Rome, Italy: June 1st – June 12th

People of the IALU Program

(In Alphabetical order)

Brother Andrés Govela, FSC was elected president of the International Association of La Salle Universities (IALU) in 2018, and was named rector of Universidad La Salle Nezahualcóyotl, in Nezahualcóyotl, Mexico that same year. Prior to that, he was rector of Universidad La Salle Bajío from 2007-2018 and a member of the IALU executive committee. Andrés has a degree in theology from ULSA Mexico, a degree in basic education from the Normal School of Christopher Columbus, a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Normal Superior F.E.P., and a master's degree in project management from the Ramón Llull University of Barcelona, Spain.

Angela Matulli is Associate Director for Development at De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale ONLUS (DLSSI) in Rome. She has been working in development projects at La Salle since 2011. For DLSSI she is in charge of child safeguard as a cross- cutting issue in all actions promoted and supported. Angela did her university studies in International Cooperation, Development and Human Rights at the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (Italy), engaging in experiences of study and internship in UK and Spain. She has completed her education including issues on Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation (Kimmage Development Studies Centre of Dublin) and for CSOs trainers on issues related to Women, Peace and Security (implementation of the UN Security Council Res. 1325) at Università di Padova. Currently she is studying a MBA at the Bologna Business School.

Br. Armin Luistro holds a Master in Religious Studies from DLSU and is a Doctor in Educational Management (University St. La Salle ). He has served as the Secretary of the Department of Education in the for six years, a period in which he led the largest education reform in the reent history of the country. He is a former District Visitor and currently serves as the President of the . Rome, Italy: June 1st – June 12th

People of the IALU Program

Carlos Coelho obtained a degree in Law from the National School of Law, a Master in International and European Relations from Linkopings Universitet and a PhD in Political Science from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He has extensive international experience and actively participates in different international organizations and forums. He served at several positions at Unilasalle Rio de Janeiro and also is the founder and former Director of the IALU’s Student Leadership Program. Since 2015, he is the Executive Director of the International Association of La Salle Universities.

As an educator, he has been a teacher and principal in the high school level and he has devoted many years of his life as a professor and in administrative positions in Higher Education. He holds a Bachelor degree in Education, a Master Degree in Political Science and a Doctor of Education. He has been President of Instituto Técnico Central, Vice President for Academics and later President of Universidad de La Salle. He was awarded by the Colombian Presidency with the Francisco de Paula Santander Civic Medal, the highest honor for an educator in Colombia. Br. Carlos has published several articles and documents on the relationship of higher education to politics, sustainable development, rural higher education, and higher education development. Alongside Br. William Mann, he is the Director of the International Lasallian University Leadership Program (Rome Program).

Diana is an Information Systems Engineer graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), with an MBA of the EGADE Business School, specialized in Education Technologies Management and soon to receive her second Master’s degree on Lasallian Leadership from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Member of the staff of the International Lasallian University Leadership Program in Rome since 2017 and Director of the La Salle Summer Program on Leadership and Global Understanding where she has participated since 2013. She is the Associate Director of the International Association of La Salle Universities. Rome, Italy: June 1st – June 12th

People of the IALU Program

Br. George Van Grieken, FSC, PhD, is a De La Salle Christian Brother who oversees the Lasallian Research and Resources Service at the Generalate of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in Rome and is the Director of the Lasallian Resource Center in Napa, CA. His dissertation at Boston College was on the pedagogical spirituality of John Baptist de La Salle. He is the author of a number of books, prayer and formation resources, videos, etc., and is the creator of two current Lasallian websites ( & He has taught at all levels, was President/CEO of a Lasallian International School (Singapore), and remains an active presenter of workshops and retreats on education, Lasallian spirituality, and the vocation of teaching.

Br. Gus Sinco concluded his undergraduate studies in Theology (Javeriana, Colombia), his Master in Biology (UCAB - Venezuela) and his second Master’s degree in Information System Analysis at DePaul University – USA. He has more than four decades of experience in education both in Venezuela and the and has assisted with translation for several years at the Rome Program.

