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(Copyright. l?»3t, NKA Service. Inc.)

Yvonne is to there is nowhere else to go camera into the The bath completed, Mias ready go—but even if, like Annette appears just a bit resentful at the intrusion of a privacy The daily bath ia a beauty necessity for every well-behaved quintuplet, Nurse De Kiriline her on the «*now* with deft and touch the but back into the mcnbator. gently deposits heaviest and strongea-t of the of her bath, while Nurse De Kiriline practised applies Yvonne here, the awakening is resented Yvonne, a sort woolen with an attached delicate for and water Tin- white towel to be dressed In her "gertrude,” garment hands as Nurse Louise Dv soothing oil which is used on skin that is too soap babies, even makes a show of resistance with her tiny hood, which the all wear. nurse's mask protects against possible infection. quintuplets Kiriline prepares her for her “oil sponge."

MILK— MrfrgL AND A BROTHER / i CORBEIL FOOD FOR FIVE , / ; If Corbeil. Ontario, nearest town to j the Dionne (arm. and so small it " hasn't even a "Main Street The j small white church with'the dark cupola just to the right of the cen- ter is that of the Rev Daniel Routhier, parish priest and advisor to the Dionnes. The stony ground in the farmyard ip the fore- ground gives a clew to the diffi- culties that go with farming in this district, where Dionne has been able to make only a bare living. It is on the edge of heav- ily-wooded country, and is not1 highly productive land.

PI (Copyright, mi. NKA Servlet. Inc >


Legally, (he Dionne quintuplets now have four fathers, appointed as their guardians by the Ontario government. Left to right, they are Kenneth Morrison. Callander merchant and old friend of the Dionne family. Dr A R Dafoe, the physician who took charge of the . Oliver Dionne, the quintuplets' grandfather; and W H. Aiderson of the Canadian Red Cross. The swarm of u, Inc.) pro- ■ -i I (Copyright, 1»t«. NEA Service. t i !' evil lM’ 11 iftiJS imJ moters which immediately sur- ...... I.... .■—. with rounded Dionne was so that Dairies Dionne only half understand why he had to go and live It s lunch time (every three hours) at the Dionnes’ house, and* great was would be unable to when live little sisters descended on him at once. Hrai here is Nurse De Kiriline with the ration of shlpped-in mothers’ it felt he neighbors handle them without the 2. and one of five other children of the Dionnes. The case {iHr milk for a single feeding. The two strongest babies are being possibil- only some that side him encloses one of the containers which have brought da:’y tried oat with regular nursing bottles, but the other three slill ity ot imposition would the tuture of the of mothers' milk by train to the Dionne quintuplets from Teed from magnified "eye-droppers” which enable the nurse to handicap supplies * • and force the feeding somewhat if the baby isn't hungry quintuplets. .


* i. |93«. NEA Service. Inc.) (Copyright. | i 1 \ 1»3l XK.V the Dionne smiled her 1/ met Inc) JSmelle. second smallest of quintuplets. I _



1 \v Copy right. 1934. XEA 8«-r\u*. 1* > NEA Service, Inc.) iiti, ..- -1-- small discoloration on Marie, tiniest of the Dionne quintuplets, smiled gleefully to show that she was not in the least concerned by the Cecil*, most active of the .Dionne babies, seems to take it all a fist which huskiest end strongest of the babes, doubles as a naevus not malig- Yvonne, her left leg which has caused some concern among attending physicians. It has been diagnosed tumor, probably pretty good-naturedly as the nurse protects Iter \tose against cold inserted smartly in her mouth a moment later, just like any to H Marie weighed 3 pound- ehe nant, which should yield readily to treatment a little later when Marie is stronger'and better able undergo germs. other baby,] old. > 10% ounces when this picture was made, though she was 2 months