13 tiii? Sunday oregoniax, Portland, march: 2. imn. 1 OR HAI.K AUTOMOBILES, TOR KAI.K AUTOMOBILES. FOR 8AI.B AUTOMOBILES. FOR RALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR HAI.K Al TO.MOBII.KS. FOR PAT.F AVTOMOBTT.KS. FOR SAI r AUTOMOBII-KS- . THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS. ADtomonllee ITsntea. Auto Tires and Aevessoriee. "ENGINES PARTS SHOW WEEK. TRAILERS WANT TO SELL CLICK 1 "ENGINES TRAILERS PARTS )Ul R CAR? ENGINES T41 A LE I S PARTS A we are maKing extensive alterations YOU CAN SIP.E ENOUGH get the TO FORDS BARGAINS FORDS we are ottering t.'ie above at astonishingly MONEY OUT OK IT yl'H'KI.Y. J ST low prices to make room and save t.tnc GET IN TOUCH WITH THE DEALERS AUTOMOBILE PUALERS AND GRARCS DON'T CJiSXT TOUR FAMILY ANT IN moving parts. USLD OAR t "LEA KING HOU SE. Vol l.l. o NLKS, AUTO BALES CO., THE GREATEST BARGAINS LE ON VOIR WAV TO THE HANK. LONGER. USED CARS. igni- WITH THE "JACK" IN SHORT OKl'EK. I have for quick sale 40 brand Tiew In good condition c.mipleto with one-truc- k ! c caibut-etor- remdy 70 NO FooLIN"." WE SELL IT RIGHT at ac hments. Can be altache-- tion and u run. Over THE KING US UP ANY- to any Fold, making BTH AND COUCH STS. IN USED CARS ALL MODELS. engines must be moved. Reiow are prices OFF HEEL" l!ie best truck of on somo of the engines we now have in WAY OR STILL, Eii IS tu.s nze lu Amer.,. : PERSONALLY. art.l.er wheels, first quality OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. stork IT'LL PAY YOU. solid rubber tires. supply re- IN. THE CITY. Stud, baker KMC :t H. P $.VO0 Guarantee. of 20 40.00 PHONE EAST 7lO pair parts and reflacemei-ts- Immediate Give them a chance to enjoy the open $100 studebaker Flanders STAR K. dv'lvery. A : ac h t s m IT scenery. IN CASH OR LIBERTY BONDS Studebaker 36 7o..N GRAND AVE. AND . :ne:i tow storage country and Oregon's beautiful SERVICE Studebaker. your W:.: - I f jr leas than hslf of "VVa live in the midst of the most wonder- Come In AND A SMALL MONTHLY .',o.ii,!.! Or.ginal price, fre and paid. and LOOK these over and PAYMENT Overland engines ehte storavw ful playground in America, accessible only Li-- " g Tn.s Is ch::M-- ci.-a- up those who own an automobile. IS OUR MIDDLE NAirE. CONVINCE YOURS E that the follow-n- Mil, hell. S5.00 jour to a nice to cars are absolutely the BEST VAL- AND DRIVE A CAR AWAY. Winttni t vfciih B.ch magneto '.5.uo profit quicw Wr.te or Wire al vnvi tor UES that you have ever seen for the Many oi.h-- r engines too nu- WANTED FORD CARS. particulars. money. merous to t price-- as- THOMAS V. SMITH. OUR MOTTO IS "EVERY CUS- ALL CARS IN Al MECHANICAL you. mention that ftitl HARVEY. ILL. 1918 CONDITION. tonish "Will pay cash for your Ford car. TOMER MUST BE THOROU-GHL- LIGHT SIX. TRAILERS at a fraction of the regular price. To PA LACE GARAGE. If you haven't a car, then you are SATISFIED." AND WE ALLOW NO 1318 MITCHELL CHUMMY . 1918 FORD TOURING. LIKE NEW. move these trailers we are almost wlll.ng PARTS rARTS PARTS. CHEATING YUUK FAMILY. to give them nwav. 12th and Stark Sis. CAR TO GO OUT UNTIL WIS 1918 , 1918 FORD TOURING. LOTS OF EX- ."e"v to capacltv $lftto$ 25 Broadway 1572. A 244 TRAS. 1'Hio lo 20hi.)i. calac:tv 20 to Tli NEW AND USED. KNOW THAT IT IS MECHANI- 1917 XGRANT SIX. 2mh to ;;imm.;i. eapacilv :;.", to 7.", 1017 FORD TOURING, Al CONDITION. 3'oo to 4oisi-t- . calMleity 4., to t5 FOR M'ST ALL MAKES OF CAT.i CALLY" 1918 FORD TOURING. 40IMI lh and upwards 65 to 1 4 RIGHT AND EXACTLY AS 1816 FORD ac.-- c.ty you you can say: DELIVERY, A DANDY. Good must be moved to save handling, THRI.E mrn, 4.100m house, fruit, We Curry a dtrplele Line of If own an automobile REPRESENTED. OUR "SPECIAL" 1917 HUDSON SUPER SIX, and wul go at tne.e prices now. nalrr. 1015 FORD BUG. VERT CLASSY. PARTS 1250. 16 a.. house, fronting fine NEW ACCESSORIES A 1918 VELIE. foe fvery make of car. Have wrecked ever lake. going to biff woods, wife, DAT PLAN IS WORKING OUT 1913 1 We're the FORD DELIVERY; CURTAIN loOrt cars and will sell these sightly Used J2250. acre. house, also near For AT. Automobiles. "We're going Sunday sure, SIDES. s la k e. The will cease, roads be bad, FINE. EACH DAY SOME ONE PASS.19cIpiTUDEBAKERS- - 6CTL- - 7" at less than oth half pr.'ee. - rains won't NIVY GEARS AND AXl.lv vill. all teeat- iucumbram e. exchance. Vtr. V your s- - RINGS Aud the trip blues will cure. GOES reduced pilvej.. 1 jr-f- f of trans- L.lher or a.i for need truck, auto or AWAY WITH A "BARGAIN AND st .lock on easv- 1' All Makes Oar Specialty. STUDEBAKER- - -- CYL. ROAD-MI- S SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE mission gears, differential gear and axt terms. Deal with owners. M. 