57 Son of t he Se a Fish harbour Road Gawadar Gawadar - Se a Food Fe roz Ali 03459200815 Working

56 58 Co s t a l Ice Fa ct r y Main Fish Horbour road Gawadar Gawade r -- Ice Fact roy Naguman 03332028121 Working

57 59 A.I.M , Sony Sea Food Fish Horbour road Gawadar Gawadar - Se a food Mohammad Iqbal 03332302337 Working

58 60 Al No o r Ice Fa ct r o y Surbandar,purana road Gawadar Gawadsar - Ice Fact roy Ab d u l Ra s o o l 03233150307 Working

59 61 Makran Ice Factry Fish Harbour road Gawadar Gawadar - Ice Fact roy Mohammad Tariq 03343296671 Working

60 62 Viking Drinking water Shadoband ward Gawadar Gawadar - Minral water Du r Mo h a mma d 0333396209 Working

61 63 Ke c h i c e f a c t r o y Surbandar , Purana road Gawadar Gawadar - Ice fact roy Ha le e m-Ud-din 0323224406 Working

62 64 Al-Ah m e d Rice Mill Mehrab pur Road Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 03023700069 Rice Mill Ba sh ir Ah m e d 03353704422 Working

63 65 Dilje e t Rice Mill Hijwani by ps Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 0838612012 Rice Mill Mukesh kumar 03353406622 Working

64 66 Sha hze b Rice MIll Hijwani bypas Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 03338980666 Rice Mill Jan Mohammad 03333702786 Working

65 67 As if Rice Mill Hijwani bypas Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 03353706662 Rice Mill Mohammad Asif 03363406622 Working

66 68 Ta ya h b a Rice Mill Bypass road Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 03313900214 Rice Mill Qurban Somoro 03013704676 Working

67 69 Soomro Rice Mill Mehrab pur road Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 0838612934 Rice Mill Haji Mohammad Ali Soomr 03483700101 Working

68 70 La l Bu x Ri c e M i l l Bypass road Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 0838612767 Rice Mill Imdad Hussan 03003709230 Working

69 71 Ha bib Rice Mill Westren bypass Ustta Mohammad Ust t a Mohammad 0838-613120 Rice Mill Am a n u lla h 03008176315 Working

70 72 Al-Ha m d Rice Mill Hijwani bypass road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0333-2513501 Rice Mill Sunil Kuma r 0333-2513501 Working

71 73 Sha ma s Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0828-612230 Rice Mill Sha msulla h 0333-3706683 Working

72 74 Va s h Ric e Mill Hijwani bypass road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838-613994 Rice Mill Dilva sh Kha n Rin d 03332488047 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 3 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

73 75 Atta Muhammad Rice Mill Hijwani bypass Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613059 Rice Mill As if Kh a n Hijw a n i 03363179812 Working

74 76 Wadhwani Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838612011 Rice Mill Mukesh Kumar 03003406622 Working

75 77 Shah Latif Trading Company Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613993 Rice a n d Wh e a t Mill Ra ja sh Ku m a r 03363403755 Working

76 78 Meer Hussan Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03003832677 Rice Mill Meer Hussan Jamali 03333832677 Working

77 79 Al-Hussani R.C.C Pipe Factory Jatpat road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03063706029 Pipes and Blocks Imran Khan Palal 03063706029 Working

78 80 Billal Jamali Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613919 Rice Mill Ab id Hu s s a n 03453859458 Working

79 81 Aq ib Rice Mill Mirwah road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03133440094 Rice Mill Haji Safaruddin Soomro 03003709448 Working

80 82 As ia Rice Mill Alia b a d r o a d v Ust a Muhammad 0838613405 Rice Mill Dilva sh Kha n Rin d 03332488047 Working

81 83 Subhan Allah Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838612191 Rice Mill Sha h Ba ig 03003908283 Working

82 84 Obaidullah Hijwani Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613189 Rice Mill Ghulam Ali Jat t ak 03022043026 Working

83 85 Al No o r P. VC Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03451345472 P.V.C Pipe Pervaiz Akhter Khawaja 03451345472 Working

84 86 Meer Essa Jan Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03003706138 Rice Mill Li a q u a t Al i Ja m a l i 03003701757 Working

85 87 Jan Jamali Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838612392 Rice Mill Sha nnoh Ma l 0838613392 Working

86 88 Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 08386121925 Rice Mill Ab d u l Re h im Ja m a li 03003846364 Working

87 89 Bism illa h Rice Mill Ust a Muhammad cit y Ust a Muhammad 0838612604 Rice Mill Ha ji Asla m 03003709834 Working

88 90 Sunny Rice Mill Ust a Muhammad cit y Ust a Muhammad 03313838781 Rice Mill Haji Abdul Fatah Soomro 03332762481 Working

89 91 Masha Allah Rice Mill Mir wah Road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613888 Rice MIll Aza m Pa n d r a n i 03003709455 Working

90 92 Al Ha fe e z Rice Mill Bypas road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad Rice Mill Haji Mohammad Rafique 03003709673 Working

91 93 Al Fa s a l Rice Mill Bypas road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad Rice a n d Wh e a t faisal Soomro 03003709665 Working

92 94 Al Na s ir Rice Mill Dera Allahyar road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03453840282 Rice Mill Ab id Ali So o m r o 03337167804 Working

93 95 S.K Rice Mill Arre Lahra Jhatpat near Rahan CNG Us Ust a Muhammad 03013299107 Rice Mill Gull MOhammad 03320808193 Working

94 96 Sa rfra z Rice Mill MOjh wah jhatpat road Usta Muhamma Ust a Muhammad 03347318139 Rice Mill Gulam Ali Jamali 03023170426 Working

95 97 B.G.D Rice MIll Dera Allah yar road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838752011 Rice MIll Gurdas Lal 03003708833 Working

96 98 Tu n ia Rice MIll Dera Allahyar road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03003705794 Rice Mill Nisar Ahme d 03312040786 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 4 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

97 99 Wahid Rice Mill Dera Allahyar road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03003709850 Rice MIll Ab d u l Wa h id 03003709850 Working

98 100 Noor Rice Mill Ghari Jhairo road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03338888252 Rice Mill Gunsham 03338888252 Working

99 101 Se hza d Rice Mill Khan pur road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03453855304 Rice m ill Irshad Ahme d Jamali 03313855304 Working

100 102 A. K Rice Mill Bypas road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838672035 Rice Mill Atta ullah Khan 03013290796 Working

101 103 Qureshi Rice Mill Dera Allahyar road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03363848060 Rice MIll Ha ji Soha ra Akha n Working

102 104 Al Se h b a z & Co Usta Muhammad Cattle Farm Ust a Muhammad 03333708881 Rice Mill Sika nda r Ali Umra ni 03333708881 Working

103 105 Fa rooq Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03363705770 Rice Mill Mohammad Ayoob Jama 03008175214 Working

104 106 Pak Rice Mill Bypas road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613205 Rice Mill Am ia m Bu x 03003278625 Working

105 107 Ali Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838612112 Rice Mill Ali 0838613058 Working

106 108 Hijwa ni Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838612222 Rice m ill Ha ji Gula m Must a fa 03003108384 Working

107 109 G.N.S Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad Rice MIll Dle e p Kuma r 03333400506 Working

108 110 Prince Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad Rice Mill Ha ji Ra mza n Working

