AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR . SALE, FOB SALE Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. Furniture for Sale. Voai and Wood. Miscellaneous. NEW TODAY. For Suie Farms. KArA is & Hat of KOOd used SMALL RANCH FOR CITY PROPERTY. SOLD my place, so must dispose at oilce $4.25 PER LOAD $4.25. flntrl TWO-LOA- LEAKY ROOF. Eh? Very aggravating, cars from the house of reliable used BARGAIN PRICES 86 ACRES, Yamhill county. BO mile, 20 acres, nearly all under cultivation. of 2 good young milch cows, $55 and D LOTS. indeed. Why not a comfortable" and cars prices: 5 from grood town, 10 acres in potatoes, strawberries and weighs fir blocks .and slab, runs at lowest from Portland, miles $65: brown mare years old, permanent roof? We repair, rubber vara sedan, lots 01 extras. ,.9 m.i OX RENEWED AUTOMOBILEsC 1 mile to school; 20 acres cultivated. other berries; young family orchard of 1150 pounds, $35; brown horse, weight NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. partly dry, for furnace or heater. bond kinds of ivti 200 house; OREGON FUEL CO. WDLN. 4102. and rejuvenate all 1918 Ford touring... 75 acres can be farmed when cleared, assorted fruits; good 1200 pounds, 8 years old, $55; 1 team of THE FORMER warped, oracked, weather-hate- de- 1914 Ford touring 125 60 acres good piling timber, 15 acres good barn with silo, and granary; good, weight 2500 MEIER & FRANK SALE: block wood. No. 1 leaky large real gentle mules, FOR Slabwood. teriorated and disintegrated' old 1922 Dort touring 825 We completely renew, overhaul or pasture, large bearing orchard, 400 dandy new chicken house and $225; 1 set double work harness, and other stocks of FURNI- fir and pole, oak cordwood, sawdust, roofs; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 595S. 1918 425 rebuild Hudson and Essex automobiles woven 250 3 first-clas- s S. & green Ford sedan, with starter prune trees, some fruit; house wired run, chickens. $20; single harness, $8; one ?t farm TURE. RUGS, LINOLEUMS, cut fuel and coal. H. trading SOWING MACHINES, new and second- 1920 Mitchell six touring 1075 These are in the best of mechanical piped in; well; cows, new separator and small "wagon. $25: 1'A-to- n truck, new. damaged warehouse ,and re- stamps. Holman Fuel Co., 94 6th at. with water good almost at hand, sold for less; no agents em- 1918 Briscoe touring 325 condition. They are also warranted house, chicken houses, capacity 3000 tools necessary. This is a home for sale cheap or trade for city prop- moved to , Broadway 6353. 1918 1150 same as factories warrant new money-make- r; paved ployed; complete line of parts for all Stutz club roadster tbe chickens, buildings: personal and a 1 mile from erty; 6 Vancouver on 349-35- 1 ,OAK- ST.. : $3.50; seasoned, yo other highway advantages; miles northeast NICE slab, best makes; machines repaired and rented. 1918 Maxwell touring 250 cars. In addition we give days' free property, team, 3 cows, heifer, 500 and has all rural Battleground hlehwav. Route 1. Box Between Broadway and Park St., heavy, $5; dry box, $4. Bargain. Any- SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1918 Mitchell roadster 375 mechanical service. chickens, crops, cream separator, in- good creek running across back end of 105. Orchards. Wash., second house (Across from Telephone Co.) where. 4 ft. lab, S3. Sellwood 1769. 9431, 350 very complete the place the year round; price com- offering above 190 Third St.. Near Taylor. Main 1918 Overland cubator, brooder and easy or north of Gehr Sta. We are the, Paul Fuel. safes, 1917 Mitchell six touring 375 Other makes of good automobiles of machinery. Price for every- plete $4500, will give terms stocks a prices unheard of be- SAFES Fire and burglar proof thoroughly overhauled, put in first-cla- line pay- Keg and Barrels. .second-han- d prices, 1918 Studebaker roadster 325 take' home In Portland as part - new ar"t at right s' thing. $7500, terms. Consider Portland JUST ARRIVED. fore. KEGS AND BARRELS. bought exchanged; eas 1919 Mitchell sedan 1250 condition and sold with a house for same or larger amount, in ment. heavy. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY OAK sold and 1919 touring 750 free subject to being re- See Mr. .Stiger with Truckload cows, some large TERMS WITHIN For packing berries, cherries and terms if desired. Mitchell trial, good district; will assume. FILLED. semi-tle- 19UB 12 touring.'. 113d turned and full credit given on any THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. milkers, suitable for dairy, several NO INTEREST. other commodities demanding a NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Packard family cows, testing high In Dut REASON. container, or 105 7045- and a number of other good BUYS at other car of equal price that customer 40 acres, on paved road, adjoining REALTORS. all Reg. $37.50 8x12 Axmin-st- er free from all odor Second St. Broadway' Wash. $85 to $125. Call 632-5- sap. Also fir kegs and barrels for unusually low prices. may select. good town, near fewberg; l mile irom 3d and Main St. Vancouver. terfat: rugs, slightly im- DOORS, windows, screen doors, mould- Sold on Easy 14. 50 head Jersey $ 26.75 packing mince meat, picKied pigs reet, ings, hot- Terms. Red Electric station; 38 acres in high FOR SALE OR TRADE. PUBLIC sale, July perfect. Special oilves, fish, powdered milk. Let us millwork, slass, roofing and MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. This gives ample time for every pur- Btate of cultivation; 2 acres timber, Here is a farm where your crop and and Holstein cows, fresh or coming Reg. $57.50 9x12 seam- bed sash; see our odd stock of sash and - ewes, handle your order. .We guarantee 40 Years in the Northwest. chaser to try out the car he buy, best of loam soil; nice, level land, well profits are sure regardless of the fresh 7 horaes, 45 Shropshire less Wilton rugs, with .service, satisfaction. Layton doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. down- Broadway at St. gives him time to have it inspected, Oregon, sows, goats, machinery. 6 $ 37.50 Suality, town lumber store, 171 FRONT ST., hot. Everett drained: buildings. Included with place weather. 172 kcres in southern brood farm - linen fringf, now Co. Main office 827 Water and we want only satisfied customers. team and machinery. Price only $175 32 in cultivation, 15 in alfalfa, 15 cut months' time. 8 per cent B. E. Mor- Reg. $30 6x12 seamless street. Portland, Or. Morrlsoa and YamhllL Main 4213. per acre, including equipment: very off, balance timber and pasture. Plenty gan. owner, Yamniu, or. velvet rugSr wonderful 50 SLIGHTLY used White. New Home, 1917 Super Six $ 675 easy inspected by water for irrigation and no cost, 3400, off patterns $ or USED CAR BARGAINS. terms. Ranch 2 barns, TEAM for sale, weight just KEGS AND BARRELS whit Singer sewing machines for sale Davis. box house, insured for $1000; from wood job. Will sell at a bargain Reg. $20 9x12 seamless Fir and rent. on . a.. 1918 Super 9S5 half-mil- Good Co.. N. Liberal terms sale. Hudson Six school store 1 mile. now ". $ 13.63 oak. Western Cooperage 808. 14th Maxwell touring $150 JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, or exchange 'for smaller team. Take Brussels, SC. Pettygrove. 