'We'll hustle out and buy a, car. OF BARGAINS." THIS PLAN STEfL FROM. shafts for nearly every mak of car. note 'regorian Kill it with gas and air. our prices on now-- xle mnoe of :;5 go on highway, stiafts WILL irade a'.l or prt of 4 S aelra of MOTOR 1MRTS VFG. And all out the wife. t per vv dull WILL BE CONTINUED. WATCH CHANDLER. 45 cent carOon special alioy teel under cult iv atl'tiii. hcavl'y leneeil. 2 I'm C5 e Fd a v That trip will kill care." from hot rolled or niE.-- : , bars (un rolled chl fr,nt orcB'-- Or. M,i,ws'W I 1913 r COME IN AND SEE THE draw i, Cl:. l"c' ri S r' e;e In ro!d wes'ber Wltli our OUR ADS. ANY DAY WE MAY BUICK ROADSTER, 'i bearii.c surface highly polished leading to town, close to s'sni'ird sfho,.. new lft per and sizes are accurate. on 2 Would tn.tlie 11:1 Mrburetoes; 34 miles galloo. CLASSY BUGS. nmin h.hw:i. - .ei 1 so v!i.ap,st or ker..sene; OFFER JUST THE CAR YOU ARE ONE STUDEBAKER BUG. Helow are quotation on s few impu'sr 11"1 h,n'. sir.. Will tr,ie Mini; new anyhi: makes of our large stock of n w axlo car or um ,1 car In good n. In.iuire increased per. etv'is for nu'tnr; : omiit!, it ,i.rel:. l:i pio'i: to agents. LOOKING FOR. ana fts mi Pri, Moi,-- Ma. a . A STUDEBAKER TOU MAKE 4fW t'.ro Iep:. 7:h ar.d k : aar ntc-- 3u USED YOUR OWN TERMS. v'hevrolel $1 1:5 11 ,11 , davs f'sl. f'hev-role- t sis. ec i :iy, or. LEWIS E. OB YE MOTORS CO. baby grand.... t;.." art un wr lt',6 Madison. Is the safest investment, and you can get COME lHVl..t. O. easy ON OVER. 2'! one enough. BROADWAY AT COUCH ST. For.l .'.V .V.V.V.'l" 2 TlltKS SALE PALAOK GARAGE o- yotl real:y to 11 your rrtll PHONE BROADWAY 3327. COMPANY. Grant 6 IF wart guar-r.ir- at whole le t ort T - eieral cord, one 115 we uo lt Qulik ctlon s TERMS IF TOO SAY SO. AUTHORIZED MuxuHl 25 3 Oupi,l.-- '1r. :Jn4, brand lt- w. and tn - FORD DEALERS. Overland ...... tow anteed. ner tuoej. t ait i;. rhtiourK. l oo n . Nih. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. si son 4 ihi SMITH AUTO co No need to pay all cash, Make your WHEN YOU BUY A CAR HERE 12TH AND STARK STS. Saxon cyl t ;,o l'ars, and L'ou h. S ;o M Y K A ! M.H weather. $4'X selection today. .Studebaker 4 and cvl.. ' 1 1 s . . 6 im 2 4 iioodycar. a I w eat In r. i" each. SERVICE BDWY. 1572. A 1442. M AGN 2 ;.4.4 Ovodyrar Ktnoolh, $- -. cacll. Bosdt high tension magnetos, tvpe 1. $25. A new. Ka.t "2 ". IS PART OF THE TRANSACTION. If you need parts nun is to us. tlie time FOLDS WANTED FOR CASH. At TOMOIiiLE a.v, patent f Lr sa'e. see ce:ttnt opporr uni : to it.Mkf b.g mone v COME TO HEADQUARTERS. WRITE. CAT.!, any i : invr.-;n.ei:- t. rnnE OR I will pay cash for Ford, late or on co-i- pra i e'y tn;att Al AUTO SALES CO., 1AVII HOOKS COMPANY. ertrly models them l 525 Alder '9. Hros.lway ant; St. St. Al Auto Worl.l. 'r''orj.n. PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. STH AND COUCH STS. Al AUTO WORK3 PAINTING CO. The Original Auto Wreckers of the C K N F.K A L rcpMrir.fr. b- t 1'ord nech::1o in N,rl'iw :. LUNG 4; SlI.V A. .eel; k.-'- on hand, THE BIGGEST AND BUSIEST COR- OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. We have several new cars on our floor Auto wrekeis. We wreck cars and savs nil T"o: d pa rt a. t i rtn on S;i:.n j Haw for this week s offering and we will take ou 50 per cent on parts. Send in the t hri:e ia ra fte. 4 Li 1 . i r:ie a e. NER ON BROADWAY. your bonds at bonus and allow you long ou we duplicate WALK OVER TO GRANP AVE. AND parts need and wl.l A1IC -- liberal terms, small payments down. See EAST boug'.t regardless of condi- compreMir. tsr.k nl fmtnr com them. Autos pl- te ; bargn ip 1 "nlon A a. T;re AT BURN'SIDE. what we have before buying, as we will STARK ST., tion, rhone E.ist t,s4i 4uJ Hawthorne ave. a and give you lowest price In city. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT n.tte-- Shop. M l"nin ae ' S A . t", t . In.', ' DISTRICT. AND SELECT YOUR CAR. K. ti 'in- ... ie IS i.in Phone Broadway 616. "BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. o.) f, new. Cai. at Asa iuir,for New top. I WANT a Ford. Dodge or t'herro'et. A ' newly reflnlshed and runs YOU 4 . e n like new. Low price and long terms. SAVE FROM $J0O TO $200 ON ANY l':;,-- mast Oe I.Kht. K G. orefio-nan- N E new 4 n OF THE FOLLOWING CARS: Siivertom cord tire. neer Open Sunday. 19 Maxwell touring, new. A USKD TRUCK. bn u d . fr pale. 40. coJ awn .?d97. 17 Maxwell touring In fine condition. r.r er unu ra ppeu. IS , some extras and nearly 191S MAXWELL. t :.:4'fr. new. 1I11S CASH FOR CAR?. MR. AUTO ENTHUSIAST. 17 Ford touring, nearly new. OVERLAND. Zx I'AINr,. io. 15 191S BUK'K. PURCHASED FROM US 13 A Ford touring. 