Tiii? Sunday Oregoniax, Portland, March: 2. Imn. D .R In

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Tiii? Sunday Oregoniax, Portland, March: 2. Imn. D .R In 13 tiii? Sunday oregoniax, Portland, march: 2. imn. 1 OR HAI.K AUTOMOBILES, TOR KAI.K AUTOMOBILES. FOR 8AI.B AUTOMOBILES. FOR RALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR HAI.K Al TO.MOBII.KS. FOR PAT.F AVTOMOBTT.KS. FOR SAI r AUTOMOBII-KS- . THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS. ADtomonllee ITsntea. Auto Tires and Aevessoriee. "ENGINES PARTS SHOW WEEK. TRAILERS WANT TO SELL CLICK 1 "ENGINES TRAILERS PARTS )Ul R CAR? ENGINES T41 A LE I S PARTS A we are maKing extensive alterations YOU CAN SIP.E ENOUGH get the TO FORDS BARGAINS FORDS we are ottering t.'ie above at astonishingly MONEY OUT OK IT yl'H'KI.Y. J ST low prices to make room and save t.tnc GET IN TOUCH WITH THE DEALERS AUTOMOBILE PUALERS AND GRARCS DON'T CJiSXT TOUR FAMILY ANT IN moving parts. USLD OAR t "LEA KING HOU SE. Vol l.l. o NLKS, AUTO BALES CO., THE GREATEST BARGAINS LE ON VOIR WAV TO THE HANK. LONGER. USED CARS. igni- WITH THE "JACK" IN SHORT OKl'EK. I have for quick sale 40 brand Tiew In good condition c.mipleto with one-truc- k ! c caibut-etor- remdy 70 NO FooLIN"." WE SELL IT RIGHT at ac hments. Can be altache-- tion and u run. Over THE KING US UP ANY- to any Fold, making BTH AND COUCH STS. IN USED CARS ALL MODELS. engines must be moved. Reiow are prices OFF HEEL" l!ie best truck of on somo of the engines we now have in WAY OR STILL, Eii IS tu.s nze lu Amer.,. : PERSONALLY. art.l.er wheels, first quality OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. stork IT'LL PAY YOU. solid rubber tires. supply re- IN. THE CITY. Stud, baker KMC :t H. P $.VO0 Guarantee. of 20 40.00 PHONE EAST 7lO pair parts and reflacemei-ts- Immediate Give them a chance to enjoy the open $100 studebaker Flanders STAR K. dv'lvery. A : ac h t s m IT scenery. IN CASH OR LIBERTY BONDS Studebaker 36 7o..N GRAND AVE. AND . :ne:i tow storage country and Oregon's beautiful SERVICE Studebaker. your W:.: - I f jr leas than hslf of "VVa live in the midst of the most wonder- Come In AND A SMALL MONTHLY .',o.ii,!.! Or.ginal price, fre and paid. and LOOK these over and PAYMENT Overland engines ehte storavw ful playground in America, accessible only Li-- " g Tn.s Is ch::M-- ci.-a- up those who own an automobile. IS OUR MIDDLE NAirE. CONVINCE YOURS E that the follow-n- Mil, hell. S5.00 jour to a nice to cars are absolutely the BEST VAL- AND DRIVE A CAR AWAY. Winttni t vfciih B.ch magneto '.5.uo profit quicw Wr.te or Wire al vnvi tor UES that you have ever seen for the Many oi.h-- r engines too nu- WANTED FORD CARS. particulars. money. merous to t price-- as- THOMAS V. SMITH. OUR MOTTO IS "EVERY CUS- ALL CARS IN Al MECHANICAL you. mention that ftitl HARVEY. ILL. 1918 CONDITION. tonish "Will pay cash for your Ford car. TOMER MUST BE THOROU-GHL- BUICK LIGHT SIX. TRAILERS at a fraction of the regular price. To PA LACE GARAGE. If you haven't a car, then you are SATISFIED." AND WE ALLOW NO 1318 MITCHELL CHUMMY ROADSTER. 1918 FORD TOURING. LIKE NEW. move these trailers we are almost wlll.ng PARTS rARTS PARTS. CHEATING YUUK FAMILY. to give them nwav. 12th and Stark Sis. CAR TO GO OUT UNTIL WIS 1918 OLDSMOBILE, 1918 FORD TOURING. LOTS OF EX- ."e"v to capacltv $lftto$ 25 Broadway 1572. A 244 TRAS. 1'Hio lo 20hi.)i. calac:tv 20 to Tli NEW AND USED. KNOW THAT IT IS MECHANI- 1917 XGRANT SIX. 2mh to ;;imm.;i. eapacilv :;.", to 7.", 1017 FORD TOURING, Al CONDITION. 