519-1- Steon, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. neighborhood, small orchard, cheese near Phone Auto Essex touring, like new $75 1919-192- Gerlinger difference. Call for Mr. Henry at 427 . Reg. $17.50 7x9 seamless Phone East 2359. . 0 (model O series) Hud- Bids. factory handy. range on gov- $ 1917 Ford touring 135 Over M0 Small Places Near Portland. Cattle E. Clay Brussels, now 10.25 1920 son Super Six 1050 ernment reserve. Price $7000. would 9x12 rag rugs:.$ 8.25 Machinery CASH register, lc to $9; cash register, lc Ford touring 350 IV. $5000, on balance. to for six weeks. St, Mawes Reg. $15 to 3. tane: seven-Da- n K moaei 1919 Fyrd 275 MILES McMlN.WILLB. take trade to time WANT lease rugs $ 5.25 - nat roadster Ten-acr- Reg. $10 6x9 rag OREGON JUNK A HARDWARE CO- Broadway 1919 Hudson speedster 1150 e orchard, some prunes, but General Agency, McMinnville, Or. bull of serviceable age. from complete Burroughs adding machine. 1920 Ford sedan 525 or ap- Good care in clean We also have a line We buy and sell all kinds of second- TaDor zuau. x. w. tiammona, 1917 Ford delivery ; 145 mostly select varieties winter dam. high-grad- e as, of Wilton rugs at a hand mach'.nerv. sard ware and pipe, 221 51st st 1918 Ford 275 1920 Hudson sedan, Westinghouse ples, land lies well. This orchard should herd. W 707. Oregonian saving. 'Main 128. 270 East truck spring 2100 crop season; big Front mt. First-clas- 1918 delivery 275 air produce a of $1000 this heifers, a bar- . FOR SALE s bar counters, place goes team, wagon, car- WE HAVE several highly improved 5 GOOD grade cows and Regular 85s with this Canadian wheat farms, the finest gain if taken auickly. L. Benfield special, square yard .... .42 Miscellaneous. stools, rush reerister. soda fountain. 1919 Essex 750 riage, harness and all implements. ' 18 10-i- n FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. wheat' :and on earth, practically owner. Inquire Hanneman's Jersey Regular $85 tapestry over- CARGO booms, diameter at butt, electric mixer and card tables; brick Price $400. with terms. General 50-f- Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. E. 3770. soil, some farm. Corbett, Or., Columbia highway . t. length. $10 each. building, good location for rent. With Agency, McMinnville, Or. level, chocolate loam stuffed davenport, loose 8639. 1920 Essex 825 stocked and equipped, for sale or FOR SALE 75 or less registeied Shrop spring cushions; special.$ 45.00 122 cargo booms, diameter at or without fixtures. Phone Main trade for coast 'property. We can shire ewes in fine condition. Holman Reg. $115 overstuffed dav- . butt, 21-f- t. length, $2.50 each. CASH REGISTERS and computing 1920 Essex roadster 850 you on 160 acres up. 4 wonderfully con- 51 cargo booms. diameter at flpfl.iA houe-h- snln. Rirhftneed re ' WANTED-RE- AL ESTATE. match Fuel Co., 5th at. enport, and See Walter. structed. Our price $ 72.50 butt, 27 ft., 6 in. length. $3 each. paired. Portland Cash Register & Scale 1918 Olds Six 525 HILLER BROS., Realtors. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. 54 cargo booms, 6 in. diam. butt, n;xcnange, uawy oo, Reg. $165 velour daven- at zo fitarK. st. USED CARS. CARS. FOR RESULTS 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. R SALE SCH WAN PIANO Co. port, webbing base, very 33 ft. length, $3.50 each. USED 1919 Chandler coupe 750 LIST YOUR HOME WITH US. New. Used Pianos. Players. Phonographs. $ 90.00 6 cargo booms, 24 in. diam. at butt. ALWAYS $245 massive, all colors YOU WILL FIND THE BEST "We personally inspect, appraise and . Steck & Co., upright. $600 now Reg. $45 genuine leather 90 ft. length, $50 each. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. 1919 Chalmers 625 photograph all property within 24 prop Smith & Barnes, upright . $450 now $265 Above booms will make fine flag BARGAINS WANT small farm, acreage or city now $265 overstuffed rockers, , IN hours. spend thousands of dollars con-- , Estey & Co., upright $475 $ 24.00 poles and porch columns, finished; ALL KINDS Largest We erty in exchange for a comDinea Fischer, uoright $500 now $265 only all C. G. BLEASDALE. USED CARS. LOTS OF FORDS Used Car Branch Store advertising, and are in touch with the' fectionery, fountain, cigar stand and Reg. $55 upholstered bed heavy timbers. 3x4. 4x4, flooring, etc. In the city at 40-- Broadway. OI HOME loca- Schubert, upright $450 now $275 Yard East 20th E. Glisan sts. Tel. AT MAJORITY EARNEST lunch counter. Splendid corner Schoeninger, $475 now $295 davenport, select oak and roadster, if sold at oncee. .$ 200 TALBOT & Branch Store Open Sunday and EJSEKERS. tion; fully established; west side; upright davenport, oak Tabor 7313. Elerath Wrecking Co. CASEY, INC.. Evenings. com- Planista, player $750 now $205 select touring, exceptionally East Ankeny and Grand Ave, Jo charge except the standard cheap rent: lease. Monthly Income . . ... now $305 frame; special 39.50 CAFETERIA EQUIPMENT. 175 5 satis- Thompson, player .$900 ...... $ good value East 8118. mission of in the event of a $1000 to $1250; expense $200; excellent Thompson, player $950 now $495 Mahogany piano lamps... $ 9.00 Two gas ranges, one double size Ford bug, Bosch magneto, lots of EASY TERMS. CARS TRADED. Phone at Branch Store, factory sale. W protect-- the interests little business for family to handle; Singer, player $1050 now $595 Silk lamp shades price steel range 8 ft. by 3 ft., one Cabinet equipment 350 Broadway 5739. of owners. 85 energetic, $3000; no incumbrance. Deal with mahogany ga baking extra OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8:30. Also display Thompson, player $950 now $595 Reg. $250 solid oven, 3 door; two hot Rulck 4 tmirine. lots Of DOWer. SUNDAYS 9 to 6. a at Jivewlre salesmen to work on its sale. owner, who has other Interests; can't Hallet A Davis nlaver. . .$900 now $575 davenport, and water steam tables, copper top; other good 300 Our Salesrooms, proper AO 781, chair tires 7 6ee give this attention. Steward, phonograph ...flonow$ 7.50 rocker, cane insert, vel- - white enamel cast iron, pipe, fittings, Mitchell chummy roadster, in ex- Washington. St. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Realtor. uregonian. Grafonola, phonograph. .$35 now $ 20.00 our loose cushions, with pans, strainers, galv. sink, cake and tra fine condition 450 To Sell Your Home. 21 ACRES, NEAR MCMINNVILLE. sonora, phonograph ,wnow oo.uv 5 extra bolster pillows, pie rack on wheels. Can be seen at flhandler thin car has LIBERTY BONDS CASHED C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Here is a- place with an Income; Stradivara, phonograph. $05 now $ 45.00 complete $135.00 Standifer Steel Yard. Vancouver, overhauled; good 600 wa- 65.00 wal- been tires AUTOMOBILES CASHED. 3d St.. Bet. Washington and Stark. plastered bungalow, hot and cold Grafonola, cab. phono. .$90 now $ Reg. $40 mahogany or Wash. Ask for Mr. Selberg or phone 8. in extra HOUSES WANTED. ter, bath, barn, .garage, chicken and Emerson, cab. phono. . .$160 now $ 85.00 nut gateleg tables with evenings ttast fine condltibn; a big snap. an Brunswick, cab. rjhono.$140 now $ 90.00 specials. $ 22.50 YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO- We have two parties, one with $6000 Drooaer house; otner uuuutnttB, drawer. Extra ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Cadillac 8. this is a real car at a BILE; WE FURNISH THE MONEY; painted; 14 acres in prunes; this year's StradivarA. mh nhnno. s 165 now S 95.00 Reg. $50 mahogany tea Buy big bargain 650 USED CARS. cash, the other with $10,000 cash. The 40 5 acres ap- now $135.00 them from the factory show OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. $6000 party wants best bungalow crop estimated at tons! Sonora, cab. phono.. .