191S MITCHELL CHUMMY ROADSTER. We will P" cash for anv light late tnk. ": cur:.ui 15 Hupp touring, paint, any way you V.HH model nr. touting or Mit be in SHOW YOUR OLDSMOBILE. ro.dstr. VS Automobile for litre. APPRECIATION' OF THE like. Price 1'JIS VELIE. SPLENDID INVESTMENT. WE tijixl running nrvler. Al Auto orK x Pierce-Ano- I'amtlpiC . Alder Pt ALTOS WITIK'1'1' DKIVEKS. 1919 AUTO SHOW 17 Chalmers touring. HAVE JUST A FEW AND WILL New rars. bie rate. City Oarage, Apperson 8, this year, and grand car for A II A lU'.AlX. A loth pi. BroM1ay S4l. BY OWNING ONE OF THESE any use. Very low price. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING SELL TOEM TO RESPONSIBLE I will a ris of excellent tint-b.- r HOUSE. IaiuI for a PM model. Ni.W CAiiS K K RENT W 1TH CT DRIV- EXCEPTIONAL GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK ST. BUYERS AT THE FOLLOWING car; or will pel I on tt rm. ERS. C N. SMITH. THILDAND LISAS' OFFERS: CHANDLER CHUMMY. THIS YEAR PHONE 7S1I). titunnc ruv STS. A BROADWAY A.-v- HAS LOTS EXTRAS. WIRE EAST I'aii or wri;e for particular?. E. Mir. 2i.9. 2ri. WHEELS, CORDS. PRICES: S. IvinW ?t . St John. r. la A L TOd W T H OUT L R 1 Y E : S TOR HIKE. WINTER BARGAINS. 3917 Hupmobile. cord tires. repaintcd.$1200 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. COUCHMAN IVAN, 1115 Hupmobile, MLT. cord tires 050 Apperson chummy 18. brand new. saint. DPGS of all sorts, built to your order, with MAR. J. HUH AND YAMHILL. A 1239. Lawer prices now than you can get ia litis Grant Six itoo ed light cream and the loudest w t s. high-power- roadster or floating fenue for hire. touring railing. the spring. 1917 Grant Six 7ci of the type in to- uhmii Dade 1!16 Overland, repainted Out) Portland A REO TWO-TO- $ 0 shopping, highway. Hroad way 354 7. day. The price will surprise you. Ready r, E R B I :S. THE R A D I A TO R M A N 1917 Maxwell automobile, all in fine lltltt Saxon Six. with attractive color, to snow now. Broadway ;t 1Mb st. N. condition; only $490 cord tires. r50 A DEN3Y FIVE-TO- 4100 17 1916 Maxwell 4.,iJ 4"l h o( apple land near touring 13. Is In perfect shape .. WILL trid hit 1918 Maxwell automobile; just like i:17 .Maxwell, repainted, fine tires... 5o ana win outwear two cheap cars yet. Low A DENBY ONE-TON.- T. POO r, rlsMt .lo. to r:i1rowd. tor W ANTFD M1SCFLLANFOVS. -- .ii"r. I.- -' In new; a good buy in a good used 1!17 IJodse, pasenger touring..... 75' price and little car new or d in cornllt .ni A brand-ne- elev qunrter-r- d 1912 Hupmobile 250 uk in trade. A CADILLAC ONE-TO- .. 475 .r Mule, oreKyii tME SNAP ted car 730 :;no . BUT nirv: at i'l.cu ilri'P. Upl. oak dining i.iMe, toit. very Baxon roadster ...... Metz touring, fine light car In "tl . r s 1913 :;r,o little and ri':iiiva mid attractivu lab!; regular pries 1919 Maxwell Buick Dcst ot condition, w price $375. I t o 0. demonstrator that 391 Country Club 75 W l.L l4 yl.'O raaii f.r ued car In .'7, em S7 not been used much; only roadster YOUR USED CAR rendition: gie full parttcuiars to make, FE Lls?T N n nMTI'RK CO, 101S Chevrolet 675 TRUCKS ARE IN ELE- t- lot;-Hi- We have some early models will THESE y r, u . ; u. s Kir M. con- that in n's run, i muL bar sal It 1017 Mitchell Light Six. in good ao lor Dugs at your own price. FROM A RELIABLE DEALER. 4 J. ri inni.in. dition; only J875 GANT CONDITION. READT TO OL'R ape ialty is buying men a csst-of- f cloth- Ford Light DellTery 400 WE INVITE INSPECTION. OPEN SUN WILL trade li.i.ocen lot wniNnly ing, lim uuu price paid-- Will call 1918 Mitchell Light Six; a bargain. .$1000 Overland Light Delivery . .. 050 DAYS ALL DAI'. 525 ALDEK ST. PAIGE F.PPITX $1SOO GO TO WORK; SEE THEM TO- for used car iu s;ood condition. W rite aay br n:rhi. Two-to- n Truck Attachment, PAIGE 13 ROOK LAND l.Mio Couch bldg. PEOPLES PFCOND-- AND STORK. motor DAY AT THE Mars-ha.- : .t22. or 2Q9 Mad i won St. 1918 Oldsmobile Eight; a snap $1100 KTi:ilKBAKKIt IS SERIES... Kll W A XTHl LiKttt tourtnc jt,r tor cmkIi and Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. STUDEBAKER 17 SERIES t we I located. ' 213 liHST pnees pttd our bnd-bsi- lioire clear !.!: . lor trunk, 5 fnii.-ai-ri- 1918 Chalmers Roadster, one of the OVERLAND MODEL tirH of Trade, or phon Main -- 'M 0. und ones, spot $1200 CADILLAC Loud CO., Jate with hot uo -- 1 - LEV1V A Ft HNlTi nE MANLEY AUTO COMPANY. W A N T E I -- Truii ton. in good condition: 2 J t I "ront t. Main 9" . 2. THESE CARS ARE OVERHAULED, OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. pay W box 491. Latest model Franklin $30 below the price ALL wi.l catli. rite NcwUri. 1 by one of W A N T E ROW BOAT otfered the other auto dealers 11th and Burnside. Broadway 217 STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTEF.3. suitable for sHwuon trolling at Jennings on a trade in. A :.oxUo Heights lot on Mot COOK & GILL. INC. Portland e Lodic or Oregon City. Phone Mam oofsl. DAVIS. gonu-r- drive any lat model iigtit or d1 I i v.tti, Oregon? an. Broadway and Everett Sta. PARK AND -t f.r W . re?s GUARANTEED HUDSON. Bror.dway nr. Ku- t. 2 " 2610. 