Sandspur, Vol. 48 No. 17, February 24, 1943
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University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-24-1943 Sandspur, Vol. 48 No. 17, February 24, 1943 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 48 No. 17, February 24, 1943" (1943). The Rollins Sandspur. 664. MViim andspur VOLUME 48 (Z-107) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1943 NUMBER 17 Animated Magazine Enjoys Usual Success, Large Crowd Deferred Pledging Question .Annual Event Presented Program of Noted Sneakers LATE A stunt that only Rollins and EXTRA! iollywood could pullwas the cli- »x of last Sunday's Animated In order to acquaint readers At a joint meeting last Tuesday lagazine before a listening pub with the full facts of the sorori of a delegation from the Student lic of 5200 persons who subscribed ty-fraternity question before the Council and the Faculty Committee i^ISOO to the Student Aid Fund. on Rushing, another committee was school as a whole, and before a Where but at Rollins where the formed for the purpose of discuss imposible always happens could student-faculty committee in ing all possible effects of the new the Atlantic Coast Line and the particular, it was found neces deferred pledging rule, and for 4;30 deadline meet with such sary to bring the paper out one forming questions for an all-cam breath-taking coincidence ? Cine- day late. The editors felt in pus poll to ascertain student opin (salaam to Time) Jean ion. this case that a delay in publi Hersholt was reported missing As the matter stands, the facul when his piece on the program cation was justified by the issue ty has passed in almost unanimous was due. The audience was advised at stake, rather than printing accord (two dissenting votes) a to listen for train whistles, and the regular material on time, ruling that there shall be no pledg ihe show went on. thereby omitting of great im ing by fraternities or sororities of The crowd had already been dis portance. any student until he or she shall appointed by the inability of Lead- have entered his sophomore year. ins;; Editorial speaker Major Alex FRANCIS B. SAYRE The committee composed of stu ander de Seversky to appear, held dents Jeanne Fogarty, Smokey in Hollywood by no less a person Sholley, Ed Friedson, and Student age than Mr. Walt Disney, and the ^Bird in Hand' Lacked Suspense, But Offered Three Association President Paul Mere- rancor of "What's Mickey Mouse dith, faculty members Dr. Starr, got that I haven't got?" was not Consecutive Mirthful Evenings to Founders' Week Visitors Dean Cleveland, and Dr. Stone, will abetted by Joe Eastman's trans attempt to evaluate the situation, portation problems. Fifty-two Last week this column, inspired of a local noble. Backing up his the novelist's bedroom, which he determine public opinion, and then hundred and nineteen breaths were by a few well-chosen remarks from objections he has the vivid mem obligingly is sharing with the consider reopening the matter with held as subscribers and contribu the dramatics department and a ory of Aunt Bessie's ride to S lawyer, who would rather go to the faculty, possibly through peti tors strained their ears for the few peeks at rehearsals, wound with an Arnwood fifty years be sleep than hear the young man's tion. whistle of the 11:50 southbound. up eloquently and promised the fore and the vigorous conviction ruminations on the domestic af The ruling which burst like a As the last speaker was turn atre-goers the night of their lives that—horse and buggy or auto fairs of the innkeeper. The hung- bombshell before student governors ing his last page. Train 90 was when Bird in Hand by John Drink- mobile — human nature hasn't ovcr sardine salesman enters right last week aroused much feeling heard coming around the bend water played in the Annie Russell changed. stage in a floorlength nightshirt within the student body. Many fiom Maitland. As Mrs. Jessie Rit Theatre. This week we feel that Encouraged by mother's under to request that they please let heard in it the death rattle of the tenhouse Scollard gave a few of our colossal-sounding adjectives standing and enraged by father's him get some sleep. administration-approved fraternity her poems to fill up space, the have taken a beating, although no stubborness, Joan departs with Then counter-bedlam breaks system, some thought it an infringe movie star stepped out of a shiny one yet has agreed with us. the male romantic lead. Then loose offstage, as Father