$175 wagons with deep sides, room and save all styles. jNasn sport moaei. iooks iiko new & CO., the ples; 2 horses, cow, 100 chickens, all Brunswick, cab. phono. $260 now $190.00 artillery wheels; only..$ 33.50 1075 OREGON BOND MORTGAGE that can be bought for that money. machinery. 412,000; will Vlctrola, . now $215.00 finest selection; come in and see; you only run 6000 miles 207 SELLING BLDG.. 2d Floor. party Colo kinds Price cab. phono. .$350 Regular 4$52.50 mahogany, are Steams-Knigh- t, look runs 1920 Ford sedan, of ex- The other wants the best $3-i- 6 monthly. unaer no obligation to buy. and lots bought $7500 to take small house, $5 or $10 cash or more spinnet desks, William 1250 $ 550 nial that can be from LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 103 10TH ST., AT WASH. AND STARK. ' STANLEY LUTZ. like new tras S10.VU0. Will consider Irvlngton. Ala and Mary or Queen Anne 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Grant roadster, fine con-- . 1919 Nash, cord tires, new 913 Chamber of Commerce. Security Storage Co. Closing for cash. base; only 32.50 once; a T)aint 750 meda, Rose City or Laurelhurst. What H. & .$275 now $ 78 ...... $ Broadway 4253. dition; must sell at you ouutl, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Equity of Bord Co upright. ,Keg. $io post steei bargain. 1919 Franklin 1000 have lo'orrerf Phone iidwy. - $350 now $100 $ IF YOU re- USED FORD AND COUPES. CORCORAN-JONE- S $2300 good- home; five large rooms, Mozard. upright beds, only 8.75 appreciate splendid watch SEDANS 700 REALTY CO., In $350 now $145 pairing or your Nash club roadster 275 bath, toilet, pantry, den, basement, Prentiss Piano Co. Reg. $12.50 coil springs.. $ 5.25 jewelry repairing, take 706 EIGHT 1921 Apperson sedan 2500 Oak St. car-lin- & now $195 miles sidewalks, sewer, two blocks from e Hallet Davis, upright. .$375 Rex. S12 nure cotton mat wurn. to Reo speed wagon, late 950 TO CHOOSE FROM AND ALL ARE 1921 Standard 8 sport..... 1400 WANTED SMALL HOME. paved street, fruit, cowsheds, Gerold & Co, upright $375 now f 215 tress, roll edge $ 6.95 MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. model.... REAL BARGAINS. 5 OR 6 ROOMS. and Kensington, $425 now $245 1921 Packard little 6 2100 gas, water, electric lights, attractive upright Reg. $25 pure silk floss . Sells for Less Gifts That Last. EASY TERMS. CARS TRADED. 1921 sedan 525 Want the best house that can be acreage or 101 10TH ST., COR. STARK. NexfDoor to Majestic Theater. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., Ford bought home; $3500; take car or v mattress, imperial stitch for $1500 to $1700; party has ' place located near terminal No. LIFMAN, WOLFE & CO.' PIANO SALE. edge, covering. $ 14.25 , Park and Washington Sts. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. $200 cash, like if you have smaller art .... w C. G. BLEASDALE, rest rent; 4, St. Johns. Inquire owner, S29 N. iNew upright pianos on sale now ai Reg. $30 genuine Simmons CHERRIES. Broadway 1852. East 8118. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR A real bargain at this price call. Empire 1540, ask $295, $375. $425, $475, $575, etc. 530 Alder St. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8:30. Bdwy. 6000. We will sell your house Ivanhoe, city. 'Call i brass bed, large fillers, Kxtra large Black Republicans, COMPANY. for Patterson. New Brand Dlanos on sale, now at only $ 18.75 picked. 6c. Some LamhortR Rt Nn SUNDAYS 9 to 6. ty evening. ; $675, $795, $875, $975. $1050, 2 BUICK '18 Driven only 12,000 miles, for CORCORAN-JONE- S 29 on Estacada etc Reg. $17.50 golden oak E. 70th North, first house south of REALTY CO.. ACRES at Barton the New player pianos on now at $650 cash. In first-clas- s shape; running S acres sae finish dresser $ 11.80 case ljine road. Tabor 0522. Burnside, 275 Oak Street. car; water; cleared! $395, $425, $495, $575, $475, etc equipped with bumper, motometer, two $190 DOWN BUYS 10th. and Portland. anma hprri.R! small house and bam: usea, Reg. $22.50 ivory dresser, SCREENS, s, wood-turnin- new . 1920 MAXWELL TOURING. Broadway 521. for ouick rteproaucmg pianos, new ana plate ..., $ 14.75 spotlights, new top. 4 tires, 5 GOOD nnil: flnsa tr station: $675, $695, $975, $1050, $1350, etc, mirror cabinet repairs, glass. See Fransen's extra rims and spares. Write for ap CAR OVERHAULED, TIRES. sale priced down to $2000; trade for We can also show you a com- opeciaity bhop. Jack screws for rent 791, 1922 LICENSE AND NEW PAINT. WANTED. If you do not want to pay cash., pay high-grad- pointment Sunday evening. D Ore property assume up to plete line of e bedroom . - MUST BE SEEN TO BE APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. Portland and $6, $8, $10 or more a month. Free ' inurman. atlwy. 1074. Bdwy. 710. gonian. THIS CAR $1000. delivery within 100 miles Seventh. floor. furniture in all finishes at a UPHOLSTERING furniture, repairing APPRECIATED. CAN USE A FORD METZGER-PARKE- R COMPANY. big saving. '20 BTTIHK ROADSTER. AS PAY- Corner Fifth and Washington St. .iiu. iuaLiresH worn aone oy oest wors Dr)p OR CHEVROLET PART VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, REALTORS Mahogany and walnut din- - Low and will take some down 5782. . Must be a corner location at least $ 10 men at a reasonable price. E. A, factory MENT. CALL MAIN '269 Oak St., Bdwy. 5355. VICTOR horn ing table, round or ob- bal. easy; take car In trade; . . 60x100 and bargain: east or west Edison cylinder, and 35 r amgner. Main 4477. bumper spot 1918 Chevrolet touring 225 a A LITTLE SUBURBAN recorder long, slightly imperfect, finish and cords, end 391S Oakland 6 touring 285 side; owners only; please give loca I WANT records 18 up SINGER sewing machines, easy pay- light; extra mounted; come and try FULL line auto accessories, tires, tubes, very best price. BC 786. HOME 30 worth upto $100, from. .$20 ments, largest light globes. 1918 Buick 4 express 250 tkn and my In my close-i- n Victor VI, oak Chaira to big dis- allowances for your old good one. 16th and Alder sts. 4 3S5 uregonlan. In exchange for equity 7 75 match at a machine. Singer MOTOR CO. FISHING OUTFITS. 1918 Buick touring 100x100 city home. rented for Brunswick count, Store. 166 W. Park. MURPHY 1917 Buick 6 touring 395 Part 73 Marshall 721, , Wholesale agents bearings, polish, ROSE CITY. $55; am occupying rest which would Columbia E, new Reg. $6 portieres, assorted FORD SEDAN BARGAIN. 1917 Buick 6 roadster, rebuilt 300 hung Widdicomb 85 R first-cla- ss rings. Ford parts; discount to traae. We have a client for rent for $45 with garage. Location colors, pair $ 2.50 tanks, $6, guar ; tanks, gas 1921 model condition TOWING AND REPAIRING. 1918 Buick 6 touring, repainted 600 elow Rose City up to $5000; call and waII flriA.ntfr. for anartment house site Victrola XI. mahogany HO Reg. $4.50 couch covers, water heaters repaired; plumbing con- runs better than new car; price $5S5 1917 Hup model N touring, over- we Sonora Nocturne .. 