ckplanning ltd – Mr Jerome Flynn








SA62 6DP,


ckplanning, Heathfield Mansion , SA62 5EG 0789 614 3152 Page 1 ckplanning ltd – Mr Jerome Flynn Application for Planning Permission Town and Country Planning Act 1990

To : Head of Planning

Pembrokeshire County Council

County Hall



SA61 ITP ckplanning is making an application on behalf of Mr Jerome Flynn for the following Planning


1. Proposal: Proposed Roundhouse.

2. Site Location: Adjacent to The Walled Garden, Trefacwn, ,

Pembrokeshire, SA62 6DP

3. Type of Planning Permission: Full with Listed Building Consent

4. Relevant LDP Policies: SP.1, GN.1, GN.2, GN.37. GN.38

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1.1 Please find enclosed the following:  Requisite application forms and certificates  Drawing 1717/PL1/01/01 REV D Location Plan  Drawing 1717/PL1/01/02 REV D Proposed Plans  Drawing 1717/PL1/01/03 REV D Proposed Elevations  Drawing 1717/PL1/01/04 REV D Proposed Block Plan  Drawing 1717/PL1/01/05 REV D Proposed Site Plans  Drawing 1717/REC/01/01 Plans & Section as Existing  Planning fee – £1,140.00 (floor area of 177.5m2)

1.2 This report is prepared in accordance with the requirements of planning policies contained within the Local Development Plan for Pembrokeshire Adopted February 2013 (LDP).


2.1 Trefacwn (Trevaccoon) lies on the south side of the ‘C’ Class County Road that connects Llanrhian with St Davids. It is a former farm complex comprising the original C1800 substantial country house and several outbuildings, three of which have been converted to residential use. The main house, range of outbuildings, Walled Garden and Gardeners Cottage are Grade II Listed Buildings. 2.2 The ‘Roundhouse’ is a project that is seen by the applicant as supporting the social and economic well-being of the local community - and for residents coming to stay at Trefacwn to participate in its existing programme of courses. 2.3 The building will be set in a sunken clearing surrounded by existing, mature trees. These trees are not subject to the Tree Preservation Order (DP/ENV21/162) which covers part of Trefacwn. However, the siting, construction and layout of the building has been carefully designed to avoid the loss of any trees on the site, and to minimise disturbance to

ckplanning, Heathfield Mansion Letterston, SA62 5EG 0789 614 3152 Page 3 ckplanning ltd – Mr Jerome Flynn their root systems by using auger pile foundations. I have attached Tree Preservation Order (DP/ENV21/162) for ease of reference. 2.4 From the submitted Topographical Survey of the site, undertaken by MW Surveys, and depicted on Drawing 1717/REC/01/01 dated June 2017, it can be seen that the majority of trees surrounding the proposed Roundhouse site are Sycamores. None of these trees are subject to the Tree Preservation Order. If Council have any queries whatsoever about the potential effect of this development on the trees in the vicinity of the application site, it is requested that Mr Richard Staden meet the applicant and his agent on site to assess first- hand this situation. 2.5 Public Right of Way No PP/50/9/1 will not be affected by the proposed development. This is shown on submitted TPO Plan DP/ENV231/162. 2.6 The public use will be for occasional local community events such as live (mainly ‘unplugged’) musical evenings and live theatre. The Roundhouse will allow expansion of the current programme of activities at Trefacwn where guests/visitors come to do small courses and workshops in yoga, writing, mindfulness, music/drama workshops etc. 2.7 Additional car parking provision for 35 visitor spaces (33 car spaces, 1 motorcycle space and one accessible space) are proposed and clearly shown on drawing 1717/PL1/05/01 REV D – this figure is based on the capacity of the building being 80 persons seated and about 100 standing within the main public floor area of 127m2 . 2.8 The County Council Highways Planning Liaison Officer has been consulted regarding the site access and by email has stated then following:

Tue, Oct 31, 2017 4:41 pm Harris, Mike [email protected] To 'Chris' [email protected]


I have visited and I have no “in principle” problem with the access for what is envisaged. Certainly no visibility problem. The access needs widening for two-way traffic and a new surface from the edge of the carriageway of the County Road. It might be best to do this under a Section 184 license with our Street-care Section.

Mike Harris, Highways Planning Liaison Officer / Swyddog Gorfodaeth Cynllunio Highways Development Control,

ckplanning, Heathfield Mansion Letterston, SA62 5EG 0789 614 3152 Page 4 ckplanning ltd – Mr Jerome Flynn

Highways & Construction, Transportation & Environment, Tel/Ffon:- 01437 775437

2.9 The car parking spaces will be provided in the yard area in front of the converted barns and derelict buildings, which is an area already used for workshop parking. There is also space for parking 13 cars in front of Trefacwn Mansion.

