N.Np.H' W Ooa- - 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson
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J THE MORNING OREGOMAN, THURSDAY, SEPTE3IBEK 2, 1920 TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HLI.P WANTED SLUE. FOR BALE. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR 6ALK FORD delivery with open body, flap cur- Furniture Wanted. $300 TO $500 A MONTH. Miscellaneous. - tains, very best of condition; must sell; Are you earning thatf Many auto- SAVE! a bargain $475 with terms. 30 Grand mobile experts are. You may Join the SEW. SEW. SEW SEW. A reduction of tloo on any car listed THERE IS A DIFFERENCE at high-salarie- skilled-mechan- If Sell-woo- ave. North, near Burnside. rank. Phone 1071. below for week commencing August 15. & S, GEVURTZ FURNITURE you take advantage of the gas engineer- NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. 1020 any car in this list la fairly priced MAKE US AN OFFER FORD truck, gear drive, with open and STORE. ing courses offered bv the LEADING Sewing machines cleaned, timed, now and with reductions offered some Yon will note the difference as soon closed bodies, tires almost new ; a snap WITH sold, rented, I AUTO SCHOOLS OF THE WEST repaired, boonht. power ana positive bargains can be found. Every as you step into our used car sales- MAKE US AN OFFER at $i00. Ko Grand ave. North, near Burn. A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL supplies and attachments, car is in good mechanical condition, f PRICES WAT DOWn. room; In fact, you may wonder If you side, FURNITURE WANTED. GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER mfg. machines; motors, shafting ana some nave been repainted and entirely have not gotten into the new car de- MAKE US AN OFFER tables Installed; everything In neediea rebuilt, othora completely overhauled Very much lower than a year ago, partment, so trim and neat are our FORD one-to- n truck, 1918, truck adjust- SCHOOL. Phone Sellwood 1071. Lo pocket-boo- k while prices new cars advanced. ment, gear drive, tires almost new: real Investigate, enroll and don't ray us a with a price ranging suit any of have used cars. Our policy Is to go through 3U ave. North, Before you sell your furniture cent you we'll GAME. and very easy terms. every used we bargain at $150. Grand be sure call Marshall 587. until are convinced that GET INTO THE TIRE We do not tised car depart- car that take in trade near Burnside. and deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't itT Vulcanizing and retreading shop In have a and dress it up, mechanically and lour call will bring our buyer at our $1 new. modern CHANDLERS. ment. These special bargains are on otherwise, when we get through THESE CARS MUST, BE SOLD AND FORD truck, self starter, used 2 once. We pay the top price for Write for catalogue. suburbs of Portland, all 1918 our salesroom and lTON reason- rugs, It's free. Ask for book No. 5. machinery; this is a real buy; good CHANDLER, rebuilt floor. the car is worth much more than be- months, in perfect condition, at used furniture, carpets, etc., OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO reasons for selling; living rooms go throughout, newly painted, good tires, fore, yet the added cost is little. WE WILL REFUSE NO REA- able price. Main 1022; residence. Mar- everything in household goods. 1917 Maxwell, good .3425 a'-s- OREGON MEN. with the shop; well located and plenty with extra. We give new car guarantee condition.. shall 4S58. We buy office furniture. GAS Orego-nia- n. on car. Price 31500. ap-- SONABLE OFFER. same day. ADCOX AUTO AND ENGINE of business; price $1200. G 951. this We offer here a few for your IVi-TO- N All calls attended to the 1918 Maxwell, fine small modern proval: REPUBLIC truck for by SCHOOL. 1918 CHANDLER C HUM MX, car. all fixed uo like new and owners. 2U9 Front su Ask tor Mr. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. first-cla- ss .36-- TO THE PUBLIC. roadster, thoroughly, condition ............ 5 ." Albert. Marshall 587. NOTICE salesmen s rebuilt oversize 1915 Buick 5 . $ 450 Call Rather than return our or cord tires, nearly new; guarantee same 1916 Maxwell, 400 consisting 1919 Maxwell like new ....3743 yl All have been thoroughly reconditioned samples to the factory, coats, as new car. Price $1500 Overland, model HO, 650 raincoats, motorcoats and leather Overland, 85. 650 In our own shoo and are in Al mechan ACTO RE PAIRING. S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE we have placed them on sale to the puo-11- c 1919 CHANDLER CHUMMY, 1919 Dodge, good tires, fine mechanical model ical condition. Those needing paint have condition. Bargain price. 1016 Mitchell. Boo been AUTOMOBILES overhauled at reduced STORE. THE MEIR & FRANK CO. requires the at wholesale price. roadster, good mechanical condition, 1917 Hupmobile. 1050 elegantly refinished. rates. Hemphill's Trade schools, -- Utn services of an UNITED RUBBER CO.. wire wheels, very good tires with extra. 