140 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. win give prompt service. or flats. John A. Meissner, 821 Gasco now . $ 2.65 tractors; estimates given. East Sid only $200 cash; oversize tires and best LONG & hauled 450 Everett Philpoe, Sales manager, Phonograph Dept., Welding Shop, 203 ; genuine SILVA. 700 building. ' We are now showing a fcig Adams st. E. 8516 shock absorbers included a East 6840. 462 Hawthorne at 8th. 1920 Chandler 6 touring NEILAN & PARKHILL. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. line of wicker willow furni- bargain. Call 347 Pittock block. Wash 1918 Olds 8 touring, overhauled... 425 210 Bldg., Bdwy. 2832. I HAVE a grocery and butcher shop in a and LOGANBERRIES for sale, at Loganview Lambermem city of about 3000 population, 18 miles CLEARANCE sale on used pianos. Prices ture, i - farm, Oswego lake; from 5 to 1000 ington at lotn. '20 BUICK TOURING. WILL PAY UP TO $7000 CASH $90 and up, Including Chickering, stein-wa- Reg. $6 Simmons steel crates; 19L1 TOURING. . This car is first class and a trial on 1917 Ford bug, 'fenders $135 from Portland, doing a good business, just right for canning and FORD mag., 265 for a new 5 or bungalow In lease, which must be sold Howard, Kingsbury, Kimball and cots $ 2.35 juice. Main 2272 or Tabor 19S6. Demountable wheels, shock absorb the hills will nrove it: refinished the Ford bug. Bosch extras with fine only. low price 1917 touring. A- -l 190 Kose city, irvlngton or Laurelhurst. or lots others. Special terms this month And a thousand bar- ers, A- -l mechanically, $J9a. latest colore, and the and Ford this week, or will take house See they other LADIES, let the Vogue sell your etc. easy please you. Take Ford 1918 Ford roadster, new tires 225 RIOHANBACH & CO.. and some cash : If you want a good them ant! be convinced that gains. misfit BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. terms will 20 Years In in Portland. are real bargains. Your and slightly used clothing on com- or cnevroiet in traae. iotn ana Aiuer. 1919 Ford roadster, starter block.. 235 Business business Investigate. old furniture taken in 403 Mor-riso- Burnside at 11th. R05-- 7 SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO. mission. Alisky bldg, near MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1919 Ford touring 250 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4143 F. Li. BLANCHARD. Realtor. exchange. Hasslera, 125 St., bet. Wash, and Alder St. 349-35- Elevator to 4th floor. Main 3132. 1922 FORD SEDAN Double TWHJT TIE UP YOUR PROPERTY? 401-- 2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6859. Fourth 1 OAK STREET. DODGE LATE MODEL. - -- speedometer, big wheel, other extras, CAR We can sell It for you 43 PIANOS. $115 up. Uprights" and COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. BIG REDUCTION ON FIXTURES. This car looks like brand new, is in VRANSON'S USED EXCH. in a short GENERAL CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS, A-- mechanical; than a new Ave., Hawthorne Ave., time. Bring your propositions grands ; many of the world's best Cas registers, show cases, scales, l better the best of condition : has oversize 240 Grand near in for LIGHT LUNCHES. safes, many car. Must sell at once and sacrifice. Open Nights and Sunday. quiCK action. Two can run business. Can Increase standard makes, lots of them, brand other fixtures. 129 First, terms. fc.ast eedd. Royal cord tires: two bumpers. If W. new; easy terms, a la Worcester Diqg. near Alder. Some cash and you have $825 cash you will get CHEVROLET. 1919. bug, good shape, J. O'CONNELL CO.. business. Cost owner $4750; long lease. 6. 1918 model, ' 215 Stock Exch. Bldcr. Main 8001 you get on good I WANTED Electric unaphon or set of CHERRIES Large, select Bings, hand STIIDEBAKER bargain. Cail Tabor 8152. $100 down. low rent; can this FOR QUICK SALE Splendid combina- ger; car has naa Dest 01 care, juai bug. new tires, license, HAVE buyers for west property terms or naue. i ucno iu tumn tion range, electric washer, sewing picked. Take Sellwood car to end of this 1918 PAIGE SIX. Studebaker i side win nwuit. urau" suu warn overhauled, runs like new, good tires, $75 down. ' " j..u ujsi. nun me il js a sure J. E. SHEARS REALTY CO., give details and price. Address Wm. machine and house furniture. All in line, down Ochoco or driv to end easy Owner, One of those beautiful cars; fine aie, providing your price right, Henry Bldg. A. MuUen, Elks Club, Or. new of East ftth. W. T. O'Brien, 1809 E. 9th fine top; $450, terms. ready to go; will take your Chevrolet touring, 1918. excellent .3 Portland. condition. House for rent. Apply 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. tiresand buy. $100 down. JOHN SINGER. house comDleteiy .furnished on GENUINE B. Shonieer' Dlanos, 864 Knott st. i FINE black gherries, 5 cents and up. 01a car as initial payment, toou. $00 , 1919 CHEV. TOUR. & Ford tourins, 1920, snappy, $175 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. lot soxioo; has lots or on pavea I brand new. $oto on terms, uan you u, ia. atepne-ns- Til Columbia blvd., BRALEY, GRAHAM CHILD, INC iruit; A-- shape; reconditioned and refin down. THE BEST little olace that S10OO will street; only 2 diocks to car line; nave beat this.' .Brokerage tjo., dia wore Typewriters. mile east Union ave. l Burnside at 11th. Model N Hup touring, extra special, S12C0 eauitv. bal. nayable $30 per mo.; bide. BLACK buy in Woodlawn, Alberta or along ter ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. cherries for sale 5c lb. on the & CHILD, INC. LATE 1920 BufcR Six. in fine order and $275 down. ave., win gooa car ana some casn trees, raspberries & BRALEY, GRAHAM Union for widow. take icr pIANOS. player pianos and phonography 35 to 75 below manufacturers' $1.25 crate picked. Burnside at 11th. almost new condition; owner leaving Overland touring, cord tires all RALPH . Call Tabor 3580. HARRIS CO.. to rem; new ptayer rous zoc eacn. prices; TERMS, $5 cash and $5 month city and must sell; sacrifice at $.n0. around, extra special. $100 down. 316 Cham, of Com. Broadway 5654. i- Exchange. & Mnnwr, R H immobile, car all over .. dauuuii. . Plaver Roll Harold if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED FOR SALE. gooa Car can be seen at Portland Auto Sales. Overland bug. wonderful buy at $75 buyers 212 Railway Kxch. Bldg. Bdwy. ttM. Gilbert. 107 West Park, near Wash. Ladies' wearing sport hauled, engine gooa as new, cora 125 Lownsdale, cor. v ashmgton, op , down. I HAVE real live for homes on 3 months $7.50 up. apparel, suit; newly souu. ' west side for $4000 to $7000, LOOK! PIANO TUNING and repairing; phono WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. dresses and a tailored suit. 9299. tires, paintea, posite 15th. Buick light 6 touring. 191S model. about WILL YOU TRADE East COOK & GILL CO.. $1000 down. Call graph repairing, any matte. 321 Washington St. Broadway 74S1. DROP head Singer sewing machine, good Bdwy. 7751. 1920 CHANDLER SPORT MODEL. $350 down. you have for what you want ? SEIBERLING-LUCA- S 9th and Burnside. FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor. what MUSIC CO.. condition, 3769. 