2.10 Estimated numbers for those attending the Roundhouse courses/workshops will be 25 people, which is the maximum desired amount for many course leaders. These courses/workshops may grow to as many as 20 per annum, some lasting as long as a week. Most, however, will take place over weekends. Larger events, which may be performance based or social gatherings where around 80 people attend, are estimated to take place five or six times a year mostly just for one night. 2.11 From a business perspective the Roundhouse is going to allow the applicant to bring people in much more out of season due to the service provided not being holiday related. This will in turn, create much needed all year-round employment for local people, i.e. cleaners, caterers, groundsman and facilitators. 2.12 These activities will go some considerable way to supporting the social and economic well-being of the local community by providing additional employment for one full time person and at least one more part-time person. Of further benefit to the local community will be guests/visitors to the site staying on nearby camping sites e.g. Noddfa Camping literally just across the road, or Celtic Camping (some 10 minutes drive/cyle ride to the west). Other local businesses such as pubs, restaurants, shops, service station, B & B establishments, taxi services, hotels etc will also benefit based on the ‘economic multiplier’ effect of more money circulating within the local economy via visitor spend, local wages and the local goods and services being purchased. 2.13 To honour the Trefacwn sustainable development policy - all energy used at the property is from renewable sources – the applicant will be encouraging all visitors to take the train to a local station, where a shared lift/taxi will be arranged to transport them to Trefacwn – note that station is a 15 minute drive and station is a 30 minute drive. Otherwise shared car journeys will be very much being encouraged, as often within the visiting groups many of the people already know each other.

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2.14 Please note that no alcohol will be sold on the premises and that only basic ‘finger’ style food and light snacks will be prepared in the kitchen, which is not been designed for large scale catering.


3.1 This is set out chronologically below: -

 97/0727/PA – Change Of Use Of Outbuilding To Residential  04/0010/LB – Extension to form new entrance & kitchen, bathroom to unit 1 and conversion into residential units .  04/0228/PA -Conversion of redundant outbuildings to residential use.  12/0298/PA Change of Use of outbuilding to residential with B & B Facilities  12/0736/PA Retention of Polytunnel  12/0737/PA Retention of Caravan for Temporary Seasonal Worker  12/0738/PA Retention of Solar Photovoltaic Array  12/0805/PA Meditation Hut (Approved by Appeal)  13/0044/PA Storage Unit for Biomass Boiler  16/0485/PA – Creation of Spa Cabin and Natural Swimming Pool  16/0826/PA Renovation of Gardeners Cottage to a Dwelling


4.1 It is proposed to construct a single storey ‘Roundhouse’ for use as an ‘assembly hall’ type facility catering for occasional local community events and Trefacwn Community courses/workshops, many of which are already being run on the site. The Roundhouse development will allow the applicant to expand on the number, variety, frequency and level of participants attending these courses. 4.2 The roundhouse will be constructed on auger pile foundations to minimise disturbance to the root systems of surrounding trees. The walls will be lime based around a

ckplanning, Heathfield Mansion Letterston, SA62 5EG 0789 614 3152 Page 6 ckplanning ltd – Mr Jerome Flynn timber framework. The roof will comprise standing seam copper with copper fascias and a sedum roof covering the main Roundhouse space. Note that the copper will, overtime, weather to take on a green patination. There will be a stainless steel flue (to be painted black if so required) to serve the woodburning stove which will provide the main source of heating. Outside of the main hall space, wrapped around the primary structure, will be a separate access to the all abilities WC, a WC. shower room, a dressing room, a further WC, store and kitchen area. In the centre of the roof will be a ‘roof lantern’ with openable sections for ventilation and natural solar heating/lighting. 4.3 The building cannot be seen from the Llanrhian to St Davids Road. Due to the sunken form of the clearing wherein it will be located, and density of surrounding trees, the building will be significantly screened from the nearby Public Right of Way. The sedum roof finish and weathered copper fascias will further serve to absorb and soften the building within the surrounding landscape. Overall this is an incredible, innovative, sustainable building design which will stand as an iconic architectural feature that compliments the site, its setting and surroundings.


