Defender “I am set for the defense of the gospel” Vol. XLVI 2017 January April July October February May August November March June September Defender “I am set for the defense of the gospel” Vol. XLVI January 2017 Number 01 Web Site: Email:
[email protected] The Spirit and the Seed Jerry C. Brewer Whether physical or spiritual, tremulous motion made by the hen seed is the Word of God in which all life, and that which sustains it while either hatching her eggs or the Spirit implanted life. “It is the and brings it to fruition, springs fostering her young. It here prob- Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh from seed. The physical creation ably signifies the communicating profiteth nothing: the words that I in which all men live was begun of a vital or prolific principle to the speak unto you, they are spirit, and waters (Adam Clarke, Old Testa- by miracle and is propagated by they are life” (John 6:63). ment Commentary, Genesis, p. 17). the germ of life implanted in the The germ of life, or what Clark Jesus did not mean that the seed of all living things by the Holy terms, “the vital or prolific prin- Holy Spirit is the Word of God, Spirit. ciple,” was implanted directly and or that the Word of God is the In the beginning God created the miraculously in all living things by Holy Spirit. He used metaphorical heaven and the earth. And the earth the Holy Spirit. Having accom- language, indicating that spiritual was without form and void: and life is in the words that the Holy darkness was upon the face of the plished that work, the Holy Spirit ceased His production of life and Spirit revealed, and said, “the seed deep, And the Spirit of God moved is the word of God” (Luke 8:11).