109 111 Gulam mustafa Rice MIll Aliabad road Usta Mohammad Ust a Mohammad 03318171200 Rice Mill Gulam Nabi Jamali 03008171200 Working

110 112 Growe rs Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Mohammad Ust a Mohammad Rice Mill Mir Zulfiqar Jamali 03353178877 Working

111 113 Haji Abdul Aziz Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Mohammad Ust a Mohammad Rice Mill Ha ji Abdul Aziz 03008384852 Working

112 114 Al Ra za Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Mohammad Ust a Mohammad 0838612691 Rice Mill Sha moo la l 03337509900 Working

113 115 Sa le e m Flour Mill Mierwah road Usta Mohammad Ust a Mohammad Flour Mill Ha jji Nia z 03353707771 Working

114 116 Aq ib Flo u r Mill Mirwah road Usta Mohammad Ust a Mohammad 0838612537 Flour Mill Haji Safaruddin Soomro 03133440084 Working

115 117 Am ir Rice Mill Hijwaani bypass Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad Rice Mill Da rsh a n Lal 03332961713 Working

116 118 Sarkar-e-Madina Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613910 Rice Mill Muhammad Akbar 03003702654 Working

117 119 Rin d Rice Mill Hospital road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838612308 Rice Mill Qurba Ali Working

118 120 Sidiq Rice Mill Ghari Kharo road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad Rice Mill Haji Ghulam Mustafa Sail 03003108348 Working

119 121 St a r Rice Mill Ghari kharo road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03363321778 Rice Mill Ghunshan Das 03337507505 Working

120 122 Al-Hu s s a n i Rice Mill Ghari kharo bypass Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03332353222 Rice Mill Haji Rostum Khan Rind 03332353222 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 5 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

121 123 Ra ja Rice Mill Dera Allah Yar road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838400499 Rice Mill Ra j ku m a r 03003706642 Working

122 124 Good Luck Rice Mill Dera Allah Yar road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838752008 Rice Mill Sa nde e p Kuma r 03003708434 Working

123 125 Da t a Rice Mill Aliabad Road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03337505128 Rice Mill Ab d u l Ra s h e e d 03337505128 Working

124 126 Sha n Sha h Rice Mill Ust a Muhammad cit y Ust a Muhammad - Rice Mill Fa iq Ha jwa ni 03353536435 Working

125 127 Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad - Rice Mill Da im Kha n Ja ma li 03332987211 Working

126 128 Da rwa ish Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad - Rice Mill Ab d u l Na b i Ja m a li 03313981517 Working

127 129 Sa ba ra h Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad - Rice Mill Jalal Khan Jamali 03333705864 Working

128 130 Nade e m Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad - Rice Mill Muhammad Hakeem Hi 03342158181 Working

129 131 Kh u s h a l Ri c e M i l l Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad - Rice Mill Wadera Khadam Jamali 0 Working

130 132 Niaz Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 03003708866 Rice Mill Naiz Hussain Soomro 03353708866 Working

131 133 A. K Flo u r Mill Mehrabpur road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838612549 Flour Mill Ch a n ge z Kh a n Ma r r i 03212006655 Working

132 134 Za h id Rice Mill Aliabad road Usta Muhammad Ust a Muhammad 0838613225 Rice Mill At t a Mu h a m m a d Ja m a li 03008171255 Working

133 135 Aziz Flo u r Mill Quetta road Pishin Pishin 0826442211 Flour Mill Haji Muhammad Ibrahim 03333886300 Working

134 136 Ne w Jamal Flour Mill Quetta road Pishin Pishin 0826442157 Flour Mill Ha ji Ba dra din Kaka r 03003875387 Working

135 137 Pak-Rozi Flour Mill Quetta road yaro Pishin Pishin 0826442220 Flour Mill Ha ji Ha ya t ulla h & Ha ji Ha b 03003052222 Working

136 138 Ittefaq Cotton waste and poster tra Chamman road yaro Pishin Pishin 03337791341 Co t t o n Fa ct o r y Hida ya t ulla h Agha 03337791341 Working

137 139 Syed Noor Alam and Brothers tobb Ya r o P i s h i n Pishin Snuff Ma nufa ct uring Sye d Noor Ala m 03333677308 Working

138 140 Ch a m m a n Flo o r Mills Ba n d Ro a d Pish in Pishin 0826-420711 Flour Mill Ha ji Abdul Gha ni 03333600009 Working

139 141 Darwaishabad Floor Mills Ba n d Ro a d Pish in Pishin 0826-420442 Flour Mills Sye d Alla udin Agha 03008388900 Working

140 142 Ha mda rd FLour Mills Ba n d Ro a d Pish in Pishin 0826-420993 Flour Mill Ha ji Rozi Kha n 03003866404 Working

141 143 Wali Muhammad Agha Snuff Facto lumaran Pishi Pishin 0826-420051 Snuff Fa ct ory Wali Agha 0826-420051 Working

142 144 Mohammad ishaq Sunf factory La m a r a n p a s h i n pashin Sna f Fa ct ory m.Yonas Zakir 03151819683 Working

143 145 Noorullah Snuf Factory pishin pishin snaf factory noorullah - Working

144 146 Sa ya e d Abdul-Na fa y pishin pishin 03337797387 Snuf product ion Sa ye d Abdul Na fa y 03337797383 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 6 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

145 147 Da rwa sh Co ld St o re Ch a r m a r i p is h in pishin 03008388900 Co ld St o r e Ha ji Ala wa din Agha 03008388900 Working

146 148 indus Agro Industries Uthal District Lasbela Balochistan Ut hal 03323797155 Co t t o n Fa ct o r y Ar ju n La s i 03456278658 Working

147 149 Al-Madina Block Works Main R.C.D Road Uthal Ut hal Blo cks Fa ct o r y M.Iqbal 03133552276 Working

148 150 Jam Flour Mill Bella City Near Farooq Plaza Bella Be lla Flour Mill Jam Yousaf . Sick/ Close d Unit

149 151 L. P . G Ai r M i x P l a n t R.C.D Ro a d Be la Be la Changing Sui Gas in L.P Gove rnme nt Proje ct 03341661925 Working

150 152 New Balochistan Machani Block Wo Main R.C.D Road Bela Cross Be la 03458874675 Br icks M. Farooq 03168887555 Working

151 153 B.C.L Balochistan Cotton Factory Main R.C.D Road Highway Road Bela Be la Co t t o n Fa ct o r y Manj Lal _ Working

152 154 S.M Cot t on Fa ct ory National Highway Kantah Shaek Uthal Ut hal Co t t o n Fa ct o r y _ _ Working

153 155 Al-Sadaat Buliding Material Suppli Main R.C.D Road Uthal Ut hal 03363988860 Bu ild in g Ma t e r ia ls Sa da a t 03332019661 Working

154 156 City Marble And Geranet Air p o r t Ro a d Quetta 03312556991 Marble Sha hid Kha n 03052355665 Working

155 157 Madina Marbles Air p o r t Ro a d Qu e t t a Quetta 03218009056 Marbles Sha ke e l Kha n 03023848279 Working

156 158 Kasi R.C.C Pipe & Tile Factory Ala m o Ch o w k Qu e t t a Quetta 03003887682 R.C.C Pip e & Tile M. Irfan Kasi 03003887682 Working

157 159 M.Arif Tuff Tile Factory Airport chowk Near Coca Cola Agency Quetta 03327913003 Tu ff Tile s M. Arif 03337808990 Working