327". :'' 0 Elt THE ToleT7.0 ANU LP, Super-Si- PHONE BROADWAY 1M.'Y. or exchaiifce any kind or tutus . W 1917 Hudson all gone over We vll w for overcoa:a and lu Pif or and ork rui:. f.-- d in our shop; guaranteed for 60 A irurks. inv.ii:re elc tnc tuoro lUin ,ny !e.irr c.oit.ca. day by us. the a as a factory USED CAR BARGAINS S. W. cor. 17m and A'der. itroad. 2i, MAIN 7.1 guarantee: a 'iv ish quality car your or : i you upon. USED AT WANTED Will take Ford light WANTKD .ia com nu t n wnod and "Ual can ...... $14o0 WHY NOT BUY THAT USED CAR NOW LONG Sll.VA'S. car m ftrt payment on slx I bal cook, iiovn itifMi Xr h. i'hoiiv Tit "or INSTEAD OF WAITING. AS PRICES 412 HAWTHORNE AVE. ance monthly. Kast h)i Sunda y from A. M. to U P. M.. II. L. BOSS CO., GO CAR 1 AUTOMOBILE HIGHER AND HIGHER? Mitchell chassis lOitx UK', w f e k d a after 5 P. M . 615-G1- 7 Washington 1917 SIX $1000 1 52 IAVS lu Yancuuxer. Wa in., to " St., Portland. BUICK Franklin hue p-- L. X IS IS 1 ss rt payment uii automooi.e. SLA II WOO I J W ANT LU. DA.VUl I T L CHEVROLET Overland roadster trade lr,rt. TOURING fino NO 2 K. M. F. touring each l.'tl inr, Wood lawn Will contract lor tom.irv :gwood 4 KEO TOURING 1X10 1 Mitchell tour.ng 0 WILL trade within il blocks Peninsula fet. delivery on tars IVrt.and. F 72 b, 1918 OLDSMOBILE. 2 Oakland touring each 17. Phipyarils forIt light auto. 34 W. BLan-- d oregr.ina'1. N . . BETTER .bAKl,t f. 1500 1 Overland touring ... - na st WE HL' LilAMON US. Uia i.t ILL. Ul.O 1916 OLDSMOBILE TOURING; RE 2 studebakera ...... each Jewelry rajtn: name your price. Tiring FINISH KD 90O THAN 1 FORDS. FORDS. WANT good roadster, late model: roUg for Ford KORD3. ; or mail. .2:.'- - Usaii.. bet. i:h r.ni 1916 CASE: REFINISHED AND 1 Studebaker touring, electric lights preferred exchange Faxon Mk tuuruig. t' l'iy. NEW TOP 750 THE and starter n'.t. Oregonian. liK,H.ST vih pr.ee paid lor your ill. e. ahoi-pu- n 1917 MAXWELL ROADSTER; A 1 "hevrolel. No. 49K for or kix.ak, mutt be ( im-c.- liocn-Ir.- d. FIRM 1 11418 WILL give diamond and eah Ma.n BEAUTY 65? Maxweil. H esulq uarters for New and Iwd Ford Cars 4 light car. ha M., r.ur o.iK. I'lmne 191S CHUMMY ROAD- 1 Intent model or BRISCOE Chevrolet baby grand Imtv A l rej; r. THAT 1 'JO S 30. Oregon W NTLU one rnu!! ash ienny STER 675 Overland, No. and Genuine Ford Tarts. r - ,at-- r o- - e u h tape, Call ai.lord. Maul NO BROKERAGE; EASY TERMS SELLS 2 one-to- n trucks $:;00 and 400 W A NT EI Electric automobiles elect ne n ..:. ,Mopi;i). 1 two-to- n truck 1 $1 tru kf; condition no tipje.i.. O Ore NOW IS THE TIME. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON, 191 shape. V A N TE1 Me i lo i rilej IT. DO VOU WANT A KUKD 4 tooring In fine gonian. tJieir il.i tml BROADWAY AND COUCH. HIHJ? 1 1 S sfMlan. a bartcaln. miaf it c.otn for :i;Tul Hppra.iin.vut ana TO BUY YOUR CAR. WHY? - If havln x fuilnd to k t wtial ou want K 'HI) w an :i good condtttrtn. 1910 or - ;7 2 1 1 7 touring with sueamline bodies. ted. ti,n at the dt'uirn, tome u.id icu a In a latrr. i'a 1 be for 1 o'clock Sunday. Hi) BECAUSE you get a better selection to clans by itftd f : u red leat top. 1 1115 roadster. E. at. d prc for CiraJfcx camera. pick from than you will later. 1918 FORD . unri upholhifrv, and anhrfr.K.iie that f itlod w lUi 1' ns. Can new, run only Ton miles, you kit ANTEI t'nummv loailnter or ioupe in 4l Brand electric HERE ARE USED CARS. LIGHT AND will tukc to i.'aicailt.' Lu uii'l lack chain-dxi- e - 4, Ore-v:o- n : atock of Kord eviliHrige fo"- Hutlaon super 6. AH 4 627 washington is place, lights and starter, speedometer, clock, and BIG ONES. HEAVY AND LIGHT DE- on hiKli L'I Kni or t : the extras; absolute sacrifice. Liberty LIVERY TRUCKS. A )t trucka in city; $:'SS to tan. Id i'UA b"U. tO HI. i tll'lslilcld why other ALWAYS GOOD at S4i Hl ntont ft. tivnr. M')-ii- T p y responsible piiMi-nKf- r r ioo, wi ash bonds taken; terms to party. SELECTION AT BARGAIN PRICES. KI-- . W LL trade new pia in for 'ate j X 4 19, our prices are right so are V l:;, Oregonian. HACK AK1. I'.'l Mul) W p odel or latrr. BECAUSE and Tn A I rrniy er hulit auto In Rood "inlll ion. id coruiit ion. rtiu k.ooo m1Vt: 1914 "pdi:i.c. with new 1 ; our cars. ss d i f ii e. .12 H. W A NT E l Muhi he on DODGES. 1915 and 191 (j. in first-cla- con- must b to w,ipreriMte4l ; if w one- - tlrej. pit teiy ti rrliaul-i- . fere Lot. Eod '"ratter" Zi coin wi.l g l tli.V KOl hi Hi. dition, overhauled, new tires and spare: man top. aide curtalnn, r at rn. extra elei-trlr- a kt-i- battery; a W Hum k; must be in gtovi tMt the lflor. 