chases ment upon the dignity of student black car, was greeted by Riley We promised a rollicking com thunder and lightning do the rest. Daughter upstairs. Lawyer Godol- government, while others considered Weinberg and swarming children edy, and the audience got it. The Out of the storm comes a trio of phin proposes mediation, and the some change wise, this one imprac and Boy Scouts, smiled and drag mirthful scenes were there and comedians—a sardine salesman, a trial of the old man's philosophy tical and inopportune. ged on a pipe while Mrs. Scollard^ splendid entertainment they were. budding novelist, and a shrewd of life begins. Eloquently he states The faculty on the other hand attempted to get her last line in. But we promised suspense, and barrister. When word comes from his case, beautifully conservative, had long been annoyed with the The man at the side gate was there was character instead. a local mouthpiece that the boy's but no reconciliation is in sight be initial upset of rushing, feeling it n't Dr. Christian. He stood tall Bird in Hand is the story of an car is in front of an inn at a neigh fore morning. Sent to bed, the an undesirable and false orientation with square shoulders; his eyes old man with a young daughter boring village. Father Greenleaf household retires, so that lover to college life and work. Admit were blue instead of twinkling and an antediluvian set of scru roars forth into the nigfit, fit Arnwood can climb in the window ting that the new system would dark ones, and he didn't have a ples.. Patriarchally he puts his competition for any storm. Thus and hear from Bevefley, the nov carry many problems of its own— brushy mustache. When he mount foot down when daughter \ Joan Act One. elist, the up-to-date state of af for example, room assignments for ed the platform, put on heavy- starts on an evening motor ex The second act is on the second fairs. sophomores, intramural teams, etc. rimmed glasses, took out his man cursion with Gerry Arnwood, son story of the Bird in Hand Inn, in Morning, the third act, Guerry's —they stated that the heartbreak uscript, and hunched over it on father, and the denouement arrive. and unhappy decisions, the disre the reading desk, we were willing Father Greenleaf is forced to ad gard of academic duties during rush to admit it might be Mr. Hersholt. mit that times have changed. Be week and the resultant bad start Interspersed between a cold spell Sayre Presents Convocation tween giving up his daughter and for a college career entitled them to and a rainy season, the day of the his cherished set of antique ideals, a drastic change. sixteenth annual animated mag Address on Post-War World he brokenly allows heart to rule The proposed results of the azine was for the fifteenth time mind. second year pledging will be unity warm and sunshiny for our visi "The rebuilding of a Shattered one imposed on the vanquished by Penelope Drinkwater, daughter rather than factions, sanity rather tors from California. World" was the topic of the prin their conquers, but one resting up of the late playwright, presented than emotional tension, and better The vivid cover of the magazine, cipal address given by the Hon on Christian fundamentals, and the part of Joan Greenleaf chances for successful fraternity the procession of the Table of orable Francis B. Sayre, former such a peace must be built upon throughout the scenes of youth life without mistaken choices. Contents with the Color Guards United High Commissioner to the at least four underlying principles ful defiance and endearingly turn and color Bearers, the flags under In reply to the question of stu Philippines and present Special —first, international cooperation; ed out to be Penny Drinkwater, dent governing powers. Dr. Holt which Florida has been governed, Assistant to the Secretary of State, second, a recognition of the su who blushed, in the moments of and the C.A.A. trainees opened traced academic and social regula at the Founders' Day Convocation preme value of human personality sweet young love's caresses. For tion authority from the charter by the magazine at 2:30. For the Exercises in the Knowles Memorial and of human rights; third, eco her stage debut, Penny made a front inside cover, the audience the Legislature of the State of Chapel on Monday morning. nomic freedom; and fourth, inter hit. Florida granted to the Board of sang "The Star Spangled Banner", In this struggle of the centuries national control and supervision of led by Miss Mabel Ritch.