158 160 Al-Falah Steel Wair Roop Company Iqra Floor Company By-pass Quetta Quetta 03402351410 Steel & Wair Roop Compa Ha ji A.Qa dir 03118000040 Working

159 161 Shaheed Hisbullah Agha Cement G Ala m o Ch o w k Qu e t t a Quetta 0812885180 Dealer Sarya & Cement Ka r e e m Ag h a 03343222622 Working

160 162 Haji Taj Muhammad & Company TMC Bussiness Center,Munsafi Road Q Quetta 0812848548 Importers & Exporters o Haji Taj muhammad khan 03009380122 Working

161 163 Haris Marble and Tuff Tile Air p o r t Ro a d Qu e t t a Quetta 03458380146 Tu ff Tile Za h e e r Ha s s a n 03458380146 Working

162 164 Gul RCC Marble Factory Air p o r t Ro a d Qu e t t a Quetta 03217812076 RCC a n d Ma r b le Fa rrukh Ha ssa n 03313808787 Working

163 165 Green Marble and Tile Factory Airport Road Quetta near office of Mete Quetta Marble and tiles Ab d u l Kh a liq 03118369902 Working

164 166 Haji Muhammad shah and Muhamma TOR Na sa r Ba le li Ro a d Quetta 0812824502 Import of Casing Pipes Ha ji Muha mma d Sha h 03337852872 Working

165 167 Haji Ali Muhammad Casing Pipe S AirPort Road near wapda Grid chowk Quetta 0812880784 Ca s in g Pip e s Ha ji Ali Muha mma d 03337846756 Working

166 168 Madina Hardware Company Airport Road KIlli Gul Muhammad Quetta 03458375875 Ce m e n t a n d Sa r ya d e a Sye d Ha ji Usma n 03458375875 Working

167 169 Al Sadat Block Factory Airport Road Chorangi ByPass Quetta Quetta 03138419057 Blo ck Fa co r y Muhiuddin 03138419057 Working

168 170 Ubaidullah RCC Pipe and Pillar Fac Alamo Chowk Near Ganj Quetta 03402573575 Rcc Pip e a n d Pilla r Ubaidullah 03337937053 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 7 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

169 171 Wood Gallery Airport Road Killi Saidan Quetta 03327869472 Chinot Furniture and Ha Sye d Abdul Ma lik 03327869472 Working

170 172 CHiltan Khyber Marble tiles salbs F Airport Road ALamo Chowk Quetta Quetta 03003936493 Marble tiles and Slabs Za h o o r Ah m e d 03003936493 Working

171 173 Sha h Ice Fa ct ory Airport Road chasma chowk quetta Quetta 03008388725 Ice Fact oryf Sa ifur Re hma n 03343939394 Working

172 174 Haji Abduallah RCC pipe and Pilar F Alamo chowck Airport Road Near Ganj Quetta - RCC Tu ff Tile Pip e An d P Ha ji Abdulla h 03218114680 Working

173 175 Eshan RCC Pipe and Tile Factory Allmo chowk Airport Road Quetta Quetta 0812832424 RCC Pip e An d Tu ff Tile s Esh a n u lla h Ka ka r 03003802050 Working

174 176 Quetta Crete Main AirPort Road Near Thermal Stat Quetta 0812880520 Marble Ume r Hayat 03336213232 Working

175 177 Hashmi RCC Pipe Factory Airpot Chorangi Near Airport Police Sta Quetta 0812307011 RCC p ip e Ta la Agh a 03152679000 Working

176 178 Sabir Marble And RCC Pipe Factory Airport Chowk Quetta. Quetta 03108008639 Rcc An d Ma r b le Da d u lla h 03170778800 Working

177 179 Agh a Ma r b le Near Al-Emirat City Alamo Chowk Quetta 03322529017 Marble Sye d Liqua t Agha 03157383383 Working

178 180 Jibran RCC Pipe Works Ala m o Ch o w k Ne a r Za m Za m a St o r e Quetta 03003823510 RCC a n d Pip e Muhammad Yousaf 0300382510 Working

179 181 Mushtarka RRC Tile Factory Ala m o Ch o w k Qu e t t a Quetta 03168100768 RRC An d Tile Kh a n M u h a m m a d 03168100768 Working

180 182 Iqra Agha Marbles And Tiles Main Airport Near Zam Zama Store Quetta 0333234563 Marble And Tiles Sye d Asa d Agha 03112565705 Working

181 183 Sabir Mall Marble And Tuf Tile Ala m o Ch o w k Qu e t t a Quetta 03468323648 Marble And Tuff Tile Muhammad Nabi 03468323648 Working

182 184 Pakistan Iron Steel Products Air Po r t Ro a d Qu e t t a Quetta 03327926272 Iron St e e l Muhammad Ashraf 03327926272 Working

183 185 Furkan RCC pipe And Tile Killi Gul Muhammad Airpot Road Quett Quetta 03013747765 RCC p ip e s Muhammad Sarwar 03013747765 Working

184 186 Gulab Iron And Timber Depo Ala m o Ch o w k Quetta 03003852215 Marble And RCC Gulab Khan 03003852215 Working

185 187 Khairullah And Saleh Muhammad T Airport Road Alamo Chowk Quetta Quetta 03003433813 Tu ff Tile s An d Ma r b le Kh a i r u l l a h An d Sa l e h `03003433813 Working

186 188 Za k Ma r b le Fa ct o r y Killi Gul Muhammad Airport Quetta Quetta 03218159619 Marbles Za h o o r Ah m e d Kh a n 03009383853 Working

187 189 New Jahpan Sirya Cemant And Ch Alamo Chowk Near MCB Bank Quetta Quetta 03018385373 Trading of cement and S Sye d Abdul Ga ni Sha h 03018385375 Working

188 190 Aq u a Ve lva Near Askrai Park Airport Road Quetta Quetta 0812864888 Mineral Water Sa bir Ja ve e d 03003844133 Working

189 191 Mashallah RCC pipe Factory Iqra Flour Mill By pass Quetta Quetta 03337923060 Pipe Factory Ha bibulla h 03337923060 Working

190 192 Ch ilt a n Kyh b e r Pip e RCC Bypass Khezai Chowk Quetta Quetta 03323705252 RCC TILES Za h o o r Ah m e d 03003936493 Working

191 193 Zargoon Blocks Factory Western Bypass Quetta Quetta 03138016186 Blo cks Fa ct o r y Zu b a ir Ah m e d 03138016186 Working

192 194 Shaheed Hisbullah Agha Cement F Bypass Road Khezai Chowk Quetta Quetta 0812885180 Sirya Or Ce me nt Hajji Siddique Agha and R 03009382976 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 8 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

193 195 Akhtar Muhammad Casing Pipe St Godam Torr Nasar Railway Pattak Que Quetta 0812832897 Pipe Store Akh t a r Mu h a m m a d 0333722937 Working

194 196 Pakistan Block Factory Bypass Link Road Quetta Quetta 03468369631 Blo ck Fa ct o r y Ha jji Sa miulla h 03127936776 Working

195 197 Habibullah And Naimatullah Pipe S Bypass Airport Road Quetta Quetta 0812442239 Tr a d in g Pip e St o r e Ha ji Ha bibua lla h 03003888700 Working