562 This car is in fine mechanical con Many other cars to select from. 415 Cham, of Bring me your propositions, large or 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. REBUILT typewriters, ail kinds, for sale, io. iast Will- CHALMERS. WATTS, AUTO BROKER. Oftn. Bdwy. 3222 i X iams ave. ; 5 good and lots of small, city or country; will match rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis- Refinished. new cord tires, one dition has tires 150 Union Ave ,FOR a client, 5 or bungalow, zva PIANOS moved, $3; ground floor; work of Caron's portable, $50, com- Four other extras. Will sell at a bargain them. E. A. ttasiey. Montgomery experts ana guaranteed. tributors GENUTNE walrus suitcase and bag to extra. Will sacrifice for $400. Mr. give easy terms to responsible close to Alberta car, $3500 to (4000; ., corner rutn. done by Can plete, with carrying case; supplies and "", K.oai 9iov. win sacrifice tor Lynch, Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washington st. and $500 down, good monthly payments; PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. uroaaway iau.. repairs of all makes. cash. Apt. 30, 388 31th party. Jnone uawy. description. st. HAVE late 1918 Haines Chummy, won FORD TRUCKS. full AB 798, Oregonian. My FOR SALE Smith & Barnes upright. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. SHINGLES OVERLAND iieht six in good mechani TO EXCHANGE equity of $3000 in 4 St. Broadway 7169. direct from mill; extra Star- - derful shape. Win reiinisn hks new. WANTED A small modern buneralow $14o. Mrs. Perkins, bith and McCoy, Fifth $d per m; commons, per cal shape. A wonderful buy for $350. a fine irvington home for. a small to $1.75 Will take small car in trade. Li On easy terms. must be priced right. Give location, unincumbered home or business that Mt. Scott Tremont. A SALE OF TYPEWRITERS. M. Taylor-st- . dock. Main 8065. cense. Brdy. 602. Late 1921. pneumatic cord in rear, price and best in & Remington No. 10, like new $50 COOK & GILL CO., Urms first letter. can be handled by a lady. C 781. $275 BUYS a former $650 Storey $60 Stoll auto bed and tent in good FORD SEDAN. 9th and Burnside. Bdwy. 7751. nearly new cab and stake body; P 729, Oregonian. CiarK piaao. uooa as new. tjasn or Underwood No. 5 55 vunumon. new licenoe $425 No. 40 win sacritice lor wal- 1920 Ford sedan, has tires and WANT to exchange my equity in a automobile, be terms. 365 W. Russell st. Woodstock 4 nut 3209. runs new. Phone eve- NEW MAXWELL ROADSTER. 1920. pneumatic cords, stake body as part payment I WANT light must L. C. Smith, overhauled 35 looks and like house for a mod- 1920 model or wHl BRUNSWICK phonograph and 35 records, 94."5. . With all 1922 mechanical features, and cab; license 350 ern later; take it as These machines are in fine condi- CHERRIES Oregons and Black Re- - nings. Tabor house not too far. Call At- part or full payment on vacant lots or good as new for $100. Cost $175. puoucans; touring, bunga- Silvertown cords, $625. 1920 chassis, excellent, has license, water 721 ' tion. D. C. Wax, 6 N. 5th. bc on the tree and 8c 1922 CHEVROLET 490 BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. 350 small houses. r or particulars call picked. 5630 44th S. E. 630-4- and license. Driven cord tires 0880. 404 bldg. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type Auto. low curtains, extras Burnside at 11th. TALBOT & CASEY. INC.. HAVE lot In Rose City Park owner. Main Piatt 900 fiRAND latest, used 3 months. LAMBERT cherries for sale, 2 months. Liberal discount for quick will give as first payment on like '.new; only $525. 312 Worcester writer inspection to., siz stars:, tsawy. either cash sali. Walnut 6095. LATE IlKht 6. new tires, battery, paint, "Authorized Ford Dealers." bungalow. Alight some SEATTLE Drooeriy. wanted in exchange 7549. trees or piCKea, juast 3 2d St. Ta- - new; comfy, quiet, East Ankeny and Grand Ave. pub cash with tor .fortiana lots ciear or debt, will nor uuo. 1919 DODGE touring, has been run 5000 looks and runs like lot, ijdwy. 4hs. accept acreage BURROUGHS posting machine, good economic. Let me demonstrate. Pri East 8113. near or lots in Seattle. KINGSBURY upright, $187. Come in press, miles; looks and runs like new. A EASY CARS TRADED. ROBINSON-SPOONE- R condition. Price reasonable. Monta- - 8x12, good running vate owner. Sacrifice $445, terms. TERMS. WHY WORRY? CO.. and hear it Harold S. Gilbert, 107 PKiTli bargain if taken at once. Phone Tabor EVENINGS TILL 8:30. I can sell or trade anything, any- 712 Couch Bldg. . Bdwy. 6785. west near waanington st villa .Savings bank. conauion, $iuu cash. Room 212, 84 East 7065. OPEN fane, DLII St. BQwy. J 94oo. SUNDAYS 9 to 6. where. C. W. MiUership, 165ft 4th. FINE buildine properties in Lethbridsre. FOUR upright pianos, your choice, $125 REBUILTS. rentals, cut rate OR EXCHANGE for smaller car, 1921 STUDEBAKER special six. This Main 5275. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Bdwy. 7507. FINE Bing cherries for sale. SELL has always had the best of care Canada, will trade .one or both for a 7 each, terms, ji Worcester Piag. Stark st. green nikrr Oldsmobile. 1922 model. car WANT 5 $3 an or Rem- - aiso beans. 411 Cook ave., near 100 AH 781, and looks and runs like a new car. If modern or cottage, good or modern house in Rose City, SLIGHTLY used piano, bargain, for cash. MONTH rents Underwood Union Run less than miles. you want a real car at a bargain price 1922 district, from owner who will accept Irvington or any desirable location on mast tnz mornings. . mgton. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 100. Oregonian. two some, east Phone GENUINE mandarin coats don t ran to see tms one, mast p;. vacant lots and cash as first side. Main bau. 15 PIANOS, uprights, $115 to $200 Foal try. suitable for 1918 BUICK TOURING. HUPMOBILE. payment. S 792. Oregonian. ' to beautiful all evening wraps. rnone alter 10 A M OLDS FOUR ROADSTER. WANT trade residence in each, easy terms, jxa Worcester bldg. CHICKEN RANCH. East 0713. Fine car, $700. Olds four roadster, i WANT to rent with option to pur- Spokane, located in choice district, for Finest small chicken ranch in the BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. Latest model 5 new cord tires, sun visor, chase, 6 or bungalow; Portland residence. What have you? FINE pianos for rent, $4 month. Empire LAMBERT cherries, berries. 11th. cord tires, like new mechanically, $995. snubbers, bumpers, give jenerson. oawy. city; new house, modern; Curtia Burnside at & spotlight, price, terms, location, price V 8t. Oregonian. Transier, iz los. 1000 hens; place fruit ranch, Base Line road. 1 BRALEY, GRAHAM CHILD, INC. motometer. This car looks just rental and Sweet-tone- chicken house for this mile 1922 490 CHEVROLET touring; license, d used piano : Burnside at 11th. full description. H 795, Oregonian. NORTH BEND. Coos county. 2 lots. WANTED for must be sold good terms: 3 blocks east jgontaviua. spotlight, new tires, car in first-clas- s like new. 50x128, high school, $500, casru lr oargain. uroaaway j.t4a. Woodstock car. 5921 59th easy quick 1922 CHEVROLET touring. Will guar- VANT 15 to 20 acres, 15 mi. to Port- - near for for from end of SINGER sewing machines for rent. condition. Very terms for you CO.. land. Have 2 acres improved tate Fora or wnat nave .you r u 7S8, PIANOS WANTED CASH PAID FOR ave. S. E. montns .umpire Transfer. Bdwy. sale. Tabor 5935. antee and can secure new car PORTLAND MOTOR CAR at Oregonian. service. Cannot be told frem new. Burnside. Bdwy. 0521. Metzger, also some cash. T. J. Merret, WEEKS old White Leghorn pullets, 1920 CHANDLER Dispatch. Best buy in 10th and Metager, Or. you or STEINWAY square piano $100 60c 3 W. L. Cord tires all around. Liberal dis- WE HAVE what want what cash. each; weeks old chicks, FOR SALE $20, gray reed baby bueav. Oregon. $750. count. Phone Tabor 1473. vou Walnut 5800. 