United States Patent [191 [111 3,935,854 Troncosco, Jr
United States Patent [191 [111 3,935,854 Troncosco, Jr. [451 Feb. 3, 1976 [54] ARCHERY BOW AND ARROW SUPPORT the rest for shooting from the how. The rest is dis posed in the arrow-receiving space or window of the [76] Inventor: Fernando Troncosco, Jr., 1851 S. bow, and comprises a base portion secured to the bow Orange Ave., Monterey Park, Calif. ‘handle and at least one resilient, vertically depressible, 91754 elongated, free-standing, upwardly projecting arm ris [22] Filed: Dec. 4, 1974 ing above the base support and secured to it adjacent its lower end. The arm extends generally along the for [21] Appl. N0.: 529,444 ward-rearward axis of the bow, a portion of the arm providing a fork, tines of which are adapted to support [52] US. Cl. ........................... .. 124/24 R; 124/41 A opposite sides of an arrow below the midline thereof [51] Int. Cl.2 .......................................... .. F41B 5/00 when the arrow is disposed for shooting from the bow. [58] Field of Search ....................... .. 124/41 A, 24 R In one embodiment a pair of spaced arms are utilized in the rest and the fork has an open center, thus per [56] References Cited mitting an arrow vane to pass freely therethrough UNITED STATES PATENTS without touching the fork. The arm or arms are adjust able preferably both vertically and laterally so that the 3,372,686 3/1968 Losh ........................... .. l24/41 A X 3,504,659 4/1970 Babington ................... .. l24/41 A X height and position of the arrow in the window can be adjusted.
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