196 198 Pakistan Flour Mill Western Bypass Road Quetta 0812830645 Flour Mill Sye d Mua ha mma d Din 03158800085 Sick/ Close d Unit

197 199 Iqra Flour Mill Western Bypass Quetta Quetta 0812885761 Flour Mill Ab d u l Ali Ka ka r 03218039697 Working

198 200 Aqua Hygienic Drinking Water Abdul Wali Chowk Westen Bypass Roa Quetta 0812857036 Mineral Water Shoa ib Ma nsoor 03337733388 Working

199 201 H2GO Premium Drinking Water Western Bypass Quetta Near Airport R Quetta 03318177850 Mineral Water Sye d Sa jja d 03155325750 Working

200 202 Sye d Na dir Sha h Block Fa ct ory New Kirani Killi Jander Khan Quetta Quetta 03138557113 Blo ck Fa ct o r y Nadir Shah 03115522559 Working

201 203 Chiltan Paint Industries Quetta Hazara Town Block 1 Quetta Quetta 03003858162 Dist e mb e r Pa in t Sye d Sa dda m Hussa in 03118112870 Working

202 204 New Bolan RCC Pipe Factory Sabzal Road Golli Mar Chowk Quetta Quetta 03337861354 RCC Pip e Ha ji A.Lat if Rind 03337861354 Working

203 205 Itafaq RCC Pipe & Tuff Tile Sa bza l Roa d Que t t a Quetta 03009385705 Tu ff Tile Ha ji Usma n 03009385705 Working

204 206 RCC Tile & Pip e Fa ct o r y Sa bza l Roa d Que t t a Quetta 03212736301 Rcc Tile s & Pip e s Ta lib Th e ka d a r 03212736301 Working

205 207 Fa t e h Muha mma d Pipe St ore To r r Na sa r Ro a d Qu e t t a Quetta 0812442612 Ca s in g Pip e Fa t e h Muha mma d 03013758945 Working

206 208 Master Water Tank Industries New Zarghoon Road Raisani Market Q Quetta 0812450003 Water Tank A. Sh a ko o r 03468896426 Working

207 209 Marjan Group Of Industries New Zarghoon Road Quetta Quetta 0812442700 Pipe & Tank Ha ji A.Aziz 03003800046 Working

208 210 EVA Tr a d e r s Main Samungli Road Quetta Quetta 03218019359 Mineral Water Sye d Sha fiq Ahme d 03218019359 Working

209 211 Bakhtawar samar Sable & Pipes Godam Airport Road Quetta Quetta 0812453981 Ca s in g Pip e Ha ji Ma nsoor 03337819360 Working

210 212 Sa rda r Kha n Lo i k i l l i b y p a s s Muslim Bagh - Ch o r m it St o n e - 03003850491 Working

211 213 Malak Ramazan Ki l l i a m b e r s a k h o b a i Muslim Bagh - Putification of plant cho Malik Muhammad Ramaza - Working

212 214 Aim a l Kh a n Killi samkhaal main road Muslim Bagh - Purifaction plant of chor Aim a l Kh a n 03009193977 Working

213 215 Atta Muhammad Durrani Killi Railway Station Muslim Bagh - Purification plant of cho Atta Muhammad Durrani 03008386364 Working

214 216 Sa rda r Ma na n Main Quetta Zhob bypass Muslim Bagh - Purifaction plant of cho Sa dra r Sula ma n Kha n 03058005577 Working

215 217 Hji Ba khit a r Ka r a i z g a l Muslim Bagh - Purification plant of cho Ha ji Ba khit a r - Working

216 218 Ha ji Ali Sha h Main bypass Muslim Bagh - Purifaction plant of chor Ha ji Abdulla h Sha h - Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 9 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

217 219 Shah Muhammad Durrani Killi Ambar Ghumdani bypass Muslim Bagh - Purification of Chrommit Sha h Muha mma d Dura ni 03008385364 Working

218 220 Jabar Shah Am b a r Sa kh o b p Muslim Bagh - Pufification plant of Chr Jabar Shah 03323626221 Working

219 221 Sa miulla h Sa rgra h Am b a r Gh u m d a i Muslim Bagh - Plant for Purification Of Sa miulla h 03108078800 Working

220 222 Ta im o o r Sh a h Ki l l i St a t i o n Muslim Bagh - Purification plant for Ch Ta im o o r Sh a h 03120802950 Working

221 223 Muhammad Noman Killi Station Sargrah Muslim Bagh - Purification Plant of Chr Muhammad Noman 03003896644 Working

222 224 Muhammad Rafiq Main Bypass Muslim Bagh - Purification Of Chromit Muhammad Rafiq - Working

223 225 Ha jji Re hma t Ulla h/ Ha bibullla h Am b a r Gh u n d a i Muslim - purification plant for Ch Ha ji Ra ma t ulla h - Working

224 226 Ba z Mo h a m m a d Ambar landi Qilla saifullah Muslim Bagh - Purification Pltant of Ch Ba z Mu h a m m m a d 03073800409 Working

225 227 Malak Naqibullah Killi Station Muslim Bagh QILLASAIFULLAH - Purification Plant of Chr Malak Naiqbullah - Working

226 228 Fa za l Durra ni Am b a r Gh u n d a i Muslim Bagh - Purification Plant of Chr Fa za l Karim Durra ni - Working

227 229 Re h m a t u lla h Am b a r Gh u m b a i Muslim Bagh - Purification Plant of Chr Ra m a t u lla h - Working

228 230 Kh y a l M u h a m m a d Am b a r Gu a n d i Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Kh y a l M u h a m m a d Working

229 231 Nasurllah Am a b ir Gu n d ia Muslim Bagh ` Purification Plant of Chr Nasurllah Working

230 232 Aja b Kh a n Am b a r Gh u d a i Byp a s s Muslim Bagh Purifaction Plant of Chro ajab Khan Working

231 233 Muhammad Shah Rahatzai Am a b e r Gh u n d a i Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Muhammad Shah Working

232 234 Ab d u a l Ra u f Sa r gh r a Am b a r Gh u m d a i Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Ab d u a l Ra u f Working

233 235 Ab d u lla h Kh a n Am b ir Gh u n d a i Byp a s s Muslim Bagh Purifiacation Plant of C Ab d u lla h Kh a n Working

234 236 Muhammad Akram Am b a r Gh u n d ia ByPa s s Muslim Bagh purification plant of Chr Sa rda r Muha mma d Asla 03083800057 Working

235 237 Azizu lla h Ah m e d Kh a il Ka r a i z g a i Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Azizu lla h working

236 238 Muhammad Aslam Karizgai Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Muhammad Aslam Working

237 239 Za in Ulla h Am b ir Gh u n d a i Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Za in u lla h Ka ka r Working

238 240 Malak Shah Fasal Am b ir Gh u n d a i Byp a s s Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Malak Shah Fasal Working

239 241 Ha ji Abdul Ra he e m Main Bypass Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Haji Molvi Abudal Qadim 03003832227 Working

240 242 She ikh Azha r Killi Ambar Ghundai Bypass Muslim Bagh Purification Plant of Chr Za in u lla h Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 10 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

241 243 Haji Sado Khan Ice Factroy Co lle ge Ro a d Ch a m a n Ch a m a n 03337755001 ice factroy Muhammad Dawood 03337755001 Sick

