Space Resources Roundtable VII (2005) 2073.pdf

ENABLING THE EXPLORATION VISION: NASA GOALS AND A POINT “GATEWAY”. H. A. Thronson1, D. Lester2, J. J. Watson3, and R. Moe4 1Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546, 2Department of Astronomy, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, 3NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, and 4Hubble Space Telescope Development Project, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD 20771,

Introduction: Priority goals for NASA derived capability to serve multiple purposes with a single from the Vision for Space Exploration include the facility. In early concepts, the “gateway” was single- search for life throughout the Solar System, traveling launched via Shuttle or EELV, then transported to its among the , , and Mars with humans and final location via a chemical transfer stage or solar- robots, and developing the technological capabilities, electric tug. The most popular location considered such as in situ resource utilization, to undertake these for the “gateway” has been the Earth-Moon L1 point challenges more effectively and safely. because of its attractiveness for dynamic access to Consequently, several groups have assessed multiple space and lunar surface locations. Libration architectures that achieve multiple national goals in point locations are not, however, a requirement. space with a modest number of elements; that is, concepts that can simultaneously serve multiple NASA missions. In this presentation, we discuss the latest operational concept for a human-occupied “gateway” at the Earth-Moon L1 point, which is intended to support lunar surface operations, enable the construction of large science facilities in space, and be a site for the development of bioastronautics capabilities when the ISS is no longer available. Background: Ambitious plans for human and robotic exploration will require improved in-space capabilities building upon and significantly extending those developed for ISS and Hubble servicing. For In the current concept for the “gateway,” a single example, surface operations on the Moon may heavy-lift launch to low Earth orbit is able to place an require (or enable) space depoting of supplies during inflatable facility that will have ~1/3 the volume of the same period that preparation for sending humans the completed ISS. A solar electric tug can place this to Mars will use in-space assembly and space facility in whatever location that is necessary to demonstration missions. Given the variety of major support national goals. Depending upon the mission, goals in space, it is important to consider capabilities 4 – 6 astronauts can occupy the “gateway” for up to a that can serve multiple goals. month without re-supply, with a series of users over For the past several years NASA, academic, and time increasing the capabilities of the facility. industrial teams have been assessing a post-ISS, In addition to enabling in-space construction and human-occupied “gateway,” often proposed for the lunar surface support, a “gateway” may become the first Earth-Moon libration point. This concept was Block 1 version of the habitation module for human first developed by NASA’s Decade Planning Team missions to Mars. That is, while supporting near- and highlighted at the Loya Jirga in-space concepts term lunar and Earth-Moon free space goals, the workshops, reported elsewhere. [See references 1, 2,] “gateway” can also be the demonstration and The “Gateway” Concept of Operations: validation facility for sending humans to Mars. Necessity for human operations in space. It seems Precursors to a “gateway.” Extravehicular and essential that humans will have to extend capabilities in-space telerobotic operations in space appear to be in free space for decades into the future: support for necessary to achieve NASA goals in the time period lunar surface operations, the assembly of very large in advance of a highly capable “gateway” and human optical systems and other science facilities in space, missions to Mars. For that reason, upgrades to the and the preparation to travel to Mars (bioastronautics, Crew Exploration Vehicle for limited telerobotics space wellness, human-occupied precursor and capabilities in free space have been considered. demonstration systems). References: [1] Lester, D., Freidman, E. and A “gateway” concept for ~2020. “Gateways” of Lillie, C. (2005) SPIE Conference Proceedings various kinds have been presented and discussed for Contribution 5899-21, in press. [2] Moe, R. et alia, some years. Essential to their operation has been the (2005), AIAA First Exploration Conference, in press.