1017 1000 205-20- 7 First street. Morgan Bldg. Price 31275. 1919 Hupmoblle coupe, always In Mitchell. and Hawthorne. 720 private use, fine condition...., ..31650 1S18 Mitchell, 1150 40-w- 1917 000 Between Taylor and Salmon. EXPERIENCED FOR SALE A quantity of clear 1917 CHANDLER, me- Mitchell. 1920 PAIGE-LARC- H MONT. Mazda lamps, used during Shrine wee fine 1919 Chalmers light six with hot 191S Mitchell, 11O0 GARAGES. no chanical condition; cord tires. newly 1919 yl 1600 FURRIER only: all tested; $20 per hundred: painted; a snap. $1000. spot. All gone over and all in Mitchell, 1920 PAIGE, WANT to rent, small garage. Call A. J. some real Price fir,r-i-1- si Quality car 1018 Mitchell, Chummy 1100 smaller orders considered: also randltlfln. Willys-Knigh- t, Wells. Phone Soil. 30. V. nitrogen lamps 9-- A a price $1400 1919 MARSHALL 59S1. wnlte ira A - MODEL FRANKLIN touring, wire at PAIGE. watt Lux nitrogen lamps. R. R-- wheels, good condition, good tires, with Jordan Sport Marine, to take charge of the fur workroom: PLETUN, 71 Front St. extra; 31350. Essex that Is O. K. In every way. Jordan Playboy, 1918 PAIGE, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. best wages; permanent position. Apply ss you WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. to Mr. Ludwig , USED electric vacuum cleaners In first-cla- Will give the same service Jordan Silhouette, Hirsch, 4th floor. Two-pas- of as on a big s, special on and reDlacement Darts 1917 PAIGE. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR- mechanical condition at Bafr built roadster, 31425 We many CASH-AN- D Ing; a few vacuum cleaners, 1917 Chandler chassis. wire a new automobile have others, both large I PAY SPOT THE HIGH- NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS hand il rebuilt and small. 1917 CHANDLER. EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA- ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHE'ST ach. wheels with extra and 5 cord tires; a super-si- x priv WE OLD- SCOTT COMPANY. powerful and racy car; must be seen to Hudson that was 4n MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE PRICES PAID. ARE THE ELECTRIC be appreciated. ate owners nanas. nai ueen Reasonable terms. No brokerage 1917 CHANDLER CHUMMY. FOR MB TO HANDLE. I AM COM- EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF 81 Fifth St. Price 31450. through our shop. Is In perfect charges. We handle our own paper. MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. second-han- d you EE WING machines, new and 1916 I condition. We sell to with 1919 GRANT SIX. CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA- no employed; com- Chandler six. completely same service and replacement CO., 185 ST. sold for less; agents ma- overhauled, good tires. Price 3700. the MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION FIRST WE HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR COUN- - plete line of parts for all makes; of parts as given on a new auto- 1918 WILLYS-KNIGH- JK1-W1D- E 5M.il. tl- - IS DOWN TOWN AND CONVENIENT. ORGANIZATION FOR 2 chines repaired and rented. Main 1918 OVERLAND, good condl- - I mobile Broadway at Everett st. Phone Bdwy. 4675 ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI- PHONE MARSHALL 5981. MEN OF GOOD APPEARANCE. FORCE- SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. uon, excellent tires. Price $800. 1916 CHEVROLET Baby Grand. DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. FUL PERSONALITY AND OF GOOD 100 Third St.. near Taylor. 1917 Hudson speedster. Looks like 840 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN S173. CHARACTER: MUST BE POSSESSED cases, large 1917 SAXON, A- -l 3700. new. line condition ana sola witn OF OR PUB- 1"UR SALE All sizes of floor cases, condition. the same service to you and re- EITHER ORGANIZATION and small safe, counter and wall Dlacement of Darts as on a new EDUCATIONAL. LICITY ABILITY: GOOD STARTING boxes, chairs, candy, outfit. Hobart 1918 OVERLAND. club roadstsr. C. We allow no misrepresentation and we SALARY TO THE RIGHT MAN; TELL lea I automobile $1550 G. BLE A SD ALE. used-ca- r SCHOOL of dressmaking and Dractlcal de grinder. National register, good mechanical condition, wire wheels. CLEAN-U- P give the purchaser the same $12 50 TO $25.00 US ALL ABOUT YOURSELF IX FIRST electric coffee A SALE. new-c- ar signing. course, 0 Nov. cases, good ws give a pur- SECOND-HAN- Special Sept. to AND REF- counter with draft arm. bread tires, repainted. Price 3750. 1918 Hudson speedster. All gone AUTOS. satisfaction that FOR SUITS AND 6. consisting of following: Patternmak- - LETTER. GIVING RECORD check protecter. 242 Salmon. 100 chaser. OVERCOATS. ERENCES. O 552. OREGONIAN. 1918 first-cla- ss over mechanically. Looks like TO $500. lng. drafting to individual measurements, makes OVERLAND, new. same TERMS NO BROKERAGE. CALL METER. THE TAILOR, fcDBCTRlO repair and parts for all mechanical shape, good tires with ex- Sold with service and He pays more anyone city no fitting required.