25c L. , WANT residence; give choice 15 acres have. each; old W. chicks, tven. suvu vuuuuiuu. rnODG W 000- - COOK & GILL CO.. near Vancouver. Good buildings, JOHN M. KROO CO., : PIANO, mahogany case, excellent con :1214c each; O. A. C. Barred Rocks lawn Dili. 9th and Burnside. Bdwy. 7751. 1919 OVERLAND. 1922 LEXINGTON SPORT. 1 Model 90, touring, must see car to sport model, has $4500. Owner, Boy 68, Astoria. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. dition, st. chicks, day to 3 weeks old, 20c to FOR SALE Lloyd 1922 se- This is the Lark iorBaieiasonaDieSTietn 30c each. J. R. Maguire, 7S7 Oregon sulky, ivory rocker, BY OWNER, Buick realize the bargain. $400. over $400 worth of equipment which EaVE client wishing attractive small 100x100 cottage, sell or rent. STORY & Clark piano at sacrifice, leav uiuj uitaftt-- anu mattress. AUtO. dan, in perfect condition at a substan- BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. 6 cord tires, 6 wire wheels, would traae my equity even up; light st. Kose city car. 623-3- 560. 46th St. Liberty Garage, 14th and includes home in Alameda or Irvineton. Mrs. ing city, .hj ban rtaiaet St. tial discount. ' Burnside at 11th. Gabriel snubbers and Howard tire Harry Price Palmer. East 3207. car or vacant lot, equal value, owner, FOR SALE Good Sohmer piano; 300 O. A. C. Barred Rock chicks, 1 week independent Wash. . rack, wind de- 1125 Sumner street. old, 20c each; 200 day old, 20c each. jiciiNtiu electrician wires SEVEN passenger Case, in first-cla- me pump, trunk, trunk IRVINGTON. dealers. ast vjou. a rooms o ior yM guaranteed to 1921 DODGE roadster like new. To see new, flectors, etc. This car originally sold Bargain, 100x100 corner, CLOSE-I- east side apartment site. J. R. aiaguire, iSi uregon. pass w buy It. chanical condition, as good as six 8000 for all cash; Office Furniture. inspection. Qpaiawn 3791. it is to a bargain ; will small car' for $3175. Been driven less than location and price, AC 799, Oregonian, value $4000; clear, and cash for mod- Dogs. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. COOK & GILL. tires; take miles. Can hardly be told from new. go- USED OFFICE FURNITURE. CHINESE curios. Phone Bdwv. 21 2 in trade. H. I. Price, care Price Bros. WANT srn ern bungalow. Owner, J 761, Ore - 9th and Burnside. Bdwy. 7751. Will sacrifice for $2200. Call Wdln. New bunealow. Rose ritv man. We have some exceptional buv In NEW BIRD book. "Care. Feedine and room 216, between 1 and 6 P. M. this dept. store. Oregon City, Or. to $5000. make good payment. For good desks, chairs, tables and filing cab , Breeding of canaries, gives a volume wees. Overland, splendid BUG! BUG! "2615. APPLE and CHICKEN RANCH of 20 01 urination, now anu condition, good upholstery, HAYNES. inets, all refinished and almost equal reai mi aiso tens $295 buys Model 90, chassis, starter, battery, I WANT vacant business lot in good acres, exchange lor apt. HOUSE or new. what to use to overcome disease and PAINTER 1918 Maxwell car tools. Owner must sell, $165 cash. East red speedster, recon- COUCh to pa.iii-.in- $150. neignDornooa, price not t BUNGALOW. 605 IRWIN-HODSO- trouble. Worth a dollar to any owner mm equipment. Bargain. 8954. , Same as new, two extra wir exceed $8000 ' BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. ditioned. Stale particulars. G 779. bldg. of a canary. Postpaid, 30c. Routledge Atwater-Ken- ignition, wheels, two spare tires, two bumpers. Oregonian. 391 Stark at 10th St., Portland. rq, FORD BUG t Burnside at 11th. the market. ranch, all in crop; good build ana Animal Co.. Portland A BABY'S reed carriage for sale: in , and windshield; new paint. $150 Most attractive roadster in Farms Wanted. , TYPEWRITERS, adding machines. iet shocks FRANKLIN series 9, a good dependable ings; water; win use gooa nome in FOR SALE- - Thoroughbred Irish setter very good condition. ".Call Main 1255 cash; can be seen at Chapman and Mill anywnere Only $1650. WANTED By reliable farmer. with For particulars, owner, bookkeeping maninery, caiiott-. isner pups, from 1 to 3. 1112. car that will taKe you in HAYNES AGENCY. years Portland. John outfits, files, etc., etc. Call Bdwy. eligible ror registration. M. J. street. Main a very small expense. I 529 Washington St. of experience, farm to run on oia iasT. sin at. Fischer, Dahlia, Wash. LARGE safe, special Da r comfort at Bdwy. 1614. shares, by September 1. AV 45, Ore 5493 and ask ror Browneu or gain if taKen at 1922 OVERLAND SEDAN. claim is the best buy in town. Let CANADIAN farms, rich, level, bie crons; v once. viu givn terms. AC once, perfect this must seli 1921 Chandler Dis- gonian. THREE fox terriers and 2 Spitz and 771. Must sell this car at me show you. E. 8879. OWNER over- aiso sou mit u ren.ujr io piow; exenange fox terriers. Come early. Strine Cv- - Will sacrifice for cash only. patch sport model; completely acreage NEW and used office furniture at low condition. 1920 CHEVROLET touing in excellent new tires; new lor xarms, ana city property. est prices in city, bates, adding ma cie co., 4tn ana Tayior.- OFFICE FURNITURE Main 5051. hauled; three brand C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens bldg. .BOUGHT, SOLD, condition. This car nas oeen privately $125 paint job, trimmings ail nickeled. TIMBER LANDS. chines, typewriters, etc. We rent fur CANARIES 3 kinds, fine day and night RENTED NEW FORD COUPE. like new. Good tires. of" extras, including 24-2- C. 6 driven and looks Over $500 worth 2 ACRES McMinnville; 1 beautiful cem niture. D. C. Wax, 6 N. 5th. singers, tt78 Tibbets st., or Sell D. WAX, N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739 Can make immediate delivery on a $20 per to be ap- SAWMILL SITE. . equity in call $150 down, balance month. disc wheels. Must be seen etery lot. lor smalt Portland Bdwy. 2739. , wood d410. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamu- - new Ford coupe. Call Mr. Elliott, East Sellwood 2016. Phone Bdwy. 3287 before 171 acres, approximately 4.000,000 home. J . s., gym jaa st. w. m. preciated. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. WILL your dog by ion DeacD ecmc carpet washer; also 8118. 6 P. M. feet timber, good soil, house and ban; I BOARD week or IF YOU are looking for a real buy in a fi HAVE Spokane lot to trade as part pay- - Manufacturers' seconds at rapor vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. sedan, first class mechanical miles from city limits; good land, oungatow. substantial montn. bubi. DODGE Hupmobile touring car, l have the '19 OAKLAND TOURING. good road; land lies well; $36,000, ment on smai Broadway reductions. Albatroa Metal Furniture puppy, pedigree. PILES can be permanently oured with condition, reasonable terms. William 1922 model. Has been run only the hills on 715 BOSTON terrier fine & Co.. Bdwy. Davis. latest Light 6 that does all worth investigating. Inquire 4904 70th Co.. Thurman. M rteasonaoie. uttu. out operation. au or write Ur. Dean, L. Hughson and 2600 and is in perfect condition. Terms high; new tires in rear; needs nothing; S. EXCHANGE; 40 acres near highway iast Second and Morrison. touring; good rubber; li- 4041. st. B. Mt. Scott car. By owner. and BOOKKEEPER'S standing desk, large BoatK. Launches Marine .Equipment. 