3'oo to 4oisi-t- . calMleity 4., to t5 FOR M'ST ALL MAKES OF CAT.i CALLY" 1918 FORD TOURING. 40IMI lh and upwards 65 to 1 4 RIGHT AND EXACTLY AS 1816 FORD ac.-- c.ty you you can say: DELIVERY, A DANDY. Good must be moved to save handling, THRI.E mrn, 4.100m house, fruit, We Curry a dtrplele Line of If own an automobile REPRESENTED. OUR "SPECIAL" 1917 HUDSON SUPER SIX, and wul go at tne.e prices now. nalrr. 1015 FORD BUG. VERT CLASSY. PARTS 1250. 16 a.. house, fronting fine NEW ACCESSORIES A 1918 VELIE. foe fvery make of car. Have wrecked ever lake. going to biff woods, wife, DAT PLAN IS WORKING OUT 1913 1 We're the FORD DELIVERY; CURTAIN loOrt cars and will sell these sightly Used J2250. acre. house, also near For AT. Automobiles. "We're going Sunday sure, SIDES. s la k e. The will cease, roads be bad, FINE. EACH DAY SOME ONE PASS.19cIpiTUDEBAKERS- - 6CTL- - 7" at less than oth half pr.'ee. - rains won't NIVY GEARS AND AXl.lv vill. all teeat- iucumbram e. exchance. Vtr. V your s- - RINGS Aud the trip blues will cure. GOES reduced pilvej.. 1 jr-f- f of trans- L.lher or a.i for need truck, auto or AWAY WITH A "BARGAIN AND st .lock on easv- 1' All Makes Oar Specialty. STUDEBAKER- - -- CYL. ROAD-MI- S SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE mission gears, differential gear and axt terms. Deal with owners. M. 'We'll hustle out and buy a, car. OF BARGAINS." THIS PLAN STEfL FROM. shafts for nearly every mak of car. note 'regorian Kill it with gas and air. our prices on now-- xle mnoe of :;5 go on highway, stiafts WILL irade a'.l or prt of 4 S aelra of MOTOR 1MRTS VFG. And all out the wife. t per vv dull WILL BE CONTINUED. WATCH CHANDLER. 45 cent carOon special alioy teel under cult iv atl'tiii. hcavl'y leneeil. 2 I'm C5 e Fd a v That trip will kill care." from hot rolled or niE.-- : , bars (un rolled chl fr,nt orcB'-- Or. M,i,ws'W I 1913 r COME IN AND SEE THE draw i, Cl:. l"c' ri S r' e;e In ro!d wes'ber Wltli our OUR ADS. ANY DAY WE MAY BUICK ROADSTER, 'i bearii.c surface highly polished leading to town, close to s'sni'ird sfho,.. new lft per and sizes are accurate. on 2 Would tn.tlie 11:1 Mrburetoes; 34 miles galloo. CLASSY BUGS. nmin h.hw:i. - .ei 1 so v!i.ap,st or ker..sene; OFFER JUST THE CAR YOU ARE ONE STUDEBAKER BUG. Helow are quotation on s few impu'sr 11"1 h,n'. sir.. Will tr,ie Mini; new anyhi: makes of our large stock of n w axlo car or um ,1 car In good n. In.iuire increased per. etv'is for nu'tnr; : omiit!, it ,i.rel:. l:i pio'i: to agents. LOOKING FOR. ana fts mi Pri, Moi,-- Ma. a . A STUDEBAKER TOU MAKE 4fW t'.ro Iep:. 7:h ar.d k : aar ntc-- 3u USED YOUR OWN TERMS. v'hevrolel $1 1:5 11 ,11 , davs f'sl. f'hev-role- t sis. ec i :iy, or. LEWIS E. OB YE MOTORS CO. baby grand.... t;.." art un wr lt',6 Madison. Is the safest investment, and you can get COME lHVl..t. O. easy ON OVER. 2'! one enough. BROADWAY AT COUCH ST. For.l .'.V .V.V.V.'l" 2 TlltKS SALE PALAOK GARAGE o- yotl real:y to 11 your rrtll PHONE BROADWAY 3327. COMPANY. Grant 6 IF wart guar-r.ir- at whole le t ort T - eieral cord, one 115 we uo lt Qulik ctlon s TERMS IF TOO SAY SO. AUTHORIZED MuxuHl 25 3 Oupi,l.