191S Chevrolet, 5 good tires $675 NORTHWEST AUTO CO. io tarter und tie AMKl' 11 i I or rent. rt a Ma. n 212 miKht consider Chevrolet or Maxwell in full mot toola: di'-- from owner. great $07.". . b; rayiu'i.t and monthly buy & tire. Apply -- baiva.n at Un 1018 Maxwell touring $675 trade. Kodhiiin Vollurn Auto Co.. 93 ALDER AT HTH. Price cash. 'lo !4ih bt. .'hone p4 iner t" S ;io. reKn!:ttl W A NTLU UiA regiaisr. mow'Mei. aafs Park st. North. Hdwy. ,00. Main IMS. Saxon roadster tn fine shape, Molorr) elm. ar.d other aiors i.aiurea. ! First mu Dodge touring $630 PIERCK-ARRO- 4 . 3tf H. P.. M;tln 424. CADILLAC BUG A1 CONDITION. lDechanlcally in ele;atit ton ; better frE' ONi'-HAN- .OTH I NO HI YLIi. Dort touring. Some car $6u0 Newly painted; snap at $50; email pay- ce thin c.t before Hleittn other htieh-jrra- TALBOT & CASET. INC e need the elo' in; and pay all It is ment down, balance on terms. Ufed car. K. Ij. Juricnstn, Hotel irSEO fOTOnCTCXE3. worth. "a!l .Mnn 1916 Ford touring $350 A 1 AUTO Lenox. Aothorlxe-- Ford Dealers. WORKS. 525 Alder. IT WILL PAT TO!T TO LOOK OVER OUR JOB PR1N riNO plant. leerHe lully ft:t 1916 Ford roadster ...$350 HUPP TOURING. FRANKLIN. Grand Ave. and E, Ankeny ?t. tolt'CK. CXNS1STIN OF letter. alv price; conlicential. AC Paint any way you like; $550; small Ftnc car; juPt Indl.nA, H.rley-Davu.pcn- Eacv slors, te. C'tegotilaru USED CAR EXCHANGE, sum down, bal. easy. 525 Alder st. A 1 MODEL S3 OVERLAND $500. right for ni.ik In s delivery or bug; irood Closed Alt Sunday. Terms .f dealix-d- . Lil erty binds accepted. THE 3917 PAIGE SIX. in frrxvl running condition; Der L'jh'd. carbu- ANTE! Ptionog ph. fior.i pariv; Auto Works. $14o0 tires and motors rnBtietos. clutches, .V-'- , c- - webl-ini- r. ;.nd :t io:i. A Ii 1527 Washington st. REO LIGHT DEI. A BARGAIN 300 Phone Kajit retor, cylind'r. iriirlii:g. r.eeivier.s :.ite make ai.u oi SEDAN, $l:;30; like new; driven less than BUG 1T.O a"en.-retor- . Where Washington and Burnside meet. Guun 2 HUPMOBILE LA XW tZlA 191ft tiuimoto. battery repairing. mites: spare tires. Jul Overland 1916 HUPP, tourinic car. : S. ALL CORD TIRES 800 model, f it t epndition. 7." I 1 !1 S We art) etuippO nnd can tnks are of toTEAM vulcanizing mtchim lawn model M. Mrs. J. L. Snead, 5GS Broad- THE GREATEST BAR'. A INS IN ISKD in iiictorrycle I. tie. Your Woodlawn way. Kast 51tlS. Kord delivery jn Rood condi- CA HH I V THK CITY. a'lvthiiitf iifi n.oer grinding machine. Call RODHAIN VOLUM AUTO CO. vt-r- u I overhauling and r iwtrn:g Hupmobile tion, at ato ot r Koud Come In and con-- v A92L 2 COOD lots in city limits, value $4n0 Experts. r.t'.s t " IOOK thr. oer and and buys. Monuomcry Ob rape, Kron Pt. n you i ng re T- $250 cash, for late model, light four or e rv If thst the f.lw cars a MoioRncLn co.. A N TED buy fi ootf ho'? ie.vet. six auto. Call Broadway 35"t or A 2294, "We Deal In Used Cars. FOR SALE By owner. Kord tourlnc car in ab.Hoiuf'Iy the best wlurs thux J ou ha e east sin:4 tir.iLd Ave. i lioi.c S Milaukle. wr.te v m. ccnmia, between 2 and 4:30 P. M. Sunday. perfect running order, J'. IS bouy, looks ever ne'-- the money; Excelalor aui Cb eiPi.d M torcycles 4 2d and Harrison ft . M nuatikle. ir Park and Flanders. Phone Bdwy 609. like new, some extms. Car worth H.'.o. P1H Htlkfr light Six. Agency phlc ap 1 rUn tVMSTl it OOnflltlnn OAKLAND 6. 1918. roadster; used only few $.TJ. T.1S chummy niry-!e- WILL buy your kodak or photo r M,,(,r tllrfPt Will sell for cash. Owner leaving Mtrhell roadster. and Tremont V vo.. ail good tires, finished like new: $475 if months and in good condition; price very rlty. Call Columbia 474. IMS 4ldmob!le. c 1., paratus cs..ri. I'iKe O .eui taken at once. 125 Lownsdale, corner ot reasonable. Phone M. Smitii, Broadway l'.17 lira nt "Six." M H OIZCYCLES. 3 4 : W afrh i ti gton Pt.. 1 j 1130, Monday morningI. SKIS THIS CtNK. in pi- k your motnreycla. ''rn 15ih and Washington. or later. llMS Frd tourtnr. Coma and out W A N T E I Sinai i safe With buric 5 passenger mod el I 4' Buirk, new 1917 Hudson Super-Si- Ouaranteed used and rebuilt motorcycles, 1917 D lea-the- ftret-clas- in good coiioitiuii. for AR LATE Buiek six. 45. top; car in s condition: 19 IS Vf-li- from chsL cah. very ranging in riee 0 tjinr.nv r"iialtTiers master six. fine con1 used little: $1H0 cash: condition ex- 1917 HUDSON SUPER SIX $1250. win bcI or trade for lltrhter car. Call at 1917 studebak'-rs- . cars. $:.0 to J2.-.- Orfrn litiori. "electric equipped. This is a good cellent, inside and out. See car and owner K. h t. Tabor 4;;4. 1 7 MuiK-i'akc- Eapy TtTUis. A H big diamond: ntate SiinO. K. 54 tli N. :. 