242 244 Hafiz Malak Ice Factroy Byp a ss Ch a m a n Ch a m a n Ice Fact roy Ab u d u l Ma lik 03132447779 Sick

243 245 Hajji Bacha Khan Ice Factroy Co lle ge Ro a d Ch a m a n Ch a m a n Ice Fact roy Ha jji Ba cha Kha n Sick

244 246 New Ice Factroy Rehman Kawol Am Reman Kawol Gabji Ch a m a n 03118344544 Ice Fact roy Noorullah Sick

245 247 Old Ice Factroy Bughra Road Hafiz Qayum Madersa Mu Ch a m a n 03458871727 Ice Fact roy Ab d u a l Ba s it 03458871727 Sick

246 248 Ice Faactroy Murda Karaz Road Cham Murda Karaz Road Chaman Ch a m a n 03332730425 Ice Fact roy Ha jji Abdulla h And Ha na fy 03332730425 Sick

247 249 Muslim Block Fctory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i 03358169945 Blo ck Ha ji Uma r 03358169945 Working

248 250 Mohammad Kareem Block factory Quetta Road Loralai Lo r a l a i 03218160894 Blo ck Mohammad Kareem 03323464906 Working

249 251 younus Block Factory Quetta Road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Ab d u l Ha le e m Agh a 03458847888 Working

250 252 Abdul Razaq Marble Factory Quetta Road Dukki bypas Lo r a l a i 03018381100 Marble Ha ji Abdul Ra za q 03018381100 Working

251 253 S.Huma yoon Ma rble Fa ct ory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i 03342326357 Marble Ha ji Hussa in Kha n 03342326357 Working

252 254 Abdullah Marble Factory Qyetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i 03342325407 Marble factory Ab d u lla h Na s a r 03342325402 Working

253 255 Gull Dad Marble factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i 03331571771 Marble Factory Gull Dad 03331571771 Working

254 256 K. 2 M a r b l e Fa c t o r y Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i 03442323237 Marble Factory Da wo o d Na sa r 03442323237 Working

255 257 Mashallah Salt Factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Sa lt Fa ct ory Sa if ur Re hma n 03342852702 Working

256 258 sayedullah Block factory haefal Palaza Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo cks Fa ct o y Sa ye dulla h 03336390972 Working

257 259 Al Makkah Block Factory Quatta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Mohammad Hassan 03238840070 Working

258 260 Yaqoob Nasar Block Factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Ya q o o b Kh a n N a s a r 03459997444 Working

259 261 Ka b a l Bl o c k f a c t o r y Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Akb a r Kh a n 03316080035 Working

260 262 Karachi Block Factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Nasrullah 03023863235 Working

261 263 Al Madina Block Factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck At t a m o h a m m a d 03331314857 Working

262 264 Juma khan Block Factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Jumma khan 03313804395 Working

263 265 DG Blo ck Fa ct o ry Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Ha ji Se ye d Kha n 03352026682 Working

264 266 Al Hassan Block fctory Quetta road bypas Lo r a l a i Blo cks An w a r 03318003121 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 11 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

265 267 three star blok factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo ck Ha ji Uba idulla h 03337947279 Working

266 268 Al sadat Block Factory Quetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo cks Ab d u l Wa h a d 03342626747 Working

267 269 Yo u n u s Bl o c k f a c t o r y Qyetta road Loralai Lo r a l a i Blo cks Ab d u l Ha le e m Agh a 03458847888 Working

268 270 Bo t in a Pu r e Wa t e r RCD Hu b Hub Water Purifing Maqsood 03468080118 Working

269 271 Allie d In d u s t r ie s Hub Hub 03008248934 Sa ma d Lasi 03008248934 Working

270 272 Mec Soap Detergent plot M18 Sector m Hub Soa p ma nufa ct uring Ka r e e m Bu x 03003840181 Sick/ Close d Unit

271 273 Gat ron Indust rie s Rcd Ro a d Hu b Hub Perifom Textile Chips G Muhammad Yousaf 0853302437 Working

272 274 Ba lo ch ist a n Wh e e ls Rcd Ro a d s Hu b Hub 0215682528 Wheel Production Sa diq Me mon Working

273 275 Ba lo ch ist a n Gla ss Rcd Hu b Hub 02145403 Kh a z i O b a i d d u l l a h 03337844808 Working

274 276 M/ S Shahshan Marbles Marble City A-31-To A38-A44 Hub Marble Sira j Lasi 03218000983 Sick/ Close d Unit

275 277 Ha shim Fish Mill Winder Adam Kand Winder 03463731364 Fe e d Fa ct ory M.Hashim 03463731364 Working

276 278 Al Ha m a d Fis h Mill Winder Winder 03342814106 Fe e d Fa ct ory Ha mid Khoso 03009385463 Working

277 279 Ne w Somaini Winder Winder 03218060083 Fe e d Fa ct ory Hussia n Ba loch 03218060083 Working

278 280 Soni Fish Mill Winder Winder 03158043587 Fe e d Fa ct ory Rizwa n Sh a h a b 03460814563 Working

279 281 An fa l Fis h Mill Winder Winder 03459511219 Fish Fe e d Fa ct ory Afza l Ba ks h 03459511219 Working

280 282 Ah m e d Fis h Mill Winder Winder Fe e d Fa ct ory Jameel 03128054765 Working

281 283 Fa t e h Te xt ile Mills RCD Ro a d Ne a r Pa skist a n Ca b le Hub 0853303644 O/ E Yarm Fasi Mehmmod,Liaquat K 03468194396 Working

282 284 Sa hil Fish Winder Winder Fish Bre e ding Sa hil Ba ksh 03122200230 Working

283 285 M/ S Exide Pakistan B-119 HITE Hub Lead Acid Storage Hub 0853363594 Ba t t e r ie s M.Jawaid 03337954634 Working

284 286 M/S Diamond International B-2 3 8 Hu b Hub 08533202339 Co t t o n Ya r n Fa rooq Ahme d 0853302464 Working

285 287 Main Nazir Ahmed RCD Ro a d Hub 0853363232 Ply Propelene Begs Ar s h a d Me h m o o d 0853363232 Working

286 288 Gat ron LTD RCD Ro a d Hu b Hub 0853302337 Poly Chips M.Yousaf 0853302337 Working

287 289 Sa ddique And Sons Mills RCD Ro a d Ne a r Po lice St a t io n Hub 0853303630 Co t t o n Ya r n Fa b r ics Mr Tariq Rafi 0853303630 Working

288 290 Bawany Air Product Pvt LTD RCD Ro a d Hu b Ba wa n i Hub 0853363288 Gas Ha nif Ba wa ni 0853363288 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 12 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

289 291 Agr i Au t o s Se ct or M243 Hub 0853303142 Agr i Au t o Pa r t s Sa rfa ra z 0853363631 Working

290 292 M/ S Thal Limited Patra P101-749 Hub 0853302648 Limited Sheets Cominate Mr Osama Mafto 0853363453 Working

291 293 N.G.L RCD Ro a d Hu b Hub 0212551458 L. P . G Mr M.Adill Khan 03442003534 Working

292 294 M/S Balochistan Glass RCD Ro a d Hu b Hub 085336366061 Glass Product s Mr Tariq And Mr Naeem 0853363660 Working

293 295 Co a s t a l Co n ve r t e r s Pvt A-8 2 -8 5 HITE Hu b Hub 0853304335 Ele ct r ic Co n ve r t e r s Usman chapra 0215834371 Working