-- '1r. :Jn4, brand lt- w. and tn - FORD DEALERS. Overland .......... ........... tow anteed. ner tuoej. t ait i;. rhtiourK. l oo n . Nih. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. si son 4 ihi SMITH AUTO co No need to pay all cash, Make your WHEN YOU BUY A CAR HERE 12TH AND STARK STS. Saxon cyl t ;,o l'ars, and L'ou h. S ;o M Y K A ! M.H weather. $4'X selection today. .Studebaker 4 and cvl.. ' 1 1 s . 6 im 2 4 iioodycar. a I w eat In r. i" each. SERVICE BDWY. 1572. A 1442. M AGN 2 ;.4.4 Ovodyrar Ktnoolh, $- -. cacll. Bosdt high tension magnetos, tvpe 1. $25. A new. Ka.t "2 ". IS PART OF THE TRANSACTION. If you need parts nun is to us. tlie time FOLDS WANTED FOR CASH. At TOMOIiiLE a.v, patent f Lr sa'e. see ce:ttnt opporr uni : to it.Mkf b.g mone v COME TO HEADQUARTERS. WRITE. CAT.!, any i : invr.-;n.ei:- t. rnnE OR I will pay cash for Ford, late or on co-i- pra i e'y tn;att Al AUTO SALES CO., 1AVII HOOKS COMPANY. ertrly models them l 525 Alder '9. Hros.lway ant; St. St. Al Auto Worl.l. 'r''orj.n. PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. STH AND COUCH STS. Al AUTO WORK3 PAINTING CO. The Original Auto Wreckers of the C K N F.K A L rcpMrir.fr. b- t 1'ord nech::1o in N,rl'iw :. LUNG 4; SlI.V A. .eel; k.-'- on hand, THE BIGGEST AND BUSIEST COR- OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. We have several new cars on our floor Auto wrekeis. We wreck cars and savs nil T"o: d pa rt a. t i rtn on S;i:.n j Haw for this week s offering and we will take ou 50 per cent on parts.
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    JTOMOBII.ES. 112 fkUTOMOBILES, 113 UTOMOBII,ES, 112 UTOMOBILES, 112 A UTOMOBIKES,OBIIJCS, 1121 /AtAUTOMOBILES, 113 AUTOMOBILES, 112 BRUARV 19, 1953 TORRANCE HERALD Thirty-one (Trucks, Eta. I nicks,1 etc. linkn, etc. Tnicfcg, Etc. Trunk*,», Etc. UTOMOBILES, 112 AUTOMOBILES, 113 rv1AY FALL Truck*, etc. Track*, etc. 1 SAFETY'FEST.ED I...B. Finney FEBRUARY To The Buyer SHORT on DAYSAYS Sportsman SPECIAL I 'Used<3ars OPEN NITES & SUNDAY WHO CAN'T AFFORD But These BARGA INS Don't Fall I The finest, clea nest new car "JAY BEE" .To Be Fooled Buy Your 1 trades in the Harbor Area -. SHORT on QUALITYIALITY PRICED LOW fo r QUICK SALE We Offer The Finest Selection of . For the CLEANEST R econditionsdditionsd Cars , Used Cars in the Harbo'r Area CONVERTIBLE I 1951 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOP A/ith Famous Chevrole t OK GUARANTEE Super 88 with radio, heater and hydramatic. l< lor the SEE PAUL'S FIRS1f for the BEST Local One Owner New .Car Trade-ins 1950 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOF FENOMINAL* DEALS -.. NOW SEDAN ......... $695.00 Deluxe 88. Radio, heate f, and hydramatic. i95i CHEVROLET' ' 194646 PONTIAC , 1946 PONTIAC 8 4-DOOR Mine Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. r lib Sedanan with radio and Radio, Heater, two-tone finish, good mechanically. 1949 CADILLAC 4-DOOR SEDAN ..........$2295 lipped with radio and heat- ^ ater. Neeilican Homenornc mechanical , A car with a reputation? ork. A fineIne buy for a mechanic While the Weather Radio, heater, hydrama fie, 2-tone finish. 1 $1595 $545 1947 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN ............ $995.00 , 1949 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOR la for tlin The Super with Radio, Heater, Tailored covers, is Cool and the .
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