5.1 The building will have access to the following services:

 Potable mains pressure water from the Trefacwn water connection  Foul water will be disposed of by way of a connection to the Trefacwn existing sewage treatment plant serving the holiday cottages (see drawing 1717/PL1/05/01 REV D) – note that the foul water drainage system pipes will be shallow trenched along the side of the pedestrian access route to avoid any disturbance/damage to existing tree root systems  Power will come from the existing supply to the Gardeners Cottage and will be undergrounded – again the route will be carefully chosen to avoid the least disturbance/damage to existing tree root systems – which are sycamores within that part of the application site (see drawing 1717/REC/01/01)  Heating will be by way of an internal wood burning stove.

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 The site has a suitable access onto a ‘C’ Class County Road where good visibility can be achieved in both directions.


6.1 The site falls within the administrative area of Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC).

PCC adopted its Local Development Plan (LDP) in 2013. The relevant policies identified are:-

6.2 SP 1 Sustainable Development

All development proposals must demonstrate how positive economic, social and environmental impacts will be achieved and adverse impacts minimised.

6.3 This proposal will go some considerable way to supporting the social and economic well-being of the local community by providing additional employment for one full time person and at least one more part-time person. Of further benefit to the local community will be guests/visitors to the site staying on nearby camping sites e.g. Noddfa Camping literally just across the road, or Celtic Camping (some 10 minutes drive). Other local businesses such as pubs, restaurants, shops, service station, B & B establishments, taxi services, hotels etc will also benefit based on the ‘economic multiplier’ effect on more money circulating within the local economy via visitor spend, local wages and the local goods and services being purchased.

6.4 There will be further economic benefits arising from building the Roundhouse in terms of using local building labour, materials and services. This in itself is a significant material policy consideration which is strongly supported by the LDP.

6.5 There will be no adverse impacts on the character and appearance of Trefacwn, its setting or the wider area as the Roundhouse has been carefully designed and located to ensure it remains as unobtrusive as possible.

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6.6 GN.1 General Development Policy Development will be permitted where the following criteria are met: 1. The nature, location, siting and scale of the proposed development is compatible with the capacity and character of the site and the area within which it is located; 2. It would not result in a significant detrimental impact on local amenity in terms of visual impact, loss of light or privacy, odours, smoke, fumes, dust, air quality or an increase in noise or vibration levels; 3. It would not adversely affect landscape character, quality or diversity, including the special qualities of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and neighbouring authorities; 4. It respects and protects the natural environment including protected habitats and species; 5. It would take place in an accessible location, would incorporate sustainable transport and accessibility principles and would not result in a detrimental impact on highway safety or in traffic exceeding the capacity of the highway network; 6. Necessary and appropriate service infrastructure, access and parking can be provided; 7. It would not cause or result in unacceptable harm to health and safety; 8. It would not have a significant adverse impact on water quality; and 9. It would neither contribute to the coalescence of distinct settlements nor create or consolidate ribbon development.

6.7 It is contended that the proposed development is entirely appropriate for its location, as it involves the erection of a purpose built structure designed to fulfil a particular function within the Trefacwn Community; there will be no visual or other detrimental impact on local amenity; the natural environment will remain largely undisturbed; there is an existing access to the “C” Class Llanrhian to St Davids Road capable of accommodating the proposed traffic flows; existing on-site infrastructure is capable of providing the requisite services; and, safe off-road parking can be achieved. The scale, nature and siting of the development does not undermine the character of either the site or locality – this is assessed in further detail in the attached Heritage Impact Statement.

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Note how the building form spirals up, from a low point on the north elevation, to a high point on the west. This allows the building to sit inconspicuously behind the existing bank on the eastern elevation (adjacent to the access track and opposite the walled garden and Gardeners Cottage). The higher western elevation opens up to the existing fire pit area, and sits back from the edge of the site, making it largely invisible from the adjacent field. The existing trees shelter and screen the proposal both from other areas of Trefacwn and surrounding countryside.

6.8 No hedgerows, trees or other form of wildlife habitat or corridor will be lost or threatened as a result of this development.

6.9 The site is readily and easily accessible from the local highway network which provides excellent connectivity for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. There is adequate on-site car parking.

6.10 The subject building will have the benefit of all the requisite services. The site is above any flood plain and therefore not liable to flooding.