41 'l natiatvr. tor gool lmv. See cur at Mt. Scott Garace. at Engine has just been overhauled 7 ("hanrt.er. IJbrty iomis Taken. iue. pho.ie and AH iiS. Ore Fos- first-clas- s KOH SA LK Chevrolet truck. 1I1 model, lM'l adores. Will consider light car in deal. 9319 BUICK. 191S, roadster, in perfect con- and is in shape. Cord tire pood as new. 4 new new battery, 1913 lUm k rtadstcr. Can make itnmedi.ite delivery of new gonin n. ter road, Lents. dition; used only on pavements. This car is equipment. See It today. Creameryttrs. Co., pljons (in Siudfcakf r bug. Harles and side yra ?."..". Ureon Point or I Air p'na'l rr.otor and '1-- W S M CO MOTORCYCLE & sUPPLY CO. INC. WVNTEI wnirrvr, 101 R . a bargain at the price asked. Phone M. City. LE t'HVK OTOR O Uniou I. orRon Ol-O- eni.pti!ert for gasoline ststion. now- r per Smith. Proadway 1130, Sunday. BP.OADWAY AT STS. Main 20 Third st. 1 riftrtH nearly new tires, after -- 7v. p La-- t 17. $1200 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. lit' IC K roadster, first class mechanical con I'HUNK BROADWAY P.:.27. S fect condition: will sacrifice for GRANT H. 1917, ; overhauled, t r painted, A No. 1 : w ill t on i : r KXCKIiOi: CL KVKUNDS d 514 Alder St. Phone Bdwy 494. di Ion. tires v a 11 i a v st" n a v. Cl-E- AM ON I Large slxo diamond for R. Diersch, 450 East 11th st. N. oi M Ti PC L'l dcit Ort-poni- cash. A. and, with five nearly new tires. car in 41' urn aide L D older liKhter trade. li Ehjii Lj-- k oniy cycles e,.sri; dealers don umm:. tit. Phono East 1,3. Phone D. M. Smith. Broadway 1130. irt . Broadway i:li4. WALK over to Grand ave. and Nauonal bt les exhibited! spot. bumper. at., out of the high-ren- t dlLnct. and t auto hhaw. (achiiien ready for de- 1917 FORD, speedometer. . $Sjnu EQUITY Oregon Electric acreage for GARAGE MEN. OLIjMORI I.E. 391S, cord tires. $1200; your You 1H livery. Sedan Tnctorcyclia from $0O up. no tira; -- Ttaie iock, caj-o- ATTENTION. hve elect car. siv from to W ANTED p.a in class shock absorbers. noosier pep; roadster. preferred. BF 122, Be sure to see 1117 Oldsmobile, lu.r0; mupt sll one. on any of the following cars: Almtst new from $ lvo up. No rcawnsbie eitnd lion. reostat, tires nearly new, lots of Oregonian. THE MAGNO. don't caru which, one you arrrpt. k P.MS rfu(ed. 169 Maxwell. ofler rai-K- forced to sell; $415 cash. East 27lh st. greatest security. Harr is and y. i i a jwi st. 191 S I v WKKti CTOJCS CO., wood and co,.l w.th coils, $750 BUYS a 1017 Dodge, in Al shape; 4 The trouble shooter tor iTlar.d.. , liooD F.ast 2719. amp- - FORDS T.MS Mtn-k- Ml HroK.lvku-- Perti-ind- , Or. must !e bargain. Mmih 4 fine tires. Car looks like new. Mr. 1917 CHEVKOLKT in cood condition. Price -- ;ood. oen. r.. st. rnone ever discovered, $ v im h M 'hMl chummy roadster. Tenns Trade our "reuit Is Encyclopedia a n litc.v an er oin f.ast definitely set- Call bunday. boat Mii. eeK days 1!1H WANT st 1017 MAXWELL. In perfect condition: will locates trouble at one 7S. oldsmobile. d fend-ft- v. f be cbeap HP AUTO and motorcyelo painting, high-grad- e of machine, In East - CLASSY loukj'K bug; itly, must iTnnlan. sacrifice if sold this week. Call 125 ting the and a few minutes w are in fine shape; . corner and "Wash. You GARAGE MKS cannot afford to be SPLENDID HI'ICK aSlX IMS ROADSTKK. DEALER.S' VSED CAR HOIVK, tp. mdshieid WANTED S.m-- d uprisht pi:no in Lownsdale st,, 15th CLERINO sell for $J."tt. or trade for lata m"uel :u I Everett. without this machine. A BIG MONEY Kgni'l'Kn WITH CURD TIRKaS. CALL uKANU AVE. AMi EAST STARK. ST. good co-i- it ion. Call Cnlum : See daily, :3o VANTOl'VKR, motorc1e Kiid some cash. MaiftiaU Jl4a. AUT-- to exchange for piano or MAKER. it demonstrated 17. PHONE EAST 7H. 1 second-han- d refciMer. Call 1916 CHEVROLET, in good running order, player 4. Specially 206 Rail- A LI DAY Ml Macatiam lod. WANT a ah Apart- piano, or win se:i cneap tor cash. Main to Commercial FOR 6A I.K 1911 lioco mobile touring OPEN PINDT. 4 overhauled; looks like new. way Exch. bldg., Portlnad. Or.. Northwest iar; TWu-blKK- l) Harley. good condition, tan- Tb.r iust 2S2M. will make fine truck: price reasonable. BL'ICK light six touring. 32x4 t ; gen- ment I. 340 Grant st., cor. Broadway; Distributers. Salesmen wanted. 1;413. ire dem. )i Kb t and a peed o meter, cheap for W A NTiiD Registered. Jersey Tabor Main 6219. FORD, BY OWNER New 1918 model. Main 14H. Woodlawn erator, inotoc. clutch and everything com- E. 22d at. N. between .".9i Al o : never-lea- k cash. Catl at 132 condition, accessories; now d. h c -- pletely erhaulei new rings, 1 32x4 S. S. tires at Fiflli street FOR SALE Iocomolille, oh r t 10 and 2 O'clock Sunday. THREE 32x4 Q. D.. auto Garage. 