294 296 DYNEA Pakistan Limited A1 0 1 0 -A1 0 5 A1 3 6 LIEDA Hub 0853363706 M.Saeeduddin 03468002585 Working

295 297 St ra ng Will Wire Pvt RCD Ro a d Hub 0212214323 St e e l Wire Re pa ir M.Lasi 03458005920 Working

296 298 Te lly Clo ve r Pvt Plat 448/36of 452/44 Near Water Cana Hub 0853303968 Bla ck Te a Mr Zulfiqar Ali Lakani 03003856180 Working

297 299 Ha bib Arca di Plat 6 see M-243- Hub 0853302840 Rice,Sugar Production Mr Nisar Hussain 03468000938 Working

298 300 Attock Cement Pakistan LTD Sa kra n Roa d Hub 35039773 Ce m e n t In d u s t r y Ghas Faran 02132703000 Working

299 301 M/ S Hub Floor Mills RCD Ro a d Hu b Hub 03018263388 Floor Mill Mr M.Jawaid 03018263388 Working

300 302 M/ S Metal Process Industries P-59 Survay 732 Hub 0853363408 Metal Raw Products Mr Khurram 03332161072 Working

301 303 Pakistan TelePhone Cable RCD Ro a d Hu b Hub 0214802940 Te le p h o n e Ca b le Ba jwa Sa b 03458005432 Working

302 304 M/S Balochistan Wheels RCD Ro a d Hu b Hub 0853363426 Wheels Ar s h a d Ali 0853363428 Working

303 305 Ha la l Fish windar Windar Fish feed Manufacturin Ha ji Karim Buksh 03458390654 Working

304 306 MashaAllah Marbles Marble City Hub 03442137525 Marble Manufacturing Sa miUlla h 03003853480 Working

305 307 Sarwan Marbles Marble City Hub 03107273521 Marble Products Nave e d Baksh 03458390654 Working

306 308 Mehran marble Marble City Hub Hub 03428270077 Marble products Ra sh id Ba lo ch 03456893458 Working

307 309 Ha bib Mot orcycle s RCD near Mian nazir textile Hub 03002633356 Motorcycle Production Javed Wali 03002633356 Sick/ Close d Unit

308 310 Bo la n Ca st in g RCD Ro a d Hu b Hub 0853-363293 Casting of Automotive C Shahid Hakeem/ Abdul H 021-25799819, 0 Working

309 311 Mit Protein Foods Windar Hub 03152319380 Fish Fe e d Fa ct ory M Hanif Memon 03128054765 Working

310 312 MS Pakistan Waxes A9 2 -9 5 HUB 0853-363408-36 Shining wa xe s Da n ish Re h ma n 021-4982466 Working

311 313 M/ S Aman Steel Plot # 22,24-26 RCS Road HUB 0853-303861 St e e l Product ion Mr Muhammad Rafiq 0853-303861, 03 Working

312 314 Pioneer Cable Limited 27-3/1, M13 HITE HUB 0853-303679 Cable and Wire Manufac M/ S mobina 021-2416511 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 13 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

313 315 Balochistan Glass Limited M8 Hub 0853-302344 Glass Sheet Manufacturer Mr Tariq Paracha 021-5377971 Working

314 316 Mobil Askari Lubricants J1-2, Hite Hub 021-11840 Mobil Oil and Lubricant Mr Anjum Rafatullah Kha 0853-303260 Working

315 317 Mid East Oil and Grease Corp B-3 5 Hit e Hu b Hub 0853-302430 Oil and Grease Manufact M sadiq Hussain 0853-302430 Working

316 318 BOC Pa kist a n Lim it e d 65/87 Mauza Pathora Hub Hub 021-2313361 Spare Parts of Machiner Sye d Ainul Ha di 021-2313360 Working

317 319 Deewan Autombiles Engineering L A1-A50, Hite Hub HUB 085-304354 Autombile Parts Manuf Ra n a Ab d u l Ma jid 0853-304361 Working

318 320 Siddiq Sons Tin Pla t e Limit e d 5-31 Hite Hub 0202-21128 Tin Plate Manufacturer lt R Ghulam Farooq 03469203245 Working

319 321 Quick Food Industries A-2 0 5 Hit e Hu b Hub 0202-21148/49 Food It e ms Mr Zaki Nawab 021-4552227 Working

320 322 Sha hwa ni Ma rble s Plot 65-66-72-73 Sector A Marble City Hub 0853-5673501 Marble Items Malik Mukhtar Ahmed s 03013725249 Working

321 323 Ba d e e n Ma r b le s Plot 118-119-137-138 Sector B marble HUB 03302513953 Marble Product Mr Asfandyar HUB Working

322 324 Progressive FIber Limited B219-228-Hite HUB HUB 0853-302445 Fiber sheets Manufacture Mr Mudassir Puri 0853-302445 Working

323 325 As ya n St e e l Pvt lt d A2 4 8 -2 5 6 Hit e Hub 0853-306399 St e e l Product s

324 326 Ha bib ADM Limit e d M6 Hite HUB Hub 0853-302841 Ra w m e t a l Pr o d u ct s Mr Ghaffar Habib 021-5658701 Working

325 327 Tila n Pvt Lt d B2 2 1 -2 2 6 Hit e Hub 0853-303008 Ra w m e t a l Pr o d u ct s Mr Abdul Hameed 0853-302120 Working

326 328 NP Cot t on Mills D-124-127 Hit e Hub 0853-3021454 Co t t o n Gin n e r s Mr Khurram 021-0410063 Working

327 329 Pakistan Paper Sack Corporation l 749-A Pathora Hub 0853-302449 Paper Products Mr S Z Kazimi 021-4312030 Working

328 330 Friendship Textile Ltd D-14-17 Hit e Hub 0853-302452 Textile manufacturing Mr Khaliq ur Rehman 021-2117975 Working

329 331 Automative Battery Company Ltd B-1 1 9 -1 2 1 HIt e Hub 0853-302568 Battery Manufacturers Mr Arshad Shahzada 021-4536750 Working

330 332 HTG Chemical Industries HITE Hub 03008229870 Chemical raw material P Sa jja d Sha h 03332310780 Working

331 333 Hub steel Re rolling Ltd C-2 0 -2 1 Hit e Hub 03468202441 steel manufacturers Imran Jagrani 03008202441 Working

332 334 Allied Plastic Steel Industries Lted N-1 Hit e Hub 02135652092 St e e l Product s Muhammed Iqbal 030182144447 Working

333 335 DFB gypsum Industries E-1 1 0 -1 2 1 -Hit e HUb 0853-363381 Gypsum Manufact ure rs Fa rooq Lodia 02132434308 Working

334 336 Exid e Pa kist a n Ba t t e r ie s E- 1 1 9 -1 2 0 Hit e Hub 0853-363594 Ba t t e r ie s Pr o d u ce r s M Javed 021-3259337 Working

335 337 Future Wire Industries E-1 1 0 -1 1 1 Hit e HUb 03337004106 Electric Wire Producers Muhammad Sohail 03333407973 Working

336 338 J.K Marble Eastern bypass.QITE, Quetta Quetta - Marble As la m Sh e ikh 03018384619 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 14 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

337 339 Bo la n Fe e d Ea st r e n b yp a ss QITE Qu e t t a Quetta - Fe e d Ha ji Muha mma d Za hir 0336644458 Working