6.11 GN.2 Sustainable Design Development will be permitted where relevant criteria are met: 1. It is of a good design which pays due regard to local distinctiveness and contributes positively to the local context; 2. It is appropriate to the local character and landscape/townscape context in terms of layout, scale, form, siting, massing, height, density, mix, detailing, use of materials, landscaping and access arrangements /layout; 3. It incorporates a resource efficient and climate responsive design through location, orientation, density, layout, land use, materials, water conservation and the use of sustainable drainage systems and waste management solutions; 4. It achieves a flexible and adaptable design; 5. It creates an inclusive and accessible environment for users that addresses community safety;

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6. It provides a good quality, vibrant public realm that integrates well with adjoining streets and spaces and 7. It contributes to delivering well-designed outdoor space with good linkages to adjoining streets, spaces and other green infrastructure.

6.12 Good design is reliant on proposals emerging from an understanding of the site and its context, rather than relying on the unimaginative use of standard building materials and finishes. The proposed development is unique, innovative and refreshing in its traditional architectural design, use of sustainable materials and siting within a sunken wooded setting. None of the above policy criteria are offended by this outstanding building design and appearance.

6.13 GN.37 Protection and Enhancement of Biodiversity All development should demonstrate a positive approach to maintaining and, wherever possible, enhancing biodiversity. Development that would disturb or otherwise harm protected species or their habitats, or the integrity of other habitats, sites or features of importance to wildlife and individual species, will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances where the effects are minimised or mitigated through careful design, work scheduling or other appropriate measures.

6.14 The proposed development will not result in the disturbance or harm of any protected species or habitat.

6.15 GN.38 Protection and Enhancement of the Historic Environment

Development that affects sites and landscapes of architectural and/or historical merit or archaeological importance, or their setting, will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that it would protect or enhance their character and integrity.

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6.16 The overall character, appearance and setting of Trefacwn, the walled garden, associated cottages and outbuildings will not be affected by this proposal. The views of the Council’s Conservation Officer are invited as soon as possible on this application. The following Heritage Impact Statement provides a detailed assessment of the perceived impact, or lack thereof, of the development on nearby listed buildings/features.

7.0 CONDITIONS OF CONSENT 7.1 The applicant is willing to accept a controlling condition on any planning permission pertaining to:-

 Hours of operation which control use of the Roundhouse between the hours of 8.00am to 11.00pm seven days a week. The written consent of the LPA will be required to operate outside of these hours.

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Heritage Impact Statement

Introduction. This Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) is in accord with the requirements of The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) () (Amendments No.2 ) Regulations 2017, section (3). The application site is adjacent to the Trefacwn Walled Garden and Former Gardeners Cottage which are Listed:

2.2 The Gardener’s Cottage is a Grade II Listed Building for its ‘group value’ with ‘Trevacoon’, other listed farm buildings and the Walled Garden, and is described in the Listing details as:-

Grade II

Date Listed : 03/01/1963

Community : Llanrhian

Locality Grid Ref : 181474 230771

Record No : 12397

Post Code : SA62 6DP



Street No, Name


Situated on hillside immediately behind Trevaccoon house, which is on southern side of the lane at St David’s from Llanrhian, about 700m SW of village crossroads.

Early C19. High rubble stone walls enclosing sloping walled garden about 40m by 45m now partly infilled with C20 agricultural buildings. Larger later opening in west side. East side has original cambered head doorway with SH, for Samuel Harries, on plaque above. Attached at outside SW angle is a two storey rubble stone building, now gutted, possibly originally a formal garden building, unfinished or part demolished and converted to utilitarian structure. East wall formerly extended further S and has blocked remains of arched doorway and a ground floor window to right with voussoirs and keystone. Plain first floor window. South gable wall is plain, possibly rebuilt further N when the building was reduced, as west wall is longer and has traces of arched centre door and flanking windows (all blocked and voussoirs removed) matching those opposite. Plain blocked upper windows. North end has plain doorway to ground floor right and large flight of outside steps to upper door on right.

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Condition: Poor

Group value with Trevaccoon and other listed farm buildings

(a) The Proposed Works The proposed works will comprise a single storey ‘Roundhouse’, gross floor area 177.5m2 , for use as an ‘assembly hall’ type facility catering for occasional local community events and Trefacwn Community courses/workshops, many of which are already being run on the site.

The Roundhouse development will allow the applicant to expand on the number, variety, frequency and level of participants attending these courses.

The Roundhouse will be constructed on auger pile foundations to minimise disturbance to the root systems of surrounding trees. The walls will be lime based around a timber framework. The roof will comprise standing seam copper with copper fascias and a sedum roof covering the main Roundhouse space. There will be a stainless steel flue (to be painted black if so required) to serve the wood burning stove which will provide the main source of heating. Outside of the main hall space, wrapped around the primary structure, will be a separate access to the all abilities WC, a WC/shower room, a dressing room, a further WC, store and kitchen area. In the centre of the roof will be a ‘roof lantern’ with openable sections for ventilation and natural solar heating/lighting.

