18 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1932 AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR . SALE, FOB SALE Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. Furniture for Sale. Voai and Wood. Miscellaneous. NEW TODAY. For Suie Farms. KArA is & Hat of KOOd used SMALL RANCH FOR CITY PROPERTY. SOLD my place, so must dispose at oilce $4.25 PER LOAD $4.25. flntrl TWO-LOA- LEAKY ROOF. Eh? Very aggravating, cars from the house of reliable used BARGAIN PRICES 86 ACRES, Yamhill county. BO mile, 20 acres, nearly all under cultivation. of 2 good young milch cows, $55 and D LOTS. indeed. Why not a comfortable" and cars prices: 5 from grood town, 10 acres in potatoes, strawberries and weighs fir blocks .and slab, runs at lowest from Portland, miles $65: brown mare years old, permanent roof? We repair, rubber vara sedan, lots 01 extras. ,.9 m.i OX RENEWED AUTOMOBILEsC 1 mile to school; 20 acres cultivated. other berries; young family orchard of 1150 pounds, $35; brown horse, weight NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. partly dry, for furnace or heater. bond kinds of ivti 200 house; OREGON FUEL CO. WDLN. 4102. and rejuvenate all 1918 Ford touring... 75 acres can be farmed when cleared, assorted fruits; good 1200 pounds, 8 years old, $55; 1 team of THE FORMER warped, oracked, weather-hate- de- 1914 Ford touring 125 60 acres good piling timber, 15 acres good barn with silo, and granary; good, weight 2500 MEIER & FRANK SALE: block wood. No. 1 leaky large real gentle mules, FOR Slabwood. teriorated and disintegrated' old 1922 Dort touring 825 We completely renew, overhaul or pasture, large bearing orchard, 400 dandy new chicken house and $225; 1 set double work harness, and other stocks of FURNI- fir and pole, oak cordwood, sawdust, roofs; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 595S. 1918 425 rebuild Hudson and Essex automobiles woven 250 3 first-clas- s S. & green Ford sedan, with starter prune trees, some fruit; house wired run, chickens. $20; single harness, $8; one ?t farm TURE. RUGS, LINOLEUMS, cut fuel and coal. H. trading SOWING MACHINES, new and second- 1920 Mitchell six touring 1075 These are in the best of mechanical piped in; well; cows, new separator and small "wagon. $25: 1'A-to- n truck, new. damaged warehouse ,and re- stamps. Holman Fuel Co., 94 6th at. with water good almost at hand, sold for less; no agents em- 1918 Briscoe touring 325 condition. They are also warranted house, chicken houses, capacity 3000 tools necessary. This is a home for sale cheap or trade for city prop- moved to , Broadway 6353. 1918 1150 same as factories warrant new money-make- r; paved ployed; complete line of parts for all Stutz club roadster tbe chickens, buildings: personal and a 1 mile from erty; 6 Vancouver on 349-35- 1 ,OAK- ST.. : $3.50; seasoned, yo other highway advantages; miles northeast NICE slab, best makes; machines repaired and rented. 1918 Maxwell touring 250 cars. In addition we give days' free property, team, 3 cows, heifer, 500 and has all rural Battleground hlehwav. Route 1. Box Between Broadway and Park St., heavy, $5; dry box, $4. Bargain. Any- SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1918 Mitchell roadster 375 mechanical service. chickens, crops, cream separator, in- good creek running across back end of 105. Orchards. Wash., second house (Across from Telephone Co.) where. 4 ft. lab, S3. Sellwood 1769. 9431, 350 very complete the place the year round; price com- offering above 190 Third St.. Near Taylor. Main 1918 Overland cubator, brooder and easy or north of Gehr Sta. We are the, Paul Fuel. safes, 1917 Mitchell six touring 375 Other makes of good automobiles of machinery. Price for every- plete $4500, will give terms stocks a prices unheard of be- SAFES Fire and burglar proof thoroughly overhauled, put in first-cla- line pay- Keg and Barrels. .second-han- d prices, 1918 Studebaker roadster 325 take' home In Portland as part - new ar"t at right s' thing. $7500, terms. Consider Portland JUST ARRIVED. fore. KEGS AND BARRELS. bought exchanged; eas 1919 Mitchell sedan 1250 condition and sold with a house for same or larger amount, in ment. heavy. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY OAK sold and 1919 touring 750 free subject to being re- See Mr. .Stiger with Truckload cows, some large TERMS WITHIN For packing berries, cherries and terms if desired. Mitchell trial, good district; will assume. FILLED. semi-tle- 19UB 12 touring.'. 