338 340 Bolan Poly Pipe Factory Ea st r e n b yp a ss QITE Qu e t t a Quetta Poly Pipe Muhammad Baksh 033327832825 Working

339 341 Bolan PVC Pipe Factory Eastren bypass QITE, Quetta Quetta - PVC Pipe Muhammad Idrees 03148147303 Working

340 342 Yasin Ghee & Oil Mills Eastren bypass QITE, Quetta Quetta 0812892316 Ghe e Manufact ure d Muhammad Yasin Khan 03134333333 Working

341 343 Balochistan Feed Factory Eastren bypass QITE, Quetta Quetta - Fe e d Ha ji Muhi-ud-din 03009389842 Working

342 344 Habib Sultan Model Industries (PV Eastren bypass QITE, Quetta Quetta 0812892561 Flour Mill Sye d Abdulla h Na sir 03318188666 Working

343 345 Asia Steel Industrial (PVT) LTD Eastren bypass QITE, Quetta Quetta 0812892444 St e e l Mill Sye d Za hoor Ahme d 03218180123 Sick/ Close d Unit

344 346 Allahwawa Ice Factory S.I.E Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta - Ice Fact ory Ghulam Gillani 03458370105 Sick/ Close d Unit

345 347 Nat io0nal Flour Mill S.I.E Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 0812440965 Flour Mill Sye d Hiji Fa t e h Agha 03003888500 Sick/ Close d Unit

346 348 Sa le he e n Ma rble s S.I.E Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 0812450524 Marble Factory Sult a n Muha mma d 03008380475 Working

347 349 Ad il Flo u r Mill S.I.E Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 0812442892 Flour Mill Sye d Billa l Ahme d 03453790052 Working

348 350 Insaf Flour Mill Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 0812892477 Flour Mill As m a t u lla h Ka ka r 03008382230 Working

349 351 Et im a d Flo u r Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 0812892630 Flour Mill Sye d Fa za l Muha mma d 03218001355 Working

350 352 New Chiltan Flour Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 0812892377 Flour Mill Ab d u l Ra u f 03023815932 Working

351 353 Ikram Flour Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2892529 Flour Mill Ab d u l Wa h id 03133829310 Working

352 354 Ar s a la n Flo u r Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta - Flour Mill - - Sick/ Close d Unit

353 355 Nayab Industries (PVT) LTD Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta - Soa p Unit - - Sick/ Close d Unit

354 356 Ch e vr o n (PVT)LTD Phase 4 Q.I.T.E Sibi Road Quetta Quetta - LP G - - Sick/ Close d Unit

355 357 Max Fules (pvt) ltd Phasa 4 Q.I.T.E Eastren bypass Quetta Quetta 0812833366 - - - Sick/ Close d Unit

356 358 Shaheen Re-Rolling Steel Industri Phase 4 Q.I.T.E Sibi road Quetta Quetta 2892569 St e e l Mills Dr. Da d Mu h a mma d 03337860236 Working

357 359 Rizwan Oil & Ghee Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2443269 Oli & Ghee Manufacture Nizam-ud-Din 03218002333 Working

358 360 Muslim Flour Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2392598 Flour Mill Ha ji Sa la m 03108898891 Working

359 361 Al-Fa la h Flo u r Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta - Flour Mills - - Sick/ Close d Unit

360 362 St a r Foods (Pvt ) Ltd Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2892616-17 Juices 0 0 Sick/ Close d Unit

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 15 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

361 363 Hajvairy Steel Ind (Pvt) Ltd Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2892700 St e e l Indust rie s 0 0 Working

362 364 Fishe r Toba cco Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 0 0 00 0 Working

363 365 Bila l Flo u r Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2892584 Flour Mill Sye d Yar Muha mma d 03003828774 Working

364 366 Madina PCC Poles Plant Pvt Ltd Phase 4 Q.I.T.E Bypass Quetta Quetta - PCC Poles Plant 0 0 Sick/ Close d Unit

365 367 Bin Yam in St e e l In d Phase 4 Q.I.T.E Bypass Quetta Quetta 2892025 St e e l Mill Ab d u l Mu s a w ir 03337825850 Working

366 368 Ah m e d Flo u r Mills Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2892496 Flour Mill Mumtaz Ahmed 03218038240 Working

367 369 Ha mma s Flour Mill Ea st r e n b yp a ss Q.I.T.E Qu e t t a Quetta 2892600 Flour Mill Sye d Sa le h Muha mma d 03000184000 Working

368 370 Sha h G Ma sa la Cha kki S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 0 Masala Chakki 0 0 Sick/ Close d Unit

369 371 Sa fina cold St ora ge & Ice Fa ct ory S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2442391 Cold Storage & Ice Facto Ha ji Na e e m 2442391 Working

370 372 Ghaznavi Modern Flour Mills S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2440921 Flour Mill Sha rif Agha 03003809045 Working

371 373 Kh a r a n Ic e Fa c t o r y S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2443686 Ice Fact ory Hida ya t Ua lla h 03318327828 Working

372 374 Kharan Marble Factory S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2443686 Marble Hida ya t Ua lla h 03318327828 Working

373 375 Naz Furnishe rs S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2442626 Furniture Manufacturer Ta lib Hu ssa in Ha sh m i 03013740876 Sick/ Close d Unit

374 376 New Rehmat Flour Mills S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2444076 Flour Mill 0 0 Sick/ Close d Unit

375 377 Asadullah Furniture Mart S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2452934 Furniture Manufacturer Sye d A Gha ni Sha h 03337871935 Working

376 378 Quetta Plastic Industry S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2443127 Palastic Items Za i-u r -Re h m a n 03218010582 Working

377 379 M.Saleem Distamper Factory S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2472736 Dist e mp e r Fa ct o ry Ha ji Sa le e m 03118383622 Working

378 380 As ka r i Flo u r Mills S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2442412 Flour Mill 0 0 Sick/ Close d Unit

379 381 Dit t u & So n s S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2440728 Medicinal Syrup Venega Fa za l-ur-Re hma n 03008381039 Working

380 382 Jai Kumar Misry Factory S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 03337722435 Misry Factory Jai Kumar 03337722435 Working

381 383 Sa na Ma sa la Cha kki S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 03337858280 Masala Chakki Sa na ulla h 03337858280 Working

382 384 Masood & Company S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2441220 Furniture Manufacturer Aft a b Ma s o o d 03009388545 Working

383 385 Mohkam Carpets & Furnishers S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2443224 Furniture Manufacturer Mosin Mehmood 03009386034 Working

384 386 Nade e m Flour Mills S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2441109 Flour Mill Naimat ullah 03009289974 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 16 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

385 387 Trans Balochistan Interprises S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2443669 Furniture Manufacturer Ta r iq Nia z Riza vi 03339911245 Working

386 388 Madina Flour & General Mills S.I.E. Sirki Roa d Que t t a Quetta 2442259 Flour Mill Ha ji Sha hja ha n 03003872357 Working

387 389 Khan Bros Marble RCC Pipe & Tuff T Near Arbab CNG Zarghoon Road Quett Quetta 2448555 Marble Factory Ha ji Iqba l Kha n 03337817500 Working

388 390 Unique Marble Show Room Marble Market Zarghoon R Quetta 2445587 Marble Factory Kh a l i d Ka s i 03127838863 Working