5th and Hoyt. Phone Bdwy. ::3M. tng lighting nystetn, newly painted. wr?,t pi tin. etc. Th Is a res! buv in a W ANTED Comfortable bshy r.i rr.Pgo in cheap: delivery body for light auto. and Huifk car; looks hs good ss it runs: top H1S OIjEVEIANI. In first-cl- a condition, good condition. Pnon Kat auto engine, Bosch magneto. East A BRAND new 391S Buick light six. will 1915 LIBERTT. rt7.". Main 2937. plato glass. pump and f mall tamp; .". u. has Smirti Auto Co.. Park with carrier seat, WaTTi' otid-han- d Mam sell at a discount, call Montgomery How- with 1917 s and. go a ina4-h- will go; sT cieetnc motor. liilti FCKD roadsfr ennine: Couch. will anwhere icw 114 First- - 192 ard Auto Co.. Bdwy. lloO or Mar. 976. Only driven 3O00 mlies. Car Is good buy, 1399 Mallory. C 104. Ti months, t ail Tabor Pit's. Tfrm. STlrt. 192 192 practically new In appearance. To Maxiwn. prrfect pr.ee general repair work, sat- car. 2(1. 4 new ; d LEADER psy s for trr.iaj acd Yamhill Garage, KHALMERS model tires. In al cond.uon tires like new: cauli WE a . few moluri at ery hls'" M n n 4. guaranteed: give us a trial. Yam-ni- ll first-cla- ss running condition; will be sold at a substantial discount. and delivery body, over- s. a laaprire!i-- alpo one used bittycia for $L". In til es' clothe;;. Sprcf::tv. isfaction trade 191ft FORD roadster -, or t erm Will coi:i1t s m rar as low J. 192 at loth. Phone Main 192. or cash. Mar. uon. hauled. $375. 1399 Mallory. C 1 ."..- part iayinenU Phon Marwha! 4024. J.'Se Indian Mi'tori yc.e t Bieycle Co.. 204 tj d SAKK wanted, fmall p ice, heap, aiate size. rea-- pt. Main r.i;;. 2'.'. "WILL sacrifice 1917 Studebaker six. 1916 MITCHELL, ia splen-.di- d TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. add pnre. ete. AH good condition; must be sold by Monday. condition; good tires; Phone 514 Alder St. Phone Bdwy 404. 191 S FORD, run 2fOu miles. first-1n- s Phape. PEERLESS truck. Come in and sew Fo R S A LE Indian sidecar outfit. PI7 WAN tent, t'a for M r. Uroi k this rEU" l.xl4- Williams Avenue Garage. Wdln. 3344. Feat for bed. spotlight, J."oo. Pierce, you buy. It model; h;s ail modern equipment $o2."i. f i o o K . M.un Call cut and will ins ant! in mn. h r :;:;L first-clas- s lKVs E. Broadway. excellent shape. Smith Co., All in fine condi: Call 2o Ilth pl. 1U1S PODGE, in condition, for White truck In Al condition: new Auto Park WANT to buy a hemstithing machine in -- 1SR 10th arxi oueh. Sunt) ay V" ale bv private owner. st. Call tires. Will sell reasonable. S33 Mallory Ro. good running cunaition. INDIAN" motorcycle. Call afternoon f rst-c!- s condit nn. A o"1. (rrtonlan. 9 12 Sunday morning. ave. TF TOTJ ARB LOOKING cheap. $:.''K. Ta tor l'77.. O or during i P. M., H." N. between and MY in nt auti. exeeMent ondit n, family the wek after lit-c-i a for model radiators. LIKE NEW, to phurp paenfjee ir.'i Main o;2. YV A N T E D A Smiths mo:..r or Smith liberty or lats Is A LE at 21st ft. i fcAXON 4 for cash, bonds trade buick; practically new; chance your car to a bug pee FOR .VpawenpT Poo cheap; owner Et 1 er. Af 2t. Oiefj-'- in'i. 531 Miss, ave., room 3; home ( leaving the city. Must sell. Phone Tabor leaving city. Broadway J.18l. 4 FOR HALE On 3 on-- r linder In titan Gingry. GEKBEK, THE RADIATOR MAX. Aatonioritles antrH. - be tn good to 7 eves. 7409 motoreycie. .iiiRt orhaulea and In gnl W A NT E D 2d band trunk: mtist 191" r.ir in excellent condi- WILL traxle lot in Argyle Park on Ro.i condition. 'all Main o:,2. eon d t ion and re a on a hie. E. 7141. new 1918 -- cyl.. 2 new Ho has a large assortment' at rery low 7 C can ood lawn 2 ,".". running Hauling contract for PAIGE Roval tion, t. City line, value light, e: WANTED edH. for a rawing ma-ehin- T. P. 60 N. 23d st. cords, 3 good fabric: spotlight and bump prices. 2L Oregonian. FOR SALE i ETce?ior motorcycle, oniy WANT to buy " Velle truck. Hiller. $100 auto. AE A 7 . y o j ei-.- o. FORD truck attachment, new. off. ; goud ?Tnte price. ft. 2 O re n an . "Main lei er; tor quicK sale. bast 2d and run 2uiio milt; 5peedometer as new. THE RADIATOR MAN. Cain, at Simons' store. Alder. WILL a piano "hII S14 M. i GERBER. trade, accordion. at rilMtn On m ach no very condition, LIGHT for sale; nearly new f3-0- 3 85-- a. car; W ANTED t:tl.ol preiis OVERLAND, in fine $650: Broadway 37"t. tHh St. V. OVERLAND. 1917, fine whape, aJmowt Italian ' for preferably a Ford, power 7. new some terms. East 3023. moaei; iii.i. oisu. lidwy. 4 . 1912 Indian. eiecli'lc iron. Or'nnian. tires: cist new tires. Cooper. East 5203. good eondition. good tires. Last 7 4. WHITE gas 30; equipment. Bargain. , 1U1 S ANTED To fr.. n uwncr j( at special bargain this week, run 4000 electric FUR SALE-Ptree- t. iiaiUa-- $120. 1210 Milwaukie W ILL py cash for PI7 or Louge. 