Mitchell Roadster ...BOO A... 490 Body

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Mitchell Roadster ...BOO A... 490 Body TTIE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1921 17 FOR SAI.K TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FOB SALK. FOR BALE. FOR SAt-- ACTOMOBH-M-. FOB SALE ArroMOBflKS. FOB HALE rOB SALE AUTOMOBILF.. FOR SALE AVTOMOBILKS. tog, Rabbttii. Wirtto d Pft fttoch. Miscellaneous. DOES IT PAY TO BE HONEST? OX TRUCKS. Our observations lead us to believe SACRIFICING. BIO SACRIFICE NEW rJNk Kntcliih .tetter pupa. rtierpd and 80,000 ROSB bustiea. ahruba. tree, HUDSON AND ESSEX. LOOK! LOOK! Big Six. early 1921 model truit AUTHORIZED thst honesty can be heavily capitalised Studebaker Commerce, 1 -- ton, was $2315. our pedlf re.d, over fiv month old; can berry planta and flowering plants at and made to pay unusual profits. As with extra equipment, gift $1550. Terms H hum with this Miwn. Inquir 7 ft 7 Ora sale prlcea until October 20: free de- an example; suppose that there Come and see with your own eye the maybe arranged. Phons Maln 7101 price 11493 tor, livery In We plan plant: Just re- w e are offering and Commerce was $2550, our itreet. Portland, and FORD CORNER. are 100 men who are all in the market Automobiles that have been real value that FORD touring." $200, demountable rims,' 4 price 1593 It BALK bu,l buDPV i b.ue rib estimates free. Phone us: we do the who never built or renewed are In the best easy terms. spars on rim, French Nursery. 1882 for used cars. Ten of them, brand new tires, good seat Chicago 3 n. w a $4500. our bon stock; sired bv champion Bonuis real. Portland Roeo kept posted on curent events and local ot mechanical condition they are cavers, cutout, whlstls, natural price Hoy. 7I.V.'. Sfl Ross H- - Division one door west of United conditions, newspa- also warrantsd the same aa fac- 1921 Ford touring. good party. East it, 638-7- who never read the wood wheels, paint; private trailer 350 Artisans home. Phone Auto. , per advice tories warrant new cara In ad- 1921 Ford roadster. IIPAN1EL aud ahephurd male puppiee 3 WHEN TOU THINK OF FORD THINK advertisements or take the 1920 touring. Marshall 1728. dump body and heist 3i10 $5 each. 410 E. Lincoln St. SEW I.NO MACHINES, new and second- of friends, wbo will wsnder aimlessly dition, we give 90 days' free me- Ford arlii old. hand, employed. OF HCGHPON. any service. 1920 Ford roadster. 1919 DODGE touring; looka and runs llks 1920 Ford, used S90 nrar Grand .. aold for leaa; no arents ESTABLISHED SINCE 1901. around and pick up something from chsnical 1U19 new; good wlrs wheels, bumper, iv. Com: lete line of parts makes; second-han- d car This Is not new on Hudson Ford touring. tires, liOK i'ON puppies of finest pedlgreeed for all Individual owner or 1918 touring. spotlight; tor quick sale 1775. Tabor niacnlnes repaired and rented. dealer. The other B0 will come directly automobilea We have rebuilt Ford vTS HAVE COMMERCE) PARTS. b.ood. Call at O'Brien's, 1809 K. 9th, SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. to aa organiaxtion such as the Covey and sold them with a warranty 1917 Ford touring. 2517. near Waverley golf jinks. Call Broadway 821 for Information 1916. buy qual- 1920s Chevrolet touring. good MAIN 9431. Motor Car Co. plant and select from etnee You a fine 1920 FORD touring, condition; has LA-TA- COMPA-f- about good used Ford. refin-lshe- 1920 MOTOR CAR OR SALE Jersey and Holstein cowa; 190 Third St.. near Taylor. their Immense stock of rebuilt, d ity car with the same safety aa Stephens touring. Hsseler shocks, speedometer, starter, coming 94 au- when you purchase a new auto- 1021 Scrlpps-Boot- h sedan. NEW! BIO good 1385; aome Tabor 2317. fresh and fresh. th and East and guaranteed motor cars an 1 tires; terma LADIES, possible mobile. Buy car you can de- REDUCTION 47 NORTH ITH STREET. Glisan sis. Tabor 304. Are you weary or exhausted after 191- - touring, completely over- tomobile carrying the highest a 1919 Dodgs 1900 BUICK 6, 1919, 5000 Ford possible pend upon bargain price. sedan. & SALE Pedigreed collis pupplea Rt. standing day on your If so, be- $ 300 value because of Its highest and at a 1920 touring, miles, good tires, best of care. Owner foil 81)31 all feet? hauled quality possible price. Other makes of used automobile Chalmers 3. Box 673 A, Portland. Call at fore you stt down for a reet use a warm and Its lowest thoroughly put in l'.'l 3 Maxwell touring. sell. Marshall 4347, 43d see. S. E. Pow- Although we claim that the rebuild- overhauled. 