For twenty-eight of his forty years as a De La Salle Christian Brother, Brother Jack has served as a senior administrator at three Lasallian higher education institutions: Bethlehem University in Palestine, Manhattan College in the Bronx, and Saint Mary’s College of California. He is known to be passionate in his desire to work collaboratively with faculty and staff in support of their efforts to apply and integrate aspects of the distinctive Lasallian Catholic perspective with their areas of academic and professional expertise. Brother Jack is particularly interested in the experience of those who embrace the Lasallian charism while professing a faith other than the Christian faith. He has published in the areas of Catholic school administration as well as human rights and also seeks to explore the intersections of issues of racial justice, the Lasallian heritage, and the Catholic Tradition. A member of different Boards nationally and internationally, Br. Jack earned a PhD (1997) in social work from the State University of New York at Albany and currently serves as the Vice-President for Mission at Manhattan College and the Ad-Hoc Member for Mission at the IALU Executive Board. Rome, Italy: June 1st – June 12th

People of the IALU Program

Born in Barcelona, he obtained his degree in Telecommunications Engineering at La Salle Campus Barcelona – URL, where he went on to take a Master in Business Administration in collaboration with Manhattan College. He would later study Marketing at the Hartnell College of California and he completed his professional training with a course in executive management at the IESE, University of Navarra. With extensive experience both in education and business, since 2013 he is General Director of La Salle Campus Barcelona – URL, and in 2018 he was appointed Regional Director of Europe and French-speaking Africa of the International Association of Lasallian Universities (IALU) and member of the Board of Directors of IALU.

Marcela Villarreal, Director, Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development Division, is responsible for the implementation of FAO’s innovative strategies on partnerships with the private sector, civil society, academia and research institutions, as well as promoting global multi-stakeholder partnerships. Since she joined FAO in 1996, she has been Director of the Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division, Director of the Gender and Population Division, Chief of the Population and Development Service, Chief of the Gender and Development Service and Senior Officer Socio-Cultural Research. Before joining FAO, she worked for UNFPA, ILO and for the Colombian Government. She has worked and published extensively in the areas of poverty reduction, gender issues, rural development, employment, social inequality, HIV/AIDS and food security inter alia. She has lead and/or participated in UN missions to some 40 countries.

Currently the Dean of Unilasalle Rouen, Marie Lummerzheim holds a bachelor degree in Sciences (Leuven), a Master in Oceanology (University of Liege) and a PhD in Sciences from the University of Ghent. Her career has been in the field of international collaborations, holding leadership positions at PURPAN, ESSEC and later at Unilasalle France, where she coordinated internationalization efforts in its three campuses with groundbreaking initiatives. Rome, Italy: June 1st – June 12th

People of the IALU Program

Br. Paulos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems and Psychology, a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology and concluded his doctoral studies in education, with an emphasis on organization and leadership at the University of San Francisco. He currently serves as the Director of Christ the Teacher Institute for Education at Tangaza University College In Kenya.

Peter Stemp joined the De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale – ONLUS staff as associate director in October 2017 to support fundraising efforts in the United States and Europe. Prior to moving to Rome to work with ONLUS, Peter worked with Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, serving as an associate program director. Peter also served with Solidarity with South Sudan, an inter-congregational response to provide teacher and nurse training in South Sudan, assisting with fundraising and grant management. Peter holds a master’s degree in international relations from Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, and a master of science in education from Pace University in New York City. He is a proud alumnus of Saint Mary’s College of California in Moraga, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and communications.

Br. Robert Schieler is the Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Prior to being elected to the leadership of the Christian Brothers, Schieler served for seven years as General Councilor and before that he served as provincial of the Christian Brothers Baltimore Province and director of education for the Region of North America. Br. Robert has served on several boards, including Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and Bethlehem University, both of which are Lasallian institutions. A native, Br. Robert earned a bachelor of arts degree in European history from La Salle College (now ), a master of arts degree in European history from the University of Notre Dame and his doctorate in educational administration from the University of Pennsylvania. Rome, Italy: June 1st – June 12th

People of the IALU Program

Certified Expert Translator of the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) in Mexico. Holds a Degree in Language Interpretation and a Major in Diplomatic Studies from the Instituto Superior de Intérpretes y Traductores (ISIT). Professional experience in Conference Interpreting in areas such as: Human Rights, Migration, Education, Sustainability and Environment, Health and Nutrition, and Art. Former interpreter and translator at the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM), at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA), and for the multinational company PronoKal Group in Mexico City. During the last four years, she has translated for the International Lasallian University Leadership Program in Rome, Italy; three times for the International Symposium on Lasallian Research in Minneapolis, Minnesota; and for the World Congress of Lasallian Education in Mexico City.

Brother William Mann FSC, who holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Colgate Rochester Divinity School (1990), has served in several national and international Boards. He is a noted scholar and writer on the life and teachings of John Baptist de La Salle and has written and edited numerous publications examining his writings and putting them into context for Lasallian educators in today’s world. Br. William is president emeritus of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. He is a former vicar general of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (2000-2007), who served as president of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota from 2008-2018) and as president of the International Association of La Salle Universities from 2015 to 2018. Alongside Br. Carlos Gómez, Br. Wiliiam is the Director of the International Lasallian University Leadership Program (Rome Program).