1917 BUICK 6 if desired. Phone East all ready to go. Have a look. Price house, city, yt or duplex house counter. Phone Bdwy. 5231. and 50 MILD Havana cigars, $2.25 : $2.50 cense; will trade for late Ford touring. With $150 down. bal. easy, loth J60 ACRES near Northport, Wash,; 10 houseboat, modern conven OLDSMOBILE sport, $;J85. acres 1. 000.000 vvainuL postpaid, tieltkemper, maker. 151 Por- 240 Grand avenue. and Alder sts. cleared, about ft. of fir. property, Farnitnre for Sale. iences. sleeping porch, bath and store ter. inder. would consiaer some traae. MOTOR CO. pine, cedar and tamarack; 2 miles to WANT citv have acreasre and room, garage, 1918 MITCHELL, run 12,645 miles; will Must go In two days. See car Union MURPHY ; exenange. u. . fuel shed and float ex siding 2'room cabin. For a quick farms to uoie, 4ze lum-- tra; cool, comfortable cheap; DANDY 8light shower fixture complete sell today for $200; terms if desired. Depot Garage, Broadway and Hoyt at ifl'JI LIGHT SIX. terms. bermens oicg. and best Mr. Elliott. East 81 18.- cord tires, sale iout; STORAGE SALE. . moorage on 7859. my 1920 Chevrolet 490 Late model Velie STURM-KEFE- 10 river. Main ber of Commerce bldg. Broadway WILL sacrifice performs like new, CO.. 8 ACRES, miles out, sightly, car GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED 4253. 1921 FORD touring, only driven 2500 0 new cora tires, norn. new appliances and 214 5th SK per acre. FOR SALE OM Town canoe with two- Bdwy. 1130, touring, ciaxton handy; $300 Want city lots. FOR WAREHOUSE AND cynnaer new, KODAKS. miles, like a new car. ask spotlight, large steering wheel; must 36-i- . 5upicn, owner, Did g. motor, almost We GRAHAM. & CHILD, INC. 7,000,000 FEET fir, 24 to butts.; 7 M. P a.i uoucn LOAN CHARGES. $150; Co., buy, sell, rent and exchange ka- - for Mr. Baucum. be seen to be appreciated. Tabor 8897. BRALEY, Motor Service The Dalles, oauuy, 13 Burnside at 11th. 0 miles from R. R.. Lane Co. Good level PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. 7500 square feet floor space Or. 4hb. j. roii a way. SLIGHTLY used car wanted, of late my 6, high-grad- e WILL sacrifice late model Buick roaa; toe inousanu.- - xi. a. cox, Mets-ger- filled with furniture DIEBOLD new second-han- must be bargain. A IrUniJUiN KUSB, FAST pleasure motorboat Marcella for safes, and make, for cash, East touring car if sold at once; run DODGE TOURING. Or. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. of every kind and description; yvviai ptiKfim. & 8130. antiques, curios,, etc, pianos, sale or trade lor light touring car. ocaie SUpD.f only ouut muea. an 111- - oaucum, pine tract, including mill; easy Co., 48 Front st. Bdwy. 1966. Have no use for same: will sell 1130. 1919 model, privately owned, original FINE ' HERD milch goats, value $450 for lot or phonographs, viblins, vacuum Call at foot of Linij ave., boat house, wDRn Bdwy. logging; reasonable; good'terms. Zim 7 RADIO furnace, completely rims; finish, looks fine. 5 wire wheels and other oner. Kast b4tn st. iNorth. blan- Beiiwooa. installed for cheap; starter, aemountaDie une MUST sell this 1922 Chevrolet e merman, 433 Chamber of Com. bldg. cleaners, electric pads and S I good $575. Terms to responsi-bl- kets, dishes, glass, massive $45. upen ior new worK now. Central it at JttO. tilll at 00 ui in ai. within 10 days; will consider any 5 tires. cut MOTOR CANOE, & truck party. Phone Mr. Cate. E. 0303. hall clocks, Wilton and oriental EAST 7944. Slumping ideating io.. Tabor 0058. rest Dodge buy in town, $350, and in make of automobile or light truck in TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. rugs, sewing ma- SET OF 37 pieces of dandy snape. uau DODGES! DODGES! DODGES! FOR RENT FARMS. refrigerators, Coal and Wood. Booth china, pagoda inr. jiiroit, xmsi trade. Phone wainut nesui. GASOLINE camp stove, in splendid con chines, automobile and truck 8118. Stephens coupe. run Reconditioned Rebuilt. rent $75; 10 acres near Cres- - wheels parts, FOUR-FOO- T DRY SLAB. $5.50 CORD. $200 to $800. SEASON'S ditions trade lor auto Dumper. tires, wire and LARGE $80 baby carriage, $25. Bdwy. 1921 ELGIN SIX, $675. fthont 6300 miles. Looks like new. - well; bldgs., 6 fruit. Box 68, and many block and slab m'.xed. & CHILD, Roadsters Tourings. aqfes MR. CONFREY, various other articles or liS 10. BRALEY, GRAHAM INC. Will sell at sacrifice. 140 Front at. & CHILD, INC. Bdwy. 7567. , 201 Board of Trade Bldg. too numerous tb mention. For Furnace Heater. Burnside at 11th. BRALEY, GRAHAM NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. BING CHERRIES. Phone 0179. Burnside at 11th. good ; history. 75 BOOKS, condition SECURITY STORAGE ft EMPIRE 1027. 1919 DIXIE FLIER, new paint and good 1920 FORD touring, good condition, new biogrophy, fiction, religion; worth new! WOOD WOOD. a gooa ouy easy 315 Alisky bldg., 12 1922 490 CHEVROLET sedan, only run CO.. Republican , rubber, is anu ton. $275 cash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. casn. yo, jk.hz- - TRANSFER block and railroad ties, al BLACK cherries for sale. mis few months; cord tires, spotlight, $2o0, tor $iao uox 4th and Pine Sts. dry block wood; green block terms, ca mt. mnott. east 011a. to 1. steering wheel, automatic ESSEX CAR FOR LOT. ville. Wash. ' touring, starter, nearly new big oversized Essex car. in finest kind of condi Opposite Multnomah Hotel. wood Mam zbvo. UNUSUALLY (fine bicycle at a sacrifice. 1920 FORD NEW 6 TOURING at discount, windshield cleaner. Must sell. Sacri- WANT a piano for equity in lot; must tires, ooay ana iop jut nn. new. m. prompt delivery, new guarantee. Main big discount. Easy terms. tion, to exchange for vacant lot close maaog-- WANT 10 cords wood as part payment wainut oziv. a- fice at be in first class condition ana 1 davenport table, J. ma very gooa ouy. main -i 5935. In. What have you? See Stephens, any case. Bdwy. U4o. MAHOGANY on truck, labor 3696. 1139 EQUIPMENT for small Tabor noeanv vioun.. a vaLumii i' restaurant. 1917 BUICK, good mechanically and a a TEST 1922 Chevrolet teuring car, run with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, Flanders st. cheap. bOb Gasco bldg. Atwater 0400. mr, t. '20 TYPE OAKLAND SEDAN. 732 t'namoer or commerce. er, 1 floor lamp, 1 Wilton rug, 9x12, dry real buy tor terms, au n.i 3200 miles. Will take old Ford or One of those fine closed cars for the And oiher articles. 3143 Senate st. 3 LARGE loads boxwood: $3.25 and BOYNTON furnace pipes and registers; liott. East sua. Chevrolet In trade. Wal. 2387. be from new. FOR SALE or trade, 8 "4 acres; creek SALE. $4.00. Extra nice planer ends, $0 per rainy season; cannot told FOR block south of Sandy blvd., between chummy, late model; bargain. with service body, $850. bottom land; best of onion land; five vo-- load, can A. 34!t, HAYNES 5 BUICK first Homes, Vehicles, Livestock. H nn ana itn. l awr c uonat. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding Bdwy. 41K. condition; good BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. acres under cultivation; house GOOD wood stumping wanted near Port class mechanical or exchange, ld SOME very elegant new furniture at a Hintuiin:, niiuw 10 ia, near Asn. 1918 $100 cash. Bdwy. Burnside at 11th. some tools and furniture: will take FOR SALE R. R-- . FORD roadster, model, looks and tires. int. mare, can use sacrifice a& am leaving city: thu land. State distance from and LADIES SAVE1 Exclusive puy. oaw-- light car in trade; Chevrolet or a Ford. Morgan registered; i c lty. 65, N. P. O. used apparel runs like new: a reai WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. 