113d turned and full credit given on any THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. milkers, suitable for dairy, several NO INTEREST. other commodities demanding a NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Packard family cows, testing high In Dut REASON. container, or 105 7045- and a number of other good BUYS at other car of equal price that customer 40 acres, on paved road, adjoining REALTORS. all Reg. $37.50 8x12 Axmin-st- er free from all odor Second St. Broadway' Wash. $85 to $125. Call 632-5- sap. Also fir kegs and barrels for unusually low prices. may select. good town, near fewberg; l mile irom 3d and Main St. Vancouver. terfat: rugs, slightly im- DOORS, windows, screen doors, mould- Sold on Easy 14. 50 head Jersey $ 26.75 packing mince meat, picKied pigs reet, ings, hot- Terms. Red Electric station; 38 acres in high FOR SALE OR TRADE. PUBLIC sale, July perfect. Special oilves, fish, powdered milk. Let us millwork, slass, roofing and MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. This gives ample time for every pur- Btate of cultivation; 2 acres timber, Here is a farm where your crop and and Holstein cows, fresh or coming Reg. $57.50 9x12 seam- bed sash; see our odd stock of sash and - ewes, handle your order. .We guarantee 40 Years in the Northwest. chaser to try out the car he buy, best of loam soil; nice, level land, well profits are sure regardless of the fresh 7 horaes, 45 Shropshire less Wilton rugs, with .service, satisfaction. Layton doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. down- Broadway at St. gives him time to have it inspected, Oregon, sows, goats, machinery. 6 $ 37.50 Suality, town lumber store, 171 FRONT ST., hot. Everett drained: buildings. Included with place weather. 172 kcres in southern brood farm - linen fringf, now Co. Main office 827 Water and we want only satisfied customers. team and machinery. Price only $175 32 in cultivation, 15 in alfalfa, 15 cut months' time. 8 per cent B. E. Mor- Reg. $30 6x12 seamless street. Portland, Or. Morrlsoa and YamhllL Main 4213. per acre, including equipment: very off, balance timber and pasture. Plenty gan. owner, Yamniu, or. velvet rugSr wonderful 50 SLIGHTLY used White. New Home, 1917 Super Six $ 675 easy inspected by water for irrigation and no cost, 3400, off patterns $ or USED CAR BARGAINS. terms. Ranch 2 barns, TEAM for sale, weight just KEGS AND BARRELS whit Singer sewing machines for sale Davis. box house, insured for $1000; from wood job. Will sell at a bargain Reg. $20 9x12 seamless Fir and rent. on . a.. 1918 Super 9S5 half-mil- Good Co.. N. Liberal terms sale. Hudson Six school store 1 mile. now ". $ 13.63 oak. Western Cooperage 808. 14th Maxwell touring $150 JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, or exchange 'for smaller team. Take Brussels, SC. Pettygrove. 519-1- Steon, 152 Grand ave. at Belmont. neighborhood, small orchard, cheese near Phone Auto Essex touring, like new $75 1919-192- Gerlinger difference. Call for Mr. Henry at 427 . Reg. $17.50 7x9 seamless Phone East 2359. 0 (model O series) Hud- Bids. factory handy. range on gov- $ 1917 Ford touring 135 Over M0 Small Places Near Portland. Cattle E. Clay Brussels, now 10.25 1920 son Super Six 1050 ernment reserve. Price $7000. would 9x12 rag rugs:.$ 8.25 Machinery CASH register, lc to $9; cash register, lc Ford touring 350 IV. $5000, on balance. to for six weeks. St, Mawes Reg. $15 to 3. tane: seven-Da- n K moaei 1919 Fyrd 275 MILES McMlN.WILLB. take trade to time WANT lease rugs $ 5.25 - nat roadster Ten-acr- Reg. $10 6x9 rag OREGON JUNK A HARDWARE CO- Broadway 1919 Hudson speedster 1150 e orchard, some prunes, but General Agency, McMinnville, Or. bull of serviceable age. from complete Burroughs adding machine. 1920 Ford sedan 525 or ap- Good care in clean We also have a line We buy and sell all kinds of second- TaDor zuau. x. w. tiammona, 1917 Ford delivery ; 145 mostly select varieties winter dam. high-grad- e as, of Wilton rugs at a hand mach'.nerv. sard ware and pipe, 221 51st st 1918 Ford 275 1920 Hudson sedan, Westinghouse ples, land lies well. This orchard should herd. W 707. Oregonian saving. 'Main 128. 270 East truck spring 2100 crop season; big Front mt. First-clas- 1918 Chevrolet delivery 275 air produce a of $1000 this heifers, a bar- . FOR SALE s bar counters, place goes team, wagon, car- WE HAVE several highly improved 5 GOOD grade cows and Regular 85s with this Canadian wheat farms, the finest gain if taken auickly. L. Benfield special, square yard .... .42 Miscellaneous. stools, rush reerister. soda fountain. 1919 Essex 750 riage, harness and all implements. ' 18 10-i- n FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. wheat' :and on earth, practically owner. Inquire Hanneman's Jersey Regular $85 tapestry over- CARGO booms, diameter at butt, electric mixer and card tables; brick Price $400. with terms. General 50-f- Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. E. 3770. soil, some farm. Corbett, Or., Columbia highway . t. length. $10 each. building, good location for rent. With Agency, McMinnville, Or. level, chocolate loam stuffed davenport, loose 8639.
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