1918 In very water wash with Takara Antiseptic 1919 Chevrolet touring, excellent cars first-cla- condition and sold with Buick four. 1920 Case the best OLDS LIGHT TRUCK. v Sue Hotel 800 ing and reflnlshing of used motor 1017 K1 NS and fura tanned. eat Coast lea- der; and 11 box. Portland condition aa produced by company has now a 10 days' free trial, subject to Buick touring. of condition; must sacrifice; term. Call ning Co.. 892 Teulno eve. sell, 2398. Pharmacy. the being full credit 1920 Cadillac Tabor 1542. THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED. delivery. 873 become an art and ceased to be a trade. returned and 3 Ford bugs, classy one, and many FoR SALE irlah spaniel puppy, rat tall. SAVE TOUR WIFE. 1820 Chevrolet like new.. It Is quite evident that the doping of given on any other car of equal MUST sell Buick sedan, like Call Mr. names, Alain 3)2tl. Send your wash has price that customer msy select. other. new, a bargain; leaving city. Even-ing- s. CORD TIRES. wet to 1917 Saxon touring, soms 373 Used cars by Irresponsible Individuals every at Stoats, Laum-he- and Marine Equipment. Laundry; clothea washed snow waits in value... developed Its artistio side aa welL Yea, This gives amDle time for Main 21 45, separate compartments. ws feel pays to bs honest. These purchaser to try out the csr be 1921 MAXWELL And priced real low. $750. Vufi BALK Modern houseboat of five Saturday IS 1920 Ford Coupe, fully equipped, that It produce buys, gives him ttms to have It THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. in excellent condition: EASY TERMS. room, No. 18 Oregon Yacht club. City Thursday, Friday and gift 473 90 satisfied buyers wlii esch two unit system, spiral gears. pounds SOc; additional pounds 4o each. a at least two mure purchasers per year, Inspected, as we want only satis- St. Owner at 289 10th.. apt. 17. Main 2SU5. water. gas. electricity, etc. Separata 84S3. been fied custbmcra Grand ave. at East Taylor PHONE 19-- and as a result 270 csrs will havs fuel house. A comfortable and economi- 0 Ford sedan, speedometer. change ot CADILLAC roadster, new paint, new top, SEE MR. MOUNT A TV. Call or phone Sunday or LOOK, DUCK SHOOTERS. old through the honesty of purpose that Watch the la this list Portland' Largest Used Car Store! a cal home. end Hsssler shock absorbers, fully originally convinced first 90. Ths cars: fine condition; real bargain. Can be MANLEY AUTO CO.. evenings. Sellwood 776. I have a fine lake on the lower equipped 375 the seen st 295 E. 16th N. BURN-ID- of Sauvlea laland. It will shoot four Irresponsible fellow makes a seemingly Five 8uper Six Hudsons 11TH AND B STS. Kegs and Burrels. larger profit on sale, but a dissat- 11050 to 11159 1920 CHEVROLET touring, in first-clas- s PHONE E. 217. men nicely. Am feeding It now and 20 used car bargains at a sac- each pros- 1917 1100 have decoys on It. The price la I40, other isfied purchaser will keep ten good Hudson speedster condition; good tires all around; a snap. rifice -- 0. away Dissatisfac- 1918-191- 9 series Hudson Super 1375. with terma Tabor 9496. including watchman. Phono Automatic pect from his door. 1300 USED CAR SALE. AND BARRELS and whlto oak. 328-5- tion speed and fury of six $325 EOUITY In nsw 125 XEOII Fir travels with the Is 1920 Hudson super six 1350 Ford at discount: Wealern Cooperage Co.. 808 N. 14th at. EQUIPMENT. the hurricane, complete satisfsctlon take delivery from dealer any time. Main NEW! NEW! NEW! 618-11- USED OFFICE happiness; 1920 Huason speedster 1650 near Pellygrove. Phone A Get our prlcea on typewrit- WM. L. HUOHSON CO.. portrayed in quiet cumulative MANY CARS AT 437. Why buy a used truck when you can furniture, It produces the smiles that make those buy a new one us In some cases aa ers, addrn; machines, dictaphones, etc., AUTHORIZED FORD AGENTS. you ques- 1919 Essex ... 7S UNHEARD-O- F PRICES. 75C PER HOUR for private auto repairing; from M hlnery. you D. C. coming In contact with ask 740 Minnesota ave. low as half of tbs regular price? We before buy. Lowest prices. tions. 1920 Essex .i 1150 referencea have Republic and XlACHINEHY from Northwest Bridge Wax Office Equip House. 2 North Brnsdwsy at Davis.. CARS. 1918 Maxwell 450 DODGEI touring, new top. fine battery, Standard truck at 2739, DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR 673 19 FORD touring 800 these big i'1'ductiona. Iron Co. ahlpyard for aala cheap. Apply nth, Broadway Broadway 82L -- 916 Dodge 8 673 1919 Maxwell t starter, cushions, 1493. E. 4222. 211)4. Brother touring FORD 230 THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, at plant. Main THE FOLKS back home will cherish and 1917 Dodge Brothers touring SoO 1U20 Maxwell 30 '17 touring 345 Ave, ' '20 CHEVROLET touring 330 USED Ford delivery bodies cheap. Grand at East Tvlor St. Coal and Wood.
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