1920 BUICK six touring. All new tires. first-clas- davenport Box Portland a home. Prices Must be BF S00. Oregonian draft horse. 94 5th st. Holman Fuei Co. includes overstuffed and in low. Tabor 2826. STUDEBAKER Weed Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder This is one of the best model chair, dining room equisite bed NO. 1 OLD growth cordwpod cut from first-grad- e 1918 WILL TRADE. VOR SALE 1 registered Holstein bull. and w GENUINE jade necklace. casn. t 17th. iSQwy. dip, man oruers iineq. and U in excellent condition. I must room suites in ivory and imported siniinrt trpfts oak Utah roAl Phnm Call Broadway 2705. sou ruuiw Only $300 down drives We can. match you on any trade hav 3 months old, of exceptional quality. rugs, 6, good condition, cheap for cash. CHEVROLET Late model, big bargain, sell at once. propositions-hou- se, mandarin etc. Phone Walnut 3159. East 1759. OLDS 8879. ing bring in your Holman Fwl Co.. 4 otn uu BLACK Republican . payment, long terms. this car home. E. merit; ' cherries picked. 23iw small cash Must farms, acreage, stocks of DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going DRY $7 cord; second, $6.50. 4072, evenings. Walnut lots, MUICL ... . r a Tabor f sell at once. Main 1095. 1922 DODGE TOURING. ,R. rVllsU tiuius ia, cw or to we can save you ana coras 90.00. DODGE, looks like new, late model, gerdhandlae. S.. 712 Couch bldg. girl's saddle; $75 both,- - east camornia; Block siao, i! At just before body change'd; pounds; also for money on your freight in our through water 2983 LAMBERT cherries. 8603 Powell Valley $825. Call Tabor 8152. WE PL'T steel teeth in your old' ffy- - Purchased - ny. 627-6- accept trade. CASH AND LAND. W- J. rleau, at wu"""" aia., J. c. cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson road. Automatic touring. Al shape, all good wneei; b' mu- - will car in SA - BEST COUNTRY SLAB WOOD. EAST 1920 FORD craiMian u'ibi BRALEY, GKAHAii & vniL,u, crs in Portland city limits. farm IMPLEMENTS New and second Transfer & Storage Co.. 245 Pine at. SINGER sewing machine, gas. range, baby Bargain. tawy. ing. H. B. Black. 534 Aider. Bdy. 2681. jal. district; value - $14,0w. and prices. P. E. 1759. tires. Burnside at 11th. tlnnton hand, special Esnenahare. OVERSTUFFED living room set. carriage. ruune ocu. woj. FQRD, lots of extras, $425, easy FOR SALE By owner, 1921 Ford coupe. canh for valley farm. Owner, 360-36- 6 sx. DRY BLOCK and slabwood. single load 1921 DODGE, $500, extra good tire Hb:' iast morrison walnut dining room set, universal com- uawy. FIRELESS cookeret for sale, 2 Call Main 2143. In Al condition; good rubber. G 774, 1918 Oregonian. weighing 2970 lbs. Harnesk range, rugs, sa; Qouoie ioaa ztta. partments. $10. terms. equipment, fine mechanical condition. tram and bination bedroom furni you Tabor 5140. touring car, $4o0, new tires. Oregonian. VALLEY FARM. dump wagon. Tabor 361. 2087 .East ture. Walnut 5389. WHEN want a woodsaw call Kelley, rebuilt DODGE 2 late model Grant 6 cars, $500. 156 acres, all cultivated, fine loca- ison. ttast Q64U. GUARANTEED batteries for ALL Phone Empire 0512. FOR SALE COOK A GILL CO., Mad 5 ROOMS, all or part Call Tabor 0173 cars. w cawy. bargain for cash. Perfection Tire Co., 7751. tion; come quickly, I mean business. WOOD, any io fio. delivery, must sell at once; will 9th and Burnside. Bdwy. FRESH Jersey, cow for sale. 478 Pat-- or call at uanson s uun;?, xuov Ji.. kind, summer prices now on. FORD 10th ana mar blo. W. H. ROSS, zjdd. Atwater 526. w din. 3423. FEDERAL electric washing machine sacrifice for $100. Sellwood 2902. 1918 OLDSMOBILE 8 Chummy, good 1100 N. W. Bldg. ton road. Marsnau Stark st. House tor rent. practically new, $75. Main 8143. STUTZ run less than 6000 miles, $1000 is a tmap, is in dandy Bank quickly. SPECIAL for week No. 1 growth FORD roadster with box; must rahe to handle. AL 792. shape. This car DEAD animals taken MUST sell at once, furniture bun first SEVEN doors, suitable for money; $125. Tabor 1669. to $1200 Ore shape and has 5 good tires. Need WILL consider trade in the vicinity of MiiwauKie- - galow. Oali .io 3ia st.. near isei nr. per cora. aul dzz-i- take gonian Ford or Chevrolet. Oakland or Sacramento for local In- house puuaing. iaii main 050. coupe. $125 my lighter car. Prefer canyon farm, close In. mont. FOR SALE tOO cords of wood, near NEW FORD for equity. Willys-Knigh- t, in perfect con 2387. come property. PASTURE Ladd's for sale $3.00 per M. 518-6- 7.PASS. Walnut 4ottf. DUBinew punaajr. some my anerwooQ, $a on ground, aiain 0133. SHINGLES at Call Call evenings, 349 Hall. Auto. sell THOMSON & THOMSON, Realtors. Main io I HAVE to sell oi furniture . ov- - dition, will cheap; make me an - 1921 BUICK. walnut at high-grad- e 620-2- 1 good a oow No. 1 SACRIFICE touring car for o yjrfo. Henry Bldg. .4th and Oak Sts. SEVERAL work horses. Inquire ot and lot oi oriental sunos. a. SPECIAL cordwood, $7 Electric vacuum ffer. Main I will sell my Buick touring; has Pine st cora in lots. Atwater zsoo. J FOR RENT cleaners. quick sale. Sellwood 3941. roadster, 1921 model, fine shape; been run 5000 miles, looks and runs BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE IOC per tt mom XMif. FORD TRADE ARTIST CATTLE for sale, 2 miles W. of FURNITURE of flat; $250. 330 NO. 1 GREEN and dry fir, $7.50; heavy ua) ESSEX roadster, $715, easy terms to re- easy terms. 609 Washington st., 01 like new. Evening, phone Atwatef 4400. AT Sycamore. F. H. Borgee. 13th. Main dvw. country siao, vo.to; poie or ooay oaK, SECOND-HAN- tents and covers lor sale. sponsible party. Call Wdln. 2461. Bdwy. 2488. apt. 308. , Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 1st touring, repaint- J. W. O'CONNELL CO.. HRSES for sale. Inquire 40 North 1st BEAUTIFUL light gray wicker dining or $9.50 per cora. Mam ez4i. st 19 CHEVROLET, fine condition, gobd FORD coupe, 1920 model, good paint 1918 CHEVROLET just 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 866L 1 cordwood $7.50, country slab $5.70, TWO counter cases, glass tires, shocks; terms. East 4172. good mechanically; sacrifice at $450; ed 6 good tires and in good mechan. st. Broadway aeof. sun room set. cant NO. shelv sell for $250, casK TRADE and $3000 cash will handle 16-i- wood ny ioaa or cora. East 4o69, ing 01 x waanington mi. tsawy. 4lo7. $500 MY $2150 CAR, LIKE NEW, FOR easy terms. paw.v. tno. ical condition. Will $4000 per nKR larae. team of mules for sale. Main K.ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, or terms. Call Sellwood 3166. property good for $120 I No. 1 HOOVER sweepers for rent; use the best. $500. TABOR 7467. ESSEX in perfect repair and ap income you 6564. cheap for cash. Phone Broadway 5646. GET our prices on fir and best of 1920 month. What have to offer? oak. Phone Walnut 7339. SAXON four, just overhauled; $130. 736 pearance, $765; long, easy terms if uiLATEj Chandler; bargain; terms. make quick deal to settle part- VETERINARIAN. FOR SALE cheap a fumed oak china responsible. 2461. Bdwy. 4488, Must 6566, I 14,50 load, Sell. 3154. GAS STOVE. CHEAP, 407 HALL ST. Kearney st. Atwater syoz. re Woodlawn nership U 7&oV Oregonian. DRHOJiES, . JABOB c&omeu jLaoor ow. RANGE wood.