4 w Unto i ave. N". harSe.i .oil S7 tniles.ktz Tabor 72i2. 14. f ront. Alain rjast 1917 CHANDLER Ohommy, new cord 'h!1 Main ;.."0. eenings. IriPh terrier rios. W A NT ED A la le model mot ore cle. CIe e co-- 1 FOKD delivery bodies ready to assemble tires, perfect mechanically. This car pay cash for : ptate WI LL oav for a Box PAIGE SIX. perfect condition: must-- sell at . SIX for aale; WILL $2r0 Ford car in good land preferred cond .tiori and lowcs; W.-ttl- W . tenn , K..1- - . and ehasses. ion N. 4th st. Bdwy. 9.-,- will have to be seen to be appre- SfLKNlHD Et'I'JK Kij model e L1, Walla. sn. once : siftnc. .r...... ciated. touring car. Ring Main 13r.2. 'has. flramni, condi. ion. Phone Tnnor o'.22. cash lru-- A in. ireron! in. touring car. $250. D. C. : Iteming ton automstle 191S BABY GKAND C'HEV.. tine condition; 1913 BUICK Warren SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Couch. 1917 KORD touring car. pom extras, good LET US SKLI. YO L'K C AH. wVt CK ACTIO N. tll-ON- ' p hoiio it ipli. 20 ouif.t for ! 'ilLSTLK. S3 a4 495 Motor Car io.. 5S J3d st. AUTO SALES CO.. STH A N COUCH.. w i v pump abotguns wanted. Hchia.d. some terms. Flanders. shape. 749 Kant Ankeny st. I It Vlrior at; thment. Indi.m Molon " A-- e e j'4-- i :;d pt. m 1918 FORD for cash. mechanically. second-han- d H c "rt.. tin HiCYCLE WANTED. l'AY SPOT CASH. 3917 CHEV. roadster for sale; looks like Al AE WANT auto. Main 3714. 114 1 T- . S"0, Qregonlar, for a p poin t men t. HA BY CIUM) "HEVKOLET. 310 E. 10TH 12 V K S MAIN 44'. TABOR ft79H. new: terms. 41., Flanders. APPKKSUX . 1. ST. EAST .'I'"';. First. FoK WOTOKCYOLES AND THf " US. 2O4-20- S 3D MAIN 6139. in first l: some terms. 4yj AUTO repairing In your own garage. Phone New now. Tills chummy is painted CASH FOR 1917-1- S rT. WANTED i.s.ius" bior'e con. MAXWELL touring; high-power- SPOT FoRDS. way 2 H!7 cream best OAOALLIC TOFRINO. i-- peeond-han- rr.uon.itilp. L road Flanders. Wood lawn 3529. and has the six FINE rHAPE. f.25 ALUER PT. WARD AVEINBKUO, 4H Railway Ech. NEW and d bicycies. Joes L.cic.e fii'ion; en pine made. Car Is ready to show and - b wheel-cha- lr 111 cTty high-clas- : I Miop. - Pt. second-- and invalid' FEDERAL truck good condition, CLEAR lots to trade for automobile. If you want a s roadster sav- SA XON all new tires, $27 WANTED The be, ulit $ cash. la' WANTED 5113 bldg. at roadfter, 2S: 1 with spring seat. W .s:ti. oregonian. up. Apply -3 rrom St. See Absher. Couch ing of several hundred dollars see one. Main mill buy. Taylor. i. Purnpide TWIN FX., t h ' A rhupo; good this or terms. i'9. eawh. n carefully At Auto Works. o2o Alder st. ttrejt; 2:.2i. WANTKD in ko.1 coif.itnVi. lUiUb.u REPUBLIC, truck, for sale; 191S FOKD. used; new 19ir$ touring, good OuOI dividend paying stork and taoti for Lbe 1 iul7 FOHD condition, extras, 1 Hox r.Pt .n'.w. -- tires: $450. Phone Tabor 450O. 1918 DODGE L".99 C light. Ib'" model auto SeHwood 112. IN Dl AN motorcycle only $'W for quick sale. grage. !'. must be sold. 'it rront st. ROADSTER. S2.V. Mallory. 153. Oregnlnn. .. it you terms on Body like new, including top and side $2.".0 $2"0 21 AMnirton big. Mam 4W'a, l.i" i ND-- AND vulcanixing outf.:. T Rear left Ford fender and tire I WILL make fine Heht OVERLAND AUTO, NO TIRES, $70. BEST Ford. lot and caah win buy i 30113 1917 car. curtains. IOL 7 0," ."j any iregoni.in. Marshall week days. Call Tabor 78S9. GERBER, THE RADIATOR MAN. D74. Salmon tt., o'eioek iUy. KK SALE Indian moiortycio $123 North th. W A N T K I STOC K, SADDLE. AR 2:.i. 1VKRLAND ivin Tnonei. i FORD bug. a real bargain at $2': terms Broadway 173. r. 3 ..". !th st. N. HA Y.NFS enr, 91 GOO; don't mis tt. AC KEAOE near Hend that can be trrica ted. . ( I OKEOONIAN. 1 condition. $675. Montavilia Garage. given. 12 Grand ave. north. hospital, Call Marshall 2' Tor goo"i auto, i h nor r. 4.m . T W 1'. Cleveland motorcycle ; term a. D & W. ALTO auto elertrlcla.iiii. ..i i'jiII 4i.. M.itliJ-o- or MBrsiioil 33' burglar-proo- f W $350. Motita- - 1919 FORD touring, flr.e shape; good buy: guaranteed. Opon till 10 M. 17. WILL take uaed Ford on my v e r y , 1919 rhon WANT afe. Ml, hRD rontlster, late model. work r. VETZ TOURING "7.". LATE V.'iii..'i,-w- h Ih p. Vllia tiarape, terms. 12 Grand ave. north. Phone Wdodlawn 9. Union ave. PINE SHAPE. r. ALT!'R PT. I'oe.I t'liirfn;. Ant Tlrea snl A eceiMorie. I (ot MHf-h-all 41T't VlisON super-si- x for sale by owner. 228 191S CHEVROLET touring. looks like new, 1UI0 CHEVKOLET, Kuod toudiUwii. $iuO. STEAJiNS-KNIGH- good condition; cheap. WANT to trad-- tur used liuick ur Lougo O'ol tire, JOjal. to trade. WIiul haws uu? 01th. 20UJ. AlPu $650; terms given. 12 Grand, ave. north. Sell wood 10. 1 Call Pbons .Woodlsra. 03X car. Kast 310. U4AH CULoT. L road way 2 b 4.