389 391 Gul Marble s Marble Market Near Railway Bridge Z Quetta 2450158 Marble Factory As h a r Ha s s a n 2450158 Working

390 392 Ba lo ch ist a n Ma r b le New Zarghoon Road Quetta Quetta 2450503 Marble Trading M.Asif Khan 03218109980 Working

391 393 Pak Marble & Tuff Tiles Near Arbab CNG Zarghoon Road Quett Quetta 0 Marble Factory Fa t e h Muha mma d 03023894231 Working

392 394 Ka r a c h i M a r b l e Near Arbab CNG Zarghoon Road Quett Quetta 2446841 Marble Factory M.Sadiq Khan 03333327929 Working

393 395 Ghazi Steel Ind Pvt Ltd Phase 4 Q.I.T.E Sibi Road Quetta Quetta 2892054 St e e l Mill Muhammad Rasool 03013792006 Working

394 396 Mashallah Steel Ind Pvt Ltd Phase 4 Q.I.T.E Bypass Quetta Quetta 2892005-3 St e e l Mill 0 0 Working

395 397 Al-Ha fiz Ma r b le Near Arbab CNG Zarghoon Road Quett Quetta 0 Marble Factory As m a t u lla h 03337839254 Working

396 398 NP Cot t on Mill d 124.127 Hite Hub 0853302454 Co t t o n Mill Mr Khurram Khan 0212410663 Working

397 399 Metaplast PVT LTD E-52,55 HITE hUB 0853302399 pLASTIC pRODUCTION Maqbool Elahi 03212579060 Working

398 400 Al Fateme Shaning PVT LTD c,279-380 Hite Hub 0853303011 Sha ning Wa xe s Ch e q Ch e Jo n 0214924571 Working

399 401 Flowe r Oils LTD 4-16 Hite Hub 0212313036 Oil & Ghee Ya r M u h a m m a d 0213213036 Working

400 402 Good Luck Textile Mills B,189-196 HIte Hub 0853302831 Te xt ile Fa ct o r y Mr Jathand Kashani 0212416256 Sick/ Close d Unit

401 403 HTG petrochemical IND LTD Hit e Hub 0853302642 Petrochemical Products Sye d Ha fe e zuddin 0215680025 Sick/ Close d Unit

402 404 Mandviwala Manser Plastic LTD c-5 Lieda Ut hal 0827610333 Plastic Products Ali Ma n d iw a lle 0212441116 Working

403 405 Fe roze Te xt ile IND D,14-17 Hite Hub 0853302452 Te xt ile Fa ct o r y Mr Khaliq-Ur-Rehman 0212567890 Sick/ Close d Unit

404 406 Mount Fuji Textile LTD M-13 Hite Hub 0853302460 Te xt ile Pr o d u ct s Muhammad Ashraf 0212567798 Sick/ Close d Unit

405 407 Usman LTD c-242,249 Hite Hub 0853302760 Cable & Wire Producers Nabil Usman 0215689760 Working

406 408 Prime International P107 43Muza patha Hub 08534533440 Alu m in in Pr o d u ct s Mr Hassan Agha 0214533442 Working

407 409 Ca d b u r y Pa kis t a n LTD A,60 Hite Hub 0853302652 Ca d b u r y Pr o d u ct s Muhammad Amin 0215685281 Working

408 410 MAL Pakistan Lubricants Oil J,1-2 Hite Hub 03333016685 Oil Kh a w a r J a m a l 03003578292 Working

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 17 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

409 411 Mehboob Steel Pipe IND G.5-6.7 Hit e Hub 021322767 St e e l pipe Produce rs Rizwa n Me h b o o b 03332193006 Working

410 412 Polyson LTD M-4 Hite Hub 08535683661 Polyrenl Products Mr Bashir Ismail 0215688427 Working

411 413 Stork IBI Prints Pakistan K- 1 7 / B Hi t e Hub 0853302440 Co lo r Pr in t s D.A.W Sh e ikh 0214558334 Working

412 414 Funtex Manufacturing Corporation G,17-18 Hite Hub 0835303626 Ra w Pr o d u ct s Ah m e d Na je e b 03008299707 Working

413 415 Pakistan Plastic Hit e Hub 0853363723 Plastic Ha ji Kare e m 0212313031 Working

414 416 Sa r Son Ca n LTD D-103 Hit e Hub 03002201882 Tin Ca se s Ab d u l Re h m a n 03002201882 Working

415 417 SM Pa pe rs Hit e Hub 031222176953 Paper products Fa him Ja n 03002223076 Working

416 418 Specialily Propelyence poly Ltd Hit e Hub - Polyrenly waren bags Fa rha n 0322436252 Working

417 419 Supe r Indust rie s E,16-19 Hite Hub 0853363638 Br a ke Livin g p a r t s Imt iaz Nan Jani 03332286158 Working

418 420 Supre me Mot orcycle Hit e Hub 03452262233 Motorcycle An is Gu l 03128292823 Working

419 421 Paime Motorcycle Hit w Hub - Motorcycle Ha ji Muha mma d Younis 03223866767 Working

420 422 Popular Marble Marble City Hub 0853630389 Marble Muhammad Nouman 03332378167 Working

421 423 Pears PVT LTD N-3 Hit e Hub Soap & chemical facto Mr Khawaja Safdar Amin 03212462813 Working

422 424 Hub Pak Salt Refinery C-2 0 6 -2 0 7 Hit e Hub 0853303451 Sa lt Re fine ry Ismail Sat t ar 03008208118 Working

423 425 Ghazni Guar Gum IND Hit e Hub 0853363374 Gum Manufact ure r Mr Shujaat 03217346759 Working

424 426 Hina x IND Gla ss We a r Hit e Hub 0853364097 Glasss wear producers Sha riq Anwa r 03025618791 Working

425 427 Haji Dost Muhammad Block Factor Air p o r t r o a d Zh o b Zh o b 03218170181 Blo ck Fo r Bu ld in g Ha ji Dost Muha mma d 03218170181 Working

426 428 Fre e Cost Cha l Fa ct ory Eidgah Road gali 1 Zhob Zh o b 03118017785 Celing, Roof Tiles Ha ji Fa za l Din 03118017785 Working

427 429 Masoon Khan Block Factory Main eidgha Road Zh o b - Blo ck Ma kin g Masoom Khan 03356310401 Working

428 430 Pashtoon Blocks Factory Ganj Road zhob Zh o b 03063817472 Blo ck Fa ct o r y Ba id u lla h 03063817472 Working

429 431 M. Azam Block Factory Ghanj Road Zhob Zh o b 03022175933 Blo ck Fa ct o r y M.Azam 03053954004 Working

430 432 Haji Dost Muhammad Yousafzai F Air p o r t Ro a d Zh o b Zh o b - Flour Mill Ha ji Dost Muha mma d 03129199899 Sick/ Close d Unit

Logical MIS | Developed By: Zaffar Iqbal | Email: [email protected] Page 18 of 19 G o v e r n me n t O f B a l o c h is t a n Dir e c t o r G e n e r a l In d u s t r ie s a n d C o mme r c e St a t is t ic s Br a n c h Sirki Road, Quetta. Phone: 081-9211160

Industry Detail Sheet

S# R# Industry Name Adress City R-Date Tel# Business Type Owner Name O-Contact Status

Research Investigator Assistant Director Statistics Statistics

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