The Roundhouse is designed to sit within the existing clearing, and within the confines of the raised surrounding banks. The size and arrangement of the proposed spaces have developed from the form of the site, with consideration of the surrounding structures and trees.

The building form spirals up, from a low point on the north elevation, to a high point on the west. This allows the building to sit inconspicuously behind the existing bank on the eastern elevation (adjacent to the access track and opposite the walled garden and Gardeners Cottage). The higher western elevation opens up to the existing fire pit area, and sits back from the edge of the site, making it largely invisible from the adjacent field. The existing

ckplanning, Heathfield Mansion Letterston, SA62 5EG 0789 614 3152 Page 14 ckplanning ltd – Mr Jerome Flynn trees shelter and screen the proposal both from other areas of Trefacwn and surrounding countryside.

A planted sedum roof will further camouflage the building, with the areas of roof finished in copper slowly weathering with time and forming a varied green patination.

The form of the structure is inspired by the site, and its existing spiralling topography. The material pallet seeks to allow the building to sit gently and naturally in the clearing, without having a negative physical or visual impact.

The scheme is a contemporary interpretation of the traditional roundhouse, a form that has been built and re-iterated time and time again throughout history.

(b) The Objective that the Works are Intended to Achieve and Why are they Desirable or Necessary.

The objective here has been to create a building that has the essence of the timeless form of a traditional Roundhouse, but with a degree of refinement and constructed to a high contemporary standard.

The proposed Roundhouse is also intended to provide an aesthetically pleasing, purpose built ‘hall’ facility that will meet the needs of the expanding Trefacwn Community activities, whist also being available for occasional Community functions.

The primary objective is to house those activities/functions in a uniquely designed, purpose built structure that also accords with the applicant’s sustainable development policy for his property.

The main design concept for the building is aimed at respecting and protecting the adjoining listed buildings by :-  Providing a uniquely designed building that sits naturally and comfortably within its sunken, wooded environment;  Providing an innovative building that sits well within its surroundings and blends unobtrusively with neighbouring listed buildings; and,

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 Incorporating a sedum roof finish to minimise the building bulk, allowing it, therefore, to be absorbed within the dominant natural environment.

(c) The Architectural or Historic Interest of the Host Building.

The attached Listed Building details accurately describe those architectural elements that deem the Walled Garden and Gardeners Cottage worthy of their Grade II listing status. None of the proposed development directly threatens or impinges upon any of the listed building features as recorded in the LB details above. The proposed use is not alien to the historic use or character of the overall property. It cannot be seen from the main house or converted and listed outbuildings.

(d) Impact of the Works on the Special Architectural or Historic Significance of the Building.

The proposed development will take place close to other recently consented activities/uses/buildings (please refer to the Sites Planning History above) that have been deemed to be acceptable in terms of having no impact on the Trefacwn Listed Building elements. The works are physically separated from the Walled Garden and Gardeners Cottage (and other Listed Buildings) and are therefore considered to have no direct impact on their architectural or historic interest.

The potential benefits are increased revenue to the site, thereby contributing to the continued up-keep and maintenance of the listed building elements; this is a significant and material planning consideration for any listed building/feature.

(e) A Summary of Options Considered for the Purpose of Achieving the Objective for the Proposed Works.

The purpose of this development is to:

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 To provide an aesthetically pleasing building that does not offend the character or setting of the nearby listed buildings/features.

 The proposal will support existing facilities and activities being undertaken at Trefacwn, and indeed help them to expand, to the benefit of the long term protection of the Listed Buildings.

 There are no other buildings within the site capable of being used for the intended use due to restrictions in their floorspace; restrictions in their layout and physical condition; and, the fact that several have already been converted to residential accommodation.

 A purpose built structure, allowing for unique sustainable design solutions, is seen as the most cost effective, viable option in this particular instance.

 There are no other sites within the Trefacwn site that afford this level of natural screening, topographical protection or setting.

(f) Issues Relating to Access.

The proposed development will take place in a location within the Trefacwn property that can be adequately served by an existing site access, with good visibility to the east and west, onto the adjoining public highway. Movement to/from and around the proposed Roundhouse will be facilitated by clearly defined pedestrian access routes from the car parking areas. A car parking space for all abilities will be provided in close proximity to the building – see drawing 1717/PL05/01 REV D.



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